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Trees are thus effective as long as they are

not uprooted or snapped, in which case they
form debris that may destroy human lives
and property. The survival of the trees
depends on the size of the trees, their
density and the size of the tsunami. The
calculations (Appendix B) suggest that a
three-metre tsunami is thus able to uproot
an isolated three-metre mangrove tree.
However, if the trees grow close together,
then, as a result of interlocking of roots
from adjoining trees, densely vegetated
trees of a height greater than six metres
may be able to withstand a six-metre
tsunami wave. There is some evidence of
this from observations of the Indian Ocean
tsunami. Mangroves cannot survive a larger
tsunami. Thus, mangroves probably cannot
protect the coast against a tsunami greater
than six metres. All of these results agree
qualitatively with observations of the
impact on mangroves of the Indian Ocean
tsunami (Plate 6.1AD; Latief and Hadi,
this volume).

Mangroves can thus save human lives in a small to moderate tsunami (Figure 6.8). However, if the
wave exceeds the threshold level, catastrophic failure of the mangrove ecosystem occurs, whereby
snapped or uprooted trees are carried by the currents as debris to destroy other trees in its path and
harm people and property. From models, this threshold can be determined by the size and the
density of the mangrove vegetation, the root and soil structure, and the size of the tsunami.

Non-mangrove trees such as Casuarina and palm trees also exerted a similar impact on absorbing
tsunami wave energy. However, the tsunami threshold level was smaller, about two to three metres
even for fully grown trees, where trees snapped or were uprooted (Figure 6.9e,f; Thus, plantations of these trees offer
protection against only small tsunamis.
5.3 Erosion from shallow water wind waves and boat wakes
Mangroves are not efficient at absorbing small water waves from boat wakes and shallow-water
wind waves at low tide when the wave erodes the soil below the root level. Once the erosion starts,
it swiftly progresses, sometimes taking only a few weeks until the undercut trees fall down in the
water (Plate 6.1G).
6 Protection of the coast against wind and salt spray
In the same way that the water current through a mangrove forest is decreased by vegetation that
exerts a drag force on the water, the vegetation also exerts a drag force on the air flow through the
canopy. The wind through a tree canopy (Figure 6.9a) is decreased throughout the height of the
tree, particularly at the height of the leaves. This shelters the area downstream through a wake
effect to a distance rarely greater than five times the height of the tree (Figure 6.9b), as dictated by
classical fluid dynamics.

Because the flow around vegetation is three-dimensional, this sheltering distance can be
significantly increased if the trees are grown in a wide shelterbelt (one or two rows of trees whose
Figure 6.8 For the 2004 Indian Ocean
tsunami, plot of mortality (lives lost/1 000,
right) in 18 hamlets on the coast of Tamil
Nadu against distance from the shore (km)
and elevation above mean sea level (m),
respectively. The symbols depict different
coastal types ( = beach; = dune;
= mangroves). The curve is fitted to the
pooled data set of 18 hamlets. Data from
Vermaat and Thampanya (2006)

canopies touch each other) and forest belts (multiple rows). A wide shelterbelt forms a long
turbulent wake in its lee (Figure 6.9c). Then the sheltering distance can be as much as 20 times the
height of the trees if the wind blows perpendicular to the shelterbelt. The sheltering distance is only
twice the height of the trees if the wind blows parallel to the shelterbelt (Takle et al., this volume).

This sheltering effect diminishes in a typhoon if the tree is wholly or partially defoliated (Figure
6.9de), and disappears if the tree is overturned (Figure 6.9f). Large trees are overturned more
readily than small trees (Figure 6.9f) because they are exposed to stronger winds as a result of the
wind shear near the ground (Figure 6.9a). Experience with cyclones in Australia and hurricanes in
the United States shows that total defoliation of fully developed mature mangrove trees happens
only during super cyclones, and is typically restricted to a strip less than 50-metres wide (M.
Williams, personal communication).

The foliage of some non-mangrove trees such as Casuarina is less hardy and the tree can be
defoliated by severe, but non-cyclonic, winds. Often these trees are also much more readily
snapped or overturned by the wind; thus, they constitute an unreliable wind bioshield during a

Trees also offer significant protection against salt spray, i.e. fine salt particles carried in suspension
in the air (Takle et al., this volume). J ust as water flow through mangrove forests creates less
turbulent wakes behind trees where the suspended mud is deposited, the air flow downwind of
trees creates less turbulent zones where the suspended salt particles are deposited (Figure 6.9b).
This effect extends downwind of a windbreak to a distance equal to about ten times the height of
the tree.

Thus, a wide shelterbelt projects a wide turbulent wake that is very efficient at capturing salt
particles in suspension (Figure 6.9c). This process traps the salt spray near the coast, facilitating its
return to the sea and preventing the salt from polluting inland soils.
7 Discussions
7.1 Services to the coastal community
Mangroves provide important services to the human population by providing ingredients for
traditional medicine, housing prawns and fish, and supplying wood and fodder (Badola and
Hussain, 2005; Blaber, 1997; Prasetya, this volume; Preuss, this volume; Manson et al., 2005). In
addition, mangroves provide two hydrodynamic services of importance to the coastal population
that are described hereunder.

Maintaining navigable channels: Mangrove creeks are self-scouring (Wolanski, 1992; Wolanski et
al., 2001). During spring tides there is a marked tidal asymmetry of the currents in the channel or
estuary that drain the mangroves, the peak ebb tidal currents at the mouth of the creek being
measurably larger than the peak flood tidal currents. If the mangrove area decreases from
mangrove clearing, the creek siltsup. Examples of this abound in areas where developers, such as
prawn farmers, have reclaimed mangrove land. In the case of Klong Ngao Estuary in Thailand,
where half of the mangrove land was reclaimed, the tidal creek silted within five to ten years so
that it now dries up completely at low tide. In its natural state it was navigable even at low tide
(Wattayakorn et al., 1990). Thus, mangrove vegetation is essential to maintain navigable channels.

Trapping of fine sediment: Muddy waters enter the mangroves at rising tide, deposit some of the
suspended sediment in quiet zones near slack high tide in the mangroves, and return to the estuary
with less sediment. The difference between the mud that enters and leaves is sediment trapping.
Field studies (Victor et al., 2004, 2006) have shown that a mangrove that covers 3.8 percent of the
river drainage area traps 40 percent of the riverine mud inflow; the rest contributes to estuarine

siltation (20 percent) and is exported to coastal waters (40 percent). This relationship is
independent of land use in the catchment, holding true for developed and undeveloped catchments.

Mangroves fringing muddy open waters are also effective in trapping large amounts of mud from
coastal waters up to 1 000 tonnes/km
/year (Wolanski et al., 1998).




Figure 6.9 A: Vertical profile of windspeed u through a 13.1-m-high wild cherry tree,
0.4 m in diameter at 0.5 m from ground level, growing in an open site. The velocity is
normalized by the maximum windspeed u measured at the top of the canopy. The
silhouette of the tree shows all branches for which d >5 mm (from Niklas et al.
[2000]). B: Sketch of the air flow around, over and through: (a) a single tree; and (b)
a shelterbelt the wind accelerates over and around the vegetation and a turbulent
wake forms behind the tree. SSC = suspended salt concentration; down arrows =
deposition of salt particles in the wake. C: A wide shelterbelt forms a long turbulent
wake in its lee. DF: Mangroves in Florida: (D) partially defoliated; (E), totally
defoliated by a hurricane; and (F) overturned by the hurricane. (Note: Large trees
are overturned more readily than small trees.) Source: USGS Florida
7.2 The relevance of bioshields against natural hazards
Mangroves help to protect the coast from wave erosion by wind-driven waves and typhoon waves.
Coastal forests and mangroves can save human lives and property in a tsunami by transforming a

shock wave into a flood, at least up to threshold level. They also shelter the hinterland from salt
spray and wind damage up to threshold level.

All these findings have been observed in the field; they are science-based because they result from
well-known principles of fluid and soil mechanics, structural engineering and ecology. Thus, the
benefits of mangroves and coastal forests for protection against natural hazards and enhancing the
quality of life of human populations are numerous.
7.3 Creating bioshields
Creating bioshields is a highly soft technology that involves tree plantations on land, as well as
restoring former mangrove areas and even planting mangroves at sea.
7.3.1 Restoring mangroves in sheltered areas
Recreating mangroves from abandoned shrimp ponds is the easiest option and has the additional
benefit of fostering commercial activities. For instance, fish and crab ponds in mangrove-fringed
tidal creeks can be successful. However, planting mangroves in shallow shrimp ponds, as
attempted in Viet Nam, has largely failed (B. Clough, personal communication).

Soil preparation is needed because former mangrove soils turn acidic when used as shrimp ponds.
Planting seedlings in reclaimed shrimp ponds fails if the natural drainage pattern is not properly
restored; otherwise, the seedlings rot and die in stagnant water (Plate 6.2a).




Plate 6.2 A: Mangrove plantation in a reclaimed shrimp pond near Surat Thani,
Thailand. About half of the mangrove seedlings died where the water was ponded.
B: Planting mangrove seedlings in Eritrea where mangroves did not formerly exist
( C: Planting mangroves
along the north coast of the Inner Gulf of Thailand has been unsuccessful due to
accelerated wave erosion; hard structures are necessary to protect the coast
against wave erosion. D: Protection of mangrove seedlings using the Riley encased
method (Riley and Kent, 1999; is suitable for
sheltered estuaries where ocean swell is absent and the only waves are shallow
wind waves and boat wakes

7.3.2 Creating mangrove forests along estuaries and at sea
Mangroves are highly susceptible to below-root level erosion from boat wakes and shallow water
wind waves near low tide. This limits the areas where mangroves can be planted.

Mangrove forests can even be created at sea by planting seedlings over an intertidal area above
mean sea level, provided that the shallow coastal water strip is very wide (typically a 23-
kilometre-wide area above mean sea level). This was done successfully over a muddy substrate in
Viet Nam (Mazda et al., 1997, 2006). It was done with moderate success over a muddy sand
substrate in Eritrea (Plate 6.2b) and in Thailands Chumphon Bay (Brown and Limpsaichol, 2000).
It has failed somewhat along the north coast of the Inner Gulf of Thailand due to persistent wave
erosion; the shallow coastal water strip is too narrow and this allows frequent wave attacks along
the coast (Plate 6.2c). Planting mangroves at sea fails in areas where large waves occur, even if
only occasionally, because in this case mangroves are planted in areas where they would not occur
naturally. For successful mangrove planting, the maximum wave height appears to be one metre
according to the experiences in Viet Nam, Thailand and Eritrea.

In estuaries and channels where boat wakes and small wind waves occur, successful attempts have
been made, but at great cost, to protect the young trees until they can survive the waves.
Techniques include: (1) allowing the seedlings to grow much longer in a nursery until they become
small trees that can better resist waves; (2) planting the seedlings in hollows within solid structures
such as tyres or a concrete structure; (3) planting the seedlings in transparent PVC tubes (Plate
6.2d); and (4) protecting the seedlings behind temporary structures such as bamboo walls.
7.3.3 Sacrificial bioshields
A belt of forest might be sacrificed to give protection against extreme natural hazards; it should be
managed accordingly. The seaward edge of the forest (mangrove or non-mangrove) is the
sacrificial zone (Takle et al., this volume). It takes the brunt of the damage due to flagging by
wind, high salt impaction and occasionally suffers total defoliation (in typhoons) and destruction of
the trees by typhoons or tsunamis, as well as from coastal erosion events that can occur even when
the coast is generally prograding seaward in the long term. Management has to accept that this
zone is unsteady and unstable and precludes human settlement; also, it should allow for natural
regeneration, replanting of destroyed trees and possibly construction of artificial fences to better
protect the first line of trees from lethal salt and wind damage in high impact zones.
7.3.4 The width of bioshields
In terms of protection against typhoon winds, mangroves constitute excellent wind bioshields and a
zone of 100 metres may be sufficient against a typhoon (Dutton, 1986). Empirical evidence (for
example, Cyclone Winifred in Queensland in 1986) (Dutton, 1986) suggests that coastal forests
need to be much wider (up to one or two kilometres?) to measurably protect the hinterland from
cyclone winds; however, the science is unavailable to better quantify this theory.

In terms of protection against coastal erosion from typhoon waves, field evidence suggests that
when the coastal waters are shallow, a coastal belt of 500 to 1 000 metres of adult mangroves
seems to be necessary to protect small coastal dykes that halt further coastal erosion. Thus, the
protection is twofold: it consists of mangroves absorbing the brunt of the wave energy and a small
coastal dyke absorbing the rest (Figure 6.2). This will fail if the coastal waters are deep because the
waves are large and will uproot the mangroves. Nature is a good guide to where this technique can
be used. If there are no mangroves growing in such areas, this is probably because the coast is
naturally eroding; thus, attempts to plant mangroves at sea will fail in the long term (Hanley,
2006). In arid areas of Eritrea, the lack of natural mangroves is due to extreme temperatures that
affect the seedlings.

In terms of protection against tsunamis, the science remains qualitative rather than quantitative; as
a rule of thumb, field data suggest that a belt of at least 500 metres of adult, densely forested,
mangroves will measurably save human lives from a tsunami not exceeding four metres in height.
A width of 2 000 metres will reduce the tsunami to a small wave of less than one metre. In all
probability, mangroves will not be helpful against a larger tsunami. As pointed out by Latief and
Ladi (this volume), the size of the tsunami wave cannot be predicted because it varies spatially as a
result of tectonics and interacts with the local bathymetry. Thus, the decision to create a bioshield
is based on a calculated risk, i.e. knowing that the bioshield will be ineffective for extremely large
tsunamis, at which times other measures (such as advance warning systems, evacuation plans and
shelters) are necessary.
8 Limitations and constraints
8.1 Diagnostic tools
For a sheltered estuary (Figure 6.10a), a muddy or degraded coast can be restored and better
protected by the use of mangroves. The sediment capture rate of the mangroves depends on the
riverine sediment inflow and can be calculated. This enables one to calculate how fast land can be
reclaimed for agriculture. The data required are oceanography, mud dynamics and riverine
sediment inflow, and mangrove forestry in order to select the appropriate species of trees, the
eventual use of a mangrove nursery and the forestry exploitation rate.

For protection against erosion on an open coast (Figure 6.10b), historical data can be used to
determine if a coast is eroding or prograding in the long term. However, the past is not an
indication of the future if a large structure has been built, or is planned, because this may reverse
the coast from prograding to eroding. If the coast is eroding, planting mangroves at sea is likely to
fail. If the coast is prograding, planting mangroves over intertidal areas above mean sea level in
coastal waters may succeed in protecting the coast if combined with a hard structure such as a
small levee or dyke, as practised in the Gulf of Tonkin. If the intertidal area is too short to reduce
the wave height to below one metre, a bioshield may be successful if combined with an offshore
structure as well as a hard structure on the coast.

For protection against typhoons and their associated river floods, winds and storm surges (Figure
6.10c), bioshields have minimal impact on peak flood levels, but have a large impact on reducing
waves, currents and wind. If the drainage pattern is well-planned, they can significantly reduce the
flooding duration. A bioshield of two kilometres may be needed, together with a sacrificial
bioshield, possibly accompanied by a sand dune nearest the coast. Data required include hydrology
(river floods), oceanography and meteorology, to determine the width of the sacrificial bioshield
based on acceptable loss of economic returns. The drainage patterns must be carefully designed so
as to allow the water to readily return to sea. In the case of a super cyclone, bioshields will not help
measurably and other measures need to be planned to save human lives, including storm surge
barriers, an evacuation strategy and shelters.

For protection against tsunamis (Figure 6.10d) the first defence has to be an early warning system
combined with an evacuation strategy, shelters, community awareness and engineering structures
to reduce damage to infrastructure and loss of life. The level to which a bioshield can protect
against a small tsunami (<56 metres) varies locally according to the bathymetry (areas near
headlands are most at risk), the angle of attack and the distribution of the bioshield. A mangrove
forest may block the tsunami wave and protect people and property as close as 500 metres from
the beach while at the same time it can redirect the wave towards an estuary where the damage
may be amplified. The wave can be largely attenuated within 2.5 kilometres. A large tsunami (>6
m) may be unstoppable by a bioshield.





Figure 6.10 Diagnostic tools for the use of bioshields in: (A) a sheltered estuary
(B) protection against erosion of an open coast (C) protection of a coast from a
typhoon (D) protection against a tsunami
9. Conclusion and discussion
To protect the human population living near the coast from excess sedimentation and erosion, a
governance system needs to be established to regulate human activities in the whole river
catchment as the fundamental planning unit; the aim is to decrease soil erosion and to stop mud
flows, largely by the use of vegetation, especially on steep slopes and on the river banks, as well as
to maintain sediment fluxes when rivers are dammed so as to prevent human-induced coastal

The cost of bioshields is high, but it is balanced by the ecological and socio-economic services that
they provide. This cost is much lower than that of a hard structure that fully protects the coast.
However, when hard structures fail, the cost can be catastrophic because of the accumulation of
human assets in its shadow.

As a rule of thumb, a mangrove area covering about five percent of the catchment area can halve
the impact on coastal sedimentation, seagrass and corals. It can considerably lessen the impact of
increased riverine sediment on fisheries (see Table 6.1) owing to poor land use in the river
catchment. Thus, mangroves protect fisheries by sheltering the seagrass and coral reefs from
excess sedimentation.

The efficacy of bioshields for protection against natural hazards as well as to provide socio-
economic and ecological services has been proven. In practice, the level of applicability depends
on the local climate, hydrology, drainage pattern, meteorology, oceanography, soil type, wave,

storm pattern and socio-economic drivers. Climate change may complicate the situation. There is
no unique recipe. Applicability to various sites thus depends more on the willingness and the
capacity of individual countries to adopt mangroves and coastal forests as bioshields, on a case-by-
case basis. The level of adoption will depend on socio-economic imperatives (Preuss, 2006).
Where the coast has been totally urbanized by planned developments or slums, this solution is then
in practice impossible to implement. In other cases the practical use of coastal forests and
mangroves is feasible to protect people and property and enhance their livelihoods and quality of
life. The protection that bioshields offer is far from total; it also involves risks because the
usefulness of bioshields has limits in extreme events. The bioshield solution is advantageous
because it is often practical and inexpensive in comparison with pure engineering solutions (such
as the Dutch solution of building dykes along the coast), requires relatively low technology and it
protects and enhances the environmental services provided by estuaries and coastal waters on
which populations often depend for their livelihoods. It is thus a matter of living within accepted

The level of risk will vary from site to site apropos the bathymetry and topography of the coastal
areas, geology, meteorology and oceanography. J udging from typhoon statistics alone, no two sites
are alike in Asia, suggesting that the relevance and use of bioshields will also vary spatially (Takle
et al., this volume).

The science of bioshields is well-established; however, the technology of bioshields is still
developing. It is a mixture of many socio-economic and ecological considerations that include the
following (see details in Saenger, 2002; Prasetya, this volume; Hanley, 2006; Preuss, this volume):

Site selection based on existing land use and infrastructure, as well as the intensity and
frequency of natural hazards, largely avoiding naturally eroding areas and selecting species
based on rainfall, wind tolerance and salt spray for coastal forests and suitable sheltered
coastal sites with suitable rainfall and appropriate tidal inundation for mangroves.
Selection of species for mangrove and coastal forests that have the correct ecological
requirements for the physical characteristics at the site.
Selection of available species from the wild (some mangrove species may have become
locally extinct, e.g. in Aceh see Hanley, 2006) or from nurseries.
Soil preparation.
Restoring tidal flows in shrimp ponds.
Planned economic utility (e.g. providing societal benefits such as fisheries and coastal
protection in the case of mangroves, or direct benefits such as wood, fibre and fodder for
mangroves and coastal forests).
Community aspirations.
Community involvement.
Plantation techniques and planting pattern.
A maintenance programme for the seedlings and the plantation.

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Appendix A
The vector of the horizontal force F is the sum of the inertial F
and drag F
forces (Figure 6A1;
Milne-Thompson, 1960):

F =F

V a (A2)
(D Z) |u| u (A3)
where C
( 1.5 for fully turbulent flows) and C
( 0.45) are the inertia and drag coefficients, u is
the water velocity, V is the displaced volume of the body,
is the density of water, a is the
acceleration, D the diameter of the vegetation assumed cylindrical, Z is the depth to which the
vegetation is submerged. It is readily possible to extend the theory for a tapered stem where D
diminishes with elevation (Niklas, 2000).
For an unbroken wave of period T,
u =U cos (kx t) (A4)
a =2 U cos (kx t)/T (A5)
U = H cosh k(z+h) / T sinh(kh) (A6)
where h is the water depth, H the wave height, k is the wave number defined from the dispersion

=g k tanh (kh) (A7)
where g is the acceleration due to gravity.
For tidal inundation and wind or typhoon waves, the vegetation is only partially submerged;
therefore Z =h.

Figure 6A1 Idealized wind and typhoon waves (left) and a tsunami wave (right)
through trees showing terms used in the text

Appendix B
The tsunami propagating in a mangrove is initially a broken wave. The horizontal velocity u is
(Hedges and Kirkgoz, 1981)
u =0.5 (g H)
Trunk breaking occurs if the horizontal breaking strength
( 185 35 MN/m
) of the tree at the
base is exceeded by inertial and drag forces (Niklas, 2000),
4 (F
) / 3 (D/2)

For typical values of
of healthy trees, this mode of trunk breaking is unlikely. Breaking instead
seems to result from the overturning moment of forces F
and F
that act at an elevation ( =H/2
or L/2, whichever is the smallest, where L is the height of the vegetation). The overturning moment
lifts the upstream edge of the basal area and forces down the downstream edge, creating tension at
the upstream edge and compression at the downstream edge. Trunk breaking occurs if tension
exceeds the breaking strength in tension
of the tree,
-G/ 2 (D/2)
+ (F
) D/2 / 0.25 (D/2)

` (A10)
or the breaking strength in compression
of the tree,
G/ 2 (D/2)
+ (F
) D/2 / 0.25 (D/2)

where G is the weight of the tree. The calculations suggest that, for typical material shear strength
of timber, for a 3-metre tsunami wave in the mangroves, 3-metre tall trees will snap and for a 6-
metre tsunami wave, 8-metre tall trees will snap.
Trees overturn with their roots if the overturning moment exceeds the soil-resisting moment (Peck
et al., 1973; Bowles, 1988),
) /2 > R (D
where (Figure 6A1) R is the force of resistance of the soil to shearing at the interface between the
root matrix and the soil and D
~4 D) is the width of the root system, and
R =c +P tan (A13)
where c is the cohesion (c ~75 kg m
for compacted clay, c =0 for pure sand), P is the normal
stress, and is the angle of internal friction ( ~40
for sand, ~0 for clay).

Key points and observations emphasized in the discussions
During the past 20 years, population pressure on coastal zones has nearly doubled they house
approximately 60 percent of the worlds population. In Asia, several coastal localities are under
threat from natural hazards, which can be divided into two main areas:
1. Hazards from land. Some examples are soil erosion caused by river deposition of silt from
steep areas which occur in flat river valleys and can result in higher flood levels, or by large
dams which can trap coarse sediments that normally sustain sediment wedges in coastal
estuaries, and may lead to exacerbated coastal erosion.
2. Hazards from the sea, for example storms/typhoons, tsunami, coastal erosion or prograding
(accretion) and salt spray (worst in arid areas where annual precipitation is less than one metre.
Mitigation measures have been discussed in Chapters 1 to 5; however, the synthesis presentation
and relative discussions have highlighted that:

1. Human mortality from a tsunami is higher in coastal areas where people live along exposed
beaches as opposed to areas protected by mangroves.
2. Coastal forests can provide some protection against a tsunami, in addition to all the other kinds
of services and benefits such as food, wood and medicinal benefits for local communities,
enhancing estuarine fisheries, trapping land-borne sediments and protecting reefs, providing
self-scoured deep navigable channels, etc.
3. Mangrove trees may offer a higher protection than Casuarina or coconut trees.
4. It is important to note that mangroves, as well as other kinds of coastal forests, cannot stop big
waves (for example, waves of three to six metres in height can snap mangrove trees three to
eight metres in height respectively).
5. Indicative widths of mangrove bioshields could be:
typhoon: 100300 metres
typhoon waves: 5001 000 metres
storm surge: 200 metres
tsunami: 5002 000 metres

In conclusion:
1. Coastal bioshields can provide some kind of protection, but cannot provide complete
protection and should include an accepted sacrificial zone (i.e. the first lines of trees which
could be damaged by the hazard).
2. As a consequence of this, natural hazard-prone localities should have well-developed and
effective warning systems and evacuation plans, which should work in conjunction with the
mitigation measures in order to save lives during the impact of natural hazards.
3. In the case of plantations, tree species should be chosen with care and based on the type and
severity of hazards.
4. Mitigation solutions should involve entire watershed areas, not just coastal zones.
5. Where possible, relevant infrastructures (e.g. hospitals, schools, roads) in tsunami-prone areas
should be located on high ground.

Six presentations on current initiatives on coastal forest management for forest protection were
discussed by government representatives (Forestry Department of Sri Lanka and the Forest
Research Institute of Malaysia) and by officers of national and international organizations
(UN/ISDR, Wetlands International, IUCN and SAARC).

Brief descriptions of the aforesaid presentations are given below; the full power-point presentation
is available on the CD of this proceedings.

UN International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN/ISDR): Mr Akshat Chaturvedi,
Programme Officer of UN/ISDR, reported on the organizations strategy for disaster risk reduction
and environmental management; he also provided a summary of its mission and its main objectives
as well as some of the current activities and outputs.

Green Coast project: Mr Vikmuthi Weeratunga, Biodiversity Coordinator of the World
Conservation Union, provided relevant information on the Green Coast for Nature and People
after the Tsunami project, an international partnership of four international nature conservation
and environmental organizations (IUCN, Both Ends, WWF and Wetlands International), supported
by Novib/Oxfam and the Netherlands. The project aims at rehabilitating local livelihoods through
sustainable restoration and management of coastal ecosystems affected by the 2004 Indian Ocean
tsunami. The project will be implemented in India, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia and Sri Lanka.

Mangroves for the Future initiative: Mr Vikmuthi Weeratunga, IUCNs Biodiversity
Coordinator, presented a brief introduction of the Mangroves for the Future (MFF) initiative. This
multi-agency initiative has the main goal of conserving and restoring mangroves and other coastal
ecosystems as key assets which support human well-being and security in the Indian Ocean region.
In April 2006, the initiative was endorsed by UN representatives from all the tsunami-affected
countries. The initiative will be implemented in six countries: India, Indonesia, the Seychelles, Sri
Lanka, Thailand and the Maldives.

Forestry Programme for Early Rehabilitation of Tsunami-Affected Areas in Sri Lanka: Mr
Ananda Wijesooriya, Senior Deputy Conservator of Forests of the Forest Department (Sri Lanka)
provided information on the state of the art of the Sri Lankan component of the programme, which
is implemented in six districts of the southern and eastern provinces of the country. The project
supports the restoration of local peoples livelihoods and contributes to improving their protection
from future hazards.

Tsunami events in Peninsular Malaysia intensified research and development to establish
vegetation for coastal protection: Dr Shamsudin (Forest Research Institute of Malaysia [FRIM])
reported on recent research activities conducted by FRIM in trying to establish improved planting
techniques to enhance the survival of planted seedlings in the aftermath of the 2004 Indian Ocean
tsunami. Although the effectiveness of mangroves in protecting lives and properties depends very
much on the distance from the epicentre of a tsunami, the presence of mangroves in northern parts
of Peninsular Malaysia proved to be effective in reducing tsunami impacts.

As part of its post-tsunami programmes, the government initiated a special task force to re-examine
the condition of mangroves along coastal areas, especially those that are identified as vulnerable to
future tsunamis. Most of the coastal areas in the east and west coast of Peninsular Malaysia are
subject to different degrees of erosion.

Areas that are exposed to severe erosion are unstable in supporting mangrove vegetation and some
form of hard structure, for example, geo-tubes, is necessary to alleviate strong wave action. The
placement of geo-tubes approximately 100 to 150 metres seaward provides a sufficient area of
mudflats to be rehabilitated with mangroves. However, planting of mangroves within these areas
poses many challenges because the substrate is very soft and liquid and cannot support seedlings.

The concept of planting in these areas is different from normal planting practices in productive
mangrove, where the muddy substrate is more stable for supporting seedlings and very often the
planting strips are sheltered and surrounded by mature mangroves trees. FRIM was given the task
of conducting research in trying to rehabilitate such areas with different species of mangroves. If
successful, 100 to 150 metres of mudflats will act as a buffer that offers additional protection to
coastal areas besides the placement of geo-tubes.

Upcoming activities of the SAARC Coastal Zone Management Centre related to coastal
protection: Mr Mohamed Ali, Director of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
(SAARC) Coastal Zone Management Centre, reported on the background for the establishment of
the centre (on 25 J une 2005), on its structure, terms of reference, priority areas in the region and
the activity programme for 2006.

Part 2
Diagnostic tool

Four working group sessions were held in parallel to develop diagnostic tools to assist in
identification of situations under which forests and trees would be suitable to protect coastal areas
against: (i) tsunamis; (ii) cyclones; (iii) coastal erosion; and (iv) wind and salt spray. Groups were
asked to assume the roles of experts called upon to develop a tool to assist coastal planners in
deciding where trees could be planted to protect a coastline from one of the other natural hazards.
The steps suggested to construct the tool were as follows:
1. Identify the various criteria/conditions that can influence whether or not it makes sense to use
trees in coastal protection.
2. Roughly sequence these on the basis of importance and the level of information likely to be
3. Put the criteria/conditions into dichotomous format.
4. Test the criteria/conditions for a specific set of circumstances (e.g. an urban area, a rural
coastline, a bay, a headland or a specific location[s] known to group members) and adjust the
tool accordingly.
Suggestions were made for possible initial criteria/conditions as follows:
Is the coastline affected by the natural hazard?
Is existing coastal protection present?
Are there populations or assets present that should be protected?

Criteria/conditions appearing further into the diagnostic tool were suggested as follows:

Is space available to establish trees?
Is funding available to establish trees?
Are other forms of coastal protection more appropriate?

The point was made that in most cases, the appropriateness of trees or forests for coastal protection
may depend on several factors that must be weighed against one another. Further quantification,
analyses or assessments could also be required and, in such cases, it was suggested that relevant
comments be recorded. In cases where specific information on the capacity of trees/forests to
protect against a specific hazard was unknown, it was suggested that required information be

Tsunami working group results
The tsunami working group began with the same objectives as the other groups, but in spite of the
concerted efforts all members, the meeting ended in deadlock with little movement towards the
objectives owing to fundamental disagreement over the validity of the question. Several opposing
points of view were fielded by different sections and individuals. In summary:
Physicists and engineers were ready to entertain the question given there is no reason to
deny the notion that obstacles such as trees could modify the motion of tsunami waves and
potentially provide protection for people and assets.
Pragmatists were unwilling to concede that planting mangroves and other coastal forests
could be proposed as a serious solution to alleviate damage from tsunamis trees take
years to grow, occupy valuable space and the return period for tsunamis may be 200 years
in much of the Indian Ocean.
Sceptics did not think that the scientific evidence for tree and forest protection against
tsunamis was strong enough to support planting for this reason.
Field-based practitioners with funding to plant trees in coastal areas who, because their
mandate removed several of the aforementioned obstacles, reasoned that if trees could
provide even a limited degree of protection, then so much the better.
Those believing that trees are good in all areas and at all times, and therefore, that it is
inherently good to plant whenever and wherever possible.

Other points included:
Limitations on using trees and forests as coastal protection measures against tsunamis:
Coastal green belts cannot provide complete protection.
Tsunamis rarely strike areas where mangrove forests occur.
Land would have to be available and people would have to be prepared to live behind the
forest for green belts to be proposed as a protective measure.
Trees and forests are not relevant where the shore is steeply sloping.
Trees and forests are less relevant where local bathymetry provides protection or where
other means of protection are present.
Exposed high risk areas are often the most attractive for development and in such cases
trees and forests are not appropriate to provide protection.
Governance structures and institutions are frequently unable to enforce regulations
governing construction in green belts.

Interactions between trees/forests and tsunamis:
Although trees can significantly slow a tsunami, flooding can still occur.
Although a porous barrier can reduce the height of a tsunami, the speed of flow may
increase in nearby areas.
Trees and forest are likely to reduce the penetration of water inland as the period of
tsunami waves is in the same order as the time it takes a wave to travel across a few
hundred metres of land.
Gaps and channels through vegetation can increase the intensity of a tsunami as a result of
funnelling of waves and intensification of backwash. The frequent presence of habitations
along such channels may amplify catastrophic effects (river gates may provide protection).
Larger tsunamis are overwhelming and trees and forests would not provide protection in
these cases. For smaller tsunamis, a wide belt of vegetation may provide protection; width
estimates vary between 20 and 100 metres.
Tsunamis can break trees, turning them into projectiles, although the possibility of broken
trees acting as projectiles should not be relevant given that evacuation from danger areas
should be the priority.
Broken trees and branches can become lodged in vegetation and provide greater resistance
against passage of water.

Trees with strong roots and trunks are likely to provide the most effective resistance to
tsunamis; undergrowth also slows the advance of water.
Reef maintenance, dune protection and protection and establishment of other protective
structures should be considered in addition to possible establishment/protection of trees
and forests.

The wealth of information and viewpoints makes summary problematic. Overall, the consensus
during the workshop was that trees and forests can provide protection against tsunamis. The main
questions, therefore, revolve around the quantity and quality of forest necessary to provide
protection against a tsunami under a set of local conditions, and whether the result can be
implemented under the prevailing socio-economic conditions. To make the diagnostic tool
operational, and notwithstanding questions of feasibility, it would be necessary to bring together
detailed information quantifying the physical parameters that define the effectiveness of trees and
forests in protecting against tsunamis. This basic information could then be applied at the local
level prior to implementation of analyses to assess environmental, social and economic costs and
benefits of trees and forests in comparison with other forms of coastal protection.

Cyclone working group results
The diagnostic tool developed by the cyclone group is given below. The key decisions relate to the
size of the expected storm surge. If the surge is expected to be above five metres, other measures
should be taken as trees and forests will have little impact on influxes of water of this magnitude.
There is a further important point: Where coasts are eroding, trees will not secure the coastline in
the long term and engineered measures are required. This point also relates more generally to the
other coastal hazards. Other key points relating to the potential protection provided by trees and
forests against cyclones were:
Trees should only be considered as appropriate protection against the effects of cyclones
for low intensity storms.
During cyclones, water (i.e. from the related heavy rains) kills in order of magnitude more
people than wind does.
If the coastal bathymetry is predominantly shallow, the storm surge is greater.
Barrier islands, although affording protection against tsunamis, do not attenuate cyclone-
related surges.
Although a band of around ten kilometres of mangroves is required for protection against
cyclones, they can provide protection, as in the case of the Sunderbarns. However, forests
with less breadth are useful in reducing the strength of storm waves.
Penetration of floodwater cannot be stopped by trees and flood levels may remain for a day
or more.
Storm waves related to cyclone winds can be attenuated by trees.
Cyclones and tsunamis do not usually affect the same areas.

A major misapprehension concerning the effects of cyclones is that wind is the main threat to life.
As stated earlier, water kills many more people than wind and this has important repercussions on
the protective functions of trees and forests. Because flood levels are likely to remain for a day or
more, porous structures such as forests will not prevent the influx of water. They will, however,
attenuate wind-driven waves. Given these observations, it is clear that a broad breadth of tree cover
would be necessary to provide protection from cyclones. It is commonly held, for example, that the
Sunderbarns in Bangladesh afford cyclone protection and recent data from Orissa, India indicate
that a 0.5-kilometre band of mangroves can protect lives with a statistical confidence level of 95
percent, whereas a 1.5-kilometre strip can protect lives with a confidence level of 99 percent
(Saudamini Das, unpublished data). More data are likely to emerge to further inform on this issue,
but with the large areas of land required for tree planting, apropos protection of people and assets,
it would be more likely that the above arguments would be used in calls for conservation rather
than the establishment of forests exclusively as protective measures against cyclones.


Exhibit 1 Cyclone diagnostic tool

Cycl one Intensi ty
Low Hi gh
Surge Hei ght < 5m Surge Hei ght > 5m
Land Not Avai l able
Land Avai l abl e
Erosi ve Coast
Not Erosi ve
Hybri d Measures
Fi nance Not Avai l abl e
Engage Vol unteers
Fi nance Avai l abl e
Species Selection, Planting Pl an
Maintenance, Sustai nabi lity

Wind and salt spray working group results
The diagnostic tool developed for wind and salt spray followed a similar approach to that adopted
by the cyclone group. Information required for the tool relating specifically to wind and salt spray
included the nature of the local winds, whereby coastal shelterbelts would only be appropriate
where onshore winds occurred. It was also noted that deep-rooted trees should be used to enable
water uptake and to provide adequate support in sandy soils; moreover, they should also be sturdy
and salt-resistant. Further information could be included in the tool to specify the degree to which
salt spray and wind effects could be alleviated by using shelterbelts and also the area over which
benefits would be experienced. It should be noted in this context that salt may be suspended
throughout the boundary layer and transported inland. Larger crystals of salt are likely to fall out of
the air mass under less turbulent conditions, but smaller particles may be carried far inland.
Therefore, the effects of coastal shelterbelts may be fairly localized and tree planting would
probably be best for protecting specific valuable structures or assets. For additional information see
Takle et al. (this volume).













Is w i n d an d s al t s p r ay a
p r o b l em ?
Val u ab l e as s et s at r i s k ?
- Economic
- Socio-cultural
- P hysical
- Natural
Do w e w an t t o p r o t ec t
t h es e as s et s ?
Of f s h o r e w i n d s ?
On s h o r e w i n d s ?
Mi t i g at i o n o p t i o n s
Har d
Mi x
So f t
Des i g n















Des i g n
Co as t al s h el t er b el t r ec o mmen d ed

Exhibit 2 Wind and salt spray diagnostic tool

Coastal erosion working group results
The coastal erosion group developed a tool based on a coastal protection strategy including
possible short- and long-term measures in combination with prioritization of areas according to the
severity of erosion. The group agreed that economic, environmental, social and cultural values are
likely to be subjects of protection from coastal erosion, and that national governments should
determine priorities, depending on their specific situations.

In the short term, it was proposed that engineering solutions should be targeted at critical areas,
according to prioritization of all areas. In the long term, guidelines, shoreline management plans
within Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) initiatives and coastal laws should be
developed to support short-term measures and overall aims. The following levels were categorized
to facilitate prioritization:
Critical erosion is serious and is immediately threatening: (i) property and human
activity of high economic value; and (ii) sensitive irreplaceable ecological systems.
Significant erosion serious, entities same as above will be threatened in five years or
more if nothing is done (the situation will become critical).
Acceptable erosion affecting areas with no economic, ecological or heritage value.

According to this prioritization, critical and significant erosion areas are protected first to prevent
loss of land, natural resources and heritage, to avoid displacement of population and to
maintain/improve tourism value.

Once consensus is reached on the areas in which protection is needed, processes are initiated to
consult local residents and stakeholders, collect and analyse data and develop an understanding of
erosion and key coastal processes in the area. Following this process, available options, including
hard engineering, soft engineering, reforestation and combined measures are considered for a
period according to the urgency of the situation, with critical situations requiring more immediate
action. Points considered include:
The effectiveness of each option in overcoming/reducing the threat.
Socio-economic and environmental impacts of each option (hard engineering structures
generally cause more serious environmental impact than soft solutions).
Engineering parameters (hydraulics/hydrodynamics, geotechnical matters, construction
Time needed for construction.
Funds available.

In summary, it was noted that reforestation is not appropriate for all areas and the following criteria
are mandatory:
Sufficient time frame.
Local participation.
Available space.

Following this assessment, an identification of minimal data requirements for reforestation is
carried out and reviews are undertaken by experts at critical decision-making stages throughout the
process. A note was made that the tool focuses on continental coastlines and mangroves, and that
small islands require different approaches and considerations as the environmental conditions and
guiding principles are different.

Little information was included in the diagnostic tool on the circumstances under which trees could
be suitable for arresting or reversing coastal erosion. In relation to this, it should be noted that trees
may not decelerate the pace of erosion at all on naturally eroding coastlines, and therefore, local
circumstances should be reviewed before decisions are made.

Exhibit 3 Coastal erosion diagnostic tool
Determine type of erosion protection
a. Effectiveness of method against erosion
b. Impact of method on:
Adjacent shorelines
Existing economic activities
Existing infrastructure
Stakeholder acceptance
c. Engineering parameters
d. Time needed to construct the protection
e. Funds available to construct option

Working group conclusions and further refinements
A number of elements contained in each diagnostic tool were generic and could be used for a
variety of coastal hazards with minor adjustments made to accommodate technical information.
The following questions were central:
1. What is the coastal hazard?
2. Are valuable assets at risk?
3. Are trees effective in protecting against the type and intensity of hazard expected?
4. Is the coast undergoing erosion?
5. Is land available in terms of area and possible lost opportunity costs?
6. Are finances available to establish trees?
7. Are different types of protection more environmentally or socially preferable?
8. Do trees or forests offer comparative advantages over other types of structure in terms of
protective capacity, cost, environmental benefits or social benefits?

To further develop and operationalize these diagnostic tools, a greater level of technical detail is
required to quantitatively define the relationships underlying points 2 and 8 above. This
information has proved to be unavailable in forms readily accessible to foresters and policy-
makers, but discussions during the workshop indicated that there is further information available to
quantify the degree to which trees can protect against a coastal hazard under given sets of coastal
conditions. A number of the technical experts present at the workshop supported follow-up work to
unearth, consolidate and make public such information, and by doing so, resolve some of the
controversy over the protective capacity of trees and forests especially in relation to tsunamis.

Part 3
Conclusions and recommendations

1. Coastal forests and trees can, under certain conditions, act as bioshields to protect lives and
valuable assets against coastal hazards, including: tsunamis, cyclones, wind and salt spray and
coastal erosion.
2. The degree of protection offered by coastal bioshields depends on a number of variables,
including: (i) the characteristics of the hazard itself (e.g. type, force, frequency); (ii) the
features of the site (e.g. bathymetry, coastal geomorphology); and (iii) the characteristics of the
bioshield (e.g. type of forest/tree, width, height and density of the forest).
3. Care must be taken to avoid making generalizations about the protective role of forests and
trees based on evidence from one or a few areas; the many factors that influence the protective
role of the forests/trees must be understood and taken into consideration before lessons can be
learned and applied elsewhere.
4. Coastal forests and trees are not able to provide effective protection against all hazards (e.g.
extremely large tsunami waves, flooding from cyclones and certain types of coastal erosion);
provisions for other forms of protection and (in extreme events) for evacuation must be relied
upon. Care must be taken not to create a false sense of protection against coastal hazards.
5. The importance of incorporating coastal protection as an integral part of coastal area planning
and management is recognized.
6. The options for protection include: soft and hard solutions and a hybrid of the two. If none of
these is appropriate and viable, it may be necessary to zone coastal land use to prevent (further)
settlement and construction of valuable assets in the vulnerable zone.
7. It is important to match the species with the site in order to avoid high mortality and low
performance of the planted trees. Some forest types and tree species cannot survive or thrive in
areas exposed to specific coastal hazards; therefore, they are not candidates for protective
8. Development of bioshields is not possible in all situations owing to, inter alia, biological
limitations, space constraints, incompatibility with priority land uses and prohibitive costs.
9. The level of knowledge and understanding of the functions of forests and trees in coastal
protection is still insufficient and there is a lack of multidisciplinary research and cooperation
in this field. Specific areas needing further attention include research in non-mangrove coastal
forests and collection of data and development of models on interaction between the physical
and ecological parameters.
10. There is a need to recognize that many years are required to establish and grow bioshields to a
size and density that could offer protection against coastal hazards.
11. Considerable research and field initiatives related to forests and coastal protection have been
carried out over the past several years; they provide a useful foundation for further work to
improve understanding of the protective role that forests can offer.

Assessment and design of bioshields
1. The following analysis sequence is recommended to assess the potential for protection:
a) Identify the areas that are subject to coastal hazard(s) and the characteristics of the
b) Identify and prioritize the assets that need protection.
c) Identify the options for protection (hard, soft and hybrid measures).
d) Consider the costs and benefits of the protective measure(s).

When a conclusion has been reached that forests and trees should be used for protection, the
bioshield should be designed using best practice.
2. The following broad approaches are recommended:
a) Protecting and managing existing coastal forests that provide protection to people and
valuable assets against coastal hazards in order to maximize their protective role.
b) Rehabilitate existing degraded forests whose protective function has been impaired.
c) Plant new forests and trees in sites where they have the potential to provide protection.

3. The design of protective measures using trees and forests must take into consideration not only
physical and biological features, but also the economic, social and cultural factors of the site.
4. Local people should be involved in the design and development of the bioshield so that they
have a stake in protecting and maintaining it over the long term.
5. The multiple functions of coastal forests and trees (i.e. economic/livelihood protection, wildlife
habitat, aesthetics) need to be recognized and prioritized in establishing and managing coastal
forests to enhance protection. It should be recognized that these functions and objectives may
be compatible and mutually supportive, or they may be mutually exclusive.
Institutional and policy support and outreach
6. National governments should review existing coastal forest management policies and
regulations to assess their practicality, e.g. regarding set-back (no construction) zones and
protected forests.
7. National and local governments should develop/revise policies on coastal forest management
and, as appropriate, ICZM policies, regulations and guidelines so that they adequately reflect
the role of coastal forests/vegetation in enhancing coastal protection and improving
8. National/local governments should develop national/local coordination bodies for coastal area
management and establish realistic integrated and participatory coastal management plans,
incorporating bioshield development and management, as appropriate.
9. All sectors involved in the management of coastal forests and related natural resources should
be involved in the development of disaster management policies and plans and be included in
national disaster management committees (where they exist) to ensure that the role of forests
and trees is adequately addressed.
10. National disaster management committees should identify the link between disaster
management and environmental management with special emphasis on the role of coastal
forests and trees.

11. Additional research and multidisciplinary cooperation is needed to improve scientific
knowledge and understanding of the protective functions of forests and trees against coastal
12. Efforts should be made to translate scientific knowledge into practical guidelines and technical
information for use by coastal forest managers and other relevant coastal land managers.
13. Capacity in coastal forest management for protection should be strengthened through
education, training and extension.
14. Efforts should be made to raise awareness of the importance of forests and trees, apropos
coastal protection among disaster management decision-makers, natural resource managers,
NGOs, the private sector, local communities and the general public (e.g. through
demonstration sites, published materials and mass media such as videos, comic books and
pocket books).
National, regional and international cooperation
15. National agencies, the private sector and international donors should provide financial support
for research, capacity strengthening and field implementation related to forest management for
enhanced coastal protection.
16. FAO should support enhanced regional cooperation, including through workshops, working
groups and technical networks.
17. A regional database should be developed on best practices, suitable species and other relevant
information for improved management of coastal forests for enhanced protection.
18. FAO should collect and publish information on local and indigenous knowledge, attitudes and
practices related to the use of forests and trees for coastal protection.
19. Support should be provided to initiatives (e.g. Mangroves for the Future, Green Coast and
Asian Greenbelt) that provide a framework for national actions and regional cooperation to
address the issue of coastal rehabilitation for protective purposes.


Appendix 1 Workshop agenda
Pre-workshop: Sunday 27 August
15:00 18:00 Registration of participants Reception
Monday 28 August
08:00 09:00 Registration of participants Reception
09:00 09:15 Welcome address
Mr He Changchui
FAO Assistant Director-General and Regional Representative
for Asia and the Pacific
09:15 09:30 Introduction to the workshop and speakers
Ms Susan Braatz
FAO; Programme Coordinator, Forestry Programme for Early
Rehabilitation in Asian Tsunami Affected Countries

Adoption of the agenda


09:30 10:00

Protection from tsunamis

Thematic paper: The role of forests and trees in protecting
coastal areas against tsunamis (20 min presentation, 10 min
Dr Hamzah Latief
Department of Oceanography, Faculty of Geosciences and
Mineral Technology, Institute of Technology, Bandung,


10:00 10:30 COFFEE BREAK

10:30 10:45

Field study presentation: The coastal vegetation role in protecting
the Thailand coast against the 26 December 2004 tsunami
Ms Absornsuda Siripong
Marine Science Department, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn
University, Thailand



10:45 11:00

11:00 11:15
Protection from tsunamis, cont.

Field study presentation: Outcomes of the project In-depth
assessment of mangroves and other coastal forests affected by
the tsunami in Southern Thailand
Dr Chongrak Wachrinrat
Kasetsart University, Thailand

Field study presentation: Understanding tsunami impacts from
reef islands' perspective: experience from the Maldives
Dr Mohamed Ali
Ministry of Environment, Energy and Water, Maldives
Director, SAARC Coastal Zone Management Centre



11:15 12:00 Open discussion of forests/trees roles in protection from
tsunamis based on the above four presentations and participants

12:00 13:15 LUNCH BREAK

13:15 13:45

13:45 14:00

14:00 14:15

Protection from cyclones

Thematic paper: The role of coastal forests and trees in
protecting against cyclones (20 min presentation, 10 min Q&A)
Dr Hermann Fritz
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Georgia
Institute of Technology, USA

Field study presentation: Cyclone disaster mitigation in
Prof M. Alimullah Miyan
South Asian Disaster Management Center ,
International University of Business Agriculture and Technology

Field study presentation: Evaluation of storm protection function:
A case study of mangrove forest in Orissa, India and the 1999
super cyclone
Ms Saudamini Das
Institute of Economic Growth, University of Delhi Enclave,
Delhi, India




14:15 15:00

Open discussion of forests/trees role in protection from cyclones
based on the above three presentations and participants


15:00 15:30 COFFEE BREAK


15:30 16:00

Protection from wind and salt spray

Thematic paper: The role of coastal forests and trees in
protecting against wind and salt spray (20 min presentation, 10
min Q&A)
Prof Eugene Takle
Department of Geological and Atmospheric Science
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Iowa University, USA


16:00 16:30
Protection from wind and salt spray, cont.

Field study presentation: Use of coastal shelterbelts along the
east coast of India
Dr Narasimhan Duvuru
Department of Botany, Madras Christian College, India

Field study presentation: The important role of trees in
combating coastal erosion, wind and salt spray a New Zealand
case study
Mr Peter Berg.
NZ Forestry Limited. New Zealand
Presented by Mr Jeremy Broadhead, FAO


16:30 17:00 Open discussion of forests/trees role in protection from wind
and salt spray based on the two presentations and participants
18:30 20:00 WELCOME RECEPTION Kuk- Kak
Tuesday 29 August

08:00 08:30

08:30 08:45
Protection from coastal erosion

Thematic paper: The role of coastal forests and trees in
protecting against coastal erosion. (20 min presentation, 10 min
Mr Gegar Prasetya
Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology,

Field study presentation: Status of coastal erosion in Viet Nam
and proposed measures for protection
Dr Ngo Ngoc Cat
Centre for Training, Consultancy and Technology Transfer
Viet Nam Academy of Science and Technology


O8:45 9:30 Open discussion of forests/trees role in protection from coastal
erosion based on the two presentations and participants

09:30 10:00 COFFEE BREAK


10:00 10:20

10:20 10:45

10:45 11:00

11:00 11:30
Coastal area planning and management

Thematic paper: Coastal area planning and management with a
focus on disaster management and the protective role of coastal
forests and trees
Ms Jane Preuss
Planwest Partners, USA

Open discussion of coastal area planning and disaster

Field study presentation: Mangrove planting for coastline
protection to plant or not to plant?
Mr Tan Kim Hooi
Centre for Coastal & Marine Environment, Maritime Institute of

Open discussion of mangrove planting for coastline protection





11:30 11:50

Thematic paper: Synthesis of the protective functions of coastal
forests and trees against natural hazards
Dr Eric Wolanski
Australian Institute of Marine Science


11:50 12:30 Open discussion of the synthesis and overall findings regarding
the protective functions of coastal forests/trees against natural

12:30 13:30 LUNCH BREAK

13:30 14:00 Introduction to the diagnostic tool Plenary
14:00 15:30 Diagnostic tool working groups Break-out
15:30 16:00 COFFEE BREAK
16:00 17:00 Diagnostic tool working groups, continued Break-out
Wednesday 30 August
08:30 10:00 Presentation and discussion of the results of the diagnostic tool
working groups

10:00 10:15

Introduction to the recommendations of working groups

10:15 10:45 COFFEE BREAK
10:45 11:45 Recommendations of working groups Break-out
11:45 12:00 Introduction to the field trip
Mr Sa-Ngob Panichart
Forest Official, Department of Marine and Coastal Resources
Mangrove Research and Development Station, Phuket

12:30 17:00 Packed lunch and field trip

Post-tsunami forest rehabilitation:
Coastal shelterbelts at Laem Krang Yai, Pakarang Cape and
mangrove replanting at Ban Nam Khem, Phang Nga

Thursday 31 August
08:00 09:00 Presentation of consolidated diagnostic tool results Plenary

09:00 10:30

Recommendations of working groups, continued

10:30 11:00 COFFEE BREAK

11:00 11:45

Presentation and discussion of the recommendations of working
groups results

11:45 12:30 Presentations: Forestry initiatives for coastal protection

UN/International Strategy for Disaster Reduction, including
coastal protection
Mr Akshat Chaturvedi, UN/ISDR Regional Programme for Asia
and the Pacific

Wetlands International: Green Coast project &
IUCN: Mangroves for the Future initiative
Mr Vikmuthi Weeratunga, IUCN, Sri Lanka Office

Forestry programme for early rehabilitation of tsunami-affected
areas in Sri Lanka
Mr Ananda Wijesooriya, Forest Department, Sri Lanka

Tsunami events in Peninsular Malaysia: Intensified research and
development to establish vegetation for coastal protection
Dr Shamsudin, Forest Research Institute of Malaysia

Presentation/discussion of other organizations related
Dr Mohamed Ali, upcoming activities of SAARC Coastal Zone
Management Centre related to coastal protection





12:30 13:30 LUNCH BREAK
13:30 14:15 Presentation and discussion of the consolidated list of

14:15 15:30

Adoption of the results and recommendations and closing of the


Appendix 2 Workshop participants

Mr Md. Altaf Hossain Khan
Conservator of Forests
Bangladesh Forest Department
Ministry of Environment and Forests
Khulna Circle, Boyra, Khulna, Bangladesh.
Tel: 880-41-760501
Fax: 880-41-760517
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Md. Nasir Uddin Ahmed
Deputy Secretary
Ministry of Food and Disaster Management
Builidng No.4 (2
Bangladesh Secretariat, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Tel: 88-02-7162145
Mobile: 88-0187578350
Fax: 88-02-7165405
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Ansar Ahmed
Inspector General of Forests
Department of Environment and Forests,
Forests and Wildlife
Ministry of Environment and Forests
Government of India
Room No. 122, Paryavaran Bhavan,
CGO Complex, Lodhi Raod,
New Delhi-11003, India.
Tel: 91-24363698; 24363868
Mobile: 91-009811270048
Fax: 91-11-24363868
E-mail: [email protected]

Dr A.D. Kaushik
Research Associate
National Institute of Disaster Management
Ministry of Home Affairs
Government of India
5B, I.P. Estate, IIPA Campus,
Ring Road, New Delhi 110002, India.
Tel: 91-11-23702432 ext 220
Fax: 91-11-9818437565
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Muswir Ayub
Krueng Aceh Watershed Management Board
Cut Nyak Dhien Street Km 1,2, Bandah Aceh
City, Pos Code
Mail Box 174, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam
Province, Indonesia.
Tel: 62-651 41339
Fax: 62-651 44704
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Agus Halim
Director of Fisheries and Coastal Area
The Aceh and Nias Rehabilitation and
Reconstruction Agency (BRR NAD- Nias)
J ln. Muhammad Thaher No.20, Lueng Bata,
Banda Aceh, Indonesia 23247.
Tel: 62-0651-636666; 635462
Mobile: 62-0812-6991651;
Fax: 62-0651-637777
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Wahyu Suriatanuwidjaja
Head of Mangrove Management Division
Directorate of Forest and Land Rehabilitation
Ministry of Forestry
Manggala Wanabaki Lt. XIII, J alan Gatot
Subroto, Senayan, J akarta Pusat, Indonesia.
Tel: 62-21-570-4501
Fax: 62-21-573-1839
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Nor Hisham Mohd Ghazali
Principal Assistant Director (erosion control)
Coastal Engineering Division
Department of Irrigation and Drainage
Malaysia, J alan Sultan Salahuddin,
50626 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Tel: 60-3-26972015, Mobile: 60-13-3567707
Fax: 60-3-26936625
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Ali Arif
Assistant Director
Agriculture and Forestry Services
Ministry of Fisheries, Agriculture and Marine
Mal, the Maldives.
Tel: 960-3322625; Mobile: 960-774197
Fax: 960-3326558
E-mail: [email protected]

Dr Mohamed Ali
SAARC Coastal Zone Management Centre
Floor J amluddeen Complex, Nikagas Magu,
Mal, the Maldives.
Tel: 960-3335948; Mobile: 960-7781301
Fax: 960-3316088
E-mail:[email protected];
[email protected]
Professor U Khin Maung Zaw
University of Forestry
Forest Department, Ministry of Forestry
Yezin, Mandalay Division, Myanmar
Tel: 95-67-405395
Fax: 95-1-644201
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr U Hla Maung Thein
Assistant Director
District Forest Office
Forest Department
Pathein, Ayeyawady Division, Myanmar.
Tel: 95-67-405395
Fax: 95-1-644201
E-mail: [email protected]; lec-
[email protected]
Mr Ananda Wijesooriya
Senior Deputy Conservator of Forests
Forest Management Division
Forest Department
82, Rajamalwatte Road, Battaramulla,
Sri Lanka
Tel: 94-11-2866627; Mobile 94-777916293
Fax: 94-11-2862580
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Dias Upali Hewayalage
Assistant Conservator of Forests
Divisional Forest Office
Forest Department
Sampathpaya, Rajamalwatta Road
Battaramulla, Sri Lanka
Tel: 94-11-286-6627
Fax: 94-11-286-6630
E-mail: [email protected]
Dr Cherdsak Virapat
Chief, International Coordination
National Disaster Warning Centre (NDWC).
Ratanatibet Road, Amphur Muang,
Nonthaburi, Thailand 11000
Tel: 66-2-5892497 ext 17
Mobile: 66-084-9738978
Fax: 66-2-5892497 ext 22
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Sa-ngob Panichchart
Forest Official 8
Department of Marine and Coastal Resources
Mangrove Research and Development Station
2 (Phuket)
100/85 Ratanakosin 200 years
Tambon Wichit, Amphur Muang
Phuket 82130, Thailand
Mobile 66-1-8943044



Department of Fisheries, Thailand
Mr Sanchai Tandavanitj
National Co-director
Coastal Habitat and Resource Management
Project (CHARM)
c/o 4
Floor, Plodprasob Building
Kasetsart University Campus
J atujak, Bangkok, Thailand 10900
Tel: 66-2-561-3132
Fax: 66-2-561-3132
E-mail: [email protected]
Department of Land and Natural
Resources, State of Hawaii, United
Mr Michael Constantinides
Forestry Program Manager
State of Hawaii
Department of Land and Natural Resources
Division of Forestry and Wildlife
1151 Punchbowl St. #325
Honolulu, HI 96813, USA
Tel: 1-808-5874186
Fax: 1-808-5870160
E-mail: [email protected]
Disaster Reduction and Human
Renovation Institute (DRI), Japan
Dr Kenji Harada
Research Scientist
1-5-2 Wakihamakaigan-dori
Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo, J apan
Tel: 81-78-2625073
Fax: 81-78-2625082
E-mail: [email protected]
Fibresand International
Dr Noraini Mohd. Tamin
Malaysian Licensee
Level 2, The Ascott Kuala Lumpur
No.9, J alan Pinang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia, Tel: 60-3-21402218
Mobile: 60-19-3117454
Fax: 60-3-21482228
E-mail: [email protected]
Forest Research Institute Malaysia
Dr Ibrahim Shamsudin
Forest Management and Ecology Programme
Forestry & Conservation Division
52109, Kepong, Selangor Darul Ehsan,
Tel: 60-36-279-7161
Mobile: 60-013-3850110
Fax: 60-36-272-9852
E-mail: [email protected]
Forestry Agency, Japan
Dr Shingo Shibata
Senior Officer
International Forestry Cooperation Office
1-2-1, Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku,
Tokyo, J apan.
Tel: 81-03-3591-8449
Fax: 81-03-35939565
E-mail: [email protected]
Global Environment Centre
Mr Tong Yiew Chee
Floor Wisma Hing, 78 J alan SS2/72,
47300 Petaling J aya, Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel: 60-3-79572007; Mobile 60-12-2100728
Fax: 60-3-79577003
E-mail: [email protected]
Indian Institute of Technology
Dr Kantharaj Murali
Department of Ocean Engineering
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India 600 036
Tel: 91-44-2257-4816
Mobile: 91-9444008627
Fax: 91-44-2257-4802
E-mail: [email protected]

IUCN (The World Conservation
Mr Vikmuthi Weeratunga
Biodiversity Coordinator
Biodiversity and Species Program
53, Horton Place, Colombo7, Sri Lanka
Tel: 94-11-2862418
Fax: 94-11-2682470
E-mail: [email protected]

Ms Anouchka Wijenaike
Project Officer, Ecosystems and Livelihoods
Group Asia
53 Horton Place, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka
Tel: 94-11-2694094; Mobile: 94-773504335
Fax: 94-11-2662941
E-mail: [email protected]
Japan Forest Technology Association
Mr Wataru Ohira
Geographic Information Division
4F Yushima Building,
3-14-9 Yushima Bunkyo-ku,
Tokyo, 1130034, J apan
Tel: 81-3-67371290
Mobile: 81-90-93144684
Fax: 81-3-67371296
E-mail: [email protected]
Kasetsart University, Thailand
Dr Saran Petpiroon
Associate Professor
Department of Marine Science
Faculty of Fisheries
Phaholyothin Road, Chatuchak,
Bangkok 10900, Thailand.
Tel: 66-2- 561-4288
Fax: 66-2-561-4287
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Charuay Sukhsangchan
Department of Marine Science
Faculty of Fisheries
Phaholyothin Road, Chatuchak
Bangkok 10900, Thailand
Tel: 66-2-5614288
Fax: 66-2- 561 4287
E-mail: [email protected]

Ministry of Natural Resources and
Environment, Thailand
Ms Nirawan Pipitsombat
The Office of Natural Resources and
Environment Policy Planning
60/1 Soi Pibul Wattana 7, Rama VI Road,
Phayathai, Bangkok, Thailand 10400.
Tel: 66-2-2656636; Mobile: 66-1-3508105
Fax: 66-2-2656638
E-mail: [email protected]
Prince of Songkhla University,
Ms Jareerat Sakulrat
Civil Engineering Department
Faculty of Engineering
Hat Yai Campus, Songkhla, Thailand 90112
Tel: 66-74-287130; Mobile: 66-6-941-7245
Fax: 66-74-212891
E-mail: [email protected]
Sea Defence Consultants, Aceh and
Ms Odelinde Nieuwenhuis
Coastal Engineer
DHV Environment and Transportation
Badan Rehabillitasi & Rekonstruksi (BRR
J alan Ir. Mohd. Taher No. 20 Lueng Bata
Banda Aceh 2347, Indonesia
Tel: 62-651-740-0928
Mobile: 62-813-60685625
E-mail: [email protected]
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Ms Birgit Ruth Brgi
Project Researcher
Institute for Environmental Decisions (IED),
Society, Environment and Culture
c/o Asian Institute of Technology,
AFE Building, 109,
P.O. Box 4
Khlong Luang, Pathum Thani 12120,
Tel: 66-2-5248150; Mobile: 66-84-0239660
E-mail: [email protected]

Dr Roland Cochard
Institute of Integrative Biology
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Universittsstrasse 16
CH-8092 Zrich, Switzerland
Tel: +41 44 632 86 35
Mobile: +41 796739426
E-mail: [email protected]
UN/ISDR International Strategy for
Disaster Reduction, Asia and the
Pacific Regional Office
Mr Akshat Chaturvedi
Programme Officer (Disaster Reduction)
UNCC Ground Floor, UN ESCAP Building,
Rajdamnern Nok Avenue, Bangkok, Thailand.
Tel: 66-2-2882748; Mobile: 66-9-2042746
Fax: 66-2-2881050
E-mail: [email protected]
University of Natural Sciences,
Dr Alfred Pitterle
Associate Professor
Department of Forest and Soil Sciences
Institute of Silviculture
University of Natural Sciences
Peter J ordanstrasse 82,
A1190 Vienna, Austria.
Tel: 43-1-476544055
Mobile: 43-664-3500151
Fax: 43-1-476544092
E-mail: [email protected]
United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP)
Mr Ferdinand Strobel
Programme Officer
GPO Box 618, Bangkok 10501, Thailand
Tel: 66-2-2881240; Mobile: 66-7-9301936
Fax: 66-2-2800556
E-mail: [email protected]

Ms Norzilla Mohamed
Programme Associate
Energy and Environment Cluster
Wisma UN, Block C, J alan Dungun,
Damansara Office Complex, Damansara
50490 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: 60-3-20959122 ext. 3311
Mobile: 60-1922517856
Fax: 60-3-20952870
E-mail: [email protected]
Wetlands International
Mr Sanath Kumaran Kolandai
Senior Technical Officer
Wetlands International (Malaysia)
3A39, Block A, Kelana Centre Point,
J lan SS7/19, Petaling J aya,
47301 Selangor, Malaysia.
Tel: 60-3-78046770
Fax: 60-3-78046772
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Parinya Bantito
Wetlands International (Thailand)
P.O. Box 95, Kor Hong Post Office,
Hat Yai 90112, Thailand.
Tel: 66-74-429307
Fax: 66-74-429307
E-mail: [email protected]
Mr Jirapong Jeewarongkakul
Marine Scientist
Marine and Coastal Resources Unit
WWF-Thailand (Greater Mekong Unit)
26/67 M. 7 Petchakasame Road,
Kukkuk Subdistrict, Takuapa District,
Phang-Nga Province, Thailand. 82190
Tel: 66-76-485822; Mobile: 66-1-540-7390
Fax: 66-76-6894784
E-mail: [email protected]

Ms Angie Woo
WWF/American Red Cross Partnership
104 Outreach Building,
Asian Institute of Technology,
Phaholyothin Road, Klong Nung, Klong
Luang, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand.
Tel: 66-2-5246168 ext. 108
Mobile: 66-2-5246134
Fax: 66-2-5246134
E-mail: [email protected]



Ms Saudamini Das
Department of Economics
Swami Shradanand College
University of Delhi
Cubicle -8, Institute of Economic Growth
University of Delhi Enclave, Delhi 7, India
Tel: 91-11-27667101
Mobile: 91-09911284746
E-mail: [email protected]

Dr Narasimhan Duvuru
Senior Lecturer
Centre for Floristic Research
Department of Botany
Madras Christian College, Tambaran
Chennai, Tami Nadu
India 600 059
Mobile: 91-9804231967
E-mail: [email protected];
[email protected]

Dr Hermann Fritz
Assistant Professor
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology
Georgia Tech Savannah
210 Technology Circle,
Savannah, GA 31407, USA.
Tel: 1-912-9667947
Mobile: 1-912-6954997
Fax: 1-912-9667928
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Gegar Prasetya
Coastal Oceanographic and Engineering
Agency for the Assessment and Application of
Surzone Research Foundation Indonesia.
E-mail: [email protected]
Temporary (till Dec. 2006):
1 Somme Cres, Hillcrest 2001, Hamilton, New
Tel: 64-7-859-2470 (New Zealand)
Coastal Marine Group.
Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, UW
Ruakura Satellite Campus. Hamilton. NZ
E-mail: [email protected]

Dr Jin Eong Ong
Professor (Retired)
4 Green Crescent,
11600 Penang, Malaysia
Tel: 60-16-4836240
E-mail: [email protected]

Dr Hamzah Latief
Department of Oceanography
Faculty of Geosciences and Mineral
Institute of Technology Bandung
Labtek XI, 2
Floor, J alan Ganesha 10
Bandung, 40132, Indonesia.
Tel: 62-22-2512430
Mobile: 62-81-573135477
Fax: 62-22-2512430
E-mail: [email protected];
[email protected]

Professor M. Alimulah Miyan
Vice-Chancellor, IUBAT
South Asian Disaster Management Center
c/o International University of Business
Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT)
4 Embankment Drive Road,
Sector-10 , Uttara Model Town, Dhaka 1230,
Tel: 88-02-8923471; 880-2-8963523 to 27
Fax: 88-02-8922625
E-mail: [email protected]

Dr Ngo Ngoc Cat
Associate Professor
Deputy Director
Centre for Training, Consultancy and
Technology transfer
Viet Nam Academy of Science and
Trung tam Dao tao, Tu Van va Chuyen Giao
Cong Nghe, Vien Khoa Hoc va Cong Nghe
Viet Nam, 18 Hoang Quoc Viet Street, Cau
Giay District, Hanoi, Viet Nam.
Tel: 84-4-7910212; Mobile: 84-988161677
Fax: 84-4-7563360
E-mail: [email protected]


Ms Jane Preuss
Planwest Partners
611 Market Street Suite One
Kirkland, Washington
98033, USA
Tel: 1-206-4598450
E-mail: [email protected];
[email protected]

Ms Absornsuda Siripong
Associate Professor
Marine Science Department
Faculty of Science
Chulalongkorn University
Khet Pathumwan, Phayathai Road,
Bangkok 10330, Thailand.
Tel: 66-2-2185405; Mobile: 66-1-9038764
Fax: 66-2-2550780
E-mail: [email protected]

Professor Eugene Takle
Agronomy Department
Geological and Atmospheric Science
3010 Agronomy Hall, Iowa State University,
Ames, Iowa 50011, USA
Tel: 1-515-2949871
Fax: 1-515-2942619
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Tan Kim Hooi
Senior Researcher and Mangrove Project
Centre for Coastal and Marine Environment
Maritime Institute of Malaysia (MIMA)
Unit B-6-8, Megan Avenue II
12, J alan Yap Kwan Seng
504050 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: 60-3-21612960
Mobile: 60-012-3271825
Fax: 60-3-21617045
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Chongrak Wachinrat
Department of Silviculture
Faculty of Forestry
Kasetsart University
50 Phaholyothin Road, Ladyao,
Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand.
Tel: 66-2-5790171 ext. 115
Mobile: 66-1-2556340
Fax: 66-2-579-0171
E-mail: [email protected]

Dr Eric Wolanski
Senior Principal Scientist in Oceanography
Australian Institute of Marine Science
P.M.B. No.3, Townsville M.C. Q 4810,
Tel: 61-7-4754243
Fax: 61-7-4775852
E-mail: [email protected]



Mr He Changchui
Assistant Director-General and Regional
Representative for Asia and the Pacific
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
39 Phra Atit Road, Bangkok 10200
Tel: 66-2-6974222
Fax: 66-2-6974445
E-mail: [email protected]

Ms Susan Braatz
Senior Forestry Officer and Programme
Forestry Programme for Early Rehabilitation in
Asian Tsunami Affected Countries
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
39 Phra Atit Road, Bangkok 10200
Tel: 66-2-6974112; Mobile: 66-9-8903776
Fax: 66-2-6974216
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Patrick Durst
Senior Forestry Officer
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
39 Phra Atit Road, Bangkok 10200
Tel: 66-2-6974139
Fax: 66-2-6974445
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Masakazu Kashio
Regional Forest Resources Officer
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
39 Phra Atit Road, Bangkok 10200
Tel: 66-2-6974141
Fax: 66-2-6974445
E-mail: [email protected]

Mr Jeremy Broadhead
Assistant Programme Coordinator,
Forestry Programme for Early Rehabilitation in
Asian Tsunami Affected Countries
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
39 Phra Atit Road, Bangkok 10200
Tel: 66-2-6974106
Fax: 66-2-6974216
E-mail: [email protected]

Ms Serena Fortuna
Meeting Organizer,
Forestry Programme for Early Rehabilitation in
Asian Tsunami Affected Countries
FAO Headquarters,
Viale delle Terme di Caracalla
00153 Rome, Italy
Tel: 39-06-57553124
E-mail: [email protected]

Ms Chalinee Vamarupa
Forestry Programme for Early Rehabilitation in
Asian Tsunami Affected Countries
FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific
39 Phra Atit Road, Bangkok 10200
Tel: 66-2-6974313
Fax: 66-2-6974216
E-mail: [email protected]

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