Bio Deisel Vs Petro Diesel

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International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 1 No.

8 August 2013



Demshemino S. Innocent,ODonnell P. Sylvester, Muhammad F. Yahaya,IsiomaNwadike, and
Linus N. Okoro.

Department of Petroleum Chemistry and Engineering, American University of Nigeria, Lamido
Zubairu Way, P.M.B 2250 Yola Bypass, Adamawa State, Nigeria.

Correspondence E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +234805538671

The concerns on climate change, the high energy prices and the dwindling oil reserves and supplies
have necessitated a strong interest in the research for alternative fuel sources. Biodiesel is an
alternative renewable fuel that has gained massive attention in recent years.Studies on the physical
properties of biodiesel have shown that it is completely miscible with petroleum diesel. Since the
combustion of biodiesel emits particulate matter and gases which is lower than petrodiesel,
combustion of biodiesel and biodiesel blends have shown a significant reduction in particulate
matter and exhaust emissions.In this review paper, the use of pure biodiesel or biodiesel blends in
terms of performance and exhaust emissions has been studied in comparison to petroleumdiesel.

Keywords: biodiesel, transesterification, performance, exhaust emissions, petrodiesel.

1.0 Introduction
As the population increases daily, the demand for energy to meet different lifestyle requirements
increase as well. Consequently, the main concern has been on the use of various energy sources.
Non-renewables such as fossil fuels like coal, wood, oil, and gas, are likely to be exhausted in the
near future since they are nonrenewable as the name implies. These sources of energy cannot be
renewed or reused. Alternative fuels fromdomestic sources are emerging as a solution to the
declining reserves of fossil fuels, and the environmental unfriendliness resulting from the
combustion of fossil fuels. The fuel that is consumed the most inEurope is biodiesel, a renewable
mono-alkyl ester that is produced fromvegetable oils, by a transesterification reaction. The use of
biodiesel in Europe from2007 to 2010 represented a share of more than 80% of the transportation
biofuel consumption, and 30.26% of the total road transportation fuels consumption in 2010.
(Serrano, Carreira, Carama, and Gameiro,2012). When fossil fuels are burned, a lot of carbon
dioxide is released. Carbon dioxide is a gas that absorbs heat and contributes towards the
greenhouse effect. Another gas released when fossil fuel is burned is sulfur dioxide which
combines with water in the atmosphere to formsulfuric acid. This leads to acid rain which alters the
ISSN: 2201-6333 (Print) ISSN: 2201-6740 (Online)


normal pH of soil that supports plant growth.What makes the world today consider the production
and use of biofuels on a wide scale is the high level of atmospheric pollution caused by the intense
use of fossil fuels leading to the greenhouse effect.It is against this backdrop that fuels namely;
biodiesel and petroleum diesel are comparatively analyzed in this review paper.

1.1What is biodiesel?
Biodiesel is an animal or vegetable oil based diesel fuel that burns without the emission of much
soot, carbon IV oxide and particulate matter. (Oliveira and Da Silva, 2013). It consists of long chain
mono-alkyl esters and is produced by transesterifying vegetable oil or animal fat. In this process, the
animal or vegetable oil is converted into biodiesel when one mole of triglyceride reacts with three
(3) moles of alcohol to produce a mole of glycerol and three moles of mono-alkyl esters. Biodiesel
like petro-diesel is made of hydrocarbon chains that do not contain sulfur, or aromatics compounds
in its composition. It is an alternative fuel that is obtained fromrenewable resources that burns in
diesel engines with less environmental pollutants.
Biodiesel is a fuel that has gained a lot of public attention because it is environmentally friendly and
renewable and is being appreciated all over the world. Among the many advantages of using
biodiesel, some are listed as follows: the use of biodiesel is not dangerous to the environment.
Petrodiesel-powered vehicles produce a considerable amount of emissions, and unfortunately the
smokethese vehicles emit is hazardous to the environment.Biodiesel is agriculture oriented, non-
toxic, biodegradable and a renewable fuel. It has a high cetane number (a measurement of the
combustion quality of diesel fuel during compression ignition), low sulfur, low volatility and
presence of oxygen atoms in the fuel molecule.Another of the advantages of biodiesel fuel is that it
can also be blended with other energy resources and oil.Biodiesel development will generate
employment opportunity for developing countries, where the level of unemployment is relatively
high. Biodiesel will also encourage the development of the agricultural sector. (Aregbe,2010).
Although biodiesel has gained much scientific attention in recent years, it is not without some few
disadvantages. One of the problems encountered when using biodiesel is the increase in nitrogen
oxides emissions which can result in the formation of smog and acid rain. Similarly, biodiesel when
compared to petro-diesel have a lower energy output.In order to produce the same amount of
energy, more biodieselis required than petro-diesel. Also, the use of valuable cropland to grow
biodiesel crops could result to a rise in cost of food and furthermore leads to food scarcity (Aregbe,

International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 1 No. 8 August 2013


1.4 What is petrodiesel?
Petroleum diesel, also called petro-diesel, or fossil diesel is produced when crude oil undergoes
fractional distillation between the temperatures of 200
C and 350
C at atmospheric pressure, to
produce a mixture of carbon chains that contains between 8 and 21 carbon atoms per molecule.
Petroleum diesel is a fuel that is used to operate diesel engine-internal combustion engine. Most
commonly, it refers to a specific liquid fuel obtained by the fractional distillation of petroleum,
often called petro-diesel (Nikitchenko, n.d).

2.0 Comparisons of Biodiesel and Petro-diesel
2.1 Performance Comparative Analysis:
The performance and emission features of compression ignition engines depends on the inner
nozzle flow and spray performance. Inner nozzle flow and spray performance in an engine, controls
the air fuel mixing, which is necessary for the process of combustion. Because of differences inthe
physical properties of biodiesel and petro-diesel,the inner nozzle flow and spray structure are
expected to be significantly altered and, consequently the performance and emission features of the
diesel engine.(Som, Longman, Ramirez and Aggarwal, 2010). Somet al (2010) in their research
paper showed that because of lower vapor pressure of biodiesel, it was observed to cavitate less than
petro-diesel. A reduction in injection velocity and loss of flow efficiency was also observed because
biodiesel viscosity ishigher.
In a review paper by Fallahipanah, Ghazavi, Hashemi, and Shahmirzaei(2011), the performance of
biodiesel in an engine which completes a specific cycle was investigated.The paperanalyzed
biodiesel fuel and its compounds using thermodynamics laws as well as finite time
thermodynamics. Their results showed that when biodiesel is applied as a fuel in the engine, similar
results was obtainedand in some cases even better results wasobtained over petro-diesel fuel.From
the cycle work shown in figure 1, higher energy output can be achieved at higher compression
Cumali, Selman, Rasim, and Huseyin(2011),experimented on a diesel engine using biodiesel fuel
produced fromsunflower oil with petro-diesel. They found that using biodiesel in comparison to
using petro-dieselincreased the brake specific consumption but a decrease in pollutants such as
particulate matter and carbon monoxide.
The poor lubricity of petro-diesel fuel has led to the failure of engine parts such as fuel injectors and
pumps, because these parts are lubricated by the fuel itself.It was also reported that neat biodiesel
possesses inherently greater lubricity than petro-diesel, especially low sulfur petro-diesel, and that
adding biodiesel at low blend levels (1%-2%) to low-sulfur petro-diesel restores lubricity to the
latter. (Goodrumand Geller 2005).
In a research paper by Knothe and Steidley (2005), it was reported that biodiesel has a better
lubricity than petro-diesel hydrocarbons, because of the polarity that is introduced with the presence
of oxygen atoms which is lacking in petro-diesel. Lubricity it was reported improves with the chain
length and the presence of double bonds. One major technical advantages of biodiesel over petro-
diesel is lubricity (Knotheet al, 2005).
ISSN: 2201-6333 (Print) ISSN: 2201-6740 (Online)


Brake thermal efficiency (BTE) is defined as the ratio between power output and energy introduced
through fuel injection (Christopher, Hillary, and Najeem, 2011). In a research conducted by Reddy,
Shiva, and Apparao.(2010), on comparing the brake thermal efficiency of diesel fuel and cotton
seed methyl ester (biodiesel) blends; it was found that the brake thermal efficiency is always found
to be lower with biodiesel blends as compared with petro-diesel.The result fromthe experiment
conducted by Christopher et al(2010) also showed that blending biodiesel with petro-diesel
decreases the brake thermal efficiency (BTE) and on the other hand increases the brake specific fuel
consumption (BSFC) which is defined as the rate of fuel consumption divided by the power
produced. The BSFC of biodiesel and biodiesel blends they found to be higher in comparison to that
ofpetro-diesel. This can be as a result of the lower viscosity, density and higher heating value of the
The bar chat in Figure 2 of BTE % against fuel blends reveals that blends of biodiesel and
petrodiesel fuels decrease the brake thermal efficiency (BTE). The BTE of biodiesel and its blend is
lower than compared to petro-diesel.
Fromthe information in Figure 3, it can be concluded that the brake specific fuel consumption
(BSFC) increased with the increase in the ratio of biodiesel in the blends.
In another work, indirect injection diesel engine was studied with petrodiesel and 100% biodiesel at
various fuel injection pressures by Kumar, Ramesh, and Sahoo.(2012). It was observed that at 100%
load, brake thermal efficiency of biodiesel increases as the fuel injection pressure is increased
keeping advance angle of fuel injection constant, whereas for petro-diesel, the brake thermal
efficiency decreases under the same conditions.

2.2 Emission Comparative Analysis:
The environmental impact of biodiesel depends on several factors which are; the raw materials from
which the biodiesel was produced, different production processes and the final use can determine
the environmental balance of biodiesel introduction (Nanaki and Koroneos. 2012). Replacing
biodiesel with petro-diesel fuel can produce environmental advantages as well as
disadvantages.Prominent among the advantages that biodiesel has over petro-diesel isthat biodiesel
has the potential of reducing most exhaust emissions that have regulations, excluding nitrogen
oxides (NOx). Knothe, Sharp, and Ryan. (2006), in their work used a heavy-duty 2003 six-cylinder
14 L diesel engine with exhaust gas recirculation to analyze, neat methyl laurate, neat methyl
palmitate, and technical grade methyl oleate, forexhaust emissions.The three fatty acid methyl
esters, was compared with pure dodecane and hexadecane, and pure biodiesel sample as well as
petro-diesel with low sulfur content. All fuels were analyzed and tested for exhaust
emissions.Emissions of particulate matter were found to decrease to about 77% and 73% for
biodiesel and methyl oleate respectively.Similarly, the reduction in particulate matter emissions for
methyl laurate and methyl palmitate was even greater,83% and 82% respectively in comparison to
petro-diesel. An increase of about 12% NOx emissions was observed for biodiesel, while an
increase of about 6% was observed for methyl oleate, but methyl palmitate and methyl laurate
particulate matter emission was reduced by about 4-5% relative to those of the base fuel (Knotheet
al, 2006). Overall, biodiesel fuel and the fatty compoundsconsiderably reduced particulate matter
International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 1 No. 8 August 2013


emissions by 75%-83% when compared to the petro-diesel base fuel, whereas the two
hydrocarbonscomponents found in petro-diesel; dodecane and hexadecanereduced particulate
matter emissionby only 45-50%.
Similarly, in a research by Rubianto, Yuwono, and Soemarno. (2013), they found that biodiesel has
a contribution to reduce particulate emission from combustion on a boiler burner with reduction of
29.796%. This percentage of reduction is significant to decrease air pollution, creating a better and
healthier environment.
Table 1 showed that blending biodiesel with petro-diesel at various ratios, leads to a decrease in the
amount of particulate matter being emitted as the amount of biodiesel is increased in the blend from
B0 to B10. FromB15 to B30 there is a significant decrease in the amount of particulate matter
emitted. The graph in figure 4 shows the emission of particulate matter at different percentages of
biodiesel amount in the blends.
In a review paper by Rashid (2011), he reported that in an assessment of the environmental hazards
caused by the use of fossil fuels, biodiesel is being considered to be the best fuel for diesel engines
since burning biodiesel and its blends has the lowest Green House Emissions on a life cycle basis.
The emission of carbon monoxide gas is reduced by using biodiesel as a fuel. Carbon monoxide gas
is a toxic byproduct of all hydrocarbon combustion. The use of biodiesel in blends, or its pure form
reduces emissions such as; particulate matter, visible smoke,odor, and polyaromatic hydrocarbon
emissions. His review paper also showed that particulate soot emissions which have adverse health
effect in terms of respiratory impairment and related illness is significantly reduced with the use of
biodiesel or its blends. Furthermore, biodiesel does not contain undesirable element like sulphur as
compared to petrodiesel, which may have Sulphur content. The review showed that biodiesel is a
fuel that is clean and environment friendly, which can supplement or replace petro-diesel as a fuel
in the future (Rashid2011).

3.0 Conclusion
Biodiesel is a renewable alternative fuel that can be used in a diesel engine either pure or in blends
with petroleum diesel. It has the potential of replacing petroleum diesel in the future, or being used
in blends with petroleum diesel to improve performance and reduce toxic exhaust emissions. In
terms of environmental assessment and renewability, biodiesel has a contribution in reducing
particulate matter emission, reduced emission of greenhouse gases, and decrease in air pollution.
Biodiesel when applied as a fuel in a diesel engine works like petro-diesel or in some cases even
gives better results compared to petro-diesel fuel.
We have reviewed past research works comparing performance and exhaust emission characteristics
of biodiesel and petro-diesel fromdifferent sources. Because of the growing concern for a clean and
healthy environment, most modern research has been centered on reducing the toxic exhaust
emissions generated from burning petroleum and improving the performance of petro-diesel
through blending with biodiesel.

ISSN: 2201-6333 (Print) ISSN: 2201-6740 (Online)



Fig 1- Fluid work and Heat efficiency versus Compression ratio for diesel, biodiesel, and BI0 10
(Fallahipanah et al 2011).

Fig. 2: Comparison of BTE for diesel and biodiesel- diesel blends at full load (Christopher et al

International Journal of Education and Research Vol. 1 No. 8 August 2013


Fig. 3: Comparison of BSFC for diesel and biodiesel-diesel blends at full load (Christopher et al

Fig 4- Graph of Particulate Mass versus Biodiesel percentage ( Rubianto et al 2013).

Table 1 showing the amount of particulate matter emitted for petrodiesel (B0) and biodiesel blends
(Rubianto et al 2013).

ISSN: 2201-6333 (Print) ISSN: 2201-6740 (Online)


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