Metrohm KF Coulometer 831

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Karl Fischer titrators 1

831 KF Coulometer
Never before has coulometric Karl Fischer water
determination been so economical!
The advantages of our new 831 KF Coulometer will convince you:
Favorable price
Highest precision
Graphics display for real-time titration curve
Expandable to a fully automated analysis system
Metrodata software programs give access to the PC and titra-
tion networks
PC software VESUV Light included!
2 831 KF Coulometer
Affordable KF water determination
The new 831 KF Coulometer offers highest precision at a favorable price.
LCD screen of 831 KF Coulometer with curve m(H
O) in microgram versus the time in
Precise and inexpensive
no contradiction in terms!
Metrohms 831 KF Coulometer sets
new standards regarding price-perfor-
mance ratio. Despite its exceptionally
favorable price, the youngest mem-
ber of our Karl Fischer instrument
range leaves no wish unfulfilled. The
831 KF Coulometer guarantees pre-
cise and accurate results even in the
low microgram region. Its additional
assets are compact construction, flex-
ibility and easy operation.
The table shows the precision that can
be reached with the 831 KF Coulom-
eter. The results were obtained using
Karl Fischer standards of varying con-
Water content Precision
10...1000 g 3 g
>1000 g 0.3% or better
Graphics display with real-time curve
On the 831 KF Coulometers backlit
LCD screen the user can follow
graphically the course of the Karl
Fischer water determination (g wa-
ter as a function of time). In addition
the curves voltage vs. time and
drift vs. time can be printed out or
viewed on the PC screen. These fea-
tures allow you to assess the deter-
mination and assist method develop-
The 831 KF Coulometer in routine
Often it is felt that an instrument of-
fering extensive capabilities cannot be
easy to operate. The 831 KF Coulom-
eter solves this problem by placing at
your disposal an expert and a stan-
dard mode. In the standard mode only
those functions are accessible that
are needed in routine work. Opera-
tion in this mode requires very few
keystrokes and is extremely easy.
Communication and automation
The 831 KF Coulometer is equipped
with two RS 232C interfaces that al-
low the attachment of a balance,
printer and PC. The Remote inter-
face opens up further possibilities: In
combination with a 774 Oven Sample
Processor, the 831 KF Coulometer
can be expanded to a fully automated
analysis system. Needless to say, the
new 831 KF Coulometer is compat-
ible with the current Metrodata soft-
ware programs TiNet 2.5 and VESUV
Karl Fischer titrators 3
All-embracing flexibility
831 KF Coulometer with 774 Oven Sample Processor: fully automated, fast and highly precise
KF water determinations right down to the trace level.
PC screen with VESUV database.
NEW: PC software included!
With the 831 KF Coulometer you get,
at no extra cost, the Metrodata soft-
ware VESUV 3.0 Light, an easy-to-
operate program for the acquisition
and reprocessing of data. The mea-
suring values and results supplied by
the 831 KF Coulometer are trans-
ferred into a database and presented
in a clearly arranged form with the
corresponding curve m(H
O) vs.
time and the report.
Quality management with Metrohm
The 831 KF Coulometer allows the
complete and clear documentation of
all the determinations performed. The
result output complies with GLP and
includes designation and serial num-
ber of the instrument, software ver-
sion, date, user name and method
GLP and ISO 9000 functions such as
service or validation intervals alert the
user in time for the necessary tests.
The KF reagent can be monitored with
regard to the number of determina-
tions carried out, its useful life span,
drift value or capacity. Whenever the
reagent has to be exchanged, the
corresponding request is issued au-
tomatically. To avoid mishaps of any
kind there is the additional possibility
of setting limits for the sample weight
or volume and for the result. If one of
these quantities lies outside the set
limits, the corresponding warning
message appears in the display and
report and the Remote interface
emits a signal.
The 831 KF Coulometer puts at your
disposal a special GLP mode that fa-
cilitates the periodic testing of the in-
strument: Simply call up this mode
and carry out the validation accord-
ing to Metrohm Application Bulletin
no. 273.
Thermal sample preparation
Use of a KF Oven is recommended
for samples that cannot be introduced
directly into the KF cell. Metrohm of-
fers two different ovens. The 768 KF
Oven can be used if few samples have
to be processed. However, if large
numbers of samples need to be ana-
lyzed, the 774 Oven Sample Proces-
sor is the ideal solution. When com-
bined with the 831 KF Coulometer,
this sophisticated sample changer
allows fully automated water deter-
minations in up to 35 samples. The
analysis system can be operated as
a stand-alone unit or controlled com-
pletely by the Metrodata software
TiNet 2.5.
4 831 KF Coulometer
The features at a glance
The 831 KF Coulometer is easy to operate and offers:
Routine and expert mode
Four tested determination methods are stored in the instru-
Internal memory for approx. 100 user methods
Result management: Take advantage of the instruments re-
sult memory. Per method, up to nine results can be calculated
and stored separately. It is also possible to recalculate results
and to assess them with the instrument softwares statistics
Comprehensive automation with the 774 Oven Sample Pro-
PC keyboard and barcode reader can be attached.
The PC software VESUV 3 Light forms part of the 831 KF
Coulometers package.
LCD screen for user guidance and display of
parameters, live curves and results.
Separate keypad for parameter settings; routine
operation requires only three keys on the front
Karl Fischer titrators 5
Automatic reagent exchange: With a 700 Dosino the
spent KF solution can be replaced automatically by
fresh solution. As the cell remains closed during this
operation, no humidity can enter and the cell is condi-
tioned and ready for use in a very short time.
Cell with or without diaphragm the choice is yours! The 831 KF Coulometer is available with two
different types of generator cells. The diaphragm-less variant needs only one reagent and re-
quires practically no maintenance. It can be used for a large number of applications. Use of the
generator cell with diaphragm is recommended in the following cases: Water determinations in
aldehydes and ketones, extremely low water contents and samples with very low conductivity,
e.g. oils.
Generator cells for the 831 KF Coulometer:
without diaphragm on the left, with dia-
phragm on the right.
6 831 KF Coulometer
The capabilities of the 831 KF Coulometer
General features and scope
Range of water contents 10 g ... 200 mg
Solid, liquid and gaseous samples G
Number of ready-for-use methods 4
Number of user methods that can be stored Up to 100
Automation with 774 Oven Sample Processor G
Automatic conditioning G
Drift stop as endpoint criterion (relative and absolute drift) G
Drift determination G
Real-time curve during titration G
Autostart after sample introduction G
Result calculation and output
Number of results per method 9
Statistics (up to 20 determinations) Mean value, relative and absolute
standard deviation
Recalculation of results G
Curve printout V-t, U-t, drift-t
Result storage G
GLP functions
GLP-compliant documentation G
Routine mode with restricted user rights G
Titrator identification by its serial number G
Validation and service intervals G
GLP method for validating the KF Coulometer G
Dialog languages
English, German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Swedish G
2 RS 232 connections for balance, printer or PC G
Remote connection G
Stirrer connection G
Connection for 700 Dosino for automatic reagent exchange G
Backlit LCD G
Separate keypad G
Coulometric cell with 250 mL glass vessel G
Double platinum electrode G
Measuring input for polarized electrode G
Generator electrode available with or without diaphragm G
Karl Fischer titrators 7
Ordering information, options
Ordering information
831 KF Coulometer
Compact Karl Fischer titrator with coulometric reagent generation, for KF water determinations down to
the microgram range in liquids, solids and gases; absolute method, therefore no titer determination
2.831.0010 831 KF Coulometer with diaphragm cell, 728 Magnetic Stirrer and comprehensive accessories; in-
cludes Metrodata PC software VESUV 3.0 Light.
2.831.0110 831 KF Coulometer with diaphragm-less cell and comprehensive accessories (without stirrer); in-
cludes Metrodata PC software VESUV 3.0 Light.
Titration stand
2.703.0010 703 Titration Stand with built-in magnetic stirrer and pump for exchanging the titration vessel contents
6.1439.010 Tube for addition or siphoning with the 703 Titration Stand (diaphragm-less cell)
6.1805.200 Additional PTFE tubing with two M8 screw nipples for 703 Titration Stand
Magnetic stirrer
2.728.0010 728 Magnetic Stirrer (included in delivery of 2.831.0010 KF Coulometer)
Dosino and Dosing Unit for Liquid Handling (diaphragm-less cell)
2.700.0020 Dosino
Drive for Dosing Unit, with fixed cable (mini DIN plug); is mounted together with the Dosing Unit directly
onto bottles with GL45 glass thread. Aspirates spent solution and adds fresh reagent to the 831 KF
Coulometers cell.
6.5617.000 Equipment for automatic reagent exchange, including 50 mL Dosing Unit and 6.2055.100 holder for two
Remote Box, bottle holder and connecting cables for PC, printer and balance
6.2148.000 Remote Box for connecting a barcode reader and a PC keyboard to the 831 KF Coulometer
6.2055.100 Holder for two bottles (max. 1 L), height adjustable; for reagent and waste bottle when using the 703
Titration Stand (is not needed when working with the 700 Dosino and the 6.5617.000 equipment, as this
latter already contains the 6.2055.100 bottle holder.
6.2125.110 Cable for PC with 25-pin connector (DB25)
6.2134.040 Cable for PC with 9-pin connector (DB9)
6.2134.050 Cable for Epson FX, LX, LQ printer
6.2134.100 Cable for Custom DP40 printer
6.2146.020 Cable for Mettler AM, PM, AT balances
6.2134.060 Cable for Sartorius MP8 and MC1 balances (RS 232C)
768 KF Drying Oven
Oven for coulometric or volumetric KF titrators, with motor-driven sample transfer and built-in air pump.
Temperature range 50...300 C. The built-in RS 232C interface allows to connect a printer or a PC. The
instrument can be remote-controlled via its Remote I/O lines.
2.768.0010 768 KF Drying Oven including pump and comprehensive accessories
6.2141.010 Connecting cable 831 KF Coulometer 768 KF Drying Oven
6.1830.000 Heatable outlet tubing
6.1446.170 Stopper for heatable outlet tubing when working with the diaphragm-less coulometric cell
2.774.0010 774 Oven Sample Processor
Highly flexible instrument combining sample changer, oven and gas pump. Accommodates 35 sample
vessels (20 mm aluminum seal headspace vials) and one conditioning vessel. Programming and manual
operation via keypad equipped with a two-line LCD. Including comprehensive accessories.
8 831 KF Coulometer
Subject to modifications
Printed in Switzerland by Metrohm Ltd., Herisau
8.831.6003 2002-05
Ordering information, options (ctd.)
Metrodata VESUV

6.6008.200 Metrodata VESUV 3.0, including Hardware Dongle, for n instruments
6.6008.500 Metrodata VESUV 3.0 Light, including Hardware Dongle, for max. 2 instruments (included in delivery of
831 KF Coulometer)
PC program (Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000 or XP) for the acquisition of titration data via an RS 232C
interface, method backup, printing of reports, curve display and reprocessing of data. Database with
filter, search and query functions, data export to Excel, Lotus, LIMS Dialog in English or German.
Metrodata TiNet

6.6012.150 Metrodata TiNet 2.5, for n instruments
6.6012.550 Metrodata TiNet 2.5 Light, for max. 2 instruments
Comprehensive, user-friendly PC program (Windows 95, 98, NT, 2000 or XP) for the freely program-
mable control of high-performance titration networks. Complies with FDA 21 CFR Part 11.
Creation and storage of methods
Non-S-shaped curves can be evaluated manually or automatically
Export to database programs, e.g. Access, Excel, or to a LIMS
Display, printing and storage of curves and results
Dialog and instructions for use in English or German
Includes TiNet Hardware Dongle

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