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China Air Compressor Industry 2013-2016

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China Air Compressor Industry

China Air Compressor Industry

Published by : Sino Market Insight
Published : Jan-2013
76 Pages Reort
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$eport $e%ie&
According to China Air Compressor Industry Report, 2013-2016 of Sino Maret Insight, the maret sca!e of air
compressor in China is e"pected to reach RM#20$3 %i!!ion %y 2016, &ith AA'R during 2012-2016 hitting ($2)$
A!ong &ith the continuous en!argement of economic sca!e in China and continuous gro&th of demand on
*ariety and +uantity of air compressors, the air compressor manufacturing industry has risen sharp!y in China$
According to the statistics of China 'enera! Machinery Industry Association Compressor Su%-Association, the
output *a!ue of compressor rose %y 16$3) to RM#1,$,-, %i!!ion in 2011$ It is predicted that the figure &i!!
reach RM#1-$321 %i!!ion in 2012, &ith a gro&th rate of 6) or so$
.he air compressors &ide!y app!ied in China main!y in*o!*e scre& and piston air compressors$ /uring 2006-
2012, among the sa!es of air compressors in China, the share contri%uted %y scre& compressor c!im%ed up
from -2) to (,), and the maret sca!e reached RM#11$3, %i!!ion in 2012$
$eport $e%ie&
In recent years, as the energy sa*ing ad*antages and economic %enefit of scre& compressor ha*e %een
recogni0ed %y the maret gradua!!y, the maret gro&th rate of scre& compressor has %een much higher than
that of the &ho!e compressor industry, and the trend of su%stitution for piston compressor %ecomes
increasing!y c!ear$
China Air Compressor Industry Report, 2013-2016 of Sino Maret Insight main!y in*o!*es fi*e chapters and 6,
charts, and primari!y consists of output, output *a!ue, maret sca!e, main product segments 1scre& and piston air
compressors, etc$2, maret profi!e, competiti*e pattern and future de*e!opment trend of air compressor industry in
China3 mean&hi!e, the report a!so introduces the profi!e, financia! situation, capacity distri%ution, product type, and
!atest de*e!opment trend in China, etc$ of 13 ma4or air compressor manufacturers at home and a%road, inc!uding
5aishan 'roup, 6an%e!! 7recise Machinery, At!as Copco and Ingerso!!-Rand$
'et Details (n : http899&&&$research%eam$com9china-air-compressor-maret
Ta"le o) Content
1# *acro-+conomic +n%ironment in China, 2011--1 2012
1$1 China:s '/7
1$2 ;i"ed In*estment
1$3 Industria! /e*e!opment
1$, Import and <"port <n*ironments
1$- 7er Capita /isposa%!e Income of =r%an and Rura! 6ouseho!ds
1$6 <nge! Coefficient
1$( Macroeconomic ;orecast, 2012-2013<
2# Air Compressor Industry
2$1 /efinition and C!assification
2$2 Industry /e*e!opment
2$3 Industria! Super*ision, >a&s and Regu!ations
2$, Industry 7o!icies
3# Air Compressor *ar.et in China
3$1 Maret Sca!e
3$2 Industria! Competition
3$2$1 Maret Competition
3$2$2 Regiona! Competition
3$2$3 .echnica! and <nergy Sa*ing Competition
3$3 Maret Sca!e of Air Compressor in China, 2013-2016
/# *ain Air Compressor *ar.et 0e1ments in China
,$1 Scre& Compressor
,$2 7iston Compressor
,$3 Centrifuga!, /iaphragm and ?ther Air Compressors
2# (perations o) Air Compressor +nterprises in China
-$1 5aishan 'roup 13002-(2
-$1$1 7rofi!e
-$1$2 5ey ;inancia! Indicators
-$1$3 Re*enue and 'ross Margin %y Sector
-$1$, Re*enue and 'ross Margin %y 7roduct
-$1$- Re*enue and 'ross Margin %y Region
-$1$6 ?peration and R@/ Status
-$2 6an%e!! 7recise Machinery 10021-A2
-$2$1 7rofi!e
-$2$2 5ey ;inancia! Indicators
-$2$3 Re*enue and 'ross Margin %y Sector
-$2$, Re*enue and 'ross Margin %y 7roduct
-$2$- Re*enue and 'ross Margin %y Region
-$2$6 ?peration of Air Compressor
-$3 Bintong!ing 13000C12
-$3$1 7rofi!e
-$3$2 5ey ;inancia! Indicators
-$3$3 Re*enue and 'ross Margin %y Sector
-$3$, Re*enue and 'ross Margin %y 7roduct
-$3$- Re*enue and 'ross Margin %y Region
-$3$6 ?peration and R@/ of Compressor 7roducts
-$, Shaangu 7o&er 160136C2
List Of Figures
'/7 in China, 2010-2012
'/7 in China, 200C-2013
=r%an ;i"ed In*estment Dation&ide, 2002-2012
EoE 'ro&th Rate of Added Fa!ue of Industria! <nterprises a%o*e /esignated Si0e, 2000-2012
EoE 'ro&th Rate of <"port /e!i*ery Fa!ue in China, 200A-2012
.ota! Import @ <"port Fa!ue and 'ro&th .rend in China, 2001-2012
Import @ <"port 'ro&th and #a!ance in China, 2001-2012
.ota! Import and <"port Fa!ue %y Country 1Region2, Bu!$ 2012
7er Capita /isposa%!e Income of =r%an 6ouseho!ds in China, 1CA--2011
<nge! Coefficient of =r%an and Rura! 6ouseho!ds in China
Main Macroeconomic Indicators in China, 2012-2013<
C!assification of Compressor
App!ication ;ie!ds of Compressor
?utput Fa!ue of Air Compressors, 2006-2012
?utput of Air Compressors, 2006-2012
Maret Share of Air Compressor Manufacturers in China
.op 20 <nterprises in China Air Compressor Industry %y Re*enue, 2011-2012
?peration Regions of Ma4or Air Compressor #rands in China
<nergy >a%e! ;i!ing Guantity of /omestic Ma4or Air Compressor #rands
Maret Sca!e of Air Compressor in China, 2012-2016
Maret Sca!e of Main Segments of Air Compressor in China, 2012-2016<
3urchase 4o& : http899&&&$research%eam$com9china-air-compressor-maret9purchase-en+uiry
Maret Sca!e of Main Segments of Air Compressor in China, 2012-2016<
?utput Fa!ue of Scre& Air Compressor in China, 2006-2012
7roportion of Scre& Air Compressor in Air Compressor ?utput Fa!ue, 2006-2012
?utput Fa!ue of 7iston Air Compressor in China, 2006-2012
7roportion of 7iston Air Compressor in Air Compressor ?utput Fa!ue, 2006-2012
Maret Sca!e of ?ther Air Compressors 1<"cept 7iston and Scre&2 in China, 2006-2012
Ma4or Manufacturers of /iaphragm Compressor
Ma4or Manufacturers of Centrifuga! Compressor
5ey ;inancia! Indicators of 5aishan, 2010-2012
Re*enue and Det Income of 5aishan, 2011-2016<
Re*enue and 'ross Margin of 5aishan %y Sector, 2011-2012
Re*enue and 'ross Margin of 5aishan %y 7roduct, 2011-2012
5ey ;inancia! Indicators of 6an%e!!, 2010-2012
Re*enue and Det Income of 6an%e!!, 2011-2016<
Re*enue and 'ross Margin of 6an%e!! %y Sector, 2011-2012
Re*enue and 'ross Margin of 6an%e!! %y 7roduct, 2011-2012
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List Of Figures And Similar Market Studies
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