Torque Charts and Pump Tutorial 3

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Copyright 8 2011 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M University

Proceedings of the Forty-First Turbomachinery Symposium

September 24-27, 2012, Houston, Texas


Fluid Sealing Association
Gasket Division Members
994 Old Eagle School Road #1019
Wayne, PA 19087

The Fluid Sealing
Association (FSA)
is an international
trade association
founded in 1933.
Membership today
represents over 85% of the manufacturing capacity for fluid
sealing devices in North America. Our membership is most
heavily concentrated in North America, but also includes a
number of companies in Europe, Asia and South America.
Now as international trade grows throughout the world and
creates a need for universally accepted standards, we have
become international in scope.


Leakage from static joints has been found to be a major
contributor of emissions in many plants. With the collaboration
from the worlds leading gasket manufacturers, the Gasket
Division of the Fluid Sealing Association has created a training
presentation that will assist all personnel dealing with modern
gasketing applications and issues. What may appear to be a
simple and easy to install component actually requires
knowledge and understanding of its working principles and
characteristics. This paper will start with basic gasketing
concepts and then proceed into details regarding installation &
assembly. It will also address equipment and fastener
considerations, material selection and common uses. Finally,
field failure analysis techniques will be explained so that errors
in selection or installation procedures can be corrected. As the
original format of this paper is based on a digital slide
presentation, the format that follows will follow that layout.


What is a gasket? A gasket is any deformable material that is
used to create a static seal and maintain that seal under the
various conditions of a mechanical assembly.

What is a seal? A seal is created by compressing the gasket
material, causing it to deform and flow into the imperfections
of the sealing surfaces.

What are the physical forces involved?

What is the gasket responsible for?
Maintaining a seal for an indefinite period of time
Chemically resist the fluid being sealed
Withstand system temperatures and pressures without
serious impairment
Resist creep and crushing under load
Must not contaminate the fluid
Will not promote corrosion
Be easily removed

The integrity of a bolted joint depends on:
Selection of the correct components
Careful preparation, cleaning, and installation
Correct bolt tightening and loading

Copyright 8 2011 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M University
How/where do gaskets actually leak?
Tangential (flange-surface interface) leakage

Permeation (through gasket body) leakage

Leaks are:
o Lost production
o Increased maintenance
o Fines
o Health and safety concerns
o Installation techniques are very important

Gaskets dont fail, joints do.
Low bolting torques (inadvertently or by design)
Excessive bolt loads (no torque control)
Weak fastening materials
Inadequate lubrication of fasteners
Poor flange design and weak materials
Uneven compression
Poor gasket cutting and/or storage
Uncontrolled installation practices

Hardware considerations - flanges:
Type (RF, FF, T&G, RTJ )
New or Used?
Surface Condition (Roughness, Tool Marks)
Surface Flatness
Surface Finish (according to gasket manufacturers
Material (Metallurgy, Polymer, Coatings)

Hardware considerations fasteners:
Strength Rating
New (recommended) vs Used (common)
Clean, inspect, and replace anything defective
Anti-corrosion Coatings
Use hardened steel washers

Approximately 75-85% (taken from FSA Sealing Sense,
J anuary 2008. Pumps and Systems Magazine) of all bolted
flange joint failures relate to uncontrolled gasket installation
and joint assembly practices.

Failure analysis of 100 gaskets:

Gasket installation procedures: A guide to successful gasket

Successfully sealing a flanged connection is dependent upon all
components of a well-designed flange system working well
together. This installation overview provides guidance to
maintenance operators, engineers, and fitters, to ensure
successful gasket installation and assembly of bolted flange
connections. It is intended to complement other plant-approved
installation procedures

Specific tools are required for cleaning and tensioning the
fasteners. Additionally, always use standard safety equipment
and follow good safety practices.
Calibrated torque wrench, hydraulic, or other tensioner
Wire brush (brass if possible)
Safety goggles
Other plant-specified equipment

1a. Clean
Remove all foreign material and debris from:
o Seating surfaces
o Fasteners (bolts or studs)
o Nuts
o Washers
Use plant-specified dust control procedures

1b. Examine
Examine fasteners (bolts or studs), nuts, and washers
for defects such as burrs or cracks
Examine flange surfaces for warping, radial scores,
heavy tool marks, or anything prohibiting proper

Copyright 8 2011 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M University
gasket seating
Replace components if found to be defective. If in
doubt, seek advice.

2. Align flanges
Align flange faces and bolt holes without using
excessive force
Report any misalignment

3. Install gasket
Ensure gasket is the specified size and material
Examine the gasket to ensure it is free of defects
Carefully insert the gasket between the flanges
Make sure the gasket is centered between the flanges
Do not use jointing compounds or release agents on
the gasket or seating surfaces unless specified by the
gasket manufacturer
Bring flanges together, ensuring the gasket isnt
pinched or damaged

4a. Lubricate load-bearing surfaces
Use only specified or approved lubricants
Liberally apply lubricant uniformly to all thread, nut,
and washer load-bearing surfaces
Ensure lubricant doesnt contaminate either flange or
gasket face

4b. Install and tighten fasteners
Always use proper tools: calibrated torque wrench or
other controlled tensioning device
Consult your gasket manufacturer for guidance on
torque specifications
Always torque in a cross bolt tightening pattern
Tighten the nuts in multiple steps in a cross pattern
Step 1: Tighten all nuts initially by hand (Larger
bolts may require a small hand wrench.)
Step 2: Torque each nut to approximately 30% of
full torque
Step 3: Torque each nut to approximately 60% of
full torque
Step 4: Torque each nut to full torque, again using
the cross bolt tightening pattern. (Large
diameter flanges may require additional
tightening passes.)
Step 5: Apply at least one final full torque to all
nuts in a clockwise direction until all
torque is uniform. (Large diameter flanges
may require additional tightening passes.)

5. Retightening
Caution: consult your gasket manufacturer for
guidance and recommendations on re-tightening
Do not re-torque elastomer-based, asbestos-free
gaskets after they have been exposed to elevated
temperatures unless otherwise specified
Re-torque fasteners exposed to aggressive thermal
All retorquing should be performed at ambient
temperature and atmospheric pressure
Consult with the gasket manufacturer for specific
recommendations on retightening under hot

Gasket installation summary:
Clean and inspect all load bearing surfaces for defects
Follow some sort of assembly and torquing procedure
(eg. ASME PCC-1)
Use a cross-pattern torqueing procedure
Consult the gasket manufacturer for material specific


Because a tight bolted flange connection is directly dependent
on the fasteners
Use new bolts every time
Use the strongest bolt every time
Use proper lubrication every time
Consider the flange (yield) strength every time

What is the function of a bolt/fastener?
To hold things together
To transfer load

You must also take into consideration:
The overall purpose of the fastener
Thickness and material of the material being joined
The configuration of the overall joint
The operating environment
The type of loading

The following graph depicts the evenness of the bolt stress or
strain that creates and maintains the compression on the gasket.
Since these bolts are new, their performance is even and

Due to previous torquing and the effects that temperature can
have on even the strongest bolting materials, the following
graph depicts the tremendous differences in bolt stress among
used bolts, even when installed properly.

Copyright 8 2011 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M University

Another factor often overlooked is that the installation-torque
value normally specified for a bolt-nut combination is
essentially valid only for the initial assembly of the fastener.
Continued use of the same bolt-nut assembly tends to alter and
change the coefficient of friction properties of the nut, resulting
in lower preload in the bolt after as few as five installations.
This graph illustrates this effect with data from other tests
showing that preload loss for the same fastener combination
can range as much as 30 to 60% after 10 installations. The
following graph has been adapted from "The Standard
Handbook of Fastening and J oining" Robert O. Parmley Editor-
in-Chief. ed1996.

Why use stronger bolts? Here are the yield values (we never
recommend over 80% of total yield as a safety factor) and the
corresponding torque values for 5 common -10 bolting
materials. You can clearly see that standard stainless steel bolts
(B8 Class I) are a problem. We typically recommend Grade B7
and Grade 8 bolts and studs with their corresponding nuts and
hardened flat washers. If there is a corrosive atmosphere, then
ptfe coated B7 or B8 Class II materials are recommended.
Another reason for using the ptfe coated materials is that the
ptfe acts as a lubricant.

As much as 60% - 70% of the bolt stress can be lost due to
friction between the bolts, nuts, washers, and load bearing
surfaces. We refer to this sum of friction values as nut factor
(NF) when calculating recommended assembly torque values.
All of these surfaces should be well lubricated. This slide
depicts the different torque values needed to obtain 60% yield
of the same B7 stud with differing lubrication areas. If you do
not lubricate properly, even if torque wrenches are used, you
are guessing at the load being applied to the gasket. It is also
important to note that when using PTFE coated bolts, it is
critical to follow the recommended torque values for such.

Fasteners summary: Fastener materials are some of the least
expensive items that are purchased, yet they are absolutely
critical in how our gaskets perform. And when there is a
leaking flange, the gasket, not the bolts, almost always gets the
blame. Failure analysis has proven that poor installation and
poor fasteners are responsible for more than 75% of leaks.
Gaskets will perform only as good as the fasteners and the
method of installation. Gaskets dont failjoints do. Its a
system bolts-gasket-flange.


Application requirements and restrictions
Environmental compliance and considerations
Financial requirements and restrictions
Material group/class considerations

Copyright 8 2011 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M University
Application requirements and restrictions:
Tightness allowable leakage rate
Temperature max/min/continuous, thermal cycling
Media gas, liquid, steam, alkalis, acids, ultra-pure,
FDA, oxygen
Pressure min/max, constant, surges
Hardware flange design, flange material, new/old,
RF, FF, available gasket load
Size 3 and 8 Class 150 loading issues, large
diameter flatness

Environmental compliance and considerations: Environmental
requirements and restrictions are more important these days
than ever before. If your company is not bound by legislation it
can often be bound by internal protocols such as ISO 14000,
BS 7750, and EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) or
even public groups.
Clean Air Act EPA
IPPC Directive BREF documents
TA Luft
End-user qualification requirements
Action groups
Note: IPPC Directive (Integrated Pollution Prevention and
Control): The IPPC Directive has been in place for over 10
years and the Commission has undertaken a 2 year review with
all stakeholders to examine how it, and the related legislation
on industrial emissions, can be improved to offer the highest
level of protection for the environment and human health while
simplifying the existing legislation and cutting unnecessary
administrative costs. BREF documents are Best available
techniques REFerence documents

Financial requirements and restrictions: There are many
financial requirements and restrictions to consider and many of
these involve inputs from several departments. It is always
beneficial to consider long-term costs when selecting any
material but there are times where immediate financial
constraints overrule this approach.
Gasketing products come in various quality grades,
types, and price ranges. As most things in life, the
more the product costs, the better it performs and the
longer it lasts (not always, but more often than not).
Many end-user companies have supply contracts that
are set on specific financial parameters. This may limit
the type of material that can be used due to its cost.
One factor not often considered is lost production
costs. If a lower quality/cost material is used solely for
financial reasons, a premature failure or frequent
replacements may end up costing significantly more
than what a premium material may have cost from the
Similarly, repeat installation and replacement costs
more money than what is typically realized.

Material group/class considerations:
Chemical Compatibility
Thermal Stability
Blow-Out Resistance
Gas Permeability
Conformability to Surface Imperfections
Torque Retention
Creep Relaxation
Non-contamination and Particulation
FDA and other Regulatory Compliance

Now you must enter the gasketing world: Many people dont
realize the vast array of gasketing materials available. This is a
fairly comprehensive list of material groups that are common.
When you combine this list with the number of manufacturers
producing them and the number of styles in each group from
each manufacturer, you literally end up with multiple thousands
of gasketing choices available to you. It becomes a little
Carbon Fiber
Flexible Graphite
Filled PTFE
Miscellaneous (paper, cork, etc.)
Expanded PTFE
Microcellular PTFE
Envelope Gaskets
Spiral Wound
Metal Reinforced
Corrugated Metal Core
Ring J oints

So how do you choose which gasket is right for you?
On your own, the right choice is very complicated
Groups, discussion boards
Gasket Manufacturers sites
Equipment Manufacturers sites
Trade Associations
Internal specifications
Supplier/engineering contracts
On your own, overwhelming is probably an
understatement. There are simply too many inputs of
information available that someone would have to
consider. So then how do you make the best selection?

In order to choose the right material
Get the manufacturers involved
o They are the technical experts and do not
want to see misapplications of their material
o The FSA has a data sheet that can be
completed and submitted to the manufacturer
for a complete analysis of your application
o They can provide you with recommendations
based on similar applications with other users

Copyright 8 2011 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M University
o but, they can only make recommendations
based on the accuracy and completeness of
the information you provide


Homogeneous rubber sheet
Many types of elastomeric polymers
Inorganic and/or carbon fillers used to reinforce and
increase tensile strength
o Required for the integrity of the product
Finished sheets come in a variety of hardness
expressed by the Shore A hardness scale
o The lower the number the softer the material
Media compatibility depends on polymer type and
Rubber sheet compound constituents vary
o NBR sheet from manufacturer A may not
be the same as from manufacturer B
Ideal as full face gaskets with flat faced flanges
o Low compression, low load to obtain a seal
Can be crushed in a raised face flanges
Prevalent in water systems

Fiber-reinforced rubber bound

Many types of reinforcing fibers being used
NBR and SBR rubber are most common binders
Vast mixology of additional fillers
Wide range of compressibility and recovery
Coatings for anti-stick properties
Anti-swell and swell technologies
Wide array of media compatibility
Generally limited to Class 150 and 300 systems
Gasket factors vary
Torque requirements are specific
Original flange design can limit use

PTFE (virgin, filled, expanded)
Excellent sealability characteristics
Withstands aggressive chemicals
Various fillers and processes to reduce gasket creep
Conforms well to flange/surface irregularities
Very good for bolt stress limited systems
Very easy to cut and handle
Generally limited to Class 150 and 300 systems
Gasket creep can be a concern
Typically limited to 500
F continuous

Flexible Graphite (homogeneous, laminated)
Very good for high temperatures
Purity levels can be controlled for specific applications
Metallic cores improve robustness
Very good media compatibility
Highly compressible and conformable to imperfect
surface conditions
Must be careful of oxidizing environments
Impurities can cause quick deterioration
Can cause media contamination through particulation
Graphite is easily marked and damaged

Semi-metallic: spiral wound gaskets
Wide range of temperature and pressure limits
Density profile can be varied to accommodate
available bolt loads
Inner rings are now recommended by ASME B16.20
Improves performance and eliminates inward buckling
Various filler materials available to satisfy temperature
and media compatibility requirements
Wide array of metallurgy available
Common marking system makes identification easy
Inward buckling can be an issue with no inner ring
Required seating stress is typically high
Large sizes must be carefully handled as they can be
bulky and heavy
Design tolerances can allow for sealing element
separation from the carrier ring

Semi-metallic: Serrated Metal Core with Soft Facing Material
Robust design good for high and cycling temperature
and pressures
Excellent sealing characteristics
Good in low available stress applications
Metallurgy and facing options allow vast media
sealing capabilities
Good bolt torque retention
Design provides low creep results
Can be refaced

Metallic: Ring Type Joints (RTJ)
Typically used for very high pressure and temperature
Standard designs/dimensions to ASME B16.20 and
API Specification 6A
Requires very robust specialized flanges
Flange surface finish is very important
RTJ metal hardness in critical

A general guide to product capabilities: The following charte is
intended to bring all the previous information together in a very
general format. It is by no means to scale or all inclusive. The 3
scales indicate temperature (top bar)), pressure (middle bar) and
chemical resistance (bottom bar). The scale moves from
low/weak at the left to high/aggressive on the right. It should be
noted that in order to achieve any maximum rating, the
appropriate components within any given product type must be
selected. This makes it very important to get to know your

Copyright 8 2011 by Turbomachinery Laboratory, Texas A&M University

In order to make the best choice and avoid misapplication,
provide as much information as possible to your gasket
General application description/type
Temperature (minimum, maximum, continuous)
Pressure (minimum, maximum, normal)
Thermal cycling (yes/no, range)
Vibration (yes/no, frequency)
Pressure stability (stable, intermittent, +/-)
Installation setting (new, existing)
Media being sealed (pH, concentration, specific
Media state (liquid, gas, mixed)
Suspended particulates (yes/no, size)
Flanges (new/old, RF/FF, surface finish, groove type,
Fasteners (material, grade, diameter, number, washers)


Before doing anything in the field, make safety a number
one priority!
Is the equipment hot?
Is the equipment under pressure?
What is the media being sealed?
Wear goggles and other protective items.
Wear a safety helmet.
Follow plant safety procedures at all times,
including elevated locations.

Field analysis requires some detective work:
Verify gasketing material in the joint
Verify system media
Verify temperature and pressure
Determine if pressure or temperature spikes are
Determine bolt grade, torque method, torque level,
lubrication, etc.
Inspect seating surface of the gasket
Check the impressions left by the flange on the gasket
Check for gasket treatments or coatings
Check for chemical attack
Measure gasket thickness all the way around seating
area (I.D. and O.D.) and compare variations
Important note: Most full face flanges do not allow for
adequate gasket compression on full face gaskets. Use caution
and consult your gasket manufacturer for assistance.


The integrity of a bolted joint depends on
Selection of the correct components
Careful preparation, cleaning, and installation
Correct bolt tightening and loading

Contrary to common belief, gaskets rarely fail.

When dealing with gaskets ALWAYS consult with the
manufacturer and leverage their expertise.

For more information on everything sealing, please visit

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