The document discusses digital logic circuits and CMOS technology. It covers:
1) How CMOS logic uses transistors to implement logic gates like inverters, NAND and NOR gates using either n-doped or p-doped transistors as switches.
2) The electrical characteristics of CMOS including static behavior during non-changing inputs/outputs and dynamic behavior during changing inputs/outputs.
3) Other concepts like logic levels and noise margins, fanout, leakage current, electrostatic discharge, propagation delay and timing hazards that can occur in digital circuits.
The document discusses digital logic circuits and CMOS technology. It covers:
1) How CMOS logic uses transistors to implement logic gates like inverters, NAND and NOR gates using either n-doped or p-doped transistors as switches.
2) The electrical characteristics of CMOS including static behavior during non-changing inputs/outputs and dynamic behavior during changing inputs/outputs.
3) Other concepts like logic levels and noise margins, fanout, leakage current, electrostatic discharge, propagation delay and timing hazards that can occur in digital circuits.
The document discusses digital logic circuits and CMOS technology. It covers:
1) How CMOS logic uses transistors to implement logic gates like inverters, NAND and NOR gates using either n-doped or p-doped transistors as switches.
2) The electrical characteristics of CMOS including static behavior during non-changing inputs/outputs and dynamic behavior during changing inputs/outputs.
3) Other concepts like logic levels and noise margins, fanout, leakage current, electrostatic discharge, propagation delay and timing hazards that can occur in digital circuits.
The document discusses digital logic circuits and CMOS technology. It covers:
1) How CMOS logic uses transistors to implement logic gates like inverters, NAND and NOR gates using either n-doped or p-doped transistors as switches.
2) The electrical characteristics of CMOS including static behavior during non-changing inputs/outputs and dynamic behavior during changing inputs/outputs.
3) Other concepts like logic levels and noise margins, fanout, leakage current, electrostatic discharge, propagation delay and timing hazards that can occur in digital circuits.
- recall that in Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) logic, voltage level represents binary value with typical levels being: 0 01.5 V, 1 3.55.0 V
How do we implement gates? using electronic switches
Inverter (NOT)
- switches can be implemented using transistors based on semiconductor material such as n-doped silicon (NMOS) or p-doped silicon (PMOS)
Digital Circuits - 1 ENGI 3861 Digital Logic NMOS transistor
V gate =0 V transistor is off and does not conduct (I =0) switch open
V gate =5 V transistor is on and conducts (I >0) switch closed
PMOS transistor
V gate =0 V transistor is on and conducts (I>0) switch closed
V gate =5 V transistor is off and does not conduct (I =0) switch open
- PMOS operation is complementary to NMOS
Digital Circuits - 2 ENGI 3861 Digital Logic - simple representation of transistors
CMOS Inverter
- uses NMOS and PMOS in a complementary way to reduce power/energy consumption Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS)
- aside: reflect on why reducing power/energy consumption is important!
Digital Circuits - 3 ENGI 3861 Digital Logic CMOS NAND
Function Table for NAND
A B Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Z
Note: in CMOS circuits, PMOS transistors must be connected to power supply (V DD ) and NMOS transistors must be connected to ground (0 V) CMOS AND cannot be constructed using 4 transistors, but can be constructed with 6 transistors since AND NAND +NOT Digital Circuits - 4 ENGI 3861 Digital Logic CMOS NOR
Function Table for NOR (complete at home)
A B Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Z
Note: CMOS OR gate must be constructed using 6 transistors based on OR NOR +NOT Digital Circuits - 5 ENGI 3861 Digital Logic (b) Electrical Characteristics of CMOS
Static Behaviour - input and output signals of gates are not changing static power consumption, noise immunity, tolerances between input and output levels
Dynamic Behaviour - input and output signals of gates are changing dynamic power consumption, timing from input change to output change
Logic Levels and Noise Margin
I/O Characteristic of CMOS Inverter
- inputs allowed over wider range than precise outputs
e.g., V in <1.5 V produces V out very close to 5 V V in >3.5 V produces V out very close to 0 V Digital Circuits - 6 ENGI 3861 Digital Logic - DC noise margin (NM) is amount of noise to corrupt an output so that the input of the subsequent gate will not be properly recognized
- consider data sheet in Table 3.3:
V OHmin =4.4 V (with I OH =20 A) V IHmin =3.15 V
NM H =4.4 3.15 =1.25 V
V ILmax =1.35 V V OLmax =0.1 V (with I OL =20 A)
NM L =1.35 0.1 =1.25 V
- this presumes the expected operating condition will have current sourced/sunk by output to be ~20 A Digital Circuits - 7 ENGI 3861 Digital Logic Fanout
- fanout is number of gates that can be connected to an output
- consider
- ideally inverters have input impedance (resistance) I =0
in practice, small amount of leakage current, I leak , flows through gate and if n too large, I ~ nI leak too large and V out <<V DD
causing improper high input to 2nd level of gates
Leakage Current
- leakage current I leak will occur whenever power is applied to circuit (i.e., V DD has voltage applied)
when a device is in standby mode, V DD is applied, and even though logic gates are not changing, power consumption occurs due to leakage current
device batteries are draining! Digital Circuits - 8 ENGI 3861 Digital Logic Electrostatic Discharge
- in CMOS devices, static electricity may discharge across insulation between gate and drain/source of transistor thereby destroying device
sometimes necessary to be careful when handling CMOS devices, e.g., wear wrist strap that connects to ground to avoid static charge build up
CMOS devices used in lab should be robust enough to avoid electrostatic damage without any special precautions
Transition Time
- when a gates output changes, it needs to charge/discharge stray capacitances caused by transistors and wires
- obviously t r and t f affect speed of switching, i.e., rate of gate changes
Digital Circuits - 9 ENGI 3861 Digital Logic Propagation Delay
- propagation delay is time required for input signal to cause a change in output signal of a gate due to change of state required on internal transistors prior to state change at output
idealized inverter timing
realistic inverter timing
- in theory could design CMOS NAND and NOR gates with any number of inputs n
Consider output of NAND gate
as n |, #transistors in series goes up (since =n) Digital Circuits - 10 ENGI 3861 Digital Logic
- since drain-source resistance is not zero and current being drawn from Z to ground, voltage across transistors increases as n |
practically limits n because with transistors in series all on, Z should be small (~ 0 V) and must meet V OLmax
- typically NAND gates are kept to 6 or fewer inputs, fan-in s 6
- similar arguments limit the fan-in of NOR gates
Logic Families
TTL Transistor-Transistor Logic (Bipolar Logic) - uses bipolar junction transistor will learn about in ENGI 4854 Electronic Devices - popular in 1970s, but now supplanted by CMOS
CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor - takes much less power that TTL - many sub-families high speed, lower power, and/or TTL compatibility - to operate CMOS at high speed, use supply voltage V DD ~ 5 V - to operate CMOS at lower power, use lower supply voltage of, say, V DD ~ 3.3 V
- 7400 series ICs are SSI and MSI packages for building digital systems out of discrete component when size, power, speed, large scale manufacturing costs are not important
- in practice, many digital systems are now integrated into one or at most a few ICs LSI, VLSI, ULSI Digital Circuits - 11 ENGI 3861 Digital Logic (d) Timing Hazards
Static Hazards
Consider AND-OR circuit:
- recall each gate has a propagation delay, which is typically different for different types of gates and can even vary somewhat from gate to gate of same type
for convenience, assume all gates in above circuit have same propagation delay, t prop
Timing Diagram
Digital Circuits - 12 ENGI 3861 Digital Logic F should stay at 1, but drops to 0 momentarily static-1 hazard static because output should not change, but does experience a momentary glitch hazard possibility that glitch can occur
- static-0 hazards would exist with OR-AND circuits (circuits built from POS form)
- note: a circuit with a static hazard may experience a glitch, but may not depends on propagation delay of gates
- also, hazard may not matter to functionality of circuit e.g., not critical in synchronous sequential logic but critical in asynchronous sequential logic design
- can use K-maps to identify and remove:
YZ 01 11 10
1 00 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 X
no AND term covers XYZ =110 and 111 moving between these inputs could cause a glitch
to resolve, add extra gate to cover these 2 minterms resulting in
- no glitch possible no static hazard Digital Circuits - 13 ENGI 3861 Digital Logic Digital Circuits - 14 Dynamic Hazards
output should be
but becomes
- hence, circuit has dynamic hazard possibility of output changing more than once due to a single input change
- methods to eliminate in multilevel circuits not in scope of course