Avery Dennison Reflective Products: Product Catalog

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Avery Dennison Reflective Products

Product Catalog
Avery Dennison Reflective Products
Product Catalog

Avery Dennison Reflective Traffic & Work Zone Films

Products is a leading developer Omni-View™ Premium Microprismatic Sheeting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
and manufacturer of innova- Prismatic and Fluorescent Prismatic Retroreflective Sheetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
tive reflective products used Glass-bead Sheetings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
throughout the world. This cata- Accessories: Transparent Overlay Films and Inks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
log provides brief descriptions of Construction Work Zone Films. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
our full line of high performance,
high durability and high value Safety Products
products available through our Flexible Films for Safety Apparel & Other Specialty Films. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
expanding network of world- Vehicle Conspicuity Tapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
wide offices. Individual product
Fleet & Commercial Graphics
brochures, specifications, and
technical information can be ob- Night Visible Series. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
tained from any of these offices License Plate & Security Films
or electronically on the Internet.
License Plate, Window Sticker and Validation Films. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
All product lines are supported by Secure MarkTM Non-reproducible Security Films. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
superior cube-corner, glass-bead,
and microreplication technologies Doing Business with Avery Dennison
which are constantly improved Customer Support Contact. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover
through aggressive Six Sigma
World-wide Locations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover
management techniques. All of our
field and customer support services
are dedicated to ensuring your
satisfaction. Searching for a leader
in reflective products? Then look
to the capabilities of the Reflec-
tive Products of Avery Dennison.
Omni-View™ Premium Microprismatic Sheeting

The robust performance characteristics of Avery

Dennison Omni-View™ reflective sheeting make
it the perfect choice for applications requiring
high reflectivity at both long and short distances.

Higher Brightness Durability

Omni-View™ is the perfect choice for premium The sheeting structure combined with the
prismatic sheeting applications where enhanced exceptionally strong welding process used to
short-distance brightness is desired while main- bond the materials produces a tough sheeting
taining long-distance brightness. with outstanding weathering properties with
a 12-year durability.
Omni-View can be used in rural signage ap-
plications where long-distance brightness for Application
conspicuity is needed for recognition, and short
Omni-View reflective sheeting has no orientation
distance brightness is needed for legibility. Ad-
requirements! This benefit allows sign shops to
ditionally, the overall reflective performance of
maximize their material yield both for legend and
Omni-View allows it to stand out against the
sign blank nesting, saving money since separate
competing brightness of urban background light
inventories are not needed for specific-orienta-
while maintaining legibility.
tion materials. Government agencies may reduce
liability as there is no risk of a sheeting orienta-

for tion error creating a road sign not meeting the

the long
required specification!

& short
of it…
and everything in between!

ASTM Colors Fluorescent Colors

Product D-4956 White Yellow Orange Blue Green Red Brown FL Yellow FL Yel-Green FL Orange

Omni-View™ Type IX and T-9500 T-9501 — T-9505 T-9507 T-9508 T-9509 T-9511 T-9513 W-9514
Proposed Type XI

Product Numbers

Prismatic and Fluorescent Prismatic
Retroreflective Sheetings

Avery Dennison prismatic reflective sheeting for highway signs provides a level of brightness
3 to 4 times greater than current federal minimum standards. How? Our pioneering cube-cor-
ner reflector design has 22,000 microprisms per square inch for greater reflectivity at typical
highway observation angles. Available in two grades: T-7500 MVP (Maximum Visual Perfor-
mance) provides the highest level of reflectivity for ASTM D-4956 Type VIII applications while
series T-6500 is a high intensity grade for ASTM D-4956 Type III/IV applications.

Prismatic T-6500 Prismatic High Intensity Grade sheeting

T-7500 MVP (Maximum Visual Performance) offers a viable alternative to glass-beaded high
offers excellent daytime color and the highest intensity sheetings where brighter daytime colors
levels of reflectivity. It is our top-line prismatic and slightly higher reflectivity levels are desired.
sheeting applicable for all high speed roadways T-6500 Prismatic High Intensity sheeting is a
and urban areas where higher ambient light durable, highly reflective sheeting designed for
levels can make signs less visible. T-7500 MVP traffic control and guide signs. T-6500 meets
is ideal for overhead guide signs and directional ASTM D-4956 Types III and IV specifications.
signs which receive less light from vehicle Cuttable
headlamps. Traffic signs manufactured with
Both T-7500C MVP and T-6500C sheetings are
T-7500 MVP provide early detection and an
cuttable for fabricating sign legends.
extended range of sign legibility, offering drivers
the maximum time to read and react. All T-7500 Fluorescent
MVP sheeting is watermarked with the Avery T-7511 MVP Fluorescent Yellow is for traffic
Dennison logo and meets or exceeds the ASTM warning signs.
D-4956 Type VIII specification.
T-7513 MVP Fluorescent Yellow-Green is for
crosswalk and school zone signs.

Fluorescent Construction Work Zone Films are

listed on page 5.

ASTM Colors Fluorescent Colors

Product D-4956 White Yellow Orange Blue Green Red Brown FL Yellow FL Yel-Green FL Orange

T-7500 MVP Type VIII T-7500 T-7501 — T-7505 T-7507 T-7508 T-7509 T-7511 T-7513 W-7514
T-7500 MVP Cuttable Type VIII T-7500C — — — — — — — — —
T-6500 Type III/IV T-6500 T-6501 W-6504 T-6505 T-6507 T-6508 T-6509 — — —
T-6500 Cuttable Type III/IV T-6500C — — — — — — — — —

Product Numbers

Glass-bead Sheetings

Avery Dennison glass-bead reflective sheet-

ings are suitable for many traffic sign applica-
tions. These sheetings deliver excellent value
by balancing performance and life cycle costs.

Glass-bead Sheetings Series T-1000 Engineering Grade reflective

T-5500A High Intensity Grade sheeting is an sheeting is an enclosed lens material which meets
encapsulated lens glass-bead sheeting which or exceeds requirements of ASTM D-4956 Type
exceeds the reflectivity requirements of ASTM I specifications. This sheeting is the lowest cost
D-4956 Type III specification. T-5500 is appro- reflective sheeting specified for use in traffic ap-
priate for traffic control and many other signing plications.
applications. Series M-0500 Utility-Commercial Grade sheet-
Series T-2000 Super Engineering Grade reflec- ing is excellent for use in parking lots and other
tive sheeting is an enclosed lens material which applications requiring a low-cost alternative with
provides twice the brightness of Engineering minimal specification requirements.
Grade and 10-year durability. Meets or exceeds
require­ments of ASTM D-4956 Type II specifica-
tions. This cost-effective and user-friendly sheet-
ing performs well in many applications.

ASTM Colors
Product Adhesive D-4956 White Yellow Orange Blue Green Red Brown Gold

T-5500A Permanent PSA* Type III T-5500 T-5501 W-5504 T-5505 T-5507 T-5508 T-5509 —
T-2500 Permanent PSA* Type II T-2500 T-2501 W-2504 T-2505 T-2507 T-2508 — —
T-2200 Wood PSA* Type II T-2200 — W-2204 — — — — —
T-1500 Permanent PSA* Type I T-1500 T-1501 W-1504 T-1505 T-1507 T-1508 T-1509 —
T-1200 Wood PSA* Type I T-1200 — W-1204 — — — — —
M-0500 Permanent PSA* NA M-0500 M-0501 W-0504 M-0505 M-0507 M-0508 M-0509 M-0503

*Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Product Numbers

Accessories: Transparent Overlay Films and Inks

Avery Dennison Overlay and Ink

Systems are designed to match
the Avery Dennison reflective
sheeting type you are using.

Overlay Films Inks

OL-2000 Acrylic Overlay delivers excellent trans- 4930 is a one-part, 10-year solvent-based ink
parency and can be used on all Avery Dennison system for use on most Avery Dennison sheeting
reflective sheeting grades. OL-2000 has 10-year products.
durability. Available in Yellow, Red, Green, Blue,
UVTS screen printing inks are used in UV-cur-
Brown and Black.
ing systems. Use of UVTS Clear Coat or Avery
OL-1000 Premium Anti-Graffiti Film is an optically Dennison OL-1000 Premium Anti-Graffiti sheeting
clear film with up to 10-year durability. is required for 7- or 10-year durability. Refer to
Instructional Bulletin 8.55 (available on the web)
Avery Dennison also offers a range of opaque
for sheeting compatibility.
cast and calendared vinyl films from the Graph-
ics Division to meet all of your signing needs. 10TS is a two-part, 10-year solvent-based
ink with graffiti resistance for use on all Avery
Dennison traffic-series reflective sheetings.
For the latest instructional bulletins, please refer 7TS is a one-part, 7-year solvent-based ink
to www.reflectives.averydennison.com for use on all Avery Dennison traffic reflective
sheetings. A 10-year durability can be achieved
by using a 7TS Clear Coat or applying Avery
Dennison OL-1000 Premium Anti-Graffiti Film
to the printed sign.

Construction Work Zone Films

When conditions require temporary traffic control

devices to warn drivers of roadside hazards, Avery
Dennison offers a range of work zone sign sheet-
ing and pre-striped barricade reflective sheeting
for optimal visibility in hazardous work zone areas.

Fluorescent Sheeting Pre-Striped Barricade Sheeting

W-9514 Omni-View™ Fluorescent Orange is a W-6200 is a Prismatic High Intensity Grade pre-
prismatic sheeting with a permanent pressure stripe barricade sheeting for wood applications.
sensitive adhesive for rigid signing applications.
W-6100 is a Prismatic High Intensity Grade pre-
Fluorescent orange with Omni-View optimizes
stripe barricade sheeting for plastic applications.
reflectivity performance at both long and short
distances. W-1200 is an Engineering Grade pre-stripe
barricade sheeting for wood applications.
W-7514 MVP Fluorescent Orange is a prismatic
sheeting with a permanent pressure sensitive W-1100 is an Engineering Grade pre-stripe
adhesive for rigid signing applications. barricade sheeting for plastic applications.

ASTM Spacing
Product Application D-4956 4" Left 4" Right 6" Left 6" Right

W-6200 Wood Type III/IV W-6242 W-6243 W-6244 W-6245

W-6100 Plastic Type III/IV W-6142 W-6143 W-6144 W-6145
W-1200 Wood Type I W-1242 W-1243 W-1244 W-1245
W-1100 Plastic Type I W-1142 W-1143 W-1144 W-1145

Product Numbers

Flexible Films for Safety Apparel
& Other Specialty Films

Avery Dennison Omni-BriteTM Series S-9000 has

omni-directional performance! This means you can
offer your customers the highest levels of reflectiv-
ity no matter which way they twist, turn, or bend.

Omni-Brite™ Omni-BriteTM S-9000C is the sister product to

Omni-BriteTM is a flexible microprismatic material S-9000 and is a flexible, microprismatic material
designed for use on safety vests and other gar- suitable for conversion into cone collars
ments. It offers high levels of reflectivity no matter and similar products.
which way people turn, twist, or bend — even
in all wet weather conditions. Translucent Prismatic
Reflective Films
Omni-BriteTM is machine washable and has 6600 Translucent Reflective Sheeting is engi-
been certified to meet or exceed many industry neered for all back-lit signing applications includ-
standards, including ANSI/ISEA-107, EN-471, ing airport runway signs or emergency exit signs
and CSA-Z96. where loss of internal illumination could be fatal.

Color Fluorescent Color

Product Type / Usage Specifications White FL Yellow-Green

Omni-BriteTM Safety Vests ANSI/ISEA 107; Omni-BriteTM S-9000 Omni-BriteTM S-9013

S-9000 EN 471; CSA-Z96
Omni-BriteTM Cone Collars ASTM D-4956 Omni-BriteTM S-9000C —
S-9000C Types III, IV, & VI

Light Transmission Levels

Product Type / Usage Specifications Colors High Medium

6600* Translucent Film ASTM D-4956 Type I; White 6630 6620

FAA AC150/5345-44F
6601* Translucent Film ASTM D-4956 Type I; Yellow 6631 6621
FAA AC150/5345-44F

*Front surface adhesive. Product Numbers

Vehicle Conspicuity Tapes

Research has documented that vehicle conspi-

cuity tape improves road safety through accident
avoidance and reduction in accident sever-
ity. Increased safety results in reduced liability
payments and additional savings for your fleet.

V-5720 Vehicle Conspicuity Tape is the original V-9700 Conspicuity Tape is designed for use in
version of conspicuity used in the United States, many different applications from school buses to
Brazil and other countries for truck conspicuity. slow-moving vehicles. It meets all applicable indus­
It is a metallized microprismatic tape offering try specifications including ASTM D-4956 Type V,
easy application with its single-ply construction. ANSI/ASAE S279.11 for agricultural equipment
V-5720 is a highly durable tape available in vari- and ANSI/ASAE S276.5 for Slow-Moving vehicle
ous striping configurations. It is offered in both emblems. It is available in yellow, red, and white.
3 and 7-year durabilities. All V-5720 is available
V-9700RR/V-9701RR Rail Car Delineator Tape
with logo configurations.
increases the visibility of your rolling stock; carries
V-6700 Vehicle Conspicuity Tape, available in the official FRA-224 watermark.
white, yellow, and red, meets ECE-104, Class “C”
specification and carries the official watermark.

Product Specifications White Yellow Red Red & White

V-9700† ASTM D-4956 Type V; V-9700 V-9701 V-9722 —

FMVSS 131; FMVSS 217
V-6700 ECE-104, Class “C” V-6700 V-6701 V-6708 —
V-5720-7* FMVSS 108 (7-year) V-5720-7 — — V-5720-7/12C (6"R/6"W);
V-5720-7/18C (11"R/7"W)
V-5720-7-LT** FMVSS 108 (Low Temp) V-5720-7-LT — — V-5720-7-LT/12C (6"R/6"W);
V-5720-7-LT/18C (11"R/7"W)
V-5720-3* FMVSS 108 (3-year) V-5720-3 — — V-5720-3/12C (6"R/6"W)
V-5720-3/18C (11"R/7"W)

Available in trapezoidal kiss-cut rolls and cut

Product Numbers
strips for customer application to SMV emblems.

*Available in strips or kiss-cut rolls. Call for details.

**For application at 0°F (-18°C).

Fleet & Commercial Graphics

Avery Dennison Night Visible Series is a

complete range of reflective films engi-
neered specifically for all your vehicle graph-
ics and commercial signing applications.

Night Visible Series

Glass-beaded films have been the mainstay for
vehicle graphics where life cycle and cost are
primary criteria. Avery Dennison offers a complete
range of films which can accept a variety of print-
ing methods and inks, die-cutting requirements,
and choices in adhesives and life cycle to best
match your customer’s requirements.
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Product Face film Adhesive Liner Durability







NV15001 Vinyl PlaceRite® 90-lb Sta-Flat 7 years • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


NV1300 Vinyl Permanent 90-lb Sta-Flat 7 years • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

NV1200 Vinyl Removable 90-lb Sta-Flat 5 years

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

NV1100 Vinyl Permanent 90-lb Sta-Flat 4 years • • • • • • • • • • • •

NV400 Polyester Removable 90-lb Sta-Flat 2 years • • •

NV300 Polyester Permanent 90-lb Sta-Flat 2 years • • •

NV200 Urethane Permanent High-Release 2 years • • • • • • • • •

Custom Coat. 2.
Black NV1200 is 4 years. Surface Application Colors

License Plate & Security Films

License Plates are an important contribu-

tor to agency revenue generation and can
provide the quickest method to vehicle
identity and transportation security.

Avery Dennison L-3050 reflective sheeting for Avery Dennison can provide products for use
license plates is a premium quality, durable, wide in front-plate, window sticker, validation sticker,
angularity, enclosed lens retroreflective material. or many other applications.
It is designed and engineered specifically for the
production of embossed license plates. It can Secure Mark™
easily be printed with roller-coat inks or thermal Non-reproducible Imaging
transfer foil printers. Avery Dennison Secure MarkTM provides the
highest level of sheeting security due to its
Any Production Method unique optical characteristics. The Secure MarkTM
& Security Level feature is imaged within the reflective sheeting
Used throughout the world, Avery Dennison by a patented embedded embossing technol-
License Plate films are available to meet many ogy which can not be duplicated by conventional
current fabrication and printing systems, as well printing methods such as 4-color process, silk-
as new, integrated digital systems, which we screening, laser or digital.
can help you develop. Materials can be custom-
printed, water-marked, or incorporate our Secure Mark,TM can be incorporated into any
patented Secure-MarkTM process depending enclosed lens retroreflective sheeting without
on the level of security desired. affecting its reflective performance.

l P ble




k TM





Sc rint










Product Use Description



License Plates L-3050 Embossable standard issue license plates • • • • • •

LP-3050/LP-0500 Reflective material for standard and digital surface printing; • • • • • •
includes overlaminate layer.
LF-1500 Front face license plates •
LS-1500 Shearable license plates • • • • •
LB-1500 Back face license plates • • • • •

Window Stickers LW-1000 Stickers requiring exposed metalization layer • • • •

LW-0400 Stickers requiring dual PET protective layer • • • •

Validation Decals LV-0700 Validation decals • • • •

* all print technologies require use of Avery recommended systems

Doing Business with Avery Dennison World-wide Locations Asia Pacific (continued)
Toll-free Customer Support Numbers Avery Dennison Reflective Products has Avery Dennison Materials Pty Ltd.
1-800-28-AVERY (1-800-282-8379) voice established locations throughout our 95 Sunshine Road
1-800-877-4923 or 1-440-358-2702 fax major markets to serve your account. Tottenham, Victoria, 3012
We also are supported by a growing Australia
Standard Support Hours network of distributors. Please contact +61 (3) 8325 8300 voice;
8:00am – 5:00pm Eastern Time these main offices for your local contact: +61 (3) 8325 8388 fax

Establishing an Account Avery Dennison China Co., Ltd.

North America
You can access forms necessary to establish an Rm. A1103–1104, Yin Hai Building
Avery Dennison Graphics and
account with Avery Dennison on the Internet. No. 250 Cao Xi Road
Reflective Products Division
Shanghai 200235
250 Chester Street #6
Find them at this URL: PR China
Painesville, OH 44077 USA
www.reflectives.averydennison.com/credit/ +86 (21) 6484 1208 voice;
+1 (800) 282 8379 voice;
+86 (21) 6484 7598 fax
World Wide Web Access +1 (800) 877 4923 fax; or
To facilitate processing your order or query, Avery Dennison +1 (440) 358 2702 fax Avery Dennison (India) Pvt. Ltd.
also provides online ordering, quote requests, access to Narsinghpur Industrial Area
Latin America
specifications, technical bulletins, and product brochures on Six Kilometre Stone
Avery Dennison Argentina
the internet. You can also find contact information for your Delhi – Jaipur Highway
2225 Avenida Warnes
regional sales managers there. During peak season work District Gurgaon – 122001
1427 Buenos Aires, Argentina
periods, you may find contacting us via the web to be more Haryana, India
+54 (11) 4014 2276 voice;
accommodating to your work schedule. +91 (124) 2215 581 voice
+51 (11) 4014 2208 fax
+91 (124) 2215 591 fax
www.reflectives.averydennison.com Reflective Division Brasil
Avery Dennison Korea Ltd.
R. Francisco Foga 225,
Warranty 901–6, Hogye-Dong,
Vinhedo, SP
No express warranties and no implied warranties, whether of Dongan-Ku, Anyang City,
Brasil, 13280-000
merchantability or fitness for any particular use, or otherwise Gyeonggi-Do, Korea 431-080
+55 (19) 3876 7785 voice;
(except as to title), other than those expressly set forth above +82 (31) 361 0260 voice;
+55 (19) 3876 7734 fax
which are made expressly in lieu of all other warranties, shall +82 (31) 361 0290 fax
apply to products sold by Avery Dennison. Avery Dennison Reflective Division Chile
Avery Dennison Materials Sdn. Bhd.
specifically disclaims and excludes all other such warranties. Pq. Ind. Vespucio Oeste,
Lot 6 Jalan P/2
No waiver, alteration, addition or modification of the foregoing Cordillera 191
Kawasan Perusahaan Bangi
conditions shall be valid unless made in writing and manually Quilicura, Santiago, Chile
43650 Bandar Baru Bangi
signed by an officer of Avery Dennison. +56 (2) 677 98 00 voice;
Selangor Darul Ehsan
+56 (2) 739 07 10 fax;
[email protected]
+60 (3) 8925 0901 voice;
Avery Dennison Colombia S.A. +60 (3) 8925 0903 fax
Calle 48 Sur # 49 – 30
Avery Dennison Singapore Pte. Ltd.
Envigado, Colombia
151 Pasir Panjang Road
+57 (4) 33 56 000 voice
Pasir Panjang Distripark
Avery Dennison Mexico S.A. de C.V. #03–13
Mariano Escobedo 341 D Singapore 118480
Tlalnepantla, +65 6273 2355 voice
Edo. de Mexico, 54040 Mexico +65 6278 2455 fax
+52 (55) 5093 0110 voice
Avery Dennison South Africa
Europe Corner of Winze Drive & Leader Ave
Avery Dennison Reflective Europe Stormill Ext. 4
Rijndijk 86, PO. Box 118 Roodepoort, SA1729
2394 ZG Hazerswoude South Africa
The Netherlands +27 (11) 249 5700 voice;
+31 (71) 342 1312 voice; +27 (11) 472 2924 fax
+31 (71) 342 1396 fax
Avery Dennison (Thailand) Ltd.
Asia Pacific 49/51–54 Moo 12 Kingkaew Road
Avery Dennison Hong Kong B.V. Tambon Rajhatewa, Bangplee District
(Asia Pacific Regional – Headquarters) Samutprakarn Province 10540
32/F, Skyline Tower Thailand
39 Wang Kwong Road +66 (2) 7502 070 voice;
Kowloon Bay +66 (2) 7502 071 fax
Hong Kong
+852 2820 4538 voice;
+852 2588 1344 fax

Graphics and Reflective Products Division

250 Chester Street #6
Painesville, OH 44077 USA
Voice 1-800-28-AVERY (1-800-282-8379)
Fax 1-800-877-4923 or 1-440-358.2702
© 2008 Avery Dennison Corporation. Avery Dennison,® Omni-Brite,™ Omni-View,™
and Secure-Mark™ are trademarks of Avery Dennison Corporation. All other
brands and product names if used in this literature are trademarks of their
respective companies. Printed in U.S.A. ADRP Product Catalog–09/08–2M

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