Bent Mag-Jan 2009
Bent Mag-Jan 2009
Bent Mag-Jan 2009
£1.95 €3.00
7 7 1 7 42 3 0 3 0 0 1
ISSN 1742-3030
Ruth lorenzo
the new spanish go
absolutely fabulo
t w i t h
i n g
boo m
your new year’s re
New Year -
New Partner?
It's the time for reso luti ons and clea
positive in the New Year - so the ques
Just how content are you with you
ring out all the negatives in your
r partne
tion is;
life to start off
Advertising Director: Darrell Hirst
08712 246 529 [email protected]
Publishing Director: Michael Rothwell
Finance Director: Ian Ellis
Editor's words Accounts: Louise Lee
08712 246 516
So here we are at the start of another year. Have you made your resolutions? Have you vowed to save, save, save and IT Support: Dan Slatford
to get into the best physical shape you’ve ever been in? Have you promised no more negativity and that from now on Website: All Points North
you’ll only be positive and enthusiastic about everything? No? Well don’t beat yourself up, as I have never met anyone Distribution and Availability Enquiries:
who has ever kept to any resolutions made at this time of year. The cold, dark nights (and occasional days) really 08712 246 529
aren’t conducive to giving anything up and there’s always that bottle of vodka (or whisky or dry sherry) left over from Clubs & Bars Distribution: Dale Express
Christmas... that just might make you feel a little more ‘alive’. However, if you are serious about a healthier new year
you could do worse than visit our fitness specialist Jarrett James and discover his pointers for sticking to a routine that SUBSCRIPTION
will produce results. Tel: 08712 246 529
Basic annual rate: UK: £36.00
It’s quite a girlie issue to kick off 2009 as we feature X Factor’s Spanish singing sensation Ruth Lorenzo, chart topper International: Call: +44 113 3449536 for prices
Anastacia and a rather strange ‘meeting’ with Kylie who graces our front page exactly 2 years since she last received
that accolade. We even take a peek into the near future and see if we can predict what the trends will be… citing a Bent Ltd. APN House, Temple Crescent,
few new singers that we at Bent reckon will be the stars to watch over the next 12 months. Leeds LS11 8BP
Telephone: 08712 246 511
Fax: 08701 222 666
So, for the next year keep this copy close to your bedside or toilet (depending on where decide to read this opus) and © Copyright, Bent Ltd. 2009. No Part of this publication may be reproduced,
stored in an electronic or other retrievable system, or transmitted by any
see if we get even close with our prognostications. form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo-copying, recording
or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher. Advertisers
are reminded of their obligations under the 1984 Trade Protection Act.
Advertisers are responsible for the content of their copy under the terms
of the Act. The appearance or mention of any establishment, product,
That’s it from me for now individual or organisation within this publication, should not be taken as an
endorsement by the publishers of the same unless otherwise stated. The
Hugs to one and all
appearance, mention or likeness of any individual or organisation within
this magazine should not be construed as an indication of either the sexual
preference or political persuasion of the same, unless otherwise stated.
Contributions are welcomed on the understanding that any unsolicited
manuscripts that they may be published without further correspondence,
with a fee (if applicable) paid at standard rates as specified by Bent Ltd.
Work cannot be returned to the author unless agreed by the publisher.
2009… the year that Nostradamus (1503 – 1566) prophesised that “something not straighte… yet not that it
be brokened… shall risen up and proclaim itself gratis for all gay folken” and who can argue with that? A product of a sustainable resource
Meanwhile, a final thought… I started out with nothing and I still have most of it left.
4 January 2009
Charity no. 288527
hot for 200
What ' s H o t
or 2009?
Bizarrely 2009 seems to be all about Tartan… we aren’t sure how we feel about that but
it’s a look. There will also be a real theme of pastels and checks in the summer alongside
all things naughty and naval. Gant are the must haves for bags all year round and
docksides are the shoes all of you will be wearing, even if you don’t work on board a ship.
Iceland despite being
bankrupt will host the
IGLFA (gay football world
cup), Zurich will be hosting
Europride. We also predict
that Shoreditch will be the
new Soho, everything is
shifting that way.
Now that Br
itney an
m a W at
d he r w oe
son (Hermio
s are over w
ne Granger)
Pr in
ho will be ne
e to w
bits this year
we think ng Venetian like no
ill all be lovi es us laugh
out for. We w he r in Fe b) who mak
w ith
(an interview on’.
reams ‘gay ic
other and sc
Thriller the Michael Jackson musical
seems to be getting hyped to the max
side Sister Act, which means no more along
Sound of Music. No question that the
highlight of the year for us will be Jason
Donovan in Priscilla; Queen of the Dese
2009 will see new albums from
Pet Shop Boys, Lily Allen, Christina
Aguilera, and Natalie Imbruglia.
Sadly nothing new seems to be
Of course next year there is one
Superhero movie that’s getting
coming from Kylie or Madonna
us a little over excited. Wolverine
however, we are so onto Lady
Hugh Jackman is donning his claws
Gaga now does it really matter?
again for the prequel to X-Men
We are also praying the best
and we can’t wait. The latest Harry
European girl band ever Monrose
Potter will also be arriving on the
decide to come this way. If you
screen and we are finally technically
are looking for new favourite
allowed to fancy the cast now they
acts for 2009 our pop picks are
have come of age. Top highlights
Eliza Doolittle the new Lily Allen/
of the year for us will be Jude Law
Adele/Wino roled into one, Julian
playing Watson to Robert Downey
Velard musically the next Elton
Jr’s Sherlock Holmes, and Colin Firth
John, Furiku the new New Order,
and the cute Ben Barnes (Prince
Petros an electro god and the
Caspian) as they take on Dorian
amazing Pastiche - think BWO on
Grey which we will probably see
speed in a gay club! Also keep
several times… in a row.
your eyes peeled for Little Boots,
Shontelle, Stonefoxx, VV Brown
plus our favourite ever X Factor
contestants Ruth Lorenzo and
Alexandra Burke.
6 January 2009
the stars
to win a presentation box of Camitz
Sparkling Vodka, which includes shot
glasses, stopper and cocktail book valued
at £75.
RoB is voted the best Fetish Clothing
year at the London Gay Sex and Feti
Supplier of the
sh Awards 2008.
With more than 30 years experience RoB has always
been a byword for quality leather and rubber for
those in the know. This all changed on Saturday 6th
December when they were awarded the first ever
“Fetish Clothing Supplier of the Year” award as the
result of a public online vote.
F r a m e d
lly bo rn D
Origina , which isn’t th way.
e dd
s Gaspa
rek Jule ost glamorou
rd U lr ic Nive
s of nam
n van d t is
b u
Fucking Men
Taking its lead from Schnitzler’s La Ronde Fucking Men is a portrait of ten men searching for love, sex and
Vic ti
of a y
m ,
laying a n who fights th d an
r in Lon
nal rela
barriste g man with w ictim was the ct of
ti o n s h ip
hom he
. V
to trea
e black
th e s ubje
intimacy in modern day America. This insightful drama looks at a succession of couples and strangers emotio m British film and the film h
as they negotiate the before and after of lust, love and betrayal and the pursuit of sex. Some stories are a in s tr ea ri o u s ly
m se .
exuality the law
poignant, some hilarious, but collectively they provide a fascinating snap shot of the modern-day male. homos e changing in hich
lead to th xtra (w
A fearless dissection of homosexuality that will fascinate male and female audiences of every persuasion.
ta rr e d as an e m e On
es s ‘C o
The Kings Head Theatre; 115 Upper Street, London, N1 t film h for) wa e makes us
The firs ver credited a lo n
ne ame
Dates; 7 – 25 January he was 9, the n
!’ in 193
Box Office: 0844 412 2953 George
r! erde
n Boga
a re th Van de w that
ther G tervie l sex
His bro d in a 2004 in osexua
n fi rm e a g in g in hom gal, and
co n g il le
e was e ts were h
Bogard when such ac lationship wit
ti m e e rm re p ly
at a lo n g -t n s im
at his re tha
also th was mo iend.
rwood fr
Tony Fo anager and
f am
th a t o lific film
e a pro
ly d id he hav e m oirs are .
Not on m
is n o v els and literary world
a re e r, h in th e
c ted
hugely rld War
s e rv e d in Wo to the
e in
Bogard sioned t in 1943.
being c oyal Regimen ajor and
’s R rank of ean and
hed the p
He reac both the Euro y as an
served eatres, princip ril 1945,
c if ic th r. In A p
Pa ffice
ence o of the
intellig d he was one h the
im e re ac
he cla ers to
ied offic tration
You just can’t keep a good turn down
and even if she is a pensioner… there
first All elsen concen
exp e ri
Bergen ermany, an
e n
camp in e that had th nd
nd effe
profou ich he found y
ct on h im
e most
h an
are few acts that can hold a candle to the about w speak for m
fi c u lt to
dynamic Ms Turner. As well as wowing d if .
London, Manchester and Birmingham, years a
Tina Turner will also be visiting Sheffield
Arena on 12th March. Back in 2000 she
sold 55 thousand tickets at the city’s Don
Valley Stadium sending the capacity
crowd absolutely bonkers.
8 January 2009
Can We Be
Your New
Best Friend
- Ruth
After being voted off the X Factor (quite wrongly we
here at Bent think) we sent Simon Savidge to befriend
Spanish goddess Ruth Lorenzo and was surprised to
discover this was her very first gay interview!
What’s the campest thing you have ever done? How many gay friends are too many? Spanish men or English men?
I don’t know if this is camp but it’s quite fabulous, (Looks outraged) None! I want all of them; gay men (Looks very saucy and a bit shy at once) A mixture of
it was one Valentines Day and I took this boy to the are the best friends you can have… apart from both… it would have to depend on the day really.
beach and danced for him under the moon in the Alexandra Burke. I want the whole nation of gays Oh you fickle little Madame… we so get where you are
sand. It was beautiful… and do you know what. in fact all the UK and Spanish gays and still I would coming from. 10/10
I didn’t even get a snog, nothing. I think the campest have space for more. I have heard I am getting a gay Do you like a gossip?
thing is still to come, on the X Factor Tour. I want to following, which is the best thing that I have heard all
Oh my god yes, of course. My best gossiping partner
rock but with loads of glitter and make the whole year. You guys are fighters like me… I have given you
is Alexandra Burke, its awful we can’t stop. I actually
place fabulous. Oh I bought tampons, am I allowed to my number haven’t I?
mostly like to listen rather than add… Do you know
say that, in Boots while signing autographs. That was She loves her gays what more can we say? She however though the papers here haven’t said any gossip about
strangely camp I guess. loses a point for yes giving out her number but being a me, I don’t know what to do? I started stealing toilet paper
Though very romantic and slightly like a Mills and Boon, very poor texter! 9/10 from the TV studio, but nobody knew so that didn’t work.
the beach dancing we felt could do better. The promise Prada or Primark? Stealing toilet paper without getting caught hmmm, not
of glitter made us happier, the signing autographs when (Looks as if I am crazy) Prada! It’s not even a question. so rock and roll. She loves listening but not spreading
buying tampons made us hysterical. 9/10 I suppose if you teamed Primark with some nice Gucci gossip – must try harder. 7/10
Kylie or Madonna? shoes then that looks nice. Come on if you are giving Can you tell us a dirty joke?
(Instantly) Kylie, and not because of Dannii Minogue me the choice then I a going to say Prada of course…
I could in Spanish… it wouldn’t translate though. I
I swear… Honest. Dannii makes amazing pumpkin I am not crazy!
can tell you this (sips drink) I don’t know how to have
soup you know? She can team with a theme which we like, and at the sex in English! (Cackles) I have never had sex in the
We believe her… we think, extra points off being so same time she would ram raid a Prada store. 10/10 English language. All the love I have made… has
definite and telling us about the Minogue Soup. 8/10 What’s the biggest diva strop you have ever thrown? been in Spanish; there you go that’s an exclusive.
Do you have any dressing room demands or will you (Gasps) I was eleven, yes a diva at eleven. I was Saucy minx and if we knew Spanish we reckon the jokes
have any? auditioning for some competition and the first song would be pure filth! 9/10
Hmmm, let me think… I don’t want my hair touched was from Phantom of the Opera, I got through and
every five minutes or my make up every two seconds they said ‘okay Ruth but no more musical numbers’
89/100 We have to say Ruth Lorenzo is officially
and seriously don’t put too much on me. Let me hug which I didn’t like for a start. So they gave me this
the sexy Spanish senorita who out camps them all.
people and be scruffy sometimes. OH MY GOD and do horrible German song to sing. I learnt it… looked very
Loving her work and we are officially becoming
not make me wear things that I don’t like, never ever. sweet in my beautiful dress… the music started and
her new best friend, she said so!
We like a down to earth diva who is strong knows what I forgot the melody so I made it up. They said ‘Miss
she wants and wants a hug. Frankly, as for wardrobe Lorenzo that’s not correct start again’ so I did and I
demands… we are so with her. 8/10 sang the wrong words. Again I breathe in and start… ‘Ruth will be appearing on the X Factor 2009 Live
another fucking different song (cackles) so I gave up Tour in February, you simply must not miss her. For
What’s your best put down line?
and threw my papers as hard as I could on the floor, tickets and info go to
I don’t have one, well I don’t need one… I just have a flicked my hair, stamped my foot and stormed off. My
look! (She then does the look and we do indeed feel music teacher was so cross.
quite scared.) It’s all in the eyes. No words.
We love, love, love this story. A diva at eleven! 10/10
You don’t want to get on the wrong side of the eyes. 8/10
10 January 2009
PEP Talk
Have you ever been in a situation where you think you
could have been exposed to the risk of HIV transmission?
Did you know there is a course of medication called PEP
that you can take which could reduce the possibility of HIV
transmission? But what is PEP?
PEP stands for Post Exposure Prophylaxis. It is a treatment that may prevent HIV
infection after the virus has entered the body. When thinking about PEP, there are
some things you might consider about it:
PEP is available from sexual health clinics and hospital accident and emergency
departments. Some men have reported difficulty in obtaining PEP on some
occasions. You may find enquiring at a sexual health clinic or an A & E in a hospital,
which has a specialist HIV clinic.
Remember, PEP is not a cure for HIV and is not guaranteed to prevent HIV.
Condoms and lube used correctly during sex are the most effective way to reduce
HIV transmission.
An online art gallery specializing in gay themed art. The art is present
contemporary form on canvas. We chose canvas as it provides a more
in a
texture to the art. The art is produced, scanned and digitally enhanced
adding to the contempo rary feel.
We have art ranging from abstract to pencil sketches, with a special section
devoted to gay lovers. The gallery website has been designed to enhance
the art and is easy to use. Choose the art piece, purchase and with in seven
working days the art will be delivered. We even offer free postage.
Manbrosia believes in gay art for all.
When Fear
Gets In
The Way
Brummy singer/songwriter KJ is all set to make 2009 his own but it
almost didn't happen as this young cute artist suffered from panic
attacks, which gave him depression and a fear of performing.
the studio for Do you have any guilty
How was it going into been
aware of help and suppor
t I ended up Sex outdoors and I haven’t
re do you call the first time? and McD onalds!
How old are you and whe ’t actually cau ght yet. Oh
suffering depression. I don Excitedly and nervous at
the same
home? affe cte d my wri ting as due an. It was
all I’m saying! think its
ed up time if you know what I me What does 2009 hold in
store for you?
I’m in my early 20’s that’s to suffering pan ic diso rde r I end
dev elop ing trac ks alon g with the
n two cities, In The Way’ fun ks under
Home is spli t bet wee
writing ‘When Fear Gets producer and take them
to the next With two Top 10 club trac
. I live in my coping to take me
Worcester and Birmingham which was a song about with 25 songs but only my belt my label is ready
was born in rder. This level. We started g to release
Worcester currently but techni que s thro ugh my diso
12 will make it to the fina
l album, it will mainstream. We’re lookin
ays have an My Space and hopefully
Birmingham so will alw song was late r put ont o my
ost 3 yea rs har d wor k before my a new sing le in Spr ing
the city. on there my be alm reco rdin g artist, sorry
attachment to and out of all the tracks album is fina lly release d. tour with a ma jor
lly related to I can’t mention wh o just yet .
soon to be manager rea
d a similar my debut
Is KJ short for anythin
g… or were you the trac k as he had suff ere
? should see the release of
Are you in a relationship the physical
influenced by Jay Kay? condition. Album. I can’t wait to see
the right
e and when I No, single and waiting for
I was born Kevin John Slad ep me off my feet. I know CD.
the age of 8 I decided t you’d get to person to swe
started writing at Did you ever think tha too bus y right now
stag e name audience like it’s a cliché but I’m And finally, what style
and colour of
to use Kevin John as my appear in front of a big never know
wh ene ver I said my surname you did at last year’s Prid
e events? and travel most weeks so undies are your favour
bec aus e which wouldn’t
ship with the y ever a where I am going to be Calvin Klein
friends made the relation Absolutely not. It was onl par tne r. When I wear them I like
ted sign ing ‘So t I would be fair on a tern s and
group Slade and star dream and I never though 365 boxers in ma d pat
as….’ Slade got live a dream. my bum look
here it is Merry Christm have the opportunity to partner be? colours. They also make
t! e and time for Who would your ideal sagging, lol.
dropped soon after tha It’s taken a lot of courag great when my jeans are
t my dem ons and I have to Louise Redknapp in the
week and
me to figh
and of course k ends, lol. I
Can you tell our reader
s about the thank my friends , fam ily Johnny Depp at the wee
t and belief, I in particular,
panic diso rde r you suf fer from and my fans for their suppor don’t look for anything
g to me is to
how it affe cte d you r wri ting .
love those guys. the most important thin
t of my ure and hap py wit h someone.
Panic attacks were the star feel sec
on and due to me not being
Faerie Circle
Eurofearie Gathereings are retreats for queers, co-created by all present
in a spirit of openness, love and community. Here is space to slow down,
open up and grow your wings…. to talk, to listen and be heard, to meet
other queers from the heart, to share what is important to us and to
charge up with energy, strength and purpose to empower our lives
beyond the gathering. Faeries meet out in nature away from the pace and
commercialism of the scene in an atmosphere of light, joy, laughter, song
and celebration. These are spiritual gatherings where the god is found in
nature and in the hearts of all present.
Albion Faeries Winter Gathering February 5 – 13th
Featherstone Castle, nr Haltwhistle, Northumberland
12 January 2009
TRACKof theMo
3Kevin Rudolf ft Lil
Wayne - Let It Rock
One of the biggest selling tracks in
the US in 2007 is finally making it to
the UK. The 7” edit is a mix of electro,
pop & hip-hop. On paper this sounds
awful – in practice, it’s one of the catchiest tracks
you’ll hear for months. Standout mixes come from Liverpool based
Cahill (especially the dub), who turn this into a peak-time charging
anthem with some of the best dancefloor reactions I’ve seen for
months. Little wonder that his myspace page was showing 26
million plays of this track!
3Ercola ft Daniella -
Every Word (Cayenne)
Hailing from Finland, this is another track doing
well in the US. It’s already been the number 1
Dance Airplay record over there and has started to
pick up plays in the UK from the likes of Steve Smart
(Kiss), Tiesto, Out Of Office and Pagano. The January release will be
packed with 11 different mixes and edits, with my favourites being
the beautiful Wendal Kos vocal mix or the slightly tougher offering
from Bastian Laval.
4Benjamin Leung ft
Amanda Sampson - Don't
Care (Toolbox House)
A celebration of the high standard of house
production in the North of England. All three mixes
on this latest release come from Manchester based producers. The
the woman, the mau5 and the Care Bear original mix is the one I’d head for and it’s perfect for the tougher,
more progressive floors. When label honcho dropped this into his
Hi Mellefresh. Firstly, what do you prefer to be Describe your own music style. set at Federation Manchester on New Year’s Eve the crowd loved it.
called? The full Mellefresh? Just Mel? Fresh? Or A dirty mix of filthy, trashed-out, and downright
something else altogether? sexy electro-house.
Since we just met maybe we should stick with 3Natural Born Grooves -
Mellefresh, but my friends call me Melleeeeeee What’s coming up in the world of Mellefresh? Candy On The Dancefloor
Famously, you were the one who discovered
Constantly searching for that next Top100 DJ
extraordinaire. Working with some exciting hot
(3 Beat Blue)
Deadmau5 a few years ago, who has since new international DJ/producers I recently Reaching number 2 in the club charts at the
gone on to be one of the most in demand discovered in my travels and online. beginning of 2007, NBG’s infectious anthem never
DJs in the world. Describe the moment seemed to get the commercial cross-over success
Planning a world-wide tour, a new
for us? it deserved. It’s probably because it never became mainstream
wardrobe and I want to pimp my Porsche.
In 2004 I was producing a remix and overplayed that many DJs, including myself never stopped
project for Canadian icon Carole playing it. The 2009 release now features excellent new mixes from
Pope - that was rock music turned Are there any more collaboration
planned with the mau5? the Wideboys and Warren Clarke for storming, funk injected house
into dance mixes spearheaded by tune.
DJ Iain - he suggested using this That sure would be nice!! But he’s so
incredibly busy these days and his musical
kid, Joel Zimmerman aka Deadmau5
from Niagara Falls to do a remix. I finally taste has become a lot more techno driven, 3Haji & Emanuel ft BeverlEy
tracked him down and told him I had some which doesn’t leave a lot of room for vocals. I KNight & Bryan Chamber -
money for him. When we did hook up he asked get letters all the time from people saying how
me if I had anything else he could remix. I gave much they love our tracks, so let’s hope so! The Pressure (Big Love)
him the Melleefresh track Beautiful Rich n’Horny What do you get when you combine 2 of the
The response was so exciting and our working And were you the voice of a Care Bear? most respected producers (Seamus Hai & Paul
relationship was great, so we solidified our Yes it’s true you discovered my secret identity! I Emanuel) and 2 amazing, soulfull voices with
arrangement with a management and publishing was two bears - Cheer Bear the pink one with the an old Sounds of Blackness song? One of my favourite tracks
deal through Play Records. We decided to go for rainbow on her tummy and Tugs Bear, the little boy from the past 6 months, that’s what! Perfectly sung vocals by
world domination and as you can see… Joel has bear in a diaper. Can you say bi-sexual? Maybe a Beverley (she’s been awarded a MBE you know) and Bryan (one
succeeded quite nicely. little Bi-polar, especially when I did the voices back- of Ms Knight’s backing singers). Combined with H&E’s trademark
to-back, speaking to myself. charging, chunky backing track and it causes tingles down your
spine. Just try not dancing to this!
eof th
6LE CORPS MINCE Bitch of the Bitches
si Le Corps Mince de
Francoise means ‘Th
ir music is as sui ted
Out: 26th Janua
m Bo dy
ys as Girls
Francoise’, and the . This is dancy, punk
lling on foundation S.
Aloud are to trowe n, Th e Kn ife an d CS
similarities to Roby
poppy electro with via n, all- gir l gro up are destined
, Scandina years to come.
This French-named s the world over for
Albumof theMo
to entertain gay fan
Fabric 44
Out: 12th Janua 8 and DJing at
d pla ying the drums at
Tej ad a sta rte
a tec hn o legend, who has
12. Since then he’s au die nce despite
a welcoming
no trouble finding en tat ion . This marks his firs
ex pe rim
his tendency for th in the ser ies, but Tejada
the 44
Fabric outing, and standard.
maintain the Fabric
still proves he can Sp oo ky and Orbital,
Alex Cortez,
Offering mixes of ec tic mi x well worth the RR
g an d ecl
Tejada’s is a stron
Lamb’s Anger
Out: 12th January
Treble-heavy, synthetic and
riddled with detours, this
album is a head-banging,
chicken-necking masterpiece Jetstreams/Luv Deluxe
harking back to the 90s Out: 12th January
infectious monotony of ‘Flat Russ Davies, AKA Cinnamon Chasers, is the son and
Beat’ but with more variance nephew of Dave and Ray Davies, who founded The
to stop it becoming boring Kinks, and hung out with music royalty like Joey
at the LP level. This time Ramone and John Carpenter. As such his music is
there’s no Flat Eric, but flavoursome, knowing electro-pop any gay man will love.
there’s still tonnes of Oizo
4JON ALLEN Every Word
Out: 26th January
Dead Man’s Suit
Ercola’s latest single is currently topping the Billboard Magazine
Out: 26th January
Hot 100 Dance Airplay Chart and looks set to do well on our
This debut album from South Devon shores as well. Ercola is a Finnish songwriter with arrangement
musician Jon Allen is a rootsy blend skills matched only by his production talents. Sublime energy
of 60s and 70s folk rock with bluesy meets rampant musical ability in this masterful dance record.
overtones and touches of Ryan Definitely one for the post-NYE parties.
Adams. You’ll recognise single ‘Going
Home’ as the song lashed all over
the Land Rover adverts, which was
downloaded almost 20,000 times
from Allen’s website alone. 4TIMMY VEGAS & BAD
Another Dimension
Out: 5th January
Songs About Dancing and Drugs
This high-octane mash-up of street toughs
Out: 19th January and house music breaks all the rules and
Circlesquare comes on like a molasses drip creates a new genre while its at it. Elements
laced with Codeine, taking Leonard Cohen, of Crystal Waters and the Beastie Boys collide
Pole, Angelo Badalamenti and Chris Isaak and in funked up grooves with urban edginess.
chucking them in an underground electro Pete Tong, Judge Jules and Scott Mills all rave
blender to make shit-hot, opiated rave-up about this urban-dance hybrid and with
dance music. Circlequare’s voice, too, is deep good reason. Add it to you iPod and play it
and rich, providing a liquid, sensual core to loud on the bus. It’ll certainly chase away
the granulated, kaleidoscopic backdrop of those winter blues.
the music. Luscious stuff, ready for the most
cutting edge of dancefloors.
14 January 2009
He Can't
Get Her
Out of
His ...
Bent's roving reporter Simon Savidge is becoming
renowned for befriending all the celebrity ladies he
interviews. However, one celebrity and icon of his, Miss
Kylie Minogue has always managed to avoid his advances
and interview requests. Vexed by this he has been sulking
in a darkened room and dreaming of the elfin one.
As she glides along Old Compton Eventually I would bravely admit
Street, everything comes to a sudden my disappointment in ‘X’, not
standstill. Gay men stop mid pout, because it was a bad album but
turn and stare as a petite dream of because her A&R people should
loveliness passes by as if in slow- be fired. Why didn’t she release
motion carried on ‘angel’s breath’. safe Kylie pop ‘Wow’ first? ‘The One’
As her feet grace the beaten old second, swiftly followed by ‘No
pavement slabs they become part More Rain’ and ‘Like A Drug’ two of
of the yellow brick road. I turn to a the finest pop moments from her in
mangy old stray in the gutter (no not eons. In fact, we would talk about the
Ami) and say ‘I don’t think we are in whole ‘X’ debate the gay scene and
Soho anymore Toto’. A vision in Gucci, online forums seem to have been
she would sit smiling in front of me having since the tracks started to leak
and in unison, we would order ‘a nice almost two years ago. Did she really
strong cuppa’. Surrounded in a mist say it wasn’t her favourite album or
of Showgirl (and I don’t mean sweaty had some random bitter queen had
corsets and bodices) the meeting made it all up?
would be to discuss her ‘new’ remix
album ‘Boombox’. By this time, we would have
become such firm friends that
‘Boombox’ is a collection of remixes I could ask her anything and
from 2000 to now and if you didn’t everything. For instance why she
think that ‘Slow’ could sound any knew nothing about my twenty-
dirtier… you haven’t heard the year long relationship with her?
awesome Chemical Brothers remix. Could we have a new album please
Sadly, it isn’t a new album to make all and possibly ‘Kylie the Musical’? How
our lives that little bit more complete big is Jason Donovan’s winkle? Did she
but privately she would whisper a ever really want to make an album of Boombox
promise… there would be one on Jazz standards? How much glitter really The album features some of Kylie’s
the way soon. In the meantime, there is too much? The questions would be most popular tracks, and a few lesser
is the new stupendously brilliant endless as I basked in our private and known gems, remixed to perfection
title track to keep all the boys up intimate chat. by some of the best dance producers
and jigging to the early hours. When around including Chemical Brothers,
the drinks arrive and the waiter has Fischerspooner, Mylo and Sebastien
With this now beautiful bond Leger. The tracks have been available
picked his jaw off the floor, I would cemented we would skip off hand
ask Kylie why she hadn’t decided to previously, but this is the first time they
in hand through the streets of Soho are available on one release.
release the single ‘Boombox’ as the for a night of disco diva delights
lead from the album. I can see it now- and boys in hot pants, perhaps
Kylie looking like a pop punk, kissing stopping for a quick MacDonald’s Album Out: 5th January released
her teeth and walking through on the way. through Parlophone
fabulous neon graffitied streets of
Well a boy can dream can’t he?
Shoreditch - shouting it out from
To be in with a chance of winning a
the roof tops, make it drop let it rock,
copy of this fab Kylie Remix CD just
baby I’m your Boombox. We could The DVD of Kylie X2008 is also
complete the title of this well known
even dig out the neon hoodies from out now
Kylie hit. I Believe In ______?
the ‘Fever’ tour. She’d tell me ruefully
it was all beyond her control.
Competition Time
Turn to page 58 for entry details
Photo: Courtesy William Baker © Dovenote
Pride 2009
Manchester Pride, the city's annual lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender
(LGBT) festival, is calling on individuals and organisations to submit
proposals for its 2009 ten-day event.
The festival, which this year raised £105,000 for local HIV and LGBT charities, is seeking everything
from theatre, comedy, music and exhibitions to help showcase LGBT culture and diversity as part of
next year’s celebrations. The team are looking for applications from both commercial and community
based events. Successful applicants will have their event incorporated into Manchester Prides official
schedule, with details appearing in the Guide to Pride 09 and on the festival website.
To download an application pack, visit (The deadline for inclusion in the Guide to
Pride is 23rd March 2009).
Manchester Pride 2009 Friday 21st - Monday 31st August 2009.
Pride Festival
in 2009
Some folk just do not let the grass grow under their feet and
those nice people down in Bournemouth really show the rest of us
up. It has now been revealed that Bourne Free, Bournemouth's Pride
Festival, will be taking over the seaside resort for 3 days in 2009,
from Friday 10th thru Sunday 12th July!
The 2008 event attracted thousands of people from across the UK with a “Support Our
Services” themed parade, a Live Show in the gardens and an extended Street Party. Even
more is planned for 2009, with the Bourne Free Committee already working hard to put
together a packed programme of entertainment and finalising a
unique new theme. Lawrence Roots,
executive committee member,
comments “Every year Bourne Free
gets bigger and better and 2009
will be no exception”. He adds, “The
event has reached a stage where, due
to rapidly growing popularity, we can
make some very exciting changes”.
Book your trip well in advance it looks
like they’re going for a biggie!
Keep up to date with all the latest
news at
16 January 2009
So Anastacia…
So… Simon Savidge… is that really your name? Oh my god that
is like great, I think you are destined for Simon Savidge stardom
that is so sassy… I love it.
Well ‘Anastacia’ is a really cool name…
I know don’t you love it? It is so totally, totally ‘diva’, which I am
not to be honest. My mum so knew when I popped out that
I was gonna be different and she was so right, did I just say
different or difficult (laughs).
Well your Mum was on Broadway and your Dad was a club
singer, so did you think it was always a sure thing that you were
going to be famous?
Oh no, n-n-n-no, no. I didn’t want it at all, I think because it
was so instilled into what I knew from my parents it wasn’t
something I was bothered about in anyway. I mean, they saw
I had a gift with my voice and I guess I knew that it wasn’t
bad (laughs). My mum always said I would mimic people off
the radio so she knew I would do something entertainment-
wise one day. I always thought I sounded like I was on helium
Did you enjoy your singing?
I have never done things that I don’t enjoy, life’s way to short
but when it comes to the business of being told how I should
and shouldn’t look or sound… that has always been the biggest
thorn in my side. I have always said it’s about the voice.
Do you feel you should change all the time?
I think everyone needs to be fluid and be able to do different
genres but at the heart of it, it should always be a reflection
of you. I personally went through a metamorphosis as part of
growing up (laughs) I just grew up later than most. I think every
album I have done has had a different sound to a degree - how
boring would it be for you or for me if it stayed the same. That
Madonna started it all, and Cher of course, always being ahead
of the game and changing, that to me is part of being ‘iconic’
and look at their careers.
Madonna is now doing the whole ‘R&B Diva’ thing, which is odd
as she seems slightly behind.
I think Madonna was way ahead with Confessions because
look… everyone is so into the Euro Pop sound again. I think
Madonna doesn’t care if she is popular or not, her fans love
her regardless and she will make the unpopular - popular and
move on before we even notice it. At the same time, if you listen
to people like Rihanna, who I love, her sound is electro and
pop and I think everything is merging and mixing and that’s
fabulous. I mean, my fans wondered what happened to the
more ‘rockier’ sound that was on my last album. I just say…. I
had cancer and wanted a harder feel to my music.
Do you think we saw a darker side of you?
Totally, I mean, in a way when you are recovering and
everything you still have the darkness. I think I was feeling more
reckless and wanted a sound that showed that. No matter what
people say, when you are an artist your life will seep into your
work. I don’t think I was aware how much it affected everything
at the time I just thought ‘this is my new sound’ and it didn’t
stay. I just wanted everything to be surrounded by guitars.
Tell us about Heavy Rotation.
It’s a really eclectic mix but my favourite song is the title track,
which I think embodies me and is upbeat and crazy. The whole
album is very ‘happy’… I mean I have a good ballad or three. I
think of it like a book; I want points where people are like ‘oh my
god, I can’t believe that just happened’ I want something that
hits all emotions. This album is also post-cancer. And cancer was
cancer, and Anastacia is super happy right now.
Now you have a huge gay following…
I love that so much. I know everyone says that but it’s totally
true. You guys get me and I love that. I did G-A-Y, which I loved,
though I had a tummy bug and wasn’t totally on form. I wanna
go back. I sang live though. It’s so nice seeing everyone at those
more intimate gigs though. Why do I have a big gay fan base?
if they
ng woman who looks fabulous and Because I am fabulous (laughs) I’m kidding. I’m waiting to see
Now we all love a good Diva, a stro taci a is one such wom an. Simo n a drag queen of Anastacia though, you have Kylie, Madonna,
have a good voice how can we resist. with her. .. Cher, Tina Turner, I would love to be included in that line up.
n we sent him to catch up
Savidge almost wept with joy whe Come on queen’s… drag up as me!
the recent Royal Var
ng with all the starsI hav
So there I was, mingliiet y Per for ma nce and
uld n't bel iev e the
to say you really wo these celebrities.
in attitude of some of
I was chatting to Take That’s
Jason Orange after their fantastic
performance and was really pleased
to see that he and the rest of the
band hadn’t gone all ‘starry’ on us. He
was funny, friendly and chatty, which
is how I remember him from Take
That’s early days when they’d turn up
at one of my ‘gay club nights’ in their
tight lycra shorts to perform a sexy,
action packed routine to their latest
single. He was saying how he still
appreciated all the attention again
and when Howard popped over to
chat, it was like old times. Howard
was saying how much he enjoyed she says
Happy New Year
DJing and was hopeful that he could so, was more than a little off putting. Hey guys, I’ve been having a load of festive fun here in the big smoke
still perform his sets alongside his Is it necessary I ask? Does it promote the past month! Had a wicked Xmas party in my halls - we decked
Take That commitments. anything but negativity towards our kitchen in decorations, we had name tags, a seating plan, mulled
Peter Kay’s latest incarnation as that artist? It’s a sign of ‘stardom’ that wine the lot – not quite what you see in those posh schools in period
Geraldine was a firm favourite on the really gets my goat. dramas… but it was ace!
show… and it was fun… and maybe Aaaah this month’s been crazy. I had a photo shoot with Fresh Images
this is an exclusive… to see Geraldine in London and got to wear loads of clothes and pose a bit - ha-ha. As
Meanwhile, for those who just cannot
and Cliff deep in conversation and you know… erm… that isn’t me at all… I had to be forced into some
get enough of my hectic lifestyle
giggling like a couple of school girls! really nice outfits but I’m sure you’ll only be interested in the photos of
here’s a heads up on a new series that
When I could prise Cliff away from me in my undies. You’ll have to wait until next month to see the results
starts in February on the Biography
the chuckling chanteuse, I asked but I want to say a BIG thanks to everyone at the studio for being so
Channel – Two Queens and a Castle.
him about the rumour he might be cool… photographer Rafal and Donna who organised the shoot and
It’s a six part series that saw a TV crew
appearing in this year’s Celebrity Big all the make-up and technical guys who made me look and feel terrific.
follow Michael, my partner and myself
Brother. He told me that he liked the It was so much fun – at the end of the shoot, they wanted me to pour
around for the past year. It’s all good
idea and was pleased he’d been asked a bottle of water over my head and let it sensual trickle over my body.
fun and I can heartily recommend it…
but that it wasn’t possible for him to That was the idea but the water was freezing and I think I looked more
but then again I would wouldn’t I?
be involved at the moment. shocked than sexual!
Meanwhile, actor and general I recently filmed my first short film in Tottenham Court Road tube station;
heartthrob Josh Hartnett was there it was all very dramatic and exciting. I played a young businessman who’s
to introduce some of the acts but lost in the station and keeps going around in circles getting more and
was too intimidated by the whole more distressed, it went really well. I hope I pulled ‘panic’ off OK as I’ve been
‘Royal’ event to hang around after lost a couple of time in the underground myself since I came to London. It’s
his ‘bit’. And while we’re on the being entered into the British Amateur film festival amongst many others
subject of Americans... Rihanna… I - get in!
love your music gal but for heaven
As much as I love London, I can’t wait to get back to Cardiff and see
sake… dump the fecking attitude.
all my family and friends! First, though I’m heading off to Tignes to go
Cliff has been at the top of his game
snowboarding for a week!! Yeees! I’m so excited; it’s going to be great! I
for over 50 years and I didn’t see
still haven’t bought my snow gear yet and I’m leaving in a few hours so I’ve
him diss anyone. Britain’s Got Talent
got to get going! So unless I break something pretty important… I’ll see you
winner dancer George Sampson
guys next month!
was obviously excited at being there
surrounded by all those stars and
asked her for an autograph. Turning Have a wicked 2009!
her back and waltzing off and
demanding her cohorts jump when
18 January 2009
interV tt
n b e nne
Not Such an
Innocent Boy?
Declan Ben net t is a nam e to watch out for this yea
r, his previous
at vocals and acoustic
raw and honest appeal with gre
alb um s hav e a singer to discuss Boy
up with the openly gay
pop beats. Bent caught
George, boy bands and boy
different. Straight after Point Break I was actually working in the Sausages & Mash up later in 2009. You can see Declan at The Soho Revue Bar on Thursday 19th
Restaurant on Portobello Road so it’s not all glam but it was the best summer job February.
ever, and I had a hoot. Then I auditioned for Taboo and I got it, I couldn’t believe
5The Spirit
Out: 1st January
Adapted from the legendary Will Eisner’s graphic
novels, The Spirit tells the visceral, action-packed
story of a man who fakes his own death and fights
crime from the shadows of Central City. The Octopus
– who kills anyone unfortunate enough to see his
face – has a different mission: he’s going to wipe out
the entire city. The Spirit tracks this cold-hearted
killer from Central City’s rundown warehouses, to
the damp catacombs, to the windswept waterfront...
all the while facing a bevy of beautiful women
who either want to seduce, love or kill our masked
crusader. In the vein of Batman Begins and Sin City,
The Spirit takes us on a sinister, gut-wrenching ride
of a hero who is born, murdered and born again.
Scarlett Johansson, Samuel L. Jackson and Eva
Mendes all star.
20 January 2009
3The Wrestler
Out: 16th January
A hugely successful professional wrestler in the
late 80’s, Randy “The Ram” Robinson (Oscar-worthy
comeback by Mickey Rourke) now ekes out a
living performing for diehard wrestling fans in
high school gyms and community centres around
New Jersey. Estranged from his daughter, unable
to sustain any real relationships, Randy lives
for the thrill of the show, the adrenalin rush of
combat and the adoration of his remaining fans.
But when he suffers a heart attack in the middle
of a bout, Randy’s doctor tells him he needs to
lay off the steroids and stop wrestling, for good.
Forced out of show business, Randy begins to
evaluate the state of his life. He tries to reconnect
with his daughter (Evan Rachel Wood) and strike
up a romance with aging stripper, Cassidy (Marisa
Tomei). Winner of the Golden Lion award at the
2008 Venice Film Festival this is a heart-warming
drama with Oscar buzz all over it.
Movie Buzz
4Sex Drive The classic 1984 movie Romancing The Stone, which helped
Out: 9th January launch the Hollywood career of Michael Douglas, is set to
With all the heavy dramas on offer this be remade.
month some light relief comes in Sex
Drive. Eighteen-year-old Ian Lafferty sets Google “Proposition 8 Musical”. Hollywood funnyman
out on a cross country drive with his Jack Black plays a heavenly role in America’s gay rights
best friends Lance and Felicia in order movement – he portrays Jesus in an online skit which
to lose his virginity to a red-hot babe mocks California’s decision to ban same-sex marriages. The
he met on the Internet. But the journey, three-minute comedy sketch also stars openly gay actor
filled with hilarious misadventures and Neil Patrick Harris, John C. Reilly and Margaret Cho.
raunchy escapades, teaches all three
more than they expected about life and Veteran actress Meryl Streep is keen to bring movie musical
love. Randy, raucous and unexpectedly Mamma Mia! back to the big screen for a second time – but
romantic, Sex Drive follows three friends only if movie bosses can “get those fabulous boys back”.
on the road trip of a lifetime! For what
it is, Sex Drive is actually a pretty good
comedy worth checking out. Shia LaBeouf is in for more action on the big screen after
movie bosses tapped him to star in an upcoming legal
thriller. The Indiana Jones actor has landed the title role
in the movie version of John Grisham’s new book The
Associate, scheduled to hit shelves in January.
3Slumdog Millionaire
James Franco’s kiss with Sean Penn in Harvey Milk biopic
Out: 9th January Milk left him feeling uncomfortable – because his co-star
Much is being made of Danny Boyle’s (Trainspotting, Sunshine) wanted to act out a full-on love scene. Franco, who plays
latest film and rightly so. This deserves all the awards it wins and is San Francisco politician Milk’s gay lover Scott Smith in
the best British made film of the year and is our pick for Best Film at the Gus Van Sant film, knew he’d have to pucker-up with
this year’s Oscars. Slumdog Millionaire is the story of Jamal Malik, Penn – but was shocked when the director told him the
an 18 year-old orphan from the slums of Mumbai, who is about Oscar winning star wanted to take it further. He tells Elle
to experience the biggest day of his life. With the whole nation magazine, “In the original script I read, there was only one
watching, he is just one question away from winning a staggering real kissing scene.” A month after Gus asked me to do it, they
20 million rupees on India’s Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? But sent me another script, and on Page 5 there was a full-on
when the show breaks for the night, police arrest him on suspicion love scene. And I was like, ‘Gus, what the heck?’ He says,
of cheating. Desperate to prove his innocence, Jamal tells the story ‘Well, it was Sean’s idea’.”
of his life in the slum where he and his brother grew up, of their
adventures together on the road, of vicious encounters with local Supermodel Gisele Bundchen is making secret plans to wed
gangs, and of Latika, the girl he loved and lost. Each chapter of her boyfriend – and the sexiest man in American sport –
his story reveals the key to the answer to one of the game show’s Tom Brady in March, according to new reports.
questions. Intrigued by Jamal’s story, the jaded Police Inspector
begins to wonder what a young man with no apparent desire for
riches is really doing on this game show? When the new day dawns British lothario Russell Brand is poised to reprise Dudley
and Jamal returns to answer the final question, the Inspector and Moore’s lovable rascal Arthur in a remake of the 1981 hit.
sixty million viewers are about to find out... Superb!
4BABYLON 4Dorian
A.D. Blues
Set in the post- Capturing the
apocalyptic future, quirk, candour
Toorop (Vin Diesel) and teenage
4Driftwood is a mercenary
hired to deliver
angst of Napoleon
Dynamite and
Deeply affected by his involvement a package from My So-Called
in the sudden death from a drug the ravages of Life, this movie
overdose of his elder rock star post-apocalyptic contemplates
brother, 16-year-old David Forrester Eastern Europe to a destination the tortures of high school as
becomes withdrawn and obsessed in the teeming megalopolis Dorian, resident outcast and
by death. Concerned by his of New York City. The secret butt of all “fag” jokes, makes
behaviour, his misguided parents package is a mysterious young his way through the perils of
send him off to Driftwood, a prison- woman carrying an organism adolescence. But things finally
like attitude adjustment camp for with potential to become the click when the teen realises
troubled youths run by the sadistic next Messiah — and everybody that he’s gay. Before his Nixon-
and homophobic Captain Kennedy. wants to get their hands on it. loving father can give him the
Naturally rebellious, David doesn’t fit conservative boot, Dorian is off
in too easily at the camp, a situation to the bright lights of New York
Out: 29th January - DVD
that is further exacerbated by his City for a whirlwind of exciting
£19.99 BluRay £24.99 -
frequent run-ins with Kennedy and firsts - S&M clubs, coffee bars
20th Century Fox Home
his brutal young henchman, Yates and attractive men.
Out: 26th January - £15.99 - Out: 26th January - £14.99 –
Anchor Bay Entertainment To be in with a chance of
TLA Releasing
winning a copy of this
DVD just answer this
To be in with a chance to win a To be in with a chance to win
simple question. Vin Diesel
copy of this DVD just answer this a copy of this DVD just answer
previously starred in a movie
simple question: How old is the this simple question: Who
called The Chronicles of
films central character David? wrote the book - The Picture
of Dorian Gray?
22 January 2009
Yes more gay
The boys are back and they’re as horny as
ever! Packed with celebrity cameos and
total gross-out humour, this outrageous
follow-up to Another Gay Movie centres
around the Spring Break adventures of
Andy, Nico, Jarod and Griff when they
enter the Fort Lauderdale “Gays Gone
Wild” contest (a contest to see who
gets laid the most). The frisky foursome
become entwined in all sorts of sexual
misadventures in this scandalously funny
un-PC comedy!
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