2014-2015 Handbook

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Page 1

We have only one opportunity to

educate our children

Make it Christian!

The fear of the Lord is the
beginning of knowledge.

Proverbs 1:7

Page 2

Dear Parents and Friends:

We praise and thank God for calling us to serve Him by assisting you in the nurturing and
Spiritual training of your children. We appreciate the personal sacrifices you and your family
must make to provide this opportunity for your children.

The New Testament Baptist Christian School is a ministry of New Testament Baptist Church.
It is operated to provide a sound Biblical education for the children of Christian parents. The
trustees of our church act as a board to oversee and make decisions for our Christian School. We
use the A Beka Book curriculum in DVD format as produced by Pensacola Christian Academy,
Pensacola, Florida.

The quality education your children receive here at NTBCS will be exercised through our
ministries in the classroom, on the playing fields, on field trips, in the parking lot, in the
community, and in our homes. We accept this awesome responsibility, recognizing our total
dependence upon and confidence in Gods providential guidance.

By entrusting your children to our care, you affirm your confidence in all of us at NTBCS.
We realize our lives are to be models of Christian character and godliness. We pledge to serve
you, your children and our Lord Jesus Christ to the best of our Holy Spirit-enabled abilities.
Please pray for us daily!

Pastor Ken A. Shaffer,
Administrator, New Testament Baptist Christian School

Page 3

Personal Word from Brother Poling

Each year our culture changes at an ever faster pace. As we observe these changes, questions
come to mind. How did we get to this point? How far will our culture degrade from its present
state? What will this country be like, should the Lord tarry, when my children are adults? Will
my children be ready to face the challenges of a world that is contrary to God and His Word?

A strong education provides a critical foundation for the child as he grows and matures.
However, the local, visible church inevitably deals with the great questions of life. Who am I?
Why am I here? What is my heritage? New Testament Baptist Christian School is built
unashamedly on a Biblical worldview. We are committed to a challenging God-centered
education that trains each child to view all of life through the clarifying lens of Gods Word.

Jesus Christ reminds us that our greatest duty is to love God with all of our heart, soul,
strength, and mind. Therefore, we seek to teach the entire person. We are not simply training
children to perform in a job; rather, we are striving to teach children to know and love God with
every part of their beings and intellect.

God has given parents the challenging responsibility of rearing their children to walk with
Him faithfully and wisely in the midst of an ungodly culture. For more than twenty-two years
New Testament Baptist Christian School has partnered with godly parents in this great task.
Thank you for allowing us to work with your family in this vital role.

James S. Poling
New Testament Baptist Christian School

Page 4

Handbook Contents

Statement of faith
The Four Pillars
Our Purpose
Our Program
Our Philosophy

Church attendance
Achievement Testing
College Testing

Class Time Schedule
Grading Scale (Grades 1 12)
Grade Point Average GPA
Secondary Curriculum Track
Homework and Study Habits
Incomplete Grades
Plagiarism or Academic Cheating
Promotion / Retention

Attendance Policy...21
General Responsibilities for School Attendance
Excused Absences
Unexcused Absences
Absences Notification
Make-Up Work
Excessive Absences
Absences Before / After School Events
Family Requests to Miss School Cuts
Early Dismissal

Page 5

Conduct and Discipline......25
Discipline Policy
Classroom Procedures
A Word on the Media

Standards of Dress and Appearance........31
Dress Guidelines
Dress Regulations for Elementary (K 6)
Dress Regulations for Grades 7 12

Emergencies and Illnesses..36
Immunization Records
Communicable Diseases
Fire and Tornado Drills

Parent School Communications..38
School Newsletter
Parent / Teacher Conferences
Contacting Teachers
Parent / Student / Office Relationship
Accurate Records
Withdrawal from School

Extra-curricular Activities.40
Student Activities
Athletic Eligibility (Grades 7 12)
Developing Biblical Priorities and Practices
Deportment at Ballgames
Leadership commitment
Student Council
Student Council Statement of Purpose
Student Body Class Officers
Art Project Contest Guidelines

Page 6

General Policies and Information....45
School Hours
Perfect Attendance
Christian Character
Diligent Student
Bible Memorization
Best Listener
Most Improved Student
Science & Art
Most Improved Reader
Christian Character Award Requirements
Qualifications for Mr. & Miss NTBC
Books and supplies
Change of Address or Telephone Number
Safety and Security
School Pictures
Bicycles & Snowmobiles etc.
Recess During Cold Weather
Emergency announcements
Musical Programs
Headset Policy
Student Driving Policy
Telephone Use
Lunchroom Procedures
Lunch Hour Rules
Parent Rules

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This Handbook is designed to supply information helpful to you as a New Testament Baptist
Christian School parent. It will not answer all questions concerning the Schools program. It will,
however, provide a basis for intelligent discussion and the systematic development of more adequate
guidelines and policies, to the end NTBCS will truly honor God and enable each student to be
effectively prepared for His service.

We ask that you please read carefully the following information which addresses School policies
affecting you and your child. Please keep this Handbook in a handy place for future reference.
Speak to Principal Poling about any questions you have or concerns regarding anything contained
here. We earnestly solicit and expect your full support and assistance to make our Schools
ministries God-honoring and its environment pleasant and conducive to Godly maturation.

The standard of performance at New Testament Baptist Christian School for faculty and
students is nothing less than what the Lord Jesus Christ wills, as revealed in the Scriptures. Nothing
but the best should be offered to Him, and whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord,
and not unto men. Colossians 3:23


New Testament Baptist Christian School exists to reinforce Christian values from the Christian home
to the Christian classroom through a warm spiritual atmosphere, quality academics, excellence in fine
arts, and developing Christian character.

The philosophy of a school guides our choice of faculty/staff members, what curriculum and
procedures will be followed, and what programs will be offered. In an age dominated by unbiblical
philosophies, NTBCS has determined to base its philosophy on Christ and His Word.

As a ministry of New Testament Baptist Church, we desire to fulfill the commission of our Lord to
teach His disciples the commandments of God (Matthew 28:19 20). NTBCS agrees to assist Christian
parents in meeting their biblical responsibility to train their children in the nurture and admonition of
the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). As an extension of the local church and the Christian home, our school to
assists parents in giving each student a thorough Christian education as each subject is taught within the
parameters and principles of the Word of God.

Page 8

The goal of NTBCS is to be different and to be different purposely. We seek to give young people an
education that is unique among the public and private school of our area. NTBCS desires that students be
thoroughly trained in the truths of Scripture as well as the truths God has spread throughout His creation.
NTBCS seeks to develop the strength of character and conviction to stand up for God as Biblical
principles are internalized.

The Four Pillars

As explained in our mission statement New Testament Baptist Christian School looks to four major
pillars that govern everything we do.

First, we desire spiritual excellence for our student body. For this purpose, NTBCS is not considered
an evangelistic ministry of New Testament Baptist Church, but a discipline environment where Christian
young people may learn a Biblical worldview.

Secondly, NTBCS strives for academic excellence in preparation for life. NTBCS believes in
traditional educational procedures and emphasizes the basics in building a strong academic foundation.
Students are challenged to work independently and to think for themselves as they build convictions that
will stand under the pressures of our modern culture.

Thirdly, our school has a strong emphasis on the fine arts. We want our young people to sharpen
their skills in speech, art, and music. Growing in these areas will enable the young people to use their
talents in their local churches for a lifetime of service to the Lord.

Finally, NTBCS is committed to developing Christian character in young people with the goal that
they develop self-discipline through a consistent and loving discipline program. All rules and regulations
are established on the basis of Biblical conviction (love God) or enable the school to function more
orderly (love thy neighbor). We sincerely believe that firm and fair discipline will help young people
develop good character in order to be lifelong learners and servants of the Lord.

These are the reference points that govern all that we do. We realize the magnitude of this challenge,
and we are dedicated to the task. We will seek to guide the students into being mentally prepared,
emotionally stable, physically active, morally straight, and spiritually in tune with Jesus Christ

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Our Purpose

The purpose of NTBCS is to afford the Christian parent an opportunity to train their children in the
nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4). While God gives the Christian parent the
responsibility to train up a child in the way he should go (Proverbs 22:6), NTBCS exists as an
extension of the Christian home to help parents accomplish this vital task. This command is not taken
lightly and requires a great deal of daily interaction. It is the purpose of NTBCS to assist parents in
giving each student a thorough Christian education with each subject taught within the parameters and
according to the principles of the Word of God.

Our Program

Prayer, Bible stories, and Scripture memorization are stressed on the primary and elementary level,
while a greater emphasis is given to the study of fundamental doctrines, as outlined previously, with
practical life application on the secondary level. There is also a strong emphasis on personal evangelism
and service in the local church. The King James Version of the Bible is the only version used as a
standard for memory and content work.

Chapel is a regular part of the school program and is held weekly. In addition, special chapels and a
secondary camp help to nurture the students walk with the Lord.

The educational program is not only made up of the traditional academic subjects, but also includes
music, art, computer, orchestra, and special events, with all instruction being Biblically oriented. All
phases of the curriculum are directed to assist in the ultimate development of the child. Emphasis is
placed upon Christian character development, mastery of academic fundamentals, and student

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Our Philosophy

Christian education is the only true education that exists. In Proverbs 1:7 we find that, The fear of
the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. The fear of the Lord and obedience to the truth is paramount
to genuine Christian education.

Most Christian education today is so-called. However, true Christian education is more than a
name, more than having a Bible and prayer in the classroom, and more than heralding a school verse. It is
the way of life. Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. He came that we might have life AND have it
more abundantly. Therefore, education is only Christian if it is indeed Christ-centered. Without Christ
as the center, education is Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (II
Timothy 3:7)

Since God created and sustains all things through His Son, Jesus Christ; the universe and all life are
dynamically related to God and have the purpose of glorifying Him. This is pointedly true of man, who
was made in Gods image, different in kind from all other creation, with the unique capacity to know and
respond to God personally and voluntarily. Because man is a sinner by nature and choice, he cannot,
however in this condition, know or honor God in his life. He can do this only by being born again by
receiving Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. Thus he will be enabled to do Gods will; which is the
ultimate purpose of his life.

The entire process of education is seen as a means used by the Holy Spirit to bring students into
fellowship with God, to develop a Christian mind in them and to train them in godly living, so that they
can fulfill Gods total purpose for their life: personally and vocationally. They must be taught what the
Bible teaches so they may understand God as well as their own nature and role as Gods image. They
must be developed, and related to God as a whole person: spiritually, mentally, emotionally, physically,
and socially. They must learn to see all truth as Gods truth and to integrate it with and interpret it by
Gods Word. They must be educated as individuals with their own unique abilities and personalities.
They must learn to live and work with others at home, in the church, and in a changing secular society.
They must interact with and be taught by parent and teacher models who are, themselves, born again and
have this perspective on life.

The authority for such an education comes both from Gods command that children be taught to love
God and place Him first in their lives, and from the fact that parents are responsible for the total education
and training of their children. (At the parents request, the New Testament Baptist Christian School,
along with the church, becomes a partner in giving this education).

At New Testament Baptist Christian School, academics are our next priority and are now enhanced
with our goal of Christ-centeredness. Each class will be staffed with a teacher who is dedicated and God-
called. We will stress the fundamental basics of reading, writing, spelling, vocabulary, grammar, math,
history, and science at every level.

Page 11

The Bible will be taught daily through devotions, classroom instruction, scripture memorization, and
weekly chapel services where students are challenged to serve God.

Every course, activity, and program shall be guided by teachers, coaches, and administrators with
prayer, energy, and skill coupled with professionalism which is planned for the benefit of each student.
Every staff member shall be a born-again Christian, dedicated to the Lord, faithful to His service, and
separated from the world.


Pastor Kenneth Shaffer, Administrator

Mr. James S. Poling, Principal

Church Trustees, School Board


The Pastor and the administration of the school reserve the right to establish and maintain standards
for student conduct, dress, and scholarship. Students are expected to make acceptable progress both
spiritually and academically, to abide by the school rules and guidelines, and to conduct themselves in a
manner consistent with the policies and practices as established by the administration. Students who
consistently violate the letter and spirit of rules and guidelines will be subject to dismissal from school.

New Testament Baptist Christian School makes no distinction in the admission of students based on
race, gender, nationality, or ethnic origin. As a private, Christian institution, admission to the school is a
privilege rather than a right. This privilege may be forfeited should a student fail to meet his
responsibilities. It is vital that each student and his family are fully supportive of the goals of the New
Testament Baptist Christian School.

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Church Attendance

A strong, Christ-honoring home and faithful attendance to a Bible-preaching church are vital elements
for a Christian education. Every family with students enrolled in the New Testament Baptist Christian
School must agree to have their children in a Bible-preaching church each week. Students are encouraged
to serve in a local church ministry.

Achievement Testing

Every other year in the spring a nationally recognized standardized achievement test is administered to
all students in grades K 11. While it is not the only way to assess our school, it is an important method
of evaluating our students, the scope/sequence/content of our curriculum, and our teachers. The results of
the test will be put in the students report card at the end of the school year.

College Testing

If a student believes the Lord is guiding them to college, the junior and/or senior class is required to
take the ACT or SAT college entrance test. The students must register for the test on their own and meet
the financial obligations. It is highly recommended that this process be handled at the beginning of the
school year. While there are several dates from which to choose, it is strongly advised to register for the
April test date. Research suggests that students perform better at this time of the school year since they
have completed most of their coursework for the eleventh and twelfth grade.

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The program of the New Testament Baptist Christian School places a strong emphasis on academic
fundamentals. All students in Kindergarten through 11
grade are administered the Iowa Basic
Achievement Test every even year in the spring. Student scores are included in the North Dakota state
testing program as well as in the national norms. All subjects are taught in light of Biblical truth.


New Testament Baptist Christian School teachers are dedicated Christians who serve faithfully in the
New Testament Baptist Church. Each member of our faculty has demonstrated scholastic achievement,
shall be a born-again Christian, and separated from the world.

Faculty / Staff Directory

Teacher Grade Email


Mrs. Janna Phelps
Helper: Mrs. Lynette VanInwegen
Mrs. Kristin Poling


Mrs. Melissa Lehman
Helper: Mrs. Darcy Fultz
Miss Shelbie Cobb

thru 6

Mrs. Debbie Anderson
Mrs. Lorraine Williams
Grader: Mr. Sam Phelps

through 12

Brother Scott Poling
Helper: Miss Shelbie Cobb

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Faculty / Staff Directory (cont.)

Teacher Grade Email

Music Appreciation / Kids For Christ / Teen Choir
Mrs. Lynette VanInwegen

Mrs. Kristin Poling

Librarian / Special Needs
Mrs. Melissa Lehman

Mrs. Sharry Kennedy

Elementary Art
Mrs. Melissa Lehman

Physical Education
Brother Scott Poling

Class Time Schedule

Regular Schedule Wednesday Schedule

8:00 am 8:30 am Devotions 8:00 am 8:30 am Devotions
8:30 am 8:40 am Prep Time 8:30 am 8:40 am Prep Time
8:45 am 9:25 am Period 1 8:45 am 9:25 am Period 1
9:30 am 10:20 am Period 2 9:30 am 10:20 am Period 2
10:25 am 11:15 am Period 3 10:25 am 11:15 am Period 3
11:20 am 12:10 pm Period 4 11:20 am 12:10 pm Period 4
12:10 pm 12:50 pm Lunch 12:10 pm 12:50 pm Lunch
12:10 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch (Elem) 12:10 pm - 1:00 pm Lunch
12:55 pm 1:45 pm Period 5 12:55 pm 1:45 pm Period 5
1:50 pm 2:40 pm Period 6 1:50 pm 2:40 pm Period 6
2:45 pm 3:25 pm Period 7 2:40 pm Dismissal
3:35 pm Dismissal

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Special Meeting Schedule

9:00 am - 9:15 am Devotions
9:15 am 9:25 am Prep Time
9:30 am 10:20 am Period 1
10:25 am 11:15 am Period 2
11:20 am 12:10 pm Period 3
12:10 pm 12:50 pm Lunch
12:10 pm 1:00 pm Lunch (Elem)
12:55 pm - 1:45 pm Period 4
1:50 pm 2:40 pm Period 5
2:40 pm Dismissal

Report cards will be given to students at the end of each nine-week grading period for grades 1-12.
Students are responsible to return their report cards (with the proper signature from one of their parents or
guardians) the day after they are issued.

Progress Reports will be issued every two weeks during the nine-week grading period in the Jr. and Sr.
High. Parents should make arrangements in advance to visit their child(ren)s teacher on scheduled
conference days with any questions or suggestions they might have.

Grading Scale (Grades 1 12)

A+ 99 100 B+ 90 92 C+ 81 83 D+ 75 76 F 0 - 69
A 95 98 B 86 89 C 79 80 D 72 74
A- 93 94 B- 84 85 C- 77 78 D- 70 71

Page 16

Grade Point Average - GPA

Grade Percentile
Point 12 Pt.

Grade Percentile
Point 12 Pt.

A+ 100 4 12

C 80 2.05
A+ 99 3.92

C 79 1.95
A 98 3.86

C- 78 1.86
A 97 3.79

C- 77 1.77
A 96 3.71

D+ 76 1.68
A 95 3.64

D+ 75 1.59 5
A- 94 3.57 11

D 74 1.5
A- 93 3.5

D 73 1.39 4
B+ 92 3.38 10

D 72 1.28
B+ 91 3.25

D- 71 1.17 3
B+ 90 3.13 9

D- 70 1.06
B 89 3

F 69 0.94
B 88 2.88

68 0.83
B 87 2.75

67 0.72
B 86 2.63 8

66 0.61 2
B- 85 2.5

65 0.5
B- 84 2.41 7

64 0.44 0
C+ 83 2.32

63 0.38
C+ 82 2.23 6

62 0.31
C+ 81 2.14

61 0.25

60 0.19

59 0.13

58 0.06

Page 17

Secondary Curriculum Tracks

These tracks may vary slightly from year to year according to current student needs. Some classes are
only offered on alternating years.

Requirements for 7
and 8
Grade are:
2 Math courses
2 English courses
2 Social Studies courses (U.S. History & World History)
2 Science courses
2 Physical Education
2 Health (incorporated with the Science courses)
1 Keyboarding

Recommended Graduation Study Tracks:
Twenty-Five credits are required for graduation. Required credits are as follows:
Course College Prep Track General Track
Bible 4 credits 4 credits
English 4 credits 4 credits
Mathematics 3 credits 3 credits
Science 3 credits 2 credits
Geography & History 3 credits 3 credits
Music Appreciation/Choir/Orch. 1 credit 1 credit
Keyboarding 1 credit 1 credit
Physical Education 1 credit 1 credit
Electives 4 credits 5 credits

Total Credits 25 Credits 25 Credits

- College Prep math should include Algebra I, Algebra II, and a higher math (Geometry
and/or Advanced Math).
- College Prep science should include General Science, Biology, and another lab science
(Chemistry or Physics).
- History must include World History, U.S. History, Geography, Government, and
- Music is required as per North Dakota State education requirements.
- Many colleges now require one to two years of a foreign language. It is strongly
recommended in the North Dakota University System.

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* North Dakota University System Requirements
(Minimum preparation for admissions to a state 4-year college or university)
The North Dakota Board of Higher Education has adopted the following minimum course requirements
for enrollment at one of the states 4-year colleges:
4 Units of English
3 Units of Math Algebra I and above
3 Units of Laboratory Science
(Physical Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
3 Units of Social Studies
Strongly recommended but not required:
2 Units of a Foreign Language
- Students not meeting the preparation criteria who desire a 4-year degree should start at a Junior
College and transfer after 2 years.
- A limited number of exemptions are given each year. Students who do not meet the guidelines
are not assured of admissions.
- The admissions guidelines are minimums. Students in many majors need a more extensive
UND and NDSU also consider a students rank, grade point average, and ACT scores when making
admission decisions.

Grade Courses:

Freshman Year credits Sophomore Year credits
Bible... 1 Bible 1
English I. 1 English II. 1
Algebra I. 1 Algebra II 1
Physical Science 1 Biology 1
Geography. World History. 1
Health Electives (Two Classes semester class) 1
Music Appreciation... P.E. .
Home Economics .

Junior Year credits Senior Year credits
Bible.. 1 Bible 1
English III. 1 English IV 1
Math Elective (Geometry/Business/ U.S. Government.
Consumer Math). 1 Economics
U.S. History.. 1 Electives (Three Classes). 3
Electives (Two Classes) 2 P.E. ..
P.E. ..

Page 19

Note: Choir will be taken by all grades every year and will count for credits.

*Electives Available: credits *Electives Available (cont.) credits
Spanish I (college prep) 1 Speech
Spanish II (college prep) 1 Computer Applications
Precalculus (college prep) 1 Chemistry (college prep) 1
Consumer Math 1 Physics (college prep) 1
Business Math 1 Geometry (college prep) 1
American Civil War Accounting 1
American Revolutionary War North Dakota Studies
World War I World War II

Homework and Study Habits

Success in the academic field is directly related to efficient study habits. We realize students need
more than just the classroom instruction in order to really learn. They also need time in independent
thinking and concentration. For this reason, we recommend that there be a quiet place at home for study
and that a sufficient amount of uninterrupted time be devoted to this aspect of academic training.

We would like to instill in every student a desire to achieve to the best of his/her ability. Parents can
help in this effort by taking the position that the School is of major importance, that its schedule must be
observed, and outside activities must not be so time-consuming or numerous as to infringe on the time
necessary for schoolwork.

Believing that homework is an integral part of the school program, each video and on-site teacher
gives homework to aid students to advance in their studies. Therefore, each student is required to
complete his/her homework assignments. Homework is given for several reasons:

1) For Preparation Students profit most from classroom explanation and
discussion when preparatory reading assignments are given.
2) For Practice Following classroom explanation and illustration,
homework is given so that the material will be mastered.
3) For Remedial Activity As instruction progresses, various weak points in
a students grasp of a subject become evident. Homework following
instructions may be given to overcome such difficulties.
4) For Special Projects Book reports, compositions, special research
assignments, and projects are some of the activities that are frequently the
subject of homework attention.

It is the students responsibility to acquire the homework from school during absences. Homework
will be posted on the website for easy access, but if the family does not have access to the internet they

Page 20

need to contact the school office to receive their work. Penalties for failure to complete homework may
include extra work, 0 daily grades, after-school detention, or other penalties as deemed necessary.

We do request parents full cooperation in seeing that the assignments are completed, but we do
not want parents doing the assignments for their child(ren). Let the child(ren) do their own work,
the teachers are evaluating the student, not the parent.

Incomplete Grades

Occasionally it is necessary to temporarily assign an Incomplete (I) for a grading period. The
incomplete work must be made up within two weeks after report cards are issued. An incomplete which
is not made up becomes a failing grade for that grading period.

Plagiarism or Academic Cheating

Plagiarism means any act of using, without acknowledgment, the ideas, writings, or inventions of
another, either word-for-word or in substance, and representing them as ones own, e.g., failure to use
quotations marks, footnotes, or bibliography to indicate material used directly or substantially from other
sources in written or oral reports. This definition would also apply to themes, poems, musical
compositions, research reports, or to any other work done in preparation for school assignments. Students
who plagiarize will receive a zero for the assignment and/or test. In the most serious cases, plagiarism
may result in the student failing the class.

Academic cheating means the attempt to obtain or supply knowledge, information, or material to or
from another person or source of information and to submit such work as the product of the student. For
example: giving or receiving aid during a testing period, lending ones own work or acquiring the work
of another for the purpose of submitting all or a part thereof as the work product of the student. Students
who cheat will be expelled from school.

Promotion / Retention

Promotion and retention of students will be decided by New Testament Baptist Christian School
teachers and administrators. Promotion is to be viewed and determined on two levels: academic
performance and emotional and social readiness.

Students who show decided and documented lacks in both academic and social areas should be
considered as prime candidates for retention. Retention decisions will be based upon:

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1) Teacher documented academic information.

2) Parent anecdotal information.

If a teacher is considering retention, the parents and school administrator should be informed as soon
as possible but in any case not later than the beginning of the fourth quarter. Notification should be
made in writing as well as verbally during conferences. The school reserves the right to determine
final placement of any student.

Students who maintain academic work consistent with their talents and age level will be promoted so
long as their social and emotional behavior patterns are in norm with others of that class.

General Responsibilities for School Attendance

Regular attendance is absolutely essential to successful schoolwork. Absences cause hardships on all
concerned; please do your best to avoid them.

Upon a students return from being absent, students in grades K-6 must present a note written by the
parent or guardian to their teacher. Please send a note even if you have called the school office regarding
the students absence. Students in grades 7-12 should report to the school office and submit their note for
being absent. The administration will determine the status. If the reason is valid, the student may make
up academic work. If the return slip does not give a reason for the absence or if the reason given is
invalid, then the student will receive 70% credit for work done. This includes quizzes, tests, etc.

In order to operate efficiently and to produce a high caliber student NTBCS closely follows the
prudence underlying the North Dakota Compulsory Attendance Laws.

Lawful Absences (excused)

1. The student has an illness or injury which prevents him/her from being physically able to attend
2. The student is isolated from the general population because of a quarantine ordered by the local
health officer or the State Board of Health.
3. A death occurs in the immediate family of the student (including, but not limited to, the
grandparents, parents, brothers, and sisters).
4. The student has a medical or dental appointment.
5. The student is part of a court proceeding.
6. The student is involved in a valid educational/sporting opportunity. (The absence and the activity
must have prior approval from the administration.)

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Unlawful Absences (unexcused)

1. A student is willfully absent from school with or without the knowledge of the parent.
2. A student is absent from school for any reason other than those listed above under Lawful
Absences above.
Parents keeping children out for personal reasons
Working at home or businesses (i.e. PRACS, etc.)
Baby sitting
Transportation (missed ride or car problems)
Going shopping, hair appointment, etc.
Non-educational trips (i.e., going out of town)
Lack of clean clothes, shoes, etc.

Absences: Notification

Absences that are initiated by the school are considered educational/sporting and will not count toward
a students total absences. Every non-school initiated absence, excused or unexcused and parental
educational, will require written notification from the parent or guardian explaining the absence. The
parent or guardian will need to call the school office by 8:30 am on the day their child(ren) are absent. If
no phone call is received by this time the child(ren) will receive an unexcused absence.

The administration will determine whether the absence is excused or not. Student should make up
academic work for excused absences. Work missed because of an unexcused absence must be made up to
the teachers satisfaction, but will receive 70% credit for work done. This policy applies to regular
homework, quizzes, tests, exams, research papers, or projects. If there is any question, please check with
the administration before the willful absence.

Make-up Work

Students will receive the number of days they were absent, plus one extra day to make up work for a
lawful absence from school. (This is not two-for-one. If a student is absent for three days, he should
complete his/her work within four school days.) An extension may be requested for an extended absence.

Students with unexcused absences from school have the same time frame to make up the assigned work,
but will receive 70% credit for work done.

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Excessive Absences

A student who has more than 10 absences (excused or unexcused) per semester may be required to
make up time missed, hour for hour, in Saturday School. This six-hour (8am 2pm) day will cost $100.
If a student has 25 or more absences (excused or unexcused) per year, the school reserves the right to
retain the student, regardless of academic achievement.

Absences Before/After-School Events

Students absent from school are not to attend after school and evening events. This policy includes
athletic events. In order for a student to participate, he/she must attend school for an entire school day
(6.5 hours). Rare exceptions may be made only by the administration.

Family Requests to Miss School: Cuts

From time to time important family situations arise that may require missing school. We do expect
that every effort be made to plan within the allowances in the school calendar; however, to accommodate
those special family situations, students may use up to five cuts days within the following limitations:
Cuts cannot be taken the first or last week of a semester, nor during achievement testing week. Cuts
permission will not be approved if a student has already missed school 5 days for the first semester or 15
days for the year. Only 1 day may be used immediately before or after Spring Break.

1. Please secure a cuts permission form from the school office at least one week in advance.
2. The student must then present this form to the teacher so that the teacher may assign any work
that may be missed.
3. The student must return the form to the office no later than two days before his/her cuts begin.
4. The administrator must sign the form in order for this to be an excused absence.
5. It is the responsibility of the student to complete these procedures in a timely manner.
6. Students are responsible to have assigned work ready for their classes upon return from cuts.

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A tardy slip will be handed to the student when a student is late or he/she is not following the
classroom procedures (see classroom procedures section). Tardies are disruptive to the classroom and
also have an adverse effect on your childs educational progress. Students should come to class prepared.
For every two tardies within a weeks time, the student must make up the time in detention (from 3:35
p.m. to 4:35 p.m.). The detention will be served the day after detention was administered (unless prior
coordination was accomplished with the Principal) so alternate plans can be made for transportation for
the student to get home. For elementary students who will be serving detention (either a daily or
Saturday), one of their parents must be present during of their childs detention (when applicable). Three
red-slip tardies in a nine-week period will be marked as an unexcused absence that results in a zero daily
grade. Five tardies during one month (red-slip and green-slip tardies added together), the student must
attend Saturday School (from 8:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m.) and pay $50.00 for the teachers time. The
Saturday School detention will be served the first Saturday of the next month.

Early Dismissal

When a student must leave school early, please submit a note to the office with the time and an
explanation. The note will also serve as admittance to school the following day or when the student
returns. Those leaving after 2:00 pm will not be counted absent, but will be required to make-up the work
missed. The missed work must be completed within one day. Please avoid the temptation for these early
dismissals to become habitual.

No student may leave NTBCS campus without permission from the parent and approval from the

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Discipline Policy

New Testament Baptist Christian School recognizes Five Steps to effective discipline:
1. Instruction (Ephesians 6:4; Proverbs 22:6)
2. Reinforcement remind the student, helping him recognize he/she
deserves and needs discipline.
3. Correction the ultimate goal of discipline is training in responsibility for actions.
4. Restitution right the wrong if possible (Ephesians 4:28)
5. Restoration and Reassurance expressing love and concern for the one disciplined.

To carry out the parents wishes for total character development, it is necessary the School follow
Scriptural admonitions to correct their child(ren) if behavior violates appropriate and reasonable rules and

We desire for the discipline at New Testament Baptist Christian School to be characterized by three
things: (1) genuine love for our students; (2) firm but fair enforcement of rules; and (3) good
communication between home and school. Our proper handling of discipline is one of the chief ways
God uses teachers and parents to minister effectively to students.

Although it is necessary to have school and classroom rules, our emphasis will not be producing
robots (young people going through the motions of the dos and donts of school rules), but upon
developing young Christians in the image of their Creator, Jesus Christ. Through a proper response to the
authorities God has placed in their lives (parents, Pastor, teachers, etc.), students will learn to gladly
respond to Jesus Christ.

The individual classroom teacher carries the most responsibility for working closely with the students
in matter of discipline. It is important that parents and teachers work closely together in correcting any

behavior, and we give our promise to do exactly that. Parents are expected to support the teacher and the
school in discipline (Proverbs 24:6).

In some cases it will be evident that the school cannot properly handle the disciplinary challenges of a
student. If the student does not respond positively to the discipline of New Testament Baptist Christian
School, the school reserves the right to have the parents withdraw the child. It will always be our first

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objective to work out with the parents and the student a change in the behavior of the student so that the
family can continue to benefit from the enrollment at New Testament Baptist Christian School. Our
highest goal is for students to know Jesus Christ personally and to grow and mature in their knowledge
and experience of Him.

We have found out by observation that students past the 4
grade in the public school do not have the
same discipline that is required for the Christian school. Our policy is not to accept non-church members
children past the 4
grade, without the permission of the Pastor (school administrator). However, we will
accept students from non-church members who have been home schooled or transferring from another
Christian school, because their discipline foundation has been established.

Gum, snowballs, water devices of any kind, skateboards, snowmobiles, radios, tape players, knives,
playing cards, CD players, alcohol, drugs, tobacco, guns of any type, cell phones, pagers, handheld
games, and other disruptive devices will not be allowed at school or school activities. These items will be
confiscated by the teacher and turned in to the office. First offense: the item will be held for a week and
must be picked up by the parent. Second offense: the item will be held for one month at which time it
may be picked up by the parent. Third offense: the item will be held for the remainder of the semester at
which time it may be picked up by the parent.

A Word on the Media

New Testament Baptist Christian School believes and teaches that God has commanded us to
1. lead righteous and holy lives (I Pet. 1:13 17; Titus 2:12; Ps 101:3)
I Peter 1:13 17 We must be holy. We are to be separated unto God from sin.
Titus 2:12 We must keep ourselves from ungodliness and worldly lusts, and we must
live soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world.
Psalm 101:3 We must not set anything wicked before our eyes.
2. have a lifestyle that is radically different from unbelievers (Gal. 5:16 26; Eph. 5:1 17; I
Cor. 6:9 11)
Galatians 5:16 26 Believers are commanded to Walk in the Spirit and put to death
the works of the flesh.
Ephesians 5:1 17 Fornication, uncleanness, covetousness, filthiness, foolish talking, or
jesting should never be named among Christians.
I Corinthians 6:9 11 Christians are to put away all manner of sinful lifestyles,
including homosexuality.
3. not use Christian liberty to gratify the flesh. (Galatians 5:13)
4. separate ourselves from the world (Rom. 12:2; II Cor. 6:17)
Romans 12:2 We are not to be conformed to the world.
II Corinthians 6:17 We are not to touch the unclean thing.

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In application of these Biblical principles we believe Christians should exhibit positive Christian
attributes while avoiding the entanglements of the world. These principles should guide our lives,
including our recreational and entertainment choices. We believe it is wise for our families to avoid
movie theaters, and be very selective in their choices of Internet use, TV programs, videos, stage plays,
entertainment facilities, video games, and restaurants. A student who is determined to be watching
wickedness or is seeking to influence others in these areas will be disciplined.

While our school does not set specific viewing standards for families, we do hold a sacred trust for all
who attend our school. Many families have chosen our school as a place of refuge and security from the
philosophies and deeds of the world. They do not want their children thus influenced. It is for these
reasons that NTBCS reserves the right to discipline those students who fail to conduct themselves within
the purpose and spirit of New Testament Baptist Christian School.

Internet Personal Profile Pages: In the recent past schools throughout the nation have
experienced a variety of problems with students personal profile pages on websites such as
myspace.com, Facebook, Friendster, and Xanga. These websites allow people to post a great deal of
personal information, including pictures and contact information on a personal webpage. It is not difficult
to image the dangers of such information being listed for millions to view without restriction. In addition
to the personal risks that many teens are taking, some students have also used these websites to engage in
a variety of questionable and unbiblical activities.

For these reasons, NTBCS will hold our students accountable for information and links posted at
websites such as these as it relates to violation of school policies, especially to comments, posts,
photographs, threats, etc. concerning the schools students, administration, faculty and staff. We
encourage NTBCS parents to find out if your child has a profile on one of these websites and to review it
in light of our schools policies and the security of your family.

Boy/Girl Relationships: NTBCS encourages our students to develop wholesome friendships
between boys and girls, but we counsel our students to regard peers as Christian brothers and sisters
rather than boyfriend and girlfriend. Physical contact between the genders is improper behavior for
Christian young people and not permitted among students. No dating is allowed for students at school

Prohibited Items: Items associated with a questionable movie or TV show; electronic toys and
games; role-playing games; laser lights; explosive of any type; matches, lighters, igniters; worldly music
tapes, videos, or CDs; books and magazines not pertaining to classroom use; guns or knives or any kind
(including play items); playing cards; personal music or video devices; squirt guns or any other item that
is deemed questionable or hazardous by the administration. If in doubt, please contact the school office.

Any student possessing or making pretense of using, possessing, or encouraging others to use alcohol,
tobacco, or illegal narcotics or possessing any drug paraphernalia on or off campus will be subject to the
same penalty as use of that item. Students involved in practical joking or general jesting about illegal
narcotics will be subject to disciplinary action.

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Students who willfully withhold knowledge of other students involved in illegal incidents will be
subject to the same penalty as students who are directly involved in illegal activity.

Cell phones, PDAs, I-pods, cameras, and other electronic devices are not permitted in the classroom.
These devices are required to be turned in at the office each morning, and the student may retrieve it at
the end of the day.

Classroom Procedures

I Corinthians 14:40 Let all things be done decently and in order.

Hebrews 13:17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves

There are five rules to follow in the classroom:

1) Keep all communications honoring to the Lord.

2) Keep your hands and feet to yourselves.

3) Respect and obey all supervising adults.

4) Be a good steward of all things.

5) Always be prepared.

COURTESY AND RESPECT: Students are expected to behave respectfully to both adults and peers in
words and in actions. All school property is to be treated with respect including desks and lockers.
Students and their families will be financially responsible for any degree of misuse or abuse.

NOISE: Generally, a quiet, orderly room should be maintained with exception of planned activities,
which require livelier student interaction. Students shall be quiet, seated, and ready for class at the bell or
when the on-site teacher informs the time to start.

RAISE HANDS: No talking without permission in the classroom, unless participating with the video
teacher. Students are expected to raise their hands and be recognized by the teacher in order to speak or
leave their seats. Students are not to call out to teachers and administrators visiting their areas.

ENTER AND EXIT: Students should enter and leave the classroom in a quiet, orderly manner, taking
care not to disturb others. Students are to be supervised at all times.

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FOOD AND BEVERAGE: Candy, food, or beverage (except water in a closed container) is not
permitted outside of the Harley Hall or break lounge. Gum chewing by students is NOT allowed at any
time on campus.

Student Conduct


Over the years, the leadership of our church and school has prayerfully studied biblical principles to
develop the proper policies used in administering school affairs. The discipline policies are designed for
the purpose of instruction in righteousness. Our desire is to be firm, fair, and friendly in all matters
related to the discipline of the student body.

There are generally two reasons for these rules. First of all, Scripture teaches us that we are to show
our love for God (Matthew 22:35 40). God clearly teaches us that if we love Him we must avoid
certain behaviors (lying, cheating, stealing, immoral activity, etc.). Obedience to Gods moral standards
with the right heart attitude shapes our character toward Christ-likeness and shows others a testimony to
please God, not self.

Secondly, the Scriptures teach us to demonstrate a love for our neighbor. Our school family is made
up of people from different backgrounds and preferences. In order that we all can live together in
harmony and efficiency, NTBCS must set up some minimal standards of behavior, dress, and operational

The Bible is clear that the basic responsibility for discipline resides with the home. Therefore, parents
will be informed when unusual circumstances arise. For the good of the child, it is essential that the home
and the school are in active agreement. Proverbs 3:12, 13:24, 22:15, 19:18, will be of some help in this

Expectation of Students Behavior

Our expectation of students behavior is that while things will be said and done on occasion that are
not in accordance with Gods Word, this type of behavior would be an exception rather than the rule. Our
anticipation is that all students would generally live their lives in accordance with Biblical principles like
those taught in Romans 12 13:5; I Peter 1:13 17, as well as other places in Gods Word. Some
examples of these principles are as follows:

Page 30

1) Conform to Gods values rather than the worlds. (I.e. no Santa Clause,
Easter Bunny or Halloween)
2) Expected to practice integrity, honesty, a good work ethic, self-control, and
3) Recognize that God values each and every student and therefore every
student has something valuable and positive to contribute to our school.
4) Hate things that are evil and cling to those that are good.
5) Be kind, respectful, and encouraging to all those around you, rather than
rude and negative.
6) Be diligent rather than lazy and prepared to do your best.
7) Be friendly to all students, not just a select few.
8) Live peaceably with all students, not just a select few.
9) Solve your problems with others Biblically. Follow the guidelines in
Matthew 5:23 24 and Matthew 18:15 20.
a. First try to settle it privately between you and those involved. Do
not talk to those who are not involved in the problem. This only
enlarges the problem.
b. If the problem is not solved, those involved should go to a teacher
or the Principal for help in solving the problem.
c. Do not repay evil for evil, but forgive those who sin against you.
10) Respect and obey all supervising adults.
11) Respect and properly care for all things whether they belong to you or
someone else.
12) All behavioral expectations are to be adhered to at all school sponsored

Remember, God wants us to be doers of His Word, not just hearers (James 1:22). Each day before you
come to school, ask God to help you to be a doer of His Word.

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Standardize Dress Code

Dress code requirements begin upon the students arrival at school and remain in effect until
his/her departure. Students coming to school without the proper uniform may be sent to the office
where parents/guardians will be notified. If a parent cannot be reached, the student will be placed
in, in-school suspension the remainder of the day.

Dress Guidelines

Biblical Principles for dress may be summarized:
1) Is it modest?

I Timothy 2:9 10 - women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness
and sobriety; (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.

Deuteronomy 22:5 - The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man

II Timothy 2:22 Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace,
with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present
your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

2) Does it distinguish between male and female?

Deuteronomy 22:5 - The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man

I Corinthians 11:14 15 Doth not even nature itself teach you, that, if a man have long
hair, it is a shame unto him? But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her
hair is given her for a covering.

3) Does it reflect the worldly culture?

I John 2:15 16 Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. I f any man
love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of
the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the

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Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present
your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable
service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of
your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of

The Biblical principle underlying all standards of dress and grooming is modesty. Modesty applies not
only to common decency but to the matter of calling undue attention to oneself as well. An appearance
that makes a person a public spectacle is as inappropriate for the Christian as clothing that calls
inappropriate attention to the body. The clothing and grooming of our students should be appropriate in
both facets of modesty.

While at school, student dress will be governed by the New Testament Baptist Christian School
uniform program. Students are to be neatly and appropriately dressed for all NTBCS-sponsored
activities. Students violating the dress code at school or other activities may, at the discretion of the
administration, be asked to go to the school office and not return to class until their appearance meets
NTBCS standards. Parents and guests of students are encouraged to honor the standards of modest dress
exemplified by the NTBCS dress code (skirts or dresses for ladies, long pants or slacks for men) while
participating in NTBCS activities or attending NTBCS functions.

In application of these biblical principles, we have set an institutional standard for our Christian
school. We understand that many of our school families may have differing applications of these
principles. However, as an institution, we see the need to set specific dress regulations for the students at
New Testament Baptist Christian School. We would also agree that an institution of Christian learning
must have unity. We must determine to Love God and Love our neighbor.

It is not intended that our students dress expensively to attend NTBCS. However, all students are to
come to school dressed neatly. Shoes should be well kept for health reasons as well as appearance.
Extremes in styles are to be avoided. These regulations are for all school functions, unless specific
instructions have been otherwise given.

T-shirts are not acceptable attire, unless provided by the administration. No picture shirts or shirts
with lettering are to worn. (Modest brand labels will be permitted. The label must be able to be covered
by one hand in one location).

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Dress Regulations for Elementary (K 6)

Girls K 6 grade girls are to always wear dresses, skirts, or jumpers that are of modest length (no
shorter than the bottom of the knee when standing or sitting). No sleeveless, strapless or thin-strapped
dresses or tops are to be worn. Clothing made of stretch fabrics should be checked carefully to insure a
modest, loose-fitting appearance. Skirts that have slits above the knee should be sewn completely shut to
below the knee to mid-calf. Shirttail blouses are to be tucked into the skirt. Slacks, walking shorts, or
shorts are never to be worn at school functions. Hair is to be neatly combed. Girls hair must be long
enough to clearly distinguish themselves from boys. Girls should wear appropriate footwear that will
facilitate outdoor play. Tennis shoes are acceptable for gym class only. No high heeled shoes above 2
should be worn during regular school day functions. Our young ladies are permitted to wear shoes that do
not have a back strap, as long as the shoe is not a flip-flop, soccer sandal, or other type of footwear that
tends to be overly casual in appearance. Makeup is not permitted for girls in grades K 6.

Boys Boys are to present a neat appearance. Hair is to be cut and combed enough so that it does not
look sloppy. For K 6, pullover shirts are permitted, provided they have sleeves. Regular school dress
requires shirts with a fold-over or banded collar. Only the top button of a shirt may be left unbuttoned.
Turtlenecks are permitted. Shirts are to be tucked in at all times, not folded under. Only shirts with
elastic bands (designed to be left outside the pants) will be excluded. T-shirts are not to be worn unless
the apparel is sanctioned for a NTBCS school spirit emphasis.

Please observe the same hair guidelines as set forth for the young men in grades 7 12. Pants should
be of regular length. No baggy, loose fitting or wide leg pants should be worn. Black or blue sweatpants
or wind pants may be worn during gym times only. Cargo pants or tear away pants with zippered or
buttoned legs may not be worn. Belts must be worn on all looped pants and must be clearly seen. Boys
should wear appropriate footwear. Tennis shoes are acceptable for gym class only.

Extremes in taste or style that are inconsistent with our Christian understanding of dress are to be
avoided. Our young men are not allowed to wear jewelry, such as beads, chains, earrings, necklaces,
or bracelets (except for medical alert tags).

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Dress Regulations for 7 12

Young Ladies
The Word of God plainly teaches that the body of a woman is to be covered. Her actions and dress
should not cause anyone to question her motives or virtue. Her holiness, purity, and distinction of gender
are intended by God to be kept. Therefore decisions about dress and activities should be carefully made.
Only required school uniforms are allowed to be worn in the classroom. All skirts, blouses, and
jumpers should be clean and neatly pressed. No students should wear stained or torn uniforms.
For all other school activities, such as ball games, science fair, potlucks, etc., the following guidelines
shall be practiced:

Clothing: Girls may wear dresses (including jumpers or skirts) that are no shorter than the bottom of
the knee when standing or sitting. Dresses should be of a cut and style that best reflects modesty and
propriety for individual students. Tops should have a fold-over or banded collar. Clothing made of
stretch fabrics should be checked carefully to insure a modest and loose-fitting appearance. Ladies may
not wear dresses/skirts made of denim or fabric simulating leather. Ladies may wear denim skirts or tops
(provided they are not faded or ripped) to ball games and at other announced functions. Jean jackets (or
material giving the appearance) should not be worn.

Necklines should be no lower than 2 below the lowest part of the collarbone. Shirts/blouses must be
buttoned except the top bottom. Skirts or dresses with slits must be sewn to the mid-calf. Blouses or
dresses, as well as T-shirts worn to athletic practices or physical education classes should have a sleeve;
no strapless or thin-strapped dresses (or gowns) are to be worn. Crop tops are not permitted. Shirttail
blouses are to be tucked into the skirt. All girls must wear undergarments. Small designer labels are
acceptable. Slacks, walking shorts, or shorts should never be worn to school functions, including
elementary or Saturday events. Extremes in taste or style that are inconsistent with our Christian
understanding of dress are to be avoided. Girls are not to wear articles that reflect a masculine overtone.

Athletic shoes (including casual shoes that have stitching similar to athletic shoes) may not be worn
outside of physical education classes. Shoes that do not have a back strap are permitted as long as the
shoe is not a flip-flop, soccer/beach sandal, or other type of footwear that is overly casual in appearance.

Hair/Make-up: Hair is to be neatly cut, combed and styled in such a way that it is controlled and
away from the eyes. Hairstyles should not reflect extreme styles or worldly trends. Discretion should be
exercised when using makeup.

Young Men
The boys are required to adhere to Bible principles in how they act, dress, and present themselves.
Our boys should have goals and priorities to honor Christ and His Word. Only required school uniforms

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are allowed to be worn in the classroom. Proper care should be given in keeping our school uniforms
clean and neat. Please make sure your childs clothing is neatly pressed before sending them to
school. No soiled or torn uniforms are allowed. For all other school activities, such as ball games,
science fair, potlucks, etc., the following guidelines shall be practiced:

Clothing: Regular school dress requires shirts with fold-over collars. Only the top button of a shirt
may be left unbuttoned. Turtlenecks are permitted. Shirts are to be tucked in at all times, not folded over.
Only shirts with elastic bands (designed to be left outside the pants) will be excluded. T-shirts and
sweatshirts are not to be worn unless the apparel is sanctioned for a NTBCS school spirit emphasis.

For regular school activities, young men should wear some type of casual or dress pants, but no sweat
pants, wind pants, army fatigues, or tear away pants with zippered or buttoned legs. Tight-fitting or oddly
patterned slacks should be avoided. In all cases, pants should be neat and clean. Pants should be of
regular length. No baggy, loose fitting or wide leg pants should be worn. Belts must be worn on looped
pants and the entire belt must be clearly seen. Jean jackets (or material giving the appearance) should not
be worn.

Extremes in taste or style that are inconsistent with our Christian understanding of dress are to be
avoided. Our young men are not allowed to wear jewelry, such as beads, chains, earrings, necklaces,
and bracelets with the exception of medical alert tags.

Boys should wear casual dress shoes. Athletic shoes (including casual shoes that have stitching
similar to athletic shoes) may not be worn outside of physical education classes. Socks are to be worn at
all school functions.

Hair: Hair should be neat and combed. Dying, bleaching, or coloring of the hair is prohibited. The
following guidelines for hair length should be followed:
Hair should not be longer than the middle of the forehead.
Hair should be cut in a uniform, thinned and tapered manner so that it is off the ears and
Sideburns: no longer than the lower opening of the ear.
Facial hair is not to be worn by students. Students needing to shave must do so regularly.

NOTE: Parents and families of students need to observe the school dress code while attending school
and school activities. We want to dress like a child of the King. Please parents, be sure your
daughters/sons attire meets the dress code. Any girl/boy not meeting the standard will be sent to the
office for in school suspension until the parent can bring a new change of clothes that meet the
school standard. If your child is not within school standards at a game or school activity the parent
will be called and the child will be sent home.

School uniforms do not need to be worn at school activities such as games, but the same standards
of dress must be met.

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Emergencies and Illnesses

Fire and Tornado Drills

Fire Drill Procedure:
Fire drills are conducted on a regular basis. Emergency exit procedures are reviewed in each class at
the beginning of the school year. Exit routes are posted throughout the building. Each class has a
designated meeting area within the safety zone outside the school building. During the fire drill, students
are to WALK quickly and quietly as a class unit to their designated area. If a student is in the restroom or
out of the classroom at the time of the drill, he/she should exit by the nearest door and proceed to his/her
classs meeting area, without returning to the classroom. Students may return to their classroom when the
teacher gives the direction to do so.

Tornado Alert:
There will be tornado drills monthly each school year. All teachers will instruct the students on
procedures to keep them safe should a tornado occur. During a tornado drill, students should proceed to
the basement of the New Testament Baptist Church building and assume a crouched position with their
heads protected.

Immunization Records

A current record of immunizations, or parents signature on a Decline Immunizations Record, signed
by a physician must be on file in the office before a student may be enrolled each year.


If a child has a fever or any other symptoms of illness, he/she should not be sent to school. A student
with a temperature above 100 F should be kept home until 24 hours after the fever has subsided. No
student who is currently contagious with a communicable disease should attend school. Please call the
school the day the student will not be attending.

In the event that a child becomes ill at school, he/she shall be sent to the office for observation. If the
distress continues, the secretary will then call for the child to be taken home. For this reason it is
important that we have current phone numbers where you or another responsible party can be reached in
case of an emergency.

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Upon having the following disease, each child must have written consent from either a doctor or the
health department to return to school: pneumonia, measles, whooping cough, pinworms, and skin
diseases such as scabies, ringworm, or impetigo.

In the event of an outbreak of lice, conjunctivitis (pink-eye) or other infectious diseases in a
classroom, each child shall be observed and/or examined to determine if the infestation has spread. A
notice will be sent home with the children in affected classes explaining correct measures to combat the
outbreak and NO child will be allowed to return to class without office approval (approval will usually be
upon a note

from the Grand Forks County Health Department). For children afflicted by lice, all nits must be gone
before permission will be granted to re-enter class.

New Testament Baptist Christian School reserves the right to have any student leave School,
temporarily or permanently, if the student has any condition which the Administration considers to be
medically unsafe for that individual student and/or the entire School family.


Due to changes in state and federal law, school officials/staff are NOT allowed to administer
ANY medications (prescription drugs, or over-the-counter medicines, including aspirin and cough
drops) without written, current, and un-expired request and instructions for the administration of
medications at school from parent/guardian AND/OR the childs physician or dentist. The
Authorization for Administration of Oral Medication form must be completed for EACH
medication that is to be administered at school. Should you have any questions regarding this
policy, or need additional forms, please contact the school office.

Only a parent will be permitted to deliver medication to school with a request in writing that the
medication be administered during school hours. The parent should also provide the school with current
information regarding the safe use of the medication, including side effects and toxicity, possible drug
interactions, and expected outcomes. The medication should be in its original container and be labeled
with information, including the name of the drug, dosage, time for the dose, students name, and name of
the prescribing doctor. The office personnel will count and lock up the pills as soon as they are delivered,
counting them periodically as they are used. A log will be maintained with the names of students for
whom medication is stored, the number of pills stored for each student, the name of the person dispensing
medication, and the date and time when pills are administered. The school administration and the office
secretaries are the only staff authorized to access and dispense medicine.

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Communicable Diseases

While it is not the intent of the New Testament Baptist Christian School to discriminate against any
child, a safe learning environment must be provided for the students. This includes protecting students
from exposure to communicable disease. In the best interests of both the sick and the well child, it is the
policy of the New Testament Baptist Christian School not to accept students who have been diagnosed as
carrying a communicable or potentially lethal disease. This policy includes, but is not limited to, diseases
such as syphilis, gonorrhea, tuberculosis, and acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). This
applies also to students known to be infected with HTLV-III/LAV, and to students testing positive for the
presence of antibodies to the AIDS virus.

Parent / School Communications
School Newsletter

During the first week of each month the school will publish a newsletter containing information and
updates on school activities. Families will receive the newsletter with their monthly financial statement.

Parent / Teacher Conferences

Parent / teacher conferences are scheduled after the first and third grading periods. Please consult the
school calendar for exact dates. We encourage BOTH (when applicable) parents to attend these
conferences. The school office will schedule the times for the parents to meet with their child(ren)s
teacher. Parents are encouraged to schedule appointments with faculty at other times as necessary, as we
encourage informal conferences as needed and very open communication between the home and school.
Please do not ask your teacher to schedule your conference before or after a church service.

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Contacting Teachers

We ask that students not contact their teachers at home. Parents are greatly encouraged to contact
teachers at the school if they have any questions or concerns. Parents may contact teachers at home
during evening hours if absolutely necessary, but please use discretion. Since we desire our church
services to be a time and place of worship, please avoid contacting teachers during church services. The
very fact that our faculty/staff choose to make the sacrifices necessary to be part of the ministry proves
their commitment to serve our students and their parents, but please understand that the demands of the
profession require the refuge of home and the Lords house. Of course, we understand there will be
situations that require immediate attention, but we want to emphasize that they should be the exception
rather than the rule. We are grateful for your understanding and cooperation in this area.

Parent / Student / Office Relationship

Please understand that the office staff is here to serve you, but as the hub of school activity, it is very
busy. Please keep this in mind when you make requests of the staff.

Teachers and students cannot leave the classroom for telephone calls. In case of an emergency, the
office will make arrangements for a return call as soon as possible. Students may not use the copier or
school office phone without permission from the office. Student calls are to be made from the school
office in coordination with the school secretary. Cell phones should be left in the students vehicle or in
the school office.

Accurate Records

It is important for your child(ren)s welfare that we have current phone numbers where you or another
responsible party can be reached in case of an emergency. If you change jobs, addresses, or phone
numbers, please notify us as soon as possible.

Parents of currently enrolled or former pupils have the right to see any and all pupil records related to
their child(ren), which are maintained by private schools. Therefore, any parent or guardian should notify
their child(ren)s teacher four days in advance and the teacher will pull the permanent record folder and
have the parent sit down in the classroom or office to go through the materials. This way, if there are any
questions, the teacher will be able to answer them. If your child(ren) transfer to another school, all
accounts must be paid in full before permanent records will be released.

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Withdrawal from School

If for any reason a parent withdraws a student from school, the parent should arrange an interview to
complete an official withdrawal form. A student is not considered legally dismissed until all school
materials are returned to the office and all accounts are current. Academic records will not be released
until that time.


The first college transcript will be sent at no charge; thereafter, the charge will be $5.00 for each
additional transcript sent. All school accounts must be current before transcripts will be sent.

Student Activities


NTBCS participates interscholastically on the secondary levels within the region of Canada, Northwest
Minnesota, and North Dakota. Young ladies are involved in volleyball at the varsity level. Young men
are involved in basketball at the junior varsity and varsity level. Intramural programs may be provided
for both secondary and elementary students.

Athletic Eligibility (Grades 7 12)

Representing the school through participation on an interscholastic athletic team is a privilege and
places a great responsibility on the participant. The requirements for eligibility are as follows:
1. An overall academic average of 77% (based on weekly grades at the end of the week on Friday.
Homework, quizzes, and test scores will be averaged to determined percentage).
2. Failing any subject automatically renders a student ineligible.
3. In addition to grades, faculty members will complete an evaluation form to check for proper
student attitude. A student may be temporarily removed from the team until behavior is corrected.

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Developing Biblical Priorities and Practices in Sports

One of the pillars upon which New Testament Baptist Christian School rests is in the character
development of our students. Our athletic program assists us in doing this by providing out of class
instruction, an insistence upon discipline and concentration, and an opportunity to become well-rounded
individuals. While athletic ability is important, a students behavioral and academic performances
significantly influence his/her participation in our athletic program. NTBCS seeks to develop the
following priorities and practices in the lives of our student athletes.

I. Glorify My God
I Cor. 10:31 Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all
to the glory of God.
I Pet. 4:11 If any man speak, let him speak as the oracles of God; if any
man minister, let him do it as of the ability which God giveth: that God in
all things may be glorified through Jesus Christ, to whom be praise and
dominion forever and ever. Amen.

Christian Winners Creed: I believe that a true winner always does his best,
never to the glory of self but always to the glory of God. With the Lords help, I
will strive to be a true winner today.
II. Obey My Authority
I Pet. 2:13 17 Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the
Lords sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; Or unto governors, as
unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the
praise of them that do well. For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye
may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men: As free, and not using your
liberty for a cloak of maliciousness, but as the servants of God. Honor all
men. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.
Our students are clearly instructed to obey their parents in Gods Word
(Eph. 6:1, Col. 3:20). Coaches and officials at ball games are an extension of
parental authority through the school. As a result, students should adhere to the
guidelines of these authorities. Parents are encouraged to interact with school
officials should any issues arise.
III. Edify My Peers
Rom. 14:19 Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace,
and things wherewith one may edify another.
I Thes. 5:11 Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one
another, even as also ye do.

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I Tim. 4:12 Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the
believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity.

It is our desire to have our student athletes build up their teammates, fans, and
opponents on and off the court/field in word and action.

I. Be Teachable
Prov. 13:10 Only by pride cometh contention: but with the well advised is
I I Tim. 2:5 And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned,
except he strive lawfully.
Teachableness involves humility. Being teachable will benefit our students
athletes long after they have left their years of training at NTBCS behind.
Coaches and officials will give instruction and make decisions that our young
people will need to submit to.
II. Be Gracious
I I Pet. 3:18 But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and
Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever. Amen.
Col. 4:6 Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that ye
may know how ye ought to answer every man.
Graciousness involves a pleasant external appearance before, during, and after
games. Verbally encouraging teammates, helping an opponent to his/her feet,
and non-excessive celebration over success exemplify this attitude.
III. Be Selfless
Rom. 12:3 For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is
among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but
to think soberly, according as God hath dealt to every man the measure of
Phil. 2:3 Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness
of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.
Selflessness involves the realization that there is no I in TEAM. Those who
only give their very best effort in their favorite facet (offense or defense, etc.) of
the game are thinking of themselves rather than the rest of the team (Col. 3:23,
IV. Be Thankful
I Thess. 5:18 In everything give thanks: for this is will of God in Christ
Jesus concerning you.

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I Tim. 4:8a For bodily exercise profiteth little:
Thankfulness is the will of God for all of His children. It is reflected in
appreciation for the profit of bodily exercise, the effort and time invested by
coaches, the expertise of officials, and the opportunity to fellowship with others.

We are excited about the opportunities before us through our athletic program! We want to excel in
this arena of life as well. Lets do our best to bring home the biggest trophy! Athletic events provide
insights as to what we are made of. May God be pleased with what He sees in our athletic events.

Deportment at Ballgames

Our athletic program is important because it provides an outlet for physical exercise with a tool to
teach Christ-likeness in a valuable learning environment. It also fosters a wholesome atmosphere for fun,
fellowship, encouragement, and school spirit for our school family.

Great care must be exercised to protect this environment from our selfish ambitions and the worldly
attitudes prevalent in our culture today. Sporting events must be tempered with Spirit-produced self-
control, both for the athlete and the spectator. Biblical principles must guide our actions and attitudes.
Booing, taunting, negative cheering, verbal and outward disagreement with an officials decision are not
consistent with the character of Christ and will not be allowed to participate as an athlete or spectator.

Student Leadership

Student Council
Student Council is made up of committed students who desire to serve their school. It is an extra-
curricular organization whose goal is to promote unity in Christ and is selected through an election
process by students, governed by a constitution approved by the school, and serves as a student voice in
the student affairs of the school. Student Council is not, however, just about what our leaders do, but
about who they are and how they live. These students should desire to reach out to the lonely and
encourage each other to be more like Christ.

Student Council Statement of Purpose
Whereas the purpose of Student Council is to develop democratic ideals, promote school unity and
spirit, organize worthwhile activities, and present Jesus Christ and Lord, be it resolved that Student
Council will work diligently to do what is best for the whole high school, preserving the feeling of family
and acceptance that characterizes the spirit of New Testament Baptist Christian School. Our leadership
will be humble and servant-like, each member being attentive to and respectful of our fellow students
striving to glorify God in all our endeavors. Furthermore, we commit to provide opportunities, activities,

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and events that will enrich the spiritual life of our students, encourage participation, and show
appreciation for others, foster responsible fund raising, generate positive responses and leave a lasting
impact on the school and students.

Student Body Class Officers
Every year students in the secondary are nominated and elected by their peers to serve the school in
the Student Body. This group is responsible for many school-wide activities that generate school spirit
and serve the community. President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer will be selected from the
Sr. High School. They will work closely with the Principal in planning school events and all fund drives.
Those elected must exemplify a desire to please God and maintain good Christian standards. They must
show leadership qualities and work well with those in authority.

No student with a rebellious attitude will be allowed the honor of a school office. The student body
President will also preside at school functions in an emcee position.

Art Contest Information and Guidelines

New Testament Baptist Christian School invites students to participate in an annual Art
Project Contest. The contest is open to all students grades K 12. Limit one entry per student.

Eligible art projects can come in just about any form including but not limited to woodwork,
photography, needlework, just about anything handmade and creative can be entered. Projects
will be judged on creativity, skill, and level of difficulty based on the childs age.

We highly discourage the use of kits or ready-made projects that require little skill or
creativity on the part of the child. For example, a basic kit for a sun catcher with the instructions
and all the required materials would not be considered for placement; however, a cross-stitch kit
with instructions and all the materials included would be considered since it would take time to
complete as well as a degree of skill. Just keep in mind that we are looking for projects that are
artistic, challenging, and skillfully crafted. If you have any questions about whether your childs
project is eligible, please consult with their teacher.

We also discourage excessive parental involvement. Showing your child how to craft their
project is acceptable and encouraged. However, doing the project for your child will disqualify
them. For example, if your child is creating a sewing project, it is acceptable to sew your own
project along side of theirs and have the child imitate your work. (If this type of coaching is
involved, we ask that you include this information on the completion form). However, if you

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were to cut out the materials for your child, assemble the pieces, or have your child trace your
work, this would disqualify them. If you must complete some part of the project that might be
too dangerous for them to do, please include in detail your level of involvement on the
completion form. In short, it is acceptable to instruct, demonstrate, and advise, but the less you
touch their project, the better.

Each project must be turned in on time with the completion form (provided by the school
office) in order to be eligible. Each form must also be signed by the parent (or guardian) to
verify the childs statements regarding the level of work they have put into their project.

The number of entries received each year will determine how many categories will be
considered. The contest will be judged at the end of the school year and winners will be
announced at the final awards ceremony.


School Hours

School begins at 8:00 a.m. For the convenience of parents who work, the Harley Hall will be open at
7:30 a.m. Because teachers are preparing for class, no students are allowed (except the students whose
parents are teachers) to pass the Harley Hall until 7:45 a.m. Teachers will need to be on time greeting the
students at 7:45. At that time the school building will be open for the students to go back to their
classrooms. We ask that you call the school office to set up an appointment if you would like to meet
with your childs teacher.

Parents, it is your responsibility to see that your child arrives on time. Teachers and students have the
right to not have instruction interrupted by late arrivals.

When the school day is over at 3:35 p.m., students will wait in the School Foyer (by the school office)
until their rides arrive (Pick-up time is between 3:25 and 3:45). NTBCS will not be responsible for the
safety of any student remaining on campus past 3:45 p.m. (except those students under detention hours).
On Wednesdays and during special meetings held at the church, the school day is over at 2:35 p.m. (Pick-
up time is between 2:25 and 2:45). NTBCS will not be responsible for the safety of any student
remaining on campus past 2:45 p.m. (except those students under detention hours).

If parents are more than 10 minutes late, but less than thirty minutes late picking up their children from
school, there will be an additional $10 added to their next tuition payment. For example, if a parent of a
student arrives at 3:50 p.m., 15 minutes late, the next tuition will have $10 added to the bill. For each
additional 30 minutes, the next tuition statement will have an additional $10 added to the bill. School
office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.

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Honor Roll Grades eligible for honor status begin at the 5
grade level and continue through 12

grade. We feel that students younger than 5
grade do not need the added pressure of trying to achieve
the honor roll while they are still developing study habits and learning basic concepts. Awards will be
given at the end of the school year for those on the honor roll. Other awards to be given at the end of the
school year are as follows:

Perfect Attendance For those who do not miss any days of school. We recognize annually all students
who have been faithful in their attendance to school. Attendance awards are presented to all students who
have never been late for school and have never missed a day.

Christian Character Award Given to the student who most consistently portrays good character traits.
This is a very high award and will not be given lightly.

Sportsmanship Awards Given to the students who best exemplify good sportsmanship during all
sporting activities and P.E. times. They try to be a team player NOT CONTENTIOUS.

Diligent Student Award Given to the students who have shown the most effort in doing their work in a
consistent manner. This has little to do with grades. We are rewarding diligence. They show interest in
doing a good job on term papers, big projects, and overall study habits.

Bible Memorization Award Given to those who maintain an A average for the entire year in their
regular Bible memorization from daily Bible Curriculum.

Best Listener Award Goes to the student who most consistently listens to instruction and shows self-
discipline in his/her listening habits.

Most Improved Student Award Given to the students who show the most consistent improvement in
their work.

Science & Art Award For projects entered in the Science and Art Fair.

Bowling Awards Each January & February our students have 4 6 weeks of bowling during P.E. A
nominal fee will be charged at that time.

Most Improved Reader Award Goes to students in grades 1 3 who have made great strides in reading

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Christian Character Award

A special feature of our Christian School will be the selection of a Christian Character Award. This
award will be given to any student who exemplifies the following attributes. They are listed in order of
importance. Winners in this area will be selected from grades 1 12.

1. Christian Character Does the child exemplify a generally good attitude. We will not be looking for
perfection. If that were the case we wouldnt have any teachers either. But we will be watching to see if
the students general attitude is one that is easy to get along with. This is the area where true Christian
Character will be evident. Does the student want to do what is right and does it show in their life. They
must exemplify a desire to live out Christian Character in their manner of conduct and relationships with

2. Respect shown toward teachers Christian character manifests itself in the way a student shows
respect for authority. How do they respond when corrected?

3. Class participation This means that they respond not only to our on site teachers but they listen
carefully to the video teacher and respond as directed by them. Class participation is of utmost
importance in the video school.

4. Kindness shown toward others How a student treats his peers will play a big part in our selection
each month. Is he/she contentious, argumentative, or spiteful?

5. Helpfulness We will look for a student who is not selfish with himself/herself. How a student helps
the teacher, and other students will be considered.

6. School Spirit The enthusiasm for the school and all its activities and programs must be of great
importance to the student of the month. This student must agreeably participate with enthusiasm in
school activities.


We believe that receiving the Christian Character Award is a very high honor and privilege. We not
only are representing our school, but the Lord Jesus Christ. Each winner will receive a special gift along
with having his or her name printed on the Christian Character Plaque hanging in the school.

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Qualifications for Mr. and Miss NTBC

The areas we consider in each students life are:

1. First and Foremost Christian Character. This doesnt mean spiritual perfection.
It means a person who strives for consistent good attitudes. What is their general
attitudetoward authority, toward other students and their needs, toward their work.
Do they have a truthful spirit and a strong desire to endure hardness for the Lords
sake? What is their manner of life like? Their dress and conduct when no is around?
Do they do right anyway? Do we see their Christian character manifested in a
serving spirit?

2. We look for how they show respect toward teachers. Do they respond properly
when corrected and instructed? It takes strong character to submit and humble
ourselves to allow one of the authorities to correct or help us. Many adults could not pass
this test.

3. We look for how they treat others. Are they contentious? Argumentative or
spiteful? Do they work to keep peace among their peers? Are they helpful? Or are
they selfish with themselves and their own time? These are character traits that we all
should be striving to live with because they are Christ like qualities and they reflect
Christian Character!

4. We also look for how they approach their school work and their involvement in
school activities. Is their school work important to them? This work ethic is quickly
noticed by all of us and is usually reflected in their grades as well. Are they a faithful
supporter of our church and school? This too, is an obvious character trait to see.

To wrap this uplet me saywe dont casually nominate or vote on someones character. The
person or persons we do select, we want their character to stand on its own. They will represent what we
say and what we stand for in New Testament Baptist Christian School.

Supply Lists

All students in grades 1 12 are to have their own copy of the King James Version of the Bible. A
school supply list will be mailed to each family by July 28 of each year. The list will include supplies to
be purchased by students in grades K 6. Students in grades 7 12 should only purchase the basic
supplies and wait until school begins to purchase other supplies.

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Change of Address or Telephone Number

Families should inform the office promptly of any change of address or telephone number.


In order to keep the proper academic atmosphere of the classroom, we request that all parents wishing
to celebrate birthdays do so by sending cupcakes. They will be given out during the regular lunch or
snack period.

Safety and Security

Concern for, and procedures for the safety and security of all persons, honors God who has created us
in His own image. Therefore safety and security must be continually before all New Testament Baptist
Christian School personnel. Since NTBCS is responsible for the deportment and safety of all the students
under its care, the school reserves the right for a NTBCS representative to examine any and all personal
items possessed by students. Students are expected to cooperate immediately and completely with faculty
and staff.

a. Please do not park on the carport to drop off or pick up your
child(ren). If you would like to come inside the building, please
park in the parking lot.
b. If your child(ren) does not come when called in the afternoon
for pick up, you will be asked to pull around and get back in line
(or park in the parking lot) in order for traffic to flow smoothly.
Please encourage your child(ren) to respond quickly when called.
c. All student drivers must park in the parking lot away from the
building, and are not allowed to pull up on to the carport.

d. The normal traffic flow for the carport, is to enter from the east (the
side that is closest to the new church building) and depart to the
west (heading toward the bus).

New Testament Baptist Christian School is a closed campus school. Students are not permitted to
leave the school grounds during the day without being accompanied by a parent or guardian. Students
must be signed out in the office by their parent or guardian, before leaving. Students returning
before school is dismissed, must report to the office before returning to their class.

Page 50

Visitors may accompany students to classrooms if they have followed proper procedures:

a. A completely signed permission slip (available in the school office)
must be filled out before the date of visitation.
b. Each teacher must agree to have the visitor in class on the date of
visitation. Any one teacher who does not grant permission will
disqualify the visitor from attending any class.
c. Signed permission slips MUST be turned in to the teacher of the
enrolled student.
d. It is the responsibility of the student to assure that the preceding
procedures are completed.
e. The main office MUST be notified of the intended visitation.
f. Should the actions or character of a visitor become suspicious, he
will be approached by a teacher or the Principal and the office
personnel alerted.

School Pictures

School pictures will be taken during the first couple weeks of school. Pictures that are ordered will be
on a prepay basis only. Complete satisfaction is guaranteed or the picture will be retaken or the money
refunded. A makeup day will be announced for those absent or needing a retake.


Pictures taken of students and events may be used for promotional material and for the New Testament
Baptist Christian School yearbook.

Bicycles / Snowmobiles etc.

No children 4th grade and under are to ride bicycles to school due to the busy road out front. Younger
siblings of older students must have a permission slip to ride bicycles to school. Students are not allowed
to ride snowmobiles, ATVs, or motorcycles to school. SNOWMOBILES are not allowed on the school
property at any time.

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Recess During Cold Weather

Parents please make sure that your children have winter gear with them during the winter months.
They will be sent outside during recess all year unless the temperature is below zero, or they have been
sick. In the case of sickness they must have a note from their parent or a Doctor if they are not to go

Emergency Announcements

In the event of an emergency closing, information will be posted on the school website, and families
will be notified through the recall roster. The following radio and television stations will be contacted:
KNOX AM 1310, and WDAZ TV 8. Generally, New Testament Baptist Christian School will be
closed when the public schools are closed for inclement weather. Please feel free to call the office or
come pick-up your child(ren) if you are concerned about dangerous weather.

Musical Programs
Musical programs will be presented at different times during the school year. Music awards will be
awarded at the end of the year. Instrumental music lessons will be offered on Tuesday at 2:35 p.m. 3:25
p.m. with Mrs. Kristin Poling instructing. If you would like your child to play an instrument in our school
orchestra, contact Mrs. Kristin Poling. It is best that they have a few previous lessons on an instrument
before they start.

Vocal group music will be provided. Mrs. VanInwegen will instruct grades 1 6 on Friday, and will
also lead the Jr. High Sr. High on Thursday.

Headset Policy

Headsets are vital to a video school to ensure a quality education environment by hearing the
instruction given by the video teacher, and keeping the classroom quiet, not disturbing the other students.
Headsets will be provided at the beginning of the school year. Students need to take care of them (not
handle them roughly) so they will not be damaged. If a students headset is damaged, it will be the
parents/guardians responsibility to replace in a timely manner. The Principal will advise where to pick
up a new headset when the situation warrants it.

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Student Driving Policy

Any high school student who is properly authorized to drive a vehicle may receive permission to drive
and park his/her vehicle on school grounds. Student drivers should not drive on to the carport. In
addition, student drivers are to park their vehicles in the designated area (the second row away from the
building) and immediately come into the building. They may not to be in or around their vehicles during
the school day unless they have permission from the office. Students may not transport other students
without the written permission of both sets of parents. These notes must be turned in to the school office
before other students enter the car. Student driving privileges may be lost for careless driving or for
violating the student driving policy.

Telephone Use
Students may obtain permission to use the telephone in the New Testament Baptist Christian School
office for necessary calls. Students do not have permission to use mobile phones on campus during the
school day.

Lunchroom Procedures
Lunches can be heated up in the kitchen if needed. The lunch room monitor works hard to make sure
each lunch is prepared well and delivered to the correct table in a timely manner. You can help our lunch
monitor out by following these rules:

1. The kitchen only provides the oven, stove, microwave and refrigerator. There are only
facilities and equipment for heating up, not cooking. All utensils and paper goods
(plates, cups, napkins, etc.) must be sent along with the lunch.

2. If you send a pizza, chicken patties, etc... that needs to go in the oven the kitchen
provides the baking pans. Please send a plate with each childs name or a labeled
container for baked items.

3. If you send soup or anything in a can it must be sent with a bowl and lid. The kitchen has
a can opener.

4. The kitchen monitor does not wash individuals dishes. That is why there MUST BE A
LID so the container can be put in their locker and taken home to be washed.

5. If you want something divided between 2 days for lunch, please send two containers, so
that the 1/2 for the next day can be put in the refrigerator with a lid.

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6. If you want to send a package of plates & napkins to be put in the kitchen with your name
on it, the lunch monitor will see that only your family uses them.

7. Please cook all raw meat patties at home and the kitchen monitor will warm them up.

8. Please label food that is placed in the kitchen for heating with your childs name

9. No students are allowed to eat their lunch in the kitchen during lunchtime.

10. If a students lunch is not on the counter before lunch it will not be warmed up.

11. Put only what needs to be heated or chilled in the kitchen. Do not leave loose utensils or
napkins in the kitchen unless in a bag with the childs name or taped to the lid of the

12. The Bake Sale will be held in the Harley Hall each month.
13. No student will be allowed in the kitchen at any time with the exception of the class
officers and seniors.

14. If there is room and time, the lunch room monitor will heat up a students food as
requested. There may be some times when it is impossible to follow specific instructions,
and a microwave will be used.

15. Utensils from the kitchen stock will not be given out to students. They may, however,
ask for and use the salt and pepper from the kitchen.

Lunch Hour Rules
1. Lunch will begin at 12:15. Everyone is to stay in their seat until 12:30.

2. Parents are encouraged to come and eat with your child(ren).

3. No student is allowed at the Teachers Table. The Teachers need a break.

4. No students allowed in the Church side of the building or computer room without

5. No food allowed in the Sanctuary, computer room, or by computers in classroom.

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6. No students allowed leaving the premises without permission from parents and teachers.
Parents please send a note or call the school office requesting permission to leave the
school premises.

7. All students will eat in lunchroom. No food or drink except water in any other
room of the building (excluding senior privileges).

Parent Rules
The parents of our students are absolutely vital to the success of NTBCS. We could not have a
Christian school without loyal parents who entrust us with their children. We believe that, with each
parent adhering to this code, NTBCS can provide a quality Christian education that honors God. We ask
our parents to support and abide by the following Parents Code:

1. I will pray regularly for the faculty and administration of NTBCS.
2. I will do my best to cooperate fully with the educational program of NTBCS, endeavoring to have
each of my children well prepared for class each day and to help them cultivate a relationship
with the Lord Jesus Christ and an appreciation for a true biblical Christian education.
3. I will pay my financial obligations to NTBCS on time. If for whatever reason I am not able to do
this, I will notify the School Office or Principal in advance of the due date to give explanation for
the delay, as well as make arrangements for taking care of my obligation.
4. I will volunteer to help with school functions as my schedule permits.
5. I will attend all meetings and parent functions at NTBCS.
6. If I become dissatisfied with NTBCS for any reason, I will not criticize the school in front of my
children or others. Instead of allowing a bitter spirit to develop, I will seek to resolve the matter
promptly in a biblical way with the person or persons involved (Matthew 18).

We appreciate each of you parents. Because we want to maintain good standards for your children as
well as create a good learning environment for them, there are a few rules for us to abide by also.

1. If you have something to drop off for your child (ren) at the school, please call ahead to the
school to let us know you are on your way. This way our secretary can be at the front (main)
entrance to the school to meet you. PLEASE PARENTS - DO NOT just walk into the classroom
area during class time to talk to your child (ren) or their teacher. If you have a spouse working in
the school, you too, must respect this rule. The classroom area is to be used for learning during
class time. It is of utmost importance that we have no "parent traffic" in and out of the school all
day. If you wish to visit the classroom of your child (ren), just call the office and we'll schedule
the time for you to visit.

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2. When you come to pick up your child (ren) at the end of the school day, and you will be entering
the building, please be sure you are dressed modestly. We ask that you be fully clothed (no
shorts, halter tops, etc.) when you enter the school. We are trying to maintain standards of
modesty for our students and as parents, we can help by the way we practice it in our own lives.

3. If you need to talk to your child's teacher please call ahead to make arrangements for an
appointment. Please do not "pop" in during class time or just after school to chat with the
Principal or another teacher.

4. We ask that your Kindergarten Student be picked up promptly at 12:30. We must seat so many in
the lunchroom and there will be no room for Kindergarten Students to hang around waiting for
their ride.

5. Please see that your child (ren) comes to school with his/her lunch each morning. If it is
necessary to bring in your child (ren)s lunch then please bring it to the school office.
Please do not let this become a habit. Let's be organized parents.

6. Physical Education will be Mondays and Thursdays for elementary, and Mondays,
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays for grades 7-12. Please be sure your child (ren) comes
to school with their gym clothes. We will no longer allow students to run home to pick
up forgotten clothes. They will still be required to attend gym, but will not be allowed to
participate. This will also affect their P.E. grade.

7. Parents - please check your child (ren)'s school bag each evening. You need to know what your
child is bringing home and what he/she will be accountable for the next day. Take an active
interest in your child (ren)'s education by showing interest in what they have been assigned and
what they have already accomplished. Your efforts to "share" your child (ren)'s education will be
reflected in their own self-worth, grades, and on awards night at the end of the year.

8. Working parents must provide alternate phone # and place to send their child (ren) in the event of
illness or improper dress of the student.


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