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Cse Public Administration Mains 2001

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Public Administration - 2001 - Main

-Paper I
Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 00
Candidates should attempt question 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the
remaining questions selecting at least one question from each section. All questions carry
equal marks.
!"#TI$% A
1. Answer any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
a! "#u$licness" of pu$lic administration in an ideal democratic go%ernment remains the
ultimate %alue in theory and practice&. 'lucidate
$! (inno$rook conference in )*A identified four features crucial to &new pu$lic
administration&. '+plain.
c! ",he nature and role of communication in administration %indicates that
"communication is authority"". Comment.
d! Critically e+amine the model of (a+ -e$er and Chester . /arnard with reference to
&$ureaucratic authority.
2. ,he &decision0making scheme& and &satisfying model& of 1er$ert A *imon is the ma2or
component of administrati%e theory. Comment.
3. -hy do all administrati%e organi4ations consider &hierarchy& as the many splendoured
technique5 6iscuss.
7. .n what aspects, the powers of proposed institution of 8ok #al in the /ill already
introduced in .ndian #arliament, will strengthen the institution as compared to
parliamentary commissioner in )95
!"#TI$% &
5. Answer any three of the following in not more than 200 words each: 20 + 3 : ;0!
a! &,he inculcation of $elief in the real e+istence of a common purpose is an essential
e+ecuti%e function&. Comment
$! /urekehead says:
&/udget in <o%ernment is a %ehicle of fiscal policy and a tool of management&. '+amine
this statement.
c! Critically comment on =iggsian #rismatic *ala model of administration of de%eloping
societies. ,o what e+tent .ndian administrati%e system e+hi$its prismatic characteristics5
d! "*tatutory '+ternal auditing is one of the protectors of democracy in the
parliamentary form of go%ernment". Comment.
;. A fairly adequate analysis of the administrati%e organi4ation in go%ernment is possi$le
when we treat &$ureaucracy& as a &structure& and &administration& as a &function&. 6iscuss.
>. -hat techniques the go%ernment of india ha%e employed to e%aluate appraise! the
performance of senior le%el employees, i.e. class . and class ..5 Are you satisfied with
these techniques5
?. Critically e+amine the monetary and fiscal policies of go%ernment of india in the
decade 1@@1 to 2001. 6o you think world financial institutions had a role to play in
opening indian economy to glo$al forces5 gi%e reasons to su$stantiate your argument.

Time Allowed : Three Hours Maximum Marks : 00
Candidates should attempt question 1 and 5 which are compulsory, and any three of the
remaining questions selecting at least one question from each section. All questions carry
equal marks.

!"#TI$% - A
1. Comment on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each: 3 + 20 : ;0!
a! ",he machinery of go%ernment designed in 9autilya&s Arthashastra does not e+actly
resem$le our modern0day polity, $ut it does contain some principles which could $e said
to $e the part of today&s science of pu$lic administration".
$! ",he use of the word "socialist" in the indian constitution has $ecome redundant in
the conte+t of the li$erali4ation of economy".
c! ",he prime minister stands out as the most powerful authority e%en today".
d! ",he district collector admira$ly sur%i%ed the historical change of role from an alien
regime to a national one.".
2. ".t is a+iomatic that a country&s pu$lic administration system, including its
$ureaucracy, must fit into and respond to its o%erall political system". .n the light of this
statement discuss the mutual relations $etween the ci%il ser%ants and the ministers since
independence. ;0!
3. a! "*tate directorates are administrati%e and implementation units assisting the
department functioning from the secretariat". '+plain
$! "6espite the serious commitment on the part of the go%ernment the $enefits of the
rural de%elopment programs do not seen to reach the intended targets and they fall to
ser%e fully the purpose for which they were intended". 'lucidate.
7. "6espite li$erali4ation, pri%ati4ation, and glo$ali4ation of economy, the pu$lic sector
has its own rele%ance for india".
!"#TI$% - &
5. Comment on any three of the following in not more than 200 words each:
a! ",he need and significance of all india ser%ices has $een well recogni4ed in political
as well as administrati%e circles".
$! ".t is the audit of propriety that distinguishes the audit of the comptroller and auditor
general of india CA<! from the audit made $y any professional auditor".
c! "Although district planning committee and metropolitan planning committees ha%e
$een pro%ided, those remain mostly on paper".
d! "Administrati%e reforms in india are not necessarily the result of the
recommendations of any specific committees or commissions".
;. "Control o%er pu$lic e+penditure is an essential feature of accounta$le and responsi$le
financial administration". .n the light of this statement discuss %arious methods of control
o%er pu$lic e+penditure which are e+ercised $y the indian parliament. ;0!
>. a! ",he policy of the go%ernment is reflected $y %arious items of the $udget". '+plain
$y distinguishing $etween a commercial $udget and go%ernment $udget.
$! ".ndian administration is yet to fully appreciate and adopt the $enefits of the
information technology" 'lucidate 30 + 2 : ;0!.
?. ",he central social welfare $oard has $ecome an anomalous institution." .n light of this
statement, e+amine the functions and role of the central social welfare $oard and suggest
measures for making it an effecti%e institution. ;0!

Author: 9athira%an 9rishnamurthy *ource: www.kadira%an.com

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