Fall 2014 IPG Early Learning 3 Years-PreK Titles
Fall 2014 IPG Early Learning 3 Years-PreK Titles
Fall 2014 IPG Early Learning 3 Years-PreK Titles
Everyone thinks kids hate math. But the truth is, kids don't hate math-they hate worksheets! Writing down
equations takes fine motor skills that young children haven't yet developed, making the process of learning math
difficult and tedious. Math done mentally, or verbal math, makes math fun. Children see math problems as a
game and a challenge. In the second edition of this pioneering educational bestseller, handwriting is removed
from math problems to help children cement fundamental mathematical skills so that they may solve problems
without having to do any writing at all. Developed as a supplement to traditional math education, the lesson is
completely comprehensive, step-by-step, and leaves no area undone.
Mountcastle Company The first book of the series introduces children to the basic concept of adding and subtracting, and works its
9780913063279 way up to math problems involving numbers with double digits. The book is meant for children between the ages
Pub Date: 4/15/14
of 4 and 7.
Ship Date: 4/15/14
$12.95/$15.99 Can.
Discount Code: SPT
Paperback / softback / Author Bio
Trade paperback (US) Michael Levin, MD, is a physician specializing in behavioral, attentional, and learning problems in young children.
193 pages He maintains a private practice in which he sees young children for various developmental and learning problems.
Carton Qty: 64 Charan Langton, MS, is an engineer. She writes an engineering and math-focused blog at
Education / Elementary www.complextoreal.com. They are the authors of Big Words for Little Kids and The Reading Lesson. They both
Series: Verbal Math Lesson
live in San Ramon, California.
6.250 in W | 9.000 in H |
0.650 lb Wt
159mm W | 229mm H |
295g Wt
Play games, build towers, move to the beat, and go on a pretend picnic-all with math
Developed by the Mixing in Math group at TERC, an education nonprofit, and based on research funded in part by
the National Science Foundation, this book is packed with all kinds of math games for matching colors with
numbers, comparing and counting, and simple addition and subtraction. These projects and games, which use
everyday materials such as paper towel tubes and cardboard boxes, can be used as icebreakers, party games,
and group activities for indoors and out as well as special events throughout the calendar year. Whether in the
car, on the bus, in a waiting room, or at the dinner table, the varied games and activates in this book serve as
Tumblehome Learning, Inc. the perfect introduction to math for young children.
Pub Date: 10/1/14
Ship Date: 10/1/14
$11.95/$13.99 Can. Author Bio
Discount Code: LON Marlene Kliman is the senior scientist and director of the Mixing in Math group at TERC (formerly Technical
Paperback / softback /
Education Research Centers) and has more than 30 years of experience in developing research-based resources
Trade paperback (US)
for children's math learning. She is the author of Food Fights, Puzzles, and Hideouts and the coauthor of
144 pages Investigations in Number, Data, and Space. She lives in Newton, Massachusetts.
Carton Qty: 56
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Education / Teaching
Methods & Materials
Series: Mixing in Math
8.000 in W | 11.750 in H
203mm W | 298mm H
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 1
5 Little Apples
Yusuke Yonezu
A lift-the-flap counting book for the very young
5 little apples
Crazy Creepy-Crawlies
Kevin Price, Robin Carter
A poetry collection for bug-loving children everywhere
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 2
Science Mini-Investigations
Dynamic Learning Adventures
Marjorie Frank, Joy MacKenzie, Kathleen Bullock
Invite students at school or home to join in on brain-stretching escapades filled with humor and intrigue. They'll
pursue all sorts of clever problems and solve engaging dilemmas while they apply basic skills and deepen
reasoning abilities. With high-interest subjects and great visual appeal, this series of delightful learning
adventures supports Common Core Standards, as well as other state, national, and local standards.
Incentive Publications
Pub Date: 5/1/11
$14.99/$16.99 Can.
Paperback / softback /
Trade paperback (US)
112 pages
Carton Qty: 46
Grades 5 to 8
Education / Teaching
Methods & Materials
Series: Learning
8.500 in W | 11.000 in H |
0.730 lb Wt
216mm W | 279mm H |
331g Wt
The Weather
Sophie Kniffke
Follow the changing weather through the seasons of the year.
Author Bio
Sophie Kniffke is the author of On Wheels.
Moonlight Publishing
Pub Date: 9/1/14
Ship Date: 9/1/14
$4.99/$5.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Paperback / softback /
Trade paperback (US)
32 pages
Carton Qty: 32
Ages 5 to 8, Grades K to 3
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Science & Nature
6.500 in W | 8.000 in H |
0.220 lb Wt
165mm W | 203mm H |
100g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 3
Elmer's Weather
David McKee
Meet Elmer-every child's favorite patchwork elephant. Whatever the weather, come rain or shine, Elmer still finds
a way to have fun.
Author Bio
David McKee is one of the best-known illustrators of picture books, having created such modern classics such
as the Elmer series. His first book was published in 1964, and his books are now published in more than 35
Andersen Press
9780862644949 languages throughout the world.
Pub Date: 9/1/14
On Sale Date: 9/28/14
Ship Date: 9/1/14
Discount Code: LON
Board book
16 pages
Carton Qty: 32
5 And Under
Juvenile Fiction / Animals
Series: Elmer series
6.500 in W | 6.500 in H
165mm W | 165mm H
Bite-Sized Science
Activities for Children in 15 Minutes or Less
John H. Falk, Kristi S. Rosenberg
Here's a fun way to get young minds discovering the wonders of the natural world by making predictions, testing
them, and then evaluating the results-learning the scientific method. These short, bite-sized, deliciously fun
Chicago Review Press activities like "Sounds of Chewing," "Clinks in the Kitchen," "Tangy Tongue," and "Shoe Show" take only 15
9781556523489 minutes to organize, do, and clean up. Many of the activities involve food, so children will learn and get a snack
Pub Date: 6/1/99 at the same time.
$16.95/$18.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON Author Bio
Paperback / softback /
Trade paperback (US) John H. Falk is the director of the Institute for Learning Innovation. Kristi Rosenberg is a senior associate at
the Institute for Learning Innovation. They are two of the authors of Bubble Monster and Other Science Fun.
128 pages
Carton Qty: 76
Ages 3 to 8, Grades P to 3
Education / Teaching
Methods & Materials
9.500 in W | 7.000 in H |
0.300 in T | 0.580 lb Wt
241mm W | 178mm H |
8mm T | 263g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 4
The Body
Sylvaine Peyrols
Understand how you were made, how your skin protects you, and how your teeth grow for some years but your
hair and your nails go on growing all your life.
Author Bio
Sylvaine Peyrols is the author of Earth and Sky, Farm Animals, How the Body Works, The Ladybird, and The
Moonlight Publishing
Pub Date: 9/1/14
Ship Date: 9/1/14
$4.99/$5.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Paperback / softback /
Trade paperback (US)
32 pages
Carton Qty: 32
Ages 5 to 8, Grades K to 3
Juvenile Nonfiction /
6.500 in W | 8.000 in H |
0.230 lb Wt
165mm W | 203mm H |
104g Wt
The Egg
René Mettler
See the egg inside the chicken and the chick inside the egg. Watch as the chick develops, grows, and hatches.
Author Bio
René Mettler is the author of Animal Camouflage, Birds, Flowers, The Jungle, and Penguins.
Moonlight Publishing
Pub Date: 9/1/14
Ship Date: 9/1/14
$4.99/$5.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Paperback / softback /
Trade paperback (US)
32 pages
Carton Qty: 32
Ages 5 to 8, Grades K to 3
Juvenile Nonfiction /
6.500 in W | 8.000 in H |
0.230 lb Wt
165mm W | 203mm H |
104g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 5
People of all ages and backgrounds can discover how to contribute to real scientific research with this handy
guide. It defines citizen science, providing an overview of the social and community aspects behind the idea.
The book is organized by topic and features links to library resources and descriptions of books appropriate to
the subject. In addition, a section devoted to ongoing citizen-science programs includes detailed descriptions for
parents and children to identify projects appropriate to their interests, abilities, commitment levels, and
locations. Accessible for the whole family, this invaluable resource provides the tools for building strong families
as well as improving the global community.
192 pages
Carton Qty: 72
6.000 in W | 9.250 in H |
0.600 lb Wt
152mm W | 235mm H |
272g Wt
Animal Families provides a first look at the lifecycles of familiar animals, both wild and domestic. The stories are
told in simple text and friendly illustrations, and the index introduces early reference skills.
Author Bio
Anita Ganeri is an award-winning author who was born in India but grew up and went to school and university
in England. Anita spent many years working for publishers as an editor and foreign rights manager. Since then,
MMS Gold she has written a staggering 300-plus books and is especially well know for the best-selling Horrible Geography
Pub Date: 9/1/10 series. The latest title in the series, Planet in Peril, won the Blue Peter Book Award 2009 for the Best Book with
$10.99/$12.99 Can. Facts. Anita is also the author of the hit 2009 title, The Explorers' Handbook: How to Be The Best Around the
Discount Code: LON World. Anni Axworthy is a freelance illustrator who also makes puppets and wooden animals from salvaged
Board book materials. She is the author of the Animals on the Move series, as well as The Dragon Who Couldn't Do Dragony
14 pages Things and Little Dragon and the Haunted House.
Carton Qty: 32
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Series: Animal Families
10.000 in W | 10.000 in H |
0.920 lb Wt
254mm W | 254mm H |
417g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 6
In Frogs and Tadpoles young readers can follow the transformation of the common frog from egg to adult
amphibian. Animal Families provides a first look at the lifecycles of familiar animals, both wild and domestic. The
stories are told in simple text and friendly illustrations, and the index introduces early reference skills.
Author Bio
MMS Gold
9781840896428 Anita Ganeri is an award-winning author who was born in India but grew up and went to school and university
Pub Date: 9/1/10 in England. Anita spent many years working for publishers as an editor and foreign rights manager. Since then,
$10.99/$12.99 Can. she has written a staggering 300-plus books and is especially well know for the best-selling Horrible Geography
Discount Code: LON series. The latest title in the series, Planet in Peril, won the Blue Peter Book Award 2009 for the Best Book with
Board book
Facts. Anita is also the author of the hit 2009 title, The Explorers' Handbook: How to Be The Best Around the
14 pages World. Anni Axworthy is a freelance illustrator who also makes puppets and wooden animals from salvaged
Carton Qty: 32 materials. She is the author of the Animals on the Move series, as well as The Dragon Who Couldn't Do Dragony
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Things and Little Dragon and the Haunted House.
Series: Animal Families
10.000 in W | 10.000 in H |
0.910 lb Wt
254mm W | 254mm H |
413g Wt
Houses and Homes encourages children to think about why we have houses and homes and what common
features they share. Readers are asked to compare and contrast different styles of homes and to look at the
materials in and around their own homes. Activities include designing a model bedroom and planning, making, and
evaluating a model house.
Author Bio
MMS Gold
Stewart Ross is the author of such children's titles as Egypt and Into the Unknown.
Pub Date: 3/1/13
$12.99/$13.99 Can.
Paperback / softback /
Trade paperback (US)
32 pages
Carton Qty: 0
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Series: Start-Up
10.000 in W | 10.000 in H
254mm W | 254mm H
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 7
This title encourages children to really listen to the rich variety of sounds we hear every day, including the
different sounds our bodies make. Children discover how our ears tell us where a sound is coming from, and the
ways that hearing keeps us safe.
Author Bio
Claire Llewellyn is a prize-winning author of nonfiction for young readers
MMS Gold
Pub Date: 9/1/11
$12.99/$15.99 Can.
Paperback / softback /
Trade paperback (US)
32 pages
Carton Qty: 0
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Series: Start-Up
10.000 in W | 10.000 in H |
0.340 lb Wt
254mm W | 254mm H |
154g Wt
A big, noisy book with six farm animal sounds to press and hear
The animals are having a very noisy time on the farm in this fantastic sound book from the renowned illustrator
Axel Scheffler. With six sound buttons to press, lots of small things to spot on every page, and fun activities to
do, children will return to this gorgeous, noisy book time and time again.
Pan Macmillan
Pub Date: 11/1/14 Author Bio
Ship Date: 11/1/14
$19.99 Axel Scheffler has achieved worldwide acclaim for his humorous illustrations, and his books have been
Discount Code: LON translated into more than 29 languages. He is the illustrator of The Gruffalo, Stick Man, and Where's My Mom?
Novelty book Smriti Prasadam-Halls is the author of Hello, Animals! and Hello, Bugs!
10 pages
Carton Qty: 10
Ages 5 to 6
Juvenile Fiction / Animals
11.500 in W | 11.000 in H
292mm W | 279mm H
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 8
Gilbert Houbre
Whether young readers like their vegetables cooked or raw, the roots or the leaves, they'll enjoy this exploration
of the secrets of the garden-from onions (they make your eyes water) to artichokes (we don't eat the leaves or
the fruit, but the flower in the bud).
Author Bio
Gilbert Houbre is a children's book creator.
Moonlight Publishing
Pub Date: 9/1/12
Ship Date: 9/1/12
$12.99/$13.99 Can.
Board book
36 pages
Carton Qty: 32
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Science & Nature
Atlas of Space
Donald Grant
Find out how Big Bang created our universe, explore the surface of the moon, go by satellite to the fiery sun,
and follow the life of a star.
Author Bio
Donald Grant is a children's book creator.
Moonlight Publishing
Pub Date: 9/1/12
$12.99/$14.99 Can./£7.99
Spiral bound / Concealed
36 pages
Carton Qty: 22
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Science & Nature
6.500 in W | 7.000 in H |
0.880 lb Wt
165mm W | 178mm H |
399g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 9
Find out how landscapes are formed over millions of years; discover how wind, water, and ice sculpt valleys and
mountains; and see a new island emerge as a volcano erupts.
Author Bio
Daniel Moignot is a children's book creator.
Moonlight Publishing
Pub Date: 9/1/12
$12.99/$14.99 Can./£7.99
Spiral bound / Concealed
36 pages
Carton Qty: 22
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Science & Nature
6.500 in W | 7.000 in H |
0.830 lb Wt
165mm W | 178mm H |
376g Wt
Elmer's Day
David McKee
Elmer, the patchwork elephant, takes toddlers through a simple introduction to daily routines. Join him from
morning until evening and see what fun he has!
Author Bio
David McKee is one of the best-known illustrators of picture books, having created such modern classics such
as the Elmer series. His first book was published in 1964, and his books are now published in more than 35
Andersen Press
languages throughout the world.
Pub Date: 9/1/14
On Sale Date: 9/28/14
Ship Date: 9/1/14
Discount Code: LON
Board book
16 pages
Carton Qty: 32
5 And Under
Juvenile Fiction / Animals
Series: Elmer series
6.500 in W | 6.500 in H
165mm W | 165mm H
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 10
The Riverbank
Laura Bour
The river is teeming with life. Look out for kingfishers diving, moorhens nesting and feeding their chicks, frogs
mating, and tadpoles hatching.
Author Bio
Laura Bour is a children's book creator.
Moonlight Publishing
Pub Date: 10/1/12
$12.99/$13.99 Can.
Spiral bound / Concealed
36 pages
Carton Qty: 25
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Science & Nature
6.500 in W | 7.000 in H
165mm W | 178mm H
Rene Mettler
All the miracles and marvels of the world of birds-their flight and their feathers, their nests and their eggs. Take
off through the pages as cleas as a summer sky, and get closer to birdlife than you've ever been before.
Author Bio
René Mettler is the author of Animal Camouflage, The Egg, Flowers, The Jungle, and Penguins.
Moonlight Publishing
Pub Date: 5/1/06
$11.99/$12.99 Can.
Spiral bound
38 pages
Carton Qty: 56
Ages 5 to 8, Grades K to 3
Juvenile Nonfiction /
6.500 in W | 7.000 in H
165mm W | 178mm H
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 11
Helping children learn about healthy foods-as well as their ABCs-this bilingual picture book in English and Spanish
features colorful photographs of engaging faces made from fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, and soy products. A
sample sketch with instructions, followed by additional suggested activities, helps children create their own food
Moonstone Press LLC faces and connect with peers and teachers. An informative section for parents highlights the nutritional value of
Pub Date: 9/5/12 70 foods illustrated in the book.
On Sale Date: 9/5/12
$15.95/$17.95 Can.
Discount Code: SPT Author Bio
Hardback / Cloth over
Stephanie Maze is a former photojournalist of 30 years whose work appeared in exhibits and publications
worldwide, including National Geographic, Newsweek, the New York Times, People, the San Francisco Chronicle,
32 pages Smithsonian Magazine, Time, and the Washington Post. She is the creator of the acclaimed I Want to Be . . .
Carton Qty: 22
series of children's books, including I Want to Be a Chef, I Want to Be an Engineer, and I Want to Be a
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction / Veterinarian. She lives in Sarasota, Florida. Renée Comet is a photographer who specializes in advertising and
Cooking & Food editorial still-food photography for books, magazines, and newspapers. She has photographed nearly 40 books on
JNF014000 food, including The Artful Pie, The Artful Vegan, Delicious by Design, Dining at Monticello, Mrs. Fields Cookie
11.500 in W | 9.000 in H | Book, and Cake Love. She lives in Washington, DC.
1.180 lb Wt
292mm W | 229mm H |
535g Wt
Winner of Mom's Choice Award, Teacher's Choice and Moonbeam Children's Book Awards
A colorful picture book that will warm the hearts of children and adults alike, each of its pages contain endearing
examples and vibrant illustrations to inspire children to grow into grateful, caring, and giving people. It provides a
Three Pebble Press wonderful way to calm children before sleep, ease their fears, and help them develop an appreciation for good
9780979928987 work. Also included are activity pages to help children practice skills for creating gratitude, compassion, and
Pub Date: 8/1/12 beauty in daily life.
On Sale Date: 8/1/12
$15.95/$17.95 Can.
Hardback / Picture book
Author Bio
32 pages Lynea Gillen has been a teacher and counselor for more than 30 years. She is the creator of Mindful Moments
Carton Qty: 38
Ages 3 And Up, Grades P Cards, the DVD Kids Teach Yoga: Flying Eagle, and is the author of Yoga Calm for Children. She lives in Portland,
And Up Oregon. Kristina Swarner is the award-winning illustrator of numerous books, including Before You Were Born
Juvenile Fiction / Social and Enchanted Lions. She lives in Chicago.
9.000 in W | 9.000 in H |
0.660 lb Wt
229mm W | 229mm H |
299g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 12
With the ease and simplicity of a nursery rhyme, this lively story delivers an important message of social
acceptance to young readers. Themes associated with child development and social harmony, such as
friendship, acceptance, self-esteem, and diversity are promoted in simple and straightforward prose. Vivid
illustrations of children's activities for all cultures, such as swimming in the ocean, hugging, catching butterflies,
and eating birthday cake are also provided. This delightful picturebook offers a wonderful venue through which
Chicago Children's Museum parents and teachers can discuss important social concepts with their children.
Pub Date: 4/1/05 Author Bio
$14.95/$20.95 Can. Michael Tyler is a freelance writer and fitness consultant. David Lee Csicsko is the illustrator of Behind the
Hardback / Picture book
Lions and has created posters for the Leipzig Book Fair. They both live in Chicago.
32 pages
Carton Qty: 40
Ages 4 to 8, Grades K to 2
Juvenile Nonfiction /
People & Places
9.000 in W | 9.500 in H |
0.390 in T | 0.830 lb Wt
229mm W | 241mm H |
10mm T | 376g Wt
Elmer, the patchwork elephant, has a new friend but the other animals can't guess who it is. Can you? Of,
course in the end you'll see who it is.
Author Bio
DAVID McKEE's first book was published in 1964. His books are now published in many languages throughout the
Andersen Press
9781842700341 world, and many of them have been adapted for television. He is one of the leading contemporary children's book
Pub Date: 11/1/02 creators.
On Sale Date: 11/1/02
$10.95 Can.
Board book
18 pages
Carton Qty: 1
Ages 2 to 5
Juvenile Fiction
Territory: Canada only
Sales Restrictions: Canada
7.370 in W | 7.370 in H |
0.370 in T
187mm W | 187mm H |
9mm T
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 13
Sandbox Scientist
Real Science Activities for Little Kids
Michael Ross, Mary Anne Lloyd
Young children are natural scientists at play. While they bake mud pies and pour and measure water, they are
observing, theorizing and developing science skills, as well as having fun. Children two to eight years old will
Chicago Review Press thrive on the many open-ended science experiences including: ice and bubbles, compost and seeds, magnets
9781556522482 and gears, potions and plant prints and more.
Pub Date: 8/1/95
$14.95/$16.95 Can. Author Bio
Paperback / softback /
Trade paperback (US)
Ross is the author of over 35 children's books. He lives at the edge of Yosemite National Park.
208 pages
Carton Qty: 42
Ages 2 to 8, Grades P to 3
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Science & Nature
9.000 in W | 7.000 in H |
0.520 in T | 0.840 lb Wt
229mm W | 178mm H |
13mm T | 381g Wt
Fun Ways to Explore the Senses
Michelle O'Brien-Palmer
Learning about the five senses is an important developmental stage that children must go through to better
understand their bodies and the world around them. Here are dozens of fun and original science activities that
Chicago Review Press explore taste, touch, sight, smell, and hearing, all tailored to the abilities and funny bones of children 4 to 8.
9781556523274 Simple props like a pirate's eye patch or a pair of goofy sunglasses help children to understand the wonders of
Pub Date: 9/1/98 human sight. Wearing a spicy cinnamon-stick necklace reveals a surprising fact about our sense of smell. More
$14.95/$20.95 Can.
activities, silly songs, and lively illustrations will inspire young scientists in their quest to understand the five
Discount Code: LON
Paperback / softback / senses and how we use them to make sense of our world.
Trade paperback (US)
Author Bio
176 pages Michelle O'Brien-Palmer is the author of Watch Me Grow, Healthy Me, and six Scholastic teacher guides as
Carton Qty: 22
Ages 4 to 8, Grades K to 3 well as other books. A health educator, consultant, and specialist in educational curriculum development, she
Juvenile Nonfiction / lives in Seattle, Washington.
9.500 in W | 7.000 in H |
0.460 in T | 0.760 lb Wt
241mm W | 178mm H |
12mm T | 345g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 14
Healthy Me
Fun Ways to Develop Good Health and Safety Habits
Michelle O'Brien-Palmer
This hands-on science activity book for children 5 to 8 promotes health and safety through 70-plus creative
projects, recipes, and experiments. Handwashing becomes automatic and germs become real when children see
Chicago Review Press the once-invisible microbes on their hands thriving in the tomato-soup cultures they've prepared. They rush to
9781556523595 brush after watching the effects of sugary drinks on a tooth. Nutrition and exercise are fun with treats like
Pub Date: 9/1/99 Triple-Decker Mouthfuls and games such as Exercise Bingo. Lego people and Silly Putty help to demonstrate the
$14.95/$18.95 Can. importance of seat belts and bike helmets, and safety becomes a priority as children chant important numbers,
Paperback / softback /
Trade paperback (US) identify exits in buildings, and more. All the activities are tested in homes and classrooms to be sure they are
safe, effective, and fun.
160 pages
Carton Qty: 52 Author Bio
Ages 5 to 7, Grades K to 2
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Michelle O'Brien-Palmer is the author of Sense-Abilities, Watch Me Grow, and six Scholastic teacher guides as
Health & Daily Living well as other books. A health educator, consultant, and specialist in educational curriculum development, she
JNF024000 lives in Seattle, Washington.
9.500 in W | 7.000 in H |
0.410 in T | 0.730 lb Wt
241mm W | 178mm H |
10mm T | 331g Wt
Milet Publishing
9781840596526 Author Bio
Pub Date: 11/17/11 Milet Publishing is a leading independent publisher of books for children, young adults, and adults, featuring
$7.99/$8.95 Can. more than 300 titles in English and more than 25 languages that celebrate multiculturalism and multilingualism.
Board book
They are based in Chicago.
24 pages
Carton Qty: 68
3 And Under
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Series: My First Bilingual
6.50 W | 6.50 H | 0.40 T
7W | 7H | 0T
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 15
Author Bio
Milet Publishing
Milet Publishing is a leading independent publisher of books for children, young adults, and adults, featuring
Pub Date: 5/14/12 more than 300 titles in English and more than 25 languages that celebrate multiculturalism and multilingualism.
$7.99/$8.95 Can. They are based in Chicago.
Board book
24 pages
Carton Qty: 68
3 And Under
Education / Bilingual
Series: My First Bilingual
6.50 in W | 6.50 in H | 0.60
in T
165mm W | 165mm H |
15mm T
Author Bio
Milet Publishing
Milet Publishing is a leading independent publisher of books for children, young adults, and adults, featuring
Pub Date: 5/14/12 more than 300 titles in English and more than 25 languages that celebrate multiculturalism and multilingualism.
$7.99/$8.95 Can. They are based in Chicago.
Board book
24 pages
Carton Qty: 68
3 And Under
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Series: My First Bilingual
6.500 in W | 6.500 in H |
0.520 lb Wt
165mm W | 165mm H |
236g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 16
Author Bio
Milet Publishing
Milet Publishing is a leading independent publisher of books for children, young adults, and adults, featuring
Pub Date: 5/14/12 more than 300 titles in English and more than 25 languages that celebrate multiculturalism and multilingualism.
$7.99/$8.95 Can. They are based in Chicago.
Board book
24 pages
Carton Qty: 68
3 And Under
Education / Bilingual
Series: My First Bilingual
6.500 in W | 6.500 in H |
0.520 lb Wt
165mm W | 165mm H |
236g Wt
This fun and colorful, small format introduction to essential words in English is ideal for little hands. Each spread
features colorful pictures which illustrate words from a popular theme, including numbers, colors, clothes, toys,
food, parties, indoors, playground, animals, transport, and weather. An alphabet game is included on the cover
Author Bio
Clare Beaton is a children's author and illustrator whose books include Clare Beaton's Nursery Rhymes and One
Moose, Twenty Mice.
b small publishing
Pub Date: 2/1/12
$9.99/$11.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Paperback / softback /
Trade paperback (US)
48 pages
Carton Qty: 32
Ages 4 to 6, Grades P to 1
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Series: My First 100 Words
4.000 in W | 8.000 in H
102mm W | 203mm H
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 17
Ten Seeds
Ruth Brown
If you plant ten seeds, what do you get? Follow nature's wonderful cycle in this engaging counting book with a
Author Bio
Ruth Brown is the creator of some of Britain's best loved children's books. She has created a great many picture
books and is highly respected as an author and illustrator. She is married to artist Ken Brown and they have two
Andersen Press
Pub Date: 12/6/10
On Sale Date: 12/6/10
$12.95 Can.
20 pages
Carton Qty: 1
Ages 2 to 5
Juvenile Nonfiction /
8.620 in W | 8.620 in H |
0.440 in T | 0.688 lb Wt
219mm W | 219mm H |
11mm T | 312g Wt
There's a new baby in the family-but what does that mean for an older child?
This amusing and affirming book enables a grown-up and child to share together the excitement, bewilderment,
and possible problems associated with having a new baby in the house. It brings a positive message of how love
and patience build a family. Simply worded and attractively illustrated, this book is perfect for even the youngest
child to sit and think with.
Lion Hudson
Pub Date: 10/1/14
Ship Date: 10/1/14 Author Bio
$7.99/$9.99 Can. Lois Rock has established an international reputation as a children's writer. Specializing in Bible stories, prayer
Discount Code: LON books, and information books, her books have been translated into more than 30 languages with sales of four
Board book million copies. Janet Massey is an illustrator.
24 pages
Carton Qty: 75
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Family
5.250 in W | 5.500 in H |
0.380 lb Wt
133mm W | 140mm H |
172g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 18
A wonderful, beautifully illustrated tale of an unlikely friendship, based upon a true story
A plucky young owlet decides to try and find his own dinner one day, and so flies from the safety of his nest into
the unknown world surrounding him. Little does he know that his nest is in a tree in the middle of a zoo-and he
quickly finds himself face-to-face with a lion. Yet, instead of being eaten, the owlet and lion become friends. As
Pavilion the zookeeper tries in vain to rescue the owl, the owl comes up with a plan to help the lion escape too.
Pub Date: 6/1/13
$8.99/$9.99 Can. Author Bio
Paperback / softback /
Picture book Alice Shirley is the author and illustrator of Aesop's Fables.
32 pages
Carton Qty: 32
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Animals
10.500 in W | 10.500 in H
267mm W | 267mm H
One clucky hen sitting on her eggs. Two new chicks on tiny little legs. Read along and count everything!
Author Bio
Alison Lester has published more than 25 children's books, including Magic Beach and The Silver Horse Switch.
Allen & Unwin
In 2012, Alison became Australia's first Children's Book Laureate.
Pub Date: 5/1/14
$8.99/$10.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Board book
18 pages
Carton Qty: 60
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Concepts
Series: Alison Lester
7.500 in W | 6.500 in H |
0.510 lb Wt
191mm W | 165mm H |
231g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 19
Can you run like a rabbit? Can you jump like a frog? Or laze like a lizard, stretched out on a log? Yes, you can!
Read along and do all the actions.
Author Bio
Allen & Unwin
Alison Lester has published more than 25 children's books, including Magic Beach and The Silver Horse Switch.
Pub Date: 5/1/14 In 2012, Alison became Australia's first Children's Book Laureate.
Ship Date: 5/1/14
$8.99/$10.99 Can.
Board book
20 pages
Carton Qty: 60
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Concepts
Series: Alison Lester
7.500 in W | 6.500 in H |
0.520 lb Wt
191mm W | 165mm H |
236g Wt
Mick Inkpen
A full-length board book edition of the classic Kipper story that has sold millions around the world
Kipper is a bestselling classic character who has been in print for more than 20 years, and this sturdy board book
edition is perfect for all young Kipper fans. Kipper's basket is old and worn, and his blanket is smelly and
disgusting. But can Kipper find a better place to sleep? He tries a flowerpot like a bird, a nest like a squirrel, and
a lily pad like a frog, but nothing seems quite as good as his old, worn basket and his lovely smelly blanket.
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 20
Stripy Horse goes on an exciting hide-and-seek adventure. And so begins another game with Stripy Horse. Bright
pictures and a simple rhyming text take readers on an exciting hide-and-seek adventure. Perfect to share.
Author Bio
Jim Helmore and Karen Wall are the team behind Oh No, Monster Tomato!
Egmont UK
Pub Date: 4/1/14
Board book
12 pages
Carton Qty: 40
Ages 2 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Animals
Series: Stripy Horse
6.500 in W | 6.000 in H |
0.490 lb Wt
165mm W | 152mm H |
222g Wt
Off We Go!
Jim Helmore, Karen Wall
And so begins another day of play with Stripy Horse. Bright pictures and a simple, rhyming text will have young
readers hopping, climbing, and sliding.
Author Bio
Jim Helmore and Karen Wall are the team behind Oh No, Monster Tomato!
Egmont UK
Pub Date: 4/1/14
Board book
12 pages
Carton Qty: 40
Ages 2 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Animals
Series: Stripy Horse
6.500 in W | 6.000 in H |
0.490 lb Wt
165mm W | 152mm H |
222g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 21
A big, noisy counting book, with six jungle animal sounds to press and hear
Happy hippos, gentle giraffes, lazy lions, and frisky frogs-these are just some of the animals marching to the
jungle beat in this wonderfully fun way to practice counting. With 10 animals to count, six amazing jungle
Pan Macmillan sounds, and lively illustrations by the award-winning illustrator of The Gruffalo, this is a book that children will
Pub Date: 11/1/14 enjoy again and again. Learning to count has never been so much fun!
Ship Date: 11/1/14
Discount Code: LON Author Bio
Novelty book
Axel Scheffler has achieved worldwide acclaim for his humorous illustrations, and his books have been
10 pages translated into more than 29 languages. He is the illustrator of The Gruffalo, Stick Man, and Where's My Mom?
Carton Qty: 10
Ages 5 to 6
Juvenile Fiction / Animals
11.500 in W | 11.000 in H
292mm W | 279mm H
Pairs colorful, fun animal illustrations with letter-themed text intended to teach the alphabet while broadening a
child's vocabulary
Have you ever seen hungry hamsters happily hauling a huge ham? In Angry Aardvark to Zealous Zebra, young
Bright Connections Media children are introduced to the alphabet with a fun twist. Each letter is accompanied by an illustration that
9781622670284 prompts a child to imagine other words-even made-up ones!-that begin with the same letter.
Pub Date: 5/20/14
$8.99/$10.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Board book Author Bio
Bright Connections Media is a children's book publisher that combines the trusted World Book brand with sound
32 pages content and striking design to capture children's attention. They are based in Chicago.
Carton Qty: 26
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Concepts
8.000 in W | 8.000 in H |
1.120 lb Wt
203mm W | 203mm H |
508g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 22
Rain or Shine
Diane Fox, Christyan Fox
Discover sunny days, rainy days, and everything in between in this fantastic lift-the-flap picture book with a
fold-out ending
Say hello to Snip and Snap, two busy, funny, and engaging crocodile friends. They might look the same, but
they like very different things. Snip likes blue but Snap prefers red; Snip loves fruit while Snap would always
Hodder & Stoughton rather have cake! Today, Snip and Snap are planning to go out for a picnic. But while Snap is ready for any kind
9781408316139 of weather, Snip just doesn't know what to wear! Will the pair ever get to enjoy their picnic treat?
Pub Date: 5/1/14
Ship Date: 5/1/14
Discount Code: LON Author Bio
Paperback / softback / Diane Fox and Christyan Fox are the author/illustrator team behind the Piggywiggy series, which includes
Picture book Count to Ten, PiggyWiggy, and What Color Is That, Piggywiggy?
20 pages
Carton Qty: 40
5 And Under
Juvenile Fiction / Nature &
the Natural World
Series: Snip & Snap
9.500 in W | 9.500 in H |
0.560 lb Wt
241mm W | 241mm H |
254g Wt
Red or Blue
Diane Fox
This fun-filled rhyming story is the perfect introduction to learning about colors. With sturdy flaps and a fantastic
fold-out ending, this book is ideal for sharing and exploring with young children.
Author Bio
Diane Fox and Christyan Fox are the author/illustrator team behind the Piggywiggy series, which includes
Count to Ten, PiggyWiggy and What Color Is That, Piggywiggy?
Hodder & Stoughton
Pub Date: 6/6/13
Hardback / Picture book
20 pages
Carton Qty: 0
5 And Under
Juvenile Fiction / Concepts
Series: Snip & Snap
9.500 in W | 9.500 in H
241mm W | 241mm H
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 23
A delightful book with peekaboo lift-the-flap surprises on every page, by the bestselling illustrator of Giraffes
Can't Dance
It's Littlebob's birthday, so Plum has arranged a party. With games to play, cake to eat, and presents to unwrap,
everyone is able to join in the celebrations. A joyful romp with these two sweet characters, this book is the
perfect birthday gift.
Hodder & Stoughton
Author Bio
Pub Date: 5/1/14 Guy Parker-Rees is the illustrator of such children's titles as All Afloat on Noah's Boat, Giraffes Can't Dance, and
$8.99 Spooky Hour.
Discount Code: LON
Paperback / softback /
Picture book
20 pages
Carton Qty: 40
5 And Under
Juvenile Fiction / Holidays
& Celebrations
Series: Littlebob and Plum
9.500 in W | 9.500 in H |
0.430 lb Wt
241mm W | 241mm H |
195g Wt
A delightful book with peekaboo, lift-the-flap surprises on every page, by the bestselling illustrator of Giraffes
Can't Dance
Introducing Littlebob and Plum-perhaps the most adorable toddler-book twosome readers are ever likely to meet!
They are always looking for fun, and they like nothing more than sharing happy times together. Littlebob and
Plum won't let the rain spoil their day and decide to play hide-and-seek indoors instead. Children can join them in
Hodder & Stoughton
their game of hide-and-seek in this sturdy lift-the-flap book full of soft, bright illustrations.
Pub Date: 4/27/12 Author Bio
$8.99 Guy Parker-Rees is the illustrator of such children's titles as All Afloat on Noah's Boat, Giraffes Can't Dance, and
Paperback / softback / Spooky Hour.
Trade paperback (US)
20 pages
Carton Qty: 54
3 And Under
Juvenile Fiction /
Imagination & Play
Series: Littlebob and Plum
9.500 in W | 9.500 in H |
0.430 lb Wt
241mm W | 241mm H |
195g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 24
Animal Camouflage
Rene Mettler
What exactly is camouflage? Discover animals that can change their shape and their color depending upon their
surroundings. Learn about animals that are very good at pretending to be other animals.
Author Bio
René Mettler is a children's book creator.
Moonlight Publishing
Pub Date: 6/1/14
Ship Date: 6/1/14
$12.99/$15.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Spiral bound
34 pages
Carton Qty: 20
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
6.500 in W | 7.000 in H |
0.670 lb Wt
165mm W | 178mm H |
304g Wt
Ute Fuhr, Raoul Sautai
Rare attacks by great white sharks have given sharks a bad name. Although some sharks have terrifying teeth,
others only eat krill, plankton, and very small fish. Discover how they find their food. Learn how the biggest fish
in the sea give birth to their young.
Author Bio
Ute Fuhr is the author of Atlas of Civilizations, The Bee, and Let's Look at Castles.
Moonlight Publishing
Pub Date: 6/1/14
Ship Date: 6/1/14
$12.99/$15.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Spiral bound
32 pages
Carton Qty: 20
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
6.500 in W | 7.000 in H |
0.660 lb Wt
165mm W | 178mm H |
299g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 25
Animals in Danger
Pierre de Hugo
Which animals are threatened with extinction? In this book you will find out how some animals have disappeared
altogether. Discover why others, like gorillas, panda bears, tigers, and even elephants must be protected if they
are to survive.
Author Bio
Pierre de Hugo is a children's illustrator.
Moonlight Publishing
Pub Date: 6/1/14
Ship Date: 6/1/14
$12.99/$15.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Spiral bound
34 pages
Carton Qty: 20
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
6.500 in W | 7.000 in H |
0.670 lb Wt
165mm W | 178mm H |
304g Wt
This alphabetical story introduces Ant and Bee, their world, the alphabet and three-letter words.
Author Bio
Angela Banner first wrote Ant and Bee as a way to teach her son how to read. The first book in the series was
Egmont UK published in 1950. Since then, Angela has written 22 Ant and Bee books.
Pub Date: 6/1/14
Ship Date: 6/1/14
Discount Code: LON
Hardback / Picture book
112 pages
Carton Qty: 112
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Concepts
Series: Ant & Bee
3.500 in W | 4.500 in H |
0.260 lb Wt
89mm W | 114mm H | 118g
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 26
Join the lively duo as they create their very own rainbow in this basic introduction to the concept of color.
Author Bio
Angela Banner first wrote Ant and Bee as a way to teach her son how to read. The first book in the series was
Egmont UK published in 1950. Since then, Angela has written 22 Ant and Bee books.
Pub Date: 5/1/14
Ship Date: 5/1/14
Discount Code: LON
Hardback / Picture book
96 pages
Carton Qty: 32
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Concepts
Series: Ant & Bee
3.500 in W | 4.500 in H |
0.240 lb Wt
89mm W | 114mm H | 109g
It's Kind Dog's birthday! On each day of the week leading up to the special event, Ant and Bee prepare
invitations, party food, and much more!
Author Bio
Egmont UK Angela Banner first wrote Ant and Bee as a way to teach her son how to read. The first book in the series was
published in 1950. Since then, Angela has written 22 Ant and Bee books.
Pub Date: 5/1/14
Ship Date: 5/1/14
Discount Code: LON
Hardback / Picture book
96 pages
Carton Qty: 120
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Concepts
Series: Ant & Bee
4.500 in W | 3.500 in H |
0.240 lb Wt
114mm W | 89mm H | 109g
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 27
Another alphabetical story from Ant and Bee and Kind Dog. This alphabetical story introduces the reader to four-
letter words.
Author Bio
Egmont UK Angela Banner first wrote Ant and Bee as a way to teach her son how to read. The first book in the series was
published in 1950. Since then, Angela has written 22 Ant and Bee books.
Pub Date: 5/1/14
Discount Code: LON
Hardback / Picture book
112 pages
Carton Qty: 150
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Concepts
Series: Ant & Bee
4.500 in W | 3.500 in H |
0.260 lb Wt
114mm W | 89mm H | 118g
Travel around the world with Ant and Bee as Bee searches for his lost umbrella!
Author Bio
Angela Banner first wrote Ant and Bee as a way to teach her son how to read. The first book in the series was
Egmont UK published in 1950. Since then, Angela has written 22 Ant and Bee books.
Pub Date: 5/1/14
Ship Date: 5/1/14
Discount Code: LON
Hardback / Picture book
96 pages
Carton Qty: 120
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / People &
Series: Ant & Bee
3.500 in W | 4.500 in H |
0.240 lb Wt
89mm W | 114mm H | 109g
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 28
James Prunier, Henri Galeron
Discover which dinosaur was bigger than a bus and where dinosaurs laid their eggs.
Author Bio
James Prunier is the author of The Elephant. Henri Galeron is the author and illustrator of Cats.
Moonlight Publishing
Pub Date: 9/1/14
Ship Date: 9/1/14
$4.99/$5.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Paperback / softback /
Trade paperback (US)
32 pages
Carton Qty: 120
Ages 5 to 8, Grades K to 3
Juvenile Nonfiction /
6.500 in W | 8.000 in H |
0.240 lb Wt
165mm W | 203mm H |
109g Wt
Meet Bruce
Bruce is a Brachiosaurus. He is the one of the biggest dinosaurs to have ever walked the earth. Go Bruce! Learn
what Bruce eats and other fun facts, and play the Bugs and Brachiosaurus Game.
16 pages
Carton Qty: 180
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Series: Dinosauritis
7.500 in W | 8.500 in H |
0.170 lb Wt
191mm W | 216mm H | 77g
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 29
Meet Rex
Rex is a Tyrannosaurus, one of the biggest and scariest dinosaurs. Find out what could happen if Rex came to
your next birthday party and other fun facts, and play the Dinosauritis Maze Game.
16 pages
Carton Qty: 32
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Series: Dinosauritis
7.500 in W | 8.500 in H |
0.170 lb Wt
191mm W | 216mm H | 77g
Meet Tip
Tip is a Triceratops. He is built like a bulldozer with three horns on his head. Find how many rhinoceroses you
would have to glue together to make one Triceratops, and play the Dinosauritis Spot the Difference Game.
16 pages
Carton Qty: 180
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Series: Dinosauritis
8.500 in W | 7.500 in H |
0.160 lb Wt
216mm W | 191mm H | 73g
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 30
Meet Tracy
Tracy is a Pterodactyl. She has a long beak and very sharp teeth. Find out why she likes children so much, and
play the Dinosauritis Shadow Match Game.
16 pages
Carton Qty: 180
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Series: Dinosauritis
7.500 in W | 8.500 in H |
0.170 lb Wt
191mm W | 216mm H | 77g
Learn to count with Wibbly Pig
Wibbly Pig has 10 balloons, but not for very long! As he gives them away, he holds on tightly to his favorite
teddy bear balloon. But then Big Pig's shouting sister comes along. This irresistible rhyming story is the perfect
introduction to numbers and counting for young children, as they count down the balloons disappearing one by
Hodder & Stoughton one.
Pub Date: 5/1/14
Ship Date: 5/1/14 Author Bio
Discount Code: LON Mick Inkpen is a bestselling picture book artist and writer whose Kipper and Wibbly Pig stories have sold millions
Paperback / softback / worldwide. His Wibbly Pig stories are the basis of a television show that airs on Sprout. He is the winner of the
Picture book Smarties Prize for Kipper's A to Z (praised by Publishers Weekly in 2001 as one of the "most distinguished titles of
32 pages
the year"), the British Book Award for Lullabyhullabaloo, and the Children's Book Award for Threadbear.
Carton Qty: 74
5 And Under
Juvenile Fiction / Animals
Series: Wibbly Pig
10.000 in W | 10.000 in H |
0.470 lb Wt
254mm W | 254mm H |
213g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 31
A Patch of Black
Rachel Rooney, Deborah Allwright
A lyrical lullaby tale that's perfect for bedtime
What can you do with a patch of black, a moon and a silver star?
From a magical wish-granting cloak to a hammock rocked by jungle animal friends, there's nothing that a patch
of nighttime sky can't become with a bit of imagination, and certainly no need to be afraid of the dark. The
Pan Macmillan soothing text is accompanied by beautiful, evocative illustrations.
Pub Date: 4/1/14
Discount Code: LON Author Bio
Paperback / softback / Rachel Rooney trained as a special needs teacher and now works with children with autism and runs writing
Picture book workshops. This is her first picture book. Deborah Allwright is the illustrator of The Fox in the Dark, The Night
32 pages Pirates, and She'll Be Coming Around the Mountain.
Carton Qty: 54
5 And Under
Juvenile Fiction / Bedtime
& Dreams
10.000 in W | 10.000 in H |
0.390 lb Wt
254mm W | 254mm H |
177g Wt
Two little aliens come to Earth, looking for fun! A park seems the perfect place to start, but even the
simplest things can seem pretty confusing when you're new to the planet.
When two little aliens in a passing rocket spot the most exciting thing ever, they can't wait to land on Earth to
investigate. They've discovered a playground! It is full of fun-looking things like a seesaw, a sandpit, and even
an ice-cream kiosk. The thing is, the aliens have never been to a playground before, so they don't know how
anything works. Hilarious confusion soon ensues until new friends show them how to have fun. Sam tells this
Hodder & Stoughton charming and funny tale with her well-renowned quirky sense of humor. Children will delight in knowing what the
9781846169441 two little alien friends are getting wrong on each page and, naturally, there's a very happy ending extolling the
Pub Date: 5/1/14 virtues of friendship and helping others.
Discount Code: LON
Paperback / softback /
Picture book Author Bio
Sam Lloyd is the author and illustrator of such popular titles as Calm Down, Boris!; Crunchy Croc; What Color Is
32 pages
Carton Qty: 60
Your Underwear?; and Mr. Pusskins, a New York Times bestseller for which she won the Roald Dahl Funny Prize.
5 And Under
Juvenile Fiction /
Imagination & Play
10.000 in W | 11.000 in H |
0.470 lb Wt
254mm W | 279mm H |
213g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 32
The classic nursery rhyme is given a special warmth and inventiveness by a new illustrator
Jack and Jill went up the hill to fetch a pail of water, Jack fell down and broke his crown and Jill came tumbling
after. A wonderful book to read aloud and share, this favorite nursery rhyme is aimed at the very youngest child,
simply and beautifully illustrated, and offers end-of-the-book instructions for making Jack and Jill finger puppets.
32 pages
Carton Qty: 74
5 And Under
Juvenile Fiction / Nursery
9.500 in W | 9.500 in H |
0.420 lb Wt
241mm W | 241mm H |
191g Wt
The classic nursery rhyme is given a special warmth and inventiveness by a new young illustrator
Mary had a little lamb, its fleece was white as snow. Why does the playful little lamb follow Mary everywhere?
This classic story of one little girl's single-minded devotion to her lamb is aimed at the very youngest child,
simply and beautifully illustrated, and offers end-of-the-book instructions for making one's own special little lamb
mask. A wonderful book to share, this tale will have young children joining in with the classic rhyme and following
the characters.
Hodder & Stoughton
Pub Date: 10/10/12 Author Bio
$8.99/£5.99 UK Kate Willis-Crowley is the illustrator of Jack and Jill.
Paperback / softback /
Picture book
32 pages
Carton Qty: 32
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Nursery
9.500 in W | 9.500 in H
241mm W | 241mm H
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 33
Snuggle down with a story at the end of the day, with this little book of 21 tales from around the world
Retold in simple words and appealing pictures, these stories are perfect to share at bedtime. They include
retellings of 21 tales from around the world and traditional stories. Each is retold concisely and illustrated
throughout with lively artwork and join-in words and phrases mixed in with the illustrations, making them fun to
share with young children.
Lion Hudson
Pub Date: 4/1/14
$9.99/$11.99 Can.
Author Bio
Discount Code: LON Elena Pasquali and Nicole Smee have previously collaborated on Two-Minute Animal Stories, Two-Minute Bible
Hardback / Cloth over Stories, Two-Minute Bedtime Stories, and Two-Minute Parables.
96 pages
Carton Qty: 36
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Fairy
Tales & Folklore
6.500 in W | 7.000 in H |
0.660 lb Wt
165mm W | 178mm H |
299g Wt
A handy carrying case holds a selection of six beginner Biblical stories and parables designed to make the lessons
of the Bible both accessible and fun to read
This set of Bible stories is perfect for reading aloud and sharing with young children. Stories taken from both the
Old and New Testaments are retold in simple language and illustrated with bright and cheerful pictures. Designed
to convey key messages and morals, these six tales-God Makes the World, Noah and the Flood, Daniel and the
Lions, Moses and the Princess, David and Goliath, and Jonah and the Whale-make an ideal introduction to the
Lion Hudson Bible.
Pub Date: 9/1/14
Ship Date: 9/1/14
$12.99/$15.99 Can. Author Bio
Discount Code: LON Sophie Piper is the author of numerous religious books for children, including Little Bunny's Easter and My
Multiple copy pack Baptism Book. Estelle Corke's previous books include Oh Holy Night, Little Cheetah Tale, and Little Tiger Tale.
192 pages
Carton Qty: 18
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Series: Bible Story Time
7.000 in W | 9.000 in H |
1.570 lb Wt
178mm W | 229mm H |
712g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 34
An exquisite book with glowing colors that shows that what seems impossible for an individual can be
achieved through cooperation
Nino, a little firefly, glows brightly each night. Yet the moon shines much brighter than a single firefly. But what
happens when the moon gets tired? Can Nino make his dream of lighting up the entire night sky come true?
Enchanting illustrations with flashes of metallic ink enhance this captivating bedtime story about friendship,
trust, and the inspirational power of many working as one.
9789888240753 Author Bio
Pub Date: 5/1/14 Sueli Menezes is an artist and a writer. She is the author of The Blue Butterfly and The Very Best Dad.
Ship Date: 5/1/14 Giuliano Ferri is an artist, an animator, and an award-winning illustrator of many children's books, including The
$19.99/$23.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON Animals' Christmas, Ant and Grasshopper, The Apple King, Best Friends, and The Magic Book. He is also the
Hardback / Picture book author and illustrator of Little Tad Grows Up; Mummy, Mummy, Where Are You?; and Night, Night, Sleep Tight!
32 pages
Carton Qty: 30
Ages 5 to 7, Grades K to 2
Juvenile Fiction / Animals
8.500 in W | 11.250 in H |
0.920 lb Wt
216mm W | 286mm H |
417g Wt
My Red Balloon
Kazuaki Yamada
A charming story about the power of friendship
A little girl begins a happy bus outing with her beautiful red balloon. But when the balloon suddenly flies away,
minedition the bus driver and a passenger bear gallantly help follow the balloon. A wild chase begins and along the way a
9789888240722 rabbit, a polar bear, a penguin, and a giraffe all join in to help as they follow the wayward balloon. And when a
Pub Date: 5/1/14 bird pecks the balloon with its beak, the result makes all their effort seem in vain, but the little girl's new friends
Ship Date: 5/1/14
$18.99/$22.99 Can. once again come to the rescue with just the right words of comfort.
Discount Code: LON
Hardback / Picture book
64 pages
Author Bio
Carton Qty: 30 Kazuaki Yamada is an architect and an illustrator.
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Animals
11.250 in W | 8.500 in H |
1.150 lb Wt
286mm W | 216mm H |
522g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 35
Susan Martineau, Cathy Hughes
It's time for the pirates to set sail on an adventure-help them get ready with more than 70 stickers
All aboard for some handbag-sized pirate adventures! Dress the pirates with the stickers as they sail through
storms, explore the Arctic, and go deep-sea diving. There are five fun scenes for sticking, and more than 70 fun,
colorful stickers. It's time to meet the crew!
Author Bio
b small publishing Susan Martineau is a children's author whose books include 50 French Phrases, 50 Spanish Phrases, and Slimy
9781908164933 Science and Awesome Experiments. Cathy Hughes is an illustrator whose work includes Ben Bunny Is Very
Pub Date: 9/1/14
Ship Date: 9/1/14
Hungry, My Carry-Along Easter, and My Carry-Along Noah.
$7.99/$9.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Paperback / softback /
Picture book
20 pages
Carton Qty: 120
Ages 3 to 6, Grades P to 1
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Activity Books
Series: Sticker Dressing-up
7.000 in W | 10.000 in H |
0.230 lb Wt
178mm W | 254mm H |
104g Wt
A tribute to friendship, boardwalks, and summer, this storybook tells of Ben and Zip, two best friends who will
keep readers laughing, cheering, and guessing until the very end when they are reunited after a rainstorm.
Ben is short, but his best friend Zip is even shorter. One day while strolling along the boardwalk a summer shower
Flashlight Press blows in. There's a clap of thunder, and Zip runs off in fear. Ben pushes through the crowd to find Zip, but being
9781936261284 so short, all Ben sees are knees. He climbs onto a bench, but now all he sees are bellies. He clambers onto a
Pub Date: 4/1/14 picnic table, and all he sees is hair. Ben is sure he'll glimpse Zip when he climbs to the highest point on the
$16.95/$16.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
beach, the lifeguard stand, but Zip is nowhere to be found. Ben finally does find Zip-his best friend and
Hardback / Picture book dachshund-hiding out beneath the boardwalk, and the pair snuggle and munch on popcorn while the puddles dry
and the beach-goers emerge from under the awnings. A unique lost-and-found tale with a surprise ending,
32 pages
brimming with lively illustrations, and filled with rhyming refrains that roll off the tongue, this storybook...
Carton Qty: 20
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Family
JUV013000 Author Bio
10.250 in W | 10.250 in H | Joanne Linden is the author of two nonfiction books for children, Shih Tzus and Yorkshire Terriers, and she has
1.140 lb Wt published stories and articles in several magazines. She lives in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Tom Goldsmith is an
260mm W | 260mm H |
illustrator who has worked in advertising for more than 20 years. He is a regular contributor to Just Labs
517g Wt
Magazine. He lives in Coldwater, Ontario.
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 36
An ode to growing up, this read-aloud book commemorates the first pair of shoes a child owns and the many
memories created while they walk in them.
Piglet Squid is always smiling, but how can he convince his miserable friends of the deep to smile too? An
undersea adventure with strange creatures, a courageous quest, and a startling, sparkling discovery.
Once, in a place at the bottom of the ocean that is deeper, darker, further, wetter, colder, lonelier . . . than
anything you can imagine, lived a piglet squid . . .
Piglet Squid spends all day smiling his big, dreamy, happy smile, but his friends in the deep are always so
Egmont UK woebegone. One day, Piglet Squid embarks on a quest to find something magical to show them all. This quirky
9781405259996 deep-sea adventure about a plucky little creature, determined to show his friends that there are wondrous
Pub Date: 6/1/14 things to smile about if you look hard enough, is inspired by a real animal, normally found more than 320 feet
$9.99 below the surface of the ocean. The unusual pattern of skin pigmentation in the specimen below means that he
Paperback / softback /
Picture book is always smiling.
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 37
Lucy Goosey
Margaret Wild, Ann James
A heartwarming story about a child's fear of the unknown, and how a mother's unconditional love can make
anything possible-especially a brave decision
Lucy Goosey has been playing happily in the same pond all her life, but the time has come for her to fly away.
She is so terrified of getting lost in the huge sky that she refuses to leave with the others. Is it more terrifying
to be alone, or to face one's greatest fear? No matter what happens, Lucy Goosey's mother will always come
looking for her-only once she is reassured of this does Lucy Goosey feel brave enough to make the flight.
Little Hare Books
Pub Date: 6/1/14 Author Bio
$9.99/$11.99 Can. Margaret Wild is an award-winning author who has written more than 40 novels and picture books for children,
Discount Code: LON
Paperback / softback / including Fox, Kiss Kiss!, Little Humpty, and Woolvs in the Sitee. Ann James is an award-winning illustrator
Picture book whose other titles include Ready, Set, Skip! and The Way I Love You.
32 pages
Carton Qty: 70
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Animals
9.000 in W | 11.000 in H |
0.450 lb Wt
229mm W | 279mm H |
204g Wt
Pride and Prejudice and The Taming of the Shrew meet at the chicken shed in this funny and touching story of
antagonism and love
Banjo is a hardworking farm dog and Ruby Red is a haughty chicken, and they never see eye to eye. But when
Little Hare Books
Ruby Red falls ill, the tables seem about to turn. Stunning illustrations perfectly capture the endearing
Pub Date: 10/1/14 personalities of boisterous Banjo and headstrong Ruby Red.
Ship Date: 10/1/14
$16.99/$19.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON Author Bio
Hardback / Picture book
Libby Gleeson and Freya Blackwood are the team behind the acclaimed Clancy & Millie and the Very Fine
32 pages House and Half a World Away. Gleeson has been shortlisted for the Children's Book Council of Australia awards 13
Carton Qty: 32 times and won three times, two of which have been for titles illustrated by Kate Greenaway-medalist Blackwood.
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Animals
11.000 in W | 9.000 in H
279mm W | 229mm H
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 38
A Little Story About Big Things
Danny Parker, Matt Ottley
In the vein of The Giving Tree, a modern tale about life's cycles, and the discovery that every end is a new
Henry is a small sapling who grows into a big strong tree under the protection of an even bigger and stronger
tree. But then comes the longest night with drenching waters and howling winds, and the biggest and strongest
tree falls. Henry is alone and his heart is hollow, until he hears the small voice of a new sapling among his roots.
Little Hare Books This is an evocative story about cycles and generations, with sumptuous illustrations that add depth and
9781921714412 meaning to a timeless theme. The book's jacket folds out to be an impressive poster showcasing Matt Ottley's
Pub Date: 5/1/14 artwork.
Ship Date: 5/1/14
$19.99/$21.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Hardback / Picture book Author Bio
Danny Parker is a drama and youth theater director. He was inspired to write Tree by the loss of his father,
32 pages
followed shortly by the birth of his son. Matt Ottley is the illustrator of Luke's Way of Looking, Me and My Dad,
Carton Qty: 30
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K and Sailing Home.
Juvenile Fiction / Nature &
the Natural World
9.000 in W | 11.000 in H |
0.980 lb Wt
229mm W | 279mm H |
445g Wt
My Dad and Me
Tania Cox, Lorette Broekstra
Previously titled What Makes My Dad Happy, this sweetly appealing gift book explores the joy of being a child,
and of being a dad
What makes Dad happy? When he builds me a tower and I pick him a flower; when I write him a note for the
pocket of his coat; when he helps me to fly way up high in the sky. What makes your dad happy? This is the
Allen & Unwin perfect gift for fathers and children to share together.
Pub Date: 4/1/14
$11.99/$13.99 Can. Author Bio
Hardback / Picture book
Tania Cox is the author of Elephant Baby and Wolf's Sunday Dinner. Lorette Broekstra is the author of the
24 pages Hugo series, including Hugo's Motorcycle Rescue, and the illustrator of What's the Time, Missie Mouse?
Carton Qty: 60
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Family
8.500 in W | 8.500 in H |
0.550 lb Wt
216mm W | 216mm H |
249g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 39
Let's Paint!
Gabriel Alborozo
Warm, vibrant, and amusing, a joyous picture book exploration of the messy and marvelous world of art,
encouraging all children to pick up a paint brush
Whether one drips, dots, daubs-or carefully dabs-there is a wonderful world of art waiting to be explored, and
this exuberant book reassures all children that art is for them. Elegantly tipping its hat to famous artists and
artistic techniques, it explains to young readers that from exquisitely detailed paintings to crazy kaleidoscopes of
color, art is endlessly varied, and essential for everyone. Assuring children that there are no mistakes in art or
correct way to make a painting, this book offers them the courage and inspiration to express their creativity.
Let's paint!
Allen & Unwin
Pub Date: 4/1/14 Author Bio
Ship Date: 4/1/14 Gabriel Alborozo has worked in film, in the props department on the Star Wars movies and The Matrix, and for
$16.99/$19.99 Can. an animation company.
Discount Code: LON
Hardback / Picture book
32 pages
Carton Qty: 40
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Art &
7.000 in W | 9.500 in H |
0.670 lb Wt
178mm W | 241mm H |
304g Wt
Desert Workout
Clare Hibbert
Desert Workout provides a first introduction to desert animals, plants, people, and climate. The desert landscape
ties into a selection of exciting exercises: children are encouraged to slither like a snake, tunnel like a gerbil, flit
like a desert bat, and act out taking a camel ride!
Author Bio
Clare Hibbert is a freelance writer and editor who has written more than 100 books for children, including JLA
Laburnum Press
Wonder Woman's Book of Myths, Meet the X-Men, and Star Wars: Jedi Heroes.
Pub Date: 5/1/14
Ship Date: 5/1/14
$10.99/$12.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Paperback / softback /
Trade paperback (US)
24 pages
Carton Qty: 32
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Health & Daily Living
Series: Sparklers: Body
10.000 in W | 10.000 in H |
0.310 lb Wt
254mm W | 254mm H |
141g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 40
Polar Workout
Clare Hibbert
Polar Workout provides a first introduction to the climate, animals, people, and vehicles at the poles. The polar
landscape ties into a selection of exciting exercises: children are encouraged to waddle like a penguin, tumble
like a polar bear cub, slide like a seal, and act out building an igloo.
Author Bio
Clare Hibbert is a freelance writer and editor who has written more than 100 books for children .
Laburnum Press
Pub Date: 5/1/14
Ship Date: 5/1/14
$10.99/$12.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Paperback / softback /
Trade paperback (US)
24 pages
Carton Qty: 32
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Health & Daily Living
Series: Sparklers: Body
10.000 in W | 10.000 in H |
0.320 lb Wt
254mm W | 254mm H |
145g Wt
Rainforest Workout
Clare Hibbert
Rainforest Workout provides a first introduction to rainforest animals, plants, people, and climate. The rainforest
landscape ties into a selection of exciting exercises: children are encouraged to balance like a monkey, prowl like
a tiger, march like an elephant, and grow like a tree.
Author Bio
Clare Hibbert is a freelance writer and editor who has written more than 100 books on numerous subjects for
Laburnum Press
children under 12.
Pub Date: 5/1/14
Ship Date: 5/1/14
$10.99/$12.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Paperback / softback /
Trade paperback (US)
24 pages
Carton Qty: 75
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Health & Daily Living
Series: Sparklers: Body
10.000 in W | 10.000 in H |
0.310 lb Wt
254mm W | 254mm H |
141g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 41
Underwater Workout
Clare Hibbert
Underwater Workout provides a first introduction to ocean animals, plants, and explorers. The underwater
landscape ties into a selection of exciting exercises: children are encouraged to sway like seaweed, move like a
school of fish, and practice swimming moves and star fish jumps.
Author Bio
Clare Hibbert is a freelance writer and editor who has written more than 100 books on numerous subjects for
Laburnum Press
children under 12.
Pub Date: 5/1/14
Ship Date: 5/1/14
$10.99/$12.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Paperback / softback /
Trade paperback (US)
24 pages
Carton Qty: 66
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Health & Daily Living
Series: Sparklers: Body
10.000 in W | 10.000 in H |
0.310 lb Wt
254mm W | 254mm H |
141g Wt
Celebration Food
Clare Hibbert
Celebration Food encourages children to think about when they eat special food and what kinds of food they
might eat at different celebrations. They will encounter a range of celebrations from around the world, both
religious and secular. Finally they can follow the simple recipe to make their own charoset.
Author Bio
Clare Hibbert is a freelance writer and editor who has written more than 100 books on numerous subjects for
Laburnum Press
children under 12.
Pub Date: 6/1/14
$10.99/$12.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Paperback / softback /
Trade paperback (US)
24 pages
Carton Qty: 32
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Cooking & Food
Series: Sparklers: Food We
10.000 in W | 10.000 in H |
0.310 lb Wt
254mm W | 254mm H |
141g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 42
Let's Eat Breakfast encourages children to think about when they eat breakfast and what kinds of food they
might eat. They will encounter a range of healthy breakfast from around the world, and see where some foods
come from. Finally they can follow the simple recipe to make their own muesli.
Author Bio
Clare Hibbert is a freelance writer and editor who has written more than 100 books on numerous subjects for
Laburnum Press
children under 12.
Pub Date: 6/1/14
Ship Date: 6/1/14
$10.99/$12.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Paperback / softback /
Trade paperback (US)
24 pages
Carton Qty: 75
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Cooking & Food
Series: Sparklers: Food We
10.000 in W | 10.000 in H |
0.310 lb Wt
254mm W | 254mm H |
141g Wt
Let's Eat Lunch encourages children to think about when they eat lunch and what kinds of food they might eat.
They will encounter a range of healthy lunches from around the world, and see how what they eat may change
with the seasons. Finally they can follow the simple recipe to make their own Greek salad.
Author Bio
Clare Hibbert is a freelance writer and editor who has written more than 100 books on numerous subjects for
Laburnum Press
children under 12.
Pub Date: 6/1/14
Ship Date: 6/1/14
$10.99/$12.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Paperback / softback /
Trade paperback (US)
24 pages
Carton Qty: 32
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Cooking & Food
Series: Sparklers: Food We
10.000 in W | 10.000 in H |
0.320 lb Wt
254mm W | 254mm H |
145g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 43
Let's Eat Dinner encourages children to think about when they eat dinner and what kinds of food they might eat.
They will encounter a range of healthy dinners from around the world, and see where some foods come from.
Finally they can follow the simple recipe to make their own raita.
Author Bio
Clare Hibbert is a freelance writer and editor who has written more than 100 books on numerous subjects for
Laburnum Press
children under 12.
Pub Date: 6/1/14
$10.99/$12.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Paperback / softback /
Trade paperback (US)
24 pages
Carton Qty: 32
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Cooking & Food
Series: Sparklers: Food We
10.000 in W | 10.000 in H |
0.310 lb Wt
254mm W | 254mm H |
141g Wt
Chinese New Year helps children to find out more about this important annual festival. Children are introduced to
the Chinese calendar and aspects of preparation, such as cleaning and decorating. They also learn about the
festival itself with parades, dragon dances, family gatherings, gifts, and special food.
Laburnum Press
Author Bio
9781909850354 Katie Dicker is a children's educational author.
Pub Date: 8/1/14
Ship Date: 8/1/14
$17.99/$19.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Hardback / Cloth over
24 pages
Carton Qty: 25
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Holidays & Celebrations
Series: Sparklers:
10.000 in W | 10.000 in H |
0.910 lb Wt
254mm W | 254mm H |
413g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 44
Katie Dicker
Divali helps children to find out more about this important festival of lights-from the start of the Hindu New Year
to different Divali traditions. Children are introduced to the story of the Ramayana and different Hindu gods.
They also learn about divas and decorations, New Year rituals, and special Divali food.
Laburnum Press
Author Bio
9781909850361 Katie Dicker is a children's educational author.
Pub Date: 8/1/14
Ship Date: 8/1/14
$17.99/$19.99 Can.
Hardback / Cloth over
24 pages
Carton Qty: 32
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Holidays & Celebrations
Series: Sparklers:
10.000 in W | 10.000 in H |
0.920 lb Wt
254mm W | 254mm H |
417g Wt
Katie Dicker
Easter helps children to find out more about the important Christian holiday-from the resurrection of Jesus to
different Easter traditions. Children are introduced to life cycles and aspects of renewal, and to the festival itself
with family gatherings, parades, Easter eggs, and special Easter food.
Laburnum Press
Author Bio
9781909850378 Katie Dicker is a children's educational author.
Pub Date: 8/1/14
Ship Date: 8/1/14
$17.99/$19.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Hardback / Cloth over
24 pages
Carton Qty: 25
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Holidays & Celebrations
Series: Sparklers:
10.000 in W | 10.000 in H |
0.920 lb Wt
254mm W | 254mm H |
417g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 45
The Caramel Tree Readers Starter Level is a delicious series of leveled readers for children ages 5 to 7. They are
50 to 100 words in length and focus on phonics and learning the alphabet.
The Alphabet Storybook Set contains five storybooks and one audio CD with 26 songs, one for each letter of the
alphabet. Each storybook has short stories highlighting a different letter of the alphabet as well as a picture
1 pages
Includes Audio CD
Carton Qty: 20
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Readers
Series: Caramel Tree
Readers Starter Level
7.000 in W | 9.500 in H |
1.430 lb Wt
178mm W | 241mm H |
649g Wt
The Caramel Tree Readers Starter Level is a delicious series of leveled readers for children ages 3 to 5. They are
50 to 100 words in length and focus on phonics and learning the alphabet.
The Alphabet Storybooks contain short illustrated stories accompanied by a song for each letter of the alphabet.
Author Bio
James Rodgers and Sally Crust are children's ESL teachers who have lived and worked in South Korea, where
Caramel Tree Readers they have helped develop reading-based ESL programs for children.
Pub Date: 6/1/14
Ship Date: 6/1/14
$4.99/$5.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Paperback / softback /
Trade paperback (US)
40 pages
Includes Audio CD
Carton Qty: 120
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Readers
Series: Caramel Tree
Readers Starter Level
7.000 in W | 9.500 in H |
0.260 lb Wt
178mm W | 241mm H |
118g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 46
The Caramel Tree Readers Starter Level is a delicious series of leveled chapter readers for children ages 3 to 5.
They are 50 to 100 words in length and focus on phonics and learning the alphabet.
The Alphabet Storybooks contain short illustrated stories accompanied by a song for each letter of the alphabet.
Author Bio
James Rodgers and Sally Crust are children's ESL teachers who have lived and worked in South Korea, where
Caramel Tree Readers they have helped develop reading-based ESL programs for children.
Pub Date: 6/1/14
Ship Date: 6/1/14
$4.99/$5.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Paperback / softback /
Trade paperback (US)
40 pages
Includes Audio CD
Carton Qty: 120
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Readers
Series: Caramel Tree
Readers Starter Level
7.000 in W | 9.500 in H |
0.260 lb Wt
178mm W | 241mm H |
118g Wt
The Caramel Tree Readers Starter Level is a delicious series of leveled chapter readers for children ages 3 to 5.
They are 50 to 100 words in length and focus on phonics and learning the alphabet.
The Alphabet Storybooks contain short illustrated stories accompanied by a song for each letter of the alphabet.
Author Bio
James Rodgers and Sally Crust are children's ESL teachers who have lived and worked in South Korea, where
Caramel Tree Readers they have helped develop reading-based ESL programs for children.
Pub Date: 6/1/14
Ship Date: 6/1/14
$4.99/$5.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Paperback / softback /
Trade paperback (US)
40 pages
Includes Audio CD
Carton Qty: 120
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Readers
Series: Caramel Tree
Readers Starter Level
7.000 in W | 9.500 in H |
0.260 lb Wt
178mm W | 241mm H |
118g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 47
The Caramel Tree Readers Starter Level is a delicious series of leveled readers for children ages 3 to 5. They are
50 to 100 words in length and focus on phonics and learning the alphabet.
The Alphabet Storybooks contain short illustrated stories accompanied by a song for each letter of the alphabet.
Author Bio
James Rodgers and Sally Crust are children's ESL teachers who have lived and worked in South Korea, where
Caramel Tree Readers they have helped develop reading-based ESL programs for children.
Pub Date: 6/1/14
Ship Date: 6/1/14
$4.99/$5.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Paperback / softback /
Trade paperback (US)
40 pages
Includes Audio CD
Carton Qty: 120
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Readers
Series: Caramel Tree
Readers Starter Level
7.000 in W | 9.500 in H |
0.260 lb Wt
178mm W | 241mm H |
118g Wt
The Caramel Tree Readers Starter Level is a delicious series of leveled readers for children ages 3 to 5. They are
50 to 100 words in length and focus on phonics and learning the alphabet.
The Alphabet Storybooks contain short illustrated stories accompanied by a song for each letter of the alphabet.
Author Bio
James Rodgers and Sally Crust are children's ESL teachers who have lived and worked in South Korea, where
Caramel Tree Readers they have helped develop reading-based ESL programs for children.
Pub Date: 6/1/14
Ship Date: 6/1/14
$4.99/$5.99 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Paperback / softback /
Trade paperback (US)
40 pages
Includes Audio CD
Carton Qty: 100
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Readers
Series: Caramel Tree
Readers Starter Level
7.000 in W | 9.500 in H |
0.300 lb Wt
178mm W | 241mm H |
136g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 48
The Caramel Tree Readers Starter Level is a delicious series of leveled readers for children ages 5 to 7. They are
50 to 100 words in length and focus on phonics and learning the alphabet.
The Starter Level Storybook Set 1a contains five storybooks and an audio CD featuring theme songs for each
story: The Chicken, the Shark, and the Whale; The Clever Crab; Ken and His Red Tin Rocket; Pete the Pelican;
and Troy Waits for the Train.
1 pages
Includes Audio CD
Carton Qty: 20
Ages 5 to 7, Grades K to 2
Education / Elementary
Series: Caramel Tree
Readers Starter Level
7.000 in W | 9.500 in H
178mm W | 241mm H
Providing the basics of a child's emotional development, this book pays particular attention to children who have
learning challenges related to autism, ADHD, sensory issues, or other developmental delays
A short course for busy parents, teachers, and professionals, Helping Children with Their Feelings sets parents
on a clear, practical path to increase their child's understanding of his or her own and others' feelings. Often
young kids need remedial or basic help learning about feelings-an essential precursor to effective social
relationships and success in school. Children are primed to start learning about feelings from birth, but sometimes
they need a little extra help or their parents need additional knowledge. The short exercises help build children's
skills and provide realistic expectations for parents to determine whether their child is developing typically or has
Parenting Press special needs. Further resources offer more in depth material of a practical nature on each of the steps in
9781936903146 building emotional literacy.
Pub Date: 5/1/14
Ship Date: 5/1/14
$9.95/$11.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON Author Bio
Paperback / softback / Elizabeth Crary, MS, is the award-winning author of more than 40 children's and child-guidance publications.
Trade paperback (US)
She has taught parenting education, with an emphasis on problem-solving and skill-building methods, and
36 pages established Parenting Press in 1979. She lives in Seattle.
Carton Qty: 245
Family & Relationships /
Child Development
Series: A Parenting Press
Qwik Book
5.500 in W | 8.500 in H |
0.130 lb Wt
140mm W | 216mm H | 59g
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 49
Great Preschools
Building Developmental Assets in Early Childhood
Tamara J. Will, Karen King, Michelle Mergler
Providing a wide range of tools, this practical guide aids teachers in creating a nurturing preschool environment
and helps preschoolers develop critical social competencies. Containing new findings from Search Institute's
Developmental Assets® research for preschoolers, this easy-to-use guidebook identifies what young children
need from their families, teachers, and caregivers. The simple roadmap reveals the value of the work that
teachers are already doing and provides content for parents about the relationship between families and
preschool settings. Reproducible handouts make it easy to add fresh ideas and content to the curriculum and
assist educators in family outreach-creating strong connections with parents. In addition, many of the activity
Search Institute Press tips offer new interpretations of familiar songs, books, games, and art projects.
Pub Date: 12/1/07 Author Bio
$29.95/$36.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Tamara J. Will, MBA, has served as a representative in several preschool advocacy groups such as Minnesota's
Paperback / softback / Early Learning Advisory Council. Karen King has worked in early childhood education for nearly 30 years. In
Trade paperback (US) addition to teaching in the classroom, she has also conducted child-development workshops for teachers,
childcare providers, and parents. She has spent the past 24 years working in the Early Childhood Family
232 pages
Includes CD-ROM Education (ECFE) Program at Somerset Elementary School in Mendota Heights, Minnesota. Michelle Mergler,
Carton Qty: 32 MEd, is a licensed parent-educator with the ECFE Program at Somerset Elementary School. They all live in St.
Education / Administration Paul, Minnesota.
8.500 in W | 11.000 in H |
0.600 in T | 1.240 lb Wt
216mm W | 279mm H |
15mm T | 562g Wt
Readers share four-year-old Nathan’s feelings and learn to express their own feelings as they spend a day with
Nathan at preschool. Nathan experiences feeling capable, mixed up, different, mad, concerned, and many other
feelings. Encourages children to recognize the feelings of others, as well as their own.
Author Bio
Parenting Press Susan Conlin is an elementary school teacher. She lives in Anchorage, Alaska. Susan Levine Friedman is a mental
9780943990606 health counselor in Eugene, Oregon.
Pub Date: 1/1/91
$7.95/$8.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Paperback / softback /
Trade paperback (US)
32 pages
Carton Qty: 120
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / School &
7.000 in W | 8.500 in H |
0.170 lb Wt
178mm W | 216mm H | 77g
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 50
Winner, Best Books 2010
The result of three decades of research by an internationally acclaimed expert, this book is packed with more
than 200 individual games to help children of varying ages and abilities build their thinking, language, and social
skills-and have fun at the same time. Ideal for parents, teachers, and nursery school staff, each game is clearly
introduced to explain the skills it will develop. Both brain games and travel games cover a wide range of ages-
from just a few months to nine years old-so the book can be used for many years and within families of multiple
kids. Helping to create lasting bonds with parents, siblings, and caregivers, the games and activities outlined will
produce clear improvements to a child's mind and make positive developments in literacy and numeracy, musical
and reasoning skills, and physical dexterity.
Author Bio
Souvenir Press Robert Fisher taught for more than two decades before becoming a professor of education at Brunel University.
9780285640436 He is a speaker, an educational consultant, and the author of many books on education, including Teaching
Pub Date: 4/1/12 Children to Learn, Teaching Children to Think, and the Stories for Thinking series.
$16.95/$18.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Paperback / softback /
Trade paperback (US)
192 pages
Carton Qty: 40
Family & Relationships /
Child Development
5.250 in W | 8.500 in H |
0.530 lb Wt
133mm W | 216mm H |
240g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 51
Not just another informational brochure! This resource outlines a step-by-step, straightforward solution to a
serious problem. Facilitate communication between victims and bullies with this simple five-step technique. The
ten-page foldout includes an overview of the technique, detailed explanations and insights for each step, an
organizer to help victims plan what they will say, and a scripted, real-life example of this lifesaving technique.
You can help stop the bullying now!
Incentive Publications
Pub Date: 10/1/07
$6.99/$7.99 Can.
Paperback / softback /
Trade paperback (US)
10 pages
Carton Qty: 0
Education / Teaching
Methods & Materials
Series: Latest-and-Greatest
Teaching Tips
8.000 in W | 10.500 in H
203mm W | 267mm H
Tender Topics
Picture Books About Childhood Challenges
Dorothy Stoltz, Elaine Czarnecki, Buff Kahn
A reading specialist, an outreach librarian, and a children's librarian combine their considerable expertise in this
essential guide for parents that brings reading, early literacy, child development issues, and picture books
together. Advising parents who are wondering how to talk to their young child about difficult topics such as
death, loneliness, or fear, this authoritative collection of appropriate picture books makes broaching the subject
easier. Arranged by topic, this annotated listing includes more than 300 high-quality, carefully selected picture
books that are ideal for opening discussion about tender topics and establishing bonds between generations that
can help parents and children better weather the challenges families face every day.
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 52
Bugs, Bogs, Bats, and Books: Sharing Nature with Children Through
Kathleen T. Isaacs
Reading a book before or after a trip to the zoo, a nighttime look at the stars, or a walk in the forest can
connect children to nature while inspiring discussion and questions. Teacher and librarian Kathleen T. Isaacs
spotlights recent titles appropriate for children ages up to 10 that will help parents and caregivers encourage
children's wonder and enthusiasm for nature. Themed chapters such as "Nature Encounters," "Backyard and
Garden," "From the Earth to the Sky and Beyond," "Naturalists," "Habitats," "Plants and Trees," "Animals," and
"Books for Babies and Toddlers" identify picture books on nature-related subjects that kids love. Isaacs also
offers supplemental science activities that adults and children can do together, such as a backyard bird count
and hands-on projects with leaves and flowers. The hundreds of picture books listed and annotated in this
Huron Street Press resource will enrich the joy and excitement of nature for readers of all ages.
Pub Date: 5/1/14
Ship Date: 5/1/14 Author Bio
$19.95/$21.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Retired teacher and occasional librarian, Kathleen Isaacs has never stopped reading children's books. Author of
Paperback / softback / hundreds of book reviews as well as Picturing the World (ALA Editions, 2013), she has also served on various
Trade paperback (US) book selection committees including the Association of Library Service's Newbery Committee (twice). She has
chaired the ALSC's Sibert and Notable Children's Book Committee and the United States Board on Books for
272 pages
Carton Qty: 52 Young People's Outstanding International Books Committee. She lives in Pasadena, MD.
Family & Relationships /
6.000 in W | 9.000 in H |
0.830 lb Wt
152mm W | 229mm H |
376g Wt
Using stories and anecdotes to humanize the research presented, Raising Boy Readers conveys an understanding
of the differences that are common among many boys and how these differences affect reading. It provides
practical approaches to promote reading to boys, addressing physical differences, such as the different rates of
early brain development between boys and girls; psychological issues, such as the outward focus of boys; and
social issues, such as stress and confidence. It also looks at the effects of modern schooling and how these can
be counterbalanced or supplemented at home. More than 300 boy-friendly books by age group are
recommended, and commentary is provided for selected titles. By informing parents what is behind boys' reading
behaviors, the book helps build confidence and lower stress by also suggesting ways to help boys become
lifelong readers.
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 53
Acclaimed children's book authority Rob Reid creates the ultimate guide to choosing fun and funny stories to read
with and to your children and grandchildren.With a concentrated look at the content and appeal of many
different titles, he helps you find exactly the right books to share with young ones. More than simply a
recommended reading list, the books in this guide assist with language development while also encouraging good
reading habits, improved comprehension, and broadened vocabulary. Those looking for suggestions outside this
book will find a "Hall of Fame" listing of notable children's literature authors for any age level. Featuring a
comprehensive selection of stories for preschoolers, emergent readers, and children ready for chapter books, this
guide is a go-to for parents, grandparents, teachers, and caregivers.
Author Bio
Huron Street Press Rob Reid is a writer and an instructor at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. He is the author of Family
9781937589103 Storytime, Reid's Read-Alouds, and Something Funny Happened at the Library. He lives in Eau Claire, Wisconsin
Pub Date: 12/12/12
$18.95/$20.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Paperback / softback /
Trade paperback (US)
176 pages
Carton Qty: 84
Family & Relationships /
6.000 in W | 9.000 in H |
0.550 lb Wt
152mm W | 229mm H |
249g Wt
Vibrant and humorous, these stories present curious creatures and their interesting garden adventures.
The queen bee is celebrating her 10th spring, and everyone is invited to the celebrations at the beehive.
Everyone, that is, except the ants, which, according to the queen, have no table manners, are too numerous,
and are liable to loot the hive as if it were a sugar bowl. But Maria, a little ant who is ignorant of this decree,
decides to make herself a beautiful dress for the party with the help of Teresa the Bee. What happens when
9788498016758 María arrives at the beehive? Does the queen bee realize she's an ant? And how does Lucy the Lightning Bug
Pub Date: 11/1/13 help Maria?
$5.95/$6.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Hardback / Picture book Vibrantes y humorísticos, estos cuentos presentan criaturas curiosas y las interesantes aventuras que tienen en
su jardín.
32 pages
Carton Qty: 50
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K La reina de las abejas celebra sus 10 primaveras, y todo el mundo está invitado a las celebraciones en la
Juvenile Fiction / Animals colmena. Todos, es decir, menos las hormigas, quienes, según la reina, no saben comportarse en la mesa, son
JUV002140 demasiadas y son capaces de saquear la colmena como si se tratara de un azucarero. Pero María, un...
Series: Bichitos curiosos
7.750 in W | 7.750 in H |
0.510 lb Wt
Author Bio
197mm W | 197mm H | Antoon Krings is an award-winning author and illustrator of children's books, including the Bichitos curiosos
231g Wt series.
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 54
Diego Liron
Antoon Krings
Vibrant and humorous, these stories present curious creatures and their interesting garden adventures.
Diego the Dormouse feels lethargic, without any interest in going out, because winter is coming and he's
preparing to hibernate until spring. But one of his friends, Quince the Elf, is convinced that Diego must witness
the beauty of a snowy garden at least once in his life. Quince decides to go to Diego's burrow where he finds
him curled up on his fluffy bed, sleeping soundly. Without a moment's hesitation, Quince wakes him so he can
9788498016734 admire the view. Does Diego enjoy the snow? Does he determine that he would rather keep sleeping until the
Pub Date: 11/1/13 cold is gone from the garden? Or does he stay awake, excited and without any trace of sleepiness?
$5.95/$6.95 Can.
Hardback / Picture book
Vibrantes y humorísticos, estos cuentos presentan criaturas curiosas y las interesantes aventuras que tienen en
32 pages su jardín.
Carton Qty: 50
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Animals Diego Lirón se siente aletargado, con poco ánimo para salir, porque comienza el invierno y debe disponerse para
JUV002180 dormir hasta la primavera. Pero uno de sus amigos, Duendecillo Membrillo, está convencido de que Diego tiene
Series: Bichitos curiosos que...
7.750 in W | 7.750 in H |
0.510 lb Wt
197mm W | 197mm H |
Author Bio
231g Wt Antoon Krings is an award-winning author and illustrator of children's books, including the Bichitos curiosos
Ramón Gorrión
Antoon Krings
Vibrant and humorous, these stories present curious creatures and their interesting garden adventures.
Ramon is the most daring of a group of sparrows, and also the goofiest. One day while approaching Quince the
Elf's house, he decided to play a prank with his friends. He put on Quince's green clothes and red cap, perched
on the tree where his friends were, and imitated Quince by making funny gestures and shaking his head.
Everyone laughed, until the hens and a very angry rooster appeared-the same rooster from whom Ramon plucked
9788498010602 a colorful feather. What will Ramon do to free himself from the rooster? And what will Quince do when he finds
Pub Date: 6/1/13 out that someone is making fun of him?
$5.95/$6.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Hardback / Picture book
Vibrantes y humorísticos, estos cuentos presentan criaturas curiosas y las interesantes aventuras que tienen en
su jardín.
32 pages
Carton Qty: 50
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Ramón es el más atrevido de una banda de gorriones, y también el más bromista. Un día al acercarse a la casa
Juvenile Fiction / Animals del duendecillo, se le ocurrió hacer una travesura con sus amigos. Se puso el vestido verde y el gorro rojo de
JUV002040 Membrillo, se encaramó al árbol donde estaban sus compañeros y se puso...
Series: Bichitos curiosos
7.000 in W | 7.000 in H | Author Bio
0.530 lb Wt
178mm W | 178mm H | Antoon Krings is an award-winning author and illustrator of children's books, including the Bichitos curiosos
240g Wt series.
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 55
Virgilio Polilla
Antoon Krings
Vibrant and humorous, these stories present curious creatures and their interesting garden adventures.
At night, Virgil the Moth lights his lantern and flies to where the Curious Critters live, helping any lost critters find
their way as he goes. During one of these nightly rounds, a melancholy Virgil speaks with a rose, revealing his
desire to have a flower that he loves, and that loves him, too. Luci the Lightning Bug, moved by Virgil's sorrow,
appears and offers him the star that adorns the point of her wand, telling him that he should take very good
9788498010596 care of it. What secret is the star hiding? What will Virgil do with it when he discovers what it hides?
Pub Date: 6/1/13
$5.95/$6.95 Can. Vibrantes y humorísticos, estos cuentos presentan criaturas curiosas y las interesantes aventuras que tienen
Discount Code: LON
Hardback / Picture book en su jardín.
32 pages Por las noches, Virgilio Polilla enciende su linterna y vuela hacia donde viven los Bichitos Curiosos, ayudando a
Carton Qty: 50
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
cualquier bichito perdido a encontrar su camino a casa mientras vuela. Durante una de estas rondas nocturnas,
Juvenile Fiction / Animals un Virgilio melancólico conversa con una rosa, revelando su deseo de tener una flor ...
Series: Bichitos curiosos
series Author Bio
7.000 in W | 7.000 in H | Antoon Krings is an award-winning author and illustrator of children's books, including the Bichitos curiosos
0.530 lb Wt
178mm W | 178mm H |
240g Wt
Vibrant and humorous, these stories present curious creatures and their interesting garden adventures.
Quince the Elf is positive that there is a thief in the garden: his carrots, lettuces, and cabbages are disappearing
behind his very back. One day, searching for the rabbit he's sure is culpable, Quince finds a shiny black top hat
out of which jumps Santiago, a magic rabbit. The two agree to work together on a magic show, on the condition
that Quince never grab Santiago by the ears. The elf soon forgets his promise during their first show in front of
the rest of the critters, though, ruining the number and setting off an unexpected pursuit.
Pub Date: 1/1/13
$5.95/$6.95 Can. Vibrantes y humorísticos, estos cuentos presentan criaturas curiosas y las interesantes aventuras que tienen
Discount Code: LON en su jardín.
Hardback / Picture book
32 pages Duendecillo Membrillo no tiene ninguna duda de que hay un ladrón en el jardín: sus zanahorias, lechugas y coles
Carton Qty: 50 desaparecen del huerto cuando da la espalda. Un día, buscando el conejo que está seguro es el culpable,
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Membrillo consigue un sombrero de copa, negro y brillante, del cual salta Santiago, un conejo mago. Ambos
Juvenile Fiction / Animals
Series: Bichitos curiosos
series Author Bio
7.000 in W | 7.000 in H | Antoon Krings is an award-winning author and illustrator of children's books, including the Bichitos curiosos
0.500 lb Wt series.
178mm W | 178mm H |
227g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 56
Nestor Hamster
Antoon Krings
Vibrant and humorous, these stories present curious creatures and their interesting garden adventures.
Nestor the Hamster, like most every other pet, has everything he could ever want: a family that loves him and
plenty to eat. Whenever the family leaves the house, though, Nestor remains alone and sad. One day, the
hamster hides at the bottom of the family's picnic basket and accompanies them to the park. While there, he's
so captivated by the beauty of the scene that he doesn't notice when his owners leave him behind. Will he ever
be reunited with them again?
Pub Date: 9/1/12
Ship Date: 9/1/12 Vibrantes y humorísticos, estos cuentos presentan criaturas curiosas y las interesantes aventuras que tienen
$5.95/$6.95 Can. en su jardín.
Hardback / Picture book
32 pages Néstor Hámster, como casi cualquier otro animal de compañía, tiene todo lo que pudiera querer: una familia
Carton Qty: 50 que lo quiere y bastante de comer. Siempre que la familia se va de la casa, sin embargo, Néstor se queda solo
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K y triste. Un día, el hámster se esconde en el fondo de la cesta de almuerzo y acompaña a la familia al parque.
Juvenile Fiction / Animals
Al llegar, queda tan maravillado por la naturaleza del lugar que no se da cuent...
Series: Bichitos curiosos
series Author Bio
7.000 in W | 7.000 in H Antoon Krings is an award-winning author and illustrator of children's books, including the Bichitos curiosos
178mm W | 178mm H series.
Celestino Grillo
Antoon Krings
Vibrant and humorous, these stories present curious creatures and their interesting garden adventures.
Celestino the Cricket has returned to the garden with his shabby clothing and his even shabbier street organ. All
of the critters love to hear Celestino play, but one day the queen of the bees decides that she too can play
Celestino's organ-only to destroy it. Without his instrument, Celestino is left to wander around purposelessly until
Gruffy the Fly gifts him a violin so that he can delight the garden again with his music.
Pub Date: 5/1/12 Vibrantes y humorísticos, estos cuentos presentan criaturas curiosas y las interesantes aventuras que tienen en
$5.95/$6.95 Can. su jardín.
Hardback / Picture book
32 pages Celestino Grillo ha regresado al jardín con su vestido de trapos y su organillo destartalado. A todos los bichitos
Carton Qty: 50
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
les encanta oír a Celestino tocar, pero un día la reina de las abejas decide que ella también es capaz de hacer
Juvenile Fiction / Animals sonar el organillo-y acaba destruyéndolo. Sin su instrumento, a Celestino le toca vagar sin rumbos hasta que
JUV002140 Mosca Tosca le regala un violín para que pueda volver a deleitar al jardín con su música.
Series: Bichitos curiosos
series Author Bio
7.000 in W | 7.000 in H Antoon Krings is an award-winning author and illustrator of children's books, including the Bichitos curiosos
178mm W | 178mm H series.
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 57
Raimunda Pulga
Antoon Krings
Vibrant and humorous, these stories present curious creatures and their interesting garden adventures.
Driven away by all who come across her, Raimunda the Flea is finally adopted by Quince the Elf. Together, they
create a triumphant circus act and set off on a tour of the gardens of their region.
Blume Vibrantes y humorísticos, estos cuentos presentan criaturas curiosas y las interesantes aventuras que tienen en
9788498015461 su jardín.
Pub Date: 4/30/12
$5.95/$6.95 Can.
Hardback / Picture book Ahuyentada por todos con quienes se encuentra, Raimunda Pulga finalmente es adoptada por Duendecillo
Membrillo. Juntos, crean un circo triunfal y emprendan una gira por los jardines de su región.
32 pages
Carton Qty: 50
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Animals Author Bio
JUV002140 Antoon Krings is an award-winning author and illustrator of children's books, including the Bichitos curiosos
Series: Bichitos curiosos series.
7.000 in W | 7.000 in H
178mm W | 178mm H
Cecilia Herrerilla
Antoon Krings
Vibrant and humorous, these stories present curious creatures and their interesting garden adventures.
Cecilia the Chickadee is none too pleased: with the arrival of spring, all of the other little birds in the garden
have alighted on her fir tree and begun to sing and build their nests, causing a din in the process. To make
matters worse, one day Cecilia opens her door only to discover that a baby bird has fallen from its nest. Cecilia
looks around and around, but will she ever find the baby bird's mother?
Pub Date: 4/30/12 Vibrantes y humorísticos, estos cuentos presentan criaturas curiosas y las interesantes aventuras que tienen en
$5.95/$6.95 Can.
su jardín.
Hardback / Picture book
32 pages Cecilia Herrerilla no está contenta: con la llegada de la primavera, todos los pajarillos del jardín se han posado
Carton Qty: 50
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K sobre las ramas de su abeto y han empezado a cantar y a construir sus nidos, armando un lío. Y para colmo,
Juvenile Fiction / Animals un día Cecilia abre la puerta de su habitación sólo para encontrar que un crío ha caído de su nido. Cecilia busca
JUV002040 por todos lados, pero ¿encontrará a la mamá del pajarito?
Series: Bichitos curiosos
7.000 in W | 7.000 in H Author Bio
178mm W | 178mm H
Antoon Krings is an award-winning author and illustrator of children's books, including the Bichitos curiosos
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 58
Ernesto Castor
Antoon Krings
Vibrant and humorous, these stories present curious creatures and their interesting garden adventures.
Ernest the Beaver isn't too excited about growing up, but his parents have finally decided it's time for him to go
out and build his own home and start his own family. Reluctantly, Ernest goes into the forest to find a tree that
he can use to build his house, making friends along the way with the owl and the bear who live there. However,
when the river washes Ernest's home to the other bank one day, he's in danger of losing his new friends.
Pub Date: 4/30/12 Vibrantes y humorísticos, estos cuentos presentan criaturas curiosas y las interesantes aventuras que tienen en
$5.95/$6.95 Can. su jardín.
Hardback / Picture book
32 pages Ernesto Castor no quiere hacerse mayor, pero sus padres han decidido que es tiempo de que construya su propia
Carton Qty: 50
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
casa y forme su propia familia. Ernesto entra a regañadientes en el bosque en busca de un árbol para conseguir
Juvenile Fiction / Animals la madera para construir su casa, haciéndose amigos por el camino con el búho y la osita que viven allí. Sin
JUV002160 embargo, cuando un día el río se lleva la casa de Ernesto hasta la otra orilla, corre el rie...
Series: Bichitos curiosos
7.000 in W | 7.000 in H Author Bio
178mm W | 178mm H
Antoon Krings is an award-winning author and illustrator of children's books, including the Bichitos curiosos
Matthew Van Fleet, Brian Stanton
Ingeniously designed flaps and pull-tabs, accompanied by authentic touch-and-feel textures, offer a variety of
interactive fun in this innovative introduction to the habits and distinctive voices of seven different barnyard
animals. Children are introduced to cows, pigs, and roosters, among other noisy farm animals. Toddlers will
9788498016550 delight in identifying and imitating each critter.
Pub Date: 9/1/13
$24.95/$27.95 Can. Solapas y lengüetas diseñadas muy ingeniosamente, acompañadas de texturas auténticas, ofrecen una gama de
Hardback / Cloth over
entretenimiento interactivo en esta introducción innovadora a los hábitos y a las voces características de siete
diferentes animales del establo. Los niños conocen a las vacas, los cerdos y los gallos, entre otros animales
18 pages ruidosos de la granja. Niños pequeños se divertirán identificando e imitando a cada criatura.
Carton Qty: 10
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Animals Author Bio
JNF003080 Matthew Van Fleet is the author of many innovative books for children that introduce them to basic concepts.
7.250 in W | 10.500 in H | His books include the number one New York Times bestsellers Dog and Tails, as well as the New York Times
1.940 lb Wt bestsellers Alphabet, Cat, and Heads. He lives in Chappaqua, New York. Brian Stanton is a commercial and
184mm W | 267mm H |
portrait photographer who previously collaborated with Matthew Van Fleet on Cat and Dog. He lives in Croton-
880g Wt
on-Hudson, New York.
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 59
In an entertaining and humorous tale that turns the usual roles of brave knight and damsel in distress on their
head, Don Latón, a proud but cowardly knight, flees to his castle and calls upon the fearless maiden Zé for help
defeating the insolent dragon Coque, who has set fire to the circus tent. Children will have fun following the
adventure as they sing and play along to the accompanying audio CD. The book also includes the musical scores
for the melody and guitar chords for all 10 songs.
En un entretenido y humorístico cuento en el que se intercambian los papeles de las historias de caballerías,
Don Latón, un caballero orgulloso pero cobarde, huye a su castillo y busca la ayuda de la valiente doncella Zé
Blume para vencer al insolente dragón Coque, quien ha prendido fuego a la carpa del circo. Los niños se divertirán
9788498015379 mientras cantan o tocan música junto al CD acompañante. El libro incluye también las partituras con la melodía
Pub Date: 6/1/13 y los acordes de guitarra para las 10 canciones.
$26.95/$29.95 Can.
Hardback / Picture book
Fabulas de Esopo
Un desplegable de cuentos clasicos
Kees Moerbeek, Chris Beatrice, Bruce Whatley
Some of Aesop's best-known fables come to life in this magnificent picture book with pop-ups. Ten classic tales
are presented through elaborate paper art and detailed illustrations. Children and adults will love seeing stories
like "The Goose That Laid the Golden Eggs," "The Tortoise and the Hare," and "The Lion and the Mouse" jump off
the page.
Algunas de las fábulas mejores conocidas de Esopo cobran vida en este magnífico libro ilustrado con
desplegables. Diez cuentos clásicos se presentan a través de una papiroflexia elaborada y detalladas
Pub Date: 9/1/12 ilustraciones. A los niños y a los adultos por igual les encantará ver cuentos como "La gallina de los huevos de
Ship Date: 9/1/12 oro," "La liebre y la tortuga" y "El león y el ratón" saltar de las páginas.
$29.95/$32.95 Can.
Hardback / Cloth over
Author Bio
14 pages Esopo (Aesop) was 6th-century BC Greek writer credited with a number of popular fables. Kees Moerbeek is a
Carton Qty: 10 versatile artist who also designed the pop-ups in Count 1 to 10: A Pop-Up Book, Raggedy Ann and Andy and the
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Classics
Camel with Wrinkled Knees, and Wendy Evans Joseph Pop-Up Architecture. Chris Beatrice is an artist and
JUV007000 illustrator whose clients include Penguin, Macmillan, Simon & Schuster, and Smithsonian Magazine. He lives in
8.250 in W | 9.750 in H Natick, Massachusetts. Bruce Whatley is a children's book author and illustrator whose works include Diary of a
210mm W | 248mm H Wombat and The Perfect Pet.
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 60
Colorful illustrations, flaps that can be lifted, and varied textures combine in this engaging book to introduce
children to a range of baby animals. As kids interact with the elements on each page of this didactic and fun
book, they'll learn more about foals, fawns, bear cubs, and a number of other animals.
Combel Editorial
9788498258417 Author Bio
Pub Date: 5/1/14 Julie Mercier is an illustrator of children's books who works frequently with the French publisher Éditions Milan.
$16.95/$18.95 Can.
Discount Code: LON
Hardback / Cloth over
14 pages
Carton Qty: 22
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Series: ...al dedillo
9.250 in W | 8.000 in H |
0.960 lb Wt
235mm W | 203mm H |
435g Wt
An excellent introduction to sea life, this interactive, educational book features bright colors, lift-the-flaps, and
a variety of textures to allow children to discover marine animals through the sense of touch. By way of tactile
surfaces-including dolphin skin and octopus suckers-simple and entertaining information, and inviting illustrations,
young readers learn about some of the sea's most characteristic animals, such as whales, sharks, and turtles.
Combel Editorial
9788498256727 Una introducción excelente a la vida marina, este interactivo libro educacional tiene colores vibrantes, solapas y
Pub Date: 10/10/12 una variedad de texturas que permiten que los niños descubran a los animales marinos a través del tacto.
$16.95/$18.95 Can. Mediante superficies táctiles-incluyendo la piel de un delfín y las ventosas de un pulpo-información sencilla y
Hardback / Cloth over
divertida e ilustraciones atractivas, los lectores jóvenes aprenderán sobre los animales más característicos del
mar, como la ballena, el tiburón y la tortuga.
14 pages
Carton Qty: 30 Author Bio
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Nathalie Choux is an illustrator whose work regularly appears in advertisements and the press. She is a
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Animals frequent collaborator with Milan Presse, a French children's book publisher. She is the author of Charlot.
Series: ...al dedillo
9.250 in W | 8.000 in H |
0.990 lb Wt
235mm W | 203mm H |
449g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 61
Mi gato
Patricia Geis
The ingeniously designed books in this series are both entertaining learning tools and ready-made pets. Each
installment includes practical advice on caring for an animal-what it eats, how it plays, how best to groom it,
and how to keep it healthy-and the case itself turns into a pet, complete with identification tag and accessories
with which to play.
Children learn all about some of a cat's favorite activities-from playing with a toy mouse and eating salmon
Combel Editorial mousse to napping-in this colorful board book.
Pub Date: 9/1/13
$11.95/$12.95 Can. Los libros ingeniosamente diseñados de esta colección son tanto herramientas educativas entretenidas como
Discount Code: LON mascotas listas para jugar. Cada entrega contiene consejos prácticos para el cuidado de un animal-lo que
Board book come, cómo juega y cómo mantenerlo limpio y sano-y el estuche mismo se convierte en una mascota, con
8 pages carné y encajes para jugar.
Carton Qty: 24
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Los niños aprenden sobre algunos de los pasatiempos favoritos de los gatos-desde jugar con un ratón de cuerda
Juvenile Nonfiction /
y trapo y comer mousse de salmón hasta dormir-en este libro de todo cartón vibrante.
Series: ¡Menudas
mascotas! Author Bio
6.750 in W | 7.500 in H | Patricia Geis is a graphic designer, an illustrator, and the author of many children's books, including ¡A lavarse
1.000 lb Wt los dientes!, ¡En marcha!, numerous installments of the Buenos hábitos series, the Buenos modales series, the Mi
171mm W | 191mm H |
ciudad series, and the Niños y niñas del mundo series.
454g Wt
Mi periquito
Patricia Geis
The ingeniously designed books in this series are both entertaining learning tools and ready-made pets. Each
installment includes practical advice on caring for an animal-what it eats, how it plays, how best to groom it,
and how to keep it healthy-and the case itself turns into a pet, complete with identification tag and accessories
with which to play.
Young readers learn that it's best to feed parakeets seeds, vegetables, and bits of fruit; that they can be
cleaned with a simple spray water bottle; and that they love to swing on a bird swing in this engaging book.
Combel Editorial
Pub Date: 9/1/13 Los libros ingeniosamente diseñados de esta colección son tanto herramientas educativas entretenidas como
$11.95/$12.95 Can. mascotas listas para jugar. Cada entrega contiene consejos prácticos para el cuidado de un animal-lo que
Discount Code: LON come, cómo juega y cómo mantenerlo limpio y sano-y el estuche mismo se convierte en una mascota, con
Board book carné y encajes para jugar.
8 pages
Carton Qty: 24 Los pequeños lectores aprenden que es mejor darles de comer semillas, vegetales y trocitos de fruta a los
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K periquitos; que se pueden limpiar con un simple pulverizador; y que les encanta...
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Series: ¡Menudas Author Bio
mascotas! Patricia Geis is a graphic designer, an illustrator, and the author of many children's books, including ¡A lavarse
6.750 in W | 7.500 in H | los dientes!, ¡En marcha!, numerous installments of the Buenos hábitos series, the Buenos modales series, the Mi
1.000 lb Wt ciudad series, and the Niños y niñas del mundo series.
171mm W | 191mm H |
454g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 62
Mi perro
Patricia Geis
The ingeniously designed books in this series are both entertaining learning tools and ready-made pets. Each
installment includes practical advice on caring for an animal-what it eats, how it plays, how best to groom it,
and how to keep it healthy-and the case itself turns into a pet, complete with identification tag and accessories
with which to play.
This captivating book teaches kids the basics of dog care, from how many times a day to feed them to how to
bathe them and what to do when they get sick.
Combel Editorial
Pub Date: 9/1/13 Los libros ingeniosamente diseñados de esta colección son tanto herramientas educativas entretenidas como
$11.95/$12.95 Can. mascotas listas para jugar. Cada entrega contiene consejos prácticos para el cuidado de un animal-lo que
Discount Code: LON come, cómo juega y cómo mantenerlo limpio y sano-y el estuche mismo se convierte en una mascota, con
Board book
carné y encajes para jugar.
8 pages
Carton Qty: 24 Este encantador libro les enseña a los niños los fundamentos del cuidado de los perros, desde cuántas veces al
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K día darles de comer hasta cómo bañarlos y qué hacer cuando se enferman.
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Series: ¡Menudas Author Bio
mascotas! Patricia Geis is a graphic designer, an illustrator, and the author of many children's books, including ¡A lavarse
6.750 in W | 7.500 in H | los dientes!, ¡En marcha!, numerous installments of the Buenos hábitos series, the Buenos modales series, the Mi
1.000 lb Wt ciudad series, and the Niños y niñas del mundo series.
171mm W | 191mm H |
454g Wt
Mi tortuga
Patricia Geis
The ingeniously designed books in this series are both entertaining learning tools and ready-made pets. Each
installment includes practical advice on caring for an animal-what it eats, how it plays, how best to groom it,
and how to keep it healthy-and the case itself turns into a pet, complete with identification tag and accessories
with which to play.
Basic information on how to care for a freshwater turtle-including its favorite foods, how to keep it clean, and
common turtle tank items-is presented in this fun book.
Combel Editorial
Los libros ingeniosamente diseñados de esta colección son tanto herramientas educativas entretenidas como
Pub Date: 9/1/13
$11.95/$12.95 Can. mascotas listas para jugar. Cada entrega contiene consejos prácticos para el cuidado de un animal-lo que
Discount Code: LON come, cómo juega y cómo mantenerlo limpio y sano-y el estuche mismo se convierte en una mascota, con
Board book carné y encajes para jugar.
8 pages
Carton Qty: 24 Información básica sobre cómo cuidar de una tortuga de agua dulce-incluyendo sus comidas favoritas, cómo
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K mantenerla limpia y objetos comunes de un tanque de tortuga-se presenta en este libro divertido.
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Series: ¡Menudas Author Bio
mascotas! Patricia Geis is a graphic designer, an illustrator, and the author of many children's books, including ¡A lavarse
6.750 in W | 7.500 in H | los dientes!, ¡En marcha!, numerous installments of the Buenos hábitos series, the Buenos modales series, the Mi
1.000 lb Wt ciudad series, and the Niños y niñas del mundo series.
171mm W | 191mm H |
454g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 63
10 ciudades y 1 sueno
Meritxell Marti, Xavier Salomo
Some of the world's most famous cities come to life in this innovative pop-up book that features three-
dimensional skylines and rhyming text. The poetic, colorful journey through 10 beautiful cities-Paris, Kyoto, Cairo,
Sidney, Rome, Rio de Janeiro, Seville, London, Berlin, and New York-leads to a captivating final scene that pays
tribute to the world of the imagination.
Algunas de las ciudades más famosas del mundo cobran vida en este innovador libro de desplegables que
Combel Editorial incluye panoramas urbanos tridimensionales y un texto rimado. El recorrido poético y colorido por 10 hermosas
Pub Date: 3/1/13
ciudades-París, Kioto, El Cairo, Sídney, Roma, Río de Janeiro, Sevilla, Londres, Berlín y Nueva York-lleva a la
$24.95/$27.95 Can. encantadora escena final que rinde homenaje al mundo de la imaginación.
Hardback / Cloth over
boards Author Bio
Meritxell Martí is an artist, a composer, a musician, and an award-winning author. She is an art and literature
12 pages
Carton Qty: 14 professor at Universitat Oberta in Catalonia and the author of several children's books, including Me llamo
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Mozart, Paper de diari, and Unos tigres diminutos como mosquitos. Xavier Salomó is an award-winning
Juvenile Fiction / People & illustrator of children's books, including the Los sonidos de . . . series. They previously collaborated on 10 viajes
Places y un sueño and Una nit bestial.
Series: 10+1
10.000 in W | 11.000 in H
254mm W | 279mm H
La cocinita
Montse Ganges
Toys, occupations, and means of transportation play the leading role in this series that combines engaging
illustrations with full-color photographs. Each book includes a short documentary section that complements the
basic text, which appears in both printed letters and cursive.
An observation game, a list of good habits, and an analysis of the main characteristics of the play kitchen are
Combel Editorial
included in this book.
Pub Date: 4/1/13 Los juguetes, los oficios y los medios de transporte son los protagonistas en esta serie que combina
$6.95/$7.95 Can. ilustraciones encantadoras con fotografías a todo color. Cada libro incluye un breve apartado documental que
Hardback / Cloth over
complementa el texto básico, el cual aparece en letra de palo y manuscrita.
24 pages Un juego de observación, una lista de buenos hábitos y un análisis de las principales características de la
Carton Qty: 42 cocinita se incluyen en este libro.
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction / Toys,
Dolls & Puppets
JNF056000 Author Bio
Series: Caballo alado Montse Ganges is the author of many children's books, including the Aprender es fantástico series, the Caballo
alado ZOO series, the Historias increíbles series, the Los más grandes series, and Pequeño Coco. Tommaso is an
8.500 in W | 8.500 in H | illustrator of children's books.
0.540 lb Wt
216mm W | 216mm H |
245g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 64
La pelota
Montse Ganges
Toys, occupations, and means of transportation play the leading role in this series that combines engaging
illustrations with full-color photographs. Each book includes a short documentary section that complements the
basic text, which appears in both printed letters and cursive.
An analysis of the ball and its traits is combined with an observation activity and a recommendation of good
Combel Editorial
habits in this book.
Pub Date: 4/1/13 Los juguetes, los oficios y los medios de transporte son los protagonistas en esta serie que combina
$6.95/$7.95 Can. ilustraciones encantadoras con fotografías a todo color. Cada libro incluye un breve apartado documental que
Hardback / Cloth over
complementa el texto básico, el cual aparece en letra de palo y manuscrita.
24 pages Un análisis de la pelota y de sus características es combinado con una actividad de observación y una
Carton Qty: 70 recomendación de buenos hábitos en este libro.
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction / Toys,
Dolls & Puppets
JNF056000 Author Bio
Series: Caballo alado Montse Ganges is the author of many children's books, including the Aprender es fantástico series, the Caballo
alado ZOO series, the Historias increíbles series, the Los más grandes series, and Pequeño Coco. Tommaso is an
8.500 in W | 8.500 in H | illustrator of children's books.
0.530 lb Wt
216mm W | 216mm H |
240g Wt
Soy bombero
Montse Ganges, Christian Inaraja
Toys, occupations, and means of transportation play the leading role in this series that combines engaging
illustrations with full-color photographs. Each book includes a short documentary section that complements the
basic text, which appears in both printed letters and cursive.
Young readers learn about the tasks of firefighters and what tools they use, such as a fire hose, in this
Combel Editorial
Pub Date: 4/1/13 Los juguetes, los oficios y los medios de transporte son los protagonistas en esta serie que combina
$6.95/$7.95 Can. ilustraciones encantadoras con fotografías a todo color. Cada libro incluye un breve apartado documental que
Hardback / Cloth over
complementa el texto básico, el cual aparece en letra de palo y manuscrita.
24 pages Los jóvenes lectores aprenden sobre las responsabilidades de los bomberos y las herramientas que utilizan,
Carton Qty: 70 como la manguera y la escalera, en esta entrega.
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
JNF011000 Author Bio
Series: Caballo alado Montse Ganges is the author of many children's books, including the Aprender es fantástico series, the Caballo
alado ZOO series, the Historias increíbles series, the Los más grandes series, and Pequeño Coco. Christian
8.500 in W | 8.500 in H | Inaraja is an artist and the illustrator of more than 50 books. His illustrations and drawings have also appeared
0.530 lb Wt
216mm W | 216mm H | in numerous publications, including many children's and young adult periodicals.
240g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 65
Soy equilibrista
Montse Ganges, Christian Inaraja
Toys, occupations, and means of transportation play the leading role in this series that combines engaging
illustrations with full-color photographs. Each book includes a short documentary section that complements the
basic text, which appears in both printed letters and cursive.
This resource describes the job of tightrope walkers, from their techniques to the places where they walk on
Combel Editorial
Pub Date: 4/1/13 Los juguetes, los oficios y los medios de transporte son los protagonistas en esta serie que combina
$6.95/$7.95 Can. ilustraciones encantadoras con fotografías a todo color. Cada libro incluye un breve apartado documental que
Hardback / Cloth over
complementa el texto básico, el cual aparece en letra de palo y manuscrita.
24 pages Este recurso describe el oficio del equilibrista, desde sus técnicas hasta los lugares en los cuales camina por la
Carton Qty: 70 cuerda floja.
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
JNF011000 Author Bio
Series: Caballo alado Montse Ganges is the author of many children's books, including the Aprender es fantástico series, the Caballo
alado ZOO series, the Historias increíbles series, the Los más grandes series, and Pequeño Coco. Christian
8.500 in W | 8.500 in H | Inaraja is an artist and the illustrator of more than 50 books. His illustrations and drawings have also appeared
0.530 lb Wt
216mm W | 216mm H | in numerous publications, including many children's and young adult periodicals.
240g Wt
Soy maestro
Montse Ganges, Christian Inaraja
Toys, occupations, and means of transportation play the leading role in this series that combines engaging
illustrations with full-color photographs. Each book includes a short documentary section that complements the
basic text, which appears in both printed letters and cursive.
This book details the profession of teaching: the tasks, the tools, and the setting.
Combel Editorial
9788498257458 Los juguetes, los oficios y los medios de transporte son los protagonistas en esta serie que combina
Pub Date: 4/1/13 ilustraciones encantadoras con fotografías a todo color. Cada libro incluye un breve apartado documental que
$6.95/$7.95 Can. complementa el texto básico, el cual aparece en letra de palo y manuscrita.
Hardback / Cloth over
Este libro describe la profesión de la enseñanza: las responsabilidades, las herramientas y el lugar en el cual se
24 pages lleva a cabo.
Carton Qty: 70
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Careers Author Bio
JNF011000 Montse Ganges is the author of many children's books, including the Aprender es fantástico series, the Caballo
Series: Caballo alado alado ZOO series, the Historias increíbles series, the Los más grandes series, and Pequeño Coco. Christian
Inaraja is an artist and the illustrator of more than 50 books. His illustrations and drawings have also appeared
8.500 in W | 8.500 in H | in numerous publications, including many children's and young adult periodicals.
0.530 lb Wt
216mm W | 216mm H |
240g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 66
Soy médico
Montse Ganges, Christian Inaraja
Toys, occupations, and means of transportation play the leading role in this series that combines engaging
illustrations with full-color photographs. Each book includes a short documentary section that complements the
basic text, which appears in both printed letters and cursive.
The aspects of being a doctor-using specific instruments, caring for patients, and working in a hospital-are
Combel Editorial
explained in this book.
Pub Date: 4/1/13 Los juguetes, los oficios y los medios de transporte son los protagonistas en esta serie que combina
$6.95/$7.95 Can. ilustraciones encantadoras con fotografías a todo color. Cada libro incluye un breve apartado documental que
Hardback / Cloth over
complementa el texto básico, el cual aparece en letra de palo y manuscrita.
24 pages Los aspectos de ser médico-usar instrumentos específicos, atender a los pacientes y trabajar en el hospital-se
Carton Qty: 70 explican en este libro.
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
JNF011000 Author Bio
Series: Caballo alado Montse Ganges is the author of many children's books, including the Aprender es fantástico series, the Caballo
alado ZOO series, the Historias increíbles series, the Los más grandes series, and Pequeño Coco. Christian
8.500 in W | 8.500 in H | Inaraja is an artist and the illustrator of more than 50 books. His illustrations and drawings have also appeared
0.530 lb Wt
216mm W | 216mm H | in numerous publications, including many children's and young adult periodicals.
240g Wt
El juego de construccion
Montse Ganges
Toys, occupations, and means of transportation play the leading role in this series that combines engaging
illustrations with full-color photographs. Each book includes a short documentary section that complements the
basic text, which appears in both printed letters and cursive.
This installment contains an observation game and a description of building blocks, all the while promoting good
Combel Editorial
Pub Date: 4/1/13 Los juguetes, los oficios y los medios de transporte son los protagonistas en esta serie que combina
$6.95/$7.95 Can. ilustraciones encantadoras con fotografías a todo color. Cada libro incluye un breve apartado documental que
Hardback / Cloth over
complementa el texto básico, el cual aparece en letra de palo y manuscrita.
24 pages Esta entrega contiene un juego de observación y una descripción del juego de construcción, en todo momento
Carton Qty: 70 fomentando un buen comportamiento.
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction / Toys,
Dolls & Puppets
JNF056000 Author Bio
Series: Caballo alado Montse Ganges is the author of many children's books, including the Aprender es fantástico series, the Caballo
alado ZOO series, the Historias increíbles series, the Los más grandes series, and Pequeño Coco. Tommaso is an
8.500 in W | 8.500 in H illustrator of children's books.
216mm W | 216mm H
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 67
El oso de peluche
Montse Ganges
Toys, occupations, and means of transportation play the leading role in this series that combines engaging
illustrations with full-color photographs. Each book includes a short documentary section that complements the
basic text, which appears in both printed letters and cursive.
This book encourages good habits through a game and details about the teddy bear's main traits.
Combel Editorial
9788498257397 Los juguetes, los oficios y los medios de transporte son los protagonistas en esta serie que combina
Pub Date: 4/1/13 ilustraciones encantadoras con fotografías a todo color. Cada libro incluye un breve apartado documental que
$6.95/$7.95 Can. complementa el texto básico, el cual aparece en letra de palo y manuscrita.
Hardback / Cloth over
Este libro fomenta buenos hábitos a través de un juego y detalles sobre los principales rasgos del oso de
24 pages peluche.
Carton Qty: 70
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction / Toys,
Dolls & Puppets Author Bio
JNF056000 Montse Ganges is the author of many children's books, including the Aprender es fantástico series, the Caballo
Series: Caballo alado alado ZOO series, the Historias increíbles series, the Los más grandes series, and Pequeño Coco. Tommaso is an
illustrator of children's books.
8.500 in W | 8.500 in H |
0.530 lb Wt
216mm W | 216mm H |
240g Wt
El pez
Montse Ganges, Anna Clariana
Charming illustrations and full-color photographs combine with humorous text-in printed letters and cursive-to
engage children and stimulate an early love of reading. Each book in the series concludes with a summary and
basic information about the animals.
Ilustraciones encantadoras y fotografías a todo color se combinan con textos humorísticos-en letra de palo y
Combel Editorial manuscrita-para captar a los niños y estimular un amor temprano por la lectura. Cada libro en la serie concluye
9788498256185 con un resumen e información básica sobre los animales.
Pub Date: 5/1/12
$7.95/$8.95 Can.
Hardback / Cloth over As they're introduced to guppies, zebra fish, Siamese fighting fish and others, children will learn to count from
boards one to five in this entertaining and educational book.
24 pages
Carton Qty: 70 Mientras se les presentan peces guppy, peces zebra, peces beta y otros, los niños aprenderán a contar del uno
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K al cinco en este libro entretenido y didáctico.
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Series: Caballo alado ZOO Author Bio
8.50 W | 8.50 H | 1.00 T Montse Ganges is an author of children's books. Her work includes the Aprender es fantástico series, the Los
9W | 9H | 1T más grandes series, and Pequeño Coco. Anna Clariana is an illustrator of children's books, including Como un
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 68
El caballo
Montse Ganges, Merce Canals
Charming illustrations and full-color photographs combine with humorous text-in printed letters and cursive-to
engage children and stimulate an early love of reading. Each book in the series concludes with a summary and
basic information about the animals.
Ilustraciones encantadoras y fotografías a todo color se combinan con textos humorísticos-en letra de palo y
Combel Editorial manuscrita-para captar a los niños y estimular un amor temprano por la lectura. Cada libro en la serie concluye
9788498256222 con un resumen e información básica sobre los animales.
Pub Date: 5/1/12
$7.95/$8.95 Can.
Hardback / Cloth over Questions both silly and thought provoking, such as Do horses have short, curly tails or long-haired ones? and
boards Do they eat pizza or hay? will have children laughing out loud as they learn about horses.
24 pages
Carton Qty: 70 Preguntas tanto absurdas como aquéllas que invitan a la reflexión como ¿Tienen los caballos colas cortas y
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K enrozcadas o de pelos largos? y ¿Comen pizza o paja? tendrán a los niños riéndose en voz alta mientras
Juvenile Nonfiction / aprenden sobre los caballos.
Series: Caballo alado ZOO
8.50 W | 8.50 H | 0.60 T
Author Bio
9W | 9H | 1T Montse Ganges is an author of children's books. Her work includes the Aprender es fantástico series, the Los
más grandes series, and Pequeño Coco. Mercè Canals is an illustrator of textbooks and children's books,
including El arca de Noé, La leyenda de San Jorge, and Los reyes magos de Oriente.
La vaca
Montse Ganges, Merce Canals
Charming illustrations and full-color photographs combine with humorous text-in printed letters and cursive-to
engage children and stimulate an early love of reading. Each book in the series concludes with a summary and
basic information about the animals.
Ilustraciones encantadoras y fotografías a todo color se combinan con textos humorísticos-en letra de palo y
Combel Editorial manuscrita-para captar a los niños y estimular un amor temprano por la lectura. Cada libro en la serie concluye
9788498256215 con un resumen e información básica sobre los animales.
Pub Date: 5/1/12
$7.95/$8.95 Can.
Hardback / Cloth over Learning about what cows look like and what they provide for people entertains children as they try to pick out
boards which illustrated cows are really cows and which are just silly and imaginary, with their six legs, colorfully striped
bodies, and donkey ears.
24 pages
Carton Qty: 70
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Aprender sobre cómo son las vacas y qué les proveen a las personas divierte a los niños mientras intentan
Juvenile Nonfiction / discernir cuáles de las vacas ilustradas son realmente vacas y cuáles son ridículas o imaginarias, con sus seis
patas, cuerpos con listas coloridas y orejas de asno.
Series: Caballo alado ZOO
8.50 W | 8.50 H | 0.30 T
9W | 9H | 0T Author Bio
Montse Ganges is an author of children's books. Her work includes the Aprender es fantástico series, the Los
más grandes series, and Pequeño Coco. Mercè Canals is an illustrator of children's books and textbooks,
including El arca de Noé, La leyenda de San Jorge, and Los reyes magos de Oriente.
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 69
La oveja
Montse Ganges, Merce Canals
Charming illustrations and full-color photographs combine with humorous text-in printed letters and cursive-to
engage children and stimulate an early love of reading. Each book in the series concludes with a summary and
basic information about the animals.
Ilustraciones encantadoras y fotografías a todo color se combinan con textos humorísticos-en letra de palo y
Combel Editorial manuscrita-para captar a los niños y estimular un amor temprano por la lectura. Cada libro en la serie concluye
9788498256246 con un resumen e información básica sobre los animales.
Pub Date: 5/1/12
$7.95/$8.95 Can.
Hardback / Cloth over Colorful and informative, this fun book teaches young children various facts about sheep, such as what covers
boards their bodies, what sounds they make, and what their offspring are called.
24 pages
Carton Qty: 11 Colorido e informativo, este libro divertido les enseña a los niños varios datos sobre las ovejas, tales como qué
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K material cubre sus cuerpos, qué sonidos emiten y cómo se llaman sus crías.
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Series: Caballo alado ZOO Author Bio
8.50 W | 8.50 H | 1.20 T
Montse Ganges is an author of children's books. Her work includes the Aprender es fantástico series, the Los
9W | 9H | 1T más grandes series, and Pequeño Coco. Mercè Canals is an illustrator of children's books and textbooks,
including El arca de Noé, La leyenda de San Jorge, and Los reyes magos de Oriente.
El pajaro
Montse Ganges, Anna Clariana
Charming illustrations and full-color photographs combine with humorous text-in printed letters and cursive-to
engage children and stimulate an early love of reading. Each book in the series concludes with a summary and
basic information about the animals.
Ilustraciones encantadoras y fotografías a todo color se combinan con textos humorísticos-en letra de palo y
Combel Editorial manuscrita-para captar a los niños y estimular un amor temprano por la lectura. Cada libro en la serie concluye
9788498256192 con un resumen e información básica sobre los animales.
Pub Date: 5/1/12
$7.95/$8.95 Can.
Hardback / Cloth over Featuring common pet birds such as a canary, a parakeet, and a parrot, this bright and attractive book will
boards teach children to recognize these animals at the same time that it educates them about colors.
24 pages
Carton Qty: 70 Incluyendo pájaros domésticos comunes como un canario, un periquito y una cotorra, este libro brillante y
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K atractivo les enseñará a los niños a reconocer estos animales a la misma vez que los educa sobre los colores.
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Series: Caballo alado ZOO Author Bio
8.50 W | 8.50 H | 1.30 T Montse Ganges is an author of children's books. Her work includes the Aprender es fantástico series, the Los
9W | 9H | 1T más grandes series, and Pequeño Coco. Anna Clariana is an illustrator of children's books, including Como un
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 70
La gallina
Montse Ganges, Merce Canals
Charming illustrations and full-color photographs combine with humorous text-in printed letters and cursive-to
engage children and stimulate an early love of reading. Each book in the series concludes with a summary and
basic information about the animals.
Ilustraciones encantadoras y fotografías a todo color se combinan con textos humorísticos-en letra de palo y
Combel Editorial manuscrita-para captar a los niños y estimular un amor temprano por la lectura. Cada libro en la serie concluye
9788498256239 con un resumen e información básica sobre los animales.
Pub Date: 5/1/12
$7.95/$8.95 Can.
Hardback / Cloth over Taking young readers through a barn full of hens and baby chicks, this bright and funny book shows them what
boards hens look like-with their crests, feathers, and short beaks-and what they contribute as farm animals.
24 pages
Carton Qty: 70 Llevando a los jóvenes lectores por un establo lleno de gallinas y pollitos, este libro vivo y cómico les muestra
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K cómo son físicamente las gallinas-con sus crestas, plumas y picos pequeños-y qué contribuyen como animales de
Juvenile Nonfiction / granja.
Series: Caballo alado ZOO
8.50 W | 8.50 H | 1.60 T
Author Bio
9W | 9H | 2T Montse Ganges is an author of children's books. Her work includes the Aprender es fantástico series, the Los
más grandes series, and Pequeño Coco. Mercè Canals is an illustrator of textbooks and children's books,
including El arca de Noé, La leyenda de San Jorge, and Los reyes magos de Oriente.
El gato
Montse Ganges, Anna Clariana
Charming illustrations and full-color photographs combine with humorous text-in printed letters and cursive-to
engage children and stimulate an early love of reading. Each book in the series concludes with a summary and
basic information about the animals.
Ilustraciones encantadoras y fotografías a todo color se combinan con textos humorísticos-en letra de palo y
Combel Editorial manuscrita-para captar a los niños y estimular un amor temprano por la lectura. Cada libro en la serie concluye
9788498256208 con un resumen e información básica sobre los animales.
Pub Date: 5/1/12
$7.95/$8.95 Can.
Hardback / Cloth over This fun and vibrant book introduces children to the multifaceted-and occasionally conflicting-personalities of
boards cats. Kids will learn that, whether brave, fearful, lazy, or energetic, cats always make for interesting pets.
24 pages
Carton Qty: 70 Este divertido y vibrante libro les presenta a los niños las polifacéticas-y de vez en cuando conflictivas-
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K personalidades de los gatos. Los niños aprenderán que, ya sean valientes, miedosos, perezosos o energéticos,
Juvenile Nonfiction / los gatos siempre son mascotas interesantes.
Series: Caballo alado ZOO
8.50 W | 8.50 H | 0.20 T
Author Bio
9W | 9H | 0T Montse Ganges is an author of children's books. Her work includes the Aprender es fantástico series, the Los
más grandes series, and Pequeño Coco. Anna Clariana is an illustrator of children's books, including Como un
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 71
A memory keepsake with sections that both parents and their daughters can fill out, this album records
milestones from the child's first three years, including birth details, first words, and the first day of school. The
provided stickers and drawing paper encourage family members to create fun, lasting mementos of important
dates, events, and people in the child's life.
Combel Editorial
Pub Date: 12/20/12 Un libro de recuerdos con secciones que tanto los padres como sus hijas pueden completar, este álbum
$22.95/$25.95 Can. documenta los hitos de los primeros tres años de la niña, incluyendo los detalles del nacimiento, sus primeras
Hardback / Cloth over palabras y el primer día de la escuela. Las pegatinas y los papeles para dibujar que se proveen animan a los
miembros de la familia a crear recuerdos divertidos y duraderos de las fechas, los acontecimientos y las
40 pages personas importantes en la vida de la niña.
Carton Qty: 10
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Activity Books Author Bio
JNF001000 Àngels Navarro is a former psychologist and the author of four series of school notebooks and numerous
Series: Cuando era... children's books. Her work focuses on brain teasers and logic puzzles in various formats. She is the author of Los
12.250 in W | 10.000 in H 10 mejores juegos del mundo; Buenas noches; Mira, mira; and El tesoro de Barbazul. Marta Montañà is the
311mm W | 254mm H illustrator of several children's books, including Magic color and Los siete cabritillos y el lobo.
All family members, including the child himself, participate in creating a memory keepsake with this album that
records milestones from the child's first three years, including birth details, first words, and the first day of
school. Stickers and drawing paper are provided to encourage the parents and child to create unique, lasting
mementos of important dates, events, and people in the child's life.
Combel Editorial
Pub Date: 12/20/12 Todos los miembros de la familia, incluyendo al niño mismo, participan en la creación de un libro de recuerdos
$22.95/$25.95 Can. con este álbum que documenta los hitos de los primeros tres años del niño, incluyendo los detalles del
Hardback / Cloth over nacimiento, sus primeras palabras y el primer día de la escuela. Se proporcionan pegatinas y papeles para
dibujar para así animar a los padres y al niño a crear recuerdos únicos y duraderos de las fechas, los
40 pages acontecimientos y las personas importantes en la vida del niño.
Carton Qty: 20
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Activity Books Author Bio
JNF001000 Àngels Navarro is a former psychologist and the author of four series of school notebooks and numerous
Series: Cuando era... children's books. Her work focuses on brain teasers and logic puzzles in various formats. She is the author of Los
12.250 in W | 10.000 in H | 10 mejores juegos del mundo; Buenas noches; Mira, mira; and El tesoro de Barbazul. Marta Montañà is the
1.500 lb Wt illustrator of several children's books, including Magic color and Los siete cabritillos y el lobo.
311mm W | 254mm H |
680g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 72
The classic tale of Goldilocks and the three bears comes to life in this enchanting pop-up book that opens to
become a three-dimensional setting. Children will have hours of fun playing with the removable figurines, lifting
open flaps, and finding hidden details. The rhyming text also preserves the magic of the original tale.
El cuento clásico de Ricitos de Oro y los tres osos cobra vida en este encantador libro de pop-ups que se abre
hasta convertirse en un escenario tridimensional. Los niños disfrutarán de horas jugando con los personajes de
Combel Editorial
9788498257588 quita y pon, levantando solapas y descubriendo detalles escondidos. El texto rimado preserva también la magia
Pub Date: 10/1/13 del cuento original.
$19.95/$21.95 Can.
Hardback / Cloth over
Author Bio
8 pages Jenny Arthur is an author and illustrator of children's books. Carmen Gil is the award-winning author of more
Carton Qty: 20 than 70 children's books, including Celeste, la estrella marina; El hada Roberta; ¡Qué miedo!; and the award-
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
winning La sonrisa de Daniela.
Juvenile Fiction / Fairy
Tales & Folklore
Series: Libro carrusel
10.000 in W | 10.000 in H
254mm W | 254mm H
Various textures combine with sound mechanisms in the books in this series that introduces young readers to the
animals of the world. Each page spread presents a different animal with a texture and a sound element to
stimulate children's senses.
In this book, readers learn the characteristics of farm animals, such as a cockerel, a horse, a pig, and a cow.
Combel Editorial
Pub Date: 4/1/13 Varias texturas son combinadas con mecanismos sonoros en los libros de esta serie que les presenta los
$19.95/$21.95 Can. animales del mundo a jóvenes lectores. Cada doble página expone un animal distinto con una textura y un
Hardback / Cloth over elemento sonoro para estimular las capacidades sensoriales de los niños.
12 pages En este libro, el lector aprende las características de los animales de la granja, como el gallo, el caballo, el
Carton Qty: 12 cerdo y la vaca.
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
JNF003080 Author Bio
Series: Los sonidos de los Emily Bolam is the illustrator of more than 100 children's books, including those in the Chunky Farm series; the
animales Chunky Safari series; and the Touch, Look, and Learn series.
9.500 in W | 8.500 in H |
1.050 lb Wt
241mm W | 216mm H |
476g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 73
Various textures combine with sound mechanisms in the books in this series that introduces young readers to the
animals of the world. Each page spread presents a different animal with a texture and a sound element to
stimulate children's senses.
Children can touch and hear jungle animals-including a monkey, an elephant, a parrot, and a lion-in this
Combel Editorial installment.
Pub Date: 4/1/13
$19.95/$21.95 Can. Varias texturas son combinadas con mecanismos sonoros en los libros de esta serie que les presenta los
Discount Code: LON animales del mundo a jóvenes lectores. Cada doble página expone un animal distinto con una textura y un
Hardback / Cloth over elemento sonoro para estimular las capacidades sensoriales de los niños.
12 pages Los niños pueden tocar y escuchar los animales de la selva-incluyendo al mono, el elefante, el loro y el león-en
Carton Qty: 10 esta entrega.
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
JNF003300 Author Bio
Series: Los sonidos de los Emily Bolam is the illustrator of more than 100 children's books, including those in the Chunky Farm series; the
animales Chunky Safari series; and the Touch, Look, and Learn series.
9.500 in W | 8.500 in H |
1.060 lb Wt
241mm W | 216mm H |
481g Wt
Evocative illustrations and an accessible text introduce the youngest readers to some of the Bible's most
timeless and important stories, including the Creation; the calling of Abraham; the journey of Moses; the reign of
King David; and the birth, death, and resurrection of Jesus in this adaptation of the holy book. A CD with 20
songs is included, as are entertaining activities that will help children internalize the lessons and themes being
presented. This is an excellent reference for parents looking to introduce children to their faith.
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 74
David A. Carter
A visual feast of shapes, colors, and poetic riddles, this unique book combines contemporary art with a game of
puzzles and observations. Hidden among spectacular pop-ups are hundreds of words and images, including a
heart, a teardrop, a smile, flowers, and letters of the alphabet. Children discover new hidden objects with every
read and lose themselves in the beauty of each magnificent page spread.
Combel Editorial
Un festival visual de formas, colores y acertijos poéticos, este libro único combina el arte contemporáneo con
9788498257731 un juego de adivinanzas y observación. Escondidos entre los desplegables espectaculares están cientos de
Pub Date: 11/1/13 palabras e imágenes, incluyendo un corazón, una lágrima, una sonrisa, flores y letras. Los niños descubren
$29.95/$32.95 Can. nuevos objetos escondidos con cada lectura y se dejan llevar por la belleza de cada doble página magnífica.
Hardback / Cloth over
La granja
Corina Fletcher, Britta Teckentrup
Young readers learn about farm animals and activities with this lovely pop-up book that turns into a three-
dimensional play mat and easily stores away in a carrying case. A simple story and impressive pop-ups-such as a
barn, a windmill, and a chicken coop-combine with an interactive element to delight children for hours. Included
are 10 cardboard animal and vehicle cut-outs that encourage children to discover the fun of life on a farm.
Combel Editorial
El lector joven aprende qué hacen los animales de la granja con este bonito libro de desplegables que se
9788498257724 transforma en una estera tridimensional para jugar y se guarda fácilmente dentro de un estuche. Una historia
Pub Date: 10/1/13 simple y desplegables impresionantes-como un granero, un molino y un gallinero-se combinan con un elemento
$24.95/$27.95 Can. interactivo para deleitar a los niños por horas. Se incluyen 10 figuritas de cartón recortadas en forma de
Board book
animales y de vehículos que animan a los niños a descubrir lo divertida que es la vida en la granja.
22 pages
Carton Qty: 14
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Author Bio
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Animals Corina Fletcher is a graphic designer who specializes in pop-up books and paper engineering. Her books include
JNF003080 Dinosaurs of Doom, Kraken Attack!, The Story of Things, and The Global Garden, which was awarded the 2006
8.500 in W | 8.500 in H | Aventis Children's Science Book of the Year prize. Britta Teckentrup is an artist, an illustrator, and a writer. Her
1.990 lb Wt books include Big Smelly Bear, Grumpy Cat, and How Big Is the World?
216mm W | 216mm H |
903g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 75
Since today is Rita's first day of school, she needs help packing her bag, and young readers are encouraged to
lift this book's flaps to help Rita find what she needs and use the pull-down shopping lists to test their memories.
A backpack with all of Rita's school supplies is included at the end of this charming first experiences book.
Porque hoy es el primer día de colegio, Rita necesita ayuda para preparar la mochila, y a los jóvenes lectores se
les anima levantar las solapas de este libro para encontrar los objetos que Rita necesita y usar los listados de
compra para poner a prueba sus memorias. Una mochila con todos los elementos se incluye al final de este
Combel Editorial simpático libro de primeras experiencias.
Pub Date: 10/1/13
$19.95/$21.95 Can.
Hardback / Cloth over Author Bio
boards Mike Byrne is a freelance illustrator of children's books whose other titles include Mouse's Beach Bag and
12 pages Teddy's First Sleepover.
Carton Qty: 20
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / School &
8.750 in W | 10.750 in H |
1.260 lb Wt
222mm W | 273mm H |
572g Wt
Strikingly colorful images stand out in this intriguing pop-up book about pirates that shows a different side to
little girls. One night, young Tom comes across an unexpected band of girl pirates stealing the front of his
house-while he's still inside-to disguise their ship. He decides to join them on their journey to claim the treasure
Combel Editorial guarded by grown-up pirates on an island across the sea. The vivid illustrations and simple text are perfect for
9788498257755 beginning readers, and the nonstereotypical portrayal of girls is refreshing for readers of both genders.
Pub Date: 10/1/13
$22.95/$25.95 Can.
Hardback / Picture book Imágenes impresionantemente coloridas se destacan en este intrigante libro de desplegables sobre piratas que
muestra una faceta diferente de las niñas pequeñas. Una noche el joven Tom se topa con una pandilla
14 pages
Carton Qty: 20
inesperada de muchachas piratas que se roban la fachada de su casa-con él adentro-para disfrazar su barco.
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Decide acompañarlas en su viaje para conseguir el tesoro que guardan unos piratas adultos en una isla al otro
Juvenile Fiction / Action & lado del mar. Las ilustraciones vívidas y el texto sencillo son perfectos para lectores principiantes, y la
Adventure represe...
8.630 in W | 10.250 in H |
1.180 lb Wt
219mm W | 260mm H |
Author Bio
535g Wt Peter Harris wrote children's books, comic books, and for television and radio. He is the author of Bottomley the
Brave, Have You Seen Max?, Mouse Creeps, Ordinary Audrey, and Perfect Prudence. Deborah Allwright is the
illustrator of many children's books, including The Best Pet Ever, Dinosaur Starts School, Don't Read This Book!,
The Fox in the Dark, and She'll Be Coming 'Round the Mountain. Corina Fletcher is a graphic designer who
specializes in pop-up books and paper engineering. Her books include Dinosaurs of Doom, Kraken Attack!, The
Story of Things, and The Global Garden, which was awarded the 2006 Aventis Children's Science Book of the
Year prize.
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 76
Honorable Mention in the category of Best Children's Picture Book - Spanish for the 2012 International Latino
Book Awards.
Rhyming text and a touch of humor bring the classic tale of Scheherazade to life in this colorful pop-up book.
The story of a protagonist who survives her marriage to the sultan-who is known for killing wife after wife
following their wedding night-through her charm and the beauty of her words teaches young readers a new
Combel Editorial vocabulary while also entertaining them.
Pub Date: 10/1/12
$20.95/$23.95 Can.
Un texto rimado y un toque de humor le otorgan vida al cuento clásico de Sherezade en este libro de
Hardback / Cloth over desplegables en colores vivos. La historia de una protagonista que sobrevive su matrimonio con el sultán-
boards famoso por matar esposa tras esposa después de su noche de bodas-a través de su encanto y la belleza de sus
palabras les enseña a los lectores jóvenes un nuevo vocabulario además de entretenerlos.
14 pages
Carton Qty: 10
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Classics Author Bio
JUV007000 Lluís Farré is an author of children's books, including Buenas noches, Víctor, as well as an illustrator whose work
9.750 in W | 10.750 in H has appeared in advertising and multimedia products. Mercè Canals is an illustrator of textbooks and children's
248mm W | 273mm H
books, including the Caballo alado ZOO ¿Cómo soy? books. They previously collaborated on El arca de Noé, La
leyenda de San Jorge, and Los reyes magos de Oriente. Carmen Gil is the author of more than 70 children's
books, including Celeste, la estrella marina; El hada Roberta; ¡Qué miedo!; and the award-winning La sonrisa de
Four-year-old Maria has lost her treasure chest and needs help searching for it in this fun and brightly illustrated
pop-up detective story. Guatson the Rabbit, expert detective, helps her recover it after searching every room in
the house with diligence and a good dose of patience. This book will keep its readers entertained even after the
mystery is solved, thanks to a treasure chest, included at the end of the book, that children can assemble.
María, una niña de cuatro años, ha perdido su caja de tesoros y necesita ayuda buscándola en esta historia de
Combel Editorial detectives brillantemente ilustrada con desplegables. Conejo Guatson, un detective experto, la ayuda a
Pub Date: 4/1/12
recuperarla después de buscar por todas las habitaciones de la casa con constancia y una buena dosis de
$23.95/$26.95 Can. paciencia. Este libro mantendrá a sus lectores entretenidos aun después de resolver el misterio gracias a una
Discount Code: LON cajita de tesoros para montar, incluida al final del libro.
Hardback / Cloth over
boards Author Bio
14 pages Jordi Cervera is an author, an editor, a journalist, a poet, and a screenwriter. Sebastià Serra is an illustrator
Carton Qty: 10 whose work has been featured in ads, books, websites, and various other publications.
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction /
Imagination & Play
10.500 in W | 10.000 in H |
2.080 lb Wt
267mm W | 254mm H |
943g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 77
El dedito de Kiki
Frances Bragan Valldejuly, Marjorie Ann Vélez
Kiki is a girl like any other, but she has a habit that she's trying to break: sucking her thumb. No matter how hard
she tries to stop doing it, she just can't seem to. Her family, her friends, and even her dentist try to help her,
but it is all to no avail. One day, however, her family receives a magical aid that will help Kiki stop sucking her
thumb for good. A sweet and beautiful story about a little girl who is able to break a bad habit, this book will help
children overcome similar situations with the support and love of their families.
Ediciones Norte
9781931928823 Kiki es una niña como cualquier otra, pero tiene una mala costumbre que está intentando dejar: chuparse el
Pub Date: 6/1/13
$12.95/$13.95 Can.
dedito. No importa cuánto intenta dejar de hacerlo, no lo logra. Su familia, sus amigos y hasta su dentista
Discount Code: LON intentan ayudarla, pero nada funciona. Un día, sin embargo, su familia recibe un ayudante mágico que asistirá a
Paperback / softback / Kiki en dejar de chuparse el dedito para siempre. Una historia tierna y hermosa sobre una niña que logra dejar
Picture book una mala costumbre, este libro ayudará a jóvenes lectores a superar situaciones similares con el apoyo y el
30 pages amor...
Carton Qty: 100
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Health & Author Bio
Daily Living
JUV015000 Frances Bragan Valldejuly is the author Keka en el Museo de Arte de Ponce, El ponqué de abuela Fefa, and El
satito Borikén. Marjorie Ann Vélez is an artist, a graphic designer, and an illustrator. She is the illustrator of
9.000 in W | 9.000 in H |
0.390 lb Wt Una estrella para mamá, Lo que le pasó a Nina . . . ¡Pamplinas!, El ponqué de abuela Fefa, and Los Reyes Magos
229mm W | 229mm H | llegan de noche.
177g Wt
Gira la rueda, aprende a contar
Sure to keep children learning to recognize basic concepts entertained, the hardcover books in this series are
durable enough for young readers. Interactive pages help children remember numbers and common words, and as
they turn the eight built-in wheels, they see pictures and words that reinforce knowledge retention.
Helping children recognize and remember the numbers from 1 to 20, this book walks them through basic addition
Edimat Libros
and subtraction. It is an ideal resource for children in the first stages of learning.
Pub Date: 3/1/14 Tan divertido como para entretener por horas a niños aprendiendo a reconocer conceptos básicos, los libros de
$14.95/$16.95 Can. formato duro en esta colección son suficientemente resistente para pequeños lectores. Páginas interactivas
Hardback / Cloth over
ayudan a los niños a recordar los números y algunas de las palabras más conocidas, y al girar las ruedas, ven
dibujos y palabras que ayudan en la retención de conocimiento.
6 pages
Carton Qty: 24 Ayudando a los niños a reconocer y recordar los números del 1 al 20, este libro les enseña los fundamentos de
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction / la suma y la resta. Es un recurso ideal para niños que están en su primera etapa...
JNF013030 Author Bio
Series: Gira la rueda Tucker Slingsby Ltd. is a UK-based publisher of children's books.
12.250 in W | 12.250 in H |
1.200 lb Wt
311mm W | 311mm H |
544g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 78
Gira la rueda, encuentra el dibujo
Sure to keep children learning to recognize basic concepts entertained, the hardcover books in this series are
durable enough for young readers. Interactive pages help children remember numbers and common words, and as
they turn the eight built-in wheels, kids see pictures and words that reinforce knowledge retention.
This book teaches basic words, from foods and methods of transport to articles of clothing and farm objects. It
is an ideal resource for children developing their vocabularies.
Edimat Libros
9788497861250 Tan divertido como para entretener por horas a niños aprendiendo a reconocer conceptos básicos, los libros de
Pub Date: 3/1/14 formato duro en esta colección son suficientemente resistente para pequeños lectores. Páginas interactivas
$14.95/$16.95 Can. ayudan a los niños a recordar los números y algunas de las palabras más conocidas, y al girar las ruedas, los
Hardback / Cloth over
niños ven dibujos y palabras que ayudan en la retención de conocimiento.
6 pages Este libro presenta algunas de las palabras más conocidas, desde comidas y métodos de transporte hasta
Carton Qty: 24 prendas y objetos de la granja. Es un recurso ideal para niños que están desarrollando sus vocabul...
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Author Bio
JNF013000 Tucker Slingsby Ltd. is a UK-based publisher of children's books.
Series: Gira la rueda
12.250 in W | 12.250 in H |
1.200 lb Wt
311mm W | 311mm H |
544g Wt
Gira la rueda, encuentra el dibujo
Aimed at children learning to read the letters of the alphabet, this hardcover book is durable enough for young
readers and sure to keep them entertained. Interactive pages help children recognize and remember words. As
they turn the eight built-in wheels, kids will see pictures and words that will teach them the alphabet. This is an
ideal resource for children learning to read and write.
Edimat Libros Dirigido a niños aprendiendo a leer las letras del alfabeto, este libro de formato duro es suficientemente
9788497861243 resistente para pequeños lectores y tan divertido como para entretenerlos por horas. Páginas interactivas
Pub Date: 5/1/13 ayudan a los niños reconocer y recordar palabras. Al girar las ruedas del libro, los niños verán dibujos y palabras
$14.95/$16.95 Can.
que les enseñan el abecedario. Éste es un recurso ideal para niños aprendiendo a leer y escribir.
Hardback / Cloth over
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 79
Gira la rueda, encuentra el dibujo
Aimed at children learning to recognize animals, this sturdy book is durable enough for young children and sure to
keep them entertained. Eight built-in wheels rotate through pictures and words that will teach children the
names of animals. With more than 200 drawings and a world map indicating where animals live, this book will help
little ones in their first stages of learning.
Edimat Libros Dirigido a niños aprendiendo a reconocer animales, este libro de formato duro es suficientemente resistente para
9788497861274 niños pequeños y divertido para entretenerlos por horas. Al girar las ruedas del libro, aparecen dibujos y palabras
Pub Date: 5/1/13 que ayudarán a los niños a recordar los animales más conocidos. Con más de 200 dibujos de animales y un mapa
$14.95/$16.95 Can.
que muestra dónde vive cada animal, este libro es ideal para niños que están en su primera etapa de aprendizaje.
Hardback / Cloth over
Un día
Mira y encuentra 100 palabras en inglés
Aimed at children learning their first words, this series of interactive books helps young learners recognize, read,
and write 100 words in English and Spanish while having fun. Employing pull-tabs to make learning the words a
more hands-on experience, this is an ideal bilingual tool for children learning to read and write in both languages.
This book features household and daily objects, including closet, mirror, comb, and clothing such as socks, dress,
and scarf.
Dirigido a niños aprendiendo sus primeras palabras, esta colección de libros interactivos los ayuda a reconocer,
Edimat Libros leer y escribir 100 palabras en inglés y español mientras se divierten. Usando pestañas que hacen del
aprendizaje una experiencia más participativa, este libro es un recurso ideal para niños que están aprendiendo a
Pub Date: 11/1/13
$14.95/$16.95 Can. leer y escribir en ambos lenguajes.
Hardback / Cloth over
boards Este libro presenta objetos domésticos y cotidianos, incluyendo armario, espejo, peine y prendas de vestir
10 pages como calcetines, vestido y bufanda.
Carton Qty: 30
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Author Bio
Juvenile Nonfiction / Tucker Slingsby Ltd. is a UK-based publisher of children's books.
Health & Daily Living
Series: Mira y encuentra
8.500 in W | 11.000 in H |
1.020 lb Wt
216mm W | 279mm H |
463g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 80
Mira y encuentra 100 palabras en inglés
Aimed at children learning their first words, this series of interactive books helps young learners recognize, read,
and write 100 words in English and Spanish while having fun. Employing pull-tabs to make learning the words a
more hands-on experience, this is an ideal bilingual tool for children learning to read and write in both languages.
Focusing on animals and objects around the farm, this book teaches words including horse, calf, pig, piglet,
hedge, and gate.
Dirigido a niños aprendiendo sus primeras palabras, esta colección de libros interactivos los ayuda a reconocer,
Edimat Libros leer y escribir 100 palabras en inglés y español mientras se divierten. Usando pestañas que hacen del
aprendizaje una experiencia más participativa, este libro es un recurso ideal para niños que están aprendiendo a
Pub Date: 11/1/13
$14.95/$16.95 Can. leer y escribir en ambos lenguajes.
Hardback / Cloth over
boards Destacando los animales y objetos comunes de la granja, este libro enseña palabras que incluyen caballo,
10 pages ternero, cerdo, lechón, seto y puerta.
Carton Qty: 30
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K Author Bio
Juvenile Nonfiction / Tucker Slingsby Ltd. is a UK-based publisher of children's books.
Series: Mira y encuentra
8.500 in W | 11.000 in H |
1.100 lb Wt
216mm W | 279mm H |
499g Wt
Mira y encuentra 100 palabras en inglés
Aimed at children learning their first words, this interactive book helps young learners recognize, read, and write
100 animal names in English and Spanish while having fun. Employing pull tabs to make learning the words a more
hands-on experience, this is an ideal bilingual tool for children learning to read and write in both languages.
Dirigido a niños aprendiendo sus primeras palabras, este libro interactivo los ayuda a reconocer, leer y escribir
100 nombres de animales en inglés y español mientras se divierten. Usando pestañas que hacen del aprendizaje
una experiencia más participativa, este libro es un recurso bilingüe ideal para niños que están aprendiendo a leer
y escribir en ambos lenguajes.
Edimat Libros
Pub Date: 6/1/13
$14.95/$16.95 Can. Author Bio
Hardback / Cloth over Tucker Slingsby Ltd. is a UK-based publisher that specializes in children's early learning, novelty, nonfiction,
boards Bible stories, and picture books.
10 pages
Carton Qty: 30
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Series: Mira y encuentra
8.500 in W | 11.000 in H |
1.040 lb Wt
216mm W | 279mm H |
472g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 81
Mira y encuentra 100 palabras en ingles
Aimed at children learning their first words, this interactive book helps young learners recognize, read, and write
100 words of objects around the classroom in English and Spanish while having fun. Employing pull up tabs to
make learning the words a more hands-on experience, this is an ideal bilingual tool for children learning to read
and write in both languages.
Dirigido a niños aprendiendo sus primeras palabras, este libro interactivo los ayuda a reconocer, leer y escribir
100 palabras de objetos comunes en el salón escolar en inglés y español mientras se divierten. Usando pestañas
que hacen del aprendizaje una experiencia más participativa, este libro es un recurso ideal para niños que están
Edimat Libros
aprendiendo a leer y escribir en ambos lenguajes.
Pub Date: 6/1/13
$14.95/$16.95 Can.
Hardback / Cloth over Author Bio
boards Tucker Slingsby Ltd. is a UK-based publisher that specializes in children's early learning, novelty, nonfiction,
10 pages Bible stories, and picture books.
Carton Qty: 30
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
School & Education
Series: Mira y encuentra
8.500 in W | 11.000 in H |
1.040 lb Wt
216mm W | 279mm H |
472g Wt
In a moving story about sharing and learning to apologize, Blip and Pip are getting ready for the big berry
banquet, where all of their friends come together to tell stories, eat food, and have fun. Blip sows sweet, juicy
blueberries in his garden while Pip plants lovely, lush strawberries. One morning, Blip discovers that some of his
berries are missing. Who is responsible? Is the banquet ruined?
Edimat Libros
En una historia conmovedora sobre compartir y aprender a pedir disculpas, Blip y Pip se preparan para el gran
9788497864640 banquete de bayas, al que vienen todos sus amigos para contar historias, comer y divertirse. Blip sembra
Pub Date: 11/1/13 jugosos y dulces arándanos en su jardín mientras Pip planta fresas hermosas y ricas. Una mañana, Blip
$14.95/$16.95 Can. descubre que algunas de sus bayas han desparecido. ¿Quién es culpable? ¿Se ha arruinado el banquete?
Discount Code: LON
Hardback / Picture book
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 82
Showcasing the close friendship between Blip and Pip, this tender story highlights cooperation and problem-
solving. Blip loves telling Pip all about his great adventures, such as watching the fireflies twinkle in the night
sky, seeing his reflection smiling up at him from the cool waters of a creek, and jumping on giant mushrooms that
grow near his home. Pip wants to share in these experiences but, being a plant, is rooted to his spot and can't
partake in the fun. Blip and some ladybug friends cheer Pip up by devising a practical solution that allows him to
Edimat Libros
embark on his very first adventure.
Pub Date: 9/1/13 Exhibiendo la amistad cercana entre Blip y Pip, esta historia amable destaca la colaboración y la resolución de
$14.95/$16.95 Can. problemas. A Blip le encanta contarle a su amigo Pip todo sobre sus grandes aventuras, como mirar la luz de las
Hardback / Picture book
luciérnagas en el cielo nocturno, ver el reflejo de su sonrisa en las frías aguas de un arroyo y saltar sobre las
20 pages setas gigantes que crecen cerca de su hogar. Pip quiere tomar parte en estas experiencias pero, siendo planta,
Carton Qty: 30 está enraizado en la tierra y no puede participar ...
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Social
JUV039060 Author Bio
11.250 in W | 11.250 in H | Natalie Jane Parker is a wildlife artist and a children's author and illustrator. She has written and illustrated
0.970 lb Wt dozens of books, including Blip Meets Pip, Kasey Kitten's First Sleep-Over, When Marshall Mouse is Happy, and
286mm W | 286mm H | Willow the Wombat.
440g Wt
Los niños aprenden a reconocer y escribir los nombres de más de 500 objetos dentro del hogar, en la escuela y
en la naturaleza con las brillantes ilustraciones en este libro almohadillado. Las palabras se usan en cuentos que
incluyen personajes favoritos como Blancanieves y los enanitos, Caperucita Roja y los tres cerditos para
promover la retención de conocimiento. Éste es un recurso educativo fantástico que combina el aprendizaje y
el juego a gran efecto.
Edimat Libros
9788497864664 Author Bio
Pub Date: 8/1/13
$14.95/$16.95 Can. Creations for Children Internationalis a Belgian publisher and distributor of books for children.
Hardback / Cloth over
64 pages
Carton Qty: 30
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Foreign Language Study
10.750 in W | 11.500 in H |
1.090 lb Wt
273mm W | 292mm H |
494g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 83
Blip is a friendly little fellow who lives deep in the rainforest, all on his own, until one special day when he meets
Pip. Pip becomes his pet rock and his best friend, and they spend all their time together. Then, one day there is
a great storm, and something terrible happens. Will Blip and Pip be reunited?
Blip es una criaturita simpática que vive solo en las profundidades de la selva, hasta un día especial cuando
Edimat Libros conoce a Pip. Pip se convierte en su piedra mascota y en su mejor amigo y se pasan todos los días juntos. Pero
9788497864626 un día se presenta una gran tormenta, y sucede una cosa terrible. ¿Llegarán a reencontrarse Blip y Pip?
Pub Date: 6/1/13
$14.95/$16.95 Can.
Hardback / Picture book
Author Bio
20 pages Natalie Jane Parker is a wildlife artist and children's author and illustrator. She has written and illustrated more
Carton Qty: 30 than 25 books, including Kasey Kitten's First Sleep-Over, When Marshall Mouse is Happy, and Willow the
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Social Wombat.
11.250 in W | 11.250 in H |
0.980 lb Wt
286mm W | 286mm H |
445g Wt
Filled with rare photographs and original illustrations, this collection entertains children while teaching them about
creatures from a variety of environments. Each book includes interactive games that promote learning and the
development of memory skills.
With richly illustrated original drawings and stunning photographs, this entertaining book will answer children's
Lectio Ediciones questions about circus animals through games and activities.
Pub Date: 5/1/13
$9.95/$10.95 Can. Llena de fotografías raras e ilustraciones originales, esta colección entretiene a los niños y a la vez les enseña
Hardback / Cloth over sobre los animales de varios hábitats. Cada libro incluye juegos interactivos que promueven el aprendizaje y el
boards desarrollo de la memoria.
48 pages
Carton Qty: 20 Con dibujos originales suntuosamente ilustrados y fotografías excepcionales, este libro entretenido contestará las
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K preguntas que los niños puedan tener sobre los animales del circo mediante juegos y actividades.
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Series: Mi pequeno Author Bio
animalario Carlos Zaglia is a French photographer who specializes in adventure sports. Olivier Verbrugghe is an illustrator
9.500 in W | 8.750 in H | of animal-themed children's books. Ramon Sala Gili has translated literature in various genres, from biographies
0.660 lb Wt to children's books, including the Mi pequeño animalario series.
241mm W | 222mm H |
299g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 84
Filled with rare photographs and original illustrations, this collection entertains children while teaching them about
creatures from a variety of environments. Each book includes interactive games that promote learning and the
development of memory skills.
A series of games and interactive activities answer questions about dinosaurs in this richly illustrated book for
Lectio Ediciones young children.
Pub Date: 5/1/13
$9.95/$10.95 Can. Llena de fotografías raras e ilustraciones originales, esta colección entretiene a los niños y a la vez les enseña
Hardback / Cloth over sobre los animales de varios hábitats. Cada libro incluye juegos interactivos que promueven el aprendizaje y el
boards desarrollo de la memoria.
48 pages
Carton Qty: 20 Una serie de juegos y actividades interactivas contestan preguntas sobre los dinosaurios en este libro ricamente
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K ilustrado para niños pequeños.
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Series: Mi pequeño Author Bio
animalario Sylvie Bézuel is a journalist and an author of children's books who specializes in animals and has contributed her
9.500 in W | 8.750 in H | expertise to other media as well. Olivier Verbrugghe is an illustrator of animal-themed children's books. Ramon
0.840 lb Wt Sala Gili has translated literature in various genres, from biographies to children's books, including the Mi
241mm W | 222mm H |
381g Wt
pequeño animalario series.
Los niños aprenden sobre las crías de los animales con este libro entretenido e interactivo. Preguntas en cada
página los animan a girar la rueda hasta conseguir el animal correcto, haciendo que éste es un recurso
perfecto para el aprendizaje temprano.
8 pages
Carton Qty: 20
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Series: Gira y descubre
8.250 in W | 8.500 in H |
0.860 lb Wt
210mm W | 216mm H |
390g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 85
En la granja
With colorfully vibrant pages and eye-catching images, this interactive and educational book features questions
that prompt children to turn the wheel until they find the correct photographic answer. Cows, chickens, pigs,
ponies, and sheep play a starring role in this fun book that helps children develop matching and hand-eye
coordination skills.
Con páginas vibrantemente coloridas e imágenes llamativas, este libro interactivo y educacional incluye
Macmillan Iberia S.A. preguntas que invitan al niño a girar la rueda hasta conseguir la respuesta fotográfica correcta. Vacas, gallinas,
9788415430094 cerdos, ponis y ovejas juegan un papel importante en este divertido libro que ayuda a los niños a desarrollar
Pub Date: 10/1/13 destrezas como el pareo y la coordinación viso-manual.
$11.95/$12.95 Can.
Hardback / Cloth over
Author Bio
8 pages Priddy Books is a publisher of innovative books for children, from first books for babies to early reference titles
Carton Qty: 20
for older children, designed to help young readers develop key early learning skills.
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Series: Gira y descubre
8.250 in W | 8.500 in H |
0.860 lb Wt
210mm W | 216mm H |
390g Wt
La rana Rony
Vicente Muñoz Puelles, Vicente Mu±oz Puelles, Rocí...
Children are able to practice their reading skills and exercise their imaginations with the hands-on titles in this
series. Each carrying case includes a picture book and two puzzles of 20 pieces each that young readers can put
together to recreate illustrations from the book. Reading time is playing time with these great books.
In this story that teaches children to value nature and to observe the changing seasons, Lena finds a frog in the
Macmillan Iberia S.A.
garden pond whom she names Rony. Rony likes to hide and reappear in unexpected places. When winter comes,
9788415430872 Rony disappears one day. When spring arrives, Lena hears croaking and decides to investigate. She not only
Pub Date: 11/1/13 finds Rony but also many other frogs-in the water, on the leaves, and even on the pile of rocks-everywhere.
$18.95/$20.95 Can.
Hardback / Picture book
Los niños pueden practicar la lectura y ejercitar sus imaginaciones con los interactivos títulos de esta
32 pages colección. Cada estuche incluye un libro ilustrado y dos puzles de 20 piezas cada uno que los pequeños lectores
Carton Qty: 10 pueden armar para recrear ilustraciones del libro. El tiempo de lectura se convierte en un tiempo de recreo con
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K est...
Juvenile Fiction / Animals
Series: Librosaurio: Leo y
juego Author Bio
9.250 in W | 9.250 in H | Vicente Muñoz Puelles is an author of books for both children and adults. He was awarded the Spanish National
1.660 lb Wt Prize for Children's and Young Adult Literature for Óscar y el león de Correos. Rocío Martínez is an award-
235mm W | 235mm H | winning Spanish illustrator whose previous works include El mago Bruno and El triciclo de Poti Poti.
753g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 86
Cuando juego . . .
Marinella Terzi
Children are able to practice their reading skills and exercise their imaginations with the hands-on titles in this
series. Each carrying case includes a picture book and two puzzles of 20 pieces each that young readers can put
together to recreate illustrations from the book. Reading time is playing time with these great books.
It is time to get up, and the children are excited to spend the entire day playing. With a box or a cardboard
Macmillan Iberia S.A.
tube, they become characters such as pirates, singers, and astronauts and discover what they would like to be
9788415430865 when they grow up.
Pub Date: 11/1/13
$18.95/$20.95 Can. Los niños pueden practicar la lectura y ejercitar sus imaginaciones con los interactivos títulos de esta
Hardback / Picture book
colección. Cada estuche incluye un libro ilustrado y dos puzles de 20 piezas cada uno que los pequeños lectores
32 pages pueden armar para recrear ilustraciones del libro. El tiempo de lectura se convierte en un tiempo de recreo con
Carton Qty: 30 estos libros fantásticos.
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction /
Imagination & Play Es hora de levantarse, y los niños están emocionados de pasar todo el día jugando. Con una caja o un tubo de
JUV051000 cartón, se convierten en piratas, cantantes y astronautas y des...
Series: Librosaurio: Leo y
9.250 in W | 9.250 in H Author Bio
235mm W | 235mm H Marinella Terzi is an editor, a translator, and the award-winning author of several books for children, including
Josete y Bongo van de safari and Naranjas de la China. Avi is the illustrator of various children's books, including
Zorrito y sus amigos.
La casa encantada
Sarah Powell
Stimulating the imaginations and creativity of the youngest readers, this vibrant pop-up book features a fun,
rhyming text that introduces the ghosts, monsters, and witches who make their home in the haunted house.
Every page contains a spooky surprise that will have children howling in fright and delight. This book makes a
perfect Halloween gift for curious kids.
Macmillan Iberia S.A. Fomentando la imaginación y la creatividad de los lectores más pequeños, este vibrante libro de pop-ups tiene
9788415430681 un divertido texto rimado que presenta los fantasmas, los monstruos y las brujas que viven en la casa
Pub Date: 9/1/13 encantada. Cada página contiene una sorpresa espeluznante que hará que los niños griten de miedo y deleite.
$11.95/$12.95 Can.
Este libro es un regalo de Halloween perfecto para los muchachos curiosos.
Hardback / Cloth over
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 87
Y no llegues tarde!
Roberto Aliaga, Marta Antelo
Ramon is a very absentminded mouse. The smallest things distract him and make him late for all his
appointments. Today, though, his niece has invited him to her birthday party. Will he actually manage to arrive
on time? This fun and interactive board book features a large clock with hands that children will be able to move
according to the time mentioned in the story, using other clocks in the vibrant illustrations as clues.
Ramón es un ratón muy despistado. Las cosas más minúsculas lo distraen y causan que llegue tarde a todas
sus citas. Sin embargo, su sobrina lo ha invitado hoy a su fiesta de cumpleaños. ¿Conseguirá llegar a tiempo en
esta ocasión? Este divertido e interactivo libro de cartón incluye un reloj grande con manecillas que los niños
podrán manipular según la hora que indica el relato, usando los relojes en las vibrantes ilustraciones como
Macmillan Iberia S.A. pistas.
Pub Date: 11/1/12 Author Bio
$17.95/$19.95 Can. Roberto Aliaga is a celebrated Spanish author of children's books, including Pingoreta, Un reloj con plumas, and
Board book
El tiempo. Marta Antelo is a freelance illustrator who has worked with clients such as the Boston Globe, Disney,
10 pages National Geographic Kids Entertainment, and Scholastic.
Carton Qty: 30
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction / Concepts
8.250 in W | 11.750 in H
210mm W | 298mm H
With the books in this didactic and entertaining series, children practice tracing the shapes of letters in
preparation for formal writing while they take part in the adventures of Pum and Tito. Each book includes a
marker and dry-erase pages that children can return to time and again.
Kids sharpen their motor and writing skills as they investigate the possible presence of monsters in the toy chest
with Pum and Tito.
Con los libros en esta colección didáctica y divertida, los niños practican los trazos básicos en preparación para
la escritura mientras toman parte en las aventuras de Pum y Tito. Cada libro incluye un rotulador y páginas de
cartón lavable con las cuales los niños pueden disfrutar una y otra vez.
Los niños desarrollan sus destrezas motoras y de escritura mientras investigan, junto a Pum y Tito, la posible
Macmillan Iberia S.A. presencia de monstruos en el baúl de juguetes.
Pub Date: 2/1/13 Author Bio
$9.95/$10.95 Can.
Esther Echevarría is an author of children's books. Inés Burgos is an illustrator.
Board book
16 pages
Carton Qty: 30
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction /
Interactive Adventures
Series: Pum y Tito series
8.250 in W | 13.000 in H
210mm W | 330mm H
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 88
With the books in this didactic and entertaining series, children practice tracing the shapes of letters in
preparation for formal writing while they take part in the adventures of Pum and Tito. Each book includes a
marker and dry-erase pages that children can return to time and again.
Children will enjoy following Pum and Tito to the bottom of the sea, where they'll have to help a mermaid
princess recover a lost object. Drawing and tracing activities provide hours of interactive fun.
Con los libros en esta colección didáctica y divertida, los niños practican los trazos básicos en preparación para
la escritura mientras toman parte en las aventuras de Pum y Tito. Cada libro incluye un rotulador y páginas de
cartón lavable con las cuales los niños pueden disfrutar una y otra vez.
Los pequeños disfrutarán siguiendo a Pum y Tito al fondo del mar, donde tendrán que ayudar a una princesa
Macmillan Iberia S.A. sirena a conseguir un objeto perdido. Actividades para dibujar y trazar proveen horas de divertimiento
9788415426738 interactivo.
Pub Date: 2/1/13
$9.95/$10.95 Can. Author Bio
Board book
Esther Echevarría is an author of children's books. Inés Burgos is an illustrator.
16 pages
Carton Qty: 30
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction /
Interactive Adventures
Series: Pum y Tito series
8.250 in W | 13.000 in H
210mm W | 330mm H
With the books in this didactic and entertaining series, children practice tracing the shapes of letters in
preparation for formal writing while they take part in the adventures of Pum and Tito. Each book includes a
marker and dry-erase pages that children can return to time and again.
Con los libros en esta colección didáctica y divertida, los niños practican los trazos básicos en preparación para
la escritura mientras toman parte en las aventuras de Pum y Tito. Cada libro incluye un rotulador y páginas de
cartón lavable con las cuales los niños pueden disfrutar una y otra vez.
Author Bio
Macmillan Iberia S.A. Esther Echevarría is an author of children's books. Inés Burgos is an illustrator.
Pub Date: 4/30/12
$9.95/$10.95 Can.
Board book
16 pages
Carton Qty: 20
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction /
Interactive Adventures
Series: Pum y Tito series
8.25 W | 13.00 H | 0.20 T
8W | 13H | 0T
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 89
With the books in this didactic and entertaining series, children practice tracing the shapes of letters in
preparation for formal writing while they take part in the adventures of Pum and Tito. Each book includes a
marker and dry-erase pages that children can return to time and again.
Con los libros en esta colección didáctica y divertida, los niños practican los trazos básicos en preparación para
la escritura mientras toman parte en las aventuras de Pum y Tito. Cada libro incluye un rotulador y páginas de
cartón lavable de las cuales los niños pueden disfrutar una y otra vez.
Author Bio
Esther Echevarría is an author of children's books. Inés Burgos is an illustrator.
Macmillan Iberia S.A.
Pub Date: 4/30/12
$9.95/$10.95 Can.
Board book
16 pages
Carton Qty: 18
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction /
Interactive Adventures
Series: Pum y Tito series
8.25 W | 13.00 H | 0.41 T
8W | 13H | 0T
With the books in this didactic and entertaining series, children practice tracing the shapes of letters in
preparation for formal writing while they take part in the adventures of Pum and Tito. Each book includes a
marker and dry-erase pages that children can return to time and again.
Con los libros en esta colección didáctica y divertida, los niños practican los trazos básicos en preparación para
la escritura mientras toman parte en las aventuras de Pum y Tito. Cada libro incluye un rotulador y páginas de
cartón lavable de las cuales los niños pueden disfrutar una y otra vez.
Author Bio
Esther Echevarría is an author of children's books. Inés Burgos is an illustrator.
Macmillan Iberia S.A.
Pub Date: 4/30/12
$9.95/$10.95 Can.
Board book
16 pages
Carton Qty: 18
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction /
Interactive Adventures
Series: Pum y Tito series
8.25 W | 12.00 H | 0.20 T
8W | 12H | 0T
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 90
With the books in this didactic and entertaining series, children practice tracing the shapes of letters in
preparation for formal writing while they take part in the adventures of Pum and Tito. Each book includes a
marker and dry-erase pages that children can return to time and again.
Con los libros en esta colección didáctica y divertida, los niños practican los trazos básicos en preparación para
la escritura mientras toman parte en las aventuras de Pum y Tito. Cada libro incluye un rotulador y páginas de
cartón lavable de las cuales los niños pueden disfrutar una y otra vez.
Author Bio
Esther Echevarría is an author of children's books. Inés Burgos is an illustrator.
Macmillan Iberia S.A.
Pub Date: 4/30/12
$9.95/$10.95 Can.
Board book
16 pages
Carton Qty: 20
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction /
Interactive Adventures
Series: Pum y Tito series
8.25 W | 13.00 H | 1.80 T
8W | 13H | 2T
This fun and interactive series offers children ample opportunities to play while they practice their early reading
skills. Each book contains pop-ups and a finger puppet for children to enjoy while they follow the adventures of
Thomas and his friends.
Esta colección divertida e interactiva les ofrece a los niños abundantes oportunidades para jugar mientras
Macmillan Iberia S.A. practican sus destrezas tempranas de lectura. Cada libro incluye una marioneta de dedo y desplegables con los
cuales los niños podrán disfrutar mientras siguen las aventuras de Tomás y sus amigos.
Pub Date: 7/17/12
$17.95/$19.95 Can.
Hardback / Cloth over In this installment, Cat has gone up a tree to have a closer look at a nest filled with baby birds, but he is too
boards scared to come back down again. Thomas and Max, as always, are willing to lend a helping hand.
10 pages
Carton Qty: 18 En esta entrega, Gato ha subido un árbol para ver un nido lleno de pajaritos pero no se atreve a bajar. Tomás y
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Fiction /
Max, como siempre, están dispuestos a ayudar a sus amigos.
Imagination & Play
JUV051000 Author Bio
Series: Tomas series Laurence Jammes is an illustrator whose work has appeared in children's books, business publications, and
9.250 in W | 9.250 in H publicity campaigns.
235mm W | 235mm H
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 91
This fun and interactive series offers children ample opportunities to play while they practice their early reading
skills. Each book contains pop-ups and a finger puppet for children to enjoy while they follow the adventures of
Thomas and his friends.
Esta colección divertida e interactiva les ofrece a los niños abundantes oportunidades para jugar mientras
Macmillan Iberia S.A.
practican sus destrezas tempranas de lectura. Cada libro incluye una marioneta de dedo y desplegables con los
Pub Date: 7/17/12 cuales los niños podrán disfrutar mientras siguen las aventuras de Tomás y sus amigos.
$17.95/$19.95 Can.
Hardback / Cloth over Thomas is on a fishing trip with Cat and Max when suddenly a large shadow looms in the water. Their boat
crashes, throwing Cat from the ship. Will he be eaten by a whale?
10 pages
Carton Qty: 18
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Tomás sale a pescar con Gato y Max cuando, de repente, ven que se acerca una inmensa sombra negra. Su
Juvenile Fiction / barco choca y Gato cae en el mar. ¿Se lo comerá una ballena?
Imagination & Play
JUV051000 Author Bio
Series: Tomas series Laurence Jammes is an illustrator whose work has appeared in children's books, business publications, and
9.250 in W | 9.250 in H publicity campaigns.
235mm W | 235mm H
¡Qué susto!
The educationally entertaining books in this series include simple questions that kids can answer themselves and
then slide back panels to reveal the correct answer. Full-color photographs are labeled so that children can learn
new vocabulary words.
In this book, young readers discover ghosts, an evil witch, a vampire, and other characters that live in haunted
Macmillan Iberia S.A.
9788415430230 Los libros entretenidos y educacionales de esta colección incluyen preguntas sencillas que los niños podrán
Pub Date: 10/1/13 contestar por sí mismos y entonces deslizar la ventana para ver la respuesta correcta. Fotografías a todo color
$10.95/$11.95 Can. están etiquetadas para que los niños puedan aprender un nuevo vocabulario.
Board book
8 pages En este libro, los jóvenes lectores descubren los fantasmas, una bruja mala, un vampiro y otros personajes que
Carton Qty: 18 viven en la casa encantada.
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
JNF013000 Author Bio
Series: Ventana mágica Priddy Books is a publisher of innovative books for children, from first books for babies to early reference titles
8.250 in W | 8.250 in H | for older children, designed to help young readers develop key early learning skills.
0.980 lb Wt
210mm W | 210mm H |
445g Wt
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 92
With hundreds of games designed to help parents teach their children the mathematical concepts they should be
able to master between the ages of three and five, this pop-up book is packed with entertaining activities that
can be used at different levels. Its primary purpose is to make math fun, eliminating children's fear of it. Children
will gain confidence in the skills of recognizing, matching, sorting, ordering, counting, addition, and subtraction,
and they will be introduced to language skills that help with the comprehension of mathematical concepts.
Macmillan Iberia S.A.
9788479429058 Con cientos de juegos diseñados para ayudar a los padres a enseñar a sus hijos los conceptos matemáticos que
Pub Date: 4/1/12 deben manejar entre los tres y cinco años, este libro de desplegables está repleto de actividades entretenidas
$27.95/$30.95 Can. que pueden ser usadas a diferentes niveles. Su propósito principal es hacer que las matemáticas sean divertidas,
Hardback / Cloth over
así eliminando el miedo por ellas en los chicos. Los niños ganarán confianza en las destrezas de reconocer,
parear, sortear, ordenar, contar, sumar y restar, y serán presentados con destrezas de lengua...
12 pages
Carton Qty: 15
Ages 3 to 5, Grades P to K
Juvenile Nonfiction /
Author Bio
Mathematics Ron van der Meer is a pioneer of the modern pop-up book and has published more than 150 books. His best-
JNF035000 known pop-up books include The Art Pack, The Math Pack, and Monster Island.
9.75 W | 9.75 H | 0.50 T
10W | 10H | 1T
IPG Early Learning 3yrs to PreSchool Fall 2014 - August 2014 Page 93