Niche Money Maker PDF

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How To Make Unlimited Money Daily

This eBook was created by Niche from Hackforums.

Please DO NOT leak or resell, if do so a scam report will be opened on you.
First of all thank you for buying my guide on how to
make hundreds of thousands of dollars. If
you!e purchased this, Im assuming you ha!e bought guides
claiming similar things but dont actually work. Instead of lying to
you and promising it works, "ust read on and youll find out for
yourself this is a fool proof way of making ma"or money without
Im sure e!eryone reading this has read about
drop shipping on eBay. That is what this guide is about. Howe!er,
using this method, you will ha!e #$$% profits and $% money out of
your own pocket. &hile this may seem impossible, its actually
!ery simple.
Step 1
'ake an (bay )ccount, If you already ha!e an account, great, use that. If not, its time to
set up a new account. *oull be setting up a sellers account. 'ake
sure to use all legitimate information otherwise it could result in you
not getting your money. (bay is !ery careful with their fraud
pre!ention so I highly recommend you use your real information.
Step 2
'ake a PayPal )ccount, you will need to ha!e a PayPal account linked to your eBay
account in order to recei!e your payments.
Step 3
Find the product you want to sell, I understand this is where many methods lose their readers.
Howe!er, this is the most simple step of the whole process. The
first product you sell will depend on how much money you ha!e
initially on start up. For the purposes of this guide, I will choose an
iPhone +, -. /B. 0eep in mind you can choose any product,
electronics such as iPhones "ust happen to sell !ery 1uickly. If you
are seeking the big bucks 1uickly, I would highly recommend
tablets, e2pensi!e headphones, !ideo game systems, and more.
)lso, keep in mind the more e2pensi!e the product, the more
money you will make. This iPhone +, costs 3.4$ on )ma5on and comes with free, . day shipping
if you sign up for Prime.
Step 4
6reate your listing. Ne2t youre going to want to head back o!er to eBay and create a
listing for the product you ha!e chosen. 'aking listings on eBay are
pretty straight forward so Ill "ust co!er the main points here. If you
ha!e further 1uestions about this or anything else in this method,
please do not hesitate to ask me.
7The listing can be auction8buy it now. For a 1uick sell, I would
recommend doing a buy it now with a price a fair amount lower
than the other options. For the iPhone +,, they sell for roughly 3.4$
on eBay, so selling for 3.-$ would be perfect for a 1uick sell.
7'ake sure you use good pictures 9take the ones from the )ma5on
listing: and make sure your description looks real and reputable.
'ake it look like something you would actually buy.
7(mphasi5e that the product is brand new, !ery cheap, and in this
case, has free . day shipping.
&ait for a buyer. ,eeing as how low we priced this item, it should sell within a few
hours. ;nce your buyer has paid for your item, it is time to mo!e on to the ne2t step.
Note< For new eBay users, the money will not be immediately a!ailable in your Paypal. It takes
around . weeks from when its sold to be in your Paypal for the first =$ days
of selling. Howe!er, it will still be there in . weeks.
Step !
Head to your local &algreens86>,8?ewel8@rugstore8/as
,tation. &here!er the closest con!ince store may be, head there.
)nywhere that sells those disposable debit cards. *oure going to
want to buy a /reendot @ebit 6ard where you choose the amount
to put on. It does not matter if you choose 'astercard or >isa
9they offer both:. There is about a 3- purchasing fee, but compared
to the money youll be making, this is nothing. &hen you buy the
card, choose the amount of the product you "ust sold but add
around 34 "ust to be safe in case of holds8fees.
@oing the math< ,omeone paid us 3.-$ for the iPhone. &e spent
3.A$ at 6>, on the card. Bets continue.
Step "
Cegister the card at /reendot. Head onto /reendots website and register the card. I would not
recommend using your own name and information on the card. Dse
the buyers if youd like, make someones up, it doesnt matter. ?ust
remember the account name, password, and all the info on the
account. I'P;CT)NT< &hen it asks for your social security
number, "ust type in $$$7$$7$$$$. This will pre!ent you from getting
a card in the mail with the name you made on the account.
Step #
Buy the product on )ma5on.Now that we ha!e our card set up under the buyer or a random
name, were going to head o!er to )ma5on and create a new
account. 6reate this )ma5on account under the eBay buyers
name using his address. )dd the iPhone +, 9or whate!er product
you ha!e chosen: to your cart and check out. &hen asking for payment
method, type in your credit card number. It will ask for billing
address, so use whate!er name and address you used when
setting up the card on /reendot. It should offer you . day free
shipping if you do the )ma5on Prime trial so go ahead and do that
if you would like since it is free.
Boom, youre done. *ou fulfilled the order and in . days the buyerwill ha!e his iPad 'ini.
Hint< In order to get access to the money in your PayPal earlier,
once the item ships out from )ma5on, take the tracking number to
the eBay order and select Eadd tracking numberE. If the tracking
number is added, you get access to your money about a week
earlier. But wait, theres moreFG ;b!iously. I wouldnt be selling a guide on
how to make money if we ended up losing 34$.
Step $
&ait for the buyer to recei!e their order.;nce they recei!e it 9you can check by looking at the
tracking and seeing Edeli!eredE: contact them and say something like E(n"oy
your product, please lea!e positi!e feedback if this was a pleasant e2perienceGE
Step 1%
Cefunding the order. &ait a day or two after your buyer has recei!ed his order. (nsure
they are satisfied. Cemember, you are running a business hereG
*ou want good feedback. ) day or two after it is deli!ered,
head back to )ma5on. From the homepage, scroll to the bottom and click EhelpE then choose
Econtact usE. From there it will bring you to a
page that says E&hat 6an &e Help *ou &ithFE 6hoose the bo2
Ean order I placedE then choose Ewheres my stuffE then choose
Eshipment is lateE. Then click the chat button to begin chatting with
an )ma5on rep.
The con!ersation will go something like this< 9)H)ma5on: 9'H'e:
)< How can I help you todayF
'< Hello, I bought an iPhone +, + days ago and it hasnt arri!ed yet.
I did two day shipping because I needed it 1uickly but now its "ust
not here. I checked the tracking number and it said deli!ered but I
looked all o!er and it isnt here. No one in my family and none of
my neighbors ha!e seen anything either.
)< ;k, let me look into that for you.
'< Thank you !ery much.
)< ;k, the shipment appears to be deli!ered but since it isnt, I can
offer you a full refund or a replacement iPhone +,.
6H;;,( TH( C(FDN@G 9Note this is the only gray7hat aspect of
the method:
In some cases, they will tell you to wait another day or two for it toarri!e. In that case, wait the two
days then come back and say the
same thing and youll get your refund. The main point you need to
emphasi5e is that you are a paying customer whos product did not
arri!e yet says is deli!ered. They stri!e to be the best in customer
ser!ice and will thus refund you e!ery time.
The 3.A$ you spent on )ma5on will now go back onto the card you
bought and youll still ha!e the 3.-$ from your eBay saleG
,tep ## 9;ptional:< /etting The 'oney ;ff ;f The /reendot 6ard
Now that you refunded it, you ha!e the 3.A$ sitting on the
/reendot card. Dnfortunately, these do not work at the )T'. *ou
ha!e a few options here.
#< /et a s1uarecard reader 9link below:. (ssentialy this "ust plugs
into your phone, you swipe the greendot card, enter the amount
you want off the card 9in this case 3.A$:, and then the money is
sent to your bank account in .7- days. ) s1uarecard reader is free
and you "ust ha!e to re1uest one and hook your bank account up
to it.
.< Buy things for yourself you want legitimately in stores or
restaurants.Bink< https<88s1uareup.com8
Step 11
;nce you get the money back into your bank account from
s1uarereader, list another productG *ou can do the same product
o!er and o!er or use multiple at the same timeG
I'P;CT)NT< (ach time you do this, you need to get a new
/reendot card and make a new )ma5on account. Both need to
ha!e new names and new addresses 9the new eBay buyer:. That
is essential otherwise they will notice you ha!e done a high
amount of refunds and not allow you to order from )ma5on
Cecap< ,o we started with 3.A$ we spent on the /reendot card.
Then we gained 3.-$ from the iPhone +, sale. Then we gained the
3.A$ back from the refund. The total profits from this one sale are
3.-$G Imagine ha!ing 4 listings of this per day, youll be making
insane money. &hile this may seem complicated from this long eBook,
I was "ust trying to go in depth. This whole process should take less than .$
minutes per product and is well worth the return.
T&ank you 'or (uyin) my e*ook+

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