China SUV Industry 2014

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China SUV Industry 2014

China SUV Industry 2014

Published by : Sino Market Insight
Published : Feb-2010
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According to Sino Market Insights China SUV Industry Report, 2014, the SUV arket is
e!pected to aintain rapid gro"th o#er the ne!t $i#e years, and sa%es #o%ue "i%% reach &'(1
i%%ion in 201)'

In 201*, Chinese auto+o,i%e arket achie#ed higher+than+e!pected gro"th, o$ "hich,
output increased ,y 14')2- .o. to 22'1* i%%ion and sa%es #o%ue rose 1*'(4- .o. to
21'(( i%%ion' /assenger car arket gre" $aster than the o#era%% autooti#e industry, "ith
output and sa%es #o%ue up 10'4(- and 11'&1- .o. to 1)'0) i%%ion and 1&'(* i%%ion,
respecti#e%y' As the current arket has a %arge ,ase, Chinas passenger car arket gro"th
rate in the ne!t $i#e years "i%% ,e reduced to a,out 10-'
In 201* Chinese SUV arket sa" $ast de#e%opent, "ith gro"th rate uch higher than the
o#era%% car arket as "e%% as passenger car arket, o$ "hich, output e!ceeded three i%%ion,
a year+on+year increase o$ ore than 10-2 sa%es #o%ue 3uped 4('1&- .o. to 2'((
i%%ion' 4ecause o$ sporty appearance, %arger space and stronger dynaics, SUV has
,ecoe ore popu%ar aong Chinese custoers'

SUV arket o#er the ne!t $i#e years is e!pected to aintain rapid gro"th2 sa%es #o%ue "i%%
hit &'(1 i%%ion in 201), "ith proportion in the passenger car arket up to 2&')*- $ro
10'0&- in 201*'
5his report ain%y contains si! chapters and (1 charts, co#ering Chinas o#era%% auto+o,i%e
industry o#er#ie", SUV arket industry o#er#ie", sa%es ranking, po"er train atching and other
data, as "e%% as industria% pro$i%e and copetition pattern o$ SUV arket segents 6A0 c%ass and
,e%o", A c%ass, 4 c%ass, C c%ass and a,o#e7, SUV production 8 sa%es, ain ode%s supporting
and production ,ases o$ 12 a3or anu$acturers, etc'
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Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1. Macro-economic Environment in China, 2011-2013
1'1 <=/
1'2 Industria% Added Va%ue
1'* >i!ed In#estent
1'4 Iport 8 ?!port
1'1 <ross Retai% Sa%es

2. Definition and Cassification of !"# in China
2'1 =e$inition and C%assi$ication
2'1'1 =e$inition
2'1'2 C%assi$ication
2'2 Industry /o%icy
2'2'1 Autoo,i%e Consuption 5a! Rate

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
2'2'2 Regu%ation on the Adinistration o$ Reca%% o$ =e$ecti#e Auto /roducts
2'2'* Measures $or Coputing the A#erage >ue% Consuption o$ /assenger Car ?nterprises
2'2'4 /ro#isions on the Standards $or Copu%sory Retireent o$ Motor Vehic%es
3. Passen$er Car Mar%et in China
*'1 @utput and Sa%es <ro"th 4reak 11-
*'2 ?!ports S%o" do"n, Iports <ro" >ast
*'2'1 ?!ports >a%% (- .o.
*'2'2 Iports Rise o#er 11- .o.
&. !"# Mar%et
4'1 @utput <ro"th 4reak 10-

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
4'2 Sa%%+disp%aceent Mode%s Acce%erate Iport <ro"th
4'* /o"ertrain Matching
4'4 Copetition /attern
4'4'1 <reat Aa%% Motor Ranks >irst in Sa%es
4'4'2 <reat Aa%% Ba#a% B0 4ecoes 4estse%%er
4'4'* Coca% SUV Copetiti#eness ?nhanced

'. !"# Mar%et !e$ments
1'1 A0+c%ass
1'1'1 Market /ro$i%e
1'1'2 Copetition /attern
1'2 A+c%ass
1'2'1 Market /ro$i%e

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
1'2'2 Copetition /attern
1'* 4+c%ass
1'*'1 Market /ro$i%e
1'*'2 Copetition /attern
1'4 C+c%ass and A,o#e
1'4'1 Market /ro$i%e
1'4'2 Copetition /attern

(. )e* Com+anies
0'1 <reat Aa%% Motor
0'1'1 /ro$i%e
0'1'2 Dey >inancia% =ata
0'1'* Re#enue Structure

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
0'1'4 @utput and Sa%es Vo%ue o$ SUV
0'1'1 Main Mode%s and Supporting Re%ationship
0'1'0 /roduction 4ase
0'1'& B) Caunch /ostponed
0'2 Shanghai Vo%ks"agen
0'2'1 /ro$i%e
0'2'2 Dey >inancia% =ata
0'2'* @utput and Sa%es Vo%ue o$ SUV
0'2'4 Main Mode%s and Supporting Re%ationship
0'2'1 /roduction 4ase
0'* >AA+Vo%ks"agen
0'*'1 /ro$i%e

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
0'*'2 @utput and Sa%es Vo%ue o$ SUV
0'*'* Main Mode%s and Supporting Re%ationship
0'*'4 /roduction 4ase
0'4 4.=
0'4'1 /ro$i%e
0'4'2 Dey >inancia% =ata
0'4'* Re#enue Structure
0'4'4 @utput and Sa%es Vo%ue o$ SUV
0'4'1 Main Mode%s and Supporting Re%ationship
0'4'0 /roduction 4ase
0'1 =ong$eng .ueda DIA
0'1'1 /ro$i%e
0'1'2 @utput and Sa%es Vo%ue o$ SUV

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
0'1'* Main Mode%s and Supporting Re%ationship
0'1'4 /roduction 4ase
0'0 Chery
0'0'1 /ro$i%e
0'0'2 @utput and Sa%es Vo%ue o$ SUV
0'0'* Main Mode%s and Supporting Re%ationship
0'0'4 /roduction 4ase
0'& 4ei3ing Byundai
0'&'1 /ro$i%e
0'&'2 @utput and Sa%es Vo%ue o$ SUV
0'&'* Main Mode%s and Supporting Re%ationship
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List Of Figures
List Of Figures
SUV C%assi$ication and Criteria
Autoo,i%e Consuption 5a! Rate Schedu%e
Chinas /assenger Car /roduction and Sa%es, 200(+201)?
Chinas /assenger Car /roduction ,y 5ype, 200)+201*
Chinas /assenger Car Sa%es ,y 5ype, 200)+201*
Chinas /assenger Car ?!ports, 200&+201*
Chinas /assenger Car Iports, 200&+201*
Chinas SUV /roduction and Sa%es, 200(+201)?
Chinas SUV Iports, 200&+201*
Chinas SUV Iport Structure, 2012
/roportion o$ 2'0C and ,e%o" SUV Iports, 2011+201*
Chinas SUV ?!ports, 200&+201*
/o"er train Matching Re%ationship ,et"een Chinas Main SUV Manu$acturers

List Of Figures
List Of Figures
SUV Market Share o$ <reat Aa%% Motors, 200)+201*
Chinas 5op10 Mainstrea SUV Manu$acturers, 2012+201*
Chinas 5op20 4est+se%%ing SUV Mode%s, 2011+201*
Chinas SUV Market Share ,y Series, 2012+201*
Chinas SUV Market Structure ,y C%ass, 201*
Chinas A0+c%ass SUV /roduction and Sa%es, 2001+201*
Main A0 and 4e%o" SUV Mode%s on the Chinese Market, 201*
Chinas A+c%ass SUV /roduction and Sa%es, 2001+201*
Main A+c%ass SUV Mode%s on the Chinese Market, 201*
Chinas 4+c%ass SUV /roduction and Sa%es, 2001+201*
Main 4+c%ass SUV Mode%s on the Chinese Market, 201*
Chinas C+c%ass SUV /roduction and Sa%es, 2001+201*

List Of Figures and Similar Market Studies
List Of Figures and Similar Market Studies
Re#enue 4reakdo"n o$ <reat Aa%% Motors ,y /roduct, 2012
Re#enue 4reakdo"n o$ <reat Aa%% Motors ,y Region, 2012
SUV @utput o$ <reat Aa%% Motors, 200)+201*
SUV Sa%es Vo%ue o$ <reat Aa%% Motors, 200)+201*
!imiar Mar%et !tudies

<%o,a% Rupture =isc Market 2014+201)

<%o,a% Autooti#e Airing Barness Market 2014+201)

<%o,a% Rai% Cogistics Market 2014+201)

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