The SUV market in China is expected to maintain rapid growth over the next five years, with sales revenue reaching 181 billion yuan in 2019. In 2014, China's SUV market saw fast development, with growth rates much higher than the overall car market as well as passenger car market. Output exceeded 3 million, a year-on-year increase of more than 20%. Because of sporty appearance, larger space and stronger dynamics, SUV has become more popular among Chinese customers. The report contains six chapters covering China's overall automotive industry overview, SUV market industry overview, sales ranking, powertrain matching and other data. It also includes industrial profiles and competition patterns of SUV market segments.
The SUV market in China is expected to maintain rapid growth over the next five years, with sales revenue reaching 181 billion yuan in 2019. In 2014, China's SUV market saw fast development, with growth rates much higher than the overall car market as well as passenger car market. Output exceeded 3 million, a year-on-year increase of more than 20%. Because of sporty appearance, larger space and stronger dynamics, SUV has become more popular among Chinese customers. The report contains six chapters covering China's overall automotive industry overview, SUV market industry overview, sales ranking, powertrain matching and other data. It also includes industrial profiles and competition patterns of SUV market segments.
The SUV market in China is expected to maintain rapid growth over the next five years, with sales revenue reaching 181 billion yuan in 2019. In 2014, China's SUV market saw fast development, with growth rates much higher than the overall car market as well as passenger car market. Output exceeded 3 million, a year-on-year increase of more than 20%. Because of sporty appearance, larger space and stronger dynamics, SUV has become more popular among Chinese customers. The report contains six chapters covering China's overall automotive industry overview, SUV market industry overview, sales ranking, powertrain matching and other data. It also includes industrial profiles and competition patterns of SUV market segments.
The SUV market in China is expected to maintain rapid growth over the next five years, with sales revenue reaching 181 billion yuan in 2019. In 2014, China's SUV market saw fast development, with growth rates much higher than the overall car market as well as passenger car market. Output exceeded 3 million, a year-on-year increase of more than 20%. Because of sporty appearance, larger space and stronger dynamics, SUV has become more popular among Chinese customers. The report contains six chapters covering China's overall automotive industry overview, SUV market industry overview, sales ranking, powertrain matching and other data. It also includes industrial profiles and competition patterns of SUV market segments.
Published by : Sino Market Insight Published : Feb-2010 Single User License : US $1!! Multi User License : US $2!!! Direct: +1 (617) 674-4143 Toll Free: +1 (855) 711-1555 Fax: +1 (855) 550-5975 sales@researchbea!co
Overview Overview According to Sino Market Insights China SUV Industry Report, 2014, the SUV arket is e!pected to aintain rapid gro"th o#er the ne!t $i#e years, and sa%es #o%ue "i%% reach &'(1 i%%ion in 201)'
In 201*, Chinese auto+o,i%e arket achie#ed higher+than+e!pected gro"th, o$ "hich, output increased ,y 14')2- .o. to 22'1* i%%ion and sa%es #o%ue rose 1*'(4- .o. to 21'(( i%%ion' /assenger car arket gre" $aster than the o#era%% autooti#e industry, "ith output and sa%es #o%ue up 10'4(- and 11'&1- .o. to 1)'0) i%%ion and 1&'(* i%%ion, respecti#e%y' As the current arket has a %arge ,ase, Chinas passenger car arket gro"th rate in the ne!t $i#e years "i%% ,e reduced to a,out 10-' In 201* Chinese SUV arket sa" $ast de#e%opent, "ith gro"th rate uch higher than the o#era%% car arket as "e%% as passenger car arket, o$ "hich, output e!ceeded three i%%ion, a year+on+year increase o$ ore than 10-2 sa%es #o%ue 3uped 4('1&- .o. to 2'(( i%%ion' 4ecause o$ sporty appearance, %arger space and stronger dynaics, SUV has ,ecoe ore popu%ar aong Chinese custoers'
Overview Overview SUV arket o#er the ne!t $i#e years is e!pected to aintain rapid gro"th2 sa%es #o%ue "i%% hit &'(1 i%%ion in 201), "ith proportion in the passenger car arket up to 2&')*- $ro 10'0&- in 201*' 5his report ain%y contains si! chapters and (1 charts, co#ering Chinas o#era%% auto+o,i%e industry o#er#ie", SUV arket industry o#er#ie", sa%es ranking, po"er train atching and other data, as "e%% as industria% pro$i%e and copetition pattern o$ SUV arket segents 6A0 c%ass and ,e%o", A c%ass, 4 c%ass, C c%ass and a,o#e7, SUV production 8 sa%es, ain ode%s supporting and production ,ases o$ 12 a3or anu$acturers, etc' Purchase Now : http9::"""'research,ea'co:china+SUV+arket:purchase+en;uiry
Table of Contents Table of Contents 1. Macro-economic Environment in China, 2011-2013 1'1 <=/ 1'2 Industria% Added Va%ue 1'* >i!ed In#estent 1'4 Iport 8 ?!port 1'1 <ross Retai% Sa%es
2. Definition and Cassification of !"# in China 2'1 =e$inition and C%assi$ication 2'1'1 =e$inition 2'1'2 C%assi$ication 2'2 Industry /o%icy 2'2'1 Autoo,i%e Consuption 5a! Rate
Table of Contents Table of Contents 2'2'2 Regu%ation on the Adinistration o$ Reca%% o$ =e$ecti#e Auto /roducts 2'2'* Measures $or Coputing the A#erage >ue% Consuption o$ /assenger Car ?nterprises 2'2'4 /ro#isions on the Standards $or Copu%sory Retireent o$ Motor Vehic%es 3. Passen$er Car Mar%et in China *'1 @utput and Sa%es <ro"th 4reak 11- *'2 ?!ports S%o" do"n, Iports <ro" >ast *'2'1 ?!ports >a%% (- .o. *'2'2 Iports Rise o#er 11- .o. &. !"# Mar%et 4'1 @utput <ro"th 4reak 10-
Table of Contents Table of Contents 4'2 Sa%%+disp%aceent Mode%s Acce%erate Iport <ro"th 4'* /o"ertrain Matching 4'4 Copetition /attern 4'4'1 <reat Aa%% Motor Ranks >irst in Sa%es 4'4'2 <reat Aa%% Ba#a% B0 4ecoes 4estse%%er 4'4'* Coca% SUV Copetiti#eness ?nhanced
Table of Contents Table of Contents 0'1'4 @utput and Sa%es Vo%ue o$ SUV 0'1'1 Main Mode%s and Supporting Re%ationship 0'1'0 /roduction 4ase 0'1'& B) Caunch /ostponed 0'2 Shanghai Vo%ks"agen 0'2'1 /ro$i%e 0'2'2 Dey >inancia% =ata 0'2'* @utput and Sa%es Vo%ue o$ SUV 0'2'4 Main Mode%s and Supporting Re%ationship 0'2'1 /roduction 4ase 0'* >AA+Vo%ks"agen 0'*'1 /ro$i%e
Table of Contents Table of Contents 0'*'2 @utput and Sa%es Vo%ue o$ SUV 0'*'* Main Mode%s and Supporting Re%ationship 0'*'4 /roduction 4ase 0'4 4.= 0'4'1 /ro$i%e 0'4'2 Dey >inancia% =ata 0'4'* Re#enue Structure 0'4'4 @utput and Sa%es Vo%ue o$ SUV 0'4'1 Main Mode%s and Supporting Re%ationship 0'4'0 /roduction 4ase 0'1 =ong$eng .ueda DIA 0'1'1 /ro$i%e 0'1'2 @utput and Sa%es Vo%ue o$ SUV
Table of Contents Table of Contents 0'1'* Main Mode%s and Supporting Re%ationship 0'1'4 /roduction 4ase 0'0 Chery 0'0'1 /ro$i%e 0'0'2 @utput and Sa%es Vo%ue o$ SUV 0'0'* Main Mode%s and Supporting Re%ationship 0'0'4 /roduction 4ase 0'& 4ei3ing Byundai 0'&'1 /ro$i%e 0'&'2 @utput and Sa%es Vo%ue o$ SUV 0'&'* Main Mode%s and Supporting Re%ationship ,et Detais at9 http9::"""'research,ea'co:china+SUV+arket
List Of Figures List Of Figures SUV C%assi$ication and Criteria Autoo,i%e Consuption 5a! Rate Schedu%e Chinas /assenger Car /roduction and Sa%es, 200(+201)? Chinas /assenger Car /roduction ,y 5ype, 200)+201* Chinas /assenger Car Sa%es ,y 5ype, 200)+201* Chinas /assenger Car ?!ports, 200&+201* Chinas /assenger Car Iports, 200&+201* Chinas SUV /roduction and Sa%es, 200(+201)? Chinas SUV Iports, 200&+201* Chinas SUV Iport Structure, 2012 /roportion o$ 2'0C and ,e%o" SUV Iports, 2011+201* Chinas SUV ?!ports, 200&+201* /o"er train Matching Re%ationship ,et"een Chinas Main SUV Manu$acturers
List Of Figures List Of Figures SUV Market Share o$ <reat Aa%% Motors, 200)+201* Chinas 5op10 Mainstrea SUV Manu$acturers, 2012+201* Chinas 5op20 4est+se%%ing SUV Mode%s, 2011+201* Chinas SUV Market Share ,y Series, 2012+201* Chinas SUV Market Structure ,y C%ass, 201* Chinas A0+c%ass SUV /roduction and Sa%es, 2001+201* Main A0 and 4e%o" SUV Mode%s on the Chinese Market, 201* Chinas A+c%ass SUV /roduction and Sa%es, 2001+201* Main A+c%ass SUV Mode%s on the Chinese Market, 201* Chinas 4+c%ass SUV /roduction and Sa%es, 2001+201* Main 4+c%ass SUV Mode%s on the Chinese Market, 201* Chinas C+c%ass SUV /roduction and Sa%es, 2001+201*
List Of Figures and Similar Market Studies List Of Figures and Similar Market Studies Re#enue 4reakdo"n o$ <reat Aa%% Motors ,y /roduct, 2012 Re#enue 4reakdo"n o$ <reat Aa%% Motors ,y Region, 2012 SUV @utput o$ <reat Aa%% Motors, 200)+201* SUV Sa%es Vo%ue o$ <reat Aa%% Motors, 200)+201* !imiar Mar%et !tudies
<%o,a% Rupture =isc Market 2014+201)
<%o,a% Autooti#e Airing Barness Market 2014+201)
<%o,a% Rai% Cogistics Market 2014+201)
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