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Berkeley: Berkeley United Methodist Church

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Members of the Congregation
Rev. Jeanne Devine
[email protected]
Pastoral Intern
Mark Horner
[email protected]

Director of Music
Vikki Schwarz
[email protected]
Tyler Mabry
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant
Liz Smith
[email protected]
Youth Director
Devan Gartman
[email protected]

Childcare Director
Allison McGillicuddy
[email protected]
Berkeley United Methodist Church
July 2014
Pastors Perspective

Annual Conference Highlights
Berkeleys connection to people and events at the annual
conference session, June 12-14 in Corpus Christi, stood out to me in
many ways. The most visible moment was the Retirement
Recognition service, when retiring Rev. Pat Thomas (Berkeleys
associate pastor in 2003) passed the mantle of leadership to Rev.
Lizzie Wright (Berkeleys pastoral intern and youth director a decade
ago). This ritual recalls the experience of the elder prophet Elijah and
his younger successor, Elisha, recounted in 2 Kings 2:9-14.
Concluding the conference session was the service of Ordination
and Commissioning, including candidates from both Southwest
Texas and Rio Grande Conferences. Bishop Dorff ordained fourteen
new elders, including Lizzie Wright.
Carolyn Brown represented Berkeley ably and diligently,
especially because of her fluency in both English and
Spanish. Berkeley was again recognized as a Five-Star Church,
Advancing Hope in Christs Name, for our support beyond the
local church in the mission outreach of the United Methodist
Church. It was a pleasure to see our missionary, Becky Harrell, and
learn about the ongoing opportunities for service, short and long
term, through our General Board of Global Ministries.
This year was the last gathering of the Southwest Texas Annual
Conference. As of January 1, 2015, we will unite with the Rio Grande
Conference to become the Rio Texas Conference. It is time, indeed
past time, for United Methodists to come together in our common
work for Gods kingdom. We sat together as part of our Capital
District (as the Austin District will become). We prayed together in
two languages in worship. We are getting acquainted as brothers and
sisters in Christ. I thank God for being part of the Church in this

Jeanne Devine

Poetry Writing Group,
Committee Meetings, Fellowship,
And Independence Day!

7/1 Jeff Schultz
7/2 James Hamilton
7/4 Patti Schultz
7/6 Louis Thigpen
7/7 Skip Kolter
7/8 Adam Wenzel
7/9 Jackie Goerke
7/9 Barbara Lupo
7/11 Latasha Johnson
7/12 Margaret Whitaker
7/13 Hugh Moore
7/18 Charles Hempel
7/23 Logan Bradshaw
7/27 Susan Curtis
7/29 Jenette Hamilton
7/31 Sue Bordovsky
7/31 Debbie Brand

7/5 Matt & Amanda Potts
7/16 Cameron & Stacy
Berkeley Buzz, July 2014, Page 2
Poetry Writing Group
Please join us the first Tuesday of every
month in Room 9.
For more information please phone
Barrett Renfro at 512-541-4409
End of Summer Ice Cream Social & Sing-A-Long!
Do you enjoy eating ice cream AND singing old fa-
vorite hymns? Mark your calendars now for
Wednesday, August 13, 6:30pm for this church-
wide, all ages event to welcome our older neighbors
from Englewood Retirement Estates, Elmcroft As-
sisted Living, as well as others. Please plan to join
Pastor on Vacation
Rev. Devine will be on vacation July 15-26. Contact Pastoral
Intern Mark Horner during that time at 615-483-0905.
Church Office Hours
From June 30 to July 18 the church office will be open Monday
through Thursday from 9am 12noon. Thanks to Phoebe
Newberry for filling in for our vacationing administrative as-
sistant, Liz Smith.

Submitted by Ginger Wahlers
"There are three kinds of groups:
Those that make things happen,
Those that wait for things to happen,
Those that wonder what happened.
We must do the things we think we cannot do. The future belongs to those who believe in the
beauty of their dreams.
Eleanor Roosevelt
Here are some things you can and do make happen at Berkeley:
Work Corner Ministry
The Outreach Ministry hosted a meeting to discuss the Work Corner in June. The general consensus
supported that the Work Corner continue in its current capacity with only a few minor changes. Every Sun-
day, teams take a cooked breakfast from the church to serve to downtown neighbors. If you are interested in
volunteering to help in any way, your help is always welcome and you can indicate your interest by contacting
Ginger Wahlers at 512-786-0001.
St. Louise House Summer Cookout
Every July, our Outreach Ministry Team sponsors an Independence Day picnic for the mothers and chil-
dren of St. Louise House nearby. This year the St. Louise House Summer cookout will be held on Thursday,
July 10. Over the past two years, the Outreach Ministry has appreciated your help with, and contributions to,
the cook-out, and will once again call upon your generosity for donations and volunteers for this event. If you
would like to help with setup, serving or cleanup, look for sign-up sheets in the narthex, or contact Ginger
Wahlers at 512-786-0001 or via email at [email protected].

Outreach Highlight of the Month

FreeStore Mission: We believe that in God's world there is enough for all people, and extend that abundance by freely
giving clothing and household goods to all who come through the FreeStore doors. Through this tangible grace, we affirm
the self-worth of every person by creating opportunities for all people to live in community with one another.

FreeStore Outcomes: We believe the FreeStore has the power to change the world--or at least our corner of it! By inten-
tionally gathering people who need and people who need to give, we are creating unique opportunities for capacity and
community building. When we expand opportunity for people and their families, we foster an opportunity for deep change.

Have you had an opportunity to visit the Austin District UMC FreeStore, 1717 E. 12th Street? To volunteer, donate, or
learn more, please visit http://www.freestoreaustin.org/
Berkeley Buzz, July 2014, Page 3

Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand. - Mother Teresa
Host a Christian High School Exchange Student
Christian volunteers, with or without children at home, are needed to host Christian international high school
students for the 2014-2015 school year. The students speak English, are covered by medical insurance,
have spending money for their personal expenses, and hope to arrive in AUGUST for enrollment in their new
high school. For more information, please contact Yvette at SHARE! : 800-941-3738,
[email protected], or visit sharesouthwest.org.
Book Review: At the Edge of the Village by Lisa Leidenfrost
--submitted by Kathy Beth Stavinoha

All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in for-
eign languages as the Spirit gave them that ability. --Acts 2:4

On Pentecost Sunday Pastor Jeanne mentioned the Wycliffe Bible trans-
lators who translate the Bible into the native languages of many peoples.
I am privileged to know Csaba Leidenfrost, a missionary who, with his
wife and children, have dedicated their lives to serving God in such
Csaba (pronounced Chawba), whose parents were Christian missionaries, lived in Liberia at
the same time I did but was in the class behind mine. Csaba and his wife Lisa moved to the
French speaking West African nation of Ivory Coast with their two young children. His wife,
Lisa, wrote this book Im reviewing.
After spending several months in Abidjan, they relocated to the Bakw area of the country.
First, however, Csaba and a fellow missionary went to the Bakw to see if translation was
needed and wanted (yes to both questions!). After building their home, the Leidenfrosts needed
to learn Bakw, a language never before put into written form. Language, as the chapters illus-
trate, is so much more than words. It is facial expressions, tone of voice, culture and custom.
Reading the Bible can be confusing. Some passages require lots of study, discussion and
thought. When Csaba discussed Mark 12:18-23 with Alexis (their local translator), Alexis said
they couldnt translate that as the Bakw would consider it sorcery. Csaba pointed out no one
could change what the Bible says. Alexis said, This translation business really makes you think
till it hurts.
The book is a fascinating look at life so different from our own. They dealt with driver ants
and mice, trying to grow vegetables not native to the area, homeschooling children, learning
what behavior is considered offensive, and showing and sharing Christ throughout each experi-
Lisas description of the Bakws reaction of hearing the Gospel of Mark being read for the
first time in their language gave me chills. After Alexis read the rough draft, everyone wanted a
copy. Alexis explained that they had to wait as it wasnt yet finished. They replied, No, we
dont want to wait. Give us that book!
This is a wonderful book which Im glad to lend to anyone who wishes to read it. To learn
more about the Bakw and the Leidenfrosts, visit http://bakwe.christkirk.com/.

Book Reviews
Berkeley Buzz, July 2014, Page 4
Submitted by Rachel Trudell
The gospel accounts of Jesus' life reflect a life lived on purpose. Wherever He went, whatever He
did, nothing kept Him from fulfilling God's purposes in each setting. He focused on God's vision
for the world and God's purpose for His life. As God sent Him, Jesus sends His disciples. He
sends us in the power of the Holy Spirit to reveal the Father's love and salvation wherever we go.
Where is He sending you today?
As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world "John 17:18
Prayer: Jesus, who are You sending me to today? Family members, friends, coworkers, people in
my community, fellow believers? Focus me on the Father's vision and purpose as I move into my
day. May I single heartedly serve Him in the power of the Spirit, just as You did. In Your name I
pray, amen.

Berkeley Buzz, July 2014, Page 5
"The tunnel of conflict is the passageway to intimacy in any relationship. Until you care enough to confront and resolve the underlying
barriers, you will never grow close to each other." - Rick Warren, Purpose Driven Life
And a thank you from Linnea Kraemer regarding her
Piano & Harp Recital held at our church in June:
Dear BUMC,
Thank you for allowing us to hold our spring recital at your venue.
The facility was perfect for the event and many happy students
shared their harp and piano music with a delighted audience.

Thank you!
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
7pm Poetry Writ-
ing Group (9)

5:30pm St.
Louise House

5:30pm Amen
Austin! Church
6 Communion
4pm Tai Chi (FH)
5pm Youth Fellow-
ship @ Manchaca
5pm Covenant
Group (9)
10am Womens
Group (7)

5:30pm Prime
Timers (FH)
7pm Worship
Meeting (Sanc)
9:30am UMW
Women in Action
Circle (FH)
5:30pm St.
Louise House
(CLC) Picnic

5:30pm Amen
Austin! Church
12pm Youth Fel-
lowship (FH)
4pm Tai Chi (FH)
5pm Covenant
Group (9)
10am Womens
Group (7)

7pm Intern
Support Com-
5:30pm St.
Louise House
18 19
7:30am UMW
Women in Grace
Circle (FH)
10:30am UMW
5:30pm Amen Aus-
tin! Church (FH)
12pm Youth Fel-
lowship (FH)
4pm Tai Chi (FH)
5pm Covenant
Group (9)

10am Womens
Group (7)


23 24
5:30pm St.
Louise House
25 26
7:28am UMM
Breakfast (FH)
9am Trustees
Committee (9)
5:30pm Amen
Austin! Church
12pm Youth Fel-
lowship (FH)
4pm Tai Chi (FH)
5pm Covenant
Group (9)

10am Womens
Group (7)
6:45pm Girl
Scouts Executive
Committee (FH)
7pm SPRC (7)
7pm Church
Council (FH)
30 31
5:30pm St.
Louise House

July 2014
Berkeley Buzz, July 2014, Page 6
Pastor Jeanne on Vacation
Pastor Jeanne on Vacation
2407 Berkeley Ave.
Austin, TX. 78745
[email protected]

Composting at Berkeley
Submitted by Susan Curtis
Did you know that Berkeley has a compost bin? Its located at the back of the
CLC building, near the kitchen door. We encourage folks who prepare and serve
food in the CLC to contribute the food scraps to the compost when you clean
up the kitchen. We accept all food waste except meats, cheeses and food with
oily or buttery sauces, because these attract unwanted pests. We also encour-
age church members to bring this sort of compost from home to add to the bin.
When you add garden waste or scraps of food to the compost, please use the garden fork inside the bin to stir things
up a bit after you put your contribution in. Then be sure to close the lid so the compost stays in and the critters like
cats and raccoons stay out!
Monthly Income $ 21,292
Monthly Expenses $ 21,777
Year-to-Date Income $ 123,364
Year-to-Date Expenses $ 115,158
Gifts as of May 31
May 2014 YTD 2013
Worship 114 125 113
30 35 32
Average Attendance

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