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Please cite this paper as:

Gatti, S. (2013), Government and Market-based Instruments

and Incentives to Stimulate Long-term Investment Finance in
Infrastructure, OECD Working Papers on Finance, Insurance
and Private Pensions, No.37, OECD Publishing.

By Stefano Gatti
Government and Market-based
Instruments and Incentives to
stimulate Long-term
Investment Finance in


OECD Working Papers on Finance, Insurance and Private Pensions provide timely analysis and
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OECD 2013
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This report presents an overview of the main types of government (i.e. public) and market (i.e.
private) based instruments and incentives able to boost the mobilisation of financial resources to long-term
investment. The focus is on public assistance to private investors in infrastructure and on the development
of new instruments and techniques that financial markets have developed in response to the recent financial
and sovereign debt crisis. The report outlines the typical characteristics of infrastructure as an alternative
asset class for private investors and focuses on the riskiness of infrastructure projects from a financial
investors standpoint. When an acceptable risk/return profile cannot be reached, some form of public
intervention is needed to leverage private capital intervention. This public intervention refers obviously,
but is not limited to, provision of financial back up and support that can take many alternative forms.
JEL Classification: D23; H40; L90; O40; Q48.
Keywords: Infrastructure; growth; Long term investments ; institutional investors ; investment incentives;

Ce rapport prsente un tour dhorizon des principales catgories dinstruments et dincitations des
pouvoirs publics (autrement dit publics) et du march (autrement dit privs) de nature stimuler une
mobilisation des ressources financires en faveur de linvestissement long terme. Il sintresse
principalement laide apporte par la puissance publique aux agents conomiques privs qui investissent
dans les infrastructures et au dveloppement des nouveaux instruments et techniques que les marchs de
capitaux ont mis au point en rponse la rcente crise financire et de la dette souveraine. Ce rapport met
en vidence les caractristiques classiques que revtent les infrastructures en tant que catgorie alternative
dactifs la disposition des investisseurs privs et est ax sur le risque inhrent aux projets dinfrastructure
du point de vue des investisseurs financiers. Lorsquil nest pas possible dobtenir un rapport
risque/rendement acceptable, une forme ou une autre dintervention publique est indispensable pour
stimuler lintervention des marchs de capitaux privs. Cette intervention des pouvoirs publics fait
lvidence rfrence mais pas seulement lapport dun soutien financier qui peut prendre des formes
nombreuses et diverses.
Classification JEL : D23; H40 ; L90 ; O40 ; Q48.
Mots cls : Infrastructure ; croissance ; investissements long terme ; investisseurs institutionnels ;
incitations en faveur de linvestissement ; rglementation

LONG-TERM INVESTMENT FINANCE IN INFRASTRUCTURE ........................................................... 5
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................................. 5
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 7
2. Project Finance, PPPs, Infrastructure financing and investing .............................................................. 10
2.1 Public Private Partnerships (PPPs) ................................................................................................... 13
2.2. The risk profile in infrastructure projects ........................................................................................ 16
3. Infrastructure and private investors ...................................................................................................... 20
3.1 Recent trends in infrastructure investing .......................................................................................... 21
3.2 Barriers to private investment in infrastructure ................................................................................ 35
3.3 The role of the public sector in subsidising private intervention in infrastructure and Instruments
and incentives for stimulating the financing of Infrastructure ............................................................... 37
Conclusions ................................................................................................................................................ 40
APPENDIX 1: MAIN PPP CONTRACTUAL SCHEMES .......................................................................... 42
REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................................. 46
WORKING PAPERS PUBLISHED TO DATE ........................................................................................... 51

Table 1. A taxonomy of infrastructures ............................................................................................... 10
Table 2. Typical characteristics of infrastructure investments ............................................................ 20
Table 3. Project Finance Collateralised debt Obligations launched between 1998 and 2007 ............. 34

Figure 1. The Contractual Structure of a Project Finance Deal ............................................................ 11
Figure 2. Different alternatives available to public administration to procure goods and services ...... 14
Figure 3. Cash Flow Behaviour during the Infrastructure Life Cycle .................................................. 17
Figure 4. A possible map of risk allocation mechanisms in infrastructure investments ....................... 19
Figure 5. Global Infrastructure Fundraising ......................................................................................... 23
Figure 6. Amount and % composition of alternative investments by Top 100 Alternative Investments
Asset managers Worldwide ....................................................................................................................... 24
Figure 7. Direct Sovereign Wealth Funds' Investment Activity (2005-2012) Data in $ billion ........... 25
Figure 8. Trends of Project Finance Loans and Bonds (2007-2012) .................................................... 26
Figure 9. Trends of Project Finance Loans - Breakdown by geographical areas (2007-2012) ............. 27
Figure 10. Trends of project Finance Bonds - Breakdown by geographical areas (2007-2012) ........ 28
Figure 11. Trends of Project Finance Bonds - Breakdown by sector (2007-2012) ............................ 29
Figure 12. European Securitisation Issuance - Retained and placed deals (2002-2012) .................... 33


By Stefano Gatti

The focus of this report is the analysis of the main types of government (i.e. public) and market (i.e.
private) based instruments and incentives able to boost the mobilisation of financial resources to long-term
investment. The report presents an overview of the different types of public assistance to private investors
in infrastructure and of the new instruments and techniques that financial markets have developed in
response to the recent financial and sovereign debt crisis.
Infrastructure can become an alternative asset class for private investors provided that an acceptable
risk/return profile is offered . The private sector is able to internalize and manage some risk components,
other risk will need to be supported by public intervention in several alternative forms
The recent financial crisis and the spillover of the crisis to sovereign debt, the reforms of capital
requirements for banks and insurance companies and increased levels of market uncertainty have strongly
reduced the availability of public and private capital for infrastructure development in spite of the need to
revamp long-term investments worldwide. The infrastructure gap is relevant globally; yet, the capital
available to fill in the gap seems not enough.
If traditional public procurement and public spending for infrastructure seem unfeasible in the
medium to long term for reasons of inefficiency, resources misallocation and budgetary constraints, then
the problem becomes how to create institutional and market conditions able to attract private capital to a
greater extent and from investors other than the more traditional bank lenders and industrial developers.
Data indicate the existence of a large, funding potential among (traditional and non-traditional)
institutional investors available for infrastructure investments and the willingness especially of long-term
investors like insurance companies and pension funds to allocate more resources to this alternative asset
class. However, barriers to investments still exist.

This working paper was prepared by Stefano Gatti, Director of the BSc in Economics and Finance and Associate Professor of
Banking and Finance at Bocconi University, Italy. This report is published under the responsibility of the OECD
Secretary General. The views contained herein may not necessarily reflect those of the OECD Members. This research
was made possible thanks to the financial support of Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, Guggenheim Partners
and Oliver Wyman to the OECD long-term investment project (

From a policymakers point of view, this paper poses three trade-offs. The first is to strike a proper
balance between financial stability and the abundance of capital governments are looking for to boost
infrastructure investments. The second is the need to find an equilibrium between public assistance to
private investors and affordability issues/value for money in order to avoid excessive risk taking from the
public sector and subsequent moral hazard from the private sector. The final aspect to be solved is the
trade-off between a better and more stable institutional environment and the amount of money to make
available to support private intervention in infrastructure. The current debate has for the most part focused
on the second variable. Much more attention should be devoted to more general rules of the game/quality
of institutions issues.


1. Introduction
In periods of low growth, governments and policymakers show an increasing awareness of the need to
strengthen the infrastructure base as a catalyst for economic growth. Notwithstanding the difficulties of
capturing the precise effect of infrastructure development on macroeconomic growth, it is undeniable that
infrastructure is crucial to increase the productivity of labour and capital and the competitiveness and
growth of a country. Higher infrastructure spending triggers growth in the short and in the long run
. In the
short run because investments increase aggregate demand and activate the classic multiplying factors on
GDP. In the long run, because an efficient infrastructure system, particularly network infrastructures like
transport projects, put a country in the favourable position to be connected with important procurement
markets and with markets where to sell products and services.
According to the OECD, the total global infrastructure investment requirements by 2030 for transport,
electricity generation, transmission and distribution, water and telecommunications comes to $71tn. This
figure represents about 3.5% of the annual World GDP from 2007 to 2030
. Similar figures are reported by
McKinsey that, based on three alternative estimation methodologies, quantifies the infrastructure need to
2030 between $57 and $67tn excluding the needs for social infrastructure
The European Commission estimated that, by 2020, Europe will need between 1.5tn and 2tn of
infrastructure investments. In the time period between 2011 and 2020, about 500bn will be required for
the implementation of the Trans-European Transport Network (TEN-T) programme, 400bn for Energy
distribution networks and smart grids, 200bn on Energy transmission networks and storage and euro
500bn for the upgrade and construction of new power plants. An additional 38-58bn and 181-268bn
capital investment will be needed to achieve the targets decided by the European Commission for
broadband diffusion. It is important to remark that these figures do underestimate the real ones because
also in this case they do not take into account the financial need for the development of social

The situation is similar in the USA. On one side, the gross capital investment by the public sector has
fallen to 3.6% of US GDP compared with a post-war 5% average
. On the other side, this drop has caused
the emergence of a relevant infrastructure need. A recent report prepared by the Society of Civil Engineers

estimates a total current gap of $1.7tn, with an additional $3.6tn financial need by the end of 2020.
Europe and USA are facing severe constraints in terms of additional infrastructure spending. The
causes are linked to excessive public deficits and public debts that do not allow governments to increase

Scannapieco, D. (2010), New financial instruments in the long term of the European Union; equity, debt, guarantee
programs and project bonds, Long-Term Investors Conference, Rome; Douglas Sutherland, Sonia Araujo,
Balzs gert, Tomasz Kozluk (2009), Infrastructure Investment: Links to Growth and the Role of Public
Policies, OECD Economics Department Working Papers, No. 686, OECD Publishing.
OECD (2007), Infrastructure to 2030: Main findings and policy recommendations.
McKinsey Global Institute, Infrastructure Productivity. How to save $1 trillion a year, J anuary 2013.
European Commission (2011), Stakeholder Consultation Paper, Commission Staff Working Paper, on the Europe
2020 Project Bond Initiative, February.
Harding R., McGregor R. and Gabriel Muller (2014), US public investment falls to lowest level since war,,
November 4.
American Society of Civil Engineers (2013), 2013 Report Card of Americas Infrastructure, March.

their commitment for strengthening the capital base any longer. Furthermore, and as a direct consequence
of a higher sovereign risk of European peripheral countries, the US and European banking systems have
entered a period of restructuring and massive deleverage. The more stringent capitalisation rules imposed
by Basel III and the European Banking Authority and the need to reduce the risk of the asset base have
determined a retreat of the European banks also of those that were ranking high in the League Tables
from their traditional activity of project finance lending.
Furthermore, the framework of Solvency II for
insurance companies is not favourable to attract the investment of insurance companies in infrastructure.

While the figures of the infrastructure gap in Europe and USA are impressive on their own, it is
interesting to draw a parallel with the expected infrastructure spending in emerging markets. These
countries are involved in a massive development of basic infrastructure that is considered a prerequisite to
boost and stabilise economic growth. The lower level of public debt over GDP in these countries can
partially explain the remarkable difference of the trend in capital spending with Europe and USA.
From 1992 to 2011, China and other emerging economies have overtaken USA and Europe in terms
of weighted average infrastructure spending on GDP
and notwithstanding higher infrastructure
investments/GDP ratios; data indicate that from 2008 to 2017, infrastructure spending is expected to
remain very high, $9tn in China, $2.7tn in India, $2tn in Russia and $1tn in Brazil. A study of the Asian
Development Bank
points out that to sustain and implement the development of the Asian macroregion,
the funding need is approximately $8 trillion.
Traditionally, infrastructure investments have been financed with public funds. The public sector was
the main actor in this field, given the typical nature of public goods and the positive externalities generated
by such investments. However, public deficits, increased public debt to GDP ratios and, sometimes, the
inability of the public sector to deliver efficient investment spending and misallocations of resources due to
political interferences have led to a strong reduction of public capital committed to such investments. From
1980 to 2005, the OECD has estimated a fall of the average ratio of fixed investments to GDP from above
4% to about 3%.
In the past few years, the funding of infrastructure investment in projects characterised
by high specificity, low redeployable value and high intensity of capital has increasingly taken the form of
project finance. This technique has later emerged to be the financial solution also for infrastructure
involving public entities in the role of either regulator or counterparty (see Section 2). Project finance has
proved to be the most suitable financial technique able to attract private capital for infrastructure
investments. On the equity side, the bulk of financing has been provided by corporate sponsors and
developers. On the debt side, the prominent role has been played by bank syndicated loans. Looking back,
before mid-2000, the market for equity other than funds provided by project sponsors was almost
inexistent. On the debt side, project bonds were used, albeit not to a large extent, but they almost
disappeared after 2008 due to the series of downgrades suffered by the Monoline insurers that before the
demise of Lehman Brothers provided credit insurance to these capital markets debt instruments. The
collapse of the Monoline insurers has had the effect to reduce the potential amount of funds that
institutional investors could have committed to infrastructure investments.

In September 2013, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has released the results of the Monitoring Report
that indicate a capital shortage of euro 115bn to reach the minimum CET1 target of 7% for the major 100 banks
worldwide. Of this shortage, about euro 70bn refers to the European Banks included in the sample.
Standard and Poors (2013a), How to unlock long-term investment in EMEA infrastructure
McKinsey Global Institute (2013), Infrastructure Productivity. How to save $1 trillion a year, J anuary.
Asian Development Bank and Asian Development Banking Institute, (2009), Infrastructure for a seamless Asia.
OECD (2013), The role of banks, equity markets and institutional investors in long-term financing for growth and
development, February.

The massive liquidity injections that Central Banks have carried out between 2009 and 2012 in
response to the Lehman Brothers and European Sovereign Debt Crises have led to a compression of the
yields of debt capital market instruments. The search for yields by institutional investors has found a
possible solution in the investment in alternative asset classes like infrastructure (see Section 3.1). In this
sense, the financial markets have proven to be able to generate new tools to enable institutional investors,
who are traditionally unfamiliar with this asset class, to convey money to infrastructure. Data indicate that
the development of the market of equity investors interested in infrastructure is promising and that the
creation of a liquid market for project bonds can be a good solution to complement syndicated loans for
project finance. However, it is not only a matter of financial instruments and ability of capital markets to
invent new financing solutions. Infrastructures are very complex projects, characterised by risks inherent to
the initiative but also to the regulatory and institutional setting of every country, in particular if the public
sector is heavily involved in the project. The risk implied by political instability and interference of
political pressures on the regulatory schemes of some sectors where infrastructure is developed and
managed is clearly outside the control of the private sector. It is not credible to set up alternative financial
instruments if, as a preliminary and essential prerequisite, Governments do not reform the rules of the
game to attract private capital.
Clear and stable regulation, efficient procurement procedures, support to
projects in terms of certainty of timing. More than financial support, which is necessary only for social
infrastructure, investors look at these fundamental conditions when deciding in which jurisdiction to direct
their available resources.

This report presents an in depth overview of the main types of government (i.e. public) and market
(i.e. private) based instruments and incentives able to boost the mobilisation of financial resources to long-
term investment. Inevitably, any analysis of the public intervention aimed at increasing private
participation in infrastructure financing partially overlaps with the corresponding analysis of new
instruments and tools that financial markets are developing to attract capital from traditional and non-
traditional institutional investors with potentially longer-term orientation (life insurance companies,
pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, foundations). In this sense, the report outlines the typical
characteristics of infrastructure as an alternative asset class for private investors and focuses on the
riskiness of infrastructure projects from a financial investors standpoint. When an acceptable risk/return
profile cannot be reached, some form of public intervention is needed to leverage private capital
intervention. This public intervention refers obviously, but is not limited to, provision of financial back up
and support that can take many alternative forms.
The rest of the report is organised as follow. Section 2 analyses how infrastructure are financed by
private investors with project finance techniques, how the public sector can attract private capital in the
form of a Public Private Partnership (PPP) and the typical risk profile of an infrastructure from the private
investors standpoint. Section 3 presents an overview of the recent trends of infrastructure investing in the
forms of equity, debt and capital markets instruments. Attention is given to the new forms of debt
investment that the financial markets have developed in response to a higher appetite for infrastructure
investments coming from institutional investors. Section 3 includes an analysis of the existing barriers to
private capital investments and the role that the public sector can play in subsidising private intervention in
infrastructure. The final Section presents a summary and guidelines for policy makers.

I think Governments have to be focused on trying to reduce the idiosyncratic risk by the nature of the concessions
and the nature of the regulatory environment as much as they can [] The question is: Can you, in your
jurisdiction, compete for that capital effectively by reducing that idiosyncratic risk? Marc Wiseman,
President and CEO of the Canada Pension Plan Investment Board.
Hammami, M., J .-F. Ruhashyankiko and E.B. Yehoue, (2006), Determinants of Public-Private Partnerships in
Infrastructure, Washington, International Monetary Fund, Working Paper 06/99. Gatti, S., S. Kleimeier and
M. Percoco (2010), Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) - Contractual schemes, project financing and
institutional characteristics, SDA Bocconi School of Management, internal research report.

2. Project Finance, PPPs, Infrastructure financing and investing
Infrastructure is a term that includes a large number of projects, from physical capital like power
generation and transmission, water and sewerage, transportation and telecom to social infrastructure like
hospitals, schools, social housing and prisons. See table 1 for a possible taxonomy of infrastructure.
Table 1. A taxonomy of infrastructures
Sectors Examples
Power and energy Energy productions, power distribution
Water and sewerage Plants for management of the water cycle
Telecom Satellite communication networks
Highways, tunnels, bridges, light rails,
ports/harbours, airports
Social infrastructures Social Housing, Hospitals, prisons, schools
Traditionally, the intervention of private capital in infrastructure financing has been based on project
finance techniques. The public sector can be involved in this financial package in a number of roles and
with different functions (see Section 2.1), but the principles of risk analysis and risk management from the
point of view of the private sector remain unchanged.
Understanding how private investors approach infrastructure investing requires a preliminary analysis
of contractual structures used in private project finance and public-private partnerships (PPPs).
Investing in infrastructure is essentially a problem of risk analysis and risk mitigation. The analysis of
how these techniques work in standard market practice is essential to present, later in the report, how
financial markets have evolved in response to an increased demand for infrastructure investment by
institutional investors.
In a standard project finance deal, the shareholders of the infrastructure set up a project company as a
Special Purpose Vehicle (SPV) that becomes the centre of a complex network of contracts
. An example
is provided in Figure 1.

Bonetti, Veronica, Stefano Caselli and Stefano Gatti, 2010 Offtaking agreements and how they impact the cost of
funding for project finance deals: A clinical case study of the Quezon Power Ltd Co., Review of Financial
Economics, 9, 60-71. Dailami Mansoor and Robert Hauswald (2007). Credit spread determinants and
interlocking contracts: A study of the Ras Gas Project, J ournal of Financial Economics 86, 248-278

Figure 1. The Contractual Structure of a Project Finance Deal

The reason why this network is set up is that, in most cases, the SPV is a fictitious company,
created with the sole purpose to capture all the cash flows generated by a new venture. For this reason,
everything that is needed in order to design, build, manage and finance the project must be purchased by
third parties.
The upper part of Figure 1 shows the relation between the SPV, the host government and the parties
that finance the Vehicle (banks but also bondholders and sponsor firms) or insurance coverage against
The host government is the entity that can authorise the SPV to carry out the project with
authorisations and permits. Frequently, the private sector is authorised to operate the business based on a
long-term concession agreement as clarified in Section 2.1.

Banks provide funds on a limited or no-recourse basis and take security on all the project assets. It is
common that banks provide more tranches of funding for the project, similarly to what happens in other
structured finance transactions like LBOs or securitisation. The standard combination is the provision of a
base facility for the financing of the construction and start-up costs (including capitalised interests), of a
VAT-value added tax facility in countries where VAT is in place, of a stand-by facility covering financial

Vlil Timo (2005). How Expensive Are Cost Savings? On The Economics of Public-Private Partnership, in EIB
papers, vol. 10, n. 1, pp. 95-145.
Company (SPV)
Host Government
Host Government
Project finance
Concession Agreement
Equity and subordinated loan
Put or pay Contract Take or pay Contract
Insurance Package

needs once the base facility has been exhausted and finally a working capital facility for the day-by-day
needs once the construction has been completed
. In Section 3, we will see that the market for equity and
debt instruments dedicated to infrastructure is changing and that these new products are increasingly
attracting the interest of institutional investors.
Project sponsors provide equity to the SPV based on an equity contribution agreement. Frequently,
the funds are not provided upfront for the whole amount but in proportion to the selected debt/equity ratio
for the deal on a pro-rata basis. In addition to pure equity, project sponsors provide also subordinated loans
to the vehicle with the goal to avoid a possible dividend trap, particularly in the first years of operations
Regarding insurance coverage, it is an important contractual risk mitigation tool on a par with the
other key contracts depicted in the lower part of Figure 1. Banks require the coverage of some risks of the
SPV as a pre-condition for their debt financing. The different insurance products available on the market
are coordinated and linked to the project's contractual structure in order to protect the SPV against the risks
that none of the counterparties involved are able to control and manage.
The lower part of Figure 1 shows the key nonfinancial contracts (NFCs) underpinning the deal
Numerous NFCs can be drafted in a project finance deal
but four are particularly important to the
soundness of the venture. Construction contracts and engineering, procurement and construction (EPC)
contracts are closed on a turnkey basis to make plant and equipment available to the SPV, usually at
predefined prices, times of delivery, and standards of performance. These contractual features are useful to
shift the construction risk from the SPV to the contractor
. Purchasing agreements stipulated with raw
material suppliers guarantee input to the vehicle at predefined quantities, quality, and prices on a put-or-
pay basis, meaning that the supplier unconditionally guarantees the needed input or pays liquidated
damages to the vehicle. Selling agreements, often known as take-or-pay or off-taking agreements, enable
the SPV to sell part or all of its output to a third party (offtaker) that commits to buy unconditionally, again
at predefined prices and for a given period of time. In this way, market risk is shifted to a third party.
Operation and Maintenance (O&M) agreements are designed to provide the SPV with efficient and
effective plant maintenance, compliant with predefined service-level agreements, so to avoid operational
risk to the SPV.
It is important to note that in most project finance transactions, project sponsors are also contractual
counterparties of the SPV. This is perfectly natural if we consider that the primary interest of sponsors is to
appropriate the highest share of cash flows generated by the project. The combination of the shareholder
role and contractual counterparty role avoids opportunistic behaviour of project sponsors and limit agency

Gatti Stefano (2012), Project Finance in Theory and Practice, Academic Press, 2012; Finnerty, J ohn .D. 2007.
Project financing: asset-based financial engineering, 2nd edition. John Wiley & Sons, New York
Yescombe E.R. (2002). Principles of Project Finance, Academic Press, Amsterdam
Corielli F., Gatti S, Steffanoni A. (2010), "Risk Shifting through nonfinancial contracts. Effects on loan spreads and
capital structure of project finance deals", Journal of money, credit and banking, vol. 42, No. 7, 2010.
Esty, B.C., 2003. The economic motivations for using project finance. Working paper, Harvard Business School,
Blanc-Brude, Frederic, Hugh Goldsmith and Timo Valila. 2006. Ex ante construction costs in the European road
sector: a comparison of public-private partnerships and traditional public procurement, Economic and
Financial Report EIB, 01/2006, Luxembourg
Brealey, Richard A. Ian A. Cooper and Michel A. Habib. 1996. Using project finance to fund infrastructure
investments, in J ournal of Applied Corporate Finance 9, 25-38

2.1 Public Private Partnerships (PPPs)
Most of the infrastructures included in Table 1 involve the presence of, or the relation with, public
entities at the central of local level. In many cases, the public sector plays a regulatory role; in other cases
it can also provide financial assistance to private sponsors and investors. Broadly speaking, in these cases
project finance becomes a financing tool for a Public-private-partnership (PPP) that can be defined as
whatever contractual arrangement where the private sector provides public services based on a pre-agreed
risk and profit sharing with the public sector and where the public sector retains planning and control
functions and can also provide backup financial support to private investors or become the counterparty of
the private sector as a purchaser of the goods and/or services
. In this sense, a broad categorisation of
PPPs divides them in institutional PPPs, where the public sector becomes the equity partner of a group of
private developers, and contractual PPPs where the public sector simply retains a planning and regulatory
role with or without intervention in the project as a purchaser of the services.
From the point of view of the private investors, their involvement into the domain of public goods can
be imagined as a continuum shifting from full-public to full-private initiative. This shift is accompanied
1. A simultaneous increase in risks arising from the project and moved to the private sector;
2. The responsibility for provision of the financing, shifted from the public sector to the private
3. The governance and control of the project performance, that moves to the private sector.
Risks can be classified in different ways, but it is useful to resort to a well-established classification in
broad categories used by mandated lead arranging banks in project finance deals as clarified later in
Section 2.2. Figure 2 provides a map of the different alternatives available to the public administration to
procure goods and services. Figure 2 is based on broad categories while, appendix 1 reports the most
common contractual schemes falling into the category of PPPs.
At one extreme, we find simple O&M services (the O&M, DB and TK schemes of Appendix 1)
provided by the private sector where the ownership of the facilities remains to the public sector. Lease of
public goods by private counterparties is a possible alternative (like in the Lease-Purchase scheme of
Appendix 1). The only risk shifted to the private party is the operational risk, being the
construction/investment and commercial risks retained by the public sector. Moving on the right-hand side
of Figure 1, the private sector assumes more prominence in the design, construction and management of
the project.
If the public sector retains ownership of the facility, private counterparties can:
1. Rehabilitate an existing facility, manage and transfer it (the Wraparound addition of Appendix 1).
At least part of the construction risk is limited by the fact that the facility already exists.

Arajo, Sonia and Douglas Sutherland (2010), Public-Private Partnerships and Investment in Infrastructure,
OECD, Economics Department Working Papers, No. 803, OECD Publishing; OECD (2008), Public-
Private Partnerships: In Pursuit of Risk Sharing and Value for Money, OECD, Paris; Van Ham H.,
Koppenjan J., Building Public-Private Partnerships: assessing and managing risks in port development, in
Public Management Review, vol.3 n.4, pp.593-616, 2001; Osborne S.P., Public-Private Partnerships:
Theory and Practice in international Perspective, London, Routledge, 2000.

2. Design, build, operate and transfer the facility at no final indemnification for the public
administration (the BOT, DBO and BDO schemes in Appendix 1). Here, we are talking about
projects were the public administration plays the role of the exclusive buyer of the services
(commercial risk is absent or strongly limited by the purchase contract signed by the public
Figure 2. Different alternatives available to public administration to procure goods and services

Source: Adapted from European Commission (2003), Gruber (2003), de J ong et al. (2010)
A further shift on the right-hand side of Figure 1 shows contractual arrangements often in the form
of concession agreements where the ownership of the facility remains to the private sector
(BOOT/DBFO and BOO schemes, and temporary privatisation in Appendix 1). The private sector assumes
risks arising from the ownership of the facility
Furthermore, here we include concessions where the public sector is not the direct buyer of the
services and the private sector bears part or full commercial/market risk (like in the case of merchant
power plants).

Caselli et al. (2009) examine the case of the highways sector and of the possible mechanisms to set the
indemnification reimbursement by the public administration to the private partners at the end of the
concession period.
Dominant counterparty:
Public Sector
Dominant counterparty:
Private sector
Low or relatively low
Predominantly public
High or very high
Management of
public facilities by
private parties
Leasing agreements
Rehabilitationof existing
facilities, management and
Design, building, management
and transfer (service agreements
with the public administration)
Design, building, own,
and transfer
Merchant plants
Asset sales
Construction: Public
Investment: Public
Commercial: Public
Operation: Private
Construction: Public
Rehabilitation: Private
Commercial: Public/Private
Operation: Private
Construction: Private
Commercial: mainlyPrivate
Operation: Private
Investment: Private
Commercial: Public/Private
Operation: Private

At the extreme of the spectrum, we find the full exit of the public sector from the management of
businesses through asset sales/divestitures or privatisation processes. Here, the private sector gains full
control of the assets and is in charge of all the risks involved in the deal.

From the point of view of private investors, PPPs are different not only in terms of risks charged on
the private counterparty, but also in terms of financial aid that the public sector can provide to the
infrastructure financed by the private sector. By looking at Table 1, infrastructure can be split in three basic
1. Fully self-sustainable infrastructure: this group includes projects able to generate a stream of
revenues allowing the private sector to fully recover the cost of the investment during the
operational life of the project. Examples are projects in the power and energy sector from
conventional sources or highway projects where the volume of traffic is sufficiently high and
stable. In these cases, the public entity plays simply a regulatory and supervisory role without the
provision of any back up financial assistance.
2. Not financially sustainable infrastructure: this group typically involves social infrastructure
(hospitals, schools, prisons, social housing) where the public sector, in addition to a regulatory
and supervisory role, becomes the purchaser of the services, often on the basis of availability
periodic payments linked to predefined quality standards.
3. Partially self-sustainable infrastructure: this group includes infrastructure whose revenues come
from tariffs and similar charges paid by end users. However, for reasons of public welfare, the
private sector is not allowed to set the prices at a level that would make the project fully self-
sustainable. Examples are metropolitan light rails, railways, water and sewerage projects. In these
cases, the stream of revenues is not enough to repay the cost of the private investment. In order to
enhance the attractiveness of such infrastructure for the private investors, the public party
provides additional back up in the form of grants during the construction phase or other kind of
benefits like a tax relief during the operational phase or back up guarantee against disruptive risks
during the life of the project (see Section 3.3).
For many years, the PPP model has been considered the ideal solution for the public sector to
efficiently procure the availability of infrastructure benefiting from the know-how and the underlying
incentive schemes brought by the private parties. For the private sector, the possibility to rely upon a strong
public sector involvement and sometimes on some form of financial contribution has been seen as a strong
risk mitigant and a facilitating element to provide financing to infrastructure.
The most recent debate, however, has cast doubts on the effectiveness of this contractual formula and
on its promise to deliver efficient, high quality infrastructure to the general public and, more generally, to
contribute to a countrys welfare. This debate points also to the effects that PPPs can have on private
The two debated points are i) whether a higher involvement of the public sector, in terms of financial
contribution to a PPP, leads to higher propensity of the private sector to invest in infrastructure
(crowding-in) and ii) whether a higher involvement of the public sector really creates value compared to
alternative sources of procurement.

In the last few years, in OECD countries, about $1tn of state-owned assets have been divested and about $550bn
over a total amount of privatisations from 1990 has been in the infrastructure sector. See OECD (2013),
The role of banks, equity markets and institutional investors in long-term financing for growth and
development, February.

The first point has always received a positive answer in the past. Other things equal, a higher financial
contribution by a public entity was considered a catalyst for private money. In reality, many private
investors claim that the higher the involvement of the public sector, the more complicated the trade-off the
private investors must face. A higher public sector involvement should lead to lower risk for private
investors. However, higher involvement of the public entity exposes the private counterpart to higher risk
of political influence/creeping expropriation
. Two recent examples of uncertainty about
institutional/regulatory variables are the two tender processes carried out in Brazil to tender the concession
for the BR262 Motorway and the rights of exploitation of the Libra deepwater oilfield. The private
intervention in such projects was far below the governments expectations. Apparently, the failure to
assign the concession for the BR262 was due to the public opposition by local authorities for objecting to
toll fees offered to the private investors.
Furthermore, a survey conducted by Berwin, Leighton and Paisner in association with Preqin
indicates that the biggest threat to a sustained flow of infrastructure deals in the first half of 2014 is
government interference and political risk. Many investors prefer to invest in unregulated assets to reduce
regulatory risk. Furthermore, they indicate that Government support via state guarantees or multilateral
credits are perceived as not helpful and useful.
The second debated point is related to the fact that the higher the public involvement, the higher the
risk that the private sector expropriates too much value from the public sector or is more subject to moral
hazard (gives less care to adequate risk management). So, the question becomes whether the PPP model
provides enough benefits for the public sector. A recent academic paper has analysed the cost-efficiency of
Private Finance Initiatives (PFIs) in the UK health sector facilities and has shown that expected returns by
the private sector far exceed the underlying cost of capital, even in a sector with extremely low levels of
risk due to availability based payments and financial contribution by the public sector. The findings
highlight significant problems in current procurement practices and the methodologies by which bids are
assessed and call for a more precise valuation of the Value for Money that privately-based solutions can
generate for the public sector.

2.2. The risk profile in infrastructure projects
The design, construction and management of an infrastructure have some important implications for
the private sector. While it is sometimes difficult to disentangle the implications for industrial investors
(corporate sponsors and industrial developers) from those for financial investors, it is useful to separate
them for a better understanding of the implications of funding and financing. In this section, we first
introduce the analysis of the risk profile of the infrastructure and then move on in Section 3 with a review
of the characteristics of infrastructure for pure financial investors.
Since project finance is a complex network of intertwined contracts and since investors can rely only
on the cash generation of a single initiative as a source of repayment of debt principal, interest and
dividends, an infrastructure can be imagined as a potential bulk of risks for which a careful and thorough
risk management process becomes crucial. If the investment is excessively risky, sponsors and creditors
could face situations where the cash flows produced by the new initiative are not sufficient to repay debt
service and if the risk is perceived as higher than their levels of risk tolerance, they will simply refrain
from investing.

See Berwin, Leighton and Paisner/Preqin (2013), Mid Term Infrastructure market review, London, September.
Gatti, S. (2013), Hellowell, M. and Veronica Vecchi (2013) Does the private sector receive an excessive return
from investments in health care infrastructure projects? Evidence from the UK, Health Policy, 110-2, pp.

From an investors point of view, a careful analysis of all the risks the project will bear during its
economic life is crucial. Indeed, the life cycle of infrastructure involves long-term investments with a
clear-cut separation between the construction phase (where no cash is generated) and the operational phase
(where cash is produced and no or minimum capital expenditures are made). Figure 3 shows the standard
behaviour of project cash flows during the life of an infrastructure project.
The analysis of the risk profile should aim at identifying the sources of risks and at finding the best
solutions to limit their negative impact on the future cash generation. Typically, a careful risk analysis
involves four sequential steps:
1. Risk identification;
2. Risk analysis;
3. Risk transfer, if necessary, to a counterparty best suited to bear the risk or to a professional
4. Residual risk management.
Figure 3. Cash Flow Behaviour during the Infrastructure Life Cycle

Source: Gatti (2012)
Regarding risk identification, an investor should try to carefully map all the possible risks that could
arise during the life of the project and to evaluate the probability of occurrence and the severity of the
. Such risks can arise either during the construction phase, when the project is not yet able to generate
cash, or during the operating phase. A standard classification of risks is the following:

Borgonovo E., Gatti S., Peccati L.(2010), What Drives Value Creation in Investment Projects? An Application of
Sensitivity Analysis to Project Finance Transactions, European J ournal of Operational Research, vol. 205,
Operations phase
End of project
k (pay-back)

1. Pre-completion risks;
2. Post-completion risks;
3. Risks found in both the pre- and post-completion phases.
Regarding pre-completion risks, the most common are bad activity planning, technology risk and
construction risk (in the form of delayed completion, cost overruns or completion with performance
. Pre-completion risks are considered as the most disruptive by private investors, since any
flaw affecting the project at an earlier stage can severely hamper the ability of the project to perform as
expected at a later stage. The weak available evidence coming from analyses of the performance of failed
projects confirms the idea that the worst performing investments were the ones that experienced
pre-completion problems.
Post-completion risks are associated with the supply of input, the performance of the plant as
compared to project minimum performance standards and the sale of the product or service. Risks found in
both the pre- and post-completion phases involve financial risks (interest rate risk, currency risk, inflation
risk), regulatory risk related to permits and authorisations, political and country risk and legal risk related
to contract enforceability and creditors rights protection.
Moodys has estimated that projects that
successfully passed the construction phase experience defaults later and emerge earlier from default than
projects under construction. Furthermore, average recovery rates are higher for projects experiencing a
default during the operational phase. This evidence seems to support the higher propensity of purely
financial investors to accept operational risks and their reluctance to be involved from the early stages of
infrastructure development.
Once risks are mapped and analysed, the risk management process should identify the strategies to
mitigate the impact of risks on project cash flows and verify if the SPV has adopted them. The most used
solutions are:
1. Transfer the risk by allocating it to one of the key counterparties
2. Transfer the risk to professional insurers
3. Retain the risk
The risk transfer by means of nonfinancial contracts is the most used risk management strategy in
project finance and is based on an intuitive principle. Referring again to Figure 1, the key contracts signed
by the SPV (EPC, supply, purchase, O&M agreements) allocate rights and obligations to the SPV itself and
its respective counterparties. These contracts can be used as risk mitigation techniques if the counterparty
best able to control and manage the risk is considered responsible for the effects of risk occurrence on

No. 1, 2010; Borgonovo E., Gatti S., "Risk Analysis with Contractual Default. Does Covenant Breach
Matter?", in European J ournal of Operational Research, vol. 230, n. 2, 2013.
Standard and Poors argue that construction risk is seldom the main reason of project default. In the case of power
project finance, technical and design issues, unexpected cost overruns and bad performance in the
operational phase account for the most part of project risk. See Standard and Poors (2013a), How to
unlock long-term investment in EMEA infrastructure.
Hainz, C. and S. Kleimeier, 2012, Political Risk, Project Finance, and the Participation of Development Banks in
Syndicated Lending, Journal of Financial Intermediation 21(2), 287314. Tung, Frederick, Wang Xue and
Krishnamurthy Subramanian (2008). Law, agency costs and project finance, Working Paper, Emory

project cash flows. If the risk occurs, some form of indemnification must be paid to the SPV. The relation
damage-payment due to the SPV incentivises the counterparty to respect the original agreement in order to
avoid the negative effects determined by the emergence of the risk in question. If a risk arises and it has
been allocated (transferred) to a third party, this same party will bear the cost of the risk without affecting
the SPV or its lenders (risk pass-through).
The second available option for risk management is risk insurance provided by either Export Credit
Agencies (ECAs) or private insurers in the private insurance market. This alternative must be used for risks
that cannot be controlled and managed by any one of the SPV counterparties. Insurers can cover the SPV
risks against the payment of an insurance premium. These companies can do so because they manage large
risk portfolios where the joint probability of emergence of all the risks in the portfolio at the same time is
very low. Incidentally, the most active insurance underwriters have started to propose non-payment
insurance solutions in response to the demise of Monoline intervention in project finance (wrapped
bonds). These insurance packages represent unconditional obligations by the insurer to guarantee the debt
service of the borrower (the SPV) to bank creditors or bondholders. De facto, the insurer takes a typical
lender risk in addition to the standard risks underwritten under more traditional insurance policies
Taking as an example a typical project financed infrastructure, a summary of the risk allocation tools
looks like the following figure (see Figure 4).
Figure 4. A possible map of risk allocation mechanisms in infrastructure investments
Risk identification/ mapping
Project life cycle:
1. Pre-completion phase risks
Activity Planning
2. Post-completion phase risks
Supply Risk
Operational Risk
Market risk
3. Risks common to pre-completion
and post-completion phases
I nterest rate risk
Exchange Risk
I nflation risk
Environmental risk
Regulatory risk
Legal risk
Credit/counterparty risk
Risk allocation
Allocation through contracts
Turnkey (EPC) contract
Put or Pay agreements
Offtake agreeements (when possible)
Use of derivative contracts
Use of insurance policies

Source: Gatti (2012)
The final option to control the risk is to retain it and to try to limit its effects on the infrastructure by
means of well-designed internal risk procedures. Risk retention is a common practice in already existing
because a firm considers risk allocation to third parties too expensive or the cost of

While very similar, the two insurance solutions show a clear difference. Wrapped bonds were based on a wrapping
insurance solution bought by the SPV, while the non-payment insurance is bought by the lenders (with a
premium based on a percentage of the margin over euribor or other leading interest rates). Typically
lenders choose to buy such policies to reduce the capital absorption determined by the participation to a
syndicate, particularly with big ticket amounts.
Carter, D., Rogers, D., Simkins, B., 2006. Hedging and value in the US airline industry. J ournal of Applied
Corporate Finance 18, 2133.

insurance policies excessive compared to the effects determined by that risk. Risk retention, as a residual
risk management policy, is more effective for existing corporations than for specially created entities
operating an infrastructure investment. This is because in standard corporate finance, operational risk can
be diversified on the whole portfolio of real assets managed by an existing firm. Instead, operational risk
for a SPV cannot be diversified as it refers to a single project. For this reason, the unallocated portion of
risk plays a key role in the credit spread and debt/equity ratio setting and represents the most relevant
variable that financial investors look at when deciding to commit capital to a given infrastructure.
3. Infrastructure and private investors
In the perspective of an industrial sponsor or corporate developer, a project financed infrastructure is
an initiative that can generate a stream of cash flows that is not purely limited to dividends. Referring again
to Figure 1, it is pretty common that industrial developers participate in the construction and management
of the infrastructure in a dual role of shareholder and project counterparty. From this point of view, the
valuation of convenience is based on a joint cash flow profile of dividend plus any other form of revenue
coming from the project, either in the form of margins on the construction cost, net profit on servicing fees,
cost saving on procurement from the SPV, or cost advantages in terms of offtaking prices. The perspective
of a pure financial investor is different. A financial investor looks at an infrastructure as an initiative able
to generate only a stream of dividends, if the investment involves equity, or a stream of debt service
payments in case the investor is providing debt financing, much in line with what traditionally happens in
syndicated bank loans for project finance.
In this sense, an infrastructure can represent an interesting alternative asset class. Provided that a
careful assessment of risks and effective risk mitigations have been set up (see Section 2.2), infrastructure
shows peculiar characteristics that differentiate them from more traditional asset classes and make them
interesting for selected classes of institutional investors. Some of them are summarised in Table 2.
Table 2. Typical characteristics of infrastructure investments
Long-term assets with long economic life
Low technological risk
Provision of key public services
Strongly non elastic demand
Natural monopoly or quasi monopoly market contexts
High entry barriers
Regulated assets
Frequent natural hedge against inflation
Stable, predictable operating cash flows
Low correlation with traditional asset class and overall macroeconomic performance

1. Infrastructures are typically long-term assets, with very long useful economic life and only rarely
subject to technological obsolescence.
2. Infrastructures are frequently built to provide key public services that are necessary for the social
and economic development of the served areas.
3. The demand for the services is strongly non elastic. Given the characteristics of key public
service, the demand is often non sensible to price changes, even in cases of material increases.

Looking ahead, the demand is then not volatile and can be predicted with a reasonable level of
4. Infrastructures often operate in conditions of natural monopoly or quasi monopoly with very high
entry barriers. Capital expenditures for the production of services can hardly be afforded by new
entrants. Yet, the marginal costs for the supply of the marginal unit of service once the
infrastructure enters the operational phase are typically rather low. These conditions generate
important entry barriers for new potential competitors of the incumbent.
5. Regulated sectors: In most cases, infrastructures are subject to external regulation, also to limit
market power derived from conditions of monopoly or quasi monopoly.
6. Hedge against inflation: Infrastructures are typically self-protected from price escalation on a
long-term horizon. In fact, the revenues of the investments are frequently linked to the inflation
rate by means of price-adjustment mechanisms or availability based payments.
7. Stable and regular cash flows: This characteristic is probably the most interesting feature from an
asset managers standpoint. The combination of points 1-6 above determines the generation of
stable and predictable operating cash flows that in most cases are also inflation-linked. These
investments are then able to perform well also in particularly stressed macroeconomic scenarios.
8. Low correlation with other traditional asset classes and with the general economic cycle: Point 7
above is important in an investors diversification strategy because, contrarily to more traditional
asset classes that tend to present a positive correlation with the general economic cycle,
infrastructures are less sensible to the macroeconomic performance.
Traditionally, pure financial investors in infrastructure have been classified in accordance to the risk
profile they are able to invest in. The dichotomy is between Greenfield and Brownfield investors, with the
first group open to invest in projects from the very early stage of project development (as in Figure 3) and
then assuming also construction risk. On the contrary, Brownfield investors prefer to allocate resources to
projects that are more similar to an operating utility, where construction risk is excluded and the only risk
is due to deviations of the variables influencing the operating cash flows of the infrastructure from the
budgeted values.
3.1 Recent trends in infrastructure investing
For many years, the traditional capital structure used for project finance transactions in infrastructure
was based on a simple combination of multiple tranche syndicated bank loans and equity provided by
corporate sponsors and developers.
This business practice has undergone a remarkable change in the past few years. The acceleration of
the change was particularly evident starting from the second part of 2000s when an increased risk appetite
of institutional investors coupled with a favourable environment of low interest rates spurred a flow of
financing from investors other than banks and industrial sponsors. This renewed interest for infrastructure
was equally important on the equity and the debt side. On the debt side, the role played by monoline
insurers, at least until the outburst of the 2007-2008 crisis and the subsequent series of their downgrades,
contributed to attract capital flows into capital market debt instruments.
The default of Lehman Brothers in September 2008 has partially mitigated this appetite. However,
data seem to indicate that an upward trend is emerging again, with institutional investors still looking for
yield on long-term assets with a clear and stable pattern of cash flows.

3.1.1. Infrastructure and equity
Traditionally, most infrastructure projects were financed with high debt/equity ratios and a massive
recourse to long-term bank financing. Sponsors of projects provided only a limited equity cushion and
for most initiatives the ownership of the SPVs was represented by industrial sponsors, typically the
offtaker, the suppliers or the operation and maintenance agent.
This situation has changed very rapidly in the past few years. The post-Lehman crisis first and the
emergence of the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis later has reduced the availability of cheap debt financing.
Also, the banks that were more active in providing non-recourse project finance loans have progressively
withdrawn from the market in response to balance sheets problems and to the need to increase their capital
base as required by the more stringent Basel III and European Banking Authority requirements. The new
market situation is then experiencing lower credit availability, higher spreads and shorter maturities
A recent presentation on the state of the art of project finance in Europe indicates a progressive
reduction of the difference between the cost of debt and the cost of equity, which on one side limits the
convenience to start new infrastructure development and, on the other side, forces industrial sponsors to
find alternative funding solutions to move on the projects already in pipeline
Apparently, three solutions seem to emerge to overcome the problem of credit retrenchment:
1. Vendor loans;
2. Co-sponsoring with EPC contractors
3. Opening the capital structure of the SPV to pure financial investors in equity for infrastructures.
Vendor Loans. If the EPC contractor is able to bring access to capital to the negotiation table (playing
the role of substitute for bank debt financing), the EPC contractor of the infrastructure may be willing to
accept a payment settlement diluted in time following a typical vendor loan structure similar to the one
used for acquisition financing and leveraged buy-outs (LBOs). This vendor loan would be accompanied by
a relatively low sponsor backed-to-backed guaranteed advanced payment. The EPC contract would include
contractual terms where delay and performance penalties would be directly compensated with the agreed
loan repayment.
Co-sponsoring with EPC contractors. The EPC contractor may be willing to participate to some
extent in the entrepreneurial risk with the other project sponsors, assuming a portion of equity of the SPV.
The EPC contractor should be financially sound and/or be a cash generating company and/or be able to get
access to bank credit smoothly.
Pure financial investors in equity for infrastructures. In the past few years, the presence of pure
financial investors in the equity of SPVs was almost absent. Data reported by Probitas Partners

A recent unpublished paper has compared the characteristics of a large cross section sample of 2,564 syndicated
term loans and 294 project bonds tranches for project finance transactions closed between J anuary 1995
and March 2012. Results indicate an increase in spread of about 64 bps for loans and 20 bps for bonds
before and after the outburst of the crisis in 2007. See Gatti, Stefano, Carlo Chiarella and Ginko De
Franzoni (2013), Whats different between syndicated Loans and Bonds in infrastructure project finance?,
Bocconi University, Unpublished Working Paper, Milan
Pascucci, V. (2012), Project Finance Market Trends, SDA Bocconi School of Management, Milan.
Probitas Partners (2013), Infrastructure Survey and Trends

that the start-up of global infrastructure fundraising for private equity investments in infrastructures goes
back to 2004 with an amount of $2.4bn. In 2007, the fundraising reached the record peak of $39.7bn,
representing 15% of total project finance loans in the same year. After the collapse of Lehman Brothers,
the funds collected for private equity investments have dropped significantly and, at the end of 2012, they
counted for only slightly more than 10.5% of total project finance loans available (see Figure 5). Preqin, a
provider of data on infrastructure investments and private equity, estimates that at the end of 2013 the
target for funds committed to infrastructure could reach a remarkable 74bn.
Figure 5. Global Infrastructure Fundraising


If we limit the discussion to fundraising dedicated to Greenfield infrastructure funds i.e. funds that
participate in the development of infrastructure projects from the design phase onwards and that then bear
full construction risk it is clear that the amounts available are still very limited compared to the
infrastructure funding needs and, at the end of 2012, they stood at only 11% of total global infrastructure
fundraising. However, there are also clear signals of a growing interest of investors for this alternative
asset class. Typical investors interested in Greenfield funds are institutions looking for long-term, inflation-
linked assets able to match the typical structure of their liabilities: life insurance companies, pension funds,
non-profit foundations and sovereign wealth funds (SWFs).
Unfortunately, a complete view of the total commitments of all these institutional investors is not
available. However, some partial evidence for the different groups of investors does exist.
Pension Funds. A paper published by OECD
provides estimates of the total commitments of
pension funds on infrastructure for 2008. A raw estimate quantifies the total commitment in listed
infrastructure stocks at $400bn. Excluding utilities, the figure is estimated at around $60bn. , The OECD
Survey on large pension funds published in October 2013 shows that despite a limited direct average

Inderst, G. (2009), Pension fund investment in infrastructure, OECD Working Papers on Finance, Insurance and
Private Pensions, No. 32.

allocation to infrastructure some funds are allocating important percentages to infrastructure either in the
form of (listed and unlisted) equity or fixed income.

Towers Watson and Financial Times Investor Survey 2012 reports that, out of the $3.1tn total assets
under management (AUM) by the top 100 alternative investment asset managers, $127.6bn were invested
in infrastructure (see Figure 6). Pension funds and SWFs were the investors more inclined to invest in
infrastructure (9% and 10% of their AUM respectively).
Figure 6. Amount and % composition of alternative investments by Top 100 Alternati ve Investments Asset
managers Worldwide

Source: Towers Watson (2013)

Insurance companies. The information provider Preqin covers a group of about 200 insurance
companies worldwide with an asset allocation dedicated to infrastructure. The large majority of the firms
are located in Europe and the USA, with Asia representing about 20% of them. The typical investment
strategy (85%) is to commit funds to unlisted infrastructure funds managed by external advisors, followed
by direct investments in SPVs and by investments in listed infrastructure funds. Insurance companies
typically invest in primary equity.
Insurance companies are also planning to invest more in debt instruments related to infrastructure, as
shown later in Section 3.1.2.
Sovereign Wealth Funds. A recent paper by The CityUK reports that, out of a total AUM value of
$5.2tn at the end of 2012, $52bn have been invested directly in infrastructure between 2005 and 2012
(Figure 7). Furthermore, 56% of Sovereign Wealth Funds declare to allocate resources in infrastructure
In 2013, data reported by the OECD indicate that in a sample of the most important SWFs worldwide,
the percentage allocation to infrastructure is remarkable with peaks between 10-12% in Temasek and GIC
(Singapore) and the Alaska Permanent Fund (US).

OECD (2013), Large Pension Funds Survey, Paris, October.
Funds of
Direct PE
Direct Real
Amount ($bn) 176.4 612.3 315.1 716.8 1042 118 127.6
FundsofHedgeFunds Direct HedgeFunds PrivateEquity FoF
DirectPEFunds Direct RealEstate Funds Direct Commodity Funds

Figure 7. Direct Sovereign Wealth Funds' Investment Acti vity (2005-2012) Data in $ billion

Source: SWF Institute Sovereign Wealth Fund Transaction
3.1.2 Infrastructure and debt capital markets
Still today, non- or limited recourse syndicated loans are the most used source of financing for
infrastructure projects. Between 2007 and 2012, project finance loans represented between 5% and 12.2%
of the total syndicated loans market, with an amount between $140bn and $250bn (see Figure 8). A much
lower percentage was represented by funding on the debt capital markets. In the same period, project bonds
i.e. bonds issued by SPVs entitled to design, build/refurbish and manage an infrastructure project
bounced between $8.5bn and $27bn. It is clear that funding on debt capital markets is still limited to a
marginal fraction of the total debt funding for these kinds of initiatives.

Figure 8. Trends of Project Finance Loans and Bonds (2007-2012)
Data in $ million

Source: Thomson One Banker, Project Finance International
During the period under examination, the project finance market has experienced a reallocation
among different geographic areas, with Western Europe and South East Asia showing a remarkable
downward trend from 2010 onwards (Figure 9).


2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012

Figure 9. Trends of Project Finance Loans - breakdown by geographical areas (2007-2012)
Data in $ million

Source: Thomson One Banker
Concerning bonds, the breakdown by geographical areas and sectors shows a clear concentration on
some sectors (infrastructure, power and social infrastructure) and a polarisation in USA/Canada, UK and
Western Europe, with the latter losing ground in the final part in the period under examination (Figures 10
and 11).

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
SouthAmerica/Carribeans NorthAmerica AfricaandMiddleEast EasternEurope
WesternEurope CentralAsia Australasia SoutheastAsia
NorthAsia SouthAsia Japan

Figure 10. Trends of Project Finance Bonds - Breakdown by geographical areas (2007-2012)
Data in $ million

Source: Project Finance International

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Americas(exUSA) UnitedStates Canada Brazil
Mexico WesternEurope UK CentralEuropeand CIS
MiddleEast andNorth Africa SubSaharianAfrica Malaysia SouthKorea
India Australasia

Figure 11. Trends of Project Finance Bonds - Breakdown by sector (2007-2012)
Data in $ million

Source: Project Finance International
Bonds and loans represent complementary sources of funding of infrastructure from two alternative
1. Their contractual design is different and the combination of the two can generate mixes of
funding that could benefit infrastructure projects;
2. Project bonds can be an asset class of particular interest for investors other than banks.
Some characteristics of the contractual design of project bonds make them more attractive to investors
vis--vis syndicated loans. First, compared to syndicated loans, bonds are more standardised capital market
instruments. Other things equal, this feature enhances the liquidity of the instrument, provided that the
issue size is sufficiently large to generate enough floating securities. Larger issues could also be included
in bond indices and this could add further interest for bond market investors.
Second, larger issue sizes
are also attracting the interest of a larger investor base, given the higher liquidity of the instrument. Third,
project bonds can be an attractive instrument for long-term investors and can be issued with maturities
longer than the tenors of syndicated loans that banks normally accept.
Finally, if well structured, a project

For smaller issues or for private placements, the liquidity of the bond instrument becomes quasi nil since, like
syndicated loans, a secondary market for these instruments does exist but is very thin. However, the lower
liquidity of a project bond triggers an illiquidity premium that, for buy-and-hold investors seeking a
duration match between assets and liabilities, is certainly interesting.
This characteristic of bonds could overcome some barriers to the investments determined by the enactment of the
Net Stable Funding Ratio imposed by Basel III and reported in Section 3.2. See Linklaters (2011), Basel III
and project finance, London and Standard and Poors (2012), BASEL III Hurdles on Project Finance - Will
bond take over loan?

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Infrastructure Power SocialInfrastructure/PFI OIl&Gas Leisure Petrochemicals Mining

bond issue can benefit from a comparatively lower cost of funding and from less stringent covenants than a
traditional syndicated loan.
Although project bonds present comparative advantages over syndicated loans and recently such
financial instruments have been considered as the solution to the retrenchment of credit that followed the
sovereign debt crisis, particularly in Europe
, their application to infrastructure financing requires careful
consideration of some drawbacks that must be solved by sponsors and financial advisors in order to make
the instrument sufficiently interesting for institutional investors.
1. Project bonds are less suitable than syndicated loans if used during the construction phase. The
construction phase of an infrastructure is typically characterised by the peak of riskiness in the
life cycle of the project (see Section 2.2). Academic research had demonstrated that a sound
contractual design of EPC contracts and other project contracts can have important advantages
for projects. However, in presence of construction risk still pending, it is likely the rating of the
bonds will be other things equal not particularly high. A study conducted by Moodys on a
sample of 2,689 project finance loans in the period 1983-2008
, indicate that the 10-year
cumulative default rate of 11.5% is lower than the default rate for corporate issuers of low
investment grade/high speculative grade (Ba 21.13%). However, the same study clearly
indicates that infrastructure projects still in construction experience defaults earlier and emerge
later from bankruptcy than projects still in operations (as mentioned above in Section 2.2). The
average recovery rate is lower for projects experiencing a default during construction and
construction phase and construction risk emerge as key factors in determining the future success
of the infrastructure investment.
It is clear that lower ratings limit the number of potential (institutional) investors. Furthermore, if
used as a main financing instrument from the beginning of the life cycle of the infrastructure,
project bonds trigger a negative carry due to the availability of the proceeds as a lump sum at the
start of the project. This is a cost that reduces the profitability of the initiative, making it less
attractive to project sponsors. These arguments explain why project bonds are more useful for
initiatives that have already passed the construction phase and as a refinancing technique for
syndicated loans granted to the project during the construction phase. Using bonds after the
commercial operating date (COD) offers synergies with bank loans, allowing banks to shorten the
maturity of loans or to use mini perm structures doable. Furthermore, once the construction risk
is over, bonds can benefit from a higher rating with investors exposed only to the risk of the
operational phase
2. Standardisation: Institutional investors are more familiar with a traditional contractual design of a
bond that pays coupons during its life and repays the whole amount of capital as a bullet
repayment at the end of life of the bond. In contrast, syndicated loan repayment schedules are
tailored to the specific pattern of unlevered free cash flows generated by the project. If the stream
of cash flows is not very stable, it is hard to imagine using only bonds for the financing of an
infrastructure project.
3. Refinancing risk: Regardless the use of project bonds from the projects inception or after the
COD, the project will be subject to refinancing risk. If mini-perm syndicated loans structures are
used during the construction phase, the risk for banks is that general debt market conditions

Epec (2010), Capital markets in PPP financing, EIB, Luxembourg.
Moodys (2010), Default and recovery rates for Project Finance Bank Loans, 1983-2008.
Monaro, S. (2011), Project Bonds, HSBC Presentation.

worsen between the loan disbursement and the time when bonds will be issued
. If bonds are
used only during the operational phase of the infrastructure and its economic life is particularly
long, the bond could have a final maturity shorter than the life of the project, which triggers again
a refinancing risk for project sponsors.
4. Rating: The availability of a large investor base for project bonds depends on the rating these
instruments receive from rating agencies. While available evidence demonstrates that project
finance loans are not more risky than traditional corporate loans
, it is undeniable that if a bond
does not receive an investment grade rating, it is confined to investors with a specialisation in
high yield instruments, not to mention the prohibition to invest in sub-investment grade
instruments included in the by-laws of many institutional investors potentially interested in the
The Rating issue has been one the most debated topics in the past three years, particularly in Europe.
The EU-EIB 2020 Project Bond Initiative is based on the assumption that the creation of a sufficiently
liquid project bond market in the next 5 to 7 years can be achieved only if bonds receive a minimum rating
of A. However, a report based on a survey conducted among 100 senior investment officers indicates that a
rating of BBB or BBB+could be sufficient to attract investors in these financial instruments. Incidentally,
BBB is the rating at which a large part of project bonds were concentrated in the period 2006-2010
. In
J uly 2013, Watercraft Capital S.A. SPV received the first PBCE (Project Bond Credit Enhancement) by the
EIB under the 2020 Project Bond Initiative and was assigned a rating of exactly BBB/Negative by
Standard and Poors.
Regardless the minimum acceptable level of rating the market is open to accept to invest in project
bonds. The problem is how to achieve this level if the minimum rating can be guaranteed only on the basis
of infrastructure projects cash flows, given the complex system of risks these projects face during their
life. It is then a problem of identifying proper solutions to ensure the projects get to a level of credit
enhancement that is sufficient to reach exactly the desired level of rating. While in the past monoline
insurers provided market instruments in the form of monoline guarantees and most project bond issues
where backed up by these institutions, the post-Lehman crisis has strongly reduced their activity.
Nowadays, government and policy makers are facing the problem of providing indirect support to the
projects as they are trying to solve simultaneously the problems of stringent budget deficits and the need of
credit enhancement, particularly for the more risky (but also more strategic) ventures. Section 3.3 below
presents some of the possible solutions already implemented at an international level.
3.1.3 New forms of debt infrastructure investments
In response to a progressive retreat of banks from lending due to deleveraging and a changed
regulatory environment (particularly the enactment of Basel III rules regarding the net stable funding ratio,
NSFR) and to an increased interest by institutional investors for long term infrastructure investments, the
originate-to-distribute model has rapidly gained ground particularly in Europe.

Some recent project bond issues have tried to overcome refinancing risk by means of sinking fund provisions or
standby letters of credit issued by a sufficiently highly rated financial institution. See for example Fitch
Ratings (2011), Odebrecht Drilling Norbe VIII/IX Ltd, Series 2010-1.
See Standard and Poors (2009), Project Finance Default Rates from 1992 to 2008 Reflect The Sector Ratings,
RatingsDirect, New York.
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer (2011), Outlook for infrastructure 2011: getting Europe back on Track; Standard
and Poors (2009), Industry report card: Most Project Finance Ratings are Holding Up in the Global
Downturn and Standard and Poors (2011), Industry report Card: Global Project Finance Rating Activity is
Picking Up.

The originate-to-distribute model sees banks to cooperate with institutional investors in channelling
debt funds to infrastructure. Although the market is still in its early stage of development and information
is very limited, the practice seems to indicate three alternative structures that enable institutional investors
to approach long-term infrastructure investments
1. The partnership/co-investment model
2. The securitisation model
3. The debt fund model and direct origination of infrastructure loans by institutional investors.
The partnership/co-investment model
In the partnership/co-investment model, an institutional investor invests in infrastructure loans
originated by a Mandated Lead Arranger (MLA) Bank. The fund provision is regulated by a set of
eligibility criteria and the MLA Bank retains a pre-agreed percentage of each loan in its loan portfolio.
With this co-investment, an institutional investor can build a portfolio of infrastructure loans and can rely
on the servicing of the loans in the portfolio provided by the originating bank. The bank can extend the
partnership to a number of institutional investors.
Recently, the French bank Natixis has entered into the first partnership agreement with the Belgian
insurance company Ageas, one of Europes 20 largest insurers, whereby Ageas intends to build an
infrastructure loan portfolio of around 2bn in the next three years. Similarly, Crdit Agricole and Crdit
Agricole Assurances signed a partnership to transfer regional authorities loans. In the first half of 2012, an
amount of 1bn loans originated by the Bank was transferred, with Crdit Agricole keeping 20% of the
loans on its own balance sheet.

The securitisation model
After the beginning of the recession period in late 2008 after the demise of Lehman Brothers, the
market for securitisation has been undergoing a clear downward trend. Still today, most securitisations are
launched with the purpose to generate collateral to be used for refinancing purposes at central banks
(Figure 12). This strategy is particularly evident in the Eurozone.

Cei, A. (2013), Rethink Infrastructure Finance: an Opportunity for Institutional Investors, Natixis, unpublished
The partnership model has been used in Europe also to transfer loans to small and medium firms to institutional
investors. In 2012, Socit Gnrale and AXA set up a co-investment agreement. SG keeps 20% of the
loans in its own loan portfolio. Similar agreements were entered by Crdit Agricole and AXA and by

Figure 12. European Securitisation Issuance - Retained and placed deals (2002-2012)
Data in Euro billion

Source: Thomson Reuters
It does not come as a surprise, then, to see that the market for securitisation of infrastructure loans has
almost disappeared. A recent academic paper
has analysed 11 cash and synthetic securitisation deals that
took place between 1998 and 2007 (see Table 3). Unsurprisingly, the paper indicates that credit rating is
the most influential variable to determine the tranche spread at issue. Factors that are important for pricing
in the case of corporate bonds, such as market liquidity and weighted average maturity, are also relevant
for determining spreads for these securities. What is interesting is that the primary market spread is
significantly higher when the underlying project finance loans bear a higher level of market risk and when
the proportion of projects still under construction in the securitised portfolio is larger. This confirms the
indications coming from Section 2.2 and the findings of Moodys (2010) and Standard and Poors (2009)

Buscaino, V., Corielli, F., Gatti, S. and S. Caselli (2012), Project Finance Collateralised Debt Obligations: an
Empirical Analysis of Spread Determinants, European Financial Management, Vol. 18, No. 5, 950969.

Table 3. Project Finance Collateralised debt Obligations launched between 1998 and 2007
Transaction Year Size Risk Origina Maturit
Project Fund Corp I 1998 $617 True sale CSFB 2012
Project Fund Corp II 1999 n.a. True sale CSFB n.a.
Project Securitisation I 2001 n.a. True sale Citigroup n.a.
TCW GPF I 2001 $500 True sale TCW Group n.a.
TCW GPF II 2004 $700 True sale TCW Group 2016
EPIC I 2004 392 Synthetic Depfa Bank 2038
EPIC II 2005 900 Synthetic Depfa Bank 2044
TCW GPF III 2005 $1500 True sale TCW Group 2017
Stichting PROFILE 2005 383 Synthetic SMBCNIBC 2041
WISE 2006 1500 Synthetic Dexia 2041
SMART PFI 2007 400 Synthetic SMBC 2044
Source: Buscaino et al. (2012)
The resurgence of the originate-to-distribute model has risen the interest for the securitisation model
by institutional investors. The advantage of this model is that these kind of loans structured as bonds can be
tailored to the specific needs of institutional investors.
In France, Natixis has just structured a mechanism that enables institutional investors to invest in
infrastructure loans. Natixis has created a securitisation vehicle that allows Institutional Investors to invest
directly in infrastructure loans structured as bonds.
The debt fund model and direct origination of infrastructure loans by institutional investors.
The debt fund model is probably the easiest way to approach the infrastructure market for institutional
investors, even for the less sophisticated ones and those without a specific, dedicated team to invest in
infrastructure assets. In the debt fund model, an institutional investor provides funding to a resource pool
(the fund) managed by an asset manager. The strategic asset allocation is defined since inception and
allows institutional investors to select the fund that best suits their investment needs. The success of the
debt fund model requires a strong deal flow.
While debt funds can represent an important way to convey institutional investors money to
infrastructure, the drawback is that - compared to partnerships or securitisations - they are based on fixed
and pre-agreed investment criteria, while the other two alternatives have more possibility to adapt the
financial structures to their needs.
The market for debt funds is still very young and information available on the trends is very scarce.
Probitas Partners (2013) report that infrastructure debt funds are attracting increasing interest. Almost
negligible in 2011 in terms of total fundraising (less than 1%), they reached a remarkable 12% in 2012.
In 2012, BlackRock created a European Infrastructure debt platform focused on Germany, France, the
UK and Benelux countries hiring a team of three persons from Blackstones private debt business. In

France, Natixis AM and AEW Europe raised 240m for their Senior European Loan Fund. La Banque
Postale Asset Management raised 500m in late 2012 for a new real estate and infrastructure debt fund. At
the beginning of 2013, Amundi announced that it had launched a 400m mid-market loan fund and La
Franaise REM raised a first tranche of 150m for its senior real estate debt fund. Macquarie launched its
infrastructure debt platform MIDIS in late 2012 and obtained a mandate to manage Swiss RE expected
$500m infrastructure investments in projects based in the UK and Northern Europe.
Again in the real estate sector, M&G (Prudential) reportedly has launched a senior debt fund for
property lending.

The latest trend of institutional investors debt financing for infrastructure is the direct origination of
loans. This trend is confined to the most sophisticated investors that have decided to invest in internal skills
development and to create internal teams dedicated to infrastructure investment. Anecdotal evidence
indicates that in early 2012 Allianz Global Investors supposedly originated infrastructure loans. In the UK,
Legal & General originated a 121m commercial real estate loan for student accommodation facilities.
M&G (Prudential) originated a 266m senior loan to student housing projects in London and in 2013 it
committed 290m funding for a hospital facility in Northwest England.
3.2 Barriers to private investment in infrastructure
Section 3.1 has indicated that financial markets have been able to create new financing solutions and
contractual schemes to attract the growing interest of private investors for infrastructure. However, there
are still some barriers that investors face before a full development of the funding potential.
3.2.1 Unstable regulatory settings/political interference
Contrary to the conventional wisdom according to which one of the barriers to private investment in
infrastructure is the lack of financial support by the public sector, most of the surveys targeting
infrastructure investors clearly indicate that public money in whatever form supplied to infrastructure is not
the main concern. A survey conducted by Allen & Overy
demonstrates clearly that what investors require
when approaching infrastructure investments is not primarily public financial support. Together with
guarantees on funding, it ranks at the bottom of the list. Instead, robust rule of law and attractiveness of the
regulatory environment together with a successful track record of other infrastructure projects closed are
the most cited elements that drive the choice in which jurisdiction to invest in infrastructure. This piece of
evidence is confirmed in the latest annual survey conducted by Probitas Partners. With specific reference
to the interest of infrastructure investors for emerging markets, 45% of the respondents indicated a lower
degree of interest in the sector due to political, economic or currency risk.
The BLP-Preqin analysis
indicates that the biggest threat perceived by 60% of the respondents to a sustained flow of deals in 2014 is
government or regulatory interference/political risk.
Overall, the available data indicate a reinforced interest of institutional investors toward
infrastructures. However, it is also important to notice that governments must understand that a transparent
institutional and regulatory environment does matter and this must be fully implemented in order to attract
institutional investors. Infrastructure is a strategic sector for a country and its political leaders, and projects

Although not directly linked to infrastructure, it is important to report also the launch of Debt funds dedicated to
SME financing like the 500 mil European SME loan fund created by Rothschild.
Allen & Overy (2009), Global infrastructure development and delivery - The stimulus for debate. Allen & Overy
Global Survey.
Probitas Partners (2013), Infrastructure Survey and Trends.

are characterised by risks that refer to the investment (and as such are manageable with standard risk
analysis and risk management for project finance deals, as seen in Section 2.2) but also to the regulatory
and administrative law uncertainty. This uncertainty cannot be borne and managed by private sponsors and
investors. Investors require a regulatory regime that is able to outlive government or a political majority.
This is particularly true today when financial constraints have become more stringent and governments are
reconsidering public spending in support to PPP projects, with more attention paid to value for money
methodologies and affordability. More attention to public spending could lead to excessive political
interference, risks of renegotiations and reduced interest by the private sector.
3.2.2. Financial intermediaries regulatory constraints
The current framework of capital requirements for financial intermediaries has recognised great
importance to strengthen their equity capital base. As a consequence, prudential regulation has played a
major role in shaping the rules supervising the intervention of banks and institutional investors in investing
in infrastructure.
On the banks side, the overall Basel II approach is not particularly favourable to project finance.

Furthermore, Basel IIIs net stable funding ratio (NSFR) rules have forced banks to look for a better
maturity match between assets and liabilities and to reduce the tenor of project finance loans. As a result,
mini perm structures are now used more frequently than in the past, adding additional refinancing risks
with possible negative impacts on the default rate. Furthermore, project bonds and project bank loans are
very unlikely to be considered as high quality liquid assets under the current draft of the NSFR rules.

On the insurance side, the European Commission has recently proposed a delay to the implementation
of Solvency II to 2016 but in any case uncertainty still dominates the scene. Similarly to what happens to
Basel II and III rules for banks, Solvency II has never taken into account the peculiar default and recovery
rate characteristics of project finance compared to corporate loans. Paradoxically, a longer tenor
Investment grade bond would receive a worse capital treatment than a shorter tenor high yield corporate
loan. Furthermore, EIOPA
has published a consultation paper in May 2013 taking into account opinions
expressed by experts in the previous consultative period. While EIOPA has tried to better calibrate capital
requirements for insurers long-term investments in infrastructure, the results do not seem completely
supportive to increase capital flows to long-term investments.
3.2.3 Accounting Standards
The main purpose of a robust set of accounting standards is to provide investors with a transparent
view of what happened to a firm in a given period of time. However, the specific characteristics of an
infrastructure are sometimes at odds with international standardised accounting principles. Two issues are
1. Measurement of profitability vs cash flow performance;
2. Information uniformity that is imposed by international accounting standards.

See Gatti S. (2012), Project Finance in theory and practice, II Edition, Academic Press.
See Standard and Poors (2012), BASEL III Hurdles on Project Finance - Will bond take over loan?
EIOPA (2013), Discussion Paper on Standard Formula Design and Calibration for Certain Long-Term Investments,
April. See also Woodall, L (2012), Investment in infrastructure set to rise as insurers seek yield, Insurance
Risk, December 6.

Regarding point 1., the accounting treatment reserved to costs and revenues of a long-lived asset
based on long-term contracts can be very different and can have different implications for the assessment
of the performance of an asset. An example is represented by toll road contracts. Under former standards,
the profits of a toll road long-term concession contract were recognised on a straight line basis on the
overall life of the contract. This accounting treatment did not consider the real performance of a highway
that typically requires a rump up period. Current standards recognise the non linearity of revenues and cash
flows and better reflect the current state of the contract and not the long-term profitability. This is an
advantage from an investor point of view.
Regarding point 2., international accounting standards are not always able to recognise the specific
business model of an infrastructure project. Reforms underway, particularly the IASB Conceptual
Framework revision, will change the present state of play. However, the process will be long and some
degree of uniformity in accounting treatment will remain unchanged with possible negative effects on the
information provided to investors for the assessment of an assets value.

3.2.4 Lack of historical information about infrastructure performance
A clear barrier to investments in infrastructure is the endemic unavailability of reliable data regarding
infrastructure performance. Infrastructure investors are not in the position to assess the different degrees of
risk of the different phases of the project life and the natural effect is to force them to abandon potentially
profitable projects simply because they lack a suitable benchmark panel of data. Furthermore, most of the
documentation supporting the projects is subject to nondisclosure agreements.

3.3 The role of the public sector in subsidising private intervention in infrastructure and Instruments
and incentives for stimulating the financing of Infrastructure
Although public incentives are not perceived as essential by private investors for the participation of
private capital to infrastructure financing, the role of the public sector in subsidising and/or incentivising
private participation to infrastructure is important particularly in markets where the role of public entities is
still dominant and the PPP model (see Section 2.1) is still underdeveloped or at a very early stage of use.
A possible simple taxonomy useful to classify public financial assistance is based on two main
1. Assistance with direct impact on public resources (grants and contributions)
2. Assistance with indirect impact on public resources.

Another, more specific issue, refers to the accounting impacts of volatility. The new insurance contracts standard
(IFRS4) and changes on classification and measurement under IFRS9 will lead to the recognition of gains
and losses due to re-measurement of financial assets and liabilities to Other Comprehensive Income (OCI)
rather than the income statement, with benefits in terms of income statement volatility. See Financial
Stability Board (2013), Update on financial regulatory factors affecting the supply of long-term investment
finance, Report to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, Basel, August.
The OECD will focus on new areas of research related to infrastructure as an asset class through the OECD Long
term Investment Project

3.3.1 Assistance with direct impact on public resources
In these cases, the public sector subsidises the private intervention with contributions or grants, whose
purpose is either to reduce the private commitment or to increase the return of an otherwise unprofitable
These contributions can take place during the construction phase or during the operational phase.
During the construction phase, the grants aim at decreasing the capital contributions that lenders and
equity holders provide to the infrastructure, leading to higher returns for the private sector. Grants during
construction can be for free or could require the payment of a price (usually a concession fee) to
compensate the public sector and typically are disbursed based on a milestones timeline and backed up by
bank guarantees (advance payment bonds and on-demand retention bonds). Sometimes, the public sector
can also require parental company guarantees (PCG) to further strengthen the support packages during the
construction phase. While these packages enhance the quality of the project limiting the occurrence of
construction risk, it is important to remember that Basel III rules regarding the Liquidity Coverage Ratio
(LCR) allow national regulators to set the level of this ratio required for bank guarantees and letters of
credit. If the requirements are too high, banks will find it difficult to provide such products at a reasonable

Contributions during the construction phase can also include the provision of public assets (asset
recycling) and/or the possibility to use public land for free during the period of the concession. In other
cases, the agreement between the public and private sector is focused on the rehabilitation of a public good
where the private counterparty provides capital as well as construction and maintenance services without
incurring the cost of an ex-novo Greenfield construction.
Examples of grants during construction are used in India and Indonesia, with the Viability Gap
Funding Scheme covering up to 20% of the total project cost of infrastructure projects.
The other form of contribution is represented by subsidies during the operational phase. Typically,
these forms of incentives are either revenue increase/revenue stabilisation or a cost reduction, with both
contributing to an increased cash flow performance of the infrastructure. Examples of the former are feed-
in tariffs in the renewable energy sector, the provision of a floor protection against drop in traffic volumes
in the transportation sector, a minimum rental payment in students accommodation/social housing
. In a sense, availability-based payments in the schooling/social housing/hospital sectors
discussed in Section 2.1 are also examples of revenue contribution. Examples of cost reductions are the
contributions to debt service, when the public entity pays a portion of the interest payment/margin that the
project bears during the amortising period of the loans or any form of tax relief that reduces the tax burden
of the infrastructure project and increases the return to private investors. Examples of tax relief have been
used in Brazil and India. In Italy, in May 2013, the To Do Decree has introduced a tax credit and a
reduction of the concession fee paid to the public entities for PPP projects larger than 200m that do not
benefit from public grants in order to allow the private parties to reach economic profitability in investing
in the projects. In case of public projects which however are outside the scope of this report the case of

See Standard and Poors (2013a), How to unlock long-term investment in EMEA infrastructure and Linklaters
(2011), Basel III and project finance, London.
For example, recently the University of Sheffield provided Catalyst Higher Education PLC a guarantee package
represented by a minimum rental payment for the construction of a students accommodation facility. See
Standard and Poors (2013b) Why UK University Student Accommodation Projects are satisfying
Investors Appetite for Long-Term Infrastructure Debt, August.

Korea with Social Overhead Capital Bonds and the US with the Build America Bonds are other examples
of tax incentives.
3.3.2 Assistance with indirect impact on public resources
The map of the possible interventions the public sector can put in action with indirect effects on
public resources is huge and hard to be categorised. However, a broad classification can be done based on
two dimensions: i) the type of instruments used and ii) the entity that intervenes in infrastructure projects.
Regarding the first dimension (type of instruments used), the options are typically funded or
Funded options include any form of co-investment with the private sector. In contrast with
contributions during construction or during the operational phase that are financed by taxation and do not
require any form of compensation or compensation below standard market rates of return, the co-
investment agreement is based on the assessment of the infrastructures profitability and the final objective
is to get a level of return proportional to the risk taken in the project. The co-investment can take the form
of equity, subordinated/mezzanine debt or a debt contribution provided directly to the infrastructure or
indirectly via investment vehicles for infrastructure.
Unfunded options are represented by public guarantees or back-up liquidity facilities that are provided
to an infrastructures creditors to overcome structural problems incurred during its development. This
back-up support represents a credit enhancement provided to improve the attractiveness of the project for
private investors. The guarantee to creditors can include or not a maximum cap in percentage of the total
senior debt borne by the infrastructure. Furthermore, unfunded options can include a guarantee in case of
refinancing risk, particularly for mini perm structures that require an important bullet repayment after a
limited number of years of the operational phase.
Examples of unfunded options are represented by the
liquidity back-up facility of the 2020 Project Bond Initiative started by the European Union and the EIB,
the unconditional UK Guarantee Scheme, the Singapore Government guarantee on debt via Infrastructure
Guarantee Fund (IGF). The TIFIA (Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act) in the USA
is instead a mix of funded and unfunded options. On the funded side, the program can mobilise public
capital in co-investment with the private sector with favourable terms as to maturity and debt repayment
schedule. On the unfunded side, the Program provides loan guarantees to private creditors and standby
letter of credit in the first ten years of the operational life of the project. Similarly, the EIB Loan Guarantee
for TEN-T projects in the EU (LGTT) provides guarantees to the private sector by means of a demand risk
transfer during the early years of operations of PPP procured transportation infrastructure. If the guarantee
is enforced, the EIB funds are subordinated to senior lenders and act as a typical credit enhancement

Regarding the second dimension (entity that intervenes in the infrastructure project), funded or
unfunded schemes are provided by a number of alternative players.

The cases of Korea and Turkey are very close to a guarantee for refinancing risk. In Korea, the Infrastructure Credit
Guarantee Fund provide guarantees on the liabilities of a PPP concessionaire including repayment of
bridge loans. In Turkey, the PPP legislation includes a debt assumption clause whereby the Treasury
assumes the outstanding amount of the loan still due to creditors in case the project is terminated via a
takeover of the facility by the public entity.
The Cession de Crances and the Forfaitierungmodell in France and Germany respectively reach a similar goal. In
these schemes, the State guarantees that the service charge it has undertaken to pay to a project sponsor
during the operational phase will not fall below the level that allows them to service the debt, irrespective
of project performance.

1. Multilateral institutions: in this case, a state participates in the capital of a multilateral bank that
in turns participates in infrastructure via funded or unfunded assistance programs.

2. National development banks: these are entities set up by the Government with the purpose to
invest in strategically important initiatives. Their intervention is not limited to infrastructure.
Appendix 2 provides a list of examples of national development banks and their scope of
3. Publicly sponsored infrastructure funds: in this case, the State sets up an entity that participates
based on private eligibility criteria in infrastructure investments in association with the private
sector. Similar to infrastructure funds, although with a broader asset allocation policy, are
sovereign wealth funds (see Section 3.1.1.). Their intervention is for the most part in equity form
but it can be possible to participate with subordinated/hybrid or debt instruments. International
examples of publicly sponsored infrastructure funds are provided in Appendix 3.
The recent financial crisis and the spillover of the crisis to sovereign debt, the reforms of capital
requirements for banks and insurance companies and increased levels of market uncertainty have strongly
reduced the availability of public and private capital for infrastructure development in spite of the need to
revamp long-term investments worldwide. The infrastructure gap is relevant globally; yet, the capital
available to fill in the gap seems not enough.
If traditional public procurement and public spending for infrastructure seem unfeasible in the
medium to long term for reasons of inefficiency, resources misallocation and budgetary constraints, then
the problem becomes how to create institutional and market conditions able to attract private capital to a
greater extent and from investors other than the more traditional bank lenders and industrial developers.
Data indicate the existence of a large, funding potential among (traditional and non-traditional)
institutional investors available for infrastructure investments and the willingness especially of long-term
investors like insurance companies and pension funds to allocate more resources to this alternative asset
class. However, barriers to investments still exist.
From a policymakers standpoint, the analysis of this report does not indicate the existence of first
best policies to be implemented. This will be the focus of the G20 Survey on Government and Market
based incentives to stimulate the financing of long term investment, the OECD will launch in the next
weeks. Policy makers face some key trade-offs that require a clear political response, even more than an
economic one, to reach the objective an increased flow of funds to infrastructure:
1. The trade-off between financial stability and abundance of invested capital. While it is legitimate
from the regulators standpoint to care about global financial stability, excessive capital
requirements for investors and constraints on their investment choices could penalise the
allocations of capital for infrastructure. Higher stability implies fewer funds are available for
investment; lower stability could shift capital commitments to a less regulated part of financial
sector. Furthermore, current regulations do not seems to fully understand the peculiar business
model of infrastructure investment and their lower default and higher recovery rates as compared
to more traditional investments in corporate loans and bonds.

The complete analysis of multilateral institutions intervention in infrastructure development goes beyond the scope
of this report. For a complete review, see Chapter 6 in Gatti S. (2012), Project Finance in theory and
practice, Academic Press.

2. The trade-off between increased financial public support (funded or unfunded options) and value
for money/risk taking by the private sector. While in the past PPPs have shown good results in
terms of cost efficiency, recent data and academic research have demonstrated that excessive risk
taking by the public sector de-incentivises the private sector to carry out careful risk analysis and
risk management, leading to moral hazard and ultimately to lower value for money for the public
3. A frequent misconception is that the private sector must be incentivised to participate in
infrastructure by providing financial support by the public sector in the form of grants, tax reliefs,
co-investment, and the provision of guarantees. Actually, empirical evidence indicates that
financial public support is not the most relevant factor investors look at when deciding to allocate
resources to infrastructure in a given country. More important factors are a clear institutional
framework, transparent bidding and awarding procedures, a robust rule of law, and the absence of
political interference. Incidentally, higher public intervention with financial support typically
triggers a higher probability of political interference in project management and of contract
renegotiation, something that private investors are not comfortable with.


Type of PPP Contractual Description Main fields of application
(Operations and
The public body (contractor), usually a
municipality or a local public contractor,
negotiates with a private partner (operator, one
single firm or a consortium) the management
and maintenance of a public infrastructure
Local public services: water and sewerage
services, waste management, green parks
maintenance, road maintenance, parking lots
The public body negotiates with private
partners the design and construction of a
facility that must be compliant with minimum
performance standards set by the public party.
Once the construction is completed, the public
body retains the ownership of the facility and
manages it.
Public infrastructure: roads, toll roads and
highways, water and sewerage, leisure
facilities (sport centres) and public utility works.
The public sector provides funding for the
project but involves private counterparties for
the design, construction and management of
the facility for a predefined period of time
(usually long-term). The public entity requires
the private partner to be compliant with
minimum performance standards and is the
owner of the facility.
Public infrastructure where the government
has the interest to maintain ownership but also
wants to get private involvement for the
construction and management services (water
and sewerage, public buildings, sport facilities
and stadiums)
A private partner builds and finance an add-on
facility to an existing one and manages the
new facility for a predefined period.
Similar to the TK scheme but in this case the
public entity does not provide funding which is
in charge to the private sector.
Lease-Purchase The private sector provides funding and builds
a new facility that is then leased to the public
entity. The public party makes periodic leasing
payments to the private party and has the right
to acquire the facility at the end of the leasing
Public buildings, water and sewerage, waste
management, IT and hardware.
Pri vatisation
Similar to the wraparound addition. However,
in this case the ownership of a public facility is
transferred to a private partner in order to be
restructured or expanded. The facility is
managed by the private party until the public
sector hasnt completely repaid the investment.
Public infrastructure: roads, water and
sewerage, parking lots, public buildings, sport
facilities, airports.
The private partner stipulates with the public
body a single contract whereby it provides
design, construction and management of a
public facility.
The public sector retains the facility ownership.
Similar to temporary privatisation
(Buy/ Lease-
The private party leases or buys a facility from
the public sector in order to modernise or
expand it. Then, it manages the facility for a
period of time that is sufficient to repay the
investment and get a sufficient rate of return.
Similar to temporary privatisation

The private partner builds a facility compliant
with the standards agreed with the public
entity. Then, it manages it for a given period of
time and transfer the facility at the end of the
concession period. The project should repay
the investment made by the private sector
during the concession period.
Similar to temporary privatisation

The private sector stipulates a concession
agreement with the public body and obtains
the ownership of the facility. It is entitled to
design, build, operate/maintain the facility.
Funding is provided by the private partner who
has the right to retain the revenues coming
from the management of the facility during the
concession period. The concession period
must be sufficiently long so to enable private
partners to pay back the investment and get an
adequate return on investment. At the end of
the concession, the facility ownership is
returned to the public sector.
This is the most used form of Private Finance
Initiative (PFI) in UK and involves a wide range
of public infrastructure: water and sewerage,
sport and leisure facilities, airports, public
buildings, parking lots, waste management
The public sector transfers to the private sector
ownership and management of an existing
facility or negotiates with the private partner
the construction and management of a new
facility that will not be transferred by the private
sector (as it happens under a BOOT scheme).
The provision of funding is in charge to the
private sector.
Similar to the BOOT scheme, although this
contractual arrangement looks more like a

DBFO (Design-Build-Finance-Operate) is the term used in the US to identify BOOT schemes.


Country Institution Acti vities
Investment and Foreign Trade Bank
Funded options
Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES Banco
Nacional de Desenvolvimento Econmico e
Funded options and unfunded options
China China Development Bank (CDB)
Funded and unfunded options for infrastructure
Caisse de Dpts and consignations (CDC)
Operates in public interest investments
including infrastructure
Germany Kreditanstalt fr Wiederaufbau (KfW)
Operates in funded and unfunded schemes for
infrastructure investments
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Development (NABARD)
Funded options at reduced cost for the
development of rural infrastructure projects
Italy Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP)
Funded and unfunded options for infrastructure
Russia Vneshekonombank (VEB)
Funded and unfunded options and consulting
for infrastructure projects development
Saudi Arabia Saudi Industrial Development Fund (SIDF)
Funded options and consulting for the
development of industrial projects
South Africa Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA)
Funded and unfunded options for infrastructure
Spain Instituto de Crdito Oficial
Funded and unfunded options for infrastructure

CDC, CDP, ICO and KfW participate also in EIB-sponsored infrastructure equity funds, among others the
Marguerite Fund (transportation, Energy and environment) and InfraMed (Energy, environment,
transportation and social infrastructure).


Country Institution Acti vities
Argentina Sustainable Guarantee Fund (FGS)
Invests resources of the pension system,
including investments in infrastructure
India Infrastructure Finance Company Ltd.
Invests resources in private infrastructure
projects via loans, refinancing of loans granted
by financial institutions, subordinated loans.
Asian Development Bank ASEAN
Infrastructure Fund
ASEAN infrastructure fund is a regional pool of
resources dedicated to infrastructure
Italy Fondo Strategico Italiano
Operates in a number of sectors, including
investments in listed infrastructure/utilities
National Infrastructure Fund (Fonadin Fondo
Nacional de Infrastructura)
Operates in the field of infrastructure PPPs and
provided funded and unfunded options to
Spain Fond-Instituto de Crdito Oficial (FOND-ICO)
Operates in the investment of equity and
hybrid debt/subordinated debt in infrastructure


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The full series is listed below in chronological order. Prior to March 2010, the series was named
OECD Working Papers on Insurance and Private Pensions. All working papers can be accessed online at:
WP 36 Institutional investors and infrastructure financing
WP 35 Institutional investors and green infrastructure investments: selected case studies
WP 34 Promoting Financial Inclusion through Financial Education
WP 33 Financial Education in Latin America and the Caribbean
WP 32 Pension Fund Investment in Infrastructure: A Comparison between Australia and Canada
WP 31 Policyholder Protection Schemes: Selected Considerations
WP 30 The Effect of Solvency Regulations and Accounting Standards on Long-Term Investing
WP 29 Trends in Large Pension Fund Investment in Infrastructure
WP 28: Communicating Pension Risk to DC Plan Members: The Chilean Case of a Pension Risk
WP 27: The Role of Funded Pensions in Retirement Income Systems: Issues for the Russian
WP 26: Infrastructure Investment in New Markets: Challenges and Opportunities for Pension Funds
WP 25: The Status of Financial Education in Africa
WP 24: Defining and Measuring Green Investments: Implications
for Institutional Investors Asset Allocations
WP23: The Role of Institutional Investors in Financing Clean Energy
WP22: Defining and Measuring Green Investments: Implications
for Institutional Investors Asset Allocations
WP21: Identification and Assessment of Publicly Available Data Sources
to Calculate Indicators of Private Pensions
WP20: Coverage of Private Pensions Systems: Evidence and Policy Options
WP19: Annual DC Pension Statements and the Communications Challenge
WP18: Lessons from National Pensions Communication Campaigns
WP17: Review of the Swedish National Pension Funds
WP16: Current Status of National Strategies for Financial Education
WP15: Measuring Financial Literacy: Results of the OECD International Network on Financial
Education (INFE) Pilot Study
WP14: Empowering Women through Financial Awareness and Education

WP13: Pension Fund Investment in Infrastructure: Policy Actions
WP12: Designing Optimal Risk Mitigation and Risk Transfer Mechanisms
to Improve the Management of Earthquake Risk in Chile
WP11: The Role of Guarantees in Defined Contribution Pensions
WP10: The Role of Pension Funds in Financing Green Growth Initiatives
WP9: Catastrophe Financing for Governments
WP8: Funding in Public Sector Pension Plans - International Evidence
WP7: Reform on Pension Fund Governance and Management: The 1998 Reform of Korea
National Pension Fund
WP6: Options to Improve the Governance and Investment of J apans Government Pension
Investment Fund
WP5: The New IAS 19 Exposure Draft
WP4: The EU Stress Test and Sovereign Debt Exposures
WP3: The Impact of the Financial Crisis on Defined Benefit Plans and the Need for Counter-
Cyclica Funding Regulations
WP2: Assessing Default Investment Strategies in Defined Contribution Pension Plans
WP1: Framework for the Development of Financial Literacy Baseline Surveys: A First
International Comparative Analysis
OECD Working Papers on Insurance and Private Pensions
WP41: Policy Action in Private Occupational Pensions in J apan since the Economic Crisis of the
WP40: Pension Funds Risk-management Framework: Regulation and Supervisory Oversight
WP38: Managing Investment Risk in Defined Benefit Pension Funds
WP37: Investment Regulations and Defined Contribution Pensions
WP36: Private Pensions and Policy Responses to the Financial and Economic Crisis
WP35: Defined-contribution (DC) arrangements in Anglo-Saxon Countries
WP34: Evaluating the Design of Private Pension Plans
WP33: Licensing Regulation and the Supervisory Structure of Private Pensions
WP32: Pension Fund Investment in Infrastructure
WP31: Pension Coverage and Informal Sector Workers

WP30: Pensions in Africa
WP29: Ageing and the Payout Phase of Pensions, Annuities and Financial Markets
WP27: Fees in Individual Account Pension Systems
WP26: Forms of Benefit Payment at Retirement
WP25: Policy Options for the Payout Phase
WP24: National Annuity Markets
WP23: Accounting for Defined Benefit Plans
WP22: Description of Private Pension Systems
WP21: Comparing Aggregate Investment Returns in Privately Managed Pension Funds
WP20: Pension Fund Performance
WP19: Coverage of Funded Pension Plans
WP18: Pension Fund Governance
WP17: Funding Regulations and Risk Sharing
WP16: Evaluating the Impact of Risk Based Funding Requirements on Pension Funds
WP15: Governance and Investment of Public Pension Reserve Funds in Selected OECD Countries
WP14: Sovereign Wealth and Pension Fund Issues
WP13: Reforming the Valuation and Funding of Pension Promises
WP12: Pension Fund Investment in Hedge Funds
WP11: Implications of Behavioural Economics for Mandatory Individual Account Pension Systems
WP10: Portfolio Investment in an Intertemporal Setting
WP9: Collective Pension Funds
WP8: Pension Fund Regulation and Risk Management
WP7: Survey of Investment Choice by Pension Fund Members
WP6: Benefit Protection
WP5: Benefit Security Pension Fund Guarantee Schemes
WP4: Governments and the Market for Longevity-Indexed Bonds
WP3: Longevity Risk and Private Pensions
WP2: Policy Issues for Developing Annuities Markets
WP1: Funding Rules and Actuarial Methods

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