Issue 33 The Natural Environment

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Contents Page - Issue 33 - The Natural Environment

1. Schedule 4

2. Representations

The Forestry Commission (CLDP032g, CLDP032h, CLDP032i)
Muckhart Community Council (CLDP174u, CLDP174v)
Friends of the Ochils (CLDP173b, CLDP173c, CLDP173d, CLDP173e)
Scottish Natural Heritage (CLDP144f)
RSPB Scotland (CLDP159l)

3. Supporting Documents

CD001 Scottish Planning Policy (February 2010)
CD060 Stirling and Clackmannanshire Forestry and Woodland
Strategy (June 2014)
CD093 Perth & Kinross Council Forest and Woodland Strategy (draft)
November 2013

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Issue 33 The Natural Environment
Development Plan
The Natural Environment (Pages
Body or person(s) submitting a representation raising the issue
(including reference number):

The Forestry Commission (CLDP032g, CLDP032h, CLDP032i)
Muckhart Community Council (CLDP174u, CLDP174v)
Friends of the Ochils (CLDP173b, CLDP173c, CLDP173d, CLDP173e)
Scottish Natural Heritage (CLDP144f)
RSPB Scotland (CLDP159l)

Provision of the development
plan to which the issue relates:
Landscape and TPO
Managing Flood Risk
EA2 Habitat Networks and Biodiversity
EA3 Protection of Designated Sites and
Protected Species
EA4 Landscape Quality
EA6 Woodlands and Forestry
Planning Authoritys summary of the representation(s):

Landscape and TPO

The Forestry Commission (CLDP032g) Paragraphs 7.23-7.30. Support
these sections of the LDP.

Managing Flood Risk

The Forestry Commission (CLDP032h) Request additional wording.

EA2 Habitat Networks and Biodiversity

Muckhart Community Council (CLDP174u) Wish to emphasise the
importance of Habitat Networks and welcome the policy.

Friends of the Ochils (CLDP173b) Support this policy.

EA3 Protection of Designated Sites and Protected Species

Scottish Natural Heritage (CLDP144f) and RSPB Scotland (CLDP159l)
Request wording changes.

Friends of the Ochils (CLDP173c) Support policy concerns re non-
designated sites.

EA4 Landscape Quality

Muckhart Community Council (CLDP174v) Concerns regarding the present
boundary of the Ochils SLA in the Muckhart/Dollar area. Welcome the
intention to carry out a full review of the SLAs during the lifetime of the LDP
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and will argue at the review for inclusion of countryside between Dollar and
Muckhart to be included in the SLA.

Friends of the Ochils (CLDP173d) Welcome the designation of SLA for the
Ochils. However, concern that designation can end at a somewhat arbitrary
administrative boundary in the hills where there is no change in landscape
across the boundary. Co-operation between respective Councils would be
welcomed to address anomalies.

EA6 Woodlands and Forestry

The Forestry Commission (CLDP032i) Support this policy.

Friends of the Ochils (CLDP173e) Welcome the ongoing development of the
Council's Forestry and Woodland Strategy (CD060) but wish to be assured
that their is synergy with strategies for adjacent Council areas. Would also
wish to see adequate co-operation with Perth & Kinross to ensure that
strategy matches with Perth & Kinross.

Modifications sought by those submitting representations:

Managing Flood Risk

The Forestry Commission (CLDP032h) Catchment scale tree planting has
been shown to significantly reduce surface run off, and as such can have a
beneficial impact on downstream flooding. The role that this can play should
be considered.

EA3 Protection of Designated Sites and Protected Species

Scottish Natural Heritage (CLDP144f) request wording change. Replace "a
species licence is likely" with "where a species licence will be required, it is
likely to be granted".

RSPB Scotland (CLDP159l) request wording change with deletion of
"significant" from "Development will only be permitted where the Ecological
Appraisal has demonstrated that it will have a significant adverse affect" to
comply with SPP (CD001).

Summary of responses (including reasons) by Planning Authority:

Landscape and TPO

The Forestry Commission (CLDP032g) Note the Commission's support.

Managing Flood Risk

The Forestry Commission (CLDP032h) While it is acknowledged that
woodland planting has a role to play in flood risk management, it is considered
that the appropriate place for references to catchment tree planting is in the
'Stirling & Clackmannanshire Forestry and Woodland Strategy' (CD060) and
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the forthcoming 'Forth District Flood Risk Management Strategy and Plan' and
not in the Local Development Plan. No changes are therefore sought to the

EA2 Habitat Networks and Biodiversity

Muckhart Community Council (CLDP174u) and Friends of the Ochils
(CLDP173a) Note support for the policy.

EA3 Protection of Designated Sites and Protected Species

Scottish Natural Heritage (CLDP144f) Accept that as licence is in the control
of a third party that the wording change would be appropriate if the Reporter is
so minded.

RSPB Scotland (CLDP159l) Accept that the proposed wording change would
align more closely with the SPP if the Reporter is so minded.

Friends of the Ochils (CLDP173b) Note their support as well as concern.
Developments in non-designated sites will be consider in relation to Policy
EA2 'Habitat Networks and Biodiversity' and should ensure that decision
making takes due consideration of habitat issues. No changes are therefore
sought to the LDP.

EA4 Landscape Quality

Muckhart Community Council (CLDP174v) The Council will welcome
community input to the SLA review when it takes place.

Friends of the Ochils (CLDP173c) The Council can only designate SLAs in
Clackmannanshire. There is dialogue with neighbouring authorities on
developments which impact on the Ochils i.e. wind farms. No changes are
therefore sought to the LDP.

EA6 Woodlands and Forestry

The Forestry Commission (CLDP032i) Note the Commission's support.

Friends of the Ochils (CLDP173d) The Council's Forestry and Woodland
Strategy (CD060) is jointly produced in partnership with Stirling Council. The
Council has been consulted on Perth & Kinross Strategy (CD093) which will
have a different approach to that of Stirling and Clackmannanshire and was
not perceived as compromising the strategy. No changes are therefore
sought to the LDP.

Reporters conclusions:

Reporters recommendations:

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