1303 AllQuizzes
1303 AllQuizzes
1303 AllQuizzes
13.2.5. Which one of the following statements concerning the two "gravitational constants" G, the universal
gravitational constant, and g the magnitude of the acceleration due to gravity is true?
a) The values of g and G depend on location.
b) The values of g and G do not depend on location.
c) The value of g is the same everywhere in the universe, but the value of G is not.
d) The values of g and G are equal on the surface of any planet, but in general, vary with location in the
e) The value of G is the same everywhere in the universe, but the value of g is not.
13.3.1. Given a collection of particles, through what process would one determine the net gravitational force
on one of the particles due to the others?
a) If the number of particles is odd, then the net force on the particle will be zero since every other particle is
paired with another particle.
b) The gravitational force of the particle nearest the particle will exert the greatest force and the others are
c) Calculate the gravitational force of each particle on the given particle and add them together as vectors to
find the net force.
d) Calculate the gravitational force of each particle on the given particle and use the vector cross product to
find the net force.
e) Multiply the mass of the particle by 9.8 m/s
13.5.1. Hypothetically speaking, if an object were located at the center of the Earth, the gravitational force on
that object of due to the surrounding Earth, assuming matter is uniformly distributed, would have which of
the following values?
a) The force would be approximately the same value as if the object were on the surface of the Earth.
b) The force would be much greater than the value if the object were on the surface of the Earth.
c) The force would be somewhat less than the value if the object was on the surface of the Earth, but it would
be greater than zero newtons.
d) The force would be zero newtons.
the fol
a) 1/r
b) r
c) r
d) 1/r
e) 1/r
the gra
a) #1
b) #2
c) #3
d) #2
e) #1,
a) All
b) All
c) All
d) All
e) All
are giv
a) e =
b) e =
c) e =
d) e =
e) All o
same d
a) The
b) Th
c) The
d) Ev
e) The
S1303 READ
. The magnitud
llowing choices
. Consider the o
avitational pote
and #3
, #2, and #3
. Which one of
planets move i
l planets move i
planets move i
planets move i
planets move i
. Each of the o
ven. In which o
= 0.8
of the orbits ha
distance center
. Which one of
e orbital period
e period of a p
e rotational per
ery planet swee
e square of the
de of the gravita
s gives the corre
objects of vario
ential energy of
f the following
in elliptical orbi
in circular orbit
in elliptical orbi
in circular orbit
in helical orbits
orbits shown ha
of these orbits i
ave the
to focus
f the following
d of a satellite in
planet in its orbi
riod of the Sun
eps out the sam
e period of any
ational potentia
ect relationship
ous masses and
the two object
statements con
its, with the Sun
ts, with the Sun
its, with the pla
ts around the ce
, with the Sun a
s the same leng
is the distance b
statements repr
n orbit of a pla
it about the Sun
equals the sum
me area in a one
planet is propo
al energy is rela
between the di
separations ind
ts the largest (i.e
ncerning Kepler
n at one focus.
n at the center.
anet at one focu
enter of mass o
at one end of th
gth semi-major
between the cen
resents the Law
anet is inversely
n is directly pro
m of the rotatio
Earth year per
ortional to the c
ated to the dista
istance r and th
dicated below.
e. the least neg
rs Law of Orbi
of the solar sys
he helix.
axis, but differ
nter of the orb
w of Periods?
y proportional t
oportional to th
onal periods of
riod, making on
cube of the sem
ance from a ma
he gravitational
In which of th
its is true?
rs in the eccentr
bit and the focu
to its mass.
he radius of its
the planets.
ne complete orb
mimajor axis of
ss. Which of
hese situations i
ricities, which
us at M largest?
bit about the
f its orbit.
a) Flu
b) Flu
c) Flu
d) Flu
e) Flu
a) 6.29
b) 5.4
c) 2.94
d) 0.0
e) 0.00
a) N/
b) N/
c) kg/
d) N/
e) kg
fluid in
a) Yes
b) No
c) No
d) No
e) The
liquid i
a) The
b) Th
c) The
d) Th
e) The
S1303 READ
. Which one of
uids are liquids.
uids are gases.
uids are transpar
uids are gases or
uids are opaque.
. The density of
9 kg
44 kg
4 kg
343 kg
02 94 kg
. Which of the
. Consider the d
n equilibrium?
s, the fluid must
o, side A should
o, side B should
o, both sides sho
e answer may b
. Which one of
is true?
e buoyant force
e buoyant force
e buoyant force
e buoyant force
e buoyant force
f the following
r liquids.
f mercury is 1.3
following choic
drawing of the
t be in equilibri
d be lower than
be lower than
ould be at the s
be yes or no, de
f the following
e will increase w
e depends on th
e depends on th
e depends on th
e is independen
statements best
36 10
ces is equivalen
liquid within th
side B.
side A
same height.
pending on the
statements con
with depth if th
he volume of th
he weight of th
he mass of the
nt of the density
t describes fluid
. What is the m
nt to the SI unit
he U-shaped tu
e density of the
ncerning the buo
he liquid is inco
he liquid displa
he object.
y of the liquid.
mass of a 4.00
t of pressure, th
ube that has bot
e fluid.
oyant force on
he pascal?
th sides open at
an object subm
mple of mercury
t the top. Is thi
merged in a
a) At
b) At
c) Flu
d) All
e) At
tube m
a) Arc
b) Pas
c) Poi
d) equ
e) Ber
a) mo
b) ene
c) me
d) the
e) hyd
a) Stre
b) Th
c) The
d) Th
e) Ver
flow ra
a) 0.0
b) 0.0
c) 0.03
d) 0.0
e) 0.10
S1303 READ
. Which one of
a given point in
all points in the
uid particles onl
particles within
a given point o
. Which law, pri
must be constan
chimedes' princ
scal's principle
iseuille's law
uation of contin
rnoulli's equatio
1. Complete the
omentum conse
ergy conservatio
chanical equilib
ermal equilibriu
drostatic equilib
2. Which one o
eamline flow is
e fluid must be
e fluid must be
e work-energy
rtical distances
. Oil is flowing
on A where the
ate at position B
13 kg/s
25 kg/s
38 kg/s
50 kg/s
0 kg/s
f the following
n the moving fl
e moving fluid,
ly move along s
n the fluid follo
n a streamline,
inciple, or equa
e following stat
ervation in dyna
on in dynamic
brium in fluids.
um in fluids.
of the following
e incompressibl
theorem is used
are always mea
through a tube
radius of the t
B where the rad
statements best
uid, the fluid ve
, the fluid veloc
streamlines with
ow straight line
the fluid veloci
ation specifies th
tement: Bernou
amic fluids.
g statements is f
d to derive Bern
sured relative to
e that has two d
tube is 7.0 cm, t
dius of the tube
t describes lami
elocity is consta
city is constant.
hin the fluid. P
s called streaml
ity is varying, b
hat the mass flo
ulli's principle is
false concernin
noullis equatio
o the lowest po
different cross-s
the mass flow r
e is 3.5 cm?
inar flow in flu
Particles not on
lines and their v
but the average
ow rate of a flu
s a statement of
ng the derivation
oint within the f
sectional areas a
rate of the oil is
a streamline do
velocity is cons
velocity along t
uid at two posit
n or usage of B
as shown in the
s 0.025 kg/s. W
o not move.
the streamline i
tions along a
e drawing. At
What is the mas
a) The
b) Th
c) If t
d) Th
a) 1 s
b) 2 s
c) 4 s
d) 6 s
e) bot
a) The
b) A r
c) The
d) Du
e) A r
a) The
b) Th
c) The
d) Th
e) The
a) whe
b) wh
c) wh
d) wh
e) wh
S1303 READ
. A block is hun
e harmonic mot
e maximum acc
e velocity of th
the velocity of
e maximum vel
. Consider the g
onic motion. A
th 2 s and 6 s
. Which one of
e displacement
restoring force
s displacement
e amplitude of
brium position.
uring simple har
restoring force a
. Which one of
is true when th
e elastic potenti
e elastic potent
e elastic potenti
e elastic potent
e elastic potenti
. Under which o
e harmonic mot
en the pendulu
hen the pendulu
en the pendulu
hen the pendulu
en the length o
ng vertically at t
tion. Which on
celeration of th
he block is neve
the block is zer
locity occurs w
graph shown fo
At which of the
f the following
versus time gra
acts on an obje
the object in si
rmonic motion
acts on the obje
f the following
he ball is movin
ial energy is at
tial energy is sm
ial energy can b
tial energy is at
ial energy is at
one of the follo
m swings rapid
um swings slowl
um swings throu
um swings throu
of the pendulum
the end of a sp
ne of the follow
he block occurs
er zero m/s.
ro m/s, it accele
when the maxim
or the position o
following time
statements con
aph for an obje
ect in simple ha
imple harmonic
, the net force o
ect that is prop
statements con
ng in simple har
its minimum w
maller when the
be expressed in
its maximum w
its minimum w
owing condition
ugh a small ang
ugh a large angl
m is more than
pring. When the
wing statements
when its veloci
eration is zero m
mum acceleration
of a ball attach
s does the ball
ncerning simple
ect in simple ha
armonic motion
c motion is the
on the object is
ortional to the
ncerning the ela
rmonic motion
when the spring
ball is at x th
n units of watts.
when the veloci
when the acceler
ns does the mo
twice the diame
e block is displa
s is true concer
ity is zero.
n occurs.
hed to a spring a
have its greates
harmonic mot
armonic motion
n that is directed
maximum dist
s zero newtons
objects displac
astic potential en
is in its equilib
han when it is at
ity of the ball is
ration of the ba
otion of a simpl
eter of the bob
aced and releas
ning the block?
as it oscillates in
st speed?
tion is false?
n resembles the
d in the same d
tance the object
when it is at its
cement from its
nergy of a ball
brium position.
t +x.
s a maximum.
all is a maximum
le pendulum ap
sed, it moves in
n simple
e sine or cosine
direction as the
t moves from it
s equilibrium
s equilibrium
attached to a
Name___________________________________________ Score/5______________________
15.6.4. Under which one of the following conditions does motion in a circle necessarily produce simple
harmonic motion of the projection on a diameter of the circle?
a) when the speed is periodic
b) when the speed oscillates with simple harmonic motion
c) when the speed is constant
d) when the speed equals the resonant frequency
e) It is never possible
15.8.1. What type of motion is represented by the graph shown?
a) simple harmonic motion
b) damped harmonic motion
c) special harmonic motion
d) squeezed harmonic motion
e) depleted harmonic motion
15.6.4. Which of the following best describes the effect of a damping force on simple harmonic motion?
a) Over time it reduces the amplitude
b) It reduces the frequency
c) a) and b)
d) It reduces the initial phase
e) a), b) and d)
15.9.1. Complete the following sentence: In harmonic motion, resonance occurs when
a) the energy in the system is proportional to the square of the motion's amplitude.
b) the driving frequency is the same as the natural frequency of the system.
c) the energy in the system is a minimum.
d) the system is damped.
e) the driving frequency is varying.
15.9.1. In which of the following situations is resonant oscillation generally desirable?
a) An aircraft wing
b) A childs swing
c) A bridge span
d) A car suspension
e) A skyscraper
these t
a) me
b) me
c) tran
d) lon
e) sim
a) The
b) Th
c) A s
d) Tra
e) Tra
a) lon
b) elec
c) mat
d) tran
e) seis
a) 1 m
b) 2 m
c) 4 m
d) 6 m
e) 8 m
a) amp
b) freq
c) leng
d) ma
e) spe
S1303 READ
. According to t
three main type
chanical, sound
echanical, electr
nsverse, sound,
ngitudinal, electr
mple harmonic,
. Which one of
e direction of t
e direction of t
sound wave is a
ansverse waves
ansverse waves
. A sound wave
ngitudinal wave
ctromagnetic w
tter wave
nsverse wave
smic wave
. The graph sho
a wave is travel
. Which one of
gth of the strin
ass per unit leng
eed of the parti
the text, waves
d, and light wav
romagnetic, and
and matter wav
romagnetic, and
light, and matte
f the following
the disturbance
the disturbance
an example of a
are not periodi
always travel at
e is an example
ows the vertical
ling. What is th
f the following
cles that compo
are of three m
d matter waves
d sound waves
er waves
statements con
is parallel to th
e is perpendicul
a transverse wav
ic waves.
t the speed of li
of what type o
l displacement a
he amplitude of
factors is impo
ose the string
main types. Whi
ncerning transve
he direction of
lar to the directi
of wave?
as a function of
f the wave?
rtant in determ
ich of the follow
erse waves is tru
tion of travel.
f time at one lo
mining the speed
wing choices co
ocation in a me
d of waves on a
orrectly lists
edium through
a string?
Name___________________________________________ Score/5______________________
16.6.2. Which one of the following statements concerning mechanical waves is false?
a) A wave carries energy from one place to another.
b) A wave is a disturbance that travels from one place to another.
c) The disturbance of particles of a medium may be in a direction that is perpendicular to the direction the
wave is traveling.
d) Sound waves are purely longitudinal waves.
e) A wave carries particles of its medium from one place to another.
16.6.3. Which of the following properties do not affect the average transmitted power of a wave on a string?
a) frequency
b) Mass per unit length
c) speed of the wave
d) length
e) tension
16.9.3. According to the Principle of Superposition, how are two waves combined to produce a resultant wave?
a) The velocity vectors are added together.
b) The displacement of the two waves are added algebraically.
c) The amplitudes of the two waves are multiplied together.
d) Waves are always independent of each other and cannot be combined.
16.10.1. Sine wave A has an amplitude of 0.5 m and sine wave B has an amplitude of 0.6 m. When waves A
and B combine, the amplitude is 0.9 m. Which of the following statements concerning this observation is true?
a) This was an observation in error, since the superposition of these two waves cannot result in an amplitude
larger than 0.6 m.
b) This was an observation in error, since the superposition of two these two waves will always result in an
amplitude of 1.1 m.
c) This is an example of the superposition of two waves resulting in exactly in phase interference.
d) This is an example of the superposition of two waves resulting in destructive interference.
e) This is an example of the superposition of two waves resulting in partially constructive interference.
16.11.2. What will occur in the superposition of two identical sine waves if they are shifted by (5/2) relative to
one another?
a) The waves will interfere with each other destructively.
b) The waves will interfere with each other constructively.
c) The waves will travel in opposite directions.
d) One wave will travel faster than the other, but in the same direction.
e) Since the waves are out of phase, they do not interfere with each other.
Name___________________________________________ Score/5______________________
16.12.1. Under what conditions will a standing wave be produced from interference of two sinusoidal waves?
a) The waves have same direction and frequency but different wavelength
b) The waves have same direction, frequency and wavelength
c) The waves have opposite direction and diffefrequency but same wavelength
d) The waves have different direction, frequency and wavelength
e) The waves have same frequency and wavelength but opposite direction
16.12.2. What is the distance between two successive antinodes of a standing wave?
a) one-forth wavelength
b) one-half wavelength
c) one wavelength
d) two wavelengths
e) four wavelengths
16.12.3. What occurs when a wave traveling along a taut string reaches a fixed end where it has been tied to a
a) The wave reflects back with the same amplitude, but with opposite sign.
b) The wave reflects back with the same amplitude and sign.
c) The wave is absorbed by the wall.
d) The wave reflects back with smaller amplitude and same sign.
e) The wave reflects back with larger amplitude, but with opposite sign.
16.12.4. A standing wave is set up on a taut string. Which of the following are not observed to move along the
a) nodes
b) antinodes
c) nodes and antinodes
d) Both nodes and antinodes can be observed moving along the string.
e) Nodes and antinodes can be observed switching positions at the natural frequency of the string
16.13.1. Which one of the following quantities is not a factor in determining the resonant frequency of a string
fixed at its two ends?
a) length
b) mass
c) tension
d) acceleration due to gravity
Name___________________________________________ Score/5______________________
17.2.1. What is the term used to describe the surfaces over which the oscillations due to a sound wave have the
same value?
a) rays
b) wave packets
c) beats
d) phasors
e) wave fronts
17.3.4. For which one of the following choices does the speed of sound have the largest value?
a) vacuum
b) air
c) copper
d) alcohol
e) helium
17.4.1. Which one of the following statements concerning traveling sound waves in air is false?
a) Traveling sound waves are longitudinal waves.
b) Traveling sound waves consist of alternating regions of compressed and expanded air.
c) A typical speed of sound in air is 680 m/s.
d) The displacement amplitude of a traveling sound wave may be described by a sinusoidal function.
e) The pressure amplitude is 90 out of phase relative to the displacement amplitude of a traveling sound
17.5.1. The drawing shows two sets of sound waves, created by two sources labeled "A" and "B." The black
half-circles represent wave crests from A, and the grey half-circles represent wave crests from B. Suppose that
individual wave crests from either source A or source B alone are at +5 m relative to the undisturbed air
molecule positions. What is the displacement of the air molecules at the point marked "x" that is at the mid-
point between the crests on each wave?
a) +10 m
b) +5 m
c) 0
d) 5 m
e) 10 m
17.7.2. The drawings show standing waves of sound in six organ pipes of the same length. Each pipe has one
end open and the other end closed. Some of the drawings show situations that are not possible. Which one(s)
is(are) not possible?
a) 4 only
b) 1 and 4
c) 5 and 6
d) 2 and 3
e) 4 and 5
Name___________________________________________ Score/5______________________
17.6.1. In term of amplitude s, sound wave intensity I is proportional to which of the following?
a) s
b) 1/s
c) s
d) 1/s
e) s
17.6.2. Complete the following statement: The intensity of sound that is emitted isotropically
a) is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source.
b) is proportional to the square of the distance from the source.
c) is inversely proportional to the square of the amplitude of the wave.
d) is proportional to the distance from the source.
e) is inversely proportional to the distance from the source.
17.6.3. Complete the following statement: The power of a sound wave that is emitted isotropically is always
a) inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source.
b) proportional to the square of the distance from the source.
c) inversely proportional to the square of the amplitude of the wave.
d) inversely proportional to the distance from the source.
e) None of the above statements are true.
17.6.7. If the sound intensity is at the threshold for hearing, what is the sound intensity level in decibels?
a) zero dB
b) 1 dB
c) 12 dB
d) 10 dB
e) 3 dB
17.6.7. How much more intense is a 30 dB sound compared to a 10 dB sound?
a) 100 times
b) 20 times
c) 3 times
d) 1.3 times
e) 0.3 times
Name___________________________________________ Score/5______________________
17.8.1. Under what conditions can you hear beats of sound waves?
a) when the wave is a standing wave
b) when the wave is refracted
c) when the wave is diffracted
d) when two waves of slightly different frequency combine
e) when two waves of slightly different amplitude combine
17.9.2. Which of the following occurs when the Doppler effect is produced by a moving source of sound?
a) interference
b) superposition
c) sound intensity changes
d) frequency changes
e) beats
17.9.3. Astronomers can determine the velocity of a galaxy relative to the Earth by observing the light waves
emitted by certain elements. If the light frequency from hydrogen atoms is shifted toward a lower frequency as
compared to the light emitted from hydrogen atoms on Earth, which one of the following statements correctly
describes the velocity of the galaxy?
a) The galaxy is moving away from the Earth.
b) The galaxy is moving toward the Earth.
c) The galaxy is moving along a direction that is perpendicular to the line connecting the Earth and the galaxy.
d) The galaxy is not moving relative to the Earth.
e) There is too little information given to determine the direction of the velocity of the galaxy.
17.9.4. You are riding a bicycle along the side of a road when an ambulance comes up behind you with its siren
on. As the ambulance passes, you notice that the sound of the siren changes. How does it change as it passes?
a) The frequency increases.
b) The frequency continually increases and then decreases.
c) The frequency continually increases.
d) The frequency continually decreases.
e) The frequency decreases.
17.10.1. Under which of the following conditions does a shock wave occur?
a) when two waves of differing frequencies superpose
b) when the temperature of air is greater than the temperature of the source of the sound
c) when the pressure amplitude exceeds the maximum pressure amplitude that the human ear can tolerate
d) when the source of a sound wave exceeds the speed of sound
e) when the sound intensity level exceeds 130 dB