The document outlines the HR plan of ARJUN GAMES including their mission, vision, goals and objectives. It details their recruitment process, organizational structure, employee file maintenance, training and development, performance appraisal, and employee relations. It also discusses developing leaders and providing extra benefits like childcare, nursing, flexible work styles, and work-life balance.
The document outlines the HR plan of ARJUN GAMES including their mission, vision, goals and objectives. It details their recruitment process, organizational structure, employee file maintenance, training and development, performance appraisal, and employee relations. It also discusses developing leaders and providing extra benefits like childcare, nursing, flexible work styles, and work-life balance.
The document outlines the HR plan of ARJUN GAMES including their mission, vision, goals and objectives. It details their recruitment process, organizational structure, employee file maintenance, training and development, performance appraisal, and employee relations. It also discusses developing leaders and providing extra benefits like childcare, nursing, flexible work styles, and work-life balance.
The document outlines the HR plan of ARJUN GAMES including their mission, vision, goals and objectives. It details their recruitment process, organizational structure, employee file maintenance, training and development, performance appraisal, and employee relations. It also discusses developing leaders and providing extra benefits like childcare, nursing, flexible work styles, and work-life balance.
Corporation Name: ARJUN GAMES Ltd. Registered Address Insight Bhaban, 4 th floor, Plot-72,Road-17, Block-C, Banani C/A,Dhaka-1213 Banking Relation Prime bank Account No: 12111030012695 UCB, Account No: 1211103001264 Registration DH-8970/11 Trade License 119513 TIN Number 376-200-5987/Coys-10 VAT Number 2011399683 Export License 0094514 Basis Membership A165
HR Mission Vision, Goals and Objectives Mission We provide a positive HR service experience for applicants and employees and collaborate with departments to recruit, develop, support, and retain diverse and talented employees who are the key to ARJUN GAMEs reputation and success. Vision We deliver Human Resources programs and services with such quality and expertise that campus departments gain a competitive advantage from our collaborative efforts to make ARJUN GAME a great place to work.
Goals and Objectives Goal One: Promote and enhance our competitive total rewards package to recruit and retain top talent.
Objectives: Create a total rewards message to educate HR partners, hiring managers, and recruits on the total value of the ARJUN GAMES employment package Work closely with management to reinforce the need for competitive compensation for individuals ARJUN GAMES wishes to attract and retain Fine tune benefits package within the ARJUN GAMES higher education restructuring framework Focus on RETIREMENT PLANNING and support for current and retired employees Define a minimum level of employee educational benefit across all senior management areas Goal Two: Support the talent development of our employees through professional development, CAREER development, and improved performance management.
Objectives: INVEST in professional development programs to improve leadership capabilities, JOB skills, and employee productivity Develop comprehensive career management tools, job enrichment strategies, and mentoring programs to help employees prepare for new opportunities Provide organizational consulting services to all senior management areas to spur improved organizational and individual performance Goal Three: Promote the achievement of work-life balance and wellness in our employee community.
Objectives: Expand the use of flexible work arrangements through greater supervisory and employee awareness about the potential benefits to employees and departments Inform employees about the importance of education, awareness, self-care, and behavioral change in improving wellness and productivity Collaborate with individuals and departments, both on and off campus, to deliver a broader range of wellness programs and services for improved physical and MENTAL HEALTH Assess the ongoing need for MORE child-care options based on analysis of local supply and demand Goal Four: Deliver services, programs, and communications which are highly valued by our prospective employees, current employees, and retirees.
Objectives: Target employee communications more effectively to meet employee information needs Leverage technology to streamline HR service processes and improve access to employee information Define HRs customer service promise and assess and improve customer satisfaction to a common standard through regular surveys Develop HR scorecard for central HR and senior management areas as an overall assessment and improvement tool Plan new office location so that it provides a productive work environment for improved service and program delivery Goal Five: Foster a diverse and inclusive community with a positive work environment.
Objectives: Develop a Building a Better Work Environment curriculum for supervisors Conduct regular organizational climate assessments and collaborate with senior managers to improve the work climate Partner with the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, senior managers, and department heads to promote and uphold our Principles of Community Educate the campus community on the prevention of harassment and discrimination and productive ways to resolve conflict INSURE we promote our commitment to diversity and non-discrimination through our actions and in our outreach and employee recruitment efforts Assess and address reasons why talented people leave the ARJUN GAMES employee community Goal Six: Compete for top talent with effective recruitment strategies and efficient recruitment processes.
Objectives: Identify more proactive recruiting solutions for staff and administrative and professional faculty positions Build relationships with senior management areas by assigning them staffing specialists and developing recruitment strategies focused on their recruitment priorities Improve employee on boarding experience through three month check-up Design and implement a central hiring procedures portal for managers to use when hiring all job types Provide search support for AP faculty searches upon request HR PERSONNEL FUNCTI ONS
Recruitment process of ARJ UN GAMES
1. Pre-Recruitment Process
We will receipt of manpower requirement from various department heads. Scrutinize them and take approval from concerned authorities if the post is new. We will prepare a recruitment budget and CTC for the employee and take approval. After we will select the appropriate Recruitment process.
2. Recruitment Process
At first we will prepare Advertisements etc for the recruitment. Scrutinize and shortlist the applications received. Send interview call letters/mails as required. Conduct Interviews through panels. Giving offer letters for selected candidates. Administrative HR Hiring, benefits, payroll, termination, Functional HR Recruiting, staffing, compensation, employee relation, training, guiding key employment decision. Strategic HR Align People Manangement practice with business strategy,train leaders, direct HR functions implementation, legal complince
3. Joining Formalities:
After Administrating Joining formalities we will check Pre Employment Reference Preparing and entering new hire paperwork. Coordinating to get Employee ID Cards.
4. Confirmation Formalities
Intimating the concerned HOD/Manager about the due dates for confirmation. Conducting Confirmation Appraisals. Coordinating for Skill Gap Analysis. Coordinating to set Quality Objectives for each job profile. Ensuring updating of the existing Job Profiles. Processing the Confirmation.
Organogram of ARJUN GAMES
Chief Executive officer (CEO)
Accounts and Finance HR Department Head of Network installation and configuration
Head of Software Development
Head of Consulting
Head of Training
Managing Director Sale and Marketing Chairman Head of Customer and Technical Support
Database Management
1. Employee Personal File Maintenance:
Opening new file and Closing the Resigned employees File Make sure all Employee files are maintained safely with care. Make sure all personal records are available in the files. Periodic Personal File Auditing.
2. Employee Data Base:
HR department will Keep Track of Knowledge Management Software. Maintenance of HRIS.
1. ISO Compliance:
HR Department of ARJUN GAMES will ensure all the updating of the ISO documentation and HR Formats. Learning and enforcing Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). Facing the Internal and External Audits, accountable to enforce the correctional actions
2. Statutory Compliance:
We will handle PF and ESI formalities and coordinating with other departments. Handling Apprentice Training, Submitting Periodic Returns to Board. Submitting other returns to the labor Department as per Shops and establishment Act.
Training and Development
Conducting Induction Training for new hires. Training Need Analysis based on Skill Gap Analysis, Appraisal Feedback and suggestions. Coordinating External and Internal Training Programs. Maintaining Training Records. Analysis of Training Feedback. 1. Developing the leaders Our company will do their does business in countries and regions around the world, ARJUN GAMES recognizes the importance of cultivating leadership qualities, and aims of international respect for different cultures and working environments. ARJUN GAMES will implement a series of initiatives to bring the full potential of employees to meet and the next generation of business leaders worldwide to promote. Performance Appraisal
We will arrange an appraisal Form Prepared the new. Educated employees about self-appraisal. Provided inputs to HODs for Appraisals. At last we will prepare Appraisal Letters.
Employee Relation
We will strictly follow of our code of conduct. Also arrange formal and Informal counseling with employees. Prepared Event Calendar of monthly recreation to motivate employees. Handling Corporate Medical Insurance. Processing required letters on employees request.
Extra benefits Child care and nursing ARJUN GAMES is offering special holiday savings plan for child care workers to be caring for children and paid leave, which can be used in conjunction with parental leave and offers up to 20 days for employees who leave after birth. Flexible work styles ARJUN GAMES does not follow strictly the laws and customs of the countries and regions in which it operates, but also provides working arrangements to help employees to achieve work- life balance effectively. Work-Life Balance Looking at work is a much more diverse lifestyles and employees to fully express their skills to keep up, ARJUN GAMES has created support systems and flexible work styles, including the importance of the optimal work-life balance stress.
Code of Conduct ARJ UN GAMES
Since its founding, ARJUN GAMES practices have been governed by integrity, honesty, fair dealing and full compliance with all applicable laws. ARJUN GAMES employees have upheld and lived this commitment in their every day responsibilities ever since, and ARJUN GAMEs reputation remains one of the Companys most important assets. The ARJUN GAMES Corporate Business Principles prescribe certain values and principles which ARJUN GAMES has committed to worldwide. This Code of Business Conduct specifies and helps the continued implementation of the Corporate Business Principles by establishing certain nonnegotiable minimum standards of behavior in key areas. The nature of this Code is not meant to cover all possible situations that may occur. It is designed to provide a frame of reference against which to measure any activities. Employees should seek guidance when they are in doubt about the proper course of action in a given situation, as it is the ultimate responsibility of each employee to do the right thing, a responsibility that cannot be delegated.
Employees should always be guided by the following basic principles:
avoid any conduct that could damage or risk ARJUN GAMES or its reputation; act legally and honestly; put the Companys interests ahead of personal or other interests. For the purposes of this Code, references to employees include employees, associates, officers and directors of ARJUN GAMES and its subsidiaries.
Section: 1
Compliance with laws, rules and regulations
We respect the law at all times
ARJUN GAMES and its employees are bound by the law. Compliance with all applicable laws and regulations must never be compromised. Additionally, employees shall adhere to internal rules and regulations as they apply in a given situation. Those internal rules are specific to the Company and may go beyond what is required by the law.
Section: 2
Conflicts of Interest
We will always act in the best interests of ARJUN GAMES
A Conflict of Interest occurs when personal interests of an employee or the interests of a third party compete with the interests of ARJUN GAMES. In such a situation, it can be difficult for the employee to act fully in the best interests of ARJUN GAMES Employees shall avoid Conflicts of Interest whenever possible. If a Conflict of Interest situation has occurred or if an employee faces a situation that may involve or lead to a Conflict of Interest, the employee shall disclose it to his or her Line Manager and/or the HR or the Legal or Compliance Function to resolve the situation in a fair and transparent manner.
Section: 3
Families and Relatives
Our hiring and people development decisions will be fair and objective
Immediate family members and partners of employees may be hired as employees or consultants only if the appointment is based on qualifications, performance, skills and experience and provided that there is no direct or indirect reporting relationship between the employee and his or her relative or partner.
These principles of fair employment will apply to all aspects of the employment, including compensation, promotions and transfers, as well as in case that the relationship develops after the respective employee has joined the Company. Provided that they are equally suited as other candidates, priority may be given to children of ARJUN GAMES employees with respect to internships, training periods, employment during holidays and similar short-term assignments.
Section: 4
Corporate opportunities
We are committed to advance ARJUN GAMES business
Employees shall not compete with the Company. Nor shall they take personal advantage of business opportunities that they discover during the course of their employment, unless the Company expressly waives its interest in pursuing such opportunity. If employees want to pursue business opportunities that might be of interest to the Company, they shall inform their Line Manager who will seek a management decision as to whether or not the Company wants to pursue the opportunity. Even if the Company decides against pursuing the opportunity, the employee may seize the opportunity on his or her own behalf only if it is clear that doing so will not result in direct or indirect competition with the Companys operations.
Section: 5
Insider trading
We respect and follow the Insider Trading Rules when buying or selling ARJUN GAMES securities
ARJUN GAMES prohibits the purchase and sale of ARJUN GAMES shares or securities on the basis of potentially share price relevant information which is not yet public. Non-compliance may not only entail disciplinary sanctions, but also result in criminal charges. When in doubt regarding the interpretation or applicability of ARJUN GAMES insider trading rules, employees shall consult with the Legal or Compliance Function.
Section: 6
Antitrust and fair dealing
We believe in the importance of free competition
ARJUN GAMES is prepared to compete successfully in todays business environment and will always do so in full compliance with all applicable antitrust, competition and fair dealing laws. Therefore, employees must at all times adhere to the following rules:
Commercial policy and prices will be set independently and will never be agreed, formally or informally, with competitors or other non-related parties, whether directly or indirectly;
Customers, territories or product markets will never be allocated between ARJUN GAMES and its competitors but will always be the result of fair competition;
Customers and suppliers will be dealt with fairly.
All employees, but especially those who are involved in marketing, sales and purchasing, or who are in regular contact with competitors, have a responsibility to ensure that they are familiar with applicable competition laws. When in doubt, the Legal Function should be contacted in order to provide competition law advice and training.
Section: 7
Confidential information
We value and protect our confidential information and we respect the confidential information of others
Confidential information consists of any information that is not or not yet public information. It includes trade secrets, business, marketing and service plans, consumer insights, engineering and manufacturing ideas, product recipes, designs, databases, records, salary information and any non-published financial or other data. ARJUN GAMES continued success depends on the use of its confidential information and its nondisclosure to third parties. Unless required by law or authorized by their management, employees shall not disclose confidential information or allow such disclosure. This obligation continues beyond the termination of employment. Furthermore, employees must use best efforts to avoid unintentional disclosure by applying special care when storing or transmitting confidential information. ARJUN GAMES respects that third parties have a similar interest in protecting their confidential information. In case those third parties, such as joint venture partners, suppliers or customers, share with ARJUN GAMES confidential information, such information shall be treated with the same care as if it was ARJUN GAMES confidential information. In that same spirit, employees shall protect confidential information that they have obtained in the course of their prior employment.
Section: 8
Fraud, protection of company assets, accounting
We insist on honesty and we respect the Companys assets and property
Employees must never engage in fraudulent or any other dishonest conduct involving the property or assets or the financial reporting and accounting of ARJUN GAMES or any third party. This may not only entail disciplinary sanctions but also result in criminal charges. ARJUN GAMES financial records are the basis for managing the Companys business and fulfilling its obligations to various stakeholders. Therefore, any financial record must be accurate and in line with ARJUN GAMES accounting standards.
Employees shall safeguard and make only proper and efficient use of ARJUN GAMES property. All employees shall seek to protect ARJUN GAMES property from loss, damage, misuse, theft, fraud, embezzlement and destruction. These obligations cover both tangible and intangible assets, including trademarks, know-how, confidential or proprietary information and information systems. To the extent permitted under applicable law, the Company reserves the right to monitor and inspect how its assets are used by employees, including inspection of all e- mail, data and files kept on Company network terminals.
Section: 9
Bribery and corruption
We condemn any form of bribery and corruption
Employees must never, directly or through intermediaries, offer or promise any personal or improper financial or other advantage in order to obtain or retain a business or other advantage from a third party, whether public or private. Nor must they accept any such advantage in return for any preferential treatment of a third party. Moreover, employees must refrain from any activity or behavior that could give rise to the appearance or suspicion of such conduct or the attempt thereof. Employees should be aware that the offering or giving of improper benefits in order to influence the decision of the recipient, even if he or she is not a government official, may not only entail disciplinary sanctions but also result in criminal charges. Improper benefits may consist of anything of value for the recipient, including employment or consultancy contracts for closely related parties. Employees must be aware that election laws in many jurisdictions generally prohibit political contributions by corporations to political parties or candidates. ARJUN GAMES has adopted a policy not to make such contributions except for the parent company in its country of origin. Any such contributions and any deviations from such policy must be approved by the CEO and the Chairman.
Section: 10
Gifts, meals, entertainment
We compete and do business based only on quality and competence
Employees shall not be influenced by receiving favors nor shall they try to improperly influence others by providing favors. Employees may only offer or accept reasonable meals and symbolic gifts which are appropriate under the circumstances, and they shall not accept or offer gifts, meals, or entertainment if such behavior could create the impression of improperly influencing the respective business relationship. When assessing the situation in light of the above, employees shall consult the policy applicable in their Market. If no such policy is available, they shall apply the most restrictive local practice in order to avoid even the appearance of improper dealings. When in doubt, the employee shall seek guidance from his or her Line Manager or the Legal or Compliance Function. No employee shall offer to or accept from any third party gifts taking the form of any of the following, whatever the value involved:
Money Loans Kickbacks Similar monetary advantages.
Section: 11
Discrimination and harassment
We embrace diversity and respect the personal dignity of our fellow employees
ARJUN GAMES respects the personal dignity, privacy and personal rights of every employee and is committed to maintaining a workplace free from discrimination and harassment. Therefore, employees must not discriminate on the basis of origin, nationality, religion, race, gender, age or sexual orientation, or engage in any kind of verbal or physical harassment based on any of the above or any other reason.
Employees who feel that their workplace does not comply with the above principles are encouraged to raise their concerns with the HR Department.
Section: 12
Failure to comply
We will consult the Code, comply with its provisions and seek guidance where needed
It is each employees responsibility to ensure full compliance with all provisions of this Code and to seek guidance where necessary from their Line Manager, or from the HR or the Legal or Compliance Function. To do the right thing and to ensure the highest standards of integrity is each employees personal responsibility that cannot be delegated. When in doubt, employees should always be guided by the basic principles stated in the introduction to this Code. Any failure to comply with this Code may result in disciplinary action, including the possibility of dismissal and, if warranted, legal proceedings or criminal sanctions.
Section: 13
Reporting illegal or non-compliant conduct
We take responsibility for ensuring that we all act with integrity in all situations
Employees shall report any practices or actions believed to be inappropriate under this Code or even illegal to their Line Managers or the appropriate members of the HR or the Legal or Compliance function. If it is appropriate, in view of the nature of the reported matter, reports of violations may be made directly to higher levels including the Groups Chief Executive Officer and/ or Chief Compliance Officer. Where appropriate, complaints may be made on a confidential basis or through employee Hotlines. All complaints shall be properly investigated. ARJUN GAMES prohibits retaliation against any employee for such reports made in good faith, while it also protects the rights of the incriminated person.
2014, ARJUN GAMES Concept and design: ARJUN GAMES, Corporate Identity & Design, HR TEAM