Velasco, an audit officer at PNB, withdrew money from his dollar savings account at the PNB branch in Igao without presenting his passbook or a letter of introduction as required. Almost a year later, an audit discovered the irregular withdrawal. Velasco was charged with serious misconduct but was eventually found guilty only of grave misconduct and forced to resign with benefits. He filed various legal complaints. The NLRC dismissed the complaints but the CA ordered PNB to pay separation pay and back wages to Velasco. The SC reversed, finding that Velasco's actions constituted serious misconduct as an officer of PNB and that PNB properly terminated him without additional pay.
Velasco, an audit officer at PNB, withdrew money from his dollar savings account at the PNB branch in Igao without presenting his passbook or a letter of introduction as required. Almost a year later, an audit discovered the irregular withdrawal. Velasco was charged with serious misconduct but was eventually found guilty only of grave misconduct and forced to resign with benefits. He filed various legal complaints. The NLRC dismissed the complaints but the CA ordered PNB to pay separation pay and back wages to Velasco. The SC reversed, finding that Velasco's actions constituted serious misconduct as an officer of PNB and that PNB properly terminated him without additional pay.
Velasco, an audit officer at PNB, withdrew money from his dollar savings account at the PNB branch in Igao without presenting his passbook or a letter of introduction as required. Almost a year later, an audit discovered the irregular withdrawal. Velasco was charged with serious misconduct but was eventually found guilty only of grave misconduct and forced to resign with benefits. He filed various legal complaints. The NLRC dismissed the complaints but the CA ordered PNB to pay separation pay and back wages to Velasco. The SC reversed, finding that Velasco's actions constituted serious misconduct as an officer of PNB and that PNB properly terminated him without additional pay.
Velasco, an audit officer at PNB, withdrew money from his dollar savings account at the PNB branch in Igao without presenting his passbook or a letter of introduction as required. Almost a year later, an audit discovered the irregular withdrawal. Velasco was charged with serious misconduct but was eventually found guilty only of grave misconduct and forced to resign with benefits. He filed various legal complaints. The NLRC dismissed the complaints but the CA ordered PNB to pay separation pay and back wages to Velasco. The SC reversed, finding that Velasco's actions constituted serious misconduct as an officer of PNB and that PNB properly terminated him without additional pay.
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PNB v.
Ramon Brigido Velasco
11 September 2008, Reyes Facts This is a tale of a bank officer-depositor clinging to his position after violating bank regulations and falsifying his passbook to cover up a false transaction. (Couldnt help copy-pasting this) Velasco, a P! "udit officer, and his #ife !elen, $aintained a dollar savings account at P! %scolta. &hile he #as in P! 'igao, "lbay on official business, he #ithdre# ()*,+++ fro$ his account. ,is account had ()*,-./.+0 at that ti$e. 1ince the 'igao !ranch is an off-line branch2one #ith no net#ork connection or co$puter linkage #ith other P! branches and the head office, the transaction #as not posted in the co$puter of the %scolta branch. The transaction #as evidenced by an 3nteroffice 1avings "ccount &ithdra#al 1lip aka the Ticket %4change Center (T%C). The T%C #as received by the %scolta branch but the #ithdra#al re$ained unrecorded in the %scolta branch. 5n the prete4t that he received a call fro$ his brother infor$ing hi$ that he #as sent ()*k, Velasco updated his dollar savings account by depositing ()6.0. and found that he had a balance of ()*,-./.+). ,e and his #ife then $ade several inter-branch #ithdra#als totaling to ()*k7 and subse8uently closed their account. "l$ost a year later, #hen an audit #as conducted at P! %scolta, the 3nternal "udit 9ept (3"9) discovered the interbranch #ithdra#al in P! 'igao. Velasco #as notified of the glitch and he clai$ed that he :ust confir$ed #ith his brother that the ()*k deposit #as not $ade after all. ,e then paid the ()*k #ithdra#al by delivering ; checks in the a$ount of (*k each. Velasco #as $ade to e4plain the incident. "t first, he clai$ed that the #ithdra#al at 'igao #as a <no book= #ithdra#al2#ithout presentation to the bank teller of the savings passbook but that his #ithdra#al #as acco$$odated as he #as kno#n to the staff at 'igao, being a for$er colleague. The <no book= #ithdra#al clai$ #as confir$ed by P! 'igao. Velasco #as then for$ally charged #ith 9ishonesty, >rave ?isconduct, and@or Conduct >rossly Pre:udicial to the !est 3nterest of the 1ervice. The charge alleged that the no book #ithdra#al #as a violation of the regulations of the bank, that he should have presented a letter of introduction #hen he $ade the no book #ithdra#al and that he is presu$ed to kno# that his #ithdra#al and the alleged deposit #ere not reflected on his passbook, thus, he #as able to appropriate ()*k for his personal benefit, free of interest, to the da$age and pre:udice of P!. P! #ithheld his rice and sugar subsidy, dental@optical@outpatient $edical benefits, consolidated $edical benefits, co$$utation of hospitaliAation benefits, clothing allo#ance, longevity pay, anniversary bonus, Christ$as bonus and cash gift, perfor$ance incentive a#ard, and $id-year financial assistance. ,e #as also subse8uently placed under preventive suspension for B+ days. (!" only provides #or $0 days% Velasco sub$itted his "ns#er to the charge against hi$. This ti$e, he clai$ed that his #ithdra#al #as #ith passbook and attached a copy of his passbook #ith the #ithdra#al entry. ,e clai$ed that his first e4planation #as $ade under pressing circu$stances and that he could not find his passbook #hich #as #ith his #ife #ho could not be contacted. Velasco #as e4onerated of the charges of dishonesty and conduct pre:udicial to the best interest of service. ,e #as found guilty of grave $isconduct, $itigated by length of service and absence of actual loss to P!. ,is penalty #as forced resignation #ith benefits. Velasco filed for illegal suspension, illegal dis$issal and da$ages before the 'CC. The '" dis$issed the co$plaint. ,e said that Velasco is e4pected to kno# bank procedures, having been an %% and officer of P! for ). years. Velasco should have kno#n that there #as inconsistency regarding the a$ount reflected on his passbook. The '" found Velascos clai$ regarding the $oney supposedly deposited by his brother as a fli$sy e4cuse and the #ithdra#al entry on his passbook a forgery. Velascos preventive suspension #as found reasonable considering the sensitive nature of his position and in order to protect the records of P!. The #ithdra#al of his benefits #as also held to be reasonable but the '" found that Velasco should be paid his salary. 5n appeal, the 'CC affir$ed the '" #ith the $odification that the a$ount of unpaid salary due to Velasco #as reduced. The C" reversed the '" and 'CC and ordered P9 to pay Velasco his separation pay plus back#ages. "ccording to the C", the failure of Velasco to present his passbook and a letter of introduction does not constitute $isconduct. "ssu$ing for the sake of argu$ent that he co$$itted a serious $isconduct in not properly $onitoring his account #ith ordinary diligence and prudence, the sa$e $ay be said of P! #hen it failed to $ake the necessary posting of his #ithdra#al. 'astly, the alleged offense of Velasco is not #ork-related to constitute :ust cause for his dis$issal. &ss'e &5 Velasco co$$itted serious $isconduct (there #as also a procedural issue on the proper re$edy to C", it should have been a Cule /* petition and not appeal) (eld)Ratio *+S "rt 6.6 of the 'C enu$erates the :ust causes #here an %C $ay ter$inate the services of an %%, to #itD a) 1erious $isconduct or #illful disobedience by the e$ployee of the la#ful orders of his e$ployer or representative in connection #ith his #orkE b) >ross and habitual neglect by the e$ployee of his dutiesE c) Fraud or #illful breach by the e$ployee of the trust reposed in hi$ by his e$ployer or duly authoriAed representativeE d) Co$$ission of a cri$e or offense by the e$ployee against the person of his e$ployer or any i$$ediate $e$ber of his fa$ily or his duly authoriAed representativeE and e) 5ther causes analogous to the foregoing. ?isconduct is defined as <i$proper and #rongful conduct. 3t is the transgression of so$e established and definite rule of action, a forbidden act, a dereliction of duty, #illful in character, and i$plies #rongful intent and not $ere error in :udg$ent= ("ustria v. 'CC). 5rdinary $isconduct #ould not :ustify ter$ination of the services of an %%. The la# is e4plicit that $isconduct should be serious. . 3t is settled that in order for $isconduct to be serious, Git $ust be of such grave and aggravated character and not $erely trivial or uni$portant.G "s a$plified by :urisprudence, the $isconduct $ust ()) be seriousE (6) relate to the perfor$ance of the e$ployees dutiesE and (;) sho# that the e$ployee has beco$e unfit to continue #orking for the e$ployer. ()) Velascos $isconduct is serious. ,e violated bank rules #hen he transacted a <no-book= #ithdra#al (1C also did not believe his latter clai$ that it #as a #ith passbook #ithdra#al especially since the no book transaction #as confir$ed by the 'igao officers). "side fro$ failing to present his passbook, he did not present a letter of introduction ('53) as $andated under a bank circular #hich re8uires an '53 before a depositor #ithdra#s fro$ his Peso 1avings account out-of-to#n. The said re8uire$ents #ere necessary, especially in the 'igao !ranch, in order for the negotiating branch to deter$ine or ascertain the available balance and speci$en signature of the #ithdra#ing party. "lso, the $aintaining branch, upon issuance of the '53 shall place a <hold= on the account in the co$puter as an internal control procedure. The 1C construed the circular liberally so as to include not only peso savings account but also dollars. 5ther#ise, there can be a circu$vention of the rule. e$o potest facere per aliu$ 8ud non potest facere per directu$. o one is allo#ed to do indirectly #hat he is prohibited to do directly. 1inu$an ay hindi pinapayagang ga#in nang hindi tu#iran ang ipinagbaba#al ga#in nang tu#iran. "s an audit officer, Velasco should be the first to ensure that banking la#s, policies, rules and regulations are strictly observed and applied by its officers in the day to day transactions. "nent the C"s finding that Velasco is not guilty of serious $isconduct since P! itself ad$itted that no book transactions #ithout an '5H is considered co$$on practice. "lso, the C" said that P! should have also charged the officers in 'igao #ho approved the no book transaction. The 1C, ho#ever, said that the fact that such transaction is a co$$on practice is no e4cuse. Velasco could not feign ignorance of the rules. "lso, it is P!s option #ho to charge or punish. 1C also held that factual findings of 8uasi-:udicial agencies, #hich have ac8uired e4pertise in $atters entrusted to their :urisdiction, are accorded not only respect but also finality if they are supported by substantial evidence. (6) Velascos $isconduct relates to the perfor$ance of duties. Velasco has dual personality, depositor and officer of P!. &hen he #ithdre# in 'igao, he failed to present his passbook and an '53. ,is $isconduct #as aggravated #hen he tried to cover up his infractions by falsifying his passbook. (;) ,e has beco$e unfit to continue #orking at P!. That it is his first offense is of no $o$ent because he holds a $anagerial position. %$ployers are allo#ed #ide latitude of discretion in ter$inating $anagerial e$ployees #ho, by virtue of their position, re8uire full trust and confidence in the perfor$ance of their duties. ?anagerial e$ployees like Velasco are tasked to perfor$ key and sensitive functions and are bound by $ore e4acting #ork ethics. 3ndeed, not even his ). years of service could e4onerate hi$. The C" erred #hen it directed P! to pay separation pay and back#ages. P! has no other liability to Velasco e4cept for his unpaid #ages fro$ ?ay to Iuly, )BB/. P! is under the :urisdiction of the 'C #hose 1ecs . and B of of Cule JJ333, !ook V of the 3$ple$enting Cules stateD 1ection .. Preventive 1uspension. K The e$ployer $ay place the #orker concerned under preventive suspension if his continued e$ploy$ent poses a serious and i$$inent threat to the life or property of the e$ployer or his co-#orkers. 1ection B. o preventive suspension shall last longer than thirty (;+) days. The e$ployer shall thereafter reinstate the #orker in his for$er or in a substantially e8uivalent position or the e$ployer $ay e4tend the period of suspension provided that during the period of e4tension, he pays the #ages and other benefits due to the #orker. 3n such case, the #orker shall not be bound to rei$burse the a$ount paid to hi$ during the e4tension if the e$ployer decides, after co$pletion of the hearing, to dis$iss the #orker. PNB ,as t,e rig,t to preventively s'spend Velasco d'ring t,e pendency o# t,e administrative case against ,im. &t -as obvio'sly done as a meas're o# &t -as necessary to sec're t,e vital records o# PNB -,ic,, in vie- o# t,e position o# Velasco as internal a'ditor, are easily accessible to ,im. /important part% Velasco #as preventively suspended for $ore than thirty (;+) days as of ?ay 60, )BB/, #hile the records bear that Velasco #as paid his salaries fro$ "ugust ), )BB/ to 5ctober ;), )BB/.L0BM Thus, the 'CC is correct in its holding that he $ay recover his salaries fro$ ?ay 60, )BB/ to Iuly ;), )BB/. The la# i$poses great burdens on the e$ployer. 5ne needs only to look at the varied provisions of the 'abor Code. 3ndeed, the la# is tilted to#ards the plight of the #orking $an. The 'abor Code is titled that #ay and not as G%$ployer Code.G "s one "$erican ruling puts it, the protection of labor is the highest office of our la#s. Corollary to this, ho#ever, is the right of the e$ployer to e4pect fro$ the e$ployee no less than ade8uate #ork, diligence and good conduct. "s ?r. Iustice Ioseph ?cNenna of the Hnited 1tates 1upre$e Court said in "riAona Copper Co. v. ,a$$er, GLtMhe difference bet#een the position of the e$ployer and the e$ployee, si$ply considering the latter as econo$ically #eaker, is not a :ustification for the violation of the rights of the for$er.G (dahil $ahilig si sir sa 8uotable 8uotes)