Pav Bahji
Pav Bahji
Pav Bahji
Sanjeev Kapoor Hindi Website
Home Recipes Pav Bhajee
Pav Bhajee
A famous street food of Mumbai Assorted ve!etables coo"ed #ith masalas
and served #ith pav
$his is an e%clusive #ebsite recipe
Preparation $ime & '()*+ minutes
,oo"in! time & '()*+ minutes
Servin!s & -
' + .oo!le /+ +
Pav Bhajee
Main 0n!redients
Potatoes1 $omatoes
2evel 3f ,oo"in!
Print 6avourites 4mail
- medium
- medium
89- small
' medium
8 inch piece
:)8+ cloves
.reen capsicum
8 medium
.reen chillies
6resh coriander leaves
89- cup
.reen peas shelled
89- cup
* tablespoons
to taste
Pav bhaji masala
8 89' tablespoons
* tablespoons
Step 8
Boil1 cool1 peel and !rate potatoes Wash and ;nel5 chop tomatoes Wash and
!rate cauli7o#er Peel1 #ash and ;nel5 chop onion Peel and #ash !in!er1
!arlic and !rind to a ;ne paste
Step '
Wash1 halve1 remove seeds and ;nel5 chop capsicum Wash1 remove stems
and ;nel5 chop !reen chillies
Step *
,lean1 #ash and ;nel5 chop fresh coriander leaves Wash and boil the !reen
peas in salted #ater till soft1 drain and mash li!htl5 and "eep aside ,ut
lemon into #ed!es
Step -
Heat oil in a pan and add three fourth <uantit5 of chopped onions Saut= till
li!ht bro#n Add chopped !reen chillies and !in!er !arlic paste Stir)fr5 for
half a minute
Step >
Add half the <uantit5 of chopped tomatoes and coo" on medium heat for
three to four minutes1 stirrin! continuousl5 or till oil separates from the
masala Add chopped capsicum1 boiled and li!htl5 mashed peas1 !rated
cauli7o#er1 !rated boiled potatoes and
Step (
Brin! it to a boil and simmer for ten minutes1 pressin! #ith the bac" of the
spoon a fe# times1 till all the ve!etables are completel5 mashed Add pav
bhajee masala1 salt and the rest of the chopped tomatoes ,oo" on medium
heat for t#o minutes1 stirrin!
Step ?
Heat half of the butter in a thic")bottomed pan or a ta#a Slice pav
hori@ontall5 into t#o and pan fr5 in butter for half a minute1 pressin! t#o or
three times or till pav is crisp and li!ht bro#n
Step :
.arnish the bhajee #ith chopped coriander leaves1 remainin! butter and
serve hot #ith pav accompanied #ith remainin! chopped onion and lemon
) See more at& http&99sanjeev"apoorcom9recipe9Pav)
Pav bhaji recipe
Pav bhaji recipe
3ne lar!e potato1 peeled and chopped
8 cup cauli7o#er chopped
89' cup !reen beans chopped
3ne carrot chopped
3il * tablespoons
Butter * tablespoons
3ne lar!e chili chopped
.in!er one sliced
* tomatoes chopped
Red chili D tsp po#der
89' teaspoon turmeric po#der
3ne tablespoon fennel seed po#der
Salt to taste
2emon juice 8 table spoon
89- cup chopped cilantro
( bread buns
$hinl5 sliced lemon
$a"e a pan and boil the beans1 peas1 potatoes #ith #ater
While boilin! those ve!etables donEt use much #ater
When those ve!etables come as boiled then drain #ater
from those ve!etables And "eep aside from coo"in! table
for ma"in! Pav bhaji recipe
$a"e a pan and heat oil #ith the pan in lo# heat then add
chopped tomatoes1 !reen chilies1 !in!er and stir #ith a
spoon to ma"e this mi%ture past5
A!ain add red chili po#der1 turmeric1 and fennel seeds
and mi% this
Fo# a!ain add mashed and boiled potatoes to this
Add !hee to this mi%ture and coo" it a!ain for another
$urn the stove oG
Fo# add !aram masala and lemon juice then mi% this
Hot the bun usin! oven spared butter over the bread and
coo"s it for ' minutes until its color turns into !olden Fo#
serve the hot Pav bhaji recipe
Here is a recipe video on ho# to ma"e Pav bhaji recipe at
home b5 sanjeev "apoor from "hana "ha@ana $his recipe
video #ill !ive 5ou proper live instruction to ma"e Pav bhaji
recipe at home
0n Pav bhaji recipe 5ou can add other ve!etables such as
bell pepper and cabba!e 0f 5ou donEt li"e to ma"e base #ith
potatoes then use !reen bananas to ma"e this base for Pav
bhaji recipe
Before servin! this recipe !arnish this recipe #ith
coriander leaves Hope 5ou #ill enjo5 this recipe at home