Zero Infinity Man
Zero Infinity Man
Zero Infinity Man
2 JUNE 1994
Pradeep B. Deshpande
Professor of Chemical Engineering
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY 40292 U.S.A.
Zer Zer
Zer Zer Zero and I nfinity o and I nfinity
o and I nfinity o and I nfinity o and I nfinity:
Foundations of Spirituality or Mathematics?
Figure 1. G. P. Rao's Riemann Sphere
- j
- - - - -
ne hundred years after it first deliberated
in Chicago, the Parliament of World
Religions met again in the windy city during
September 1993 to ponder the role of religion for
the well-being of the inhabitants of this planet. It is
perhaps befitting at this time to review how the
notion of zero and infinity may have originated over
five thousand years ago. The Sanskrit hymn (1) that
elaborates the meaning of infinity is
Purnamadam Purnamidam Purnat Purnamudachyate
Purnasyapurnamaday Purnamevavashishyate
Om Shanti Shanti Shanti
The hymn says that Parabhamma is full and no
matter how much is taken away from it, only fullness
The synonyms of zero (1) taken from an ancient
text Saankhya Nighantu (Muhurtha Darpanam)
Akasham Gaganam Shunyam
Antariksham Marutpatham
Akasham refers to sky and shunyam is the most
popular synonym for zero and thus even in their
definitions, zero and infinity appear to be tied.
Figure 1 shows Prof. G. P. Rao's interpretation of
the Riemann sphere with zero and infinity marked
on the opposite sides (1). The letter j denotes the
imaginary number. The point at zero represents
the atma (Sanskrit for soul or the self) while the
point on the opposite side of the globe represents
the param-atma (or the almighty). The following
fundamental points are worth learning from the
Riemann sphere.
1. The distance from zero to infinity is very great
indeed and thus the search for the almighty is a long
and difficult task.
2. The line from infinity returns to zero meaning
that the search for God may be conducted within
3. One can draw a large number of radial lines from
zero to infinity that eventually return to zero, mean-
ing that multiple paths in search of God exist.
The ideas in (1) and (2) must have led great souls
such as Gautama Buddha to extensive search
through meditation. In this context, the search for
the almighty (infinity) through meditation requires
the practitioner to rid the mind of all thoughts
(zero) and thus here too there appears to be a link
between zero and infinity. The idea in (3) assures
devotees that the routes prescribed in their respec-
tive faiths are perfectly valid approaches to achieve
the desired objective, no matter how diverse the
various paths may appear. Appreciation of the
ramifications of these simple ideas appear to hold
the key to peaceful coexistence in these troubled
times. Hopefully, the reader will be impressed with
the profound wisdom of the ancients.
The presence of multiple paths implies that there is
no need to assume human form for the almighty,
male or female. Such forms are admissible if the
faithful chooses to assume them but there is cer-
tainly no compulsion for the male form.
Multiple paths lead to various faiths, such as Chris-
tianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism,
Jainism, etc., each equally valid, none superior to
any other. A famous verse from the three to four
thousand year old Rig Veda says
Ekam Sad Vipra Bahudha Vadanti
(Reality is one, the wise call it by many names.)
In fact in the vedic culture certain paths are pre-
scribed that are independent of which faith, if any,
one may belong to. For example,
Karma Yoga, the yoga of selfless action, refers to
realization through good deeds. Mother Teresa
would be closer to realization than most of us can
ever be, even if she never attended the church.
Raja Yoga, the yoga of meditation, refers to real-
ization through discipline of the mind and the
Bhakti Yoga refers to realization through intense
devotion and worship.
It is interesting too what apparently began as an
exercise in spirituality laid the foundations of math-
ematics and sciences.
The interpretation of the Riemann sphere is due to
Dr. G. P. Rao, Professor of Electrical Engineering,
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, India.
Prof. Rao has used the Riemann sphere to derive a
number of interesting transforms. He also provided
the Sanskrit hymn and the synonyms of zero cited
in the paper.
The author acknowledges the assistance of
Bharatkumar Sanghvi, a graduate student at the
University of Louisville, with the word processing.
1. Rao, G. P., Private Communication, January
Pradeep B. Deshpande is Professor and a former
Chairman of the chemical engineering department
at the University of Louisville where he also di-
rects a Center for Desalination. He has over twenty
two years of academic and full-time industrial
experience. Dr. Deshpande is author, coauthor,
or editor of four text books in process control
and seventy papers. He has received several
awards for his work including the 1990 Donald
P. Eckman Award in process control education
given by I.S.A. Pradeep consults for several
companies in the U.S. and abroad and offers
continuing education courses in several coun-
tries. He is a member of AIChE, ACS, and a
Fellow of ISA.