Mahindra and Mahindra LTD.: Global Aspirations Power New Visual Identity For Mahindra and Mahindra

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About Mahindra & Mahindra Limited

Mahindra & Mahindra Limited (M&M) is an

I n d i a n mu l t i n a t i o n a l a u t o mo b i l e
manufacturing corporation headquartered in
Mumbai and is one of the largest vehicle
manufacturers by production in India. It is part
of t he Mahi ndra Group, an I ndi an
conglomerate. The company was founded in
1945 in Ludhiana as Mahindra & Mohammed
by brothers K.C. Mahindra and J.C. Mahindra
and Malik Ghulam Mohammed. After India
gained independence and Pakistan was
formed, Mohammed emigrated to Pakistan.
The company changed its name to Mahindra
& Mahindra in 1948.
Mahindra & Mahindra Limited is ranked #21 in
the list of top companies of India in Fortune
India 500 in 2011.
Now, after 65 years, Mahindra has grown from
a humble local outfit to a US $15.9 billion
corporation employing more than 155,000
people around the world and having global
leadership in utility vehicles, tractors, and
information technology, as well as significant
presence in financial services, leisure,
hospitality, engineering, trade, and logistics
Mahindra and Mahindra Ltd.
red that forms an important connect with the
Unveiled by Anand Mahindra, Chairman,
Mahindra Group and Mr. S.P. Shukla,
President Group Strategy and Chief Brand
Officer, Mahindra Group and Member of the
Group Executive Board this new corporate
logo represents the Mahindra Group across
all its businesses globally from January 2013.
Commenting on the new brand identity
adopted by the company, Anand Mahindra
said, The Mahindra Group has grown
exponentially over the past decade, with
businesses covering a wide range of
industries. Hence, we felt the need to refresh
our visual identity to better reflect a Mahindra
that has evolved over the years and is ready to
take on future challenges. Continuity and
change have both been integral parts of
Mahindras growth story.
SP Shukla, president group strategy and chief
brand officer, Mahindra group, is quick to point
out that the move is not a brand change. "Over
the years the group has transformed beyond
recognition. We have to be able to reflect that
change - it's internal, it comes from product
diversification and our Indian and international
aspirations." Adding further, he said, The new
wordmark and other elements of our
Three - Year New Visual Identity Exercise
The Group has come up with a new logo in line
with its pursuit to become "one of the top 50
most admired global brands within a decade".
As part of a 120-crore brand repositioning
mission that started in 2011 with a campaign
called Rise, the $16-billion Mahindra &
Mahindra has unveiled the latest phase of the
t r ansi t i on, whi ch r ef l ect s a new,
contemporary, global brand identity. The
objective is to showcase one Mahindra to the
world, with businesses that range from
automotive to information technology to
financial services.
T h e f a m i l i a r
Mahindra logo has
been substituted by
a visual identity that
is now more in sync
w i t h t h e
c o n g l o me r a t e s
global aspirations.
The new corporate
logo is a hand drawn
word mark that uses
a m o r e e d g y
character style and
is depicted in a
deeper shade of the
signature Mahindra
Global Aspirations Power New Visual Identity for Mahindra and Mahindra
This change is more of an evolutionary one than a revolutionary one
New Logo of Mahindra & Mahindra Limited
u February 2013
Mahindra is one of the largest vehicle manufacturers by production in India.
continued from page 5
refreshed visual identity have been adopted
after extensive research and feedback. We
wanted a word mark which would reflect the
evolving nature of our organisation, our global
outlook and progressive management style.
In short, it should reflect the core of
Mobility B2B Non-Mobility B2C
Red - Red Red - Grey Red - Yellow Red - Green Red - Blue
Rise isnt just a word
- it is a rallying cry
which enables people
to unify around shared
ideas, values,
principles, a way of
life or a common goal.
For Mahindra, Rise
means achieving
world-class standards
in everything we do,
setting new
benchmarks of
excellence and
conquering tough
global markets.
- SP Shukla, president group strategy
and chief brand officer, Mahindra group,
The reworked Mahindra logo will look to build
on the Groups heritage, while bringing in a
sense of modernity and dynamism into the
brand. A lot more contemporary, edgy and
sleek owing to its unique graphic element. The
word mark is accompanied by a new graphic
device called the 'ridge', which conveys the
setting of a Himalayan mountain range,
thereby conveying the idea of 'Rise.'
Ridge the new visual identity also
incorporates various colour combinations that
will be used to visually distinguish the Groups
Old wordmark
New wordmark
uFebruary 2013
Old wordmark V/s New wordmark
various businesses. Corporate and mobility
businesses will be all red, B2B businesses will
be red-grey and B2C businesses will have
different colour combinations.
Managing the brand's local and global
aspirations is not an easy task and the team at
Mahindra took its time - over a year - to decide
on the winning look that has been created by
Landor Associates in collaboration with the
company's internal design unit.
Brand Mahi ndras evol uti on i nvol ves
maintaining the brand's heritage attributes
even as it adds new ones. The new imagery
has also been created with the intention to
appeal to a younger and more discerning
The four letter moniker that was added to its
existing title two years ago represents a new
continued from page 6
A wordmark, word mark or logotype is usually a distinct text-only typographic
treatment of the name of a company, institution, or product name used for purposes of
identification and branding. The organization name is incorporated as a simple
graphic treatment to create a clear, visually memorable identity. The representation of
the word becomes a visual symbol of the organization or product.
A type of logo, a wordmark is a text-based mark identifying an individual, company,
organization, product, or brand. With a wordmark, the company or product name is
set in a specific typeface, often with some special treatment such as manipulated
letters or corporate colors. A wordmark may have some graphic-like elements
incorporated (such as a leaf shape to dot an i or extra flourishes and swirls
surrounding some letterforms) but it is essentially just text a logotype.
Well-known examples of wordmarks include:
IBM with the blue/white striped letters (even in black/white it's readily recognized)
Google, the multi-colored standard Google logo
Coca-Cola with its distinctive script typeface (in red or white)
"The new wordmark
and other elements of
our refreshed visual
identity have been
adopted after
extensive research
and feedback. We
wanted a word mark
which would reflect
the evolving nature of
our organisation, our
global outlook and
management style. In
short, it should reflect
the core of
- SP Shukla, president group strategy
and chief brand officer, Mahindra group,
(Also Known As: logotype)
u February 2013
continued from page 7
chapter in the history of this iconic 65 year old
brand, and has become the new face of this
diversified group of companies with its
increasingly global ambitions. Speaking on
Mahindras new brand position, Mr. Anand
Mahindra, Vice Chairman and Managing
Director, Mahindra Group, said, Rise isnt just
a word it is a rallying cry which enables
people to unify around shared ideas, values,
principles, a way of life or a common goal.
For Mahindra, Rise means achieving world-
class standards in everything we do, setting
new benchmarks of excel l ence and
conquering tough global markets.
A simple yet powerful verb, which now defines
the Mahindra Group, this new identity
challenges conventional thinking within the
Mahindra walls, and innovatively uses all its
resources to drive positive change in the lives
of its stakeholders and communities across
the world, and enable them to Rise. For an
organization which has a presence in over 100
countries, clarity, versatility and longevity are
top in the books when it comes to picking a
new visual brand signature.
However, every phase of this make over has
roots in the company's philosophy and ethos
that is summed up in the word Rise. The
campaign, created by agency Strawberry
Frog, went live in 2011 to reflect the brand's
new position and the evolving nature of brand
and company. Rise, said Anand Mahindra,
is a rallying cry and a word to sum up the
company's raison d'etre and its intent on
"enabling people to rise".
The spirit of Rise is based on the following
three Brand Pillars:
lAccepting No Limits
lAlternative Thinking
lDriving Positive Change
So how deep is this attempt to create a global
brand with a new wordmark and ridge? Says
Shripad Nadkarni, founder director, Market
Gate, a brand consulting firm: If it's only a
design change, then it becomes very hollow.
But this is a very positive move because if you
look at M&M they have been at the forefront of
change for well over a decade. Furthermore,
consumers are already experiencing the
changes due to their interactions with the
company's products and services. So this
move is very congruent with what they are
doing and is an important signal to the world.
We will challenge use all our resources to
drive positive change in the lives of our
stakeholders and communities across the
world, to enable them to Rise.
The Mahindra Group
has grown
exponentially over the
past decade, with
businesses covering a
wide range of
industries. Hence, we
felt the need to refresh
our visual identity to
better reflect a
Mahindra that has
evolved over the years
and is ready to take on
future challenges.
Continuity and change
have both been
integral parts of
Mahindras growth
- Mr. Anand Mahindra, Vice Chairman
and Managing Director, Mahindra Group
uFebruary 2013
Rise isnt just a word it is a rallying cry which enables people to
unify around shared ideas, values, principles, a way of life or a common goal.
- Mr. Anand Mahindra

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