The document provides updates on the activities of Teen Challenge Zambia and the Inter-Church Building Center (ICBC). It discusses that construction has begun on buildings at the ICBC site including a church, pastor's home, preschool, and team housing. It also introduces the Taylor family who recently arrived in Zambia to assist with the building projects and Teen Challenge. Additionally, it provides details about a family in need, the Sitali family, who is currently living outdoors without shelter and calls for donations to help build them a home before the rainy season begins.
The document provides updates on the activities of Teen Challenge Zambia and the Inter-Church Building Center (ICBC). It discusses that construction has begun on buildings at the ICBC site including a church, pastor's home, preschool, and team housing. It also introduces the Taylor family who recently arrived in Zambia to assist with the building projects and Teen Challenge. Additionally, it provides details about a family in need, the Sitali family, who is currently living outdoors without shelter and calls for donations to help build them a home before the rainy season begins.
The document provides updates on the activities of Teen Challenge Zambia and the Inter-Church Building Center (ICBC). It discusses that construction has begun on buildings at the ICBC site including a church, pastor's home, preschool, and team housing. It also introduces the Taylor family who recently arrived in Zambia to assist with the building projects and Teen Challenge. Additionally, it provides details about a family in need, the Sitali family, who is currently living outdoors without shelter and calls for donations to help build them a home before the rainy season begins.
The document provides updates on the activities of Teen Challenge Zambia and the Inter-Church Building Center (ICBC). It discusses that construction has begun on buildings at the ICBC site including a church, pastor's home, preschool, and team housing. It also introduces the Taylor family who recently arrived in Zambia to assist with the building projects and Teen Challenge. Additionally, it provides details about a family in need, the Sitali family, who is currently living outdoors without shelter and calls for donations to help build them a home before the rainy season begins.
The steel frame for two buildings went up. The roof sheeting will start next week followed by foundation work. Rob and Wafuka have been working closely with local craftsmenconstruction is o!cially underway. First structures are a church, pastors home, preschool, and team housing. We will be using local people to make bricks right on site and learn the craft of construction. You know what? It just feels right to utilize the hands and feet of the people living right here to make a di"erence in their own community. The Taylors are Here! Rob and Jennifer Taylor and their 4 children arrived in Zambia on 11 July and have been settling in and exploring their new home. While Rob has been assisting Wafuka with building projects for the ICBC, Jennifer is getting involved with maintaining nancial records and newsletters. Both are excited to become more involved with Teen Challenge! 1 Teen Challenge Zambia Contact Phone: +260 962 825 282 +260 954 174 393 +260 971 008 016 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Mailing Address: P.O. Box 360384 Kafue, Zambia Physical Address: Plot Sub L/89/42A/M Mungu Road Kafue, Zambia Prayer Requests For the staff at Teen Challenge and the stress of working with people in recovery. For the building projects: that the work would be done in a professional, and timely manner. For the Taylors and Kapolesas: as they continue to deepen their friendship and develop a team. Did you know? Teen Challenge Zambia has been receiving referrals from the Drug Enforcement Commission. It is exciting to know that Zambian government agencies view Teen Challenge as a valuable resource for recovery. PURE NARD TEEN CHALLENGE ZAMBIA Facilitating Life Transformation Quarterly September 5, 2014 New Friends "om South Korea Teen challenge and the ICBC welcomed just about 30 visitors from Africa Future Foundation. After a tour of the project and facilities, we spent time together in fellowship and sharing testimonies. We were even graced with a beautiful song; a gift from one of the young Korean visitors! We thoroughly enjoyed sharing all that God is doing with the ICBC and Teen Challenge! New Intern "om Angola We have a new member of the Teen Challenge Team, Adriano Chivela. He comes to us from Teen Challenge Angola and brings with him experience and knowledge of Teen Challenge, the program, and the personal testimony of recovery. A perfect t. Please welcome him to our team through your prayers and ask for the Lords provision for him in his adjustment to life in Zambia, and strength as he works with these young men in recovery. A big Thanks to our Friends Thank you to the Carlsons, who came to visit the ICBC ministry in May! We appreciate their leadership and direction as we kick o" with a great start in the construction of the buildings. We also continue to thank God for the faithfulness of the CLC Dayton family for their prayers and support. Thank you! We also need to extend a huge thanks to Chris Hodges and the Pacic Northwest Teen Challenge for their faithful giving. We now have electricity after 7 months of waiting! 2 Teen Challenge Zambia Meet Chiluba Chiluba has been participating in the Teen Challenge program for 6 months. As a student of the program, he shares his testimony Chiluba can look back now and realize the enormous opportunity he had with a student visa in the U.K. An abuser of marijuana in Zambia and then alcohol in the U.K., by the time he returned to Zambia for university as a nursing student, his drinking was out of control. He shared his thoughts on destroyed family relationships and lost opportunities. He made many attempts at a clean lifestyle out of his own will a New Years resolution year after year. Rock bottom was his expulsion from school. He hasnt seen his father since January. Chiluba came to Teen Challenge an atheist after fruitless attempts for spiritual depth in Buddhism, Islam, and even dabbling in New Aged style beliefs. His efforts continued to lead him on the path of self-destruction, that is, until he came to Teen Challenge. His enthusiasm for his new clean life spills over when he shares about what it means to be free of the chains of alcoholism. He lights up when he talks about his future. He believes that Teen Challenge works because of its residential style care for a full year which he believes is needed for recovery. Chiluba also credits the spiritual teaching to his health and recognizes that he would not have come this far without the Lords help. Celebrate with us! Chiluba is on the road to good health as a man of God. So as we pray for Chilubas continued strength and maturing faith, we also praise God with him. On the right path now, he is nding his family relationships restored and renewed. In fact, his father will come to see him this week. Praise God!
This ministry is funded in part by the faithful giving of people like you. If you are interested in making a contribution to this work, please send an email to: [email protected] !ank You for your support! TEEN CHALLENGE ZAMBIA Quarterly September 5, 2014
A Special Opportunity Meet the Sitali Family Just below the building site for the ICBC, you can see a collection of cardboard and plastics, a collection of pots and pans, and children running around. It is hard to imagine, but we are looking at a family home. The Sitali family has been squatting $with permission from the owner of the land% for a month now, so Wafuka went to investigate. As it turns out, Mr. Sitali lost his job and consequently their home. His wife, Jennifer, and their 9 children have all been living outdoors. This is an urgent situation because here in Zambia, there is a rainy season, and for those who have not experienced an African rainy season, it is more like a monsoon. It will begin to rain sometime in October, just a few short weeks away. We visited over the weekend and what a lovely family! We appreciate how they have made the best of a bad situation. All of their things were neat and in order. The area was clean and you could see their attempts at making the situation livable. They made private areas with tall grasses, used boxing materials and corrugated steel to make rooms for their living space. All&in&all it was quite nice, but the rain is coming. This really is an urgent situation. As hard as this family has worked at arranging a decent place to live for their children, it still does not have a toilet or privacy for things like bathing, and with no roof, those hard rains will not only drench the family, but also all of their belongings. Did I mention that one of the children is a daughter who has a 3&month old baby? To add to the familys frustration, the school&aged children $grades 1, 2, 6 and 9% were all given notice last week that they may not return to school until their school fees have been paid. To give you a picture of how very little this family is surviving with, the school fees are just 150 Kwacha per year. That would be just about '25 US dollars! Per year! Out of curiosity, we wanted to know how the children were doing in school so they brought out a report. Talk about high marks! We were looking at a student who was 4th in his entire class. As a teacher myself, I struggled with the idea of these children not being allowed to attend school. 3 Teen Challenge Zambia Quarterly September 5, 2014 We, at the ICBC site and Teen Challenge, have been touched. It is a struggle to drive past the Sitali family day after day and realize the fate that is coming with the rain. This is where we o"er a special opportunity. Would you join us in considering ways in which you can help? Our suggestion is to raise some funds to build a simple, Zambian& style structure to keep the family protected. We are talking about just three rooms with a roof about 150 square feet, and a pit latrine. We also encourage you to think about the childrens school fees. Are you able to help with buying bricks? Mr. Sitali has already been collecting mud bricks, but he has fallen short. A simple 3&room structure can be constructed with about '1,500 US. Can you help? Will you consider contributing toward the childrens school fees? At '25 per year for each child, all 4 children can continue their education with '100 US dollars. Will you join us in praying for this family and for the Lords provision? We view this as an opportunity; an opportunity to get involved and make a di"erence. The Sitali family is ready to work hard and do what it takes to forge a new life. We are encouraged by their faith, determination, and commitment. They recognize the blessing in how God has provided thus far and they are together. If you believe God is asking you to help this family get back on their feet, please send a quick email to Wafuka at [email protected], and we will forward the details. Thank you for your continued partnership and prayers!
4 Teen Challenge Zambia Quarterly September 5, 2014 5 Teen Challenge Zambia