Kessler y McKenna - Gender 2

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130 Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach

our society may only feel totally mate when in the presence of a
woman shorter than himself. When confronted with a taller woman
he must either accept his own "abnormality" or conclude that the
woman is abnormally tall and even masculine. Marian, a male-to-
female transsexual, feels more like a woman in the presence of men
iban in the presence of other women. She thinks this is because other
women are a reminder to her that she is not a "real" woman.
1f nontranssexuals, who have minimal concern with being doubted,
need to exaggerate maleness and femaleness, transsexuals ought to
have even more distorted views. In fact, given their life experi-
ences, it is to be expected. A younger female-to-male transsexual
spoke about how "turned off" he was by older transsexuals who
seem preoccupied with "How have you been the 'mate' this week?"
He, on the other hand, claimed to be less concerned with making
"that perfect masculine image." He knows that it is not necessary
to exaggerate mannerisms, and although he mentioned a number of
stereotypical male mannerisms (e.g., loping walk) when we asked
him what makes someone a man, he admitted that none of them
were really important. What is important is the initial presentation.
"Once you tag somebody you're right, and that's it. A lot of trans-
sexuals don't believe that."
The Private Body
Postoperative male-to-female transsexuals have little or no reason to
protect their bodies from being viewed. Breast developmnt occurs
with estrogen therapy and can be supplemented with silicone im-
plants. Genital surgery is of ten so successful that even experienced
gynecologists do not question the authenticity of the transsexuals'
genitals. Janet, a male-to-female transsexual, described a visit to a
gynecologist who, not knowing that Janet was a transsexual, told
her that there was a cyst on one of her ovaries. Janet protested
that this was impossible. The doctor explained that he ought to
know since he was a gynecologist, whereupon she countered with,
"Well, I ought to know; I'm a transsexual." This example not only
attests to the excellence of male-to-female genital surgery, but it
also provides a good illustration of the construction of gender. The
I doctor, having decided by visual inspection (undoubtedly prior to
Janet's undressing) that she was female, would interpret anything
else he saw or felt in light of that attribution. The swelling beneath
her abdominal watts must be a cyst; there was no reason to expect
Gender Construction in Everyday Life: Transsexualism 131
it to be a prostate gland. As a nurse who heard this story so aptly
phrased it: "If you hear hoofbeats, you don't look for elephants."
Preoperative male-to-female transsexuals and virtually all female-
\, I
to-male transsexuals manage their bodies in such a way that others
do not see them undressed. Major problems center around using
public restrooms and avoiding required physicals. The Erickson
manual (1974) is quite conservative on these points and advises
transsexuals not to use public restrooms if possible and not to apply
for jobs with large companies, since most require complete physicals
of new employees. The following examples from interviews with
female-to-male transsexuals illustrate some of the ways transsexuals
manage their private bodies.
Mike, a female-to-male transsexual, joined the merchant marines
in his early twenties (even though at that time he had had no sur-
gery and was not taking mate hormones). He volunteered for the
job of cook not only because it required less physical strength, but
because he would have to get up earlier than the others and could
use the toilets and showers privately. Even so, he always selected
the last shower stall in the row. Once when asked by his buddies,
"Did you ever lay a girl?", he failed to think fast enough and told
them no. They took him to a whorehouse where, unbeknownst to his
friends, he spent his time talking to the prostitute. He explained to
her that he did not want to have sex because he had a girl back
home to whom he wanted to be faithful. This was apparently a legit-
mate reason to keep his pants on. Afterwards he told his friends
that he had "a great lay."
The Erikson guide for transsexuals (1974, p. 7) suggests that mate-
to-female transsexuals should always urinate in a seated position
with their feet pointed outward. Aside from the concern of being
seen, the manual cautions about auditory signs. "... Female-to-male
transsexuals are advised (to) keep the toilet flushing while making
use of the cubicle for urination." The sound of the urinal stream
may be one of the more subtle gender cues.
Robert takes a book with him into public toilet stalls. He tries to
use stalls with doors, but if none are available he just sits down
with his pants pulled high aboye his knees. At first he was con-
cerned about this but he reassured himself: "Men sit down. So 1
can sit down without being suspected." He no longer worries that
the other men at work have not seen him at the urinal since he does
not remember seeing each of the other men standing there. A non-
transsexual mate probably would not wonder whether he has seen
132 Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
other men at the urinal. A lack of concern with gender is part of its
naturalness and highlights how gender is unproblematic in the fabric
of everyday life. Until transsexuals understand this, they are con-
tinually concerned with "passing" techniques.
The Personal Past
The reason that protection of the genitals from public viewing is so
important should be obvious. If genitals are the major insignia of gen-
der (and if, as we will discuss ib Chapter 6, gender attribution is
synonomous with genital attribution) ,then it is necessary
that everything be done to protect the body. But it is also clear that
very few of our interactions involve a public viewing (or potential
viewing) of our genitals. We must give the impression of having the
appropriate genitals to people who will undoubtedly never see them.
This is the same as saying we must give the impression of being and
always having been the gender we lay claim to. pender is
In concrete terms this involves talking in such a way that we reveal
ourselves to have a history as a mate or a female. Transsexuals must
not only conceal their real past (in most cases), but they must also
create a new past. Marian stated that she worries about referring to
her past because she thinks of her past as involving the activities of
a social male. Clearly what must be accomplished if the current
presentation is to succeed, is for the social past to be reevaluated
for the self before it can be constructed for others (e.g., "I wasn't
a feminine boy, I was a stereotypical girl").
Some things may be relatively easy to change (e.g., neme); other
things may be more difficult and in some cases impossible (e.g., school
and medical records). At all times the transsexual must remember
what details from her/his real past have been included in the new
history and which of these have concrete documentation. Feinbloom
(1976) states that it is essential for the transsexual to remember
what was said in one place in order to escape detection and "to
explain the gaps of time produced by those events in the earlier
life that he or she cannot acknowledge" (p. 237), For a male-to-
female transsexual who spent two years in the army, there are sev-
eral alternatives: She could tell people that she spent two years in
the army as a WAC; or she spent those two years engaged in some
other activity like going to college. Or she could be evasive regard-
ing her background and never mention those two years.
Obviously the least problematic course of action (the one that
requires the fewest number of additional constructions) is to use
Gender Construction in Everyday Life: Transsexualism 133
actual details from the past. It is because initial gender attributions
are so powerful that most biographic details can be credited to either
gender category. Once it is decided that you are female (or male),
most iteras you reveal about your past will be seen as female (or
male) history.
One female-to-male transsexual in describing his childhood can
state with no dissimulation that he played ball, climbed trees, and
was generally rough and aggressive. This was, in fact, his childhood
as a "tomboy." He supports this description of his past by using such
phrases as "when I was a kid."
When Robert is asked about his first dating experiences he de-
scribes the girl from his high school he would have liked to date.
Thus he draws upon his actual teenage fantasy Efe to create his
The transsexual's family can be a source of difficulty or they can
be a useful tool in passing. Sulcov (1973) claims that most "slips"
are made by family memberssaying "him" for "her" and vice
versa. Wanda, a male-to-female transsexual, told us of her horror
when her mother introduced her "new" daughter, Wanda, as "my
son." Wanda and her husband were so embarrassed that they left
the scene. Wanda assumed that the slip was inevitably discrediting,
and yet if we imagine the same event occurring to a nontranssexuai
female, it is likely that the mother's behavior would be treated as a
joke. Everyone would laugh and say something like, "Poor mother
must be getting senile." In more intellectual circles the mother might
be teased as having committed a Freudian slip. Thus, it is not the
slip, per se, which is discrediting; it is the handling of it.
One Hispanic transsexual said her f amily's solution was to stop
referring to her with gender-linked pronouns and names. Another
transsexual was aided by his mother who created for the neighbors
a mythical twin sister for her son. In this story the twins do not get
along and consequently they never visit the mother at the same
time. As the transsexual begins to live more continuously as a man,
presumably the "sister" will move away.
Part of what it means to give a credible biography involves giving
good reasons. A good reason is one that does not jar with one's gen-
der presentationthat does not arouse doubt. It may not be clear to
a transsexual (or anyone creating a new biography) what constitutes
a good reason until a mistake is made. And again, it is unlikely that
giving one bad reason would be enough to alter a gender attribution.
Those few times when transsexuals' reasons impressed us as not
very good were when they were sweeping generalizations about
134 Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
gender-role behavior. Janet, a thoroughly credible woman, when
asked by us what she says when she and her female friends talk
about their first menstruation, responded, "Women don't talk about
those things." Had she told us that, "My friends don't talk about
such things," we would have found her answer less striking. We feel
sure that her answer would have gone unnoticed by anyone who
knew nothing of her real past, yet it Gould have been used as evi-
dence of her transsexualism by someone looking for evidence.
A similar example involves a female-to-male transsexual, who
when discussing his hesitancy to use public bathrooms, said, "Men
don't like to go to the bathroom when other guys are there."'
The best kinds of reasons are those that are multifunctional. They
not only provide the transsexual with many excuses for the cost of
one "fabrication," but they allow other people to use the information
for interpreting many of the transsexual's behaviors.
Mike tells people that he did not serve in the army because of
a bad back. This same reason excuses him from lifting heavy
Kando (1973) cites the example of a male-to-female transsexual
who told her husband that she was unable to bear children
because of a hysterectomy. Her prior hospitalization for genital-
change surgery was then seen by the husband as hospitalization
for the hysterectomy.
3. Although Robert was self-conscious about his pierced ears, he
explained them as having been a requirement for the street gang
he belonged to. This story also supports his biography of a "real
boy's" childhood.
While we have been careful not to characterize these techniques
as deceptive, a number of the transsexuals (especially the younger
ones) we interviewed were concerned by what they perceived as the
necessary "Iying" they must do. Such attitudes ranged from feeling
bad abdut hvrng- to give a lot of excuses to actually denying that
they had to do so. One woman who denied that she had to "lie" at
all may have been trying to prove to us that she was such a natural
woman that she did not need to fabricate anything about her past-
her past was the past of a "real" woman. Under more careful ques-
tioning she admitted that there were some aspects of her life that
she could no( talk about to mosi people.
A female-to-male transsexual, prior to a mastectomy, needed to
Gender Conatruction in Everyday Life: Tran
asexualism 135
explain to acquaintances why he did not remove his shirt at the
beach. Even though he saw his excuse as a good (i.e., necessary)
one, he still felt bad. "Feeling bad" would in no way keep him from
making the required excuses since he believes his gender status to be
at stake. He claims, though, that many transsexuals are not good at
giving excuses because they are scared.
Transsexuals who need help constructing biographies and learn-
ing good reasons can consult other transsexuals. One physician con-
ducts role-playing sessions where female-to-male transsexuals can
give male-to-female transsexuals advice on how to pass as women
and vice versa. A male-to-female transsexual was role-playing the
following situation. "She's having lunch with the other girls from
the office and someone says, as women will, 'I feel out of sorts to-
day. I just got my period. I was going to go to the beach this week-
end, but I don't like to swim when I'm menstruating.' And then
someone turns to the transsexual and asks, 'Do you prefer to use
Tampax or Kotex?'" The role-playing transsexual was stunned by
this question which she had never anticipated. It took a female-to-
male transsexual with a girl's history to invent such a situation
based on his past experience (Erikson, n.d., p. 15).
We have discussed those aspects of gender that may be spe-
cifically taught to transsexuals. However, much of what it means
to be a woman or a man can not be exhaustively articulated and can
not be learned by rote. Many of the transsexuals we interviewed
talked about just "picking things up as they went along." The way
they talk about learning to pass is like someone explaining how
he/she learned language as a child.
The "trick," if there is such a thing, seems to be confidence. Both
the literature and the transsexuals, themselves, mention the need to
feel and act confident. ". . . The newly emerged transsexual is con-
stantly on guard and overly sensitive to all nuances in relationships.
With experience he or she Iearns that others are not as quick to
sense, or as alert to notice as expected" (Feinbloom, 1976, p. 238).
... Most people will Cake you at face value . . if you are not
apologetic in your manner .... The key to being accepted by others
is your own self-acceptance.... An attitude of quiet self-confidence
will get the best results" (Erikson, 1974, p. 6, 12). "... The transsex-
ual gradually acquires a comfort and spontaneity ... that smooths
the rough edges off his (sic) manner and makes it unremarkable and
convincing" (Erikson, n.d., p. 9). The key word is "unremarkable."
Several transsexuals mentioned "not overdoing it." One talked about
136 Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
the need to be "cool," not to react without first thinking. Another
suggested that if you are really confident, then you do not worry
about the "small stuff."
Garfinkel (1967) has explained that passing is an ongoing prac-
tice. This is because gender is omnirelevant to the affairs of every-
day life. Although transsexuals must be and act confident that no
one is going to discover their stigma, they must consciously, contin-
ually, make a presentation that will not allow anyone to discover it.
Gender is a necessary background to every act. That successful
passing requires the continual need to work at routinizing daffy
a-ctivities indicates this background feature of gender.
For Agnes such work involved always anticipating what might
be asked of her and answering questions in such a way that they
would appear to require no further explanation. She avoided em-
ployers' "checking up" on her past by providing them with answers
that portrayed her as not unusual in any sense. With the doctors
who interviewed her she managed her gender presentation by with-
holding informationspeaking in generalities and pretending not to
understand questions whose answers might be used to see her as a
For Mike, on board ship, his routinizing involved presenting a
total persona of shyness and naivete. Consequently everything he
did (any potential errors he might have committed) were seen as
arising out of his particular style. His failure to undress in front of
others was interpreted in this overall personality context as modesty
rather than femaleness. In later years he kept his private life (among
people who know of his past) and his professional life (among peo-
ple who do not) completely separate.
Manan developed a similar technique. In work situations she pre-
sents herself as quiet and reserved, thus insuring that other employ-
ees will not probe into her personal life. With friends who know
about her transsexualism, she is very different.
"Working" at gender can even go so far as creating a physical
presence that does not provoke notice. Male-to-female transsexuals
whn are especially concerned not to be mistaken for drag queens
shy that it helps to be ordinary looking.
While we agree with Garfinkel that gender is omnirelevant in
everyday interactions, and that gender "work" is required, we do
not believe that the bulk of the work is required of the one display-
ing gender. Rather, we assert that most of the work is done for the
displayer by the perceiver. The displayer creates the initial gender
attribution, probably by his/her public appearance and present talk.
Gender Construction in Everyday Life: Transsexualism 137
However, after that point, the leder attribution)is maintained by
virtue of two things: (1) Every ecte---the--dilayer's is filtered
through the initial gender attribution which the pereeiver has mude;
(2) The perceiver holds the natural attitude (e.g., gender is invad-
en. In short, there is little that the displayer needs to do once
he/she has provided the initial information, except to maintain the
sense of the "naturalness" of her/his gender. Passing is an ongoing
practice, but it is practiced by both parties. Transsexuals become
more "natural" females or males and less self-consciously trans-
sexuals when they realize that passing is not totally their responsi-
bility. This realization gets translated into confidence that the other
will contribute to making and sustaining the gender attributiong and
confidence that unless a monumental error is made, the initial gen-
der attribution will not be altered. "Proselytizing transsexuals" who
object to their gender not being taken seriously have made it diffi-
cult, or impossible, for others to share in the maintainance of their
gender by continually confronting others with a blatant violation of
the natural attitude.
The extent to which "errors" can be overlooked is illustrated in the
following example. We had met Rachel, a male-to-female transsex-
ual, when she was still living as a mate named Paul. When she had
just begun to "be" Rachel we were with her in a social situation
where only the tliree of us knew about her background. On this
occasion we called her "Paul" severa) times and even referred to
her as "he." Yet she continued to be treated and accepted as a
female with no questions asked." An interpretation consistent with
the argument we have just proposed is that the other people had
made an unambiguous initial gender attribution of Rachel as female
and either assumed they had misheard us or did not hear us in the
first place. They maintained the gender attribution for Rachel. There
was nothing that she or we needed to do to "save" the situation.
Once a gender attribution is made, virtually anything can be used to
support it. (Analogously, once it is discredited, then anything can be
used to support the discreditation, e.g., "I always knew he wasn't
a woman because his hands were so large.")
The kind of confidence exhibited by transsexuals who recognize
other people's role in contributing to gender attributions is illus-
trated in the following incidents:
1. Jane Fry, a male-to-female transsexual tried to get an I.D. card
from a clerk who noted that Jane Fry was listed as John Fry in
the records. The clerk asked, "Are you female?" Jane answered
138 Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
in an inflamed tone, "What do you want me to do? Strip and
prove it?" The clerk got flustered and gave Jane the I.D. card
(Bogdan, 1974, p. 182). The fact that Jane was preoperative
at the time, and if she had stripped would have revealed a penis,
is important insofar as it testifies to her confidence that the
clerk held the natural attitude toward gender; in seeing Jane as
female, the clerk knew the "correct" genitals would be there.
Robert, a female-to-male transsexual, needed to get the gender
on his birth certificate changed. He self-assuredly explained to
the clerk in charge that someone had obviously made a mis-
take. He said that his mother only spoke Spanish and the error
was probably due to that. The clerk, looking at the handsome,
bearded young man standing before her sympathetically re-
sponded, "They're always making mistakes like that." Accord-
ing to Robert, "If you apprehend trouble, you make it." From
our point of view the clerk interpreted Robert's reasonable
complaint in the context of the visual and auditory information
available to her. The immediate gender attribution was so strong
and his presentation so credible that she could not have seen
Robert as other than male. The only explanation possible was
that there had been a clerical error in issuing the original birth
Robert had a similar encounter with a dermatologist who
wanted to give him a full examination. Robert's reaction was,
"That's out of the question." While that may seem like a sus-
picious response to someone reading this account of a trans-
sexual's behavior, it was obviously acceptable to the doctor
who responded, "1 understand how you feel." The doctor prob-
ably interpreted Robert's answer as that of a particularly bash-
ful man. While it may not have been common behavior in a
doctor's office, it was legitimate behavior, and thus not dis-
crediting of gender. Once a gender attribution has been made,
anything a person does will be seen as congruent with that
gender attribution. There is no reason to think that someone is
taking androgens unless you have already begun to doubt that
they are male. Robert's encounter with the doctor highlights
the point that transsexuals can engage in behavior that may
bring into question their normalcy, but which need not bring
into question the status of their gender. Gender, then, has
Gender Construction in Everyday Life: Transsexualism 139
primacy over other attributes. When confronted with atypical
baliaidoCone decides that the performer is a "strange" man
long before deciding that the performer is not a man alter all,
but a woman. The latitude that a person has in performing
atypical behavior, before that person's gender is called into
question, is a crucial issue.
4. Robert made a visit to his old neighborhood as his "new" gen-
der. A friend from high school stopped him on the street, told
him he looked familiar, and asked if he had any sisters. Rather
than getting upset or defensive, Robert answered "yes" and
calmly named all his sisters.
Although Robert is a totally credible man and has "passed" in
countless situations, he is still uncomfortable when the topic of
transsexualism is discussed in his presence by people who do not
know about his past. He is not sure what a "normal" male reaction
is and whether he will give himself away if he should defend the
legitimacy of transsexualism. He admits that, as in all new situations,
he will feel threatened until the first time he tries it; and in trying it
he will simultaneously be doing "natural" behavior and learning
"natural" behavior.
What we have been calling "confidence" when exhibited by trans-
sexuals is what, for nontranssexuals, would be seen as a display of
the natural attitude. Transsexuals are confident once they accept
their gender as unquestionable because gender (in the natural atti-
tude) is unquestionable once an attribution has been made.
Gender for the nontranssexual is not problematic. It is a back-
ground feature of everyday life, but it need be of no concern.
Transsexuals, in routinizing their daily activities, are managing them-
selves deliberatelysometimes more deliberately than nontrans-
sexualsbut the aim of this management is to keep their gender
from being problematic for other people as well as for themselves.
The difference between the confident attitude of the transsexual and
the everyday attitude of the nontranssexual lies only in the history
of the individual. However, in the process of gender attribution his-
tory is irrelevant. There are only people who succeed, during on-
going social interaction, in being, for each other, either males or
females. AH persons create both the reality of their own specific
gender and a sense of its history, thus at the same time creating the
reality of two, and only two, natural genders.
Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
All names of transsexuals and any identifying information have
been altered.
The natural attitude toward gender as detailed by Garfinkel and the
"facts" about gender which, according to Kohlberg (1966), young children
do not know, are strikingly similar. In light of our analysis of the
development of children's ideas abut gender, this is not surprising. It is
also interesting to compare the natural attitude with Money and Ehrhardt's
[1972) "formula" for insuring that a child develops an unambiguous
gender identity [p. 152). The "formula" can be seen as a scientific
statement of the natural attitude.
We are not the first to note that "liberals" in the field of
transsexualism often hold a biological view which is the reverse of what
one usually finds. [On issues such as race and intelligence liberals generally
look for social-psychological causes.) Some (e.g., Raymond, 1977) claim
that this "liberal" perspective disguises a basically conservative and
sexist attitude toward gender roles.
Judicial rulings regarding change of gender status include:
Anonymous v. Weiner 270N.Y.S. 2d, 319-324, 1966 (unfavorable ruling);
In re Anonymous 293 N.Y.S. 834-838, 1968 (favorable ruling); In re
Anonymous 314 N.Y.S. 2d, 668-670, 1970(favorable ruling); Corbett v.
Corbett (otherwise Ashley) 2 W.L.R. 1036, 2 all E.R. 33, 1970, (unfavorable
ruling); Matter of Fernandez, New York Low Journal, 3/15/76,
p. 12, col. 2 (unfavorable ruling).
The term "sex reassignment" is now being used as a substitute for
"sex change" in the professional literature on treatment of transsexualism.
The former term implies a rehabilitative process, while the latter implies
that a person was once one gender and is now the other. Because of
our perspective we think "reconstruction" is yet a better term.
This doctor's use of the feminine pronoun to refer to the female-to-
male transsexual suggests an underlying attitude of skepticism toward the
legitimacy of the transsexual's gender claim. And yet this doctor was
presented as being sympathetic toward transsexualism and an advocate of
corrective surgery. Stoller, an eminent clinician in the field of
transsexualism measures the strength of patients' gender identities by the
pronouns he finds himself automatically using [Stoller, 1968, p. 235).
However, we think the pronoun he uses is a measure of the gender
attribution Stoller has made, since as he indicates earlier in his book
(p. 192) gender identity can only be measured by asking the person.
It is not clear whether by "illusion of feminity" Feinbloom means
that femininity in general is an illusion or that the transsexual's
femininity (or femaleness) is.
We did not find this statement suspicious (having no firmly developed
Gender Gonstruction in Everyday Life: Transsexualism 141
ideas about males' bathroom idiosyncracies); however a mate colleague
who listened to the interview tape [and who knew the interviewee
was a transsexual) characterized the comment as not a good reason.
Under certain circumstances, it is expected that the perceiver will
contribute minimally to the gender attribution, and consequently the
transsexual must be more self-conscious about her/his presentation. For
example, when a transsexual is interviewed by a clinician who must
determine whether the transsexual is "really" the gender she/he claims,
the clinician may attempt to withhold a gender attribution and try to judge
each of the transsexual's acts independently without seeing the act as
emanating from a male or female. We believe that this is such a formidable
task that this stance can be maintained only for the briefest period.
This example illustrates in two ways the resistence of initial gender
attributions to change: the power of the other people's gender attribution
to Rachel as female, and the power of our initial gender attribution to
Paul as male.
11. As transsexualism becomes a more socially shared reality, birth
certificate clerks and others in similar positions may come to see that there
are other explanations besides clerical errors. In doing so,
however, their ideas about gender will necessarily change.
When we first began to think about gender as a social construc-
tion, we devised a "game" called the Ten Question Gender Game.
The player is told, "I am thinking of a person and I want you to tell
me, not who the person is, but whether that person is female or male.
Do this by asking me ten questions, all of which must be answerable
by 'yes' or 'no.' You may ask any question except, 'Is the person
male?' or 'Is the person female?'. After each question, based on the
answer I have given you, tell me, at that point in the game, whether
you think the person is female or male and why you have decided
that. Then ask your next question. You need not stick with your first
answer throughout the game, but regardless of whether you stay with
your original choice or change your decision you must, at each
point, explain your choice. At the end of the game I will ask you to
give your final decision on the person's gender."
The game is reasonably simple, fun to play, and is not unlike
"Twenty Questions." Our game, however, is not just for fun. Instead
of answering the player's questions on the basis of the character-
istics of some real person, we responded with a prearranged, ran-
dom series of "yes's" and "no's." The game is a form of the "docu-
mentary method,"1 and we created it both in order to find out what
kinds of questions the players would ask about gender, and, more
importantly, to uncover how the players would make sense out of
what is, in many cases, seemingly contradictory information. The
following is a transcript of a typical game:
Player: Is this person living?
Interviewer: No. What is it?
13 : It was an irrelevant question. I shouldn't have asked you that
question. No basis for judging it. Is the person over 5'B" tall?
I: Yes
Toward a Theory of Gender 143
P: Mala. The probability in my mirad of a taller person being male
is higher for male and lower for female.
Is the person over 160pounds in weight?
1: No.
P: Well, now I'm mixed. I'd still say leaning toward male.
Is the person under 140pounds in weight?
I: No.
E': So, we're between 140and 160pounds. I'd say male on the
basis of physical characteristics. A person over 5'B" between
140and 160poundsI'd tend toward male.
Well, what else can I ask about this person? (long pause) Well,
I mean, there're obviously some questions I can't ask .
I: Like what?
P: Like does this person wear skirts?
I: Yes.
P: The person does wear skirts. Then it's female I assume because
I assume in general when people wear skirts they're female.
The exception being Scottish males perhaps under some con-
ditions, but I assume on the basis of probability that that's it.
l' ye established in my mirad that the person is probablywith-
out asking directly questions about the sex of a person. I have
to ask five more questions?-
1: Yes.
13 : Is the person a mother?
I: No.
P:Well I can'tthat's a sex-directed question ... Well, I'm still
leaning toward female. (long pause)
Does the person have a 9 to 5 job?
I: No.
P: Well, I'm leaning toward female.
I: Why?
P: Skirts, the physical attribution make possiblephysical char-
acteristics makes possible female and not having a renumera-
tive job makes less likely in my mirad that the person's male.
(long pause) When the person was a child, I don't know if this
is a legitimate question, did the person play with dolls a lot?
1: No.
No? Well I'm still leaning toward female, because females
don't have to play with dolls.avoidingI mean there're
substitute questions for "is the person female or mala," but I
assume I can't ask those question.
144 Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
1: Yes you can ask anything.
P: But if I ask some questions it's essentially
1: You can ask me anything.
P: (long pause) Well, there's a system to this. If one thinks of good
questions one can narrow it down very well, I imagineany
other physical characteristics. Well, you can't ask questions
about physical characteristics if they determine whether the
person is male or female.
1: Yes, you can.
P: Does the person have protruding breasts?
1: Yes.
P: Then more likely to be female. (long pause) I'm trying to think
of good questions. We covered physical characteristics, job re-
lationsask another physical question.
Does the person have developed biceps?
1: Yes. Ud like your final answer.
P: Well, I think the answers I've been giventhe answer to the
last question about developed biceps, leads me to doubt
whether we're talking about a woman but theand the physi-
cal characteristics describe, that is height ami weight could be
both man or woman in my mind although I tended a little bit
toward man, but the severa]-questions tip it in my mind. The
wearing of skirts, the protruding breasts, the nonrenumerative
job make it more likely in my mind that I'm talking about a
woman than a man. Although the developed biceps, as I under-
stand it, throws a monkey wrench in it because I don't know
if it could be accurate to characterize any woman as having
developed biceps, but perhaps you can.
We have played this game with over 40people. A summary of
what occurs includes the following observations: (1) Players ex-
hibited the rule-guided behaviors described by Garfinkel (1967, pp.
89-94), including perceiving the answers as answers to their ques-
tions, seeing patterns in the answers, waiting for later information
to inform earlier information, and so on. (2) Specifically in terms of
gender, all players were able to make sense out of the apparent in-
consistencies in the answers, such that players were led to postulate
bearded women and men who were transvestites. In one case the
player concluded it was a hermaphrodite, and in another that it was
a transsexual. In all other cases the final decision was either "male"
or "female." (3) Only 25 percent of the players asked about genitals
in the first three questions. Most players asked questions about
Toward a Theory of Gender 145
either gender role behaviors or secondary gender characteristics.
When asked after the game why they did not ask about genitals,
players explained that it would have been tantamount to asking "Is
this person a male (or female)?", which was an unacceptable ques-
tion since finding the answer was the object of the game. Players
knew that their task was to discover the gender of the person with-
out asking about gender specifically, synonymous, to them, with
asking about genitals. Some of the players who did ask about geni-
tals and received answers refused to ask any more questions, claim-
ing that there was no reason to do so. They were absolutely certain
of the person's gender, even if that decision conflicted with the
other pieces of information they received. (4) Only two people who
asked about genitals asked about a vagina bef ore asking about
whether the person had a penis. One was told "yes" the person had a
vagina, and the other was told "no." Both of them then asked if the
person had a penis. Of the fifteen people who asked about a penis
first, eight were told "yes," and none of them then asked about a
vagina. Of the seven who were bold "no," only four then asked if
the person had a vagina.
The way in which persons played this "game" suggested to us that
(1) Gender attributions are based on information whose meaning is
socially shared. Not just any information will inform a gender attri-
bution, and certain information (biological and physical) is seen as
more important than other information (role behavior). (2) Once a
gender attribution is made, almost anything can be filtered through
it and made sense of. (3) Gender attribution is essentially genital
attribution. If you "know" the genital then you know the gender. (4)
In some way, knowledge about penises may give people more in-
formation than knowledge about vaginas.
In order to investigate further the relationship between gender
attribution and genital attribution, and to collect additional informa-
tion about the relative importance of physical characteristics in
deciding gender, we designed a more formal study. A set of plastic
overlays was prepared. Drawn on each overlay was one physical
characteristic or one piece of clothing. The eleven overlays were:
long hair, short hair, wide hips, narrow hips, breasts, fat chest,
body hair, penis, vagina, "unisex" shirt, "unisex" pants. When the
overlays were placed one on top of the other, the result was a draw-
146 Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
ing of a figure with various combinations of typically male and
female physical gender characteristics. The overlays, in combination,
produced ninety-six different figures. Each figure had either long or
short hair, wide or narrow hips, breasts or a fiat chest, body hair or
no body hair, and a penis or a vagina. Figures were either unclothed,
wore a non-gender-specific shirt and pants, or wore one of the two
articles of clothing. AH figures had the same, non-gender-specific
face. (See Figures 6.1 and 6.2 for two of the figures used.)
We assumed that the figure that had many typical female charac-
teristics would be seen as female, and the figure that had many
typical mate characteristics would be seen as male. What, though,
would people decide about the "mixed" figures? Would the figures
be ambiguous stimuli, stumping the participants, or would sense be
made of them as in our Ten Question Gender Game? How would the
presence or absence of particular cues, especially genitals, affect the
participants' perceptions of other physical characteristics?
Each of the ninety-six figures was shown to ten adults, five males
and five females. The 960participants were asked three questions:
(1) Is this a picture of a female or a mate? (2) Using a scale of 1 to
7, where 1 means not at all confident and 7 means very confident,
how confident are you of your answer? (This was, in part, to give us
information about whether the forced choice in Question 1 was a
clear gender attribution or merely a guess.) (3) How would you
change the figure to make it into the other gender?
From the participants' answers, not only would we have an "objec-
tive" measure of the relative weight of various characteristics in
making gender attributions, but, in seeing how people construct
gender from "contradictory" cues, we would gain some understanding
of the phenomenological reality of femaleness and maleness. As we
have pointed out previously in this book, people who are designated
"males" and "females" vary within gender and overlap between
genders on every social and biological variable. How, then, is gender
dichotomized such that, phenomenologically, there are only males
and females? By controlling the variables and by slowing down the
gender attribution process by means of this overlay study, we hoped
to see the construction of gender. Although making judgments about
drawings is not the same as making judgments about real people,
insights gained from the former are valuable in understanding the
What constitutes gender? George Devereux, a psychoanalytic
anthropologist, claims that ". . much of manIcind's high degree of
sexual dimorphism is due to the woman's conspicuous femaleness;
Toward a Theory of Gender 147
Figure 6.1
Figure with penis, breasts, hips, no body hair, and
long hair.
148 Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
Figure 6.2 Figure with vagina, no breasts, no hips, body hair, and
short hair.
Toward a Theory of Gender 149
she is sexually always responsive and has permanent breasts. Man
is not more obviously mate than the stallion; woman is more con-
spicuously female than the mere ..." (1967, p. 179, italics ours). The
findings of the overlay study are in direct refutation of Devereux's
assertion. It is the penis which is conspicuous and apparently impos-
sible to ignore, and it is the mate figure which dominates the reality
of gender. These findings hold for both male and female viewers of
the figures.
One way to analyze the relative importance of the genitals is to
ask how many participants made a "male" gender attribution and
how many a "female" gender attribution when the figure, irrespec-
tive of all other gender characteristics, had either a penis, a vagina,
or had its genitals covered by pants. Considering first the thirty-two
figures whose genitals were covered, ten of these figures had pre-
dominantly "mole" characteristics (at least three out of four), ten
had predominantly "female" characteristics, and twelve had an equal
number of "female" and "male" characteristics. If "female" and
"male" gender cues were equally "powerful," we would expect that
50 percent of the participants would provide a "male" gender attri-
bution to the covered-genitals figure, and 50 percent would provide a
"female" gender attribution. This did not occur.
There were a disproportionate number of "mate" gender attribu-
tions sixty-nine percent to the covered-genitals figure. This find-
ing can be understood in light of other data collected. Seavey, Katz,
and Zalk (1975) report that adults who interacted with a baby with-
out knowing its gender more often thought the infant to be a boy.
(The baby used in the study was female.) In another study (Haviland,
men and women incorrectly labeled girls "mate" twice as often
as they labeled boys "female." In Chapter 4 we discussed the chil-
dren's drawings study but did not, at that time, present data regard-
ing the direction of errors in gender attributions. Kindergarten, third-
grade, and adult participants attributed "mate" to a female figure
more often than they attributed "female" to a mate figure. Pre-
schoolers, who do not yet participate in the adult social construc-
tion of gender, did not show this bias. On the other hand, kinder-
garteners, who hold the most rigid and stereotyped ideas about gen-
der, erred in saying "male" five times more often than they erred in
saying "female."
This predisposition to think and guess "mate" irrespective of
external stimuli is refiected in other cultural phenomena such as the
use of the generic "he." Had our participants been asked to attribute
gender to an inkblot, they might have responded "male" more often
150 Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
than "female." However, the participants were not just "thinking
male" (making judgments irrespective of stimuli) but actually "see-
ing male," filtering the external stimuli through "androcentric" gen-
der attributions. In other words, not only is there a tendency to re-
spond with a "male" answer, but on practical occasions people's
perceptions are such that the stimuli look "male."
Our evidente for asserting this comes from an analysis of the dis-
tribution of gender attributions for the figures with various second-
ary gender characteristics. Virtually all the "female" cues (long
hair, wide hips, breasts, no body hair), and even the cues we in-
tended to be neutral (clothing), were seen by at least 55 percent of
the participants as male cues. Never were male cues (short hair,
body hair, narrow hips, fiat chest) seen by more than 36 percent of
the viewers as female cues. We cannot blame this on poorly drawn
female characteristics, since these same "female" cues were per-
ceived as female in a predominantly female context. For example,
overall, 57 percent of the figures with breasts were seen as male.
Three and a half percent of the participants who made a "male"
gender attribution to the figure with breasts said that adding breasts
was the first thing that should be done to make the figure female.
However, of those participants who saw the figure as female, over
half of them mentioned "remove the breasts" as the first thing to
do to make it male. Thus, in a female context the female cue was
salient, but in a male context it could either be "ignored" or seen as
a male cue. In phenomenological reality although the presence of a
"male" cue, may be a sign of maleness, the presence of a "female"
cue, by itself, is not necessarily a sign of femaleness. As we shall
see, the only sign of femaleness is an absence of mole cues.
Our discussion thus far has been limited to "secondary" physical
cues. Presumably figures without pants, showing either a penis or a
vagina, provide viewers with additional gender information and
move them further from the fifty-fifty split we hypothesized. If
genitals were the definitive gender cue then we would expect that
figures with penises (irrespective of any other combination of gender
characteristics they had) would be seen by 100percent of partici-
pants as male, and figures with vaginas would be seen by 100per-
cent of participants as female. While genital cues increase the num-
ber of gender attributions toward the "appropriate" gender, the
difference between the presence of a penis and the presence of a
vagina is profound. Those participants who saw a figure with a penis
responded like our hypothetical sample for whom the genital was
the definitive gender cue, but those participants who saw a figure
Toward a Theory of Gender 151
with a vagina did not. The presence of a penis is,
in and of itself, a
powerful enough cue to elicit a gender attribution with almost com-
plete (96 percent) agreement. The presence of a vagina, however,
does not have this same power. One third of the participants were
able to ignore the reality of the vagina as a female ene.'
If we conceived of the processing of gender cues as additive, then
we would conceptualize our findings in the following way: There
existed in participants a tendency to think and see maleness which
produced "baseline" gender attributions of 69 percent male and 31
percent female. Participants who saw the "undressed" figure had
one more piece of information to produce an attribution. Genitals
provided approximately 30percent more information. "Female" gen-
der attributions increased from 31 percent to 64 percent when a
vagina was added. "Male" gender attributions increased from 69
percent to 96 percent when a penis was added. According to this
conceptualization the genital is just one more piece of information.
It is not that the penis is a more powerful cue than the vagina, but
that each genital has a 30percent power which is added onto a
differential baseline (not based on genitals).
We do not, however, interpret the findings in that way. We con-
ceive of the processing of gender cues multiplicitively. Cues work
in a gestalt fashion. The genitals function as central traits (Asch,
1946), affecting the interpretation of each of the other cues. Once
participants decided that the figure liad a penis, they were even
more likely to see the long hair as "reasonable" male hair length,
ignore/misperceive the width of the hips, and see the facial features
as "masculine." Similarly, once they accepted the reality of the
vagina, they were more likely to see short hair as "reasonably" fe-
male, and see the facial features as "feminine." If the vagina were
as definitive a gender cue as the penis and functioned as a central
trait, then it would produce female gender attributions with 96 per-
cent agreementovercoming the bias against such an attribution
in the covered-genital condition. In fact, as some of our other find-
ings indicate, the vagina does not function in this way. It is either
ignored/misinterpreted in the first place or when recognized does
not have the power to influence the other cuma
Penis equals male but vagina does not equal female. How many
additional female cues does the figure with a vagina need to have
in order to produce female gender attributions 96 percent of the
time? In other words, how female did a figure have to look bef ore
virtually all participants said that it was a female? There is no single
female cue that in conjunction with a vagina produced female gender
152 Gender: Aa Ethnomethodological Approach
Toward a Theory of Gender 153
attributions more than 81 percent of the time. Figures with a vagina
and two other female cues produced female gender attributions
more often. If the two other female cues were long hair and breasts,
female gender attributions were given 95 percent of the timeas
often as mate gender attributions were given when the penis was
present. Even adding another female cue (vagina plus three female
cues) brings the percentages of female gender attributions aboye
95 percent in only two conditions: the figure with wide hips, breasts
covered, long hair and the figure with no body hair, breasts, and
long hair. Even when the figure has a vagina, the remaining male
cues are obviously operative and powerful.
The differential reality of the genitals is noted again when we look
at the participants' certainty answers. Young children are "better"
at attributing gender to clothed figures than to naked ones (Katcher,
1955), presumably because genitals are not part of the way they
construct gender. However, adults are not always more certain of
their attributions to naked figures than to clothed figures. They are
only more certain of their attribution to naked figures when the
genital exposed is a penis. When the genital is a vagina, they are no
more certain than when the genitals are covered. Participants were
most certain of their gender attributions when the figure they judged
had a penis, and least certain when the penis was strongly contra-
dicted. If we consider the sixty-four conditions where the genitals
were exposed, in twenty-five of them at least one-half of the partici-
pants gave certainty scores of "7", indicating they had no doubt
about the figure's gender. The penis was a cue in twenty-two of
those conditions. There was only one condition where at least one-
half of the participants were very uncertain (scores of 1,2, or 3). In
this condition the figure had a penis and four female cues.' The
participants' uncertainty in that condition was also reflected in the
fact that one-half identified the figure as male and the other half
as female.
More evidente regarding the phenomenological reality of the penis
comes from participants' responses to how they would change the
figures with genitals. We coded the "change" answers relating to
genitals into three categories: (1) remove genitals, (2) add genitals,
change genitals. If the penis and vagina are equally real features
then we would expect just as many participants to have said "add
a vagina" to create a female as said "add a penis" to create a male.
And similarly we would expect as many to have said "remove the
penis" to make a female as "remove the vagina" to make a mate.
We did not find this.
In changing a male to a female 38 percent of the participants men-
tioned removing the penis, but only one percent said that it was
necessary to add a vagina. When changing a female to a male, the
findings are reversed. Thirty-two percent of the participants said
that a penis needed to be added to make a mate but only one percent
said that the vagina need be removed.
Thompson and Bentler (1971) examined the relative importance
of physical gender cues, testing responses to nude dolls with various
combinations of male and female gender characteristics. If we com-
pare the data they collected with the findings of the overlay study
there is a significant similarity. The adults in Thompson and
Bentler's study gave the doll with a muscular body structure, short
hair, and mate genitals the maximum "mate" score; they gave the
doll with a rounded body structure, long hair, and female genitals
the maximum "female" score. When the cues were gender-consistent
they were equally weighted. When the cues were in contradiction,
however, the genitals clearly had differential meaning and power.
Participants rated the doll with muscular body structure, short hair,
and female genitals only somewhat less masculine than the maxi-
mum male score, while they rated the doll with rounded body struc-
ture, long hair, and mate genitals considerably less feminine than
the maximum female score. The power of the penis lies not in its
absence, since the masculine doll minus the penis was still seen as
very mate, but in its presence. The feminine doll with a penis could
not be seen as female.'
There seem to be no cues that are definitely female, while there
are many that are definitely male. To be male is to "have" something
and to be female is to "not have" it. This proposition is related to
our earlier discussion of a "male response bias" and both are in-
tegral to the social construction of gender. The implications of this
are explored in more detail in a later section of this chapter.
To summarize the overlay study: Gender attribution is, for the
most part, genital attribution; and genital attribution is essentially
penis attribution. In the next section we argue that penis attribution
takes place irrespective of the biological genitals and on the basis
of the cultural genitals.
Garfinkel (1967) makes a distinction between the possession of
a penis or a vagina as a biological event and the possession of either
154 Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approaeh
genital as a cultural event. The cultural genital is the one which is
assumed to exist and which, it is believed, should be there. As evi-
dence of "natural sexuality," the cultural genital is a legitimate pos-
session. Even if the genital is not present in a physical sense, it
exists in a cultural sense if the person feels entitled to it and/or is
assumed to have it.
According to our perspective and the language we have been
using, cultural genitals are the attributed genitals, and since it is the
penis which is either attributed or not attributed, we maintain that
the only cultural genital is the penis. It belongs to males and is
attributed by members as a part of the gender attribution process in
particular instances. Physical genitals belong only to physical (gen-
derless) bodies and consequently are not part of the social world.
Attributed genitals are constructed out of our ways of envisioning
gender and always exist in everyday interactions. Males have cul-
tural penises and females have no cultural penises, even cardboard
drawings wearing plastic pants. How else are we to understand the
participants in the overlay study who claimed that the way to
change a clothed male figure finto a female was to "remove the
penis," or the child who sees a picture of a person in a suit and tie
and says: "It's a man because he has a pee-pee."
Physical genitals are a construction of biological and scientific
forms -of lif e and are relevant only to that perspective. Penises do
not exist in isolation. They belong to, and are presumed to be at-
tached to, males. When what looks like a penis is found to be
attached to a female, it is treated as a penis only in the physical (non-
social) sense. Janet, a male-to-female transexual we interviewed,
told us of one or two occasions prior to surgery when she had sexual
encounters with men. These men did not treat the (physical) penis
between her legs as a (social) penis. They seemed to have decided
that it was "all right" that Janet appeared to have an inappropriate
physical genital because they had already decided that the genital
had no reality in a cultural sense. This example illustrates that if
the physical genital is not present when it is expected (or vice versa),
the original gender attribution is not necessarily altered. When ex-
pectations are violated a change in gender attribution does not nec-
essarily follow. It is the cultural genital which plays the essential
role in gender attribution. (See also Garfinkel, 1967, p. 157.)
The overlay study has confirmed Garfinkel's (1967) analysis that
in the natural attitude genitals are the essential insignia of gender.
More specifically the findings suggest that it is the penis which is
essential. Garfinkel argues that when we "do" gender in particular
Toward a Theory of Gender 155
instances we are creating the reality of gender as a construct. It is
apparent, though, that we not only create gender as a construct, but
we create the specific categories of "female" and "male." We must
be doing more than gender; we must be doing female or mole gen-
der. While Garfinkel's analysis of the natural attitude toward gender
provides us with the best (and only) guide to how gender is accom-
plished, he does not tell us how female and mole are accomplished.
When he discusses Agnes' concern with being a "real woman," his
emphasis is on what real means for Agries and for those making
judgments about Agnes's gender. What does gender have to be in
order to be taken as real? We are emphasizing the woman part of
"real woman." A male and a female may engage in the same prac-
tices for the purpose of convincing others that they are really the
gender they assert. They must, however, engage in different prac-
tices if they want to convince others that they are one particular
gender and not another. To say that attributing "penis" leads to
attributing a male gender does not explain how we attribute penis
in the first place, nor under what conditions an attribution of no-
penis occurs.
The relationship between cultural genitals and gender attribution
is reflexive. The reality of a gender is "proved" by the genital which
is attributed, and, at the same time, the attributed genital only has
meaning through the socially shared construction of the gender attri-
bution process. Reflexivity is an intrinsic feature of reality (Mehan
and Wood, 1975). The question of how members reflexively create
a sense of themselves as female or male, as well as make attribu-
tions of others, is the topic of the next section.
Theory and research on how "normal people present them-
selves as either female or male has been almost totally absent from
the literature. The most suggestive is a brief, but important paper
by Birdwhistell (1970). Taking it for granted that there are two gen-
ders and that, in order to reproduce, the two genders must be able
to tell each other apart, Birdwhistell raises the question of what the
critical "gender markers" are for human beings. He rejects genitals
as a marker because they are usually hidden and because children
do not treat them as a relevant characteristic. He also rejects
"secondary sexual characteristics" as being far from dichotomous,
1 . 1
156 Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
at least when compared to those markers in other species (e.g.,
plumage in birds). Birdwhistell believes that "tertiary sexual" charac-
teristics" (nonverbal behaviors such as facial expression, movement,
and body posture) are the predominant gender markers for humans.
Using data and informante from seven cultures, he demonstrates that
members can recognize and sketch out, in a rough way, typical and
atypical nonverbal behaviors for females and males. In a study of
American "gender markers," Birdwhistell indicates some of the body
postures and facial expressions that differentiate males and females,
concentrating on behaviors that convey sexual interest. He empha-
sizes that no nonverbal behavior ever cardes meaning divorced
from the context in which it occurs.
We agree with Birdwhistell on the importance of understanding
gender display and recognition, as well as with his assertion that
genitals and other physical characteristics are not the critical signs
of gender. It is informative that people can describe and recognize
typical and atypical gender displays, but if a display can be charac-
terized as typical or atypical, then the gender of the person who is
displaying has already been attributed. Therefore typical displays
are not necessary to make a gender attribution nor are atypical dis-
plays grounds for doubting an attribution. A woman is still a woman,
regardless of whether she is being (nonverbally) masculine or f em-
Birdwhistell's work does not uncover particulars of the gender
attribution process. His data on American gender displays was col-
lected in the same way as every other study on "sex differences."
People were sorted in the first place into one of two gender categor-
ies, and only then, after an initial gender attribution was made, were
these displays compared. This technique, as we have stated before,
involves assumptions that militate against uncovering the gender
attribution process. By accepting the 'fent of two genders and pre-
categorizing people as one or the other, the researchers have already
(implicitly) decided that there are differences. Given their ideas of
what female and male mean, certain differences Cake on importance,
while others are seen as irrelevant. On the one hand, variables may
be chosen for study because they fit the list of differentiating cha
-acteristics whichresearchers already"know" menand womenhave
(e.g., "preening" behavior). On the other hand, some cues may be
ignorad, either because they seem so obvious that they are not worth
studying (e.g., wearing a dress) or because they are not considered
relevant; that is, they are not part of the social construction of gen-
der (e.g., the color of the person's hair).
Toward a Theory of Gender 157
In order to fully understand the role of nonverbal behaviors in the
gender attribution process, it is necessary to understand that the
social construction of gender determines why and how we study cer-
tain phenomena. Rather than asking people to notice or describe the
typical and atypical behaviors of their own and the other gender
(which, as even Birdwhistell notes, can never result in an exhaustive
list), information could be gathered on which, if any, nonverbal
behaviors are "conditions of failure." In what nonverbal ways could
a person behave such that her/his gender is questioned? Although
our own interests are theoretical, such concrete knowledge has prac-
tical implications for transsexuals and others. If the conditions of
failure could be described, then people could be any gender they
wanted to be, at any time.
The gender attribution process is an interaction between displayer
and attributor, but concrete displays are not informativa unless in-
terpreted in light of the rules which the attributor has for deciding
what it means to be a female or male. As members of a sociocultural
group, the displayer and the attributor share a knowledge of the soci-
ally constructed signs of gender. They learn these sigas as part of
the process of socialization (becoming members). In our culture
these signs include genitals, secondary gender characteristics, dress
and accessories, and nonverbal and paralinguistic behaviors. As we
established in Chapters 2 and 4, these concrete signs of gender are
not necessarily universal, nor are they necessarily the same signs
used by children.
In learning what the signs of gender are, the displayer can begin
to accentuate them, to aid in creating the gender dichotomy. For
example, as Haviland [1976) has demonstrated, height of the eyebrow
from the center of the pupil differs considerably between adult
American women and men, but is virtually identical in male and fe-
male infants and young children. The difference in adults is obvi-
ously aided, if not caused, by eyebrow tweezing and expressive style.
Along with the displayer learning to accentuate certain signs, the
attributor contributes to the accentuation of gender cues by selective
perception. For example, members of our culture may look for facial
hair, while in other cultures this might not be considered something
to inspect. In learning to look for facial hair, the attributor perceives
in greater detail signs of facial hair than would be the case if facial
hair were not a cue. Selective perception occurs in many other con-
texts. Eskimos differentiate various kinds of snow (Whorf, 1956);
people see more or less aggressive behavior in a football game, de-
pending on which side they support (Hastorf and Cantril, 1954).
158 Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
Although within a positivist framework it is important to deline-
ate specific gender cues and unravel the process involved in learning
to accentuate and selectively perceive these cues, doing so glosses
over the deeper structure of the social construction of gender. Mem-
bers do not simply learn rules for telling females from males. They
learn how to use the rules in their relation to the socially shared
world of two genders. There is no rule for deciding "male" or "fe-
male" that will always work. Members need to know, for example,
when to disregard eyebrows and look for hand size. Gender attri-
butions are made within a particular social context and in relation
to all the routine features of everyday 1ffe (Garfinkel, 1967). Among
the most important of these features is the basic trust that events
are what they appear to be and not performances or examples of
deceit (unless one is viewing a performance; in that case the as-
sumption is that it is a "real" performance which carnes with it
other routine features).
Given basic trust regarding gender, successfully passing trans-
sexuals, by virtue of being successful, will be impossible to locate
(Sulcov, 1973). To be successful in one's gender is to prevent any
doubt that one's gender is objectively, externally real. We do not
live our lives searching for deceit, and, in fact, classify people who
do as paranoid. In contexts where deceit regarding gender is made
salient, everyone's gender may begin to be doubted. For example,_
Feinbloca (1976) reports that when she speaks on panels that include
"real" transsexuals, she, presenting herself as a "real" woman, is
sometimes asked if she is a transsexual. The context in which per-
sons appear reflexively create the possibility or impossibility of
being real or "only" passing.
If there are no concrete cues that will always allow one to make
the "correct" gender attribution, how is categorizing a person as
either female or male accomplished in each case? Our answer, based
on findings of the overlay study, reports from transsexuals, and the
treatment of gender in the positivist literature, takes the form of a
categorizing schema. The schema is not dependent on any particular
gender cue, nor is it off ered as a statement of a rule which people
follow like robots. Rather, it is a way of understanding how it is that
members of Western reality can see someone as either female or
male. The schema is: See somone as female only when you cannot
see them as mole. Earlier in this chapter we stated that in order for
a female gender attribution to be made, there must be an absence of
anything which can be construed as a "male only" characteristic. In
order for a "male" gender attribution to be made, the presence of at
Toward a Theory of Gender 159
least one "male" sign must be noticed, and one sign may be enough,
especially if it is a penis.' It is rare to see a person that one thinks
is a man and then wonder if one has made a "mistake." However,
it is not uncommon to wonder if someone is "really" a woman. The
relative ease with which female-to-male transsexuals "pass" as com-
pared to male-to-female transsexuals underscores this point. It is
symbolized by the male-to-female transsexual needing to cover or
remove her facial hair in order to be seen as a woman and the fe-
male-to-male transsexual having the option of growing a beard or
being otean shaven. The female may not have any "mate" signs.
The schema, see someone as female only when you cannot see
them as male, is not a statement of positivist fact. It is not that
"male" gender characteristics are simply more obvious than "female"
ones or that the presence of a male cue is more obvious than its
absence. The salience of male characteristics is a social construc-
tion. We construct gender so that male characteristics are seen as
more obvious. It could be otherwise, but to see that, one must sus-
pend belief in the external reality of "objective facts."
To fail to see someone as a man is to see them as a woman and
vice versa, since "mate" and "female" are mutually constitutive.
However, the conditions of failure are different. The condition of
failure for being seen as a woman is to be seen as having a concrete
"male" characteristic. The condition of failure for being seen as a
man is to be seen as not having any concrete "male" characteristics.
In the social construction of gender "male" is the primary construc-
The gender attribution process is simultaneously an ahistorical
and an historical process. It is ahistorical in the sense that we have
been discussing; gender attributions are made in the course of a
particular, concrete interaction. It is historical in the sense that it
creares and sustains the natural attitude toward gender and hence
gender as a permanent feature. The historicity of gender is consti-
tuted in the course of interaction. In ongoing interactions, once a
gender attribution has been made, it is no longer necessary to keep
"doing male" or "doing female." What Garfinkel, Agnes, and many
others have failed to recognize is that it is not the particular gender
which must be sustained, but rather the sense of its "naturalness,"
Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
the sense that the actor has always been that gender. In sharing the
natural attitude, both actor and attributor can assume (and each
knows the other assumes) that gender never changes, that people
"really" are what they appear to be. As a consequence of holding
the natural attitude, the attributor filters all of the actor's behaviors
through the gender attribution that was made, and the actor's be-
haviors are made sense of within that context. As we have illus-
trated in Chapter 5, almost nothing can discredit a gender attribution
once it is made. Even the loss of the original criteria used to make
the attribution might well become irrelevant. The man might shave
his beard; the woman might have a mastectomy. The gender attribu-
tion will not change, though, merely because these signs no longer
Since discrediting gender attributions is a matter of discrediting
naturalness, this can only occur over time through a violation of the
gender invariance rule. The person must create a sense of having
"changed" genders. She/he must violate the naturalness of the
gender (i.e., its historicity) before discrediting occurs and a new
gender attribution is made. Even then, a discrediting of the original
gender attribution will not necessarily occur. Gender attributions are
so impervious to change that the person will be seen as "crazy" long
before she/he is seen as being the other gender. For this reason,
transsexuals find it most difficult to be seen as their "new" gender
by those people who made their acquaintance in their "original"
gender. The first impression will not dissipate for a long time (Fein-
bloom, 1976). If, however, the first impression is made when the
transsexual is in his/her "new" gender, it will be most difficult to
discredit that attribution, regardless of the information given to the
attributor. We have had transsexuals lecture in classrooms and have
had students question the authenticity of the lecturers' transsexual-
ism. These students were unable, after a conscious search, to specify
any cues that would unqualifiedly classify the transsexuals' gender
as other than that which they appeared to be. The knowledge that
these people had admittedly been assigned the other gender at birth
and had lived 30years as that gender became problematic for the
students (and fascinating to us) because that information by itself
could not be used to discredit the gender attribution.
If transsexuals understood these features of discrediting they
would (1) focus on creating decisive first impressions as male or
female and (2) then stop worrying about being the perfect man or
woman and concentrate on cultivating the naturalness (i.e., the his-
toricity) of their maleness or femaleness.
Toward a Theory of Gender 161
Just as any concrete cue can be cited as a reason for making a
gender attribution, once an attribution has been discredited, anything
concrete can be used as a "good reason" for the discrediting. "I
knew she was 'really' a woman because of her slight build." In the
case of discrediting, just as in the case of original attributions, the
"good reasons" given are not necessarily the cues used during the
The reason that "normals" do not walk around questioning the
gender attributions they make or wondering whether people will see
them as they "really" are, is not because gender is a given, but be-
cause gender invariance is an incorrigible proposition. Rather than
violating invariance, people use what might be seen as discrediting
information to reflexively support this proposition. "I know that
Greta has a penis, but that's irrelevant, since she's really a woman."
AH of us, transsexuals and "normals" alike, are in as little or as
much danger of not being able to be seen as what we "really" are.
It is our method of applying information which maintains our gen-
der, not some intrinsic quality of our gender, itself.
Once a gender attribution is made, the dichotomization process
is set into motion. The cues involved in the schema which led to the
attribution are seen as connected with a myriad of other cues which
are consequently also attributed to the person. All of these cues
taken together, or any of them separately, can then be used as
reasons for having made the attribution in the first place. For exam-
ple, people might decide that someone is male partly because they
notice the presence of a beard which is a socially constructed "male"
cue. If asked, "How do you know the person is male?" the attributor
might answer, "Because he had narrow hips, a beard, and he walked
like a man." The attributor may not have originally noticed the
other's hips or walk, and in terms of a measurable distribution, the
other might not have narrow hips or a "masculine" kind of walk.
Since the other has been dichotomously placed into the gender cate-
gory "male," and since the attributor "knows" that men have nar-
rower hips than women and walk in a distinctive way, these features
come to be seen as having been important in the attribution (see, e.g.,
Seavey et al., 1975). They are important, however, only because of
162 Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
the way we construct female and male as dichotomous, nonoverlap-
ping categories with male characteristics generally constructed to
be more obvious.
It has become increasingly acceptable to assert that the dichoto-
mous behaviors which we attribute to the two genders (i.e., gender
roles) are not necessarily the way women and men actually behave.
There is growing evidence that the genders behave in very similar
ways; and yet many people continue to make differential attribu-
tions of motives and behaviors, and to interpret behavior and its
consequences in a dichotomous way, depending on whether the
actor is female or male (e.g., Deaux, 1976; Rubin et al., 1974). Dicho-
tomous gender role behaviors are overlayed on dichotomous gender
which has traditionally meant two dimorphically distinct biological
sexes. In the same way that behavior is dichotomized and overlayed
on form, form is dichotomized and overlayed on social construction.
Given a constitutiva belief in two genders, form is dichotomized in
the process of gender attribution at least as much as behavior is. As
a result we end up with two genders, at least as different physically
as they have been traditionally thought to be behaviorally.
The social construction of gender and the gender attribution pro-
cess are a pan of reality construction. No member is exempt, and
this construction is the grounding for all scientific work on gender.
The natural attitude toward gender and the everyday process of
gender attribution are constructions which scientists bring with
them when they enter laboratories to "discover" gender character-
istics. Gender, as we have described it, consists of members' meth-
ods for attributing and constructing gender. Part of members' con-
struction involves seeing gender as consisting of, and being grounded
in, objective biological characteristics. Our reality is constructed in
such a way that biology is seen as the ultimate truth. This is, of
course, not necessary. In other realities, for example, deities replace
biology as the ultimate source of final truth. What is difficult to see,
however, is that biology is no closer to the truth, in any absolute
sense, than a deity; nor is the reality which we have been presenting.
What is different among different ways of seeing the world are the
possibilities stemming from basic assumptions about the way the
world works. What must be taken for granted (and what need not
be) changes depending on the incorrigible propositions one holds.
The questions that should be asked and how they can be answered
also differ depending on the reality. We have tried to show, through-
out this book, how we can give grounds for what biologists and
social scientists do, and how the everyday process of gender attri-
Toward a Theory of Gender 163
bution is primary. Scientists construct dimophism where there is
continuity. Hormones, behavior, physical characteristics, develop-
mental processes, chromosomes, psychological qualities have all
been fitted into gender dichotomous categories. Scientific knowledge
does not inform the answer to "What makes a person either a man
or a woman?" Rather it justifies (and appears to give grounds for)
the already existing knowledge that a person is either a woman or
a man and that there is no problem in differentiating between the
two. Biological, psychological, and social differences do not lead to
our seeing two genders. Our seeing of two genders leads to the
"discovery" of biological, psychological, and social differences.
In essence we are proposing a paradigm change in the way gen-
der is viewed, a shift to seeing gender attribution as primary and
gender as a practical accomplishment. In the remainder of this
chapter we outline some of the theoretical and practical implica-
tions of such a shift.
One consequence of the shift is a new focus for research. Instead
of concentrating on the results of seeing someone as female or male
("sex difference" research), scientists can begin to uncover factors
in the gender attribution process. We have offered some suggestions
on how this can be done, and will end the book with a few more.
However, unless this research is undertaken with a concurrent
acceptance of the proposition that gender is -a social construction,
there will not be, and cannot be, any radical changes in either how
science is done or in how gender is viewed in everyday lif e.
Many of those concerned with sexism and the position of women
in society have suggested that what is needed is a change in the con-
cept of, or even the elimination of, gender roles. The assertion is
that, even though the genders are physically dimorphic, except for
a few biological differences related to reproduction, there is no
necessary reason for any sort of differentiation. Rubin (1975) has
written an excellent article, taking a strong position on this. She sees
gender as a product of social organization, as the process by which
"males" and "females" (the two sexes) become transformad into
"men" and "women" (the two genders). Her analysis demonstrates
the possibility of "the elimination of obligatory sexualities and
sex roles, . . . of an androgynous and genderless (though not sex-
less) society" (p. 204). Rubin's analysis of gender, while compatible
with ours, still is grounded in, and takes for granted, the objective
reality of two biological "sexes." Such a position does not question
the facticity of two genders, as we mean "gender." An "androgynous
society," by definition, retains the male/female dichotomy by agree-
Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
ing to ignore it. Because accepting the facticity of two genders (or
sexes; the former includes the latter) means accepting the assump-
tions which ground the gender attribution process, a "simple" elim-
!nailon of gender role will not change what it means to be female or
male. The social construction of gender revealed through the gender
attribution process creates and sustains androcentric reality. "Male"
characteristics are constructed as more obvious; a person is female
only in the absence of "male" signs; there is a bias toward making
a male gender attribution. In the process of attributing "male" or
"female," dichotomous physical differences are constructed, and
once a physical dichotomy has been constructed it is almost impos-
sible to eliminate sociological and psychological dichotomies. Given
that the physical dichotomy is androcentric, it is inevitable that the
social one is also.
Whenever science has offered evidente of a biological continuum,
but everyday members insist (because of the way reality is con-
structed) that there are discreta categories, there have been attempts
to legislate against the continuum. Laws in the United States on
what constituted a "Negro" and laws in Nazi Germany on what con-
stituted a Jew are two of the most obvious examples. These laws did
not reject biology, since biology is a crucial part of the construction
of Western reality, but used biology. Race was seen as grounded in
the amount of biological matter ("blood," or genetic material) of a
certain type within a human body. Rulings in sports (see Chapter 3)
which legislate a person's gender are not very different from such
laws. As scientists find fewer biological, psychological, and social
dichotomies and more biological, psychological, and social continua,
it is not impossible that legislators will attempt to legally define
"female" and "male," rather than relying on specific judicial rulings.
As long as the categories "female" and "male" present themselves
to people in everyday life as external, objective, dichotomous, physi-
cal facts, there will be scientific and naive searches for differences,
and differences will be found. Where there are dichotomies it is
difficult to avoid evaluating one in relation to the other, a firm foun-
dation for discrimination and oppression. Unless and until gender, in
all of its manifestations including the physical, is seen as a social
construction, action that will radically change our incorrigible propo-
sitions cannot occur. People must be confronted with the reality of
other possibilities, as well as the possibility of other realities.
Scientific studies of gender are ultimately grounded in the bio-
logical imperative of reproduction. Dimorphism is seen as necessary
Taward a
Theory of Gender 165
for sperm and egg cell carriers to identify one another. Many of
those who argue against the blurring of gender roles, against an-
drogyny, against the claim of transsexuals to be a different gender,
base their arguments on this "biological imperative." One extreme
form of the argument is that if there are not olear roles, functions,
and appearances, people will not develop "healthy" gender identi-
ties, no one will know how to, or want to, reproduce, and the species
will become extinct.
The major premisa of such arguments is that "male" and "female"
are the same as "sperm carrier" and "egg carrier." However, what
we have been demonstrating throughout this book is that they are
not. "Male" and "female" are grounded in the gender attribution
process and are social constructions. They are more encompassing
categories than sperm and egg carrier. Not all egg carriers are female
and not all females are egg carriers; not all sperm carriers are male,
nor are all males sperm carriers.
The only requirement for the "biological imperative" of reproduc-
tion is that sperm and egg carriers must be identifiable to each other
for reproductive purposes. However, not every human being can
reproduce, nor does every human being who carries reproductive
cells want to reproduce. Reproduction is not even a possibility for
human beings throughout much of their life cycles. Sperm cell car-
riers are rarely younger than thirteen or fourteen, and probably
have an increasing number of defectiva sperm cells as they grow
older (Evans, 1976). Egg cell carriers are usually no younger than
eleven or twelve, and can reproduce for only a few days each
month for 30to 40years, which totals perhaps 31/2 years over their
life span when they could be identifiable as capable of reproduction.
Thus, for all people, reproduction is not a continuous fact of life.
In addition, technologies like artificial insemination, the develop-
ment of techniques for ovaran and uterine transplants, and genetic
engineering may, in the futura, change our ideas of what the "bio-
logicol imperative" for reproduction is.
The argument that certain "suitable sex differences" or stable
secondary gender characteristics are necessary in order to make a
differentiation between egg and sperm carriers is not an argument for
the biological imperative. Rather, it is an arument for the mainten-
ance of gender. Such arguments are based on the social construction
of gender, of being female and male, which is much more than
reproduction and, in fact, has little to do with reproduction. Gen-
der, in science and in everyday life, is constructed to be dichotomous
not only from birth, but even after death. A woman who dies re-
166 Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
mains a woman forever. If there were cultures whose dead became
neuter, then this would suggest very different ideas about gender.
There are alternative ways we can begin to think about gender,
new constructions for which "gender" is probably not even the most
appropriate word. Some people, at some points in their lives, might
wish to be identified as sperm or egg cell carriers. Except for those
times, there need be no differentiation among people on any of the
dichotomies which gender implies. Because the reproductive dicho-
tomy would not be constituted as a lifetime dichotomy, it would not
be an essential characteristic of people. Even the reproductive
dichotomy might someday be eliminated through technology. No
technological development related to reproduction, however, is
necessary in order for a new social construction to appear.
Our description of this alternative possibility is not meant to be
read as a prescription for a new social order, but as a theoretical
"blueprint." Perhaps some readers will feel that we are describing
myth or science fiction (see LeGuin, 1969, 1976). That is not our
purpose here either, although both myth and theory serve important
functions. It would be naive to assume that any statement of alterna-
tives could, by fiat, change the way members view reality. We do not
expect that there will develop a whole new social construction of
gender in everyday life. What we are arguing is that the world we
have now is no more or less "real" than any alternative. What we
are demonstrating is that through our theoretical framework excit-
ing alternative possibilities for understanding the meaning of gender
present themselves.8
As we have reexamined the literature on gender, and as we have
analyzed the data we collected on the gender attribution process,
we have become convinced of an intriguing possibility. The process
of gender attribution (deciding whether some one is female or male)
and the resultant gender identification (assigning the label "female"
or "male") may not be the same thing as "gender"B differentiation-
knowing whether the other is similar or different from oneself, per-
haps in terms of some basic reproductive criteria.
Although children are not 100percent accurate in assigning gen-
der labels until they are four or five, and although they cannot give
"good reasons" for their identifications until they are somewhat
older (see Chapter 4), Lewis and Weintraub (1974) reported that
infants, before they are a year old, can make some kind of differ-
entiation between "females" and "males." Male infants looked at
pictures of other male infants longer than at pictures of female
infants, and the reverse was true for female infants. What is most
Toward a Theory of Gender
interesting about this study is that Lewis reports (Friedman et al.,
1974, p. 191) that adults could not make accurate gender attributions
to the pictures which the infants differentiated. The adults could not
say, beyond a chance levet, whether an infant pictured was female
or mate. Lewis, however, did not report whether the adults could
differentiate in the same way the infants did, that is, on the basis
of length of eye contact with the picture.
Lewis terms what the infants did "gender differentiation." Both
Kohlberg and Green (Friedman et al., 1974, pp. 192-193) assert that
the infants' behavior has nothing to do with gender and that it is
"merely" a self-other distinction, since the infants were too young to
have gender identities and/or gender concepts. We agree. Gender
attribution and gender identification are not possible before the indi-
vidual shares members' methods for seeing and doing gender. It is
possible, however, that infants can make "gender" differentiations
the differentiation necessary for the "biological imperative" of re-
productiona process very different from gender attribution.
Were the infants using cues that adults could not perceive? Their
behavior seems to be related to our finding in the children's draw-
ings study (see Chapter 4) that preschoolers were better at determin-
ing the "gender" of the other preschoolers' drawings than any other
age group. It is also interesting that several transsexuals have men-
tioned to us that they have the most difficulty "passing" with young
children. Is it possible that there is some ability which human beings
have to differentiate sperm and egg cell carriers which is then over-
layed and superceded by learned members' methods for construct-
ing gender? Obviously a great deal more research on infant and
children's gender attribution and "gender" differentiation processes
is needed, as well as research on how these processes change over
time. It is also important to know more about nonverbal (e.g., eye
contact) indicators of "gender" differentiation in adults.
It has become olear to us that within the paradigm of contempor-
ary science we cannot know all that can eventually be uncovered
about what it means to be a woman or a man. All knowledge is now
grounded in the everyday social construction of a world of two
genders where gender attribution, rather than "gender" differentia-
tion, is what concerns those who fear change. With the courage to
confront, understand, and redefine our incorrigible propositions, we
can begin to discover new scientific knowledge and to construct new
realities in everyday life.
Gender: Aa Ethnomethodological Approach
This is the method (Garfinkel, 1967) by which members decide
meanings and assemble a body of knowledge on the basis of documentary
evidence. In Garfinkel's demonstration with a "rigged" question and
answer format, he showed how, in searching for patterns, members make
sense of incomplete, inappropriate, and contradictory material, and
how they hear such answers as answers to their questions.
This was the one case where we found a difference between our
female and male participants. Twenty-eight percent of the male
participants said "male" when the figure liad a vagina, but 43 percent of
the female participants said "mate." Why should the presence of at least
one male cue in the context of a vagina be more salient to women
than to men when they are constructing gender? If constructing
"femaleness" requires an absence of "mate" cues, perhaps those who
have been so constructed ("women") are more sensitive to violations.
Our sample of 960participants was selected from those who happened
to be on the campuses of eight of the colleges and universities in the
New York Metropolitan area on the days the data was collected. It is
possible that a sample of feminists would have placed more
emphasis on the reality of the vagina.
Even when participants were asked to judge a n
-ude figure with no
genitals, they more often responded "mate." In addition to the ninety-six
conditions already mentioned, we had sixteen "no-genital" conditions.
We expected that "female" gender attributions would predominate, since
the drawings would approximate what some have called the "hidden"
female genitals. In fact, though, 58 percent of the participants labeled the
figure "mala." The "male" cues (short hair, narrow hips, body hair,
fiat chest) were obviously impossible to ignore.
In order to partially check the validity of using a drawing, we
replicated this condition (penis, breasts, hips, long hair, no body hair) using
a photograph of an actual person [taken from a popular "sex" magazine).
The findings for the photograph were almost identical to the findings
for the drawing. Six participants identified the model as male and four as
female. At least one half of the participants had low certainty scores. In
addition, we showed ten participants a photograph of the same model with
the penis hidden and pubic hair showing so that it looked like there
might have been a vagina. Thus, we were able to closely replicate the
condition: vagina, breasts, hips, no body hair, long hair. Again, the findings
for the photograph were very similar to our overplay results. Eight
participants identified the figure in the photograph as female.
5. Newton (1972) notes that the most amateur mistake a female
impersonator can make is to fail to conceal the "telltale" bulge of the penis.
Apparently that error is considered damaging enough to destroy the
illusion of femaleness. This piece of evidence in conjunction with our
Towerd a Theory of Gender 169
data suggests why the female-to-male transsexual is not as overtly
concerned with obtaining a penis as the male-to-female transsexual
is with getting the penis removed.
Freud was right about the "obvious superiority" of the penis.
However, he considered the emphasis on the penis as an inevitable
psychological consequence of its objective reality. We are treating the
belief in the penis' objective reality as problematic. Those who read Freud
as being concerned with (socially real) phalluses, rather than (physically
real) penises, see psychoanalytic theory as being grounded in meanings
that come very close to our schema for differentiating females from males:
"The alternative (is) between having, or not having, the phallus. Castration
is not a real 'lack' but a meaning conferred upan the genitals of a
woman.... The presence or absence of the phallus carries the difference
between the two sexual statuses, 'man' and 'woman " (Rubin, 1975, p. 191).
Several features of psychological and biological research and theory
on gender seem to have an intriguing relationship to this schema. The
specifics of the relationship are unknown and open to speculation, but
these features include the precariousness of the development of a male
gender identity and male gender role behaviors (as opposed to female),
the prevalence of theories of male gender development which cannot
explain female gender development, and the scientific fact that,
beginning with conception, something (genes, hormones) must be
added at every step to make the fetus male.
The major dilemma of the ethnomethodologist is the problem of
infinite regress. If we assert that reality is a social construction, why stop
at gender as a social construction? Why not assert that "sperm carriers"
and "egg carriers" are as much of a construction as "mate" or "female"?
We all have to make a decision to take something for granted, to stop
somewhere; otherwise it would be impossible to get out of bed in the
morning. Our decision has been to stop here; others may wish to go on.
[See Mehan and Wood (1975) for a discussion of this problem and an
explanation of what Carfinkel (1966) meant when he said
"Ethnomethodologists know 'tsouris.' ")
We have used "gender" as a modifier because no other word exists
to convey our meaning. However, we have set it in quotation marks to
differentiate it from gender, as the term has been used throughout
the bookthe socially constructed, dichotomous categories of "male"
and "female" with all their layers of implications.
The following letters were written over a two-year parlad by a
male-to-female transsexual named Rachel. We first met Rachel in
1975 and began corresponding with her shortly thereafter. At the
time we met, Rachel was 27 years old and a graduate student in
biology at a university in the southwest. She had begun estrogen
therapy and electrolysis, but had not yet undergone any surgery.
When we met Rachel she was still living as Paul, a male. Our first
impression of her was of a very feminine (but not effeminate) male.
Because she knew of our prof essional interest in transsexualism,
she told us she was a transsexual. Paul looked so androgynous that
at first we were not certain whether this person was a male-to-female
transsexual or a female-to-male. Our thinking of her at those first
encounters as a male was based more on what she told us about her
present situation (e.g., that her narre was Paul and that she had not
begun living as a woman) than on her physical presentation which,
by itself, did not compel either a male or female gender attribution.
The letters we have included here are not a complete account of
Rachel's life during the years when she made the transition from
Paul to Rachel. Additional information about her life was conveyed
in phone calls and during visits. Also, there is obviously material
that Rachel chose not to share with us, and consequently there may
be areas about which the reader will have unanswered questions.
We have edited the letters, changing the details that would disclose
too much of Rachel's identity and deleting redundant material and
comments that were not directly relevant to the purpose of the
Appendix, which is to provide an extended example of the social
construction of gender.
When we decided to include this Appendix as part of the book,
we asked Rachel if she would reread her letters and comment on her
feelings as she looked back at herself over the last two years. She
wrote a brief autobiography and also her reactions to some of the
things she discussed in her letters. Following the letters, we have
included excerpts from her retrospective account. The final part of
the Appendix consists of our analysis of the ways Rachel has be-
come a woman.
172 Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
(1) Winter, 1975
I just got your second letter and was really very disappointed to hear
that you didn't even get my first letter for a variety of reasons. . . The
letter was handwritten and was seven pases longa tome. The other
reason that I was disappointed is that it included photos you requested,
that meant quite a lot to me. They were the only ones that existed and
I did want them back. Pm sure that the letter will be reconstructed
when we get together. I'm very much looking forward to it. I have been
writing another letter to you and interrupted it to write this
in order to be able to make a quick reply.
I agree about the name Monique. I didn't com.) up with that name.
The woman to whom I was engaged to at one time, who is still a special
and undefinable friend offered that name because she wanted it to be a
name that she had never run finto before. I have long been conscious
that it probably does have a little too much flash and glitter. But I don't
like Monina. That's a little wicked. Other friends like Rachel. It seems
to fit. I appreciate your feedback which is honest and straight off the hip.
Although it's painful, it's also the most needed. In my next letter I will
briefly unfold the details of my recent trip to Dallas where some
important firsts, albeit small ones, occurred. But Pm beginning to see
that this whole thing or process is a series of small steps. The other day
in the lab when I am as straight as I ever get I met a woman and
conversed with her for a long time. She assumed that I was a woman
until someone called me Paul. It really blew her mirad. Other interesting
events have been happening like that.
It appears that I may be among the ranks of the unemployed soon.
The company I have worked for is cutting back. Part time people are the
first to go. I will do everything possible not to let this interfere with
my trip to N.Y.
About my dissertation. Tentatively good news! The event that I
related to you [on the phone) was a real blessing in disguise. Rather
than do that group all over again, I talked it over with my adviser and
convinced him that part of the study wasn't necessary anyway. And got
him to agree. So my dissertation has been cut in half. it seems much
more finite now. I have set Dec. as the time I will get out and hopefully
make the big transition. I'm really excited. This week I'm working on
my proposal which is only two years overdue. I hope to get it in first
thing next quarter and take prelims by the end of the quarter. I also
have been looking over the works of my forerunners and am much
encouraged. Some real junk has been put down on paper
in pursuit of Ph.D.'s. Poor trees!
I hope that my first letter gets back to me. I did return address it.
Please take care.. Would I be wearing out my welcome if I came and
stayed from one weekend to the next? My schedule is completeiy
flexible. My finances will be anywhere from good to bad depending on
Appendix 173
my job situation. Oh the ravages of uncertainty. At least I don't have
to worry about being drafted.
If I get a Watts fine at work I'll call.
Oh yes, one more question? What's the weather going to be like in
N.Y.? You might tell me what to pack. My wardrobe is not extensive.
But it's nice. In my first letter I commented that one of my big conflicts
was between my liberated self and wearing some really traditional
clothes that I feel like I have been deprived of for so long. Eventually
after I am thoroughly entrenched in the role, I'm sure that a liberated
unisex thing will be my motif, but right now I still have some things to
get over. I grant you full license to give me as much guidance as you see
fit. Somehow I don't think that the license need be granted.
Some of your comments have really helped.
Take tare. Hurry and reply so I can make plans around yours. Until
then, and unless I get another name change. By the way is Rachel all
that bad? Or is it more of the same. Let me know with both barreis
if you think not. I have to nix Monica.
In sisterhood,
(2) One week later (responding to a set of questions we sent her)
l've been trying to find time to sit down and answer your
questionnaire. In doing this I can answer the questions and perhaps
make comments on the questions themselves.
Bef ore I do, though, 1 wanted to tell you about some of the nicer
things that are happening to me at least historically. Last weekend I
visited some friends in Dallas. It seems that everywhere I go there are
things to learn and especially nice people to meet. A notable feature
of this trip was that I got to be Rachelthey preferred to Monique)
for the duration of the trip. One of many small milestones. Another
tiny one was that I fought back the compulsion to wear a dress at least
one day and wore a pants suit. This is more in keeping with the liberated
image I have of myself. A third and most important thing I think was
that I met people as Rachel, who had never heard of Paul or TS and
who never knew that there was anything out of the ordinary about my
womanhood. It was all very nice. Woman to woman communications are
different than male-male and male-female communications. It was
refreshing in a very vital dimension reminiscent of the old science
fiction where the protagonista were just running out of oxygen and
174 Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
suddenly a fresh new supply is found or generated in the nick of time.
I met some neat every day people. Where I stayed, there was a sort of a
little community where everyone was very clase and were really with
one another. I really liked it. There are so many attractive things
in life and so little time. Que es la vida.
Let's see, the questionnaire. Do I think of myself as a woman or a TS?
In one respect I think of myself as a woman or many respects,
increasingly more all the time in fact. I also see myself as having been
latent in the old sense that the analytical schools see homosexuals.
I am "becoming" in the Rogerian sense if that says anything. I don't
naturally identify myself as a TS, only when a very unliberated
interaction spells out "I won't buy your actI won't let you be a
woman." My response is that "OK, then I am a TS in the
process of becoming a woman."
What does it mean to be a woman or a man? It initially begins with
where your head is, with your own identity, then internalizing, and
reflecting those things that are consistent with that identity, and acting
upan the world in ways that are consistent with those identifications.
That's an ideal definition. Generally all the identifying and role playing
is done for us, as we are socialized. A more personal answer, which is
what you're after, is that the roles are very different. The masculine
role in our culture is typified in isolation through competition, stoicism,
aggression, etc. The feminine role is different and makes more sense
for me; it has been described (I agree with these) as being more tribal
and more together; there is a sisterhood where the male role is
antithetical to there being any brotherhood. Women have by far the
upper hand in sociofacilitative skills. That seems to be very
important to me.
How does anyone know they are a woman? Most people that know
they are women are fortunate in that they were born as little girls.
I wasn't. Ido not know that I am a woman. But then again being
interested in epistemology I don't know anything. I will say that I feel
that I experience things more the way women do than men do. I am also
more comfortable existing with expectations that our society makes of
females than I am with mate expectations. I feel more real as a female
than I do as a male. Another thoughtI'm sure that a lot of naturally
born women define themselves as women because they aren't men.
In this world of hard core two genderism, to borrow Margo's
terminology, if a person's sex and gender is coincident, all is well.
However if there is conflict, the result is a whole lot of dissonance that
must be reduced. In evaluating oneself, a TS may come to see
figuratively that she is leaving a prescribed gender for one that is
better suited to her. Now then there are only two in our society. And
I'm sure that if a person rejects one gender one must come to feel that
they must be of the other. But it seems to me that this is only part of the
process and is certainly not the core or heart of the issue as Green
Appendix 175
seems to think. He has missed taking into account the strength or
striving and approach that a person shows when
making the transition.
If things were as the hypothesis suggests then the TS paradigm would
be basically an avoidance paradigm. There are strong elements of this in
transsexuals. It is very painful for people to include me in the world of
males. But it does me a gross injustice to say that my behavior, my
really positive striving as I see it is due to my not wanting to be mate
identified. You'll remember the classic self report of the little TS boys
saying that they wanted to be little girls ever since they can remember.
I don't recall them saying, "I didn't want to be a little boy," but rather,
"I want to be a girl." I remember this very clearly. I really wanted to be
like my sister and her little girl friends. It seemed like a very cruel joke
that I wasn't. As I see explaining the motivation of gravitating toward
femininity because of one rejecting a masculine identity and then seeing
only one alternative is basically an avoidance response.
I really don't feel like that's what's happening.
There are two sets of acquaintances, not friends, that do not know
that I am a TS. The first are those people at work where it would be
much less than prudent to make the disclosure. Hmm, now that I think
about it they are about the only ones who don't know and who know me
as a male. The other set knows me only as Rachel. By the way I wrote
you the letter at this point, I'm really sorry you didn't get my first one. I
haven't had extensive experience with those people who know me only
as Rachel. (Gee I hope you two don't dislike that name toobut if
you do please let me know.) Those people are heterosexuals who have
pretty cool heads and seem to be quite liberated and comfortable with
themselves. It's interesting the dimensions that a person picks to
describe people when the question is open ended.
How do I decide to telt someone? I'm most comfortable around people
when I can truly be myself. I can't be me when people are making male
assumptions about me. To do so makes me uncomfortable, and they are
not really relating to the real me. I can expand this and pM it down for
you a little better. Males relate on the basis of charisma and bravado,
in general. Meaningful interpersonal exchanges are made by
rare males and by women much more often.
The way that I telt them verles, depending on how long I have known
them, the extent of our mutual investment in each other, the nature of
the commonalities in our relationship and, earlier, status differentials
were important, but very much less so now. As of late I guess the way
that I told you was typical. Although I don't think I needed to telt
you. I had a strong feeling that you two knew.
I think perhaps there are slight differences in my behavior with
people who know me as a woman and those people who know me only
as a TS. Those differences come from my feeling more comfortable
with myself and feeling more authentic when they don't know. When
people know I'm a TS they monitor my authenticity and I am aware of
176 Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
it. People expect a TS to adhere more rigidly to the traditional stereotype
ami set up pass/fail scales in their heads. l' ye watched people watch
me do things like take my shoes off, etc. and heard them comment on
how femininely I did it. Yet one would not watch a gender consonant
woman take her shoes off and if she deviated from "being feminine"
while doing itso what?
I am the woman that I am seen as being. I ask only that people grant
me that.
I know that 1 am "passing" don't like that word. It isn't appropriate
to TS's really, as you know it's borrowed from TV's, but for lack of a
better one ...) when no one pays too much attention to me in public.
When 1 am being scrutinized carefully would be an indication that
something is amiss.
I deliberately softened some of my gestures and smoothed my walk a
bit. Actually, losing 40lbs. of bulk meant that I had to deal with the
world in a very different way. A store's glass door is something to be
negotiated with now rather than brushed aside. But so many things
came naturally. And my acquisition seemed to be one trial learning,
in doing a lot of things.
No one taught me anything.
Convincing other people hasn't been difficult or in any way a discrete
task. Nor has it been a main objective, in that, well, life wouldn't be
really livable if my main fears and worries weregee, am I going to
pass? There are lots of everyday women who are much further away
from the traditional female stereotype than I and we never question
their femininity or womanhood at least.
I have seen women or people trying to pass who after scrutiny
turned out to be males. Not having conversed with them I don't know
what their thing was. It was in the French quarter in New Orleans and
I was out walking around and suddenly I became especially aware of a
woman who was walking at a much faster than normal rate. Her rate
of travel was what gave her away. It was at night so it took me a while
to notice that she had on a rather improbable red wig. But not
even it was aberrant in the French Quarter.
H 1 looked very masculine and could change only one thing
I would change my tenure here on earth. It would depend on what was
making me look masculine really. That's a hard question to answer.
If I were counseling other TS's I would tell them that the biggest
danger is overstatement. To gravitate toward the mean in all possible
dimensions and not to call attention to themselves. That there is much
more to being a woman than physical appearance and to always
remember that.
All TS's do not want unusually big breasts. I don't. To answer your
question, I would have to say first possibly because they have gone a
long time without any at all. More importantly because breasts are the
most overt of discriminators because of their association with femininity
Appendix 177
and because they are unique to the female 52% of the world. Possible
sexual reasons are that breasts are important in the male
interpretation of femininity.
Up to now I have made no errors that I have regretted. I haven't
made any slips. My friends have, however. I've been out in restaurants
and had them say, he'll have another drink. At that point I'd like to
drop under the table, but just pretend like 1 didn't hear it and hope it
had no significante to the waiter. These friends are people who
work beside me in lab, etc. where I have to be a guy.
1 haven't done anything inappropriate but I have done some things
that aren't necessary. Lately when I'm not swollen from electrolysis
I find that I am not perceived as a male. In fact after befriending a new
grad student I was surprised to find that she didn't know that I was a
"male" until someone used my name. Prior to that we had been engaged
in conversation for about a half hour. What a compliment. To tie
things together and to answer the question, as of late apparently I don't
need a dress and a "lace" and other accessories to be perceived as a
woman. However, the opportunity to wear these occurs so infrequently
that it's really rewarding. 1 don't think this is the best way to be but I
feel that when I do move into the role full time that it will lose its reward
value; at least I hope so. The styles that I tend to buy are the sort of
things that Mary Tyler Moore wears and the other night she was
accused of impersonating a Barbie Doll on her show. just nice clothes.
The sort of things a well-dressed woman would wear.
To my knowledge l' ye never been doubted as a true woman with only
one exception. I was frequenting a bar in both roles, and the personnel
had a better memory than I thought although I make a fairly
unremarkable female, as a male I stand out a bit, at least Ido here in
Houston. It wasn't until severa] weeks late: that I found out that I had
been detected. I haven't been back to that establishment since then.
It's improbable that anyone would ask me if I used to be a guy.
If it did occur, it would depend on who it was as to what I would do.
Knowing that the person themself must feel pretty awkward in asking
such a question. I think I would perhaps make a humorous reply tinged
with incredulity to try to get us both off the hook. I might reply, why
yes ... in my first and fourth incarnations. One thing for sure I
wouldn't be facilitative unless perhaps the encounter were on a
one-to-one basis. The proposition is a basically mortifying one.
Do people treat me like a woman? I would have to say yes. Your
question is a loaded one. To be treated as a woman is a highly stylized
matter depending on the individuals involved in the interactions. It first
of all depends on how they interpret gender roles and the expectations
that each person sets up as a result of those interpretations. Those
things that are most rneaningful to me might be the nature and content
of interpersonal communications I engage in. Male-male communications,
as I think I have stated somewhere before, are based on a lot of
Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
bravado and charisma, modes of communicating which are mainly
without substance, potentially isolating and highly competitive. Female
communications can be meaningless just as mate communication can
be sensitive, but in general female communications (based on the
women that I know) have more depth and is based a lot more on
sensitivity and empathy than males muster. There are real differences
in support and nurturance, qualities that are very important to me.
I also perceive that there are some real differences between the way
that females communicate among themselves and in mixed groups. For
these reasons I am much more comfortable being a woman among
women than a male.
Although [Jan] Morris has been criticized for being very unliberated
across a lot of dimensions, some of the things she says are in agreement
with my own views. The world is nicer to women than men. I find that
as a man I am treated with neutrality and indifference; as a woman
there is always a smile and people are just nicer. That doesn't mean that
I groove on impedestalizing women to the point that we are treated as
if we are helpless. That's not where I'm at at all. 11 any of the TS's
I have known treated me differently it was a couple of years ago when I
was much more of a neophyte and that was how I was treated.
Being a woman is pretty much as I thought it would be.
I don't think there will be many significant changes in my behavior
after surgery. I think there might on the part of other people. I think
perhaps surgery to everyday people symbolizes and in their eyes
solidifies commitment. In their own heads I think they say, "Well, if
you're willing to go through that much trouble and pain then I can at
least treat you as a woman." In a lot of people's heads, sex, gender,
gender roles, and genitals all have to be consonant. Surgery to me is
important to achieve some of this consistency. I'm really looking
forward to it but I'm aware that my head is as important in being
feminine as my genitalia. There are people with vaginas that are much
more masculine than I and people with penises that are more feminine.
I do know post surgical TS's. They do report that the surgery
doesn't make much difference in how they are treated. They were
pretty completely female prior to surgery.
Buying women's clothes never was much of a problem. The local
stores generally employ senile old women for exploitative reasons and
they are easy to approach with a "shopping list" of things "for my
wife" without their thinking much about it. The more male and
more nervous and least interested one appears, the easier it is.
It all depends. A lot of things could be explained such as my pills,
no children, and the absence of the menses if I said that I had had a
hysterectomy because of a cervical malignancy. If I didn't want to go
Appendix 179
that far, I have been on several BC pills. I know how they make me
feel and can talk about it the same as any other woman. The menses-
obviously I never have had them but I've been included by women
enough that I think I can pretty well make anyone think that I have
them or have had them. Childrennever had any and am a
professional woman who doesn't know if she is really dedicated
enough to properly care for a child. It's not big on my list at the
Being with a guy who wants to touch below the waist: This hasn't
happened yet. l' ye never dated in the traditional sense. When I have
gone out with males it's with friends who are quite aware of my
situation. I suppose the thing to do would be to tell them that this isn't
the right time of the month for that, or that I'm not that kind of girl
(tongue in cheek) or just coming on a little cold.
Past histories don't have to be heavy on gender-specific information.
When an occasion calls for it, I can be fairly honest and therefore
consisten(. I had sisters so I know what a female adolescence is like.
And there is plenty of overlap. High school idols, I loved the Beatles
and saw them in high school. My date was a'photographer and we saw
them from the UPI pressbox.... How exciting!
You know how I feel about the women's movement. Homosexuality
in concept is fine and is up to the individual. At this point in my own
life sexuality is very low on my list of concerns. I'm a little confused as
just who or what is appropriate to relate to in terms of my own identity.
Male homosexuality as it is practiced can be cool, but it is very
objectifying and gamey usually. Female homosexuality can be beautiful
and on the other hand it can be very destructive. So can heterosexuality
for that manen To sum it up homosexuality is pretty much of a non issue.
I don't spend much time thinking about drag queens. In general I
don't think I really like the idea that much. Unsophisticated people
tend to confuse TV's TS's and DQ's. And when I make a self disclosure
I have to go through a lot of shit because of the existing confusion.
DQ's are parodying something that means a lot to me.
Your questionnaire was interesting. I don't know how far you go in
interpreting your data. As I understand it your primary interests are
gender and not the TS as such. That's cool. I think that you should pay
special attention to the TS's concept of her/his self. You had a few
questions at the beginning but I'm not sure they're the best. Fll think
about it. A lot of your questions are aimed at determining the
individual's role definition/expectations. I think that's good. Your
questions on gender errors are good. Have you ever recognized a TS
and if so how? is good. The situational questions weren't too threatening
or challenging. But then again I'm a good anticipator/manipulator.
It seems to be a good questionnaire.
I hope t' ye given you some food for thought, without having
made too big of a fool of myself.
It looks like l'II be driving to N.Y. Do you have any suggestions as
180Gender: An EthnomethodoIogica
l Approach
to what to do with my car?
like to park it somewhere safe and free
if possible. That may be a pipe dream but if anyone would know it
would be you. Please keep in mirad that it's a little sports car on which
the door locks have failed. It would be easy to steal for anyone who
knew what they were doing. But it's all
I have. I am so much
looking forward to coming.
As I
said in the lost letter meeting you two has precipitated a lot of
good things. Since meeting you in Chicago so many right cm things have
happenech Another question ... The garment district is up there.
may have a little money for some clothes. Are there outlets for good
clothes at reasonable prices, or should I just go on and buy here?
Pardon my typing, I'm in the process of sw1ching from two fingers
to ten, self taught. Pm not the dingbat that my typing would indicate.
I'm also a little more coherent.
Take care. Please write soon.
(3) Two weeks later
I can't tell you what a lift it was today to see your bright yellow letter
in my box. 1'd been anxiously waiting for your letter, too.
l've got a lot things to say.
First of all, I'm glad we got the narre thing straightened out.
I had [so] many names.... 1 was beginning to feel like Sybil.
It was great talking to you two. I'm certainly not rich so we'll have
to color me extravagant. Actually my friend John and I sat to make
plans for the trip. I said to him, "John, lees make plans for the trip."
From then on it went like the bailad of Gerald Ford ... because we
realized that no plans could be macla until I talked to you two. And being
the woman of action that I am, I called. ,got so excited talking
about the trip that I didn't get any sleep that night, which isn't
really that unusual. 1 keep Sominex in business.
After sitting down and thinking things over John and I got it together
enough to come up with an itinerary which is completely compatible
with your suggestions. We will leave Houston in the midge Saturday
morning and travel to Ohio. There we will have a mission of quixotic
proportions. I haven't seen my mother in a year since she learned her
son is really a daughter. So we are meeting on neutral territory at my
aunt's, to whom I am closer to than I am my mother. She's a child of the
flower and is truly enlightened. My mother is directly descended from
Appendix 181
the vinegar berry and I must face her. As a matter of fact 111 have to
face my Aunt too and their whole family whom 1 was very close to.
They'lI have some adjusting to do. The first part of the trip could be
rough.... Oh well. To make matters tigh ter, Tuesday morning 1'd like
to leave Ohio as Rachel. I hope they serve drinks on the train. Anyhow
sometime Tuesday morning we'll depart from Ohio to arrive in N.Y.
Please pay close attention to this part. It would be groovy if we could
arrange our schedule in such a way that it would be convenient for one
of you to meet us at the train station. It's not a necessity, but it would
be appreciated. The last time I was there 1 didn't have trouble
navigating, but I don't know how far I have regressed in ten years.
Besides that, I was cleverly disguised as a teenage mate (actually that's
not too clever, but for reasons now unclear it seemed to be the thing
to do). Please remember that my luggage and I will be thinking
somewhere in this city of eight million plus is Suzanne and Wendy. It
probably won't be easy carrying that baggage around without
getting mugged (and worse). I'm really wide open
for suggestions as to what to expect.
I have a couple of requests. It would be nice to resign as resident
TS for a little while. I don't know how many you know or see as
friends. I'd just like to be one of the girls to those around us. How
sensitized will your friends/associates be? Secondly, on your
accommodations I'm not particular. I'd like to spend as much time
with you two as 1 can without putting you two out. If possible if your
apartment and house come without other people that would be
preferred. I would be less than perfectly comfortable around unfamiliar
males I think. (The more traditional, the less comfortable.) The week
in N.Y. will be my first sustained attempt "in coming borne." I think the
time, place, and people will be right. You asked about anything special
maybe a play? and I love good food. Who doesn't? A party? that
would be cool if I'm still together and you're into it. Really nothing
concrete. Serendipitously I have found you another TS. John's people
gave him a really hard time when they heard he was coming with a
WOMAN. So he elaborated. His friend has just lost a lover to the
operating table. If you're looking for someone to interview maybe after
I am introduced I can arrange for you to do so. By the way I
know after you read my tome that you'll have questions
so we can go into things in depth then.
I've been going through some neat things here as I have met some
people who are very understanding and have faith in me and what I'm
going through. I've gotten a chance to meet some nice people who have
never heard of Paul. AH of these things are sort of new and nice.
doubt that you will miss the fact that 1'm highly reflective to the point
of dwelling on minutia and I'm sure that in the natural course of events
that 1 will have some shit to go through. Things will precipitate. But
I seem to be able to handle these things by anticipating them. I'm a
182 Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
realist. I also know that in being me I can't see me the way other people
do. So any feedback you can provide for me will be highly
appreciated. If you see any rough edges break out your polish.
Oddly enough the last time I was out I, by virtue of having been
seated at a table beside this guy, encroached on some other woman's
territory, her guy. It took me a while after the get-together to understand
the meaning of those poison darts she was shooting at me. The
interesting thing is that friends heard her describe Rachel as one of
those tan slim brunetteshighly sophisticated, the kind she just
couldn't stand. I think she mistook my bashfulness for sophistication.
I can be very shy, a quality which John mislabels as my southern charm.
AH other things asida, the last couple of weeks have not been good
ones. It's certain that I will lose my job now. Other employers do show
interest but I fear that I am highly diversified to a point that it is a
disadvantage. Everything from brain research to x-ray physics to
computer programming. I'm not really interested in these things any
more. But until I get my degree they are my marketable skills. I'll be
glad when I don't have to do them any more. Pm also considering just
taking unemployment as a government assistantship and concentrating
on my dissertation, but that certainly would decrease my options right
after I get out of school. I would even have a hard time affording
hormones, one of Iife's necessities.
also had a car accident. The other driver was a huge black who
insisted on trying to relate in a very male-male fashion. Thirdly,
Vivian, my long-term companion of four years, having realized that what
1 am to be cannot fulfill her, has been accepted for overseas
teaching. 1 thinkbe alone for a long time.
So this trip, the planning, and seeing you two will have important
maintenance functions for me. Overall, my spirits are pretty high.
I've been taking my Geritol and taking cara of myself, etc.
Write soon
With love,
(4) Late Spring, after her visit to New York, where she was
Rachel for the whole time.
We're back and I know that Houston can never be the same. As John
and I pulled into town and saw the skyline we both burst out laughing
and looked at each other and said at the same timeIt's not exactly
New York, is it? Do adaptation levels ever shift and in a
very short time, too. I think I know now where 1 will want
to settle down at least for a while.
Appendix 183
The trip did a lot of good and brought out many changes mostly
for the good. I made the trip just before I was due to make major
(professional) changes anyhow, so I have a lot of adjusting to do
other than dealing with my newfound addiction to lox.
My own accomplishments amaze me. Keep in mind that I had
attended only one party publicly in my new identity where people did
not know about me. Then I carne up there and met the people up there.
I had never considerad what size bite I could chew. But I don't think
that I would have chosen the size that somehow seemed to present
itself. Ido not mean to sit here and let my head swell; actually my
humility is intact.
I usually can make rather accurate predictions about me, upcoming
situations, and how I will respond to them, but coming back was harder
to bear, a bigger down and far less comfortable than even I would
have predicted. There are some things that I have done here since I
have come back that have surprised me, too. I guessstart at the
beginning for a change, making a little more sense than usual. (You
can't imagine how I'll bate relinquishing my reputation for the
"idiosyncracy" of my usual style.) So you won't have to work as hard
to understand this letter.
We arrived in Ohio and went to my cousin's house. I have only
learned to appreciate him recently. His wife, Sharon, is also a child of
the flower. They both are very accepting of my transition and Phil finds
me much more likeable as a female. A very special cousin Susan who
is one year to my senior came over that night. She also was very
complimentary and accepting. We went out to a nice Italian f at last)
dinner and really capped off the entire week with some very
human experiences.
The next day was the day to drive home, but I found that I really
couldn't make the switch. I found it impossible to go into a men's
room. I just couldn't do it. So even Monday I just carried a purse with
me and used my feminine credit cards and everything was a little easier.
I decided then to go more public at school and to make an unofficial
name change around the lab, etc. This wasn't as easy as I had thought
it would be. You'll remember that I said I don't make errors and can be
consistent, but other people can be impossible with the best of
intentions. I simply requested that around the lab people refer to me as
Rachel. This took much effort because not only had habits been built up
but people grew nervous because they didn't know who knows and
who doesn't, and as it turns out there are a large number of fringe
people that you don't notice usually, who become painfully apparent
when such a transition is being made. Observation: No matter how
readyor how much surgery or how womanly I am, I'll have to leave
here before I can begin to make a realistic change. So much depends on
the people around. As you found out yourselves, the set is very difficult
to break. By the way I did feel very real and genuine there. I felt real
oneness with myself there with no conflicts at all. But it's impossible
Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approech
to do this around people who have known me in a previous
role (with for-the-most-part-exceptions like John).
Other advances have been made. The not having a past bit has
captured my attention. There are several publications going out of here
in which I was acknowledged for technical assistance. People were very
easily persuaded to change the name on the acknowledgements.
Secondly, a couple of journals have requested that we publish a couple
of articles on my methodology. Guess whose name will be on those
papera. So many good things are happening, and I'm learning some
important things about human nature.
One thing I feel is significant. I can't really feel at all confortable in
behaving the way I did in New York in the lob, athough I feel that
the me that carne out in New York was really me. I feel that there are
tremendous gradients that will not let me do "those things." Specifically,
the fantasies that I have about coming across the way I did up there
here are that I would be consumed. The fantasy is oral, but I think I
would in a real way lose all my credibility with the people
I interact with. It's a real bind; I can't be ME.
Vivian and I are adjusting to the fact that we have to part. Tonight
we were listening to Denver and his song Leaving On a Jet Plane
was playing and suddenly we were both crying our hearts
out and holding each other. It was heavy.
So all in all there are no more doubts or cobwebs; there are only
those things I must do in order to get to where I want to be. 1 was sorry
we didn't get to spend more time together. I hope you didn't feel like
you were babysitting or that you had a neurotic hanging on to your
coat-tails at times. Please remember that a lot hit me at once and there
was much to be digested. Things are happening very fast. I think,
however, that all in all my equilibrium is good. It's hell to have to be
two people. I think that perhaps you got a brief glance at how
complicated life can be. I have never been so aware
of the gap between academe and experience.
There were a couple of things that will seem mundane to you that
were touching to me. Joy was starting her period at the time and asked
me discretely if 1 had "any equipment with me to start it with." I wish
I had. I will never have to (I don't see this as a plus) but I'll carry a
few tampona on occasion for those who might want to borrow them.
Kathy took me aside and told me what places on the machine would
snag your pantyhose and a couple of other in things that would be only
of interest to women. So much for that; it's late and
I'm getting unusually nostalgic.
Take care, keep in touch. I feel more legitmate than ever in signing,
In sisterhood,
Appendix 185
One month later
I just thought that I would drop a note to inquire if you have
received my last letter which I sent a week after my return. I haven't
heard anything from you. The other alternative may be that you have
written and it got lostif so you should know.
Things are much better these days. I was very upset at the prospect
of having to return to such a schizophrenic life style and I'm happy to
report that I haven't. I have informed the majority of my acquaintances
of my plans and have been pleasantly surprised at the response. It's
been pretty warm and receptive. Even the provincials of provincials,
our department chair, knows these days. To be "known" is not nirvana
of course but it means I can be more me which is important. As I said
in my last letterdefinitely have to leave here and start over. I have
gotten involved with a very intimate group of people who have never
heard of PW and I value being a member of their group highly.
Things have been pretty exciting here lately.
Both of you take care.
One month tater
Dear Sisters,
Your letter arrived at a most opportune time. As usual a tremendous
number of important things have occurred since I wrote last.
I've mentioned that things have never been the same since N.Y. and
it's really neat that things are increasingly not the same. In a controlled
way I have gone public in the department, not something that in itself
is gratifying at all, other than it allows me to make the transition while
I'm still here in school, and that's gratifyin'. As John puts it, it
seems that N.Y. released a lot of action-specific energy. Now even our
department head knows. I don't know if I mentioned this or not.
must report that all overt interactions with other parties
have been most human and quite accepting.
Things have changed so fast that it seems that Vivian has left, or
least the relationship is cooling rapidly. She has become involved
with a very straight grad student (in Physics) who lives about one
hundred feet from me. I don't know of any way to communicate in
words the extreme pain, excruciation, and agony that this caused me.
186 Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
For awhile I felt very suicida]. Loneliness doesn't scare me, but it
sickens me. I have a high regard for myself to the point that it seems
almost a waste for me not to have someone to give to, to share with,
and to love. I can, however, understand Vivian's frustration. I am the
changing entity in the relationship and am not the same person she fell
in love with four years ago. She has been constant and I still love her
tremendously, in a non-erotic but very afiectionate and physical way.
What is happening, though, in reality, is probably the best for both of
us. She did something that was extremely cruel and sadistic in what
represented the redefinition of the relationship. This occurred on
Wednesday of this week and I was all but nonfunctional. Every time
I would start a protein fractionation I would burst out into tears. I had
to see committee members the next day and really looked horrible and
had to really try to fight back the tears while I was talking to them. The
one bright thing that happened was that I got your letter which dented
the all encompassing numbness. In the last couple of days I have seen
her and it seems that we will still be casual friends or more but nothing
has settled down yet. In losing her I do have more freedom; you'll
remember that's just what Joplin sang, freedom can be very cold and
lonely. Today I saw an attorney and she is going to see the court
Monday about my name change. I'm pretty excited about this. This
means that my six-month trial period is starting? is about to start?
I don't know what constitutes it.
I see my doctor in Baton Rouge on May 20th. So l'II know much more.
I did find out that Blue Cross and Blue Shield does have a two-year
preexisting conditions clause. HMMMMM. BUMMER especially when I
just found out that my mother just let my policy go, which would have
counted as time, about five years' worth. My only hope for quick cash is
developing a prototype commercial system of the protein fractionation
equipment that I developed here. I'm not sure what the odds are that
we'li be able to find a real world entrepreneur. I never have been too
functional outside my ivory tower world, but then I never have wanted
to be.
I'm readjusting to poverty which, as it turns out, is not as much fun
as it used to be after having been affluent. If nothing else
money can buy pleasant diversions.
trying to get up my courage to take prelims this quarter.
Something really funny happened the other day. My car had broken
down and since my income is zilch I had to do the work (which I hate)
on my car. Ido it in surgical gloves to protect my manicure. I hate
grease. I was fuzzy because I had been doing electrolysis, dirty, unclean,
greasy, and my hair was very dirty. In short I was disgusted with
myself. I went to the store to huy parts for the car and talked to the guy
in the store for a while and was more than a little surprised when he
said, you don't see many ladies working on their own cars these days! I
just smiled and said I had taken a course in school on it. He said he'd
Appendix 187
heard about the course and thought it was a great thing. Things
definitely aren't as schizophrenic as they used to be. My record is still
consistent, I haven't been called sir since N.Y. even when I called the
hardware store and asked for liquid wrench.
Ido have a hard time empathizing with your distress over not
accomplishing anything in a month or so. I feel bad in admitting it but
I sort of feel that if I were where you are I would be resting-awhile,
at least for a couple of years after my degree. I have a lot of life to live
after school. Maybe I'm fooling myselfI don't know. Could be that
I have some latent achievement need that will explode into actualization
after school; but if it's there, it's pretty latent.
The more I think about it the sorrier I am that I missed seeing
more of the city. Really, I don't have any regrets except that I didn't
get to stay longer (the important part of the trip was more than
accomplished). I see a lot of the things I whizzed by on TV regularly
and get a little homesick for that place. I really liked it.
I definitely need more than Houston.
Please take care and write soon. Your last letter carne at the
perfect time. No telling what kind of ups and downs I will have gone
through in the interim.
(7) Two weeks later
Someday, perhaps in the near future even, I promise not to open a
letter by telling you that a lot has happened since I wrote last but not
this one because a lot has happened since I wrote last.
I am now legally me. It is amazing how a piece of paper with legal
hocus-pocus creates legitimacy. The name change has helped make
things more real and concrete for people around me too. I'm
learning so very much about human beings but I don't think
it's generalizable to other situations.
In reading the literatura you will remember that prior to surgery
there is no legal reason for me to have female status. I pulled a moot
trick in writing up the court order itself by using female pronouns
instead of their alternative. The judge didn't notice this in signing the
order. When creditors and other people that must see the order see
it those pronouns greatly facilitate things requiring much less discussion.
Last week I was a little surprised that people didn't catch on faster
Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
when changing credit cards, etc. Many never questioned that I had
not always been a woman. Even when handed the court order.
I went through a bad period due to being all alune and I think that
it was only natural that I questioned what I was doing. At no time,
however, could I generate any kind of mate alternative to the direction
I am going, and am all the better for it. I hope that makes sense to you.
It's a little like religion to more conventional people.
Last Tuesday saw me in Baton Rouge to see the surgeon for my
checkup. We began talking about financing this thing which looks very
grim. Hopefully, the local Voc Rehab is considering two other
women like myself and possibly I will be a third case.
I have some very new literature dealing with Vnc Rehab and
the TS which I will donate to them.
Today ... I talked to two of my committee members; the first was
molecular biology, my outside member; he is very straight but we
have always gotten along extremely well. Today was no exception even
after I told him. His response was that mine was a choice that everyone
has to make, which is remarkably enlightened for that type. I'm
beginning to stop dealing in terms of stereotypes; they just don't seem
to hold anymore not even for biologists. My second member is a neat
guy. He taught me my basic biochem course and is a bit like Burt
Reynolds so I had things both good and bad going into our meeting.
I conduct myself no differently around him or dress no differently and
he hadn't noticed or suspected. Oddly enough I felt that I was in control
in this conversation. After taking his course I pretty much knew what
he looks for as far as body language and nonverbal communication is
concerned and was in control enough to come across exactly as I wanted
to. That isn't to say that I was at all dishonest in what I communicated
but I was aware of precisely what messages he was getting.
Also today a friend, Michelle, was approached by our secretaria)
staff who is very interested in a humane way rather than a voyeuristic
fashion. She explained the relevant things to them to their satisfaction.
They were une element that I had not known how to deal with because
I had pictured them as rather hard core traditionalists. The one
thing that I had failed to take into account is that they are sisters
and that transcends so very much if not all.
So as you can see it hasn't been a dull week.
(8) One month later
At last things do seem to be settling down to a dull roar and I'm
grateful. I'm completing the documentation on my protein fractionation
Appendix 189
technique and am looking forward to getting that completed.
l' ye gone ahead and entered and seem to have completed the
evaluation (pencil and paper part) in Baton Rouge. They do have a
compulsion to ask me to drive up there every month and telt them I'm
doing fine. They seemed initially to be a little threatened by me not
because I'm a TS but because I'm completing a Ph.D. The shrink and
1 have clashed once as he needed to establish a "me-doctor ...
you-sicky patientI'm always right in what I say" relationship. But
he only got far enough to satisfy himself on that round. They are
definitely into the male-dominated medical model there. I really don't
think they can even imagine that there are any alternatives. I was
complimented une day when I overheard a candid conversation between
the shrink and the surgeon. They both agreed that if I hadn't told them
that I had once heen a mate that they wouldn't have known.
Back at school my committe members have all individually accepted
my proposal. I have informed them all of my change of status and have
received nice patronizing responses. In reality though it seems that
the members that I don't see very of ten (3 out of the 4) are very
threatened. I think that my committee meeting will have all the
elements of a three-ring circus. I want to take prelims by August lst.
I keep having dreams of N.Y. I really liked it up there. A large
company has sent down some informal feelers down here concerning
offering me a job on Long Island. It might be worth it just to live up
there for a while. Oh yes, I have found a place right around the comer
that serves lux but without bagels which seems most incomplete. So
when I can afford it I treat myself to lux and crackers for lunch. I'm not
affording much these days. I'm completely a ward of the state being on
unemployment and just having qualified for food stamps. By the way, it
seems that Voc Rehab has paid all expenses for several TS's. I have
contacted them to find that this practice has a temporary (and maybe
permanent) hold on it because 1.) they suddenly realized that they had
no fixed policy on it and une is needed, and 2.] new Federal guidelines
have everyone confused on just what is permissible and what isn't as far
as Voc Rehab is concerned. It seems that in the case of the TS that the
whole policy will be contingent on the actitudes of the members of
the state board. Word has it that the conservatives are maintaining that
TS surgery is elective and therefore not fundable. But there are good
people (my surgeon for one) who are working very han] to get it
through. Voc Rehab hopes to have the issue cleared up by
early July. Keep your fingers crossed.
So that seems to be it. Please let me hear from you soon.
Take care-
In sisterhood,
190Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach

Appendix 191
(9) One week later

(10) FaII-24/2 months later


Dear Wendy and Suzanne,

Such a dynamic greeting deserves a no less enthusiastic letter. And
not only that, Pm going to refer to myself in first person. It sounds
like you have been busy. Fin glad to hear that you two
are forging ahead with your book.
My work is coming along well; for the post three weeks I have been
doing the initial work on my dissertation, which will be completad
in another couple of days. Not only that, I am having a committee
meeting either this week or next, something I have feared for years
because of all the horror stories, and the fear has abated and Pm even
scheduling prelims for August lst. If you knew me as well as I do,
these things can only mean one thingBUSINESS, I want out.
really tirad of the piracy/lunacy and desire a little sanity.
Regarding camping, I don't mind eating in the woods. Ell eat anywhere
but I think that Pc1 probably opt to sleep in a hotel room. I guess that
makes me a semi-sissy. You see, I did a huge amount of camping when
I was a little girl (I don't choke when I say that these daysI guess
it comes with practice) and spent all my spare time in the great out-of-
doors. Now it seems that I have lost all rapport with chiggers, ticks,
and mosquitos, value a shower in the morning aboye all, and feel huge
frustrations when I can't find a place to plug in a hair dryer. On the
other hand it seems that oh so many of my peers are into this outdoors
thing.1 have a feeling that when time permits (what a cop-out .
time will nevar permit)get back into it.
I have one piece of very exciting news. I have designed a small
"clinical/research" version of the apparatus that we use at school for
the protein separations. Currently there are no units that will do this
on the market [our technique is highly refinecIL We have submitted the
plans to my former employer and they're very interested in it. They
are supplying us with the facilities to build a prototype. If they like it
they will buy the rights and pay a royalty. It would be more than a
year before they could go into production on it, but just think maybe
I always won't be on foodstampssauteed mushrooms might be just
around the comer. I wish this had come a little earlier so I wouldn't
have to be starving. It's really a gig when we are showing people around
the lab and they ask "who designed this system" and the colleagues
sayshe did. People's eyes bulge. It really gets to them when
they see what a woman did.good for us all. Take care.
I'm glad I got your letter when I did because I had started writing
one to the both of you seyeral times only to discard it midletter.
There is not a whole lot that is new for me to report. I think I
have passed prelims and will soon be admitted to candidacy soon.
That's a groove.
Our newest capitalistic venture has had some snags but is still
making remarkable progress. We've had incredible legal hassles.
At any rate we have our first customer, which is not at all as paltry
as it sounds. Each unit will sell for nearly $7000! I have to fly to
San Francisco on our first consulting trip. That will at least pay for the
calculator that I had to buy to get through prelims. The interesting thing
is that the design I have developed is sound, there is no competition, and
it could really go somewhere. However I know that given enough rope,
at least a few inches, I can hang myself in the business world. Pm
not particularly an advocate of the profit motivebut owning and
running my own company would certainly let me be my own woman
which is an important plus.
The world has grown to be at least quite accepting. I think with
time poeple can get usad to anything, even me. In fact, things are going
very well as far as settling down is concerned. I have noticed a gradual
change in the people who know and I can't see any discriminable
difference in the way XX individuals and I are treated, which when
you think of it is a little mind bending. I'm getting to feel quite
legitimate. In fact, there are males who are sure that I really need
their own "special" kind of attentions. But I have kept my distante.
Remember the unicorn [they only made one).
Your comments about Medical Center struck me as being a little
harsh. I know there were some gross inaccuracies, because yes it was
commercial TV. But I am thankful that it was on TV at all. It was done
in a way that was minimally acceptable to the confused and
homoerotophobic public. I really remember going through those exact
things that Pat did in one form or another. The whole show was
certainly better than no show. I was a little surprised at some of my
own responses. My own transition was gradual as you will remember.
At a biology convention the hotel staff were calling me ma t arla and I
was thrown out of the men's room before my transition. My change
compared to Pat's was evolution compared to revolution. He,
phenotypically, would make a less than probable woman, meaning
that such a person would have a questionable probability at being
happy postsurgically. John was less generous than I"Pat was definitely
a drag," he said. I did feel a little less than comfortable in the last
five or ten minutes of the show. And would have a little harder time
192 Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
at using "she" than you did in your letter. But she has every
right to try and that is what is important.
A couple of weeks ago I had a terrible case of gastroenteritis either
from the flu or from food poisoning so I had to go to hospital. It was
my first time to seek treatment in this life and needless to say I was a
little nervous. The nurse told me to take my blouse and bra off and slip
into a hospital gown. I kept my slacks on under the gown as 1 was
supposed to. The doctor carne in and started to examine mekidneys,
chest, breasts, etc. and I thought it was all over and there would be
need for no frank discussions until he started to unzip my slacks to
examine my lower half. At that point the conversation went:
Rachel: Bef ore you do that I think there's somethiag you should know.
MD: Yes?
R: I'm a preoperat ve TS.
MD: A what?
R: (I explained.)
MD: Gee, if you hadn't told me I'd never have known. Have you lived
as a woman all your life?
R: Since May.
MD: Amazing.
Then he really got off on the whole thing. I wanted him to fix my
stomach. The sad thing is that the only reason he unzipped my pants
was to listen to my stomach. He really never would have gone further
south. But I guess it was good for him. As it was it still took me six
days to recover [from the gastroenteritis).
I keep having dreams of N.Y. I liked it so much.
Houston is such a burg.
I've met a really neat guy with whom we founded a really intense
but platonic relationship, which is great because he's married to a
radical feminist who hasn't moved here yet from their home town.
He has perhaps the most fantastic head of any male I have ever met.
He's in computer sciences and we have ever so much in common.
Intellectually, the relationship has been very stimulating,
which has been a much needed ingredient.
You know this has been a really upbeat letter. And it's Friday
nite which is usually a very blue time for me. But that doesn't
even spoil things.
Take care and write soon.
Appendix 193
(11) Six weeks later
Hi you two!
I must say that I was really glad to get your last letter as 1 was
in a very good mood and I received it at an opportune time. Because of
the way things have been going for the last couple of months almost
any time would have been a good time because everything has
been going very well for a long time now. How strange.
My dissertation is going very well. But how could things not go
well during the initial fractionations. There are many interesting
phenomena in the offing. Since I am the senior student in my lab and
I have a lot of say in what goes on in it, several of the new first-year
persons have decided that I must be their one and only mentor. At
times 1 find myself being followed like Lorenz and his little geese.
I think what they really want is a little mothering.
My social life has exploded. The only trouble with being very
much sought after is that it is definitely fattening. I'm counting
calories again. Tch Tch. I'm certainly having more fun.
Business seems to be going well too, which will eventually lead me
around to answering your question about the system you've asked about.
After a brief struggle with my adviser, which I won, corporate harmony
seems to be ours. Actually we incorporate Wednesday. It's all very
exciting. It really has blown a lot of male minds (a very narrow and frail
entity at that) when visiting the lab to see what a woman can
accomplish. I think the phenomenon is good for all concerned. That
reminds me, I'm teaching a course in several different techniques on
bioassays at the graduate level as a result of a multitude
of requests from student peers.
I can't telt you how excited I was about last spring's trip to N.Y.
1'11 be very much more real on the next trip. I think you'll find that my
bashfulness has pretty much dissipated and I've even acquired
a little polish where there were rough edges.
I'm not sure what I want to do yet. It will depend on what we do
with the company and how much potential it seems to have. The system
being developed, by the way, is an advanced method for blood protein
separation using an electrophoretic technique that I developed for my
dissertation. It is very fast and reliable and relatively inexpensive. By
the way, how is Harry's research going? 1 hope he got it off the ground.
I never got a letter from him. And I'm not even the dark lady of
Houston anymore! Tell him that I'd like to hear from him and that if
he needs any consultation when I get up there I'll be glad to help
him within the limits of my meager talents.
1 even find that one of the reasons that I have been so content
lately is that I have been accomplishing so much.
Sounds a little perverted doesn't it?
194 Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
l'II have to telt you that I have been perfectly chaste since N.Y. which
has been absolutely no strain, and I have made no commitment to any
kind of an orientation so I'd at least like to see what it's like. I must
say that many men have become very interested but they seem rather
monolithic and predatory. Sometimes being just another pretty face can
be_quite a burden, But on the other hand l've never been so happy.
I've never regretted what I've done for a moment.
I'm going to visit borne for the first time in a couple of years over
the holidays. I haven't taken a vacation since I saw you two and it will
be a logical breaking point in my dissertation. It also may be a
breaking point for me. It's quite probable that I will regret it. "You
can never go honre again" will probably be very true for me.
I had some very straight friends, some who have never learned to
spell cosmopolitan much less become one, so I am one of the things
in heaven and earth of which they have never dreamed. It's really sad.
The tragedy is theirs however, not mine.
It looks like I have given you enough to chew over. l'II be looking
forward to your next letter. Write soon.
(12) Four months later, Early spring, 1976
Someone borrowed my typewriter so I thought Vd handwrite you a
letter since I've found time to take a breath and write you a leiter.
I'm sorry that I've been such a poor writer but you wouldn't believe
the schedule I've been keeping lately. It's been rough. I've been doing
my dissertation, teaching a graduate course, and running our
mini-company. It's demanding being President/secretary/designer
and the sales/marketing division all at once.
Spring arrived here very early and it's been a pleasant spring.
I've been very much in demand and have been having a good time
learning the bump with some of the other students. I find that women
partners are much better than males. My measure is a bruise count
after each dance. The score is Harvey 117 and Jennifer O. I'm sure
Harvey would be a great linebacker, however.
It seems that with every platean there are always new slopes to climb.
I've been very comfortable becoming me but looking back I'd have
to say I've been very tentative socially, and have buried myself in
work. Part of the reason has been financial, but probably the residual
reasons have just been self-confidente and a pause while I get my
Appendix 195
head together. The woman, Jennifer, whom I have mentioned, is a very
close friend. She is very honest and a good friend who provides some
very supportive feedback, the net effect of which has been to help me
with my self-confidence. We've had a lot of talks about a lot of things.
It's strange, we love each other a lot but she really wants a guy and
I respect that. I am looking more and more toward surgery. I think I'm
going to put a small ad in the MS. personals saying: Woman grad
student financially depleted needs money for surgery. Please help.
And see what happens. Right now that's the only thing I can think of.
The other night Jennifer gave my hair a light frosting (light
meaning subtle). It looks pretty nice.
I don't know what I'd like to do when I get out next fall. Maybe
put another ad in an international magazine. Position wanted:
Potential countess or potential princess desires countesship or
princesship. All counts and princes invited to apply. I'm an equal
opportunity employee. P.S. White horses preferred.
All kidding asideone really unfair thing. The automatic
assumption and hence pressure is that I do a nice straight heterosexual
thing and pair off with a mate. This I think is a compliment, but a
little unfair. Even Jennifer, 1 think, assumes this.
Gee what a mellow night this is. It's Saturday and I took a night
off from the world after having been rock and rolled to death last
night. For the first time in my life I'm listening to FM easy music
station. Hmm, just my luck the wine cellar's locked.
Actually I feel like there are so many things to telt you that l'II
just have to wait to see you. It's only a month off you know....
In sisterhood,
(la) Summer, five months tater
I'm trying to resist the temptation to spend several paragraphs
apologizing and explaining why I haven't written. However,
suffice it to say that I haven't....
So much has happened! The reason you didn't hear from me
immediately after the trip to N.Y. was that I went through a real
blue funk for a month or six weeks and was seriously depressed. I just
sat around and stared at the watts and seemed very down. I think
I was very worried about employment as my unemployment was
running out. Along about then Ted carne into town and we did the
town as well as it can be done. Later he called and offered me a job
196 Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
with his firm. At the time it seemed almost like a good idea so
I said yes. Since then, Fve reconsidered as he wants to move
his company to Kansas City.
The net effect of the job offer was to lif t me out of my funk.
Whendepressed I become even less disciplined than
usual and procrastinate a lot.
Oh yes: My dissertation research is finished. 1 haven't started
writing yet and don't intend to until fall because I want to play this
summer. It's the first time in my life l' ye ever really done my
own thing and 1 sort of enjoy it.
had my first affair. Well as much as I can have had one. It had
its good points as well as its bad ones. He was p:ddling around as an
undergraduate, is beautiful, rich and a gourmet. For the last two weeks
we lived together. At the onset of the relationship I told him that I
had been through some recent traumas and wasn't ready for any sex.
He said OK and away we went. He has exquisite taste. AH and all
we were good for each other. And he never knew. He has offered
to fiy me to San Francisco to go on a cruise on his yacht. I spent last
nite writing him a letter to let him know that yes, I would come,
but along with it I supplied what I'm sure will strike him as
being some unusual insights into my past life.
Our company has delivered the first instrument. Many people want
to buy stock and several companies are calling and will visit the lab
this fall. After almost exactly one year of incredibly hard work we
brought home less than $900.00which will go into my medica] fund as
a first deposit. I don't really want to continue with the company. My
education in this field is pretty complete and it's time for me to move on
to other things. I don't want lo be shackled with a business venture.
Who knows if I continue I might even be a successan outcome which
I will avoid. I'm starting to do some consulting in Oregon which may
develop into a job which is very exciting. It has to do with
electrophoresis and the analyses therein.... I'm glad I've found
something that turns me on. So as you can see there have been very
few dull moments, and I really have been busy with virtually no time
to myself, even for maintenance. So forgive me.
Now I have more time and will write.
Appendix 199
(141 Late fan, 1976, three months later
Dear you two,
Perhaps you have noticed that l i ve fallen down in my letter writing
for which I musa apologize. But in your last postcard you told me to
expect a letter soon. Oh well.... l i ve been both busy and not busy.
finally gotten so fed up with things at school that I am working
concertedly at finishing the dissertation. Afi I have to do now is
to do the data analysis, for which I have written computer programa,
and do the writing. It seems to be at times formidable and
wholly unrewarding in itself.
I have come to realize that I spent the last several months in at
least a mild depression and have been working at a very low energy
levet. A lot of it has to do with my professional aspirations or lack of
them.said many times that a professional life seems a bit too
regimented.laid back enough that the so-called rewards of the
profession, i.e., publications, a prominent reputation, etc., are pretty
meaningless. It seems to me that since we really are here only once and
in that our stay is as short as it is, that I can't feel particularly
positive about dedicating that much time in my life to just fill pages in
journals. At the same time I do envy people who don't share
those feelings.
The fact that I have interesas and expertise in so many different
fields and could never get them together also bothers me. This week
I was asked to be a guest speaker at three different seminars, one on
electrophoretic separations, another to a psych of women class on sex
differences and biology, and a third to a computer sciences class on
computers in the biological sciences. I can't figure out where home is.
Although many colleagues admire this, such a widespread
distribution of expertise makes me feel rather insecure.
1 endured one major trauma very recently. Several companies have
indicated a strong interest in our apparatus. I don't know if I told you
but the one in Utah is installed and is working fine. Anyway we have
been negotiating with severa! companies for the eventual sale of the
rights. That fell through. Meanwhile I had started making firm plans
with Beton Rouge. At the same time when I was talking to Baton Rouge,
I found out that the procedures were much more expensive than I had
thought they were going to be. Net effect experientially was that I had
gotten very close and then been yanked much further away than I was
to start with. Gee ... I lost some insulation (emotional) that I'll never
be able to replace. But now looking back on it the crisis liad some good
effects because it's gotten me off my derriere and I'm doing something.
But what tantamount agony. The real world can indeed be ruthless.
So we are still negotiating with the two largest companies. They carne
to the lab to see the unit and commented that our unit is the most
198 Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
elegant and sophisticated process they have ever seen. Company A
will be here at the end of next week. Company B wants me to come
to Boston for a job interview. Every time I come luto contact with a
company I get a job offer. Ted got down on his hands and knees and
almost begged, but his company is gnat sized. I went to Cleveland a few
weeks ago and saw him and wasn't taken partcularly good care of, and
sure that Ted doesn't even know how really grim his ireatment was.
He lodged me in an apartment with no heat, and all there was to sleep
on was a mattress with a bedspread and a sheet. I was just beginning
to recover from bronchitis....
Robert carne up for a visit. He was the summer Ring I wrote about.
I had written a letter to him explaining my situation to him and I don't
think it made the slightest bit of difference to hin, that is to say that
there were no cognitive shifts on his part that I could see. The sad
thing about Robert is that he is as existentially lost as I am but
much more anxious. He was here for four nights and completely drunk
for three which was typical of the summer. We're both aware that to
each other we're nice people to visit, but haven't enough n common to
live together. But it was really nice to see him. He wants me to come
visit for Christmas. As of yet 1 haven't made any definite piens.
1 know this letter has liad consistently down overtones which for the
most part is where l've been, but things seem to be taking an upturn.
After the ordeal last month which precipitated so much I'm definitely
less passive about most things. I'm still refusing to look for jobs yet so I
can keep my options upen. It's so much more f un to be a dilettante.
The puddle I'm n is seemng ever smaller. My advisor is asking me to
stay here after my degree and research with him, which usually ends up
being for him instead. He's very gifted. He's gotten a good national
reputation basad on research that I have designed (and others, of
coursej. It's an nteresting tack that l have too much conscience for
and too little ambition. My forte is really problem solving and I am
most happy when I'm challenged, He loves this.
How are things going?
Take care and write.
Rachel's Commentst Winter, Early 1977
Fm very touched at the opportunity to help the authors with their
appendix, first because they've found value in something l' ye had
Appendix 199
to offer and secondly, because here I have the chance to make
detailed commentary en a journey I took that most people rarely think
about, and yet is quite human. We rarely are provided with the
occasion to go back and make a "here and now" commentary on
something that happened there and then.
I can remember in my own experience that people could only
relate to small pieces of my existence, which was an ever present
source of frustration. Now I find that there are things in the transition,
as it becomes more remota in my past, that I can no longer relate to.
I met Suzanne and Wendy in February of 1975, and it was during
the summer uf 1972 that my struggle to repress that which was
undeniable falleced and I aeknowledged to myself that I was a
transsexual. At the time I was a hard working graduate student
in molecular biology in a southwestern university which was filled
with some incredibly provincial people. I was very happily engaged
to a woman and then things inside me began to surface. It should
nat have been such a surprise because I had been privately aware
of these things sil my life. I certainly did experience the classic
phrase of the M-F-TS, "the very first thing I can remember as a child
was wanting to be a girl."
During elementary school and junior high I never missed an
opportunity to either disappear out into the woods and cross-dress or
to do it when no one was at home. I kept my secret so well that my
parents were completely unaware of this and when 1 finally told them
of my plans and admitted my childhood activities they absolutely
refused to believe it, This had to be my ultimate irony where when
I needed to discuss these things with them, that my secret had been
so well kept there was no way to prove it.
I remember that during the fourth grade years I was particularly
feminine, playing with the girls, often wearing my shirts tied around
my waist to symbolize a skrt. It was a happy period but frustrating
because I didn't have full feminine privileges; I wasn't going to grow
up and be a woman.
There was no one in my eiementary school with the sophistication
to realiza the implications of my behavior and I don't know how far
I could have gone with it. I do remember, however, that I gradually
became aware that if I continued with the feminine behavior that
some pretty bad things were going to "come clown." No one ever
said this to me, nor do I think it was recognized that a problem
existed, I just remember a feeling that I bagan to getto stop
behaving like girls do and behave like boys do. Although
Christine forgensen had come and gone from the public view at the
time, I had never heard of her. 1 couldn't read at the time, and my
parents nevar dscussed her in front of me. So there seemed to be
no alternativas but to grow up mate. What pain, what a trap to be
stuck in a body that was going to shape your existence and sort
200Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
of carry you along with it whether you wanted to go or not. I felt
like a honey bee that has used its sting; the life had been pulled
out of me. This realiza tion and the related decision was private. My
teachers, of course, had no way of knowing this, and every time
there was an odd number of girls forming a team for games or
whatever, I was put with them, a happy and sad eventuality. How
was I to compete in a male world if all 1 knew how to do was
jump rope?
My secret cross-dressing continued on finto high school. High
school had its own set of more adult horrors. There was gym class
where I was introduced to the concept of the "jock" or athletic
supporter, whichhappy to say I never used once. There were
public showers, which I don't think anyone noticed that I never used
once in five years. There were some things that were just too "male"
for me to tolerate. These differences were differences that I kept well
hidden, and I don't think anyone noticed at all. I can say this because
if anyone had noticed I would have been a target for much derision
and cruelty, and I never was.
I did become consumed by one sport and that was basketball
which became a compulsive year-round sublimation. It was a good
sport where there was no crushing body contad and, since I was
medium height and very light weight and fast, I was rather
proficient. It took me a long time to earn respect in sports. Since I
had never played any real sport until high school, my motor skills
lagged behind my classmates'. It seems that by my junior and senior
years that these differences had disappeared in my one sport, and I
could play well enough to be on the school team, which I did not do.
During undergrad school I lived at borne for the first two years
and whatever education I was getting was strictly academic. My
social skills were notably lacking. With this in mirad I decided to join
a fraternity (a large national). It was not until I was twenty or
twenty-one that I began dating and oddly enough was rather successful.
Sexual experiences with women followed. Although I had a good
reputation I didn't find sex to be at all what people advertised it to be
and explained it away by feeling that I had yet to find a really
compatible partner, a feeling that continued for severa] years.
My senior year in college was a depressing one due to tiny finances
and I found that the only thing that would lift the depression was
to resume my cross-dressing, which continued finto graduate school
as I was really unable to discontinue it. Had anyone ever asked how
I explained the behavior or how I classified it I would have said that
I was a transvestite. But there was more than that and during my
early years in graduate school I was becoming increasingly aware of
it. I began going to the library and reading books on transsexuality.
1 must say that the contents certainly seemed weird to me then and
Appendix 201
even now as I look back at them. It seems that they are written in
tones that suggest that the transactions therein had to have occurred
under an eerie green light as strange and bizarre people went through
some rather unusual rituals. It must have been the clinical tones (with
the underlying implication that these people are sick) of the books
that gave the texts this flavor. I liad difficulty identifying with the
people and their desperate struggles while at the same time there
were strange and undeniable feelings surfacing in me that would
soon equal the poor souls in the book. From one summer to the next
I asked myself the questionAm I one of these people? It seemed
not, for one thing thing my existence had certainly been punctuated by
what appeared to be success in a "male role" even if it did feel
most vacuous and empty. I remember uttering many male utterances
and doing many things now that I would consider offensive and
distasteful. I can only look back at the models I was supposed
to conform to and wonder why.
I had a split awareness, not in the schizophrenic sense at all,
but I know that except during my few most unaware years I did
not perceive women as the other, the alen, the incomprehensible
as most men do. I felt a genuine sameness under the skin. And I
began to ache all over and deep inside when I acknowledged that,
yes, although seemingly not "classical" (a figment of the imagination),
I was a transsexual.
What to do about it. I looked genuinely male and behaved that
way. I had the feeling that I would make a rather improbable
woman, less Iban attractive and light years from any kind of ideal.
It seemed then that my alternatives were either to live a male life of
ineffable spiritual pain that permeated my entire inner existence, or
I could become what I thought would be an externally grotesque,
rather sad, caricature of a woman. It seemed to be a difficult decision.
These decisions, I think, were paramount in the summer of 1972.
It was during this year that I decided to discuss the issue with a close
friend and thusly make a twenty-four year old privacy slightly public.
The results of the conversation weren't as shattering as I had thought.
The conversation turned out to be a marathon catharsis, and al least
one person in the world shared the burden of my secret.
Very little happened in the following year that I can remember
other than I began to take some BC pills for their estrogen content
(something that I wouldn't recommend without a physician's
supervision because many contain progestins which have
androgenic effects).
Significan[ things did begin to occur the next summer, or in April,
actually. I went lo Dallas to see a friend who was a physician and
who was very understanding and did a number of favors such as
track down a pair of TS's for me to talk lo. That was a weird
202 Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
experience in itself. One was in her sixties with a very deep voice, and
I wondered at many of her self-delusions. The net effect verified
many of the fears I had o my own self-potentials.
It was the year that I went on my perennial crash diet and lost
45 pounds in four months going from 170to 125. This broughl about
a happy state of affairs as I felt much better about my body. It was
the year that I contacted Gay Liberation to find if there were any
known transsexuals in town to talk to. There was one with whom
I spent a very happy evening in a funeral parlar (they chose the
locationI didn't). She was very encouraging and I saw that, yes,
there was such a thing as an attractive transsexual. She was a hair
dresser with a high school education and clung 'o rather traditional
definitions of what femininity was, and as it turned out we had
little to share intellectually. She couldn't fathom university life,
much less graduate school.
I made a conscious decision to stay away from gay society. It's
strange but I felt that the average gay had an equally dim awareness,
when compared to heterosexuals, of the transsexual phenomenon,
and had some rather contaminated expectations of me from their
experience with cross-dressers who are frequently encountered in
the gay world. I did not want to have to expend energy bucking
these gradients of expectation nor did I want to acquire any of these
mannerisms as I felt that they were only a parody of womanhood. There
is much misogynism in the gay world, and it is generally a very male
world and as such held little for me.
I did befriend a gay male however, who because of his active
role in the field of gay awareness was also a significant and
appreciated person in my life. Pll never forget the night that I, in
becoming Rachel, took my first walk around the block with him.
Later in the summer he took me to my first party which was at
least slightly magic. It was not without cost for him because his
friends were surprised to see him with a woman and there were
jokes about his being a latent heterosexual.
There were infernal or "head changes" that were equally important
as the cosmetic changes that were taking place. I began to think in
terms of what and who I wanted to be and as such, how was I to
get from where I was to be this person mentally. Here words begin
to fail because it is so difficult to describe how one takes oneself
apart, in terms of her basic assumptions that make the foundation for
all that the person is and says and does. I had to remold my most
molecular assumptions. I pictured all of these little assumptions as
little building blocks that make up our automatic and reflexive
behaviors. It was my task to take each one of these building blocks
out of the foundation, examine it in the light of who I wanted to be,
internally modifying it to work the way I wanted it to work, and puf
it back into the foundation, only to pull out another block and do
Appendix 203
the whole thing over. This is as clase as I can get to putting the
process on paper. During the process I really believe I became
acultural almost, because I examined some cultural assumptions we
make and for some reason remember that I became particularly
critica' of the work ethic and product-oriented culture we are
immersed in. What an unusual by-product.
So there were personality changes as well as physical changes.
I did my own electrolysis to remove my beard. It seems that 1 did
a very good job as I have no more facial hair and there
is no scarring, pits, or discoloration leaving only a soft, smooth face.
This was the time that I began to venture out in public in my
identity of Rachel. Things did seem brighter and the air did seem
lighter as Morris proclaimed, but I knew about the power of
suggestion. I continued to grow.
There is no doubt that there were external changes becoming
apparent in the person people knew as Paul. There were rumors
that I was dying of cancer when I lost the weight. There were
awkward moments such as when a technician rushed iota the lab
and was disappointed to find that it was I who had walked into the
lab rather than "a new girl."
Most of al] I can remember the pain and the agony. Momentary
satisfactions of going out and being Rachel were toa episodic
and far apart. Perhaps one of the cruelest things, and here again
my words fail, is that the transsexual is constantly immersed in the
world where that which she wants most is constantly around her
and interacting with her. At times it seemed so extraordinary how
the women around me could be so very unaware of themselves and
of their womanhood. Womanhood seemed such a privilege. No one,
I think, unless they have been through it can understand the
frustration. Now the frustration has completely faded and Pm
only glad that I remember it as I'm writing so I can put it down here
on paper. I don't think I did a particularly good job. At the sarne
time I find that it is ever easier to take myself for granted in my
day-to-day Efe and it must be that much easier for the rest of
womankind to do so in that they have nevar known any other
gender or sex role.
I think I have included the necessary biographical data to bring
the reader up to date to the point where I met Suzanne and Wendy
and began to write to them.
When I met Wendy and Suzanne, it was a time of great uncertainty
of how the world was going to respond to me in my everyday
life. Apparently I
was right at the point where I was giving no
gender cues or better yet, I was a strange mixture of both. A way to
look at it would be that I had reached the androgynous ideal a
long time before the world was ready for it. I had a unique
opportunity to see what the world was like when its inhabitants
204 Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
could not telt what sex I was. There was an equiprobability that
when I would approach a stranger in public to buy a toothbrush
or book that 1 would be addressed as sir or ma'am. My clothing was
uniformly unisex at the time. They weren't the garb associated with
any alternate life style. Frequently, at work, people would come up and
ask me where 1 got those pants or that "shirt." The men would say,
"wow, I really like those clothes but haven't been able to find any
like it, where did you get them?" I would reply, "in some of the
campus stores," while neglecting to telt them, "not in the men's
department." It's also interesting to note that once the people, say
at work, had known me, they saw nothing really unusual about my
behavior even as naive people were perceiving ne as a woman. A
perfect example was one day at lunch while on a trip to Washington:
Many of us were seated at a table, supposedly all males, when a
waiter came up and presented me with a customary rose "for the
lady." That had to be one of my most embarrassing moments. There
was also the time I went in to the store to buy an ice creara cone and
the waitress looked up and said, "Can I help you ma'am .... ah sir
.... ah ma'am .... ah sir." As she continued to flip-flop her face
became more panic stricken as she found herself facing true
ambiguity. She finally just stopped using any gender-related
words, a technique I saw frequently. These events all carne before
the transition.
In part I think my answer to the question "How do you know that
you are a woman?" [second lean'] was partially an evasion. Please
note that these answers were written pretransitionally. Possibly, it
was premature for me to answer some of these questions and possibly
not. They are at least valuable in contrast. My hiding behind
epistemology was philosophically consistent, so I can only answer the
question experientially and the answer is quite simply stated.
When I am out sitting down at a table in a discussion with a group
of women Ido not feel, or am 1 aware at all, that there is any
difference between us (unless the topic of discussion is on having
periods). I do feel that I am different from men. These experiences,
derived from settling into the role and being much more comfortable,
are more recent than I was able to offer previously.
There is also a newly evolved set of rules for telling someone.
The new rule isif at all possibledon't. Previously when I was less
secure in my role there was a conscious striving to establish
necessary intimacy to tell someone about my past. This was
self-protective so I wouldn't have to go through any trauma in case
of discovery. There was also the need to talk about it. Later as I
became more comfortable this was no longer necessary. Now my
strongest wish is to be just ordinary and not have my past known at
Appendix 205
all. Here in the department in school there is a most effective
grapevine which includes students, faculty, and secretaries
who have deprived me of the privilege of making disclosures to
those people that I see fit. It seems to me that this process strips
me of a valuable personal right, but it is a sad reality of life. Those
relationships that are spared this treatment are among my most
treasured. I long to be seen as just an ordinary woman. I have a
widespread academic reputation on campus, and at times it's hard to
tell if my name is known because of my achievements or transition.
The phrase "I've heard a lot about you" is scary to me because of
the possibility that it has more than one meaning. At the same time
I have learned to take these things in stride and assume that
these things will evaporate after I have graduated and relocated.
The way that I tell people when it's necessary vares with the
person. At times I start out by saying that I wasn't born a lady.
Media coverage has made it easier. l've considered saying that
Renee Richards and I have more in common than tennis. Actually
the grapevine takes tare of most of it for me and acquaintances
who are interested in gaining insight into the phenomenon ask me
about it at times. It does create a class of people at school who
"may know" but I'm not sure. If they are closely connected with
the biology department experience has shown me that I should
assume they do. This doesn't always work out though, as 1 have
found out that people who have worked next to me for years,
meeting me just after the transition have not known; so there
are exceptions.
I now wear a wide range of styles. It's rare that I ever look like
Mary Tyler Moore. There are times that I dress smartly and there
are times that I dress in a unisex fashion. Just recently I bought
a pair of leather boots that are in the fashionable western style
and my clothes need no longer be strictly feminine in the traditional
sense. I remember recently that I was in the Colorado mountains
on a hiking/skiing trip where there is only one way to dress. I was
particularly happy with my appearance which I thought was rather
androgynous with boots, several sweaters, and several pairs of pants
and was considering the possibility of a bulky appearance and was
amazed when a friend (naive) said, "Rachel, you get the Seventeen
magazine award of the day."
A very important parallel can be made to the person who grew up
very ohese and sometime after adolescente loses a significant amount
of weight. Although the weight is gone and the clothes worn are
many sizes smaller, the individual's self-concept takes a much longer
time to "catch up" with the external realities. I certainly experienced
this phenomenon where I was buying clothes that were too large.
Over the years I have come down from a size 13 to a comfortable 9.
206 Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
I'm 5'9" and weigh 128, which is rather thin. When people ask me
how much I weigh they are surprised by my answer. Their response is
that, "I can't believe you weigh that much, you certainly don't look like
you do." I will diet much sooner than people think is necessary even
though I have the kind of frame that will not show an extra 10pounds.
It hasn't been until lately when l' ye found that some really attractive
women friends wear clothes larger than mine, have shoulders wider
than mine, that my negative feelings about my frame have begun
to fade away. The basis for these things has to be the old memory
of looking over a
shoulder that was much larger and much more
muscle bound and hating myself. It's taken awhile for those feelings
to dissipate.
My return to Houston after New York was most significant. 1 had
had a joyous week in New York. I liked the new me and the thought
of returning to Houston to a mate existente was untenable. It
would be asking too much. It was getting very close to time
to make the switch.
In a way I had prepared things well. I had let people know
discretely, knowing that the word would get out like wildfire. I would
not have to tell many people; things would be rather obvious. It
was a crucial depressing time. I was claiming what was mine but the
emotional expenses were tremendous.
I made the request to lab personnel about the narre and gender
pronoun change and there was a tremendous amount of variability in
people's response. I must say they all tried very concertedly. There
were inevitable slip-ups. There were awkward very tense moments.
Simple mechanical operations become difficult. Outside people would
make professional calls Info the lab for Paul. What were lab
personnel to do? Yell for Rachel or Paul? How was I to answer the
phone? Painembarrassment. But we all tried and ever so slowly
Rachel became more and more of a reality. One of my most effective
tools was a confrontive behavior modification approach. When
someone would yell for Paul I would not respond until I heard a yell
for Rachel. When in conversation someone referred to Paul I simply
looked at them squarely and asked sharply, "who?" No one but me
will ever understand or appreciate how painful that process was. My
advisor tried and seemed to have difficulty making the transition,
showing a definite lag. From conversations with others I heard that he
was inconsistent in his use of names and gender pronouns when I
was not around. This was a style I saw from time to time which I
referred to as "not doing homework," and as such was something
that I couldn't directly operate on. Time was needed for complete
healing. The process seemed to take a few months before everything
settled out.
Appendix 207
A quite different kind of encounter, contrasted to lab personnel,
was encountering acquaintances, near and distant. These were
people who I knew at a distante. They were perhaps the most surprised
and awkward. But some of them became good friends and others just
shook their heads and dropped out of my life's picture completely.
Needless to say that this was radically affecting the relationship
between Vivien and myself. Our relationship in the past was not
sexual but very loving and very affectionate. We have since realized
perhaps that we had played special unique parts in each other's life,
that we'll never find anyone for whom we'll care about as much as
we cared about each other. But at the time things were more than
strained. She did have her sexual needs that were going completely
unsatisfied. She really tried to stay with me far longer than she should
have for both of our own good. But it was very soon after this that
she lef t. Amidst all of the other things I had to deal with, I would
soon have to deal with it all alone.
I thought I would have to leave Houston before I could make a
realistic change. Time has shown that this is not true with
qualifications. After two years, life is rather simple and routine in
the same place and in the same lab. The qualifications are two. The
first is that damned grapevine and the other is myself. I find that to
new acquaintances my past makes no difference. The report is rather
uniform that they can't imagine me as a male. Those who have
asked to see pictures of me in the past simply shake their heads and
acknowledge that they would never recognize me as the person in the
picture. My face does seem to look almost entirely different, and
there is something seemingly very different about my cheekbones
seeming higher or more prominent. This may be because of the weight
loss. I'm not sure.
My reality is that even though it makes no difference to new friends
and acquaintances, their knowledge does make a difference to me.
I don't feel quite as good around people who "know" as Ido around
people who don't. I know that a psychologist would say that the
dichotomy is artificial and the distinction is in my own head. There
seems to be some truth to this as people seem to forget completely,
but it's harder for me. These things are a little painful to talk about but
they're necessary for the record. The difference is that it's more
pleasant for someone to make a completely "female" set of assumptions
about me than a partial set. By this I am specffically referring tu
questions about my past, etc. Actually when people learn of my past
they tend to forget it. It's me who has the hard time forgetting. It's more
pleasant for someone to ask me about didn't I lave horses when I
was a little girl, etc. That's about the most concrete example I can
generate immediately. Just let the statement ride intuitively; the
relationship with those people who don't know feels better and
freer. The air seems fresher to me. I would say that there is no
difference in my hehavior between the two populations.
208 Gender: An Ethnomethodologica1 Approach
There are several humorous stories about events that occurred
after my name was legally changed. In May 1 decided to go to a
department atore and gel my credit card changed. Remember, at this
point I am now legally Rachel, supported by a court order specifying
that Paul Wright (she) is now and forevermore Rachel. The
conversation went like this:
Me: "Good afternoon, I'd like to ha-ve my credit card and name of
my account changed."
Clerk: "Fine. My name is Mrs. Givens and I'll be happy to help you."
Me: "l' y
e received a sex reassignment and 1 have the legal documen-
My voice must have dropped in volume as I said
this because she did
not hear it,.or did not want to hear it.
Clerk: "May I see your card, Dear?"
I hand the card to her and watch a perpiexed look cross her face.
Clerk: "fa this your father's card, honey?"
Me: "No."
Clerk: "Are you married? la it your husband's?"
Me: "No, it's mine and I want the neme changad."
Clerk (now obviously confused): "Your neme was Paul Wright?"
Me: "It was."
Clerk: "Oh you poor dear. No wonder you want your name changed!
Did your mommy really name you Paul?"
Me: "I'm afraid so."
Clerk: "Just a moment, let me get your records."
She disappeared finto o door finto un inner office and reappears studying
my portf olio with a more perpiexed look on her face.
Clerk: "I don't understand Miss, this record says male on it."
Me: "That was more or leas true at ene time."
Clerk (now pale with a sick look on her face): "Just a moment, let
me talk to the manager."
She disappears suddenly luto the inner office and after a brief
interlude suddenly people start leaving the office and making masa
exoduses toward the bathroom which conveniently is on the ante room
where 1 am. Others seeing that the bathroom was full just peeked out
of the door. There were many sets of ayes upon me and I felt rather
mortified. The clerk approaches with a manufactured smile and saya,
"Won't you have a seat," and begins to pour over my record.
The transaction was completad and I received my card promptly in
Appendix 209
the mail. But I sainad not learned my lesson and besides really had to
make a public appearance to get my driver's license changed. This
was much more dangerous as my legal status at this point was very
nebulous and poorly defined, putting me at the merey of the people at
the motor vehicle division. I remembered that they all cerned gens
and felt a little alarmad. Phil, aware of the possibility that very bad
things could happen, offered to go with me.
When we arrived the division was set up with three desks numbered
1, 2, and a, respectively, in large three-foot numbers. There was a
moderate amount of activity at each desk. Anticipating the potential
for chaos I tried to wait until no one was at desk 1 before I approached
it but a guard blankly yelled, "Next step upDon't hold up the line."
Suddenly it was my turn in a crowd of people. Phil was in the
background watching. It was time for a renewal luckily. The interaction
went this way:
Policewoman:"What's the natura of your business?"
Me: "Renewal and neme change."
1 had no idea what they were going to require for proof of chnnge of
PW: "There is a form for a married woman changing her neme."
Me: "I didn't gel married; I'm just changing my neme."
1 showed her the court orden
PW: "Fine."
Me: "I'd also like to change the address and the sex."
It seemed she was going to fall asleep os I watched her write on the
top of my application for renewal:
"Change Name"
"Change Address"
"Change Sex."
PW: "Just move on to the next desk, please."
Phi] told me that at that point our stoical po/icewomanturnad
sunset red from head
to loe, My job now was to carry the paperwork
to the remaining
two desks where there was no necessity to show the
court order.
Policewoman tf 2 (cursorily looking over the changas needed for
the license): "Let's see, Change nameOK, Change address-
OK, and ... Change sex." She stopped and thought for a
second and loolied at me.
"Gee. The division of motor vehicles really messed up Ibis 1:cense.
Wrong name, address, and sex."
210 Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
She stamped the application.
PW #2: "Take this to desk 3."
As I left Phi! overheard Policewoman #2 say to the now beet-red
#1: "I've never seen so many mistakes on one license."
PW #1: "You dummyThat's one of them transsexuals."
PW #2 (blinksp "Oh."
Nothing eventful hoppened at desk #3.
Had anyone asked, "whom do you think will make the most
bizarre unempathetic response to your transition?" I would have
replied the secretarial pool in the departmental off:ce. I was correct
as I found out later. They vacillated between face-to-face
empathy and a horrored acceptance. Later, as the years passed I think
time cured much and I became rather ordinary to a degree. One thing
was humorous, though. I couldn't leave town for any amount of time
without rumors floating to the effect that "the surgery" was at
hand. AH this was quite predictable.
Our department head, a rather rigid ex-naval officer, had always
disliked me. My advisor once told me that genuine talent threatened
him. With my transition he refused to use feminine gender pronouns
in relation to me. The secretarial pool and students were supportive
enough to discourage this, an act of untold courage for which I will
eternally be grateful. However, even a year later when he absolutely
had to speak of my accomplishments to strangers, as he advertised
the department, he would refer to me as "he" and u,se my old neme.
Looking back on the events 1'd have to say that this was certainly
the most uncomfortable time of the transition, and later things
concerning the transition just kept getting easier and easier.
In my eighth letter there are referentes concerning my first trip to
the psychiatrist with whom I would be worlcing until surgery. I
would like to say that I got to know my therapist and have the
highest respect for him. He is a warm, competent, and intelligent
human being who treated me with the kind of concern that I needed.
always be grateful to him and will list him as a very special
friend. He never attempted to overwhelm me with what he knew, and
freely admitted what he didn't know, which to me is one of the
highest virtues. It seems to me that he had a "touch of Zen' philosophy
to him, calmly accepting the fact that there are some things we can
never know and that some problems have no answers. A significant
set of attitudes, because it gave him some gracious qualities, as he
acknowledged his own humanness. He is not wise but shall be. He
reminds me of the saying ,"Knowledge comes and wisdom follows."
He has his knowledge and his wisdom is coming. Suffice it to say that
no one was comfortable on my first visits. But it is a privilege that
we all understand this now, and have resolved it.
Things were beginning to move along at this point.
The reader will notice that priorities are changing. Where some
verification of how I am coming across is still important, I seem to be
more concerned with school and how to get money for surgery;
emphases are changing and my world is beginning to solidify.
I feel embarrassed about what I said about camping in letter 9.
During this period a concern was, gee what about my past and
childhood. Experientially and internally there is a disjointed
relationship between what I was expected to be as a child and what
am and who I am for that matter. During these months I became
concerned about that. I can live with the disjuncture, but I was
wondering how to communicate in a nonrevealing way about my past
to other people. It was in this passage where I was reality testing
and wanted to see the phrase, "when 1 was a little girl" in print in
the letter. It didn't feel honest then, it doesn't feel honest now,
and I've found that it isn't necessary for me to say things like that,
so I don't. As far as I know this is the only example of such a reference
that I've ever written. In conversation it's sufficient to say things
like "when I was titile" or "when I was young" the following things
On the whole my final letters are spent pondeCing professional and
financial things. It's notable that gender transition is mentioned but
only in terms of how to go about raising money for surgery and how
to get rid of the company. Overall these are the kind of musings that
all graduate students pondering the job market go through. In
short it seem quite normal.
In conclusion, it seems to me that even with my tendencies toward
abbreviation that after so many pages that there are still some loose
ends left unanswered, so it seems creative for me to make up a list
of questions that I would ask a transsexual and answer them myself.
So I shall.
1. Am I "happy"? If so, in what ways?
A. I like myself more than I used to. I like my body and am
pleased with the person I have become. It was an effort that took
active striving and somehow through trial and error I have arrived
at a place that seems to be fulfilling.
212 Gender: An Ethnomethodologieal Approach
Do you miss anything from your past?
A. The question once again begs a dichotomy that there are highly
differentiated realms belonging to males and females and that there are
things or gender-related activities that I no longer participate in. It's
not true. One reason I suppose might be because my past was suffici-
ently pan-sexual that I'm not doing different things, I'm doing things
differently. It for me is a question of change of styles more than
anything else. I think that people describing my behavior would
pretty much agree.
What difference do you see in the person that you are and the
person that you expected to be going finto the transition?
A. I'm more alive and spontaneous. I'm surprised that people
use the word sophisticated in describing me. I also don't see myself
as being a "caricature" as I expected at the very onset. Pm more
attractive than I thought I would be and more real.
In terms of the "process" you went through, were there many
A. Yes and no. There were no real surprises other than the fact
that I perceive as much continuity as I do. I didn't leave the depart-
ment at school or Houston, which in itself makes things seem very
How different is your lile?
A. It's different and it's not different. As I said before, the changes
are changes of style rather than areas.
I would say that I'm more maternal, more finto human relations,
perhaps more patient. But here it is also hard to separate the effects
of the transition and plain maturation and growing up. It's really
very hard to say what processes are responsible for what changes.
Perhaps I'm underplaying the changes more than I want to.
I don't know that I have been at all successful, in putting the true
width and depth of what I have felt as I have experienced these
things. The reader will have to be the final judge. I'm too close to the
topics at hand.
Appendix 213
Postscript: Letter from Rachel, 1977, post-surgery
I am very Floppy. At times I wake up at night and remember that
everything has been taken care of and smile to myself and roll over,
not quite sure that I'm not faintly luminescent.... My doctor
required mammoplasty. Where I was a 32B I am now a 32C.
It's a little strange but 1 feel more adequate.
The worst time I liad was with urination and defecation. It took
a Iot of time to get me off the catheters. But now it seems like all
my imputs and outputs are working fine.
I've learned alot about my body and how to keep it going.
got several funny stories to tell. Herr Doctors lost several
debates. It was so much fun. They're not used to it.
For once I'll feel like I'm as good as you are.
(That's within menothing you've done).
We have been in communication with Rachel from a period in
which she lived as a male through a "transition" period to the pres-
ent when she is a female. During the first period of our correspon-
dence, between our meeting her (as Paul) in the winter and her visit
with us (as Rachal) in the spring, we needed to make an effort to
think of her as female. We had never interacted with her as Rachel
and did not know whether the femaleness that she had been creating
in her letters would be enough, combined with a more deliberate
female physical appearance, to cause us to see her as female. The
"work" with which we approached her gender prior to her visit was,
for the most pan, absent once we saw her. Although we slipped and
called her "Paul" a couple of times, there was, on the whole, little
difficulty in thinking of her and relating to her woman-to-woman
(whatever that means). In Rachel's laten letters and visits the reality
of Paul dissolved. The salience of her femaleness in the letters
(heightened by such practices as closing "in sisterhood") reinforced
the femaleness of her presentation when we were together and vice
214 Gender: An Ethnomethodological Approach
We included a full range of Rachel's writing in order to give the
reader a broader sense of who she is and how she expresses herself.
In particular, the reader, in seeing that what much of Rachel wrote
could have been written by any woman, should gain some apprecia-
tion for how a sense of femaleness is accomplished by filtering
material through a female gender attribution. The tone is experi-
enced as "feminine" and the content is "made sense of" because the
letters are seen as female authored.
There is a second and more important reason why we included
material about all aspects of Rachel's life. What is most compelling
about her letters and comments is that over time her preoccupation
with transsexualism is replaced by other interests and concerns.
Her gender has become an integrated feature of her life as it is for
all women. No longer is she preoccupied with being seen as a woman,
but she is concerned now with what kind of woman she should
spend her life being. She has the kind of concerns we can readily
associate with any construction of a "normal" female: What type of
clothing will express her personal style and philosophy? What sexual
orientation should she choose? What kind of work will make her
happy? She gravitates from a plan to give up her technical work
because it reflects an earlier (male) self to integrating those stereo-
typically "male" skills into a coherent female self. She now ap-
parentlyenjoys that work.
Following her transition, as her gender became more natural, she
made fewer and fewer references in her letters and phone calls to
transsexualism. There are minimal references to her being a trans-
sexual in the commentary she wrote for this book. Rachel's com-
ments convey a strang sense that her past seems very remote to her
and is difficult for her to identify with. While this is not an uncom-
mon experience, even for those who do not have an extraordinary
history, it is in this particular case suggestive. A distancing of herself
from her past coupled with a new "rule" not to tell people about it,
indicates that she is succeeding in constructing a sense of "natural"
femaleness not only for others, but for herself as well.
Rachel has every reason to want to dissolve the saliente of her
transsexualism for us and others. To ask whether her preoccupation
with transsexualism is as slight as her letters would lead us to be-
lieve, is legitimate, but is relevant only for concerns about psycho-
dynamics, not for concerns about social construction. It cannot be
denied, though, that the concerns that Rachel does verbalize are the
kind that presume no doubt about what gender one is.
Like a good ethnomethodologist, Rachel understands that what
Appendix 215
people look for as discrediting or validating information (e.g., how
feminine she is) are actually not what they use for deciding her gen-
der, but instead constitute "good reasons" for the gender attribution.
In addition, there is evidente in her letters and commentary of
how people construct gender to be invariant. There were a number
of occasions where people were clearly trying to make sense out of
Rachel as she changed from Paul. Making sense did not usually mean
acknowledging her gender transformation. In fact, that was the last
thing people did; their first method was to make sense out of contra-
dictory information in any other possible way. She looked different
because she had cancer or because she had lost a great deal of
weight; she wanted her credit cards and driver's license changed
because a clerical error had been made.
Unlike Agnes who was defensively adamant that Garfinkel see her
as always having been female and not misunderstand the things she
told him (not interpret her past as being the past of a male), Rachel
allows us to see how she is constructing gender at the same time that
she credibly displays it to us. She appears to know that her credibil-
ity is not dependent on hiding the construction, and is very clear in
stating that she "had once been a male" and is now female. She can
admit that to say "when I was a little girl" is dishonest, and unneces-
sary. The language she uses does not hedge the fact that she under-
went a radical transformation: "(being) two people," "becoming me,"
"my change." Typical transsexual jargon like "I was always a
woman" is absent from Rachel's letters. Although she would admit
to always having felt like a woman, she differentiates gender identity
from gender attribution and recognizes that a believable gender
presentation does not depend on a denial of its evolution. She also
is cognizant that it is an evolution. (Of course, the comparison be-
tween Agnes and Rachel is not really fair. Agnes made her transition
during a more "conservative" era, and we are not physicians whom
Rachel had to convince of always having been a woman in order to
get surgery.)
Rachel is aware of the interaction between display and attribu-
tion in determining whether she is really (in a social sense) a woman
or a man. There is no question that Rachel's surgery makes her feel
more authentic, but all along she was able to see that genitals would
also be important proof for others (particularly others who knew her
as Paul) of her essential femaleness.
There are a number of examples in the letters which show the
important role other people played in creating the legitimacy of the
female gender for Rachel. The woman at the party who perceived
216 Gender: An Ethnomethodological
Rachel as a competitor for her man, the woman who asked to borrow
a tampon, the woman who warned Rachel about tearing her nylons,
the man in the hardware store who commented on her automotive
interestsall of these people, knowing nothing about Rachel's past,
helped create the reality of her gender by confirming its credibility
through a gender attribution.
The behavior of those people who knew Rachel as Paul (and had
to handle her change) illustrates another important point. What
comes across in the letters is the relative ease with which they
seemed to respond to Rachel as female. We only have Rachel's per-
ception of their treatment of her, but this, in itself, is important since
it seems clear that her perception of the positive feedback she got
from both strangers and prior associates (even before she was de-
liberately presenting herself as Rachel) was crucial in instigating,
maintaining, and even at points accelerating the rate of transition. It
was the continual, pervasive being of Rachel in everyday interac-
tions which created her femaleness, not just the concrete actions
she had to take to change her legal identity: getting her credit cards
and narre changed, seeing doctors and preparing for surgery. There
is much in Rachel's letters which reveals her understanding of this.
In looking over her past, Rachel is now able to discern that not
every situation was conflict free, not everyone around her gave her
unequivocal treatment as a "real" woman. She can see this now be-
cause she shares the natural attitude and for her as for all members
who treat gender as a natural fact, constant reinforcement of one's
"real" gender is not necessary (and is potentially insulting). Gender
may now be taken for granted as something that exists independently
of any concrete interaction.
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Amdur, N. E., 54
Angelino, H., 25, 26
Asch, S. E., 151
Bardwick, J., 66
Barker-Benfield, B 66
Beck, F., 78
Bern, S., 7, 83
Benedict, R., 29
Benjamin, H., 27. 113
Bentler, P. M., 105, 153
Birdwhistell, R., 2, 155, 156, 157
Block, J., 93
Bogdan, R., 127, 138
Borgoras, W., 25, 29, 33, 35, 39
Botella Llusia, J., 74
Brennan, J. G., 64
Bronfenbrenner, U., 91
Broverman, D. M., 67
Broverman, I., 12
Gantril, H., 157
Ceo Van 12, 26, 27
Castenada, C., 5
Churchill, L., 9
Colley, T., 74
Crawl es/. E., 21, 29, 35, 38
Dalton, K., 67
D'Andrade, R. G.. 24
Davenport, W., 36
Deaux, K., 18, 162
Demause, L., 82
Denig, E. T., 29, 35
Denmark, F., 58
Devereux, G., 25, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 38,
39, 146, 149
Dimen-Schein, M., 41
Douglas, J., 4
Dworkin, A., 74
Edgerton, R. B., 22, 23, 26, 35
Ehrenreich, B., 42
Ehrhardt, A., 11, 50, 51, 55, 56, 57, 58,
60, 61, 63, 66, 70, 71, 74, 80, 86, 140
English, D., 42
Enswiller, T., 18
Erikson Foundation, 117, 118, 119, 122,
Evans, G., 165
Feinbloom, D., 112, 116, 126, 128, 129,
135, 140, 158, 160
Forgey, D. O., 25, 26
Frank, R., 65
Freud. S., 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 100,
109, 110, 169
Friedman, R., 60, 63, 74, 167
Frisch, R., 48
Garfinkel, H., 2, 3, 4, 18, 19, 111, 112,
113, 114, 116, 122, 123, 126, 136, 140,
144, 153, 154. 155, 158, 159, 168, 169
Gerard, P., 78
Gertz, D., 19
Goff man, E., 126
Goldfoot, D., 62
Goy, R., 62
Green, R., 11, 93, 94, 95, 110, 167, 172,
Hampson, J. G., 70, 71
Hampson, J. L., 70
Hanley, D., 52
Hassrick, R. B., 25, 29
Hastorf, A., 157
Haviland, J. M., 149, 157
Heilbrun, A. B., 100
Heiman, E. M., 26, 27
Henley, N., 128
Herschberger, R., 62, 129
Hill, W. W., 21, 25, 30, 31, 34, 35
Hoebel, E. A., 29, 35
Hollingworth, L. S., 67
Honigmann, J. J., 21
Horney, K., 90, 100, 110

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