SECTION 14240 Hydraulic Elevators Part 1 General

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A. Section includes: Hydraulic passenger elevators as shown and specified. levator wor!
1. Standard pre"engineered hydraulic passenger elevators.
#. levator car enclosures$ hoistway entrances and signal e%uip&ent.
'. (ac!)s*.
+. ,peration and control syste&s.
-. Accessi.ility provisions for physically disa.led persons.
/. %uip&ent$ &achines$ controls$ syste&s and devices as re%uired for safely operating the
specified elevators at their rated speed and capacity.
0. Materials and accessories as re%uired to co&plete the elevator installation.
1. Related Sections:
1. 2ivision ' 3oncrete: 4nstalling inserts$ sleeves and anchors in concrete.
#. 2ivision + Masonry: 4nstalling inserts$ sleeves and anchors in &asonry.
'. 2ivision - Metals:
a. 5roviding hoist .ea&s$ pit ladders$ steel fra&ing$ au6iliary support steel and divider
.ea&s for supporting guide"rail .rac!ets.
.. 5roviding steel angle sill supports and grouting hoistway entrance sills and fra&es.
+. 2ivision 7 8inishes: 5roviding elevator car finish flooring and field painting unfinished and
shop pri&ed ferrous &aterials.
-. 2ivision ## 5lu&.ing:
a. Su&p pit and oil interceptor.
/. 2ivision #': Heating$ 9entilation and Air 3onditioning
a. Heating and ventilating hoistways and &achine roo&s.
0. 2ivision 1/ Sections:
a. 5roviding electrical service to elevators$ including fused disconnect switches.
.. &ergency power supply$ transfer switch and au6iliary contacts.
c. Heat and s&o!e sensing devices.
d. 3onvenience outlets and illu&ination in &achine roo&$ hoistway and pit.
3. :or! ;ot 4ncluded: <eneral contractor shall provide the following in accordance with the
re%uire&ents of the Model 1uilding 3ode and A;S4 A10.1 3ode. 8or specific rules$ refer to
A;S4 A10.1$ Section '00 for hydraulic elevators. State or local re%uire&ents &ust .e used if
&ore stringent.
1. levator hoist .ea& to .e provided at top of elevator shaft. 1ea& &ust .e a.le to
acco&&odate proper loads and clearances for elevator installation and operation.
#. Supply in a&ple ti&e for installation .y other trades$ inserts$ anchors$ .earing plates$
.rac!ets$ supports and .racing including all setting te&plates and diagra&s for place&ent.
'. Hatch walls re%uire a &ini&u& two hours of fire rating. Hoistway should .e clear and
plu&. with variations not to e6ceed 1=#>> at any point.
+. levator hoistways shall have .arricades$ as re%uired.
-. 4nstall .evel guards at 0-? on all recesses$ pro@ections or!s over #>> )+>> for A10.1
#000 areas* e6cept for loading or unloading.
/. 5rovide rail .rac!et supports at pit$ each floor and roof. 8or guide rail .rac!et supports$
provide divider .ea&s .etween hoistway at each floor and roof.
0. 5it floor shall .e level and free of de.ris. Reinforce dry pit to sustain nor&al vertical
forces fro& rails and .uffers.
A. :here pit access is .y &eans of the lowest hoistway entrance$ a vertical ladder of non"
co&.usti.le &aterial e6tending +#>> &ini&u&$ )+A>> &ini&u& for A10.1"#000 areas* shall
.e provided at the sa&e height$ a.ove sill of access door or handgrips.
7. Machine roo& to .e enclosed and protected.
10. Machine Roo& te&perature &ust .e &aintained .etween --B and 70B 8.
11. 4f &achine roo& is re&ote fro& the elevator hoistway$ clear access &ust .e availa.le
a.ove the ceiling or &etal=concrete raceways in floor for oil line and wiring duct fro&
&achine roo&.
1#. Access to the &achinery space and &achine roo& &ust .e in accordance with the
governing authority or code.
1'. 5rovide an AC 6 1/C cutout through &achine roo& wall$ for oil line and wiring duct$
coordinated with elevator contractor at the .uilding site.
1+. All wire and conduit should run re&ote fro& either the hoistways or the &achine roo&.
1-. :hen heat$ s&o!e or co&.ustion sensing devices are re%uired$ connect to elevator
&achine roo& ter&inals. 3ontacts on the sensors should .e sided for 1#0 volt 2.3.
1/. 4nstall and furnish finished flooring in elevator ca..
10. 8inished floors and entrance walls are not to .e constructed until after sills and door
fra&es are in place. 3onsult elevator contractor for rough opening siDe. Ehe general
contractor shall supply the drywall fra&ing so that the wall fire resistance rating is
&aintained$ when drywall construction is used.
1A. :here sheet roc! or drywall construction is used for front walls$ it shall .e of sufficient
strength to &aintain the doors in true lateral align&ent. 2rywall contractor to coordinate
with elevator contractor.
17. 1efore erection of rough walls and doorsF erect hoistway sills$ headers$ and fra&es. After
rough walls are finishedF erect fascias and toe guards. Set sill level and slightly a.ove
finished floor at landings.
#0. Eo &aintain legal fire rating )&asonry construction*$ door fra&es are to .e anchored to
walls and properly grouted in place.
#1. Ehe elevator wall shall interface with the hoistway entrance asse&.ly and .e in strict
co&pliance with the elevator contractor>s re%uire&ents.
##. <eneral 3ontractor shall fill and grout around entrances$ as re%uired.
#'. levator sill supports shall .e provided at each opening.
#+. All walls and sill supports &ust .e plu&. where openings occur.
#-. 8or applications with @ac! hole$ free and clear access to the elevator pit area for the @ac!
hole"drilling rig is re%uired.
#/. :here @ac! hole is re%uired$ re&ove all spoils fro& @ac! hole drilling.
#0. :hen not provided .y levator 3ontractor$ @ac! hole shall acco&&odate the @ac! unit. 4f
re%uired the @ac! hole is to .e provided in strict accordance with the elevator contractor>s
shop drawings.
#A. Gocate a light fi6ture and convenience outlet in pit with switch located ad@acent to the
access door.
#7. A light switch and fused disconnect switch for each elevator should .e located inside the
&achine roo& ad@acent to the door$ where practical$ per the ;ational lectrical 3ode
);85A ;o. 00*.
'0. As indicated .y elevator contractor$ provide a light outlet for each elevator$ in center of
hoistway )or in the &achine roo&*.
'1. 8or signal syste&s and power operated door: provide ground and .ranch wiring circuits$
including &ain line switch. 8or car light and fan: provide a feeder and .ranch wiring
circuits$ including &ain line switch.
'#. :all thic!ness &ay increase when fi6tures are &ounted in drywall. Ehese re%uire&ents
&ust .e coordinated .etween the general contractor and the elevator contractor.
''. 5rovide supports$ patching and recesses to acco&&odate hall .utton .o6es$ signal
fi6tures$ etc..
'+. Gocate telephone and convenience outlet on control panel.
A. 5roduct data: :hen re%uested$ the elevator contractor will provide standard ca.$ entrance and
signal fi6ture data to descri.e product for approval.
1. Shop drawings:
1. Show e%uip&ent arrange&ent in the &achine roo&=control space$ pit and hoistway.
5rovide plans$ elevations$ sections and details of asse&.ly$ erection$ anchorage$ and
e%uip&ent location.
#. 4ndicate elevator syste& capacities$ siDes$ perfor&ances$ safety features$ finishes and
other pertinent infor&ation.
'. Show floors served$ travel distances$ &a6i&u& loads i&posed on the .uilding structure at
points of support and all si&ilar considerations of the elevator wor!.
+. 4ndicate electrical power re%uire&ents and .ranch circuit protection device
3. 5owder 3oat 5aint selection: Su.&it &anufacturerHs standard selection charts for e6posed
finishes and &aterials.
2. 5lastic la&inate selection: Su.&it &anufacturerHs standard selection charts for e6posed finishes
and &aterials.
. Metal 8inishes: Upon re%uest$ standard &etal sa&ples provided.
8. ,peration and &aintenance data. 4nclude the following:
1. ,wners Manual and :iring 2iagra&s.
#. 5arts list$ with reco&&ended parts inventory.
A. Manufacturer Iualifications: An approved &anufacturer with &ini&u& fifteen years e6perience
in &anufacturing$ installing$ and servicing elevators of the type re%uired for the pro@ect.
1. Must .e the &anufacturer of the power unit$ controller$ signal fi6tures$ door operators ca.$
entrances$ and all other &a@or parts of the elevator operating e%uip&ent.
a. Ehe &a@or parts of the elevator e%uip&ent shall .e &anufactured in the United
States$ and not .e an asse&.led syste&.
#. Ehe &anufacturer shall have a docu&ented$ on"going %uality assurance progra&.
'. 4S,"7001:#000 Manufacturer 3ertified
+. 4S,"1+001:#00+ nviron&ental Manage&ent Syste& 3ertified
1. 4nstaller Iualifications: Ehe &anufacturer or an authoriDed agent of the &anufacturer with not
less than fifteen years of satisfactory e6perience installing elevators e%ual in character and
perfor&ance to the pro@ect elevators.
3. Regulatory Re%uire&ents:
1. ASM=A;S4 A10.1 Safety 3ode for levators and scalators$ latest edition or as re%uired
.y the local .uilding code.
#. 1uilding 3ode: ;ational.
'. ;85A 00 ;ational lectrical 3ode.
+. ;85A A0 8ire 2oors and :indows.
-. A&ericans with 2isa.ilities Act Accessi.ility <uidelines )A2AA<*.
/. 3A;=3SA 3##.1 3anadian lectrical 3ode.
0. 3A;=3SA 1++ Safety 3ode for levators and scalators.
2. 8ire"rated ntrance Asse&.lies: ,pening protective asse&.lies including fra&es$ hardware$
and operation shall co&ply with ASEM #00+$ 3A;+"S10+ )UG3"S10+*$ UG10)1*$ and ;85A
A0. 5rovide entrance asse&.ly units .earing 3lass 1 or 1 1=# hour la.el .y a ;ationally
RecogniDed Eesting Ga.oratory )# hour la.el in 3anada*.
. 4nspection and testing: levator 4nstaller shall o.tain and pay for all re%uired inspections$ tests$
per&its and fees for elevator installation.
1. Arrange for inspections and &a!e re%uired tests.
#. 2eliver to the ,wner upon co&pletion and acceptance of elevator wor!.
1.0+ 2G49RY$ SE,RA< A;2 HA;2G4;<
A. Manufacturing will deliver elevator &aterials$ co&ponents and e%uip&ent and the contractor is
responsi.le to provide secure and safe storage on @o. site.
1.0- 5R,(3E 3,;24E4,;S
A. 5rohi.ited Use: levators shall not .e used for te&porary service or for any other purpose
during the construction period .efore Su.stantial 3o&pletion and acceptance .y the purchaser
unless agreed upon .y levator 3ontractor and <eneral 3ontractor with signed te&porary
1. 5rovide the hole for the @ac! unit )if re%uired .y the type of @ac! provided*$ .ased on e6cavation
through nor&al soil or clay which can .e re&oved .y &anual digging or .y standard truc!"
&ounted regular drilling unit. 5rovide a casing if re%uired to retain the walls of the hole. <eneral
contractor shall re&ove e6cavation spoils deposited in the elevator pit.
1. 4f a physical o.struction or hindrance is encountered .elow the ground surface$ including
.oulders$ roc!$ gravel$ wood$ &etal$ pilings$ sand$ water$ %uic! sand$ caves$ pu.lic utilities
or any other foreign &aterial$ o.tain written authoriDation to proceed with e6cavating using
special e6cavation e%uip&ent.
#. Maintain a daily log of ti&e and &aterial costs involved.
'. levator contractor will .e co&pensated on a ti&e and &aterial .asis for additional costs
incurred after encountering the physical o.struction or hindrance$ including the cost of the
special e6cavation e%uip&ent.
1.0/ :ARRA;EY
A. :arranty: Su.&it elevator &anufacturer>s standard written warranty agreeing to repair$ restore
or replace defects in elevator wor! &aterials and wor!&anship not due to ordinary wear and tear
or i&proper use or care for 1# &onths fro& date of Su.stantial 3o&pletion.
1.00 MA4;E;A;3
A. 8urnish &aintenance and call .ac! service for a period of ' &onths for each elevator fro& date
of Su.stantial 3o&pletion during nor&al wor!ing hours$ e6cluding!s. Service shall
consist of periodic e6a&ination of the e%uip&ent$ ad@ust&ent$ lu.rication$ cleaning$ supplies and
parts to !eep the elevators in proper operation.
1. Manufacturer shall have a service office and full ti&e service personnel within a 100 &ile
radius of the pro@ect site.
A. Manufacturer: EhyssenJrupp levator
#.0# MAER4AGS$ <;RAG
A. 3olors$ patterns$ and finishes: As selected .y the Architect fro& &anufacturer>s standard colors$
patterns$ and finish charts.
1. Steel:
1. Shapes and .ars: 3ar.on.
#. Sheet: 3old"rolled steel sheet$ co&&ercial %uality$ 3lass 1$ &atte finish.
'. 8inish: 8actory"applied .a!ed ena&el.
3. 5lastic la&inate: 2ecorative high"pressure type$ co&plying with ;MA G2'$ Eype <5"-0
<eneral 5urpose <rade$ no&inal 0.0-0K thic!ness.
2. 3arpet: 1y others.
#.0' H,4SE:AY IU45M;E
A. 5latfor&: 8a.ricated fra&e of for&ed or structural steel shapes$ gusseted and rigidly welded
with a wood su.floor. Underside of the platfor& shall .e fireproofed. Ehe car platfor& shall .e
designed and fa.ricated to support one"piece loads weighing up to #-L of the rated capacity.
1. Sling: Steel stiles affi6ed to a steel crosshead and .olstered with .racing &e&.ers to re&ove
strain fro& the car enclosure.
3. <uide Rails: Steel$ o&ega shaped$ fastened to the .uilding structure with steel .rac!ets.
2. <uide Shoes: Slide guides shall .e &ounted on top and .otto& of the car.
. 1uffers: 5rovide su.stantial .uffers in the elevator pit. Mount .uffers on a steel te&plate that is
fastened to the pit floor or continuous channels fastened to the elevator guide rail or securely
anchored to the pit floor. 5rovide e6tensions if re%uired .y pro@ect conditions.
8. (ac!: (ac! unit shall .e of sufficient siDe to lift the gross load the height specified. 8actory test
@ac! to insure ade%uate strength and freedo& fro& lea!age. 1rittle &aterial$ such as gray cast
iron$ is prohi.ited in the @ac! construction. 5rovide the following @ac! type: Ewin post holeless.
Ewo @ac!s piped together$ &ounted one on each side of the car with a polished steel hydraulic
plunger housed in a sealed steel casing having sufficient clearance space to allow for align&ent
during installation. ach plunger shall have a high pressure sealing syste& which will not allow
for seal &ove&ent or displace&ent during the course of operation. ach (ac! Asse&.ly shall
have a chec! valve .uilt into the asse&.ly to allow for auto&atically re"syncing the two plunger
sections .y &oving the @ac! to its fully contracted position. Ehe @ac! shall .e designed to .e
&ounted on the pit floor or in a recess in the pit floor. ach @ac! section shall have a .leeder
valve to discharge any air trapped in the section.
<. Auto&atic Self"Geveling: 5rovide each elevator car with a self"leveling feature to auto&atically
.ring the car to the landings and correct for overtravel or undertravel. Self"leveling shall$ within
its Done$ .e auto&atic and independent of the operating device. Ehe car shall .e &aintained
appro6i&ately level with the landing irrespective of its load.
H. :iring$ 5iping$ and ,il: 5rovide all necessary hoistway wiring in accordance with the ;ational
lectrical 3ode. All necessary code co&pliant pipe and fittings shall .e provided to connect the
power unit to the @ac! unit. 5rovide proper grade readily .iodegrada.le oil as specified .y the
&anufacturer of the power unit )see 5ower Unit section #.0+.< for further details*
#.0+ 5,:R U;4E
A. 5ower Unit ),il 5u&ping and 3ontrol Mechanis&*: A self"contained unit consisting of the
following ite&s:
1. ,il reservoir with tan! cover.
#. An oil hydraulic pu&p.
'. An electric &otor.
+. ,il control valve with the following co&ponents .uilt into single housingF high pressure
relief valve$ chec! valve$ auto&atic unloading up start valve$ lowering and leveling valve$
and electro"&agnetic controlling solenoids.
1. 5u&p: 5ositive displace&ent type pu&p specifically &anufactured for oil"hydraulic elevator
service. 5u&p shall .e designed for steady discharge with &ini&u& pulsation to give s&ooth
and %uiet operation. ,utput of pu&p shall not vary &ore than 10 percent .etween no load and
full load on the elevator car.
3. Motor: Standard &anufacture &otor specifically designed for oil"hydraulic elevator service. 2uty
rating shall .e selected for specified speed and load.
2. 3ontrol Syste&: Shall .e &icroprocessor .ased and protected fro& environ&ental e6tre&es
and e6cessive vi.rations in a ;MA 1 enclosure.
. ,il 3ontrol Unit: Ehe following co&ponents shall .e .uilt into a single housing. :elded
&anifolds with separate valves to acco&plish each function are not accepta.le. Ad@ust&ents
shall .e accessi.le and .e &ade without re&oving the asse&.ly fro& the oil line.
1. Relief valve shall .e e6ternally [email protected] and .e capa.le of .ypassing the total oil flow
without increasing .ac! pressure &ore than 10 percent a.ove that re%uired to .arely
open the valve.
#. Up start and stop valve shall .e [email protected] and designed to .ypass oil flow during start
and stop of &otor pu&p asse&.ly. 9alve shall close slowly$ gradually diverting oil to or
fro& the @ac! unit$ ensuring s&ooth up starts and up stops.
'. 3hec! valve shall .e designed to close %uietly without per&itting any percepti.le reverse
+. Gowering valve and leveling valve shall .e [email protected] for down start speed$ lowering
speed$ leveling speed and stopping speed to ensure s&ooth KdownK starts and stops.
Ehe leveling valve shall .e designed to level the car to the floor in the direction the car is
traveling after slowdown is initiated.
8. Solid State Starting: 5rovide an electronic starter featuring [email protected] starting currents.
<. ,il Eype: US2A certified .io.ased product$ ultra low to6icity$ readily .iodegrada.le$ energy
efficient$ high perfor&ing fluid &ade fro& canola oil with antio6idant$ anticorrosive$
antifoa&ing$ and &etal"passivating additives. specially for&ulated for operating in
environ&entally sensitive areas. US2A certified .io.ased
product$ M70L .io".ased content$ per ASEM 2/A//
#.0- H,4SE:AY ;ERA;3S
A. 2oors and 8ra&es: 5rovide co&plete hollow &etal type hoistway entrances at each hoistway
opening .oltedN!noc! down construction.
1. Manufacturer>s standard entrance design consisting of hangers$ doors$ hanger supports$
hanger covers$ fascia plates$ sight guards$ and necessary hardware.
#. Main landing door O fra&e finish: ASEM A100A steel panels$ factory applied powder coat
'. Eypical door O fra&e finish: ASEM A '// steel panels$factory applied powder coat ena&el
1. 4nterloc!s: %uip each hoistway entrance with an approved type interloc! tested as re%uired .y
code. 5rovide door restriction devices as re%uired .y code.
3. 2oor Hanger and Erac!s: 5rovide sheave type two point suspension hangers and trac!s for
each hoistway horiDontal sliding door.
1. Sheaves: 5olyurethane tires with .all .earings properly sealed to retain grease.
#. Hangers: 5rovide an [email protected] device .eneath the trac! to li&it the up"thrust of the
doors during operation.
'. Erac!s: 2rawn steel shapes$ s&ooth surface and shaped to confor& to the hanger
2. Hoistway Sills: 6truded &etal$ with groove)s* in top surface. 5rovide &ill finish on alu&inu&.
#.0/ 3AR ;3G,SUR
A. 3ar nclosure:
1. :alls: 3a. type EJA5$ reinforced cold"rolled steel with two coats factory applied .a!ed
ena&el finish$ with applied vertical wood core panels covered on .oth sides with high
pressure plastic la&inate.
a. Reveals and frieDe: Stainless steel$ no. + .rushed finish
#. 3anopy: 3old"rolled steel with hinged e6it.
'. 3eiling: 2ownlight type$ &etal pans with suspended G2 downlights.
+. 3a. 8ronts$ Return$Eranso&$ Soffit and Stri!e: 5rovide panels faced with .rushed
stainless steel.
-. 2oors: HoriDontal sliding car doors reinforced with steel for panel rigidity. Hang doors on
sheave type hangers with polyurethane tires that roll on a polished steel trac! and are
guided at the .otto& .y non"&etallic sliding guides.
a. 2oor 8inish: ASEM A100A steel panels$ factory applied powder coat ena&el finish.
.. 3a. Sills: 6truded alu&inu&$ &ill finish.
/. Handrail: 5rovide 1.->> dia&eter cylindrical &etal on side and rear walls on front opening
cars and side walls only on front and rear opening cars. Handrails shall have a
stainless steel$ no. + .rushed finish.
0. 9entilation: ManufacturerHs standard e6haust fan$ &ounted on the car top.
1. 3ar Eop 4nspection: 5rovide a car top inspection station with an PAuto"4nspectionC switch$ an
Ke&ergency stopK switch$ and constant pressure Kup and downK direction and safety .uttons to
&a!e the nor&al operating devices inoperative. Ehe station will give the inspector co&plete
control of the elevator. Ehe car top inspection station shall .e &ounted in the door operator
#.00 2,,R ,5RAE4,;
A. 2oor ,peration: 5rovide a direct current &otor driven heavy duty operator designed to operate
the car and hoistway doors si&ultaneously. 2oor &ove&ents shall .e electrically cushioned at
.oth li&its of travel and the door operating &echanis& shall .e arranged for &anual operation in
event of power failure. 2oors shall auto&atically open when the car arrives at the landing and
auto&atically close after an [email protected] ti&e interval or when the car is dispatched to another
landing. 3losed"loop$ &icroprocessor controlled &otor"driven linear door operator$ with
[email protected] tor%ue li&its$ also accepta.le. A3 controlled units with oil chec!s or other deviations
are not accepta.le.
1. ;o Un";ecessary 2oor ,peration: Ehe car door shall open only if the car is stopping for a
car or hall call$ answering a car or hall call at the present position or selected as a dispatch
#. 2oor ,pen Ei&e Saver: 4f a car is stopping in response to a car call assign&ent only )no
coincident hall call*$ the current door hold open ti&e is changed to a shorter field
progra&&a.le ti&e when the electronic door protection device is activated.
'. 2ou.le 2oor ,peration: :hen a car stops at a landing with concurrent up and down hall
calls$ no car calls$ and no other hall call assign&ents$ the car door opens to answer the hall
call in the direction of the car>s current travel. 4f an onward car call is not registered .efore
the door closes to within / inches of fully closed$ the travel will reverse and the door will
reopen to answer the other call.
+. ;udging ,peration: Ehe doors shall re&ain open as long as the electronic detector senses
the presence of a passenger or o.@ect in the door opening. 4f door closing is prevented for a
field progra&&a.le ti&e$ a .uDDer will sound. :hen the o.struction is re&oved$ the door will
.egin to close at reduced speed. 4f the infra"red door protection syste& detects a person or
o.@ect while closing on nudging$ the doors will stop and resu&e closing only after the
o.struction has .een re&oved.
-. Gi&ited 2oor Reversal: 4f the doors are closing and the infra"red .ea&)s* is interrupted$ the
doors will reverse and reopen partially. After the o.struction is cleared$ the doors will .egin
to close.
/. 2oor ,pen :atchdog: 4f the doors are opening$ .ut do not fully open after a field [email protected]
ti&e$ the doors will recycle closed then atte&pt to open si6 ti&es to try and correct the fault.
0. 2oor 3lose :atchdog: 4f the doors are closing$ .ut do not fully close after a field [email protected]
ti&e$ the doors will recycle open then atte&pt to close si6 ti&es to try and correct the fault.
A. 2oor 3lose Assist: :hen the doors have failed to fully close and are in the recycle &ode$
the door drive &otor shall have increased tor%ue applied to overco&e &echanical
resistance or differential air pressure and allow the door to close.
1. 2oor 5rotection 2evices: 5rovide a door protection syste& using 1-0 or &ore &icroprocessor
controlled infra"red light .ea&s. Ehe .ea&s shall pro@ect across the car opening detecting the
presence of a passenger or o.@ect. 4f door &ove&ent is o.structed$ the doors shall i&&ediately
#.0A 3AR ,5RAE4;< SEAE4,;
A. 3ar ,perating Station$ <eneral: Ehe &ain car control in each car shall contain the devices
re%uired for specific operation &ounted in an integral swing return panel re%uiring no applied
faceplate. Swing return shall have a .rushed stainless steel finish. Ehe &ain car operating
panel shall .e &ounted in the return and co&ply with handicap re%uire&ents. 5ush.uttons that
illu&inate using long lasting G2Hs shall .e included for each floor served$ and e&ergency
.uttons and switches shall .e provided per code. Switches for car light and accessories shall .e
1. &ergency 3o&&unications Syste&: 4ntegral phone syste& provided.
3. Au6iliary ,perating 5anel: ;ot Re%uired
2. 3olu&n Mounted 3ar Riding Gantern: A car riding lantern shall .e installed in the elevator ca.
and located in the entrance. Ehe lantern$ when illu&inated$ will indicate the intended direction of
travel. Ehe lantern will illu&inate and a signal will sound when the car arrives at a floor where it
will stop. Ehe lantern shall re&ain illu&inated until the door)s* .egin to close.
. Special %uip&ent: ;ot Applica.le
#.07 3,;ER,G SYSEMS
A. 3ontroller: Ehe elevator control syste& shall .e &icroprocessor .ased and software oriented.
3ontrol of the elevator shall .e auto&atic in operation .y &eans of push .uttons in the car
nu&.ered to correspond to floors served$ for registering car stops$ and .y Kup"downK push .uttons
at each inter&ediate landing and KcallK push .uttons at ter&inal landings.
1. Auto&atic Gight and 8an shut down: Ehe control syste& shall evaluate the syste& activity and
auto&atically turn off the ca. lighting and ventilation fan during periods of inactivity. Ehe settings
shall .e field progra&&a.le.
3. Special ,peration: ;ot Applica.le
2. &ergency 5ower ,peration: )10"2,A* Upon loss of the nor&al power supply$ .uilding"supplied
stand.y power is availa.le on the sa&e wires as the nor&al power supply. ,nce the loss of nor&al
power is detected and stand.y power is availa.le$ the elevator is lowered to a pre"designated
landing and the doors are opened. After passengers have e6ited the elevator$ the doors are closed
and the car is shut down. :hen nor&al power is restored$ the elevator auto&atically resu&es
#.10 HAGG SEAE4,;S
A. Hall Stations$ <eneral: 5rovide .uttons with red"illu&inating G2 halos to indicate that a call has
.een registered at that floor for the indicated direction. 5rovide 1 set of push.utton risers.
5rovide one push.utton riser with faceplates having a .rushed stainless steel finish.
1. 5hase 1 firefighterHs service !ey switch$ with instructions$ shall .e incorporated into the hall
station at the designated level.
1. 8loor 4dentification 5ads: 5rovide door @a&. pads at each floor. (a&. pads shall co&ply with
A&ericans with 2isa.ilities Act )A2A* re%uire&ents.
3. Hall 5osition 4ndicator: ;ot Applica.le
2. Hall lanterns: ;ot Applica.le
. Special %uip&ent: ;ot Applica.le
#.11 M4S3GGA;,US G9AE,R 3,M5,;;ES
A. ,il Hydraulic Silencer: 4nstall an oil hydraulic silencer )&uffler device* at the power unit location.
Ehe silencer shall contain pulsation &aterial inserted in a .lowout proof housing
arranged for inspecting interior parts without re&oving unit fro& oil line.
'.01 QAM4;AE4,;
A. 1efore starting elevator installation$ inspect hoistway$ hoistway openings$ pits and &achine
roo&s=control space$ as constructed and verify all critical di&ensions$ and e6a&ine supporting
structures and all other conditions under which elevator wor! is to .e installed. 2o not proceed
with elevator installation until unsatisfactory conditions have .een corrected in a &anner
accepta.le to the installer.
1. 4nstallation constitutes acceptance of e6isting conditions and responsi.ility for satisfactory
'.0# 4;SEAGGAE4,;
A. 4nstall elevator syste&s co&ponents and coordinate installation of hoistway wall construction.
1. :or! shall .e perfor&ed .y co&petent elevator installation personnel in accordance with
ASM A10.1$ &anufacturer>s installation instructions and approved shop drawings.
#. 3o&ply with the ;ational lectrical 3ode for electrical wor! re%uired during installation.
1. (ac! unit e6cavation )if re%uired .y the type of @ac! provided*: 2rill or otherwise e6cavate .elow
elevator pit construction as re%uired to install the @ac! unit.
1. 4nstall casing for @ac! unit.
#. 5rovide H25 @ac! protection syste& for all in ground @ac!s.
'. Set casing for @ac! unit asse&.ly plu&.$ and partially fill with water"settled sand$
eli&inating voids. 1ac! fill depth shall .e sufficient to hold the .otto& of the @ac! in place
over ti&e.
3. 3oordination: 3oordinate elevator wor! with the wor! of other trades$ for proper ti&e and
se%uence to avoid construction delays. Use .ench&ar!s$ lines$ and levels designated .y the
3ontractor$ to ensure di&ensional coordination of the wor!.
2. Align&ent: 3oordinate installation of hoistway entrances with installation of elevator guide rails
for accurate align&ent of entrances with cars. :here possi.le$ delay final ad@ust&ent of sills and
doors until car is opera.le in shaft. Reduce clearances to &ini&u& safe$ wor!a.le di&ensions at
each landing.
. Gu.ricate operating parts of syste& where reco&&ended .y &anufacturer.
'.0' 84G2 IUAG4EY 3,;ER,G
A. Acceptance testing: Upon co&pletion of the elevator installation and .efore per&itting use of
elevator$ perfor& acceptance tests as re%uired .y A10.1 3ode and local authorities having
@urisdiction. 5erfor& other tests$ if any$ as re%uired .y governing regulations or agencies.
1. Advise ,wner$ 3ontractor$ Architect$ and governing authorities in advance of dates and ti&es
tests are to .e perfor&ed on the elevator.
'.0+ A2(USE4;<
A. Ma!e necessary ad@ust&ents of operating devices and e%uip&ent to ensure elevator operates
s&oothly and accurately.
'.0- 3GA;4;<
A. 1efore final acceptance$ re&ove protection fro& finished surfaces and clean and polish surfaces
in accordance with &anufacturer>s reco&&endations for type of &aterial and finish provided.
Stainless stall shall .e cleaned with soap and water and dried with a non"a.rasive surfaceF shall
not .e cleaned with .leached".ased cleansers.
1. At co&pletion of elevator wor!$ re&ove tools$ e%uip&ent$ and surplus &aterials fro& site. 3lean
e%uip&ent roo&s and hoistway. Re&ove trash and de.ris.
'.0/ 5R,E3E4,;
A. At ti&e of Su.stantial 3o&pletion of elevator wor!$ or portion thereof$ provide suita.le protective
coverings$ .arriers$ devices$ signs$ or other such &ethods or procedures to protect elevator wor!
fro& da&age or deterioration. Maintain protective &easures throughout re&ainder of
construction period.
'.00 2M,;SERAE4,;
A. 4nstruct ,wner>s personnel in proper use$ operations$ and daily &aintenance of elevators.
Review e&ergency provisions$ including e&ergency access and procedures to .e followed at
ti&e of failure in operation and other .uilding e&ergencies. Erain ,wner>s personnel in nor&al
procedures to .e followed in chec!ing for sources of operational failures or &alfunctions.
1. Ma!e a final chec! of each elevator operation$ with ,wner>s personnel present$ i&&ediately
.efore date of su.stantial co&pletion. 2eter&ine that control syste&s and operating devices are
functioning properly.
'.0A G9AE,R S3H2UG
A. levator Ity. 1
1. levator Model: endura A.ove"<round )1"Stage*
#. Rated 3apacity: +000 l.s.
'. Rated Speed: A0 ft.=&in.
+. ,peration Syste&: EA3'#
-. Eravel: >">>
/. Gandings: 1 total
0. ,penings:
a. 8ront: 1
.. Rear: 0
A. 3lear 3ar 4nside: 0> " AK wide 6 -> " -K deep
7. 3a. Height: A>"0>> no&inal
10. Hoistway ntrance SiDe: '> " />> wide 6 0>"0>> high
11. 2oor Eype: Single Speed
1#. 5ower 3haracteristics: +/0 volts$ ' 5hase$ /0 HD.
1'. Seis&ic Re%uire&ents: Rone 1
1+. 8i6ture O 1utton Style: fi6turestyle
1-. Special ,perations: ;one
'.07 S534AG 3,;24E4,;S );ote: Add Special 3onditions as ;eeded*

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