For Mac, Ipad and Iphone Users: Master Filters & Transitions
For Mac, Ipad and Iphone Users: Master Filters & Transitions
For Mac, Ipad and Iphone Users: Master Filters & Transitions
Larry Ewing
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At the heart of your
studio setup should
be your beloved Mac.
Generally speaking,
youll need to be
running a relatively
modern machine
with plenty of RAM
to deal with multi
track playback and
numerous plug-ins
If youre recording
everything in the same
room, a decent set of
headphones is essential
when youre playing live
instruments or working
on vocals. Again, try and
go for a studio set, if
Before you get down to recording your songs, its
worth taking some time to set up your home studio.
Whether youve got a big budget or youre songwriting
on a shoestring, a few essential bits of kit can help you
easily recreate that big studio sound in your home.
Weve detailed the basic parts of your studio setup in the images
across this page spread, so check them out and consider that your
essential studio shopping list. Wherever you decide to record, its best to
clear yourself plenty of space on your desk and place your Mac right in
the centre of it itll be the hub of almost everything you do throughout
iCreate Projects Record an album in a week
Day 1: Set up your studio
MIDI controller/keyboard
Whether youre programming
drums or playing synths, a decent
MIDI controller or keyboard is
essential. Go for the most amount
of keys you can afford and make
sure theyre velocity sensitive
Audio interface
If youre serious about a
great-sounding album, ensure
youre running your mics
through an audio interface
with a couple of XLR inputs.
Phantom power for those
studio condenser mics is
useful, too
If your audio interface
only limits you to one
or two mics, your
best bet is to opt for a
condenser. These are
generally the most
versatile, and are
great for picking up a
variety of voices and
When youre playing back your music
or mixing your album, youll want to do
this through a set of studio monitors
as opposed to PC speakers. Even the
budget ones will produce a more
accurate sound
Although this project is geared towards recording on your Mac,
theres nothing stopping you using GarageBand for iOS and your
iPad as your mobile recording rig.
You can easily pick up an inexpensive iOS audio interface or
USB mic to capture live sounds and Apple has done a great job of
porting GarageBand over to the iOS platform giving you all the
essential features to get
the job done.
Whats more,
you can sync your
recordings up with
your Mac via iTunes
and complete any
fnal mixes or tweaks
on a bigger screen.
Recording on the
move has never been
easier, thats for sure.
Recording on your iPad
the course of this project. It might sound obvious, but try and set up
your home studio in a space thats quiet with few distractions theres
nothing worse than hearing the washing machine in the background
of your hit song once youre mixing it on day fve. Its also a good idea to
cover any large refective surfaces (mirrors, picture frames etc) that could
cause a lot of annoying echo and reverb. You dont want to be spending
any late nights editing out mistakes.
Once youre all professionally set up, turn over the page and well show
you how to lay down the foundations of your songs the drums. Happy
recording, and let us know how you get on!
Like any professional recording
session, the best way to record your
album is to tackle it one instrument
at a time rather than one track at a
time. This means youll want to start
by recording the drum parts for each of your songs.
Recording like this can be a little tough at frst if
youre not used to it, but it does make things a lot
easier in the long run. If it helps, you can always
record a rough guitar or piano track as a guide,
making heavy use of GarageBands metronome
feature to keep things smooth and in time.
With only a week to record, weve opted to
save time by using GarageBands built-in software
instruments and loops to record our drum parts.
If you have an iPad to hand, you can make the
drum recording feel that little bit more natural
by recording them in GarageBand for iOS, then
transferring them to your Mac via iTunes. Read on to
fnd out exactly how. If you want to go that one step
further, check out our guide to editing your drum
parts in Logic Pro 9s Piano Roll.
2: iTunes or GarageBand
Be sure to select GarageBand if you want to make your
drum recording editable on your Mac. If you select
iTunes here, it cant be tweaked later on.
1: Select and edit
In the Songs view, tap the Edit button in the top-right,
then hit the song you want to move to your Mac. Tap
the sharing icon and select Share Song Via iTunes.
3: In iTunes
Find your iPad in iTunes and click on the Apps button.
Scroll towards the bottom of the Apps page, select
GarageBand and find your file to save on the left.
Step-by-step Move your drum recordings to Mac
iCreate Projects Record an album in a week
Day 2:
Recording drums
2: Fast or slow
Select the All Drums label from the Loop Browser, then
scroll through the options. Clicking on any will preview
them so you can get a feel for how they sound.
1: The easy option
If youre not too comfortable with recording drums,
simply use some of Apples pre-recorded loops. Bring
up the Loop Browser in GarageBand to start.
3: Drag em in
When youve found a loop, drag it into the multi-track
view. You can re-use the loop multiple times, but try to
vary it up to keep your music sounding interesting.
Step-by-step Working with drum loops
If yourenewtoGarageBandor just want tomakesureyouregettingthemost from
it, checkout our GarageBandFor Beginners eBookat
Working with MIDI/software drums
All virtual drum
these days offer
comprehensive velocity
control over the sounds,
meaning that each element
of the kit responds differently
depending on how hard
you hit your controller
keys or pads when playing
in the part. This enables a
high degree of expression
when programming your
drum tracks, and if set up
correctly, this can lead to some
extremely lifelike results.
Effective use of velocity
sensitivity when programming
drums enables you to add an
extra layer of realism to things
like ghost snares, double-
kick drum beats and hi-hat
patterns. This is the key to
making programmed drums
sound more like they were
played by a person, and thats
just what we want here!
Logic comes with the
Ultrabeat drum synth and
sequencer, which includes
dozens of preset kits, a library
of great sounds and a huge
amount of tweakability. Lets
look at an example of the
Studio Tight Kit preset in
action below
1: Hats entertainment
Heres a 4/4 rock pattern playing Ultrabeats
Studio Tight Kit. To enhance the hi-hat part, start
by copy and pasting the 1/4 notes to make an
1/8th note pattern.
2: Velocity matters
Hit Escape to bring up the toolbox. Select the
Velocity option and drag the velocity of one of
the copied notes down to 67. The other notes
simply follow suit.
3: Ghost beats
Further enhance the feel by adding some
low-velocity ghost snare hits on some of the
recordings offbeats, and a couple of quiet pre-
emptive kick drum beats.
Step-by-step Editing in the Piano Roll
Day 3: Guitars and keys
With the backbone of your album
recorded, its time to add some
meat to your songs and build up
the layers of instrumentation with
some guitars and keys. The key here
is to layer things up. Even the most simple songs
you may listen to have a lot more going on than
you might think; heavy metal tracks often contain
acoustic guitars buried in choruses to diferentiate
the guitar sounds from the verses, while acoustic
folk tracks arent completely devoid of a little electric
lead guitar. With that fresh in the mind, experiment
as much as you can (while sticking to the tight
schedule that occurs when you attempt to record an
album in just a week, of course).
Similarly, adding keys to your tracks is just as
important. Whether its subtle string synths, a
Wurlitzer-style organ or jazzy electric piano, theyre
essential to giving your album a particular sound.
By far the easiest way to do this is through a MIDI
keyboard and GarageBands extensive range of built-
in sounds. You can even change things after the
notes themselves have been recorded. Now youve
got some ideas to work with, follow our guides
across the next two pages and fnd out exactly how
to commit them to tape.
1: Bring it up
If you want a little more control over how your
keyboard and synth tracks sound, click on the scissors
icon at the bottom of GarageBands UI.
3: Add new notes
If you forgot to play a certain key during the recording,
you can always add it in the Piano Roll. All you need to
do is Command and click.
2: Edit those notes
To edit a note youve recorded, simply click and drag it
left or right to adjust its timing or drag the end of it to
extend its length.
4: Whats the score?
If youre particularly musically inclined, hit the Score
button to view your Piano Roll as sheet music. You can
add and edit notes here, too.
Not the norm
When you record
keys in the multi-track
view, you might notice
that they dont look
like normal audio
waveforms. Thats
because theyre MIDI
notes which can be
edited at a later date
(see right)
Adding effects
If you really want
to supercharge
the sound of your
albums keyboards
and synths, why not
add an effect or two?
A slight overdrive will
give them some bite
to really cut through
the mix
Editing sounds
Although GarageBand
has a number of
preset sounds, these
can sound a little dull
if used frequently.
Click on the piano
image in the Inspector
sidebar to bring up
its settings and tweak
them for a new sound
Be sure to try out as
many of GarageBands
different synth and
keyboard sounds as
possible its bound
to lead to a few
unexpectedly brilliant
moments in your
album if you try out
some new ideas
Step-by-step Edit
your keys in the Piano Roll
iCreate Projects Record an album in a week
If youhavemorethanonemic or input, tryplacingasecondmic afewfeet further back
fromyour ampfor theultimateinambient soundembracethat natural reverb
Choose your
space wisely
When recording guitar
amps, try to choose
a medium to large
room to do it in. You
want some natural
ambience and reverb
in your recordings so
things dont end up
sounding flat
Use the
You might have
already recorded your
albums drums, but
keep that metronome
on in GarageBand for
any parts where there
are no drums playing
so everyone stays in
time itll save you a
lot of retakes
Raise it up
If youre using a small amplifier try and
raise it off the floor or at least tilt it back
against a wall. This will ensure you dont
lose any important bass frequencies from
your recording sound
Mic placement
When youre recording a live guitar amp,
place the microphone around two inches
away from the speaker grill and opposite the
centre of the speaker cone. You may need to
tweak this to get the perfect sound
2: Keep it clean
During your initial recordings, set up a basic track with
no effects or reverb. You may find you need to add
some extras, but for now, let the amp do the work.
1: Input and monitor
Create a new track in each song on your album and,
from its Inspector sidebar, select your audio interface as
the input and ensure monitoring is set to On.
3: In the red
Before you start recording, its important to set your
tracks levels. Guitar amps can be noisy, so ensure those
volume meters arent in the red reduce if necessary.
Step-by-step Recording your own electric guitars
Give it some licks
Setting up is a crucial part
of getting the sound perfect
Day 4: Vocals and mixing
With your drums, guitars, keys
and possibly some bass recorded,
its time to put the icing on your
albums cake by adding some
vocal tracks. Recording vocals is
perhaps the most time-consuming part of the
album recording process, particularly if you or your
vocalist is a true perfectionist. Dont let this put you
of getting things right, though. With a great setup,
you can spend as much time as you possibly need
on getting the perfect performance.
Readying GarageBand for your vocal takes is as
simple as creating a new track in each of your songs
and selecting a vocal preset to work from. Its best
to start with either the Male or Female Basic options
and dial down the reverb a little. These should give
you a great starting point. Good vocals shouldnt
need too many efects beyond a little EQ and a
subtle reverb. Besides, you can always add more in
when you come to polish of your tracks.
Speaking of polishing your tracks, on the opposite
page, weve detailed a few key tips for fnal efects
and mixing tips that can help to fnish of your
album perfectly. For now, though, get those vocals
warmed up and recorded and youll be well on your
way to a completed album.
iCreate Projects Record an album in a week
As aruleof thumb, your vocalist shouldhavetotilt their headupwards alittleinorder
tosingintothemic. If this isnt thecase, adjust it andmakeit taller it does help.
Editing and recording vocals in Logic
In terms of the
actual mechanics of
capturing a vocal,
Logic has sophisticated
routing options that enable
you to configure monitor
effect busses (so that the
singer can have reverb
and delay effects in their
headphones while singing)
and set up multiple tracks
fed from a single input.
This is good for quickly
switching between tracks
when recording multiple
takes, for example. As long as
you have the levels set right,
however, the two programs
are quite similar in that you
can opt to enable cycle
mode before recording. This
means that you can record
multiple takes stacked on top
of each other as the backing
track loops around. These
can then be carefully edited
together to assemble the
perfect master performance,
but proper editing tools like
those found in Logic are
crucial to getting a seamless
and natural-sounding end
result, particularly relevant in
acoustic-flavoured numbers
where the vocals are a lot
more exposed.
Fade Tool
A highly useful inhabitant of Logics toolbox of
tricks, the Fade Tool creates crossfades between
adjoining regions, which is essential for smooth
edits to your projects.
Quick swipe comping
This feature lays out all your takes in individual
lanes and enables you to quickly assemble
a master version by swiping across the best
sections of the recording.
Pitch Correction
Logics Pitch Correction plug-in is more
sophisticated than GarageBands single slider.
You can vary its response time, and customise
root notes and scales.
Quick tips for great vocal edits
Mixing your album
Add some verb
Reverb helps to position
instruments close or far away in
your head. Much like panning, its an
important way of creating a virtual
performance in each song.
Keep it consistent
Make sure you Save Instrument
from the Inspector sidebar and apply
the same settings to every song. This
keeps your album sounding consistent
the whole way through.
Get panning
When mixing your album together,
think about how youd see musicians
playing it live positioned on stage,
and use the balance controls to pan
instruments left or right.
Levelling out
Look at the overall volume of each
instrument in every song and make
sure theyre not all the same! Some
instruments should be louder or quieter
than others.
Step-by-step Mastering your album
2: Fading away
If you want your song to gently fade out at the end,
you can achieve this by using the Master Tracks clever
automation controls.
5: Almost done
When youre finally happy with how your songs sound,
head over to the Share menu and select the Send
Song to iTunes option to finish things off.
1: Show that track
The start of every GarageBand mastering session is
the same. All you need to do is head to Track>Show
Master Track to bring up your mastering controls.
4: EQ it
The EQ settings are a key part to the mastering
process. Listen carefully and adjust the EQ to offset any
harsh highs or overly deep lows.
3: Keep things subtle
If you feel the need to add a little extra, you can
include a small amount of reverb to your final mix, but
be sure to keep things subtle.
6: Name it
In the dialogue box that appears in front of you, give
your track and album a name make sure this is spelt
the same for each song!
Day 5: Mastering
and exporting
By now, you should have recorded every song on
your album and mixed it to a point where youre
happy with how it sounds. Now its time to add that
fnal spit and polish before you export it and share it
with your expectant audience.
Its worth noting that mastering at home in GarageBand (or even
Logic) isnt easy. In fact, there are whole studios dedicated to mastering
tracks so that they sound great on whatever set of speakers theyre
played through. That said, following our tips below should get you
some of the way there.
Once youve completed your mastering, export those tracks and
share your one-week album with your friends, family and even the rest
of the world by posting it online and lap up those fve-star reviews.
iCreate Projects Record an album in a week
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When youve spent your money
on an iPhone, you want it to
look its very best all of the time,
but you dont want it to look like every
other iPhone in the world whenever
you pick it up. Apple includes a number
of beautiful wallpapers with iOS (and
some not-so-beautiful ones), but these
are the same wallpapers that youll see
on thousands of iPhones.
You can, of course, take a photo and
set that as your background if you wish
these can naturally look absolutely
fantastic. However, if youve taken the
shot in landscape mode, there will be big
black gaps at the top and bottom of the
screen, still visible through the translucent
bars on the lockscreen. Alternatively,
you can have a look for an eye-catching
wallpaper online, save it to your phones
Camera Roll and apply it. Still, while some
of these are fantastic, why not flex your
creative muscles and design your own
lockscreen wallpaper that is not only
completely customised to your desires,
but is also completely unique.
In this tutorial weve put together a
guide to the most useful techniques
from one of our favourite editing apps,
Pixelmator, and shown you how to utilise
them when creating your own wallpaper.
Whether youre working with gradients,
drawing shapes with the adaptable Pen
tool, or simply working out the best way
to use the space on your lockscreen,
youll find something useful within
the next few pages to help you create
something incredible. And, if you flick to
the back pages and pop your free disc
into your Mac, youll find templates for
both the iPhone 4S and the iPhone 5 to
open in Pixelmator. You can use these to
place elements in different areas on the
screen, or simply as a guide. Either way,
theyre exactly the right size for each of
the screens, with the correct number of
pixels per inch, and include a removable
demo screen so you can get an idea of
what your design will look like on your
iPhones Retina display.
Weve even included a couple of the
wallpapers we made when putting
together this tutorial for you. So what are
you waiting for? Lets get started.
Create bespoke iPhone wallpapers
Use Pixelmators powerful tools to customise your iPhone lockscreen with a personalised wallpaper
Difficulty: Intermediate
Time needed: 90 minutes
Step-by-step Organise your layers
1: In order
Open one of the templates included on the disc.
Youll see that each section of the iPhone screen is a
separate layer, with a dummy screen as the top one.
2: Above and below
When you add new layers, add below the dummy.
Uncheck the dummy screen to see everything in full,
and check it again to see a full preview.
3: All done
Once youve finished, you can delete the sectioned-
off template layers. Make sure you uncheck the
dummy screen layer before exporting as an image!
Addguidelines toyour imagebychoosingView>ShowRulers. Then, clickononeof the
rulers at thetopor sideof thewindowanddragaguidelineontotheimage.
The Tools bar is
absolutely vital for using
Pixelmator. It enables
you to access different
options with a click, and
when youre designing
your wallpaper, youll
regularly need to switch
between tools
Managing your layers and keeping them well organised
is vital if you dont want to get confused later. Order them
sensibly, rename them logically as soon as you create
them, and if you dont need one any more, delete it!
Another tool you need to understand is
Gradients. There are plenty of presets, but you
can also create your own with multiple mix
points well show you how on the next page
Customising Pixelmator
The essential tools youll need to master
There are a large number
of effects that you can add
to your wallpaper, and its
worth experimenting with
them to see what works.
Gaussian Blur is a great
choice for adding a fade to
the edge of your wallpaper,
while the Clouds option is
perfect for creating a paper-
like effect by mixing two
cream colours together.
Knowledge base
There are dozens
of brush presets
in Pixelmator,
and each one
is completely
customisable. Try
different options
to create different
effects, and look
for downloadable
brushes online for
even more choice
Quick tips
Use guidelines to
mark out sections of
your iPhone screen. A
marker in the centre will
help with lining things
up, for example.
2: Offset
If youre adding glow, lower the Offset slider to 0px
and increase the Blur control. This will make the glow
emanate from the centre of the line and spread evenly.
3: Shadow
When creating a shadow, youll need to change the
offset, and the shadow angle, to fit with the design.
Also, choose a dark grey colour, rather than black.
Glows and shadows
Whether you want to add a glow to the camera slider in the
bottom-right, or just want to add some depth to a realistic
design youre creating, learning to use the Shadow tool is very
useful. It is only possible to add shadows to shapes, not layers, so it
can be a little fiddly, but the results look great.
The process for both glows and shadows is exactly the same,
but the effect can be completely different depending on the
shadow colour you choose. For example, to make an object glow
with a neon green colour, check the Shadow box and make the
shadow the same colour as the object, before increasing the Blur
setting. With a shadow, the system is similar, but the shadow will
be a darker colour, with an offset.
You can use this tool to create two very different kinds of look to
a shape. In the finished screens on the next page, we used these
skills to make the Apple logo glow, and add a shadow to the paper
strip on the Top Secret wallpaper.
1: Give it a glow
To create a glowing line or shape, draw your shape,
then alter the fill colour to something bright. Check the
Shadow box and make the colour the same.
2: Back a step
If you make a mistake at any point, going back a single
point is as simple as hitting the Backspace key. You can
go back as far as you want, so dont panic.
1: Click or drag
The key feature of the Pen is its adaptability. Click once
to add a single point and create an angle to the next,
or alternatively click, hold and drag to create a curve.
Using the
Pen tool
So, youve got a logo or shape you want to
make glow, but only an image file to drop in?
Thats no problem here we show how you can use
the Pen tool to trace any shape you want and then
fill it however you like. Its perfect whether you want
straight lines or curves, and it offers plenty of control.
There are two options for the Pen tool the
standard option, and the Freeform option. In this
tutorial weve used the standard Pen tool, as it
allows for easier drawing with a mouse or trackpad.
However, the Freeform tool is more adaptable when
using a graphics tablet, for example.
Quick tips
When editing a
point using the Pen tool,
hold Cmd to change one
side of the curve without
editing the curve on
the other side.
4: Editing
Every point is completely editable after youve finished
the shape, and you can add new points if you want to
add an extra curve into the shape.
3: Shifting
Hold the Shift key and your line will be snapped to
an invisible grid, letting you only draw horizontal and
vertical lines, or lines at 45-degree angles.
Remember, thedarker sections of theiPhones lockscreenwill needabrighter image
behindif youwant thecolours toshowthrough. Makecolours as light as possible.
with gradients
1: Prepare your layer
Gradients can be added to layers, but the selection
tool can limit the application area. Section off the
iPhones split lockscreen for brilliant results.
3: More points
Clicking this slider anywhere else will let you add
more colour stops to your gradient. You can add
transparent sections too, if you want a fade effect.
2: Customising
You can change the colours used by opening the
Gradient menu, choosing the one you want and
clicking the points on the slider at the bottom.
4: Linear, radial or angle?
There are three kinds of gradient, and each one
works differently. Try them all, and see what each
one can do by playing with the preset options.
Quick tips
While youre moving
items, they will jump to
align with other objects.
To move them more
precisely, hold the
Cmd key as you
All about space
Dont forget that you
can use the space
around the unlock bar,
camera button and
clock to display graphics
they are translucent
on-screen so add
elements behind the
bars if you need
Visual cues
You can use techniques like this to show users
what they need to do visually. These dots imply
motion, so even without the text on the unlock
bar it should be clear what they need to do
Creating from
You can create all
kinds of things from
scratch, including this
paper texture using
the Cloud and Stamp
effects. We wrote
the text, then used a
speckled brush eraser
to make it look even
more realistic
Merge layers
To create this paper
effect with a shadow,
we added a shape
below the paper
texture, then merged
the two together into
a single layer. The
result is a band with
real depth that looks
very different
Because youre creating your
own wallpapers from scratch,
you can customise them
however you want. Add your
name, contact information, or
anything else to your wallpaper
to make it truly unique
Extra brushes
You can download extra
brushes to expand your
collection. For example,
grab the Stitches brush,
by DeviantArt user
Aneesah, from our
disc to help create this
stitched leather effect
What to think about
when designing
iPhone wallpapers
Quick tips
When using a
brush, click where you
want to start the line,
hold Shift and click at
the end to get a
straight line.
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If theres one part of any app thats bound to receive a little less love
than the rest, its the Preferences window. iPhoto is no exception to
this rule, but it pays to hit Cmd+; from time to time. Take a look at what
you can tweak to make your one-stop shop for organising and editing images
run that little bit better.
Whether its overhauling the look and feel of iPhoto, adding a few subtle
indicators to help you better organise your library or ensuring the automatic
processes that kick in every time you import images work for you, theres a lot to
be done with a few quick changes to some key options.
Open up preferences (iPhoto>Preferences) and follow our guide to find out
exactly what needs changing and how it can improve your iPhoto workflow. It
wont take long and the results will last a lifetime.
Fix iPhotos preferences for better images
Our guide to making iPhoto easier to use, better at editing and more effective when importing images
Difficulty: Beginner
Time needed: 15 minutes
Copy to library
If youre running your
iPhoto library from an
external hard drive, its
worth deselecting the
Copy items to the iPhoto
Library option. That way,
you wont end up with too
many duplicates of your
shots taking up space
Editing apps
If you find iPhotos editing
tools are a little lacking, you
can always select another
app to out source the
work to. Simply select In
application from the Edit
Photos menu and choose
the one you want to use
Products Store
This should be set
automatically, but
heres where to go
if you ever get a
little confused by
the currency
Look up Places
If you want to ensure that
as many photos as possible
are pinned to a world map
for easy organisation and
reference, make sure that
you set the Look up Places
option to Automatically
External libraries
Using iPhoto with a library
stored on an external
hard drive is easy. You can
switch between libraries or
even create a new one by
holding the Alt key when
you click on the iPhoto
app icon. Once you do so,
a dialog box will appear
giving you a number of
library-based options. Its a
little-known power feature.
Knowledge base
4: Autosplit options
Under Autosplit into Events, change the setting to
One event per week. Again, unless youre capturing
thousands of snaps, this makes much more sense.
5: Lose the outline
Under the Appearance tab, uncheck the Outline
option. This removes the light border around image
previews which can be distracting at thumbnail size.
6: Back to black
The background in iPhotos main window is fully
adjustable. Drag the slider a little to the left to darken
itll help you to identify your images more easily.
7: A smaller font
If you find youve got a lot going on in your sidebar,
changing the Source Text from Large to Small can
really help to ensure everything fits in.
8: Automatic import
If youre a Photo Stream user, ensure Automatic
Import is checked and enabled under the Photo
Stream tab so you never lose an image again!
9: Sharing is caring
Finally, ensure Shared Photo Streams is also ticked off
so you can make the most of Apples latest feature for
sharing your favourite snaps with iCloud.
1: Back in time
Under the General tab, change the amount for Show
last 6 months album to 12. Unless you take thousands
of photos per month, this seems to make more sense.
2: Count em up
Tick the Show item count checkbox to display the
number of shots in each Album, Event, Subscription
and Folder in the sidebar great for organisation.
3: Automatic opening
Next to Connecting camera opens, change the drop-
down option to No application. This stops iPhoto
starting up whenever your camera is connected.
Step-by-step iPhoto Tweak and fix your preferences
Fancyputtingyour upgradediPhotopreferences togooduse?Headtopage48and
fndout howtocreateamazingpopart-styleimagesfromyour photostheylookgreat!
2: Up the exposure
Drag the Exposure slider to the right to increase it.
Dont worry about losing detail. We can bring this back
later on with some other controls.
1: Some small adjustments
Open the image you want to use in iPhoto (plain
backgrounds work best here), click on the Edit button
in the bottom-right, then on the Adjust tab.
3: In the shadows
Next, increase the Contrast by dragging its slider to the
right. This should bring out some shadows and a little
more definition to your photos subject.
6: Tweak it
Finally, using the Tint slider, drag it either left or right to
bring out any previously lost details in your image and
enhance the colours even further.
5: Crazy colours
To add the bizarre colour schemes associated with
pop art to your photo, simply drag the Temperature
slider until you get a set of colours youre happy with.
4: Make it painted
Finally, repeat the process with the Saturation slider.
Increasing this will begin to add blocks of colour to
your photo, making it look like it has been painted.
iPhotos editing tools arent the most robust out there, but
with a little ingenuity, they can be put to good use. Whether
its using a combination of vignettes, soft focus and black-and-
white effects to create a romantic image or fixing a slightly wonky horizon,
a few basic tweaks, cleverly combined, can go a long way.
In this tutorial, well show you how some serious tweaking in the
Adjustments menu can result in your images taking on the look and feel
of some iconic Fifties pop art. The aim of the game here is to give your
images a painted feel with bright and unusual colours. For best results,
youll want to use an image thats not too busy with a solid background,
preferably one that already has some colour in it. Once youve got your
source images, follow our guide below to get started.
Create pop art-style images in iPhoto
Get your Warhol on and create art that youll love showing off
Difficulty: Beginner
Time needed: 30 minutes
Step-by-step iPhoto Create pop art-style images
8: Export your art
When youre happy with how things look, head to File>
Export and save your image to your Mac. This leaves you
free to continue editing the iPhoto version.
7: Be a square
Using the Crop tool under Quick Fixes, select the
Square Constrain option and crop down your image
so your subject is perfectly framed in the centre.
9: All done?
When youve made and exported as many different
versions of your pop art image as you like, click on the
Revert to Original button in the sidebar.
Is iPhotobehavingoddly?Checkout our guidetotweakingits preferences onpage46
or headtoour Genius Bar onpage76tofndout howtoget your issues solved.
Creating perfect pop art
A few settings and tweaks to improve your images
skin tones
In a normal editing
situation, wed check
the Avoid saturating
skin tones option. For
pop art, though, we
want the whole image
to be affected by our
edits. Ensure that this
is left unchecked
Weve come a
long way
To see the progress of your
pop-art edit, simply press
and hold the Shift key on
your keyboard. Itll show
you exactly how your image
looked originally, before you
started making changes
Levels adjustments
The levels sliders at the top can sometimes
be used to help enhance your final pop art
images, but be wary of making too many
changes here they can throw everything
off in an instant
Made a mistake?
Its best to work iteratively when creating pop art
edits making lots of slow changes towards your
end result. That way, if you go wrong, you can
always hit Undo and fix things
Displaying your art
With the images youve
created successfully saved,
you can always import
them back into iPhoto and
turn them into a stunning
card, calendar or photo
book using iPhotos great
range of print products.
Just select the images to
use, click the Create button
and select your print
product. Apple takes care
of the printing and delivery
process for you.
Knowledge base
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On-lens controls
The lens features a few quick
controls for zoom and focus, making
manual focus mode a joy to use
Super zoom
The lens is fantastic, extending
to offer 24x optical zoom, while
you can get up to 48x zoom with
digital as well
The screen offers a high-quality view
of your shot, and does well to keep
up with the action even when youre
shooting fast-paced videos
The controls on the back and top of
the camera are laid out very well,
with everything in easy reach
If you like this
You might also like
Sony Cyber-shot HX200V
This bridge
camera ofers
30x optical
zoom (up
to 60x with
digital zoom), as well as GPS
location data for photos, 1080p
recording and an 18.2-MP sensor.
Apple might argue that the iPad is
perfect just the way it is, the Smart
Cover perhaps being the only
necessary peripheral for the tablet.
However, there is a selection of gear
that can add to your experience,
particularly if youre looking to
improve your word processing.
This keyboard is designed to be a
seamless edition to your iPad, with a
magnetic clip that creates a notebook
effect when closed together. The
Ultrathin model has a polished back
cover to match that of your iPad and
further enhance the feeling that this is
less of a case and more an extension
of your device. Remove the iPad from
the magnetic clip and place it into the
keyboard wide slot that is designed
to hold your device in place in either
orientation. The keyboard itself comes
with some useful shortcuts as well
as the usual, expected functions, like
the ability to highlight text as well as
return to the home screen.
When combined with your iPad,
the Logitech feels like a natural part
of the device, with smart design
and simple functionality that
complements the device without
hindering it in any way. The iPad
may not have been designed with a
physical keyboard, but the Ultrathin
will almost have you wondering why.
A seamless and natural addition to your iPad setup
Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard
Cover for iPad 89.99/$99.99
Buy now?
Pros Simple, with a touch of elegance
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Cons Limits Bluetooth connectivity to
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Bringing some
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We often look at performance as
being the only important aspect
of an external hard drive, but in
the case of the Buffalo MiniStation
we have to say its the design that
impresses most. The frosted plastic
on top of the drive feels rubbery and
pleasing to touch, and curves down
into the aluminium base beautifully.
Its strangely reminiscent of an ocean-
smoothed pebble. With Thunderbolt
now being the standard across all
Macs since the start of 2011, its great
to see the MiniStation include the
tech, and with USB 3.0 becoming
more common among PCs, and the
most recent Macs, its even better to
have the extra port on the rear of the
drive. Of course, USB 3.0 is backwards-
compatible with USB 2.0 devices,
ensuring that the MiniStation works
with pretty much every computer
made since 2001, just at lower speeds.
We gained read and write speeds of
around 110MB/s using the Blackmagic
test through both interfaces. Sadly,
the speed is limited by the hard drive
inside. SSD options are available,
offering higher speeds for an extra
cost. Still, for those looking for a
replacement drive for their FireWire
800 with a set of great connection
options, the MiniStation comes highly
recommended by us.
Weve been looking forward to
testing the PlugBug for some time.
The US version of this adapter has
been out for several months now,
but at long last we have a worldwide
version that includes five different
plugs. The result is a power brick
that lets you charge your devices no
matter what country youre visiting.
The PlugBug offers two charging
options: your MacBooks brick will
slot comfortably into the bottom of
the plug, while the USB port on the
front of the casing enables you to
simultaneously charge your tablet
or smartphone. The red plug itself
looks lovely the ruby-like finish
beautifully offsets the white of your
Macs plug. The USB charger offers
10W of power, the same as most of
Apples own chargers, but it wouldve
been great to see a 12W output,
similar to the bricks included with
the fourth-gen iPad. We did notice
a slight buzz when we plugged the
PlugBug in, and when working in
silence it was noticeable. The PlugBug
is also designed to sit flush with just
one size of MacBook bricks with
older cables you may have some
overhang. Despite these issues we
liked the PlugBug, and if youre going
jet-setting with multiple devices its
an ideal space-saving companion.
Worldwide power for all your devices in one tiny box Does this hard drive offer speeds to match its looks?
Twelve South
PlugBug World 44.99/$44.99
Buy now?
Pros Looks great, good connection
options and SSD choice for speed
Cons Speed limited by hard drive and
SSD model is expensive
Buy now?
Pros Adaptable, with plenty of plug
options and a neat design
Cons Buzzing may annoy some, and
some bricks will overhang
Viper Sleeve 11
- CompatibiIity: MacBook Air 11-inch
Reminiscent of some of our favourite iPad case designs, this
sleeve for 11-inch MacBook Airs (also available for 13 and 15-inch
MacBook Pros with Retina display), forgoes zippers and Velcro
for a simple magnetic solution. Slide in your MacBook and the
Viper sleeve offers a secure, protective cocoon. Extended, hard
edges should offer some protection from low level falls and the
tough canvas finish will stand up well against other objects in
your bag as you move around. Its not ground-breaking, but it
should do a job for you.
Timelapse photography can prove
rather stunning. The idea is that the
film frames are captured at a low
rate, for example one image every
second. Combining these frames in a
package like Sequence enables you
to play these back at a faster rate, for
instance at 20 frames a second. It
would then look as if time is moving
20 times faster than it actually is. As
soon as you open Sequence, you are
presented with a window into which
you can drop a timelapse folder or a
sequence of images. These are then
placed within the Sequence editing
window, a rather simple user interface
which nevertheless has a host of
impressive features.
The most important is the deflicker.
Using this removes the flickering
that usually occurs when shooting in
aperture or shutter priority. You can
also change the frame rate, view the
photos and zoom in and out.
Images placed on the timeline can
also be moved around and you can
play the sequence and move forward
and back at will. The results can be
exported in a number of formats from
H.264 to Apple ProRes and they can
be shared via Vimeo or email, AirDrop
and Instant Message. Its a brilliant,
intuitive and fast package that makes
light work of important, rendering
and saving. A must-have app.
Although this package is, arguably,
rather difficult for guitar-playing
beginners to plunge straight into,
it will actually teach you a lot about
learning to play. ChordMate is
certainly of use to teachers and those
who wish to expand their already
impressive existing knowledge.
What you get with this app for Mac
is a guitar chord library that allows for
exploration. Clicking on any chord will
play it. You are able to search too with
a filter system that narrows down
according to the type of chord you
are after. It lets you see where your
fingers should be and which notes
you should be playing.
Chords can be exported as image
files, PDF or text and you can also
copy and paste. This is perfect for
teachers, as weve said. Another nice
touch is the ability to place your
fingers on the guitar, play a chord and
then draw in where your fingers were,
so that it can identify the chord you
were trying to play.
As well as being able to put
together and play an entire chord
progression, the package also comes
in handy for tuning your guitar. And
it is full of surprises. The more we
played around with the app, the more
we got out of it.
Sequence 13.99/$19.99
ChordMate 34.99/$51.99
Create and export non-flickering timelapse films on your Mac
Fancy yourself as a rock star? Learn new chord voicings and enhance the way you play guitar
Key features
- No nlckerlng
- Share to vlmeo
- Choose frame rates
Learn more
Available from
Mac App Store
Key features
- Copy chord dlagrams
- Plnd the rlght volclng vla search
- Peproduce acoustlc and electrlc
sounds at will
Learn more
Available from
Mac App Store
Buy now?
Pros Simple and intuitive, it requires
only a few taps to get going
Cons You cant export directly to video-
sharing super-site YouTube
Killer feature
If you have frames that are under or
overexposed, a stroblng, nlckerlng
efect can be noticeable. Sequence
analyses the photos and fnds the
optimal brightness correction.
A graph shows the diference
between the original version and
the denlckered one.
Killer feature
Since a great deal of the package is
all about search and getting to the
chord you need, the fltering options
are great at giving you the ability to
select open chord, strings and bass
notes, for instance, and check for
notes in ascending order. There are
tons of flters.
Buy now?
Pros With great depth and a stack of
chords, you will be more than satisfied
Cons Its rather expensive and it can
take a little while to get up to speed
GarageBand may be fun, but if
youre an experienced music maker
looking to do serious work on your
projects when youre not in the
studio, then Cubasis is the kind
of high-end mixer you should be
looking at. With a hefty price tag
you would be right to expect only
the highest quality interface and
thats exactly what we enjoyed. Clean
lines and bright colours are brought
together to make an immediately
striking system for editing your music.
Everything in this app can
be edited, tweaked, mixed and
composed from scratch with
keyboards, drumpads and a MIDI
editor, making it very easy to
construct a composition of some
complexity. Its when you get into the
nitty-gritty of tuning, adding effects,
fading in and out and using the
mixer that the versatility of this app
becomes apparent. Its an absolute
beast of a program that delivers on
every penny of its price tag with
professional features and smart export
options. Everything you make with
Cubasis can be exported to Cubase
for Mac for even more editing, but we
wouldnt be surprised if you could do
it all on your iPad alone.
With the launch of 123D Creature,
Autodesk has added to one of
the most impressive suites of 3D
software weve had the pleasure of
using. Thanks to accompanying apps
for Mac and iPad you can take and
create your 3D sculptures and models
anywhere with huge amounts of
control and still play with the fine
tuning later if you wish. 123D Creature
stands alone as an iPad app, but
exports for Autodesks Maya and 3ds
Max software.
This app feels a little closer in its
final products to what we might
imagine to be modern 3D design. A
glance at the models the community
has been sharing shows an array of
exotic aliens, fantasy creatures and
famous comic heroes. Beautifully
detailed busts are complemented by
subtle painting to create gnarled and
textured surfaces where once there
was only modelling clay.
123D Creature is a fairly simple app
to use, although some understanding
of the basics of computerised 3D
modelling will no doubt mean better
results faster. That said, we cant think
of a better app to start learning with.
Skeletons are automatically made
symmetrical for the easiest building
experience and sculpting by touch
feels very natural.
Cubasis 34.99/$49.99
123D Creature 5.49/$7.99
A high-end music mixer for iPad
An intuitive and transparent addition to Autodesks impressive 3D software catalogue
Key features
Over 70 vlrtual lnstruments
More than 300 M|D| le and
audio loops
Lxport pro[ects to Cubase for Mac
Learn more
Available from
lOS App Store
Key features
Powerful skeleton bullder
Order 3D prlnts ln-app
Lxport as O81 les for desktops
Learn more
Available from
lOS App Store
Killer feature
App to app
Thanks to an update with Audiobus
support you can transfer your
Cubasis projects to and from other
lOS apps very slmply. Supported
apps lnclude DMl Drum Machlne,
Figure, Animoog and NodeBeat,
all of which create some excellent
beats and loops.
Killer feature
Reveal the sculpture
We really cant speak highly enough
of the intuitive build and dig
sculpting system. Dragging your
nger over the screen to add to
your model is very easy and really
helps to make the process very
transparent for new modellers.
Buy now?
Pros Really strong interface and simple
toolset keeps things accessible
Cons We had some crashing issues and
it may lack depth for professionals
Buy now?
Pros Powerful music editing and
making options. Lots of instruments
Cons Expensive and probably too
complex for most
he LEGO series of movie spin-
offs have been like a thirst-
quenching oasis of comfort
gaming in a world full of loud, brash
and aggressive action games, or
poorly underbaked casual offerings.
This addition to the series, LEGO The
Lord Of The Rings ticks all the typical
boxes from developer Travellers
Tales, with some important additions.
What remains is the same core values
that made the original LEGO Star
Wars such a fun game for all ages:
great humour, simple and addictive
gameplay and plenty of nostalgia.
While we would forgive you for
thinking that little has changed other
than the skins of the blocks of these
LEGO games, wed invite you to take a
look at some of the earlier ones again.
Travellers Tales has continued to push
this game to new heights lighting is
a particular standout here. One early
sequence sees backlighting behind
a Ringwraith as you sneak past with
Frodo and company, so that his field
of vision is clearly marked. Its chilling
even if he is only made of blocks.
We were playing with a keyboard,
which poses its own special
challenges when attempting
to navigate narrow ledges or
treacherous platforms. Even with a
gamepad of some kind the LEGO
games have been a little fast and
loose, but this is a compromise that
gives back more than it takes. By
being so easy to play it is ideal for
playing with friends and children
regardless of their gaming experience.
The LEGO games have always been
at their best with at least two players
and thats no different here.
But as ever, its the treatment of
the properties upon which these
LEGO games are based that deserves
the greatest praise. The Lord Of The
Rings trilogy is a rather dark affair at
times, but Travellers Tales has teased
out moments of good humour, and
thanks to its use of dialogue lifted
directly from the movies, you still get
all the important bits. The early stages
feel a little light on gaming challenges
and heavy on narrative, but once the
action sequences of the movies are
reached things open up beautifully.
The recommendation we would
have made with any LEGO game is
repeated again. Whether youre an
experienced gamer looking for some
light diversion or a casual player, LEGO
The Lord Of The Rings is a great place
to start. And if you happen to be a fan
of the franchise, then all the better.
Review Review
- Mac OS l0.7.5 or later
- l.4GHz processor
- 4G8 PAM wlth 256M8 vPAM
- 8G8 free space
We used
- lMac 2l.5-lnch (mld-20ll)
- 2.5GHz l5 processor
- 5l2M8 graphlcs memory
- Apple keyboard
Learn more
control setup
3 Key
Good humour
Theres no shortage of laughs to
be had in these games. Merry and
Pippin in Groucho Marx glasses was a
particular highlight.
Movie magic
Reworking recurring movie elements
like Frodo struggling with the ring
into quick time events is a nice touch.
Great lighting
The LEGO characters disguise just
how powerful the game engine is.
The lighting is wonderful to behold.
LEGO The Lord Of The Rings 19.99/$29.99
Another LLGO adaptatlon true to the source and burstlng wlth gorgeous llghtlng and fun gameplay
Buy now?
Pros Good humour and a great use of
the series as you would expect
Cons Still no great challenge and a little
drawn out in places
Learn in style
Discover more with the Book series expert, accessible tutorials for
iPad, iPhone, Mac, Android, Photoshop, Windows and more
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Production Director Jane Hawkins
01202 586200
Group Managing Director Damian Butt
Group Finance & Commercial Director Steven Boyd
Group Creative Director Mark Kendrick
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20072013 The Codemasters Software Company Limited (Codemasters). Originally developed and published by Codemasters. All rights reserved. Codemasters is a registered trademark owned by Codemasters. GRID and the Codemasters logo are trademarks
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