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For Mac, Ipad and Iphone Users: Master Filters & Transitions

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How to make a classic movie

For Mac, iPad and iPhone users
HOW TO: Set up iCIoud - Share photos - Use iCIoud Iike Dropbox
Create amazing wallpapers for your
device with Pixelmator
An iPad
Get creative
with web apps
How to make music, tweak photos
and edit movies on your browser
PLUS How to use Find My iPhone -
Master stop-motion with Vine -
Create retro images from your photos -
Record an album in a week with GarageBand
Design typographic posters with Pages
Create amazing pop art images using iPhoto
Issue 119 6.00
Master filters
& transitions
Welcome to iCreate 119
I love JAM. Its basically a
simplified iOS GarageBand for
Google Chrome. We had a pretty
epic jamming session at iCreate
Towers using it its great fun.
Stephen Ashby
Im regularly impressed by the
power and versatility of the Pixlr
editor at pixlr.com. Its Photoshop
on a web browser and works
incredibly well.
Jonathan Gordon
I was deeply impressed by
Photoshop Express. I didnt quite
believe that a Photoshop web
app would be possible, but its
got a great set of tools.
Stephen Williams
Vimeo recently updated its
website, giving creators the
power to add filters and music to
their videos its an awesome
addition to a great service.
Freddie Harrison
search for iCreate
Get in
ve regularly been accused of having my
head in the clouds. My mind has a tendency
to wander and dwell on random thoughts.
The concept of cloud storage therefore has a
certain romantic charm to me. The term feels
more like science fiction than fact, and yet we
live in a world where cloud services have
become a huge part of how we live.
With this particular thought in mind weve
taken another look at Apples own iCloud service
to give you a complete guide to what it can do
for you, the apps that take advantage of it and
what more you could be doing with it.
As an extension of this to a certain extent we
took a look at some of the best creative web
apps you can use. These amazing programs
require no installation from you as you edit
photos, paint amazing canvases and edit movies
via the web. Thanks to the power of HTML 5,
some of these programs are incredibly powerful.
Its amazing you get to use them for free.
On the subject of creativity, our big project
this issue is how to record an album in a week,
taking a look at the essentials of GarageBand
composition and recording. We also walk you
through creating your own lockscreen
wallpapers for iPhone and creating cool titles
and westerns in iMovie. All the assets you need
to follow along can be found on your free disc.
Wed love to see your finished creations too.
Which creative web apps do each of
the team enjoy the most?
Made something amazing
using a web app?
Get in touch through
the details below
Thanks to the power
of HTML 5, some
creative web apps are
incredibly powerful
Meet the team
Call me old fashioned, but Flickr is
a great place to make simple
edits and store your photo library
in the cloud. Its got a vibrant
community to keep you inspired.
Philip Morris
Get more from your Mac
Featured tutorial:
Make unique iPhone
lockscreens with
Pixelmator 40
iPhoto 46
- Set the perfect iPhoto preferences
- Create pop art from your photos
iMovie 52
- Make a western
- Improve your titIe sequences
GarageBand 56
- How to record vocaIs
- Make a ringtone with any tune
OS X 72
- 8asic image editing with Preview
- CIean up your network connections
Aperture 60
Set the perfect skin tones
How to use and back up edits with
Aperture's VauIt system
Final Cut Pro X 64
7he essentiaIs of sound mixing
How to get the most from coIour
grading in ICPX
Pages 68
Create amazing typographic posters
using onIy Pages
Animationist 70
How to make animated movie intros
for your new production
Life beyond iLife.
Theres a whole world of software out there
How to edit movies, tweak images and make
music with your web browser
80 7he very best creative
web apps reveaIed
Content for every creative project
Iree music, images,
fiIm & more
112Iree disc
Everything you need
to know about Apples
cloud service
iCloud guide
How to record and edit great
music with GarageBand
30 Record
an album in
a week
Discover the creative treats in store this month
06 Pro Gallery
Creative inspiration from Mac artists
08 Your Projects
The best projects youve been working on
10 FaceTime
Expert advice from creative professionals
14 Time Machine
Celebrating Apples landmark design
15 Apple Talk
Find out why music streaming is the future
16 #Trending
The hottest Apple news analysed
18 Quick Tips
The latest software updates revealed
22 iCloud complete guide
Apples cloud service explained and explored
76 Genius Bar
Got a problem? Solve it here
80 The best creative web apps
Edit images, movies and more with your browser
88 iOS tutorials
Top ten iPhone battery tips
How to set up and use Find My iPhone
Add retro efects to images with Pixlr Express
Create a stop-motion clip with Vine
112 Your free iCreate disc
Amazing free content for you to download
114 Next month
What you can expect in the next issue
The iCreate reviews
The latest kit gets the iCreate treatment
96 USB mics for Mac and iPad
100 Lumix FZ200 camera
101 iPad Bluetooth keyboards
102 Pioneer XW-SMA3 Speaker
104 TwelveSouth PlugBug / Buffalo
MiniStation Thunderbolt
106 Parrot AR Drone 2.0


What is your current working setup?
My current setup for shooting street portraits is actually quite
simple. I shoot with an iPhone 4S and stay armed with multiple
juice packs (check out newtrent.com for a great selection). When
I started the project, I tried various shooting apps to get my initial
portraits. After several tests, I decided on Hipstamatic for my
shooting app. Im a black and white shooter at heart and I wanted
a clear, consistent look for my portraits. Additionally I have always
preferred a square format frame. Hipstamatic seemed to deliver
all that I was looking for. As far as my lens and film combo? Well, Ill
leave that up to your guesses and imagination.
What apps do you use the most to create your work?
As with my shooting app, Ive tried to keep my post-processing
steps as consistent as possible when creating my portraits. My shots
are actually created in colour with Hipstamatic, so Ive turned to
Snapseed as my go-to digital darkroom. I rely on the apps black
and white conversion, some centre focusing and some sharpening.
I try not to crop my portraits and never add any effects to my shots
keeping the image as true to the initial moment as possible.
Where does your inspiration come from when starting a new
piece of work?
Honestly, when I first started with my project
I was on the look out for overly unique
subjects, constantly waiting for that perfect
stranger to come round the corner. But as
time passed, and as I began to understand
my focus better, I realised that everyone is
that perfect stranger the everyday people
we see on the street. Everyone is unique, and
they all have a story to tell with their image.
Nowadays, six months into the project, I keep
my eyes much more wide open for subjects
not just the extreme characters.
Equipment used
iPhone 4S, light diffuser/reflector,
Hipstamatic, Snapseed
Street photographer Greg Schmigel has been
capturing images of people and situations he
encounters in public places since 2007. Were
All Strangers is his latest project, focusing on
the art of street portraiture.
Everyone is
unique, and
they all have a
story to tell with
their image
Greg Schmigel
Creative inspiration from professional Mac artists
Pro Gallery
Most of the time when shooting portraits, people ask
me what they should do. My response is always the
same just be yourself. And the same goes for attire and
accessories as in Brians case. I prefer to shoot the true
person as I see them on the street
See more of Gregs work at www.justwhatisee.com
search for iCreate
Greg keeps his list of
equipment used to a
minimum, focusing on
his subject and their
In contrast to Kelsey,
Stars beautiful dark
skin tones were
enhanced further
by using a lighter
colored background.
Always be mindful
of your available
backgrounds theyre
an important aspect
to keep in mind when
shooting different skin
tones in natural light
Kelseys image
was captured on a
rainy, overcast day,
with minimal light.
Selecting a dark
background can be
helpful in pushing
lighter tones of a
subjects clothing
and skin tones off a
darker space
The iCreate team assess the best reader projects of the month
Your Projects
Send us your Mac and iOS-made Photos,
illustrations, movies, music, iBooks, paintings,
websites and more
S|..o v|. c|cJJ stc..go
|cst |||os cr J|sc c. ||.s| tc
|.o.to V.g..|ro, |n.g|ro |Jb||s||rg, ||c|ncrJ House,
33 ||c|ncrJ ||||, bcJ.roncJt|, b|2 6|, ||
|c. |r|c gc tc |c.o.ton.g..|roccn
Send us
your projects!
2. Butterfly in a
Lightbulb Sharla Ahmed
Equipment used: MacBook Pro, Adobe PS CS5
Jon says: The dream-like image captures a surreal
|oo| t|.cJg| . rJnbo. c| koy ||ctcs|cp o|onorts
|o ||.st |s cbv|cJs|y t|o n|xtJ.o c|
|n.go.y .|t| . bJtto.||y .rJ ||g|t bJ|b
. st.|k|rg ccnb|r.t|cr ||g| ccrt..st
.rJ s.tJ..toJ cc|cJ.s g|vo |t . |ct c|
|np.ct tcc, b.|rg|rg |t .|| tcgot|o.
Steve says: This brilliant illustration shows just how
pc.o.|J| t|o ||.J c.r bo .|or t|o c.o.t|vo J|cos
st..t ||c.|rg A |.||..yt|.cJg| sc.oor
provides some interesting background,
.rJ t|o .osJ|t |s . |.rt.st|c p|oco t|.t
Jsos .tncsp|o.|c ||g|t|rg po.|oct|y .rJ
g|vos bct| sJbocts .o.| c|...cto.
1. Double Take
Ron Letkemen
Equipment used: ||.J .rJ |rkp.J .pp
search for iCreate
4. Penygarn School
Website Penygarn Media Team
Equipment used: iMac and iWeb, iPads and iMovie
Steve says: iWeb isnt officially supported by Apple
any more, but that doesnt mean its not in use. The
Media Team at Penygarn School have
used it on their iMac to put together
their schools site, and packed it full of
superb iMovie trailers too. The things
kids can achieve on a Mac.
5. Dibujo Joker
Ivn Rodrguez Conde
Equipment used: iPad and Autodesk
SketchBook Pro
Steve says: This caricature-style sketch of the Joker
is not only a brilliant realisation of Heath Ledgers
iconic character, its also astonishing
because of the level of detail. From the
green hair to the suits fibres, this was
clearly a labour of love and it was all
achieved on an iPad.
3. Ferris Wheel
Milton Reid
Equipment used: iPhone 4S and
Freddie says: Its nice to see that Milton hasnt
attempted to squeeze the whole of this Ferris
wheel into the shot, instead opting to
capture only a portion of it for a more
interesting and detailed image. I really
love how the iPhone 4S has captured
the strong lighting here, too.
including some major record labels and artists
like Ed Sheeran and Biffy Clyro. Whats been
your favourite piece of work to date?
My favourite is a design I did for Ed Sheeran at the
end of last year. Im still fond of the design, and cant
see anything about it that Id like to change, which is
very rare. The first kinds of clients I worked for were
underground metal and punk bands. So working
for someone on a major label like Ed Sheeran sort
of marks the end of a journey from working my way
up from the bottom. Although, I still love designing
for underground bands!

Tell us a little more about your creative process
how do you go from an initial idea to a
finished design?
When a brief comes in, I usually start by asking
the client as many questions as possible about
their brand and about the brief. This helps me
hone my ideas, and its also useful for the client to
think about their brand and what theyre trying to
communicate. I sketch out ideas with pencil and
paper, discuss them with the client, and then I get in
front of my iMac. I typically use a mixture of Adobe
Illustrator for the main design and then I take it into
Photoshop to add texture.
What are the biggest challenges you face
when it comes to creating your own lettering
and incorporating that into your designs and
The biggest challenge for me is being satisfied
with what Ive designed and being able to discern
if its finished. Its a problem I have with most
of my work, but its even more of a challenge
with lettering, especially when doing flourishes
andembellishments. Often a quick tea break is
enough time to give me fresh eyes to see the
imperfections and to get closer to finishing. The
most effective thing to stop me tweaking things
forever is a deadline.

Take us through your setup what applications
and tools do you use in your work?
I currently use a 27-inch iMac, Adobe CS 5.5, Epson
printers and scanners and good old paper and
pencils. Some apps I find particularly useful are
Sparrow, Evernote and Wunderlist. I have an iPhone
5 as well, so being able to sync with apps like
Wunderlist between my phone and Mac makes life
a well-organised dream.
Matt Withers
Freelance designer/illustrator
Matt Withers is a freelance designer and illustrator based in
the UK. Armed with a pen and paper, Adobes Creative Suite
and a 27-inch iMac, his impressive portfolio includes stunning
custom illustrations for artists like Biffy Clyro and Ed Sheeran
Expert advice from creative professionals
Where does your passion for design and
illustration come from?
I think it comes from drawing lots as a child. I can
particularly remember one morning in primary
school, where we had to make our own place
names for our pegs. I made a monogram out of my
initials, similar to the kind of thing I get hired to do
now. My friends all wanted me to make theirs when
I had finished mine. With my teachers and friends
encouragement, I think this morning became very
important on my road to becoming a designer.

Which designers do you look up to? Who
influences you the most?
My favourite designers are Jessica Hische and
Jon Contino. Theyre both awesome letterers and
illustrators, although their styles are a little different
from each other. Theyre the first designers who
inspired me to get into lettering.

Youve got some pretty impressive clients
Above: The Blend tool is used
here to give letters a vintage feel
Right: Matts Your Demise
design uses the guilloche
technique described on the right
Matts work is
inspired by artists
like Jessica Hische
Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator are
considered the industry standard when it
comes to Mac-based design and illustration
do you think theyre an essential purchase for
beginners who are looking to get more creative
on their Macs or are their other, equally good,
but cheaper options?
I think even for designers with a
rustic or hand-drawn aesthetic,
Photoshop and Illustrator can be
an incredibly useful and helpful
tool. They can add textures to
enhance a vintage look, and
most importantly theyre great
for editing and saving images to
email to clients. Ive tried a few
other pieces of design software,
but none are as good. When
youre starting out, expense
can be an issue, but Id advise
investing that little bit extra to get
Adobe software.
What is it you love about
working on a Mac?
Their efficiency and simplicity really help me get
immersed in designing. If inspiration strikes I want to
get moving with the new idea straight away. Itd be
a real buzz-kill if I had to wait ages for it to load if Ive
told Illustrator to simply change a colour.
You started your own clothing label, The
Greatest Of These, back in 2011 how have
you found the experience so far? Would you
recommend it to those looking to build a
business from their creative endeavours?
So far its been great, I really enjoy it. If youre the
kind of person who enjoys
having a long-term project, then
I strongly recommend it. I think
short attention spans would be
poorly suited to it though, its the
kind of thing you have to work at
and be patient with. Overnight
success is unlikely.

What advice would you give to
anyone wanting to create their
own lettering?
Something very beneficial is to
study letterforms. You can do this
by flicking through big typeface
anthologies, looking through
the fonts on a computer and by
just taking notice in day-to-day
life. You begin to realise there
are so many ways of drawing each letter. Even if
youre hoping to be original and try new things with
lettering, Id still advise studying letterforms
carefully. You need to know what the rules are in
order to break them.
When used right, Twitter can be a great tool for a
freelance designer. Its brought me new work and
clients, as well updating me with the design world.
Illustrators Blend tool
The Blend tool can be used to achieve a few different
outcomes. I mainly use it for making intricate patterns
officially known as guilloche.
Round Corners tool
I like using this in Illustrator to help give typefaces a
vintage, letter-pressed look. It works on paths and
typefaces, even before theyve been expanded.
Matts top tips
Apps and techniques for going pro
search for iCreate
See more of Matts work at www.mattwithers.co.uk
This is a great app to help manage your to-do list. It
easily syncs with all your devices too. As well as helping
you to sort out your priorities, it looks rad and its free!
Matt uses an iMac and
Adobe Illustrator to create
the majority of his work
Matt has used lyrics from Biffy Clyros
Stingin Belle as the basis for this piece

Larry Ewing

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Mechanical scroll wheel Black and white LCD display
If theres one product that can be credited
with transforming Apple from underdog to
household name, its the iPod. Launched in 2001,
the first-generation iPod was smaller than other
portable media players at the time, owing to
Apples use of a 1.8-inch hard drive instead of
the usual 2.5-inch model. This svelte form factor gave rise to its
memorable slogan: 1,000 songs in your pocket.
Unlike its competitors, the iPods design was relatively minimal,
relying mostly on the mechanical scroll wheel (which would soon
become touch controlled) for library browsing. Its aesthetics
would later become iconic, defining a product that captured the
imagination of a generation of music lovers.
Original price
Price now
First-generation iPod 2001
Celebrating Apples landmark design
Time Machine
reat technology is most compelling when it makes things
simpler, more efficient and more powerful. Its rarely a new
invention, but an optimised way of doing something we already
do. We already travelled by horse but the car made it faster. We already
communicated by voice but telephone allowed us to do it at a distance.
Weve just launched a mobile music service called Bloom.fm so it
might not surprise you that I believe the future of computing, at least
for the next decade, is mobile and we believe that the future of music
consumption is in the cloud.
Cloud computing means different things to different people. To
some it just means moving data from desktops onto servers on the
internet. I believe that for consumers, cloud computing also includes
a higher expectation for the user experience.Cloud-based services
should strive to hide the complexities of technology by intelligently
automating human tasks and by providing natural user interfaces when
user input is required. With thoughtful product design, users no longer
have to worry about syncing files, playlists or preferences. The cloud
makes life simpler.
The spread of smartphones, super computers that fit into our
pockets, and high bandwidth mobile wireless has made the distribution
of media faster, easier and cheaper. With
a cloud-based music service, the raw
distribution cost of providing a user access
to every track in the world is not much
different from giving them access to a single
track. This presents a huge opportunity for
consumers and the music industry alike. It
lets us lower costs, increase perceived value
and increase the addressable market for
legal music consumption.
The internet has led to a proportion of
consumers considering music content to
be essentially free, because of the ease of
obtaining it illegally. This means we must not
only convince them of the value of music
and the effort it takes to create, but also
provide additional value through stunning
design, an elegant and sensible user
interface, no-thought syncing, accessible
pricing and ubiquitous access. We designed
Bloom.fm to do all these things because it is
no longer sufficient to only provide
the content.
A healthy music industry needs artists to
be rewarded for their creativity. So lower
distribution costs and the subsequent
ability to give users more tangible value must be combined with a
solid commercial model. We have a choice of subscription levels 1,
5 and 10 because we believe that a legal service that combines
fair, mass-market pricing with convenience (through design, usability
and functionality) can compete with free, illegally obtained music. It
is sometimes easy to forget that the biggest threat to artists and the
industry is still illegal music consumption.
At Bloom.fm, we worked hard to create a product that is satisfying at
all of our access levels. To do this, the service limitations need to make
sense. We allow users to borrow tracks, not unlike how you would
borrow books from a library. We believe that a money-strapped student
on our 1 per month entry subscription should not be limited in how
many hours of music they want to listen to; so with our app you can
listen to borrowed tracks for as long as you like. The only limitation is in
how many tracks you can borrow at any one time. Borrowed tracks are
automatically cached in high quality so that they can be played offline.
Weve made this seamless so users should never have to worry about
whether or not they have Wi-Fi or 3G. Weve also made sure that any
tracks you already have on your device integrate seamlessly into your
Bloom.fm experience, making finding music youll love from our 16
million song catalogue even easier another
huge benefit of cloud-based music.
We launched Bloom.fm as a mobile
first service (other platforms coming
soon) because smartphones are the most
ubiquitous and convenient device for music.
We dont believe accessing music on your
phone should be charged at a premium
and we worked very hard with our label
partners to offer a free app with fairly priced
subscriptions. They believe, like we do, that
technology allows us to lower costs, grow
the market and attract more users from
piracy to the legal consumption of music.
In the last decade most of us have moved
from CDs to downloads. Music in the cloud
is the next step in that behaviour driven by
convenience. Music streaming wont be for
everyone, but so far only 12% of smartphone
users have used a streaming service on their
phone and this presents a huge opportunity
for consumers and the music industry
alike. Its undeniably an exciting time to be
working at the intersection of technology
and music. Bloom.fm is available from the
App Store now.
With Apple rumoured to be in talks with Beats about future streaming
services, Bloom.fms Thong Nguyen takes a look at the future of music
consumption, and makes the case for it being streamed from the cloud
Thong Nguyen
Co-founder and CTO, Bloom.fm
Expert opinion from Apple insiders
Apple Talk
Music in the cloud is
the next step in
that behaviour
The biggest Apple stories analysed and dissected
Why Jailbreak?
arlier this year, the iPhone was hacked. But it
wasnt an attack. Instead, bugs in the OS that
runs the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch were
exploited by a team working to break into the
system. This team, called the Evad3rs, were working
on a jailbreak for iOS 6 and the iPhone 5 a jailbreak
that had been long awaited by many iOS users. But
why do people still jailbreak their iPhones?
The most obvious answer is freedom. The
iPhone is just way too limited to keep anyone
happy, said Bradley Wyatt, who puts together
themes for jailbroken devices. Jailbreaking allows a
person to customise every aspect of their phone to
their needs.
Jailbreaking is the term applied to a system
of hacking your own device to allow it to run
applications from outside of the official App Store.
These apps arent harmful to your phone theyre
designed to simply enhance the experience,
and are made by people who want a little more
freedom from their smartphone. They can be
downloaded from an alternative app store, called
Cydia, that installs on your device when you
jailbreak it.
Apple designed iOS to be a walled garden, ie it
controls every part of iOS, from the apps that are
allowed into the App Store to the features built into
the device itself. While this control ensures a high
quality, its also extremely limiting when it comes to
adding extra features.
Some 23 million
iOS users are said to
be using some form
of jailbreak
Auxo ($1.99)
A brilliant
solution, this
tweak offers a
full preview of
each app thats
open, as well
as toggles for
settings like
Wi-Fi and 3G,
a brightness
slider and a music controller. Plus,
swipe down on an open app and
it closes. This is what Apples multi-
tasker should look like.
MyWi ($19.99)
If your network
carrier doesnt
allow you
to tether, or
makes you
pay extra for
you might
be interested
in the MyWi
tweak. This
app enables you to create your own
network using your standard 3G or
4G connection. Its expensive, but
adds brilliant functionality.
Springtomize ($2.99)
This really
is the Swiss
army knife of
the jailbreak
together a
huge number
of tweaks in
one place,
lets you easily customise everything
about iOS, from home screen icons
to the way Notification Center looks
and behaves.
Zephyr (Free)
This cool little
add-on is a
simple, free
way to add
gestures to
your iPhone.
Swipe up from
the bottom of
the screen to
open the app
switcher (it works great with Auxo),
or swipe in from the edge of the
screen to change to the next app.
Well worth a try.
Four of the best jailbreak tweaks
Recent Evad3rs hack shows jailbreaking is still on the rise
We can expect to see a fifth-
generation iPad and a new iPad
mini as soon as April with new
devices in development now
The iPad 4 launched just seven months after the iPad 3, and
offered only a slight upgrade, so its entirely possible that well
be hearing about the next iPads very soon indeed.
With recent iOS updates, Apple seems to have
been listening to its users, and adding features that
its customers are asking for, but its not giving users
everything they want. Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and 3G
toggles, for example, are still sadly lacking on the
iOS home screen. And, of course, you cant change
anything about your home or lockscreen aside
from adding a different wallpaper.
Not so with jailbreaking. You want widgets
on your home screen? Easy. What
about an animated lockscreen with
a weather tile and different clock?
Done. The community of designers
for these apps is very much thriving,
and with the launch of the latest
jailbreak tool for iOS 6, it shows no
signs of slowing down.
Many feel iOS is beginning to
stagnate when it comes to new
features, said Sentry, a designer
who created a brilliant new
multi-tasking concept called
Auxo thats now available to
download from Cydia. Its
no wonder more people are
jailbreaking nowadays, just to
see whats out there.
Wyatt, who thinks Apples all-
encompassing control is pushing
consumers to use the tool,
agrees: People are driven to jailbreak their iDevices
because they strive to make it more like them. It
gives control back to the user.
Some 14 million devices are enjoying the control
offered by the iOS 6 jailbreak known as Evasi0n,
with a total of 23 million using jailbreaks of some
kind, according to a recent tweet from one of the
Evad3rs team, pod2g. The numbers suggest that
the community behind jailbreaking
is still huge, and is growing, despite
Apples best attempts to stop it.
But perhaps its not just
because people want more
freedom, perhaps its just
because its so straightforward
to get up and running.
The Evasi0n jailbreak takes
around five minutes
simply plug in your
smartphone, open up
a downloaded file on
your Mac and it will
be set up in no time
at all. Its become
such an easy process
that just about anyone
could do it, said Sentry.
And many people simply
want to be able to get
more out of their iDevices.
Rumour roundup
Whats our take on the latest
Apple gossip?
The numbers
suggest that the
community behind
jailbreaking is still huge,
and is growing
A cheaper iPhone variant, iPhone
5S and iOS 7 will all be unveiled
this June with the devices going
on sale shortly after in July
Returning to a launch at WWDC would be a big move from
Apple, and would undoubtedly annoy recent iPhone 5
customers, but a lower-cost handset could help.
The rumoured reboot of the Mac
Pro could feature a 2TB SSD, giving
it at least twice the memory
capacity of most other Macs, and
with incredible speeds thanks to
the Flash drive
Pros will need plenty of high-speed storage, and SSDs are the
fastest option possible. This one is extremely likely, but theyll
be expensive.
The iWatch will not run the iPod
nano version of Apples OS, but a
fully featured iOS to keep it more
in line with the iPhone
An Apple smartwatch would certainly need more power than
the old iPod nano, and a scaled-down version of iOS makes
the most sense to us on many levels.
A cheaper iPhone will feature a
polycarbonate body similar in
build quality to the one used for
entry-level MacBooks, making it
more affordable
Apple could be making a more affordable iPhone to compete
with the hoards of cheaper Android devices, although were
not fans of the plastic shell!
Jailbreaking FAQs
search for iCreate
Is jailbreaking
Jailbreaking your iPhone is
legal in most countries as
long as you are not using
the system to circumvent
copyright. In the EU you can
jailbreak both the iPhone and
the iPad legally, while in the
US, only the iPhone has been
exempt from a law making
jailbreaking illegal the iPad
still comes under this law.
Will jailbreaking void
your warranty with
Apple has officially stated that
jailbreaking can void warranty, and
it is also legal for Apple to pursue
countermeasures for jailbroken
devices. If a jailbreak goes wrong and
ruins your iPhone, its unlikely Apple
will help even if your device is still
within warranty.
Is it safe?
This is a tough
question. The
majority of jailbreak
users have no
problems with the
software, but there
are horror stories. Do
your research before
jailbreaking your
device, and make
sure you have a full
backup just in case.
Learn more at
If you want to find out more about
how to jailbreak, the best tweaks to
download, and how to stay safe, check
out iPhone Tips, Tricks, Apps & Hacks
Volume 8. It is available now alongside
loads of other great magazines and bookazines, from
LetterMpress gets
new typefaces and art
Five new fonts and a selection of great new art comes to the most authentic cross-platform letterpress app
The latest OS X and iOS creative app releases and updates
Software Update
iOS 4.2 or later, OS X
10.6.6 or later
Upgrade Free
App full price 2.99/$4.99
(iOS) 6.99/$9.99 (OS X)
Available from
App Store
Using the
Each of the
drawers appears
at the top of the
interface. Click
and drag these to
view the different
pieces of type
and art
Save your
If you want to
save a particular
design to work
on it later, click on
the Gallery Tray
button to save
it and clear the
main screen
Click and
set type
To set a particular
piece of type
onto the press,
double-click on it
so that its shadow
disappears from
view, otherwise it
wont print
or Print?
When youre
happy with how
everything looks,
click on the Print
option at the
bottom to be
taken to the roller
part of the press
Type & Art
To view the full range of letters and flourishes
available to you, click on the Type & Art button to
view the Type & Art drawer
Lock in place
Click on the Lockup button to gain access
to a variety of lockup devices to ensure your
compositions stay in place as you work
Five new fonts
Caslon Devine Fanfare German Gothic Hebrew Sans
search for iCreate
Figure 0.69/$0.99, iPhone and iPad
Popular music maker gets Soundcloud and Audiobus support
Traktor DJ
13.99/$19.99, iPad
Traktor has been the long-time choice of
pro DJs and producers when it came to
performing on their Macs. Now, Native
Instruments has taken this softwares best bits and
turned it into an intuitive iPad app.
Novation Launchpad
Free, iPad
The iPad version of Novations Launchpad
negates the need for a pretty expensive
piece of hardware. It lets producers and
DJs trigger samples from Ableton live. An essential
download for electronic music artists.
ProCutX for Final Cut Pro X
17.49/$24.99, iPad
Its a running theme this month, but
ProCutX again makes use of your iPad to
replace some pricey hardware controllers
compatible with Final Cut Pro X. The latest update
includes in/out points and select clip options.
Hexels Pro
10.49/$14.99, Mac OS X 10.6+ (64-bit)
Instead of relying on pixels to create great
art, Hexels Pro uses polygonal shapes to
create the kind of imagery youll
remember from retro-video games, and on the
wallpapers of every trendy iPhone owner.
Jam Maestro
1.99/$2.99, iPhone
Jam Maestro lets you create full-band tabs
and have them played back to you so you
can play along or simply see if your
compositions sound right. The interface isnt the
simplest weve seen, but theres a lot on offer here.
Adobe Photoshop Touch
2.99/$4.99, iPhone
Photoshop Touch has been a runaway
success on the iPad and now Adobe has
brought it to the iPhone. The controls
might look a little smaller, but the results still look
to be just as impressive.
Whats hot on the Mac and
iOS App Stores this month?
On the
App Stores
Soundcloud export
Soundcloud integration is
seamless and songs can be
uploaded to the audio platform
in a matter of seconds.
DM1 - The Drum Machine 4.99/$6.99, iPad
The best iPad drum machine gains some pro enhancements
MIDI support
Hook your iPad up to MIDI instruments and
sequencers with the help of DM1s newly
implemented MIDI support.
Project import/export
You can now upload and share your DM1 projects
with friends via Dropbox for the ultimate in
creative collaboration.
Link Soundcloud
to other apps with
Audiobus and youll
soon have your own
iOS music studio.
Youll be amazed
by how the process
works so effortlessly.
26 360 | No.1
To submit your entry, email iCreate@imagine-publishing.co.uk with your answer and subject line: iPad mini Comp. Please include your full name, age and address. The closing date for entries is 1 May 2013. Please
be aware that entries must be submitted to the above email address only. This competition is open to residents of the United Kingdom and Ireland only. The prize is one iPad mini and one MagnaTuff Bantam case
with a winner selected at random. Imagine Publishing has the right to substitute the prize for a similar item of equal or higher value. Employees of Imagine Publishing (including freelancers), their relatives, or any
agents are not eligible to enter. The editors decision is final, and no correspondence will be entered into. Prizes cannot be exchanged for cash. Full terms and conditions are available upon request. From time to
time, Imagine Publishing or its agents may send you related material or special offers. If you do not want to receive this, please state it clearly on your entry.
hanks to our friends at Tactus
we have a fantastic prize to
give away this issue: an iPad
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imagine-publishing.co.uk to tell us the
answer with the subject line iPad mini
comp by 1 May 2013.
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Closing date
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iCloud Complete Guide
hether you own a Mac, iPhone, iPad or
even all three, chances are, youre using
iCloud. As the follow up to Apples less-
successful syncing service, MobileMe, iCloud had
a lot to live up to. Fortunately, it achieves its aim of
keeping everything you do on your Apple devices
in sync with aplomb.
If you look beyond the basics, though, iCloud
can do a lot more than ensure your contacts and
calendars look the same across every device. From
syncing just about any document from Mac to
Mac, to saving you money on your phone bill,
iCloud truly is a powerful and expansive service.
Best of all, its free. That said, iCloud isnt without its
flaws: failed syncing, space-hogging backups and
lost files are all issues that occur from time to time.
With this in mind, weve put together our
complete guide to iCloud taking you from
the basics of setting up this amazing service, to
making the most of every feature, to fixing those
bugs that rear their ugly heads from time to time.
If youve ever wondered how iCloud syncs its
data, what the cloud even is or whether itll work
on your Windows PC at work, this feature is for
you. Whether youre completely new to the world
of Apple or a seasoned iCloud professional, were
sure theres something to learn here.
1: On your Mac
By far the easiest way to sign up to iCloud is on your
Mac. Head to System Preferences, click on the iCloud
preference pane and then on Create an Apple ID.
2: Enter your details
Fill in your details in the form that appears it
shouldnt take long. Make sure you choose a secure
password and memorable email address.
3: Activate it
Youll then be asked to select which services you
want. By default, both options are selected and wed
recommend leaving them that way.
Step-by-step iCloud Set up and activate iCloud
What is iCloud?
Technically, iCloud is a service
that combines cloud storage and
cloud computing. The cloud part of
this basically refers to the fact that the
majority of the information you use with
iCloud is stored and synced via the
internet. In reality, though, everything
you store and sync is handled by
Apples huge North Carolina
data centre.
Introduced in iOS 5 and
Mountain Lion, Reminders
is Apples answer to the
growing importance of
to-do lists. Its a powerful
tool and iCloud makes it
even more so by syncing
your reminders across
every device and adding
great sharing features.
In the past, setting up a
calendar alert on your Mac
was a little useless, especially
when you were nowhere
near your Mac to be
reminded. Now, the moment
you create an event on your
Mac, its pushed to your
iPhone and iPad so youll get
a reminder wherever you are
and on whatever device.
When you meet someone, youll no doubt end up exchanging
contact details, and theyll end up in your phone. With iCloud,
once youve entered these details, theyre immediately synced to
iCloud.com and pushed to your other devices.
Notes has been around as long as the iPhone, but it made
its way onto the Mac with OS X Mountain Lion. With the
help of iCloud, everything you type into Notes is synced
across every device you own. Simple and effective.
4: A closer look
Once your account has been set up, youll be taken
to iClouds preferences page. Here you can choose
exactly which services you want to activate.
5: On your iPhone
With your account set up on your Mac, grab your
iPhone and open the Settings app. Scroll down and
tap on the iCloud option. Hit Sign In to get started.
6: And iPad
Much like your iPhone, setting your iPad up with
iCloud involves heading to the iCloud section of the
Settings app and entering your account details.
iCloud Complete Guide
As youd expect from iCloud, its fully integrated
with just about every Apple-made app available,
and iWork is no exception. Turn on Documents &
Data in iClouds settings on your respective devices
and every Pages, Numbers or Keynote document
you create will be synced and saved across every
one of them. Its incredibly useful, especially when
you want to work on that document on the go,
away from your Mac.
There are still a few hiccups with iWork syncing
that need to be ironed out, certain formatting
options in Pages and advanced formulas in Numbers
wont always carry over from Mac to iOS for example,
but Apples updates are constantly fixing these
minor issues. When you go to save or open your
documents, ensure you have selected iCloud and
not On My Mac as your location. This will ensure
youre always using the most up-to-date version of
the document youre syncing.
If youre working on a Mac that isnt connected to
your iCloud account, you can log into iCloud.com
and download your documents from there.
Sync your iWork
documents via iCloud
iTunes and iCloud work hand in hand on
every level to ensure everything you have ever
purchased appears on every one of your devices
almost instantly. Whats more, anything youve
previously purchased will appear on every devices
Downloads tab in iTunes or the App Store.
Setting up iTunes and iCloud so the books,
music, movies and podcasts you download are
automatically reflected across every app is easy.
Simply head to Settings>iTunes & App Stores and
tap the Automatic Downloads toggles on your
iOS device. On the Mac, youll need to head into
iTunes Preferences and, under the Store tab, check
the Music, Apps and Books boxes under Automatic
Downloads. This system is intelligent too, with iCloud
knowing that certain apps are iPhone only and not
syncing them to your iPad automatically.
Finally, if you want to go one step further, theres
always iTunes Match for just 21.99/$24.99 your
library will be matched with iTunes own and youll
be able to stream or download every single one of
your songs from the cloud on every device you own.
1: Library secrets
Start by finding your users Library
folder. To do this, click on Go in the
menu bar and while Finder is active hold
down the Alt key.
2: Find the folder
Inside your Library folder, search for
another folder called Mobile Documents
this is the one used by iCloud to sync
data from Mac to Mac.
3: Make an alias
To make this folder a little easier to
access, right-click on it and choose Make
Alias. This alias can then be dragged to
the desktop for easy access.
iCloud like
Want to sync
non-iWork files
from Mac to
Mac? Follow this
quick guide to
find out how
to do so with
iTunes in
the Cloud
Share your favourite snaps with family and friends via
iCloud and the help of Shared Photo Streams, then
take advantage of this great feature to comment and
discuss your most treasured memories. Thanks to
iCloud, theyll sync up across everybodys devices.
Create a Shared
Photo Stream
1: Pick some snaps
From the Photos app on your iOS device (or from
iPhoto on your Mac), select the images you want to
add to a Shared Photo Stream.
2: Select and share
With your images selected, tap the share button (on
iOS or OS X) and select Photo Stream to start the
Shared Photo Stream creation process.
3: Name it
In the To: field, type in the iCloud addresses of those
youd like to share your Photo Stream with. Name it
and choose whether to make it public or not.
4: Message in a bottle
If needs be, add a message to clarify exactly whats
in your Photo Stream. This should help to ensure that
everyone you want to see it accepts your request.
5: Meanwhile
If youve been asked to join a Shared Photo Stream,
itll appear as a notification on your iOS or OS X
device. Select Accept to view the images.
6: Get social
If you like a photo, hit the smiley face to like it and
the small blue speech bubble to comment on it.
Everyone will see these comments.
Old device backups
With iCloud wirelessly backing up every device
you connect it to (useful if something goes wrong
and you need to restore your information), there
might be a few old backups you dont need
anymore. Delete any offenders.
Documents & Data
A lot of apps like to sync over iCloud so you
can pick up where you left off on any iOS or OS X
device. When you delete those apps, though, they
may still leave their iCloud data behind.
Although Mails data cant be accessed from
this menu (which is Settings>iCloud>Storage &
Backup>Manage Storage on iOS, by the way), its
still worth knowing how much space its taking up.
Plan B
If all else fails and you still find yourself running
out of space, you can always upgrade to a higher
storage tier at extra expense. Read on to find out
more about this and the costs involved towards the
end of the feature.
Managing your
iCloud storage
With so much going on in iCloud, its easy to
end up going over your storage limits. While
you can extend well beyond the free 5GB youve
been given, there are a couple of tricks that can
help you to slim down your iCloud data usage
1: Compatibility
Only available to iCloud users, iMessage is available
on your Mac, iPhone and iPad and works with your
iCloud email address and phone number.
2: Worth a thousand words
Youre not just limited to text with iMessage, itll
happily accept videos, audio, photos and even PDFs
to send theyll be viewable on any device.
Extending iCloud
Heres our pick of the best third-party
apps to fill in for iClouds limitations
iTunes in the Cloud and iTunes
Match are great, but they can get
pretty expensive paying for every single
track. A cheaper alternative is to use a music
streaming subscription service like Rdio.
Google Cloud Print
Google Cloud Print lets you connect any
printer to the cloud, meaning you can print
from anywhere in the world so long as the
device is connected to the internet.
Although iCloud can help you
sync documents, such as the ones
you save in Preview, Evernote goes further,
enabling you to go paperless with ease.
Weve already covered using iCloud
to sync files from Mac to Mac, but
Dropbox does this better and across iOS, too.
Sign up for free and pay extra for more space.
iCloud and Safari
iCloud Tabs
Tabbed browsing has been
around for a while, but with
iCloud you can access tabs
from your iPhone and iPad
on your Mac and vice versa.
Its insanely useful and
makes browsing seamless
Reading List syncing
Like tabbed browsing,
iCloud can sync reading
lists youve made across
every device perfect when
youve got five minutes to
spare and only your iPhone
for company
Bookmark syncing
As well as your tabs and
Reading List, iCloud will sync
any bookmarks you make,
regardless of the device they
originate on. Now youll
never have to remember a
web address again
Step-by-step iMessage Save money on your phone bill
Sync your tabs and articles across every device for later viewing
iCloud Complete Guide
Apps enhanced
by iCloud
Four apps that sync with a little help
from Apple
iA Writer (Mac, iPad,
iA Writers distraction-free writing
environment is great on its own, but with the
help of iCloud, it becomes the ultimate tool
for anyone who wants to take their writing
with them on the move.
Sketchbook Pro (Mac,
iPad, iPhone)
Autodesks entry-level art app is
packed full of controls that enable you to
fine-tune the brushes and colours youre
using. Whats more, with iCloud, your work is
synced across every device you own.
djay (Mac, iPad, iPhone)
djay puts a digital DJ setup at your
fingertips, letting you create and
record killer mixes on the fly with controls
that make sense. iCloud keeps your sets in
sync across every device, too.
Day One (Mac, iPad,
If youd prefer to keep your
personal blog private, why not consider a
journal app instead? Day One is the best for
capturing daily thoughts and iCloud means
you can log them just about anywhere.
3: Did it make it?
Each message sent through iMessage has a delivery
report, so youll always know when it makes it to the
recipients device for the ultimate peace of mind.
4: Drag it out
iMessage can easily be used as a quick way to send
something to yourself from your iPhone to Mac.
Once you receive it, simply drag it to your desktop.
Does iCloud work
with Apple TV?
Yes it does! On a basic level,
iCloud will sync up any purchases
of TV programmes or films youve
made via iTunes and enable you
to play them via your Apple TV.
Itll also let you stream your music
purchases if youve decided to get
your hands on iTunes Match.
Perhaps the best result of the
pairing of iCloud and Apple TV,
though, is its ability to display
your Photo Stream (the last 1,000
youve taken on your iPhone
and iPad) as well as any shared
Photo Streams you have access
to. You can display these as a
slideshow, view any images that
have been commented on and
even like images using your Apple
TVs remote. All you need to do
is enter your iCloud credentials
during setup.
Will iCloud work
with my Windows
PC at work?
By downloading the iCloud
Control Panel for Windows from
Apples website, youll be able
to access a few of the features
available to native OS X-based
iCloud users: Safari bookmark
syncing, Photo Stream and Mail,
Contacts, Calendars and Tasks
syncing (with Outlook 2007 or
later). Things wont be quite as
seamless as they are on a Mac
here, but if youre looking to get
the basics set up with your work
machine or simply want an easier
way to view your iPhone photos
on your home PC, then this is by
far the best option available.
How do I upgrade
my basic iCloud
account to get
more storage
If that default 5GB you get for
free when you open your iCloud
account just isnt cutting it, and
youve already checked out our
tips for slimming down your
storage requirements, then its
time to upgrade. For iOS, head
to Settings>iCloud>Storage &
Backup>Change Storage Plan
and, in OS X, head to System
Change Storage Plan to view your
options. There are three upgrade
tiers to choose from, all of which
are charged annually: 10GB
(14/$20), 20GB (28/$40) and
50GB (70/$100).
iCloud Complete Guide
Im worried
my work
ending up
online, how
do I disable
syncing over
Disabling any of the
individual features of
iCloud is easy and the process only slightly varies
depending on which device youre using. On an
iPhone or iPad, open up the Settings app and select
iCloud from the list. Scroll down to the Documents &
Data toggle and tap it so its set to Off.
On your Mac, head into System
Preferences and select the iCloud
pane. From here you can
uncheck any services that
you dont want. Do this
on every device you use
with iCloud to make sure
nothing syncs up.
Is iCloud secure?
Generally speaking, yes. Naturally, its never a good
idea to store any highly sensitive information (such as
bank account details or important passwords) in the
cloud, but theres no reason not to trust it with your
photos, calendars or contacts.
Most security breaches of cloud services occur
through poor password security, so be sure to use a
strong password (preferably one that uses capitals
and numbers) and change it for each service you use
online. Its also worth ensuring that the answers to
your security questions (used for password recovery)
cant be easily found online or on social networks
like Facebook and Twitter.
Of course, no online service is completely safe
from hackers. With enough time and patience, even
the most complex security systems can be breached
and personal data accessed, so its really down to
you to choose what information you share with
iCloud. Certain information is relatively harmless,
but the examples given above of
sensitive data really shouldnt
ever be stored in iCloud or
any other external, third-
party storage system.
That data is best
kept in the most
secure place you
have, your head.
Ive accidentally
deleted a contact from
my iPhone, will it delete
itself from all of my other
devices and iCloud now?
This really depends on how long iCloud has been left to
sync for without that particular contact on your iPhone.
If you noticed quickly, you may well be able to recover it.
The easiest way to do this is to head to Settings>iCloud
then flip the Contacts toggle to Off. Select the option
to keep your contact data on your phone so
nothing else is deleted. Finally, flip the Contacts
toggle back to On and select Merge from
the options that appear on screen.
With any luck your lost contact
will reappear.
I have a fairly old Mac thats
running OS X Lion, will this
still work with iCloud?
As a minimum, iCloud requires you to be
running version 10.7.5 of OS X Lion or higher, but
you may not find yourself being able to access
the full range of iClouds features unless youre
running OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion.
On iOS, youll need to be running iOS 5 or
later but, again, you wont be able to access
some of iClouds features (such as Shared Photo
Streams, iCloud Tabs and iWork document
syncing) unless youre running iOS 6.
Finally, PC users will need to be running
Microsoft Windows Vista (Service Pack 2) or later
in order to use the iCloud control panel and
make the most of its features.
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se yo
r M
ac an

create am
sic in

st five d
At the heart of your
studio setup should
be your beloved Mac.
Generally speaking,
youll need to be
running a relatively
modern machine
with plenty of RAM
to deal with multi
track playback and
numerous plug-ins
If youre recording
everything in the same
room, a decent set of
headphones is essential
when youre playing live
instruments or working
on vocals. Again, try and
go for a studio set, if
Before you get down to recording your songs, its
worth taking some time to set up your home studio.
Whether youve got a big budget or youre songwriting
on a shoestring, a few essential bits of kit can help you
easily recreate that big studio sound in your home.
Weve detailed the basic parts of your studio setup in the images
across this page spread, so check them out and consider that your
essential studio shopping list. Wherever you decide to record, its best to
clear yourself plenty of space on your desk and place your Mac right in
the centre of it itll be the hub of almost everything you do throughout
iCreate Projects Record an album in a week
Day 1: Set up your studio
MIDI controller/keyboard
Whether youre programming
drums or playing synths, a decent
MIDI controller or keyboard is
essential. Go for the most amount
of keys you can afford and make
sure theyre velocity sensitive
Audio interface
If youre serious about a
great-sounding album, ensure
youre running your mics
through an audio interface
with a couple of XLR inputs.
Phantom power for those
studio condenser mics is
useful, too
If your audio interface
only limits you to one
or two mics, your
best bet is to opt for a
condenser. These are
generally the most
versatile, and are
great for picking up a
variety of voices and
When youre playing back your music
or mixing your album, youll want to do
this through a set of studio monitors
as opposed to PC speakers. Even the
budget ones will produce a more
accurate sound
Although this project is geared towards recording on your Mac,
theres nothing stopping you using GarageBand for iOS and your
iPad as your mobile recording rig.
You can easily pick up an inexpensive iOS audio interface or
USB mic to capture live sounds and Apple has done a great job of
porting GarageBand over to the iOS platform giving you all the
essential features to get
the job done.
Whats more,
you can sync your
recordings up with
your Mac via iTunes
and complete any
fnal mixes or tweaks
on a bigger screen.
Recording on the
move has never been
easier, thats for sure.
Recording on your iPad
the course of this project. It might sound obvious, but try and set up
your home studio in a space thats quiet with few distractions theres
nothing worse than hearing the washing machine in the background
of your hit song once youre mixing it on day fve. Its also a good idea to
cover any large refective surfaces (mirrors, picture frames etc) that could
cause a lot of annoying echo and reverb. You dont want to be spending
any late nights editing out mistakes.
Once youre all professionally set up, turn over the page and well show
you how to lay down the foundations of your songs the drums. Happy
recording, and let us know how you get on!
Like any professional recording
session, the best way to record your
album is to tackle it one instrument
at a time rather than one track at a
time. This means youll want to start
by recording the drum parts for each of your songs.
Recording like this can be a little tough at frst if
youre not used to it, but it does make things a lot
easier in the long run. If it helps, you can always
record a rough guitar or piano track as a guide,
making heavy use of GarageBands metronome
feature to keep things smooth and in time.
With only a week to record, weve opted to
save time by using GarageBands built-in software
instruments and loops to record our drum parts.
If you have an iPad to hand, you can make the
drum recording feel that little bit more natural
by recording them in GarageBand for iOS, then
transferring them to your Mac via iTunes. Read on to
fnd out exactly how. If you want to go that one step
further, check out our guide to editing your drum
parts in Logic Pro 9s Piano Roll.
2: iTunes or GarageBand
Be sure to select GarageBand if you want to make your
drum recording editable on your Mac. If you select
iTunes here, it cant be tweaked later on.
1: Select and edit
In the Songs view, tap the Edit button in the top-right,
then hit the song you want to move to your Mac. Tap
the sharing icon and select Share Song Via iTunes.
3: In iTunes
Find your iPad in iTunes and click on the Apps button.
Scroll towards the bottom of the Apps page, select
GarageBand and find your file to save on the left.
Step-by-step Move your drum recordings to Mac
iCreate Projects Record an album in a week
Day 2:
Recording drums
2: Fast or slow
Select the All Drums label from the Loop Browser, then
scroll through the options. Clicking on any will preview
them so you can get a feel for how they sound.
1: The easy option
If youre not too comfortable with recording drums,
simply use some of Apples pre-recorded loops. Bring
up the Loop Browser in GarageBand to start.
3: Drag em in
When youve found a loop, drag it into the multi-track
view. You can re-use the loop multiple times, but try to
vary it up to keep your music sounding interesting.
Step-by-step Working with drum loops
If yourenewtoGarageBandor just want tomakesureyouregettingthemost from
it, checkout our GarageBandFor Beginners eBookat Greatdigitalmags.com.
Working with MIDI/software drums
All virtual drum
these days offer
comprehensive velocity
control over the sounds,
meaning that each element
of the kit responds differently
depending on how hard
you hit your controller
keys or pads when playing
in the part. This enables a
high degree of expression
when programming your
drum tracks, and if set up
correctly, this can lead to some
extremely lifelike results.
Effective use of velocity
sensitivity when programming
drums enables you to add an
extra layer of realism to things
like ghost snares, double-
kick drum beats and hi-hat
patterns. This is the key to
making programmed drums
sound more like they were
played by a person, and thats
just what we want here!
Logic comes with the
Ultrabeat drum synth and
sequencer, which includes
dozens of preset kits, a library
of great sounds and a huge
amount of tweakability. Lets
look at an example of the
Studio Tight Kit preset in
action below
1: Hats entertainment
Heres a 4/4 rock pattern playing Ultrabeats
Studio Tight Kit. To enhance the hi-hat part, start
by copy and pasting the 1/4 notes to make an
1/8th note pattern.
2: Velocity matters
Hit Escape to bring up the toolbox. Select the
Velocity option and drag the velocity of one of
the copied notes down to 67. The other notes
simply follow suit.
3: Ghost beats
Further enhance the feel by adding some
low-velocity ghost snare hits on some of the
recordings offbeats, and a couple of quiet pre-
emptive kick drum beats.
Step-by-step Editing in the Piano Roll
Day 3: Guitars and keys
With the backbone of your album
recorded, its time to add some
meat to your songs and build up
the layers of instrumentation with
some guitars and keys. The key here
is to layer things up. Even the most simple songs
you may listen to have a lot more going on than
you might think; heavy metal tracks often contain
acoustic guitars buried in choruses to diferentiate
the guitar sounds from the verses, while acoustic
folk tracks arent completely devoid of a little electric
lead guitar. With that fresh in the mind, experiment
as much as you can (while sticking to the tight
schedule that occurs when you attempt to record an
album in just a week, of course).
Similarly, adding keys to your tracks is just as
important. Whether its subtle string synths, a
Wurlitzer-style organ or jazzy electric piano, theyre
essential to giving your album a particular sound.
By far the easiest way to do this is through a MIDI
keyboard and GarageBands extensive range of built-
in sounds. You can even change things after the
notes themselves have been recorded. Now youve
got some ideas to work with, follow our guides
across the next two pages and fnd out exactly how
to commit them to tape.
1: Bring it up
If you want a little more control over how your
keyboard and synth tracks sound, click on the scissors
icon at the bottom of GarageBands UI.
3: Add new notes
If you forgot to play a certain key during the recording,
you can always add it in the Piano Roll. All you need to
do is Command and click.
2: Edit those notes
To edit a note youve recorded, simply click and drag it
left or right to adjust its timing or drag the end of it to
extend its length.
4: Whats the score?
If youre particularly musically inclined, hit the Score
button to view your Piano Roll as sheet music. You can
add and edit notes here, too.
Not the norm
When you record
keys in the multi-track
view, you might notice
that they dont look
like normal audio
waveforms. Thats
because theyre MIDI
notes which can be
edited at a later date
(see right)
Adding effects
If you really want
to supercharge
the sound of your
albums keyboards
and synths, why not
add an effect or two?
A slight overdrive will
give them some bite
to really cut through
the mix
Editing sounds
Although GarageBand
has a number of
preset sounds, these
can sound a little dull
if used frequently.
Click on the piano
image in the Inspector
sidebar to bring up
its settings and tweak
them for a new sound
Be sure to try out as
many of GarageBands
different synth and
keyboard sounds as
possible its bound
to lead to a few
unexpectedly brilliant
moments in your
album if you try out
some new ideas
Step-by-step Edit
your keys in the Piano Roll
iCreate Projects Record an album in a week
If youhavemorethanonemic or input, tryplacingasecondmic afewfeet further back
fromyour ampfor theultimateinambient soundembracethat natural reverb
Choose your
space wisely
When recording guitar
amps, try to choose
a medium to large
room to do it in. You
want some natural
ambience and reverb
in your recordings so
things dont end up
sounding flat
Use the
You might have
already recorded your
albums drums, but
keep that metronome
on in GarageBand for
any parts where there
are no drums playing
so everyone stays in
time itll save you a
lot of retakes
Raise it up
If youre using a small amplifier try and
raise it off the floor or at least tilt it back
against a wall. This will ensure you dont
lose any important bass frequencies from
your recording sound
Mic placement
When youre recording a live guitar amp,
place the microphone around two inches
away from the speaker grill and opposite the
centre of the speaker cone. You may need to
tweak this to get the perfect sound
2: Keep it clean
During your initial recordings, set up a basic track with
no effects or reverb. You may find you need to add
some extras, but for now, let the amp do the work.
1: Input and monitor
Create a new track in each song on your album and,
from its Inspector sidebar, select your audio interface as
the input and ensure monitoring is set to On.
3: In the red
Before you start recording, its important to set your
tracks levels. Guitar amps can be noisy, so ensure those
volume meters arent in the red reduce if necessary.
Step-by-step Recording your own electric guitars
Give it some licks
Setting up is a crucial part
of getting the sound perfect
Day 4: Vocals and mixing
With your drums, guitars, keys
and possibly some bass recorded,
its time to put the icing on your
albums cake by adding some
vocal tracks. Recording vocals is
perhaps the most time-consuming part of the
album recording process, particularly if you or your
vocalist is a true perfectionist. Dont let this put you
of getting things right, though. With a great setup,
you can spend as much time as you possibly need
on getting the perfect performance.
Readying GarageBand for your vocal takes is as
simple as creating a new track in each of your songs
and selecting a vocal preset to work from. Its best
to start with either the Male or Female Basic options
and dial down the reverb a little. These should give
you a great starting point. Good vocals shouldnt
need too many efects beyond a little EQ and a
subtle reverb. Besides, you can always add more in
when you come to polish of your tracks.
Speaking of polishing your tracks, on the opposite
page, weve detailed a few key tips for fnal efects
and mixing tips that can help to fnish of your
album perfectly. For now, though, get those vocals
warmed up and recorded and youll be well on your
way to a completed album.
iCreate Projects Record an album in a week
As aruleof thumb, your vocalist shouldhavetotilt their headupwards alittleinorder
tosingintothemic. If this isnt thecase, adjust it andmakeit taller it does help.
Editing and recording vocals in Logic
In terms of the
actual mechanics of
capturing a vocal,
Logic has sophisticated
routing options that enable
you to configure monitor
effect busses (so that the
singer can have reverb
and delay effects in their
headphones while singing)
and set up multiple tracks
fed from a single input.
This is good for quickly
switching between tracks
when recording multiple
takes, for example. As long as
you have the levels set right,
however, the two programs
are quite similar in that you
can opt to enable cycle
mode before recording. This
means that you can record
multiple takes stacked on top
of each other as the backing
track loops around. These
can then be carefully edited
together to assemble the
perfect master performance,
but proper editing tools like
those found in Logic are
crucial to getting a seamless
and natural-sounding end
result, particularly relevant in
acoustic-flavoured numbers
where the vocals are a lot
more exposed.
Fade Tool
A highly useful inhabitant of Logics toolbox of
tricks, the Fade Tool creates crossfades between
adjoining regions, which is essential for smooth
edits to your projects.
Quick swipe comping
This feature lays out all your takes in individual
lanes and enables you to quickly assemble
a master version by swiping across the best
sections of the recording.
Pitch Correction
Logics Pitch Correction plug-in is more
sophisticated than GarageBands single slider.
You can vary its response time, and customise
root notes and scales.
Quick tips for great vocal edits
Mixing your album
Add some verb
Reverb helps to position
instruments close or far away in
your head. Much like panning, its an
important way of creating a virtual
performance in each song.
Keep it consistent
Make sure you Save Instrument
from the Inspector sidebar and apply
the same settings to every song. This
keeps your album sounding consistent
the whole way through.
Get panning
When mixing your album together,
think about how youd see musicians
playing it live positioned on stage,
and use the balance controls to pan
instruments left or right.
Levelling out
Look at the overall volume of each
instrument in every song and make
sure theyre not all the same! Some
instruments should be louder or quieter
than others.
Step-by-step Mastering your album
2: Fading away
If you want your song to gently fade out at the end,
you can achieve this by using the Master Tracks clever
automation controls.
5: Almost done
When youre finally happy with how your songs sound,
head over to the Share menu and select the Send
Song to iTunes option to finish things off.
1: Show that track
The start of every GarageBand mastering session is
the same. All you need to do is head to Track>Show
Master Track to bring up your mastering controls.
4: EQ it
The EQ settings are a key part to the mastering
process. Listen carefully and adjust the EQ to offset any
harsh highs or overly deep lows.
3: Keep things subtle
If you feel the need to add a little extra, you can
include a small amount of reverb to your final mix, but
be sure to keep things subtle.
6: Name it
In the dialogue box that appears in front of you, give
your track and album a name make sure this is spelt
the same for each song!
Day 5: Mastering
and exporting
By now, you should have recorded every song on
your album and mixed it to a point where youre
happy with how it sounds. Now its time to add that
fnal spit and polish before you export it and share it
with your expectant audience.
Its worth noting that mastering at home in GarageBand (or even
Logic) isnt easy. In fact, there are whole studios dedicated to mastering
tracks so that they sound great on whatever set of speakers theyre
played through. That said, following our tips below should get you
some of the way there.
Once youve completed your mastering, export those tracks and
share your one-week album with your friends, family and even the rest
of the world by posting it online and lap up those fve-star reviews.
iCreate Projects Record an album in a week
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When youve spent your money
on an iPhone, you want it to
look its very best all of the time,
but you dont want it to look like every
other iPhone in the world whenever
you pick it up. Apple includes a number
of beautiful wallpapers with iOS (and
some not-so-beautiful ones), but these
are the same wallpapers that youll see
on thousands of iPhones.
You can, of course, take a photo and
set that as your background if you wish
these can naturally look absolutely
fantastic. However, if youve taken the
shot in landscape mode, there will be big
black gaps at the top and bottom of the
screen, still visible through the translucent
bars on the lockscreen. Alternatively,
you can have a look for an eye-catching
wallpaper online, save it to your phones
Camera Roll and apply it. Still, while some
of these are fantastic, why not flex your
creative muscles and design your own
lockscreen wallpaper that is not only
completely customised to your desires,
but is also completely unique.
In this tutorial weve put together a
guide to the most useful techniques
from one of our favourite editing apps,
Pixelmator, and shown you how to utilise
them when creating your own wallpaper.
Whether youre working with gradients,
drawing shapes with the adaptable Pen
tool, or simply working out the best way
to use the space on your lockscreen,
youll find something useful within
the next few pages to help you create
something incredible. And, if you flick to
the back pages and pop your free disc
into your Mac, youll find templates for
both the iPhone 4S and the iPhone 5 to
open in Pixelmator. You can use these to
place elements in different areas on the
screen, or simply as a guide. Either way,
theyre exactly the right size for each of
the screens, with the correct number of
pixels per inch, and include a removable
demo screen so you can get an idea of
what your design will look like on your
iPhones Retina display.
Weve even included a couple of the
wallpapers we made when putting
together this tutorial for you. So what are
you waiting for? Lets get started.
Create bespoke iPhone wallpapers
Use Pixelmators powerful tools to customise your iPhone lockscreen with a personalised wallpaper
Difficulty: Intermediate
Time needed: 90 minutes
Step-by-step Organise your layers
1: In order
Open one of the templates included on the disc.
Youll see that each section of the iPhone screen is a
separate layer, with a dummy screen as the top one.
2: Above and below
When you add new layers, add below the dummy.
Uncheck the dummy screen to see everything in full,
and check it again to see a full preview.
3: All done
Once youve finished, you can delete the sectioned-
off template layers. Make sure you uncheck the
dummy screen layer before exporting as an image!
Addguidelines toyour imagebychoosingView>ShowRulers. Then, clickononeof the
rulers at thetopor sideof thewindowanddragaguidelineontotheimage.
The Tools bar is
absolutely vital for using
Pixelmator. It enables
you to access different
options with a click, and
when youre designing
your wallpaper, youll
regularly need to switch
between tools
Managing your layers and keeping them well organised
is vital if you dont want to get confused later. Order them
sensibly, rename them logically as soon as you create
them, and if you dont need one any more, delete it!
Another tool you need to understand is
Gradients. There are plenty of presets, but you
can also create your own with multiple mix
points well show you how on the next page
Customising Pixelmator
The essential tools youll need to master
There are a large number
of effects that you can add
to your wallpaper, and its
worth experimenting with
them to see what works.
Gaussian Blur is a great
choice for adding a fade to
the edge of your wallpaper,
while the Clouds option is
perfect for creating a paper-
like effect by mixing two
cream colours together.
Knowledge base
There are dozens
of brush presets
in Pixelmator,
and each one
is completely
customisable. Try
different options
to create different
effects, and look
for downloadable
brushes online for
even more choice
Quick tips
Use guidelines to
mark out sections of
your iPhone screen. A
marker in the centre will
help with lining things
up, for example.
2: Offset
If youre adding glow, lower the Offset slider to 0px
and increase the Blur control. This will make the glow
emanate from the centre of the line and spread evenly.
3: Shadow
When creating a shadow, youll need to change the
offset, and the shadow angle, to fit with the design.
Also, choose a dark grey colour, rather than black.
Glows and shadows
Whether you want to add a glow to the camera slider in the
bottom-right, or just want to add some depth to a realistic
design youre creating, learning to use the Shadow tool is very
useful. It is only possible to add shadows to shapes, not layers, so it
can be a little fiddly, but the results look great.
The process for both glows and shadows is exactly the same,
but the effect can be completely different depending on the
shadow colour you choose. For example, to make an object glow
with a neon green colour, check the Shadow box and make the
shadow the same colour as the object, before increasing the Blur
setting. With a shadow, the system is similar, but the shadow will
be a darker colour, with an offset.
You can use this tool to create two very different kinds of look to
a shape. In the finished screens on the next page, we used these
skills to make the Apple logo glow, and add a shadow to the paper
strip on the Top Secret wallpaper.
1: Give it a glow
To create a glowing line or shape, draw your shape,
then alter the fill colour to something bright. Check the
Shadow box and make the colour the same.
2: Back a step
If you make a mistake at any point, going back a single
point is as simple as hitting the Backspace key. You can
go back as far as you want, so dont panic.
1: Click or drag
The key feature of the Pen is its adaptability. Click once
to add a single point and create an angle to the next,
or alternatively click, hold and drag to create a curve.
Using the
Pen tool
So, youve got a logo or shape you want to
make glow, but only an image file to drop in?
Thats no problem here we show how you can use
the Pen tool to trace any shape you want and then
fill it however you like. Its perfect whether you want
straight lines or curves, and it offers plenty of control.
There are two options for the Pen tool the
standard option, and the Freeform option. In this
tutorial weve used the standard Pen tool, as it
allows for easier drawing with a mouse or trackpad.
However, the Freeform tool is more adaptable when
using a graphics tablet, for example.
Quick tips
When editing a
point using the Pen tool,
hold Cmd to change one
side of the curve without
editing the curve on
the other side.
4: Editing
Every point is completely editable after youve finished
the shape, and you can add new points if you want to
add an extra curve into the shape.
3: Shifting
Hold the Shift key and your line will be snapped to
an invisible grid, letting you only draw horizontal and
vertical lines, or lines at 45-degree angles.
Remember, thedarker sections of theiPhones lockscreenwill needabrighter image
behindif youwant thecolours toshowthrough. Makecolours as light as possible.
with gradients
1: Prepare your layer
Gradients can be added to layers, but the selection
tool can limit the application area. Section off the
iPhones split lockscreen for brilliant results.
3: More points
Clicking this slider anywhere else will let you add
more colour stops to your gradient. You can add
transparent sections too, if you want a fade effect.
2: Customising
You can change the colours used by opening the
Gradient menu, choosing the one you want and
clicking the points on the slider at the bottom.
4: Linear, radial or angle?
There are three kinds of gradient, and each one
works differently. Try them all, and see what each
one can do by playing with the preset options.
Quick tips
While youre moving
items, they will jump to
align with other objects.
To move them more
precisely, hold the
Cmd key as you
All about space
Dont forget that you
can use the space
around the unlock bar,
camera button and
clock to display graphics
they are translucent
on-screen so add
elements behind the
bars if you need
Visual cues
You can use techniques like this to show users
what they need to do visually. These dots imply
motion, so even without the text on the unlock
bar it should be clear what they need to do
Creating from
You can create all
kinds of things from
scratch, including this
paper texture using
the Cloud and Stamp
effects. We wrote
the text, then used a
speckled brush eraser
to make it look even
more realistic
Merge layers
To create this paper
effect with a shadow,
we added a shape
below the paper
texture, then merged
the two together into
a single layer. The
result is a band with
real depth that looks
very different
Because youre creating your
own wallpapers from scratch,
you can customise them
however you want. Add your
name, contact information, or
anything else to your wallpaper
to make it truly unique
Extra brushes
You can download extra
brushes to expand your
collection. For example,
grab the Stitches brush,
by DeviantArt user
Aneesah, from our
disc to help create this
stitched leather effect
What to think about
when designing
iPhone wallpapers
Quick tips
When using a
brush, click where you
want to start the line,
hold Shift and click at
the end to get a
straight line.
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If theres one part of any app thats bound to receive a little less love
than the rest, its the Preferences window. iPhoto is no exception to
this rule, but it pays to hit Cmd+; from time to time. Take a look at what
you can tweak to make your one-stop shop for organising and editing images
run that little bit better.
Whether its overhauling the look and feel of iPhoto, adding a few subtle
indicators to help you better organise your library or ensuring the automatic
processes that kick in every time you import images work for you, theres a lot to
be done with a few quick changes to some key options.
Open up preferences (iPhoto>Preferences) and follow our guide to find out
exactly what needs changing and how it can improve your iPhoto workflow. It
wont take long and the results will last a lifetime.
Fix iPhotos preferences for better images
Our guide to making iPhoto easier to use, better at editing and more effective when importing images
Difficulty: Beginner
Time needed: 15 minutes
Copy to library
If youre running your
iPhoto library from an
external hard drive, its
worth deselecting the
Copy items to the iPhoto
Library option. That way,
you wont end up with too
many duplicates of your
shots taking up space
Editing apps
If you find iPhotos editing
tools are a little lacking, you
can always select another
app to out source the
work to. Simply select In
application from the Edit
Photos menu and choose
the one you want to use
Products Store
This should be set
automatically, but
heres where to go
if you ever get a
little confused by
the currency
Look up Places
If you want to ensure that
as many photos as possible
are pinned to a world map
for easy organisation and
reference, make sure that
you set the Look up Places
option to Automatically
External libraries
Using iPhoto with a library
stored on an external
hard drive is easy. You can
switch between libraries or
even create a new one by
holding the Alt key when
you click on the iPhoto
app icon. Once you do so,
a dialog box will appear
giving you a number of
library-based options. Its a
little-known power feature.
Knowledge base
4: Autosplit options
Under Autosplit into Events, change the setting to
One event per week. Again, unless youre capturing
thousands of snaps, this makes much more sense.
5: Lose the outline
Under the Appearance tab, uncheck the Outline
option. This removes the light border around image
previews which can be distracting at thumbnail size.
6: Back to black
The background in iPhotos main window is fully
adjustable. Drag the slider a little to the left to darken
itll help you to identify your images more easily.
7: A smaller font
If you find youve got a lot going on in your sidebar,
changing the Source Text from Large to Small can
really help to ensure everything fits in.
8: Automatic import
If youre a Photo Stream user, ensure Automatic
Import is checked and enabled under the Photo
Stream tab so you never lose an image again!
9: Sharing is caring
Finally, ensure Shared Photo Streams is also ticked off
so you can make the most of Apples latest feature for
sharing your favourite snaps with iCloud.
1: Back in time
Under the General tab, change the amount for Show
last 6 months album to 12. Unless you take thousands
of photos per month, this seems to make more sense.
2: Count em up
Tick the Show item count checkbox to display the
number of shots in each Album, Event, Subscription
and Folder in the sidebar great for organisation.
3: Automatic opening
Next to Connecting camera opens, change the drop-
down option to No application. This stops iPhoto
starting up whenever your camera is connected.
Step-by-step iPhoto Tweak and fix your preferences
Fancyputtingyour upgradediPhotopreferences togooduse?Headtopage48and
fndout howtocreateamazingpopart-styleimagesfromyour photostheylookgreat!
2: Up the exposure
Drag the Exposure slider to the right to increase it.
Dont worry about losing detail. We can bring this back
later on with some other controls.
1: Some small adjustments
Open the image you want to use in iPhoto (plain
backgrounds work best here), click on the Edit button
in the bottom-right, then on the Adjust tab.
3: In the shadows
Next, increase the Contrast by dragging its slider to the
right. This should bring out some shadows and a little
more definition to your photos subject.
6: Tweak it
Finally, using the Tint slider, drag it either left or right to
bring out any previously lost details in your image and
enhance the colours even further.
5: Crazy colours
To add the bizarre colour schemes associated with
pop art to your photo, simply drag the Temperature
slider until you get a set of colours youre happy with.
4: Make it painted
Finally, repeat the process with the Saturation slider.
Increasing this will begin to add blocks of colour to
your photo, making it look like it has been painted.
iPhotos editing tools arent the most robust out there, but
with a little ingenuity, they can be put to good use. Whether
its using a combination of vignettes, soft focus and black-and-
white effects to create a romantic image or fixing a slightly wonky horizon,
a few basic tweaks, cleverly combined, can go a long way.
In this tutorial, well show you how some serious tweaking in the
Adjustments menu can result in your images taking on the look and feel
of some iconic Fifties pop art. The aim of the game here is to give your
images a painted feel with bright and unusual colours. For best results,
youll want to use an image thats not too busy with a solid background,
preferably one that already has some colour in it. Once youve got your
source images, follow our guide below to get started.
Create pop art-style images in iPhoto
Get your Warhol on and create art that youll love showing off
Difficulty: Beginner
Time needed: 30 minutes
Step-by-step iPhoto Create pop art-style images
8: Export your art
When youre happy with how things look, head to File>
Export and save your image to your Mac. This leaves you
free to continue editing the iPhoto version.
7: Be a square
Using the Crop tool under Quick Fixes, select the
Square Constrain option and crop down your image
so your subject is perfectly framed in the centre.
9: All done?
When youve made and exported as many different
versions of your pop art image as you like, click on the
Revert to Original button in the sidebar.
Is iPhotobehavingoddly?Checkout our guidetotweakingits preferences onpage46
or headtoour Genius Bar onpage76tofndout howtoget your issues solved.
Creating perfect pop art
A few settings and tweaks to improve your images
skin tones
In a normal editing
situation, wed check
the Avoid saturating
skin tones option. For
pop art, though, we
want the whole image
to be affected by our
edits. Ensure that this
is left unchecked
Weve come a
long way
To see the progress of your
pop-art edit, simply press
and hold the Shift key on
your keyboard. Itll show
you exactly how your image
looked originally, before you
started making changes
Levels adjustments
The levels sliders at the top can sometimes
be used to help enhance your final pop art
images, but be wary of making too many
changes here they can throw everything
off in an instant
Made a mistake?
Its best to work iteratively when creating pop art
edits making lots of slow changes towards your
end result. That way, if you go wrong, you can
always hit Undo and fix things
Displaying your art
With the images youve
created successfully saved,
you can always import
them back into iPhoto and
turn them into a stunning
card, calendar or photo
book using iPhotos great
range of print products.
Just select the images to
use, click the Create button
and select your print
product. Apple takes care
of the printing and delivery
process for you.
Knowledge base
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The western is the genre that refuses to die, as
demonstrated by Quentin Tarantinos most recent raid
on the Box Office Django Unchained. To give your own
sequences a Western vibe, it helps if the raw footage ticks a few genre
boxes, so weve popped some clips on your disc for you to work with.
Well show you how to cut the shots together to create a home-
on-the-range style movie montage, and grade the clips to give them
a vintage appearance. Well also demonstrate how to add animated
captions, classic movie transitions and a hoedown-style soundtrack.
So saddle up and prepare to round up some iMovie western effects,
transitions and graphics.
How to make a western with iMovie
Rustle up a wild-west style sequence using iMovies effects to
rough up your footage and add genre-specific music and titles
Difficulty: Beginner
Time needed: 15 minutes
In step five we used the Clip
Inspector to add vertical
scratches to our footage, to
make the digital clips look
more like analogue film.
iMovies Video Effect tab
also enables you to mimic
other film-style artefacts
such as film grain. Film
grain has a clumpier and
more attractive organic
look than the brittle
noise produced by digital
cameras (especially when
you shoot in low light).
Knowledge base
The Video Inspector
enables you to
mimic an old filmic
look by desaturating
the shot and adding
a sepia tint. You can
also add artefacts
such as scratches
Suitable subjects
Our wild-west movie
makeover will work best
with clips that share some of
a Westerns mise-en-scne,
such as scenic landscapes,
farms and horses
Establishing shot
When choosing an opening shot for your western-
style sequence, select a clip that has space for
captions. A wide shot like this also helps set the scene
for the rest of the clips
Classic western filmmakers
had to optically process
their film to add in some
simple transitions such as
wipes. iMovie can recreate
these traditional transitions
with ease
4: Trim a clip
The clip is longer than the music. Click shot07 (the
silhouetted horse). Drag the yellow trim handle left
to reduce to 3:16. Choose Clip>Trim to Selection.
5: Batch edit clips
Press Cmd+A to select all of the clips in the Project
window. Hit I for the Clip Inspector. Click Video
Effect. Hit Aged Film to add in celluloid scratches.
6: Vintage colours
Click the Video tab. For faded film colours, reduce
Saturation to 51%. Drag the White Point into the
orange section of the colour wheel for a sepia tint.
7: Add a title
In the Titles Browser, drag the Organic Main title
onto the first shot in the Project window. Type a title
into the text field in the main viewer. Click Done.
8: Playback
Tap the Spacebar to play the sequence. Youll see the
animated title appear and be able to view the shots
now that theyve been scratched and graded.
9: Add classic transition
From the Transitions Browser, drag a Wipe Left
between the first two clips. Click the gear icon and
Transition Adjustments. Type a Duration of 2:00.
1: Create project
Hit File>New Project. Label it Home on the Range.
Choose a Widescreen Aspect Ratio to suit our HD
footage. Set Frame rate to 30fps. Click Create.
2: Import clips
Go to File>Import>Movies. Browse to our iMovie
Western Sources folder. Shift+click to select clips.
Tick Create new event. Label it Western. Hit Import.
3: Add music
Drag shots from the Event Browser into the Project
window in running order. Drag the Campfire jingle
from the Music Browser to the Project window.
Step-by-step iMovie Give footage a western vibe
Toenhanceyour western, lookthroughtheMusicandSoundEfects browsers Animals
folder. TheCrickets soundefect canaddatmosphereandlinkmultipleshots together.
A movie without titles and captions is unfinished, like a cake
without icing. Fortunately iMovies Titles Browser is crammed
full of titles and captions to enhance your projects. Titles help
set the mood or scene, or identify talking heads in a documentary. Classic
scrolling credits help showcase those involved in the making of your
movie, and you can even create a slick movie title from scratch.
iMovies titles range in style, from flowery animated text to bold sans-
serif fonts. Although you should be able to find a preset style that suits
your theme, it can be helpful to modify the default settings on various
titles for even greater control. Here well demonstrate how to change fonts
and colours to make your titles look more unique.
Customise your titles in iMovie
Take more control over the look of your movies titles by
editing the default fonts, styles and colours
Difficulty: Intermediate
Time needed: 10 minutes
4: Boldly go
For a stronger sans-serif font, click Impact. Click the
yellow colour swatch. Click 9 for a bigger, bolder
font. Hit Done and preview your modified title.
5: Pull Focus
Lets get back down to earth by adding the
imported clip to the project. Drag the Pull Focus
title onto the clip. Extend the title to five seconds.
6: System fonts
Type a new title and subtitle into the text fields. Click
Show Fonts. For more font choice, click the System
Font Panel icon in the bottom-left.
1: Import clip
Create a new Widescreen project. Go to File>
Import and browse to Shot01.mov in our Titles
source folder. Press Cmd+3 to see the Titles Browser.
2: Choose background
You dont need a video clip to create a title. Drag
Sideways Drift into the empty Project window. Click
on the Choose Background Windows Stars option.
3: Edit text
Double click on the blue title bar in the Project
window. Edit the text fields in the main viewer. Click
on Show Fonts at the top-left of the viewer.
Step-by-step iMovie Customise fonts, colours and alignment
7: More font choice
By using the System Font Panel you can change the
font and size of each word or line independently, so
you have much more control over your titles.
8: Change colour
By clicking the colour icon you can colourise selected
text to match colours in the shot, such as the orange
roof tiles and the green leaves.
9: Adjust outline
You can also tweak the width of the texts black
outline, to make it stand out more against the video
clip or become more subtle. Click Done.
Customise titles
Change font style, size and colour
For evenmoreexcellent guides andtutorials oniMovieyoushouldheadto
Greatdigitalmags.comandcheckout our iMovieTips &Tricks eBook.
When shooting video
backdrops for your title
sequence, zoom out and
compose the shot to leave
some space for the title
text. If the empty space
in the background is off
centre, then use the iMovie
or System Font Panels
Alignment controls to push
the text to the left or right
of the screen.
Knowledge base
The Inspector enables you
to browse through a host of
backgrounds for your titles,
such as a static star field or
various abstract animated
textures. Just drag a title
onto a blank project to see
these backgrounds
System Font
Once youve clicked
Show Fonts in
the main viewer,
click here to jump
between iMovies
basic Font Panel and
the far more versatile
System Font Panel
Creative colour
The System Font Panels colour wheel gives
you many more colours to work than the nine
that come with the iMovie Font Panel. You
can colour individual words here too
More control
In the System Font panel you can take more control
over properties like the width of a titles outline, or
change the size of individual words
Whether youre an accomplished musician, karaoke queen
or podcasting perfectionist, there are plenty of reasons to
want to professionally record your own voice or vocals.
If youre serious about recording vocals on your Mac, youll want
to shun its built-in microphone in favour of something a little more
substantial. A good-quality USB mic such as Blues Yeti will do the trick
here, but if you really want to go for gold, get your hands on a studio
condenser and an audio interface. Beyond the basic mic and interface,
youll obviously need a stand to get that mic up to head height and,
ideally, a pop shield (more on this above). Once thats all there, follow our
guide on these pages to record and edit pitch-perfect sounds.
Record live vocals with GarageBand
Fancy yourself as the next Florence Welch or Freddie Mercury?
Then follow our guide to recording your killer vocals
Difficulty: Intermediate
Time needed: 45 minutes
Pop shields vs plosives
One of the biggest issues
youll come across when
recording vocals at home
is with plosives. Plosives
refer to the popping sound
thats heard when words
that contain Ps or Bs are
recorded. To counter this,
youll need to use a Pop
Shield these are relatively
cheap (10/$15) and work
by breaking up the air thats
pushed towards the mic.
Knowledge base
Excite it
Some carefully applied
reverb can really help your
songs vocals to stand out.
Weve opted for the Vocal
Excite preset here to keep
things subtle and simple
its a great option for pop-
style vocals
EQ it
Regardless of what
instrument youre recording,
a little EQ can go a long
way. Again, weve opted for
a setting that will help to
elevate the vocals above the
sounds of other instruments
in the song
Compress it
Compressor usage on vocals should be
fairly light to avoid losing too much of your
vocalists dynamic, but it can help to bring
your vocals up in the overall mix above any
loud instruments
Gate it
Using a subtle Noise Gate
can help to eliminate
any breathy sounds
between lines in a song
or any backing track noise
that may leak from your
vocalists headphones for a
far cleaner track
1: Add a track
Recording vocals should be the last part of any
recording project. So, once youre ready, click the +
icon in the bottom-left to add a new track.
4: Stop, monitor and listen
To complete the setup process, check the box next
to I want to hear my Instrument as I play and record
then hit the Create button to finalise everything.
7: Red to record
With everything set up, click on the red record
button along the bottom of GarageBands interface
to play your track and start recording your vocals.
2: Grab the mic
From the new track options, click on the
microphone illustration. Then click on the
Instrument Setup title underneath for more options.
5: 1, 2 1, 2
Before you start recording, check your mic levels.
Use the volume meter along the bottom as a
reference and adjust using the Recording Level slide.
8: Tweak your track
Once youve finished recording, take a look at the
annotated image to learn how to tweak your vocal
tracks for that ultimate professional studio sound.
3: Choose your setup
Under Instrument Setup, select the USB mic or
audio interface youre using, as well as the output
type for your headphones or speakers.
6: Arm it
With your levels set, all that remains is to hit the red
button shown here to enable recording. Ensure this
is the only track thats enabled!
9: Adding extras
No great track is complete without double-tracked
vocals or backing parts. To keep things consistent,
select your vocal track and hit Track>Duplicate Track.
Step-by-step GarageBand Record live vocal tracks
Whynot put your new-foundvocal recordingskills tothetest andrecordanalbumina
week?Its our featuredproject this issuecheckit out onpages 30-38.
4: Delete placeholder
A new Project window opens, containing a
placeholder audio region, to be replaced with your
audio. Select the region and hit Backspace to delete.
5: Import new audio
Open GarageBands Media Browser and locate the
audio file you want to create your ringtone from.
Drag and drop the file to replace the placeholder.
6: Choose section
Zoom in and drag ends of the yellow cycle region
to encompass the section of the file you want to
use. Ringtones must be less than 40 seconds long.
1: Create new project
Select the iPhone Ringtone option from the left-
hand sidebar of GarageBands project chooser
window. A selection of templates should appear.
2: Choose template
You can either record your voice or use Apple Loops
as tones, but in this case were going to import an
audio file, so click the Example Ringtone icon.
3: Name project
Click the Choose button and type the eventual title
of your ringtone in the Save As box. Choose a hard-
disk location to save it to and click Create.
The ability to install and use any tune you want as your ringtone has
to be one of the main selling points of any mobile phone, and the
iPhone has its own particular way of doing this. Once you get the
hang of it though, youll find yourself able to assign a different tune to every
contact in your Address Book should you desire. This creates a form of auditory
caller ID, so youll know exactly whos trying to contact you when you hear
Gangnam Style emanating from your pocket or purse.
The technique is easy enough, but it is a two-stage process. To get your
chosen audio file into the required .m4r format, youll need to use GarageBand,
Apples proprietary music-making app that comes pre-installed on every new
Mac. Once the file is created, you then need iTunes to actually transfer the
ringtone to your device.
Turn your favourite track into a ringtone
Transform any audio file into an iPhone ringtone using GarageBand and iTunes
Difficulty: Beginner
Time needed: 20 minutes
Step-by-step GarageBand Make any track into a ringtone
7: Export to iTunes
Hit Share>Send Ringtone to iTunes. GarageBand will
render, normalise and convert your selection into an
.m4r file and open it in iTunes automatically.
8: View tones
Plug in your iPhone and select its name in the
sidebar, then select the Tones tab near the top of
the screen and tick the Sync Tones checkbox.
9: Sync device
Click the Selected Tones radio button and your new
ringtone should appear in a list. Tick the checkbox
next to its name and click the Apply button.
Moderate your tone
Get custom ringtones onto your iPhone
Toset your newringtoneas your phones default, navigatetoSettings>Sounds>
Ringtone. Scroll tothetopof thelist of tones, andtapyour tones nametoselect it.
Easy assignment
To assign different tones
to different contacts,
first get all the required
tones onto your phone as
described here. Then select
your target contact in the
Contacts app and tap the
Edit button. Scroll down
slightly and you should see
a Ringtone setting. Tap this
and then pick the desired
ringtone from the list to
assign it to that contact.
Knowledge base
View to a loop
When adjusting your loop,
double-click the audio region to
open the waveform edit pane.
This gives you a much better
view of which beats to use as the
start and end points of the loop
Navigation aid
Use the pop-up menu near the top of the
Media Browser to navigate to the location of
your target audio. You can even view specific
playlists within iTunes from here
Accessed via this
button, the Media
Browser is the
window to both
your GarageBand
and iTunes
music folders
from within
GarageBand. All
the tracks in your
iTunes library will
be listed here
Cycle button
The section of the file to
be used as the ringtone
is set using the cycle
region. In the ringtone
templates this is usually
enabled by default, but if
not, enable it by clicking
the Cycle button in the
Transport bar
When making skin look good, you dont have to iron out every
wrinkle, remove every mole and make it look like your subject
has had too much plastic surgery. By applying a series of subtle
adjustments to your image, you can make it look as though the skin is healthy
and blemish free, without resorting to looking fake.
Remove the worst of the blemishes and pimples first with the Retouch tool.
Use a brush size thats only just bigger than the blemishes for the best result. For
skin smoothing, use the Color Overlay of the Skin Smoothing brush to select the
right areas. The forehead needs a lot of work, so do that first, and use a strong
Intensity setting. If the effect is too full-on in places, you can use the Eraser (set to
half strength) to soften the overlay. When youre done, switch the overlay off and
you can see the finished soft skin.
Remove blemishes for perfect skin tones
You can make skin look healthy and blemish-free, without making your model look like plastic
Difficulty: Intermediate
Time needed: 15 minutes
Brush controls
Choose to paint, smooth
or erase, then adjust the
size and the softness of
your brush edge. You also
control edge detection with
a checkbox, and can access
other options by clicking on
the cogwheel
Brush Overlay
Its much easier
when you can see
where your brush is
going to apply the
effect, and the Color
Overlay shows exactly
whats been selected.
Remember to turn it
off to see your results
Skin Smoothing brush
Everything inside the solid white line gets
painted by your brush at full strength.
The dotted line shows the softness area,
so your brush gradually fades out as it
reaches this line
Once youve painted an
adjustment on to a photo,
such as Skin Smoothing, you
can change its intensity by
tweaking the Adjustment
settings. Use the cogwheel
to add another Skin
Smoothing adjustment at a
different strength
Setting Intensity
If youre happy with
the area of skin youve
selected, you can change
how soft the skin looks
by changing the Intensity
in the Adjustment panel.
Its tempting to always go
for really soft skin, but this
quickly looks fake. Instead,
add several different Skin
Smoothing adjustments,
at different strengths, in
different areas, to give a
range of textures across
the face.
Knowledge base
Step-by-step Aperture Perfecting skin tones in portraits
Dont forget thecogwheels ontheright of theAdjustment settings andtheheads-up
display. Thesegiveyouoptions tochoosewhereandhowtheefect is applied.
1: Preparing to retouch
Import the SkinRAW.tif, and hit Cmd++ to zoom in
on the skin. Drag in the navigation box on the right
of the screen to examine the face for blemishes.
2: Remove blemishes
Hit Add Adjustment> Retouch, and set the Brush
size to be slightly larger than any blemish. Click on
every blemish, pimple and mole to remove them.
3: Start smoothing
Go to Add Adjustment>Quick Brushes>Skin
Smoothing. In the heads-up display click the
cogwheel and set Overlay to Color Overlay.
4: Forehead selection
Check the Detect Edges box. Set Brush Size to 60
and Strength to 1, and paint over the forehead.
Make several strokes for accuracy and avoid the hair.
5: Soften selection
In the heads-up display click on the middle brush
icon. This is used to smooth the edges of your red
selection. Paint all around the edge of the red area.
6: Erasing the effect
Turn off Detect Edges, set Strength to 0.5 and pick
the Eraser. Paint over the left half of the forehead to
brush away the effect where its not required.
7: Face selection
In the Adjustments panel, set Intensity to 1. Click the
cogwheel and choose Add New Skin Smoothing
adjustment. Paint over the face, but avoid the nose.
8: Smooth edges
Choose the middle brush, and smooth the edge of
the selection. Click the cogwheel and turn off the
colour overlay. Adjust the Intensity if required.
9: Soft eyes
Leave some texture under the eyes. You may want
to add one more adjustment; set to a low intensity,
to soften this eye texture.
When graduating from iPhoto to take advantage of
the more fully featured and comprehensive suite of
tools available in Aperture, one of the most attractive
elements will likely be things like batch editing and how
Aperture saves every last detail in its library. If youre working
directly from a camera to Aperture youll have what are called
Managed files where the app keeps the master photo and all other
metadata. If you back up your library it all gets saved together.
If, however, you are importing images from a different library,
Aperture treats images as Referenced files. You may have these
images backed up on another hard drive or cloud
service, but what about the edits youve worked
on? Thats where Apertures Vault system comes in.
Difficulty: Beginner
Time needed: 5 minutes
2: Vaults explained
As you create a Vault, Aperture explains what youre
getting. All of your metadata, including adjustments,
will be saved for future reference.
1: Make a vault
If you have finished making your edits in Aperture, its
a good time to make a Vault. Click the cog icon in the
bottom-left to open the required menu.
4: Finding your Vault
To retrieve your projects metadata, all you need to do is
find the Vault you created in your Home Pictures folder
alongside Apertures library. Its that simple.
3: Updating
If you go back to a project and continue to make
adjustments, these can be added to your Vault. Keep
an eye on the circular arrows next to Vault info.
From Vault to library
Converting a Vault
A Vault file is actually constructed the
same way as a library, so editing the extension
from .apvault to .aplibrary means you can
access data more selectively. It could be risky
though, so back up first before trying.
Retrieve smaller amounts of data
from an old Vault
The trouble with Vaults
If you have a massive Vault, but only want to
retrieve a small amount of data from it, youre in
trouble. Vaults in Aperture are an all or nothing
affair, and when you open them all the contents
load up at once.
Step-by-step Aperture How to work with Vaults
How to use Vaults in Aperture
Back up more than just your images with this excellent pro feature
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1: Change the look
Import your clips and click the Clip Appearance button
in the bottom-right. Select a look that shows audio
waveforms, and drag the Clip Height to its maximum.
4: Fade it down
Go to the point where she is about to speak again.
Option-click on the line in the guitar track, then move
forward a little, and Option-click to drag down.
2: Adjust the volume
The blue dialogue audio has a thin horizontal line. Drag
it up until its near the top. Drag the line in the green
audio down to -25dB to make it quieter.
5: Fade right out
Repeat this for the end of the clip, fading the guitar up
as she stops speaking. Start the fade out quite early,
dragging the final keyframe to the bottom.
3: Create keyframes
Just before she stops speaking, Option-click on the
horizontal line in the green audio to create a keyframe.
Move forward a second, Option-click and drag up.
6: Fade the hiss
Repeat this for the dialogue clip, so any hiss in the quiet
space is removed. Once youve put in your keyframes,
grab the whole line and move it down.
Sound mixing is a vital skill if youre going to make good
videos, but it takes a few steps to access the controls and
get it working. Firstly, you need to choose a Clip Appearance
that makes the audio visible, and as large as possible. After that, you make
adjustments visually, by dragging controls up or down. You can set where
changes begin and end with keyframes, locking volume at a given level.
You can drag keyframes around, and see how fast or slow your fades
are by looking at the curved lines that show volume changes. A few
minutes of experimenting will make you a sound mixing expert. In this
clip we fade the guitar up when the guitarist isnt speaking, and put it in
the background when she talks an easy way to boost a videos quality.
Mix music and voice to balance audio
Hidden controls in Final Cut Pro X make it easy to adjust your audio
and get the perfect sound mix
Difficulty: Intermediate
Time needed: 10 minutes
Final Cut Pro X
Step-by-step Final Cut Pro X Balancing spoken words and music
7: Make small adjustments
When you play through the clip some of the fading
may happen too quickly or slowly. Make adjustments
by dragging keyframes to lengthen or shorten fades.
8: Finish with silence
At the point where she stops speaking, you can fade
her audio out. You can see her dialogue as a waveform,
so position the final keyframe where it ends.
9: Match the levels
Look at the Audio Meters on the right, and get the
green Audio Level lines to hit -12 all the way through,
by adjusting the horizontal lines of both tracks.
Audio mixing controls
Final Cuts hidden sound effects
IntheInspectors AudiopaneclickonBackgroundNoiseRemoval toreducehiss. Dont
set it toohigh, or vocals soundthin. Its better toleavesomehiss thanspoil thevoice.
Automatic corrections
When you import audio
you can check a box to
analyse and correct it
automatically. This is really
useful if youre working
with poor audio from a
phone or other low-quality
source. If youve used good
equipment, however, its
better not to apply these
automatic adjustments. In
attempting to correct your
high-quality audio they can
do more harm than good.
Knowledge base
Keyframes lock the volume
at whatever level you
choose, wherever you
choose, by Option-clicking.
By setting, shifting and
sliding these, you get
complete control over
sound levels in your project
Audio meters
Without the visual
audio meters youre
really just guessing
whether the sound
levels are correct.
Never let the audio
go into the red, and
keep your maximum
levels the same all
the way through
The waveform is your visual clue to whats
going on in the project. You can see where
the guitarist speaks, because the waveform
instantly rises. As you adjust the volume, the
waveform adjusts visually
Volume control line
This line is difficult to see, but by dragging it up
you increase the volume, and down to lower the
volume. All your volume level work starts here
when you add keyframes
Whether youre making a feature film or working with home
movies, you can take control of your colours with Final Cut
Pros Color Board. Not only does it correct mistakes that your
camera made when set to automatic, but it enables you to add a look or
mood that suits your scene. The Color Board appears confusing at first,
but a little experimentation soon makes you familiar with all the tools.
Small changes are often the most effective way to get perfect footage.
There are controls for increasing or decreasing colour in an image.
You can also reduce the colour depth by changing the saturation,
while exposure controls brightness. All these controls can be applied to
individual parts, or affect everything using the Global adjustment.
Colour grading with the Color Board
Use Final Cut Pro Xs Color Board to shift colours, alter exposure
and enhance your movies look
Difficulty: Intermediate
Time needed: 10 minutes
Final Cut Pro X
New corrections
Once youve made changes
to a clip, you may want
to add another overall
look. Say, for example, you
have corrected an image
but want to make it look
warmer, without affecting
your carefully chosen
settings. The solution is to
add another correction.
In the Inspector, click the
coloured + sign to add an
additional correction to
apply an overall look.
Knowledge base
Colour palette
To select a chosen colour,
drag a control circle
horizontally towards that
colour. Once you are there,
drag up to add the colour,
and down to remove it.
Small adjustments often
work best
Its easy to see which
control circle youre using
by watching the numbers
change in the Settings.
You can even drag on the
numbers to make tiny edits
Adjustment buttons
Here you choose whether to work on the
colour choice, the depth of the colour
saturation or the exposure of your image.
Switch between the modes as you work
Control circles
Grab the Global circle
and all the movies colour,
saturation or exposure
will be affected. You can
limit which parts to alter
by choosing the Shadows,
Midtones or Highlights
control circles
1: Open the board
With the Colour.mov clip selected, click on
Window>Go To>Color Board, or use the shortcut
Cmd+6. The Color Board appears in the top-right.
4: Warm it up
Click on the Color button, and go to the circle
second from the left. Drag left until you reach
yellow, then drag up to add yellow to the shadows.
7: Change colour depth
Click the Saturation button. Drag the Shadows
saturation down, raising the Midtones saturation
slightly. The Highlight saturation can go right up.
2: Brighten the highlights
Set the exposure first by clicking on the Exposure
button on the right. Select the circle on the far right,
and drag this upwards to brighten the highlights.
5: Remove the blue
The circle on the far right is for Highlights. Drag
the circle to the cyan or blue area, then lower it to
remove blue from the bright areas.
8: Make new adjustments
Every change you make affects everything
youve done, so go back to Color, and make fine
adjustments to avoid extreme changes.
3: Shift exposure
Drag the other two circles down to lower shadows
and midtones, creating overall contrast. On the far
left, lift the Global circle slightly to add brightness.
6: Remove red tones
Drag the Midtones circle to the red, then lower it
to remove the red glow. You can tell which circle
youre using, by watching the numbers shift below.
9: Finish with Midtones
After all that colour work the movie may look dull,
so go back to Exposure, grab the Midtones circle
and lift it slightly. As always, work in small steps.
Step-by-step Final Cut Pro X Grade movies with Color Board
Youcanapplyyour colour worktoother clips bygoingtoEdit>Copy, choosingthenew
clipandgoingtoEdit>PasteAttributes, checkingtheColor boxandhittingOK.
1: Orientate yourself
Fire up Pages and select a page orientation from the
Template Chooser. You want this to complement your
base shape. For our tall cup weve opted for portrait.
4: Add a background
From the Shapes menu, select the square option and
drag it over the entire page. Use the Color picker to
choose a subtle background colour for your design.
2: Create your shape
From the Shapes menu, click on the bottom option
which enables you to draw your own base shape from
scratch. Draw out the base shape of your design.
5: Back of the line
Once youre happy with your background colour, go
to Arrange>Send to Back to move the background
square to the very back and reveal your base shape.
3: Drawing in Pages
Using the drawing tool in Pages is simple. Click on a
start and end point to draw a basic line or click and
drag to curve it. Double-click to finish.
6: Add your words
Create a new text box for each word you add to your
typographic poster, ensuring that you keep their boxes
as small as possible so they dont overlap.
Whether you use Pages every day or just to write the
occasional letter, youll no doubt know that its tools and
features make it far more powerful than most people give it
credit for. In fact, Pages is surprisingly good at bending to most creative
whims. To put this to the test, this tutorial will take you through the basics
of turning typography into art and creating your own typographic poster.
In our example, weve opted for a coffee-based theme, using coffee-
related words to form the shape of the common insulated takeaway
cup. As far as this particular project goes, youre only limited by your
imagination, so experiment with colour schemes, shapes and fonts. Youll
no doubt produce something amazing.
Create a cool typographic poster
The best artwork isnt always photo-based. Follow our tutorial to
find out how to turn typography into something incredible
Difficulty: Intermediate
Time needed: 45 minutes
Step-by-step Pages Create a typographic poster
7: Turn it round
Repeat the process in step six, adding new text boxes
for each word. If needs be, use the Rotate tool in the
Metrics Inspector window to make things fit.
8: Vary it up
Not every word in your poster has to have exactly
the same font or weight. Feel free to vary this up by
bringing up the Fonts panel for quick changes.
9: Add some colour
When youve finally filled all the spaces in your basic
shape, delete it and give your words some colour. We
opted for a couple that emulated a coffee cup.
Better typography tips
Make your poster even better with these tricks
If youdont feel confdent creatingyour ownbaseshape, aquickimagesearchonline
shouldsort youout. Besuretosearchfor either asilhouetteor outline.
Displaying your art
Once youve created your
poster, showing it off is
easy. By far the easiest
way to do this is print it off
and frame it. For a truly
professional finish, take
it to a printers and have
them do the dirty work. If
you want to keep things
digital, though, head to
Share>Export>PDF, then
select Best from the Image
Quality menu.
Knowledge base
Save your colours
As you colour each
individual word, save your
colours to the palette by
dragging them down
from the top of the Color
window. It saves you having
to constantly recreate them
for each new word
Open some
Having the Fonts, Inspector
and Color windows
constantly open makes life
a lot easier when it comes
to editing and resizing your
text to fit within the base
shape it may look messy,
but its worth it
Lose the wrap
Every text box you insert will have text wrap
enabled and this will mess things up. Disable
this in the Inspectors Wrap options and copy
the original text box to make life easier
Zoom right in
If it helps when it comes to perfectly sizing
up your text, zoom in on your page by using
the keyboard shortcut CMD+> or head to
View>Zoom>Zoom In
If you regularly use iMovie or Final Cut Pro X
to create high-quality videos, you might find
yourself wanting a more in-depth way to add
animated titles to your creations. The tools offered within
these apps let you create basic titles, but never really let you
be creative with your titles. And, while Final Cut offers nearly
twice as many options as iMovie in terms of built-in titles, for
real pros a custom-made intro will be a much better option.
Enter Animationist, an app that helps you create an
animated title sequence from scratch using powerful tools
and a key framing interface that makes actually animating
your text and logos easy. Even if youve never animated
anything before, youll soon realise that the method used by
Animationist is designed to help newcomers and experts.
A series of ready-made animations are offered when you
first open the app, and you can preview each one. Open
them and you can edit them yourself, so if you feel a little lost
at first you can see a finished animation in action and work
out exactly what has been done to create it.
In this tutorial weve covered the basic animation methods,
as well as offered some tips to create fantastic-looking title
sequences that will be completely unique compared to those
offered in Apples own video-editing apps. Mastering key
framing is an important part of the process, though you
need to think in intervals, and once you get the hang of that
youll be able to create some fantastic effects.
Create animated movie
titles with Animationist
Use key framing to create customised titles
Difficulty: Intermediate
Time needed: 25 minutes
Mac App Store
Price: 20.99/$29.99
1: Position key frame
Create a new piece of text and position it off screen so that it can slide
in from the side or top of the frame. Click the + button on the left of the
central bar to add a Position key frame.
2: Recording
Hit the record button, drag the timer slider to where you want your
animation to end, then drag the text to its final position. Hit the record
button again and youll see a new key frame has been added.
Step-by-step Animationist Create a bouncing text effect
Fading out
You can fade to
black by adding a
black background
image and making
everything else
opaque, or by
bringing in an
opaque black
rectangle and
fading it in at the
end of your intro
Before you get
started its a good
idea to check the
canvas youre using
is the right size and
has the correct
settings. Use the
button in the top-
right to view and
edit these options
Utilising presets
The joy of Animationist is that you have the option
to create animations and effects from scratch, but if
you prefer you can also choose from a wide range of
preset effects, animations and backgrounds. These
are great for making an animation quickly, or just for
getting started with the app.
When you first open the
app youll see a range
of ready-made animations.
Check them out, as theyre
great starting points for your
own ideas.
Effects can be viewed
via the drop-down box
shown here, while shape and
text presets can be quickly
viewed using the button
three to the left.
Alternatively, you can
start from scratch. Hit the
Background button in the
menu bar to get a randomly
generated background
dropped into your frame.
You can also see
animation presets at
the bottom use the three
buttons in the bottom-left to
switch between these and
the Timeline.
You need to be sure when
you export your finished
animation that it will be of
a high enough quality for
using in an high-definition
iMovie or Final Cut Pro X
project. Ensure that the
number of frames per
second match that of your
project (usually its 30fps
in the US and 25fps for the
UK), increase the resolution
to somewhere around
250dpi and ensure anti-
aliasing is enabled.
Knowledge base
Thedefault viewof thecanvas is quitesmall, but youcanchangethis usingtheslider
alongthebottom, or byholdingCmdandhitting+ whenthecanvas is active.
3: Bouncing
To get a bouncing effect, double-click to add key frames between these
two. Using the final position as a floor to bounce off, add markers at
constantly decreasing heights, with a marker at the final spot between each.
4: Easy does it
Double-click on each key frame to edit the Interpolation. When the text is at
the top of the bounce, set it to Ease In. When it bounces off the floor, set it
to Ease Out. Move the frames until it looks right.
Element settings
The bar on the right of
the window lets you
change an elements
settings. If youre
recording, this will add
a key frame; otherwise it
will edit the element in
the animation as a whole
Export options
Your export options are available through the
button in the top-right. You can export in a
number of ways, including as a layered PSD, an
image, or as a movie for use in video editors
1: Open an image
Find an image that you want to edit in Finder and
then right-click it. Now choose Open With and
select Preview. The image will open immediately.
4: Adjust those colours
When you select Adjust Color, a new window
appears with a variety of options, including
Exposure and Contrast. Slide to adjust each one.
2: Cropping
You can crop any image in seconds by simply left-
clicking with the mouse on the image and then
moving it to the desired dimensions to cut or copy.
5: The perfect size
Selecting Adjust Size lets you make changes to the
size with proportions kept, or not, which is useful for
specific projects. Experiment a little.
3: Use the tools
Select the Tools menu at the top. This is where
most of the image editing tools are found and each
option is described perfectly for each function.
6: In the detail
The Show Magnifier option will magnify any part of
the image as you move the mouse around. Perfect
for spotting small errors that can be missed.
It would be easy to think of Preview as a part of Mac OS X that is
designed to purely let you look at files and images, but that would
be to miss some of the excellent features that are buried within it.
You really can edit images in Preview in almost any way you like and the included
tools cover the majority of your likely needs.
From cropping to colour adjustments, it is all here and every feature is
exceptionally easy to use. Powerful, but expensive, third-party image editors will,
of course, often let you do more, but for those times when you need to make
quick adjustments it makes sense to use a tool that can handle your needs in the
most efficient way possible.
Across these two pages, we will show you what is available in Preview and
how to make the most of one of the quickest image editors on the planet. Dont
believe us? Its time to load up Preview in OS X and get started.
Edit images using Preview in OS X
Preview can be used to edit images in more ways than you may think, as were about to show
Difficulty: Beginner
Time needed: 5 minutes
Step-by-step Preview Edit images in Preview
Add some imagery
In the same menu, select one of the shapes to insert
on the image. This is useful for creating invitations or
other projects that require graphics on backgrounds.
Find the feature
Go to Tools>Annotate and select Text. Now position
the mouse on the image, click and start typing the
words you want to add to the image.
The key features
Every feature you need, without the overkill
Previewalsoincludes theabilitytoexport images invarious fleformats. Youcan
choosefromavarietyincludingJPEG, PDFandPNG, andalsoadjust theoutput quality.
The Inspector
When you select Tools>
Show Inspector you will
see a myriad of information
presented which shows
every detail of the image
you are viewing. Everything
from the file size to the DPI
to the modification dates
are neatly included. There
is also a facility to add
keywords to each image to
aid searching, or for when
sharing with others.
Knowledge base
Almost all of the main image editing
tools are included in the Tools menu.
There is a small selection included, but
they will be able to help you do the
majority of your editing work
Perfect sizing
Everything from pixel sizing to the resolution can be
changed in Preview. You can also choose if you want to keep
everything in proportion or stretch images for a particular
template or presentation
Despite the
simplistic nature of
Preview, the Color
mountain range is
quite detailed and
lets you manage
the exact colour
levels in a variety of
ways. The simple
mechanism helps
a lot when making
changes to images
Extra formatting
The top bar includes a
number of tools which
are not obvious at first
glance. You can change
the colour of text and
graphics and also
choose which type of
font you want to use
for annotations
The ability to add annotations in
Preview is not only useful, but can
also be great fun. With a couple
of simple steps, you can add extra
personality to each image using a
variety of styles, and the process is
designed to be much easier than
you would find on many third-
party image editors. Here we will
show you how to make the most
of the feature.
Add some
1: Wi-Fi settings
First, open System Preferences and choose Network
from the Internet & Wireless tab. You can also access
this by clicking the AirPort icon in the menu bar.
4: Old networks
Its a good idea to remove old networks with the -
button regularly, so your Mac never starts trying to
connect to other networks when they arent available.
2: View your networks
In the Networks section, select Wi-Fi from the list
on the left and hit Advanced. You will see an area
displaying your currently saved networks.
5: Bluetooth
The same applies for Bluetooth devices. Click Show All
in the top-left of the window and choose Bluetooth
from the menu to start cleaning these up too.
3: Drag your favourites
If youre in an area with more than one network, drag
the preferred option and drop it at the top of the list.
Your Mac will look for this network first.
6: Remove devices
On the left you will see a list of devices youve
previously connected to your Mac. Highlight any one
and hit the - button to remove it from the list.
When youre travelling with a MacBook, one of the most
regular changes that can occur is the wireless network
to which you are connected. Your Mac will remember the
networks you connect to, and their passwords, so the next time youre in
the same area you can get online straight away. However, if you travel a
lot with your Mac, you may have connected to dozens of networks, all of
which are saved to your machine.
The same goes for Bluetooth devices. Every time you pair a device with
your Mac, its settings are saved to your machine. With these quick tips you
can clean up both network and Bluetooth settings to ensure your Mac
knows exactly what to connect to every time.
Fix your network and Bluetooth settings
Forget about unused networks and remove old Bluetooth devices
with these simple housekeeping tricks
Difficulty: Beginner
Time needed: 5 minutes
Step-by-step OS X Organise your wireless connections
7: More options
The cog icon at the bottom of the list offers some
extra options, including the ability to disconnect and
rename your devices, or show more information.
8: Renaming
Sometimes devices will have strange names, or even
just serial numbers, making it hard to know what they
are. Use Rename to make it easier to understand.
9: Favourites and more
Click Show More Info in the settings panel and you not
only see more information, you can also do things like
adding a device to your Favourites.
Bluetooth devices mastered
Set up and control your Bluetooth devices
If youdont want your Mactostorealonglist of previouslyusednetworks, uncheckthe
boxintheAdvancedsectionof NetworkPreferences that remembers networks.
Network management
Wi-Fi connection issues can
be a regular problem for
some users, and in many
cases there is no quick fix
to make the issues go away.
However, in some cases
the settings on your Mac
just need clearing out. If
youre having connection
problems, try clearing out
all your unused networks
from the list in System
Preferences it may just
solve your problem.
Knowledge base
New device
You can set up a new
Bluetooth device quickly
through the drop-down
menu in the menu bar,
or by hitting the + icon
in the bottom-left of the
Bluetooth page in your
System Preferences
Renaming a device doesnt
just make it appear
differently on your Mac,
it will appear that way to
everyone. Rename things
like a keyboard and mouse
with your name so there
is no confusion with other
accessories and peripherals
If you want to appear on the device list of other
Macs in your proximity, youll need to make sure
your Mac is Discoverable. You can switch this
on and off in the Bluetooth settings section of
System Preferences
Playing favourites
By default, a device that is moved out of range
of your Mac wont reconnect automatically
upon return. If you add a device to Favourites,
the device will automatically re-pair with your
Mac as soon as it detects it
Genius Bar
Genius Bar
We all have system glitches from time-to-time fortunately our resident expert is
here to answer all your Mac, iPhone and iPad-related questions
search iCreate
us tttoddday
Your questions answered
Sharing snaps
My husband and I both
spend a lot of our time
AirDropping and emailing
photos from our iPhoto libraries
to each other. iCloud and Shared
Photo Streams have helped to
reduce the number of times we have
to do this, but is there a quicker
way? I know iTunes has Home
Sharing for sharing music libraries
across different Macs in the same
household, but is there something
similar for photos? Im happy to
splash out on a third-party app so
long as it isnt too expensive and is
easy to use. A built-in option would
be ideal, though! Wendy Thompson
Hi Wendy, as it happens, sharing your
iPhoto libraries is incredibly simple
and easy to do, its just that Apple
doesnt make it too obvious. Weve put
together a simple, step-by-step guide
to sharing your libraries over on the
right, so follow that to get set up.
Its worth noting that you and your
husband will need to be on the same
Wi-Fi network to make this work, and
youll need to import each others
photos into your own iPhoto libraries in
order to do anything substantial.
If you share a Wi-Fi network with
anyone else, or youre worried about
anyone accessing your photos while
youre on a public network (in an
airport lounge, for example), then you
can restrict what you share to specific
albums. For extra security, you could set
up a password that anyone accessing
your iPhoto library will need to know in
order to see your snaps.
Team tips
To protect
my iPad Ive
gone back and
forth about
what touse.
Im currently using a sturdy
sleeve that converts to a
simple pyramidstand.Its
limited in viewing angles, but
offers complete protection in
mytravel bag.
Im not a huge
fan of using a
case with my
iPhone, but I
keep it covered
up in a nice sleeve when
its in my pocket then it
doesnt come into contact
with my keys or loose
change and get scratched.
I use a traditional
Smart Cover on
my iPad, which
does the job for
the majority of
the time. When Im throwing
it in a bag, though, I have
a slipcase that offers some
more protection. Check out
com for some great options.
Heres a selection of
useful tips & tricks
Setting up a shared photo library
is a simple settings tweak

2: Click and share
To enable iPhoto library
sharing, click on the checkbox
next to Share my photos. Itll
now be visible to anyone else
on your Wi-Fi network.
4: Find it elsewhere
Finding your iPhoto library on
another Mac is easy. Youll see
it under the Shared heading
in iPhotos sidebar. Just click
on it to view the images.
3: Protect em
In order to stop any prying
eyes, you may want to
protect your library. To do this,
click the Require password
checkbox and type one in.
Wheres my DVD?
Whenever I insert a DVD
into my MacBook Pros
SuperDrive, it doesnt
appear on my desktop. Why is that?
If it helps to know, its running
Mountain Lion. CDs and DVDs are
set to show in Finders preferences.
Paul Scott Charnley
Hi Paul, well, youve correctly ensured
that your CDs and DVDs are set to
show on the desktop in Finders
preferences thats always the first
port of call when an issue like this
arises. If thats not the cause of the
issue though, then its worth heading
into your Macs System Preferences
and pulling up the CDs &
DVDs menu. From here,
ensure that none of the
drop-down menus are set
to Ignore. If they are, discs
you insert wont appear on
your Macs desktop. Best of
luck with it all!
Guten Tag, Pages!
I enjoy learning languages
and attend a fortnightly
class in German. I had
hoped my Apple laptop would
have a facility for spelling and
grammar correction as I typed,
but this is not the case. I engage
German in Pages, but every word
I type in German is underlined in
red dots. Can you help?
Terry Stephens
Hi Terry, weve certainly come across
this problem before when it comes
to ensuring that Pages picks up the
subtle differences between US and
British English sadly, none of us here
are as linguistically talented as you!
One fix that may help here is to
open up the Inspector window in
Pages (youll find a button to do this
in the bar just above all of your text
formatting tools) and open up the
Text tab (its icon is a T). From here,
ensure that the Language option
towards the bottom of the window is
set to the one youll be typing with.
This should ensure that you dont end
up with any false positives in Pages
spell check system.
If youre still experiencing issues
as you type, highlight the text and
ensure that language setting in the
Inspector window hasnt switched
itself back again and then carry on.
Viel Glck, Terry!
Share your
iPhoto library
1: Its your preference
Open iPhotos Preferences by
hitting Cmd+comma. Now
click on the Sharing heading
along the top of the window.
1: Select your text
If you find yourself typing in an
alternative language and get a few
spelling warnings from Pages, start by
highlighting the offending text.
2: An Inspector calls
Open the Inspector window by
clicking on the button in the top-right
of Pages window to access a range of
important editing tools.
3: Switch to Deutsch
From the Text menu, select the
language of your choice from the
drop-down menu next to Languages
its as simple as that.
Changing Pages language
A missing
DVD might be
found with the right
System Preferences
Genius Bar

Create custom
Facebook gone silent
Ive got the Facebook app
installed on my iPhone,
but whenever I receive a
notification, it doesnt make a sound.
The rest of my apps do, so I know its
not a hardware issue. Do you have any
ideas to fix this? Amanda Smith
Hi Amanda, theres a couple of essential
checks you should make. First, head
to Settings>Notifications>Facebook
and ensure that the Sounds toggle
is set to On. Secondly, head to
Settings>Facebook>Settings and ensure
that the messaging and chat sounds are
on too. Finally, if none of the above works,
try re-installing the app. Its worth noting
that a lack of sound from Facebooks app
is a known problem, so you may find that
none of our suggestions solve your issue.
Were sure Facebook will release a fix soon!
1: Pick a person
select a
youd like
to create
a custom
alert for.
Tap Edit
and scroll down to the
Vibration option.
3: Good vibrations
To create
tap on the
screen and
youll feel
your phone
react. Youll
see a visual
timeline of vibrations along
the bottom of the screen.
2: Go custom
From the
click on the
Create New
under the
heading to bring up the
custom vibrations editor.
4: Identify it
So you
can select
for other
contacts at
a later date,
give it a
name that
helps you
what your
custom vibration pattern
sounds like.
Head to Facebooks
settings to fix any
notification issues
Click on it
once and
hit the Quit
Process button
Look ma,
no wires!
Hi iCreate, Ive been trying
to set my iPhone up so
it syncs with iTunes on
my MacBook Pro over Wi-Fi. Ive
enabled in the iPhones page on
iTunes but my phone still doesnt
show up. Have you any advice or
ideas here? Terry Strong
Hi Terry, theres a number of things
you can try here. Lets start with the
obvious. First, restart your iTunes app
as this tends to kick the Wi-Fi sync
process into action. If that doesnt
work, try disconnecting your Mac and
iPhone from your Wi-Fi connection and
reconnecting them again. If youre still
having issues, open up Activity Monitor
on your Mac and search for a process
called AppleMobileDeviceHelper.
Once you find this, click on it once and
hit the Quit Process button. Relaunch
iTunes one more time and, with any
luck, you should see your iPhone. We
hope this helps!
Syncing no strings attached
Auto-updating Photo Stream
In your recent Throw an Apple
powered party feature, you
talked about turning a shared
Photo Stream into a screensaver. I tried
this out but I noticed that I cant have
the screensaver automatically update
with any new images I post. Is there a
way to do this at all?
Eleanor Price
Hi Eleanor, setting up your screensaver so
it automatically updates with the most
recent images from your Photo Stream is
actually fairly straightforward. Instead of
using iPhoto here, were actually delving
back into your Macs all-knowing System
Preferences application.
Start off by opening System Preferences
and selecting the Desktop & Screen Saver
preference pane from the options that
appear. Once this has loaded, select the
Screen Saver tab from the top. Under
the Slideshows list on the left, select a
slideshow style that youd like to use. You
can see a preview for these on the right.
Once youve selected your preferred
slideshows style, select Photo Library
from the Source drop-down menu. In the
dialogue box that appears, youll see a
number of different sources and the whole
thing will look very similar to the main
sidebar in iPhoto. From here, select Photo
Stream and hit Choose.
From here, youre all good to go! If you
want to see your Photo Stream screensaver
in action without waiting for it to kick in,
you can hover over the small preview
window and click on the Preview button
that appears. From here you can shoot
a couple of test shots to ensure its all in
working order.
GarageBand iCloud syncing
Ive recently bought an iPad to go
along with my Mac and iPhone and I
love it! Ive been making a lot of music
in GarageBand and I wondered if theres a way
to sync the projects Im working on between
my Mac and iPad? I know you can do this with
Pages, Numbers and Keynote documents, but
can you not do it with iLife projects? It seems to
be a similar issue with iPhoto.
Gregory Norman
Hi Gregory, flick back a few pages to our Record
an album in a week project to find out how to do
exactly that with the help of iTunes. Its a simple
process and its the one Apple recommended.
Sadly, though, its one youll have to do by
manually hooking up your iPad to your Mac by a
Lightning or 30-pin USB connection cable. If you
want to go down a slightly less official route, though,
you can access iClouds Mobile Documents folder on
your Mac and find any of your GarageBand projects
you have synced to iCloud. Take a look at the image
below to give you an idea of exactly how this works.
Its a little hacky, but weve seen it in action, so it
definitely works. Best of luck.
Break out of iPhoto and use System
Preferences for an auto-updating screensaver
In the end
Finding GarageBands
iCloud data is a little
more complex as the
folder name is quite
long. It ends in
garageband, though,
so look for that
Find the Library
The Library folder has
been hidden in OS X.
To gain access to it,
click on Go in the menu
bar while holding Alt
and select Library from
the list that appears
iCloud files are stored
on your Mac in the
Mobile Documents
folder in your users
Library. Find that folder
and click on it
Find project
Once youre in that
folder, head into the
Documents folder and
find your project, then
drag (while holding the
Alt button) to copy it to
your desktop
Syncing your GarageBand projects
There are different ways to
sync GarageBand to iCloud
hen it comes to being creative, were
always talking about apps on your Mac,
whether theyre downloaded from the
Mac App Store or installed from online. Apps
like those in the iLife suite, which stay on your
machine at all times, are the focus of most of our
attention, but recently the internet has evolved
even further and its now possible to do a lot of
what we show you without downloading a thing.
Web apps are what their name suggests apps
that are available for free, in a browser, and all
you need to do is navigate to a website. In some
cases, the apps are just a bit of fun, enabling you
to sketch in drawing windows, or put together a
quick and easy photo slideshow. However, others
are much more complex, offering an impressive
amount of power for editing photos, recording
music or editing and sharing video.
In this feature weve picked out some of the
best sites for getting creative in your favourite
browser. The best part is, you dont need to be
on your own machine to use them you can
access them from any computer. Give them a try
and you might even find that they replace some
apps on your Mac. Youll be surprised at how
competent they are, so read on and find out just
how much control they can give you.
Create, edit and share right from your web browser
JAM is without a doubt the most fun weve had
online for a long time. You cant record your tracks,
and youll need to use Chrome to access the app,
which is a little limiting, but for just creating some
music with friends its an absolute blast.
1: Choose your instrument
When you first open the app, youll need to choose
an instrument (although it can be changed later). Its
a good idea to add a nickname here, too.
2: Invite friends
Along the bottom of the screen is the option to
invite friends. You can do so through social networks,
or simply by emailing them a web address.
3: Start jamming
Now you can start playing. Just drag your mouse
over your instrument to start playing in a rhythm, or
click a particular string or drum for single beats.
4: Go pro
Easy mode lets you play preset beats that sound
fantastic, but if you want to step up to the next level
you can switch to Pro and use your keyboard to play.
Step-by-step Start jamming with friends
JAM with Chrome
JAM isnt the only app that lets you play
online. Heres our pick of the best of the rest
This app visually represents the music you want
to play, with pedals, amps and synths connected
up at the top of the screen. You can select loops
and build tracks easily by adding effects.
When it comes to simplicity, this web app is
second only to JAM. Pick some chords, then
choose the instruments to play, choose Loop
page and youll have a great sounding track.
Indaba Mantis
Whether you want to upload your own recording
to the site or just play with the preset effects that
are included, Mantis will help. You could use this
to mix a full song, although it takes practice.
This online editor offers plenty of style when it
comes to mixing, with a lovely design and a wide
range of digital instruments to help you mix your
song. You can upload your own tracks, too.
Creative Web Apps music
Photoshop is a truly powerful tool, but its also
extremely expensive. For some, the basic photo
editing tools are all they need, and you can get
them all for free with Photoshops Express Editor.
The app enables you to upload a photo from your
Mac, or simply access one from your Creative Cloud
account and edit it in your browser in no time at all.
There are a surprising number of options available
too, and its well worth trying them all out to see
whats possible with this free tool, especially if youre
considering investing in the downloadable version
of Photoshop Express.
Photoshop Express www.photoshop.com/tools/expresseditor
1: Upload
First, open the editor and upload your photo. The
site currently only works with JPEG files that are 16
megapixels or less, so resize large files.
2: Auto Correct
You can quickly adjust all the colours of your photo
with the Auto Correct option. Hit it and you can
choose the best retouch option from those available.
3: Effect options
Now start applying effects. When you choose one,
you can scroll over the previews at the top of the
window to see what your image will look like.
4: Combining effects
Use a combination of effects to create a unique look
and completely change your photo. You can undo at
any time, or simply revert back to the original.
5: Decoration
There is also a selection of additional elements you
can add to your photos in the Decoration area,
including text, speech bubbles and other graphics.
6: Save and download
When youve finished, click the Done button and
youll have a number of options. You can share your
image online or simply save it back to your Mac.
Step-by-step Add effects to your photos
Use a combination
of effects to create
a unique look and
completely change
your photo
Creative Web Apps Photo Editing
When it comes to fixing images, iPhoto isnt the
best, containing a few limited tools and no real
customisation. Instead, you should turn to Pixlr,
a powerful online editor that offers some really
impressive options. The app contains a lot of the
features that you can expect to find in apps like
Pixelmator, with a Clone tool, Burn and Dodge
brushes and much more. The results you can get
from the web app are fantastic, so weve shown
you in this tutorial how to edit your shots to
remove unwanted aspects and change the look
entirely with some impressive outcomes.
Pixlr Editor www.pixlr.com/editor
1: Lighten or darken
You can use the Dodge or Burn tools to lighten or
darken areas. Choose one of the two and brush
directly onto your photo to make the changes.
2: Brush tools
Along the top of the window are your brush tools.
Click the arrow to choose a different shape for
your brush, alter its settings or add more brushes.
3: Adjust levels
You can also use the Adjustments menu at the top
to transform the whole image. Use the sliders in
Hue & Saturation to make your photo pop.
4: Spot heal
Now choose the Spot heal tool from the bar on
the right. This enables you to remove blemishes
easily, so brush over anything you want removed.
5: Clone stamp
You can use the Clone stamp to remove whole
sections. Cmd+click to set a reference point, then
click anywhere to stamp that point elsewhere.
6: Settings
The top bar contains even more options for
each tool. For Clone stamp, for example, you can
choose to sample all layers with your clone.
Step-by-step Retouch your photos online
deviantART is a great place to share your creations
online, but thanks to Muro, you can now create
something without anything more complex than
your favourite browser. The app enables you to
sketch with some more unorthodox brushes to put
together an artistic creation.
The ability to add layers and effects to your work,
as well as changing settings such as opacity, make
this is a really impressive app. If you have a Wacom
drawing tablet you can even use that to paint,
thanks to a simple plug-in that lets you connect up
and start creating with a physical pen.
deviantART Muro http://sta.sh/muro
You can add filters
from this drop-
down menu. The
list is surprisingly
extensive, offering
everything from
sharpening tools to
effects like motion
blur and neon edges
Brushes are shown along the bottom of
the screen. The selection is extremely
varied, so youll come across some
unexpected options as you paint. Its great
to try out brushes and see what they do
Layers are fully supported by Muro, and you can
access and organise them on the right of the
window. Name them as you go so you dont get
confused, and remember you can hide them
when theyre not needed
Above the brush bar is the
section that enables you
to pick different tools and
customise the brushes youre
using. You can effortlessly
change the size, opacity and
edge softness of the brushes,
as well as altering colours
1: Black or white?
First, choose whether you want to
paint on a black or a white screen.
Simply click the BCG button to the
right of the interface.
2: Start experimenting
Start adding shapes to the area, and
play with the sliders at the bottom of
the screen to see what effects they
have. Experimentation is key.
3: Export and save
When youve created a shape, click
the Save button. It might take a while,
but the finished image will appear in
another window for you to save.
Flame Painter is a simple
enough site, but there are
plenty of options for creating
brilliant effects. In fact, we
used Flame Painter to create
a new desktop wallpaper for
our Mac, and its so easy and
fun to do it yourself we think
you should give it a try
Creative Web Apps Image Creation
Saving and sharing
Muro does let you save and share your creations,
but youll need to log in if you want to do any of
that. Its worth signing up doing so is free, pretty
painless and ensures you wont be bothered by
the regular prompts that appear on-screen when
you add effects and filters.
Knowledge base
The Muro interface
Get creative in your browser
1: Upload
Youll need to upload some video to the site, as
everything is stored online. Use the Upload section
and simply find the files in the pop-up window.
2: Pick a theme
Next, click the Style button in the bar along the top
of the screen. Choose from the list of themes, using
the preview on the right to find one you like.
3: Change editing mode
Hit the settings cog in the top-right and you can
choose a more advanced Timeline editing mode,
which offers more control for experienced editors.
4: Customise settings
Click a clip in this mode and you can change a range
of settings. Change the fit, add a caption or even
apply an effect to the video from this menu.
5: Edit transitions
You can edit the transitions by choosing the
corresponding section from the list on the left and
dragging the selected option into the timeline.
6: Publish
When youve finished your video, you can save it
to your online account, or hit the Publish button to
share it with your friends using the options provided.
Step-by-step Edit and share a movie
For a lot of people, video editing seems like
too much hard work when you can just share a
short clip online. But it doesnt have to be time
consuming with web tools like WeVideo you can
make powerful edits and share them in minutes.
Making video editing fun
WeVideo given you some inspiration? Take a
look at these similar video-editing apps
This simple web app enables you to upload
your photos, add some music and a theme, then
watch as the elements are moulded into a video
you can be proud to show off.
Animoto Videos
This quick video-making tool lets you upload
your own photos, video clips and music, before
adding them all instantly to create a finished
video. Its fun, but limited to 30-second videos.
Use this app to create a simple, quick animated
video. You can either type out dialogue to be
spoken, or record your own audio, then watch an
instant preview its very easy to use.
It might not be obvious, but YouTube contains
some pretty powerful editing options of its own.
Upload a full video, or just clips, and you can edit
it with impressively powerful tools.
Creative Web Apps video
Creative Web Apps Online storage and sharing
Photobucket www.photobucket.com
An online photo sharing
and editing tool,
Photobucket lets you
store and share all your
shots in one place. Its
simple to use, and can
be connected to your
Facebook and Twitter
accounts for even easier sharing. Plus, with the new Stories
feature, you can design beautiful slideshow-style books
that tell a story with photos and videos.
Vimeo www.vimeo.com
While YouTube may be
the first port of call for
many video uploads
online, Vimeo holds
a wealth of fantastic
content, and offers
arguably a more high-
brow experience
compared to YouTube. Upload in HD, edit with the built-in
web editor and share with friends in groups its a fantastic
way to showcase your videos to the masses.
- nhancer
Vimeo offers an Enhancer for your videos when you
upload them. You can add effects and a soundtrack to your
clip before you publish it. Its relatively limited, but a great
additional option nonetheless.
- Groups and sharing
The site is social, too. You can
join groups that interest you,
and see all videos uploaded.
Watch the videos and discuss
them with those in your group
to find out new things about
the clips and get inspired to
create your own.
YouTube www.youtube.com
It might seem like the obvious choice for sharing
video, but theres a good reason for that
YouTube makes editing and publishing video
very simple. You can add tags and a description,
then upload for the world to see and watch the
views go up. Comments arent always helpful, but
its a great way to get your work out there.
When it comes to online storage,
Dropbox is second to none. Sign
up for free and youll gain 2GB of
storage straight away this storage
can be expanded by inviting friends
and completing tasks on the
website, meaning you can expand
your free space to 18GB at no extra
cost. You can store any kind of file
you want on there, and access them
anywhere with Mac and iOS apps.
- Sharing
You can share large files with anyone
easily, simply by emailing them
a link to your Dropbox folder. Its
completely secure, and means you
arent shackled by the maximum size
limit on emails.
Box www.box.com
After a recent promotion gave away
free 50GB accounts, Box has become
one of the more popular sites for
storing creations here at iCreate
Towers. It limits you to 250MB
file uploads, but offers similar file
sharing functionality as Dropbox
and lets you store all kinds of files
securely online.
Flickr www.fIickr.com
When it comes to photo storage and sharing options, there
is arguably no better option than Flickr. Creating a profile
is free, and you can upload images at full size to ensure the
highest quality when viewing. Its easy to use, extremely
social, and keeps all your photos in one place.
- iPhone app
The Flickr iPhone app not only
lets you catch up on your friends
favourite photos, you can also
add your own shots on the move
with filters and effects that way
you know your photos are always
safe in the cloud.
- Community
The best part of Flickr is
the community. Follow
photographers that inspire you,
or just see your friends photos.
It can motivate you to take great
shots to gain more followers, so
youre always working hard.
Since Apple rolled out iOS 6, there have been
many complaints about poor battery life. It is
true that your battery does appear to drain faster
than before we went out with a fully charged iPhone
and spent time making calls, checking train times and
managing emails. It was down to 10 per cent within four
hours. Of course, we can also go a day or two without
needing to charge, so the science isnt perfect. What we
do know is that you can help things along by ensuring that
services you dont need are turned off, that you dont have
apps running needlessly and that the number of tasks the
iPhone needs to perform are kept to a minimum. Here we
look at ten things that you can do to help maximise your
battery life without hampering your enjoyment of the
device. After all, the most effective way would be to not
use it at all, but that would be silly, wouldnt it?
Ten iPhone battery saving tips
Our top tips to ensure youre never short of juice before the days out
Location Services
The GPS function built into the
iPhone lets apps pinpoint exactly
where you are so that you can
take advantage of functions, from
discovering what is around you to
finding your way on a map. You
dont always need it though. Go to
Settings>Privacy>Location Services
and turn it off whenever you can.
Turn off Wi-Fi
Most of us are guilty of leaving
our Wi-Fi monitor turned on so that it
will switch to a faster method of data
connection whenever you are within
range. Leaving it in this state when
you are nowhere near a hotspot
needlessly drains the battery. Go to
Settings>Wi-Fi and slide to turn this
function off until you next need it.
Toggle your
Some simple tweaks in
notifications can stop
applications attempting to
get your attention and thus
bringing your iPhone out of
sleep mode, eating battery
Notification Center
Under this tab, you will
see all of the apps that are
currently set to notify you
of particular events. Go
through the list and tap on
the apps that you do not
want notifying about
Do Not Disturb
When you are in a meeting
or you want to get some
peace and quiet, you
can stop people from
contacting you and using
up your battery power while
you tell them you cant
speak. Tap Do Not Disturb
and turn it On
Do you need 3G?
While 3G and 4G come to think
of it is brilliant for those times when
you are not in a Wi-Fi hotspot, you
dont always need it turned on. You
can restrict your data to Wi-Fi only by
going to Settings>General>Cellular
and turning Cellular Data to the Off
position. This will stop any battery
loss, albeit a small one.
Adjust brightness
Your iPhone is able to detect
the ambient light wherever you are.
When there is a lot of ambient light,
the screen becomes brighter and vice
versa. You can enable Auto-Brightness
by going to Settings>Brightness
& Wallpaper and turning Auto-
Brightness on. You can also manually
dim the screen to save power too.
Dont push data
Imagine you had a device that
was constantly waiting for input
and then, when it found what it
liked, shouted about it to you. Thats
what happens when you have data
pushed to your phone to alert you
of new notifications. Turn it off by
going to Settings>Mail, Contacts,
Calendars>Fetch New Data.
Turn Bluetooth off
When you have Bluetooth
enabled, it will constantly accept
incoming data even when you do
not want it. That is because the
iPhone is set up to monitor any
Bluetooth signals and this will drain
your battery. So when you do not
need Bluetooth, turn it off by going to
More hidden secrets
You have to delve a little deeper
here because its not immediately
obvious what you should tap, but
go to Location Services and then
System Services and you can turn off
elements such as Genius for Apps,
Location Based iAds and Call Network
Search, all of which can help to free
up battery resources.
Email preferences
Email can be checked by
having the phone monitor for new
messages. Rather than shutting
this function down altogether as in
Tip 4, you can limit the number of
times the phone checks for emails
by going to Settings>Mail, Contacts,
Calendars>Fetch New Data and
selecting Every 30 minutes or Hourly.
Stop background apps
Its easy to tap icons and forget
just how many apps you have
open. Before you know it, you have
numerous apps in the background all
working their magic but draining your
battery power too. Keep a mental
note to close background apps.
Double-tap Home, press and hold an
app and tap - to close it.
Sleepy time
When your iPhone is active,
it will drain the battery far faster
than when it is snoozing peacefully
until you wake it. More commonly
referred to as Auto-Lock, the aim is
to lock it out and send it to sleep in
the shortest convenient time for you.
Aim for around two minutes. Go to
Thereis alsoaDiagnostics andUsagefeatureunder Settings>General>About that will
senddailydiagnosticandusagedatatoApple. Youcanselect Dont Sendtoprevent it.
Find My iPhone is an app and service that you will rarely use and
is one that will likely find its way to a folder hidden on one of your
home screens. This does not mean that it isnt vitally important,
however, because if you happen to lose your phone or tablet you will be glad
that you took the time to set it up properly. In this tutorial we will show you
how to set it up and what to do if you lose your phone or have it stolen. It will
be worth remembering what to do if you need to take action quickly, but dont
put all of your faith in this service. You should still use simple security measures
like a passcode to lock the front screen and take all of the usual common sense
precautions with a device that
is worth a lot of money. Find My
iPhone is very useful, but being
careful with your device is the
ultimate solution. This is an excellent
back-up plan though.
Set up and use
Find My iPhone
Find My iPhone is a free service that can be used on any iOS
device, and it could save you a lot of money, time and hassle
Difficulty: Beginner
Time needed: 5 minutes
Find My iPhone
1: Download the app
Go to the App Store and search for Find My iPhone.
It is free to use and not very large so will have little
impact on your device. When installed, open it.
2: Log in
The app will ask you to log in with your Apple ID
username and password and will then show any iOS
devices that you have linked to that account.
3: Where is it?
Tapping a device will immediately bring up its
position. If you have more than one device online,
each will show in their current location.
Lose your phone or tablet [and]
you will be glad that you took the
time to set it up properly
Step-by-step Find My iPhone Be prepared with Find My iPhone
4: A handy feature
The Play Sound feature is found when you tap a
device on the map to play an alarm. Useful if you
lose a device locally and have access to another.
5: Find your phone
If the worst happens, go to https://www.icloud.
com/find and enter your Apple ID details. Your
phones location will be displayed on the screen.
6: Lost Mode
You can click the phone location and select Lost
Mode to enter a phone number that will be
displayed on your device. It may prompt a call.
7: If all else fails
You can take extreme measures. Select Erase Phone,
enter your Apple ID and a command will be sent to
completely erase the phone.
8: Connectivity is needed
The device must be connected to the internet, but
you can set up instructions to kick in as soon as it is
connected, safeguarding your data.
9: Use the satellite
Select the Satellite view to pinpoint your phones
location. This is particularly useful if reporting the
loss to the police who can use the location.
TheFindMyiPhoneservicewill alsodisplaythelatest timeadevicepositionwas found
andeventhecurrent batterylevel. This canhelpyoudecideif it is lost or stolen.
Pixlr Express Plus is one of those apps that astounds. Produced by
Autodesk, it is based on Pixlr-o-matic, the popular photo-editing and
sharing app. But it goes way beyond that, and it soon becomes clear
why it is getting so many plaudits. Anyone who loves to manipulate their images
can delve deep into this app to tweak every aspect of their photos.
This Plus version builds on the freebie that can be picked up from the App
Store. It is jammed full of filters and overlays and this makes it even easier to
generate some amazing effects. The interface is fluid and sleek and you will have
little trouble getting around.
One other thing that we do like about the app is that the effects have to be
downloaded individually. All of these are available to you for free but the idea is
that you dont have to waste space on your iPad by having them all downloaded
from the start. You only download the stuff you need. Its a great idea.
Go retro with Pixlr Express
Plus on your iOS device
Difficulty: Beginner
Time needed: 10 minutes
Price: Free
Autodesks powerful and intuitive app can add a whole new look to
your images with a host of incredible editing features
This makes it even easier to
generate some amazing effects
Pixlr Express Plus
Step-by-step Pixlr Express Plus Giving photos a vintage look
1: Take or use photo
The app will ask if you want to take a fresh
photograph via your devices camera or use an
existing image from your Camera Roll. Make your
choice. Your image will then appear for editing.
2: Select an overlay
Here we are going to look at some overlays. These
give your image an instant new look. Tap Overlay.
Were going to choose Retro Poster but there are
lots of other options to explore.
3: Download the pack
Before an effect can be used, it needs to download.
Once you have it available, you can select from the
many types of effect such as Beam, Burst or Disco.
The effect is shown in the preview area.
Make adjustments to your image
Fine tune your photograph
to enhance the retro look
Therearesomanyamazingphotoeditingappsavailablefor iPadandyoucanfndmany
of thoseandmoreinour iPadAppDirectoryVol. 6fromGreatdigitalmags.com.
Adding borders
You can add to the retro
feel of your image by
including a border if you
wish. The Ink border lends a
vintage feel, as does White
Ripped. Go to Borders
from the main menu
and make your selection,
experimenting with each
one. Every border option
has a sub menu which
expands on the number of
selections available to you.
Knowledge base
This is a very handy tool. You can select
a key part of your image or remove
parts you do not want. Be creative with
the tool and the image can really shine
The vintage or retro look will alter
the colour of an image and you
can delve even deeper into this
via the Color feature, altering hue,
saturation and lightness
Use the Blur tool to make the image less sharp. This can also
produce a more artful retro shot. Use the slider left and right to
increase or decrease blurring
Tapping on the Adjustment
option will open up lots of
key features that will let you
really get to grips with your
image, letting you make
micro refinements to the
end result
4: Choose an effect
Now we are going to look at some different effects.
Here you will see a host of choices once again. We
are looking at Vintage. Tap on this option to start
and refine the retro look.
5: Narrowing down
Tap the actual effect that you want to perfect your
retro look. There are many different examples to
choose from and the effect instantly applies in front
of your eyes. Tap Apply if you are happy.
6: Fades and more
Before you tap Apply, you can also select the effects
intensity and fine tune your image. Move the slider
left and right until you get the final image that you
are entirely happy with.
Doing to video what Twitter originally did to conversation and
Instagram did to photography, Vine is a bustling community of
movie-makers churning out six-second shorts for your enjoyment.
But you dont have to simply sit back as a consumer of these videos. Vine is such
a simple app to use that you can be involved in no time making shorts of your
own. Its a good idea to start by simply recording short clips of things around
you, but if you want something a little more advanced, animation is possible.
By tapping on your iPhone screen you should be able to record short bursts
or even single frames of footage. Do these in succession and you could begin to
string together a stop-motion animation. In the following tutorial well walk you
through just how easy it is to make an animated Vine clip.
It should be mentioned here that we used a Glif iPhone mount and
GorillaPod tripod to hold our iPhone steady during recording so that our hands
were free to move objects around and to keep the phone in a stationary
position at all times. An alternative to these hardware solutions would be to
have someone with steady hands hold and record with your phone as you set
up frames or vice versa.
Make a stop-motion
animation with Vine
How to get the most out of your six seconds of fame
Difficulty: Intermediate
Time needed: 15 minutes
Directing in Vine
As easy an interface as imaginable
Looping around
The best Vine videos take
into account that they play
back on Vine and Twitter
as a never ending loop. As
such, looping videos are
some of the best and most
enjoyable to watch, a bit
like an animated GIF. Think
about start and end points
with your Vine to see if you
can make it loop for the
greatest possible effect.
Knowledge base
Touch to record
Recording with Vine couldnt be
easier. Touch anywhere on the screen
to record and let go again to stop.
Repeat until your six seconds are up
Progress bar
As you record this bar will fill up.
Once you have a portion of film it will
actually offer you the chance to stop
recording, before the six-second mark
Dont forget sound
When capturing stop-motion its easy to forget
Vine also records sound, so keep that in mind.
Tapping to record makes it hard to have a
consistent backing track
Finish and share
Vine videos can be shared through the app, via
Twitter and through Facebook. Facebook posts
will redirect to a profile page online to watch
your Vine clip
1: Pick your spot
Make a decision early on as to whether or not your
camera will be in a fixed position or moving around.
Stationary is best for this kind of animation style.
4: A marker
Its worth having markers in place to help you
remember starting or finishing positions. We kept a
pen out of frame for tracking the orange ball.
2: Subtle shifts
Tap the screen to capture your first frame of footage,
then move the objects slightly and tap again. Small
movements will make a smoother animation.
5: Shock and awe
Consider switching things up. Suddenly changing
the action can lead to some amusing results and a
fun twist on more predictable Vine videos.
3: Plenty of time
Six seconds may not seem much, but in animation
terms its an age. Dont feel like you have to rush
what youre animating. Gradually move and shoot.
6: Hashtag happy
Dont forget to hashtag your videos before you
upload them. This will make it easier for others to
find your creations on Vine. Be sure to enter plenty.
Step-by-step Vine Create a six-second animation
Therearesomegreat creators onVineworthfollowing. TrackdownAdamGoldberg,
Pinot andSteveAgeetheyareamongthemost popular andprolifcat themoment.
USB microphones
hen it comes to audio, your Macs built-
in microphone will do an ample job
for FaceTime calls, and even for quick
video tutorials. Sadly, though, its simply not good
enough for professional recording, mostly because
its so small. Its not designed for it, and the result
is a recording that will sound fine, but will miss
a lot of subtlety and fail to capture voices and
instruments as cleanly as many will want.
Recently, Apple stopped including a dedicated
audio input on its Macs, but while you might think
this is a problem for audio enthusiasts, it really isnt.
Modern microphones offer fantastic audio quality
with a simple USB connection, not only ensuring
that your recordings sound great but also making
the microphones compatible with every device. In
fact, in many cases, USB microphones can be used
just as easily with an iPad or even an iPhone as they
can with a Mac all you need is the USB section of
the Camera Connection Kit from Apple and youre
ready to get recording.
With that in mind, weve tested each of our
microphones with both a Mac and an iPad to see
how they perform and how the compatibility
changes the value of each one. Weve also tested
them for background noise, and to see how well
they manage with other voices and sounds being
recorded in the same room.
So, whether you want to upgrade to a better
microphone for your FaceTime conversations,
record voice-overs for videos that youve made on
your Mac, or record an album on your iPad, weve
put each one through its paces so you know the
best choice for your needs. Read on to find out just
how each one performed, which will be crowned
the group test winner, and which one offers the
best value from the six.
How we tested the microphones
We used GarageBand on both Mac and iPad to test sound quality,
listening particularly for background noise and the reduction of
popping on certain letters. We also made sure recordings were
made at a variety of distances from the microphones and with sound
coming from multiple directions.
Group test
Whats the best USB mic for your Mac
or iPad? We test the contenders
5. Apogee
Key features
- works wlth Mac, lPhone
and lPad
- 44.l/48 kHz 24-blt
- All-metal constructlon
Learn more
6. 8lue Spark
Key features
- works wlth Mac and lPad
- Headphone [ack
- Ad[ustable stand and
Learn more
3. Mlcrocone
Key features
- Slx-dlrectlon recordlng
- 48 kHZ 24-blt resolutlon
- Pree app from
Mac App Store
Learn more
4. Audlo
AT2020 US8
Key features
- Polarlsed cardlold
- 20Hz-l6kHz frequency
- Plvotlng stand lncluded
Learn more
2. MXL
Studlo 24
Key features
- 44.l/48 kHz 24-blt
- Headphone [ack
- 20Hz-20kHz
frequency response
Learn more
l. 8lue etl
Key features
- Three condenser capsules
- Headphone [ack
- Pour pattern optlons
Learn more
Group test
- Design
The MiC is much smaller than we expected,
but that is only a good thing when it comes to
transportation. It feels sturdy and strong thanks to
the metal casing, and looks great aside from the
ugly plastic gain dial.
- Sound quaIity
The MiC fared the worst when it came to popping
during close-up audio, but overall we were really
impressed by the quality that the tiny microphone
managed. We would happily record live
instruments or a podcast using the MiC.
- DirectionaI sound canceIIation
This area was particularly impressive for the
MiC it certainly didnt eradicate sound from its
negative side completely, but it did a fantastic
job of minimalising it and focusing attention on
sounds entering from the front of the mic.
- xtra options
The only additional option offered by the MiC is
the gain control on the side of the casing. It feels
a little cheap compared to the high quality of the
rest of the microphone, but its nice to have the
extra option included.
- IncIuded accessories
The included stand is very small, likely to aid in
transporting the tiny mic, but it meant that even
with it attached the microphone was too low for
comfortably recording. The included iOS cable
makes it easy to connect to an iPad, though.
- Design
The Studio 24 mic is a great-looking piece of kit,
with a brushed silver finish and black and chrome
accents that look great. Its quite heavy, but feels
incredibly solid and well-designed, and on the
stand it certainly looks the part.
- Sound quaIity
We got the best results for the Studio 24 when
recording close-up. We didnt experience any real
issues with popping at all when recording vocals,
and the on-mic monitoring helps to quickly work
out what needs changing.
- DirectionaI sound canceIIation
The noise cancellation didnt overly impress us.
The microphone did reduce sounds from other
directions a fair amount during recording, but we
got much better results with other mics in the test,
like the Apogee and Blue models.
- xtra options
Gain control on the microphone is a bonus, and
just below it youll find a headphone jack for
monitoring audio. We were really disappointed
to find that the mics power requirements are too
high for an iPad, however.
- IncIuded accessories
The MXL is the most prepared of all the mics in our
group test. The sturdy and well-designed carry
case comfortably holds the stand, any cables, the
included cleaning cloth and the mic itself, and
keeps them all well protected.
- Design
We werent hugely impressed with the aesthetic
design of the AT2020, which offers plain black
metal and little else. Still, its sturdy, solid, and well-
made, and we did like the blue LED that nestles
just inside the shielding.
- Sound quaIity
Audio was clean and clear at any distance when
recording with the AT2020, although we found
that it did record audio noticeably quieter than the
other mics in our test we had to alter settings to
get the sound levels right.
- DirectionaI sound canceIIation
This was an extremely impressive aspect of the
AT2020, which managed to remove a huge
amount of sound from behind the mic and focus
its attention solely on the main audio source. It
was the best in our tests by far.
- xtra options
The mic itself features no extra options
whatsoever; we would really like to have seen
some kind of gain or monitoring control included.
Still, it works nicely with iPad, and the connection
is fast and easy via USB.
- IncIuded accessories
Out of the bag, youll also get a stand, which holds
the mic a little low for our liking, and a carry case.
We found it a really tight fit if you wanted to store
the stand, the included cable and the mic in,
which isnt great with transport in mind.
Apogee MiC MXL Studio 24 USB Audio Technica AT2020
Compact and easy to
use. Works better than
expected, issues with
popping and stand aside
Affordable and well-
designed. Great features,
a brilliant carry case but
not iPad compatible
Good audio quality,
excellent directional
sound cancellation and
iPad connectivity

- Design
When it comes to design in this test, the Blue
Spark is second to none. The body is beautifully
suave, and the build quality is just brilliant. The
focus switch could be better to look at, but now
were just nitpicking.
- Sound quaIity
The Spark was by far the quietest when using
the same settings as the rest, and we got a little
popping when recording audio close up. Focus
mode offers a different sound setup, and both
options are clean and clear.
- DirectionaI sound canceIIation
We found that the Spark did a relatively good
job of directional sound cancellation, although it
couldve been better. It couldnt match the other
Blue microphone in our tests, which was a shame
considering they come from the same company.
- xtra options
The Sparks Focus mode changes the receivers in
the microphone head to offer audio with greater
clarity and detail. The results are subtle, but it
does make a difference. The on-mic gain control is
nicely implemented, too.
- IncIuded accessories
The included stand is a little large, but thats
because it offers full shock resistance to minimise
accidental noise inputs from table bumps. The
included cable offers a simple connection to iPad,
too, as well as a headphone-out port.
- Design
This unique microphone actually offers audio that
can be recorded from six directions, hence the
hexagonal cone-shaped design. It looks great, and
feels nicely weighty, although the plastic casing
isnt the best weve come across.
- Sound quaIity
The sound quality of the Microcone is pretty good,
although it certainly cant compare to the cardioid
mics in our test. It does a nice enough job of
offering loud recordings, but we wouldnt use this
mic for recording high-quality audio.
- DirectionaI sound canceIIation
This omnidirectional microphone is one that
should only be used in quiet spaces, unless you
want a lot of outside noise. Still, because the mic
records from every direction, you only need one in
the centre of a room.
- xtra options
A free app, available from the Mac App Store,
makes this a powerful beast. Each of the six
sides can be allocated to a person, with sounds
detected by each side separated into individual
waveforms. Its really clever, and very impressive.
- IncIuded accessories
The Microcone doesnt come with any extras,
aside from the free app you can download. It really
does make the mic a different animal, although
it has less options than, say, GarageBand does for
tweaking audio.
- Design
The biggest mic in our test by far, the Yeti packs
some real weight. It can be detached from its well-
proportioned, but bulky, base if you so wish, but
it cant match the Spark on the looks front. What
about sound quality though?
- Sound quaIity
The addition of the four polar pattern selector
means this is incredibly adaptable, and the sound
quality is excellent no matter which you choose.
We had a few very small issues with popping
when recording close-up, but nothing serious.
- DirectionaI sound canceIIation
The four polar pattern selector really came into
its own here you can choose from four settings
depending on where audio is coming from. Set
to cardioid, the cancellation was really impressive,
while other options offered some customisation.
- xtra options
The gain dial on the front of the mic was a
welcome addition, along with a headphone jack
on the bottom for on-mic monitoring. The pattern
selector and easy iPad connection is the cherry on
top of this feature-packed cake.
- IncIuded accessories
There are no additions to the Yeti package apart
from its sturdy stand. It makes this mic a bulky
choice, and extremely hard to move around a
shame considering the iPad connectivity. Were
willing to overlook these issues though.
Blue Spark Blue Yeti Microcone
A beautiful mic packed
with great features. A little
quiet, but the connectivity
options are great
Performs well enough,
but cant compete with
sound quality. Unique
app, but very costly
Well-designed if overly
bulky. Excellent on-mic
settings, high-quality
audio and very affordable

hile compact system
cameras with detachable
lenses are increasing in
popularity, superzoom cameras
are also riding a wave of success.
This bridge camera, which uses a
fixed lens with an impressive 24x
optical zoom, offers the best of both
worlds. Theres a large sensor to
capture bright, detailed images and
a lens that will let you grab shots
from great distance.
To some, the FZ200 may look like
a DSLR, but this camera is a little
more user-friendly than that, a more
professional-level option. With a
built-in flash and viewfinder, youll
be able to compose your shots
without any additional accessories,
and the rotating screen enables
you to shoot shots easily at extreme
angles. There is an Intelligent Auto
mode for fast shots, but the camera
also lets you take complete control,
with Program, Aperture priority,
Shutter priority and Manual modes
as you might expect.
The body of the camera is quite
large, and youll find it heavy if
youre used to compact cameras.
However, the sensor inside offers
an impressive 1/2.3-inch high-
sensitivity MOS sensor, with 12.1
megapixels at your disposal.
It might not sound like a huge
number, but when you consider
that you can zoom in on an object
40 feet away and still get a photo
that could be blown up to A2
size without any loss in quality, it
shouldnt be a problem.
We shot in a number of different
locations to test the various settings.
We were incredibly impressed by
the colour representation in the
photos, as well as the detail the lens
managed to pick out. It really helps
that the camera maintains the f2.8
aperture setting at every zoom level
it was the first superzoom camera
to do this, in fact as it ensures
crisp and well-lit images no matter
how far in you go. More complex
shots, and those taken in low-light
situations, still look quite good but
suffer a little from noise. Its not a
huge problem, but when viewing
your shots at 100 per cent on your
Mac screen it will be noticeable.
The controls are set out really
well, and while we wouldve loved
an eye sensor next to the viewfinder
(youll need to switch between
it and the screen manually), the
viewfinder itself offers good high-
res detail. Aside from the small
niggles, this is a brilliant camera that
offers high-quality shots even when
zoomed in. If youre looking for a
step-up camera, its a great option.
A hefty body, but plenty of power lies within this zoom-centric bridge camera
24x optical zoom
12.1 megapixels
f2.8 throughout zoom
Built-in fash and viewfnder
1080p video recording
Rotating 460k dot screen
Learn more
Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ200 449/$599
Buy now?
Pros A fully featured superzoom
camera that takes great shots
Cons A little bulky, with lots of noise
appearing in low-light images

On-lens controls
The lens features a few quick
controls for zoom and focus, making
manual focus mode a joy to use
Super zoom
The lens is fantastic, extending
to offer 24x optical zoom, while
you can get up to 48x zoom with
digital as well
The screen offers a high-quality view
of your shot, and does well to keep
up with the action even when youre
shooting fast-paced videos
The controls on the back and top of
the camera are laid out very well,
with everything in easy reach
If you like this
You might also like
Sony Cyber-shot HX200V
This bridge
camera ofers
30x optical
zoom (up
to 60x with
digital zoom), as well as GPS
location data for photos, 1080p
recording and an 18.2-MP sensor.
Apple might argue that the iPad is
perfect just the way it is, the Smart
Cover perhaps being the only
necessary peripheral for the tablet.
However, there is a selection of gear
that can add to your experience,
particularly if youre looking to
improve your word processing.
This keyboard is designed to be a
seamless edition to your iPad, with a
magnetic clip that creates a notebook
effect when closed together. The
Ultrathin model has a polished back
cover to match that of your iPad and
further enhance the feeling that this is
less of a case and more an extension
of your device. Remove the iPad from
the magnetic clip and place it into the
keyboard wide slot that is designed
to hold your device in place in either
orientation. The keyboard itself comes
with some useful shortcuts as well
as the usual, expected functions, like
the ability to highlight text as well as
return to the home screen.
When combined with your iPad,
the Logitech feels like a natural part
of the device, with smart design
and simple functionality that
complements the device without
hindering it in any way. The iPad
may not have been designed with a
physical keyboard, but the Ultrathin
will almost have you wondering why.
A seamless and natural addition to your iPad setup
Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard
Cover for iPad 89.99/$99.99
Buy now?
Pros Simple, with a touch of elegance
a great complement to your iPad
Cons Limits Bluetooth connectivity to
just one device and expensive

The iPad is in the unusual position

that one of its biggest strengths is
also seen as its biggest weakness
by some, and that is the lack of a
physical keyboard. While note-taking
and general productivity is a great
experience, when it comes to serious
word-processing the touchscreen
keyboard is often found wanting.
So then there is demand for
products like the KeyStand, and upon
initial inspection it is clear to see
why this product would be a good
choice if youre looking to improve
your productivity. The KeyStand is
incredibly light and the slim folio
cover similar to that of the Apple
Smart Cover, fully wraps around the
keyboard when closed to make for
secure and slick storage. The flexibility
of the folio also means that the
KeyStand can be folded in order to
create a sturdy stand for your iPad in
either orientation.
The only real drawback with this
device is that it doesnt function as
a case, so it does meaning having to
carry it in addition to your iPad, as
opposed to it actually becoming part
of your device. Given the lightness of
the KeyStand this is something you
can get past, but some might be
put off by having an extra piece of
gadgetry to carry around.
Portable workstation that ticks all the boxes
Buy now?
Pros Easy to set up and wonderfully
light and portable
Cons Being separate from your iPad
could deter some consumers

Kensington KeyStand Compact

Keyboard & Stand 79.99/$99.99
\o|g|s Jst 104 cJrcos
|p tc 68 |cJ.s .c.t| c|
working-time battery
Oro bJttcr b|Jotcct| ccrroct|cr
Learn more
Available from
V.grot|c ||rgo
Arg|oJ s|ct |c. ycJ. ||.J
|c||s|oJ .|Jn|r|Jn b.ck
Learn more
Available from
he Pioneer A3 is a curious
piece of kit. On the one
hand it is a very impressive
speaker that is not only water
resistant and lightweight enough
to be considered portable, but at
the same time is hindered by some
setbacks like sound distortion and a
mildly confusing setup process.
The very first impression you
get is a good one this is a nice-
looking device. Yes, its not as eye-
catching as some other speakers,
but the touch buttons and LED
indicators do bring a touch of
style to proceedings. However,
the LED lights do contribute to the
confusion a little bit, with four to
keep track of, as well as multiple
colours and flashing patterns. You
might find yourself reaching for the
manual once or twice to double
check which mode youre actually
in. The space between the buttons
and lights also doesnt exactly lend
to smooth functionality, with eyes
having to dart between the two
ends of the front panel to check
your input has actually occurred.
Arguably the biggest issue we
have with this speaker though
comes in the time it takes to start
up, with several seconds passing
before the speaker becomes
operational, something that may be
a little frustrating if you wanted to
enjoy some music on the fly.
The A3 though does come with
some aces up its sleeve, no more
so in the shape of the Wireless
Direct functionality that enables
users to connect using built-in
Wi-Fi within the A3 when no
physical network is available. The
strength of this feature should not
be underestimated, given that only
a handful on the market actually
offer it. When it comes to ways
to connect with the A3 it seems
Pioneer has looked at every possible
angle or device combination in
order to ensure everyone can get
the most from the system, and that
has to be commended. In truth we
were slightly disappointed with the
sound quality for this price range
the A3 doesnt handle heavy bass
too well at high volume and there is
some distortion even at lower levels.
You cant argue with the
various ways you can connect to
the A3, and the integration of a
rechargeable battery is something
that trumps its A1 sibling, but there
are a couple of issues here that you
dont expect from a speaker unit
that retails at as much as it does.
Lightweight and packed with clever features, but is it worthy of that hefty price tag?
Airplay with iPhone 3G and above,
iPad 1 and above or iPod touch
2nd generation or above
Connect to all iOS devices via USB
Learn more
Available from
Pioneer A3 wireless speaker 269.95/$399.00
Buy now?
Pros Good looking, great
compatibility, unique features
Cons Sound quality sadly doesnt
match the price tag

Should you
want or
require a
more old-
the A3 comes
with a USB
port so you
can connect
any device
Not only can users utilise AirPlay
to connect the device, there is
a Wireless Direct function that
allows for connection even
without a network
Bringing some
life and colour to
the black exterior
are the four LED
lights indicating
battery life, network
connection, mode
and power
Party proof
Impressively, the A3 is completely
water resistant, making it ideal
should you be hosting a party with
the added risk of a stray spilt drink
If you like this
You might also like
Big JAMBOX 259.95/$299
A great-looking and powerful
wireless speaker with slick
controls and a very cool
industrial-style metal mesh shell
that makes a real statement.
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We often look at performance as
being the only important aspect
of an external hard drive, but in
the case of the Buffalo MiniStation
we have to say its the design that
impresses most. The frosted plastic
on top of the drive feels rubbery and
pleasing to touch, and curves down
into the aluminium base beautifully.
Its strangely reminiscent of an ocean-
smoothed pebble. With Thunderbolt
now being the standard across all
Macs since the start of 2011, its great
to see the MiniStation include the
tech, and with USB 3.0 becoming
more common among PCs, and the
most recent Macs, its even better to
have the extra port on the rear of the
drive. Of course, USB 3.0 is backwards-
compatible with USB 2.0 devices,
ensuring that the MiniStation works
with pretty much every computer
made since 2001, just at lower speeds.
We gained read and write speeds of
around 110MB/s using the Blackmagic
test through both interfaces. Sadly,
the speed is limited by the hard drive
inside. SSD options are available,
offering higher speeds for an extra
cost. Still, for those looking for a
replacement drive for their FireWire
800 with a set of great connection
options, the MiniStation comes highly
recommended by us.
Weve been looking forward to
testing the PlugBug for some time.
The US version of this adapter has
been out for several months now,
but at long last we have a worldwide
version that includes five different
plugs. The result is a power brick
that lets you charge your devices no
matter what country youre visiting.
The PlugBug offers two charging
options: your MacBooks brick will
slot comfortably into the bottom of
the plug, while the USB port on the
front of the casing enables you to
simultaneously charge your tablet
or smartphone. The red plug itself
looks lovely the ruby-like finish
beautifully offsets the white of your
Macs plug. The USB charger offers
10W of power, the same as most of
Apples own chargers, but it wouldve
been great to see a 12W output,
similar to the bricks included with
the fourth-gen iPad. We did notice
a slight buzz when we plugged the
PlugBug in, and when working in
silence it was noticeable. The PlugBug
is also designed to sit flush with just
one size of MacBook bricks with
older cables you may have some
overhang. Despite these issues we
liked the PlugBug, and if youre going
jet-setting with multiple devices its
an ideal space-saving companion.
Worldwide power for all your devices in one tiny box Does this hard drive offer speeds to match its looks?
Twelve South
PlugBug World 44.99/$44.99
Buy now?
Pros Looks great, good connection
options and SSD choice for speed
Cons Speed limited by hard drive and
SSD model is expensive

Buy now?
Pros Adaptable, with plenty of plug
options and a neat design
Cons Buzzing may annoy some, and
some bricks will overhang

Buffalo MiniStation Thunderbolt

HDD 500GB 149.99/$199.95
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Striking imagery Step-by-step guides Essential tutorials
Available on the following platforms
Sensors, sensors,
The AR Drone 2.0
contains a huge number
of flight sensors, and the
result is unbelievably
stable flying
Build quality
We were a little worried
about crashing the
quadrocopter, but its so well
built it can withstand some
hefty bumps
Indoor or outdoor
There are two bodies in the box: one
offers safety indoors, while one is sleek
and light for outdoor flying
Forward-facing camera
This front-facing camera offers
720p HD video. It streams live to
your iPad, and you can hit record
at any time
he AR Drone has always been
great, but the improved
version 2.0 model has added
a number of extra features to feast
over. A forward-facing camera
offers 720p HD recording, while a
downward-facing camera offers help
with precision landing. There are
also extra flight sensors compared
to the older model, enabling far
easier flights, and a range of iOS
compatible apps to try.
There are two casings in the box: a
basic, aerodynamic body for outdoor
flight, and a more rugged and
protective casing for indoor flight.
Both look slick, and the Drone itself is
really well-built even in our clumsy
hands it held together perfectly well.
Its worth bearing in mind that
youll need a fair amount of space
to really get the most out of the
Drone indoors. We flew it around
iCreate Towers and soon got the
hang of the controls, although the
downdraft created was huge. We
were impressed with how stable
the copter was, though simply tap
the iPads screen to take off and the
Drone will rise into the air and hover
there, ready for your command. The
multitude of sensors keep things
simple, and the helicopter always
levels itself out when you let go of
the controls.
Outdoors it really came to life,
though; the AR Drone creates its
own Wi-Fi network to which you
connect your iPad or iPhone, before
opening the app. This gives it a really
impressive range, and we got it to
around 40 feet before we chickened
out and decided to bring it down
again. Wind causes a few problems,
as you might expect, but in general
the Drone is incredibly easy to fly.
An option called Absolute Control
makes it even easier. Simply tilt your
iPad or iPhone in the direction you
want the AR Drone to fly and it will
start to move in that direction, no
matter which way it is facing.
The battery in our test model only
lasted around 15-20 minutes, which
is understandable considering the
power it uses, but still something
of a shame. Its also extremely
expensive; this is certainly an adults
toy. Theres one thing we cant stress
enough, though the AR Drone 2.0
is absolutely, barnstorming fun.
Youll feel like a child flying it
around, groaning when the battery
dies and whooping when it does a
flip at your command. Its a luxury
item, yes, but one that we cannot fail
to recommend.
Probably the most fun you can have with your iPhone
iPhone 3GS and above
iPad 2 and above
iPod touch 4G and 5G
Learn more
Available from
AR Drone 2.0 279.95/$299.95
Buy now?
Pros Great video recording, indoor
and outdoor flight and great fun
Cons Expensive and the battery
doesnt last as long as wed like

If you like this

You might also like
Parrot AR Drone 2.0 Battery
The included battery wont last
long, so for longer fight times
youll probably want to invest in
an extra battery pack.
107 107
Mophie Juice
Pack Helium
- CompatibiIity: iPhone 5
Mophie has an excellent
track record with its
battery cases and this
iPhone 5 model offers
up to 85 per cent extra
battery life as well as no small amount
of protection for your phone. Around
the iPhone 5 it can feel a little bulky,
almost doubling its thickness around
the middle. The additional base
would make access to the headphone
jack troublesome, except a handy
extender is offered in the box. Its not
the most refined solution, but it works
a treat. That said, it is a fairly elegantly
designed piece of kit overall.

Viper Sleeve 11
- CompatibiIity: MacBook Air 11-inch
Reminiscent of some of our favourite iPad case designs, this
sleeve for 11-inch MacBook Airs (also available for 13 and 15-inch
MacBook Pros with Retina display), forgoes zippers and Velcro
for a simple magnetic solution. Slide in your MacBook and the
Viper sleeve offers a secure, protective cocoon. Extended, hard
edges should offer some protection from low level falls and the
tough canvas finish will stand up well against other objects in
your bag as you move around. Its not ground-breaking, but it
should do a job for you.

Scout 2 Medium Laptop

Shoulder Bag 49.99/$69.95
- CompatibiIity: MacBook Pro, MacBook Air,
iPad, iPhone, iPod touch
STM has attempted to make a bit of a deal out of the look of
the Scout bag range, but we cant say that its the aesthetics
of this bag that really interested us here. Practicality and
portability seem to be its real strengths. A solid sleeve for
protecting your MacBook (up to a 15-inch screen size) and
wide pockets for things like chargers are both welcome. So is
the rear opening that lets you secure this bag to your wheeled
luggage. It doesnt seem the sturdiest satchel, but it should
offer reasonable protection for your portable Mac.

SurfacePad for iPhone TBA/$34.99

- CompatibiIity: iPhone 5, iPhone 4/4S
If youre not too worried about dropping your iPhone, but would
rather it didnt get scratched in your pocket and would like
something stylish to wrap around it, Twelve Souths SurfacePad is a
fine option to consider. Based on a similar range for MacBook, this
case offers a soft leather cover for your iPhone attached to the rear
via an adhesive. Its pretty easily removed and reapplied, which is welcome and
button access is no problem. A hinge in the back of the case provides a decent
range of viewing angles for FaceTime calls too.

Timelapse photography can prove
rather stunning. The idea is that the
film frames are captured at a low
rate, for example one image every
second. Combining these frames in a
package like Sequence enables you
to play these back at a faster rate, for
instance at 20 frames a second. It
would then look as if time is moving
20 times faster than it actually is. As
soon as you open Sequence, you are
presented with a window into which
you can drop a timelapse folder or a
sequence of images. These are then
placed within the Sequence editing
window, a rather simple user interface
which nevertheless has a host of
impressive features.
The most important is the deflicker.
Using this removes the flickering
that usually occurs when shooting in
aperture or shutter priority. You can
also change the frame rate, view the
photos and zoom in and out.
Images placed on the timeline can
also be moved around and you can
play the sequence and move forward
and back at will. The results can be
exported in a number of formats from
H.264 to Apple ProRes and they can
be shared via Vimeo or email, AirDrop
and Instant Message. Its a brilliant,
intuitive and fast package that makes
light work of important, rendering
and saving. A must-have app.
Although this package is, arguably,
rather difficult for guitar-playing
beginners to plunge straight into,
it will actually teach you a lot about
learning to play. ChordMate is
certainly of use to teachers and those
who wish to expand their already
impressive existing knowledge.
What you get with this app for Mac
is a guitar chord library that allows for
exploration. Clicking on any chord will
play it. You are able to search too with
a filter system that narrows down
according to the type of chord you
are after. It lets you see where your
fingers should be and which notes
you should be playing.
Chords can be exported as image
files, PDF or text and you can also
copy and paste. This is perfect for
teachers, as weve said. Another nice
touch is the ability to place your
fingers on the guitar, play a chord and
then draw in where your fingers were,
so that it can identify the chord you
were trying to play.
As well as being able to put
together and play an entire chord
progression, the package also comes
in handy for tuning your guitar. And
it is full of surprises. The more we
played around with the app, the more
we got out of it.
Sequence 13.99/$19.99
ChordMate 34.99/$51.99
Create and export non-flickering timelapse films on your Mac
Fancy yourself as a rock star? Learn new chord voicings and enhance the way you play guitar
Key features
- No nlckerlng
- Share to vlmeo
- Choose frame rates
Learn more
Available from
Mac App Store
Key features
- Copy chord dlagrams
- Plnd the rlght volclng vla search
- Peproduce acoustlc and electrlc
sounds at will
Learn more
Available from
Mac App Store
Buy now?
Pros Simple and intuitive, it requires
only a few taps to get going
Cons You cant export directly to video-
sharing super-site YouTube

Killer feature
If you have frames that are under or
overexposed, a stroblng, nlckerlng
efect can be noticeable. Sequence
analyses the photos and fnds the
optimal brightness correction.
A graph shows the diference
between the original version and
the denlckered one.
Killer feature
Since a great deal of the package is
all about search and getting to the
chord you need, the fltering options
are great at giving you the ability to
select open chord, strings and bass
notes, for instance, and check for
notes in ascending order. There are
tons of flters.
Buy now?
Pros With great depth and a stack of
chords, you will be more than satisfied
Cons Its rather expensive and it can
take a little while to get up to speed

GarageBand may be fun, but if
youre an experienced music maker
looking to do serious work on your
projects when youre not in the
studio, then Cubasis is the kind
of high-end mixer you should be
looking at. With a hefty price tag
you would be right to expect only
the highest quality interface and
thats exactly what we enjoyed. Clean
lines and bright colours are brought
together to make an immediately
striking system for editing your music.
Everything in this app can
be edited, tweaked, mixed and
composed from scratch with
keyboards, drumpads and a MIDI
editor, making it very easy to
construct a composition of some
complexity. Its when you get into the
nitty-gritty of tuning, adding effects,
fading in and out and using the
mixer that the versatility of this app
becomes apparent. Its an absolute
beast of a program that delivers on
every penny of its price tag with
professional features and smart export
options. Everything you make with
Cubasis can be exported to Cubase
for Mac for even more editing, but we
wouldnt be surprised if you could do
it all on your iPad alone.
With the launch of 123D Creature,
Autodesk has added to one of
the most impressive suites of 3D
software weve had the pleasure of
using. Thanks to accompanying apps
for Mac and iPad you can take and
create your 3D sculptures and models
anywhere with huge amounts of
control and still play with the fine
tuning later if you wish. 123D Creature
stands alone as an iPad app, but
exports for Autodesks Maya and 3ds
Max software.
This app feels a little closer in its
final products to what we might
imagine to be modern 3D design. A
glance at the models the community
has been sharing shows an array of
exotic aliens, fantasy creatures and
famous comic heroes. Beautifully
detailed busts are complemented by
subtle painting to create gnarled and
textured surfaces where once there
was only modelling clay.
123D Creature is a fairly simple app
to use, although some understanding
of the basics of computerised 3D
modelling will no doubt mean better
results faster. That said, we cant think
of a better app to start learning with.
Skeletons are automatically made
symmetrical for the easiest building
experience and sculpting by touch
feels very natural.
Cubasis 34.99/$49.99
123D Creature 5.49/$7.99
A high-end music mixer for iPad
An intuitive and transparent addition to Autodesks impressive 3D software catalogue
Key features
Over 70 vlrtual lnstruments
More than 300 M|D| le and
audio loops
Lxport pro[ects to Cubase for Mac
Learn more
Available from
lOS App Store
Key features
Powerful skeleton bullder
Order 3D prlnts ln-app
Lxport as O81 les for desktops
Learn more
Available from
lOS App Store
Killer feature
App to app
Thanks to an update with Audiobus
support you can transfer your
Cubasis projects to and from other
lOS apps very slmply. Supported
apps lnclude DMl Drum Machlne,
Figure, Animoog and NodeBeat,
all of which create some excellent
beats and loops.
Killer feature
Reveal the sculpture
We really cant speak highly enough
of the intuitive build and dig
sculpting system. Dragging your
nger over the screen to add to
your model is very easy and really
helps to make the process very
transparent for new modellers.
Buy now?
Pros Really strong interface and simple
toolset keeps things accessible
Cons We had some crashing issues and
it may lack depth for professionals

Buy now?
Pros Powerful music editing and
making options. Lots of instruments
Cons Expensive and probably too
complex for most

he LEGO series of movie spin-
offs have been like a thirst-
quenching oasis of comfort
gaming in a world full of loud, brash
and aggressive action games, or
poorly underbaked casual offerings.
This addition to the series, LEGO The
Lord Of The Rings ticks all the typical
boxes from developer Travellers
Tales, with some important additions.
What remains is the same core values
that made the original LEGO Star
Wars such a fun game for all ages:
great humour, simple and addictive
gameplay and plenty of nostalgia.
While we would forgive you for
thinking that little has changed other
than the skins of the blocks of these
LEGO games, wed invite you to take a
look at some of the earlier ones again.
Travellers Tales has continued to push
this game to new heights lighting is
a particular standout here. One early
sequence sees backlighting behind
a Ringwraith as you sneak past with
Frodo and company, so that his field
of vision is clearly marked. Its chilling
even if he is only made of blocks.
We were playing with a keyboard,
which poses its own special
challenges when attempting
to navigate narrow ledges or
treacherous platforms. Even with a
gamepad of some kind the LEGO
games have been a little fast and
loose, but this is a compromise that
gives back more than it takes. By
being so easy to play it is ideal for
playing with friends and children
regardless of their gaming experience.
The LEGO games have always been
at their best with at least two players
and thats no different here.
But as ever, its the treatment of
the properties upon which these
LEGO games are based that deserves
the greatest praise. The Lord Of The
Rings trilogy is a rather dark affair at
times, but Travellers Tales has teased
out moments of good humour, and
thanks to its use of dialogue lifted
directly from the movies, you still get
all the important bits. The early stages
feel a little light on gaming challenges
and heavy on narrative, but once the
action sequences of the movies are
reached things open up beautifully.
The recommendation we would
have made with any LEGO game is
repeated again. Whether youre an
experienced gamer looking for some
light diversion or a casual player, LEGO
The Lord Of The Rings is a great place
to start. And if you happen to be a fan
of the franchise, then all the better.
Review Review
- Mac OS l0.7.5 or later
- l.4GHz processor
- 4G8 PAM wlth 256M8 vPAM
- 8G8 free space
We used
- lMac 2l.5-lnch (mld-20ll)
- 2.5GHz l5 processor
- 5l2M8 graphlcs memory
- Apple keyboard
Learn more
control setup
3 Key
Good humour
Theres no shortage of laughs to
be had in these games. Merry and
Pippin in Groucho Marx glasses was a
particular highlight.
Movie magic
Reworking recurring movie elements
like Frodo struggling with the ring
into quick time events is a nice touch.
Great lighting
The LEGO characters disguise just
how powerful the game engine is.
The lighting is wonderful to behold.
LEGO The Lord Of The Rings 19.99/$29.99
Another LLGO adaptatlon true to the source and burstlng wlth gorgeous llghtlng and fun gameplay
Buy now?
Pros Good humour and a great use of
the series as you would expect
Cons Still no great challenge and a little
drawn out in places

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