This study examined the effects of sub-lethal concentrations of anthracene and benzo[a]pyrene on the feeding rate, growth rate, and gross conversion efficiency of milkfish (Chanos chanos). Milkfish fingerlings were exposed to various concentrations of anthracene (1.00-12.0 μg/L) and benzo[a]pyrene (0.30-5.60 μg/L) in a continuous flow-through system for 28 days. Exposure caused reductions in feeding rate and growth rate. Based on survival and growth data, the No Observed Effect Concentration and Lowest Observed Effect Concentration values after 28 days were estimated to be 2.03 and 3.
This study examined the effects of sub-lethal concentrations of anthracene and benzo[a]pyrene on the feeding rate, growth rate, and gross conversion efficiency of milkfish (Chanos chanos). Milkfish fingerlings were exposed to various concentrations of anthracene (1.00-12.0 μg/L) and benzo[a]pyrene (0.30-5.60 μg/L) in a continuous flow-through system for 28 days. Exposure caused reductions in feeding rate and growth rate. Based on survival and growth data, the No Observed Effect Concentration and Lowest Observed Effect Concentration values after 28 days were estimated to be 2.03 and 3.
This study examined the effects of sub-lethal concentrations of anthracene and benzo[a]pyrene on the feeding rate, growth rate, and gross conversion efficiency of milkfish (Chanos chanos). Milkfish fingerlings were exposed to various concentrations of anthracene (1.00-12.0 μg/L) and benzo[a]pyrene (0.30-5.60 μg/L) in a continuous flow-through system for 28 days. Exposure caused reductions in feeding rate and growth rate. Based on survival and growth data, the No Observed Effect Concentration and Lowest Observed Effect Concentration values after 28 days were estimated to be 2.03 and 3.
This study examined the effects of sub-lethal concentrations of anthracene and benzo[a]pyrene on the feeding rate, growth rate, and gross conversion efficiency of milkfish (Chanos chanos). Milkfish fingerlings were exposed to various concentrations of anthracene (1.00-12.0 μg/L) and benzo[a]pyrene (0.30-5.60 μg/L) in a continuous flow-through system for 28 days. Exposure caused reductions in feeding rate and growth rate. Based on survival and growth data, the No Observed Effect Concentration and Lowest Observed Effect Concentration values after 28 days were estimated to be 2.03 and 3.
Toxicity, Feeding Rate and Growth Rate Response to Sub-lethal
Concentrations of Anthracene and Benzo [a] Pyrene in Milksh
Chanos chanos (Forskkal) L. Palanikumar
A. K. Kumaraguru
C. M. Ramakritinan
M. Anand Received: 19 July 2012 / Accepted: 10 November 2012 / Published online: 30 November 2012 Springer Science+Business Media New York 2012 Abstract The feeding rate, growth rate and gross con- version efciency were studied in milksh Chanos chanos for 28 days of exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of anthracene (1.00, 2.00, 3.00, 6.00 and 12.0 lg l -1 ) and benzo [a] pyrene (0.30, 0.70, 1.40, 2.80 and 5.60 lg l -1 ) under continuous ow through bioassays. Based on survival and growth data, No Observed Effect Concentra- tion; Lowest Observed Effect Concentration were esti- mated after 28 days, the values for anthracene were 2.03 and 3.09 lg l -1 , and the values for benzo [a] pyrene were 0.82 and 1.46 lg l -1 , respectively. Anthracene and benzo [a] pyrene exposure caused reduction in feeding and growth rate. Keywords C. chanos Sub-lethal toxicity Feeding rate Growth rate NOEC LOEC Coastal environments are subjected to several forms of disturbance, amongst which chemical pollution associated with industrial production and high levels of urbanization are both of major concern (Fernandez et al. 2010). Crude oil spills, renery activities and industrial and urban wastes are important sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in aquatic ecosystems (Fernandez et al. 2010). Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and their halogenated forms are chemically stable, and due to their lipophilic nature they can easily penetrate biological membranes and accumulate in organisms. PAHs are important environ- mental pollutants because of their ubiquitous presence and carcinogenicity (Palanikumar et al. 2012a, b). Anthracene and benzo [a] pyrene is considered an indicator of such contamination because they usually occur in mixtures of PAHs (Kim et al. 2008). Marine sh readily take up lipo- philic organic contaminants such as benzo [a] pyrene from the marine environment, with a variety of physiological effects (Kim et al. 2008). Fishes exposed to PAHs in water column throughout their life cycle can serve as natural indicators of PAH contamination in surface waters (Logan 2007). Studies on shes exposed to sub-lethal environmental stressors prove to be a sensitive method for predicting the effects on survival and growth (Cao et al. 2010). Feed intake, energy metabolism and growth are subject to a complex interaction of body weight and temperature (Rollo et al. 2006). Milksh Chanos chanos (Forsskal, 1775) is an impor- tant tropical marine sh and is cultured in the Philippines, Indonesia, India and Taiwan producing about 330,000 tonnes every year (Rabanal 1988). The milksh has been the subject of numerous studies of varied extent and depth by investigators in relation to biology, aquaculture, hatch- ery context and toxicity (Bagarinao 1994; Palanikumar et al. 2012a, b). In view of the above, the present investi- gations were carried out to assess toxicity, feeding rate, growth rate and gross conversion efciency rates of anthracene and benzo [a] pyrene on ngerlings of the milksh C. chanos (Forsskal) of the Gulf of Mannar, Southeast coast of India. L. Palanikumar (&) A. K. Kumaraguru C. M. Ramakritinan M. Anand Department of Marine and Coastal Studies, School of Energy, Environment and Natural Resources, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai 625021, India e-mail: [email protected] Present Address: L. Palanikumar Crystal Growth Centre, Anna University, Chennai 600025, India 1 3 Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (2013) 90:6068 DOI 10.1007/s00128-012-0895-1 Materials and Methods Healthy specimens of an milksh C. chanos (Forskkal) (average size and weight 2.55 0.05 cm; 1.50 0.15 gm) were collected from Kundukal and Chinnapalam regions (Latitude 09816.26 0 N and Longitude 079812.88 0 E) of Pam- ban coast, Gulf of Mannar, Southeast coast of India. Initial disinfection treatment was carried out using benzyl konium chloride (1 mg l -1 ) for 1 h and KMnO 4 solution (1 mg l -1 ) for 1 h and then healthy individuals were separated, accli- matized for 10 days in large glass aquaria containing aged, ltered seawater (calcium hardness 395.5 mg l -1 , magne- sium hardness 1,410.0 mg l -1 , dissolved oxygen 5.68 mg l -1 , in-organic phosphate 3.76 lg l -1 , nitrite-nitrogen 1.95 lmol l -1 , nitrate-nitrogen 4.65 mmol l -1 and ammonia 0.09 lg l -1 ). Gentle aeration was provided using oil free air compressor (Elgi Make, Dr. Vayu Air Com- pressor, Coimbatore, India) supplying air through dispos- able pasture pipettes connected via plastic tubes. During this period, the shes were fed on live brine shrimp (Artemia sp.) nauplii (Palanikumar et al. 2012a). The study has been approved by Institutional Ethical Committee in accordance with the ethical standards provided by the Department of Marine and Coastal Studies, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, India. Clean and clear seawater was collected from Pudhumadam coast, Gulf of Mannar (Latitude 09816.39 0 N and Longitude 079800.50 0 E) at a distance where 10 m depth existed. The collected water was stored in settling tanks of 5,000 l capacity for a period of 15 days. This conditioned seawater was pumped into a main storage tank for ltration. From this storage tank, seawater was passed through sand lter for purication. Then, it was passed through a 10, 1 l and carbon cartridge lters and nally through an UV sterilizer. This ltered seawater was used for the test animals, live feed culture and bioassay tests. The physico-chemical characteristics of diluted seawater were analyzed using standard protocols (Grasshoff et al. 1999). The lighting period was maintained at a ratio of 16 h: 8 h day: night period, respectively. The tests were conducted for a period of 28 days (Environment Canada EPS 1/RM/44). Test chambers were maintained in quadruplicate for each test concentration. Each test chambers contained 10 sh. A total of 40 sh were used for each concentration. Artemia nauplii were given as feed for sh, ad libitum until 48 h prior to 28 days when food was withheld (Gundersen et al. 1996). Feed was dried in a hot air oven for 24 h to weight constancy and the water content of the feed was estimated. Dead animals if any were removed immediately after observation. The ow through toxicity system was built to supply a constant ow of seawater and toxicant under test. All tubings used are exible silicone tubing (Tygon, USA) with specic dimensions (Tubing ID 3.17 mm). In the ow through toxicity tests, 20 ml min -1 seawater control, 0.05 % ace- tone control and toxicant medium) delivered to test chamber providing 95 % molecular volume replacement time of about 30 min (Sprague 1969) with Microprocessor based peristaltic pumps (Model 1256, Ismatec, USA). The unfed remains were carefully collected at the outlet using a net (100 lm) of the test chambers without causing distur- bance to the sh. The acute toxicity bioassays procedure based on stan- dard methods (Sprague 1973; OECD 1993; APHA et al. 1998) was conducted to determine the LC 50 values of anthracene (CAS no 120-12-1) and benzo [a] pyrene (CAS no 50-32-8) (Sigma-Aldrich Co, USA). Based on acute toxicity test results, sub-lethal concentrations were selected by calculating 1/10th of the LC 50 (96 h) value of anthra- cene and benzo [a] pyrene (Palanikumar et al. 2012a) and it was 1.00, 2.00, 3.00, 6.00 and 12.0 lg l -1 for anthracene and 0.30, 0.70, 1.40, 2.80 and 5.60 lg l -1 for benzo [a] pyrene. The concentrations dissolved in test medium were estimated thrice at an interval of 7 days with pooled samples (Fig. 1). The samples were consecutively extrac- ted with 50 ml of hexane and 25 ml of dichloromethane. The organic extracts were combined, dried over anhydrous. Na 2 SO 4 , rotary-evaporated and fractionated in a glass column lled with neutral alumina (1 g) and silica gel (1 g), both 5 % water deactivated. Two fractions were Fig. 1 GC-MS-SIS chromatogram obtained from test medium for anthracene (0.92 lg l -1 ) and benzo [a] pyrene (0.29 lg l -1 ) Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (2013) 90:6068 61 1 3 eluted, the rst one with 2 ml of hexane which contained the aliphatic compounds and the second with 10 ml of dichloromethane: hexane (30:70 v/v) which contained the PAHs. The second fraction was analyzed by Capillary Gas ChromatographyHigh Resolution Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS) system of Shimadzu GC/MS 2010 gas chro- matograph. Separation took place in a DB-XLB column (60 m 9 0.25 mm 9 0.25 lm) (Agilent, Wilmington), temperature programmed from 50C (4 min) to 200C at 6C min -1 and nally to 325C at 4C min -1 , holding this temperature for 10 min (Gonzalez et al. 2006). Shimadzu data system was used for PAH analysis. The recoveries of spiked PAHs standards ranged from 60 % to 108 %. The range of concentrations present in test medium was 0.92, 2.03, 3.09, 5.98 and 11.17 lg l -1 for anthracene and 0.29, 0.82, 1.46, 2.80 and 5.60 lg l -1 for benzo[a]pyrene. 0.05 % acetone and seawater was maintained as solvent control and negative control (Table 1). In control medium, concentrations of anthracene and benzo [a] pyrene was nil. After 14 and 28 days of sub-lethal experiments, feeding rate was determined by subtracting the dry weight of the uneaten food from the dry weight of that given and expressed as mg dry food consumed per g live sh per day (Felistarani et al. 1998). The estimated moisture content (AOAC Method 960.18) of 52 % 1.2 % is reduced from the initial live weight of the C. chanos for calculating the feeding rate and growth rate. Feeding rate total food consumed mg no: of days initial live weight of fish g After 14 and 28 days of sub-lethal experiments, the test sh were starved for a day to ensure complete evacuation of gut. They were weighed alive and sacriced. The sacriced sh were dried to constant weight at 80C. The dry weight of the individual sh was calculated. The growth rate or conversion rate, i.e. production was expressed as mg dry substance gained per gram live sh per day (Felistarani et al. 1998). Growth rate
final weight of fish g initial weight of fish g
No: of days initial weight of fish g After 14 and 28 days of sub-lethal experiments, gross conversion efciency was calculated as percentage of food converted into body tissues in relation to feeding rate (Felistarani et al. 1998). Gross conversion efficiency growth rate feeding rate 100 Linear regression analysis for concentration versus (%) survival in sub-lethal tests for C. chanos was carried out using Excel in MS ofce 2007. The sub-lethal toxicity test estimates are given in terms of two endpoints; the No Observed Effect Concentration and the Lowest Observed Effect Concentration were computed by using Dunnett analysis (USEPA 1994) with Graph Pad prism version 5.0 software. One way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to compare the signicance difference between control and the various sub-lethal concentrations for feeding rate, growth rate and gross conversion efciency. The two way analysis of variance was used to compare the signicant difference between control and the various treated concentrations of anthracene and benzo [a] pyrene for survival, feeding rate, growth rate and gross conversion efciency. The level of signicance chosen was 0.05, unless otherwise noted. Results Acetone (0.05 %) was used as a solvent in the present study. Control groups received equal volume of acetone. The physico-chemical characteristics of test medium were Table 1 Sub-lethal concentrations of anthracene and benzo [a] pyrene given to C. chanos (n = 3) Toxicanst Concentration (lg l -1 ) Anthracene Nominal Control Solvent control (0.05 % acetone) 1.00 2.00 3.00 6.00 12.00 Measured (n = 3; mean SD) ND ND 0.92 0.05 2.03 0.09 3.09 0.15 5.98 0.14 11.17 1.22 Benzo [a] Pyrene Nominal Control Solvent control (0.05 % acetone) 0.30 0.70 1.40 2.80 5.60 Measured (n = 3; Mean SD) ND ND 0.29 0.07 0.82 0.11 1.46 0.21 2.57 0.20 4.73 1.20 ND not detected; the minimum detection limit is 10 ng ml -1 62 Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (2013) 90:6068 1 3 temperature 27 2C, dissolved oxygen 5.58 0.3 mg l -1 , salinity 32 1 % and pH 8.2 0.3. Non-locomotor and locomotor response in swimming behavior of sh was observed. More immobilized response was observed in higher concentrations of anthracene and benzo [a] pyrene when compared to lower concentrations. At maximum exposure duration of 28 days, sh showed disorientation of swimming activity and resting sideways in higher concentrations of anthracene and benzo [a] pyrene. Survival data of sh exposed to different concentrations of anthracene and benzo [a] pyrene are presented in Fig. 2a and b. Survival of 100 % was noticed in control, solvent control and up to 5.98 lg l -1 anthracene after an exposure of 14 days. However, it was 97 % survival in the highest sub-lethal concentration of anthracene i.e., 11.17 lg l -1 after 14 days. Survival of 100 % was noticed in sh exposed to control, solvent control, 0.92 and 2.03 lg l -1 anthracene in 28 days exposure. In benzo [a] pyrene treatment, survival of 100 % was noticed in control, sol- vent control and up to 2.57 lg l -1 benzo [a] pyrene exposed sh after 14 days. However, 98 % survival was observed in the highest sub-lethal concentration of benzo [a] pyrene. Survival of 100 % was noticed in sh exposed to control, solvent control and up to 0.82 lg l -1 benzo [a] pyrene after 28 days. However, it was 90, 83 and 78 % in sh exposed to 1.46, 2.57 and 4.73 lg l -1 respectively. In lower concentrations, 100 % survival was noticed after 28 days of exposure in both the toxicants tested and in higher concentrations survival was more in sh exposed to anthracene. However, survival decreased with increas- ing sub-lethal concentrations of anthracene and benzo [a] pyrene. Based on survival data, No Observed Effect Concentration (NOEC) and Lowest Observed Effect Concentration (LOEC) were estimated after 28 days. For Fig. 2 a Survival of C. chanos versus sub-lethal concentrations of anthracene after 0 h, 14 and 28 days. Values are mean SD (n = 3). *p \0.05, statistically different from control. b Survival of C. chanos versus sub-lethal concentrations of benzo (a) pyrene after 0 h, 14 and 28 days. Values are mean SD (n = 3). *p \0.05, statistically different from control Fig. 3 a Feeding rate in C. chanos exposed to sub-lethal concentra- tions of anthracene. Values are mean SD (n = 3). *p \0.0001, statistically different from control. b Feeding rate in C. chanos exposed to sub-lethal concentrations of benzo [a] pyrene. Values are mean SD (n = 3). *p \0.0001, statistically different from control Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (2013) 90:6068 63 1 3 anthracene, mean NOEC and LOEC values were 2.03 and 3.09 lg l -1 respectively and for benzo [a] pyrene, they were 0.82 and 1.46 lg l -1 , respectively. Of these two toxicants, C. chanos was found to be more sensitive to benzo [a] pyrene (statistically signicant, p \0.05 for both column and row factor using two way ANOVA) when compared to anthracene exposure. Feeding rate in C. chanos exposed to different sub- lethal concentrations of anthracene and benzo [a] pyrene is shown in Fig. 3a and b, respectively. Signicant decrease (p \0.0001) in feeding rate was observed with increase in both PAHs compounds (data is shown only for 28 days) in Tables 2 and 3. The feeding rate of C. chanos exposed to different sub-lethal concentrations of anthracene and benzo [a] pyrene revealed that the percentage reduction in feeding rate was statistically signicant (p \0.0001 for both column and row factor using two way ANOVA) in sh exposed to benzo [a] pyrene i.e., 78 % and 74 % after 14 and 28 days of exposure. Signicant decrease (p \0.0001) in growth rate was observed with increasing concentrations of both PAHs compounds (data is shown only for 28 days in Tables 4 and 5) when compared to control animals. The results of growth rate of C. chanos exposed to different sub-lethal concentrations of anthracene and benzo [a] pyrene revealed that the percentage reduction in growth rate was high (statistically signicant; p \0.05 for both row and column factor using two way ANOVA) in sh exposed to benzo [a] pyrene after 14 and 28 days exposure (Fig. 4a and b). Percentage reduction in growth rate was 99.7 % and 99.8 % in the maximum exposed concentration of benzo [a] pyrene after 14 and 28 days exposure respectively. The results indicate that benzo [a] pyrene was more toxic than anthracene to C. chanos in affecting the growth rate (p \0.05 for both column and row factor using two ways Table 2 One way analysis of variance in feeding rate for C. chanos exposed to anthracene after 28 days (df) F p R 2 6 (between) 14 (within) 20 (total) 10,170 0.0001 0.999 Tukeys multiple comparison tests Column Mean difference q Control vs S. control 1.00 3.00 (ns) Control vs 0.92 60.00 180.00 (s) Control vs 2.03 62.00 186.00 (s) Control vs 3.09 68.33 205.00 (s) Control vs 5.98 74.00 222.00 (s) Control vs 11.17 77.00 231.00 (s) S. control vs 0.92 59.00 177.00 (s) S. control vs 2.03 61.00 183.00 (s) S. control vs 3.09 67.33 202.00 (s) S. control vs 5.98 73.00 219.00 (s) S. control vs 11.17 76.00 228.00 (s) 0.92 vs 2.03 2.00 6.00 (s) 0.92 vs 3.09 8.33 25.00 (s) 0.92 vs 5.98 14.00 42.00 (s) 0.92 vs 11.17 17.00 51.00 (s) 2.03 vs 3.09 6.33 19.00 (s) 2.03 vs 5.98 12.00 36.00 (s) 2.03 vs 11.17 15.00 45.00 (s) 3.09 vs 5.98 5.66 17.00 (s) 3.09 vs 11.17 8.66 26.00 (s) 5.98 vs 11.17 3.00 9.00 (s) S. control solvent control, ns not signicant, s signicant Table 3 One way analysis of variance in feeding rate for C. chanos exposed to benzo [a] pyrene after 28 days (df) F p R 2 6 (between) 14 (within) 20 (total) 12,870 0.0001 0.999 Tukeys multiple comparison tests Column Mean difference q Control vs S. control 0.33 0.93 (ns) Control vs 0.29 69.33 194.60 (s) Control vs 0.82 75.00 210.50 (s) Control vs 1.46 83.67 234.80 (s) Control vs 2.57 87.00 244.10 (s) Control vs 4.73 92.67 260.00 (s) S. control vs 0.29 69.00 193.60 (s) S. control vs 0.82 74.67 209.50 (s) S. control vs 1.46 83.33 233.90 (s) S. control vs 2.57 86.67 243.20 (s) S. control vs 4.73 92.33 259.10 (s) 0.29 vs 0.82 5.66 15.90 (s) 0.29 vs 1.46 14.33 40.22 (s) 0.29 vs 2.57 17.67 49.58 (s) 0.29 vs 4.73 23.33 65.48 (s) 0.82 vs 1.46 8.66 24.32 (s) 0.82 vs 2.57 12.00 33.67 (s) 0.82 vs 4.73 17.67 49.58 (s) 1.46 vs 2.57 3.33 9.35 (s) 1.46 vs 4.73 9.00 25.26 (s) 2.57 vs 4.73 5.66 15.90 (s) S. control solvent control, ns not signicant, s signicant 64 Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (2013) 90:6068 1 3 ANOVA). The NOEC and LOEC values were also esti- mated using growth rate after 28 days. Similar to survival data, for anthracene, mean NOEC and LOEC values were 2.03 and 3.09 lg l -1 respectively and for benzo [a] pyrene, they were 0.82 and 1.46 lg l -1 , respectively. Signicant decrease (p \0.0001) in gross conversion efciency rate was observed with increasing concentrations of both PAHs compounds (data is shown only for 28 days in Tables 6 and 7) when compared to control animals. The gross conversion efciency of C. chanos exposed to differ- ent concentrations of anthracene and benzo [a] pyrene showed negative correlation (statistically signicant; p \0.05 for both column and row factor using two way ANOVA) with increasing sub-lethal concentrations (Fig. 5a and b). The percentage reduction in gross conversion ef- ciencies was 98.5 % and 99.5 % after 14 and 28 days exposure respectively. In benzo [a] pyrene it was 97.6 %and 99.7 % after 14 and 28 days of exposure respectively. Discussion It has been estimated that 10 %80 % of PAH inputs to the worlds oceans is from atmospheric sources. As a conse- quence, urban run-off contains PAHs deposited on sur- faces, as well as mobile-related PAHs from gasoline and oil drips or spills, exhaust products, tyre particles, and bitumen from road surfaces (Srogi 2007). Many environments contain toxic compounds at levels that are too low to induce an acute lethal response, but may impact the dynamics of populations by adversely affecting the physiological per- formance of individual organisms (Muller et al. 2010). Feeding rate is important for the growth, feed conver- sion, nutrient retention efciency and chemical composi- tion of sh (Du et al. 2006). Feeding and feeding frequencies are key factors that determine the growth and survival chances of sh. The basic principle in feeding is that sh should be fed exactly to satiation (FEAP 2010). A Table 4 One way analysis of variance in growth rate for C. chanos exposed to anthracene after 28 days (df) F p R 2 6 (between) 14 (within) 20 (total) 765.8 0.0001 0.997 Tukeys multiple comparison tests Column Mean difference q Control vs S. control 1.00 4.35 (ns) Control vs 0.92 12.00 52.23 (s) Control vs 2.03 12.83 55.86 (s) Control vs 3.09 13.75 59.85 (s) Control vs 5.98 13.84 60.24 (s) Control vs 11.17 14.61 63.58 (s) S. control vs 0.92 11.00 47.88 (s) S. control vs 2.03 11.83 51.51 (s) S. control vs 3.09 12.75 55.50 (s) S. control vs 5.98 12.84 55.89 (s) S. control vs 11.17 13.61 59.23 (s) 0.92 vs 2.03 0.83 3.62 (s) 0.92 vs 3.09 1.75 7.61 (s) 0.92 vs 5.98 1.84 8.00 (s) 0.92 vs 11.17 2.60 11.35 (s) 2.03 vs 3.09 0.91 3.99 (s) 2.03 vs 5.98 1.00 4.38 (s) 2.03 vs 11.17 1.77 7.71 (s) 3.09 vs 5.98 0.09 0.39 (s) 3.09 vs 11.17 0.85 3.72 (s) 5.98 vs 11.17 0.76 3.33 (s) S. control solvent control, ns not signicant, s signicant Table 5 One way analysis of variance in growth rate for C. chanos exposed to benzo [a] pyrene after 28 days (df) F p R 2 6 (between) 14 (within) 20 (total) 432.6 0.0001 0.994 Tukeys multiple comparison tests Column Mean difference q Control vs S. control 1.50 4.74 (ns) Control vs 0.29 12.60 39.81 (s) Control vs 0.82 13.53 42.76 (s) Control vs 1.46 14.60 46.13 (s) Control vs 2.57 14.80 46.76 (s) Control vs 4.73 14.98 47.34 (s) S. control vs 0.29 11.10 35.07 (s) S. control vs 0.82 12.03 38.02 (s) S. control vs 1.46 13.10 41.39 (s) S. control vs 2.57 13.30 42.02 (s) S. control vs 4.73 13.48 42.60 (s) 0.29 vs 0.82 0.93 2.94 (s) 0.29 vs 1.46 2.00 6.31 (s) 0.29 vs 2.57 2.20 6.95 (s) 0.29 vs 4.73 2.38 7.53 (s) 0.82 vs 1.46 1.06 3.37 (s) 0.82 vs 2.57 1.26 4.00 (s) 0.82 vs 4.73 1.45 4.58 (s) 1.46 vs 2.57 0.20 0.63 (s) 1.46 vs 4.73 0.38 1.21 (s) 2.57 vs 4.73 0.18 0.57 (s) S. control solvent control, ns not signicant, s signicant Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (2013) 90:6068 65 1 3 restricted feeding rate will cause impaired health or slow growth (Du et al. 2006). Small sh used in the present study have a high energy demand. The present study shows that growth rate, feeding rate and gross conversion ef- ciency are being inuenced by sub-lethal concentrations of anthracene and benzo [a] pyrene. Food intake is a prime factor inuencing the growth by developing appetite which is found to be affected by pollutants (Du et al. 2006). It can be assumed that increasing sub-lethal concentration decreases the food utilization (Liess et al. 2001). It is well recognized that toxicants induce many biochemical chan- ges in the animals preceding cellular and systemic dys- functions (Surendranath 2003). Similarly Eertman et al. (1995) reported a signicant reduction in feeding rate in Mytilus edulis exposed to benzo [a] pyrene when compared to control mollusk. The present study indicates the inefcient feeding behavior may be associated with impairment in absorption, conversion and metabolism and suggests that reduction in feeding rate i.e., food intake, may be due to loss of apetite and/or damage to taste receptors. Similar ndings have also been obtained by Jee et al. (2004) in olive ounder, Paralichthys olivaceus when exposed to sub-lethal concentrations of phenanthrene. The growth rate of C. chanos was found to be negatively correlated with increasing sub-lethal concentrations of anthracene and benzo [a] pyrene. The reduction in growth rate was 99.7 % and 99.8 % for anthracene and benzo [a] pyrene respectively after 28 days of exposure. Similarly Kim et al. (2008) estimated the sub-lethal effect of dietary benzo [a] pyrene on growth changes in juvenile rocksh, Sebastes schlegeli under running water test system (ow rate1.2 l min -1 ) after 30 days. The inhibition of gross conversion efciency of C. chanos exposed to sub-lethal concentrations of both PAHs may be due to the lowered assimilation efciency which effectively reduced the food for maintenance and growth (Ford 2005). Fig. 4 a Growth rate of C. chanos exposed to sub-lethal concentra- tions of anthracene. Values are mean SD (n = 3). *p \0.0001, statistically different from control. b Growth rate of C. chanos exposed to sub-lethal concentrations of benzo [a] pyrene. Values are mean SD (n = 3). *p \0.0001, statistically different from control Table 6 One way analysis of variance in gross conversion efcieny for C. chanos exposed to anthracene after 28 days (df) F p R 2 6 (between) 14 (within) 20 (total) 334.7 0.0001 0.993 Tukeys multiple comparison tests Column Mean difference q Control vs S. control 0.60 2.26 (ns) Control vs 0.92 7.60 28.72 (s) Control vs 2.03 9.00 34.02 (s) Control vs 3.09 10.20 38.55 (s) Control vs 5.98 11.88 39.69 (s) Control vs 11.17 7.00 44.92 (s) S. control vs 0.92 8.40 26.46 (s) S. control vs 2.03 9.60 31.75 (s) S. control vs 3.09 9.90 36.28 (s) S. control vs 5.98 11.28 37.42 (s) S. control vs 11.17 1.40 42.65 (s) 0.92 vs 2.03 2.60 5.29 (s) 0.92 vs 3.09 2.90 9.82 (s) 0.92 vs 5.98 4.28 10.96 (s) 0.92 vs 11.17 1.20 16.19 (s) 2.03 vs 3.09 1.50 4.53 (s) 2.03 vs 5.98 2.88 5.66 (s) 2.03 vs 11.17 0.30 10.90 (s) 3.09 vs 5.98 1.68 1.13 (s) 3.09 vs 11.17 1.38 6.36 (s) 5.98 vs 11.17 0.76 5.22 (s) S. control solvent control, ns not signicant, s signicant 66 Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (2013) 90:6068 1 3 The induction of physiological modications by sub- lethal doses provides more realistic and more varied information on the actual toxicity of pollutants (Gaudy et al. 1991; Manyin and Rowe 2009). Such physiological modications disturb the energetic equilibrium of organ- isms (Gaudy et al. 1991) and thus can have long term effects on the stability of these populations. The imbalance can arise from decreased nutritional energy from food intake because of decreased assimilation capacities, or from increased respiratory requirements as a result of stress. Of these two toxicants, C. chanos was found to be more sensitive to benzo [a] pyrene when compared to anthracene exposure. Limited studies have been carried out in anthracene and benzo [a] pyrene for the determination of safe level estimates such as NOEC and LOEC. Similarly, Hall and Oris, (1991) has reported the NOEC and LOEC values for anthracene were 6 and 12 lg l -1 . Present study is the rst attempt to determine the safe limits and effects of PAHs viz., anthracene and benzo [a] pyrene in milksh C. chanos. These ndings deserve further attention as they highlight the important role of individual biomarkers of susceptibility on PAHs induced biochemical changes in target organs. Acknowledgments One of us L. Palanikumar, kindly acknowledges the receipt of fellowship grant from Ministry of Earth Sciences ICMAM, Chennai, India. Authors sincerely thank Dr. R. Babu Rajendran, Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Bio- technology, Bharathidasan University, Trichy, India for providing GCMS facility. References Bagarinao T (1994) Systematics, distribution, genetics and life history of milksh, Chanos chanos. Environ Biol Fish 39:2541 Cao L, Huang W, Liu J, Yin X, Dou S (2010) Accumulation and oxidative stress biomarker in Japanese ounder larvae and juveniles under chronic cadmium exposure. Comp Biochem Physiol C 151:386392 Table 7 One way analysis of variance in gross conversion efciency for C. chanos exposed to benzo [a] pyrene after 28 days (df) F p R 2 6 (between) 14 (within) 20 (total) 886.0 0.0001 0.999 Tukeys multiple comparison tests Column Mean difference q Control vs S. control 0.40 2.45 (ns) Control vs 0.29 8.56 161.90 (s) Control vs 0.82 9.46 178.80 (s) Control vs 1.46 10.61 200.50 (s) Control vs 2.57 10.88 205.70 (s) Control vs 4.73 11.05 208.90 (s) S. control vs 0.29 8.16 159.50 (s) S. control vs 0.82 9.05 176.40 (s) S. control vs 1.46 10.20 198.00 (s) S. control vs 2.57 10.47 203.20 (s) S. control vs 4.73 10.64 206.40 (s) 0.29 vs 0.82 0.89 16.89 (s) 0.29 vs 1.46 2.04 38.56 (s) 0.29 vs 2.57 2.31 43.73 (s) 0.29 vs 4.73 2.48 46.94 (s) 0.82 vs 1.46 1.14 21.68 (s) 0.82 vs 2.57 1.42 26.84 (s) 0.82 vs 4.73 1.59 30.06 (s) 1.46 vs 2.57 0.27 5.16 (s) 1.46 vs 4.73 0.44 8.38 (s) 2.57 vs 4.73 0.17 3.21 (s) S. control Solvent control, ns not signicant, s signicant Fig. 5 a Gross conversion efciencies of sh exposed to different sub-lethal concentrations of anthracene after 14 and 28 days exposure. 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