February Problems

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February Problems

Number Theory | Measurement | Geometry |

Patterns, Algebra, and Functions | Data, Statistics, and Probability
Number Theory
Start out simple...
1. ac!, Art, Fran, and Megan "or! as #olunteers at the local !ennel. ac! gi#es the
dogs baths e#ery $ days% Art cleans out cages e#ery & days% Fran 'eeds the animals
in Section ( e#ery ) days% and Megan hel*s the rece*tionist e#ery + days. ,o"
many times in 1) "ee!s "ill all $ hel*ers be at the clinic on the same day-

TV Watching Time
). For a school Pro.ect, /on recorded ho" much T0 he "atched in one "ee!end
and "hat !inds o' *rograms he "atched. This chart sho"s the time he "atched T01
SAT2/DA31 41+56151+5AM% 11556+1+5PM% 7155615155 PM
S2NDA31 11556)1+5PM% 7155615155PM
/on "atched s*orts *rograms 'or one hal' o' the time. ,e "atched mo#ies 'or one
third o' the time. ,e "atched cartoons "ith his sister /onnette the rest o' the time.
,o" many minutes did /on "atch cartoons- Ma!e sure you e8*lain all o' the ste*s
and label your ans"ers.

Now try to work this out...
Tadpoles and Minnows
+. 9n one *ond in the 'orest, scientists 'ound that a sam*le o' *ond "ater contained
$: minno"s 'or e#ery ); tad*oles. ,o" many tad*oles "ould they e8*ect to 'ind
in a sam*le that contained +1: minno"s- Ma!e a chart to sho" the relationshi*
bet"een tad*oles and minno"s.

Fabulous Fudge
$. The Fabulous Fudge <m*orium ser#es 'udge made 'rom an old secret reci*e.
Mar#in "or!s at the sho* a'ter school. ,e does not !no" "hat all o' the
ingredients are, but he !no"s that in + days they use 1: *ounds o' dar! chocolate,
+5 *ounds o' sugar, and )1 *ounds o' butter. =hen Mar#in orders chocolate, sugar,
and butter 'or + "ee!s, ho" many *ounds o' each ingredient does he order-

This will really challenge you...
Gassing Up
:. Derric! started his car, an automatic, and dro#e 7 miles. ,e s*ent ) minutes at a
sto* light. Da"n dro#e her car, manual shi't, and "ent 4 miles "ith no sto*s. =ho
used more gas- 2se this chart and .usti'y your ans"er.
TA(>< ?F GAS M9><AG<
Automatic Manual
9dling .1& Gal@Min. .1& Gal@Min.
Starting .5: Gal. .5: Gal.
Mo#ing 1 Gal@)) Miles 1 Gal@)5 Miles

Start out simple...
&. <ach American thro"s a"ay about &5 *ounds o' *lastic *ac!aging each year. At
this rate, about ho" many years "ill it ta!e one *erson to thro" a"ay a ton o'

Now try to work this out...
Movin' On
;. Mr. and Mrs. Auigley .ust mo#ed into a ne" home "ith a lot o' land. They need
to *lant grass seed. The *roblem is that they are not sure ho" to 'igure the ne"
amount that they need. At their old house, they !ne" that the la"n "as 15 't. by )5
't. and needed : *ounds o' seed. Their ne" la"n is 155 't. by :5 't. ,o" "ill
!no"ing the amount o' seed needed 'rom their old house hel* them "ith buying
seed 'or the ne" la"n-

This will really challenge you...
7. The Andersons are buying a ne" home. They need to 'ence the yard because they
ha#e a dog. The yard is ;) 't. by 1)5 't. <ach 'encing section is 7 't. ,o" many
sections "ill they need- ,o" many *osts "ill they need- Ba *ost is needed at the
end o' each sectionC. =hat else "ill they need-

Start out simple...
Diagonall !pea"ing
4. =hat is the ma8imum number o' diagonals in an octagon- Sol#e this "ithout
dra"ing the sha*e. BStart "ith smaller *olygons and search 'or a *atternC. ?nce you
ha#e determined the *attern, "hat is the ma8imum number o' diagonals in a ten
sided 'igure- A 1) sided 'igure-

Now try to work this out...
15. Dra" a *icture o' a house "ith e8actly )$ right angles, & acute angles, and )
obtuse angles.

This will really challenge you...
Tomato Plants
11. Guise**e is *lanting a garden 'ull o' tomato *lants. ,e can *lace ; *lants so
that they 'orm : straight lines "ith + *lants on each line. ,o" is this *ossible-
Place ; counters on your des! to re*resent the *lants. 2sing : Dstic!sD e8*eriment
"ith arranging them into the : lines o' + each.

Patterns, Algebra, And Functions
Start out simple...
#ar"ing Dogs
1). The number o' times a dog bar!s is de*endent on the number o' *assing cars.
,o" many cars ha#e *assed "hen a dog bar!s +$ times-
9' )5 cars *ass, ho" many times "ill the dog bar!-
(ar!ing Dogs
Ears (ar!s
& $
; ;
7 15
4 1+
15 1&

Now try to work this out...
$ooming $ucchini
1+. Gordon Greenthumbs li!es to gro" huge *lants. ,e once gre" a Fucchini that
started out at & inches, then gre" 4 inches to be 1: inches on the second day. <ach
day the Fucchini gre" by the same amount as the day be'ore *lus another + inches.
?n "hich day "ould the Fucchini be longer than 11 'eet-

This will really challenge you...
#alancing %ct
1$. The sides o' the 'ollo"ing scale balance. <ach sha*e is "orth 1 to 15. <ach
sha*e has its o"n uniGue #alue that stays the same "here#er the sha*e a**ears in
the diagram. The total "eight o' the "hole diagram is +). =hat "eight does each
sha*e re*resent-

Data, Statistics, And Probability
Start out simple...
1:. These Guestions are based on a standard dec! o' :) *laying cards.
Gi#e a set that "ould ha#e a *robability o' 1@).
Gi#e a set that "ould ha#e a *robability o' +@1+. B1) cardsC
Gi#e a set "ith a *robability o' 1@)&. B) cardsC
Gi#e a set "ith a *robability o' 1@1+. B$ cardsC

Now try to work this out...
Popsicle Pic"ing
1&. A bo8 o' 1) *o*sicles has eGual numbers o' cherry, orange, lime, and gra*e.
Ale8 li!es e#erything but lime. =hat is the *robability that "hen Ale8 reaches into
the bo8 randomly, he "ill select a *o*sicle that he li!es- T"o days later, ) cherry, 1
gra*e, and 1 lime ha#e been eaten. ,a#e Ale8Hs chances o' randomly choosing a
lime *o*sicle gone u* or do"n- <8*lain your ans"er.

This will really challenge you...
Friendl Fire'ighters ( From #)%*+T,%!,)!
1;. Truc! :;61 *um*s ;:5 gallons o' "ater *er minute
Truc! :;6) *um*s 1555 gallons o' "ater *er minute
Truc! :;6+ *um*s 1):5 gallons o' "ater *er minute
Truc! :;6$ *um*s 1:55 gallons o' "ater *er minute
Truc! :;6: *um*s 1;:5 gallons o' "ater *er minute
Ehie' Greg ,enry and 'ire'ighters Ehuc!, Darren, im, and 0anessa dro#e the
truc!s 'rom District :; res*onding to a multi*le alarm 'ire. The dri#er and cre" o'
each truc! "or!ed to e8tinguish the 'ire.
0anessa and her cre" *um*ed $:,555 gallons o' "ater on the 'ire in hal' an
Ehie' Greg and his cre" "or!ed 'or $: minutes *um*ing more "ater than
0anessaHs cre", but less than imHs cre" did in an hour.
Ehuc! and his team *um*ed the same amount o' "ater as 0anessaHs cre" in
the same amount o' time as imHs cre".
DarrenHs cre" "or!ed 'or $: minutes and *um*ed the most "ater on the
=ho dri#es each truc!, and ho" much "ater did each cre" use to douse the 'ire-
February Solutions
February Solutions
Number Theory | Measurement | Geometry |
Patterns, Algebra, and Functions | Data, Statistics, and Probability
Remember: These are open-ended problems. There could be other solutions than
the ones we are giving.
Number Theory
1. ; times
). Eartoons 'or 1 1@) hours I 45 minutes
+. 174 tad*oles
$. Ehocolate I 15: *ounds% Sugar I )15 *ounds% (utter I 1$; *ounds
:. Derric! I .5: J .+& J.+) I .;+ gallon
/on I .5: J .$: I .: gallon
&. About ++ years. Acce*t ++ or+$.
;. 3ou !no" that $5 sGuare 'eet are co#ered by 1 *ound. 3ou ha#e :555 sGuare
'eet, so you need 1): *ounds o' seed.
7. $; sections, 1 gate, $& *osts.
4. : diagonals% & diagonals
15. Many *ossible ans"ers.
Patterns, Algebra, And Functions
1). 1& cars% $& times
1+. Day 4
1$. Triangle I $% /ectangle I :% Eircle I +
Data, Statistics, And Probability
1:. Many *ossibilities.
1&. ;:K or 4@1). Gone u*. No" it is )@7, "hich eGuals 1@$.
1;. :;611 Ehuc!% $:,555 gallons
:;6)1 im% &5,555 gallons
:;6+1 Greg% :&, ):5 gallons
:;6$1 0anessa% $:,555 gallons
:;6:1 Darren% ;7, ;:5 gallons
HO !"! #O$ !O%

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