This document is a request for quotation (RFQ) template sent by a government department or agency seeking services from a company. It provides details on the background and requirements of the gender panel services needed between specified dates. Attachments include a statement of requirements outlining the services, timeframe, skills needed, and reporting requirements, as well as evaluation criteria the department will use to assess quotes. The RFQ reserves the right of the department to amend or cancel the process and select more than one respondent.
This document is a request for quotation (RFQ) template sent by a government department or agency seeking services from a company. It provides details on the background and requirements of the gender panel services needed between specified dates. Attachments include a statement of requirements outlining the services, timeframe, skills needed, and reporting requirements, as well as evaluation criteria the department will use to assess quotes. The RFQ reserves the right of the department to amend or cancel the process and select more than one respondent.
This document is a request for quotation (RFQ) template sent by a government department or agency seeking services from a company. It provides details on the background and requirements of the gender panel services needed between specified dates. Attachments include a statement of requirements outlining the services, timeframe, skills needed, and reporting requirements, as well as evaluation criteria the department will use to assess quotes. The RFQ reserves the right of the department to amend or cancel the process and select more than one respondent.
This document is a request for quotation (RFQ) template sent by a government department or agency seeking services from a company. It provides details on the background and requirements of the gender panel services needed between specified dates. Attachments include a statement of requirements outlining the services, timeframe, skills needed, and reporting requirements, as well as evaluation criteria the department will use to assess quotes. The RFQ reserves the right of the department to amend or cancel the process and select more than one respondent.
[INSERT NAME OF DEPARTMENT OR AGENCY] is seeking a service provider for the provision of services under the Gender Panel.
Pursuant to Deed of Standing Offer [INSERT DEED NO] we would like to invite [NAME OF COMPANY] to provide a quotation for the services described in Statement of Requirement attached to this RFQ.
It is anticipated that the services will be required between [INSERT DATE] and [INSERT DATE].
Broadly the requirement of the services is to: [dot point]; [dot point]; and [dot point]
A more detailed description and Statement of Requirement, along with the evaluation criteria to be used for evaluating your quotation, is provided in Attachments 1 and 2.
[INSERT NAME OF DEPARTMENT OR AGENCY] reserves the right to: (a) vary the process and timetable relating to this process in its absolute discretion; (b) vary the terms of the RFQ; (c) cease the RFQ process; (d) accept or reject any Quotes whether or not they are compliant; (e) seek additional information or clarification from Respondents (including their sub-contractors or agents); (f) select and negotiate with more than one Respondent; or (g) cancel, add to or amend the information, requirement, terms, procedures or processes set out in this RFQ.
Neither the issue of this RFQ by [INSERT NAME OF DEPARTMENT OR AGENCY] or any response to it by any party commits, obligates or otherwise creates a legal relationship between the Commonwealth and that party.
[INSERT NAME OF DEPARTMENT OR AGENCY] does not guarantee, warrant or otherwise represent that any business, revenue or other benefit or any minimum volume or value of business, revenue or other benefit will be earned or received by the successful Tenderer(s).
Your response is to be delivered to the following address: -
Attention: [NAME OF OFFICER]
Responses are to be received by [insert time and date]. If you have any queries on this matter, please contact [insert name] on (02) [insert telephone number] or email [insert email address].
Yours sincerely ..... [insert date]
Attachment 1 Statement of Requirement Template
1. Background 1.1 [insert brief description of background]
2. Contract Services/Outcomes Required 2.1 [insert detailed description of the specification of requirements/project to be carried out]
3. Timeframe for completion of the Contract Services 3.1 [insert timeframe for Services to be performed / indicative hours including any deliverables against which milestone payments will be made]
4. Special Skills/Knowledge Needed 4.1 [insert description of special skills or knowledge needed to complete the project]
5. Applicable Service Levels and Standards 5.1 [if relevant, insert what professional or other standards, the Service must meet]
6. Resources/materials to be provided by the Department 6.1 [if relevant, insert specific references to existing Departmental materials to be provided in order for the services to be completed]
7. Reporting Requirements 7.1 [insert frequency and detail of reporting requirements]
Attachment 2 Evaluation Criteria
[Insert Departmental evaluation criteria to be based on technical specifications described in the Statement of Requirement]
Appendix B Official Order Template
This Official Order is placed on [Insert date]. The Official Order is placed pursuant and subject to the terms and conditions of the Deed between the Department and [Insert name of Service Provider] dated [Insert date of Deed] and with Deed number [insert Deed number].
Item A [Services and Subcontractors]
[Insert description of the Services]
Business Continuity Plan
The Service Provider is not required to maintain a Business Continuity Plan.
The Service Provider is required to maintain a Business Continuity Plan in accordance with clause 2.8 of Schedule 4. The Services are Critical Services or Non-critical Services [please delete whichever is not applicable].
Item B [Contract Material]
Item C [Contract Commencement and Timeframe]
Contract Commencement Date
The Contract Commencement Date is [insert date].
Contract Completion Date
The Contract Completion Date is the date by which all deliverables under this Contract have been completed.
[Insert timeframe for the delivery of the Services, including all deliverables]
Item D [Fees]
The total fees payable to the Service Provider by the Department is [insert GST inclusive amount] (GST inclusive), payable by the following Instalments: [insert payment schedule]
Item E [Expenses and Costs]
Item F [Invoices]
The Service Provider must submit correctly rendered tax invoices to the Department. A correctly rendered tax invoice is one which:
a. includes the Official Order number; b. includes the title of the Services; c. includes the name of the Departments Contact Officer; d. details the fees payable; e. details expenses and costs payable, and attaches original receipts; f. contains written certification in a form acceptable to the Department that the Service Provider has paid all remuneration, fees or other amounts payable to an employee, agent or Subcontractor performing Services under the Contract; and g. is a tax invoice.
The due date for payment by the Department is 30 days after receipt by the Department of a correctly rendered invoice.
Payment will be effected by electronic funds transfer (EFT) to the Service Providers bank account specified at Schedule 3.
Item G [Existing Material]
Item H [Moral Rights]
Item I [Commonwealth Material]
Item J [Use of Commonwealth Material]
Item K [Facilities and Assistance]
Item L [Confidential Information]
Additional Department Confidential Information:
Description Period of confidentiality
Additional Service Provider Confidential Information:
Description Period of confidentiality
Item M [Security Requirements]
Item N [Standards and Best Practice]
Item O [Specified Personnel]
Item P [Insurance]
In addition to the insurances required by clause 8 of the Deed, the Service Provider must effect and maintain, or cause to be effected and maintained, the following types and amounts of insurances for the Contract:
Item Q [Contact Officers]
The Departments Contact Officer is the person holding the position of [insert position description], currently:
Name of person Postal Address Physical Address Email Phone Facsimile
The Service Providers Contact Officer is the person holding the position of [insert position description], currently:
Name of person Postal Address Physical Address Phone Email Facsimile
Item R [Addresses for Notices]
The Departments address for notices is: Name of person Postal Address Physical Address Email Facsimile
The Service Providers address for notices is: Name of person Postal Address Physical Address Email Facsimile
SIGNED for and on behalf of THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA as represented by [Insert name of agency], by:
______________________________ _____________________________ [Insert name of Signatory] [Signature]
______________________________ [Insert Signatorys work title]
_______________________________ [Insert date] In the presence of:
_______________________________ [Insert name of Witness]
SIGNED for and on behalf of [Insert name of Service Provider], ABN [Insert ABN] by:
______________________________ _____________________________ [Insert name of Director] [Signature of Director]
______________________________ [Insert date] And:
______________________________ _____________________________ [Insert name of Director or [Signature of Director or Company Company Secretary] Secretary]