This document summarizes requirements for barangays to post certain financial documents to promote transparency and accountability. Barangays must post their:
1) Annual budget, income/expenditure summary from the past fiscal year, and breakdown of IRA usage.
2) Annual procurement plan and quarterly list of award notices.
3) Itemized monthly collections and disbursements within 10 days of each month.
Regional directors must ensure barangays comply and submit reports on implementation.
This document summarizes requirements for barangays to post certain financial documents to promote transparency and accountability. Barangays must post their:
1) Annual budget, income/expenditure summary from the past fiscal year, and breakdown of IRA usage.
2) Annual procurement plan and quarterly list of award notices.
3) Itemized monthly collections and disbursements within 10 days of each month.
Regional directors must ensure barangays comply and submit reports on implementation.
This document summarizes requirements for barangays to post certain financial documents to promote transparency and accountability. Barangays must post their:
1) Annual budget, income/expenditure summary from the past fiscal year, and breakdown of IRA usage.
2) Annual procurement plan and quarterly list of award notices.
3) Itemized monthly collections and disbursements within 10 days of each month.
Regional directors must ensure barangays comply and submit reports on implementation.
This document summarizes requirements for barangays to post certain financial documents to promote transparency and accountability. Barangays must post their:
1) Annual budget, income/expenditure summary from the past fiscal year, and breakdown of IRA usage.
2) Annual procurement plan and quarterly list of award notices.
3) Itemized monthly collections and disbursements within 10 days of each month.
Regional directors must ensure barangays comply and submit reports on implementation.
The key takeaways are that barangays are required to post and disclose 6 documents to promote transparency and accountability. These include the barangay budget, income/expenditure statements, IRA utilization details, procurement plan, notices of award, and monthly collections/disbursements.
Barangays are required to post and disclose the following six documents: 1) Barangay Budget, 2) Summary of Income and Expenditures, 3) 20% Component of the IRA Utilization, 4) Annual Procurement Plan, 5) List of Notices of Award, and 6) Itemized Monthly Collections and Disbursements.
The purpose of the Barangay Full Disclosure Policy is to ensure that barangays adhere to the highest ideals and standards of transparency and accountability by requiring them to post and disclose important financial documents for public viewing.
Repubhc of the Philippines
DILG-NAPOLCOM Center, EDSA corner Quezon Avenue, Quezon City ww\r - dilg. gov. p h SUBJECT : AMENDMENT TO DILG MEMORANDUM CIRCUIAR NO. 2010-149 RE: POSTING OF BARANGAY BUDGET, STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENDITURES AND OTHER BARANGAY FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS AND ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN Pursuant to Section 351 ol the Local Government (lode of l99l and to ensure that barangays adherc to thc highcst idcals and standards of transparcncy and accountability, all Punong Barangays arc hcrcby dirccted to post in an arca insidc the barangay hall that can bo casily vicwcd by thc public and on thcir wcbsite (if available), thc fbllowing six (6) documents as prescribed by thc Department of Budget and Management (DBM): Barangay Budgct. Information dctail on estimatcs of ycarly incomc and thc total appropriations covcring pcrsonal serviccs, maintcnancc and other opcraring expcnscs and capital outlay. It shall bc postcd at the bcginning of thc specificd fiscal ycar and shall rcmain postcd for thc cntirc period covered. I Documcnt: Annex 1l Summary of Income and Flxpenditures. Section 352 of the Code of 1991 rcquircs thc posting within thirty (lt0) days from thc cnd ofcach fiscal year in at lcast thrcc (li) publicly accessiblc and conspicuous placcs in thc barangay a summary of all revenucs collcctcd and funds rcccivcd including the appropriations and disburscmcnt of such funds during the preceding liscal year. It shall be posted fbr the entire duration of the specified fiscal year. lDocumcnt: Annex 2l 20olo (lomponcnt <rf thc IRA l]tilization. Inlormation dctail on thc ycarly barangay cxpcnditures on social dcvolopmcnt, cconomic dcvclopmcnt and cnvironmcntal managemcnt and othcr barangay expcnscs using the barangay IRA share. It shall bc postcd at the beginning of the specified fiscal year and shall remain posted fbr thc entire period covered. lDocument: Annex 3 | Annual Procuremcnt Plan or Procurement List. lnformation detail on the name ol proiect, individual item or article and specification or description of good and scrviccs, procurcmcnt mcthod, lund sourcc, unit pricc or cstimatcd cost or approved budgct for thc contract and procurcmcnt schedule. lt shall bc postccl for thc cntirc pcriod of thc fiscal ycar. IDocumcnt: Anncx 4] 1. 3. 4. " ..E .j:f ,r._ JULY 15,2014 MEM.RANDUM .IRCULAR 'JULI IJ,LWL+, NO. -2014-81 -- - * , _', , - . -J'ltoh( , TO : CITY AND MUNICIPAL MAYORS, LIGA NG MGA BARANGAY TIJ\III .: PROVINCIAL, CITY AND MUNICIPAL CHAPTER PRESIDENTS,. .. PUNONG BARANGAYS, DILG REGIONAL DIRECTORS, ARMM . ,,, . REGIONAL GOVERNOR AND ALL OTHERS CONCERNED 5. List of Notices of Award. Inlbrmation detail on rhe name of project, business address, brief description of goods and services required by barangay, addrcss of recipient bf goods or services and amount of bid. It shall bc posted quanerly and shall remain posted for the cntire period of the fiscal ycar. If available, rhe actual Notice of Award shall also be posted under the List of Notices of Award. f Document: Annex 5l 6. Itemized Monthllr Collections and Disbursements. This shall be posted within ten (10) days following rhe end of every month by the barangay treasurer pursuanr ro Section 513 of the l-ocal Governmenr. of 1991 (RA 7160). All preceding monthly documenls shall remain posted under the subsequent monthly documents for reference. IDocument: Annex 6] Likcwisc, the Punong Barangays are hcreby encouraged to put up a "Barangay Full Disclosurc Board" to post such documcnts. [Format ofthe Board: See Annex 7] All DILG Regional Directors and the ARMM Regional Governor are directed to: (a) I)isseminate this Memorandum Circular and ensure compliance; and (b) Submit the accomplished Barangay !'ull Disclosure Policy (BFDP) l'orm 4 to the National Barangay Operations Office (NBOO) ar [email protected], with thc following timclincs: First (luartcr Rcport - on or bcforc April 130; Sccond (luartcr Rcport - on or bcforc fuly 30; Third Quarter Report - on or beforc October 30; and Fourth Quarter Report - on or bcfbre January 30 ofthe ensuing year For guidance and compliance of all concerned. @ ",.lluJJ[ll!Ufll]|ilt|{[,,,,, At tachmcnt s: An nt,x l: Barangay Budgct Anncx 2: Summary of Incomc and Expcnditures Annex 3: 20olo Component of the IRA Utilization Annex 4: Annual Procurement Plan or Procuremelt List Anncx 5: L,ist ol Noticcs of Award Annex 6: Itemized Monthly Collections and Disbursernents Anncx 7: f-ormat of l]arangay Itull Llisclosure lJoard Annex 8: RFDP Forms I to 4 Barangay Budget Authorization Form No. I Annex I Republic of the Philippines Province of City/ Municipality of Barangay BARANGAY BUDGET (FY: ) Regular Session Begun and held in .20 Be it enacted by the Sangguniang . Province of , on the day of Barangay of City/ Municipality of in Council assembled: BARANGAY APPROPRIAl'ION OI{DINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE APPROPRIATING TI-IE FUNDS FOR BARANGAY CIl'Y/ M L]NICIPALITY OF PI{OVINCE OF Section I . Sources of Funds. The following incoure as indicated heleof are herby declared as sources of funds particularly the Tax Revenue and Operating and Miscellaneous Income, which are realislic and probablc to be collected and rer,ritted to the Local Trcasury, nccessary to finance the delivery of basic services and inrplementation of priority developrnent of Barangay frorn January I, to December 3 l. , except otherwise specilically provided herein: Estimated Income for Budget Ycar Share on Internal Revenue Collections Share on Real Prooertv Tax .............. Busincss Taxes (Slores and Rctailcrs) Sltare'ort Sand and Gravel Tax Share on National Wealth ........... Shale on EVAT Miscellaneous Taxes on Goods & Services Other Taxes Olhcr Sorrrces of lnconrc S uhsidy fi'om Other LCUs Total A vaihblc Resoulccs Sec(ion 2. Appropriation of Funds. The lollowing sur.ns or so much thereof as maybe necessary are hereby appropriatcd out of T'ax Rcvenuc and Opclating and Miscellaneous lncome and any unexpected balances thereof in the Local 'freasury of the barangay not otherwise appropriated for the basic services delivcry and inrplementation oIdevekrpmr:nt plo.iects. Barangay Expenditu re Program Rcl'erencc: Depaflrnent of Brrdget and Manngcnlenl. (2006). Brulgcl Operurlion,s Munual for Baranga|s P/P/A Dcscription Personal Services Maintenance and Other Operating lxpenses Capital Outlay TOTAL Agricultural Services Establishnrent of Plant Nursery ........ Day Care Services Health and Nutrition Services .......... Peace ad Orrler Services Administrative and Legislative Services Other Basic Services Development Pro.iects (20% of IRA)... SK Projects (10% ofGF) Calanritv Fund t5% ofRFt .I'OTAL EXPENDITURES Sectiort 3. The appropriated amount is aimed to produce the expected Major Final Output for the barangay and is to be measured by perfornrance or output indicators per MFO. This serves as the ralionale fior tlre money spent by the Balangay pursuarrt to Section l7 ofthe Local Government Code. P/P/A Description MA.IOR FINAI, OUTPUT BUDGET YEAR Perfbrmance Indicator Estimated Output Scctiorr 4. General Provisions. The following policies are authorized lor tlre fiscal year. a. lncome from the operating and miscellaneous fees shall be collected at maximum collection efficiency. b. Pliority in the use of inconre shall be for budgetary requiremerrts as mandated by the Local Governrlent Code. c. So'ict conrpliance to the 55% Personal Services limitation shall be observed. d. Pt'iority in the use of savings shall be lbr basic services, augmentation of development pro.jects and other mandatory expenses provided under the Local Government Code. e. All procurcnrcnt shall follow strictly the provisions of R.A. 9184. Reference: Departnrent ol'Budget and Management. (2006'). Btrlgct ()lrerdtions Mrnnnlfor Borungmx Section 5. Effectivity. This Ordinance shall Date: Approved: take ef'fbct on .Ianuary I, 20 Nanre and Sigr-rature ol'Sanggunian Member Narne and Signature of Sanggunian Member Name and Signature of Sanggunian Member Name and Signature of Sanggunian Member Name and Signature of Sanggunian Menrber Narne and Signature of Sangguniang Kabataan Chainnan (if anv) Nanrc and Signature of Sanggunian Member Narne and Signature of Sanggunian Menrber I HERl"lllY cERllFY to the correctness ofthc above-quoted Barangay Appropriatio, ordinance. Secretary to the Sangguniang Barangay A1'TI]STED: Chainran. Conrnrittec on Appropr.iation APPROVED: Punong Barangay Reference: Departnrenl ofBudget and Maragernent. (2006). Budget oper.ations Monual.for Barangu.vs ' Barangay Budget Preparation Fonn No. 2 Annex 2 Republic of the philippines Province of_ City/ Municipality of Barangay ACTUAL INCOME AND EXPENDITURE FOR PAST YEAR (FY: ) (ln 000 Pesos) Pcu't A. Actual Income TOTAL Beginning Balance ... . . .. . . Share on Internal Revenue Collections Share on Real Property Tax ...... . ..... . . Business Taxes (Stores and Retailers) Share on Sand and Gravel Tax Share on National Wealth Share on EVAT Miscellaneous Taxes on Goods & Services Other l'axes Other Specific Income Subsidy from Other LGUs Total Available Resources Part B. Actual Expenditures Programs/ Projects/ Activity Personal Services Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses Capital Outlay TOTAL Agricultural Services I .l .Establishment of Plant Nursery Day Care Services Health and Nutrition Services Peace and Order Services Adrninistrative and Legislative Services Implementation of Development Projects (20% of IRA) Inrplementation of SK Projects ( 10% SK Funds) lmplcmentalion of Proj ects/ Activities fbr Unforeseen Events (5% Calamity Fund) Other Services Total Expenditures Agricultural Services I . I .Establishment ol'Plant Nursery Day Care Services Health and Nutrition Services Peace and Order Services Administrative and Legislative Services Iniplemcntation of Development Projects (20% of IRA) Implerncntation of SK Irrojects (10% SK Funds) Implementation of Proiects/ Activities Reference: Departrnent of Budget and Managerrent. (2006). Budget operdtions Manual for Barangqys for Unforeseen Events (5% Calamity Fund) Other Services Total Expenditures Agricultural Services I . I .Establishment of Plant Nursery Day Care Services Health and Nutrition Services Peace and Order Services Administrative and Legislative Services Implementation of Development Projects (20% of IRA) Implementation of SK Projects (10% SK Funds) Implementation of Projects/ Activities for Unforeseen Events (5% Calamity Fund) Other Selvices Total Expenditures Agricultural Services I . I .Establishment of PIant Nursery Day Care Services Health and Nutrition Services Pcace and Order Services Administrative and Legislative Services Implementation of Development Projects (20% of IRA) Implementation of SK Projects ( l0% SK Funds) Lnplcmentation of Projects/ Activities for Unforeseen Events (5% Calamity Fund) Other Services 'fotal Expenditures BALANCE/ DEFICIT Prcpared by: Barangay Treasurer Certified by: Approved by: City/ Municipal Accountant Punong Barangay Instructions: B. Indicate the Actual Income for the Past Year from all sources. Indicate the Actual Expenditure lbr the Past by Major Final output or program/ project/ Activity and by expenditure class (Personal Services, Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses and Capital Outlay) Reference: Departmcnt ofBudget and Management. (2006). Budget operolions Manuol for Barangtrys AIP Form No. 4 TOTAL IRA lor F'Y: X 20o/o - Annex 3 Republic t-rl' the Philippines Province of Cityi Municipality of Barangay PRIORITIES FOR DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS (20% coMPoNDNT OF IRA UTTLIZATTON) (Fy: ) Priority Development Projects Funded by the 20% of IRA Project Description (1 ) RANK (2) Project Cost (3) Cumulative TOTAL (4) ry4il] (l) Describe the project to be implemented like construction of a Day Care Center, acquisition ofa computer, etc, in their order ofpriority. (2) lndicate in this column the ranking of development projects in their proper order, Rank I is the first priority, Rank 2 is the second, etc. (3) lndicate the total pro.ject cost that will complete the project. (a) Add all project costs liom Rank I to the last rank equivalent to the 20o/o of the IRA or hiqher Reference: Departlnent of Budget and Management. (2006). Budget Opcrutions Manual.for Baranguys Republic of the Philippines Province of City/ Municipality of Barangay ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN (FY: ) Name of Barangay: Program Control No. Prepared by: Approved by: Barangay Treasurer Punong Barangay Amex 5 Republic of the Philippines Province of Citl'/ Municipality of Barangay LIST OF NOTICE OF AWARD For the _ Quarter of FY DATE NAME OF PROJECT DESCRIPTION (Please check) NAME OF CONTRACTOR AMOUNT REMARKS lnfrastructure Good Service Prepared by: Approved by: Barangay Treasurer Punong Barangay Republic of the Philippines Province of Municipality{ City of Barangay NOTICE OF AWARI) DATE NAME OF SUPPLIDR BUSINESS ADDRESS Dear Sir/ Madame: We are happy to notify you that your Bid for the to be used ( Brief Dcscrip(ion ofCOODS and SERVTCES Required by Barangay) with a Contract Price ofequivalent to (Addrcss ot-Recipient ofCoods or Ssrviccs) (Amount) (Words and Figurcs) bidders is hereby accepted. as corected and modified in accordance with the Instruction to You are hereby required to provide within ten (10) days the performance security in the form and the amount stipulated in the Instruction of Bidders. Failure to provide the performance security shall constitute sufficient ground for cancellation of the award and forfeiture ofthe bid security. Very truly yours, PTJNONG BARANGAY Confonne: Name of Supplier Date: Annex 6 Rcpublic of the Philippines Provincc of City/ Municipaliry of Barangay ITEMIZED MONTHLY COLLECTION AND DISBURSEMENT For the month of , Fy DATE COI,LECI'ION I PARTICULARS I AMouNi DISBURSEMENT - DATE Tp-ARTIcuLARsT-lMOtrNT TOTAL COLLECTION: TOTAL EXPENSES: Prcpared by: Noted by: Bararrgay 'l-reasurer Punong Barangay | -rd I | .e l | | | -o Hl lEEi,&l l=rl l.!E'61 l- | lEiil:t t!El lEeR:l lf^ol lE+iq3' lP.9 l lE;k*l l#B'l lq.fri31 l#:l lq;#31 l=il tPe-et t;=t t,4P'l tix I tccccl t;.Yt Itctrtrl lrt I looool lF\-./ | looool | | l!. rr!-p- | | | lr.!r! I tl t rl lo.l l.o r, l l>-'l --rl9 ql I o.!l lY?l | .E I o ol BFDP Monitoring Form l. Region: Provincei HUC,/ICC: Cityi Municipality: Barangay: Prepared by: Barangay Secretary Note: Ifcomplied, please put number "l" in the appropriare column. Ifnot complied, please put number "0". COMPLIANCE TO BARANGAY FULL DISCLOSURE POUCY (DILG llc NO. 2014__ ) For the _ Quarter of Fy _ -Total No. of Documents Posted (out of 8): Submitted by: Punong Barangay Noted by: Ciry Director/CLGOO/MLGOO Name of Document Annual Quarterly M9ryhly Remarks Date Posted for the 1st Quarter Remain Posted ( ) Ouaner (_) Quarter lst Month: (_) 2nd Month: (_) 3rd Month: (_) 1. Barangav Budget I 2. Summary of Income and Expenditures 3. 200.6 Componenr of IRA Ltilizarion ,1. Alnual Procurement Plan 5. Lisr ofNotices of Award '5 6. Itemized Nlonthly Collection and Disbursement '6 ' BFDP \lonitoring Form 2. COMPLIANCE TO BARANGAY FULL DISCLOSURE POLICY (DrLG \,rC NO 2014-_ ) For the _ Quarrer of FY Region: Province/HUCr/ICC: Citvr'Nlunicipalitv' BAR{NGAY PERCENTAGE (Ob) Compliance to FDP List of Nolices of Arvard i5) \ote: tf complied, please put number "1" in rhe appropriate columns. If not complied, please put number "0". 'Compliance to FDP" columns: If eight (8) documents are posred, please pur number "1" under "Full.' lf one to seven (1 7) documents are posted, please put "l" under "Partial." tf zero (0) or no documents posred, please put " 1" ir.nder 'Non." Date: BFDP i\lonitoring Form 3. COMPLIANCE TO BARANGAY FULL DISCLOSURE POLICY (DrLG \,rC NO. 2011_ ) For the _ Quarter of F\' _ Region: Province: CITY/MLTNICIPALITY PERCENTAGE (o/o) TOTAL NO, OF BAR,{NGAYS No. of Barangays lompr rant to luP List of Norices of Arvard (5) Itemized Nlonthly Collection and Disbursement Date: BFDP N{onitoring Form 4. COMPLIANCE TO BARANGAY FULL DISCLOSURE POLICY (DILG X,,tC NO. 2011__ ) For the _ Quarter of FY __' Region: PROVINCE/HUCIICC PERCENIAGE (0z6) TOTALNO. OF BARANGAYS No. of Barangays Compliant to FDP List of Notices ofAu'ard (j) Date: