Socio-Economic Impact of Business Establishments in Balagtas, Batangas City To The Community: Inputs To Business Plan Development

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Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research

P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | | Volume 2, No. 5, October 2014

P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |

Socio-Economic Impact of Business Establishments in Balagtas,
Batangas City to the Community: Inputs to Business Plan

Graduate School & College of Arts and Sciences, Lyceum of the Philippines University, Batangas City,

Date Received: August 15, 2014; Date Revised: August 22, 2014

Abstract - Business establishments in Balagtas, Batangas City bring a lot of benefits to the community
therefore leading to the improvement of the socio-economic life of the people. However, despite the claim
that these businesses definitely improve the quality of life of the people, there is a need not only to determine
both the positive and impact, but should also identify means to mitigate adverse effects to balance between
the economic gains and negative effects to the community. The local government therefore has the prime
responsibility to implement stricter measures to balance the fast growth of business vis--vis the socio-
economic impact to the community. Proposed measures maybe integrated in the local governments business
plan for Balagtas that will promote long term sustainability.

Keywords: socio-economic impact, business establishments, business plan

Balagtas is one of the 105 barangays in Batangas
City, is observed as one of the fastest growing
barangays in terms of industrialization. Since it is
situated along the Diversion area going to the Batangas
International Port, it is seen by the government and
investors as a prime area where businesses and
industries will be profitable and lucrative. Balagtas is
strategically located within Batangas City, which is the
capital and also a first-class city in the province of
Batangas, Philippines. As Batangas City is presently
classified as a Regional Growth center and identified as
one of the sites for the Regional Agro-Industrial center
and Special Economic Zone as mandated by the
Medium Term Philippine Development Plan and
Ecozone Act of 1995, Balagtas will always be eyed as
a promising industrial / business area. The
mushrooming of business establishments in Balagtas is
due to the chain reaction of business ventures and
interactions brought about by the city's fine harbor
being declared as an International Port and an alternate
port of Manila. While the fast paced improvement
revolve around Batangas City proper, Balagtas will
undeniably also be the target of both local and foreign
investors, due to its strategic location as part of the city
and its being the gateway to Star Tollway connecting to
the Port diversion Area and all routes going to all the
districts in Batangas province.
It is presumed that the growing business in the area
may help in the socio-economic improvement of the
community, however, the impact of the business
establishments mostly on socio-economic aspect to the
community will produce negative or positive results
they may bring.
This research therefore is undertaken in the light of
business sectors capacity to establish businesses and
make them sustainable primarily for their own profit
and needs, however it is also the role of both the private
business sector and government to regulate the
business activities of the area according to the demands
and the expected benefits of the consuming public.

The research seeks to attain the following
objectives: to find out the different business
establishments that provide employment opportunities
to the community residents of Balagtas, determine the
level of agreement on the impact of business
establishments in Balagtas to community residents, to
test if there is a significant difference on the responses
between the workers of business establishments and the
community residents and to propose strategies for the
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Vol. 2, No. 5| October 2014
Garcia, R. B., Socio-Economic Impact of Business Establishments in Balagtas, Batangas City to the Community
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
development of business plan for the community
residents of Balagtas.

Socio-economic impact assessment is designed to
assist communities in making decisions that promote
long-term sustainability, including economic prosperity,
a healthy community, and social well-being. One aspect
of the challenge to both the business and public sector is
deciding how much and what types of new development
the community can accommodate without
compromising the day-to-day quality of life for
residents (, retrieved, 2/2013).
While business opportunities may bring positive
results to the community, conducting a social impact
assessment is important for several reasons. In general,
it is used to alert the community, including residents
and local officials, of the impact and magnitude of the
proposed development on the communitys social and
economic well-being. The assessment can help
communities avoid creating inequities among
community groups as well as encourage the positive
impacts associated with the development. The impact
assessment provides estimates of expected changes in
demographics, housing, public services, and even the
aesthetic quality of the community that will result from
the development. Equally important, the assessment
provides an opportunity for diverse community values
to be integrated into the decision-making process.
Together, these components of the assessment provide a
foundation on which decisions about whether to alter or
change a proposed development can be made (,2013). Likewise, it is important to
note that a socio-economic impact assessment not only
forecast impacts, but should also identify means to
mitigate adverse impacts
( and can help companies
better understand the needs, aspirations, resources, and
incentives of their customers enabling them to
develop new products and services and improve
existing offerings (World Business Council for
Sustainable development, 2013). However, to address
relative problems and concerns, mitigation measures are
indispensable. Mitigation should include efforts to
avoid an impact by not taking or modifying an action;
minimizing, rectifying or reducing the impacts through
the design or operation of the project or policy; or
compensating for the impact by providing substitute
facilities, resources or opportunities
(, 2013) .

The researcher employed the qualitative-
quantitative approaches in this applied research. Data
were investigated in depth, analyzed and described with
the use of research triangulation. Records and
documents pertinent to the study were subjected to
documentary analysis. A researcher made instrument
was used to gather necessary data from target
population. The rest of responses were gathered from
documents and interview with the target respondents.
Weighted mean was used to treat data with respect to
the respondents level of agreement on their perception
as to the impact of business industries in Balagtas.
Independent sample T-test was utilized to test if there is
a significant difference on the responses between the
workers of business establishments and the community
residents. The null hypothesis was tested using 0.05
level of significance.


Different business establishments that provide
employment opportunities to the community
residents of Balagtas
Business establishments in Balagtas provide
employment opportunities to the residents of the
barangay and other nearby places. Most of the
businesses are sole and corporate proprietorship. Most
of the employees are residents of Balagtas and the
nearby areas. These employed workers are mostly
college and high school graduates, majority of which
receive the minimum wage / salary or even lower but
with free food and residence accommodation and other
incentives and bonuses; while the supervisors and
managers receive higher pay. Most employees and
workers, particularly those on regular status are given
bonuses and benefits accorded to all workers and
employees as mandated by law.
Restaurants and Fast Food Chains. Most common
among the business establishments in Balagtas are
restaurants and fast food chains. Due to the sprouting of
other business establishments and the proximity of the
City Grand Terminal to Balagtas, many restaurants and
fast food chains (big or small enterprises) continue to
rise all over the place particularly those along the
highways and the commercial and entertainment area.
The number of workers/ employees varies according to
the variety of food offered by the restaurant and the
demand of the clientele. It can be observed that there
are not so popular restaurants and fast food chains here
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Vol. 2, No. 5| October 2014
Garcia, R. B., Socio-Economic Impact of Business Establishments in Balagtas, Batangas City to the Community
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
in Balagtas; they have to use marketing strategies that
will attract customers.
General Merchandize. Among those companies
which have a bigger share in the income of the
barangay are the big business establishments such as the
SM(Shoe Mart) Hypermarket, formerly the MAKRO
department store. The Hypermarket, is a retail
combination of a supermarket and department store that
provides one-stop shopping
experience for Filipino shoppers(www.batangastoday.c
om). Aside from its internal revenue share, the
Hypermarket offers so much advantage in terms of
employment for Balagtas residents. The hypermarket
management hires more employees and eventually
develop their work skills and values that will prepare
them for higher level of work or promotions.
San Miguel Sales Center, located in Balagtas, is an
outlet of San Miguel Brewery Inc. (SMB) which is the
largest producer of beer in the Philippines. It offers
different products for sale so it employs a considerable
number of workers receiving the minimum wage rate or
even more depending on the nature of their jobs with
additional benefits accorded to its employees. On the
home front, programs that address employee welfare
instill a sense of pride in the people for being part of the
San Miguel Group. SMC upholds the principle of total
development covering business/management skills,
technical/functional skills, task and people orientation,
values and attitudes (
There are numerous retail stores mostly found in the
public market or talipapa area which cater to the daily
needs of consumers not only from Balagtas itself but
also from other sorrounding areas and those who are
passing the diversion and Star tollway routes.
Pharmacies and other stores which offer other products
also employ mostly high school graduates. But there
should be monitoring on the part of concerned agency
to ensure that benefits based on the Labor Code and
other regulatory agencies are implemented by the
business owners/managers.
Automotive Supplies and Services, Vehicle Display
and Sales Centers. Along the diversion road and the
Balagtas proper are many vehicle sales centers as
well as automotive supplies and service outlets which
provide employment to the residents of Balagtas and the
nearby areas. Toyota for example, is a big industry
which gives employees competitive salary and wages
aside from the benefits due them, as a result employees
of the establishment stay long working in this company.
Automotive products and services are offered by other
business establishments in the area. Engineering and
motor services such as air conditioning, electrical,
vulcanizing, vehicle repairs and carwash, motor
rewinding, etc. are available to the consuming public at
affordable costs. Such companies also provide
employment opportunities mostly for the Balagtas
residents whose skills are honed due to the work
experience derived from working in these small / big
Construction Supplies Outlets and Hardware. The
establishment of many construction supplies outlets and
hardware in Balagtas is due to the influx of many
migrants and workers coming to the place, and also the
positive predicted outcome of business men as well as
the bigger space for business venue. Many construction
supplies and hardware owners are mostly residents of
Balagtas so the possibility of employing the residents is
Entertainment business. Balagtas is popularly
known for entertainment business . This paves way for
the gradual boost of tourism in the area. Many residents
from different places visit the place for entertainment
nightlife activities. The workers hired by these
entertainment business establishments benefit from the
income they earn thru salaries or wages. There are also
negative effects of the mushrooming of entertainment
establishments but still, the barangay benefits from it in
the form of services and community projects in return.
Establishments that Offer Other Services and
Products.Since the number of migrants are increasing,
the continuous patronage of other services and products
are observed in the place. The sales of residential lots
and construction of residential homes offered by
subdivisions and private lot owners are inevitable.
There are three subdivisions in Balagtas: the Buenafe
Subdivision, Lorena Subdivision and Amihan Village
subdivision. Buenafe subdivision and Villa Lorena are
until now selling residential lots to the growing
number of migrants. Transients avail of the inns and
motels situated here in Balagtas along the entertainment
The purchase / access of internment and memorial
services at Eternal Gardens is fast growing in fact,
Eternal has expanded its commercial area in Balagtas
and in Barangay Concepcion. Other services and
products offered are medical, dental and lying in clinic
services, massage and beauty parlor, tricycle transport, ,
mineral water, fuel and gas other bakery products
among significant others. Aside from the hired
employees and workers to manage the area and the
offices, there are numerous agents from the city which
also earn extra income from the company. Taxes from
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Vol. 2, No. 5| October 2014
Garcia, R. B., Socio-Economic Impact of Business Establishments in Balagtas, Batangas City to the Community
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
this establishments shares to the increasing IRA of the
place. The fees for permit to operate such small scale
or large industries contributes greatly to the increased
IRA (Internal Revenue Allotment) which the barangay
local governance transforms into community projects
and services.

Table 1. Impact of Business Establishments in Balagtas to Business Employees and Residents

WM VI Rank WM VI Rank
VI Rank
1. Increase income for the barangay 3.66 SA 2 3.60 SA 1 3.63 SA 1
2. More decent jobs/income opportunities 3.40 A 4 3.36 A 2.5 3.38 A 3
3. More educational opportunities for
2.98 A 16.5 2.94 A 13.5 2.96 A 15.5
4. Access to better health services 2.98 A 16.5 2.94 A 13.5 2.96 A 15.5
5. More environmental care awareness 3.10 A 14 3.26 A 8 3.18 A 10
6. Economic upliftment from present
3.14 A 13 3.18 A 6 3.16 A 11
7. Improved peace and order situation 2.86 A 19 2.84 A 17 2.85 A 18
8. Projection of the communitys good
3.24 A 9 3.32 A 4.5 3.28 A 7
9. Immediate access to primary needs and
3.02 A 15 3.22 A 9 3.12 A 12
10. Enhanced training for workers(technology
3.38 A 5 3.28 A 7 3.33 A 5
11. Less travel expenses / Accessibility to
3.54 SA 3 2.90 A 17 3.22 A 8
12. Confidence / pride of oneself 3.16 A 12 2.93 A 15 3.04 A 14
13. More opportunities to help the family and
4.00 SA 1 3.12 A 11 3.56 SA 2
14. Developing the values of cooperation and
support for barangays projects
3.22 A 11 3.18 A 10 3.20 A 9
15. More business investments 3.24 A 9.5 2.92 A 16 3.08 A 13
16. Overcrowding of land space 2.82 A 20 2.50 A 20 2.66 A 20
17. Improvement of infrastructure and
facilities of the barangay
3.32 A 7 3.32 A 4.5 3.32 A 6
18. More competitive advantage over other
3.36 A 6 3.36 A 2.5 3.36 A 4
19. Expanded networking/linkages 3.28 A 8 2.40 A 18 2.84 A 19
20. Stricter law enforcement and regulations 2.88 A 18 2.96 A 12 2.92 A 17
Over-all Composite Mean 3.23 A 3.08 A 3.15 A
Legend: 3.50 4.00 Strongly Agree; 2.50 3.49 Agree; 1.50 2.49 Disagree; 1.00 1.49 Strongly Disagree
Table 1 shows the impact of business
establishments in Balagtas to the community both to
employees and the residents of Balagtas themselves.
For the community residents, the item more
opportunities to help the family and community was
ranked no.1 as It got the highest weighted mean of 4.00
maybe due to the fact that their primary purpose is to
support the family, relatives and eventually the people
in the neighborhood. The item, increased income for
the barangay was ranked first (WM= 3.63) by the
businessmen and ranked second (WM= 3.66) by the
community residents. Both the respondents believe that
the taxes / fees generated from the business
establishments will form part of the IRA (Internal
Revenue Allotment) purposely intended for the projects
of the barangay. In similar study, Chingombe and
Pedzisai (2013) found out that craft industry used as
rural livelihood strategy as it enables carvers to meet
their basic economic needs and acquire some property.
It also helps to reduce the impacts of drought and
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Vol. 2, No. 5| October 2014
Garcia, R. B., Socio-Economic Impact of Business Establishments in Balagtas, Batangas City to the Community
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
poverty. It is however, ineffective as an economic
empowerment strategy and environmentally
incompatible. Economic viability and ecological
sustainability need to be balanced. While these
business establishments contribute greatly to the
upliftment of the peoples economic state they have to
balance the ecology. As communities continue to grow,
local officials and community members are constantly
challenged by the need to balance fiscal, social,
economic, and environmental goals. One aspect of this
challenge is deciding how much and what types of new
development the community can accommodate without
compromising the day-to-day quality of life for
residents. Socio-economic impact assessment is
designed to assist communities in making decisions that
promote long-term sustainability, including economic
prosperity, a healthy community, and social well-being
( This was agreed by the
community resident respondents by ranking the item
more environmental care awareness (WM=3.10) and
by the business employees WM=3.18.Ranked third by
the residents is accessibility to workplace/less travel
expenses (WM=3.54) because most of the business
employees or workers are from Balagtas themselves.
Business employees./ workers ranked this item as
number 8 due to the fact that some of them are
transient residents; they only migrate to avail of the job
opportunities in the place or they still go home in other
areas aside from Balagtas like in Batangas City proper,
Bolbok, Bauan, etc. On the other hand, the item, more
decent jobs/income opportunities was ranked third
(WM=3.40)and fourth (WM=3.38)by business
employees and residents respectively as intentionally,
the residents of the place are more preferred by the
business managers or owners, mostly members also of
the family or relatives.
Enhanced training for workers (WM=3.38 ) was
ranked fifth by the community residents and by
business employees/workers. Enhanced training
improved the efficiency and productivity of workers.
This is supported by the study of Kheyrollah Sarboland
and Nasser Mousavi ( who
concluded that improving the efficiency of
organizations depends on increasing the efficiency of
human resource and it, in turn, depends on training and
knowledge and skill development and creating
favorable behavior of a successful working. The results
of the study revealed that the increasing organizational
abilities results in improving the loyalty sense and
organizational commitment of employees and that there
is a meaningful relationship between the content of in-
service courses and increasing the level of specialized
knowledge of employees. Further, it can be added the
formulation of training programs has been for staff's
development and job promotion this matter in turn
would increase staff's motivation and satisfy their job
needs. The results of the current are consistent with
Daneshfard et al., (2010), Ballot et al., (2001), Karroubi
et al., (2009), and Khanmohammadi (2010). For the
community residents, one advantage for the
workers/employees is the acquisition of enhanced work
skills or experience in technology transfer that maybe
adapted from the workplace. This item was ranked 7

also by the business employees/ workers as this is one
of their primary need to attain a very satisfactory
performance rating and be more productive in the
workplace. Improvement of infrastructure and facilities
of the barangay was ranked 7
with weighted mean of
3.32, by the community residents. because these are
mostly needed to respond to the growth and
development of the place. The level of development of
the social sphere and infrastructure are indicators of the
level of national development of an economy. Providing
appropriate infrastructure in developing countries can
play a vital role in poverty reduction. Infrastructure
makes it possible to overcome "natural" causes of
poverty such as remoteness from material and
information resources, provides access to social
services, and helps to increase the mobility and
economic activities of the population.
The items which got the lowest weighted means of
2.88, 2.86 and 2.82 are strict law
enforcement/regulations, improved peace and order
situation and overcrowding of land space respectively,
maybe due to the fact that these concerns will be under
the responsibility of the local government and thus they
do not fear of the negative effects these may bring to
the community life. They trust that the barangay leaders
will immediately address the problems relative to such
concerns that maybe caused by the growth of the
establishments in the barangay. On the contrary, the
businessmen least agreed on the items, overcrowding
of land space (WM=2.66), expanded
networking/linkages (WM=2.84) and improved peace
and order situation (WM=2.85). The only difference on
the responses which they ranked least is the item,
expanded networking/linkages. Business employees
believe that by expanding networking or linkages, their
business will be affected, on the positive or negative
aspect. While the businesses are mostly at the starting
stage, managers would rather prefer establishing their
own rather than to link or be partner of others.
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Vol. 2, No. 5| October 2014
Garcia, R. B., Socio-Economic Impact of Business Establishments in Balagtas, Batangas City to the Community
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
Competition is also another concern. This item was
ranked 8
by the community residents for they believe
that thru networking more business establishments will
be put up in the place and therefore will give more
employment opportunities for the residents themselves.
Socio-economic impact measurement can help business,
government, and civil society design more effective
collaborations by providing insights into the value of
partnerships (World Business Council for Sustainable
Development, 2013).

Table 2 Difference of Responses on the Impact of Business Establishments in Balagtas Between Business
Employees and Residents (df = 38; = 0.05)
p-value Interpretation
Impact of Business Establishments
in Balagtas
1.655 2.024 0.106 Not Significant
Legend: Significant at p-value < 0.05; HS = Highly Significant; S = Significant; NS = Not Significant

Based from the table, the computed t-value of
1.655 is less than the critical value of 2.024 at 0.05 level
of significance, and the resulted p-value is greater than
the alpha level, thus the null hypothesis of no
significant difference on the impact of business
establishment in Balagtas between business employees
and residents is accepted. This means that there is no
significant difference between the responses of the two
groups; therefore it implies that the two groups of
respondents have the same assessment on the impact of
business establishments. While business employees/
workers gain benefits for themselves and the family,
this complements or equates with the development the
community residents benefit from the internal revenue
allotment and other fees paid by the business sector.
The indirect effects of new business formation
(crowding out of competitors, improvement of supply
conditions and improved competitiveness) are of greater
magnitude than the direct effect, i.e. the jobs created in
the new entities (Fritsch & Mueller, 2004).

3.Proposed strategies that maybe considered in the
business plan for the Barangay Balagtas, Batangas
Several strategies may be recommended to realign
the objectives of the business plan to ensure its
successful implementation towards the attainment of the
goals of business enterprises and the desired socio -
economic impact to the community
The private business entrepreneurs may add more
business establishments as alternatives to other
businesses that may be also lucrative and beneficial to
the community such as the establishment of private
elementary and high school; laundry services; photo
studio; artists center (music, dancing, painting, etc.);
24 hours convenience store; fast food chains as Jolibee
or Inasal; other desirable sports and recreation services;
upgraded resorts and hotels, boarding and transient
houses, and communication technology center.
The government may introduce and support the
introduction of livelihood projects that will generate
more employment opportunities for majority of the
community residents and the marketing of products be
properly coordinated with the private business
entrepreneurs for the marketing and promotion of their
Both the private and the public sector and NGOs
must expand networking and linkage activities that may
invite more business investments and technology
The local government in consultation with the
community and other stakeholders to review laws that
will directly or indirectly affect business in relation to
the community such as environmental and health related
The local government in consultation with
stakeholders must review and repeal laws that will
affect policies on the maintenance of peace and order
situation to regulate the robust business activities of
the place.
The local government in coordination with other
agencies and the business stakeholders, must improve
the barangay infrastructure and facilities in preparation
to the dynamic and fast paced commercial activities in
the area. Boarding houses and apartments,
environmental care and protection .
The business entrepreneurs and the local
government must design and perform training programs
suitable to the level of potential organizational abilities
of staff and pave the ground for the staff's growth and
creativity to ensure the business sustainable growth and
The local government must provide seminars and
training for the development of values of unity,
confidence, cooperation and social responsibility to
Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research | Vol. 2, No. 5| October 2014
Garcia, R. B., Socio-Economic Impact of Business Establishments in Balagtas, Batangas City to the Community
P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 |
support the barangay goals and projects and the
business activities in the barangay.

Based from the analysis of data, the following
conclusions were drawn: 1) Business establishments
in Balagtas provide employment opportunities to the
residents of Brgy. Balagtas; 2) Both businessmen and
community residents are congruent in agreement as to
the top three impact of business establishments in
Balagtas such as increased income for the barangay,
more opportunities to help the family and community
and more decent jobs/income opportunities, and strict
law enforcement and regulations; likewise they have
similar responses on the least agreed items which are
overcrowding land space and improved peace and order
situation but do not agree on expanding networking and
linkages which is one of the topmost concerns of
businessmen; 3) There is no significant difference as to
the assessment on the impact of business establishments
in Balagtas to the community by the two groups of
respondents; 4) Proposed strategies maybe
incorporated in the improvement of the business plan
for the barangay.
It is recommended that the proposed measures be
integrated in the local governments proposed business
plan for Balagtas. Batangas City and that is should be
implemented and evaluated thereafter. More effective
collaboration / networking with more national and
international business entities maybe one to expand the
business activities in the area to continuously give not
only more employment opportunities for the residents
of Balagtas and the nearby areas but also provide
insights into the value of partnerships to the business
companies and society. High end facilities and services
maybe also be established to complement but not to
severely affect the small businesses that are currently
operating. Stricter measures maybe imposed by the
local government to balance the fast growth of business
vis--vis the socio-economic impact to the community.
More follow up studies be done for present and future

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P-ISSN 2350-7756 | E-ISSN 2350-8442 | And-
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