Bio 169 HYB Sp10 Class Expectations
Bio 169 HYB Sp10 Class Expectations
Bio 169 HYB Sp10 Class Expectations
This document covers all of the work due, due dates & expectations. The final grade will be
comprised of the following components:
Assignments 10%
Discussion Boards 10%
Quizzes 20%
Test 60%
Total 100%
Class Structure:
Announcements – I use this to tell you about posting grades and current news.
Staff Information – This area contains my contact information.
Course Documents – Course Syllabus, the Internet Student Agreement, FAQ’s, and Class
Course Information – Standard Information regarding FAQ’s and “Getting Started”. Nothing else
will be added to this button in this course.
Assignments – This area is the “main” area of the course. Here you will see folders for each unit
of the course. Within each unit area, you will find reading materials & chapter assignments.
There is one folder labeled Quizzes & Tests. It is in this folder that you will see your tests/quizzes
during the time frame they are available.
Discussion Board – This is the area where you will find the instructions and links for the
discussions that will be held throughout the semester.
Communication – This area will allow you to email me, the whole class, one person in the class,
etc through this function. To READ your email, you must login to RCCC E-Mail Gateway
Tools – Grade book, Calendar, and other features are located here. Please explore each area as
you start the course.
External Links – Helpful web resources for the duration of the course. New things may appear
here throughout the course.
Chapter Contents & Study Tools – Useful review links are found here for each chapter. PLEASE
make use of this area. It will help prepare you for both lecture and lab.
Calendar – A useful tool in keeping up with deadlines and when units/tests etc. open and close
Honor Code: Please refer to Procedure 7.23 – Student Behavior Standards/Sanctions in the
course catalog.
General Guidelines:
• Discussion boards need to be done during the dates indicated so we are having
“discussions” rather than just posting ideas without interaction. Follow the table/rubric in this
document to guide you on how to get maximum points for this part of the course.
• Assignments, tests, and discussions not received in time will NOT receive credit. Issues
such as scheduling or computer problems are not “extreme” circumstances and approved
late work must be approved 48 hours before the due date, by emailing me. If you have PC
issues, the ICLC, RLC, and public libraries should be used as backups. The best thing is to
start assignments a few days before they are due.
• We are using the ASSIGNMENTS feature for PowerPoint presentations, lecture guides,
quizzes and tests.
• Expect a 7-10 day turnaround time for grades. All grades will be posted in the Blackboard
Grade Book.
• I welcome emails for one-on-one feedback discussions. Please feel free to request one-on-
one conversations with me through the course.
Important Dates
Unit Chapters Test Materials Unit Opens Unit Closes Unit Test Opens Unit Test Closes
1 15 The Endocrine System January 15, 12am January 29, 11:55 pm January 27, 12am Febuary 3, 11:55 pm
*** All unit materials, PowerPoint Presentations, Assignments& Quizzes, are available fromthe date the unit opensat 12amuntil
the date it closes at 11:55pm. Duringthistime, all assignmentsandquizzesmust be submittedandcompleted. Unit testswill open
andclose accordingto the dateslisted. ***
Discussion Forum Expectations:
Grading Rubric for Discussion Boards
Category Proficient (0-12pts) Exemplary (13-25pts)
Posts original contribution, &/or posts all Posts at least one original contribution, and posts
Promptness & Initiative
requirements on the same day of the week. on at least two different days of the week.
Consistently uses grammatically correct posts with
Errors in spelling and grammar but overall format
Delivery of Post rare misspellings, format is easy to read,
is clear.
professional delivery.
Consistently posts topics related to discussion
Most posts are short in length and offer no further
topic, sites at least one but preferablyseveral
insight into the topic; opinions and ideas are stated
credible references related to topic (text,
Relevance of Post clearly with occasional lack of connection to topic,
websites, or other credible reference); expresses
provides limited citations (from text, websites
opinions and ideas in a clear and concise manner
etc.) for the community to reference
with obvious connection to topic.
Frequently attempts to motivate group
Contribution to the
Marginal effort to become involved with the discuccion; presentscreative approaches to topic,
Class Disscusion
group. can differ or counter peers points-of-view with
diplomacy if applicable.
• For a top score, you must address all questions or topics for discussion, along with
submitting your initial response and meet the requirements below (3 quality submissions).
• When we have discussion postings, note the ending date. Credit will not be awarded for
any postings after this date noted.
• Postings should occur during the specified time frames. This is one part of the course that
cannot be completed ahead of schedule. To ensure that we are truly discussing topics and
idea sharing, we should be posting through the specified time period (not just that last two
days or so). Three postings on a Friday will NOT result in a maximum score.
• While casual in format, please, contributions should read much like an on-going email
thread among colleagues. Please add interesting facts, photos or websites that pertain to the
• I am looking for all questions and topics to be addressed. You may use bullet points or
other listing methods. It is not crucial to use paragraph format. Quoting text, lecture notes,
additional sources (such as web links) are excellent ways to show the application of the
information we are covering. If you have stories about the material being discussed, please
share this.
• “What’s going on” is a discussion board that we can use for the course for peer questions
and general chit chat. There are no points awarded for this “thread”, but it is a great place to
visit with others or ask for help/ideas.