SORG Equipment
SORG Equipment
SORG Equipment
Although SORG
is primarily
known as a successful furnace
engineering company, it also
lays great importance on the
design and specification of peri-
pheral equipment. The key to
corresponds to
either the relevant harmonised
European Standards or, if these
have not yet been agreed, to
the relevant German Standards.
Finally, the equipment shown in
this handbook is not limited to
use on SORG
furnaces, work-
ing ends or forehearths. Many
items can be, and are in fact,
used on other installations.
There are many reasons why glass melting and conditioning
installations perform well, producing good glass quality, with
low energy consumption, and operating reliably throughout a
long campaign. One reason is definitely related to the quality
of the equipment used on and around the furnace, working
end and forehearths.
Many such components are essential for the correct operation
of the plant, and it is a testimony to their high quality if production
is not frequently interrupted as a result of faulty equipment.
pipe insulation
SJG series of
burners the gas quantity is
regulated by a perforated drum
within the burner body. The
drum can be adjusted by
means of a hand wheel. The
flame shape can be varied by
adjusting the drum.
A compressed air connection is
provided to cool the burner
during the exhaust phase of the
regenerative heating cycle.
Burners of the SJG series are
ideally suited for standard appli-
cations as they have a simple
construction and are easy to
operate. The burners are sup-
plied complete with holders
which have height and angle
adjustment, flexible gas hose,
gas non-return valve, shut-off
valve and cast iron sealing
The burners operate with a gas
pressure of 50 200 mbar at
the burner.
low maintenance
simple operation
cast iron sealing plate
produces an efficient and
permanent seal at the
connection between fur-
nace wall and burner, to
prevent the infiltration of
cold air
SGB200 series of
gas burners offer two adjust-
ments to vary the flame shape.
Both adjustments are made at
the rear of the burner.
By adjusting the position of an
inner tube with respect to the
burner body the actual cross
section of the outlet nozzle can
be varied to suit the gas flow.
In addition, the gas flow is div-
ided into two streams by an
adjustable perforated drum within
the burner body. Most of the
gas flows at a lower velocity
through the main body, whilst a
smaller amount flows at a higher
velocity through an inner tube.
The flame is produced when the
two gas streams meet again at
the exit nozzle. Increasing the
amount of gas passing through
the inner tube shortens and
sharpens the flame, and vice
Other features of the design,
such as a rounded outside
edge to the nozzle and a cast
iron sealing plate, ensure opti-
mum sealing between the bur-
ner nozzle and burner block,
and eliminate cold air infiltration
around the burner.
During the waste gas phase,
the burner nozzles are protec-
ted against over-heating by a
separate air supply. Another
external cooling air supply pro-
tects the cast iron sealing plate
and the outside of the burner
The two adjustments for varying
the flame shape ensure that the
burner can be set to give opti-
adjustable outlet nozzle
improves combustion
adjustment (flame length
and sharpness)
reduction is achieved
by the combination of
adjustable outlet nozzle
and variable gas stream
cast iron sealing plate
produces an efficient and
permanent seal at the
connection between fur-
nace wall and burner, to
prevent the infiltration of
cold air
mum operation at all times. This
means that SGB200 burners
are particularly suitable for appli-
cations where NO
must be reduced.
The burners require a pressure
of 50 200 mbar at the burner.
The burners are supplied com-
plete with holders with height
and angle adjustment, flexible
gas hose, gas non-return valve,
shut-off valve and sealing plate.
Our standard equipment
SGB 221:
0 300 Nm
/h natural gas
SGB 231:
0 700 Nm
/h natural gas
burner as a central stream
enveloped in a peripheral stream
of compressed air. The high
velocity differential between the
oil and compressed air streams
pulls the oil stream apart and
atomises the oil.
The correct combination of
oil/air nozzle and adjustment of
the oil and atomising air gives a
radiating flame with minimum
The burner is supplied complete
with adjustable holder, flexible
oil and air hoses and shut-off
Our standard equipment
Burner type NL4
3 sizes of oil nozzle
size 1:
max. throughput ca. 150 l/h
size 2:
max. throughput ca. 300 l/h
size 3:
max. throughput ca. 600 l/h
Type 11/9
channel height 1100 mm
channel width 900 mm
Type 13/11
channel height 1300 mm
channel width 1100 mm
Type 15/13
channel height 1500 mm
channel width 1300 mm
Type 17/15
channel height 1700 mm
channel width 1500 mm
a conventional pneumatic
cylinder, or an electric motor,
as alternative drive methods
hand winch
Furnace Reversal Systems
Flap Reversing Unit
This type of reversing unit utili-
ses a single swivelling flap for
the reversal of the combustion
air supply and waste gas ex-
haust between the two regene-
rator chambers.
The reversal unit consists of a
metal casing, that must be insu-
lated with refractory material on
site, two combustion air
connections and a reversing
flap with drive assembly.
The flap is driven by a pneumatic
cylinder through a lever arrange-
ment. The lever and flap shaft
Our standard equipment
an electric actuator
Waste Gas System Equipment
simple method of creating
sufficient draught when
flue draught losses are
can also be used to con-
trol furnace pressure
can eliminate the need for
a high chimney to achieve
sufficient draught
nozzle, and the fan with a fre-
quency converter are all inclu-
ded in the SORG
scope of
Our standard equipment
Each injector chimney is specifi-
cally designed for the actual
operating conditions of the
installation. SORG
chimneys can be designed for
waste gas flows of 10000
50000 Nm
The Tube Cage
The tube cage recuperator con-
sists of a large number of small
diameter steel tubes, installed in
a ring around the inner circum-
ference of a large diameter
outer tube. The outer tube is
made of steel, but is lined with
refractory material.
The waste gases flow through
the large outer tube, whilst the
combustion air passes through
the inner tubes. The small dia-
meter air tubes are suspended
from the top, and are sealed at
the bottom with refractory
material in such a manner that
the tubes are free to expand. The
refractory material can be instal-
led before delivery, or added on
site after the recuperator has
been placed in position.
This type of recuperator can
give air preheat temperatures of
up to 750 C. They are usually
installed on larger furnaces
which require a greater quantity
of combustion air.
Our standard equipment
Recuperators are always de-
signed for individual applications.
Combination Aggregate
A tube cage and a double shell
unit can be combined to pro-
duce a complete aggregate for
high capacity installations. The
air preheat temperatures pro-
duced by such combinations
are similar to those produced by
a tube cage recuperator, but the
total heat exchange capacity is
Metallic Recuperators
offers higher air preheat
temperatures than double
shell recuperators
less susceptible to pro-
blems caused by the con-
densation of easily volatile
components of the glass
recuperator and
hot air pipework
TV Equipment
TV monitoring equipment can
be used for continuous and
simple monitoring of impor-
tant furnace parameters, such
as flame shape and batch
cover on the glass bath.
rod electrodes in
non-standard lengths
Top Electrodes
Electrodes are normally installed
through the side walls or bottom
of the tank. This method increa-
ses the wear on the refractory
material and creates potential
weak spots.
molybdenum rod
electrodes are bought
solely from reputable
manufacturers and there-
fore meet the stringent
quality standards for glass
melting furnaces
no access holes or water-
cooled electrodes holders
in tank blocks
electrodes can be checked
at any time and re-inserted
as required
all-electric furnace
proven design
universal application
Electrode Holders and Electrodes for Furnaces
Electrode Holders
Water-cooled electrode holders
are used for the conventional
installation of electrodes in
boosters and in the lower areas
of electric furnaces. SORG
furnace bottom
electrode holder installation
Tin Oxide Electrodes
Special ceramic electrodes
made of tin oxide are installed in
furnaces for lead crystal glasses,
especially in the throat and riser
Owing to the characteristics of
the ceramic material these elec-
trodes cannot be advanced.
Therefore tin oxide electrodes
are installed permanently, with a
water-cooled holder. Corrosion
is limited as the electrodes are
operated at a low current density.
Normally rod-shaped electrodes
are used. The electrodes are
quite short and thick as this
material has a relatively low
mechanical strength.
Water Cooling Systems
Electrode holders and other metal components used in hot
areas must be cooled continuously with water. In the majority
of cases enclosed cooling water circulation systems are used
in order to maintain control of the water quality and minimise
the quantity of fresh water needed.
A typical cooling water circulation system comprises a water
storage tank, cooler, pump and distribution stations, and all
Evaporation Cooler
In an evaporation cooler the cir-
culation water is fed through
closed pipes that are cooled
externally by a combination of a
rising air flow and the evap-
oration of external water dripping
from above. The circulation
water and cooling media are
kept separate, and there is no
loss of circulation water.
There is no risk of blockages or
deposits as no untreated water
is fed through narrow pipes or
Evaporation coolers are installed
outside, which can also help to
save space in the factory building.
The electrical control equipment
is installed in a separate control
Our standard equipment
Evaporation coolers must be
designed to suit the specific
climatic conditions on site. The
coolers used by SORG
cooling capacities up to 170 kW.
Pump Station
Equipment for a number of func-
tions is installed in the SORG
pump station.
Two identical circulation pumps
are installed for the cooling
water circulation, so a stand-
by is available if a pump fails or
maintenance work must be
carried out. Both pumps have a
filter. A pressure switch is provi-
ded to monitor the operating
pressure in the system.
A small top-up quantity of fresh
water is required to compensate
for water losses, and this is
added at this station.
An anti-scale magnetic treat-
ment (AMT) unit is installed in
the main water circulating pipe
to eliminate problems caused
by solid deposition in the pipe-
The magnetic valve that con-
trols the emergency supply of
factory water during a power
failure is also mounted on the
station. This valve is open when
there is no power, and is nor-
mally kept closed by the net-
work voltage. It opens if there is
a power failure to allow water
from the factory system to enter
the cooling circuit.
The station is compact, and is
supplied ready for connection,
complete with all necessary
minor components, and the
complete pipework. Copper or
plastic is used for all pipes.
All electrical connections are
centralised in one control cabinet.
Our standard equipment
Standard stations with capacities
of 10 m
/h, 15 m
/h and 25 m
are available.
Plate Cooler
A plate cooler consists of two
pipe systems in close contact
with one another. One system is
a part of the water circulation
system, and the cooling water
used for cooling the electrode
holders or other components
flows through these pipes.
Untreated water from the fac-
tory mains flows through the
second pipe system.
Heat is exchanged between the
two systems, whereby heat is
removed from the cooling water
of the circulation system.
Both systems are totally enclo-
sed and the unit is completely
unaffected by the surrounding
conditions. It can therefore be
installed anywhere, including
Our standard equipment
The number of units required can
be combined as the system is
modular. Systems with cooling
capacities up to 170 kW are
pump station
Water Cooling Systems
Distributor Station
The cooling water is normally
distributed to the individual consu-
mers from a distributor station.
Water System
distributor station
Our standard equipment
compact water
circulating system is available in
5 standard sizes with circulating
capacities of 1 5 m
/h. At a
temperature increase of 10 C
at the consumer this is equiv-
alent to between 2 and 10 stan-
dard electrode holders.
Bubbler Systems
The upward movement of the
bubbles from bubbler systems
creates vertical currents. This
stream can produce an homo-
genising effect in the glass,
but more frequently the aim is
to transport hot glass to the
bottom in order to increase
the bottom temperature.
Various types of bubbler tube
are available:
molybdenum disilicide
(also known as Kanthal
ceramic with platinum tip
The supply equipment is nor-
mally installed in a common
panel. The flow volume for
each bubbler tube is set and
displayed on the control
Disilicide Bubbler
The material is very heat resistant
and also resists attack by the
glass. It has a good electrical
conductivity (it is primarily used
for heating elements for high
temperatures) so, in order to
prevent earth faults, it must be
electrically insulated against
The bubbler tubes are cylindrical,
with a hole running through the
centre. Those parts of the bub-
bler tube that project below the
furnace bottom are protected
by a fibre insulating sheath
against any damage caused by
temperature changes.
The material is suitable for use
in furnaces producing soda-lime
glasses, and where the bubbling
medium is air.
All bubbler tubes are supplied
with an insulating sheath, fixing
clamp, short insulating hose
and a connector for the air
supply pipe.
Our standard equipment
Molybdenum disilicide bubbler
tubes have an external diameter
of 15 mm and are supplied in
nominal lengths of 1000 or
1200 mm.
Ceramic Capillary
Bubbler Tubes
If the gas pressure on the bubbler
tube is temporarily reduced or
cut off, there is the risk that
glass will enter the hole, where
it freezes and blocks the tube. It
is very difficult, if not impossible,
to clear a tube that has become
blocked in this way.
control panel. Two or more
panels are erected side by side
for bubbler systems with more
bubbler tubes.
programme of air
supply equipment for furnaces,
working ends and forehearths
includes both fans and their
auxiliary equipment, and hot
air pipework for pre-heated
combustion air on recuperative
Combustion Air for
Regenerative Furnaces
Normally two identical radial
fans are installed on these fur-
naces. One fan supplies the fur-
nace, and the second is kept in
working order, as a stand-by.
The equipment is supplied com-
plete with a Y-pipe connection
between the two fans.
Our standard equipment
supply a range of sensors, in
the form of pyrometers or
Thermocouples in the
Thermocouples with protective
ceramic sheaths are used for
measuring the temperatures in
both the superstructure and
substructure of the furnace.
For the most important meas-
uring points SORG
type B (Pt.30%RhPt.6%Rh)
thermocouples for high
temperature areas
working end
and forehearth pyrometers can
be used for all applications.
type B (Pt.30%RhPt.6%Rh)
or type R (PtPt.13%Rh)
type B (Pt.30%RhPt.6%Rh)
or type R (PtPt.13%Rh)
furnace pressure
control system comprises the
following parts:
2 furnace pressure probes
2 atmospheric pressure probes
1 differential pressure
transmitter with triple valve
1 PI single loop micro-
processor-based controller
These items are applicable to all
furnace types and sizes.
furnace temperature
and fuel/air ratio control system
comprises the following parts:
1 temperature transmitter
2 metering inlet nozzle units
for the combustion air fans
2 differential pressure trans-
mitters for air quantity
1 fuel flow transmitter
3 PI single loop micropro-
cessor-based controllers
temperature control
systems for working ends and
forehearths normally utilise in-
glass temperature measurement
by means of thermocouples
(see page 35 of this catalogue).
Temperature control is carried
out exclusively through the
heating system.
The millivolt output of the
thermocouple is passed to a
transmitter, which converts the
signal to a standard 4 20 mA
signal. This is passed to the
temperature controller.
The 4 20 mA temperature
controller output signal is
passed to the actuator of the air
control valve for the relevant
Cooling Control
warning system based on a
small PLC is available.
Fault warning signals generated
by external (field) equipment are
connected to the input channels
of the instrument. Each warning
signal must be provided in the
form of a potential-free contact.
Operator access is by means of
a separate operator panel, sui-
table for mounting in the front
face of a control panel. Fault
warnings are shown as text
messages on the operator
panel, and can be acknow-
ledged on the panel by the ope-
rator. If the alarm is still present
the warning message remains
The PLC has connections for a
warning horn and a flashing
light. When an alarm is acknow-
ledged the horn is switched off,
but the lamp continues to flash
until the warning is no longer
Stand-alone systems utilise an
operator panel with a small LCD
display, whereas larger PLC-
based systems use touch
panels for operator access.
Our standard equipment
Input channels (for potential-free
contacts on field equipment) are
provided in groups of 8 (stan-
dard input blocks for the PLC).
Single Instrument
This is a panel-mounted instru-
ment, which combines illuminated
indication fields, outputs for
optical and acoustic warnings,
and acknowledgement function.
Fault warning signals must be
available on external (field)
equipment as potential-free
When a fault signal occurs, the
relevant warning field on the
instrument is illuminated, the
optical and acoustic warnings
are initiated and a master
warning lamp on the instrument
flashes. The warning can be
acknowledged by pressing a
button on the front of the instru-
ment, at which point the external
acoustic warning is switched
off, and the master warning
lamp on the instrument itself
changes to steady illumination.
The external optical warning
remains activated. These
warnings are only eliminated
when the fault signal has been
safety system is
available in two forms: the
PLC version and the single
instrument version.
The acknowledge function can
also be provided from an external
source by means of a binary
input to the instrument.
Our standard equipment
The instrument is available with
8 or 16 input channels for
warning signals.
All fault warnings are
grouped at a single location,
so that the operator is
always presented with a
clear overview of the status
of the complete installation.
PLC operator access panel
Drain System Equipment
Sometimes glass must be re-
moved from the lower regions
of the glass bath through a
bottom drain. It may also be
necessary to remove glass
from the bath surface.
Drains can be installed
in the furnace, working
end or forehearth, or even a
gathering bay. On some
installations a drain is instal-
led to maintain the necessary
minimum melting capacity
when production rates are
This system has direct electric
heating, whereby a current
flows between the heat resistant
steel outlet nozzle and a counter
electrode in the glass bath. The
amount drained can be regula-
ted as required and maintained
at a constant level by the heat-
ing control system.
system can
be used in the front part of fur-
naces, for example before or
after the throat, or in forehearth
channels. It is suitable for the
majority of glasses produced
commercially, including opal and
borosilicate compositions.
The system consists of mech-
anical components the actual
outlet nozzle with its holder and
electrical connections and the
corresponding electric heating
system. This comprises primary
switchgear, double-wound
transformer with thyristor unit
and a control system, including
a thermocouple and 50 m of
compensating cable.
Our standard equipment
A standard system is suitable
for use in both furnaces and
can be retrofitted in a furnace
or forehearth channel
easy to operate
nozzle simple to replace,
even when installed in a
Regardless of the location,
and whether glass is to be
removed from the surface or
the bottom, the glass must
always be drained in a con-
trolled manner, and in the
majority of cases, slowly as
offer a series of
drain systems for different
Power and control panel for a SORG
forehearth CONTI-DRAIN
Drain System Equipment
Standard Drains for
maintaining the
Minimum Melting
Sometimes it is necessary to
drain glass in order to maintain
the melting rate above a certain
minimum level. This can be ach-
ieved by installing a stub fore-
hearth at a suitable location in a
working end and adding a con-
ventional forehearth spout to it.
Glass is drained through the
spout, using a suitably sized
orifice ring. The amount drained
is regulated by means of a verti-
cally adjustable ceramic tube
above the drain outlet.
The channel and feeder spout
are normally gas-heated, using
manifold burners in the channel
and spout, and a single burner
for the drain.
The system consists of a gas
burner with supply station (for
mixture production), a height
adjustable holder for the cera-
mic tube, and a steel bowl for
the spout, including a holder for
simple adjustment of the
amount being drained
replaceable orifice rings
mean that capacities from
less than 1 t to more
than 20 t/24 h can be
the orifice rings, and a thermo-
couple with 50 m of compensa-
ting cable for recording the tem-
perature. Automatic control is
not required.
Our standard equipment
The systems are individually
designed to suit site conditions
and required capacities.
electrical heating system
has extensive
experience of the use of
radiation heating elements,
and is therefore able to
advise on and select the
correct type and size of
element for each individual
Electrical Heating Equipment for Forehearths
Thyristor Units
Only thyristor units with phase
angle control are used. These
are installed on the primary side
of the transformers so they are
galvanically separated from the
glass bath. This prevents DC
components being transferred
to the glass bath.
The thyristor units employed
have an adjustable
current limit and an overriding
current controller. The nominal
current depends on the power
of the transformer, taking the
special characteristics of the
heating type into consideration.
Molybdenum electrodes are
used in all-electrically heated
installations and for forehearth
The electrodes comprise a
molybdenum head and a heat-
resistant steel connector. They
are installed without water cooling
and are sealed against oxidation
by the glass in the installation
hole. No supplementary air
cooling is required on the
majority of installations.
In order to prevent bubble form-
ation, the electrodes are opera-
ted with very low specific cur-
rent loadings. This means that
there is virtually no corrosion of
the electrode material and the
electrodes do not need to be
The electrodes are supplied
complete with a steel sealing
ring, copper connection plate,
fixing clamp and insulator.
simple installation
Our standard equipment
Electrodes with molybdenum
head diameters of 32, 48 and
60 mm are available. The head
and total length can be varied
to suit site conditions.
electrical heating system
Stirrers are normally used to
improve the chemical homo-
geneity of the glass. In only a
few circumstances are stirrers
installed in an attempt to
improve thermal homogeneity.
The use of stirrers in colouring
forehearths is well known.
Stirrer Unit
developed a stirrer unit especially
for this application.
Space at the front of the forehearth
is limited, therefore a space-
saving design is required. The
complete construction is borne
on a single, rotatable column.
This makes it possible to swing
the complete construction to
the side in order to exchange
the stirrers.
The basic design is suitable for
small paddle stirrers, as this
type of stirrer produces the best
possible mixing results. Between
2 and 5 individual stirrers can
be installed, depending on the
channel width at the installation
The stirrers are driven by a three-
phase motor, integrated in the unit.
A frequency converter is used to
provide stepless variation of the
rotation speed of the stirrers.
Our standard equipment
Equalising section stirrer units
can be supplied for between
2 and 5 stirrers.
colouring forehearth
colourant feed pipes
For your notes
Nikolaus Sorg
GmbH & Co KG
P.O. Box 1520
97805 Lohr am Main
Tel.: +49 (0) 9352 507 0
Fax: +49 (0) 9352 507 196
Glass Melting Technology
Glass Conditioning
At Home in the World of Glass