SORG Equipment

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for the Glass Industry

Perfect Solutions for the Glass Industry
Oil Supply Equipment page 5
Oil Control Stations for Recuperative and Regenerative Furnaces page 6
Gas Control Stations for Recuperative and Regenerative Furnaces page 7
Gas Burners for Regenerative Furnaces page 8
Oil Burners for Regenerative Furnaces page 10
Gas and Oil Burners for Recuperative Furnaces page 11
Furnace Reversal Systems page 12
Waste Gas System Equipment page 14
Metallic Recuperators page 16
TV Equipment page 18
Furnace Transformers page 19
Electrode Holders and Electrodes for Furnaces page 20
Water Cooling Systems page 22
Bubbler Systems page 24
Glass Level Measurement page 26
Batch Chargers for Conventional Furnaces page 28
Batch Chargers for Electric Furnaces page 31
Air Supply Equipment page 32
Temperature Measurement page 34
Oxygen Measurement page 36
Control Equipment page 38
Alarm Warning System page 41
Drain System Equipment page 42
Gas and Air Stations for Working Ends, Forehearths
and Gathering Bays page 44
Burners for Working Ends and Forehearths page 46
Electrical Heating Equipment for Forehearths page 48
Stirrers page 50
Metering Equipment for Colouring Forehearths page 52
Why components from SORG

Although SORG

is primarily
known as a successful furnace
engineering company, it also
lays great importance on the
design and specification of peri-
pheral equipment. The key to

success in this field is

the fact that the furnace, work-
ing end and forehearths are
viewed as a complete unit, so
the equipment can be designed
specifically to meet the various
requirements. This is backed by
a detailed knowledge of the
difficult conditions under which
the equipment must operate, 24
hours a day, 7 days a week, year
in and year out.
This high level of reliability and
quality was not achieved over-
night. Many years of experience,
both positive and negative, lie
behind the development of
almost every item of equipment
described in this handbook.
Detailed descriptions
As the range of components is
wide, not all details could be
included here. However, we
believe that the descriptions
give a good general picture of
the equipment we supply. The
frequent heading our standard
equipment refers to standard
items that are supplied regularly.
However, this does not mean
that other sizes, capacities,
shapes etc. are not available,
and specials are almost always
Regulations and standards
In some cases reference is
made to certification standards,
in particular to DIN-EN stan-
dards. Even where this is not
specifically mentioned in this
handbook, all equipment sup-
plied by SORG

corresponds to
either the relevant harmonised
European Standards or, if these
have not yet been agreed, to
the relevant German Standards.
Finally, the equipment shown in
this handbook is not limited to
use on SORG

furnaces, work-
ing ends or forehearths. Many
items can be, and are in fact,
used on other installations.
There are many reasons why glass melting and conditioning
installations perform well, producing good glass quality, with
low energy consumption, and operating reliably throughout a
long campaign. One reason is definitely related to the quality
of the equipment used on and around the furnace, working
end and forehearths.
Many such components are essential for the correct operation
of the plant, and it is a testimony to their high quality if production
is not frequently interrupted as a result of faulty equipment.

hot oil tracer heating system

Oil Supply Equipment
The viscosity of heavy fuel oil is extremely temperature depen-
dent, and two requirements must be met before the oil can be
supplied to the furnace burners. The viscosity must be reduced
to an acceptable level by increasing the temperature, and it
must also be held constant, so that the control equipment and
the furnace burners operate correctly.
An immersion heater in the oil
tank ensures that the oil temp-
erature is at the correct level
before the oil is fed to the system,
where it is first passed through
the electrically heated oil filter
and then to the double pump
unit (pump station). There the oil
is heated to a suitable tempera-
ture by an electric flow heater
(with a second as stand-by).
The overflow valve for the return
flow is installed immediately
before the oil control station.
Another flow heater can be
installed after the station (with
a second as stand-by) before
the branches to the individual
burners. The viscosity on the
burners should be 2 E at a
pressure of about 6 bar.
All components described above
can be supplied separately.
Our standard equipment
Immersion heater:
Various standard units, up to a
power of 120 kW
Double pump unit:
Units up to 4000 l/h,
pressure 800 kPa
Electric flow heater
(preheater or reheater):
Various standard sizes,
18 48 kW
Overflow control valve:
Two sizes available - DN 15/25

pipe insulation

tracer heating for pipework

hot oil tracer heating system

more constant viscosity in
the total circulation system
(overflow control valve
return flow)
optimum oil temperature
before the station and at
the burner
oil freezing unlikely (this
depends on the distances
between the components)
fewer deposits in pipes or
fittings (less cleaning
increased flame stability
due to less pressure

heavy oil pump unit

Oil Control Stations
for Recuperative and Regenerative Furnaces
The oil control station on a
furnace is designed to carry
out 4 functions:
preparation of the oil sup-
ply for the heating system
regulation of the oil volume
according to the automatic
control system requirements
preparation of atomising air
safety related functions
The open station design is flexible
and can be adapted to suit site
conditions. The stations are
supplied completely piped and
cabled. They are checked before
delivery and are ready for
Our standard equipment
Standard oil control stations can
be supplied for capacities of
400, 700, 900, 1000 and 2000

stations for single burner

control, with metering and
control equipment provided
for each burner

electrically operated control


enclosed station, installed in

a sheet steel casing
The atomising air and oil pres-
sures are maintained at a con-
stant level in the station, whilst
the oil quantity is measured and
then regulated by the control
system. The safety functions
interrupt the oil flow if a fault,
such as a combustion air failure,
should occur. The oil pipes are
insulated in order to reduce
heat losses.

oil stations are fitted with

atomising air pressure control,
oil pressure control, filters,
safety equipment and metering
and control equipment. The
control valve is provided with an
electro-pneumatic actuator, and
the oil quantity is measured
using an oval gear meter.
In the case of regenerative fur-
naces the oil and atomising air
reversal equipment is also inte-
grated in the station. All com-
ponents which are needed to
maintain operational security are
fitted with by-passes.
short installation time
high quality and certified
components ensure high
operational security

oil station for a regenerative furnace

Gas Control Stations
for Recuperative and Regenerative Furnaces
The gas control station on a
furnace is designed to carry
out 3 functions:
preparation of the gas
supply for the heating
gas quantity regulation
according to the require-
ments of the automatic
control system
safety related functions
In the station the gas pressure is
reduced to a suitable level and
maintained at a constant value. If
the pressure rises or falls too much
the safety shut-off valve, integra-
ted in the gas pressure regulator,
closes the gas supply. The gas
quantity is measured by means of
a turbine meter and then regula-
ted by the control valve. The
safety functions interrupt the gas
flow if a fault, such as a combus-
tion air failure, should occur.
In the case of stations for regener-
ative furnaces the gas reversal
function is also included in the

gas control stations are

provided with filters, a gas con-
trol valve with electro-pneumatic
drive, rapid-action safety valves
and operating to normal cubic
meter conversion of the gas
quantity measurement. Stations
for regenerative furnaces also
have gas reversing valves. To
ensure optimum operational
security all parts are provided
with a by-pass.
reserve pressure controller
for optimum operational
short installation time
high level of operational
security as a result of the
use of DIN-EN certified

gas station for a regenerative furnace

The open station design is flex-
ible and can be adapted to suit
site conditions. The stations are
supplied completely piped, cab-
led, ready for connection, and
have been checked before deli-
Our standard equipment
The following standard stations
are available:
150 3000 Nm
natural gas or equivalent
pipe size:
DN 25 250

stations for single burner

control with metering and
control equipment for each

enclosed station, installed in

a sheet steel casing

electric actuator for control

Gas Burners
for Regenerative Furnaces
Gas burners form an impor-
tant part of the regenerative
heating system. They are
used to influence flame size
and shape, both of which can
affect the melting process
and the fuel efficiency of the
Our standard equipment
SJG 221:
0 300 Nm
/h natural gas
SJG 231:
0 700 Nm
/h natural gas
SJG Series
In the SORG

SJG series of
burners the gas quantity is
regulated by a perforated drum
within the burner body. The
drum can be adjusted by
means of a hand wheel. The
flame shape can be varied by
adjusting the drum.
A compressed air connection is
provided to cool the burner
during the exhaust phase of the
regenerative heating cycle.
Burners of the SJG series are
ideally suited for standard appli-
cations as they have a simple
construction and are easy to
operate. The burners are sup-
plied complete with holders
which have height and angle
adjustment, flexible gas hose,
gas non-return valve, shut-off
valve and cast iron sealing
The burners operate with a gas
pressure of 50 200 mbar at
the burner.
low maintenance
simple operation
cast iron sealing plate
produces an efficient and
permanent seal at the
connection between fur-
nace wall and burner, to
prevent the infiltration of
cold air

SJG gas burner installed on an end-fired regenerative furnace

SGB200 Series

SGB200 series of
gas burners offer two adjust-
ments to vary the flame shape.
Both adjustments are made at
the rear of the burner.
By adjusting the position of an
inner tube with respect to the
burner body the actual cross
section of the outlet nozzle can
be varied to suit the gas flow.
In addition, the gas flow is div-
ided into two streams by an
adjustable perforated drum within
the burner body. Most of the
gas flows at a lower velocity
through the main body, whilst a
smaller amount flows at a higher
velocity through an inner tube.
The flame is produced when the
two gas streams meet again at
the exit nozzle. Increasing the
amount of gas passing through
the inner tube shortens and
sharpens the flame, and vice
Other features of the design,
such as a rounded outside
edge to the nozzle and a cast
iron sealing plate, ensure opti-
mum sealing between the bur-
ner nozzle and burner block,
and eliminate cold air infiltration
around the burner.
During the waste gas phase,
the burner nozzles are protec-
ted against over-heating by a
separate air supply. Another
external cooling air supply pro-
tects the cast iron sealing plate
and the outside of the burner
The two adjustments for varying
the flame shape ensure that the
burner can be set to give opti-
adjustable outlet nozzle
improves combustion
adjustment (flame length
and sharpness)
reduction is achieved
by the combination of
adjustable outlet nozzle
and variable gas stream
cast iron sealing plate
produces an efficient and
permanent seal at the
connection between fur-
nace wall and burner, to
prevent the infiltration of
cold air
mum operation at all times. This
means that SGB200 burners
are particularly suitable for appli-
cations where NO
must be reduced.
The burners require a pressure
of 50 200 mbar at the burner.
The burners are supplied com-
plete with holders with height
and angle adjustment, flexible
gas hose, gas non-return valve,
shut-off valve and sealing plate.
Our standard equipment
SGB 221:
0 300 Nm
/h natural gas
SGB 231:
0 700 Nm
/h natural gas

SGB200 series gas burner installed on an end-fired regenerative furnace


rotameter flow meter, so that

gas distribution between
burners can be observed

individual control valves on

each burner, for regulation
of gas distribution

flow meter with electrical out-

put, for registration of gas
Gas Burners for Regenerative Furnaces
Oil Burners for Regenerative Furnaces
Oil burners form an important
part of the regenerative heat-
ing system. They are used to
influence flame size and
shape, both of which can
affect the melting process
and the fuel efficiency of the
The oil exits the SORG

burner as a central stream
enveloped in a peripheral stream
of compressed air. The high
velocity differential between the
oil and compressed air streams
pulls the oil stream apart and
atomises the oil.
The correct combination of
oil/air nozzle and adjustment of
the oil and atomising air gives a
radiating flame with minimum
The burner is supplied complete
with adjustable holder, flexible
oil and air hoses and shut-off
Our standard equipment
Burner type NL4
3 sizes of oil nozzle
size 1:
max. throughput ca. 150 l/h
size 2:
max. throughput ca. 300 l/h
size 3:
max. throughput ca. 600 l/h

oil and atomising air quantity


extraction valves to remove

oil from the burner during the
reversal period to avoid solid
build-up and so extend
cleaning intervals
the burner operates as a
pure compressed air
useable for all applications
short, sharp or long and
lazy flames can be produ-
ced with the correct oil
nozzle diameter and
atomising air quantity

NL4 oil burners installed on an end-fired regenerative furnace

The oil burner comprises a body
with air and oil connections, the
oil and air pipes, the nozzles
and accessories, such as seals.
The nozzle is available in short
or long versions. The short ver-
sion produces a shorter, wider
flame for smaller furnaces whilst
the long version is used in larger
furnaces, where it provides a
longer, narrower flame.
Gas and Oil Burners for Recuperative Furnaces
In furnaces with recuperative
heating systems the combu-
stion air is preheated in the
recuperator and passed
through the actual burner,
where it mixes with the gas or
oil to form the flame.

burners for recuperative

furnaces consist of a cast iron
casing, a high temperature resi-
stant refractory lining and either
a gas or oil lance.
The cast iron burner
casing provides a safe,
permanent and sealed
connection between the
furnace wall and the bur-
ner. This prevents the
infiltration of cold air
These burners ensure
smooth and almost main-
tenance-free operation
The burner pressure can
be adapted to suit that of
the heating system

HTG gas burners installed on an end-fired recuperative furnace

The burners are available in
three versions:

the HTG series is used for

gaseous fuels

the HTO series is used for oil


the HTK series can be used

for either gas or oil, where-
by the burner lance must
be changed to convert from
one fuel to the other.
Non-return valves, shut-off
valves and gas or oil hoses are
supplied as standard.
Our standard equipment
A total of 10 standard burners is
available in each series, with
maximum capacities ranging
from 50 1500 kW (operation
with preheated combustion air).
Furnace Reversal Systems
When the firing is reversed,
the reversal unit switches the
incoming combustion air flow
and the outgoing waste gas
flow between the two regen-
erator chambers from one
side to the other. Slide or flap
reversing systems are used to
do this.
Slide Reversing System
The slides themselves are
manufactured from cast iron
and fit into a cast frame. This
produces the best possible seal.
Slides are installed in the waste
gas channels of both chambers.
The two devices are connected
to one another and are opera-
ted synchronously by a single
drive. One valve is always open
and the other closed, depen-
ding on which side is firing. The
position of the two valves is
changed during the reversing
procedure. Simultaneously the
passage of the combustion air
is changed by a flap in a Y-pipe.
The reversing flaps are driven by
special pistonless cylinders,
which shortens the reversing
time. This minimises the
temperature drop during the
reversing procedure and there-
fore influences the purge times
for the regenerator chambers.
As a result the NO
levels are also decreased.
improved sealing of the
reversing unit and signifi-
cant reduction in the
amount of air induced
shorter reversal times,
resulting in a reduction in
emission levels
Our standard equipment
The following reversal unit sizes
are available from SORG

Type 11/9
channel height 1100 mm
channel width 900 mm
Type 13/11
channel height 1300 mm
channel width 1100 mm
Type 15/13
channel height 1500 mm
channel width 1300 mm
Type 17/15
channel height 1700 mm
channel width 1500 mm

a double drive chain for

larger units

a conventional pneumatic
cylinder, or an electric motor,
as alternative drive methods

slide reversal system for

regenerative furnaces

refractory material for insulation

hand winch
Furnace Reversal Systems
Flap Reversing Unit
This type of reversing unit utili-
ses a single swivelling flap for
the reversal of the combustion
air supply and waste gas ex-
haust between the two regene-
rator chambers.
The reversal unit consists of a
metal casing, that must be insu-
lated with refractory material on
site, two combustion air
connections and a reversing
flap with drive assembly.
The flap is driven by a pneumatic
cylinder through a lever arrange-
ment. The lever and flap shaft
Our standard equipment

flap reversal units

have the following dimensions:
Type 18/37
channel depth 1800 mm
channel width 3700 mm
Type 18/39
channel depth 1800 mm
channel width 3900 mm
Type 18/41
channel depth 1800 mm
channel width 4100 mm
Type 18/43
channel depth 1800 mm
channel width 4300 mm
Type 18/45
channel depth 1800 mm
channel width 4500 mm
Type 18/47
channel depth 1800 mm
channel width 4700 mm
compact equipment to fit
limited building space
shorter waste gas paths
more economic solution
short installation time
long operating life

flap reversal system for

regenerative furnaces
are connected by a spring clamp
that operates as a slip coupling
in order to protect the shaft from
torsion stresses. Limit switches
are provided to signal the open
and closed limit positions.
This system is designed for use
with double-pass regenerators,
where it can be installed directly
on the top of the second cham-
ber. It is not suitable for installa-
tion in waste gas channels.
Waste Gas System Equipment
The furnace waste gas system generally includes equipment
for the control of the furnace pressure, and may also include a
method of producing, or increasing, the suction effect which
pulls waste gases from the furnace. These functions are
important for stable operation of the furnace combustion
Furnace Pressure
Control Valve
This valve is installed in the
waste gas channel after the
regenerators and is used to vary
the draught, in order to maintain
a constant pressure in the fur-
nace superstructure.
This flap valve is made of a spe-
cial cast iron, resistant up to
700 C, as is the frame in which
it sits and rests against when in
the fully closed position.
A pneumatic actuator is used to
move the flap.
Our standard equipment

furnace pressure control

flaps are available in 4 standard
Type 11/9
channel height 1100 mm
channel width 900 mm
Type 13/11
channel height 1300 mm
channel width 1100 mm
Type 15/13
channel height 1500 mm
channel width 1300 mm
Type 17/15
channel height 1700 mm
channel width 1500 mm
the use of a pneumatic
drive improves reaction
time and helps to reduce

a vertical slide valve in place

of the swivelling flap valve

an electric actuator
Waste Gas System Equipment
simple method of creating
sufficient draught when
flue draught losses are
can also be used to con-
trol furnace pressure
can eliminate the need for
a high chimney to achieve
sufficient draught
nozzle, and the fan with a fre-
quency converter are all inclu-
ded in the SORG

scope of
Our standard equipment
Each injector chimney is specifi-
cally designed for the actual
operating conditions of the
installation. SORG

chimneys can be designed for
waste gas flows of 10000
50000 Nm

the steel stack can be

supplied by SORG

Waste Gas Exhauster

Wherever the natural draught
produced by a stack is limited,
or where the losses in the waste
gas flues are too high, it may be
necessary to use a method of
producing a draught which is
independent of the stack. This
is often the case, for example,
when an electrostatic precip-
itator is installed in the waste
gas flue between the furnace
and the stack.
A waste gas exhauster is basi-
cally a fan which is used to pull
the waste gases from the furn-
ace and expel them through the
stack. The exhauster operates
in a hot environment and is
designed for waste gas temp-
eratures of up to 500 C.
The fan speed can be varied by
a frequency converter, and so it
is possible to use the exhauster
as a method of controlling the
furnace pressure, with the out-
put of the furnace pressure con-
troller being used to vary the
exhauster speed.

waste gas exhausters

are supplied complete with inlet
side flap valve, compensator
and frequency converter.
Our standard equipment

waste gas exhausters

can be supplied for waste gas
flows up to 60000 Nm
Injector Chimney
In cases where it is not possible
to achieve sufficient natural
draught an injector chimney can
be used. An injector nozzle is
placed pointing upwards in the
centre of the chimney base, and
a jet of air is blown through the
nozzle. The injector effect cre-
ated by this jet of air is used to
provide a draught to pull waste
gases from the furnace and
expel them through the stack.
The injection air is provided by a
dedicated fan. The draught pro-
duced is dependent upon the
amount of air passing through
the nozzle, and this is varied by
manipulation of the fan speed
through a frequency converter.
This method is used to control
furnace pressure.
The injector unit is normally topped
by a simple steel stack, typically
between 15 and 60 m high.
Higher versions may require a
swing damper.
Design and engineering, the
injector unit complete with
Metallic Recuperators
Recuperators are used to
transfer heat from the furnace
waste gases to the combus-
tion air. Most recuperative
furnaces in the glass industry
utilise steel recuperators,
which can give air preheat
temperatures of up to 750 C.

uses two basic types

of steel recuperator: the double
shell recuperator and the
tube cage recuperator.
The Double Shell
This type of recuperator con-
sists of two concentric high-
temperature resistant steel
tubes. The hot waste gases
pass through the inner tube,
whilst the combustion air passes
through the annular gap be-
tween the two tubes. The air
may be passed in the same
basic direction as the waste
gases (parallel flow) or in the
opposite direction (counterflow).
Single modules of this type can
be used alone, or can be placed
one after another to form a
complete unit.
In most applications the waste
gases flow upwards through the
recuperator, but it is also possible
to design the recuperator for a
downward waste gas flow.
Double shell recuperators are
capable of giving a typical air
preheat temperature within the
range 450 650 C. These
units are normally used for small
furnaces up to a melting capacity
of approximately 50 t/24 h.
Our standard equipment
Recuperators are always de-
signed for individual applications.
can also be produced as
small units for small
furnaces, working ends
or forebays

The Tube Cage
The tube cage recuperator con-
sists of a large number of small
diameter steel tubes, installed in
a ring around the inner circum-
ference of a large diameter
outer tube. The outer tube is
made of steel, but is lined with
refractory material.
The waste gases flow through
the large outer tube, whilst the
combustion air passes through
the inner tubes. The small dia-
meter air tubes are suspended
from the top, and are sealed at
the bottom with refractory
material in such a manner that
the tubes are free to expand. The
refractory material can be instal-
led before delivery, or added on
site after the recuperator has
been placed in position.
This type of recuperator can
give air preheat temperatures of
up to 750 C. They are usually
installed on larger furnaces
which require a greater quantity
of combustion air.
Our standard equipment
Recuperators are always de-
signed for individual applications.
Combination Aggregate
A tube cage and a double shell
unit can be combined to pro-
duce a complete aggregate for
high capacity installations. The
air preheat temperatures pro-
duced by such combinations
are similar to those produced by
a tube cage recuperator, but the
total heat exchange capacity is
Metallic Recuperators
offers higher air preheat
temperatures than double
shell recuperators
less susceptible to pro-
blems caused by the con-
densation of easily volatile
components of the glass

recuperator and
hot air pipework
TV Equipment
TV monitoring equipment can
be used for continuous and
simple monitoring of impor-
tant furnace parameters, such
as flame shape and batch
cover on the glass bath.

sensor unit for the

combustion chamber consists
of a water-cooled casing, an air
purge unit, lens and camera.
The complete unit is mounted
on a movable carriage, that can
be removed automatically from
the danger area if a fault should
The camera can be fitted with
different lenses in order to maxi-
mise the field of vision in each
furnace. The aperture setting is
automatically controlled. The
output signal from the camera is
a normal video signal.
Electricity, water and air are
supplied from a free-standing
control and supply station.
The image is shown on a 17
monitor, available either as a
free-standing unit or for integra-
tion in a control panel.
robust camera system,
suitable for continuous
operation in the glass
high quality lenses produce
excellent image quality

furnace TV camera unit

Our standard equipment
Lenses with diagonal image
angles of 70, 94, and 110
are available. Fisheye lenses
can also be supplied.
The standard sensor diameter is
70 mm. Other diameters up to
129 mm are available, so that
sensors can be adapted for use
with existing camera blocks in
the furnace superstructure.

a separate water cooler can

be supplied if the customer
does not have a cooling
water circulation system

video recording equipment,

configured especially for
long-term monitoring
Furnace Transformers
Transformers with steplessly
variable voltage outputs are
used for electric boosters
and all-electric furnaces.

can supply two diffe-

rent types of transformer:
oil-cooled, three-phase
induction regulators
air-cooled, single-phase,
fixed ratio transformers
with thyristors
Induction Regulators
The output voltage is varied
under load by the rotation of an
induction winding. An electric
drive motor for the induction
winding permits either remote
operation or fully automatic
There are no moving electrical
contacts, and the principle is
characterised by a high level of
reliability and low maintenance
Induction regulators are normally
supplied as three-phase units
for high voltage connection up
to 30 kV. The transformers are
oil-cooled and are suitable for
indoor operation with natural air
convection. Double-chamber
Buchholz relays, primary voltage
surge arresters, an oil temp-
erature gauge with limit contact,
air de-humidifier, and transport
rollers are supplied as standard
Double-Wound Fixed
Ratio Transformers
with Thyristors
Air-cooled, double-wound
transformers with thyristors are
very well suited to installations
with relatively low powers (e.g.
less than 200 kVA), and where
extremely fast voltage adjust-
ment is necessary. Typical
systems on which these trans-
formers are used are throat
boosters and melting boosters
for certain borosilicate glasses.
The transformers are provided
with two or more voltage taps,
so the voltage range can be
pre-set. The thyristors operate
on the phase angle control prin-
ciple and provide stepless
adjustment of the output voltage
under load, making remote or
fully automatic control possible.
The transformers are designed
for capacities between 40 and
200 kW, as single-phase units
for connection to the low volt-
age network (normally 380
440 volts).
Our standard equipment

induction regulators are

available for nominal powers of
300 4500 kVA.

bus bar distributor system on

secondary side

secondary current trans-

formers for current and power

transformers with combined

forced air/oil or water/oil
cooling for difficult locations

tapped transformers with

off-load tap change, up to
1000 kVA
improved furnace operation,
owing to stepless power
variation under load
extremely reliable, low-
maintenance operation,
as a result of non-contact
voltage adjustment
high flexibility even in
temporary exceptional
circumstances owing to
selectable voltage ranges
All components are installed in
enclosed steel casings, to pro-
tection standards IP23. Current
transformers and transport rol-
lers are supplied as standard.
Our standard equipment
60 to 100 kVA as throat booster
units, 100 kVA as booster units
for furnaces

2100 kVA induction regulator

Electrode Holders and Electrodes for Furnaces
Molybdenum electrodes are
utilised in all-electric furnaces
and in additional heating
systems (boosters) in con-
ventional furnaces. A very
pure form of this metal is used,
that does not contaminate the
Normally, water-cooled hol-
ders are used to protect the
molybdenum from damage
caused by oxidation in the
transition area between the
glass and the air.
Standard Electrodes
Rod electrodes are used for
normal applications in boosters
and all-electric furnaces. The
individual rods are usually pro-
vided with a male and female
thread so that the electrodes
can be screwed together.
Our standard equipment

can supply electrodes

with the following nominal dia-
32 mm (1
48 mm
Standard rod electrodes have
nominal lengths of 400 or
800 mm.

rod electrodes in
non-standard lengths

Top Electrodes
Electrodes are normally installed
through the side walls or bottom
of the tank. This method increa-
ses the wear on the refractory
material and creates potential
weak spots.

Top Electrodes are L-

shaped, and consist of an elec-
trode shaft, which contains the
cooling water and electrical
supplies, and the molybdenum
electrode itself. The holder is
inserted through an opening in
the superstructure side wall
above the glass melt, and the
electrode enters the glass bath
vertically through the surface.
The condition of the electrode
can be checked at any time as
the complete holder and elec-
trode unit can be swung out of
the furnace.

Top Electrodes are suit-

able for use as main electrodes
in all types of cold-top electric
The complete initial package of

Top Electrodes comp-

rises holder, swivel bracket and
a set of connection items.
Our standard equipment
The standard diameters for

Top Electrodes are 2

/2 '',
3'' and 4''. Standard electrode
lengths are between 600 and
1200 mm.
A set of connection items con-
sists of pressure hoses (2 x 2.5 m
per electrode), needle valve for
the cooling water supply, copper
connection plate with insulators,
flexible connecting straps and a
connection clamp.

the electrodes can be surface-

treated to provide temporary
protection against oxidation

molybdenum rod
electrodes are bought
solely from reputable
manufacturers and there-
fore meet the stringent
quality standards for glass
melting furnaces
no access holes or water-
cooled electrodes holders
in tank blocks
electrodes can be checked
at any time and re-inserted
as required

Top Electrodes installed on a


all-electric furnace
proven design
universal application
Electrode Holders and Electrodes for Furnaces
Electrode Holders
Water-cooled electrode holders
are used for the conventional
installation of electrodes in
boosters and in the lower areas
of electric furnaces. SORG

electrode holders have an en-

closed water circulation channel
and are therefore suitable for
both side and bottom installation.
The operating temperature of
the holder is registered by a
replaceable Ni.Cr-Ni mantle
The initial electrode holder
package includes a set of
connection items.
Our standard equipment

can supply electrodes

with the following nominal
32 mm (1
48 mm
Standard nominal lengths are
between 700 and 900 mm for
side wall installation and between
1000 and 1500 mm for bottom
A set of connection items con-
sists of pressure hose (2 x 1.5 m
per electrode), needle valve for
the cooling water supply, holder
with insulators, copper connec-
tion plate with insulators, flexible
connection straps and a
connection clamp. A safety
support is also included for
bottom electrodes.
Typical SORG

furnace bottom
electrode holder installation
Tin Oxide Electrodes
Special ceramic electrodes
made of tin oxide are installed in
furnaces for lead crystal glasses,
especially in the throat and riser
Owing to the characteristics of
the ceramic material these elec-
trodes cannot be advanced.
Therefore tin oxide electrodes
are installed permanently, with a
water-cooled holder. Corrosion
is limited as the electrodes are
operated at a low current density.
Normally rod-shaped electrodes
are used. The electrodes are
quite short and thick as this
material has a relatively low
mechanical strength.
Water Cooling Systems
Electrode holders and other metal components used in hot
areas must be cooled continuously with water. In the majority
of cases enclosed cooling water circulation systems are used
in order to maintain control of the water quality and minimise
the quantity of fresh water needed.
A typical cooling water circulation system comprises a water
storage tank, cooler, pump and distribution stations, and all
Evaporation Cooler
In an evaporation cooler the cir-
culation water is fed through
closed pipes that are cooled
externally by a combination of a
rising air flow and the evap-
oration of external water dripping
from above. The circulation
water and cooling media are
kept separate, and there is no
loss of circulation water.
There is no risk of blockages or
deposits as no untreated water
is fed through narrow pipes or
Evaporation coolers are installed
outside, which can also help to
save space in the factory building.
The electrical control equipment
is installed in a separate control
Our standard equipment
Evaporation coolers must be
designed to suit the specific
climatic conditions on site. The
coolers used by SORG

cooling capacities up to 170 kW.
Pump Station
Equipment for a number of func-
tions is installed in the SORG

pump station.
Two identical circulation pumps
are installed for the cooling
water circulation, so a stand-
by is available if a pump fails or
maintenance work must be
carried out. Both pumps have a
filter. A pressure switch is provi-
ded to monitor the operating
pressure in the system.
A small top-up quantity of fresh
water is required to compensate
for water losses, and this is
added at this station.
An anti-scale magnetic treat-
ment (AMT) unit is installed in
the main water circulating pipe
to eliminate problems caused
by solid deposition in the pipe-
The magnetic valve that con-
trols the emergency supply of
factory water during a power
failure is also mounted on the
station. This valve is open when
there is no power, and is nor-
mally kept closed by the net-
work voltage. It opens if there is
a power failure to allow water
from the factory system to enter
the cooling circuit.
The station is compact, and is
supplied ready for connection,
complete with all necessary
minor components, and the
complete pipework. Copper or
plastic is used for all pipes.
All electrical connections are
centralised in one control cabinet.
Our standard equipment
Standard stations with capacities
of 10 m
/h, 15 m
/h and 25 m
are available.
Plate Cooler
A plate cooler consists of two
pipe systems in close contact
with one another. One system is
a part of the water circulation
system, and the cooling water
used for cooling the electrode
holders or other components
flows through these pipes.
Untreated water from the fac-
tory mains flows through the
second pipe system.
Heat is exchanged between the
two systems, whereby heat is
removed from the cooling water
of the circulation system.
Both systems are totally enclo-
sed and the unit is completely
unaffected by the surrounding
conditions. It can therefore be
installed anywhere, including
Our standard equipment
The number of units required can
be combined as the system is
modular. Systems with cooling
capacities up to 170 kW are

pump station
Water Cooling Systems
Distributor Station
The cooling water is normally
distributed to the individual consu-
mers from a distributor station.

distributor stations the

water is monitored by a flow
meter in each return pipe. This
method offers more operational
safety than monitoring in the
supply pipes. The flow meters
have an adjustable limit contact,
and issue a warning if the requi-
red flow volume is not reached.
After the flow meter all return
pipes lead into a common collect-
ing trough, covered to prevent
contamination of the circulation
water. The cover can be raised so
that the water temperature can
be hand tested. The return flow
to the water tank is by gravity.
All electrical connections are
grouped in one control panel.
Our standard equipment
Standard water distributor stations
can be supplied for up to 20
compact design
all important equipment in
one place
low water consumption
low maintenance
low total cost solution for
small systems
added security by flow
rate monitoring in return
Water Tank

water tanks for cooling

water circulation systems are
manufactured in stainless steel,
and are fully enclosed. This pre-
vents the water from becoming
contaminated by rust or foreign
The tanks have flanged connec-
tions for the inlet and outlet,
drain and vent.
Our standard equipment

water tanks are available

in sizes up to 3 m

tanks made of plastic, suitable

for regions with particularly
aggressive water quality

Water System

compact water cir-

culating system contains all the
equipment required for a com-
plete small water circulating
system for a limited number of
consumers. The equipment
comprises a water storage tank,
two circulating pumps (one as
reserve), a closed circuit cooler,
an AMT (Anti-scale Magnetic
Treatment) unit that prevents
solid deposition in the system,
a distributor and a collecting
trough. Magnetic valves to pro-
vide an emergency supply from
the factory mains supply in case
of loss of water pressure, are
also included.
The unit only requires connec-
tion to the main water supply
pipe, the electrical connection
and the installation of the pipe-
work to and from the consu-
mers to complete the water
cooling circulating system.
The unit is supplied completely
piped and wired and ready for

cooling water storage tank


distributor station
Our standard equipment

compact water
circulating system is available in
5 standard sizes with circulating
capacities of 1 5 m
/h. At a
temperature increase of 10 C
at the consumer this is equiv-
alent to between 2 and 10 stan-
dard electrode holders.
Bubbler Systems
The upward movement of the
bubbles from bubbler systems
creates vertical currents. This
stream can produce an homo-
genising effect in the glass,
but more frequently the aim is
to transport hot glass to the
bottom in order to increase
the bottom temperature.
Various types of bubbler tube
are available:
molybdenum disilicide
(also known as Kanthal
ceramic with platinum tip
The supply equipment is nor-
mally installed in a common
panel. The flow volume for
each bubbler tube is set and
displayed on the control
Disilicide Bubbler
The material is very heat resistant
and also resists attack by the
glass. It has a good electrical
conductivity (it is primarily used
for heating elements for high
temperatures) so, in order to
prevent earth faults, it must be
electrically insulated against
The bubbler tubes are cylindrical,
with a hole running through the
centre. Those parts of the bub-
bler tube that project below the
furnace bottom are protected
by a fibre insulating sheath
against any damage caused by
temperature changes.
The material is suitable for use
in furnaces producing soda-lime
glasses, and where the bubbling
medium is air.
All bubbler tubes are supplied
with an insulating sheath, fixing
clamp, short insulating hose
and a connector for the air
supply pipe.
Our standard equipment
Molybdenum disilicide bubbler
tubes have an external diameter
of 15 mm and are supplied in
nominal lengths of 1000 or
1200 mm.
Ceramic Capillary
Bubbler Tubes
If the gas pressure on the bubbler
tube is temporarily reduced or
cut off, there is the risk that
glass will enter the hole, where
it freezes and blocks the tube. It
is very difficult, if not impossible,
to clear a tube that has become
blocked in this way.

ceramic bubbler tubes

have several capillaries, all of
which are too small for the glass
to run into. As a result there is
much less risk of a bubbler tube
becoming blocked during a
break in operation. These tubes
also operate successfully in
pulsed bubbler systems.
Our standard equipment

ceramic bubbler tubes

have an external diameter of
15 mm and are supplied in
nominal lengths of 1000 or
1200 mm.

ceramic bubbler tubes with a

platinum sheath at the hot
end for use in special glasses,
such as borosilicate compo-

ceramic bubbler tubes can

also be embedded in water-
cooled steel tubes
excellent material
does not become blocked
if bubbling interrupted

ceramic bubbler tube installation

Bubbler Systems
a multiplexing system, using a
small PLC. It is not necessary to
monitor ceramic bubbler tubes
in this way.
Bubbler control panels can be
equipped for operation with
either air or oxygen. The basic
equipment is the same for both
versions but, if oxygen is used,
all components and tubes are
produced in stainless steel, and
are absolutely fat and grease
The panels are supplied com-
plete with all pipework and
Our standard equipment
The control components for up
to 6 bubbler tubes are installed
in a standard SORG

control panel. Two or more
panels are erected side by side
for bubbler systems with more
bubbler tubes.

For special applications the

installation can be designed
as a pulse bubbler. The
pressure pulses are produced
by magnetic valves installed
in the feed pipe to each
bubbler tube and controlled
by a PLC
stable operation achieved
by the use of flow meters
with automatic pressure
flow meters can be
replaced during operation
operational security en-
sured by continuous
monitoring of voltage to
earth (with molybdenum
disilicide bubbler tubes)
Control Panel
The equipment in a bubbler
control panel comprises a pres-
sure controller with a filter instal-
led in the supply line, a flow
meter with automatic pressure
stabiliser and a manometer for
each bubbler tube. Each flow
meter is provided with a needle
valve as a by-pass.
The pressure stabiliser provides
a constant flow rate, so the
quantity of bubbling air is stable,
even when temperature fluctua-
tions in the glass cause a change
in the viscosity at the outlet of
the bubbler tube. If it is neces-
sary to exchange a flow meter,
the by-pass and the needle valve
are used to maintain operation
of the bubbler tube affected.
Owing to the electric conduct-
ivity of the molybdenum disilicide
bubbler tubes the voltage to
earth of the individual tubes must
be monitored in order to identify
earth faults. This is achieved by

bubbler panel internal detail

showing flow meter by-pass
Glass Level Measurement
Glass level measurement is
used as the basis for automatic
control of the raw material
feed to the furnace. In many
cases the stability provided
by the system is also an
important prerequisite of
stable production.
an emergency controller is avail-
able within the system electronics
to provide temporary control, if
the normal glass level control
system should fail. The emer-
gency controller operates by
switching the batch charger on
and off.
The system is suitable for instal-
lation in working ends and
forehearth channels. It is used
with soda-lime glasses, but can
also be applied to other types
of glass.
If required, the system can be
set up to operate as a contact
system which reacts when the
probe touches the glass surface.
Our standard equipment
The standard device is equipped
with a non-cooled ceramic sen-
sor. The length of the sensor
depends on the height of the
superstructure, and is supplied
to suit individual projects.
Mechanical Dipping
Probe System
This mechanical dipping probe
system has a sensor that
moves vertically, and normally
operates without glass contact.
Immediately above the glass
surface there is an electrically
conductive layer of ionised gas.
A capacitive measuring method
is used for accurate determi-
nation of the proximity between
the descending sensor and the
glass surface.
The drive unit is mounted on
the side of the channel, and the
non-cooled, platinum-tipped
ceramic probe is inserted verti-
cally through the roof. The elec-
tronic evaluation system used to
determine the glass level is inte-
grated in the drive casing. The
output signal is a comparative
value for the deviation between
the set point and actual value of
the glass level.
The glass level is controlled by
an external controller. However,
non-contact glass level
compact design
little corrosion on sensor
simple fault diagnosis
internal emergency

dipping probe glass level

detector drive unit

dipping probe glass level

detector probe

water-cooled sensor for

glasses with heavy volatilisation

air purge device to avoid the

aggregation of condensate in
the access opening: this is
especially important for use
with special glasses, or if
there is high internal pressure
at the measuring location

water-cooled base plate

when ambient temperatures
are very high
Glass Level Measurement
Our standard equipment
The standard system is suitable
for all normal applications.

a laser system, which operates

on the same principle as the
optical system described
Optical Glass Level
A light beam created by a lens
system is directed diagonally
onto the glass bath surface,
from where it is reflected. A
receiver installed opposite the
light source registers the exact
position of the reflected beam
and uses this to evaluate the
level of the glass bath surface.
The light source and receiver
are installed in suitable free-
standing casings.
An air purge unit is used to pre-
vent the collection of conden-
sates in the access openings by
maintaining a small over-pressure.
The signal is evaluated by a unit
installed in a separate control
panel. This type of measure-
ment is suitable for soda-lime
glasses, but has also been used
successfully for other glasses
that exhibit heavy volatilisation.
Radioactive Glass
Level Measurement
A weak radioactive source is
positioned so that the radiation
cone runs partly through the
glass bath and partly through
the atmosphere above the bath.
More radiation is absorbed by
the glass bath than by the
atmosphere. A detector in-
stalled opposite the source
receives more or less radiation,
depending on how much of the
radiation cone is covered by the
glass bath. Therefore the inten-
sity of the incoming radiation
can be used as a comparative
no mechanical wear as
this is a non-contact
measuring technique
very accurate
no mechanical wear as
this is a non-contact
measuring technique
if little space is available, it
is possible to site the
source and receiver several
meters from the measuring

dipping probe glass level detector in operation


optical glass level measuring


isotope glass level measuring

value for determining the height
of the glass bath surface.
The system comprises a suit-
able low level radiation source,
housed in a protective casing, a
detector and an evaluation unit.
Our standard equipment
The standard system is suitable
for all normal applications.
Batch Chargers for Conventional Furnaces
The raw materials for the
glass melt batch and cullet
are introduced into the fur-
nace by batch chargers that
operate with various charging
methods. The most suitable
type of charger for an instal-
lation is usually established
during the planning stage.
The size and shape of the
doghouse must be chosen to
suit the batch charger to be
All machines described below
are designed and constructed
according to current EN
mechanical engineering
chute with exchangeable front
end, water-cooled pusher and
adjustable drive motor.
Our standard equipment
Type CPO 400 D:
chute width 400 mm
max. capacity 120 t/24h
Type CPO 500 D:
chute width 500 mm
max. capacity 170 t/24h
Type CPO 650 D:
chute width 650 mm
max. capacity 220 t/24h

for smaller furnaces, that are

also operated at lower specific
melting rates, two chargers
without an oscillation function
are available:
Type CPS 400 D
chute width 400 mm
max. capacity 120 t/24h
Type CPS 500 D
chute width 500 mm
max. capacity 170 t/24h
robust mechanism
doghouse radiation reduced
by protective shield
independent operation of
feed and charging enables
optimum charging pattern
in furnace

pusher batch charger

The Type CPO Pusher
The raw materials that have been
stored in a furnace bunker are
discharged directly into a feed
hopper on the batch charger,
and then fed into the doghouse by
a vibratory chute. The chute feed
rate is controlled automatically
by a signal from the glass level
controller. Finally, the raw mate-
rials are pushed in portions into
the furnace by a water-cooled
pusher. Chute and pusher operate
independently. A protective shield
significantly reduces the heat
radiation from the doghouse.
Batch cover is optimised by the
operation of a freely programm-
able swivel mechanism on the
charger, which allows the batch
to be charged in several direc-
tions, at slightly different angles.
A freely programmable PLC
controls the charger, using a
signal from an external glass
level controller. Both manual and
automatic operation are possible.
Chargers are supplied complete
with frame, feed hopper, vibratory
Batch Chargers for Conventional Furnaces
The Type SB Chute
The raw materials stored in a
furnace bunker are transferred
directly to a feed hopper instal-
led on the charger, from where
they descend by gravity onto a
water-cooled chute. The special
backwards and forwards move-
ment of the chute, produced by
an eccentric, moves the material
into the furnace.
The basic charging rate and
pattern can be varied by setting
the speed of the chute, and the
stroke length and height of a
slide baffle installed on the
discharge outlet of the feed
hopper. The glass level is then
controlled by switching the
chute on and off. Operation can
be controlled manually or auto-
matically by an external glass
level controller.
This type of charger is normally
installed as a single machine on
furnaces with lower capacities,
e.g. from 40 70 t/24h. The
chargers are supplied complete
with frame, feed hopper, chute
with replaceable water-cooled
front end and an adjustable
drive motor.
Our standard equipment
Type SB 400:
chute width 400 mm
max. capacity 40 t/24h
Type SB 500:
chute width 500 mm
max. capacity 50 t/24h
Type SB 600:
chute width 600 mm
max. capacity 60 t/24h
Type SB 700
chute width 700 mm
max. capacity 70 t/24h
robust system
chute movement produces
intermittent charging

chute charger in operation

The Type SBN Chute
This charger is of the same
basic design as the type SB
chute charger, but in this case
the chute is not water-cooled.
This type of charger is frequent-
ly used in cross-fired furnaces,
where it is possible to install
several chargers adjacent to
one another, so that the raw
materials are charged across
the full width of the furnace. The
chargers are supplied complete
with frame and feed hopper,
in various chute widths, and
with an adjustable drive motor.
Our standard equipment
Type SB 900 N:
chute width 900 mm
max. capacity 90 t/24h
Type SB 1100 N:
chute width 1100 mm
max. capacity 110 t/24h
Type SB 1200 N:
chute width 1200 mm
max. capacity 120 t/24h
Batch Chargers for Conventional Furnaces
The Screw Charger
The raw materials are charged
into the furnace by a rotating
screw, whereby the charging
rate is varied by altering the
rotation speed of the screw. The
equipment is supplied with a
frequency-controlled drive
Screw chargers are normally
used on small furnaces for the
melting of special glasses. In
the majority of cases there is no
conventional doghouse and the
charger is installed in a simple
opening provided in the super-
structure side wall.
Our standard equipment
The chargers are designed to
suit specific applications.
The Type ESE
Enclosed Doghouse
Pusher Charger
The batch stored in the furnace
bunker is transported by a
vibratory or screw conveyor to a
feed hopper installed on the
batch charger. From here the
batch falls onto a water-cooled
tray that oscillates backwards
and forwards and thereby pushes
the batch in individual portions
into the furnace. The whole
charger can also be turned from
side to side by a freely pro-
grammable swivel mechanism,
so that the batch is charged in
several directions. This gives the
best possible batch coverage
on the glass bath surface.
The charger is mounted directly
on the doghouse and seals off
the whole area. This has the
advantage that heat losses are
reduced, dusting is low and no
false air can enter the furnace.
sealed doghouse
optimum charging pattern
in the furnace
Our standard equipment
Type ESE 400
tray width 400 mm
max. capacity 190 t/24h
Type ESE 500
tray width 500 mm
max. capacity 240 t/24h
Type ESE 600
tray width 600 mm
max. capacity 330 t/24h
the system provides
optimum sealing around
the charger

screw batch charger


enclosed doghouse pusher

batch charger in operation
simple and robust design
excellent batch distribution
Batch Chargers for Electric Furnaces
The batch charging method
selected is one of the most
important design decisions for
cold-top all-electric furnaces.
In the majority of cases the
batch/cullet mixture must be
spread as evenly as possible
over the whole surface.
The Distributor Arm
Batch Charger
The batch is charged into the
superstructure by one or more
vibratory chutes and spread over
the glass surface by a rotating,
water-cooled distributor arm.
This arm is L-shaped and it ent-
ers the furnace through a slit in
the crown. Its holder and drive
motor are installed outside the
furnace. A hand winch is used
to remove the distributor arm
from the furnace superstructure
if the temperature in the super-
structure becomes too high.
The system is designed for
hexagonal or round furnaces
and it is used on small electric
furnaces with melting areas up
to about 5 m
Our standard equipment
The distributor arms must be
dimensioned exactly to suit indi-
vidual furnaces, and therefore
standard chargers are not built.
completely enclosed
superstructure no dust
in factory building
can also be operated at
high crown temperatures
The Rotating Crown
Batch Charger
Several small vibratory chutes
are installed above the crown at
various distances from the centre
of the furnace. Batch is charged
by the chutes through small
openings in the crown, whilst
the complete crown construct-
ion (including the vibratory chutes
and the hoppers) rotates around
the vertical axis of the furnace.
As a result the chutes deposit
the batch in concentric rings on
the glass bath surface. The
thickness of the batch blanket
can be influenced by adjusting
the amount of batch charged
by each chute.
A sand seal is provided between
the side walls and the rotating
crown. It is also easy to seal the
small openings for the vibratory
chutes in the crown. The rest of
the superstructure is completely
If it is necessary to reduce the
dust emission level, the batch
gases can be drawn off and
passed through a simple bag
filter. No cold air is drawn into
the enclosed superstructure.
The system can be used for
hexagonal or round furnaces,
with melting areas between
5 m
and 80 m
Our standard equipment
No standard equipment is avail-
able as each rotating crown
must be individually designed to
fit the specific furnace.

rotating crown batch charger in operation

Air Supply Equipment

supplies fans for:

combustion air for furnaces

tank and throat cooling for


combustion air for working

ends and forehearths

cooling air for working ends

and forehearths

emergency combustion air

for recuperative furnaces
All fans are of welded construc-
tion and are suitable for industrial
applications. Motor, bearings,
impeller and casing are all
installed on a common steel
frame. Blade design is based on
state-of-the-art flow technology.
The mechanical parts are de-
signed for continuous operation
at ambient temperatures
from -10 C to +40 C.
The nominal capacities are cal-
culated for an air temperature of
20 C and an ambient pressure
of 1013.25 Pa.
The fans are supplied with com-
pensators, rubber mounting
blocks, shut-off valves on the
outlet side and inlet filters as
fans are designed for
specific installations, so
that energy is not wasted
as a result of over-sizing
the fan characteristics
prevent unwanted pressure
variation when the
throughput changes
high quality material is
used for the equipment,
to ensure a long operating
life under difficult conditions
(heat, dirt etc.)

programme of air
supply equipment for furnaces,
working ends and forehearths
includes both fans and their
auxiliary equipment, and hot
air pipework for pre-heated
combustion air on recuperative
Combustion Air for
Regenerative Furnaces
Normally two identical radial
fans are installed on these fur-
naces. One fan supplies the fur-
nace, and the second is kept in
working order, as a stand-by.
The equipment is supplied com-
plete with a Y-pipe connection
between the two fans.
Our standard equipment

can supply fans with

capacities between 5000 and
30000 Nm

axial fans are also available

Combustion Air for
Working Ends and
In order to save energy and
maintenance costs, the combus-
tion air supply for the working
end and all forehearths of a fur-
nace is usually centralised. Two
identical radial fans are installed,
one runs during normal operation,
whilst the second is a stand-by
that can be run up at any time.
The fans are supplied complete
with a Y-pipe connection between
Our standard equipment
Combustion air fans with
capacities between 300 and
6000 Nm
/h are available.

an automatic control system

for the air pressure, comprising
pressure transmitter, controller
and frequency converter,
designed to improve the
operation of large fans at low

combustion air fans for a

working end and four forehearths
Air Supply Equipment
Tank and Throat
Cooling for Furnaces
Two identical radial fans are
usually provided for the tank
cooling. During normal operation
only one fan runs, and the other
is kept in working order, as a
For operational security a sepa-
rate radial fan is provided for the
throat cooling.
Our standard equipment
Cooling air fans with capacities
from 15000 to 65000 Nm
/h are
Emergency Air Supply
for Recuperative
A radial fan with a diesel motor is
installed so that an air supply is
ensured even during a power cut.
The volume of air is sufficient to
cool and protect the recuperator.
However, the fan is not large
enough to provide the complete
combustion air supply.
The fan has an automatic starter
so that it runs up automatically if
there is a power failure.
(applicable to all fans)

a conventional control system

for the fans using star/delta
starters, mounted in a local
control cabinet

a control system with an

electronic soft-start function
for larger fans installed in a
local control cabinet

all fans can be fitted with a

suitable frequency converter
for a smooth run-up and fully
automatic air volume and/or
air pressure control, with all
components installed in a
local control cabinet
Hot Air Pipework
for Recuperative
In furnaces with recuperative air
preheating, the hot air from the
recuperator must be fed to the
burners. As the air should lose
as little energy as possible bet-
ween recuperator and burner,
special insulated hot air pipe-
work is required.
The pipes are made of heat-
resistant steel and are surroun-
ded by mineral fibre insulation.
This is protected against
mechanical damage by an outer
steel casing. In order to facilitate
transport and handling on site,
the pipes are delivered in pre-
assembled sections that can
be connected easily during
Air Cooling for
Working Ends and
Cooling air for working ends and
forehearths is normally provided
by single fans for each part of
the system (working end or
forehearth). Stand-by fans are not
installed, as an emergency supply
can be provided by making
connections to other fans.
The cooling air is produced by
radial fans.
Our standard equipment
Cooling air fans with capacities
between 300 and 3000 Nm
are available.

hot air pipework for preheated

combustion air on a side-fired
recuperative furnace
pre-assembled sections
result in short assembly
Temperature Measurement
Temperatures are measured
at many locations in furnaces,
working ends and forehearths
either in the air, in the
refractory material or in the
glass bath itself. SORG

supply a range of sensors, in
the form of pyrometers or
Thermocouples in the
Thermocouples with protective
ceramic sheaths are used for
measuring the temperatures in
both the superstructure and
substructure of the furnace.
For the most important meas-
uring points SORG


type B (Pt.30%RhPt.6%Rh)
thermocouples for high
temperature areas

type K (Ni.Cr-Ni) for waste

gas areas
Our standard equipment

thermocouples are avail-

able in nominal lengths from
710 to 1800 mm.

type R (PtPt.13%Rh) and

Type S (PtPt.10%Rh)

other nominal lengths

these thermocouples
provide important
information relevant to the
glass quality and the
thermal homogeneity
the equipment is suitable
for the particular operational
requirements of the glass
These thermocouples have a
platinum sheath and are used
for measuring the temperature
of the glass in difficult areas,
such as the throat, melting end
bottom and side walls of all-
electric furnaces.

pyrometers can be used to

monitor the control thermo-
couple and this temperature
measurement is used for
comparative purposes

furnace bottom thermocouple


working end in-glass thermo-

couple installation
special design ensures
long operating life
channel easy to replace
as installation from above
Pyrometers for
Working Ends and
Only a lens is needed on the
working end or forehearth itself.
The radiation from the glass
bath is transmitted by a fibre
optic cable to the actual sensor,
which can be installed at a more
acceptable location nearby.
Clean, oil-free air for purging the
sight path must be available.
Pyrometers are supplied with an
air purge unit, fibre optic cable
and transmitter unit as standard.
Our standard equipment
Standard SORG

working end
and forehearth pyrometers can
be used for all applications.

an air supply unit for the

purge air, comprising filter,
pressure controller and
combined adjustment
valve/flow meter
Temperature Measurement
Thermocouples in
Working Ends or
Forehearth Channels

thermocouples for work-

ing ends and forehearths have
protective ceramic tubes and
platinum sheaths. The mecha-
nical stability of the precious
metal is augmented by an inner
ceramic tube.
The thermocouples are installed
from above through the super-
structure to take measurements in
the glass bath. Virtually mainten-
ance-free type S (PtPt.10%Rh)
thermocouples are supplied as
Our standard equipment

working end and fore-

hearth thermocouples are avail-
able with nominal lengths of
1100 mm for working ends and
825 925 mm for forehearths.

triplex unit with extended

platinum sheath and 3

version with extended platinum

sheath for glasses with strong
volatilisation, such as C glass

type B (Pt.30%RhPt.6%Rh)
or type R (PtPt.13%Rh)

other nominal lengths

contactless measurement,
independent of fluctuations
in the glass level
Bowl Thermocouples
for Forehearths
These thermocouples have a
heat-resistant steel tube and a
platinum sheath and are instal-
led in the side wall of the bowl.
Measurements are made in the
glass bath.
Our standard equipment
A type S (PtPt.10%Rh) thermo-
couple with a nominal length of
300 mm

type B (Pt.30%RhPt.6%Rh)
or type R (PtPt.13%Rh)

other nominal lengths


forehearth spout in-glass

thermocouple installation
Oxygen Measurement
Oxygen Measurement
in the Furnace
A measurement of the oxygen
content in the waste gases is
an important pre-requisite for
optimum furnace operation.
The lower the oxygen con-
tent, the lower the waste gas
losses and the lower the fuel
The requirement to minimise
emissions can only be
achieved with a near-stoichio-
metric combustion. However,
CO may be produced in the
regenerators if there is a near-
stoichiometric combustion,
with less than 1 % O
in the
waste gases. The CO value
can be estimated on the basis
of oxygen measurements.
An oxygen content measure-
ment can also be used for
automatic air/fuel ratio con-
trol. However, for this a relia-
ble method for continuous
measurement of the oxygen
content is necessary.
The Sensor
The sensor is a zircon oxide
sensor, which measures the
oxygen concentration difference
between the furnace atmos-
phere and the surrounding air
outside the furnace. A thermo-
couple is provided in the sensor
as the differential concentration
measurement is temperature
In end-fired furnaces sensors
are normally installed at the top
of both regenerator chambers.
In the case of cross-fired furnaces
they are placed at the top of
the chamber on the axis of the
burner ports.
The Signal Processor
The signals from the sensor and
the thermocouple are processed
in an electronic unit, that analyses
the data and determines the
oxygen concentration at the
furnace operation can be
optimised on the basis of
the oxygen measurement,
so that minimum NO
values can be achieved
the quality of the combus-
tion can be monitored
and recorded continuously

oxygen sensor installed in

regenerator crown
the air/gas ratio production
of the heating system is
an exact and reproducible
setting of the air/gas ratio
can be found
Oxygen Measurement
in Forehearths
For certain applications it is
advantageous to be able to
check the combustion in
forehearth zones. This may
be the case, for example, in
the melting zone of a fore-
hearth colouring installation,
but it could also apply in any
zone where a very sensitive
glass is involved.
To check the combustion, a
small part of the air/gas mix-
ture being supplied to the
forehearth burners is diverted
and burnt in a reference
burner. A small zircon oxide
Oxygen Measurement
The Measuring Unit
The reference combustion, the
measurement of the oxygen
content of the waste gases and
the processing of the resulting
data all take place in a single
cabinet. A representative value
for the oxygen content is shown
on a digital display.
The cabinet can be configured
for one or more zones, the
maximum number in a single
cabinet being 5 zones. The ref-
erence combustion for all zones
takes place in the same burner,
the samples from the various
zones being switched into the
measuring circuit one after
The cabinet produces an output
signal for each zone, and this
can be used for an external
indicator or to implement fully
automatic control of the air/gas
Our standard equipment
Complete cabinet, configured
for 15 zones

forehearth oxygen cabinet in operation

sensor is installed in the
waste gas chimney of this
burner, to measure the oxy-
gen content of the waste
gases from the reference
combustion of the sample.
Control Equipment
Accurate measurement and
good control of furnace work-
ing end and forehearth para-
meters are important pre-
requisites for successful
operation. Furnace pressure
control can have a significant
effect on energy consumption
and refractory wear, whereas
air/fuel ratio control influences
both energy efficiency and
environmental emissions.
Temperature control of the
furnace, working end and
forehearths is the basis for
stable operation and high-
quality production.
Furnace Pressure
The furnace pressure is meas-
ured relative to the atmospheric
pressure outside the furnace.
Two pressure probes are instal-
led through the superstructure
side wall refractory, on the two
sides of the furnace and
opposite one another. The pres-
sure connections of these two
probes are connected beneath
the furnace. Two further probes
are located directly alongside
the furnace probes, at the same
height, but outside the furnace.
These two probes are also
connected to one another
beneath the furnace.
The pressure connection of the
probes inside and outside the
furnace are attached to a differ-
ential pressure transmitter, which
produces an output signal in
relation to the difference between
the two pressure measurements,
i.e. in relation to the furnace
The pressure connections to the
transmitter are made through a
special triple valve assembly, so
that the connections can be
short-circuited for calibration of
the transmitter. A water-filled
equalising vessel is installed in
the pipework between the fur-
nace probes and the differential
pressure transmitter to prevent
the deposition of condensates
in the pipes and shield the
sensitive differential pressure
transmitter from the gases of
the furnace atmosphere.
The transmitter output signal is
passed to the furnace pressure
controller, the output of which
controls either a flap valve in the
waste gas channel, the air sup-
ply to an injector chimney or the
speed of an exhauster, depen-
ding on which method is used
to influence furnace pressure.
Our standard equipment

furnace pressure
control system comprises the
following parts:
2 furnace pressure probes
2 atmospheric pressure probes
1 differential pressure
transmitter with triple valve
1 PI single loop micro-
processor-based controller
These items are applicable to all
furnace types and sizes.

furnace pressure sensor

Control Equipment
Furnace Temperature
and Fuel/Air Ratio
The temperature and fuel/air
ratio controls are combined in a
single control system, which uti-
lises three independent single
loop controllers for temperature,
fuel and combustion air.
In fossil-fuel fired furnaces the
temperature is measured by a
thermocouple installed in the
superstructure, usually in the
crown. The signal is passed to
a transmitter which converts the
millivolts into a standard mA
signal, which is passed to the
furnace temperature controller.
Fuel flow is measured by the
meter installed in the fuel control
station, and the output signal is
passed to a transmitter, which
converts the signal to a standard
mA signal. With liquid fuels this
signal is then passed to the fuel
controller. For gaseous fuels the
signal is taken to a small PLC
for conversion to normal cubic
metres on the basis of temp-
erature and pressure measure-
ments made in the gas station.
The corrected output signal is
passed to the fuel controller.
Air flow measurement is normally
made with an orifice plate in the
fan inlet nozzle. A differential
pressure transmitter produces a
standard mA signal, which is
used as an input signal for the
combustion air controller.
The output of the temperature
controller is connected to an
input channel of the fuel control-
ler, where it provides an external
set point. The output of the fuel
controller is taken to the fuel
control valve, which varies the
fuel flow rate, depending on the
requirements of the temperature
controller. The fuel controller
output also passes to an input
channel of the combustion air
controller, where it forms an
external set point, which allows
the controller to act as the ratio
controller. The output of the air
controller is connected to the air
control valve, and the air quantity
is varied to maintain the required
fuel/air ratio.
Our standard equipment

furnace temperature
and fuel/air ratio control system
comprises the following parts:
1 temperature transmitter
2 metering inlet nozzle units
for the combustion air fans
2 differential pressure trans-
mitters for air quantity
1 fuel flow transmitter
3 PI single loop micropro-
cessor-based controllers

separate left/right ratio

control for reduced NO

multiple zone control for

side-fired furnaces

individual burner control for

reduced NO

air-led ratio control

Glass Level Control
The glass level controller receives
a signal from the glass level
detector (see page 26 of the
catalogue). The controller output
is a continuous signal (4 20 mA)
which is used for variable con-
trol of the speed of the batch
Our standard equipment

glass level control

system comprises the following:
1 PI single loop micro-
processor-based controller
This item is applicable to all
furnace types and sizes.

the controller can be configured

for on/off operation of the
batch charger

furnace and working end

control panel
Control Equipment
Working End and
Temperature Control

temperature control
systems for working ends and
forehearths normally utilise in-
glass temperature measurement
by means of thermocouples
(see page 35 of this catalogue).
Temperature control is carried
out exclusively through the
heating system.
The millivolt output of the
thermocouple is passed to a
transmitter, which converts the
signal to a standard 4 20 mA
signal. This is passed to the
temperature controller.
The 4 20 mA temperature
controller output signal is
passed to the actuator of the air
control valve for the relevant
Cooling Control

working end and

forehearth cooling systems are
controlled by a unique stepping
control system based on a PLC.
The PLC monitors the output of
the heating controller and adjusts
the position of the cooling step-
wise in order to keep the output
of the heating controller within
acceptable limits.
The output of the heating tem-
perature controller is passed to
the PLC parallel to the connect-
ion to the air control valve. A
check routine based on a speci-
ally developed logic is carried
out in the PLC and, if the heat-
ing controller output exceeds
certain programmable limits,
the PLC sends a step signal to
the cooling system actuator to
change the position of the
cooling system.
Operator access to the step-
ping control system is provided
by a small operator panel with
LCD display.
A single PLC can be used to
Our standard equipment

working end and

forehearth temperature control
system comprises the following
parts for each zone:
1 temperature transmitter
1 PI single loop micro-
processor-based controller
These items are applicable to all
working end and forehearth
operate the stepping control
system for several cooling sec-
tions. The stepping control
system can be used for open
radiation, direct air or indirect air
cooling systems.
Our standard equipment

working end and

forehearth stepping control
system for cooling systems
comprises the following parts:
1 PLC unit
1 operator terminal
These items are applicable to all
working end and forehearth
types and sizes.

forehearth control panel

Alarm Warning System
Many pieces of equipment
installed on the furnace,
working end and forehearths
produce warning signals to
alert the operator to the exi-
stence of unusual operating
conditions or a fault.
Centralised operation super-
vision makes it necessary to
collect all such warning sig-
nals at a single location, so
that the operator can easily
detect the existence of a fault
warning and identify the source
of the signal.
A version of the SORG

warning system based on a
small PLC is available.
Fault warning signals generated
by external (field) equipment are
connected to the input channels
of the instrument. Each warning
signal must be provided in the
form of a potential-free contact.
Operator access is by means of
a separate operator panel, sui-
table for mounting in the front
face of a control panel. Fault
warnings are shown as text
messages on the operator
panel, and can be acknow-
ledged on the panel by the ope-
rator. If the alarm is still present
the warning message remains
The PLC has connections for a
warning horn and a flashing
light. When an alarm is acknow-
ledged the horn is switched off,
but the lamp continues to flash
until the warning is no longer
Stand-alone systems utilise an
operator panel with a small LCD
display, whereas larger PLC-
based systems use touch
panels for operator access.
Our standard equipment
Input channels (for potential-free
contacts on field equipment) are
provided in groups of 8 (stan-
dard input blocks for the PLC).
Single Instrument
This is a panel-mounted instru-
ment, which combines illuminated
indication fields, outputs for
optical and acoustic warnings,
and acknowledgement function.
Fault warning signals must be
available on external (field)
equipment as potential-free
When a fault signal occurs, the
relevant warning field on the
instrument is illuminated, the
optical and acoustic warnings
are initiated and a master
warning lamp on the instrument
flashes. The warning can be
acknowledged by pressing a
button on the front of the instru-
ment, at which point the external
acoustic warning is switched
off, and the master warning
lamp on the instrument itself
changes to steady illumination.
The external optical warning
remains activated. These
warnings are only eliminated
when the fault signal has been

safety system is
available in two forms: the
PLC version and the single
instrument version.
The acknowledge function can
also be provided from an external
source by means of a binary
input to the instrument.
Our standard equipment
The instrument is available with
8 or 16 input channels for
warning signals.
All fault warnings are
grouped at a single location,
so that the operator is
always presented with a
clear overview of the status
of the complete installation.
PLC operator access panel
Drain System Equipment
Sometimes glass must be re-
moved from the lower regions
of the glass bath through a
bottom drain. It may also be
necessary to remove glass
from the bath surface.
Drains can be installed
in the furnace, working
end or forehearth, or even a
gathering bay. On some
installations a drain is instal-
led to maintain the necessary
minimum melting capacity
when production rates are

This system has direct electric
heating, whereby a current
flows between the heat resistant
steel outlet nozzle and a counter
electrode in the glass bath. The
amount drained can be regula-
ted as required and maintained
at a constant level by the heat-
ing control system.

system can
be used in the front part of fur-
naces, for example before or
after the throat, or in forehearth
channels. It is suitable for the
majority of glasses produced
commercially, including opal and
borosilicate compositions.
The system consists of mech-
anical components the actual
outlet nozzle with its holder and
electrical connections and the
corresponding electric heating
system. This comprises primary
switchgear, double-wound
transformer with thyristor unit
and a control system, including
a thermocouple and 50 m of
compensating cable.
Our standard equipment
A standard system is suitable
for use in both furnaces and

under certain circumstances


can be retrofitted in a furnace
or forehearth channel
easy to operate
nozzle simple to replace,
even when installed in a
Regardless of the location,
and whether glass is to be
removed from the surface or
the bottom, the glass must
always be drained in a con-
trolled manner, and in the
majority of cases, slowly as

offer a series of
drain systems for different
Power and control panel for a SORG


forehearth CONTI-DRAIN

Drain System Equipment
Standard Drains for
maintaining the
Minimum Melting
Sometimes it is necessary to
drain glass in order to maintain
the melting rate above a certain
minimum level. This can be ach-
ieved by installing a stub fore-
hearth at a suitable location in a
working end and adding a con-
ventional forehearth spout to it.
Glass is drained through the
spout, using a suitably sized
orifice ring. The amount drained
is regulated by means of a verti-
cally adjustable ceramic tube
above the drain outlet.
The channel and feeder spout
are normally gas-heated, using
manifold burners in the channel
and spout, and a single burner
for the drain.
The system consists of a gas
burner with supply station (for
mixture production), a height
adjustable holder for the cera-
mic tube, and a steel bowl for
the spout, including a holder for
simple adjustment of the
amount being drained
replaceable orifice rings
mean that capacities from
less than 1 t to more
than 20 t/24 h can be
the orifice rings, and a thermo-
couple with 50 m of compensa-
ting cable for recording the tem-
perature. Automatic control is
not required.
Our standard equipment
The systems are individually
designed to suit site conditions
and required capacities.

the complete refractory

material for the superstructure
of the channel and bowl
Surface Drain
With certain types of glass it
can be necessary to draw off
poor quality glass from the sur-
face, in order to maintain the
production quality required. It is
possible to install surface drain
systems at various locations,
but they are normally located
in the forehearth spout or a
gathering bay.
The surface drain consists of a
narrow channel with a metallic
baffle plate that is installed from
above and sits on the channel
bottom. The amount of glass
drawn off is determined by the
height of the glass bath above
the baffle plate.
The overflow channel is usually
heated by a combination of
manifold and single gas burners.
Temperature control is not
required, as the overflow quantity
is only temperature dependent
to a limited degree.
The system consists of a gas
burner with supply station (mix-
ture production) and two baffle
plates made of heat-resistant
Our standard equipment
The systems are designed indi-
vidually according to site condi-
tions and the capacity required.
space saving design

overflow drain for the

production of water glass
Gas and Air/Gas Stations
for Working Ends and Forehearths
The incoming gas supply for the installation is prepared in the
gas station, whereas the air/gas control station is used to vary
the fuel volumes according to the requirements of the burner
control system, and for setting the air/gas ratio.
Gas Supply Station
Here the inlet pressure is red-
uced and maintained at a con-
stant level. If over or under
pressure occurs, the shut-off
valve installed in the gas pres-
sure controller shuts off the gas
supply. If a fault occurs, such as
a combustion air failure, gas
pressure loss or activation of an
emergency-off switch, the
safety system interrupts the gas
flow. The total gas volume is
measured by a turbine meter.
In order to increase operational
safety, all components, except
the quick-acting safety valve,
are fitted with reserve equipment
or a by-pass.
The station is designed accord-
ing to DIN-EN 746, part 2
standards, and all components
have the relevant certification.
The stations are supplied com-
plete with all necessary minor
components, such as filters,
shut-off cocks etc. and all
pipework. They have been
checked and are ready for

gas stations for working

ends and forehearths are de-
signed for use with either LPG
or natural gas. No modifications
are required if a changeover is
made from one fuel to the other.
The space-saving standard unit
is designed for wall installation.

gas station for a working end and forehearths

Our standard equipment
Various standard stations for
capacities from 300 6000 kW

multiple gas meters to provide

individual consumption data
for all parts

support frame for floor


gas quantity conversion

pressure controller with
short installation times as
pipework already complete
high operational safety as
components are DIN-EN
designed for both LPG
and natural gas
space-saving wall
Gas and Air/Gas Stations for Working Ends and Forehearths
Air/Gas Control
All control components for the
combustion air and gas for
several zones are installed
together in the air/gas station.
Basically as many zones as
required can be supplied from
one station. However, in practice
the zones are grouped to corre-
spond to clearly defined parts of
the installation, such as the
working end or a forehearth.
Each station contains the con-
trol valves for the air quantity,
by-pass valves, gas quantity
controller and air/gas mixer for
each individual zone. The SORG

VMC2 system for regulating the

air/gas mixture is used. A shut-
off valve and a non-return valve
are also installed in the gas pipe
for each zone.
All components for the gas or
air/gas mixture have been certi-
fied in accordance with DIN-EN
746, part 2. The stations are
supplied complete with all minor
components, such as shut-off
valves etc. and pipework, and
have been checked before
A standard station has a distri-
butor pipe for the combustion
air in the lower part of the station.
The pipework runs upwards in a
vertical direction, for connection
to the mixture pipes at the top
of the station. The stations have
a frame and are free-standing.

air/gas control stations

for working ends and fore-
hearths are designed for use
with either LPG or natural gas,
and can be operated without
modifications, if a changeover
from one fuel to the other is
Our standard equipment
for 2 to 6 zones for working ends
for 2 or 3 zones and spout zone
for standard forehearths
compact, space-saving
short installation time
high operational security
as components are DIN-
EN certified
designed for use with
either LPG or natural gas

version without mixer for use

with individual burners (e.g.
in working ends or gathering

special versions for limited

space locations

with gas meter and/or gas

supply equipment

alternative mixture systems


air/gas control station for a

working end and two large
Burners for Working Ends,
Forehearths and Gathering Bays
The majority of working ends and forehearths are gas-heated.
Normally, so-called manifold burners are used, installed a
short distance apart, and supplied with a mixture of gas and
air. Individual burners are occasionally installed in working
ends, but they are almost always utilised in forebays or
gathering bays.
Manifold Burners
Manifold burners provide a simple
and economic method of distri-
buting the heat evenly along a
channel or elongated working
end. The individual burners are
mounted on a distributor mani-
fold that runs parallel to the
channel. The burners project
into the refractory burner blocks
which form part of the super-
structure side walls. The burner
manifold supplies a number of
burners normally between
4 and 12.
Burners of various lengths and
with different nozzle diameters
can be supplied.
The capacity of the individual
burners depends on the mixture
pressure available (heating
system dependent) and the
nozzle diameter. It is possible to
achieve maximum capacities
between 4 and 17 kW at each
The burner manifolds are sup-
plied with a height-adjustable
holder as standard.
Our standard equipment
Burners can be supplied in
6 standard lengths from
145 375 mm, and with nozzle
diameters from 4 9 mm.
Standard manifolds are
designed for 4 12 burners.

ceramic nozzles that are less

susceptible to heat or dirt

multiple-head burners, where

2 or 3 burner heads are
combined and provided with
a common connection; used
for heating corners and other
restricted locations
simple system operates
without problems on most
wide range of burner
lengths and nozzle
diameters available

triple head burner


manifold burners on a T tandem forehearth

Burners for Working Ends, Forehearths and Gathering Bays
Individual Burners for
Working Ends and
Gathering Bays
Sometimes individual burners
are required for working ends
when burner manifolds cannot
be installed, either for space or
other reasons. Such burners are
also used in gathering bays.
Gas and air are supplied sepa-
rately to the burners and then
mixed directly at the nozzle. The
air/gas ratio is maintained at a
constant level by an external
The burners are designed for
operation with non-preheated
combustion air.
As they are of compact design,
and operate with a short flame,
the burners are especially suitable
for heating narrow combustion
chambers with limited access
from outside.
The burners are supplied com-
plete with connecting hoses for
gas and air, shut-off valves and
rotameter flow meters for gas
and air.
the compact design
renders the burners
suitable for many
Individual Burners
for other Applications
Individual burners are also used
for heating outlets and drains,
and during the heating-up, or as
emergency heating for all-electric
In such instances, the burners
are sometimes operated at
combustion space temperatures
lower than the ignition tempera-
ture of the gas. Therefore it may
be necessary to monitor the
ignition or flame.
For these applications the
burners are normally supplied
without flow meters. The gas
and air quantities are adjusted
individually and manually.
Our standard equipment
The burners are available in 4
sizes between 40 and 230 kW.

flow meters with an electric

output signal so that the flow
volume can be displayed on
an external instrument or

individual burner installed as

emergency heating on an all-electric

individual burner installed on

an hand gathering bay
Electrical Heating Equipment for Forehearths
Two types of electric heating
systems are used for fore-
direct heating by means of
electrodes immersed in the
indirect heating using
radiation elements installed
above the glass surface
Primary Switching
All-electric heating systems for
forehearths are connected to
the low voltage network.
Depending on the installed
power, either power contactors
with fuses or compact low vol-
tage circuit breakers are used.
A set of primary switching
equipment is normally provided
for each heating zone, so each
area can be switched individually
and is also fully electrically
Air-cooled, single-phase, double-
wound, fixed ratio transformers
are used. The double winding is
an important safety factor as it
provides a galvanic separation
between the power supply and
the glass bath.
The secondary output voltages
can be steplessly adjusted by
means of the thyristors. The
transformer specifications are
tailored to suit the specific
requirements of operation with
thyristors. Temperature sensors
installed in the windings provide
additional overload protection.
Taps are provided so that the
available secondary voltage
range can be adjusted to suit
the actual operating conditions.
Current transformers for secon-
dary current measurement are
normally included.
Transformers with nominal
powers above about 20 kVA are
usually provided with separate
steel casings, offering IP23
standard safety protection.
These can be installed at suit-
able locations in the factory.
Smaller transformers are usually
installed in communal panels
built to IP54 safety standards.
The units are designed for per-
manent operation at ambient
temperatures up to 40 C.
Our standard equipment
Standard components are avail-
able for nominal powers between
5 and 100 kVA. All components
can be supplied individually, or in
a complete package.
However, irrespective of the
type of heating involved, the
electrical equipment normally
comprises the following major
primary switching equipment
thyristor unit
double-wound transformer
Heating Elements
Silicon carbide or molybdenum
disilicide radiation elements are
used for indirect forehearth
Rod-shaped silicon carbide ele-
ments are employed in conven-
tional forehearths for soda-lime
glass. They are normally instal-
led horizontally above the glass
bath. A special glaze must be
applied to the elements to pro-
tect against attack by the volatile
components from the glass.
Molybdenum disilicide elements
are usually U-shaped and are
installed vertically through the
superstructure roof. One appli-
cation is in covered forehearths
for glasses that suffer from
volatilisation problems. Air purge
units are required for use in open
forehearths. They create a slight
over-pressure to prevent the for-
mation of condensation deposits
around the element connections.
The characteristics of the two
materials differ, as do the most
important factors to be taken into
consideration when designing
the electrical equipment.
The heating elements are provi-
ded with flexible connection
straps, fixing clamps and refrac-
tory sheaths or blocks.
Our standard equipment
A wide range of rod and
U-shaped radiation heating
elements are available.
Power panel for SORG

electrical heating system

has extensive
experience of the use of
radiation heating elements,
and is therefore able to
advise on and select the
correct type and size of
element for each individual
Electrical Heating Equipment for Forehearths
Thyristor Units
Only thyristor units with phase
angle control are used. These
are installed on the primary side
of the transformers so they are
galvanically separated from the
glass bath. This prevents DC
components being transferred
to the glass bath.
The thyristor units employed

have an adjustable
current limit and an overriding
current controller. The nominal
current depends on the power
of the transformer, taking the
special characteristics of the
heating type into consideration.
Molybdenum electrodes are
used in all-electrically heated
installations and for forehearth
The electrodes comprise a
molybdenum head and a heat-
resistant steel connector. They
are installed without water cooling
and are sealed against oxidation
by the glass in the installation
hole. No supplementary air
cooling is required on the
majority of installations.
In order to prevent bubble form-
ation, the electrodes are opera-
ted with very low specific cur-
rent loadings. This means that
there is virtually no corrosion of
the electrode material and the
electrodes do not need to be
The electrodes are supplied
complete with a steel sealing
ring, copper connection plate,
fixing clamp and insulator.
simple installation
Our standard equipment
Electrodes with molybdenum
head diameters of 32, 48 and
60 mm are available. The head
and total length can be varied
to suit site conditions.

a special protective coating

against oxidation for
applications where electrodes
are subject to an oxidising
atmosphere for a limited
period of time, such as
during the heat-up
Tin Oxide Electrodes
Special ceramic electrodes
made of tin oxide are used in
installations in lead-containing
Owing to the characteristics of
the ceramic material it is not
possible to advance these elec-
trodes. Therefore tin oxide elec-
trodes are installed permanently,
with a water-cooled holder.
Corrosion is limited as the elec-
trodes are operated at a low
current density.
Tin oxide electrodes are usually
rod-shaped. As the material has
a relatively low mechanical
strength the electrodes are quite
short and thick, quite unlike
molybdenum electrodes.

has many years of

experience with electrically
heated forehearths (more
than 150 complete instal-
lations supplied). This is
very important in view of
the complexity involved in
designing safe and fault-
free electrical equipment
to suit the particular
characteristics of the
individual heating systems.
Transformer for SORG

electrical heating system
Stirrers are normally used to
improve the chemical homo-
geneity of the glass. In only a
few circumstances are stirrers
installed in an attempt to
improve thermal homogeneity.
The use of stirrers in colouring
forehearths is well known.

Stirrer Unit

modular stirrer unit

is a flexible basic design that
can accept between 1 and 5
stirrers at varying centre distances,
depending on the form of the
refractory stirrer blades and
the relevant dimensions of the
channel at the installation location.
The complete stirrer unit can be
raised and moved to the side, so
that it is possible to exchange the
refractory stirrers in the relatively
amenable conditions alongside
the forehearth.
The drive unit comprises an
electric motor and a cardan
drive shaft. Therefore the motor
can be installed at a location
alongside the channel where it
is protected from direct radiation.
The steplessly variable rotation
speed is produced by a three-
phase motor and a frequency
The equipment includes the
stirrer unit holders with heat
resistant bearings, vertically and
horizontally adjustable support
frames and all drive components.
The electric drive components
are installed as standard in local
control panels, that are also
Our standard equipment
The module stirrer unit is avail-
able with between 1 and 5
The Equalising
Section Stirrer Unit
Stirrers are often installed in
forehearth equalising sections
mainly to improve the chemical
homogeneity of the glass before
it is processed. SORG

developed a stirrer unit especially
for this application.
Space at the front of the forehearth
is limited, therefore a space-
saving design is required. The
complete construction is borne
on a single, rotatable column.
This makes it possible to swing
the complete construction to
the side in order to exchange
the stirrers.
The basic design is suitable for
small paddle stirrers, as this
type of stirrer produces the best
possible mixing results. Between
2 and 5 individual stirrers can
be installed, depending on the
channel width at the installation
The stirrers are driven by a three-
phase motor, integrated in the unit.
A frequency converter is used to
provide stepless variation of the
rotation speed of the stirrers.
Our standard equipment
Equalising section stirrer units
can be supplied for between
2 and 5 stirrers.

A simplified unit for 2 stirrers,

a fixed distance apart, for
16'' wide channels. These
stirrers can only be moved

modular stirrer units installed on a colouring forehearth

Stirrer Units for
When glass is extracted from a
gathering bay regardless of
whether extraction takes place
manually or with a ball gatherer
bubbles and thermal inhomo-
geneities occur as a result of
the extraction process. In addition,
with certain glasses, volatilisation
from the bath surface can also
cause a reduction in the glass
quality. These problems can be
decreased if a stirrer is installed
in the bay itself, as it creates
currents in the glass bath, so
that fresh glass can be trans-
ported to the gathering location.
A relatively large paddle stirrer is
used for this, normally positioned
in the centre of the gathering bay.
The refractory stirrer is screwed
into a water-cooled shaft installed
vertically through the roof. The
electric drive motor and water
connections are located outside
the gathering bay. The height of
the stirrer is adjusted by a hand
flexible design can be
used for many applications
compact design to suit
tight areas
operator-friendly as the
stirrers can be replaced
alongside the forehearth
stirrer unit operation
greatly improves the quality
when glass is extracted
from the surface
Stirrer replacement takes place
through the gathering hole,
using special tools, so it is not
necessary to create a roof
opening as large as the stirrer.
The stirrer rotation speed is
steplessly varied by the combi-
nation of a variable speed motor
and frequency converter. All
electric control components are
installed in the local control
panel supplied.
The refractory stirrers for this
application can be supplied for
clockwise and anti-clockwise
rotation to suit site conditions.
Our standard equipment
Standard units are available for
clockwise or anti-clockwise
Refractory Stirrers
Several types of stirrer are used
according to the different instal-
lation locations and type of
operation. Two and four paddle
stirrers in various sizes, and
spiral stirrers are available.
For normal applications, the
stirrers are made of zircon
mullite as this is resistant to
thermal shock. For special
glasses fused silica paddle
stirrers are available for
gathering bays.

stirrer unit installed on a

hand gathering bay
Metering Equipment for Colouring Forehearths
To change the glass colour in
a forehearth, a colouring
agent is added and mixed in
by stirrers. During this process
the feed rate of the colouring
agent must remain constant,
to maintain a stable colour
throughout a production run.
Metering Equipment
The metering equipment has a
small hopper, from which the
colourant material is transported
along a small vibratory chute to
a weighing cell. From here the
material is fed along a second
vibratory chute. The control
system automatically controls
the vibration rate of the chutes.
Material is automatically re-
plenished from the main bunker
when the control system detects
the minimum level of material in
the small hopper.
The conveying equipment is
controlled by its own computer,
and all operating parameters
can be set on the monitor.
A screw conveyor is supplied as
standard for the feed from the
main bunker to the small hopper.
Our standard equipment
The metering equipment can be
supplied for maximum capacities
of 50 kg/h or 100 kg/h.

a vibratory discharge device

for the replenishment
(instead of screw conveyor)
Experience has shown that the
grain size distribution of the
colorant material covers a wide
spectrum, so the colouring
agent must be metered gravi-
stable material flow rate
gives even colour intensity
simple to operate
Delivery Pipes
The metering equipment is
installed above the forehearth,
and the colourant material is
transported by gravity along
delivery tubes to the forehearth.
On larger installations the colou-
rant is deposited on the glass
surface at two or more locations.
The material is roughly divided
by a separating funnel below
the delivery conveyor and fed to
the individual feed locations
down separate delivery pipes.
The delivery pipes are made of
pre-formed elements, with
straights, elbows, bends, etc.
that can be clamped together
easily to suit site conditions.
Our standard equipment
Standard components are
supplied as required for each
Metering Equipment for Colouring Forehearths
Feed Pipes
The colourant material is fed
into the forehearth through
water-cooled feed pipes instal-
led in the refractory super-
structure. The pipes are provi-
ded with a compressed air sup-
ply to prevent condensate
deposits forming in the pipe.
A Ni.Cr-Ni mantle thermocouple
in the feed pipe monitors the
operation of the water cooling.
The operating temperature is
shown on a digital display,
which is normally installed in the
control panel for the colouring
forehearth stirrer units.
The pipe is supplied complete
with holder, thermocouple and
50 m of compensating cable.
Our standard equipment
The standard pipe for all normal
applications has an external
diameter of 102 mm and
a nominal length of 600 mm.
colourant does not stick
to the pipe
simple installation
can be dismantled
quickly for cleaning

colouring forehearth
colourant feed pipes
For your notes
Nikolaus Sorg
GmbH & Co KG
P.O. Box 1520
97805 Lohr am Main
Tel.: +49 (0) 9352 507 0
Fax: +49 (0) 9352 507 196
Glass Melting Technology
Glass Conditioning
At Home in the World of Glass

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