Nautical Notes: Principal's Column
Nautical Notes: Principal's Column
Nautical Notes: Principal's Column
Thursday. It is a wonderful
time to encourage students
to make an extra effort to
help others when they see
someone in need of assis-
tance. Already we have
had kindergarten students
helping each other find
their way through the
school, students delivering
forgotten items to class-
mates, and much more.
Being a thoughtful com-
munity is so valuable in
creating a positive learning
environment. Help us by
encouraging your student
to look for ways to be
thoughtful to their fellow
We have had a busy week
with MAP testing. We
have just one more week of
MAP testing to go. Hang
in there.
Just a reminder about ab-
sence excuses. State law
and district policy set spe-
cific rules for lawful and
unlawful absences. A note
is required for each ab-
sence and should be sent
to school no later than the
students third day back.
At ten absences (lawful or
unlawful) subsequent ab-
sences need to be excused
by a doctors note or the
principal. As required by
school board policy, a let-
ter is sent to parents re-
garding excessive absenc-
es. Continued unlawful
absences will result in a
parent conference and/or
referral to Family Court.
Also, remember that stu-
dents are tardy if they are
not in their classroom at
7:45 am. A letter will be
sent at the 10th and 20th
unexcused tardy. Teachers
are in their classrooms at
7:15 am so that students
will have time to unpack
and be ready to start their
day. Morning announce-
ments start at 7:40 am with
the tardy bell at 7:45 am.
Please make every effort to
have your student at school
on time.
Volume 1, Issue 4
Principals Column
September 11, 2014
Special points of interest:
MAP Testing begins Sept. 3
PTO Bowling Night @
Anchor Lanes 6 pm
Dont forget to log your
exercise on your Active
Gamecock Activity Log!
Spirit NightSept 18 @
El Poblano
S D 5 L R C
12 PTO Bowling Night
6 pm @ Anchor Lanes
16 Innisbrook Fundraiser Ends
11:40 AM
Spirit Night @ El Poblano
22 Fall Pictures
Sept 29 Sept 29 Sept 29 Sept 29- -- -Oct 29 Oct 29 Oct 29 Oct 29
Grandparents Month
7 Vision & Hearing Screening
11:40 AM
Sept 15-Oct 15:
Hispanic Heritage
Sept 17-23:
Constitution Week
Nautical Notes
Calendar of Events Calendar of Events Calendar of Events Calendar of Events
Inside this issue:
Nurses Notes 2
A Page from the Media
Picture Day 2
PE News 3
Dismissal Changes 3
PTO News 4
Hispanic Heritage &
Spirit Night
Did you
About 90% of
food allergies are
caused by: tree
nuts, peanuts,
milk, eggs, fish, shellfish,
wheat and soy.
Four times as many people
are allergic to seafood than
In a peanut allergy the peanut
protein Ara h1, Ara h2, and
Ara h3 are considered the
foreign object which triggers
the allergic reaction
Peanuts/tree nut ingredients
can be found in baked goods,
breads, chocolates, gravy, ice
creams, soups, sauces and
many other food items. Be
sure to read labels very care-
fully for a complete list of
Beans, legumes, nutmeg and
coconuts are not related to
nuts but people with peanut
allergies may also have sensi-
tivity to these foods.
May contain traces of nuts
on a label indicates that the
food is made in a facility that
makes a food containing nuts
or that the raw ingredients
may have a chance of being
contaminated with nuts, how-
ever the food may not contain
Only prescription medication
to be given at school will
require a physicians signa-
ture on the permission to ad-
minister medication form.
Over the counter medications
only require a parent signa-
ture on the permission form.
P a g e P a g e P a g e P a g e 2 22 2
A Page from the Media Center
Nurses Notes
Recycling Programs for
the Media Center
Please help the Media Center
by collecting Box Tops for
Educations and Labels for
The Media Center will have a
grade level Box Tops for
Education contest Oct. 20-31.
Please save your Box Top
UPCs to send in during that
time. The Media Center re-
ceives 10 cents from each
UPC. Last year we collected
over $4,000.00 in UPCs.
For more information visit
. What a wonderful way to
recycle trash!
Labels for Education is a great
way to receive free merchandise
for our
Please cut
the UPC
with the
Labels for
Education logo from participat-
ing products and send them in to
the Media Center. Lists of the
companies participating are
available at http://
Click on the link or scan
the QR code to view the
Aug/Sept newsletter from
the Library Media Center.
Topics include information
on flexible scheduling and
book checkout, changes to
the SC Book Award pro-
gram, helpful student re-
sources, and more!
N a u t i c a l N o t e s N a u t i c a l N o t e s N a u t i c a l N o t e s N a u t i c a l N o t e s
V o l u m e V o l u m e V o l u m e V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 1 1 , I s s u e 1 1 , I s s u e 1 1 , I s s u e 1
Active Gamecock Log
It is easy and fun to earn free
tickets to three different USC
sporting events. All you have
to do is complete the Active
Gamecock Log challenge. Log
30 minutes or more of exercise
most days on your log and have
your parent sign it. Turn it in
to your PE teacher
by September 19th. Your PE
teacher will order your tick-
ets. It is that easy. LMES has
been recognized during 1/2
time at different sporting events
in the past for having the most
students being physically active
after school. Go outside, play
and get rewarded. If you have
lost your Active Gamecock
Log you can download a copy
and print it from Mrs.
Plemmons' webpage.
Fitness Gram Testing
Grades 3-5
Students in grades 3-5 are com-
pleting their state required Fit-
ness Gram test. They will take
the Fitness Gram test in the fall
and spring. The students will
complete the PACER test, curl-
up test, push-up test and sit-n-
reach test. The scores will be
calculated individual for each
child by using their height and
weight. We will weight and
measure your child's height dur-
ing PE next week. It is done
confidentially. An individualized
student healthy assessment Fit-
ness Gram report will be sent
home with each child during the
school year. If you have any
questions, please contact your
child's PE teacher.
SCHOOL DAY- October 8th
LMES will be participating
with this national event in a
slightly different way. We will
event on Oct. 8th. This will
allow for every student to be
able to participate in the event
regardless of where they live or
how they come to
school. Walking is an excel-
lent form of exercise that bene-
fits everyone in many
ways. We need volunteers for
the event. If you are able to
volunteer, please contact Mrs.
email or text. If the teacher
is absent or our internet
goes down, the message
may not be received. If
you have several children,
please send a note to each
childs teacher.
Thank you for your help in
getting your children dis-
missed correctly.
Whenever you have a
change in your childs nor-
mal dismissal, please be
sure to send a note to
school indicating the
change. Even if you have
told your child, we must
have a note or the teacher
will send the student home
based on their normal dis-
We discourage sending
dismissal changes via
P a g e P a g e P a g e P a g e 3 33 3
September 22 is Picture Day! September 22 is Picture Day! September 22 is Picture Day! September 22 is Picture Day!
PE News PE News PE News PE News
Dismissal / Transportation Changes Dismissal / Transportation Changes Dismissal / Transportation Changes Dismissal / Transportation Changes
at this time. Picture pack-
ets will be sent home
about 3 weeks after they
are taken. You will have
the option to buy the pack-
et or return it to school.
Mark your calendar and be
sure to wear your best
smile on September 22.
Strawbridge Studios will
be here to take our annual
yearbook pictures.
Please do not send money
The smallest act of
kindness is worth
more than the
grandest intention.
Oscar Wilde
tes to
Student N
eacher N
Notes to the office include:
1. Transportation changes
2. Absence excuses
3. Early dismissals
Please include all of Please include all of Please include all of Please include all of
this information when this information when this information when this information when
sending notes to sending notes to sending notes to sending notes to
school. school. school. school.
Lake Murray Elementary Mission Statement Lake Murray Elementary Mission Statement Lake Murray Elementary Mission Statement Lake Murray Elementary Mission Statement
Our purpose at LMES is to educate, empower and
encourage students in a safe and
nurturing environment .
Administration Administration Administration Administration
Claire Thompson, Principal
Boyd Hainsworth, Assistant Principal
Kelly Reese, Admin. Assistant Principal
Lake Murray Elementary School
1531 Three Dog Road
Chapin, SC 29036
S D 5 L R C
Are you ready to get a
jump on your Christmas
shopping? There are
some wonderful gift ide-
as included in the PTO
fundraiser packets.
Your Innisbrook packets
were sent home last
week. The fundraiser
runs through September
16th. Get your shopping
done early and enjoy the
Its not too late!! If you
have not returned your
Volunteer forms to the
PTO, please do so this
week. We are trying to
get our committees and
various activities orga-
nized and want to be
sure you are included.
These are the lavender
forms that were in your
Back to School packet.
Remember that if you do
not return a form, your
childs homeroom moth-
er will not be contacting
you to help with events
and activities.
Anchor Lanes Anchor Lanes Anchor Lanes Anchor Lanes
Friday, Sept. 12th Friday, Sept. 12th Friday, Sept. 12th Friday, Sept. 12th
6:00 6:00 6:00 6:00 - -- - 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm
$10.00 per person $10.00 per person $10.00 per person $10.00 per person
Covers the cost of Covers the cost of Covers the cost of Covers the cost of
shoes and 2 games. shoes and 2 games. shoes and 2 games. shoes and 2 games.
PTO Corner
Phone: 803-476-4600
Fax: 803-476-4620
Chart the course
Lead the way.
Lake Murray
Elementary School
Thank you to our
Business Partner Patrons. Business Partner Patrons. Business Partner Patrons. Business Partner Patrons.
Please support these
businesses, as they have
contributed to our
Platinum paw Platinum paw Platinum paw Platinum paw
AVSX Technologies
Human Capital Solutions
Integrity Insurance
Zesto of Chapin
Gold Paw Gold Paw Gold Paw Gold Paw
DK Nails
September 15 October 15th
The term Hispanic, as defined by the U.S. Census Bureau, refers to Span-
ish-speaking people in the United States of any race.
From September 15 October 15, the U.S. celebrates Hispanic Heritage
Month to recognize the contributions that Hispanic Americans have made
to American society and culture. This particular time frame was chosen to
honor seven of our Latin American neighbors who celebrate their inde-
pendence: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua on Sept. 15
, Mexico on Sept.
, and Chile on Sept. 18
Visit the link below for more interesting information on Hispanic Heritage!http:// http:// http:// http://
And just in time to celebrate Hispanic Heritage
Thursday, September 18th is our first Thursday, September 18th is our first Thursday, September 18th is our first Thursday, September 18th is our first LMES Spirit Night LMES Spirit Night LMES Spirit Night LMES Spirit Night
at El Poblano, Restaurante Mexicano! at El Poblano, Restaurante Mexicano! at El Poblano, Restaurante Mexicano! at El Poblano, Restaurante Mexicano!
Once again, students can earn an extra peso en la
clase de espaol by speaking Spanish en el restau-
rante mexicano! Parents, enjoy a night out, support
LMES, and provide your student with a chance to
practice their Spanish! Please note that students must turn in their signed
confirmation form to earn the extra peso. Students may obtain a form from
Sra. Gonzlez or Sra. Fultz. Also, forms will be available at the restaurant on
Thursday night. Just ask at the register!