This document provides an overview of anti-suit injunctions in international commercial arbitration. It defines an anti-suit injunction as an order issued by a court to bar proceedings in another court. It discusses how anti-suit injunctions are used to stop parallel proceedings in different jurisdictions that could cause delays and conflicting judgments. The document also outlines the principles for granting anti-suit injunctions under Indian law, including that they are used sparingly and only against parties over which the court has jurisdiction. It acknowledges criticism of anti-suit injunctions for undermining the jurisdiction of other sovereign courts.
This document provides an overview of anti-suit injunctions in international commercial arbitration. It defines an anti-suit injunction as an order issued by a court to bar proceedings in another court. It discusses how anti-suit injunctions are used to stop parallel proceedings in different jurisdictions that could cause delays and conflicting judgments. The document also outlines the principles for granting anti-suit injunctions under Indian law, including that they are used sparingly and only against parties over which the court has jurisdiction. It acknowledges criticism of anti-suit injunctions for undermining the jurisdiction of other sovereign courts.
This document provides an overview of anti-suit injunctions in international commercial arbitration. It defines an anti-suit injunction as an order issued by a court to bar proceedings in another court. It discusses how anti-suit injunctions are used to stop parallel proceedings in different jurisdictions that could cause delays and conflicting judgments. The document also outlines the principles for granting anti-suit injunctions under Indian law, including that they are used sparingly and only against parties over which the court has jurisdiction. It acknowledges criticism of anti-suit injunctions for undermining the jurisdiction of other sovereign courts.
This document provides an overview of anti-suit injunctions in international commercial arbitration. It defines an anti-suit injunction as an order issued by a court to bar proceedings in another court. It discusses how anti-suit injunctions are used to stop parallel proceedings in different jurisdictions that could cause delays and conflicting judgments. The document also outlines the principles for granting anti-suit injunctions under Indian law, including that they are used sparingly and only against parties over which the court has jurisdiction. It acknowledges criticism of anti-suit injunctions for undermining the jurisdiction of other sovereign courts.
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Submitted by, Ruben George Ro!, Ro"" No# $%&, ' Seme(ter, NUALS CONTENTS Anti (uit in)untion* me+ning Anti Suit in)untion in intern+tion+" ommeri+" +rbitr+tion Prini,"e( under Indi+n L+- .or Gr+nting Anti Suit In)untion Anti/ (uit in)untion( +g+in(t +rbitr+tion Anti/ (uit in)untion( in .+0or o. +rbitr+tion Critii(m on Anti Suit In)untion Con"u(ion Re.erene( ANTI SUIT INJUNCTION* 1EANING Anti suit injunction refers to an order issued by a court so as to bar proceedings in another court. If the party contravenes such an order, contempt of the court order can be issued against that party by the domestic court. Such an injunction can be issued only against those parties over which the court exercises personal jurisdiction. Such injunctions are normally issued for the following reasons: 1. o enjoin litigants with records of frivolous litigation from future litigations concerning a particular matter in !uestion ". o enjoin litigants from attempts to re#litigate an issue that has become res judicata $. o enjoin a particular parallel proceeding %. o enjoin a party from enforcing an award Anti suit injunctions are resorted to fix a definite forum for settling disputes& differences. herefore it mainly caters to jurisdictional issues. 'evelopment of anti suit injunctions trace bac( to the history of the battle for power between the common law and ecclesiastical courts in )ngland. he injunction was used by common law courts to restrict the jurisdiction of ecclesiastical court. ANTI SUIT INJUNCTION IN INTERNATIONAL CO11ERCIAL ARBITRATION he primary purpose of anti suit injunctions is to stop same parties from litigating in two parallel jurisdictions. o stop proceedings parallel to arbitration, a party can go to the court at the seat of the arbitration and will as( that court to enjoin the other party from commencing or continuing litigation in a foreign jurisdiction. Anti suit injunctions normally comes into play when one party to an agreement initiates legal proceedings against the other in a *ourt even though the arbitration agreement between the parties have mentioned another seat for arbitration. he other party will then initiate arbitration proceedings against the first party in the country chosen by both as the seat, thereby creating parallel proceedings. +arallel proceedings can cause delay, exposure of confidential informations and conflicting judgments. Anti suit injunctions are meant to stop this. ,here a contract provides for an arbitration clause, an anti sit injunction can be used in two ways: 1. to prevent litigation before the courts in other countries. his aids arbitration proceedings as per the contract between the parties. ". it could be used to stop the arbitration itself and to get the dispute decided by a court in a country different from that of the arbitral tribunal . In this case, it would defeat the arbitration. -owever it is unli(ely that court will issue an injunction against the arbitral proceedings. In case there is a challenge to the jurisdiction of an arbitral tribunal, courts will not ordinarily entertain the challenge, and leave the matter to the arbitral tribunal to decide. Anti suit injunctions can be issued by arbitrators to preserve the jurisdiction of arbitration tribunal, to safeguard the effectiveness of the award, or even to neutrali.e other anti suit injunctions. In the West Tankers case 1 the )*/ held that )nglish *ourt has no power to restrain Italian proceedings# the Italian *ourt had to decide on its jurisdiction. Anti suit injunction in 1 *ase *#101&23, Allian. SpA 4 5enerali Assicura.ioni 5enerali SpA v ,est an(ers Inc., "226 ,7 $2$3"$, 89eb. 12, "226: relation to arbitration was held to be incompatible with ;russels <egulation " which spea(s about mutual respect of the jurisdiction of *ourts in member States of the ;russels <egulation. In Shashoua v. Mukesh Sharma 3 , it was held that =..therefore there is nothing in the )uropean *ourt decision in the 9ront *omor 8,est tan(er case:which impacts upon the law as developed in this country in relation to anti suit injunctions which prevent parties from pursuing proceedings in the courts of a country which is not a >ember State of the )uropean *ommunity, whether on the basis of an exclusive jurisdiction clause, or an agreement to arbitrate or the agreement of the parties to the supervisory powers of this court by agreeing 7ondon as the seat of the arbitration.? Again in Ust-Kamenogorsk Hydropower Pant !S" v #$S Ust-Kamenogorsk Hydropower Pant %%P % the Supreme *ourt has confirmed that the )nglish court has jurisdiction to injunct the continuation or commencement of foreign proceedings brought in breach of an arbitration agreement, even in the absence of an actual, proposed or intended arbitration. his power only applies against jurisdictions which fall outside the ;russels <egulation. PRINCIPLES UNDER INDIAN LA2 3OR GRANTING ANTI SUIT INJUNCTION *ourts are generally cautious with granting anti suit injunctions. In the landmar( judgment of Mod& $nterta&nment 'etwork and #nr. (s W.S.). "r&cket PT$ %td * the -on?ble Supreme *ourt of India explained the scope of =anti#suit injunction? and has laid down the principles governing granting of anti#suit injunction, which are as under: # An anti suit injunction can be granted against only those over who the court has personal jurisdiction. " *ouncil <egulation 8)*: @o %%&"221 of "" 'ecember "222 on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters $ A"226B ),-* 613 8*omm: % A2013] UKSC 35 1 Appeal 8civil: %"" of "22$ # Since issuance of anti suit injunction by one country results in excluding the jurisdiction of another country which is competent to ta(e up the case, it is sparingly used (eeping in mind the principle of comity which governs the relationship between courts of different countries. # if the injunction is declined the ends of justice will be defeated and injustice will be perpetuated Cn applying the principle of forum non conveniens the court must bear in mind that that the Indian proceedings or foreign proceedings must not be Doppressive and vexatiousE and would cause ine!uitable hardship and then decide whether to grant anti#suit injunction or not. If a clause provides for jurisdiction of courts& tribunal of a particular country, Indian *ourts normally does not issue anti suit injunctions hampering that *ourt?s jurisdiction. -owever in exceptional cases *ourt may disregard the choice of the parties regarding place of jurisdiction. ANTI/ SUIT INJUNCTIONS AGAINST ARBITRATION *ourt may issue anti#suit injunction to restrain implementation of arbitral proceedings or to prevent actions for the enforcement of arbitral awards. Such injunction can be called as Danti#arbitrationE injunction. *ourts which are less arbitration friendly shows a paternalistic attitude and (eeps their doors opened to parties who see( to bloc( arbitration proceedings or awards. he arbitration tribunal?s power to decide on its jurisdiction is challenged by such action. In Mod& $nterta&nment 'etwork + #nr vs W.S.)."r&cket Pte. %td the Supreme *ourt denied the appellants grant of an anti suit injunction enjoinng the respondent from initiating proceedings in )nglish *ourt pointing that intention of the parties as evidenced by the jurisdiction clause in the agreement 8which said jurisdiction is with )nglish *ourt: must be respected. ANTI/ SUIT INJUNCTIONS IN 3AVOR O3 ARBITRATION Sometimes a party to arbitration might approach *ourt to frustrate arbitration proceedings if that party finds it has a wea( stand. o prevent such an action or to bloc( it, the other party may approach the *ourt where seat of arbitration is located see(ing an anti suit injunction enjoining the defendant from initiating or continuing with suit for the purpose of frustrating arbitration proceedings. CRITICIS1 ON ANTI SUIT INJUNCTION he practice of issuance of anti suit injunctions is met with protest especially when the orders aim at enjoining commencement and continuance of legal proceedings in other nations. It is viewed as a challenge to the power of sovereign to decide on which all cases can be entertained by it. Another argument against the practice is that it undermines the principle of Fompeten.# Fompeten., according to which the court entertaining an action is the judge of its own competence. Since Djurisdiction is something that is declared, not something that can be ordered,E no domestic court appreciates a foreign court telling it what to do in regard to a specific lawsuit, especially under a threat of contempt of court. Supporters of anti suit injunctions argues that the injunctions are directed against individuals to not to initiate legal proceedings and therefore not interfering with the power and jurisdiction of other *ourts. -owever such orders indirectly challenge the power of other *ourts and such an order effectively restricts the jurisdiction of the court of a foreign sovereign. In the case of Turner v. )rov&t , - the *ourt of /ustice of the )uropean *ommunities decided that the issuance of an anti suit injunction by the *ourt of a contracting State to enjoin a party from commencing or continuing legal proceedings at the *ourt of another *ontracting State is prohibited by the16G0 *onvention on /urisdiction and the )nforcement of /udgments In *ivil and *ommercial >atters even when the party is acting in bad faith to frustrate existing proceeding. he *ourt ruled that the *onvention is G urner v. 5rovit, *ase *#116&2", Apr. "3, "22% based on a relationship of mutual trust between the *ontracting States, which does not allow the jurisdiction of a court to be reviewed by the court of another *ontracting State. CONCLUSION hough anti suit injunctions are critici.ed by many as diluting or challenging the power of a *ourt to decide on its own jurisdiction, it should also be (ept in mind that the same privilege of the arbitration tribunal 8which was mutually chosen by contracting parties: must be respected. In a commercial transaction, where the parties enter into agreement without any compulsion and after its pros and cons, it is not fair to have uncalled *ourt interventions that undermine the authority of arbitration tribunals. In such cases anti# suit injunctions can act as a handy tool for the smooth operation of arbitration. RE3ERENCES* Ri+rdo 4u+(( Du+rte, 5Anti/ (uit In)untion( in t6e Conte7t o. Intern+tion+" Commeri+" Arbitr+tion8 9http:&& I"2textoHintegral.pdf: Ro6it J+i(-+" +nd Sidd+rt6 Dubey, 5Anti Suit In)untion8, Indi+n Leg+" U,d+te, Augu(t :;<: 8http:&& India#7egal#Jpdate#Aug#"21".pdf: St+6er, 1+ro, =Intern+tion+" Anti(uit In)untion(* En)oining 3oreign Litig+tion( +nd Arbitr+tion( / Be6o"ding t6e Sy(tem .rom Out(ide= 9:;;$>, Corne"" L+- P+,er, Pg &> 9http:&& articleL12"$4contextLlpsHpapers4sei#redirL14refererLhttpI$AI"9 I""9urlI$9saI$'tI"GrctI$'jI"G!I$'antiI";suit I";injunctionI";meaningI";I"GsourceI$'webI"GcdI$'GI"Gved I$'2*9IM9jA9I"GurlI$'httpI"1$AI"1"9 I"1""1"9cgiI"1"9viewcontent.cgiI"1$9article I"1$'12"$I"1"GcontextI"1$'lpsHpapersI"Gei I$'-N1*J%FGIoeMrged!o'%;AI"Gusg I$'A9Mj*@)rg@$)sNcI/CofstIO)g3$#5F(AA I"Gsig"I$'wn"mS"1iJ"NCjMPalu'a6gQsearchLI""antiI"2suit I"2injunctionI"2meaningI"": DL+- ,ert+ining to +nti (uit in)untion in Indi+8, Gr+de(t+! 8http:&&gradestac(.com&@J/S#'iploma#*ourse#in#)ntrepreneur&7aw#pertaining# to#anti#suit#injunct&1%6%$#"633#"3G3#study#wtw:
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Emmanuel Gaillard, Anti-Suit Injunctions Issued by Arbitrators, in INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION 2006: BACK TO BASICS? 235, 235 (Albert Jan Van Den Berg 2008)