Civilization and BeyondLearning From History by Nearing, Scott, 1883-1983
Civilization and BeyondLearning From History by Nearing, Scott, 1883-1983
Civilization and BeyondLearning From History by Nearing, Scott, 1883-1983
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Language: English
By Scott Nearing
August 1975
INTRODUCTION: Thoughts about History and Civilization
Human history may be viewed from various angles. The easiest history to
write concerns the doings of a few well known people and their
involvement in some memorable events. History may also concern itself
with inventions and discoveries: the use of fire, of the wheel or
smelting metals. It may center around sources of food, means of shelter,
or the making of records. It may be concerned with the construction and
decoration of cities, kingdoms and empires.
"Assyria, Greece, Rome, Carthage, where are they?" asked Byron. He might
have added: "What were they? How did they come into being? What was the
nature of their experience? Why did they rise from small beginnings,
develop into wide-spread colossal complexes of wealth and power, and
then, after longer or shorter periods of existence, break up and
disappear from the stage of social history?"
Such questions are far removed from the lives of people who are busy
with everyday affairs. In one sense they _are_ remote; in the larger
picture, however, they are of vital concern to anyone and everyone now
living in civilized communities. If Assyrians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans
and Carthaginians built extensive empires and massive civilizations that
flourished for a time, then broke up and disappeared, are we to follow
blindly and unthinkingly in their footsteps? Or do we study their
experiences, benefit from their successes and learn from their mistakes?
Can we not take lessons out of their voluminous notebooks, avoid their
blunders and direct our own feet along paths that fulfil our lives at
the same time that they meet the widespread demand for survival and
All civilized peoples seem to have developed from simple beginnings and
experimented with broader and more complicated life styles. In western
civilization the number of experiments has increased and the span of
their deviations seems to have broadened. Under the circumstances an
analysis of civilization must take for granted not only social change
but the development of, human society along lines which link up the
outstanding structural and functional ideas, institutions and practices
of successive civilizations.
I hope that this study will provide a useful link in the chain of
material dealing with the structure and function of man's social
environment, leading directly into an action program that will conclude
the preservation and loving economical use of nature's rich gifts and
the dedication of thousands of young aspiring men and women to the good
life here, now and indefinitely, into a bright, productive and creative
Scott Nearing.
Such thoughts may be noble and inspired; they are not related to
history. We know more or less about a score of civilizations that have
occupied portions of the earth during several thousand years. We know a
great deal about the western civilization which we observe and in which
we participate. Professor Morse's florid words apply to none of the
civilizations known to history. Certainly they are poles away from an
accurate characterization of our own varient of this social pattern.
At the end of this volume the reader will find a list, selected from the
many books that I have consulted in preparation for writing this study.
Most of these authorities are concerned with the facts of civilization,
with far less emphasis on their political, economic and sociological
In this study I have tried to unite theory with practice. On the one
hand I have reviewed briefly and as accurately as possible some
outstanding experiments with civilization, including our own western
variant. (Part I. The Pageant of Experiments with Civilization.) In Part
II I have undertaken a social analysis of civilization as a past and
present life style. In Part III, Civilization Is Becoming Obsolete, I
have tried to check our thinking about civilization with the sweep of
present day historical trends. Part IV, Steps Beyond Civilization, is an
attempt to list some of the alternatives and opportunities presently
available to civilized man.
Any reader who has the interest and persistence to read through the
entire volume and to browse through some of its references will have had
the equivalent of a university extension course dealing with one of the
most critical issues confronting the present generation of humanity.
_Part I_
Thousands of years before the city of Rome was ringed with its six miles
of stone wall, other peoples in Asia, Eastern Europe and Africa were
building civilizations. New techniques of excavation, identification and
preservation, subsidized by an increasingly affluent human society, and
developed during the past two centuries of archeological research have
provided the needed means and manpower. The result is an imposing number
of long buried building sites with their accompanying artifacts. Still
more important are the records written in long forgotten languages on
stone, clay tablets, metal, wood and paper. These remnants and records,
left by extinguished civilizations, do not tell us all we wish to know,
but they do provide the materials which enable us to reconstruct, at
least in part, the lives of our civilized predecessors.
The seat of Egyptian civilization was the Nile Valley and its estuary
built out into the Mediterranean Sea from the debris of disintegrating
African mountains. Annual floods left their silt deposits to deepen the
soil along the lower reaches of the river. River water, impounded for
the purpose, provided the means of irrigating an all but rainless desert
countryside. Skillful engineering drained the swamps, adding to the
cultivable area of a narrow valley cut by the river through jagged
barren hills. Deserts on both sides of the Nile protected the valley
against aggressors and migrants. Within this sanctuary the Egyptians
built a civilization that lasted, with a minor break, for some 3,000
Egyptian temples and tombs carry records chiseled and painted on hard
stone, which throw light on the life and times of upper-class Egyptians,
including emperors, provincial governors, courtiers, generals,
merchants, provincial organizers. In a humid, temperate climate these
stone-cut and painted records would have been eroded, overgrown and
obliterated long ago. In the dry desert air of North Africa they have
preserved their identity through the centuries.
Since the Egyptians had a few draft animals, and little if any
power-driven machinery, energy needed to build massive stone temples,
tombs and other public structures must have been supplied by the forced
labor of Egyptians, their serfs and slaves.
Foremost among the factors responsible for the success of the Old
Kingdom was the close partnership between the "lords temporal" and the
"lords spiritual"--the state and the church. The state consisted of a
highly centralized monarchy ruled by a Pharoah who personified temporal
authority. This authority was strengthened because it represented a
consensus of the many gods recognized and worshiped by the Egyptians of
the Old Kingdom. The monarch was also looked upon as an embodiment of
divinity. Some Egyptian pharoahs had been priests who became rulers.
Others had been rulers who became priests. The two aspects of public
life--political and religious--were closely interrelated.
In theory the land of Egypt was the property of the Pharoah. Foreign
trade was a state monopoly. In practice the ownership and use of land
were shared with the temples and with those members of the nobility
closest to the ruling monarch. Hence there were state lands and state
income and temple lands and temple income. The use of state lands was
alloted to favorites. Each temple had land which it used for its own
Political power in the Old Kingdom was a tight monopoly held by the
ruling dynasty of the period. During preceding epochs it seems likely
that rival groups or factions had gone through a period of
power-survival struggle which eliminated one rival after another until
economic ownership and political authority were both vested in the same
ruling oligarchs. This struggle for consolidation apparently reached its
climax when Menes, a pharoah who began his rule about 3,400 B.C., in the
south of Egypt, invaded and conquered the Delta and merged the two
kingdoms, South and North, into one nation which preserved its identity
and its sovereignty until the Persian Conquest of 525 B.C.
The unification of the northern kingdom with the South seems to have
been a slow process, interrupted by insurrections and rebellions in the
Delta and in Lybia. Inscriptions report the suppression of these
insurrections and give the number of war-captives brought to the south
as slaves. In one instance the captives numbered 120,000 in addition to
1,420 small cattle and 400,000 large cattle.
Using these war captives to supplement the home supply of forced and
free labor, successive dynasties built temples, palaces and tombs;
constructed new cities; drained and irrigated land; sent expeditions to
the Sinai peninsula to mine copper. Such enterprises indicate a
considerable economic surplus above that required to take care of a
growing population: the high degree of organization required to plan and
assemble such enterprises, and the considerable engineering and
technological capacity necessary for their execution.
Chief among the binding forces holding together the extensive apparatus
known as the Old Kingdom was religion, with its gods, its temples and
their generous endowments. Each locality consolidated into the Old
Kingdom had its gods and their places for worship. In addition to these
local religious centers there was an hierarchy of national deities,
their temples, temple lands and endowments. The ruling monarch, who was
official servitor of the national gods, interpreting their will and
adding to the endowments of the temples, was the embodiment of secular
and of religious authority.
Egyptians of the period believed that death was not an end, but a
transition. They also believed that those who passed through the death
process would have many of the needs and wants associated with life on
the Earth. Furthermore they believed that in the course of their future
existence those who had died would again inhabit the bodies that they
had during their previous existences on Earth. Following out these
beliefs the Egyptians put into their tombs a full assortment of the
food, clothing, implements and instruments which they had used during
their Earth life. They also embalmed the bodies of their dead with the
utmost care and buried them in carefully hidden tombs where they would
be found by their former users and occupied for the Day of Judgment.
Thus the land of Egypt expanded into the Egyptian Empire and the
culture of Egypt (its language, its ideas, its artifacts, its
institutions) expanded far beyond the boundaries of Egyptian political
authority and established Egyptian civilization in parts of Africa, Asia
and Europe.
Before, during and after Egyptians played their long and distinguished
parts in the recorded history of civilization, the continent of Asia was
producing a series of civilization in four areas: first at the
crossroads joining Africa and Europe to Asia; then in Western Asia (Asia
Minor); in Central Asia, especially in India and Indonesia and finally
in China and the Far East.
Experiments with civilization during the past six thousand years have
centered in the Eurasian land mass, including the North African littoral
of the Mediterranean Sea. Within this area of potential or actual
civilization, until very recent times, the centers of civilization have
been widely separated geographically and temporally. Occasionally they
have been unified and integrated by some unusual up-thrust like that of
the Egyptian, the Chinese or the Roman civilizations. In the intervals
between these up-thrusts various centers of civilization have maintained
a large degree of autonomy and isolation. Only in the past five
centuries have communication, transportation, trade and tourism created
the basis for an experiment in organizing and coordination of a
planet-wide experiment in civilization.
When Rome came on the scene as a first-rate power, circa 300 B.C., the
crucial land bridge joining Africa, Europe and Asia was being passed
from hand to hand, with no power strong enough to succeed Egypt as the
dominant political-economic-cultural force in the region. Historically
speaking it was an interregnum, a period of transition. Egypt had ceased
to dominate the public life of the area. The trading cities of the
Greeks and the Phoenicians were pushing their way of life into the front
ranks among the recognized powers. The kingdoms of Asia-Minor were
still warring for supremacy in a field which none of the local kingdoms
was able to dominate and hold for any considerable period of time.
Rome entered the picture when the forces of political absolutism based
upon an agriculture operated by serfs and slaves had fought themselves
to a standstill and exhausted their historical usefulness. The times
called for new forces capable of adapting themselves to a new culture
pattern extending over a greatly enlarged world. The Romans, with their
Greek associates, were in a position to fill the gap.
Romans lived originally in Latium, a small land area in southern Italy
on the Tiber River far enough inland to be protected against pirates.
They built a city which finally covered seven adjacent hills and
developed a community of working farmers, merchants, craftsmen and
professionals. The farms were small, averaging perhaps eight to fifteen
acres, an area large enough to provide a family with a stable though
meagre livelihood. The farmers were hard working and frugal.
At this period of Roman history and mythology Latium was one of many
communities occupying Italy. Each was self-governing. Each took the
steps necessary for survival and expansion. Like their neighbors, the
inhabitants of Latium were prepared to defend themselves against piracy,
brigandage and ambitious, aggressive rivals. Defense took the form of an
embankment and a water-filled moat which surrounded the early
settlements and provided shelter for herdsman and farmers in case of
At the time Rome was founded, presumably about 700 B.C., the Italian
peninsula was occupied by a large number of principalities, kingdoms and
tribal nomads, newly arrived from eastern Europe and Asia. The struggle
for pasturage and fertile soil, for dwelling sites and trading
opportunities, went on ceaselessly. Romans, like their neighbors and
competitors, were reaching out to provide themselves with food, building
materials, trade opportunities, strategic advantages. They expanded
peacefully if possible, using diplomacy up to a certain point and only
engaging in war as a last resort. But since the entire Italian peninsula
was occupied by more or less independent groups, each of which was
seeking a larger and safer place in the sun, the outcome was ceaseless
diplomatic maneuvering, using war as an instrument of policy in the
struggle for pelf and power. Four centuries of power struggle, in which
Romans played an increasingly prominent role, gave the Roman Republic
and its allies substantial control of the entire Italian peninsula.
Beginning as one among many small independent states in Italy, the
inhabitants of Latium emerged from four centuries of competitive
diplomatic and military struggle as the de facto masters of all Italy.
The Roman imperial cycle spanned some thirteen centuries. During this
period Roman life was transformed from its small, local seat of
authority in Central Italy into its new stature as the outstanding power
in the Mediterranean area. Economically it extended from peasant
proprietorship and a use economy to a market-money economy; from a
society of working peasant farmers to an economy resting upon war
captives reduced to slavery; from an economy based on production for
trade and profit to an economy based on power-grabbing, special
privilege, speculation and corruption; from an austerity economy based
on primary production to an economy based on affluence, exploitation,
and gluttony.
Domestically, in the city of Rome and its immediate environs, there were
several sharp lines of cleavage; between Roman citizens and
non-citizens; between the aristocracy, the bourgeoisie, the working
proletariat and the idle proletariat; between the rich and the poor;
between freeman (citizens) and the slaves who grew in numbers as the
wars of conquest and consolidation multiplied war captives; between the
civilian bureaucrats and the members of the military hierarchy.
When the first war against Carthage was launched in 265 B.C., Carthage
was at the height of her power. Situated on the North African Coast
almost directly across the Mediterranean from Italy, the Carthaginians
were in effective control of the western Mediterranean. Carthage was
firmly entrenched in Spain. It was trading extensively with the British
Isles. Fleets of Carthaginian war ships patrolled the Mediterranean
guarding against piracy and economic or political interference by
Successful wars against Syria and Egypt extended Roman control over
additional territory in West Asia and North Africa. A map of Italy at
the time of the Roman Federation in 268 B.C. shows Rome as the most
powerful among two score minor associates in the federation. A map of
the Roman Empire at the death of Augustus in 14 A.D. shows a Roman
Empire extending from the Atlantic seaboard on the west to Central
Europe on the north, the Black Sea on the east and a generous strip of
Africa on the south.
Within three centuries Rome had expanded from its position as a minor
state in Italy to the effective control of those portions of three
continents which bordered the Mediterranean. Conquests during the
following century further extended the Roman frontiers.
Slave labor aggravated the situation. There was a time when Roman
farmers and craftsmen did their own work. That time ended with the
enslavement of war captives who swamped the labor market. Like any
parasitic growth, slavery and forced labor destroyed the fabric of a
largely self-contained economy based on peasant proprietorship.
At the outset the slave revolts were local and occasional. As the slaves
grew more numerous unrest spread and hardened into organized resistance.
Spartacus, a slave, led a revolt which mobilized armies, defeated the
Roman legions in a series of battles and ended only with the death of
Spartacus and the dispersal of his forces.
Local and provincial affairs under the Roman Empire were administered by
a self-seeking corrupt bureaucracy.
Wars of rivalry between Roman candidates for top preferment shifted the
power-balance out of civilian hands into the grip of the military. Step
by step and stage by stage the Roman Empire became a warfare state
maintained at home and abroad by the intervention of the military. Wars
of rivalry at home in Rome were paralleled by wars of rivalry abroad.
During the Era of the Caesars Rome became the Eurasian-African honey
pot. Wealth centered there. Authority was enthroned there. Power was
generated there. Throughout the sphere of Roman political influence, of
trade and travel, the central position of Rome was recognized and
acknowledged. Not only knowledge and authority, but folklore mushroomed,
with Rome as its central theme. Asian nomads, searching for grass, Asian
potentates seeking new worlds to conquer and plunder, heard of Rome and
finally went there. All roads led to Rome. Thousands of miles of stone
roads were built as binding forces to hold the Empire together and
defend it against all possible enemies. It was along these roads that
the legions marched as they pushed back potential invaders and extended
the frontiers. It was these same roads and bridges that made easy and
sure the advance of the Asian hordes that would one day occupy and loot
the home city. Roads and bridges enabled Roman authority to maintain and
extend itself. The same roads and bridges provided a freeway that led
into the citadel of Roman power.
Under the Caesars the Roman Empire achieved its greatest geographical
extent and exercised its widest cultural influence. The city of Rome was
the capital of the western world. There was one state, one law, one
economy, one official language, one military authority.
This political diversity along the defense perimeter of the Roman Empire
existed in a chaos ranging from questioned authority to open defiance
and military challenges to Rome and the threat of Romanization. Along
this defense perimeter were stationed the legions that guarded the
frontiers. Across it moved trade, travel, incursions, invasions and
periodic reprisals as a result of which the more turbulent neighbors
were brought within the sphere of Rome's influence or, in cases of
extreme dissidence and resistance, were depopulated, colonized and added
to the Roman conglomerate.
It goes without saying that the influence of Roman culture extended far
beyond the Roman defense perimeter, reaching peoples, nations and
empires to which Rome was little more than a name. The no-man's land
between what-was and what-was-not Rome not only existed in a state of
perpetual uncertainty, but provided a battle field for the smuggling,
brigandage, the periodic border clashes, the migrations, incursions,
invasions and punitive expeditions that are the characteristic features
of every ill-defined political boundary.
Roman civilization, like all social organisms, came into being, moved
toward maturity, reached a plateau of fulfillment from which it
declined, broke up and eventually disappeared into the interregnum known
as the Dark Ages. The entire episode occupied a dozen centuries. Its
beginnings were unimpressively local. At the height of its wealth, power
and cultural influence it bestrode the Eurasian-African triangle. Its
decline and disappearance were no less spectacular than its meteoric
rise to fame and fortune.
I would like to summarize the Roman experiment and some of its lessons
by listing and commenting briefly on the forces that built up Roman
civilization and those forces which resulted in its decline and
10. Side by side with the rise in overhead costs went the
increase of parasitism among the rich and among the poor.
Something-for-nothing was the order of the day. Speculation
was rampant. Gambling was universal. Instead of
living by production of goods and services, Romans let
the slaves do their work and lived by their wits.
The vast structure of Roman civilization had split West from East. The
Eastern Empire retained its form and continued its culture for centuries
after its break with the West. Meanwhile the West fragmented into
smaller and smaller units, increasingly self-contained and increasingly
isolated. Cities raised and manned their own walls. The countryside
broke up into smaller and smaller divisions over which the Holy Roman
Empire exercised little more than a shadowy authority. Each landed
estate had its stronghold or castle. Each locality looked after its own
interests. The massive Roman Universal State, stretching for centuries
across parts of three continents, had broken up into a multitude of tiny
semi-sovereign, semi-independent fragments. Some of the fragments as
leagues, alliances and coalitions were reaching nationhood.
New dawn was illuminating the Dark Ages. Western man was sorting and
re-assembling some of the scattered fragments of the defunct and
dismembered Roman civilization. The task was colossal. Rome's "one
authority, one law, one language" hegemony had been replaced by an all
pervading diversity. The closely knit Greco-Roman Empire had been
superseded in Europe by a sparsely inhabited, roadless wilderness,
largely bereft of trade, using waterways as the easiest means of
communication and transport. The economy was built around wood cutting,
charcoal burning, backward animal husbandry, hand-tool agriculture,
hand-craft industry, the rudiments of commerce and finance centered in
trading cities. The great houses of the aristocracy and the gentry,
scattered villages, towns and walled cities were preoccupied and
disrupted by endless feuding and between-seasons warfare.
Europe struggled for centuries to free itself from Asian invasion and
occupation. At the same time Europe was improving its agriculture,
restoring its trade and expanding its hand-craft industries and its
commerce. Towns grew in population and productivity. Life-standards rose
in the cities. Cities based on trade and commerce extended their
authority and became city-states. Commercial cities joined their forces
to form trading leagues.
Lords spiritual and temporal, who had ruled Europe for centuries, were
joined by lords commercial, enriched by the growth of trade, transport
and developing industry.
The third force that surfaced in Europe after the end of the Dark Ages
was the industrial revolution, which led to fundamental changes in the
means of production at the same time that advances in natural and social
science produced their practical counterpart--an explosive expansion of
Grab and keep, in a period of rapid economic expansion, led each of the
burgeoning European empires to the zealous defense of its frontiers as
the first principle of imperial policy. The second principle:
geographical expansion, followed as a matter of course. Expansion inside
Europe, with its tight frontier defenses, meant war with aggressive
rivals. Expansion abroad, especially in Asia and Africa, was less costly
and might prove more profitable. As a consequence, from 1870 onward,
British, French, Dutch, Russia and German colonial territory increased;
European armaments multiplied. Each expanding empire prepared for the
day which would give it additional square miles of European and foreign
real estate.
The "might makes right" formula was in violent conflict with the "love
and serve your neighbor" professions of Christian ethics. Nevertheless,
it was the accepted overall principle of private enterprise economy and
the ruling ethic of Western statecraft. The principle was formulated in
five propositions or axioms:
2. Every businessman for himself and the devil take the laggards.
From the end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815, to the Victorian Jubilee in
1897, Great Britain became and remained top dog economically,
politically and to a large extent culturally. Britain was the workshop.
British shipping was omnipresent. The pound sterling was the chief
medium of foreign exchange. The British Navy patrolled the seas. English
was replacing French as the language of commerce and diplomacy.
During this British Century, from 1815 to 1897, Great Britain was
dominant among the European great powers, but it was never supreme.
Always there were countervailing forces. For centuries France had been a
major factor in the control and direction of European affairs. Defeat at
Waterloo reduced but did not destroy French influence. After 1870
Bismark's Germany began playing a major role. Russia, Austria, Holland,
Italy and Spain were also European powers. Overseas, the United States
of America and Japan were spreading their imperial wings.
For half a century United States money and arms were used to stabilize
capitalism. For many years Washington through its control of all Latin
American states (except Cuba after 1960) had been able to dominate
United Nations policy, exclude socialist nations, notably China, and hem
in socialism. Through this period Washington subsidized and armed
counter revolution. Its anti-socialist-communist doctrine had been
accepted and largely followed by the West.
7. The United States has been rich enough since 1945 to build
and maintain a navy that can patrol the Atlantic and Pacific
Oceans and the Mediterranean Sea and maintain large military
forces in various European and Asian waters. This
policy has been justified by the Truman-Johnson-Nixon
Doctrine of determined opposition to the extension of
socialism-communism and the consequent perpetuation of
the cold war.
8. In theory the socialist world is unitary. In practice it is so
fragmented by national boundary lines and ideological differences
that its members have not been able (during recent
years) to get together and discuss their major common
Western civilization has opened the doors wide to aspirants eager to win
out in the game of grab-and-keep. It has been equally kind to their
chief executives, organizers and managers who rank second or third in
the chain of command. These individuals come from widely different
backgrounds. The social mobility of a bourgeois society gives them
opportunity to climb high on the ladder of preferment.
Many of those who fall into line, adapt themselves to the civilizing
process, accept with alacrity the chances that come their way, but do
not reach the top of the success ladder. They have the health, energy
and assertiveness necessary to keep climbing. They accept their
assignments and carry them out with modest success. They are the lesser
executives who work themselves out by the time they are fifty and find
some sinecure or safe position near the top of the social pyramid.
Below the high command posts there is a wide range of handymen and
specialists who fill particular positions and place their time, energy,
experience and expertise at the disposal of the high command. Among them
are scientists, engineers, technicians. Equally important are their
spokesmen, advisers and apologists: lawyers, preachers, teachers,
writers, speakers, publicists, carefully chosen for their ability to
apologize, passify, justify and reassure. On the political side are the
diplomats and politicians. Protection for their persons and property is
provided by the police and the armed forces, composed of highly paid,
well-trained, well-armed destroyers and killers.
Social stability and mass support come from an extensive middle class
composed of public servants and body servants, small tradesmen,
self-employed craftsmen, rentiers and retired persons who are assured
body comforts, social recognition and preferment for themselves, their
relatives and dependants. Members of this middle class are recognized on
occasion, pampered, amused, diverted, bored, frustrated and eventually
corrupted by the soft living which their middle class status makes
Close to the middle class come the white collar workers and the better
paid blue collar workers. Their lives are cluttered with gadgets and
fringe benefits. Their homes are paid for or bought on credit.
Outside of the employment range, but dependent upon the economy are the
defectives and delinquents, the parasites who live on cake and the
parasites who live out of garbage cans.
Beyond these categories, in the American Empire, there are the colonial
compradors and handymen who enjoy standards of living comparable to
their opposite members in the North America nucleus. Below them are the
colonial masses who live their entire lives under conditions of
uncertainty and insecurity.
Millions of young people across the planet, born into the complicated
and bewildering social network of western civilization after war's end
in 1945 and graduated from school after the onset of the Vietnam War in
1965, find themselves in a complex, frustrating jungle. Should they fit
in or drop out? Those who are more conventional and adaptable fit in as
best they can, although the recent high unemployment rate among the
youth indicates that the adjustment is often difficult. Millions of the
less adaptable drop out.
Two other areas require a word of comment. Among human faculties are
ambition, imagination, ingenuity, inventiveness, creativity. Human
beings are, to a greater or lesser degree, cosmically aware. In the
physical field western civilization handsomely rewards initiative. In
the social field it has been far less generous. Imagination and cosmic
consciousness have been quite generally listed among the undesirable
endowments of mankind.
Western civilization in the early years of its decline has not brought
out the more generous aspects of human nature. In the best of times a
materialistically oriented society appeals to the more material and less
spiritual aspects of human beings. A period of social decline leads away
from principled conduct toward unashamed opportunism.
Western civilization grew in and around its cities. Both in form and
function it was urban rather than rural.
Western civilization specialized its society, mechanized it and later
computerized it, making social relationships depend less and less on
personality and more on the position of the individual in a working team
or on an assembly line. Human beings ceased to have names. Instead they
acquired numbers on the payroll, on their homes, on their identity
One last word about the effect of western civilization on human society.
The West has littered and cluttered the planet with an immense variety
and with enormous quantities of gimmicks and gadgets from tin cans to
airplanes that fly faster than sound, and rockets that carry their
occupants to the moon. Western productivity has multiplied greatly. Too
often it has by-passed utility, ignored quality and outraged beauty.
More often than not its goods, services, institutions, practices and
ideas have remained at the surface without reaching down to life's
Western civilization has differed in certain respects from the long line
of its predecessors, stretching back through the centuries. In one sense
it has matured, ripened, taking its ideas and practices from its nearest
of kin. In the course of its life cycle it has already made distinctive
Every civilization has been confronted with the advantages of unity over
diversity. Every civilization has professed its devotion to unity. Every
civilization at one or another stage in its development has subordinated
unity to the increasingly insistent demands of diversity.
For at least six thousand years one civilization after another has
sought to achieve centralization and universality. In every instance of
which history provides a legible record, centralized, universalized
institutions and practices have fragmented into diversity and stubborn
They perish because of the division of the nucleus and its associates
and dependencies between those who work for a living, those who have an
unearned income and those parasites who scrounge for a living. They
perish because of the hard class and caste lines that grow out of
economic contradictions; because of the development of a social
pyramid, layer above layer, until the summit is reached where there is
standing room for only a few. Competent, talented persons may rise from
level to level in this pyramid. A political and social bureaucracy
develops which feeds at the public trough. Then comes a bitter struggle
to get both feet in the trough and keep them there side by side with an
equally determined effort to exclude outsiders and other intruders. An
army of volunteers and novices is converted into a military
establishment which becomes a state within the state, extending its
control until it makes policy, selects top leaderships and carries on
its internal feuds and wars of succession dividing the defense forces
and using them for partisan purposes. Overhead costs rise; deficits in
the public treasury grow; so does public debt. Inflation follows, and
the debasement of the currency. Levies are made on private wealth for
public purposes. There is expropriation of the property of political
enemies. Espionage, secret agents, the growth of informers become part
of the society, along with the use of assassination as a political
weapon, the increase of violence and crime, and eventually, a flight
from the cities.
This tragic enumeration only skims the surface of the many and various
aspects of a situation that reaches its breaking point in civil war,
famine, pestilence and eventually in depopulation.
While the momentum for expansion lasted, the civilization grew in wealth
and power. When it waned, disintegration set in. Changelessness seems to
be impossible in a social group. A civilization either expands or
withers, builds up or falls to pieces.
Starting from one or more local groups, each civilization has reached
out "to conquer the world", occupy it, organize it, dominate it, exploit
it, perpetuate itself. In each case expansion, occupation, domination
and exploitation are limited by human capacity (human nature); by the
relative brevity of a single human life; by the extreme variations in
the capacity of successive leaders. It is limited by geography; by the
means of transportation and communication; by overhead costs that
increase geometrically as the civilization expands arithmetically; by
the means of delegating responsibility; by accounting devices, available
raw materials and labor power; by power struggles inside the ruling
oligarchies; by the failure to maintain a balance between centerism and
localism; by growing local demands for self-determination; by the
invasion of nomads seeking to plunder the tempting honey pot at the
nucleus of the civilization.
We in the West, looking back on our own immediate history, refer to this
pre-civilized status as the Dark Ages. Actually, such Dark Ages are the
transition stages between two periods of experiments with the building
of civilizations. In view of this oft-repeated experience, modern man
must look upon an epoch of civilization not as a way of life, but an
adventure of suicidal self-degradation and ultimate self-destruction.
9. Each experiment expanded along lines that led the more successful to
build traditional empires consisting of wealth-power centers and
peripheries of associates and dependents.
11. In each experiment one among the local and regional contestants
defeated, conquered, dismembered, assimilated or destroyed its rivals
and emerged as victor, giving its name to a civilization: Egyptian,
Babylonian, Persian, Roman.
Several thousand years ago humankind began experimenting with the life
style which we are now calling civilization. Presumably it was not
thought out and blueprinted in advance but worked out by trial and
error, episode by episode, step by step--perhaps, also, leap by leap.
Seventh, and in some ways, the most important requirement for the
establishing of an empire or a civilization nucleus, is the presence of
a will to live, a will to grow, a will to advance, competence in
management, and a dogged persistence that will remain constant through
generations or centuries of adversity, and still more demanding, through
long periods of security, comfort and affluence.
Our concern, at this point, lies primarily with the first eight of these
requirements for survival and success in building up empires and
More and bigger boats required shelter against storms and protection
against destruction by enemies. A good harbor with an adjacent walled
town or city was the answer to this need.
Good harbors and navigable waterways are notably absent along the west
coast of South America and notably present in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Consequently, the South American West Coast line is sparsely settled to
this day, while the Eastern Mediterranean has been crowded with peoples,
teemed with trade and commerce, carried largely by sea, between cities
that occupied the best access to waterways.
Safe harbors and navigable waterways made trade and transport easy and
cheap. As each wave of human advance turned from animal husbandry and
agriculture to bourgeois practices of industry, commerce and finance,
locations at strategic points along trade routes were first occupied by
occasional markets and fairs and eventually by trading towns and cities.
Geography was a decisive factor.
The Nile Valley, like that of the Ganges and the Yellow River, provided
the fertility and transport, the food and raw materials that have
sustained concentrated human populations for many thousands of years,
forming part of the base for Egyptian, Indian and Chinese civilizations.
Animal husbandry and grain farming, coupled with fishing and forestry,
made possible the growth of cities and laid the foundations for the
nuclei of these civilizations.
Temples, tombs and other public constructs provided the centers around
which Egyptian civilization was built. The stone, wood and other raw
materials used in the building of these unique examples of human
handiwork were floated up and down the Nile from their sources of
origin. Annual Nile floods provided silt deposits necessary to fertilize
farms and gardens. Nile water, impounded during floods, irrigated the
land during the long dry seasons. Banked by deserts, the Nile was a
ribbon of fertility running through a largely uninhabited wilderness.
The upper reaches of the Nile lay in the mountains of Central Africa.
The Nile delta, built up through ages by silt deposits, provided a
meeting place where African, European and Asian traders could exchange
their wares and lay the foundations for the civilization of lower Egypt.
The Nile also provided the means of communication which connected Lower
Egypt with Upper Egypt and led, finally, to the unification of the two
areas in a long enduring and prestigious Egyptian civilization. Once
again geography was laying down the guide lines within which
civilizations have been built up and liquidated.
Thus far we have noted the role of physiographic factors that have led
to building the nuclei of empires and civilizations. They have been
parallelled by social factors as men took advantage of natural
opportunities to concentrate, feed and house ever larger human
The nucleus is the hub from which the spokes of empire and of
civilization radiate. The radius of authority and the vast stretches of
occupied, exploited territory constitute the circumference of the wheel.
The nucleus is the center of wealth and power surrounded by a cluster
of associates and dependencies. The control, direction and
administration of the nucleus is parallelled by the control, direction
and administration of the total complex--the empire and/or the
Relationship between nucleus and periphery are the normal outcome of the
expansion of a nucleus into an empire. Each growing urban center reaches
out for an extension of its territory; for the food and raw materials
required by a growing population; for markets that can absorb the goods
and services exported by the urban center to pay for its necessary
imports of food and raw materials.
The strong right arm of politics includes man-power, money and weapons.
The politics of civilization faces a simple mandate: establish,
stabilize and perpetuate a nucleus of wealth and authority; build around
the nucleus a periphery of associates and dependencies.
Pastoral and village life were based on a use economy. People produced
what they needed and consumed their own products. Each tribe, family,
village was a more or less self-sufficient unit. When they were
threatened or invaded people defended themselves as best they could. At
worst they abandoned their homes to the invaders and fled into the
forests, mountains or deserts.
Money and its uses developed money changers, money lenders and banks.
Bankers and banks exchanged currency at a profit and extended credit.
In almost any social situation, from trivial to grave and critical, some
one woman or man volunteers advice and often initiates action. If no one
approves, the initiative falls flat. If there is a chorus of approval,
the crowd follows the lead of its spokesman. If some approve while
others disapprove or remain silent, a show of hands is in order. If
there are real differences in the group, some taking one side, some
another side with no chance of common action, the group may divide into
several factions, some remaining in the assemblage, others departing,
with their spokesmen leading the way.
All such measures require that the leader keep the favor of a
considerable number of his constituents. To avoid this often difficult
or disagreeable task the leader and his close associates may persuade
their constituency to by-pass both constitution and parliament, enlist
the support of the military, seize power and establish an arbitrary
dictatorship of admirals and generals or establish a committee of
military leaders who will pick out civilian office holders willing to
follow the political line laid down by the military leaders.
This survival struggle continued for another three hundred years, down
to the beginning of the present century, reaching its highest level of
intensity between 1914 and 1945, with contestants from all of the
continents taking an active part. In this present round the contestants
are nations and empires, organized in ever-changing alliances. Some of
the contestants are old, scarred and battle weary. Others are young and
vigorous, recent entrants in the planet-wide contest for pelf,
possessions and power.
During the later years of the struggle, after war's end in 1945,
erstwhile dependencies and colonies of the disintegrating European
empires declared their independence, joined the United Nations as
sovereign states and played active parts in the battle for survival.
Division of Africa among the great powers reached its culmination when
this process was completed, about 1910, when the whole vast continent of
Africa excepting Ethiopia, Egypt and South Africa had been parcelled out
among the rival European empires. In terms of geography and population,
Africa was still African. Politically it was pre-empted, occupied,
dominated and exploited by European empire builders, who used the over,
all trade name of western civilization.
Much of Africa, at the time, was organized along tribal lines, which cut
across the boundaries drawn by the European imperialists between their
colonial territories. The resulting chaos temporarily removed Africa
from any meaningful role in the planet-wide contest for pelf and power.
Africans are politically sovereign. Economically and culturally they
remain dependent on their former European masters.
There is no sharp line separating economics from politics. While the two
fields are different in character and scope, they are so interrelated
and interwoven that any successful attempt to separate them would leave
the inquirer with two segments of a lifeless social cadaver. In the
course of this exposition it will become increasingly evident, as the
political and economic lines cross and re-cross, that the two fields are
inseparable parts of a total body social.
Herdsmen and land workers, dependent on grass and rainfall, lived close
to the subsistence margin and were at the mercy of forces they could not
control. Traders and money changers, with an eye for business in a
growing marketplace made a more ample living. At the same time the more
successful among them accumulated capital which they loaned or invested
in stocks of goods, shops, warehouses, caravans, ships. By hiring
labor-power they multiplied their own limited physical capacities. By
investing in varied enterprises they assured themselves against possible
loss in any one of them. They also multiplied the possibilities of
Honey pots provide the "good things" of life for their owners. They also
tempt outsiders. Honey-pot owners fear pilfering by their servants; fear
sponging by their relatives, friends, neighbors; fear robbers and
kidnappers; fear migrating hordes on the lookout for plunder. Defense is
a necessary aspect of each rich household, neighborhood, city, nation,
empire, civilization.
Because the "ants" held the wealth of the community they were able to
exercise authority and determine community policy. One result of their
decisions was the creation of titles to land and stored wealth. A second
result was the institution of property-custom and later of property-law
under which those who owned property enjoyed special privileges which
gave them still larger shares of the community wealth and income.
Owners of property and wealth receive an income because they are owners.
They may be very young or very old, able-bodied or helpless. Their
livelihood comes to them not because of anything they do, but because of
the property titles which they own.
The owner of land may collect rent. The owner of capital may collect
interest. The owner of an enterprise may collect profits. Each lives by
Workers produce goods and services. They are paid an income proportioned
to their production.
Owners of land, capital and consumer goods are paid incomes proportioned
to their ownership.
Workers work for a living. Owners live by ownership, chiefly of land and
the implements of production.
The relation between earned and unearned income is not confined to one
generation. Under laws passed by the owners and their retainers the
owners of private property may give or bequeath this property to their
descendants. In the course of time a community is divided between
workers who are poor and owners who are rich. Since the rich need not
work in order to live, they and those associated with them may live on
the unearned income derived from property ownership. In a word, they may
become parasitic.
Cash money and promises to pay speed up wholesale and retail exchanges
in the market place. They fill the bill in normal times. But there are
emergencies and other exceptions. One of the commonest of the
emergencies is war.
In a money economy those who have cash use it to pay their bills or
settle their accounts.
Those who buy on credit pay interest to money lenders. The money
lenders, later the bankers, make their profits by helping others to
spend beyond their own means. The money-lender also accepted loans from
others, promising to pay them back at a later date, and giving the
lender a piece of paper, specifying the amount of the loan. The paper
promise to pay became a bank-note, passed from hand to hand. It had no
intrinsic value, but as the money lender promised to pay cash for the
note on demand, it was accepted in payment of debts or for the purchase
of commodities.
For the foot-weary customer who has shopped away his energy and
enthusiasm for buying more and more, a civilized marketplace furnishes
food and shelter, recreation, entertainment and culture--beer,
libraries, concert halls and circuses as well as food, clothing and
Shirt makers and shoemakers convert raw materials and partly finished
goods into shirts and shoes. Operating costs of manufacture are minimal
in a civilized economy. The major items that go into the final price of
the product are overhead costs.
Overhead costs in the village or small town are low. Much of the "public
service" is done by citizens who volunteer their time and energy. In the
centers of civilization public service is a profession, often well paid
and usually quite permanent.
Another overhead cost which plays havoc with civilized nations and
peoples is the support of a bureaucracy. Increased extent and complexity
exhaust the community capacity for voluntary service and lead into an
era where the volunteers who carried on the limited public activities of
a village are supplemented and eventually replaced by a constantly
growing body of public servants. Growing extent and complexity plus the
need for finding safe places for those who are useful to the rich and
powerful, widens and deepens the public crib. In large enterprises,
private as well as public, paper work employs a small army, which must
be fed and housed at a level worthy of "a great nation." Business
machines reduce the personnel necessary for a given social enterprise,
but their high capital and operational costs increase overhead.
Village life, with its limited area and still more limited resources,
has little economic surplus upon which parasitism can feed. There is
landlordism, of course, but the margin of surplus is small. The city,
the province, the nation, the empire present a different picture.
Parasitic professions abound and proliferate: money changers, money
lenders, realtors, confidence men, gamblers, fortune tellers, priests,
entertainers, artists, thieves, robbers, and prostitutes abound, consume
more than their share of the community income, without making an
equivalent return in production or service. Their support adds to the
social overhead.
The most usual source of office-holding is the humble work of the clerk,
handyman or messenger, responsible for carrying out the nagging routine
of government. Beyond this common labor of public service are public
servants skilled in their several professions. Beyond and above them are
department heads and still higher are the appointed or elected officials
responsible for the success or failure of a given public policy.
Who are the occupants of town, city, state, and national positions of
authority and responsibility? Preferably they are elected or appointed
because of their popularity or are the successful product of civil
service examinations. At worst they are appointed as a return for favors
or else because they are relatives or friends of successful politicians
or their backers.
The chief overhead cost in every civilization is and has been war.
Examine the budget of the United States or any other leading civilized
power. From two-thirds to three-quarters of central government outlays
are for war in the past and preparation for war in the future.
The net result of rising overhead costs appears in the history of all
previous civilizations. They are eating out the vitals of western
civilization while we write and read these words.
Human associations range from kinship groups like the family, tribe and
clan to larger more complex groups like villages, towns, cities,
nations, empires, to still more inclusive leagues, federations and
When William Penn received a grant of land from the English Crown, he
was already committed, ideologically, by the Quaker faith to Quaker
methods. Without ever seeing his proposed home across the Atlantic he
drew up a plan for his City of Brotherly Love (Philadelphia), and for
the organization and conduct of his enterprise. The entire project was
formulated in Penn's mind and put on paper. This is a good example of an
intentional community.
The city is the mecca which attracts by its wide ranging opportunities.
It is also the center in which policies are made and offered to the
countryside as normal facts of life. The countryside accepts city
leadership including a higher wealth-power per capita ratio for the
Cities and city life increase and expand with the growth and expansion
of civilization. Cities are the centers from which civilization grows
and expands. Historically, a number of cities or city-states have
competed for survival and supremacy. One by one they have dropped out of
the race or have been out-classed, defeated and/or absorbed by the
victors in the competitive struggle. One location proved to be more
advantageous than others. The inhabitants of one locality were more
skillful, more far sighted than those of rival localities. Many
competed. Eventually one survived the final round of struggle, emerging
as the nucleus of an expanding empire and a maturing civilization. A
protracted conflict raging first in Italy and later in the entire
Mediterranean basin, resulted in the Roman Empire and eventually in
Roman civilization. A similar series of struggles, this time
planet-wide, gave the British a taste of planetary supremacy in the
nineteenth century and opened the door wide enough to give the United
States oligarchy a glimpse of an American Twentieth century, which never
The city center made and implemented policy and provided local
leadership in emergencies. Inhabitants of the city enjoyed a superior
status and had a higher standard of consumer-living than most of those
who inhabited the countryside and the hinterland.
Well up toward the summit of each known civilization, four groups have
shared authority and competed for supremacy: land-lords, wealth-lords,
war-lords and priests. Where these four major shapers of public policy
and directors of public administration were of like mind, they shared
wealth and power. When they differed, one or another enjoyed priority
and exercised some measure of control over the other three.
Classes, class interests and class lines are a part and parcel of all
civilizations. They are less rigid and more flexible than similar lines
existing in an agrarian community where land ownership plays so large a
role in determining social forms and social functions. In a static
agrarian community dominated by landlords, war-lords and the clergy,
rigid class lines help to hold the community together. In a community
dominated by business interests, both labor power and purchasing power
must be free to respond to demand and supply. This is as true in a
planned public economy as it is in a private enterprise economy. In
accordance with the same principle, facilities are provided for the
movement of individuals back and forth across class lines.
Form limits function. At the same time function modifies and ultimately
determines form. The two factors are omnipresent and complementary.
Except for purposes of analysis they are two inseparable aspects of
every human society. Where form predominates, social status results.
Where function predominates fluidity, flexibility and dynamism are the
outcome. Rapid change occurs on the home front at the same time that it
is taking place abroad.
Growth at home takes place in two fields. The first is the extension of
the homeland frontiers, broadening the geographical area of the nucleus
around which the civilization is being built. The second aspect of
growth involves an increase in multiplicity, variety and complexity and
perhaps also a higher level of quality. Increase in quality is an
optional feature of growth and expansion. Toward the end of a cycle of
civilization quality declines.
Under the "you work--I eat" formula natural resources will be utilized
in the manner best calculated to advance the interests of the ruling
oligarchy. Who will be the judge, jury and executioner in the case? Who
else but the concerned ruling oligarchy?
Food gatherers like the North American Indians had no machinery and a
minimum of implements or weapons. They migrated with the weather and the
available game, traveling with their possessions. Herdsmen also moved
about in search of pasture. Land workers faced four new problems. They
must stay with their land and make a weather-proof habitat in dwellings
and villages. They must make the implements needed for farming, building
and defense against marauders. They must accumulate and preserve enough
food to carry them from one harvest to the next. They must improve and
beautify their artifacts and constructs. Traders added a fifth
must--they must produce and accumulate stocks to meet the needs of
various customers as well as their own greed for profits.
There have been many answers. The most general answer is divine
intervention by beings above and beyond mankind. Whether such
intervention has taken place or is taking place, human beings are unable
to say with finality, but several thousand years of recorded history,
plus our own daily experience provides convincing proof that the
political, economic, ideological and sociological constructs which have
appeared and disappeared in the course of social history are, at least
in large part, the products of human brains and human hands. They are
Natural advantages exist and vary from place to place. There are fertile
valleys; there are also mountains and deserts. There are a few fine
harbors, but for the most part landings are difficult and dangerous.
Certain islands have become the bases of civilizations, but this is true
of only a very small number of many existing islands.
The advent of trade (business) and the trading class created a small but
potentially powerful class whose income and wealth were not derived from
direct contact with nature but came from trade, money changing, lending,
insuring and other activities associated with the accumulation and
investment of wealth in profit-yielding enterprises. Only in a secondary
sense did business depend on animal husbandry or agriculture. As their
primary task businessmen devoted themselves to the exploitation of labor
power and the storage and merchandising of the products turned out by
herdsmen, farmers, craftsmen. Part of their profits went into more
elaborate standards of feeding, clothing and housing themselves and
their dependents. Another, and a more crucial part of their profits went
into ships, warehouses, and the implements used in converting raw
materials into consumer goods and services, transporting them to the
markets, displaying them and persuading consumers to diversify their
needs, purchase a greater variety of goods and services and thus
increase the number and profitability of business transactions.
Each phase of human society has had its oppositions, its confrontations,
its conflicts, proportioned to its magnitude, its specialization and the
interdependence of its component parts, its ratio of change to stability
and its foresight, plans and preparations for dealing with changes when
they occur. Since civilization, of all known forms of human association,
is the largest, most specialized and most interdependent, it is in
civilization that we should expect to find the most intensive and
extensive contradictions, confrontations and conflicts.
Among the many oppositions of civilized association five are
outstanding: the we-they relationship; rural versus urban life;
subsistence versus acquisition and accumulation; hard work versus ease,
luxury and parasitism; poverty versus wealth.
These fragmenting forces have been accepted, adopted and given priority
by civilizations as they developed predominance. As they grew in
magnitude they limited or subordinated the forces of integration and
Increasingly the owners of land and capital live in the cities, visiting
the countryside for holidays and recreation, leaving rural areas to
servants, peons, serfs and slaves. Small owning farmers are bought out
or expropriated. Unable to make a living in the countryside they move to
the city. Lacking city skills they work as casual labor or are
unemployed. The city is divided between enterprisers, their
subordinates, owners of country estates and members of the state
bureaucracy on one side and vassals, servants, serfs, and slaves and the
unemployed on the other. The rich and powerful become richer and more
powerful. The poor and dependent grow in numbers--protest, demonstrate,
riot, revolt.
This class struggle dominates public life in the urban centers of every
civilization. The rich offer petty reforms and minor benefits to the
impoverished, semi-employed city masses. At the same time the urban
oligarchy breaks up into rival factions: the Ins and the Outs. The Ins
hold public jobs, spend public money, award contracts and pass around
favors. The Outs wait and maneuver for their turn at the public
pie-counter. Both Ins and Outs appeal for mass support.
At the beginning the growth cycle has moved slowly, from victory to
victory, as competing neighboring peoples have been brought under the
authority of the victor in local wars. After generations or centuries of
struggle a point is reached at which the nucleus of the growing empire
begins to expand, through trade, colonization, diplomatic alliances,
conquest, into an era of survival struggle in which rival cities reach
out for the same piece of fertile land, the same markets, the same
mineral deposits. Again the life and death survival struggle tests out
the people, their leaders, their ambitions, determination, tenacity.
Earlier struggles were local. Now the struggle area has become regional.
At the outset the peoples were amateurs in the science and art of
expansion, occupation, consolidation, exploitation. Through the hard
school of struggle they became professionals. From victory to victory
they gained in territory, in wealth, in administrative skill. One by
one, rivals were eliminated, annexed or associated with the nascent
empire which was by way of becoming the central empire of a maturing
Generations of effort and centuries of time have gone into the empire
building process. The farther the civilization has expanded, the greater
the necessary input of manpower, wealth, enterprise and administrative
talent needed to keep the enterprise strong, solvent, masterful.
From this time of troubles the civilization enters a new phase of its
lifecycle. Up to this point victory has brought plunder and prosperity
which have financed new foreign adventures and led to new victories.
Beyond this point lies stalemate, economic stagnation, military defeat.
Building an empire and establishing it as the central force in a
civilization is a long and arduous process. Once the process is
reversed, the decline may move quickly or slowly, but as it proceeds the
civilization is fragmented and eventually dissolved or taken over by a
more vigorous rival.
At all stages of this cycle there have been life and death survival
struggles. Peoples, nations and empires entered the contest, played
their parts, made their contribution to the up-building process. There
were ups and downs, advances and withdrawals, victories and defeats.
There were many contenders for survival and supremacy. Usually there was
one survivor which gave its name to the civilization.
This study was laid out along inductive lines: an examination of the
facts with such generalizations as the facts suggest or justify. We
began our social analysis of civilization by presenting noteworthy facts
concerning the politics, economics, and sociology of various
civilizations. In the present chapter we deal with their ideologies.
Our concern is not with the doctrines, opinions and ways of thinking and
acting advanced by elite minorities. Such an approach would involve a
study of comparative ideologies. Rather we are asking what civilized
peoples were trying to do, as measured by their political, economic and
sociological activities, programs and purposes.
What were the prevailing ideas of civilizations and what ideas were put
into practice? What purposes dominated and directed the lives of
civilized peoples? How successful have civilized peoples been in
achieving their objectives?
At the outset we must realize that in any complex society there are wide
ranges of ideology, from the body of ideas held by small uninfluential
sects to the purposes, ideas, policy declarations and actions of
governing oligarchies. We do not wish to defend or attack the ideas, but
to summarize them and understand them in a way that will give a group
picture of the purposes, ideas, policies and day-to-day activities of
the civilizations in question. For convenience in our discussion we will
take up, first, civilized societies as collectives, and then the
operation of civilized ideology as expressed in the lives of
Presumably the most immediate purpose of all civilized peoples has been
survival, getting on as a collective or group from day to day, through
summer and winter, under normal conditions, and/or in periods of stress
and emergency. If the group cannot survive it loses its identity,
breaking up into the self-determining parts of which it is composed.
Each social group competing for survival has a sense of its own identity
and a belief in its capacity to survive. This ideology is strengthened
by the belief that the group has special qualities and is protected by
powerful entities that will guarantee its success in the survival
struggle. The group considers itself better qualified to survive than
neighbor groups. Such ideas, carried to their logical conclusion, make
the group in question superior to its neighbors in survival qualities
and a people chosen by its gods.
The struggle for collective uniformity was long and often bitter.
Individuals and factions resented and resisted the imposition of group
authority. Internal conflict led to civil wars in the course of which
the group was divided or the solidarity of the group was reaffirmed
despite hardships imposed on disagreeing, divergent minorities.
Such geographical advantages are few and far between. Often they are
already occupied and defended by stable communities. Their control and
utilization are basic in determining the survival or elimination of
rivals in the competitive struggle.
Above and beyond the need to occupy the "corner lots" of the planetary
land mass was the urge of civilized peoples to advance from littleness
to bigness as a goal in itself. Confined by limitations on communication
and transportation, pre-civilized man was circumscribed and localized.
With the advent of cultivation, land workers were tied to a particular
piece of real estate on which they lived and worked. When asked whether
the village across the valley was Sunrise Mountain the local peasant
could reply: "How should I know? I live here."
"Move on! Move on!" became the watchword, without any particular
emphasis on quality. In one civilization after another bigness
(magnitude) was accepted as a symbol of success, because "the more you
get and keep, the happier you will be."
The first goal was success in the struggle for survival. Collective
uniformity and expansion opened the path to wealth and power, in the
city, state, the empire, the civilization. From a multitude of local
beginnings the struggle for expansion and consolidation led to ever
larger aggregations of land, population, capital and wealth concentrated
in the hands of an increasingly rich, powerful oligarchy, protected and
defended by a military elite pushing itself ceaselessly toward a
position from which it could make and enforce domestic policy and order.
A second collective goal has been propitiating and wooing the unseen
forces of the universe: holding their attention; keeping them on "our"
side; relying on their influence for defense against enemies, mortal and
immortal, and help in providing water in case of drought, fertility,
assistance in healing the sick, comfort for the dying, consolation for
the bereaved and success in business deals. These multiple aspects of
ideology are summed up under the term "religion".
Each civilization has had its religious ideas and ideals, its religious
practices and institutions. Many civilizations have divided their
attention between civil ideology and religious ideology. In some cases
religious ideology took precedence, resulting in a theocratic society
under the leadership of religious devotees. In other cases, notably
Roman civilization and western civilization, religious ideology was
subordinated to secular interests.
Since the principle of private property has been implicit in every known
civilization, the ownership of land, capital and consumer goods and
services has been a prerogative of the ruling oligarchies, shared by
them with their associates and dependents and used as their chief means
of establishing and maintaining the "you work, I eat" principal of
economic relationships.
Members of classes and castes are not free agents. They have privileges
and rights. They also have obligations and duties. Classes and castes
are functioning parts of an interdependent social whole which can
maintain balanced order only so long as each segment recognizes its
obligations and performs its duties.
The acid test of the expanding civilization was embodied in the degree
of acceptance of wholeness as opposed to self-determination. Were the
individual members--the provinces and colonies composing the
whole--willing and able to sink their differences in an unquestioned
wholeness, or were they prepared at the first opportunity to exercise
their right to self-determination and declare their independence of the
The issue of central authority versus local self determination has been
one of the basic issues of the present century because during the
preceding period, the British, French, Dutch and Spanish Empires had
been built up by the conquest and occupation of foreign lands. If the
nineteenth century was an epoch of expanding imperial authority, the
twentieth century has been an epoch of the dismemberment of empires by
movements for independence and self-determination.
In passing, the reader should note that the breakdown in family life now
so prevalent in many parts of western civilization is a departure from
the civilized norm. It is really a measure of the extent to which
western civilization itself is disintegrating.
Quite the contrary, in many cases they are unhappy, particularly in the
second and third generations of affluent family life. This is notably
true in the United States, Scandinavia, Switzerland and other parts of
western Europe. It is true to a lesser degree in New Zealand and
Never in recorded history was the capacity of man to modify nature and
exploit society more publicly tested out than in the atom bombing of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the purposeful devastation of jungle life and
village life in large parts of Vietnam and Cambodia. Reported in the
public press and pictured, live, over radio and television, these latest
developments in the ugly record of man's exploitation of nature have
become part of the record of the decline and dissolution of western
Exploitation of human society for the benefit of the few at the expense
of the many is an old story that extends through the entire record of
written history. Every civilization has produced a cluster of
institutions and practices that enabled a few rich and privileged to
live in affluence at the expense of the impoverished many. This
juxtaposition of riches and poverty is the logical outcome of a system
of social relations designed to provide the few with comfort and luxury
while the many are forced to accept penury and hardship. Exploitation,
carried to its logical conclusion, permits and requires a parasitic
minority to live in abundance while the majority must content itself
with scarcity, extending to death from malnutrition.
Another goal presented to individuals by the promoters and fashioners of
civilization is individual perfection, physical, mental, emotional,
moral. Every generation of human beings contains individuals who are
beyond the average--bigger, stronger, more talented, seeing farther,
searching more deeply, endowed with greater sensitivity, working more
conscientiously, imbued with a love of their fellows and determination
to serve them. Such individuals have genius in one or another form and
offer themselves and their products as a gift to the general welfare of
their generation. Scientists, poets, musicians, inventors, artists,
teachers, healers, philosophers, statesmen have appeared in each
civilization adding their mite to the sum-total of community culture.
Human beings know everything about themselves except whence they came,
what they should do and whither they will go. To compensate for this
lack of knowledge and wisdom each civilization has established and
maintained religious organizations and institutions whose duty it was to
search out the truth, record it and teach it to successive generations.
Young people by the thousands, in the United States and other western
countries, are turning their backs on western civilization and are
organizing enlarged families and communes that provide their members
with a modified social order which aims at improvements here and now.
During long periods, social changes are so gradual that they are
unnoticed save by the more sensitive and perceptive. At other times,
social changes tumble over one another in an overwhelming revolutionary
flood which sweeps away the old, yielding place to new, "lest one good
custom should corrupt the world".
For present purposes we wish to make seven notes about means and ends.
_Part III_
II. These new sources of energy were harnessed and directed through
mechanical and chemical agencies that greatly extended human capacity to
convert nature's stored wealth into goods and services available for
human consumption, and to develop a surplus of wealth and a release of
manpower sufficient to build up a backlog of capital which, in its turn,
produced goods and services with economic surpluses convertible into
additional capital.
V. New energy sources and the new capital expanded the volume and
variety of production far more rapidly than the increase in population
and turned the resulting surplus into a technical apparatus that made
possible mass production for a mass market.
7. The high birth rate, the prolongation of life and mass education
provided society with a substantial body of skilled,
experienced, socially conscious, alert citizens, increasingly
aware of the historical changes through which they were
living and determined to intervene whenever their well-being
was threatened.
For two centuries, new ideas, institutions and practices have followed
discoveries and inventions as regularly as day follows night. The
consequent flood of innovations that has swept through the West and
across the planet in the past two generations has made drastic social
change a matter of the utmost urgency. The only open questions concern
the direction of the changes, their rapidity, and the success of the
social system in adapting itself to the shattering effects of newly
released social forces.
Social change can come with the rush and turmoil of revolution or the
studied step-by-considered-step constancy of the conscious improvement
of society by society. Two powerful social forces limit gradualness. One
is human impatience. The other is the rapidity with which masses of
people all over the planet are being informed of the good-life potential
implicit in present-day western affluence.
Conservatives, urging law and order under the status quo, have reason
on their side. The movement of a technologically oriented community from
monopoly capitalism into socialism-communism is without historical
precedent and therefore largely experimental. Plans are tentative; there
are shortages of materials and particularly of skills based on
experience. Costly mistakes are made leading to delay until they can be
corrected. The counter-revolution, abundantly financed by the forces of
reaction, operates constantly, in critical situations almost always
through the military, to preserve the "law and order" which are the
prime forces behind its wealth and its power. In an untrod, untested
area ignorance is a blank wall until it is pierced by ingenuity and
innovation. There are many ways to miss a defined objective and only a
few ways to reach it.
Survival wars from 1914 to 1945 marked not only the end of Britain's
planetary domination but the termination of Europe's planetary regency.
The events of the period also loosened the bonds that had held western
civilization together.
After the Cuban Revolution in 1959, hopes ran high for the establishment
of a bloc of Latin American States, led by the elected president of
Brazil, Joao Goulart, that might act as a bulwark against further
"yankee aggression" in Latin America. In 1962 a military coup overthrew
Goulart, drove him into exile, jailed and disenfranchised his supporters
and lined up Brazil, largest and most populous nation of Latin America,
solidly behind the Monroe Doctrine of United States supremacy in the
Americas, implemented by Washington's burgeoning "Pentagon diplomacy."
African developments were even less fruitful than those in Asia and
Latin America. Asians and Latin Americans generally had reached the
level of self-identification necessary for statehood and national
self-determination. Large parts of Africa living at pre-national levels
of tribal identification, devoted their energies to the realization of
nationhood. Their constitutions announced their frontiers and proclaimed
their sovereignty, but inter-tribal rivalries and personal ambitions
turned each new nation into a battle field for prestige and authority,
with the military often making the final decisions.
Asians and Africans had won telling victories in their struggle to drive
out their former imperial masters. When it came to the affirmative task
of organizing responsible regional federations, their failure was
dismal. Asia and Africa were regionally disunited. Former colonial
people, still monitored by alien representatives of monopoly capitalism,
were fragmented by the self-determination struggle into theoretically
sovereign nations many of which lacked the experience and the local
expertise which are the indispensible prerequisites of self-determination
and of fruitful regional federation.
David Lloyd George, Britain's Prime Minister, put the situation into
words presented to the Versailles Peace Conference on March 25, 1919:
"The whole of Europe is filled with the spirit of revolution.... The
whole existing order in its political, social and economic aspects is
questioned by the masses of the population from one end of Europe to the
other." (Memorandum of Lloyd George to the Peace Conference, 1922 Cmd.
Lloyd George proved a true prophet. Mass discontent and the spirit of
revolt spread rapidly. Soldiers at the front mutinied. The armies of
Tsarist Russia dissolved as the privates and officers alike returned to
their homes, determined to stop war, end Romanoff tyranny and build a
better life for the Russian people. To gain these results they replaced
the Tsarist absolutism by local, regional and nationally elected
people's Soviets.
Before the War began in July, 1914, the socialist parties of Europe were
divided between moderates who were willing to accept welfare-state
reforms and allow the grab-and-keep structure of monopoly capitalism to
continue in authority, and revolutionaries who demanded the abolition of
capitalist imperialism and its replacement by socialism. European
reformist socialists shouldered arms in July, 1914, and shot down their
comrades across the frontiers. European revolutionary socialists, led by
Lenin in Russia, Liebknecht in Germany and Jaures in France gained in
strength as the war proceeded. Liebknecht and Jaures were assassinated.
Lenin lived in exile until he went back to Russia and led the
revolutionary forces that liquidated Tsarism in the closing months of
Through the first three decades of its existence the Soviet Union was
the only government avowedly engaged in building a socialist rival to
monopoly capitalism and determined to replace capitalism as the dominant
planet-wide social system. After 1943 it was joined by a dozen other
European, Asian and American countries, dedicated like the Soviet Union
to the task of building socialism. In addition to these dozen countries,
several others such as India, Burma, Indonesia, Ceylon, Ghana and Libya,
declared their intention of building socialism by legal, and gradual
stages. Almost all of the countries busied with socialist construction
were in East Europe and Asia. The countries building toward socialism
were more widely scattered, but by and large they were Eurasian.
During the opening years of the present century socialist parties and
other forward looking organizations were demanding social ownership of
natural resources, public utilities and other social means of production
as the next logical step toward a more equitable distribution of wealth
and income. There was a possibility that such revolutionary changes
could be made under bourgeois law by exercising the right of eminent
domain, upon the payment of reasonable compensation to former owners. At
least in theory, the democratic majority in any bourgeois country could
put an end to private enterprise capitalism and establish socialism by a
constitutional amendment, legislative enactment, and a caretaker
political apparatus to administer and supervise the transition.
Such a program was part of the thinking of European and other socialist
leaders during the opening years of the present century. Inspired and
encouraged by the successes of socialist construction in the Soviet
Union and other socialist countries, middle of the road socialists
proposed to move gradually and legally from capitalism to socialism.
Between 1920 and 1950 the western world found itself in this essentially
revolutionary situation: the world-wide revolution in science and
technology had opened the way for the human race to turn its back on the
limitations and inadequacies of civilization and advance to a new level
of culture and human opportunity.
During the cold war years following 1945 each of these groups was
undergoing the drastic social changes incident to the worldwide
revolution of the period. Meanwhile mini-wars, civil and international,
were fought in the Americas, Africa and Asia. By common consent
conventional weapons were used and atomic weapons were kept in
Throughout the struggle the Peoples Progressive Party had insisted upon
winning popular majorities as a basis for establishing socialism in the
colony by democratic methods and legal means. Imperialist reactionaries
from Britain's Prime Minister and the President of the United States to
the A.F. of L.-C.I.O. retorted: "No you don't", and backed up their veto
with money, riots and guns. As a consequence of this counter-revolutionary
conspiracy, the Peoples Progressive Party was forced out of office and
an administration favorable to British, United States and native Guyanese
capital was substituted.
A revolt was led by Fidel Castro and his associates against the
Washington-backed Batista regime in Havana, Cuba. When Cuba was seized
by United States armed forces during the Spanish-American War of 1898
much of the island was in the hands of anti-Spanish rebels who were
demanding independence of Spain's imperialist rule. Between 1898 and
1959 seven million Cubans enjoyed technical independence. Actually the
island, located only 90 miles from Florida, was economically a United
States colony and politically a Washington dependency, with United
States armed forces stationed in the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base. After
seizing power in 1959, Castro went to the United States seeking a market
for Cuba's chief export, sugar; a source of food supplies not produced
in Cuba, and the manufactures necessary for the economic and social life
of an essentially agricultural island.
Batista had emptied the Cuban treasury before he fled the island in
1959. Castro therefore needed loans to meet the immediate needs of the
Cuban economy. He also sought to continue arrangements under which the
chief market of Cuban sugar was in the United States. Castro was turned
down cold. All doors, political and economic, were closed to him. As a
revolutionary with left leanings he got the cold shoulder in New York as
well as in Washington.
War destruction had played havoc with much of Europe. The Soviet Union
was especially hard hit. Under the Marshall Plan billions of dollars of
United States aid were poured into Britain, France, Belgium and West
Germany. At the same time, the Soviet request for United States loans
was refused categorically by President Truman. Alone and unaided the
Soviet People repaired the extensive damage inflicted by the 1914-18
war, the Russian Civil War and the 1941 military invasion from the West,
and went on with the task of socialist construction which the war had
interrupted. Within five years--by 1950--the Bolsheviks were again on
their feet, going strong, extending substantial aid to China and other
professedly socialist countries and playing a crucial part in the
struggle for disarmament and peace.
At war's end in 1918 the Soviet Union was struggling to draw the first
breath of socialist life. Three decades later, after expelling the
Nazis, the Soviet Union was a sturdy giant of a nation standing head
and shoulders above its nearest European competitors. During the
interval, Soviet Russia was attacked, denounced, boycotted, encircled,
invaded, ostracized as the leading figure in "an international communist
conspiracy". When the policy of intervention and invasion failed, the
counter-revolutionaries turned to cold war.
After the 1936-1945 war Washington played the same role with regard to
China, refusing for twenty-two years to recognize Socialist China
diplomatically, leading the drive in the United Nations to exclude China
from membership, although the United Nations Charter specified that
China should be one of the permanent members of the Security Council.
Secretary of State John Foster Dulles justified the policy of
blacklisting and boycotting China by declaring that there was no such
nation as China on the Asian mainland, only 650 million slaves, and that
Chiang Kai Shek's rump government on the island of Formosa was the
"China" specified in the U.N. Charter.
Between 1815 and 1914 the planet enjoyed a measure of peace and order.
In the three decades between 1914 and 1945, two general wars, a plague
of lesser wars, a general economic depression and a hurricane of
revolutions scourged the planet. Meanwhile, the revolution in science
and technology and its products penetrated almost every crack and cranny
of human society.
In a very real sense these ghoulish results were the logical outcome of
competitive nationalism armed and equipped with the technology produced
during the two centuries of the great revolution. War is the most
carefully planned, most elaborate and most intensive form of
competition--the decisive climax of a life and death struggle for
The great revolution had put into human hands almost infinite
possibilities for utilizing nature and improving the social environment.
With foresight, careful planning and skillful manipulation of forces and
trends the cultivatable portions of the planetary land mass might have
been turned into a garden of unending plenty dotted with marvelous city
centers of light and learning.
In order to achieve such results it would have been necessary for the
human family to coordinate its efforts around an agreed division of
labor, share the goods and services produced and move from one level of
affluence to a level of abundance.
The logical ideology of such a formula was egomania, suspicion, fear and
hatred. Its outcome was a competitive life and death struggle for wealth
and power, with the nation or a bloc of nations as the units of
competition. The struggle at its highest level involved occasional local
wars and periodical general wars like those of 1914-18 and 1936-45.
Before the great revolution such struggles were waged chiefly with
weapons wielded by human muscle power, supplemented with whatever animal
power was available. Equipped with the products of the technological
revolution, the struggle became a war of machines, powered by the
energies of nature. Retail killing and destruction was replaced by mass
murder and wholesale annihilation.
They are learning to live with change and even to welcome it because the
time of troubles through which their society is passing is warning them
of the dangers they face. At the same time they are learning, bit by
bit, of the spectacular achievements of the billion human beings in
socialist-communist countries.
Immediate political results of the showdown were victory for one side
and defeat for the other side. Economic, sociological and ideological
consequences were profound and far reaching. We noted some of them in
the previous chapter.
The changes that took place in the summer of 1914 involved an almost
complete reversal of purpose and direction. Up to that point Europeans
were devoting a considerable proportion of their time to production and
the maintenance of the normal life routine. At that point they left
their homes, exchanged ordinary clothes for uniforms, laid down the
implements of peace, picked up the weapons of war and prepared, under
very expert leadership and direction, a series of mass movements
designed to disrupt the ordinary life routine of other human beings on
the other side of lines drawn on a map, but having little relation to
customary life activity and even less to geography.
Plans for war had been drawn and redrawn for years, for decades.
Elaborate preparations had been made. Destructive weapons had been
designed and built. Transport had been provided, food stored. Defensive
preparations had also been made in the form of fortifications so placed
as to obstruct or prevent "the enemy" from crossing the "frontier".
Mobilized to carry on the war were 42.2 million on the Allied side. On
the side of the Central Powers, 22.8 millions. The total: 65 million. 12
million of those mobilized were Russian, 11 million were Germans, 8.4
million were French, 8 million were from the British Empire. From
Austro-Hungary came 7.8 million, from Italy, 5.6 million. Turkey
furnished 2.9 million, Bulgaria 1.2 million; 4.4 million came from the
United States; 0.8 million from Japan. Lesser numbers came from other
Except for Spain, the largest contributions of war conscripts came from
the countries with the largest populations. With the exception of Spain,
all of the great powers of Europe provided the "cannon fodder"; the
human beings which Europe's "great powers" assembled to take part in
this profligate orgy of mass murder which went on for more than four
years, from July 1914 until November 1918.
Body count reports and "estimates" give the total number of human beings
murdered in the four year period as 8,538,315. (The legal definition of
"murder" is killing, not accidentally but with the intention of taking
This figure of 8.5 million murdered human adults, most of them in the
prime of life, refers to the murdered bodies that were recovered and
disposed of. In addition there were "prisoners" and "missing."
The figures which I have used in listing the 1914-18 war losses were
compiled by the United States War Department. They are more or less
accurate, but they underline the fact that for years on end the centers
of western civilization concentrated their energies and devoted every
means at their disposal to cripple or destroy fellow human beings and
their habitations.
We have been using the word "murder" to describe the wholesale slaughter
of Europeans by Europeans that took place from 1914 to 1918 and from
1936 to 1945. The word "murder" is inaccurate. The Europeans who carried
on the wholesale destruction and mass murder during the two most general
wars of modern times were committing murder in one sense. In quite
another sense they were engaged in collective suicide. Europeans were
blotting out the life and well-being of fellow Europeans. When the
process came to a temporary halt in 1945 every European participant in
the struggle was weaker in human potential and poorer in economic means
than they were when the war began.
Peace advocates mobilized wide public support for the "no more war"
movement that developed during the closing months of the 1914-18 war;
for the Briand-Kellogg Treaty of 1928 which renounced war as an
instrument of policy; for the effort to secure general disarmament that
resulted in the General Disarmament Conference of 1933 and for the
United Nations Charter of 1945.
Much of the public backing for the peacenicks came from student groups
in official and private high schools, colleges and universities.
There was much general talk about peace, but the most insistent note
sounded for a high level of spending on armaments. Britain's Prime
Minister Heath voiced a sentiment vigorously promulgated by every
representative of national security "British interests come first".
Confusion was heightened by the presence of men who faced all three
ways: talking peace, waging small wars and preparing for the next big
one. In February, 1974 in his State of the Union message to the U.S.
Congress, President Nixon spoke of "our goal of building a structure of
lasting peace in the world." At the same moment the Washington
administration was feeding the fires of war in South East Asia and
asking the United States Congress to increase 1975 U.S.A. defense
appropriations from $80 billion to $90 billion per year.
When war ended in 1945 there was a planet-wide sigh of relief and a
devout hope that after so many years of local and general wars, the time
had come for western man to take a long decisive step in the direction
of peace. The United Nations Charter expressed this hope to end the use
of war as an instrument of policy.
Since the period of general social relaxation usually known as the Dark
Ages was superceded by the multiple innovations of the Reformation, the
Renaissance, the Enlightenment and the scientific-technical developments
of the 1750-1970 Revolution, man the dreamer, inventor, designer,
planner, architect and engineer has modified many aspects of nature and
transformed the social environment.
Social changes in feudal Europe had been gradual. The dynamism implicit
in the bourgeois revolution escalated the rate of social change with
corresponding modifications in the pattern of European political,
economic and cultural institutions and practices.
Most Europeans, satisfied with the axiom "old fashions please me best"
were stand-patters in the early stages of this transformation. As the
conversion of Europe from feudal status to urban dynamism continued,
however, an ever larger part of the population became aware of the
change through which their society was passing. With the Renaissance and
the Enlightenment inert unawareness gave place to enthusiastic
propaganda in the writings of pamphleteers, essayists, poets, novelists
and social reformers who set the intellectual tone for the new society.
In a very real sense, the bourgeois Europe which emerged after 1750 was
something new under the sun. Large elements of the population,
previously engaged in producing and consuming the bare necessaries of
food, shelter and clothing were increasingly engaged in trades and
professions and rendering services unknown to the feudal countryside. As
the expansion of western civilization continued, entire European nations
like the Low Countries, England and Germany turned to trade, commerce,
industry, leaving only a dwindling minority engaged in agricultural
pursuits. The change was speeded by the revolution in science and
Through all of the political, economic and social changes made in the
structure and function of western civilization its basic activities have
remained unchanged. The nuclei of civilized life have been cities
concerned primarily with trade, commerce, industry, finance--planned,
organized and administered by businessmen, their professional and
technical associates and assistants. In practice, city centers of wealth
and power have expanded, using the military as the readiest means of
implementing policy. They have occupied and garrisoned the foreign
territory brought under their control. At home and abroad they have
exploited nature, men and other animals in their interest and for their
profit. The trading cities of medieval Europe, the emerging nations of
the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, the colonizing empires of the
seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and the industrial European
empires of the nineteenth century devoted their energies increasingly to
expanding into new territory, occupying and exploiting it, and fighting
the wars which pock-marked the ceaseless struggle for pelf and power. In
short, they continued to build up the institutions and to follow the
practices of civilized peoples. This has been true of the millennium
that began with the crusades and has hastened the rise of western
civilization and its extension to planet-wide proportions.
Similar conclusions can be drawn from the life stories of the score or
more of civilizations that rose, flourished and sank into inconsequence
during the previous five thousand years.
Each civilization has had its own habitat, its own life pattern. Each
has had its own languages, laws, traditions and customs. But despite
such local differences, all of the civilizations have had in common
those characteristics which justify their inclusion in the family of
The means used to achieve these objectives have varied from time to time
and from place to place. The basic pattern of civilization has
appeared, disappeared and reappeared.
Following the all but universal principle that "action and reaction tend
to be equal and opposite," subjugated, occupied peoples revolt against
"foreign" occupation and exploitation. Again western civilization is no
exception, as the movements for independence and self-determination that
followed the 1946 post-war collapse of the European empires clearly
By comparison with its own beginnings and with its predecessors, western
civilization has made many changes in its political, economic and
sociological way of life. It has also developed national and regional
variants of its overall pattern.
Despite these changes, and with the possible exception of its very large
and significant socialist-communist sector, the West has retained the
structural and functional features of previous civilizations: urban
nuclei supporting themselves by trade, commerce and finance; expansion
up to and beyond the point of no return; the life and death power
struggle within and between its constituent peoples, nations and
empires; the use of war as the final arbiter in these struggles; the
rise of the military to a position of supremacy in policy making and
public administration; an all-pervasive pattern of exploitation within
the urban nuclei and between rival provincial factions; speculation in
the necessaries of life; the growth of overhead costs far beyond the
increase of production and of income; the degradation of currency;
multiple taxation; the abuse of credit; inflation, unemployment and
chronic hard times.
The French saying "the more things change the more they remain the same"
finds ample justification in the story of western civilization and its
predecessors. In one instance after another, for at least six thousand
years, civilizations have been built up to summits of wealth and power.
Then, on the downward sweep of the cycle, they have declined, decayed
and been dumped on the scrap heap of history. No two of these cycles
were exactly alike. Each cycle was a social experiment that followed a
well marked path. There were variations, innovations, deviations from
the norm, but institutions and practices were strikingly similar. In
this broad sense, and despite minor departures, the life patterns of
civilization have appeared, disappeared and reappeared with close
similarity in structure and function.
The great revolution which began about 1750 and has increased in breadth
and depth throughout the past two centuries had led to vital changes in
structure and functioning, particularly of the West but generally in the
entirety of human society. So far-reaching are these changes, and so
deep running, that human society, particularly in the West, has outgrown
or is outgrowing the life pattern evolved by civilizations during the
past four or five millenia. As a consequence, geographical expansion by
the time-honored method of grab-and-keep has become more difficult, far
more expensive in manpower and material wealth and is in growing
disrepute among a sizeable minority of individuals and social groups,
even in the centers of western civilization. It is in notable disfavor
among the former colonies and dependencies of the European empires.
At the same time, war as a means of achieving social ends has fallen
into greater and greater disrepute. War costs, measured in terms of
human well-being and welfare had soared to fantastic heights before
1945. The devastation, during that year, of two moderate sized cities,
Hiroshima and Nagasaki, was a foretaste of the increasingly bleak
chances of human survival with the stockpiling of nuclear weapons far
more destructive than the fission bombs used on the two Japanese cities.
Expansion through armed struggle no longer paid its way. It was the
obvious lesson stressed by J.A. Hobson and Nicolai Lenin in their
respective studies of imperialism (1903 and 1916). It was the theme of
Norman Angel's _Great Illusion._ It was summarized by Arnold Toynbee's
_War and Civilization._
If the costs of expansion exceeded the income, the outcome of expansion
would be dismemberment for the vanquished and bankruptcy for the
victors. Indeed, this formula generalises the experience of the survival
struggles during the war years which began in 1911. I summarized the
experience in _The Twilight of Empire_(1929).
Today civilization is a bad buy for two reasons. The first is that
antisocial, predatory, exploitive and parasitic elements are
unfortunately and unnecessarily prominent in the lives of all civilized
peoples, including the present West. The second reason is the arrogant,
self-righteous, peremptory, bragging, bullying, dictatorial approaches
adopted by civilized people in their dealings with those who live on the
fringes or outside the pale of civilization. The first reason is an
inescapable consequence of the political, economic, ideological and
sociological assumptions of the civilizing process. The second reason is
inherent in the methods used by civilized peoples in their dealing with
the uncivilized majority of humanity.
_Part IV_
Status and change confront each other at all social levels. During
periods of rapid social change they take the center of the stage and
dominate the drama.
What steps must they take in order to realize their hope and fulfill
their aspirations?
Broadly speaking, they must pick their way warily through the maze of
artifacts, gadgets and gimmicks produced by human ingenuity during the
current world revolution. Most of them are superficial and time
consuming. A few are fundamental. They are of the utmost importance as
implements to human advance. Taking what advantage they can of recent
innovations, avoiding dead-ends and illusion leading to rainbows, the
more sensitive and more competent segments of mankind must close ranks
and move upward and onward to a new level of culture. The chief
instrument available for such an enterprise is the twentieth century
version of the political state. The bourgeois revolution was achieved
through the developing, evolving political state. The political state is
the binding force that held scattered fragments of the human family
together during the stresses and strains of the current revolution in
science and technology. It is the political state that must be depended
upon to resist the fragmentating forces of a disintegrating western
civilization, to preserve the social structure and administer human
society through the transition from civilization into the structure and
functioning of the new social order which is presently supplanting
During this transition the bourgeois state itself has evolved. At the
outset it was a revolutionary force devoting its energies to the
elimination of feudal institutions and practices and replacing them by
the institutions and practices needed for the advancement of bourgeois
Like most decisive epochs of human history, the revolution through which
we are passing has had both a negative and a positive aspect. In Chapter
11 I wrote about one of its destructive aspects--the extreme
destructivity of two periods of general war. At this point, I would like
to list ten positive contributions made by the same revolution toward
the development of a social life style that is offering itself as an
alternative to civilization.
3. Among the INVENTIONS were the extensive use of the wheel for
movement on land, the use of steam engines and electric motors for
moving, manufacturing and transportation and the use of electricity for
These ten areas, opening up largely during the years of the great
revolution are "new wine" which cannot be contained in the old wine
skins. They raise questions and open up vistas which transcend the
narrower confines of civilization. They are among the materials and
facilities out of which a new world is coming into existence.
This necessity for collective action has appeared and reappeared all
through written history. It is one of the most important lessons of
present-day human experience. It holds for families, neighborhoods,
villages, cities, nations, for mankind as a whole. It is joint action
for the general welfare.
The principle of collective action has been recognized and put into
practice during the ten centuries that span the rise of western
civilization--put into practice up to a certain point--the nation or the
empire. Beyond that point, collective action has taken two forms:
competition and conflict, including war, and coordination or cooperation
under agreement, contract or treaty.
Much has been written on the subject. I contributed by two bits in _The
Next Step_, a book published in 1922 and _United World_, published in
1945. Perhaps the most critical failure of western civilization was its
inability or unwillingness to take that next step during the decisive
years that followed the Hague Conference of 1899.
In listing the Ten Building Blocks for a New World (Chapter 13 of this
book) I began with world federation because in terms of the public life
of the earth around 1900, the planet was divided into two alliances of
nations and empires--the Allies, headed by Great Britain and the Central
Powers, headed by Germany.
On the contrary, since I began collecting data for this study at the
time of the first general war, I have watched the unfolding political
struggle for economic and cultural objectives with the increasing
conviction that politics is the primary focus, with economic forces
always in play, but usually in the background, leaving the center of the
stage to politics.
Since 140 sovereign states exist on one earth, means must be found that
will enable them to co-exist, if possible, without conflict, and
certainly without military conflict. The means generally relied upon
today for dealing with such problems is negotiation between
representatives of all parties at interest. At the national level this
would mean negotiations between representatives of the involved
The argument for a world government begins with the assumption that
means should exist to deal with international issues before they reach
an acute stage. Such means exist within each local government. Similar
arrangements should exist at the international level to deal with issues
that arise between governments.
At the moment there are 122 states which are members of the United
Nations. There are perhaps an additional score of nations which have
applied for membership or which might be accepted if they made an
application. Accept this rounded figure, and we have perhaps 140 nations
or potential nations on the planet. Some are long established and
stable. Other nations are new-born, with small populations, few
resources and minimal means of defense or offense. By and large this is
the family of nations which might be coordinated into an effective world
authority which would be responsible for order, decency and peace in a
federally coordinated world.
Human communities have sought and found different means of dealing with
the problems of community administration. At one extreme of social
administration are various types of arbitrary, personal dictatorships.
The Greeks called them tyrannies--arbitrary rule by individuals or small
groups subject only to their own decisions.
At the other extreme are social groups that arrive at decisions as the
outcome of discussion in which all group members may take part. Group
decisions may require unanimity or they may be the outcome of voting,
with a majority or plurality vote carrying with it the right and duty to
put decisions into effect as part of the public life of the community.
The bitter struggle for markets, raw materials and colonies that
followed the French-German War of 1870 developed into an armament race
after 1899. From the Hague Peace Conference of 1899 to the outbreak of
general war in 1914, desperate efforts were made to maintain the
power-balance and avert a general war. The failure of these efforts
proved the ineffectiveness of the balance-of-power formula.
Such efforts faced drastic limitations. The most formidable was the
narrow margin of surplus produced by hand labor in the forests, on the
fields and in the workshops, operated, in the main, with hand tools,
with minor inputs of energy supplied by domestic animals and with the
small amounts derived from wind and moving water.
Economic activities, in the course of the great revolution, had less and
less connection with the homestead, and except for a tiny minority of
the personnel, had no connection with the family of the owner-operator.
The seat of the family--the home--continued to exist, but on a far more
restricted basis. Arts and crafts moved from the household into the
workshop, where they expanded both in extent and in complexity. Domestic
tasks were associated with hand labor and simple tools. The great
revolution filled the workshop with the ancestors of present day
machinery, but with a prodigious difference. In the early step from home
workshop to factory, hand tools in plenty were being used in the
workshops. As "modernization" progressed, hand tools were replaced by
specialized machines.
Modern state structure goes back through the half dozen centuries during
which it has been developing. Its ancestors may be met with in the
history of previous civilizations.
In the last chapter we dealt with the growth of states into empires and
the aggregation of empires into civilizations with the possibility that
the existing states could be welded into a world federation. One of the
chief obstacles to such a development is the centuries of conflict
during which modern nations have been built up and the strong bonds of
nationalism have been established as a means of holding divergent groups
of people in line by particular oligarchies operating in particular
When we talk about integrating the world economy we are dealing with a
problem which no previous civilization has faced because no previous
civilization had machines or the social and cultural institutions which
have grouped themselves around the ultra-modern machine phenomena.
Planetary economy will aim to provide the means of livelihood for its
constituents along six lines: to conserve the human heritage of natural
resources, using them sparingly and, where possible, adding to them; to
produce and distribute those goods and services which are needed to
maintain health and provide for social decency; to produce and
distribute goods and services honestly, efficiently and economically; to
assure simple necessaries for all, including dependents, defectives and
delinquents; to give high priority to local self-sufficiency; to
maintain enough central economic authority to guarantee adequate goods
and services to successive generations of the planetary population.
Villages, cities, regions and nations have learned, often the hard way,
how to think, plan and act in terms of their own interests, or, more
concretely, in the interest of their owners, masters and exploiters. It
is with politics and economics of this planet-wide level that we of the
present generation are particularly concerned.
Dwellers in western Europe and North America have to deal with the
politics and economics of monopoly capitalism. Its central offices are
generally located in particular countries--Britain, Holland, France,
Germany, where big business enterprises had their beginnings and from
which representatives of oil, steel, textile, motor and banking
enterprises spilled over into the territory of their competitors as well
as into the "third world" of erstwhile colonies and other dependencies.
War losses and emergency spending incident to warfare led to large scale
financial assistance from one government to another. Such transactions
are not confined to recent times, but during the war years from 1914 to
1945 they reached fantastic proportions. The United States foreign aid
program alone, following the war of 1939-45, involved grants and loans
of $125,060 million dollars from July 1, 1945 to December 31, 1970
(_Statistical Abstract_ 1971 p. 958). Similar grants and loans were made
by other countries to their allies and associates. These examples
illustrate the build-up of an extensive international relationship that
has been an integral aspect of the 1750-1970 world revolution.
Throughout this experience two parallel forces have been at work. One
was the effort to establish a stable, renewable and self-renewing social
environment. The other was the effort to adapt and remake man (human
nature) to fit into the rapidly changing social environment and to
expand and deepen relations with nature.
Groups of human beings are brought together and held together by various
means, among which communication is outstanding. At every level, from
the local to the general or universal, and in every aspect of politics,
economics and other forms of association, human beings communicate.
As a whole the earth is a going concern that carries out its daily,
seasonal, yearly business of providing a home for an immense variety of
forces; for living forms, in the earth, on the earth, in the water and
in the air. The earth and its attributes are the common host or mother
of us all.
Some of earth's inhabitants are "alive". Many of the living forms move
about--and reproduce themselves, passing through a life cycle from birth
to death.
Some among the living forms cluster together into more or less permanent
groups which develop social relationships including communities in which
individuals are born, live and die.
This is a roundabout way of saying that nature, human beings and human
society are part and parcel of a total relationship which includes the
planet earth, the solar system and an immense range of celestia which
includes minute particles of celestial dust, like our earth, and
majestic assemblies of celestial notables like the Island Universe of
which we are unnumbered and barely noticed particles.
Whatever our ultimate tasks may be, our immediate problem is three-fold:
(1) To make the earth the fittest possible living place for all of its
inhabitants; (2) to organize human society in the way best calculated to
achieve that objective; and (3) to make every reasonable effort to
prepare ourselves to play a meaningful part in this cosmic drama to
which we have been assigned.
Item (1) is the theme of this chapter, item (2) is the theme of Chapter
17. Item (3) is the theme of Chapter 18.
Our first task is to make the earth the fittest possible place for _ALL_
of its inhabitants. In a way that is a simple assignment, but its
implementation will take us into every nook and corner of the land,
water, air, radiational field, and every other aspect of the planet,
including the weather.
When we say _ALL_ forms and phases of life we mean all. All microscopic
life, all lichens and mosses, all vegetation on land, in the water, in
the air. All insects, all birds, all fish, all quadrupeds. All two
legged animals. All centipedes and all those in between.
All forms of life have been assigned to our earth for a purpose, or have
made a place for themselves in the vast scheme of things or are clinging
parasitically to life after their assignments have been fulfilled or as
their usefulness is drawing to a close.
In a broad sense, that which lives on the earth, including mankind, has
a right or an opportunity to be here, living to the utmost of its always
limited capacity. How limited? Limited by the similar rights of all
other forms and aspects of life. In a word life on the earth--each life
and all life--is a shared opportunity.
We have all been in homes where neatness, usefulness and good taste
abound. We have been in villages and towns where the same conditions
prevailed. On the other hand, we have been in situations that can be
described only by the words littered, disorderly, chaotic. We have also
seen neat orderly homes in disorderly, slovenly neighborhoods. Much
depends upon who makes the decisions and whether the plans that are
carried into effect promote or obstruct the ultimate purpose.
The earth with its oceans and its atmosphere is a storehouse containing
many if not most of the essentials for survival, growth and development,
for mankind as well as a multitude of other life forms. Perhaps its most
valuable single asset from the human viewpoint is its topsoil. Topsoil
plus light, air and moisture provide the elements necessary for
producing vegetation. Vegetation, in its turn, furnishes the nourishment
on which animals thrive.
At the top of our priority list for the well-being of the earth stands
the injunction: conserve and build topsoil.
Country folk barely scratched the surface of the earth. Roads were wheel
tracks in the mud. Bridges were fords that became more or less
impassable with high water.
What has made the difference between their use of the earth and ours?
Chiefly, the newly tapped sources of energy and the wide variety of
minerals--whose names were unknown except to scholars and scientists
before 1750. It is the new sources of energy and the only recently
utilized metals that have made the difference.
Farm land can be used and abused many times before its productive
possibilities are exhausted. Even then, with foresight, technical
proficiency, the investment of labor and capital, agricultural land can
be restored to fertility. Iron ore, tin, copper and tungsten are
extracted from the earth, refined, put to some use or wasted as the case
may be, but they are gone. They may be replaced by other minerals.
Through geological ages they may redeposited in the earth's crust. But
to all intents and purposes, they are finished.
Wherever we go with our plea for the foresighted and economical use of
the earth and its remaining resources, we are met with the question:
"But what can I do?" The answer is simple. Find your place in the
nearest team working to utilize, conserve, and, where possible, enlarge
the natural wealth of the planet. If no such team exists, join with your
neighbors in organizing one. Take seriously your assignment to use the
part of the earth with which you are in contact intelligently,
economically, wisely.
This crusade to save and utilize the earth as the common mother of so
many forms of life must be carefully planned and well organized through
successive generations. Men have spent far too much time and energy in
destroying. The time has come when they must conserve, plan, shape,
utilize, beautify, improve.
The planet still has immense, unused or little used reserves of natural
resources. The old order is slipping, floundering, wasting. Civilization
has told the best of its story and is busy writing its epitaph. The
revolution of 1750-1970 provides the opportunity for a new beginning.
The place is here. The time is now. Let us conserve, beautify, share,
utilize and, in so far as possible, improve our natural surroundings.
This analogy is not complete, nor is it wholly convincing. But the great
revolution in science and technology, applied in the field of social
science can quite conceivably provide humanity with the means of
short-cutting the normal or "natural" processes in sociology as it has
already short-cutted the normal or "natural" process in human
transportation and communication.
Social planning at the planetary level could deal chiefly with large
national or regional groupings, more or less divergent in viewpoint but
conscious of the necessity for bringing local and regional groups
together in order to secure common agreement and to take part in
directed joint actions. Such efforts must aim at sufficient cohesion to
provide for normal social function at all levels; sufficient
permissiveness to allow for a measure of self-determination at all
levels; sufficient authority to carry on production and distribution at
all levels, and sufficient libertarianism to tolerate discussion and
opposition at all levels, with a maximum degree of self sufficiency and
self-determination at all levels.
Nowhere is the need for social planning more in evidence than in the
sphere of human population. In the early years of the present twentieth
century, the human population was doubling in about 50 years (from 1500
million in 1900 to 2500 million in 1950, from 1,900 million in 1925 to
3,800 million in 1975). Had this rate of growth continued for another
hundred years the planet's fertile acres would have been fully occupied
by jostling crowds with _standing-room only_ signs in the more desirable
living spaces. Japan, the United States, several countries of West
Europe and China have launched campaigns to reduce net population
increase to one percent per year or less.
Machines and cities are the Siamese twins of the modern age. They are
also the twin forces that helped to push the nation state into its
strategic position of sovereign independence.
Such results can be achieved under a social pattern aimed at respect for
life--all life; the preservation and improvement of the conditions under
which the good life can be lived by all members of each community as
well as by the human family as a whole. If human society is to be
preserved and progressively improved it must encourage individuals and
cherish institutions whose responsibility and duty it is to stimulate
self-criticism to a point that will make survival and social improvement
the first charge on community life--from the locality, through the
region to the whole human family.
Let no reader retort: Old things are best; old ways are most secure;
beware of the errors of human judgment, the lures and wiles of human
imaginings, the reckless enthusiasm of inexperience; the machinations
and subversions of the counter-revolution.
Whether he will or no, man has already advanced far along the path that
leads beyond the culture level of civilization into a culture pattern
which includes new means of association and new social institutions. The
most obvious examples of the universal pattern which the human race has
been developing during the present epoch are to be found in the "one
world" consequences of the planet-wide revolution in science and
Events since war's end in 1945 have marked out the steps which the human
race might take in the immediate future to deal with the new problems
arising out of the world revolution of 1750-1970 and to stabilize human
life on the planet.
A planned, stabilized future for humanity will be assured when the earth
is governed much as cities, states, nations and empires have been
governed in the past and the present, but with one essential difference.
At no known past time have all human beings been represented in a
government authorized to make and enforce world law. In the absence of
law, chaos and armed conflicts have determined the course of human
affairs. Under a recognized world federal government, world law will
bring, for the first time, the practical possibility of a law and order
determined by and for the human population and charged with the
responsibility for establishing and maintaining planetary public policy.
World law will be only one aspect of the new situation that will result
from the establishment of a planned, stabilized future for humanity.
Other aspects of the new society will include:
1. Shaping the future of nature on and in the planet, with all of its
potential riches.
6. Arousing interest and dedicating time, thought and energy to the new
science and new arts grouped together under the title Futurology.
Man could conserve natural resources; he could remake human society. But
man himself? There, perhaps, is the root of the problem we are
Can man change himself? Can he change human nature? Could human beings
as we know them be transformed sufficiently to live and survive under
the life-style that replaces civilization?
Adults are generally conditioned and shaped by the social situation into
which they were born and in which they matured. Young people are passing
through the conditioning process. They are undergoing the process of
rapid change.
Young people in their teens and early twenties stand, usually hesitant,
on the threshold of life. They are bursting with energy, eager, hopeful,
anxious to enter the stream of adult activity. Inexperienced, they
under-estimate the difficulties, taking up any line of activity that
promises quick results. They are impressionable and generally seeking "a
good life."
The current shift from a laissez-faire economy ("letting nature take her
course"), to a planned, managed, controlled economy is a precedent which
gives us a foretaste of what will lie ahead when a planet-wide federal
government undertakes the planning, direction and management of a
planet-wide economy and society.
The well adjusted will constitute the elite of their chosen occupations,
learning its skills and joining with other well satisfied professionals
in passing on their enthusiasm and knowledge to the next generation of
aspirants for inclusion in the same production teams. The undecided
should be the object of special attention. They have entered an
occupational field on an experimental basis and should be advised and
helped during the experimental period when they are deciding to make a
go of it or to try for something more congenial or at least more
Misfits who have made a wrong choice and who have no clear call to stay
where they are should be advised and helped to find more congenial
occupational surroundings.
We may think and experiment with this selective process as though it was
easy and probably final. Nothing could be further from the reality. Even
the best adjusted have moments of uncertainty and indecision about their
occupational futures. The less adjusted spend a part of their lives
looking around for a more attractive field.
In every field of human endeavor individuals come and go. They should
stay where they seem to be useful and go when their usefulness is
decreasing or coming to an end.
Every social group has its hard corps of trained and tested veterans.
Also it has its problem of aging. The apprentice of yesterday becomes
the experienced, skilled operator of today. Tomorrow brings retirement
for those who have reached the age limit of service and who as a matter
of group routine are replaced by newcomers. In the course of this cycle
the directors of the group have their opportunity to improve the level
of group efficiency by phasing out the old and incorporating the new.
Long experience has taught us that we cannot produce a silk purse from a
sow's ear. Eugenics emerges as an important aspect of every long term
group endeavor. Qualities and capacities are handed on from parent to
offspring. Are we reproducing fitness or unfitness?
Are the oncoming generations able and willing to shoulder the loads of
clearing out the rubbish accumulated through ten centuries of western
civilization, make effective use of science, technology _and_ available
human capacity and move onward and forward to new levels of social
Long continued cultural changes play a part in local history. They have
an equally important role in the lives of neighboring nations and
peoples. With present means of communication, transportation and travel,
the influence of revolutionary events such as those in China from 1899
to the present day may be profound.
Western man and his way of life have been primarily responsible for this
great revolution. The changes brought about in the human life pattern in
the course of the great revolution have created a new world--in
structure, in function, in outlook, in stepped-up capacity for even more
spectacular changes in the future.
We humans have been living for ages with various lifestyles--as hunters
and fishermen, as herdsmen, as cultivators of the soil, as craftsmen, as
traders and merchants, as professionals, as exploiters, as parasites,
wreckers and plunderers. On the whole, our energies have been spent in
relatively small, self-sufficient groups, staying close to nature, as a
part of nature.
But the record of history also shows that men have repeatedly interfered
and intervened in the historical process by discovery and invention. The
historical record is subject to change. Man is not entirely free.
Neither is he helplessly bound on the wheel of necessity, presently
known as civilization.
Hermits and reclusive monastic life need not concern us here. They are
to be found in many parts of the existing society. They live their lives
apart from the main currents of human life. We may make the same
comment, with slight modifications, on intentional communities
organized within the bounds of surrounding civilizations. They meet the
needs of exceptional individuals who find the existing order intolerable
and who wish to move at once into a more congenial community life.
Intentional communities founded to demonstrate particular social or
economic theories usually are short-lived, covering, at best, one or two
Until 1917 Marxism was a body of social theory and a program of specific
political demands. In the period from 1848 to 1917 Marxism operated
through minority political parties organized in each nation, but linked
together internationally in loose federations, except during the brief
existence of the Communist International from 1919 to 1943.
Today about a billion human beings live in countries of East Europe and
Asia calling themselves socialist-communist. A second billion human
beings live chiefly in West Europe, the Americas and Australasia calling
themselves capitalist. A third billion, the remaining segment of
mankind, living chiefly in Africa, Asia and Latin America make up the
"Third World," most of which consists of former colonies and
dependencies of the 19th century empires.
At the beginning of the great revolution in 1750 the planet was occupied
by the European empires, their colonies and dependencies, with a segment
under the control of the crumbling Chinese and Turkish empires. The
ensuing two centuries witnessed a political, economic and social
transformation that reached across every continent.
The capitalist world is suffering from the rise and fall of the business
cycle, from inflation and unemployment, from the scourge of militarism;
from the exhaustion of two general wars in one generation; from absence
of any positive common program or commonly accepted means of
administering public affairs; from its failure to provide its young
people with a satisfactory reason for existence, and from the fatal
malady of fragmentation which is the logical counterpart of every major
effort at coordination, consolidation and unification. Western
civilization, despite repeated efforts, was never able to establish the
kind of superficial unity that marked the high point in the Egyptian and
Roman civilizations. The stresses and strains of the current great
revolution have introduced into western civilization new disintegrative
forces of which the capitalist-Marxist confrontation is the most
extensive, divisive and decisive.
The Marxist world, in its spectacular rise during less than a century,
offers the only workable alternative to declining and disintegrating
western civilization. It presents an alternative theoretical program for
dealing with the transition from the built-in competitiveness of western
civilization to the built-in cooperativeness of a planned, coordinated,
federated socialist-communist world order.
The Soviet Union and its East European socialist neighbors have survived
the wars of 1914 and 1936; have survived the capitalist conspiracy to
strangle infant Marxism in its cradle. In a remarkably brief period the
Soviet Union has moved from a position of cultural backwardness to
become the number two nation in productivity and perhaps even number one
in fire power.
On the west, Asia is protected by the vast expanses of the Pacific Ocean
against the determined efforts of the Washington government to check the
spread of Marxism. Washington's current effort to become _The_ Pacific
power and also _The_ Asian power have been blocked and perhaps thwarted
by the defeat of General MacArthur and his international forces in the
Korean War of 1950-53, and by the unanticipated and unbelievable
resistance mounted by the peoples of South East Asia against the
repeated efforts made by Washington to replace the French imperial
presence there after its overwhelming defeat in 1954.
So much we may learn from history. Turning from the past and looking at
the trends of the immediate future, it seems likely that Marxism will
continue for at least some years to be the dominant force in Asia.
Furthermore, the Marxian presence in Asia will include both the Soviet
Union in Northern Asia and China in South Asia. Both countries are
unquestionably stabilized economically and viable politically. Both are
headed away from capitalist imperialism. Both are moving toward Marxian
forms of socialism-communism.
The wars in South East Asia after the expulsion of the French in 1954
were organized, financed and armed primarily by the Washington
government. They were avowedly aimed at the up-rooting of Marxism from
the area. They not only failed in their main objective but they gave
the Soviet Union and the Chinese a chance to pit their advisers,
technicians and military equipment against that of the United States as
the major capitalist contender in the area. This phase of the
counter-revolutionary drive to reestablish monopoly capitalism and
imperialism in the Far East thus far has met with decisive and
humiliating defeat.
This defeat marks the end of the capitalist occupation of Far Asia. It
also opens the way for the Marxists to demonstrate the workability of
socialism-communism as a lifestyle for Asians and, presumably, for other
segments of the Third World.
Textual material for the _History of Mankind _was prepared and edited by
hundreds of experts in the widely ranging fields covered by the
_History_. Final approval of the text came from the Commission. In cases
where there were differences of opinion or of interpretation, varying
and opposing points of view are presented.
IV. The World A.D. 1300 to the End of the Eighteenth Century.
V. The World in the Nineteenth Century.
VI. The Twentieth Century. All but the first volume of the _History_
deal with the epoch during which civilization has played a fateful role
in world affairs.
There are few books which approach the study of civilization as a stage
or level of human culture. Among them are:
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