Shwasa Rog or Damaa or Asthama: Swarasa (Fresh Juice) of Vasa Mixed With Honey

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Shwasa Rog or Damaa or Asthama

Shwasa Rog is also known as Damaa or more popularly as Asthama. As name

suggests, it is a type of breathing problem. It is a disease of respiratory
system in which bronchial tubes (which carry air to lungs) get inflammed. In
this condition, the patient needs to exert more effort during expiration. In
other words, we can say that expiration is forceful.
Shwasa Rog is mainly of two types viz. Kshudra shwasa and Tamak
shwasa.Kshudra Shwasa or dyspnoea (difficult breathing) on exertion is a
mild type of shwasa rog whereas the symptoms of Tamak Shwasa are
paroxyms of dyspnoea, cough, flushed face, increased respiratory rate,
darkness in front of eyes and relieved feeling when phlegm (cough slime) is
coughed out.
Line of treatment:
1. Raise patient's head and shoulder by backrest or by putting pillows
2. Keep the patient away from allergens (dust, pollens, animal fur,
smoke etc.) and irritants (ciggarete, chemicals etc.)
3. Stop kaph-vardhak aahaar like curd and take lukewarm water for
4. Massage chest with til ka tel (sesame oil) mixed with sendhav lavan
5. Perform prastar sweda by using hot stone wrapped in a cloth after the
massage or in case the stone is not available then it can be done by
using an utkarita (roti) of black til powder kneaded with milk (add
urad atta or wheat atta) and tying the utkarita on the chest of the
You will observe that by doing the above, thick mucous starts melting and
patients starts getting some relief.
Important Home Remedies:
Use powdered dried ginger or pippali with honey twice a day
Swarasa (fresh juice) of vasa mixed with honey
Decoction of yashtimadhu, saunf, choti ilayachi and mishri - this
mixture can also be used in tea
Apamarg kshar with honey or with warm water
Popular Medicines:
1. Ras: Shwasa kuthar ras and Shwasa kas chintamani ras
2. Asava & Arishta: Kanakasava, Vasarishta, Vasa-asava
3. Avleha: Chitrak haritaki avaleh, Chyawanprash avleha, Vasa-avleha
4. Churan: Talesadi churan, Sitopladi churan, Eladi churan
5. Vati: Khadiradi vati, Lavanagadi vati
In addition of above, there is a plant that we all can grow in our houses or
kitchen gradens, which has been proved as one of the best medicines for
curing even acute asthama. I am giving the photograph also here for quick
reference. This plant do not need any special care and once grown, it will
take it's own nutrients from earth and it needs only normal care as in for
other plants. The usage of this
plant is also very simple. The
leaves of this plant should be
chewed in the morning
without eating or drinking
anything for continuous 7 days
and then leave it for another 7
days. Make sure that you
swallow the chewed leave
with warm water. Start
chewing the leaves (one leave
everyday) again after 7 days
and do it for 7 days again.
Repeat the process 3 times
and even the acute asthamtic
patients will see the results.
Some patients get much better
results if they chew the leave
with one balck pepper grain
and then swallow both with warm water.
The use of this plant has some side effects and after effects also and they
range from ulcers on the tongue to increased blood pressure so it is
recommended that an ayurvedic physician is consulted before starting to use
Caveat: Patients need to make sure that the medicines are taken under the
supervision of registered ayurvedic medical practioner.

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