The Journey of Werdnakram

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The Journey of Werdnakram

by Werdnakram
You know how it is. You pick up a book, flip to the dedication, and find that, once again, the
author has dedicated a book to someone else and not to you.
Not this time.
Because we havent yet met/have only a glancing acquaintance/are ust cra!y about each
other/havent seen each other in much too long/are in some way related/will never meet, but
will, " trust, despite that, always think fondly of each other#
$his ones for you.
%ith you know what, and you probably know why.
&$here is a new trend among authors to thank every famous people for inspiration, non'e(istent
assistance, and/or some casual reference to the authors work. )uthors do this to pump
themselves up. *o, on the off chance that this is helpful, " wish to thank the following people+
,loria B. -oaban, -osefina Belen, and the .sther /ibal for promoting literacy0 Bob 1ng, author of
)bnkkbsnplko, for not dropping me a note ust to say he liked my books, as did his publisher,
/isprint0 $hess 2ainter, my translator who e'mailed me one day and said, &3ey, youre a good
writer40 )lbert .instein, who inspired me to write about ,eneral 5elativity0 6ichio 7aku, my
online 2rofessor in 2hysics0 8awrence 6. 7rauss, whose books are always before and after mine
on bookshelves, and whose names always appear before and after mine in almanacs and many
lists of *cience writers9thanks for being there, guys0 :r. %ho, for showing the world that
illiterate :aleks can be beaten0 to my illustrator, -erico 6arte, for his incomparable and world'
class talent0 to my close friends, namely, 8ani, )pril, Beverly, 3oney, 3anna, /ans, and 6ariabe0
and to the best parent a son could ever hope for, -osephine and :ante 6anao for their support
and encouragement0 and last but not least, " would like to thank ,od for allowing me to publish
this not'so'educational book to entertain readers who don;t have time to read this kind of
$here are many more people " could thank, but time, space, and modesty compel me to stop
About Werdnakram
Introductory Chapter (First Half
Introductory Chapter (!econd Half
Chapter "
Chapter #
Chapter $
Chapter %
Chapter &
Chapter '
Chapter (
Chapter )
Chapter *
Chapter "+
What are the ad,entures of Werdnakram all about-
Why is it that each published letter will form such sentences that will be part of an
Are these /ust facts or some fictional science stories-
It0s for you to find out1
2he ad,entures of werdnakram talks about different scientific breakthroughs that cannot only
tickle your funny bones or awaken your senses3 but aims to widen the human imagination1
Werdnakram4 5aybe we cannot reach places that ha,e not been e6plored by men7 but at least
we can ha,e a /ourney through our minds1
We can then e6plain how the human spirit responds in the future de,elopments of science and
think of its e,olution that might as well has a possibility of occurring1
Howe,er7 there is an e6change of ideas between !cience Fiction and !cience itself1
!cience fiction suggests ideas that can be used by scientists to come up with theories7 but most
of the time new disco,eries made by science would usually gi,e us shocking re,elations1
8!cience facts are definitely stranger than fiction19
5any scientific unearthed findings were not e,en told in stories7 mo,ies7 and books1
An e6ample of which are the 8black holes97 which was named by physicist :ohn Archibald
;riginally7 black holes were named as fro.en stars at completely collapsed ob/ects1 For sure7
people will find it boring and would ne,er write much nor research on it1
;ne of the main focuses of science fiction is tra,elling faster than light1
Fortunately7 Albert <instein0s 8=eneral 2heory of >elati,ity9 ga,e us a possibility that we can
achie,e such phenomena1
According to this hypothesis7 a warp .one7 like that of the "*)+0s classic ,ideo game !uper
5ario7 can make a shortcut in between faraway places that one would like to ,isit1
Howe,er7 negati,e energy7 the missing ingredient is needed to make this shortcut possible1
As of now7 no one made this as a serious topic for scientific research7 because it is too
impossible and information can be treated as fictional1
;ne of the conse?uences of rapid 8instellar tra,el9 is the likelihood of going back to the past1 A
lot of people in America are not in fa,our of such research and if they knew that the @ational
!cience Foundation (@!F supports such endea,our7 then a lot of people might /oin in
demonstrations7 because they think that paid go,ernment ta6es would /ust come to waste if
funded to such pro/ects1
5oreo,er7 scientists found ways for them undertake such studies and often used the terms
8closed timelike cur,es97 so that they can make it confidential1
Conse?uently7 science fiction at present time may be considered facts in the years to come1
Abou! Werdnakram
Werdnakram is a freeAspirited spaceAtime tra,eler who leaps through space and time1 He is a
theoretical physicist and musician who has a background in =eneral >elati,ity as well as string
theory1 He is also an independent researcher7 with an interest in e6ploring the limits of modern
science as well as such concepts to the public1
;ne morning7 in a water closet7 that can be found in a spiral gala6y known as the 5ilky Way7
which measures up to "++7+++ light years in diameter and with a luminosity of "%7+++ suns of
the Bocal =roup or cluster1
2his gala6y is made up of $+ more star systems7 which are /oined by a gra,itational force1
While Werdnakram was taking a bath7 he saw that the sides of the water metal container ha,e
an e6isting interArelationship with the ecosystem inside the comfort room between its insect
partners7 the spider and the cockroach1
At the right side of the rusty drum stood a predator7 a cast member of the mo,ie like that of
spiderboy butchering the poor cockroachC
With that instance7 Werdnakram knew that such e,ent is important to maintain the Ealance of
2hanks to spiderboy7 a member of the forget me drug died1 2hese nocturnal creatures would
in,ade a man0s slumber7 crawl7 kiss and at times would touch its ,ictim0s legs1 =ood thing they
don0t go beyond their limitsF and that is entering their host0s underpants1
"& minutes to go before )A51
;ffice time starts at )A5 and yet Werdnakram is still about to lea,e his house1
How fast must he tra,el7 so that he would not be late for work-
2he formula of speed is distance di,ided by time7 but we are looking for time7 so if we deri,e
the formula based on speed7 then it is tGdHs7 then it0s for you to find out1
Infortunately7 you cannot sol,e the problem by using the formula of speed1
2he only you can do is to sol,e what time does he need to lea,e his flat7 so that he would not be
late for work1
!o7 get the distance from 8Eagong !ilangan9 to 8Araneta A,enue91
2hen7 the a,erage speed of tra,el in one week7 then you0ll get how much time he needed to get
to his office on time1
Eut all of this are /ust appro6imation7 Jcause thereKs no such thing as an absolutely precise
What if we can teleport like !on =oku of Dragon ball L1-
Is it possible to happen- For the particles7 yes7 but for people7 not at this time1
!cientists were successful to teleport particles through Muantum <nlargement1 2his happens
when particles are being destroyed in one place7 only to reAappear instantly in some distance
Nou try3 I don0t know what you0ll look like after the e6periment1
Eecause if you want to teleport7 you must first separate e,ery single particle of your body7 tiny
particles made up of atoms for you to teleport to another place7 you ha,e to tra,el in the speed
of light1
Eut is there something that was able to con?uer the speed of light-
<,en the cheetah7 the fastest animal in the world cannot outrun the speed of light in an
ordinary portable flashlight7 because its beam touches the wall or any surface you point it the
moment you turn on the light1
Basers pointers that children play during the night would count too1
Howe,er7 recent e6periments show that some particles are faster than the speed of light unlike
what <instein said that nothing can beat its speed1
Bet us go back to our pre,ious topic in teleportation before we teleport to a different topic1
For you to teleport7 you must reduce your mass7 FNI7 mass is the amount of matter in an ob/ect1
Weight is different from mass1
2o understand this difference7 you must first understand gra,ity1
=ra,ity is a force of attraction between ob/ects that is due to their masses1
2his attraction causes ob/ects to e6ert a pull on other ob/ects1
And because all matter ha,e mass7 all matter e6perience gra,ity1
2he amount of attraction between ob/ects depends on two thingsOthe masses of the ob/ects
and the distance between them1
Nou got it-
If not7 then better yet grab your dusty science book and do some selfA study1
!o7 if you ha,e lesser mass7 you need lesser force for you to mo,e ?uickly or to teleport1
NesC 2hat0s right3 you need force for you to mo,e1 Why-
According to @ewtonKs first law of motion7 aka Baw of Inertia7 a body at rest remains at rest7 and
a body
already in motion with a constant ,elocity will either stay still or tra,el at a constant speed in a
straight line
unless it is disturbed by a force1
Howe,er7 the law of @ewton is not enough7 because he failed to e6plain the 8hidden9 forces of
gra,ity and friction7 which can be a cause to stop a mo,ing ob/ect1
;kay7 let us go back to teleportation1
2ry to think about this7 who runs faster the fat guy or the slim one-
;f course7 the thin person will finish ahead of the fat dude7 because he weighs lighter1 2hat0s the
same concept with teleportation1
Howe,er7 no matter how you weigh one must need to separate his body in different particles
into its atomic parts7 so that it can tra,el like the speed of light7 which is #**7(*#7%&)
kmHs1 For sure e,en the 5A=B<P train in :apan won0t match up for this1
WowC 2hat0s so fast7 but there0s no 8matter9 that can do that1
5y apologies7 but e,ery person is considered a matter1
85atter is anything that occupies space and has mass119 and you occupy space where,er you
are sitting or standing7 you also ha,e mass1
!o7 it means that scientifically speaking you my dear friend is made up of matter1
During class7 our science teacher would usually ask7 8What is matter- =i,e me an e6ample19
!tudents would likely gi,e answers like chairs7 tables7 blackboard7 chalk7 trees7 lea,es7 dust7
balsam apple etc1
Why didn0t you gi,e your classmate as an e6ample- He is also scientifically listed as a matter as
well as you are1
Anyway7 if you want to take a risk in trying out teleportation7 you should make sure that the
particles should return to its rightful order in your body7 especially maintaining the spot for your
pair of eyes1
5aybe7 if you will do things in a /iffy or carelessly7 you might ha,e your butt on your head7
seriously man are you up for this- 2hat would be hilarious1 EwahahahahaC
It0s like in the mo,ie 8 2he Fly97 well I forgot how the story goes7 but there was a machine they
used to teleport7 but one character in the mo,ie went to the other de,ice1

<h7 a fly went into the machine and the subatomic particles of the fly mi6ed with that of the
It0s best not to think about teleporting using an engine1
It needs to be an inAborn talent you ac?uired from your mutant parents or from your grand pa
with a magical talisman1
DPlan E 7 so that Werdnarkam would not be late for work1 (I0m not him7 I0m /ust the narrator1
He needs to make a shortcut going to the office1
QCosmic shortcutQ or wormhole1 DonKt take it literally7 you don0t need to get through a worm0s
underground pathway on the soil7 so that you can go to different places around the world1
2ruth be told7 it0s hard to gro,el on the ground1
First things first7 you need to know that the whole Ini,erse including planet <arth7 which
includes the Philippines and Mue.on City and e,en where you are standing on are all part of a
2he spaces that you see are literally 8spaces91 It0s not like when you go out of planet <arth7 you0ll
see space or cosmic bodies1 @oC 2he place outside planet earth is called outer space7 right-
2he space7 including our Ini,erse is also like a te6tile that can be folded1
Want to try- Nou can wash it with your daily laundry if you wantC
Neah rightC
ItKs like a cloth that you can wash with your regular surf laundry soap1 Nou can fold it and once
you do7 you can see that you put two places in line7 where your house is /ust an arm away from
your office and when you reach up you0ll see that it is /ust abo,e youC
>ight then and there you can make a wormhole7 /ust between your house and office1
Can you imagine it- 2ake a piece of paper and draw in both sides at each different end point1
;n one side draw your house and on the other draw your office or your own school1 2hen7 try
to fold it7 making sure that the middle will ha,e a wee bit of a cur,e1
2hereC Nou ha,e your own home made artificial7 makeA belie,e wormhole1
!o that you can understand well7 let0s go back to your paper drawing7 once your house and a
place that you would like to ,isit are on the opposite sides7 take a straw then place its ends on
the your house and the other side on your school or office1
2hereC Nou ha,e your ,ery own tunnel or a shortcut going to a place that you would like to head
Well7 is it clear now- @ot yet- ;h okay1 =ood night1 (It0s /ust #4%& P5 here1
In the afternoon1
It0s time for children to sleep7 because if they don0t their father would punish them with a
leather belt strike straight to their butts1
2here are some7 who would eat barbecued bananas on sticks with an worm topping at "+
:oke7 what I meant was a woolly worm1
2here are neither worms nor woolly worms1
:ust flour1
;h well7 the banana fritters ha,e some sort of chalk dust7 perhaps1
2hese fritters are all made of flour with yellow or orange food colouring1
Books like a set of teeth1
Werdnakram is so sleepy7 but well time does not permit him to sleep soundly1
How would you know that it0s already night time-
When there are dark skies-
!tars all o,er-
Friend7 ask 5r1 5oon so that you0ll know why1
What are stars-
!tars are balls of boiling gas7 which gi,es off light and heat1
2hat0s gas1 @ot gasoline1 As in one of the four
phases of matter7 namely7 solid7 li?uid7 gas7 and plasma1
=as is not an air1
Howe,er7 air is an e6ample of a gas1
Air is not wind1
It is composed of different gases such as o6ygen7 nitrogen7 sustagen7 etc1
;h !ustagen- 2hat0s milk7 right-
Well7 @estogen or <nergen all the words that you can think that ends in gen1
All stars shine e,ery morning and night1
Well7 why can0t we see it-
Eecause the sun shines so brightly early in the morning that0s why you can0t see the other stars1
How about the others-
2he stars ha,e different distances7 it doesn0t mean that they belong to one constellation3 well
they are near each other or in groups1
Anyway7 do you know the difference between the star and the sun-
!o7 you think that the !un is the biggest among the stars-
And the other gala6ies ha,e their own 8!un9-
;f course notC
8!un9 is /ust the name of a star1
It0s really a star1
It0s like toothpaste with the brand name of Colgate and many others such as Closeup1
Pepsodent7 Ini?ue7 Eeam7 Eoy Eawang7 etc17 (spot the differenceC
Eelie,e whate,er you want to belie,e7 but I0m writing !cience Fiction7 so I think I need some
fictional touch here and not only concentrated in !cience1
Why is it that whene,er you buy some toothpaste7 you0ll say
Q!ome Colgate please7 oh CloseAup brandCQ7
Also it goes if you want to photocopy7
QI would like to ha,e some 6ero67 pleaseCQ
Well7 you0re mad7 but check out your grammar1
8Rero69 is a brand of a photocopying machine1
How will you then ha,e your papers photocopied if the machine0s brand name is CA@;@-
;r it0s branded with other names-
;h7 so you mean to say7 that0s what you0,e been used to do-
Bike what my friend7 5r :ohn 5a6well said
QWhatKs truly sad about those who donKt change is that there can be no impro,ement e6cept
through change1
2o keep changing is not an end in itself7 but only through change can there be through growth1Q
Nou /ust got some sermon ser,ed while reading1
;h sorry1 It0s /ust that you read this part eh1 Nou may stop now1
Bater onF
Hey7 get back hereC I0m trying to talk3 you suddenly turned your back1
How dare you-
werdnakram4 Would like to ha,e a print outC
Eeautiful 2roni6 =irl4 Where did you sa,e it sir7 in your usb-
werdnakram4 I sa,ed it in my flash dri,e1
Eeautiful 2roni6 =irl4 What0s that-
werdnakram4 2here you go1 Nou seeF my flash dri,e1
Eeautiful 2roni6 =irl4 ;h7 I!E1
;h dearF
Why do they call it I!E-
I!E means uni,ersal serial bus1
I mean when you look into the end of the cord of an electronic de,ice7 you can see a standard
port1 It may be the following4 usb charger7 usb speaker and usb keyboardF and yes7 it0s a usb
that0s located in the ends of a flash dri,e or disk1
Howe,er7better call it Flash disk1
>emember the small plastic s?uares we used to keep our computer data- We call it the diskette7
right- 2he wellA,ersed computer gurus call it the 8floppy disk91
!o7 here0s the catchFbetter call the 8I!E9 that you use to keep computer files as 8flash disk91
Ee a bit specific you don0t need to be an obsessi,e compulsi,e (;C to do these things1
2aking back !I@Aday1
@ow you know that the !un is an e6ample of a !tar7 not only it is the centre of the !olar !ystem
but it is also a star1
2he nearest star on <arth1
Nes it is1
And why do the planets re,ol,e around the sun-
5y child7 why is it that there are planets re,ol,ing around the sun-
Are they there to start courtship or what-
Why would they not lea,e the sun alone-
Are these planets stalkers of the big7 mighty and powerful sun-
I can0t belie,e them1 2hey can0t e,en gi,e the sun a peace of mind1
5aybe if the sun knows how to talk7 it will say4 8WIBB N;I ABB PB<A!< =IP< 5< !;5< !PAC<-9
2hen when an alien hears it7 for sure it will answer4 8W<BB N;I A>< I@ ;I2<> !PAC<7 >I=H2-
N;I A>< !; D<5A@DI@=7 DID<C9
Sidding aside7 let0s talk about another force that can make any planet swoon and that is gra,ity1
What is gra,ity-
When you hear this term7 you will think about why do ob/ects on earth fall1
Eefore7 it was unknown to many7 that gra,ity is the main reason why @ewton felt an apple hit
his head while sitting under a tree1
2his is the main reason why the planets are all drawn to the sun
- like one big happy family1
For now7 that would be it for our little discussion about gra,ity7 because werdnakram is ,ery
sleepy for the twenty si6th day7 in the last month of the year #+"" at fourteen twenty se,en7
military time1
QEe an angel and reach for the stars1 !prinkle a little stardust where,er you are1Q
Can you tell the difference between Adam and Isaac @ewton-
!peaking about >eligion7 Adam ate the apple that became the cause of his sin and the
estrangement of the human race with =od1
5eanwhile7 in !cience @ewton e6perienced ha,ing an apple that was able to hit his head7 but it
did not became a /ustification for his sin1 2his e,en pa,ed the way for him to understand
gra,ity7 which became the ,ehicle of man0s breakthroughs in science and technology7 which
ga,e him a better life in the process1
;n board a ,ehicle with a capability to tra,el in different times and dimension7 Werdnakram
then headed to a particular uni,erse7 so that he can lessen his feeling of boredom here on
planet earth1
;ur globe7 which is composed of a fourAdimensional space consisting of three ,isible
dimensions which is length7 width7 breadth or depth7 clear-
It means that we are mo,ing in a three dimension7 we can walk from right7 left7 mo,e forward
and back1
Is it four- Well7 we only ha,e three of them1
5o,ing forward and mo,ing backwards are always together7 it is located right under where you
are mo,ing on and we call that 8space91
Howe,er7 during <instein0s prime7 which is a long time ago7 he was able to combine the three
dimensions and he added time1
;h7 you don0t want to belie,e it-
;kay7 how about you try to mo,e while time stopped-
If e,er you were able to do it7 hands up for yahC
@ow7 you0,e read this7 you already know that we are mo,ing in four dimensions called 8spaceA
Bet0s see the e?uation4
length T width T breadth T time G $ (space T " (time is e?ual to spaceAtime1
@ow you know1 !pread the wordC
And since we are li,ing in a fourAdimensional spaceAtime7 we can imagine more and it would be
easier to think of a shortcut1
For e6ample7 if you will be late for school or work7 the fastest way to go is not going through a
straight line on the streets7 but pacing in a diagonal direction1
Can0t you imagine it-
:ust go ahead and sleepC
We were able to make ways on how to ha,e a shortcut in a threeAdimensional space3 for sure
it0s also possible in a four dimension1
It0s not only the distance that we can make a shorter route7 but we can also make use of time1
We can make time slower or faster1
Nou don0t want to grow old-
Well7 from an e6periment7 it was pro,ed that time can be manipulated1
2wo astronauts were fooled and e6perimented by !cientists like rats1
2hey were gi,en original7 identical watches7 which were set on the same time .one both were
bought from 5acy0s and were not stolen1
;ne astronaut was asked to ride on a spacecraft and the other was left on planet <arth1
While riding on his space shuttle7 he then sped up almost matching the speed of light1
2hat astronaut is Werdnakram7 he went to outer space7 then stayed there for $ years1
2hen back to planet earth after his mission1 Howe,er7 he didn0t e,en reali.e that he0s in for a
real surprise1
!o7 he went to his family0s house for a ,isit1
He saw his brother following right after him1
Werdnakram4 :uliusC Where are mom and dad-
:ulius4 Nou don0t ha,e some sense of respect to your older brotherC
Werdnakram4 Is that a /oke- I0m older than you7 so I0m your big brother1
:ulius4 Who said so- Nou left planet earth in the year #+""7 ' years passed and it0s #+"(1
Werdnakram4 Nes7 you0re right7 but my watch says it0s #+"%1
Werdnakram looked for the other astronaut7 who was left on earth1
Bet0s /ust call that guyF Astroboy1
After %) years of searching7 he then found the lost Astroboy1
Werdnakram4 Astroboy7 been looking for you1 Why do you hang out here-
Astroboy4 Ero7 I should ha,e ridden on the spaceship7 which took you to the outer space1
!i6 years ha,e passed7 and a lot of things happened here on planet earth1 2here was the Polar
!hift and series of natural calamities1 Howe,er7 the worst was the news about Planet R @ibiru0s
collision to planet earth3 it was cool though that 5ichio Saku made some ways to stop it1
Also7 a large number of cults came out7 I won0t continue telling stories here7because I know
you0re the lead character1
Werdnakram4 ;h really- Why don0t you get a /ob or something- What happened-
Astroboy4 Ero7 this is the life that I wantFsmoking my Astro Cigarette that I bought from the
>adioacti,e !ago Pro/ect or the con,enience store1
2hat0s what happened in the future and Werdnakram thought of going back to the present
Werdnakram is so sleepy when he came back to his 8spaceAtime machine19
He did not notice that he pressed the button for the year "**% and the country for the Inited
!tates of America1
In split seconds7 he was able to reach his destination1
Werdnakram4 What- I ha,en0t slept yetC
When Werdnakram came out from his spaceship he was surprised of what he saw1
He was brought to a farm7 where he was surrounded by potato crops1
2hen approached a farmer who apparently looks like a scientist1
Werdnakram4 Iy manongC manongC asan ba ko- (Hey7 big brotherC Where am I-
<nglishman4 Hey you7 what are you talking about- I cannot understand your language7 please
Werdnakram4 ;h yeahC Is that so- I don0t gi,e a damnC HahaC :ust kiddingF 5ay I ask where I
<nglishman4 Nou are here at >oswell7 @ew 5e6ico but I can0t tell you the e6act name of our
company because it is a top secret facility1
Werdnakram4 =anun- ang corny naman1 (;h- 2hat0s too corny1
<nglishman4 What-CCCC
Werdnakram4 @othing7 I said you are handsome but deafC :okeC
<nglishman4 What are you doing here- Nou are not supposed to be here1
Werdnakram4 Hmm7 !ince I0m here7 can you please tell me something about what0s going on
around me1
Why are there so many big fat potatoes around me- It0s kinda weirdF
<nglishman4 All you see around here are genetically modified (=5 crops1
=5 crops are de,eloped using the tools of modern Eiotechnology1 Instead of breeding plants7
scientists are inserting genes1 For e6ample7 bacterial genes are inserted into crops such as corn
plants to better protect them from pests1 >esearchers are also inserting genes that resist cold7
drought7 and other ad,erse weather conditions to other agricultural crops to increase crop
yields with
less money and effort1 IronArich7 diseaseApre,enting foods7 and starchier potato tubers intended
primarily for poor countries are also being de,eloped1
Werdnakram4 WowCCC 2hat0s coolCCC (sarcastic
Werdnakram0s thoughts4 <,en ,egetables are not e6empted in e6perimentations7 well /ust like
some ol0 pirated DPDsC
2hen he bid his good bye and walked around the ,ast farmland1
As he strode on the genetically modified facility7 he saw se,eral ,egetables7 in/ected with
chemicals1 It0s like seeing RAmen7 but this time it0s all about mutant ,egetables1
<,entually7 on the way to his spaceship7 he felt tired and then stopped for a rest7 alongside the
huge golden corn crops
He was then ama.ed of a group of butterflies ha,ing a taste of the pollens from the corn1
After a few minutes7 Werdnakram wasn0t able to see the butterflies1
He stood up7 continued walking7 and not far from where he lay down was the bodies of the
lifeless colorful butterflies1
!o7 they were poisoned by the mutant cornC
Werdnakram4 How will man e,er sustain the chemicals- I mean e,en butterflies cannot sur,i,e
its perils1
Eecause Werdnakram is a Filipino Hero Awardee7 he thought about the thousands of Filipinos
eating corn bits and pranksters who talk about corny /okes1
How about you- Are you sure of what you are eating-
@ot far from where he was7 there stood a laboratory1 !o7 he then entered and e6amined the
=ood thing7 he was able to pass by the laser sensors on the gate1 It was easier compared to the
situation in the Philippines7 where you really need to get pass through a ra,enous dog1
He found different types of genetically modified organisms (=5;s4
"1 2he JglowAinAtheAdark0 tobacco with a firefly gene
#1 2he fluorescent pigs and mice with a /ellyfish gene
$1 Et corn7 which is in/ected with an insecticide from a gene of 8Eacillus thuringiensis197 a soil
%1 !uper salmon7 which is"" times hea,ier than a natural one
&1 2omatoes with no ethylene componentA ethylene can make tomatoes ripe7 so remo,ing it can
greatly impro,e its shelf life
'1 !pider goatsO goats with the genes of a spider
(1 Carp fish with si6Apack absO fishes with big bodiesA looks like they went to the gym the
whole day
)1 glowAinAthe dark catsO e6perimented to produce drugs that are for medical purposes in both
man and animals
*1 =enetically modified pigsOpigs that are taken care of7 to make use when humans need an
organ transplant
"+1 =enetically modified cowsO cows in/ected with a human D@A7 made especially to produce
human breast milk
!o7 if I were youF when you go to Eaguio City en/oy their organic markets7 you can e,en pick
your own strawberry in a farm1
I ha,e a tip though3 you can e,en sell your Eaguio ,egetables in 5anila and earn a lotC
Here0s the deal7 when you buy ,egetables from Eaguio and bring those to 5anila7 you0ll notice
that the ,eggies weigh more in the former1
Nou know why-
Eecause of gra,ity1
Eaguio City is farther from the center of the earth1
If you use the same spring balances for a kilo of cabbage it will weigh more in 5anila than in
;nce an ob/ect is nearer the center of gra,ity7 then there is a stronger gra,itational pullFthat0s
why it is hea,ier1
:ust like in the !olar !ystem7 where in the sun is the center of all1
Does it e,er cross your mind7 why the !un is at the center and why does the planet re,ol,e
around it-
He is the center7 because he has the greatest mass1
;kay7 so here is a little acti,ity7 take a blanket and ask your mom to hold its one end7 you on the
other and ask your dad to place a watermelon1
Did you notice something-
2hat the watermelon is on the center-
What else ha,e you noticed-
2he flat surface of the blanket then had a cur,e in the middle7 right where the watermelon is
It0s the same with our uni,erse7 and our solar system1
;ur uni,erse is like a fabric of space7 it is bent3 not flat1
!ince the sun is a bit massi,e7 then the solar system formed its own shape1
What makes it bend-
It is an in,isible force 7 which pulls in e,ery corner7 when the watermelon settled in its center1
!ame situation with our !olar system7 the sun is in the center which is massi,e of all ob/ects
7 so it gi,es shape to the fabric of spaceAtime in that particular area of the Ini,erse1
At the side of the blanket7 place an orange3 you0ll notice then7 that it mo,es to the direction of
the watermelon (!unFadd ( more small fruits7 which can represent the planets1
2he mo,ements of the planets depend on the shape of the surface of the !olar !ystem7 and an
in,isible force pulls them to the center7 because the hea,iest is located there1
=ot it-
!o7 always remember7 we are li,ing at the fourAdimensional spaceAtime fabric of space1
How wonderful is that-
=od0s creation1
=ra,ity7 therefore7 is the 8pull9 because of a mass relati,e to another ob/ect1
In the !olar !ystem7 the planets are less massi,e relati,e to the !un1 !o7 it means that each
ob/ect must be relati,e to each other7 so that we0ll know how strong the gra,itational pull will
>elati,eOIn terms of gra,ity7 you need to relate things1 Bike two ob/ects7 you ha,e to know
which one is hea,ier7 after that you will know which ob/ect has stronger gra,itational force1
@ow7 let0s apply it to people1 Do you think that a chubby person will be more massi,e than you-
Is the concept of gra,itational pull applicable7 so that we can compute the amount of
8attraction9 of people towards you-
Werdnakram continued his /ourney through space and time1
He decided to go to his old self where he is still writing his book Q>eincarnation of a @ew Eorn
2he future Werdnakram didn0t notice that the he looked different in the past1
werdnakram ng nakaraan4 WaaaahCCC AlienCC Who are you- What do you want from me-
werdnakram ng future4 s/oiasnf snm6ghdsfbnscbhh/f, sd/k /asohidf,n sdi/b, d,kughi s niyudg,
werdnakram ng nakaraan4 i canna understand the words that commin out of yar mouthCCC
Werdnakram was astonished and wondered why he cannot understand his past self so he left
his old house1
thoughts of werdnakram4 Why is it like this- And I was wanting to tell myself that I am him and
he is me1 Eut he can0t understand me7 what annoyanceF
And I ha,e a lot of things to tell him about 8his future97 things he should do and shouldn0t do
and places he shouldn0t go to1 And also tell him the people to a,oid and to befriend1
@arrator (me4 2he future Werdnakram and the old Werdnakram will not understand each other
because both li,ed in a different time1
!o no matter how many times the future and past Werdnakram meet7 the old Werdnakram will
not recogni.e his future being1 In the past7 while wrdnakram was writing his book about aliens7
what we thought he saw was an alien was actually his 8future self9 and the IF; that he saw
was the spaceAtime machine of his future self1
In the past7 Werdnakram wrote a book about aliens not knowing that time
that the aliens he saw was /ust QspaceAtime tra,ellers from the futureQ who /ust want to change
If only the past and future Werdnakram could understand each other7 his future self woud0,e
been able to tell the old Werdnakram the secret to building the spaceAtime machine and early
in his college days7 Werdnakram would0,e been able to tra,el to the four dimensions of the
uni,erse called spaceAtime already and /ourney to e,ery corner of space at different times1

Postscript4 NesC It is1 Aliens are /ust spaceAtime tra,elers from the future1
5any from the future ha,e attempted to change their past but failed Qtime only mo,es
Nou cannot change your past but you can impro,e your future by working it on your present
which is =odKs present to you1
Werdnakram returned to the present time to werk (I really spelled it that way because 8werk9
sounds cute in his office1
(""4#( am7 :anuary #7 #+"#1
As werdnakram approached his way back to his timeline of his Qpresent lifeQ in the fabric of
space7 a
,ery strong gra,itational force pulled his spacetime machine from a ,acuumAlike hole
somewhere along the Pro6ima Centauri constellation1
A supermassi,e black hole1
He was trapped then at the bottomless pit composed of nothing but dark matter1
Eecause of Qinertial dampersQ of his spacetime machine7 it didnKt e6plode into pieces1
!uch a relief when werdnakram saw a small amount of signal from the transmitter connected to
the supercomputer located in his laboratory in <arth1
2he supercomputer sends a morse code to werdnakram4 Uouy era ta eht elddim fo a eloh kcalbV
Werdnakram4 What0s with this narrator sending code in <ngish- What0s this7 call center-
(silent KtK ang bigkas-
@arrator4 :ust testing7 don0t like- Don0t then7 k7 2agalog then1 Werdnakram4 2hereC much
betterCC hehe11
@arrator4 much better ka pang nalalaman /an ahC
Werdnakram4 (Wait7 where are we and how are we gonna get out of this black hole-
@arrator4 Well7 don0t ask me I0m /ust the storyteller here1 I narrate your chronicle7 remember-
=o and ask your supercomputer while there0s still signal11
Werdnakram4 ok1
Werdnakram swiftly connected to his supercomputer in his laboratory on planet earth1
!upercomputer4 you are now inside a black hole somewhere in the 5ilky Way gala6y1
Werdnakram4 oh- How will I get out of here-
!upercomputer4 Nou need to teleport or tra,el in the speed of light light and send your particles
in a nearby planet1 After that7 you ha,e to capture the whole planet named EP5 $(+*$1
Werdnakram4 huh- What0s that-C Can you gi,e me some additional information about that
planet- Does it ha,e apes or a,atar-
!upercomputer4 according to my research7 that0called QCosmic diamond1Q
2he EP5 $(+*$ is a crystalli.ed white dwarf7 a remnant of a once shining star much like our sun1
It0s also called 8Bucy97from the 8beatles9 song 8Bucy in the sky with diamonds91
Werdnakram4 can you gi,e me the e6act location of that 8cosmic diamond9-
!upercomputer4 EP5 $(+*$ is &+ lightAyears away7 in the constellation Cebtaurus7 its si.e is
kilometers in diameter and it is "+ billion trillion trillion caratsC
Werdnakram4 huwaaaaaattt-CC Wow7 that0s hard coreC What if we /ust sell that on earthC-
!upercomputer4 no7 you canKt1 Nou need that whole planet to get out of that black hole you0re in
right now1 2eleport to that planet and when you teleport back7 teleport it with you1
Werdnakram4 ah 7 alright7 alright1 !ince I0m the hero in this story7 I probably can do that1
!o Werdnakram teleported that planet to capture the cosmic diamond to block the black hole1
Werdnakram made it out of the black hole using the diamond planet called EP5 $(+*$1
He was so e6hausted that he set his spaceAtime machine to 8autopilot mode9 so that he can
tra,el at a normal pace7 rela6ed1
<ngine4 kwengk kwengk kwengkC kwengk kwengk kwengkC
werdnakram4 What0s that-CC 2hat0s ?uite some noise thereCC watda-CC
<ngine4 kwengk kwengk kwengkC kwengk kwengk kwengkC
werdnakram4 olet oletCCC grrr11 o1; unli-C
<ngine4 kwengk kwengk kwengk kwengk kwengk kwengk
werdnakram4 =rrrCCCC
Werdnakram got up to find out why one of his complicated machines is making that terrible

werdnakram4 supercomputer7 what0s that noise-
supercomputer4 !ir7 we detected a fountain of antimatter coming out in the center of the 5ilky
Way gala6y in the direction of the constellation !agitarius7 howe,er7 it is ,ery small1

werdnakram4 ;h7 thatKs niceC Hehe1 Eut if we will bring that back with s to <arth7 it won0t be
safe to people with bad moti,es because the efficiency of an antimatter bomb is "++W o,er
hydrogen bomb1
Another thing is that the collision of matter and antimatter can create a massi,e annihilation1
supercomputer4 !o7 what shall we do-
werdnakram4 Dstill sleepyD7 since we0re here already7 letKs take a look at the fountain1
And that is what they did3 they went to the fountain of antimatter using the in,isibility cloak of
the ship1
Werdnakram disco,ered that there are antiApeople in the fountain7 people composing of
antimatter in their bodies1
Infortunately7 he can0t talk or e,en get near them because any physical contact will cause them
to e6plode1
2hrough his antiAelectromagnetic negati,e gra,ity container7 Werdnakram was able to get some
sample of anti matter from there
Werdnakram decided to go back to earth to study the antimatter sample he had taken from the
;n Werdnakram0s return to <arth7 a his spaceAtime machine had fluctuations of energy due to a
supeno,a0s e6plosion1 It resulted in gra,itational wa,es that hit the area where Werdnakrams
spaceAtime machine was located1
computer4 Alert alert alertC unable to tra,el into time7 alert alert alertC
Werdnakram4 huh- ;h noC Why now-C
Werdnakram4 set the particle beam accelerator engine to ma6imum speed11
computer4 command accepted and generated Uinitiating the inertial dampers and the artif icial
Werdnakram swiftly lay down on his 8antiAgra,ity bed9 that rotates in a circular motion that
weakens the =Aforces in outer space1
computer4 particle accelerator beam engine launching autopilot mode11
Werdnakram tra,elled back to <arth in the speed of light and fell asleep for a few nanoseconds1
He work up abruptly in an island called 8!hutter Island91
Computer4 sir7 according to my research7 this is a topAsecret facility of the I! go,ernment7 it
e,en e6ist in the =P! map7 so whate,er happens to you here7 will be fore,er forgotten as if
youKre a
nonAe6istent being1
Werdnakram4 Is that so- Alright7 to be safe7 I0ll wear my e6perimental in,ented suits1
Werdnakram put on his in,isibility /acket and his teleportation belt before he stepped out of his
spaceAtime machine1
Werdnakram4 I wonder what0s in the island that the go,ernment made it top secret-
Eecause Werdnakram is an impulsi,e and ad,enturous person7 he walked around the island and
came upon a building1
Werdnakram4 2his place is weird1 People in the garden are still handcuffed despite of the
numerous guards surrounding it1
Werdnakram continued his trek and because he was wearing his in,isibility /acket7 nobody can
see him1
He was surprised when he disco,ered a laboratory where there were patients being tortured
while others were undergoing brain surgery1
In that room7 he noticed a nerd child lea,ing the laboratory and followed him1
Werdnakram4 hey youC
Child4 huh- whoKs calling me- thereKs no one here1
Werdnakram forgot he was still in in,isible mode so he he switched it off1
Werdnakram4 hey you kiddoC o,er hereC
Child4 who are you- how did you get in here-
Werdnakram4 /ust come with me7 i /ust want to ask you something11
Child4 no i wonKtC WeKre not supposed to do that because this is a topAsecret facility with cct,
and if we tell anybody about the secret7 we will be killedC
Werdnakram4 killed- why- who will kill you- What secret-
Child4 the illuminatis1
Werdnakram4 donKt worry7 iKm from the future7 if you tell me e,erything about here7 that wonKt
to them because weKre not on the same spaceAtimeline1
Werdnakram took the child with him7 to his spaceship by fusion teleportation1
Werdnakram4 @ow that weKre here7 can you tell me whatKs happening in that weird laboratory-
and this whole island-
bata4 this entire island is controlled by the illuminati1 5any scientists here are conducting
and e6periment on the scarring of the brain system1
werdnakram4 what do you mean by scarring of brain- i donKt get it1
bata4 <arly on it was disco,ered that the brain would o,ercompensate for scarring on the brain
2his is a principle similar to weight lifting1 Ey tearing down the muscle fiber by o,ere6ertion7 the
rebuilds the muscle stronger1 Ey scarring the brain stem7 itOwas disco,ered that geniuses who
photographic memories could be created1
Erain stem scarring was used to create the whi. kids that the @ew World ;rder (@W; needed
to run
their big computers1 For instance7 the computers that /ust @A!A alone uses re?uire people who
work in AB=;B7 EA!IC7 C;E;B7 C;E;B (%7 5IB2IC! C;E;B ,er1 %1%7 C;E;B Cb1%7 C;E;B CP'7
E;B7 <IB;>7 FBIP7 F;>A!27 F;>2>A@7 HABH!7 Illiac %7 :A!P7 :;!!7 :;PIAB7 HBNAPA!7 BI!P7
BI!P #7 H5APH7 @u!peak7 PA!CAB7 P<A>B7 HPBAC<H7 PBH"7 PBH"AAPA><B7 PBA@I27 Pra6is7 !A
5achine Banguage7 !<5A@;B7 !@;E<B7 I@IR7 WA@=7 LEI<1 It takes a good memory to
computer languages and programming1 2hese whi. kids7 who were both programmed with
programming and had their brain stems scarred can be seen in some of the Ini,ersity computer
departments and the intelligenceHmilitary agencies computers rooms1
For instance7 at Ft1 5eade7 the @!A has # buildings which contain a completely selfAsuf
intelligence operation1 (2he comple6 has its own stores7 bank7 dry cleaning7 dentistry7 barber
PR7 hospital7 as well as the normal snackbars and cafeteria that Federal buildings often ha,e1
2his comple6 which is internally guarded by cameras watching all the corridors7 has se,eral
computer rooms where whi. kids are employed1
5o,ement by these whi. kids7 re?uires that they ha,e the proper I1D1 attached to them1 2he CIA
which has had an ongoing pro/ect to create them7 has called them QCompuAkids1Q
!ome of the ele,ators are pri,ate and operate only with the proper key1
2he @!A0s computers participate in electronically watching the world1 Another e6ample of
compuAkids (sla,es with scarred brain stems work on big computers (incl1 a Eeast computer is
Area &" (Dreamland7 @P1
2he method of scarring the reticular formation of the brain stem is accomplished electronically1
2he >@A piles up and breaks the continuity of the signals coming through1
Different people0s bodies are able to tolerate different le,els of abuse1
5any of the brain stem scarring ,ictims die7 or end up with a pseudoA5ultiple !clerosis1
5any children are coming into hospitals and being misdiagnosed as ha,ing 5ultiple !clerosis
in fact they are damaged from programming and brain stem scarring1
If the ,ictim is successfully gi,en a photographic memory through their entire alter system due
brain stem scarring7 then they are often programmed to see what are called QhieroglyphicsQ
(that is
the co,er name which is really /ust the 8Intergalactic BanguageQ that @A!A de,eloped in the
and then turned around and used to program sla,es with photographic memories1
Inder the co,er of research pro/ects like @'(A$+%# ("( p1 $+##
QBanguage structure and message decoding for interplanetary decodingQ in "*'( and @'&A
$##)% #+$%"%
in "*'& entitled Q!ymbol science for communication language of humans7 animals7 and
inanimate ob/ectsOapplication to mathematics7 cybernetics7 and automation1Q
2he actual study number or numbers for the Intergalactic Banguage is not known7 but they
appear somewhere in the ,oluminous !cientif ic and 2echnical Aerospace >eports that @A!A
puts out
each year1
2he script of this language was shown in the beginning credits of the strange mo,ie Bawnmower
!ome of the symbols are similar to Ascii Computer language (which is a language that interfaces
many other computer languages7 so that one language can be translated into another
2he 5onarch sla,es are told that this is an alien language1
werdnakram4 what the----
Child4 2his entire island is owned by Illuminati to conduct e6periments and research on how to
control the mind of all human race1
werdnakram4 can you gi,e me some more information- what about the process of
how are they being able to control the mind of the ,ictims-
Child4 there are "# 5a/or !ciences of 5onarch 5ind Control
"1 2he !election X Preparation of the Pictim
#1 2he 2raumati.ation X 2orture of the Pictim
$1 2he Ise of Drugs
%1 2he Ise of Hypnosis
&1 2he !kill of Bying7 2he Art of Deceit
'1 2he Ise of <lectricity X <lectronics
(1 <ngineering X !tructuring ;f An 5PD !ystem
)1 Eody 5anipulation X Programming
*1 5ind 5anipulation by Psychological Programming 5ethods4 Eeha,ior 5odif ication7
5oti,ation X @BP
"+1 !piritual Control 2echni?ues7 Possession7 2rances7 <tc1
""1 Internal Controls
"#1 <6ternal Controls
werdnakram4 What- oh no7 i ha,e to go back to my place to inform my family and friends about
And Werdnakram brought the child back to the laboratory through teleportation1
Eefore they parted7 the child ga,e Werdnakram a piece of paper where the different Illuminati
members7 who are behind the 5ind Control <6periment >esearch7 is listed1
Werdnakram was stunned when he read the list1
;rgani.ations Practicing 2raumaAEased 5ind Control
(2hese groups form what insiders call Qthe @etwork1Q 2hey are the backbone of what is known
as the
@ew World ;rder1
11 Air Force Intelligence
11 Army Intelligence (such as CIC
11 Atomic <nergy Commission
11 Eoeing
11 Eritish Intelligence7 in1 5IA'7 5IA&7 X the 2a,istock Institute
11 Eureau of @arcotics
11 Eureau of Prisons
11 Catholic Church (incl1 :esuits
11 Central Intelligence Agency7 CIA (aka Agency7 Company7 Bangley
11 Charismatic mo,ement
11 Church of !atan
11 Church of !cientology
11 CI>PI!
11 Club "# X Club %"
11 Country 5usic Industry
11 Defense Intelligence Agency7 DIA
11 Department of :ustice
11 Federal Eureau of In,estigation7 FEI
11 Freemasonry (esp1 the Palladium >ite7 $$Y and abo,e degrees7Muatuor Coronati

Bodge7 !>IA7 and other 5asonic af
ffiliated organi.ations
11 =erman Intelligence (!haback
11 =H=
2he House of !aud in !audi Arabia (which has unAprogrammed sla,es too
2he Illuminati (also known as 2he Circle7 5oriah7 5oriahAcon?ueringAwind7 =nostics7
Buciferians etc1 at all
le,els is in,ol,ed in traumaAbased mind control as perpetrators X ,ictims7 incl1 Frat1 !aturniA
;rden Fraternitas !aturni7 2HF!7 F;=;7 =olden Dawn7 AntiC1Bucif1 Dyn7 etc1
Su Slu6 Slan (different SSS groups
5asons (see Freemasonry
5od in
5ossad (5ossad le Aliyah Eeth
5ormon Church
@A!A (@ational !pace Admin1
@ational !ecurity Agency (@!A
@ational Programs ;f
@ational !cience Foundation (@!F
@a,al Intelligence (;@I
@eoAna.i groups
;2; (there are % groups
P1% (elite 5I' section
Palo 5ayombe
Process Church and its offshoot Chingun etc1
Professional Easeball7 such as the B1A1 Dodgers
>ussian go,ernment X intelligence groups (=>I X S=E X S=E0s successor7 historically an
early group known as !pets
Eyuro Z" called QSameraQ in >ussian which means QChamberQ did drugHhypnosis mind control
research1 2he
!petsburo was responsible for assassinations1
!atanic Hubs7 !oc1 of Dk1 Bily7 Chdrn of Bucifer (IS
2emple of Power (pre,iously known as 2emple of !et
11 I! ArmyAAesp1 the Delta Forces X the "st <arth Eatt1
11 I!AF
Peteren0s Administration
Werewolf ;rder
!ome Witchcraft groups besides !atanism X 5oriah
Eecause ;f what Werdnakram learned about the Illuminati7 he got worried about the future of
his family and children1
Werdnakram4 =ra,eC !o that0s how it is7 Illuminati is such a powerful force7 I wonder how I can
stop them in the future when I0m old and can barely walk-
Werdnakram thought of tra,eling to the future to do a research1
Near #+#'7 Werdnakram went to the library of the City Ini,ersity of @ew Nork1
Eecause the library at that time is already so highAtech7 all you you ha,e to do is talk to the
holographic geniuses (a book of knowledge and information that ha,e a human silhouette1
PoiceAacti,ated sensor4 Welcome to CI@N Bibrary of Snowledge7 how can I help you7 sir-
Werdnakram4 I want to know the secret of Peter Pan-
PoiceAacti,ated sensor4 What do you mean7 sir-
Werdnakram4 How come he does not grow old-
PoiceAacti,ated sensor4 !ir7 Peter Pan is /ust a fairy tale7 but if you0re asking about the fountain
youth7 I may be able to answer your ?uestion1
Werdnakram4 Fountain of youth- Nou mean7 the secret to defy the age-
PoiceAacti,ated sensor4 Nes7 it is1 2he secret is 2elomerase1
Werdnakram4 Can you tell me the complete details about telomerase-
PoiceAacti,ated sensor4 First of all7 we know that D@A is sort of like a shoelace1 It has plastic tips
the end1 <,ery time a cell reproduces7 the tips get shorter and shorter and shorter until finally
fray1 And you know that your shoelace7 without the plastic tips will simply fall apart1 2hat is
happens inside a cell1 A cell7 for e6ample7 your skin cell7 will di,ide about '+ times7 that is called
Hayf lick Bimit1 2hen the cell goes into senescence and e,entually dies1
!o in some sense7 e,ery cell has a biological clock1 It is doomed to die after about '+
Howe,er7 2elomerase can eliminate some of the contraction of the chromosomes and the
chromosomes can maintain their length1 !o at first you may say7 ahAhaC We can now defeat the
biological clock1 Eut not so fast7 first of all7 cancer cells also use 2elomerase1 Cancer cells are
immortal1 Cancer cells are immortal and that is precisely why they kill you1 Why are cancer cells
dangerous- Eecause they are immortal1 2hey grow and they grow and they grow until they take
huge chunks of your body7 meaning that your bodily functions cannot be performed and you
die1 !o
we ha,e to make sure that when you hit ordinary cells with 2elomerase that you donKt also
cancer in the process1
@ow7 also you ha,e to reali.e that genes are also ,ery essential for the aging process1 It turns
that we know what aging is1 Aging is the buildup of error1 2hat0s all aging is1 2he build up of
and cellular error1 And cells begin to age3 they begin to get sluggish because genetic mistakes
start to
build up1 @ow cells3 howe,er7 ha,e a repair mechanism1 2hey can repair damage to their cells3
otherwise we would all basically rot ,ery soon after birth1 Howe,er7 e,en the repair mechanisms
e,entually get gummed up and then the cell really starts to get old as a conse?uence1 !o then
?uestion is7 can you accelerate cell repair- 2hat is another branch of gerontology which is being
looked at using genes and using chemicals to accelerate the repair mechanisms1
For e6ample7 if I take any organism on the planet <arth from yeast cells to spiders7 insects7
dogs7 and e,en monkeys now1 And I reduce their caloric intake by $+W7 they li,e $+W longer1 In
the only organism which has not yet been deliberately tested by scientists are homo sapiens1 All
other species obey this basic rule1 Nou star,e them to death7 they li,e longer1 2his is
independent of
2elomerase1 2his is a function of the wear and tear that we ha,e on the cells1 And this is the
known way of actually deliberately e6tending the lifespan of any organisms almost at will1
@ow7 what we want is a genetic way of mimicking this mechanism without ha,ing to star,e
because how many people do you know would be willing to star,e themsel,es in order to li,e
longer- @ot too many1 !o then the ?uestion is7 are there genes that control this process1 And
answer is apparently7 yes1 2here0s something called the !irtuin genes7 !ir# being the most
of them1 2hey in turn stimulate certain en.ymes7 among them >es,eratrol7 which is found in red
for e6ample1 !o this does not mean that drinking red wine or taking 2elomerase is the fountain
youth1 I donKt think that anyone has the fountain of youth yet1 What I am saying is7 we are now
pieces of the fountain of youth7 clues that mean that perhaps in the coming decades7
might be able to actually unra,el the aging process1 We don0t ha,e it yet1 DonKt go out to the
store and stock up on these kinds of chemicals and en.ymes thinking you0re going to li,e
Howe,er it is concei,able that in the coming decades weKll come ,ery close to finding it1
After learning about those things7 Werdnakram returned to his spaceAtime machine bringing the
formula for the fountain of youth with him1
Werdnakram4 ;h no7 once people disco,er the secret of the fountain of youth with success7 the
whole mankind would be in danger1 5ore so if e,il men find this out7 they will be immortals
while others are mortal7 and soon they will control the humanity1 I ha,e to
destroy it1 Eut if I do that7 it will cause complications in the timeline7 it might alter the future7 it
can be worse or it can be better1
Eut I ha,e to do what is right and beneficial to the ma/ority1
After tra,eling for ?uite some time7 werdnakram decided to take a rest and write a diary11
After Werdnakram wrote the 8Werdnakram Diaries97 he continued his /ourney1

Near4 "*&%
Place4Eilderberg Hotel in Arnhem7 the @etherlands
A meeting is being held at Eilderberg Hotel in @eitherlands between influential people7 mostly
politicians and businessmen1
At the side of the building7 o,er a spread of meadow7 Werdnakram0s spaceAtime machine
Werdnakram4 Wait7 why am I here- Where is this-
Werdnakram walked towards the hotel but abruptly stopped when he saw the intimidating
!ecurity guards (not in uniforms like in the Philippines that look like bouncers wearing shades1
Werdnakram4 ;oopsC I0m not in,ited here*
He immediately took out his Ipad mini and acti,ated an application he downloaded from !5
free wifi when he last went there to get his tokens from 8Worlds of Fun9 1 2he application is
called 8In,ipossible97 bromidic I know7 but that0s what the author came up with1
Werdnakram4 In,isibility mode acti,atedC
As soon as he pressed the button7 he disappeared1
<6planation4 2he strings of ?uarks found inside colliding protons ha,e gluons that produce
8transparent strings9 that connects the ?uarks1 When ?uarks collide with other ?uarks head on7
it escapes from the proton and disrupts the strings of energy7 once this string is disrupted7 new
?uark and antiA?uark form at the end of the strings1 >epeated collision happens until it reaches
the 8speed of light9 collision that di,ides e,en the tiniest subatomic neoparticles of strings1
2hen <urekaC In,isibility and teleportationC
Curious7 Werdnakram hurried inside the function hall of the hotel where a horde of people are
gathered in a meeting1
<mcee4 We would like to welcome the attendees of this meeting7 namely7 Donald >umsfeld7
Peter !utherland
from Ireland7 a former <uropean Inion Commissioner and Chairman of =oldman !achs and of
EP1 Former I!
Deputy Defense !ecretary and World Eank head Paul Wolfowit.3 and <tienne Da,ignon7 the
Eelgian politician
X businessman1
Werdnakram4 WowC 2his meeting is grand7 there are central bankers7 defense e6perts7 mass
media press
barons7 go,ernment ministers7 prime ministers7 royalty7 international financiers and political
leaders from
<urope and America1
Werdnakram didn0t finish the meeting1 2he topic bored him4 8How to Control the World through
our 5oney-9
;utside the building7 Werdnakram saw Ale6 :ones7 a newscaster from America with his battalion
rallying with a megaphone1

Werdnakram4 In,isibility deacti,ated1
Werdnakram took out his ipad once again and used an application called AutoAtranslate ,oice
sensor X language chameleon1 He /ostled his way through to Ale6 :ones and asked1
Werdnakram4 Hey !ir7 this is Werdnakram7 a researcher from Philippines1 Can you gi,e me some
information on what they are up to in the meeting inside the Eilderberg-
Ale6 :ones4 2oday7 the elite of the planet are ha,ing a meeting in secret to the public at
Eilderberg Hotel1 2he
Eilderberg group would later admit that their mission was the formation of <I1 ;nce the <I was
under the guise of trade deals a @orth American Inion and Asian Inion would be formed1 2he
superAstates from the core of the global mo,ement7 while the Inited @ations would ser,e as a
world regulatory
and enforcement body o,er the thirdAworld subAregions1 2he Eilderberg group consists of the
heads of all the
managing >ound 2able groups that steer indi,idual countries1 Picture the elite power structure
of the world as a
giant pyramid with only the elite of the elite at the tipAtop of the capstone1
Werdnakram4 2hank Nou !ir for your information1 We ha,e to goC
After talking to Ale6 :ones7 he immediately returned to the spaceAtime machine to countercheck
the information he recei,ed from Ale6 :ones on his
World History Web >ecords Archi,e in the Pault Web >ecords (PW> of his supercomputer1
Computer4 82he group has been so secreti,e that until the midA"*)+s the controlled corporate
media denied its
e6istence1 Into the late "**+s co,erage only consisted of rare oneAline mentions but with the
rise of the
alternati,e media7 their strangleAhold on information has begun to slip1
Werdnakram4 2hat Eilderberg =roup is e6tremely nasty1 2hey are trying to control the world
with their money1 2hey also decide who will be the ne6t President of America1 8<,erything is
under their control19
Werdnakram to Computer4 =i,e me the updated info about the Eilderberg =roup with their
Computer ,oice acti,ated report4 In the Illuminati heirarchy7 Eilderberg group is abo,eHcontrols
the CF>7 >IIA7
and 2rilateral Commission1 It is composed of Sings7 Mueens7 Princes7 and Princesses7 Presidents
and Prime
ministers from all o,er the world1 I5FHWorld EankHFederal reser,e heads7 I! !enators7 CF>
members7 <I
Commissioners7 >ockefellers7 >otschilds7 :ournalist7 2P @ews anchors7 C<;s7 and moreC 2he last
si6 heads
of @A2; ha,e been from the Eilderberg =roup1
In "**"7 Eill Clinton was in,ited and the ne6t year became president1 Hillary has also been to
Eilderberg1 ;ther
notable attendees include4 5argaret 2hatcher7 2ony Elair7 =ordon Erown7 Dan Muayle7 Alan
=erald Ford7 Henry Sissinger7 >ichard Pearle7 Donald >umsfeld7 Colin Powell7 William Perry7
Prince Charles7
Prince Philip7 Sing :uan Carlos7 and Mueen !ophia of !pain7 Mueen Eeatri6 and Prince Eernhard
of the
@etherlands7 Peter :ennings7 >upert 5urdoch7 William F Euckley :r17 @elson and Da,id
>ockefeller7 Bynn
Forester >otschild7 !igmund and <ric Warburg1
Werdnakram4 WaaaaaaahC !o many of them1 I ha,e to go back to my present time to inform the
people about this1
Werdnakram returned to the spaceAtime machine to tra,el back to year #+"$1
Computer4 AlertC AlertC AlertC !ir7 we cannot go back to your present time as of this moment1
Nour spaceAtime
machine is in 85ulti,erse 2ime 2ra,el9 mode1
Werdnakram4 What do you mean-
Computer4 2he 5ulti,erse 5ode of 2ime 2ra,el means that you are in Alternate 2imelines in an
infinite number of parallel Ini,erses1 2ra,eling into the past causes a new di,ergent timeline
from the first1 Eecause of this7 the tra,eler can do anything with impunity7 and only the new
timeline will be affected1
Werdnakram4 Nou mean7 I am trapped here- What about my present time- Is it affected by the
situation here in the past-
Computer4 @othing happens in your original timeline1 Nou ha,e simply created a new timeline in
which you will
not e6ist7 but the original timeline is unaffected1 Howe,er7 you cannot return to your original
Werdnakram4 ;h noC Isn0t there any other option to get me out of here-
Computer4 2here is7 if you can sol,e the problem here in this timeline1 ;r if all else fails7 your
8other self9 ha,e to sa,e you1
Werdnakram4 I hope so1 I ha,e an idea1 I will go back to the timeline where I was born7 then I
will help my 8other self9 to in,ent the time machine1
Near #+"$7 on the "#
day of December while Werdnakram is meandering about the
!tratosphere ("+ kilometers to fifty kilometers high abo,e the atmosphere of the <arth on his
spaceAtime machine7 his 5icrowa,e lifeAdetection system computer detected something #&+
miles (%+# km from the ground1 2his system operates and on "&+5H. or %&+5H. can detect
breathing and heartbeat signals of human sub/ects through an earth?uake rubble or
construction barrier of about "+ ft1 thickness1
Werdnakram to computer4 =i,e me the e6act location of the sub/ect1
PoiceAacti,ated computer4 !ir7 sub/ect is located at Elueridge 5ountain >oad in Eluemont7
Werdnakram4 ;k7 letKs teleport and see whatKs down thereC
PoiceAacti,ated computer4 Acti,ating the wormhole runway to target destination1
Werdnakram4 Acti,ate also the in,isibility mode1
PoiceAacti,ated computer4 Nes7 sirC WeKll be there in a nanosecond1
2hey arri,ed at 8Area E9 of 5ount Weather <mergency ;perations Center1Werdnakram
disco,ered that the area has an underground facility measuring '++7+++ s?uare feet1
Werdnakram to computer4 What the-- What0s this place for--

PoiceAacti,ated computer4 At this present time sir7 it is not clear what is the purpose of this
Werdnakram to computer4 Alright7 if we canKt find information at this present time7 letKs go to
the future1
Werdnakram to computer4 Acti,ate the time tra,el de,ice to Near #+#$3 Bocation4 @orthA<astern
!ection of Pirginia1
PoiceAacti,ated computer4 yes7 sirC
Werdnakram tra,elled back "+ years after to research the purpose of the underground facility
of 5ount Weather <mergency ;perations Center1
PoiceAacti,ated computer4 sir7 weKre here1
Werdnakram to computer4 ;k7 I will search the place1
Werdnakram was surprised to find the throng of people there1 !o out of curiosity7 he in?uired
from someone who looked like a scientist sporting a streak of gray hair on his beard1
Werdnakram4 !ir7 can you tell me about this facility-
Eearded man who looks like a scentist4 2his facility is a ma/or relocation site for the highest le,el
of ci,ilian and military officials in case of national disaster7 playing a ma/or role in I1!1 continuity
of go,ernment
(per the Continuity of ;perations Plan1
Werdnakram4 Eut why are there so many people here-
Eearded man who looks like a scentist4 What- Nou donKt know- Where the heck do you came
Werdnakram4 IKm a time tra,eler7 please tell me what happened here-
Eearded man who looks like a scentist4 ;ur earth has been hit by asteroid #+"" A=&1 2he
asteroid is about %'+ feet ("%+ meters in si.e1 2he impact from #+"" A=& ha,e caused wreak
ha,oc across a region at least a
hundred miles wide as it hit the <arth with a force of "++ megatons1
Werdnakram4 Nou mean this place is an e,acuation center-
Eearded man who looks like a scentist4 Nes7 e6actly1
Werdnakram4 !o7 this underground facility is one of those 8!ecret Doomsday Inderground
City911I thought that was /ust a conspiracy theory11
Werdnakram bid farewell to the bearded man who looks like a scientist and returned to his
spaceAtime machine1
Eearded man who looks like a scientist4 Eefore you go7 I want you to take this map1
Near4 April '7 "*)&
Bocation4 Eagong !ilangan7 Mue.on City1
8Dante7 DanteC9
Nelled a woman named Eoding1 2he man abruptly woke up7 8Huh- Why- Eoding7 it0s the wee
hour of the night7 why are you still up- said Dante to his wife1
8I think it0s timeC Hurry and call a pedicab and take me to 5s1 Puring19 >eplied Eoding to her
8Wake up I,y and look after your mom while I call a pedicab19
Eoding and Dante0s eldest daughter immediately awoke and got up1
Dante hurried out of the house and looked for a possible transport1 8;h why does she ha,e to
go into labor in this hour of the night7 I can0t find any public transport we can takeC9
@ot far away7 Dante saw a glimmering light and went to see what it was7 in the hope he it might
be a pedicab1 He found a spaceship instead and saw someone there1
85aybe you can help us7 my wife is in labor7 and we need transportation19
Dante !aid1 8I0m Dante19 And shook his hand and asked for his name1
8I0m Werdnakram1 Can you please take me to your house-9
2hey hurried back to Dante0s house1
When they reached the house7 Dante hastened to carry his wife into the spaceship1 After a few
minutes7 they arri,ed at Puring0s residence1
82hanks for your help Werdnakram79 said Dante1
8Nou0re welcome Dante1 Well7 I ha,e to go7 I still ha,e a long way to tra,el79 replied Werdnakram
before he left1
A few minutes after7 a son was born to Dante and Eoding1 2hey named him 5ark Andrew1
When Werdnakram was ( years old7 he went to a huge library for the first time1 2hat library is so
,ast and full of books different languages1 Werdnakram knows that all of them were authored
only by one person1
He doesn0t know H;W those books were written1 He also doesn0t understand the languages
used to write them1 Werdnakram suspects there0s a mysterious way the books were arranged
but can0t define it1
In this scene7 Werdnakram that the situation the omniscience of =od7 the
most intelligent and knowledgeable in the world can ne,er fathom the wisdom of =od1
2hat most wise one is awed by the mar,elous way the uni,erse has been created and arranged
to follow 8certain laws9 and no one can truly understand those laws1 2he intellect of man can
ne,er come to understand the mysterious force that mo,es the constellations1
2hat is when Werdnakram0s unending hunger for knowledge and answers to ?uestions that
ne,er seem to run out7 began1 Where,er he goes this flight of ?uestions plague his hyperacti,e
Werdnakram continues to search and disco,er new things that bit by bit seem to fit together
like a pu..le that he aims to complete before he dies1
Near #++*1 In Eagong !ilangan Mue.on city (In @ew <ast Mue.on City
8Snock7 knock7 knockC9
8Snock7 knock7 knockC9
8Snock7 knock7 knockC9
Werdnakram was abruptly awakened from his sleep because of the loud
knocking on the door1
Werdnakram4 8WaaaahCCC Ead tripC I0m ha,ing a shut eye7 what is it11-9
He swiftly got up and was blinded by the light from the window19What is that7 is there a fire-9
Without delay7 he came out of the house7 into the backyard1 He saw a IF; slowly taking off
from the ground and into the hea,ens1
Werdnakram4 8Awww7 too bad I didn0t e,en get to talk to the dri,er of the IF;7 I didn0t e,en get
to see what an alien look like1
When the IF; finally disappeared from sight7 he noticed a 8time capsule9 still hot1
Werdnakram4 8I wonder what0s inside this- It0s pure steel7 looks like whate,er0s inside is really
Werdnakram returned to his room to go back to sleep7 obli,ious of the time capsule
8tootootC 2ootootC 2ootootCCCC9
Werdnakram4 8WaaaaaaahhhhhhhhCCCC What noiseC I don0t ha,e an alarm clock119
Werdnakram noticed the time capsule had a 8digital time countdown91

Werdnakram4 this might be a bomb11but it0s ok7 still a long way7 haha7 still &#&7*%* minutes to
go7 I0ll /ust bury it in the ground1
Werdnakram dug in the backyard and buried the time capsule1 After one year7 Werdnakram
graduated from elementary and ready to go to highschool1
tootootC 2ootootC 2ootootCCCC9
Werdnakram4 8WaaaaaaahhhhhhhhCCCC What noiseC I don0t ha,e an alarm clock119
Werdbakran suddenly stopped and thought that scene is familiar to him1

Werdnakram4 8Hmmm7 this seems familiar1 Ah7 I remember now7 that alarm7 that0s the time
capsule I buried7 I think I0ll dig it up119
Werdnakram dug up the time capsule and when he got a hold of it7 it opened up and he saw a
holographic paper full of e?uations1
Werdnakram4 8How to build a 2ime 5achine19 8HAHAHAHAHAC What is this7 a /oke- !omeone
might be tripping on me119
Werdnakram could not belie,e his eyes but he wanted to belie,e so took the holographic paper
with him back to his room1 For four years7 Werdnakram did nothing but study7 and research
about time tra,el7 aliens7 Bochness monster7 Eermuda triangles and other things that can0t be
After four years7 Werdnakram graduated from highschool and took up E! Physics in College1
2hrought he help of his professor7 Professor 5ardride/os7 he slowly began to understand the
formulas written in the holographic paper he got from the time capsule1
After se,en more years of research7 Werdnakram was able to build his 8time machine9 and here
began Werdnakram0s /ourney to different periods of time1
Personally7 I am a freeAspirited young professional and a disciple of :esus Christ1 5oreo,er7 at
work7 I am a selfAstarter7 who has multifaceted writing capabilities adept in ,arious writing styles
and topics1 ;ne can see ingenuity in my works as it carefully answers my intellectual childhood
cra,ings from spaceAtime tra,el and e6ploration7 mar,els of Physics7 music7 the unknown7 news
and general knowledge1 All these were answered as I ,entured into my craft7 which I can readily
share to the world1
During my high school days7 I was able to satisfy my highbrow yearnings by being an <ditor in
Chief of the Inofficial @ewsmaga.ine of the %th Near Class QA 5onthly Dose of DyokQ in
Eagong !ilangan High !chool1 When college came7 I was then again (self appointed the position
of <ditor in Chief in our Physics Class for an e6clusi,e newsmaga.ine entitled 8Muanta9 in my
alma mater at Polytechnic Ini,ersity of the Philippines1
;n one hand7 my e6tensi,e in,ol,ements in the writing industry shape me as an AuthorHWriter1
First7 my current position as an <ditorial Assistant in the !cience !ection for Pibal Publishing
House Incorporated (PPHI7 the Philippines0 leading publishing house in which my
responsibilities include researching7 proofreading7 copy editing7 writing e6ercises7 and
identifying errors in the proof printed by the layout artist1 !econd7 I maintain an online
freelance columnist /ob in which I write articles about current e,ents7 !cience and other
rele,ant information1 2hird7 I was a former article writer for HM !ystems Philippines and 2he
Pincent 2imes International1 Fourth7 creati,ity and preser,ation is the key to author and
compile unpublished literary works such as the following4 )utobiography of a *leepless *olitude
6ind7 5eincarnation of a New Born 2ride, *tranger than <iction and this book4 $he )dventures
of %erdnakam 8Ang Pakikipagsapalaran ni Werdnakam9 in Filipino* Fifth7 I held a position as a
Copy <ditor for !cience :ournals in <!! 5anufacturing Company for three years1 !i6th7 I was able
to make use of my competence to teach the Filipino youth for two years in the =reat is the Bord
Campbridge Christian !chool1
5oreo,er7 as a renaissance man7 I /uggle my eightAtoAsi6 writing employment with >eal <state
deals employed as a Init 5anager for Perdantpoint De,elopment Corporation7 5arketing
;fficer for Loomanity =roup of Companies7 Philippines and Chief <6ecuti,e ;fficer (C<; of my
pri,ately owned company 5A>Sers of your Eeautiful 5emories1
Apparently7 for the last two years7 I take pride in this enterprise7 in which we were able to roll up
our slee,es and build it from the ground up7 because we ha,e been encountering success
stories of outsourcing each and e,ery single year1 In addition7 we uphold the mission to pro,ide
resources and create solutions that ma6imi.e customer relationships and en,isioned to be an
industry leader for global7 customerArelated outsourcing solutions1 In an instance7 we were
able to pro,ide assistance for aspiring Philippine models in completion of their portfolios1
Fortunately7 these beautiful young men and women were able to sign their contracts in the
;n the other hand7 I do keep in touch with my musical soul as I take the role of a band ,ocalist
for Elood 2ype Lero7 a local metalcore band here in my country1 Aside from that I lead
youngsters to a life closer to the Bord through counseling and daily church acti,ities at =race of
Bife City Church1
In conclusion7 my comprehensi,e work and life background will definitely contribute much to
this countryKs literary collections1 >est assured7 I ha,e it all7 as ?uoted from the famous "*

century poet7 dramatist and no,elist7 Pictor Hugo 8"ntelligence is the wife, imagination is the
mistress, memory is the servant19

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