This document contains 4 questions related to structural design and analysis. Question 1 involves designing a reinforced concrete beam for flexure and calculating deflection. Question 2 involves sketching an interaction diagram for a steel section. Question 3 involves analyzing a steel beam subjected to point loads. Question 4 involves checking the adequacy of a steel beam-column member.
This document contains 4 questions related to structural design and analysis. Question 1 involves designing a reinforced concrete beam for flexure and calculating deflection. Question 2 involves sketching an interaction diagram for a steel section. Question 3 involves analyzing a steel beam subjected to point loads. Question 4 involves checking the adequacy of a steel beam-column member.
Original Description:
Exam Paper for CVEN3302:Structural Behaviour and Design
This document contains 4 questions related to structural design and analysis. Question 1 involves designing a reinforced concrete beam for flexure and calculating deflection. Question 2 involves sketching an interaction diagram for a steel section. Question 3 involves analyzing a steel beam subjected to point loads. Question 4 involves checking the adequacy of a steel beam-column member.
This document contains 4 questions related to structural design and analysis. Question 1 involves designing a reinforced concrete beam for flexure and calculating deflection. Question 2 involves sketching an interaction diagram for a steel section. Question 3 involves analyzing a steel beam subjected to point loads. Question 4 involves checking the adequacy of a steel beam-column member.
FINAL EXAMINATION - NOVEMBER 2009 CVEN3302 STRUCTURAL BEHAVIOUR AND DESIGN Time allowed - 3 hours Total number of questions - 4 Questions are of equal value Open Book examination Any electronic calculators and hand held computers are pennitted This paper may be retained by the candidate All answers mustbe legibly written in ink. Pencils may only be used for drawings, sketches and graphs Show all relevant working and state any assumptions made 11//1111111111111//1111111111111/111111/11/1111/1/1111///11111 >014234980 QUESTION 1 wi = 80kN/m .1 5500 I. Im 1 I [ 7fT m wt=30kN <a) Span , (b) Cross-section Figure 1 (dimensions in mm) The beam shown in Figure 1 is to be designed as a reinforced concrete member. The loads shown in Figure la have been faetared for the strength (ultimate) limit state and include the self-weight ofthe member. For your design, compute the following: a) Locate the points of zero shear and, then, calculate the maximum moment and sketch the bending moment diagram. b) Design the beam for flexure at the section corresponding to the maximum moment. For your design, determine the number of reinforcing bars and their diameter. c) Calculate the long-tenn deflection of the member. In your calculations, make the following assumptions: kcs =2.0 the effective stiffness of the whole member may be be taken as the stiffness calculated at the mid-span and take le/= ler- the factored service load moments are 60% of the factored design (ultimate) moments with Yz of this moment due to the dead load and Yz due to the live load. 2 Take f: = 25 MPa, f,y = 500 MPa, 'If, 0.7 and 'lfz = 0.4. For part c), the deflection at midspan may be approximated by (in the units of N and mm) where L is the span, MM is the midspan moment and M L and MR are the moments at the left and right ends of the member, respectively. You may approximate the midspan moment as being equal to the maximum moment. QUESTION 2
L T 1000 . 4'llb X x - - () '" 410:1,2 -.i 1 25"'0 500 ;2.51) Figure 2 (dimensions in mm) Sketch the M-N interaction diagram for the section given in Figure 2 for bending about the x-x axis. In your solution calculate the depth of the plastic centroid as measured from the top of the section and then calculate the following 4 points: (i) Pure bending point (ii) Balanced point (Hi) Decompression point located where kud = D (iv) Squash load Take f: 40 MPa and fry 500 MPa . 3 700WB150 QUESTION 3 W* W* I 1.-'_--'s"'ID"'----_....I.<- -"12'-!ID"--__---->.I.-._---'su:ID"---o.1 Grade 300 Figure 3 The beam shown in Figure 3 is a 700WB150 in Grade 300 steel. The member is subjected to two point loads, W* as shown, acting on the top flange of the beam. You may ignore the self- weight of the beam. For the beam you are to: a) Draw the bending moment and shear force diagrams. b) Calculate the maximum value of W* for each of the following cases: 1. The beam has full lateral restraint along its entire length, 11. There is full restraint at both supports and both load points, and Ill. There is full restraint at both supports only. c) Check the adequacy of the beam in shear at the lowest design value of w* calculated in part b) and, if required for strength, design intermediate web stiffeners. d) If the stiff bearing plate length at each support is 300 mm, determine if load-bearing stiffeners are needed at the supports for the strength (ultimate) limit state. For each case of part b), clearly indicate the values of Ms, Le' am, as and Mh, where relevant. For all parts, fully justify your decisions through calculations. 4 4.5 m QUESTION 4 40kN u=O u=O u=O J 200kN "...- .....;.::+:..- .....: :L..-
4.5m _I Figure 4 I 250UB37 Grade 300 The 9 metre long simply supported beam column shown in Figure 4 has the following design (factared) loads: an axial compression force of 200 kN, and a concentrated load of 40 kN located at the mid-span that gives bending about the major principal axis. The loads include an allowance for the self-weight of the member. The engineer has decided to try a 250UB37 of Grade 300 steel. Does the beam-column member have an adequate factor of safety if the lateral deflection, u, and twist rotation, t/J, are prevented at each end and at the mid-span? Fully justify your answer through appropriate calculations. 5