GE Fanuc Automation Computer Numerical Control Products a a Series Servo Amplifier Module (SVM) With FSSB Servo Setup Manual GFK-1546 April 1998 GFL-001 Warnings, Cautions, and Notes as used in this publication Warning notices are used in this publication to emphasize that hazardous voltages, currents, temperatures, or other conditions exist in this equipment or may be associated with its use.
GE Fanuc Automation Computer Numerical Control Products a a Series Servo Amplifier Module (SVM) With FSSB Servo Setup Manual GFK-1546 April 1998 GFL-001 Warnings, Cautions, and Notes as used in this publication Warning notices are used in this publication to emphasize that hazardous voltages, currents, temperatures, or other conditions exist in this equipment or may be associated with its use.
GE Fanuc Automation Computer Numerical Control Products a a Series Servo Amplifier Module (SVM) With FSSB Servo Setup Manual GFK-1546 April 1998 GFL-001 Warnings, Cautions, and Notes as used in this publication Warning notices are used in this publication to emphasize that hazardous voltages, currents, temperatures, or other conditions exist in this equipment or may be associated with its use.
GE Fanuc Automation Computer Numerical Control Products a a Series Servo Amplifier Module (SVM) With FSSB Servo Setup Manual GFK-1546 April 1998 GFL-001 Warnings, Cautions, and Notes as used in this publication Warning notices are used in this publication to emphasize that hazardous voltages, currents, temperatures, or other conditions exist in this equipment or may be associated with its use.
Series Servo Amplifier Module (SVM) With FSSB Servo Setup Manual GFK-1546 April 1998 GFL-001 Warnings, Cautions, and Notes as Used in this Publication Warning Warning notices are used in this publication to emphasize that hazardous voltages, currents, temperatures, or other conditions that could cause personal injury exist in this equipment or may be associated with its use. In situations where inattention could cause either personal injury or damage to equipment, a Warning notice is used. Caution Caution notices are used where equipment might be damaged if care is not taken. Note Notes merely call attention to information that is especially significant to understanding and operating the equipment. This document is based on information available at the time of its publication. While efforts have been made to be accurate, the information contained herein does not purport to cover all details or variations in hardware or software, nor to provide for every possible contingency in connection with installation, operation, or maintenance. Features may be described herein which are not present in all hardware and software systems. GE Fanuc Automation assumes no obligation of notice to holders of this document with respect to changes subsequently made. GE Fanuc Automation makes no representation or warranty, expressed, implied, or statutory with respect to, and assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, sufficiency, or usefulness of the information contained herein. No warranties of merchantability or fitness for purpose shall apply. PowerMotion is a trademark of GE Fanuc Automation North America, Inc. Copyright 1998 GE Fanuc Automation North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Contents GFK-1546 v Chapter 1 Descriptions........................................................................................................... 1-1 Chapter 2 FSSB Setting Screens............................................................................................ 2-1 Displaying the FSSB Setting Screens.................................................................................. 2-1 Amplifier Setting Screen .................................................................................................... 2-2 Axis Setting Screen............................................................................................................ 2-4 Amplifier Maintenance Screen............................................................................................ 2-5 Settings.............................................................................................................................. 2-7 Chapter 3 Setting Parameters................................................................................................ 3-1 Setting Parameters ............................................................................................................. 3-1 Slave ................................................................................................................................. 3-2 Default Setting................................................................................................................... 3-3 Automatic Setting .............................................................................................................. 3-5 Examples........................................................................................................................... 3-7 Manual Setting................................................................................................................. 3-17 Chapter 4 Description of Parameters .................................................................................... 4-1 Parameter No. 1902........................................................................................................... 4-1 Parameter No. 1904........................................................................................................... 4-2 Parameter No. 1905........................................................................................................... 4-3 Parameter No. 1910 1919................................................................................................ 4-5 Parameter No. 1920 1929................................................................................................ 4-8 Parameter No. 1931 1932................................................................................................ 4-9 Parameter No. 1933......................................................................................................... 4-10 Parameter No. 1934......................................................................................................... 4-11 Parameter No. 1936 1937.............................................................................................. 4-12 Chapter 5 Troubleshooting.................................................................................................... 5-1 Pulse Coder ....................................................................................................................... 5-1 Servo Amplifier ................................................................................................................. 5-2 P/S Alarm.......................................................................................................................... 5-3 Frequently Asked Setup Questions...................................................................................... 5-4 Appendix A Separate Type Detector Interface Unit ...............................................................A-1 GFK-1546 1 - 1 Chapter Descriptions Chapter 1 contains B-65162E/02-25, Alpha Series Servo Amplifier Module (SVM) with FSSB Supplemental Descriptions Manual. 1 1 - 2 Alpha Series Servo Amplifier Module (SVM) with FSSB - April 1998 GFK-1546 1 This page intentionally left blank. I I I I I SERVO AMPLIFIER MODULE WITH _ TITLE FSSB DESCRIPTIONS 01 97.07.11 g@ FIRST EDITION s &;,: B-65162E/O2-25 :DIT. I D.4TE DESIG. DESCRIPTION FANUC LTD SHEET 001 110 Table of contents 1. GENERAL 2. SPECIFICATIONS 2. 1 DES I GNAT IONS 2.2 SPECIFICATIONS 2.2.1 CONNECTION FOR OPTICAL CABLE OF FSSB 2.2.2 OVERALL CONNECT I ON D I AGRAM 2.2.3 DETA I LED CONNECTOR 2.2.4 ALARM 2.2.5 STANDARD 3. OTHERS 3.1 ORDERING LIST . . . 003 . . . 003 . . m 003 . . . 004 . . * 004 . . . DO5 . . . 007 . . * 010 . . * 010 . . * 010 . . . 010 SERVO AMPLIFIER MODULE WITH TITLE FSSB DESCRIPTIONS DRAiV. No. B-65162E/02-25 DIT 1 DATE IDESIG.~ DESCRIPTION I FAN-UC LTD (SHEET 1 002~0 1 I I I I I I I The cy series SERVO AMPLIFIER MODULE with FSSB is used with the new optical interface FSSB. The specifications of this SVM is same that of the current SVM except for the interface. The interchangeable current SVM and SVM for FSSB have ident ica I model names in the drawing numbers. The middle nibbles of the drawing number, however, are differnt:60?9 for the current SVM and 6096 for SVM with FSSB. Current SW SVM with FSSB A06B-6079-H00Cl - A06B-6096-HlJtlCl T 1 2. SPECIFICATIONS 2.1 DESIGNATIONS Tab. 1 DESIGNATIONS I MODEL NAME 1 SVM with FSSB 1 CURRENT SVM SVMl-12 A06B-6096-H101 A06B-6079-H101 s/Ml -20 A06B-6096-H102 A06B-6079-H102 SVMl -40s A06B-6096-H103 A06B-6079-H103 SVMl-40L A06B-6096-H104 A06B-6079-H104 SVMl-80 A06B-6096-H105 A06B-6079-H105 SVMl-130 A06B-6096-H106 A06B-6079-H106 SVMl -240 A06B-6096-H107 A06B-6079-H107 1 SVMl-360 1 SVM2-12/12 1 A06B-6096-H108 1 A06B-6079-H108 1 1 A06B-6096-H201 i A06B-6079-H201 I I SVM2-12/20 I A06B-6096-H202 I A06B-6079-H202 I I SVM2-20/20 1 A06B-6096-H203 1 A06B-6079-H203 1 \ 1 SVM2-12/40 A06B-6096-H204 A06B-6079-H204 SVM2-20/40 A06B-6096-H205 A06B-6079-H205 SVM2-40/40 A06B-6096-H206 A06B-6079-H206 SVM2-40/80 A06B-6096-H207 A06B-6079-H207 SVM2-80/80 A06B-6096-H208 A06B-6079-H208 SVM2-40L/40L A06B-6096-H209 A06B-6079-H209 1 SVM3-12/12/12 1 A06B-6096-H301 1 A06B-6079-H301 1 I SVM3-12/12/20 I A06B-6096-H302 I A06B-6079-H302 I SVM3-12/20/20 A06B-6096-H303 A06B-6079-H303 SVM3-20/20/20 A06B-6096-H304 A06B-6079-H304 SVM3-12/12/40 A06B-6096-H305 A06B-6079-H305 I SVM3-12/20/40 1 A06B-6096-H306 I A06B-6079-H306 1 1 SVM3-20/20/40 1 A06B-6096-H307 1 A06B-6079-H307 1 I I I I I K?- B-651 62E/02-25 DESCRIPTION 1 FANUC LTD I I SHEET 003 /lO I 2.2 SPECIFICATIONS The differences between SVM with FSSB and the current SVM are shown below. As for the other specifications, refer to FANUC CONTROL MOTOR AMPLIFIER LY series DESCRIPTIONS (B-6516ZEiO2). 2.2.1 CONNECT ION OF 0 Connect the opt i 0 The optical cab1 AMP. OPT I CAL CABLE cal cable from COPlOA on CNC to COPlOB on the first AMP. es from COPlOA of the previous AMP is connected to COPlOB of the next 0 Please put the attached cap on COPIOA of the last AMP form dust. 0 Up to 8 axes are available. (The number of the axes CNC AMP1 AMPS! COPlOA + OPTICAL CABLE 1 COPlOB II COPlOA // . . . Fig.1 CONNECTION OF OPTICAL CABLE to protect the optical connector s not the number of the AMPS.) AMPn SERVO AMPLIFIER MODULE WITH TITLE FSSB DESCRIPTIONS D%Y- B-65162E/02-25 XT. DATE DESIG. DESCRIPTION FAWC LTD SHEET 004 /lO 2.2.2 OVERALL CONNECT I ON D I AGRAM (a) Except for SVMl-240,360 SERVO AMPLIFIER MODULE WITH TITLE FSSB DESCRIPTIONS DR.4K. No. B-651 62E/02-25 DIT. D_4TE DESIG. DESCRIPTION FANUC LTD SHEET 005 /lo (b) SVMl-240,360 SERVO AMPLIFIER MODULE WITH TITLE FSSB DESCRIPTIONS EY B-651 62E/02-25 DIT. DA4TE DESIG. DESCRIPTION FANUC LTD SHEET 006 110 I 2.2.3 DETAILED CONNECT I ON _..._ Indication @ Si gnat check connector JX5 0 Input connector for interface between modules JXl A @ Output connector for interface between modu I es JXlB @ Pulse coder connector:L-axis JFl @ Pulse coder connector:M-axis JF2 @ Input connector for FSSB interface COP1 OB 0 Output connector for FSSB interface COP1 OA SERVO AMPLIFIER MODULE WITH TITLE FSSB DESCRIPTIONS DFGiW. SO. B-65162E/O2-25 I kIlnI DATE JDESIG.( DESCRIPTION I FANUC LTD I I SHEET 007 /lO (b) 3 AXES SVM Tab. 3 Connectors SERVO AMPLIFIER MODULE WITH - TITLE FSSB DESCRIPTIONS DRAW. No. B-651 62E/02-25 :DIT. DATE DESIG. DESCRIPTION FANUC LTD SHEET 008 110 (c) SVMl-240,360 m m a I I 1 0 I 0 El m @Hj$ 0 8 Tab. 4 Connectors SERVO AMPLIFIER MODULE WITH TITLE FSSB DESCRIPTIONS Fc? B-65162E/02--26 DIT. DATE DESIG. DESCRIPTION FANUC LTD SHEET 009 A0 . . 2.2.4 ALARM Alarms in the table below are added to the current SVM. Those alarms are related with FSSB. Type FSSB disconnection (Type 1) Description LED (Note 1) The disconnection of COPlOA side. (See Fig.2 ) (There is the failure in the connector or the ootical cable.) FSSB disconnection The disconnection of COPlOB side. (See Fig.2 ) (Type 2) (There is the failure in the connector or the 0 u optical cable.) (Note 1) The detected alarm conditions are indicated by the 7-segment LED on the front of the SVM. ZNC AMP1 AMP2 ZOPlOA El STATUS COPlOB El STATUS AMP3 I DISCONNECTION AMP4 1 COPlOB cl u STATUS _4h%P5 AMP6 COPIOB c COPlOA STATUS Fi g. 2 FSSB disconnection 2.2.5 STANDARD SW with FSSB has been designed to comply with VDEO160. 3. OTHERS 3.1 ORDERING LIST The ordering list for SVM with FSSB is included in Order list for FANUC Servo amplifier CY series (6th edition : B-65161EN/07). I I I I I SERVO AMPLIFIER MODULE WITH I TITLE FSSB DESCRIPTIONS DRAW. No. B-65162E/02-25 I DIT. DATE DESIG. DESCRIPTION FANUC LTD SHEET 01 O/l 0 GFK-1546 2 - 1 Chapter FSSB Setting Screens Information pertaining to the amplifiers and axes connected to the CNC through Serial Servo Bus (FSSB) optical cables are set on the FSSB Setting screens. There are three FSSB Setting screens: Amplifier Setting screen. Axis Setting screen. Amplifier Maintenance screen. Displaying the FSSB Setting Screens To display the FSSB Setting screens, press the <SYSTEM> function key, the most right soft key, several times and the [FSSB] soft key. When the [FSSB] soft key is pressed, the Amplifier Setting screen, or one of the previously selected FSSB Setting screens, is displayed with the following soft keys. [ AMP ] [ AXIS ] [MAINTE] [ ] [ ] Press the [AMP] soft key to display the Amplifier Setting screen. Press the [AXIS] soft key to display the Axis Setting screen. Press the [MAINTE] soft key to display the Amplifier Maintenance screen. 2 2 - 2 Alpha Series Servo Amplifier Module (SVM) with FSSB - April 1998 GFK-1546 2 Amplifier Setting Screen Information on each slave (amplifier or pulse module) is displayed on the Amplifier Setting screen. AMPLIFIER SETTING 01000 N00001 NO. AMP SERIES UNIT CUR. [AXIS] NAME 1 A1-L SVM-HV 40AL [ 1 ] X 2 A1-M SVM 12A 2 Y 3 A2-L SVU 20A 3 Z 4 A3-L SVM 20A 4 A 5 A3-M SVM 40A 5 B 7 A4-L SVM 240A 6 C NO. EXTRA TYPE PCB ID 6 M1 A 0000 DETECTOR(4AXES) 8 M2 B 12AB DETECTOR(4AXES) > MDI **** *** *** 13:11:56 [ AMP ] [ AXIS ] [MAINTE ] [ ] [(OPRT) ] GFK-1546 Chapter 2 FSSB Setting Screens 2 - 3 2 The following information is displayed on the Amplifier Setting screen: Table 2 - 1. Amplifier Setting Screen Information Item Name Description NO. Slave Number Each slave is assigned a number from 1 to 10, according to its distance from the CNC. AMP Amplifier Type The amplifier type consists of the letter A for Amplifier plus a number which shows its order in the list of amplifiers and an alphabetic character representing the axis number in the amplifier (L for the first axis, or M for the second axis). For example: A2-L : the first axis of the second amplifier. AXIS Axis Number The axis number set in parameters (No. 1920 - 1929) is displayed. If the value set in the parameter is out of range (from 1 to the maximum number of controlled axes), a 0 is displayed. NAME Axis Name The axis name (parameter No. 1020) is displayed. Amplifier I nformation UNIT Unit Kind of Servo Amplifier Unit. SERIES Series Servo Amplifier Series. CUR. Current Maximum current. Pulse Module I nformation EXTRA Order The letter M for Pulse Module plus a number which shows its order in the list of pulse modules TYPE Pulse Module Type An alphabetic character representing the pulse module type is displayed. PCB ID Pulse Module ID The pulse module ID is displayed in hexadecimal. If the pulse module is supplied for 4 axes, "DETECTOR(4AXES)" is also displayed. If two pulse modules are supplied for 8 axes, "DETECTOR(8AXES)" is displayed. 2 - 4 Alpha Series Servo Amplifier Module (SVM) with FSSB - April 1998 GFK-1546 2 Axis Setting Screen Information on each axis is displayed on the Axis Setting screen. AXIS SETTING 01000 N00001 AXIS NAME AMP M1 M2 1-DSP Cs TNDM 1 X A1-L [0] 0 0 0 1 2 Y A1-M 1 0 1 1 0 3 Z A2-L 0 0 0 0 0 4 A A3-L 0 0 0 0 2 5 B A3-M 0 0 0 0 0 6 C A4-L 0 0 0 0 0 > MDI **** *** *** 13:11:56 [ AMP ] [ AXIS ] [MAINTE ] [ ] [(OPRT) ] The following information is displayed on the Axis Setting screen: Table 2 - 2. Axis Setting Screen Information Item Name Description AXIS Axis Number Axis number. NAME Axis Name Axis name. AMP Amplifier Type Type of amplifier connected to each axis. M1 Connector Number for the 1st Pulse Module The connector number for the first pulse module set in parameter No. 1932 is displayed. M2 Connector Number for the 2nd Pulse Module The connector number for the second pulse module set in parameter No. 1932 is displayed. 1-DSP 1-DSP Axis The value set in parameter No. 1904#0 is displayed. A 1 is displayed for the learning control axis, the 125 current loop control axis, and the high-speed interface axis. CS Cs Contour Control Axis The value set in parameter No. 1933 is displayed. A 1 is displayed for Cs contour control axis. TNDM Tandem Control Axis The value set in parameter No. 1934 is displayed. Two consecutive numbers, one odd for a master axis and one even for a slave axis, are displayed. GFK-1546 Chapter 2 FSSB Setting Screens 2 - 5 2 Amplifier Maintenance Screen There are two Amplifier Maintenance screens. Information on each amplifier is displayed on these screens. Use the Page Up and Page Down keys to move from one screen to the other. AMPLIFIER MAINTENANCE 01000 N00001 AXIS NAME AMP SERIES UNIT AXES CUR. 1 X A1-L SVM-HV 2 40AL 2 Y A1-M SVM 2 12A 3 Z A2-L SVU 1 20A 4 A A3-L SVM 2 20A 5 B A3-M SVM 2 40A 6 C A4-L SVM 1 240A > MDI **** *** *** 13:11:56 [ AMP ] [ AXIS ] [MAINTE ] [ ] [ ] AMPLIFIER MAINTENANCE 01000 N00001 AXIS NAME EDITION TEST MAINTE-NO. 1 X 01A 961127 01 2 Y 01A 961127 01 3 Z 01A 961127 01 4 A 02B 961128 01 5 B 02B 961128 01 6 C 02B 961128 01 > MDI **** *** *** 13:11:56 [ AMP ] [ AXIS ] [MAINTE ] [ ] [ ] 2 - 6 Alpha Series Servo Amplifier Module (SVM) with FSSB - April 1998 GFK-1546 2 The following information is displayed on the Amplifier Maintenance screens: Table 2 - 3. Amplifier Maintenance Screens Information Item Name Description AXIS Axis Number Axis number. NAME Axis Name Axis name. AMP Amplifier Type Type of amplifier connected to each axis. SERIES Series Series of amplifier connected to each axis. UNIT Unit Kind of Amplifier Unit kind of amplifier connected to each axis. AXES Axes Maximum number of axes of the amplifier connected to each axis. CUR. Maximum Current The maximum current of the amplifier connected to each axis. EDITION Unit Edition Unit edition of the amplifier connected to each axis. TEST Test Date Test date of the amplifier connected to each axis. For example: 961127 : November 27, 1996 MAINTE NO. Maintenance Number Maintenance number of the amplifier connected to each axis. GFK-1546 Chapter 2 FSSB Setting Screens 2 - 7 2 Settings When the [(OPRT)] soft key is pressed on the Amplifier Setting or Axis Setting screen, the following soft keys are displayed: [SETING] [CANCEL] [INPUT ] [ ] [ ] To set the parameters, move the cursor to each item in MDI mode or Emergency Stop condition, enter a number, and press the [INPUT] soft key ( <INPUT> key on the MDI panel). Then, press the [SETING] soft key. If a warning occurs, the values are incorrect and must be corrected. To display the values set in the parameters, press the [CANCEL] soft key. When the CNC is powered ON, the values set in the parameters are displayed. Note Do not set the values for the parameters by MDI input or G10 input. The values for these parameters can only be set on the FSSB Setting screens. If a warning occurs when the [SETING] soft key is pressed, enter the correct value or press the [CANCEL] soft key to stop the warning. Pressing the <RESET> key will not release the warning. Amplifier Setting Screen The following item can be set on the Amplifier Setting screen: Item Name Description AXIS Axis Number Enter the axis number from 1 to the maximum number of controlled axes. If a value that is out of the data range is entered, the warning "FORMAT ERROR" occurs. When the [SETING] soft key is pressed, if 0 or overlapped numbers are set, the warning "DATA IS OUT OF RANGE" occurs, and input numbers are not set in their parameters. 2 - 8 Alpha Series Servo Amplifier Module (SVM) with FSSB - April 1998 GFK-1546 2 Axis Setting Screen The following item can be set on the Amplifier Setting screen: Item Name Description M1 Connector Number of the 1st Pulse Module Enter the connector number for the axis using the first pulse module. The data range is from 1 to the maximum number of the first pulse module connector. 0 is set for the axis not using the first pulse module. If the input value is out of range, the warning "FORMAT ERROR" occurs. M2 Connector Number for the 2nd Pulse Module Enter the connector number for the axis using the second pulse module. The data range is from 1 to the maximum number of the second pulse module connector. 0 is set for the axis not using the second pulse module. If the input value is out of range, the warning "FORMAT ERROR" occurs. 1-DSP 1-DSP Axis Enter 1 for the Cs contouring control axis. If a value other than 0 or 1 is entered, the warning "FORMAT ERROR" occurs. CS Cs Contour Control Axis Enter 1 for the Cs contouring control axis. If a value other than 0 or 1 is entered, the warning "FORMAT ERROR" occurs. TNDM Tandem Control Axis When tandem control is used, enter two consecutive numbers, one odd for a master and one even for a slave. The data range is from 1 to 8. If a value that is out of range is entered, the warning "FORMAT ERROR" occurs. GFK-1546 3 - 1 Chapter Setting Parameters The FANUC Serial Servo Bus (FSSB) system requires you to set the following parameters: Parameter No. 1023. Parameter No. 1905. Parameter No. 1910 No. 1919. Parameter No. 1936 and 1937. Setting Parameters There are three ways to set these parameters: 1. Default setting. 2. Automatic setting. 3. Manual setting. Note Because of the limitations with the Default setting, it is recommended that you use either the Automatic or Manual setting. Default Setting Setting the parameter in No. 1023 enables the default settings for the remaining parameters. You do not need to set parameter No. 1905, 1910 1919, 1936, or 1937. However, the functions, which you can then use, are limited. 3 3 - 2 Alpha Series Servo Amplifier Unit (SVM) with FSSB - April 1998 GFK-1546 3 Automatic Setting By using the FSSB Setting screen to enter the amplifier and axis information, the CNC automatically calculates the values of parameters No. 1905, 1910 1919, 1936, and 1937, and sets these values in the parameters. Manual Setting Parameter No. 1905, 1910 1919, 1936, and 1937 can also be set manually. However, before you attempt to set these parameters manually, you must have a thorough understanding of the parameters. Slave In the FSSB system, the servo amplifier and pulse module are connected to the CNC by an optical cable. The servo amplifier and pulse module are referred to as slaves. A 2-axis amplifier consists of two slaves, while a 3-axis amplifier consists of three slaves. Each slave is assigned a slave number from 1 to 10, according to its distance from the CNC. Note: M1/M2: 1st/2nd Pulse Module CNC Control Axis No. Program Axis Name No. 1020 X Y Z A B C 1 2 3 4 5 6 L 2-Axis AMP M 1-Axis AMP M1 L 2-Axis AMP M 1-Axis AMP M2 Slave No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 GFK-1546 Chapter 3 Setting Parameters 3 - 3 3 Default Setting When the following parameters are set, the Default setting is in effect: No. 1902#0 = 0 No. 1902#1 = 0 No. 1910 to 1919 = 0 (all parameters are 0) In the Default setting, the value of parameter No. 1023 is set as the slave number. For example, an axis whose value of parameter No. 1023 is 1 is connected with the nearest amplifier to the CNC, and an axis whose parameter value is 2 is connected with the next amplifier. Note: M1/M2: 1st/2nd Pulse Module CNC Control Axis No. Servo Axis Name No. 1023 Program Axis Name No. 1020 X Y Z A B C 1 2 3 4 5 6 2-Axis AMP 1-Axis AMP 2-Axis AMP 1-Axis AMP X A Y Z B C 1 2 3 4 5 6 3 - 4 Alpha Series Servo Amplifier Unit (SVM) with FSSB - April 1998 GFK-1546 3 The following functions and settings cannot be used in the Default setting: The separate detector interface cannot be used. Values which are not consecutive cannot be set in parameter No. 1023. For example, the following setting is not allowed because 2 does not exist. Axis No. 1023 X 1 Y 3 Z 4 The following servo functions are not allowed: o Learning control. o 125 s current loop. o High speed interface. o Simple electrical gear box (EGB). GFK-1546 Chapter 3 Setting Parameters 3 - 5 3 Automatic Setting Under the following conditions, you can use the FSSB Setting screen to set the parameters automatically: No. 1902#0=0 No. 1902#1=0 To set the parameters automatically using the FSSB Setting screen, follow this procedure: 1. Set servo axis No. 1023. Then, set the number of the axis to No. 1023 to correspond to the total number of amplifier axes. 2. Initialize the servo parameters on the Servo Initial Setting screen. 3. Turn power to the CNC OFF and then ON. 4. Press the SYSTEM function key. 5. Press the > > key several times to display the [FSSB] soft key. Then, press the [FSSB] soft key to display the Amplifier Setting screen. AMPLIFIER SETTING NO. AMP SERIES UNIT CUR. [AXIS] NAME 1 A1-L SVM 40AL [ 1 ] X 2 A1-M SVM 12A [ 2 ] Y 3 A2-L SVU 20A [ 3 ] Z 4 A3-L SVM 40A [ 4 ] A 5 A3-M SVM 80A [ 5 ] B 7 A4-L SVM 40AS [ 6 ] C NO. EXTRA PCB ID 6 M1 A 0008 DETECTOR(4AXES) 8 M2 A 0008 DETECTOR(4AXES) > MDI **** *** *** 13:11:56 [ AMP ] [ AXIS ] [MAINTE ] [ ] [(OPRT) ] 6. Enter the axis name for each amplifier on the Amplifier Setting screen. Note Do not set the control axis name to 0 or a duplicated value. 3 - 6 Alpha Series Servo Amplifier Unit (SVM) with FSSB - April 1998 GFK-1546 3 7. Press the [SETING] soft key. If a warning occurs, go back to Step 5 and re-enter the information on the Amplifier Setting screen. 8. Press the SYSTEM function key. 9. Press the > > key several times to display the [FSSB] soft key. Then, press the [FSSB] soft key to change the Amplifier Setting screen. 10. Press the [AXIS] soft key on the Amplifier Setting screen. 11. Set the information for each axis by entering the setting value for: Using the separate detector interface. Using 1 DSP / 1 axis. Using Cs axis. Using tandem control. AXIS SETTING AXIS NAME AMP M1 M2 1-DSP Cs TNDM 1 X A1-L 1 0 0 0 0 2 Y A1-M 0 1 0 0 0 3 Z A2-L 0 0 0 0 0 4 A A3-L 2 0 0 0 0 5 B A3-M 0 2 0 0 0 6 C A4-L 0 0 0 0 0 > MDI **** *** *** 13:11:56 [ AMP ] [ AXIS ] [MAINTE ] [ ] [(OPRT) ] 12. Press the [SETING] soft key. If a warning occurs, go back to Step 9 and re-enter the information on the Axis Setting screen. If you input nothing, press the [SETING] soft key after pushing [(OPRT)]. 13. Parameter No. 1023, 1905, 1910 1919, 1936, and 1937 are now set automatically. Parameter No. 1902#1 becomes 1. This procedure is completed after you turn the power to the CNC OFF and ON. GFK-1546 Chapter 3 Setting Parameters 3 - 7 3 Examples Semi-Closed Loop Example 1. Set parameter No. 1023 as follows: X : 1 Y : 2 Z : 3 A : 4 2. Set the servo initial setting for each axis. 3. Turn power to the CNC OFF and then ON. CNC A A A Z Axis A Axis X Axis Y Axis Machine Side 3 Servo Amplifiers A1-L A2-L A3-L A3-M 3 - 8 Alpha Series Servo Amplifier Unit (SVM) with FSSB - April 1998 GFK-1546 3 4. Enter the axis number on the Amplifier Setting screen. AMPLIFIER SETTING NO. AMP SERIES UNIT CUR. [AXIS] NAME 1 A1-L SVM 40A [ 2 ] Y 2 A2-L SVM 40A [ 1 ] X 3 A3-L SVM 40A [ 4 ] A 4 A3-M SVM 80A [ 3 ] Z NO. EXTRA TYPE PCB ID > MDI **** *** *** 13:11:56 [ AMP ] [ AXIS ] [MAINTE ] [ ] [(OPRT) ] 5. Press the [SETING] soft key. 6. Press the SYSTEM function key. 7. Press the > key several times to display the [FSSB] soft key. Then, press the [FSSB] soft key to change the Amplifier Setting screen. 8. Press the [AXIS] soft key, the [(OPRT)] soft key, and then the [SETING] soft key. The setting will be complete after you turn the CNC OFF and then ON. GFK-1546 Chapter 3 Setting Parameters 3 - 9 3 Fully Closed Loop Example 1. Set parameter No. 1023 as follows: X : 1 Y : 2 Z : 3 A : 4 2. Set the servo initial setting for each axis. 3. Turn power to the CNC OFF and then ON. 4. Enter the axis number on the Amplifier Setting screen. AMPLIFIER SETTING NO. AMP SERIES UNIT CUR. [AXIS] NAME 1 A1-L SVM 40A [ 2 ] Y 2 A2-L SVM 40A [ 1 ] X 3 A3-L SVM 40A [ 4 ] A 4 A3-M SVM 80A [ 3 ] Z NO. EXTRA TYPE PCB ID 5 M1 A 0008 DETECTOR(4AXES) > MDI **** *** *** 13:11:56 [ AMP ] [ AXIS ] [MAINTE ] [ ] [(OPRT) ] CNC A A A Z Axis A Axis X Axis Y Axis Machine Side 3 Servo Amplifiers A1-L A2-L A3-L A3-M PM M1 Scale Scale CN1 CN2 3 - 10 Alpha Series Servo Amplifier Unit (SVM) with FSSB - April 1998 GFK-1546 3 5. Press the [SETING] soft key. 6. Press the SYSTEM function key. 7. Press the > key several times to display the [FSSB] soft key. Then, press the [FSSB] soft key to change the Amplifier Setting screen. 8. Press the [AXIS] soft key to display the Axis Setting screen. AXIS SETTING AXIS NAME AMP M1 M2 1-DSP Cs TNDM 1 X A2-L 0 0 0 0 0 2 Y A1-L 1 0 0 0 0 3 Z A3-M 0 0 0 0 0 4 A A3-L 2 0 0 0 0 > MDI **** *** *** 13:11:56 [ AMP ] [ AXIS ] [MAINTE ] [ ] [(OPRT) ] 9. Press the [SETING] soft key. 10. Enter input No. 1815#1=1 for the Y and A axes. The setting will be complete after you turn the CNC OFF and then ON. GFK-1546 Chapter 3 Setting Parameters 3 - 11 3 Cs Axis Example 1. Set parameter No. 1023 as follows: X : 1 Y : 2 Z : 3 A : 4 C : -1 2. Set the servo initial setting for each axis. 3. Turn power to the CNC OFF and then ON. 4. Enter the axis number on the Amplifier Setting screen. AMPLIFIER SETTING NO. AMP SERIES UNIT CUR. [AXIS] NAME 1 A1-L SVM 40A [ 2 ] Y 2 A2-L SVM 40A [ 1 ] X 3 A3-L SVM 40A [ 4 ] A 4 A3-M SVM 80A [ 3 ] Z NO. EXTRA TYPE PCB ID > MDI **** *** *** 13:11:56 [ AMP ] [ AXIS ] [MAINTE ] [ ] [(OPRT) ] CNC A A A Z Axis A Axis X Axis Y Axis Machine Side 3 Servo Amplifiers A1-L A2-L A3-L A3-M 3 - 12 Alpha Series Servo Amplifier Unit (SVM) with FSSB - April 1998 GFK-1546 3 5. Press the [SETING] soft key. 6. Press the SYSTEM function key. 7. Press the > key several times to display the [FSSB] soft key. Then, press the [FSSB] soft key to change the Amplifier Setting screen. 8. Press the [AXIS] soft key. AXIS SETTING AXIS NAME AMP M1 M2 1-DSP Cs TNDM 1 X A2-L 0 0 0 0 0 2 Y A1-L 0 0 0 0 0 3 Z A3-M 0 0 0 0 0 4 A A3-L 0 0 0 0 0 5 C -- 0 0 0 1 0 > MDI **** *** *** 13:11:56 [ AMP ] [ AXIS ] [MAINTE ] [ ] [(OPRT) ] 9. Press the [SETING] soft key. The setting will be complete after you turn the CNC OFF and then ON. GFK-1546 Chapter 3 Setting Parameters 3 - 13 3 Tandem Control Example (Master = X Axis; Slave = A Axis) 1. Set parameter No. 1023 as follows: X : 1 Y : 3 Z : 5 A : 2 B : 4 2. Set the servo initial setting for each axis. 3. Turn power to the CNC OFF and then ON. 4. Enter the axis number on the Amplifier Setting screen. AMPLIFIER SETTING NO. AMP SERIES UNIT CUR. [AXIS] NAME 1 A1-L SVM 40A [ 2 ] Y 2 A2-L SVM 40A [ 1 ] X 3 A3-L SVM 40A [ 4 ] A 4 A3-M SVM 80A [ 3 ] Z 5 A4-L SVM 40A [ 5 ] B NO. EXTRA TYPE PCB ID > MDI **** *** *** 13:11:56 [ AMP ] [ AXIS ] [MAINTE ] [ ] [(OPRT) ] CNC A A A Z Axis A Axis X Axis Y Axis Machine Side 4 Servo Amplifiers A1-L A2-L A3-L A3-M A4--L A B Axis 3 - 14 Alpha Series Servo Amplifier Unit (SVM) with FSSB - April 1998 GFK-1546 3 5. Press the [SETING] soft key. 6. Press the SYSTEM function key. 7. Press the > key several times to display the [FSSB] soft key. Then, press the [FSSB] soft key to change the Amplifier Setting screen. 8. Press the [AXIS] soft key. AXIS SETTING AXIS NAME AMP M1 M2 1-DSP Cs TNDM 1 X A2-L 0 0 0 0 1 2 Y A1-L 0 0 0 0 3 3 Z A3-M 0 0 0 0 0 4 A A3-L 0 0 0 0 2 5 B A4-L 0 0 0 0 4 > MDI **** *** *** 13:11:56 [ AMP ] [ AXIS ] [MAINTE ] [ ] [(OPRT) ] 9. Press the [SETING] soft key. The setting will be complete after you turn the CNC OFF and then ON. GFK-1546 Chapter 3 Setting Parameters 3 - 15 3 Electrical Gear Box Function Example In this example, the Electrical Gear Box works the A axis, and the Electrical Gear Box dummy works the B Axis (Parameter No. 7771=5). Caution For the Electrical Gear Box Function, set parameter No. 7771 first. Then, proceed with the Automatic setting on the FSSB Setting screen. If you do not set parameter No. 7771 first, the Automatic setting will not be done correctly. 1. Set parameter No. 1023 as follows: X : 1 (No. 7771=5) Y : 2 (No. 7772) Z : 5 (No. 7773) A : 3 (No. 2011#0=1) (A Axis, B Axis) B : 4 2. Set the servo initial setting for each axis. 3. Turn power to the CNC OFF and then ON. CNC A A A Z Axis A Axis X Axis Y Axis Machine Side 3 Servo Amplifiers A1-L A2-L A3-L A3-M PM Scale B Axis M1 (CN1) 3 - 16 Alpha Series Servo Amplifier Unit (SVM) with FSSB - April 1998 GFK-1546 3 4. Enter the axis number on the Amplifier Setting screen. AMPLIFIER SETTING NO. AMP SERIES UNIT CUR. [AXIS] NAME 1 A1-L SVM 40A [ 2 ] Y 2 A2-L SVM 40A [ 1 ] X 3 A3-L SVM 40A [ 4 ] A 4 A3-M SVM 80A [ 3 ] Z NO. EXTRA TYPE PCB ID 5 M1 A 0008 DETECTOR(4AXES) > MDI **** *** *** 13:11:56 [ AMP ] [ AXIS ] [MAINTE ] [ ] [(OPRT) ] 5. Press the [SETING] soft key. 6. Press the SYSTEM function key. 7. Press the > key several times to display the [FSSB] soft key. Then, press the [FSSB] soft key to change the Amplifier Setting screen. 8. Press the [AXIS] soft key. AXIS SETTING AXIS NAME AMP M1 M2 1-DSP Cs TNDM 1 X A2-L 0 0 0 0 0 2 Y A1-L 0 0 0 0 0 3 Z A3-M 0 0 0 0 0 4 A A3-L 0 0 0 0 0 5 B 1 0 0 0 0 > MDI **** *** *** 13:11:56 [ AMP ] [ AXIS ] [MAINTE ] [ ] [(OPRT) ] 9. Press the [SETING] soft key. The setting will be complete after you turn the CNC OFF and then ON. GFK-1546 Chapter 3 Setting Parameters 3 - 17 3 Manual Setting Parameter No. 1905, 1910 1919, 1936, and 1937 may be set manually. Refer to Chapter 4, "Description of Parameters," for information on each parameter before attempting to change or set a parameter manually. An example using the Manual setting is provided on the next page. 3 - 18 Alpha Series Servo Amplifier Unit (SVM) with FSSB - April 1998 GFK-1546 3 Example: Axis Configuration and Parameter Settings When parameter No. 1902 is set as shown below, you can then set the parameters for each axis manually: Parameter No. 1902#0=1 Parameter No. 1902#1=0 Note When parameter No. 1902 is set, parameter No. 1023, 1905, 1910 1919, 1936, and 1937 must be set manually. No. 1902#0 1 No. 1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 0 1 2 3 4 16 5 48 40 40 No. 1023 1905#0 1905#6 1905#7 1936 1937 X 1 0 1 0 0 0 Y 3 0 0 1 0 1 Z 4 1 0 1 0 0 A 2 1 0 0 0 0 B 5 0 1 0 1 0 C 6 1 0 1 0 2 CNC 2-Axis AMP M1 2-Axis AMP 1-Axis AMP Axis No. Pulse Module Connector Axis Name No. 1020 X Y Z A B C 1 2 3 4 5 6 No. 1 of 1st No. 2 of 2nd No. 1 of 1st not used No. 2 of 1st No. 3 of 2nd 1-Axis AMP M2 Axis X A Y Z B C GFK-1546 4 - 1 Chapter Description of Parameters Parameter No. 1902 No. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1902 ASIGN FSBMD Data Type: Bit Parameter Setting Description FSBMD 0 Automatic setting mode. After the axis information is entered on the FSSB Setting screen, parameter No. 1023, 1905, 1910 - 1919, 1936, and 1937 are set automatically. 1 Manual setting mode. You must enter parameter No. 1023, 1905, 1910 - 1919, 1936, and 1937 manually. ASIGN 0 Automatic setting is completed. 1 Automatic setting is not completed. Note: When the automatic setting is done, this bit automatically becomes 1. 4 4 - 2 Alpha Series servo Amplifier Module (SVM) with FSSB - April 1998 GFK-1546 4 Parameter No. 1904 No. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1904 1DSP Data Type: Bit Axis Parameter Setting Description 1DSP 0 An axis uses a DSP with another axis. 1 An axis uses a DSP without any other axis (e.g., the learning control axis). Note Do not set this bit manually because this bit is set by the FSSB setting screens. It is not necessary to set this bit when the FSSB setting screens are not used. GFK-1546 Chapter 4 Description of Parameters 4 - 3 4 Parameter No. 1905 No. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1905 FSBM2 FSBM1 FSBSL Data Type: Bit Axis Parameter Setting Description FSBSL 0 The servo data transmission interface is Fast type. 1 The servo data transmission interface is Slow type. FSBM1 0 The first pulse module is not used. 1 The first pulse module is used. FSBM2 0 The second pulse module is not used. 1 The second pulse module is used. Note When parameter No. 1902#0=0, these bits are set automatically. When parameter No. 1902#0=1, these bits must be set manually. When using the pulse module, you must also set the connector number for parameter No. 1936 and 1937. Interface Type There are two types of interface (Fast and Slow) for transferring servo data. Each type must accept all of the following conditions: For a one-axis amplifier, either type (Fast or Slow) is accepted. For a two-axis amplifier, a combination of Fast-Fast cannot be used. Use Fast-Slow, Slow- Fast, or Slow-Slow. For a three-axis amplifier, the first and second axes are applied to a two-axis amplifier, and the third axis is applied to a one-axis amplifier. The axis whose value of parameter No. 1023 is odd uses the Fast type interface. The axis whose value of parameter No. 1023 is even can use only the Slow type interface. The EGB work axis, the learning control axis, the 125 s current loop control axis, and the high-speed interface axis can use the Slow type. 4 - 4 Alpha Series servo Amplifier Module (SVM) with FSSB - April 1998 GFK-1546 4 Example for Figure 1905 CNC 2-Axis AMP 1-Axis AMP 2-Axis AMP 1-Axis AMP X (Fast) A (Slow) Y (Fast) Z (Slow) B (Fast) C (Slow) Axis No. Axis Name No. 1020 X Y Z A B C 1 2 3 4 5 6 Servo Axis No. 1023 1 3 4 2 5 6 Interface Type Fast/Slow F F S S F S GFK-1546 Chapter 4 Description of Parameters 4 - 5 4 Parameter No. 1910 1919 No. 1910 The value of the Address Conversion Table (ATR) for Slave No. 1 1911 The value of the Address Conversion Table (ATR) for Slave No. 2 1912 The value of the Address Conversion Table (ATR) for Slave No. 3 1913 The value of the Address Conversion Table (ATR) for Slave No. 4 1914 The value of the Address Conversion Table (ATR) for Slave No. 5 1915 The value of the Address Conversion Table (ATR) for Slave No. 6 1916 The value of the Address Conversion Table (ATR) for Slave No. 7 1917 The value of the Address Conversion Table (ATR) for Slave No. 8 1918 The value of the Address Conversion Table (ATR) for Slave No. 9 1919 The value of the Address Conversion Table (ATR) for Slave No. 10 Data Type: Byte Data Range: 0 - 7, 16, 40, 18 4 - 6 Alpha Series servo Amplifier Module (SVM) with FSSB - April 1998 GFK-1546 4 The ATR for each slave must be set. A slave consists of a servo amplifier and pulse module connected to the CNC by an optical cable. A 2-axis amplifier has two slaves, and a 3-axis amplifier has three slaves. Each slave is assigned a number, from 1 to 10, according to its distance from the CNC. For an amplifier, set the value which is one less than the value of parameter No. 1023. For a pulse module, set 16 for the first pulse module (closest to the CNC) and 48 for the second pulse module (farthest from the CNC). If there is no slave, set 40. For the Electric Gear Box function, the EGB dummy axis, designated in parameter No. 7771, does not require an amplifier. However, do not set 40. Instead, set the values which is one smaller than the value of parameter No. 1023 for the EGB axis. Note When parameter No. 1902#0=0, these bits are set automatically. When parameter No. 1902#0=1, these bits must be set manually. Examples of Axis Configuration and Parameter Settings CNC L 2-Axis AMP M M1 L 2-Axis AMP M 1-Axis AMP Axis No. Servo Axis No. 1023 Axis Name No. 1020 X Y Z A B C 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 3 4 2 5 6 1 Axis AMP M2 Slave No. Axis ATR No. 1910- 1919 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0 1 2 3 4 16 5 48 40 40 X A Y Z B M1 C M2 no slave no slave M1/M2 = 1st/2nd pulse module GFK-1546 Chapter 4 Description of Parameters 4 - 7 4 Example: Electronic Gear Box (EGB) Function CNC CNC 2-Axis AMP 2-Axis AMP M1 M1 2-Axis AMP 2-Axis AMP 1-Axis AMP 1-Axis AMP Axis No. Axis No. Servo Axis No. 1023 Servo Axis No. 1023 Axis Name No. 1020 Axis Name No. 1020 X Y Z A B C X Y Z A B C 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 3 4 2 5 6 1 2 5 3 4 6 1 Axis AMP M2 M2 Slave No. Slave No. Axis Axis ATR No. 1910- 1919 ATR No. 1910- 1919 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 0 2 3 1 4 16 5 48 40 40 0 1 2 4 5 16 48 3 40 40 X X Y Y Z A A Z B C M1 M1 C M2 M2 no slave no slave dummy B no slave no slave M1/M2 = 1st/2nd pulse module M1/M2 = 1st/2nd pulse module 4 - 8 Alpha Series servo Amplifier Module (SVM) with FSSB - April 1998 GFK-1546 4 Parameter No. 1920 1929 No. 1920 Axis number for Slave No. 1 (for the FSSB setting screens) 1921 Axis number for Slave No. 2 (for the FSSB setting screens) 1922 Axis number for Slave No. 3 (for the FSSB setting screens) 1923 Axis number for Slave No. 4 (for the FSSB setting screens) 1924 Axis number for Slave No. 5 (for the FSSB setting screens) 1925 Axis number for Slave No. 6 (for the FSSB setting screens) 1926 Axis number for Slave No. 7 (for the FSSB setting screens) 1927 Axis number for Slave No. 8 (for the FSSB setting screens) 1928 Axis number for Slave No. 9 (for the FSSB setting screens) 1929 Axis number for Slave No. 10 (for the FSSB setting screens) Data Type: Byte Data Range: 0 - 8 The axis number for each slave is set. Note Do not set these parameters manually because these parameters are set with the FSSB setting screens. It is not necessary to set these parameters when the FSSB setting screens are not used. GFK-1546 Chapter 4 Description of Parameters 4 - 9 4 Parameter No. 1931 1932 No. 1931 Connector number for the first pulse module (for the FSSB setting screens) 1932 Connector number for the second pulse module (for the FSSB setting screens) Data Type: Byte Axis Data Range: 0 - the number of each pulse module connectors When the pulse module is used, the connector number is set. Note Do not set these parameters manually because these parameters are set with the FSSB setting screens. It is not necessary to set these parameters when the FSSB setting screens are not used. 4 - 10 Alpha Series servo Amplifier Module (SVM) with FSSB - April 1998 GFK-1546 4 Parameter No. 1933 No. 1933 Cs contour control axis (for the FSSB setting screens) Data Type: Byte Axis Data Range: 0, 1 When the Cs contour control is used, set 1 for the Cs contour control axis. Note Do not set these parameters manually because these parameters are set with the FSSB setting screens. It is not necessary to set these parameters when the FSSB setting screens are not used. GFK-1546 Chapter 4 Description of Parameters 4 - 11 4 Parameter No. 1934 No. 1934 Tandem control master/slave axis number (for the FSSB setting screens) Data Type: Byte Axis Data Range: 0 - 8 When tandem control is used, assign two consecutive numbers, one odd and the other even, to the master and slave axes. Note Do not set these parameters manually because these parameters are set with the FSSB setting screens. It is not necessary to set these parameters when the FSSB setting screens are not used. 4 - 12 Alpha Series servo Amplifier Module (SVM) with FSSB - April 1998 GFK-1546 4 Parameter No. 1936 1937 No. 1936 Connector number for the first pulse module 1937 Connector number for the second pulse module Data Type: Byte Axis Data Range: 0 - 7 For a pulse module, set a value which is one less than the connector number for each axis. Use zero (0) for an axis where the pulse module is not used. You can use any combination of axis and connector, but you must use the lowest available number. For example, you cannot use Connector No. 3 without using No. 2. Example: Axis 1st Module Connector No. 2nd Module Connector No. No. 1936 No. 1937 No. 1905 (#7, #6) X 1 not used 0 0 0, 1 Y not used 2 0 1 1, 0 Z not used 1 0 0 1, 0 A not used not used 0 0 0, 0 B 2 not used 1 0 0, 1 C not used 3 0 2 1, 0 Note When parameter No. 1902#0=0, these bits are set automatically. When parameter No. 1902#0=1, these bits must be set manually.
GFK-1546 5 - 1 Chapter Troubleshooting Pulse Coder Number of NC Alarms Message Meaning 360 n axis : abnormal checksum (int) Checksum alarm occurred in the pulse coder (int). 361 n axis : abnormal phase data (int) Abnormal phase data alarm occurred in the pulse coder (int). 362 n axis : abnormal rev. data (int) Abnormal rev. data alarm occurred in the pulse coder (int). 363 n axis : abnormal clock (int) Clock alarm occurred in the pulse coder (int). 364 n axis : soft phase alarm (int) Internal pulse coder data is abnormal. 365 n axis : broken LED (int) Pulse coder LED is abnormal 366 n axis : pulse miss (int) Pulse miss alarm occurred in the pulse coder (int). 367 n axis : count miss (int) Count miss alarm occurred in the pulse coder (int). 368 n axis : serial data error (int) Serial data was not received from the internal pulse coder. 369 n axis : data transmission error (int) CRC error or stop bit error occurred in the pulse coder (int). 380 n axis : broken LED (ext) External pulse coder LED is abnormal. 381 n axis : abnormal phase (ext lin) Abnormal phase data alarm occurred in the external linear scale. 382 n axis : count miss (ext) Count miss alarm occurred in the external pulse coder. 383 n axis : pulse miss (ext) Pulse miss alarm occurred in the external pulse coder. 384 n axis : soft phase alarm (ext) External pulse coder data is abnormal. 385 n axis : serial data error (ext) Serial data was not received from the external pulse coder. 386 n axis : data transmission error (ext) External pulse coder data is CRC error or stop bit error 5 5 - 2 Alpha Series Servo Amplifier Module (SVM) with FSSB - April 1998 GFK-1546 5 Servo Amplifier Number of NC Alarms Message Meaning 430 n axis : servo motor overheat Servo motor overheated. 431 n axis : cnv. overload (OH) Temperature of the converter (PSM) is abnormally high. 432 n axis : cnv. lowvolt con./powfault (LV) Control circuit power supply is abnormally low. 433 n axis : cnv. low volt DC link (DCLV) DC voltage of the voltage main circuit power supply is abnormally low, or the outer circuit breaker trips. 436 n axis : softthermal (OVC) Overheat alarm detected by the software. 438 n axis : inv. abnormal current (HC) Abnormal over-current flowed into the servo amplifier unit. 439 n axis : overvolt power (HV) The DC voltage of the main circuit power supply is abnormally high. 440 n axis : cnv. ex deceleration pow. (DCOH) The average regenerative discharge energy is too high (too frequent acceleration / deceleration). 441 n axis : abnormal current offset Current feedback is abnormal. 443 n axis : cnv. cooling fan failure (FAL) The fan, built into the servo amplifier unit, stopped. 445 n axis : soft disconnection alarm Disconnection alarm detected by software. 446 n axis : hard disconnection alarm Disconnection alarm detected by hardware (see note below). 447 n axis : hard disconnection (ext) External pulse coder cable is disconnected. 448 n axis : unmatched feedback alarm Feedback data of pulse coder was not matched to its external pulse coder. 460 n axis : FSSB disconnection FSSB communication is open: 1. Optical fiber cable is open or disconnected. 2. Control power supply shut down. 3. LV alarm for the control power supply occurred. 461 n axis : illegal amp interface Both axes are Fast interface in a 2-axis amplifier. 462 n axis : send CNC data failed The slave side amplifier did not receive normal data because of an FSSB communication error. 463 n axis : send slave data failed The servo side amplifier did not receive normal data because of an FSSB communication error. 464 n axis : write ID data failed The amplifier cannot write maintenance data on the maintenance screen. 465 n axis : read ID data failed The amplifier cannot read maintenance data on the maintenance screen. 466 n axis : motor / amp combination The value of the amplifier maximum current is illegal for the motor maximum current. 467 n axis : illegal setting of axis The amplifier is set to two axes on the Axis Setting screen, but the following is not possible: 1. Learning control (PRM2008#5=1). 2. High current loop (PRM2004#0=1). 3. High interface axis (PRM2005#4=1) Note: Hard disconnection alarm has not occurred to the Series 16C or 16i. The possibility of FBAL (ALARM 1 Bit 1=1). External hardware disconnection FBAL (ALARM 1 Bit 1=1, ALARM 2 Bit 7=1, Bit 4=1. Software disconnection (ALARM 1 Bit 1=1). Count miss error (ALARM 1 Bit 1=1, ALARM 2 Bit 7=1, ALARM 3 Bit 3=1). GFK-1546 Chapter 5 Troubleshooting 5 - 3 5 P/S Alarm Number of NC Alarms Message Meaning 5134 FSSB : open ready time out FSSB is not ready when power is turned ON. 5135 FSSB : error mode FSSB is abnormal. 5136 FSSB : number of amps is small The number of the amplifier is smaller than the setting number. 5137 b : configuration error FSSB has a configuration error. 5138 FSSB : axis setting not complete The axis is not set in Auto mode. 5197 FSSB : open time out FSSB is not communicating. 5198 FSSB : ID data not read ID data was not read. 5 - 4 Alpha Series Servo Amplifier Module (SVM) with FSSB - April 1998 GFK-1546 5 Frequently Asked Setup Questions Question / Problem Solution Cannot input the parameter in MDI mode. Remember that you cannot input a parameter in MDI mode unless you cycle power , OFF and ON. After turning power OFF and then ON and disconnecting the optical cable on the CNC side, check the following items: 1. Check parameter No. 1902: A. If No. 1902=00000000, set No. 1905=00000000 and No. 1910 - 1919=0. B. If No. 1902=00000001 or 00000010, set No. 1905 and No. 1910 - 1919 to the correct value. 2. If No. 1815 B1=1, check No. 1910 - 1919. If the value is not 16 or 48, set No. 1815 B1=0. 3. Check that the FSSB Ready to Operate green LED is ON. If not, check the power to the amplifier and the connection of the optical cable. Although the outer detector is recognized on the FSSB, the feedback pulses are not correct. Check parameter No. 1902. 1. If No. 1902=00000001, set No. 1905=01000000 or 10000000. Also set No. 1910 - 1919, 1936, and 1937 to the correct value. 2. If No. 1902=00000010, set the M0 and M1 connector numbers on the FSSB Axis screen. Cannot input the M1 or M2 connector number on the FSSB Axis screen. Check the ID of the pulse module on the FSSB screen. If the ID is not read correctly, check the connection of the separate detector interface unit. The setting value on the FSSB screen changes the former setting value after turning power OFF/ON. After inputting the value, remember to press the [SETING] soft key on both the Amplifier and Axis Setting screens. P/S Alarm 5138 occurred. (FSSB : axis set not complete) Automatic setting has not completed yet. After inputting the value, remember to press the [SETING] soft key on both the Amplifier and Axis Setting screens. When using the manual setting, remember to set the parameters for No. 1902, 1905, 1910 - 1919, 1936, and 1937 to 0. SV Alarm 466 occurred. (n axis : motor / amp combination) 1. Check the combination between the motor and amp. 2. Check the current value in parameter No. 2165 and the FSSB Amplifier screen. 3. Load the servo initial parameter. System Alarm 920 occurred after changing parameter No. 1902 and turning power OFF and then ON. 1. Disconnect the optical cable on the CNC side. 2. Turn power OFF and ON. 3. Set parameter No. 1902, 1905, 1910 - 1919, 1936, and 1937 to 0. FSSB Automatic setting was not done successfully in a two-path control CNC. Change CNC software (B0F1 / B1F1 / BDF1 / BEF1) version 04 or later. The setting which uses the axis of another path in the two-path control CNC was not done successfully. Change CNC software (B0F1 / B1F1 / BDF1 / BEF1) version 04 or later. GFK-1546 A - 1 Appendix Separate Type Detector Interface Unit Appendix A contains A-73402E, Separate Type Detector Interface Unit Connecting Manual (Preliminary). A A - 2 Alpha Series Servo Amplifier Module (SVM) with FSSB - April 6, 1998 GFK-1546 A This page intentionally left blank. . . I Separate type detector interface unit Connecting manual (PRELIMINARY) Contents 1. Outline. 2. Types of the separate type detector inteerface unit. 3. Supply Voltage and Current 4. Heat loss. 5. Connection diagram. 6. Details of connection. 6.1. Connection of power line 6.2. Linear scale interface (Parallel interface) 6.3. Linear scale interface (Serial interface) 6.4. Separate type pulse coder inter&e (Absolute type) 6.5. Separate type pulse coder interlke (Incremental type) 6.6. Input signal requirements 6.7. Connecting the battery for the separate type absolute pulse coder 6.8. Connecting SDUl and SDU2 7. Assembly. 7.1. Requirement on assembling the units 7.2. Size of the unit 7.3. Connector layout 7.4. Details of screw hole FANUC 01 96.12.25 Y. Kubo EDIT. DATE DESI G. DESCRlPTloW I TI TLE Separate manual (PRELIMINARY) wWD.A-73402E m* FANUCLlD I 1 .Outline. This material explains the method of connecting of the separate type detector interface unit for the FANUC serial servo bus (FSSB). P.Types of the separate type detector interface unit. Separate type detector interface unit 1 This unit is necessary when the machine (SDUl) is equipped with the separate type detectors. The SDUl has 4 detector interfaces. Separate type detector interface unit 2 This unit is optional and it has additional (SDU2) 4 detector interfaces. It should be used with SDUl. The cable to connect SDUl and SDU2 are necessary. 3.Supply Voltage and Current. 24V DC (*I 0%) 0.9A (When only SDUl is used.) 1 SA (When SDUl and SDU2 are used.) 4.Heat loss. 9W (When only SDUl is used.) 14W(When SDUl and SDU2 are used.) Note The heat loss of detectors is not included . 5V DC power for detectors is available from the SDU. Its allowed maximum current is 0.35A per a detector. TITLE EDIT. DATE DEN. DEslxlPTlON FANUCLlD SHEET 002/ I . I 5Connection diagram. CONTROL UNrf AXIS #n (&at max) SERVO MOTOR detector interface unit 1 (SDUl 1 Separate type detector interfa~ unit 2 (SDUZ) The SDU is connected to the CNC control unit via optical cable of FANUC serial servo bus (FSSB). Another units like servo amplifiers are also connected to the FSSB. In above figure, the SDU is connected as the last slave of the FSSB. Another configuration is also possible, that is the SDU can be inserted between the CNC control unit and the servo amplifier or between two servo amplifiers. The signal from the separate type detector of the axis #l is usually connected to JFI 01. In the same manner, signals corresponding to the axis ##2 - #8 are connected to JFIOZ - JF108 respectively. If necessary, the relationship between connectors JFlOl - JF108 and axes numbered 1 - 8 can be varied. In above figure, when the axes numbered 2, 4, 6, 8 have the separate type detector, for example, the SDU2 does not need to be used by assigning the connector JFlOl - JF104 of the SDUl to the axis 2, 4, 6, 8. Please refer to the corresponding manual of the CNC controller for how to change the assignment. TITLE DRM-110A-73402E CUST. EDIT. DATE DESIG. DESCRIPTION FANUCLlD = 0031 I I 6.Detaiis of connection. 6.1.Connection of power line Supply power (24V DC) to the SDUl from an external source. SDUI External power supply CPllA 24VDC stabilized Power supply wn 1 +24V 24VDC f 10% 2 ov 3 Cable CPllA A@ Jwpn l-178288-3 (Housing) 1-175218-5 (Contact) External power supply +24V (1) This end of the cable depends on the terminal ov (2) of the external powe SUPPlY. Recommendadcable:AO2B-0124-K830 ) 1A can be branched out from CP11 B. Pins assignment ,connector housing, contacts are same as that of CP1 1A. TITLE ORM-.A-73402E cusT* EDIT. DATE DESIG DESCRIPTION FANUCLTD =T 004/ I . . I 6.2.Linear scale interface (Paaikl interface) Separate type detector intedace unit Linear scale +6V and REQ are for the separate absolute pulse coders. Cable wiring PCA PCA *PCA *PCA PCB PCB *PCB *PCB PC2 PCZ *pcz *pcz f5V .f5V +5V +5v f5V f5V ov ov ov ov ov ov Groundirg plate Recomnended cable matehal A66L-0001-0286 (820AWGX6+#24AWGX3-pair) The power of +5V DC is available as the supplying power of the linear scales. Maximum allowed current of +5V DC is 0.35A per a scale. MU.mA-73402E UJST. EDI T. DATE DESI G. DESCRI PTI I M FANUCLTD = 005/ I . . I 6.3.Linear scale interface (Serial interface) sepalatelypedetectorintelfaceullt JF1012JF108 (PCR-EV20MDT) IO Linear sde (Serial intsdsce type) +6V is for the separate absolute pulse coders. Cable wiring .____._._.._._... SD SD *SD *SD REQ REQ *REQ *REQ +5V +5v f5V t5v f5V f5V ov ov ov ov ov ov ._.__..___ Ground&g plate Recommended cable material A66L-0001-0286 (#2OAWGX6+#24AWGX3-pair) The power of +5V DC is available as the supplying power of the linear scales. Maximum allowed current of +5V DC is 0.35A per a scale. TITLE DATE DESIB. DESCRIPTION I wrmA-73402E UJST. FANUCLTD = 006/ I 6.4.Separate type pulse coder interface (Absolute type) Sepamtetypedetectorintehceunt Wa=de type W3e coder W=bte type) JFlOl-J.Fl08 (PCR-EV~~MD~ IIHI f -MS3106B22-14s I Cable wiring . .._.______...._. PCA PCA *PCA *PCA PCB PCB *PCB *PCB PC2 PCZ *PC2 *pcz +6V 46V REQ REQ tsv +SV t5V i5V ov ov ov ov OVA &._..___..____._ SHLD Groundirg plane (Shield) Recommended cable material A66L-0001-0286 (7$20AWGX6+#24AWGX3-pair) TITLE DIU1.w.A-73402E CUST. 3lT. DATE DESIG DEscRlF7IoN FANUCLTD =T 0071 I . . I 6b.Separate type pulse coder interfece (Incremental type) sqa-atelypetMectorinbsr$c8lmit Separate type pulse coder (Inamen tal type) JFlOl-JF108 Pulse alder (PCR-EV2OMDT) MS3102A-20-29P) llHl[ i / - iMS3106B20-29SW +6V and REQ are not used. Cable wiring _.._____..-____.. PCA PCA *PCA *PCA PCB PCB *PCB *PCB PCZ PCZ *pcz *PC2 t5v isv +sv +5v +5v l 5V ov ov ov ov ov ov SHLD mw Grounding plate Reamneded cable material A66L-0001-0286 (?#20AWGx6+#24AWGX3-psir) TITLE EDI T. DATE DESI G. DESCRI PTI O) ( FANUCLTD = 008/ I . . I 6.6.lnput signal requirements (1) A and B phase signal input This is a method to input position information by the mutual 90 degree phase slip of A and B phase signals. Detection of the position is performed with the state in which the B phase is leading taken as a shift in the plus direction, and the state in which the A phase is leading as a shift in the minus direction. A phase signal Shit? in plus direction 1 1 B phase signal I A phase signal Shift in minus direction I B phase signal I (2)Phase difference and minimum repeat frequency A PCASPCA $ PCNPCA 8 PCWS PC8 * PCWPC8 = WToW W The minimum value of Td in above diagram is Td 1 0.15usec The period and pulse width of the signals must be long enough to satisfy the above requirements. TITLE DRAI. Y).A-73402E CUST. EDIT. DATE #SIG. DEscRlPllQ FANUCLTD = 009/ I r I Z phase signal T,B 1 cyde of A phase or B phase (Tp) 6.7.Connecting the battery for the separate type absolute pulse coder r Separate type detector interface unit 1 (SDUI) Battery== IA4A PCR-EVZOMDT) M3 terminal 1 +-I fzlq I (3) 2 phase signal input For the 2 phase signal (1 rotation signal), a signal width of more than 1 cycle of the A phase or B phase signals is necessary. 1 f6V ov Raanm~cablematerial LO. 2md (7/O. 18) TITLE EDIT. DATE DESK. DESClllPTlDN FANUCLlD SHEET 0101 I . I 6.8.Connecting SDUl and SDUZ SDUl and SDU2 are connected by a flat cable. The maximum length of the flat cable is 1 OOmm. View from the upper side of the SDU. SDUI SDU2 Cabinet wall J Con\nector I , J Con\nector $ $ marking V 9 $ marking 7 L.-,J L.-,-j 2 LJ c The flat cable should be ordered together with SDUI and SDU2. TITLE MVJI-WOA-73402E cusT- EDIT. DATE DESIG. DEScRlPTlffl FANUCLTD -T Oi l / a . . I 7.Assembly. I.l.Requirement on assembling the units (1) This unit should be installed in a cabinet that is always completely closed. (2) This unit should be fixed on the vertical wall in the cabinet. Clearances of 1OOmm or more both above and below the units are required. Equipment radiating too much heat must not be put below the unit. (3) When both SDUl and SDU2 are installed, they should be configured as shown in the figure below so that the flat cable should not cover the ventilation holes of the SDU 1. Maximum length of flat cable is 1 OOmm. Ventilation holes Fiat cable TOP A f Bottom SDUI SDU2 TITLE EDIT. DATE DESK DEscRlPTloN FANUCLTD - 012/ I I 7.2.Size of the unit TITLE DRCJIm110.A-73402E am. 911. DATE DEGI G. DESCRI PTI ON FANUCLTD UQT 013/ I . . 7.3.Connectot layout Connector layout of the SDUI CDPI DA COPI DE Connector layout of the SDU2 JFIOS JF 106 JF 107 JF 108 TITLE EDIT. DATE #SI G. mcRl PTl cN FANUCLTD SI EEET 014/ I . 7.4.Deteiis of screw hole I -d [Unit : mm] r -7GW80 I Drilling works of screw hole When both SDUl and SDU2 are installed, the space between screw hole of two units should be 70 to 80 mm. TITLE DESIG. DESCRIPTIOW I FANUCLTD = 0151 . I Note An enough maintenance area is necessary for both sides of the unit. Because, the space to insert the screw driver diagonally is necessary ( see the figure below). As guideline, when the depth of the neighbor units are same as or less than the SDU, the clearance of 20mm is required. When the depth of the neighbor units are much more than the SDU, the clearance of 70mm is required. The clearance of 70mm is also required between the SDU and the cabinet wall. Maintenance area of the SDU. TITLE EDI T. DATE DESI G. DESCRI PTI ~ FANUCLTD = 016/ 16 I GE Fanuc Automation North America, Inc., Charlottesville Virginia