Ashokkumar A.V: Experience in Using Java Ide Tools Like Net Beans and Familiarity With Other Ides Such As Eclipse
Ashokkumar A.V: Experience in Using Java Ide Tools Like Net Beans and Familiarity With Other Ides Such As Eclipse
Ashokkumar A.V: Experience in Using Java Ide Tools Like Net Beans and Familiarity With Other Ides Such As Eclipse
+91 9494654321
Around 4.5 years of relevant experience in analysis, design, implementation and testing of
Object Oriented Applications in Client/Server environments using ava/!"".
Strong #no$ledge in Object Oriented Concepts, Object Oriented %esign &OO%', Object
Oriented Analysis &OOA', (rogramming and its implementation.
"xpertise in design and development of various $eb) and enterprise)level applications using
#2$$ tec*nologies li#e #S%& S'rv'(s& #)*+& Ora!'.
%eveloped $eb applications by implementing +odel ,ie$ Control &+,C' arc*itecture using
S( pages t*at interact $it* Servlets.
"xperience in $or#ing $it* frame$or#s li#e S(ru(s& a,- Hi.'r,a('
"xperience in using ava -%" tools li#e .et beans and familiarity $it* ot*er -%"s suc* as
"xperience in using +yS/0 databases to $rite complex S/0 1ueries, and familiarity $it*
databases li#e S/0.
"xtensive experience in using S/0 to $rite Stored (rocedures.
"xperience of development in different environments li#e 2indo$s 34/!5556/7(/,ista/6.
2ell versed $it* complete systems life cycle development processes of design,
development, testing and implementation.
%ocument preparation including 8e1uirement Specification, design documents, 9est cases
and Analysis, :ser 9raining documents and 9ec*nical ;elp documents.
"xperience in $or#ing $it* ,irtual and +ulti .ational 9eam.
;andling a 9eam of <5 members.
"xcellent communication, interpersonal and analytical s#ills along $it* can=do attitude.
Ability to learn and use ne$ systems and paradigms in considerably less time.
$/%$R0$1+$ SUMMAR"
2or#ing as a Soft$are "ngineer& i, *ravomi,-s So2(3ar' 4'!h,oogi's %v( 5(-,
>angalore from April <? to 9ill date
2or#ed as a Soft$are "ngineer& i, 6i,!i(o 4'k Sou(io,s %v( 5(- ;yderabad from uly <!
to +arc* !5<?.
2or#ed as a Soft$are "ngineer in Sa7i8 So2(3ar' Sou(io,s %v( 5(-& ,is*a#*apatnam
from April <5 to April <!.
>ac*elors of 9ec*nology in Computer Science, .9:, A(.
S:. C"89-@-"% A,A (8OA8A++"8 <.5.
SO946AR$ SK055S
0anguages ava, S/0
ava 9ec*nologies ava, !"", %>C, Servlets, S(, ava>eans.
2eb Services ax 8(C, 8estful Services
@rame 2or#s Struts
%evelopment 9ools "clipse, .et>eans, A.9 <.6, 0og4j, %ream$eaver 4.
O8+ ;ibernate.
%atabases Oracle <5g/3i/4i, S/0 Server !5<!, +yS1l
Scripting languages ava Script.
%9%,7S%,7+0, A7(,A7>,Ajax
,ersion Control ,SS,S,.
"nvironments 2indo$s !555/ server !554/!556, 2indo$s .9 4.5, 2indo$s 7(,
2indo$s ,ista , 2indo$s 6.
%RO9$SS0O1A5 $/%$R0$1+$
Sollet Soft Solutions (vt ltd, ;yderabad, A( April B<? =till %ate
Senior Soft$are "ngineer
(rojectC +obile >an#ing
9eam SiDeC 5
)'s!ri:(io,; >an#ing 9ransaction is a +obile application for customer to do t*e @inancial and non)
@inancial 9ransactions. 9*e end user selects t*e type of transaction $*ic* *e needs to do by
opening t*e +obile application. 9*e :ser $ill enter *is details in t*e transaction screen and t*e
re1uests for transaction. 9*e user $ill aut*enticates *imself by t*e @inger (rint for doing t*e
transaction. -tEs a complex situation to manage and maintain and no$adays t*e current and actual
system is not up to standards and is mostly not connected to t*e >ac# "nd applications. 9*e
objective of t*e project is to provide >an#ing services for t*e 8ural Area in t*e Country.
"xtensively used Struts for $riting >usiness @unctionality.
Converted to 8estful 2eb services for receiving t*e re1uest in and 8esponse in 7+0 @ormat
%esigned F developed t*e ne$ functionality.
:sed S/0 Server !5<! for bac#end for creating tables and calling Stored (rocedures.
0og4j is used for logging different types of messages.
%eployed, t*e application using Apac*e 9omcat Application server.
-nvolved in t*e discussions $it* business users, testing team to finaliDe t*e tec*nical design
2or#ing 7+0 @iles using SA7 and %O+ (arsers.
-nvolved in resolving t*e production issues.
%esigned F developed t*e ne$ functionality.
-nvolved in *elping team members to debug issues $it* t*e application.
ava, sp, Servlets, Struts, .et >eans G.3, S1l Server !5<! 9ortoise S,..
Sollet Soft Solutions (vt ltd, ;yderabad, A( OC9 B<! =+arc* <?
Senior Soft$are "ngineer
(rojectC +obile and %t* 9op:p
9eam SiDeC !
)'s!ri:(io,; 9*is project offers flexible top)up services, t*roug* -nternet based (C, ava enabled
p*ones, and t*ere $ere t$o types of 9op ups one is Agent based and anot*er one is Customer
based. Customer based top up means customer *ave registered *imself in our services and *e
must *ave -nternet >an#ing, and t*e Agent based top up customer *ave to go Agent outlets, and
pay t*e re1uired amount and t*e agent log in to account, and submit all t*e details after successful
transaction and t*e agent amount *as been debited in to t*eir account and sollet maintained Agent
account in t*eir %atabase
"xtensively used Struts for $riting >usiness @unctionality.
%esigned F developed t*e ne$ functionality.
:sed S/0 Server !5<! for bac#end for creating tables and calling Stored (rocedures.
%eployed, t*e application using Apac*e 9omcat Application server.
-nvolved in t*e discussions $it* business users and testing team to finaliDe t*e tec*nical
design documents.
2or#ing 7+0 @iles using SA7 and %O+ (arsers.
ava, sp, Servlets, Struts, .et >eans G.3, S1l Server !5<! 9ortoise S,..
>AS-7 Sub)H i9ransactions 0imited, ;yderabad, A( uly B<! =Oct <!
Senior Soft$are "ngineer
(rojectC >HS0 and >A>0" Services
9eam SiDeC ?
)'s!ri:(io,; >) Able is rendering basic computer course t*roug* CSC c*annel. 9*e registrations of
t*e enrolled students, collection of fees installments and processing of t*e student status, needs
transaction integration and data processing as $ell. 9*is is in order to enable exc*ange of cas* and
account for it as a part of transaction and provide information system around t*e studentEs status.
"xtensively used Struts for $riting >usiness @unctionality.
:sed 8estful 2eb services for receiving t*e re1uest in 7+0 and 8esponse in 7+0 @ormat
-nvolved in resolving t*e production issues.
%esigned F developed t*e ne$ functionality.
:sed S/0 Server !5<! for bac#end for creating tables and calling Stored (rocedures.
-nvolved in fixing many bugs in project.
0og4j is used for logging different types of messages.
%eployed, t*e application using Apac*e 9omcat Application server.
ava, sp, Servlets, Struts, .et >eans G.3, S1l Server !5<! 9ortoise S,..
%*ofm&%octors ;ospital of +ic*igan', (ontiac, +-. Oct B<5 =April <!
Soft$are "ngineer.
(rojectC -;elix ;ealt* Care
9eam SiDeC !5
)'s!ri:(io,; -;elix is an enterprise)$ide solution t*at provides complete patient information
across all points of care to allo$ *ealt*care providers to deliver t*e best care possible. Specifically
designed for small community *ospitals, large medical clinics and long)term care facilities, t*e
-*elix ;ospital solution is comprised of individual. 9*is tec*nology platform enables our clients to
build customiDed *ealt* information systems t*at are affordable and meet t*eir specific -9 needs. .
"xtensively used Struts for $riting >usiness @unctionality.
"xtensively used +,C frame$or#s struts to build presentation layer and ;ibernate to
interact $it* S1l.
(articipated actively in application production launc*.
2ritten unit 9est cases.
:sed Oracle for bac#end for creating tables and calling Stored (rocedures.
:sed >ugDilla for issue trac#ing.
-nvolved in fixing many bugs in project.
%oing regression testing for all t*e fixed issues and verifying t*e improvements in every ne$
2ritten $ell 1ualified S/0 1ueries.