This document contains profiles of three individuals - Muhammad Saleem Khan, Istiqlal Hussain, and Muhammad Akram Khattak - who serve as Chief Instructors at the Government Postgraduate College of Commerce in Bahawalpur, Pakistan. The profiles provide details on their education backgrounds, work experience, technical training, current assignments, and contact information. All three individuals' objectives are listed as contributing their teaching services to better the organization and prove themselves as useful additions toward teaching.
This document contains profiles of three individuals - Muhammad Saleem Khan, Istiqlal Hussain, and Muhammad Akram Khattak - who serve as Chief Instructors at the Government Postgraduate College of Commerce in Bahawalpur, Pakistan. The profiles provide details on their education backgrounds, work experience, technical training, current assignments, and contact information. All three individuals' objectives are listed as contributing their teaching services to better the organization and prove themselves as useful additions toward teaching.
This document contains profiles of three individuals - Muhammad Saleem Khan, Istiqlal Hussain, and Muhammad Akram Khattak - who serve as Chief Instructors at the Government Postgraduate College of Commerce in Bahawalpur, Pakistan. The profiles provide details on their education backgrounds, work experience, technical training, current assignments, and contact information. All three individuals' objectives are listed as contributing their teaching services to better the organization and prove themselves as useful additions toward teaching.
This document contains profiles of three individuals - Muhammad Saleem Khan, Istiqlal Hussain, and Muhammad Akram Khattak - who serve as Chief Instructors at the Government Postgraduate College of Commerce in Bahawalpur, Pakistan. The profiles provide details on their education backgrounds, work experience, technical training, current assignments, and contact information. All three individuals' objectives are listed as contributing their teaching services to better the organization and prove themselves as useful additions toward teaching.
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Muhammad Saleem Khan
S/O Abdul Rehman Khan
Designation: Chief Instructor (BPS19) CNIC#: 3602-2623946-9 Date of Birth: 03.06.1964 Date of Retirment: 02.06.2024 Posting: Govt. Postr!"u!te Co##ee of Co$$erce% &!si$'ur Co#on(% )u#t!n Address: B!#och *o"e% &!si$ Street Besi"e +os'it!# ,r. *!tif-u#-u##!h ne- )u$t!.!/!" )u#t!n Phone: (0ff) 061-9239296 (1es) 061-6223929 (Ce##) 0333-6101263 Email: 4!si$120015(!$ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Objectives: To contribute my teaching services towards the betterment of the organization and prove myself as a useful addition toward teaching. Education MBA Finance and Accounting !"#$ Bahauddin %a&ariya' Multan B.(om Accounting !"#) Bahauddin %a&ariya' Multan Experience *raduate +evel ,# -ears .rost *raduate +evel !# -ears Technical Training (omputer Applications at Abacus +ahore on !/01$0!"") to !)0120!"") .edagogy at *(T Multan on ,/01/0,11) to !10120,11) Assignment: Teaching M.(om and B.(om classes 3or&ed as incharge B.(om 3or&ing as member college council 3or&ing as member admission committee Member as purchase committee resent ost: (hief 4nstructor !sti"har #ussain S/O #aji $ero% &in Designation: Chief Instructor (BPS19) CNIC#: 42000-0932211-2 Date of Birth: 12.11.1962 Date of Retirment: 11.11.2022 Posting: Govt. Postr!"u!te Co##ee of Co$$erce% &!si$'ur Co#on(% )u#t!n Address: +ouse 6 100 B#oc7 8I9 Sh!h 1u7ne-:#!$ Co#on( )u#t!n. Phone: (0ff) 061-9239296 (Ce##) 0300-6302633 Email: isti7h!rhuss!in5(!$ ____________________________________________________________________________________ Objectives: To contribute my teaching services towards the betterment of the organization and prove myself as a useful addition toward teaching. Education MBA Finance Bahauddin %a&ariya 5niversity' Multan B.(om Bahauddin %a&ariya 5niversity' Multan &istinction ! st .osition in B.(om B%5 Multan 6*old Medalist7 ) th .osition in MBA B%5 Multan Experience Teaching at *raduate +evel ,! -ears Teaching at .rost *raduate +evel !# -ears 3or& as 4ncharge .rincipal for the following period 6!8.!!."2 to !".!,."#' 1!.1!.1$ to 8!.1#.1$' !#.!1.1$ to 1!.!,.12' !/.1#.1# to ,!.1,.!17 Technical Training 4MT at (M9 +ahore :chool Management Training' 4slamabad .edagogy at *(T Multan Assignment: Teaching M.(om and B.(om classes 3or&ed as incharge M.(om (lasses 3or&ing as member college council 3or&ing as member admission committee Member of purchase committee resent ost: (hief 4nstructor M(#AMMA& A$)A* K#A+ K#ATTAK S/O !SA K#A+ Designation: Chief Instructor (BPS19) CNIC#: 36302-32;3130-1 Date of Birth: 01-01-1962 Date of Retirment: 31.12.2022 Posting: Govt. Postr!"u!te Co##ee of Co$$erce% &!si$'ur Co#on(% )u#t!n Address: +ouse 6 43 :% 40<16 )oh!##!h )eh$oo" :/!"% B!h!-!#'ur 1o!" )u#t!n. Phone: (0ff) 061-9239296 (Ce##) 0334-6034322 Email: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Objectives: To contribute my teaching services towards the betterment of the organization and prove myself as a useful addition toward teaching. Education M.(om Mar&eting ;ailey (ollege of (ommerce' .5+ M.A <conomics .un=ab 5niversity +ahore B.(om Accounting ;ailey (ollege of (ommerce' .5+ Experience *raduate > .ost *raduate +evel ,2 -ears ,or"ed as rincipal *ovt. (ollege of (ommerce' (ha&wal *ovt. (ollege of (ommerce' Mailsi Technical Training .edagogy at *(T Multan Assignment: Teaching M.(om and B.(om classes 3or&ing as member college council 3or&ing as member admission committee Member of purchase committee resent ost: (hief 4nstructor