Muhammad Saleem Khan: S/O Abdul Rehman Khan

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Muhammad Saleem Khan

S/O Abdul Rehman Khan

Designation: Chief Instructor (BPS19)
CNIC#: 3602-2623946-9
Date of Birth: 03.06.1964
Date of Retirment: 02.06.2024
Posting: Govt. Postr!"u!te Co##ee of Co$$erce% &!si$'ur Co#on(% )u#t!n
Address: B!#och *o"e% &!si$ Street Besi"e +os'it!# ,r. *!tif-u#-u##!h ne- )u$t!.!/!" )u#t!n
Phone: (0ff) 061-9239296
(1es) 061-6223929
(Ce##) 0333-6101263
Email: 4!si$120015(!$
Objectives: To contribute my teaching services towards the betterment of
the organization and prove myself as a useful addition toward teaching.
MBA Finance and Accounting !"#$ Bahauddin %a&ariya' Multan
B.(om Accounting !"#) Bahauddin %a&ariya' Multan
*raduate +evel ,# -ears
.rost *raduate +evel !# -ears
Technical Training
(omputer Applications at Abacus +ahore on !/01$0!"") to !)0120!"")
.edagogy at *(T Multan on ,/01/0,11) to !10120,11)
Teaching M.(om and B.(om classes
3or&ed as incharge B.(om
3or&ing as member college council
3or&ing as member admission committee
Member as purchase committee
resent ost: (hief 4nstructor
!sti"har #ussain
S/O #aji $ero% &in
Designation: Chief Instructor (BPS19)
CNIC#: 42000-0932211-2
Date of Birth: 12.11.1962
Date of Retirment: 11.11.2022
Posting: Govt. Postr!"u!te Co##ee of Co$$erce% &!si$'ur Co#on(% )u#t!n
Address: +ouse 6 100 B#oc7 8I9 Sh!h 1u7ne-:#!$ Co#on( )u#t!n.
Phone: (0ff) 061-9239296
(Ce##) 0300-6302633
Email: isti7h!rhuss!in5(!$
Objectives: To contribute my teaching services towards the betterment of
the organization and prove myself as a useful addition toward teaching.
MBA Finance Bahauddin %a&ariya 5niversity' Multan
B.(om Bahauddin %a&ariya 5niversity' Multan
.osition in B.(om B%5 Multan 6*old Medalist7
.osition in MBA B%5 Multan
Teaching at *raduate +evel ,! -ears
Teaching at .rost *raduate +evel !# -ears
3or& as 4ncharge .rincipal for the following period
6!8.!!."2 to !".!,."#' 1!.1!.1$ to 8!.1#.1$' !#.!1.1$ to 1!.!,.12' !/.1#.1#
to ,!.1,.!17
Technical Training
4MT at (M9 +ahore
:chool Management Training' 4slamabad
.edagogy at *(T Multan
Teaching M.(om and B.(om classes
3or&ed as incharge M.(om (lasses
3or&ing as member college council
3or&ing as member admission committee
Member of purchase committee
resent ost: (hief 4nstructor
S/O !SA K#A+
Designation: Chief Instructor (BPS19)
CNIC#: 36302-32;3130-1
Date of Birth: 01-01-1962
Date of Retirment: 31.12.2022
Posting: Govt. Postr!"u!te Co##ee of Co$$erce% &!si$'ur Co#on(% )u#t!n
Address: +ouse 6 43 :% 40<16 )oh!##!h )eh$oo" :/!"% B!h!-!#'ur 1o!" )u#t!n.
Phone: (0ff) 061-9239296
(Ce##) 0334-6034322
Objectives: To contribute my teaching services towards the betterment of
the organization and prove myself as a useful addition toward teaching.
M.(om Mar&eting ;ailey (ollege of (ommerce' .5+
M.A <conomics .un=ab 5niversity +ahore
B.(om Accounting ;ailey (ollege of (ommerce' .5+
*raduate > .ost *raduate +evel ,2 -ears
,or"ed as rincipal
*ovt. (ollege of (ommerce' (ha&wal
*ovt. (ollege of (ommerce' Mailsi
Technical Training
.edagogy at *(T Multan
Teaching M.(om and B.(om classes
3or&ing as member college council
3or&ing as member admission committee
Member of purchase committee
resent ost: (hief 4nstructor

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