Online Survey Results: Appendix TWO

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Online Survey Results

Sur vey Resul t s

Number of r ecor ds i n t hi s quer y: 80
Tot al r ecor ds i n sur vey: 80
Per cent age of t ot al : 100. 00%
1. What ci t y do you l i ve i n?

1. How l ong have you l i ved i n t hi s communi t y?

1. Do you own your home or r ent i t ?

1. Do you wor k al ong West Fl or i ssant Avenue i n
Del l wood or Fer guson?

2. How of t en do you do t he f ol l owi ng on West Fl or i ssant Avenue i n Del l wood
and Fer guson?
[ Dr i ve]


Count Percentage
Ever y day ( A1)

28 35. 00%
A f ew t i mes a week ( A2) 23 28. 75%
A f ew t i mes a mont h ( A3) 16 20. 00%
A f ew t i mes a year ( A4) 3 3. 75%
Never ( A5)

0 0. 00%
No answer

6 7. 50%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 4 5. 00%

5. How of t en do you do t he f ol l owi ng on West Fl or i ssant Avenue i n Del l wood
and Fer guson?
[ Wal k]


Count Percentage
Ever y day ( A1)

5 6. 25%
A f ew t i mes a week ( A2) 1 1. 25%
A f ew t i mes a mont h ( A3) 9 11. 25%
A f ew t i mes a year ( A4) 12 15. 00%
Never ( A5)

37 46. 25%
No answer

12 15. 00%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 4 5. 00%

5. How of t en do you do t he f ol l owi ng on West Fl or i ssant Avenue i n Del l wood
and Fer guson?
[ Take t he bus]


Count Percentage
Ever y day ( A1)

4 5. 00%
A f ew t i mes a week ( A2) 2 2. 50%
A f ew t i mes a mont h ( A3) 1 1. 25%
A f ew t i mes a year ( A4) 3 3. 75%
Never ( A5)

49 61. 25%
No answer 17 21 25%

5. How of t en do you do t he f ol l owi ng on West Fl or i ssant Avenue i n Del l wood
and Fer guson?
[ Bi ke]


Count Percentage
Ever y day ( A1)

3 3. 75%
A f ew t i mes a week ( A2) 2 2. 50%
A f ew t i mes a mont h ( A3) 1 1. 25%
A f ew t i mes a year ( A4) 4 5. 00%
Never ( A5)

48 60. 00%
No answer

18 22. 50%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 4 5. 00%

5. How of t en do you do t he f ol l owi ng on West Fl or i ssant Avenue i n Del l wood
and Fer guson?
[ Car pool ]


Count Percentage
Ever y day ( A1)

2 2. 50%
A f ew t i mes a week ( A2) 0 0. 00%
A f ew t i mes a mont h ( A3) 4 5. 00%
A f ew t i mes a year ( A4) 5 6. 25%
Never ( A5)

46 57. 50%
No answer

19 23. 75%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 4 5. 00%

7. Pl ease r at e t he ease of wal ki ng bet ween dest i nat i ons.
[ Response]

Answer Count Percentage
Ver y Easy ( A1) 1 1. 25%
Easy ( A2) 3 3. 75%
Medi um( A3) 24 30. 00%
Har d ( A4) 12 15. 00%
Ver y Har d ( A5) 11 13. 75%
No answer 18 22. 50%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 11 13. 75%

8. Have you obser ved or exper i enced any t r af f i c and saf et y i ssues?

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9. How i mpor t ant ar e t hese i ssues t o
you? [ Response]

Answer Count Percentage
Ver y I mpor t ant ( A1) 43 53. 75%
Somewhat I mpor t ant ( A2) 16 20. 00%
Not Ver y I mpor t ant ( A3) 3 3. 75%
Not At Al l I mpor t ant ( A4) 1 1. 25%
No answer 4 5. 00%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 13 16. 25%

13. Sever al communi t y member s have i dent i f i ed a r ange of possi bl e
i mpr ovement s. Pl ease r at e each of t he i t ems on t hi s l i st
of i mpor t ance.
[ A. Mor e t r ees and gr eener y]

Answer Count Percentage
Ver y I mpor t ant ( A1) 28 35. 00%
( A2) 11 13. 75%
Somewhat I mpor t ant ( A3) 16 20. 00%
( A4) 0 0. 00%
Not I mpor t ant ( A5) 2 2. 50%
No answer 3 3. 75%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 20 25. 00%

13. Sever al communi t y member s have i dent i f i ed a r ange of possi bl e
i mpr ovement s. Pl ease r at e each of t he i t ems on t hi s l i st
of i mpor t ance.
[ B. Bet t er l i ght i ng f or pedest r i ans]

Answer Count Percentage
Ver y I mpor t ant ( A1) 37 46. 25%
( A2) 17 21. 25%
Somewhat I mpor t ant ( A3) 3 3. 75%
( A4) 0 0. 00%
Not I mpor t ant ( A5) 1 1. 25%
No answer 2 2. 50%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 20 25. 00%

13. Sever al communi t y member s have i dent i f i ed a r ange of possi bl e
i mpr ovement s. Pl ease r at e each of t he i t ems on t hi s l i st
of i mpor t ance.
[ C. " Hangout s" and pl aces wher e i t i s easy t o bump i nt o and vi si t
wi t h f r i ends]

Answer Count Percentage
Ver y I mpor t ant ( A1) 11 13. 75%
( A2) 9 11. 25%
Somewhat I mpor t ant ( A3) 16 20. 00%
( A4) 5 6. 25%
Not I mpor t ant ( A5) 16 20. 00%
No answer 3 3. 75%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 20 25. 00%
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13. Sever al communi t y member s have i dent i f i ed a r ange of possi bl e
i mpr ovement s. Pl ease r at e each of t he i t ems on t hi s l i st accor di ng t o
l evel
of i mpor t ance.
[ D. Bet t er si dewal ks and wal ki ng pat hs]

Answer Count Percentage
Ver y I mpor t ant ( A1) 41 51. 25%
( A2) 15 18. 75%
Somewhat I mpor t ant ( A3) 2 2. 50%
( A4) 0 0. 00%
Not I mpor t ant ( A5) 0 0. 00%
No answer 2 2. 50%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 20 25. 00%

13. Sever al communi t y member s have i dent i f i ed a r ange of possi bl e
i mpr ovement s. Pl ease r at e each of t he i t ems on t hi s l i st accor di ng t o
l evel
of i mpor t ance.
[ E. Saf er ways t o get ar ound by bi ke]

Answer Count Percentage
Ver y I mpor t ant ( A1) 25 31. 25%
( A2) 16 20. 00%
Somewhat I mpor t ant ( A3) 12 15. 00%
( A4) 0 0. 00%
Not I mpor t ant ( A5) 5 6. 25%
No answer 2 2. 50%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 20 25. 00%

13. Sever al communi t y member s have i dent i f i ed a r ange of possi bl e
i mpr ovement s. Pl ease r at e each of t he i t ems on t hi s l i st
of i mpor t ance.
[ F. Mor e shops you can wal k t o easi l y]

Answer Count Percentage
Ver y I mpor t ant ( A1) 26 32. 50%
( A2) 10 12. 50%
Somewhat I mpor t ant ( A3) 19 23. 75%
( A4) 1 1. 25%
Not I mpor t ant ( A5) 2 2. 50%
No answer 2 2. 50%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 20 25. 00%
13. Sever al communi t y member s have i dent i f i ed a r ange of possi bl e
i mpr ovement s. Pl ease r at e each of t he i t ems on t hi s l i st accor di ng t o
l evel
of i mpor t ance.
[ G. Reduce noi se f r omt r af f i c]

Answer Count Percentage
Ver y I mpor t ant ( A1) 15 18. 75%
( A2) 13 16. 25%
Somewhat I mpor t ant ( A3) 20 25. 00%
( A4) 4 5. 00%
Not I mpor t ant ( A5) 6 7. 50%
No answer 2 2. 50%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 20 25. 00%
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13. Sever al communi t y member s have i dent i f i ed a r ange of possi bl e
i mpr ovement s. Pl ease r at e each of t he i t ems on t hi s l i st accor di ng t o
l evel
of i mpor t ance.
[ H. Mor e mai nt enance t o keep West Fl or i ssant cl ean and
gr een]

Answer Count Percentage
Ver y I mpor t ant ( A1) 45 56. 25%
( A2) 7 8. 75%
Somewhat I mpor t ant ( A3) 4 5. 00%
( A4) 0 0. 00%
Not I mpor t ant ( A5) 1 1. 25%
No answer 3 3. 75%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 20 25. 00%

13. Sever al communi t y member s have i dent i f i ed a r ange of possi bl e
i mpr ovement s. Pl ease r at e each of t he i t ems on t hi s l i st accor di ng t o
l evel
of i mpor t ance.
[ I . Mor e wal ki ng r out es f r omnei ghbor hoods t o West
Fl or i ssant ]

Answer Count Percentage
Ver y I mpor t ant ( A1) 22 27. 50%
( A2) 17 21. 25%
Somewhat I mpor t ant ( A3) 10 12. 50%
( A4) 4 5. 00%
Not I mpor t ant ( A5) 2 2. 50%
No answer 5 6. 25%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 20 25. 00%

13. Sever al communi t y member s have i dent i f i ed a r ange of possi bl e
i mpr ovement s. Pl ease r at e each of t he i t ems on t hi s l i st accor di ng t o
l evel
of i mpor t ance.
[ J . Mor e housi ng choi ces such as apar t ment s cl ose t o
t r ansi t ]

Answer Count Percentage
Ver y I mpor t ant ( A1) 12 15. 00%
( A2) 7 8. 75%
Somewhat I mpor t ant ( A3) 9 11. 25%
( A4) 10 12. 50%
Not I mpor t ant ( A5) 16 20. 00%
No answer 6 7. 50%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 20 25. 00%

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Answer Count Percentage
Answer Count Percentage
Answer Count Percentage
Answer Count Percentage
Answer Count Percentage
15. Do you t hi nk West Fl or i ssant Avenue needs mor e or l ess of t he
f ol l owi ng? [ A. Heal t h cl i ni cs]

Need mor e ( A1)

23 28. 75%
J ust r i ght as i t i s ( A2) 16 20. 00%
Need l ess ( A3)

3 3. 75%
No answer

18 22. 50%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 20 25. 00%

15. Do you t hi nk West Fl or i ssant Avenue needs mor e or l ess of t he
f ol l owi ng? [ B. Pr i mar y car e doct or s]

Need mor e ( A1)

29 36. 25%
J ust r i ght as i t i s ( A2) 12 15. 00%
Need l ess ( A3)

2 2. 50%
No answer

17 21. 25%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 20 25. 00%

15. Do you t hi nk West Fl or i ssant Avenue needs mor e or l ess of t he
f ol l owi ng? [ C. Dent i st s]

Need mor e ( A1)

26 32. 50%
J ust r i ght as i t i s ( A2) 16 20. 00%
Need l ess ( A3)

2 2. 50%
No answer

16 20. 00%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 20 25. 00%

15. Do you t hi nk West Fl or i ssant Avenue needs mor e or l ess of t he
f ol l owi ng? [ D. Fi t ness cent er s]

Need mor e ( A1)

32 40. 00%
J ust r i ght as i t i s ( A2) 14 17. 50%
Need l ess ( A3)

0 0. 00%
No answer

14 17. 50%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 20 25. 00%

15. Do you t hi nk West Fl or i ssant Avenue needs mor e or l ess of t he
f ol l owi ng? [ E. Li br ar i es]

Need mor e ( A1)

33 41. 25%
J ust r i ght as i t i s ( A2) 10 12. 50%
Need l ess ( A3)

1 1. 25%
No answer

16 20. 00%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 20 25. 00%

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Answer Count Percentage
Answer Count Percentage
Answer Count Percentage
Answer Count Percentage
Answer Count Percentage
15. Do you t hi nk West Fl or i ssant Avenue needs mor e or l ess of t he
f ol l owi ng? [ F. Communi t y Gar dens]

Need mor e ( A1)

34 42. 50%
J ust r i ght as i t i s ( A2) 6 7. 50%
Need l ess ( A3)

1 1. 25%
No answer

19 23. 75%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 20 25. 00%

15. Do you t hi nk West Fl or i ssant Avenue needs mor e or l ess of t he
f ol l owi ng? [ G. Mi cr o Br ewer i es]

Need mor e ( A1)

26 32. 50%
J ust r i ght as i t i s ( A2) 7 8. 75%
Need l ess ( A3)

8 10. 00%
No answer

19 23. 75%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 20 25. 00%

15. Do you t hi nk West Fl or i ssant Avenue needs mor e or l ess of t he
f ol l owi ng? [ H. Ci nemas]

Need mor e ( A1)

34 42. 50%
J ust r i ght as i t i s ( A2) 8 10. 00%
Need l ess ( A3)

3 3. 75%
No answer

15 18. 75%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 20 25. 00%

15. Do you t hi nk West Fl or i ssant Avenue needs mor e or l ess of t he
f ol l owi ng? [ I . Har dwar e st or es]

Need mor e ( A1)

29 36. 25%
J ust r i ght as i t i s ( A2) 16 20. 00%
Need l ess ( A3)

1 1. 25%
No answer

14 17. 50%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 20 25. 00%

15. Do you t hi nk West Fl or i ssant Avenue needs mor e or l ess of t he
f ol l owi ng? [ J . Or gani c f ood gr ocer s]

Need mor e ( A1)

35 43. 75%
J ust r i ght as i t i s ( A2) 7 8. 75%
Need l ess ( A3)

2 2. 50%
No answer

16 20. 00%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 20 25. 00%

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Answer Count Percentage
Answer Count Percentage
Answer Count Percentage
Answer Count Percentage
Answer Count Percentage
15. Do you t hi nk West Fl or i ssant Avenue needs mor e or l ess of t he
f ol l owi ng? [ K. I ce cr eamshops]

Need mor e ( A1)

30 37. 50%
J ust r i ght as i t i s ( A2) 13 16. 25%
Need l ess ( A3)

0 0. 00%
No answer

17 21. 25%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 20 25. 00%

15. Do you t hi nk West Fl or i ssant Avenue needs mor e or l ess of t he
f ol l owi ng? [ L. Cof f ee shops]

Need mor e ( A1)

34 42. 50%
J ust r i ght as i t i s ( A2) 11 13. 75%
Need l ess ( A3)

2 2. 50%
No answer

13 16. 25%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 20 25. 00%

15. Do you t hi nk West Fl or i ssant Avenue needs mor e or l ess of t he
f ol l owi ng? [ M. Pi zza par l or s]

Need mor e ( A1)

25 31. 25%
J ust r i ght as i t i s ( A2) 17 21. 25%
Need l ess ( A3)

4 5. 00%
No answer

14 17. 50%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 20 25. 00%

15. Do you t hi nk West Fl or i ssant Avenue needs mor e or l ess of t he
f ol l owi ng? [ N. Bar becue r est aur ant s]

Need mor e ( A1)

15 18. 75%
J ust r i ght as i t i s ( A2) 22 27. 50%
Need l ess ( A3)

6 7. 50%
No answer

17 21. 25%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 20 25. 00%

15. Do you t hi nk West Fl or i ssant Avenue needs mor e or l ess of t he
f ol l owi ng? [ O. Donut shops]

Need mor e ( A1)

17 21. 25%
J ust r i ght as i t i s ( A2) 28 35. 00%
Need l ess ( A3)

1 1. 25%
No answer

14 17. 50%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 20 25. 00%

Answer Count Percentage
Answer Count Percentage
Answer Count Percentage
15. Do you t hi nk West Fl or i ssant Avenue needs mor e or l ess of t he
f ol l owi ng? [ P. Buf f et st yl e r est aur ant s]

Need mor e ( A1)

15 18. 75%
J ust r i ght as i t i s ( A2) 25 31. 25%
Need l ess ( A3)

6 7. 50%
No answer

14 17. 50%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 20 25. 00%

15. Do you t hi nk West Fl or i ssant Avenue needs mor e or l ess of t he
f ol l owi ng? [ Q. Fast f ood r est aur ant s]

Need mor e ( A1)

9 11. 25%
J ust r i ght as i t i s ( A2) 20 25. 00%
Need l ess ( A3)

18 22. 50%
No answer

13 16. 25%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 20 25. 00%

15. Do you t hi nk West Fl or i ssant Avenue needs mor e or l ess of t he
f ol l owi ng? [ R. Gas St at i ons]

Need mor e ( A1)

5 6. 25%
J ust r i ght as i t i s ( A2) 26 32. 50%
Need l ess ( A3)

15 18. 75%
No answer

14 17. 50%
Not compl et ed or Not di spl ayed 20 25. 00%

18. What i s your gender ?

19. What age cat egor y descr i bes you best ?

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Open Ended Questions:
6. What are your overall impressions of West Florissant Avenue-
A street with much potential but little cohesion! Any open or under utilized buildings...needs to have planned
development with quality retail options.
Another area in the north that is completely ignored by developers. An area with few jobs, low income, and very
slow buses. Very little civic money seems to be spend on roads and sidewalks, and when it is spent, does not
address the specific needs of the community, but follows models used in other areas of the county that are white
and middle class predominantly.
As is stated, it has "a wide variety of character", good and bad. Overall though, a good portion of it seems run down
and depressing.
As it is now, I avoid it at all costs. Congestion is bad, especially at 270 interchange. Run down, depressing, blight.
Broken up. No continuity. Too much concrete/asphalt in many areas. Definite need of beautification and
pedestrian friendly look and feel.
busy street
Commercial business and vehicle avenue.
Could be cleaner and better maintained. The section near Buzz Westfall and Emerson has the best design.
Dangerous, difficult to navigate in and or out of businesses. Finding a business or location is difficult due to
confusing signage of streets, businesses and the generak decay of the thouroghfare. Currently the image of West
Florissant is one that projects low quality of businesses in general.
Delapidated and uninviting
Has some good businesses. Needs better property maintenance, both residential and commercial.
I believe that the area is poorly maintained and lacks charm and character. There are so many empty businesses
and trash in the area. The quality of businesses is also poor.
I have been going up and down the road my whole life,67 years.The only improvement I have seen is it is wider so
there is more room for potholes.
I like the green space along the residential portion of the corridor. The commercial area looks cluttered.
It gets a little crowded and bogged down near the intersection of Chambers and West Florissant.

West Florissant is sometimes referred to as the land of lights because of all the stop lights (as compared to Halls
Ferry or Lewis and Clark), and to be avoided if you want to get some place on time. Even with Halls Ferry curving
around to West Florissant, you still get there quicker by taking J ennings Rd or Lucas and Hunt from West Florissant
to Halls Ferry and taking that back to West Florissant, because of all the stop lights!

There are definitely lights needed at J ennings Rd., Lucas and Hunt, Chambers and Pershall. But all the others are a
bit much.

I've lived in the area and traveled this street for over 40 years. I'm happy to see an interest in upgrading it,
especially since Buzz Westfall Plaza has been redeveloped, and new businesses are moving in.
It has advantages but could some sprucing up, pot holes fixed. It is a great through fare for me.
It is a run down area in need of a rejuvination.
It is high crime and unsafe. I avoid it when driving. It used to be very nice. The businesses now reflect the
deterioration (pay day loan companies, etc.)Crime statistics, especially with shootings, bear out my feelings about it
being unsafe, especially in Dellwood.
It is not pedestrian friendly at all. Not for walkers, bikers, or bus takers. The mix use of commercial is a mess.
It is ugly.
It looks like a lot of 3rd hand business that are not inviting. I use to shop at Schuncks a lot but now I only go to
Walgreens a few times.
It needs improvement. Beautify subdivision entrances make bussiness district more pedestrian freindly like
downtown ferguson or the loop.
It's outdated and needs a make over with consistancy. This includes homes and retail strips
Mostly traffic-choked and unpleasant in appearance, except for a few stretches of green space.
Needs more enticing businesses and restaurants and nicer landscaping between Chambers and Ferguson Ave.
Lots of traffic in some areas. We usually travel only the areas between New Halls Ferry and Lucas & Hunt.
Needs property maintenance

Has some good businesses.
No bike lanes, very congested.
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Not a very inviting area to anyone who does not have to use the corridor. Congested because of the lack of
recognizable exits/entry ways into the businesses on the corridor. Poor lighting,

not easy to walk anywhere along the route.
Not very attractive. Even the street areas of the residental parts are not looking nice. The trees have been
removed and not replaced.
Ran Down.
Residential area looks pleasant, commercial area looks like junk.
Right now it's junk. Surface is not maintained and traffic at the 270 intersection is unbearable often.

Closed and/or boarded up businesses and vacant structures litter the sides. It's awful.
Run down area
Run down, dirty, high vacancy
Run down, vacant businesses, congested traffic, dirty
Seems like quite a few empty lots and stores. Some locations change hands frequently. Some have been there for
a long time. The residential areas look ok, but the business areas need help.
so uneven all up and down Floeissant AVE.
South commercial area is one of the most unattractive roads in the St. Louis area

Green residential area is a welcome break from the rest of W. Florissant

North commercial area near I-270 is congested.

I've lived in Ferguson about 20 years and could not tell you what 75%, maybe more, of the businesses are because
it is too dangerous to walk or bicycle, and car speeds are too high, in order to observe what businesses are on the
sides of the road.
street in poor condition
Tacky, near ghetto look
The business sections of the road are unattractive with no definite boundary

between street and sidewalk, and no definite entrances to parking lots.
the majority of west flor is not apprealing and is starting to look very very blighted.

there needs to be more curb appeal and revalution of the ttype of business. No more liquor stores and beauty
supply , barber shops or slalons.

we need
The parts in Dellwood and the Southern part in Ferguson looks run down. Run-down strip malls, nail and hair
salons everywhere, even the nicer and newer part in Dellwood looks terrible because its all pay-day loan and cash
for gold type places. It's not very inviting, nor does it have businesses that draws me to shop there. The part in
Southern Ferguson near the J ennings border has no curbs, no grass, it looks like the streets just run all the way to
the businesses. Very urban looking, very unappealing. Also no real businesses that I would want to shop at.
There is an awful lot going on. It's hard not to be distracted. Many drivers don't seem to be following safe driving
There is too much traffic which makes it difficult to access my home. I have also notice many of the business are
closing or relocating. Those that remain seem to keep their building in poor conditions. Also, there is an increase in
liquor stores which is not appealing to individuals who lie or may want to relocate to the area.
There needs to be better design continuity in the commercial district.
Too congested...need more space and more curb appeal to attract people.
too crowded
Too many run down commercial properties along West Florissant, mainly in Delwood.
Too much traffic.
ugly and old.
Unattractive, rundown,blighted
Very busy and a tremendous amount of accidents at West Florissant and Pershall Rd.
Very busy and unwelcoming to pedestrians and bicycles.
Very busy street. Lots of traffic. Lots of stoplights the closer you get to 270. So many that it borders on ridiculous.
Very busy. Car traffic moves very quickly, so quickly that sometimes it's hard to turn onto and off of W. Florissant.
After winter every year, sections of W. Flo between Kappel and Northwinds Dr. cave in. Overall, it is just a very very
busy street.
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West Florissant Avenue should have a code for the building along this street. Also there should be a safe walking
path along West Florissant Ave.
West Florissant is very busy with traffice moving day & night. It is a major active street and that does not need a
bike route - it is just too many things going on for motorists.

Please explain any traffic and safety issues you have observed or experienced.
As you approach Sam's and Walmart traffic can be extremely congested.
At the 270 interchange, Pershall area, there is a lot of congestion. It seems like a lot of it is because there are so
many streets to turn onto, so close to the 270 ramp.
Bicycling is dangerous because of curbs right next to traffic lanes.
Cars coming onto West Florissant from side streets and pedestrians running to catch the bus present safety
Chambers and W. Florissant is really congested. People fly through the yellow lights. It might be good for the lights
to all be synchronized.
Congestion and poor visibility at Chambers and West Florissant. Chambers southbound to West Florissant is okay
but Chambers northbound to West Florissant has very poor visibility. I think there may be a slight hill there and the
lanes seem to narrow there, especially the left turn lane onto West Florissant.
could use better cross walk at chamber west florissant intersection.
Crashes. Cars not sstaying in their lane when they turn the corner. Cars not giving the right of way to other cars.
Pedestrians running in front of cars. Bus stop not in the best location.
Drivers trying to speed or make turns too quickly, or beat the red lights. Also, the I-270 interchange frequently gets
backed up, and then the whole road does, back as far as Wal-Mart.
Getting in and out of the gas station on the corner is hectic to say the least.
Heavy traffic, especially between Chambers and I-270. Experienced a minor fender bender near Walmart when the
car behind us hit our brother's car.
I have seen several vehicle accidents
I saw a person almost get hit crossing the street on Chambers. Traffic is too fast there.
If you are walking the light is not long enough to cross the street, plus there are yeild lanes and laeft turn lanes onto
West Florisssant and Chambers. In addition, there are business parking areas which drivers are comeing anf
going. It is a very busy intersection all the time - day & night. You have you life i your hands when you cross the
Illegal turns and crashes at the intersection.
It is very difficult to commute on west florissant especially when trying to enter hgwy 270 and at the intersection
where walmart is located.
It seems like they are always working on the street. one or two lanes are closed for repairs or utility work. I haven't
seen safety issues except that the number of cars on the road might present a hazard.
I've witnessed accidents and have seen my share of people running lights or getting caught in intersections.
Mostly people being impatient. Trying to make that left turn even when the car in front of them is barely clearing the
intersection instead of waiting for the next light. This is especially bad at West Florissant and 270.
Much congestion during rush hour, especially approaching the Chambers Rd intersection and approaching the Hwy
270 intersection.
no side walk and side walk on blocks
Once w
People generally drive like idiots on this road. At left turn yield intersections, people turn without adequate space or
time. (Ferguson Ave and West Florissant.) I have had people drive into oncoming traffic lanes to make a left (from
WF to Ferg Ave) because they did not want to wait.
people not using crosswalks exits from various lots are sometimes precarious
People will cross the street at any point paying no attention to the crosswalks as they now are, which are poorly
Speeding and people turning every which way in and out of all of the businesses near Chambers. You'll be driving
straight and see quick left turns, right turns, crazy lane changes all at the same time. It is sometimes like an
obstacle course.
Speeding, people running across the street in front of oncoming traffic
Speeding. Running lights. Traffic backing up into intersections on the section closer to 270. Several close
encounters at Chambers and West Florissant.
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St. Louis hates pedestrians. The sidewalks in most areas are non-existent or under-capacity and not generally well-
maintained. It is no surprise to me that Chambers and Florissant have a high rate of accidents. This is an
intersection with a high demand for buses and that often involves running across the street against the light to make
a transfer connection. Moreover, during the winter in all parts of the city and county snowplows push all the snow
onto the sidewalks, forcing pedestrians out in to the street. Since these areas have fewer cars per person than say,
Creve Couer, perhaps more attention should be given to pedestrians and public transit riders-- improved sidewalk
care, better lighting, more trash cans, and available public toilets. If you hang out on Chambers road you will see
women with small children walking dangerously close to traffic because there are no sidewalks or they are in bad
repair. You will see people in wheelchairs rolling up the street in traffic. To get from Chambers and North Florissant
by bus to a Metrolink and get to an area that has jobs, it is at least an hour long trip. There is really something
wrong with that. There are too many people in my neighborhood that have to get up at 5, leave at 6, to get to a job
that starts at 8:30 in Earth City or other counties. These are your minimum wage workers. These are the people
that need your attention the most. You should be out in the streets talking to people to conduct this survey. Not just
having it on line.
street in poor condition. people crossing in front of traffic
the flow on saturdays is horrible and the toll rowing is a MAJ OR issue.. there are kids asking for money and is very
scary because of safety and avoiding hitting children or those in the middle of road
The traffic bottle neck at Sams and Walmart heading toward I-270 in the evening and weekends.
Traffic at Chambers squeezing through yellow/red. have to be on alert. Also pedestrians not using provided
Traffic backs up a lot going north to 270. It sometimes backs up a mile to Hudson.
Traffic backups during rush hour. Pedestrians crossing inappropriately.
Traffic Issues: When in the turning lane from West Florissant unto Chambers coming from Ferguson the side street
from the opposite side when the car turn sometimes no one yield and cars almost run into each other.
Traffic snarls often. I'm amazed at his well police are able to keep things moving.

Additionally, pedestrians just try to cross anywhere they want and don't really seem to be in any rush to avoid a
Yes I was in a car accident at chambers, and halls ferry . Car jumped from the turning lane into my lane decided he
did not want to turn right. Horrible!

11. What don't you like about West Florissant Avenue

Compared to 20 years ago, it is a disgrace.
congestion, trash and the acres of concrete without greenery or attractive gardening
Cracked pavement both on and off the street. St. Louis county police. lol they are very present all day long!
Difficulty determining which driveway goes to which business or group of businesses.
everything. Needs more grass, more mix used building, side walks
I do not like the traffic and types of businesses located on west florissant.
I don't like the business establishment owners who don't feel the need to maintain or "dare I say" enhance the
community. Furthermore, I wont shop at places like that until they go under New Management. It seems like I have
to travel miles to get to a professional shopping experience at times. That's what I don't like.
I HATE seeing the entirely VACANT shopping plaza where the Schnucks store used to be (near Chambers)
I hate what an obvious testament the entire north side is to cultural and institutionalized racism. Since white flight
there is such an obvious neglect and decay. African Americans are ignored and blamed for the crime in their
communities, and yet no link is made to the wealthy courts and legal system. No link is made to the many jobs that
African Americans from the north city and county work at for low wages and unfair conditions, and generally have to
travel miles out of their way to get to, and often by slow moving buses. I hate that everyone in this city seems to
know Megan Boken's name but few know Oneal Stafford's name. More police are not the answer. J obs and
community development are the answer.
i miss the glory days of car dealerships and other business. Not enough resturants along W Florissant beyond
if you have light you will still have to run, not walk a cross street.
In dire need of sprucing up. Perhaps try to set up some type of shopping district off the road similar to Brentwood
and 170.
It appears to be a line of city, county and municipality neglest.
It is difficult to merge from side streets.
It is ugly! It is chopped up with different commercial areas that are a mixed bag of businesses.
Lack of pedestrian sidewalks in places and too narrow in spots.
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Lack of quality businesses as the corner stone of the area from Hudson to the tracks at the south end. Lack of real
restaurants other than fast food. Poor sidewalk design and the fact that the street scape is in fact depressing. Those
of us who live here need to take ownership of the area. To many power lines, poor lighting, confusing entries to
businesses. To many payday loan type businesses. To many rundown poorly maintained buildings with way to
many old signs.
Lack of walkability, speeding drivers, inconsiderate drivers, run-down strip center and even stand alone buildings,
lack of decent shopping choices, traffic build up near Northern part of W. Florissant.
Looks and functions like old suburban road that grew haphazardly and hasp outlived its time
Looks run-down. Some traffic issues when attempting to exit commercial properties.
Need more curb appeal...need bike trail.
Needs property maintenance and a little more visual appeal.

May need better access to some businesses.

Number of traffic accidents seems high?
Needs property maintenance and visual appeal.
No sidewalks in some areas; traffice lights are not long enough to allow people who cross the streets. when the
police stops someone 'they' do not pull to the side of the road (but will block the lane) to allow traffice t continue.
Drivers moing south bound on West Florissant making a left turn to get on Halls Ferry - that whole yeild to turn looks
like it causes some near misses (accidents).
Not sure but it is really busy around Sams and 270.
Pedestrians cross in the middle of the block. They stand and wait on the center line. Not safe!
poor street condition too many vacant lots and businesses
Potholes and hearing sirens several times a day. I live a block south of W. Flo so we hear them all the time.
Run down, congested traffic.
run-down, too much traffic, especially at 270/Chambers Road intersections. traffic is one reason I try to stay off that
road, unless I absolutely need something.
See previous answer.
Some of the roads, sidewalks, and driveways are in disrepair.
Street traffic area around I270 is confusing if you don't travel on the road regularly. Signs are needed to identify
traffic lane flow in this area.

The constant road work and the multiple driveways in and out of each establishment.
The fact that it is unsafe with high crime. Call me racist if you wish but the crime statistics bear this out. I would not
walk on foot anywhere in the area at any time of day.
The flower boxes in the middle of the street by Westfall Plaza.I hope that is not on the agenda for the remainder of
the street.
The stretch between Hudson and Thatcher has the sidewalk too close to the traffic lanes. It doesn't feel safe to walk
The surounding buildings, parking lots, etc. appear to be in poor condition and disrepair. The road was recently
resurfaced but curbing and sidewalks look bad.

It just appears to be run down and on its way out. It appears to be unsafe. I wouldn't feel comforatable walking
along W. Florissant Rd., especially at night.
The traffic congestion from Hudson to 270, especially during the months of October thru December.
There is nothing at this point that excites me.
There needs to be more continuity and place-making.
too busy
Too many of the same kinds of businesses -- hair/nails, payday loan places, cash for gold, etc. Too many empty
plazas and storefronts. Unsightly lots. Lack of landscaping.
Too many run down commercial properties along West Florissant.
Too many stop lights and not enough sidewalks for pedestrian use. Even where there are sidewalks they're not
wide enough for pedestrians to feel safe walking, or walk side by side or three abreast.

The bus stops are too close to the traffic. They should be moved back a little farther from the street.
traffic and need ,ore appealing businesses
Very busy. Speeding. Getting cut off by [people in a hurry. Too many traffic lights closer to 270.
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Very unattractive.
Can't bicycle safely.

Congestion at I-270.

Very few businesses that interest me.
Wal-Mart, but that can't be helped I guess. Traffic problems, made worse by addition of businesses such as Quik

12. What would you like to see changed and improved-

1. Major fixes to the 270/Chambers road intersections/stoplights!!! 2. Nice sidewalks. 3. Nice street lamps. 4.
Rules for property owners maintaining their properties. 5. Financial incentives for facade or property
improvements. 6. Better signage indicating upcoming streets. 7. Nice bus stops including benches or covered
areas instead of just a bus stop sign. 8. Nice city limit and/or welcome signs to each municipality. 9. Proper
maintenance by city officials, such as weed control, mowing, etc.
1st - bury the powerlines, 2nd - tear out the acres of concrete between the business fronts and the streets, 3rd plant
grass, trees (not all the same kind) some that have collor in spring some that have color in fall, flowers 4th
consolodate many of the business entrances into a fewer number, 5th rebuild the bus stops add some local art work
to each bus stop add trash receptacles at each bus stop.

Budget maintenance money so that it's not a one time shot at cleaning up the area.
Access to 270.
appearances along businesses and streets kept clean
Better access to businesses, a beautification project the creates an image where people choose to be. A pleasant
cosmopolitian business, residential, social environment where people choose to go, rather than vehicular
Better quality of businesses and well kept areas along the entire corridor.
better side walks, bike paths, pedestrian lights, trolley. basically more urban looking
Better traffic flow. Better surface. A way to force pedestrians to cross at regulated crosswalks. Synchronized traffic
lights. Better handling of traffic into and from the WalMart complex. Better control of the 3 traffic lights at the 270
Better traffice flow! Longer timed traffice lights for those making left turns. Sidewalks in those areas without
cleaner, better streets and bussinesses
Commercial areas zoned for particular businesses. Definite separation of street and sidewalk. Trees and
landscaping. Obvious and safe pedestrian cross walks. Attractive signage and lighting. Street lights on Pershall
Road. Islands with trees in parking lots.
Complete sidewalks from Lucas and Hunt to 270.

Smoother paving.

Signage for bikes to use entire lane.
Ease congestion. Improve upkeep.
Fewer Stop lights.

Wider sidewalks.

More sidewalks.

Wider sidewalks at the corner of Chambers and West Florissant for the safety of pedestrians.

Bus Shelters farther back from the street.

More covered bus shelters.
Fix the caving in between Northwinds and Kappel. There is also an annual problem near Emerson on W. Flo on the
east/south side of the street.
I believe it has deteriorated way too far at this point in time to save. These measures were needed 20-25 years ago.
The only thing that could be done now is to substantially beef up police presence and I'm sure you would tell me
there is not enough money in the budget to do this.
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I just want better lane painting so you can see the stuff when it rains.
I think I covered this. But really, you need to be out on the street in West Florissant, with this survey in hand, asking
the people there what they need. That seems obvious.
I would like to see more bus shelters for the Metro riders, updated streets fully surrounding West Florissant and
Chambers, the vacant businesses torn down and replaced with housing. As well as, the appearance of the train
tracks on West Florissant near Buss Westfall Shopping Center updated.
I would like to see more quality businesses and an improvement in the traffic conditions
I would love to see greater emphasis put on streetscape improvement.
I'd like to see less congestion between the service station and High Mount. It's also congested between Ferguson
and Nesbit.
If can't reduce traffic signals, synch them to improve traffic flow.

Make a double left turn onto Dunn from West Florissant as it backs up past Pershall with cars blocking the
Improve areas we said we didn't like about West Florissant. Draw more useful businesses and restaurants. Clean
up poor hardscape areas.
Improved curbs, sidewalks, green space. Improve the area structurally with a plan for economic development as
well. Have a plan to bring stronger and better know business to the area.

Consistent code enforcement by all communities along W. Florissant. Each municipality, including St. Louis County
should have consistent codes and enforce them consistentaly. There seems to be a neglect of maintenance to
parking lots and buildings. Appearance makes a big differece.

Possibly offer a building improvement incentive or facade update incentive giving financial assistance to the existing
owners and use it as a tool to attract new owners/business.

Less curbcuts, larger developments,
Less traffic lanes and lower speeds.
Better sidewalks and easier pedestrian crossings.
Easier bicycling.
More trees, less power lines.
More interesting businesses.
Level sidewalk and street plus a little greenery to make it look spruced up. Make the lights work together for better
traffic flow.
litter warnings and more police presence.. the lights are not timed to keep flow of traffic
Make the area easy to walk or bike by improving street design and sidewalk areas. Green space-landscaping!! Less
litter! New Dellwood city hall/community center on West Florissant. New businesses that people would make people
want to come to the area.

SPRINGWOOD PLAZA do something!!
Make the road more pedestrian and bike friendly. Better control the entrances to businesses so there aren't so
many ways in and out.
More businesses to come to West Florissant Ave. so it will be more inviting to our college students and families.
More greenery and gardening along the road. It looks so ran down.
More property maintenance and visual appeal.
Better access, improve driving and walking.

Number of traffic accidents seems high?
More sidewalk space for bus shelters (one in front of Dellwood Park and one in from of Springdale (across the
street) for people to sit while waiting on bus. More lighting, a dog walk, etc.
New sidewalks for pedestrian traffic and new curbs/signage that better indicate where the drive leads. (Is it
McDonald's or WalMart?)
Property maintenance and visual appeal.
Reconstruct the I-270 interchange-- but that's another project being dealt with elsewhere. We in Ferguson need to
interface with that, however. Redevelop Springwood Plaza, instead of knocking down houses and putting in more
retail. Same for empty properties south of Chambers.
Replace trees and encourage pedestrians to cross legally.
re-position or replace current curbs to establish Enter and Exit driveways and eliminate the extras.
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safe cross walk bus stop with light. store front that said come in and buy some think. not to have five people
standing out side store.and more greener, flower, tree small one and sigh.
Side walks, beautification in the neighborhood such as flowers better streets. The ride is ruff.
Sidewalks, improved look. Brought into the 21st century.
subdivision entrance dressed up . Fill the business with stores other than check cashing and nail places.
Traffic congestion. Easy of public access for pedestrian traffic (walkers, bikers, & mass transit takers)
Traffic signs added to identify lane flow direction. Intersection pedestrian crosswalks identified boldly on the
Trees to block the view of the commercial buildings and have signs at the street pointing to the location of the
Updated shopping strips. Less liter and more retail business that meet needs of current generation in area.
Whatever it takes to attract new, thriving, and stable business.
Wider roadway, synchronized traffic lights. better entrances to businesses south of Chambers Rd.

14. In addition to the items above, would you suggest any other improvements
A Exercise gym.
Better lights where people feel safe
Better Police Protection by St. Louis County
Better, wider roadway
Creating a business group or chamber that focuses on Florissant.
dining outside
I'd like to see more benches and trash receptacles near the shops and areas of business.
Improve Dellwood park!
Improved ways for police to monitor traffic laws.
Infrastructure Improvements, facade and parking lot improvements
Invest in community owned co-ops. Get the welfare and low income public OFF the Wal-Mart "nipple". Our money
should stay local. Give these communities something to invest in!
microbrewery and coffee shop
Most of all SAFETY.
overall improvement of the community
Please set aside money to fill the potholes earlier in the year.
Safer and more pedestrian crossing areas.
There is a major need to adress lighting issues throughout the residentual neighborhoods just off of West Florissant.
they are covered.
Trash Cans at the major intersections, facing traffic, to cut back on motorists throwing trash into the streets.
Upgrade shopping mall with an anchor like Macy's.
Utilizing sustainable enery as a component of the project.
While I would like to see more trees and greenery, I work for the City of J ennings and know the difficulty of
maintaining landscaped islands. It has been a real problem for us.
will love to see the improvements happen.

16. Please identify any other goods and services you'd like to see on West Florissant Avenue.
Bar and Grill, Family Restaurants,
Better Resturants and Specialty Shops
Community center, parks basketball courts.
Community owned businesses- co-op food stores, child care, gardens, programs for people to own chickens and
have their own eggs, and clubs for teens to go to. inluding music and dance classes and contests, and other
Dierbergs, Long J ohn Silvers
dine in restaurant chains
Dry Cleaners and outdoor market.
Financial Services
grocery store
I would like to see more variety of businesses including those that are considered fine dining and higher end stores.
I would not like to see anymore gas stations or liquor stores.
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Kohl's type store
Less Payday loans & auto supply stores.
like i said we need get there give our services.
more specialty shops
Mostly just no more convenience/gas places or fast food, pay day loan outfits or used car dealers.
Sit down restaurant (not necessarily buffet)
Sporting Goods
Squeeze in a Trader J oe's. Another St Louis Bread Co. Many of the chains write off North Counthy as a location for
their businesses, We would like an opportunity to buy their products and services. but not if they are unwilling to
invest in our community and generate tax revenue in our municipalities.
Trader J oe's, STL Bread Co, Starbucks, Full service restaurants (including breakfast), pet supply (NOT pet sales),
park areas
Updated recreational facility
Upgraded shopping malls with anchor like Macy's.
UPS Store
We need a gym. The only one I know of is at the YMCA and maybe Dellwood Rec.
17. Do you have any other comments you would like to add regarding West Florissant Avenue-
As a commercial strip, can never replace downtown Ferguson, but it has its purposes.
General over all sprucing up.
Glad you are doing this!
Happy to know something is being done to improve the face of West Florissant
i love livening here. so let get start.thank you
I think it is a project way over due. Also, I feel the project should as environmentaly friendly as possible. In fact it
should be designed with LEED standards a primary concern. The money that would be saved could further the
project beyound projected limits.
I wish I had heard about this sooner. Kudos to the Ferguson Times for keeping residents informed.
I would like a left turn signal for Stein road, both ways.
I wouldn't bother trying to add a bicycle lane.Too many cars.
It will be very important that the municipalities, St. Louis County and any other regional entities are involved
throughout the entire process.
I've made enough comments.
NEW Halls Ferry to 270 to West Florrisant prime area
Please don't add any more traffic signals. It backs up enough already. Thank you.
positive enhancement!!!!!!!
Thanks for providing this opportunity to express our opinions.
This is a great chance to show how well we can do to address existing issues. They are doing a great job of rehab
in downtown Ferguson. This should eclipse that effort.
This is a very dificult task and I appreciate that Ferguson, Dellwood, St. Louis County and East West Gateway are
doing this. Thank you
This website dose not discuss the issue of funding this project or the time frame for anything actually getting started.
Wanting to see West Florissant to be an attractive place to commute on.
Whatever is done needs to be properly maintained!! An example is Salisbury Street in STL...weeds have overtaken
the nice tree cutouts in the new sidewalks. They improved the street and then walked away from it.

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