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Transparency Market

Smart Demand Response Market - Global Industry Analysis, Size,
Share, Growth, Trends and Foreast !"#$ - !"!%
Global Smart Demand Response Market is &stimated to Reah
'SD %#,$()*+ Million in !"!%, Transpareny Market Researh
Transparency Market Research
State Tower,
+", State Street, Suite (""*
Albany, -. #!!"(
'nited States
142 Page Report
Published Date
21- August -2014
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Press Release
Smart Demand Response Market
According to a new market report published by Transparency Market Research "Smart Demand Response
Market By End User Residential! "ommercial! and #ndustrial$ %lobal #ndustry Analysis! Si&e! Share!
%rowth! Trends and 'orecast ()*+ ()(,"! %lobal Smart Demand Response Market was -alued at USD
,!)+*.+ million in ()*/ and is e0pected to reach ,*!+12.3 million by ()(,! growing at a "A%R o4 (*.56
4rom ()*+ to ()(,.
Burgeoning power demand dri-es the adoption o4 demand response programs. The rollout o4 smart grid
technologies! including smart meters and communication systems are likely to propel growth in the global
smart demand response market. #ncreasing demand 4or power supplemented by capacity constraints is
pro7ected to boost growth in the global smart demand response market. 'urthermore! policies that
encourage demand response programs are e0pected to accelerate market8s growth. Additionally!
increasing installations o4 smart meters and other smart grid technologies are estimated to bolster growth
in the global smart demand response market. Albeit! limited customer awareness o4 demand response
programs and their bene9ts can hinder market8s growth. Moreo-er! high cost o4 technology and e:uipment
4or implementing demand response programs is likely to dampen the market8s growth. ;owe-er!
technological ad-ancements and de-elopments by leading market players are likely to 4urther accelerate
the market8s growth.
Browse the 4ull Smart Demad Respose !ar"et Report at
The market has been analy&ed based on the endusers o4 demand response programs that include<
residential=commercial=industrial. #ndustrial end user segment is estimated to dominate the global smart
demand response market o-er the coming years. %rowth in the industrial end user segment is dri-en by
the demand 4or a coste>ecti-e and en-ironmentally sensible means to meet the needs o4 electricity
system. The residential end user segment is anticipated to grow at the highest rate in the 4uture. Rollout
o4 smart grid technologies including smart meters and communication system is likely to allow utilities to
control residential loads. Additionally! lucrati-e 9nancial incenti-es 4or commercial=industrial end user
segment are e0pected to bolster growth in these segments.
?orth America is estimated to dominate the global smart demand response capacity market in ()*/!
accounting more than 2)6 o4 the global market share. Electricity markets are increasingly recogni&ing the
need 4or demand response programs to manage scheduled or emergency downtime 4or power plants.
Transpareny Market Researh
R#P$R% D#S&R'P%'$N
Smart Demand Response Market
'urthermore! demand response in ?orth America is also recogni&ed as a mechanism to mitigate higher
wholesale prices and lower o-erall grid costs. Thus! the 4actors mentioned abo-e are likely to dri-e growth
in the ?orth America8s smart demand response capacity market. Asia @aci9c8s demand response capacity
is estimated to rise at the highest rates in the 4uture. #ncreased adoption o4 demand response in Asia
@aci9c is estimated to dri-e growth in the regions8 demand response capacity market.
The global smart demand response market was dominated by ?orth America 4ollowed by Europe and Asia
@aci9c. Angoing de-elopment in the utility industry is estimated to dri-e growth in ?orth America8s smart
demand response market. Signi9cant smart demand response e0penditure is estimated to accelerate
growth in Europe8s smart demand response market. Asia @aci9c8s smart demand response market is
e0pected to grow at the highest rates in the 4uture. ;igh energy consumption and de-elopments in the
manu4acturing sector is anticipated to dri-e growth in Asia @aci9c8s smart demand response market.
Browse @ress Release "Smart Demad Respose !ar"et is #stimated to Rea(h )SD *1+4,-./
millio i 202*" at http<
Bey players in the market include ;oneywell #nternational! #nc.! Ener?A"! #nc.! Eaton "orporation @C".!
CandisD%yr! #tron! #nc. Schneider Electric! %eneral Electric! and Siemens A% among others. Ather ma7or
market players analy&ed in this report includes< Eohnson "ontrols! #nc.! ABB! "om-erge! #nc.! and Apower!
#nc. The research study analy&es and estimates the market si&e in terms o4 re-enue FUSD Million$ and
demand response capacity FMG$. The report co-ers the end users o4 smart demand response program!
and pro-ides both regionalwise and countrywise data FAsia @aci9c$ in terms o4 market re-enue. The
report pro-ides detailed analysis! historical data F()**()*/$ and statistically re9ned 4orecast F()*+()(,$
4or endusers! demand response capacity! and geographical segments. The research also pro-ides
comprehensi-e analysis o4 key market players that are dealing in the smart demand response market. The
research study has been segmented as below<
0lobal Smart Demad Respose !ar"et1 #d )ser Aalysis
0lobal Smart Demad Respose !ar"et1 &apa(ity Aalysis
Transpareny Market Researh
Smart Demand Response Market
?orth America
Asia @aci9c
Rest o4 Asia @aci9c F"hina! Eapan! Australia! Singapore! South Borea! and ?ew Iealand$
Rest o4 the Gorld FRoG$
Browse the 4ull J0lobal Smart Demad Respose !ar"et - 'dustry Aalysis+ Si2e+ Share+ 0rowth+
%reds ad 3ore(ast 2014 - 202*K Report at http<
0lobal Smart Demad Respose !ar"et1 Regioal Aalysis
?orth America
Asia @aci9c
Transpareny Market Researh
Smart Demand Response Market
Rest o4 Asia @aci9c F"hina! Eapan! Australia! Singapore! South Borea! and ?ew Iealand$
Rest o4 the Gorld FRoG$
0et report sample PD3 (opy 4rom here1
&hapter 1 Pre4a(e
*.* Report Description
*.( Research Scope
*./ Market Segmentation
*.+ Research Methodology
&hapter 2 #;e(uti<e Summary
&hapter = 0lobal Smart Demad Respose !ar"et > 'dustry Aalysis
/.* #ntroduction
/.( Halue "hain Analysis
Transpareny Market Researh
%AB?# $3 &$N%#N%
Smart Demand Response Market
/./ Market Dynamics
/./.* Market Dri-ers
/./.*.* #ncreasing global demand 4or power! supplemented by capacity constraints! augments
the need 4or demand response programs
/./.*.( @olicies to encourage demand response programs propel market growth
/./.*./ #ncreasing smart grid deployment boosts the demand 4or the global smart demand
response market
/./.*.+ Apen Automated Demand Response FApenADR$ standards
/./.( Market Restraints
/./.(.* Cimited consumer awareness o4 demand response programs and their bene9ts can
restrain market growth
/./.(.( ;igh cost o4 technology and e:uipment 4or implementing demand response programs
/././ Market Apportunity
/././.* Technological ad-ancements and de-elopments by leading market players is likely to
augment the demand 4or the global smart demand response market
/.+ @orterLs 'i-e 'orces Analysis
/.+.* Bargaining @ower o4 Suppliers
/.+.( Bargaining @ower o4 Buyers
/.+./ Threat 4rom ?ew Entrants
/.+.+ Threat 4rom Substitutes
/.+., Degree o4 "ompetition
/., Market Attracti-eness Analysis
/.5 "ompany Market Share Analysis
Transpareny Market Researh
Smart Demand Response Market
/.5.* %lobal Smart Demand Response "ompany Market Share Analysis! ()*/
&hapter 4 0lobal Smart Demad Respose !ar"et > #d )ser Aalysis
+.* %lobal Smart Demand Response Market< End User A-er-iew
+.*.* %lobal Smart Demand Response Market Re-enue Estimates and 'orecast! by End User! ()*/ M
()(, FUSD Million$
+.( Residential
+.(.* %lobal Smart Demand Response Market Estimates and 'orecast! by Residential End User
Segment! ()** N ()(, FUSD Million$
+./ "ommercial
+./.* %lobal Smart Demand Response Market Estimates and 'orecast! by "ommercial End User
Segment! ()** N ()(, FUSD Million$
+.+ #ndustrial
+.+.* %lobal Smart Demand Response Market Estimates and 'orecast! by #ndustrial End User Segment!
()** N ()(, FUSD Million$
Related 9 Re(etly Published Reports by %raspare(y !ar"et Resear(h
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&hapter * 0lobal Smart Demad Respose !ar"et > &apa(ity Aalysis
Transpareny Market Researh
Smart Demand Response Market
,.* %lobal Smart Demand Response Market< "apacity A-er-iew
,.*.* %lobal Smart Demand Response "apacity Estimates and 'orecast! by Region! ()*/ M ()(, FMG$
,.( ?orth America
,.(.* ?orth America Smart Demand Response "apacity Estimates and 'orecast! ()** N ()(, FMG$
,./ Europe
,./.* Europe Smart Demand Response "apacity Estimates and 'orecast! ()** N ()(, FMG$
,.+ Asia @aci9c
,.+.* Asia @aci9c Smart Demand Response "apacity Estimates and 'orecast! by "ountry! ()*/ M ()(,
,.+.( Asia @aci9c Smart Demand Response "apacity Estimates and 'orecast! ()** N ()(, FMG$
,.+./ #ndonesia
,.+./.* #ndonesia Smart Demand Response "apacity Estimates and 'orecast! ()** N ()(, FMG$
,.+.+ Malaysia
,.+.+.* Malaysia Smart Demand Response "apacity Estimates and 'orecast! ()** N ()(, FMG$
,.+., Thailand
,.+.,.* Thailand Smart Demand Response "apacity Estimates and 'orecast! ()** N ()(, FMG$
,.+.5 Hietnam
,.+.5.* Hietnam Smart Demand Response "apacity Estimates and 'orecast! ()** N ()(, FMG$
,.+.1 Myanmar
,.+.1.* Myanmar Smart Demand Response "apacity Estimates and 'orecast! ()** N ()(, FMG$
,.+.2 @hilippines
,.+.2.* @hilippines Smart Demand Response "apacity Estimates and 'orecast! ()** N ()(, FMG$
Transpareny Market Researh
Smart Demand Response Market
,.+.3 #ndia
,.+.3.* #ndia Smart Demand Response "apacity Estimates and 'orecast! ()** N ()(, FMG$
,.+.*) Rest o4 Asia @aci9c FRoA@$
,.+.*).* Rest o4 Asia @aci9c Smart Demand Response "apacity Estimates and 'orecast! ()** N
()(, FMG$
,., Rest o4 the Gorld FRoG$
,.,.* Rest o4 the Gorld FRoG$ Smart Demand Response "apacity Estimates and 'orecast! ()** N ()(,
&hapter @ 0lobal Smart Demad Respose !ar"et > Regioal Aalysis
5.* %lobal Smart Demand Response Market< Regional A-er-iew
5.*.* %lobal Smart Demand Response Market Re-enue Estimates and 'orecast! by Region! ()*/ M
()(, FUSD Million$
5.( ?orth America
5.(.* ?orth America Smart Demand Response Market Estimates and 'orecast! by End User Segment!
()** N ()(, FUSD Million$
5./ Europe
5./.* Europe Smart Demand Response Market Re-enue Estimates and 'orecast! ()** N ()(, FUSD
5.+ Asia @aci9c
5.+.* Asia @aci9c Smart Demand Response Market Re-enue Estimates and 'orecast! by "ountry! ()*/
M ()(, FUSD Million$
5.+.( Asia @aci9c Smart Demand Response Market Re-enue Estimates and 'orecast! by End User
Segment! ()** N ()(, FUSD Million$
Transpareny Market Researh
Smart Demand Response Market
5.+./ #ndonesia
5.+./.* #ndonesia Smart Demand Response Market Re-enue Estimates and 'orecast! by End User
Segment! ()** N ()(, FUSD Million$
5.+.+ Malaysia
5.+.+.* Malaysia Smart Demand Response Market Re-enue Estimates and 'orecast! by End User
Segment! ()** N ()(, FUSD Million$
5.+., Thailand
5.+.,.* Thailand Smart Demand Response Market Re-enue Estimates and 'orecast! by End User
Segment! ()** N ()(, FUSD Million$
5.+.5 Hietnam
5.+.5.* Hietnam Smart Demand Response Market Re-enue Estimates and 'orecast! by End User
Segment! ()** N ()(, FUSD Million$
5.+.1 Myanmar
5.+.1.* Myanmar Smart Demand Response Market Re-enue Estimates and 'orecast! by End User
Segment! ()** N ()(, FUSD Million$
5.+.2 @hilippines
5.+.2.* @hilippines Smart Demand Response Market Re-enue Estimates and 'orecast! by End User
Segment! ()** N ()(, FUSD Million$
5.+.3 #ndia
5.+.3.* #ndia Smart Demand Response Market Re-enue Estimates and 'orecast! by End User
Segment! ()** N ()(, FUSD Million$
5.+.*) Rest o4 Asia @aci9c
5.+.*).* Rest o4 Asia @aci9c Smart Demand Response Market Re-enue Estimates and 'orecast!
by End User Segment! ()** N ()(, FUSD Million$
5., Rest o4 the Gorld FRoG$
Transpareny Market Researh
Smart Demand Response Market
5.,.* Rest o4 the Gorld Smart Demand Response Market Re-enue Estimates and 'orecast! by End User
Segment! ()** N ()(, FUSD Million$
&hapter , &ompay ProAles
1.* ABB
1.*.* "ompany A-er-iew
1.*.( 'inancial A-er-iew
1.*./ Business Strategies
1.*.+ SGAT Analysis
1.*., Recent De-elopments
1.( "om-erge! #nc.
1.(.* "ompany A-er-iew
1.(.( 'inancial A-er-iew
1.(./ Business Strategies
1.(.+ SGAT Analysis
1.(., Recent De-elopments
1./ Eaton "orporation @lc
1./.* "ompany A-er-iew
1./.( 'inancial A-er-iew
1././ Business Strategies
1./.+ SGAT Analysis
1./., Recent De-elopments
Transpareny Market Researh
Smart Demand Response Market
1.+ Ener?A"! #nc.
1.+.* "ompany A-er-iew
1.+.( 'inancial A-er-iew
1.+./ Business Strategies
1.+.+ SGAT Analysis
1.+., Recent De-elopments
1., %eneral Electric
1.,.* "ompany A-er-iew
1.,.( 'inancial A-er-iew
1.,./ Business Strategies
1.,.+ SGAT Analysis
1.,., Recent De-elopments
1.5 ;oneywell #nternational! #nc.
1.5.* "ompany A-er-iew
1.5.( 'inancial A-er-iew
1.5./ Business Strategies
1.5.+ SGAT Analysis
1.5., Recent De-elopments
1.1 Eohnson "ontrols! #nc.
1.1.* "ompany A-er-iew
1.1.( 'inancial A-er-iew
1.1./ Business Strategies
Transpareny Market Researh
Smart Demand Response Market
1.1.+ SGAT Analysis
1.1., Recent De-elopments
1.2 #tron! #nc.
1.2.* "ompany A-er-iew
1.2.( 'inancial A-er-iew
1.2./ Business strategies
1.2.+ SGAT Analysis
1.2., Recent De-elopments
1.3 CandisD%yr
1.3.* "ompany A-er-iew
1.3.( 'inancial A-er-iew
1.3./ Business Strategies
1.3.+ SGAT Analysis
1.3., Recent De-elopments
1.*) Apower! #nc.
1.*).* "ompany A-er-iew
1.*).( 'inancial A-er-iew
1.*)./ Business Strategies
1.*).+ SGAT Analysis
1.*)., Recent De-elopments
1.** Schneider Electric
1.**.* "ompany A-er-iew
Transpareny Market Researh
Smart Demand Response Market
1.**.( 'inancial A-er-iew
1.**./ Business strategies
1.**.+ SGAT Analysis
1.**., Recent De-elopments
1.*( Siemens A%
1.*(.* "ompany A-er-iew
1.*(.( 'inancial A-er-iew
1.*(./ Business Strategies
1.*(.+ SGAT Analysis
1.*(., Recent De-elopments
Browse All %e(hology 9 !edia !ar"et Research Reports O
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