This document provides an overview of the features and modules of the ASTRIX radio planning software. The key modules include the ASTRIX Radio Planner for network planning, 2G, 3G, and 4G planners for technology-specific calculations, a propagation model tuning tool, frequency planner, optimizer, and radio link tool. The document describes the antenna modelling, propagation loss predictions, efficient processing using multithreading and multiple resolution coverage files, and automatic propagation model tuning capabilities of the ASTRIX software.
This document provides an overview of the features and modules of the ASTRIX radio planning software. The key modules include the ASTRIX Radio Planner for network planning, 2G, 3G, and 4G planners for technology-specific calculations, a propagation model tuning tool, frequency planner, optimizer, and radio link tool. The document describes the antenna modelling, propagation loss predictions, efficient processing using multithreading and multiple resolution coverage files, and automatic propagation model tuning capabilities of the ASTRIX software.
This document provides an overview of the features and modules of the ASTRIX radio planning software. The key modules include the ASTRIX Radio Planner for network planning, 2G, 3G, and 4G planners for technology-specific calculations, a propagation model tuning tool, frequency planner, optimizer, and radio link tool. The document describes the antenna modelling, propagation loss predictions, efficient processing using multithreading and multiple resolution coverage files, and automatic propagation model tuning capabilities of the ASTRIX software.
This document provides an overview of the features and modules of the ASTRIX radio planning software. The key modules include the ASTRIX Radio Planner for network planning, 2G, 3G, and 4G planners for technology-specific calculations, a propagation model tuning tool, frequency planner, optimizer, and radio link tool. The document describes the antenna modelling, propagation loss predictions, efficient processing using multithreading and multiple resolution coverage files, and automatic propagation model tuning capabilities of the ASTRIX software.
p.12 p.13 p.13 p.13 4 INTRODUCTION ASTRIX Radio Planning system is essential for effcient planning, maintenance and optimisation of cellular radio networks. ASTRIX has been developed by Teleplan Globe, who is an independent supplier of software solutions. The main modules of the ASTRIX software are as follows: ASTRIX Radio Planner. Main module for the ASTRIX solutions package for network planning. The main user interface is the geographical map of the planning area with the network elements presented. ASTRIX 2G Planner (GSM). This is the module where 1G and 2G radio planning operations and calculations are performed. The ASTRIX 2G module is needed for composite calculations. ASTRIX 3G Planner (UMTS): This UMTS module allows for planning of 3G networks, and simultaneous views of e.g. GSM networks and UMTS networks. This allows the user to plan mixed mode networks, to have data consistency across the networks, to plan with site re-use and to optimise network performance. ASTRIX 4G Planner (LTE). This LTE module allows for planning of 4G networks and simultaneous views of e.g. GSM, UMTS and LTE networks. ASTRIX Propagation model tuning. Automatic tuning of propagation models based on live measurements and the installed mapping data. In addition to a automated model tuning tool, a correction layer tool is included in the module for optimum coverage predictions within each cells dominance area. ASTRIX Frequency Planner (AFP). This Automatic Frequency Planning module allows for advanced automated frequency planning processes. The tool is based on the Telenor R&D developed optimisation algorithm for Automatic Frequency Assignments. ASTRIX Optimizer (ACP). With the ASTRIX Optimisation Module, time spent on fne tuning antennas azimuth, tilts and power parameters for best possible coverage and quality, is reduced to a minimum by Automatic Cell Planning (ACP) features. ASTRIX Radio Link (RLT). This module is used for planning microwave networks. The user interface is the same as for the ASTRIX Radio Coverage, but the functionality is tailored to radio link planning requirements of mobile communication operators. Technology ASTRIX Basic ASTRIX Professional 3G Planner 4G Planner ASTRIX Frequency Planner (AFP) q y ( ) ASTRIX Optimiser (ACP) p ( ) Radio Link Tool ASTRIX Modules Module GSM UMTS WiMax Microwave Point to Point TETRA 5 2 ASTRIX RADIO PLANNING PRODUCT FEATURES 2.1 INTRODUCTION ASTRIX has all the functionality of an advanced radio planning tool. GSM functionality is an integrated part of the ASTRIX 2G module and allows simultaneous view of e.g. GSM900/1800 networks and UMTS networks. This allows the user to plan mixed-mode networks, to have data consistency across the networks and to plan with site re-use.
Figure 1 ASTRIX main window 2.2 SEAMLESS MAP HANDLING ASTRIX uses an integrated GIS (Geographical Information System) as the basis for map handling. The GIS system provides advanced map features for best possible views and management of maps. The GIS system supports dynamic map resolution and various map formats. The solution is designed to avoid the large growth of coverage fle sizes when working with high-resolution map data (less than 1m). The calculation effciency and storage of coverage fles are optimised to minimize storage fles and speed up the handling of large amount of coverage data.
Figure 2 Examples of ASTRIX map layers The following map layers are supported: Raster/grid ground heights Raster/grid morphology Vector/linear features Ortho photo Raster/grid building heights 3D vector of building foot-prints and heights Demographic data 2.3 ANTENNA MODELLING The effect of the physical environment on the antenna radiation patterns is a neglected part of many radio planning tools. ASTRIX takes into account a number of antenna issues: ASTRIX handles mechanical tilt and/or electrical tilt correctly in side and back lobes. Mast concept, with the possibility to have antennas at a position other than the site position 6 Measured side lobes and back lobes Effects of wall mounting on the back-lobe True over-the-roof propagation angles in urban areas
ASTRIX provides full fexibility for creating, editing and modelling of antenna elements and combined antenna structures. 2.4 PROPAGATION LOSS PREDICTIONS The default propagation model in ASTRIX is based on industry standards: Okumura-Hata, COST231-Hata, COST231-Walfsch, Walfsch-Bertoni, Blomqvist-Ladell, and a general model. Added to these models are a number of correction factors which have been developed to improve accuracy in hilly terrain. There are several diffraction methods, effective antenna heights and LOS correction methods optimised for handling mountainous and water/sea areas. In addition, ASTRIX includes multipath propagation models that identify areas with severe time dispersion problems for interference in GSM and multipath areas for LTE.
Figure 3 Successful prediction of a) Increased coverage by multipath b) Areas with multipath interference (i.e. Q15 problems) To address the need for ever denser urban networks, ASTRIX includes: Micro-cell models Advanced small cell models, based on an automatic combination of Okumura-Hata and Walfsch-Ikegami.
ASTRIX offers optional integration with WaveSight ( WaveSight is a ray tracing module which employs vector data. The module is world leading for microcell predictions. 7 2.5 AUTOMATIC PROPAGATION MODEL TUNING TOOL ASTRIX includes a sophisticated propagation model tuning tool. The tool can be used to analyse the agreement between predicted and measured signal levels. The tool also includes algorithms and features for automatic tuning of propagation model coeffcients.
To exclude spurious data, measurements can be fltered based on signal level, distance, angle, samples, and morphology type. The profle with morphology information from transmitter to each measurement point is found directly. The histogram of the error, the mean error, the median error, the RMS and the 10 % and 90 % values are presented for all loaded measurements or for the current measurement. For the automatic tuning, the user can select which model coeffcients to tune and set limits or constraints to resulting allowable model coeffcient values. The optimisation algorithm will then calculate new estimates of the selected coeffcients within the defned constraints.
Special care has been made to make the algorithm robust in handling uncertainties and inconsistencies in measurements, and problems caused by mutual dependencies between model coeffcients and by insuffcient measurement data. In the latter case, the algorithm will make a minimum modifcation to existing model coeffcients. Correction layer: ASTRIX offers a unique and advanced algorithm that combines calculated coverage predictions with drive test measurements to calculate signifcantly improved measurement based predictions. Using drive test measurements to produce a correction layer on top of normal coverage predictions the accuracy is improved to a standard deviation of 5 to 6 dB - close to the theoretical limit. The Teleplan unique algorithm flls gaps between measurement tracks in an intuitively correct way. 2.6 EFFICIENT PROCESSING ASTRIX employs several strategies to achieve effcient processing, as described below. 2.6.1 Multithreading Support ASTRIX calculation engine, RADIX, supports multithreading, multi platform (Unix/Linux/Windwos) and double parallel processing functionality. The parallel processing calculation engine is utilising multithreading when calculating one cell, ore when performing prediction of a larger number of cells simultaneously. 2.6.2 Multiple resolution coverage fles Multiple resolution coverage fles resolve size problems related to high resolution maps. High resolution maps typically introduce demanding work environment in terms of processing time, memory and disk storage space. The ASTRIX multi-resolution concept permits calculations over large areas by automatically reducing the resolution when moving away from the site. Initial prediction Corrected prediction Difference layer showing initial prediction and drive measurements Measurement Tuning Tool Initial prediction Corrected prediction Difference layer showing initial prediction and drive measurements Measurement Tuning Tool 8 2.6.3 Offcial coverage fles The concept of offcial coverage fles makes it easy to: Get an updated coverage map at any moment for any given state and project, without recalculating coverage fles. Have just one coverage fle to be used by all planners at all stages (makes necessary corrections for modifed antennas, direction and tilt). This keeps the overall disk space requirements at a reasonable level, and reduces the need to recalculate large coverage fles when modifcations are done to the plan. 2.6.4 Raster export of calculated layers Calculated coverage can be exported to the GSM Association/Coversoft coverage fle format. Other calculated layers, i.e. cell coverage, Best Server, C/I and several UMTS layers, can be exported to the following formats: ArcView grid import format MapInfo grid import format Google Earth 2.7 FLAGS AND FILTERS Flag groups can be defned as global (available to all users), for a project, or private (for one user only) in a full fexible and dynamic way. Groups of fags can be defned and fags can be assigned to cells. The fags can be used as a flter when making queries to the database, when viewing cells in the map or when selecting cells for use in calculations.
2.8 COMBINED COVERAGE The combined coverage module calculates the network coverage, i.e. the joint coverage and interaction in a radio network coverage of separate many cells, and according to the functioning of the cellular network. The combined coverage results are automatically stored in fles. This permits the user to access the results at later times for further analysis, post-processing and exporting, without having to perform new calculations. ASTRIX supports up to 10 simultaneous layers of combined coverage fles. Different combined coverage calculations with different network parameters can be stored under different names. Previous calculations can thus be retrieved without losing the current result. It is possible to compare different named calculations and show differences in coverage graphically on top of the map.
2.9 NEIGHBOUR RELATIONS MANAGEMENT Neighbour data can be imported from the operations and maintenance centre (OMC) via the import tool. A relation editor is available to add, delete and edit neighbour relations graphically in the map. 2.10 AUTOMATIC NEIGHBOUR PLANNING TOOL ASTRIX offers an advanced Automatic Neighbour Planner tool. By searching coverage data, measurement and network statistics, the tool can plan and suggest neighbours based on parameters as: Co Site, Distance, Border Counter, Geometrical (Delaunay Triangulation) and overlap areas. 2.11 INTERFERENCE ANALYSIS The interference analysis module is used to calculate the interference raster based on the frequency plan and the predicted coverage. Several options are available. Different calculation results can be stored under different names. Previous calculations can be retrieved without losing the current result. It is also possible to compare different named calculations. 9 2.11.1 Cell/Channel selection It is possible to perform the calculations all-on-all based on the selected cells, or based on a selection of single carriers/interferers. It is also possible to base the calculation on the given channel assignment, to ignore the channel assignment, or to calculate interference for a single channel or channel type (TCH or BCCH). 2.11.2 Hopping/Non-hopping The calculation can be done with or without frequency hopping. Hopping can be on a cell-by-cell basis, i.e. with hopping and non-hopping cells in the same calculation, or with all cells hopping on the assigned channels. 2.12 INTERFERENCE MATRIX CALCULATION The interference matrix module calculates the pair-wise frequency re-use restrictions between cells in a cellular network. The results can be exported and used as input to automatic frequency planning algorithms. The interference relations and separation relations can also be created and edited with the graphical relation editor, also used for the neighbour editing. Various options exist for the calculation: Up-/Down-link. It is possible to base the calculation on up-link, down-link or worst-case interference probability. Asymmetric/Symmetric. The interference between cells A and B can be recorded asymmetrically for A to B and B to A or symmetrically (worst case of the two). Traffc-/Area weighting. The interference probability of a cell can be weighted with traffc raster, or assume uniform traffc across the coverage area. Thresholds. It is possible to set thresholds for acceptable co-channel and adjacent channel interference. Unit selection and partial calculation. Various options exist for selecting cells to be part of the calculation and for partial calculation of the interference matrix. 2.13 MEASUREMENT ANALYSIS TOOL The measurement analysis tool is used to analyse drive test measurements from the network. The tool can present network measurements as coloured tracks in the map, as 2D graphs or as numeric displays.
The module can establish automatic or manual links between measured BCCH/BSIC pairs and planned cell identities (CI), if such data are present in the plan. Several measurement formats are supported. Additional formats can be added upon request. 2.14 STATISTICS MODULE ASTRIX generates area and demographic statistics for coverage, interference, GPRS and UMTS (per services, carriers, etc.). Filters for different thresholds, morphology types and inside of polygons can be specifed. Aggregated statistics as well as per cell, per morphology type or per polygon statistics can be calculated. The statistics may be exported directly to Microsoft Excel ore text. 2.15 TRAFFIC ANALYSIS The traffc analysis module permits the calculation of traffc density maps based on Measured or estimated traffc in the network Best server plot Morphology map (Clutter) Demographics Live traffc per cell can be imported from the operations and maintenance centre, scaled with the expected traffc growth, and used to predict the number of transmitters on each cell in the future network. The calculated maps can be edited and scaled. 2.16 DUAL-BAND FUNCTIONALITY ASTRIX currently supports dual-band functionality which includes: Working with multiple systems in one plan Prediction of different systems in one plan Combined coverage and dominance plots based on dual-band functioning 10 3 ASTRIX 3G PLANNER (UMTS) 3.1 INTRODUCTION The UMTS network planning functionality in ASTRIX is based on a combination of analytical calculations and simulations using a number of different network parameters. Calculation- and simulation results can be presented in a number of plots and statistical reports. The UMTS module allows simultaneous view of e.g. GSM networks, together with the UMTS network. This allows the user to plan mixed mode networks, to have data consistency over the network, and to plan with site re-use. 3.2 UMTS CALCULATIONS The UTMS modules offers: Pilot interference calculations Pilot reception calculations CPICH RSCP Multiple combined coverage calculations, 10 levels Ec/Io calculations relative to load Pilot pollution detection and out of cell ratio calculations Capacity and coverage vs. population statistics tools 3.3 UMTS SIMULATOR TOOL The UMTS simulations based on a number of factors, e.g.: Services settings Terminals settings Morphology settings Traffc per service and per pixel Path loss of each sector to each pixel Repeaters. UMTS specifc carrier and sector parameters are the same as for the master cell. Repeaters and master cell are treated as one in the calculations. 4 ASTRIX 4G PLANNER (LTE) 4.1 INTRODUCTION The LTE planning functionality in ASTRIX is developed in close cooperation with ASTRIX customers, research institutes and system vendors. The LTE module allows i.e. simultaneous view of e.g 2G, 3G and 4G networks. This allows the user to plan mixed mode networks, to have data consistency throughout its networks, and to plan with site re-use og existing infrastructure. 4.2 LTE CALCULATIONS Frequency Coordination Calculations of frequency reuse patterns Static coordination to support manual frequency administration Semi static coordination for adaptive allocation Make Realistic Interference Arrays Nominal SINR Arrays Calculations of RSRP, SINR and RSRQ Table of SINR gain as function of load Calculations CQI / modulations schemes based on RSRQ and defnable mapping curves Various tables and plots to defne throughput based on CQI Implementation of various mapping schemes based on network equipment Calculations of capacity gains from MIMO confgurations and LOS calculations Network planning with MIMO confguration Calculation of improvement relative to SISO LOS calculation to accurately simulate MIMO effect Calculations of advanced statistics Capacity and coverage vs. population density maps. Throughput based on various network confgurations Distribution of capacity vs. population density maps Automatic optimization of antenna confgurations 11 5 ASTRIX FREQUENCY PLANNER (AFP) ASTRIX Frequency Planner ASTRIX Frequency Planner is based on an optimization algorithm developed at Telenor Research Lab that supports the Frequency Assignments work processes. After Teleplan Globe acquired the algorithm from Telenor, it was integrated in the ASTRIX Radio Planning System as an automatic frequency planning module. Functionality highlights Full user fexibility in defning constraints and weighting of : C/I, C/A, Traffc and Neighbour Statistics. Handling and management of several frequency plans simultaneously. Supports non hopping, baseband hopping and synthesized hopping BSIC and HSN planning. Full user fexibility for adjusting Co and Adjacent penalties for traffc and handover statistics. Supports full network retune and partial planning of new cells and TRXs. Visually view proposed changes to analyze, accept or retune. Why ASTRIX Frequency Planner Reduce costly infrastructure investments with the best possible frequency plan. Proven solutions chosen by Telenor Operators around the world for over 10 years 20 years experience in delivering Radio Planning and GIS software to the Telecommunication industry. 6 ASTRIX OPTIMIZER (ACP) The ASTRIX optimizer tool is used to optimise a set of performance metrics or criteria for the network. The aims are to: Reduce pilot pollution, improve performance Balance the network Identify noise contributors 6.1 ANALYSIS The analysis mode is used to calculate current values of the performance criteria values for the network. Results are calculated across a selected geographical area. The following are some of the area performance metrics calculated: Ec/Io Dominant server Weak coverage Handover status Cell balance metrics (like cell noise contribution and areas with weak Ec/Io)
6.2 OPTIMISATION The unique and advanced optimisation algorithm is used to improve the performance of the network based on network statistics, measurements and coverage predictions. The optimisation is done by iterating on antenna azimuth and elevation (electrical and mechanical tilt). 12 7 RADIO LINK TOOL 7.1 FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW The ASTRIX Radio link tool is used for planning microwave networks. The user interface and database support are the same as in the main module, but the functionality is tailored to the radio link planning needs of mobile communication operators.
The functionality of the radio link tool includes: Creation of radio links Site sharing - The sites created in any part of the ASTRIX system can be shares with the other modules. This facilitates the planning tasks and data consistency checks. Map analysis - Terrain profle, between terrain points, between cells, from one cell to any point in the terrain stepwise or continuously. - Terrain height tracking, morphology tracking, peak height search - Line-of-sight (LOS) analysis Calculation of the LOS is made from each transmitter to a receiver with given height in a selected area. - Demographic analysis Link profle analysis The link profle is presented graphically with Fresnel zone, earth curvature, and morphology heights. Link fading and performance data are calculated on the basis of relevant ITU recommendations. Performance predictions - Link budget - Diversity Space and frequency diversity improvement is calculated, based on ITU-R P 530-11 - Parameters based on performance objectives in G.821 and G.826. Support for both calculation and management of objectives - Fading and fading probabilities based on ITU-R P 530-11 and ITU-R P 530-8 Interference Co- and adjacent channel interference. Precipitation Calculation of unavailability due to rain in 0.001% of the time. Support for frequency and channel plans Creation of channel plans based on ITU recommendations. Fill in channels based on channel arrangements (for example co-channel re-use). Unavailability due to poor link connection. Support for hop chains Create hop chains by selecting more hops. Some calculations can be carried out for the chain, as for example total length and total unavailability due to rain. Refection protection Calculation of optimum space between space diversity antennas, calculation of wavelength difference based on ITU-R P 530-11. Detection of sea path refections. Site candidate search From an arbitrary point or site in the map, fnd other sites which can be candidates for a hop to that point or site. The selection may be based on criteria, as for example line of sight. The result is a list of candidate hops with distance, direction and other data. Each item in the list can be opened into the hop profle window.
13 8 DOCUMENTATION The software is delivered with a complete set of User Manual, System Manual, Installation Guide, and Release Notes. All documentation can be delivered in both electronic and printed form. 9 QUALITY ASSURANCE AND CONFIGURATION CONTROL Teleplan Globe is certifed according to ISO 9001. The ASTRIX software is developed according to Teleplan Globes Quality Assurance Procedures. 10 COMPANY INFORMATION Teleplan AS was established in 1959 and is a leading independent consultancy and systems engineering house. Teleplan Globe is part of the Teleplan family of companies. Teleplan has provided a wide range of services to private organisations, public civilian authorities, and to military authorities in NATO member countries. Teleplan has considerable experience in design and development of systems for radio planning, communications, information management, command and control, and electronic warfare. Teleplan has a long history of providing consultancy services within the felds of telecommunication. Contact details are as follows: Teleplan Globe AS P.O. Box 69 Fornebuveien 31 NO-1324 Lysaker Norway Web: Email: [email protected] Teleplan Globe AS Fornebuveien 31 P.O.Boks 69 NO-1324 Lysaker Norway T:+4767127000 F:+4767127270 E: [email protected]