Second Jhvtsion: OF THE Philippines and The Sandiganba Y An

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-versus -
- versus -
- versus -
C.R. No. 166967
G.R. No. 166974
G.R. No. 167167
CARPIO, J. ChaitJ7C'l'S(JJ7,
PEREZ, and
JAN L B i013
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167



Before the Court are the petitions for review on certiorari
the December 16, 2004 decision
and the February 1, 2005 resolution
of the
Sandiganbayan in Criminal Case No. 24699, finding Alan C. Gaviola, Edna
J. Jaca, Eustaquio B. Cesa (collectively, petitioners) and Benilda N.
Bacasmas guilty of violating Section 3(e) of Republic Act (RA) No. 3019.


The petitioners occupied appointive positions in the different divisions
of the Cebu City government at the time material to the controversy:
Gaviola was the City Administrator;
Cesa was the City Treasurer;

Bacasmas was the Chief Cashier of the Cash Division, which is under the
Office of the City Treasurer, and Jaca was the City Accountant.

The steps followed in the grant of cash advances to a paymaster in the
Cebu City government are as follows:

1. Processing of payment:
a. Paymasters request for cash advance and prepare cash
advance disbursement vouchers (voucher) to be submitted to the
Chief Cashier, as head of Cash Division;
b. Chief Cashier
1. affixes her initials on Box A of the voucher; and
2. forwards the voucher to the City Treasurer if he
sees that the vouchers and its supporting documents
are in order.
c. City Treasurer affixes his signature on box A. Description
of Box A is as follows:
1. BOX A Certified Expense, cash advances
necessary, lawful and incurred under my direct

d. The voucher is then forwarded to the City Accountant for
processing (recording) and pre-audit procedure. The City
Accountant signs BOX B described as follows:

Under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court. Rollo (G.R. No. 166967), pp. 31-56; rollo (G.R. 166974) pp.
3-61; rollo (G.R. No. 167167), pp. 11-77.
Rollo (G.R. No. 166974), pp. 60-94.
Id. at 95-114.
Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act. Pursuant to the Courts April 4, 2005 resolution, the cases
of Gaviola and Cesa were consolidated; rollo (G.R. No. 167167), p. 9.
Rollo (G.R. No. 167167) p. 357; rollo (G.R. No. 166974) p. 6.
Rollo (G.R. No. 167167), p. 14.
Rollo (G.R. No. 166967), p. 33.
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167


1. BOX B Certified, Adequate available
funds/budgetary allotment in the amount of P_____,
expenditures properly certified, supported by
documents marked (x) per checklist on back
hereof, account under checklist on back hereof,
account codes proper, previous cash advance
liquidated/accounted for.

e. City Accountant prepares and attaches an accountants
advice to the voucher.

f. The voucher and the accountants advice are returned to
Chief Cashier for preparation of check.

g. Chief Cashier prepares the check and initials/countersigns
the check

h. City Treasurer signs the check

i. The voucher is forwarded to City Administrator for
approval on Box C.

1. City Administrators Internal Control Office (ICO)
reviews the supporting documents, and if in order,
will recommend its approval.
2. City Administrator approves BOX C of the voucher
and countersigns the check.

j. The voucher, check and the accountants advice are
returned to Cash Division.

k. Paymaster signs the receipt portion of the voucher and the
warrant/check register to acknowledge receipt of the check for
encashment later at a bank.

2. Payment
a. The paymaster and the Cash Division prepare a report of
disbursement of payrolls paid and supporting papers and record it
in the official cashbook;
b. COA auditors go to Cash Division to examine, check and
verify the reports of disbursements, payrolls, cashbook and other
supporting documents;
c. Cashier forwards report and supporting papers to City
Accountant for recording and posting.

On March 4, 1998, City Auditor Rodolfo Ariesga created a team of
auditors, with the task of conducting a surprise audit
of the cash and other
accounts handled by all accountable officers assigned at the Cash Division,
Office of the City Treasurer. Among these disbursing officers was Rosalina

Per Order No. 98-001, dated March 5, 1998; rollo, (G.R. No. 166967), p. 34.
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167

G. Badana, who was the paymaster in charge of paying the salaries of the
employees in eight (8) different departments or offices in the Cebu City

While Badana reported for work in the early morning of March 5,
1998, she immediately left upon learning of the planned surprise audit to be
conducted that day; she has not reported for work since.

The audit teams cash examination covered the period from
September 20, 1995 to March 5, 1998. Cecilia Chan and Cecilia Tantengco,
the audit team leader and assistant team leader, respectively, conducted an
examination of the cash and other accounts in Badanas custody.
The audit
team reported that Badana incurred a cash shortage of P18,527,137.19.
Based on the procedure in the processing of cash advances, the audit team
found out that the failure of the petitioners to observe the provisions of
Presidential Decree (PD) No. 1445,
RA No. 7160
and the rules and
regulations governing the grant, utilization and liquidation of cash advances
under Commission on Audit (COA) Circular Nos. 90-331, 92-382 and 97-
002 facilitated, promoted, if not encouraged, the commission of
malversation of public funds[.]

On March 13, 1998, Cebu City Mayor Alvin Garcia filed with the
Office of the Ombudsman-Visayas (Ombudsman)
a complaint against
Badana for malversation of public funds and for violation of RA Nos. 3019
and 6713.
The complaint resulted in administrative and criminal

On April 3, 1998, the Ombudsman motu proprio required the
petitioners and Bacasmas to submit their respective counter-affidavits and
countervailing evidence.
On July 1, 1998, the Ombudsman charged the

Rollo, (G.R. No. 166974), pp. 7-8.
To prevent the possible loss of records, funds and other official documents, the audit team sealed
the vault and other fixtures inside Badanas office cubicle and its door. For failure of Badana to report back
for work, Cebu City Mayor Alvin Garcia created a committee to open Badanas sealed vault and
receptacles. On March 11, 1998, the committee broke the seal and opened the fixtures inside Badanas
cubicle in the presence of the media and the Cebu City government officials. The committee turned over
the cash they found to the City Cashier. (rollo [G.R. No. 166967], p. 35).
Id. at 62.
Ordaining and Instituting a Government Auditing Code of the Philippines.
Local Government Code of 1991.
Rollo (G.R. No. 166967), p. 71.
Rollo (G.R. No. 167167), pp. 138-139.
Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees.
Docketed as OMB-VIS-CRIM-980221 and OMB-VIS-ADM-98-0150; rollo (G.R. No. 167167),
p. 20. The administrative case was filed by the Commission on Audit, Regional Office No. VII against the
petitioners and several other local officials, including Badana.
Id. at 142.
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167

petitioners and Bacasmas with violation of Section 3(e) of RA No. 3019

before the Sandiganbayan under the following Information:

That on or about the 5
day of March 1998, and for [sometime]
prior thereto, at Cebu City, Philippines, and within the jurisdiction of this
Honorable Court, above-named accused, public officers, having been duly
appointed to such public positions above-mentioned, in such capacity and
committing the offense in relation to Office, conniving and confederating
together and mutually helping xxx each other, with deliberate intent, with
manifest partiality, evident bad faith and with gross inexcusable
negligence, did then and there allow Rosalina G. Badana, Cashier I of the
Cebu City Government to obtain cash advances despite the fact that she
has previous unliquidated cash advances, thus allowing Rosalina G.
Badana to accumulate Cash Advances amounting to P18,522,361.96,
Philippine Currency, which remains unliquidated, thus accused in the
performance of their official functions, had given unwarranted benefits to
Rosalina G. Badana and themselves, to the damage and prejudice of the
government, particularly the Cebu City Government.

On July 2, 1998, the COA Regional Office No. VII (COA Regional
Office) submitted a Narrative Report on the Results of the Examination of
the Cash Accounts (COA Report) of Badana.
Pertinent portions of the
COA Report read:

A.1. During the period [between] September 20, 1995 to March 5, 1998,
records show that additional cash advances were granted, even if the
previous cash advances were not yet liquidated. For example in the Trust
Fund, a cash advance of Php800,000 was granted on December 8, 1997
even if Ms. Badana has an unliquidated cash advance balance of
Php4,940,065.50 as of November 20, 1997 (Annex 19). The situation was
true in granting all other cash advances from September 20, 1995 to
March 5, 1998.

Another example in the General fund, cash advance of
Php1,000,000.00 was granted on December 1, 1997 even if the
unliquidated balance of Ms. Badana as of November 28, 1997 was
Php8,469,054.19 (Annex 20). The situation is likewise true in granting all
other cash advances during the same period mentioned in the preceding
paragraph. This practice resulted in excessive granting of cash advances
which created the opportunity to misappropriate public funds since idle
funds were placed in the hands of the paymasters under their control and

The practice is in violation of Section 89, PD 1445; Section 339,
RA 7160 and paragraph 4.1.2 of COA Circular No. 97-002 resulting [in
the] accumulation of excess cash in the custody of the accountable officer.

Dated May 14, 1998. Docketed as Criminal Case No. 24699; id. at 20.
Id. at 143.
Rollo (G.R. No. 166967), p. 36.
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167

A.2 The following practices also facilitated the incurrence of the shortage:

a. The amount of cash advance for salary payments was not equal to the
net amount of the payroll for a pay period in violation of par. 4.2.1,
COA Cir. No. 90-331, Section 48(g), COA Cir. No. 92-382 and par.
4.2.2, COA Cir. No. 97-002.

All disbursement vouchers covering the cash advances were not
supported by payrolls or list of payees to determine the amount of the
cash advance to be granted in violation of par. 4.2.2, COA Cir. No. 90-
331. Ms. Rosalina G. Badana, who was assigned as paymaster to eight
different offices/departments with a total monthly payroll of
P5,747,569.96 (Annex 21) was granted an average monthly cash
advance of P7,600,000.00 (Annex 22) or an excess of P1,900,000.00
monthly. As a result, idle funds were again placed in the hands and the
total control of the Paymaster.

b. The face of the disbursement voucher (sample voucher marked as
annex 23) did not indicate the specific legal purpose for which the cash
advance was granted in violation of par. 4.1.5 COA Cir. No. 90-331,
Section 48(e) COA Cir. 92-382 and par. 4.1.7 COA Cir. No. 97-002. It
is so because all disbursement vouchers covering the granting of cash
advances to the paymaster did not show the office/department, the
number of payees and the payroll period covered by the cash advance.
The city officials signed, certified and approved these vouchers despite
the aforementioned deficiencies. It makes difficult to identify which
liquidating report pertains to what particular cash advance, thus
contributing to the opportunity to misappropriate the funds.

c. The provisions of par. 5.1.1 COA Cir. 90-331 and 97-002 and Section
48.k of COA Cir. No. 92-382 on the liquidation of cash advances
within 5 days after the end of the month pay period was not followed
due to the existing practice/procedure in the granting of cash
advances Likewise, unliquidated cash advance balance (audited) at
the end of December 31, 1997 amounted to P15,553,475.61 consisting
of P11,690,639.44 and P3,862,836.17 for General and Trust Fund
respectively, in violation of par. 5.8 COA Cir. Nos. 90-331 and 97-002
and Section 48 (o) COA Cir. No. 92-382, resulting in the accumulation
of unliquidated cash advances.

In January 1998, the paymaster was granted cash advances before the
foregoing unliquidated balance (audited) was settled. Detail as

Date Check No. Amount of Cash Amount of
Advance Granted Cash Returns
1/05/98 852367 P2,000,000.00
1/08/98 25983919 P1,000,000.00
1/09/98 P2,000,000.00
1/09/98 P18,846.00
1/12/98 852430 P1,000,000.00
1/12/98 ____________ P2,000,000.00

Total P4,000,000.00 P4,018,846.00
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167

It appears that the new cash advance of Php4,000,000.00 was used to
liquidate partially the previous years unliquidated balance of
P15,553,475.61 in violation of par. 4.1.5 COA Cir. 90-331, Section
48.e of COA Cir. 92-382 and par. 4.1.7 of COA Cir. 97-002.

d. As discussed in letter C above, accounting records show that these
cash advances were granted and taken up in January, 1998 while the
cash returns made after granting these cash advances were taken up in
December, 1997. This is contrary to the generally accepted principles
of Time period which requires that accounting should be time
bounded[;] meaning cut-off date should be properly and strictly

e. Submission of financial reports and its supporting schedules and
vouchers/payrolls by the Accounting Division was very much delayed
(Annex 25) in violation of Section 122, PD 1445 despite of several
communications from the Auditor, latest of [(]which is attached as
Annex 26[)] thus verification and reconciliation on the paymasters
accountability cannot be determined immediately.

x x x x

C. The following practices led to the concealment of the shortage of
P18,527,137.19 from the September 20, 1995 to March 5, 1998:

1. Accounting practices which resulted in inaccurate and misleading
information in the financial statements in violation of Section 111,
PD 1445 are enumerated below:

a. Cash returns in January, 1998 were recorded as credits to
accountability in December, 1997 amounting to P4,018,846.00 as
x x x x

In effect, the balance of unliquidated cash advances as of
December 31, 1997 was understated.

b. Some liquidations/disbursements in January, 1998 were included
as credits to accountability in December, 1997 amounting to
P1,974,386,45 Details are as follows:

x x x x

x x x As a result, the unliquidated cash advances as of December
31, 1997 is understated by P1,974,386.45.

c. Verification of accounting records maintained in the Accounting
Division revealed that the index cards as a control device in the
processing of cash advance voucher recorded only cash advances
granted to paymasters (Annex 24). It failed to show the
liquidation/disposition of public funds. Hence, unliquidated
balance of cash advances cannot be determined instantly when a
cash advance voucher is being processed by the accounting
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167

Summarizing par. a and b, the total understatement to Ms.
Badanas unliquidated cash advances per accounting records as of
December 31, 1997 amounted to P5,993,232.45 for the General
Fund. This practice is in violation of Section 111 of PD 1445. The
financial statements appeared inaccurate and misleading because
of window dressing.

2. Presentation of paid payrolls and vouchers already recorded in the
cash book/subsidiary ledgers as cash items thus misleading the
auditors into believing them as valid cash items. There is
untruthful presentation of facts constituting deceit or fraud.

The scheme is explained below.

Paid payrolls and vouchers already recorded in the cashbook and in
the subsidiary ledgers were presented as cash items during the
count on May 13, 1996, November 27, 1996, June 9, 1997 and
November 19, 1997. These cash items were treated as credits to
her accountability, thereby reducing her accountability and
consequently concealing her shortage. This scheme was made
possible as the paymaster can readily have access to paid payrolls
and vouchers x x x. The following facilitated the use of fraudulent

1.1 The paid payrolls and vouchers were placed in an unlocked
box (carton) under the table of the bookkeeper.
1.2 The paymaster was allowed to get/retrieve paid payrolls and
vouchers from the said box kept by the bookkeeper.
1.3 Failure of the Disbursing officer to stamp PAID all paid
payrolls and vouchers. This is a control measure to avoid re-
use or recycling of documents.

The accountable officer resorted to the scheme abovementioned
with the intention of claiming double credit when in truth and in
fact, she had been credited already of said transactions: These are
the following:

Date Amount
May 13, 1996 P3,016,239.07
Nov. 27, 1996 P5,983,102.94
June 9, 1997 P7,959,677.07
Nov. 19, 1997 P12,438,954.88

In effect, as early as May 13, 1996 and subsequently thereafter, she
had already incurred shortages but was able to conceal them
through deceit and fraudulent means as explained above.

The petitioners moved for reinvestigation; the prosecution interposed no
objection, provided that the petitioners motions would be treated as a
motion for reconsideration of the Ombudsmans resolution directing the

Records, Exhibit F, pp. 7-12.
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167

filing of information.
The prosecution manifested that, upon its
recommendation, the Ombudsman resolved to maintain the information.

On arraignment,
the accused pleaded not guilty.
During the pre-
trial of December 7, 1999, the prosecution and the petitioners entered into a
stipulation of facts:

1. That at all times material to this case, all of the accused are public
officials of the City of Cebu.

x x x x

5. That the cash advance voucher has three boxes: Box A, Box B, and Box

6. That Box A is to be signed by the head of the office requesting the cash

7. That Box B is to be signed by the head of the office which would
conduct pre-audit of the cash advances;

8. That Box C is to be signed by the person of authority who will finally
approve the cash advances.

The prosecution presented Ariesga and Chan as its witnesses. Relying
on the audit teams findings, the prosecution claimed that the shortage was
incurred due to the failure of Badana and of the petitioners to comply with
the laws, rules and regulations governing the granting, utilization and
liquidation of cash advances.
For one, the vouchers for cash advances
lacked an indication of the specific purpose for which an amount was being
requested; the office or department to be paid, the number of payees, and the
payroll period to be paid were not specified.
For another, the amounts
requested were not equal to the amount of payroll for the pertinent pay
period; the vouchers covering the cash advances for the payment of
government employees were not supported by payrolls for a proper
determination of the amount needed for the purpose. Thus, although the
monthly payroll of the eight departments within Badanas responsibility
required more than P5 million, the cash advance granted for each month
averaged more than P7 million. Also, the petitioners repeatedly affixed their
signatures and allowed the disbursement of public funds through cash

Records, Volume II, p. 142.
Id. at 171.
On September 13, 1999; rollo (G.R. No. 166974), p. 9.
Upon motion of the prosecution, the petitioners were placed under preventive suspension; rollo
(G.R. No. 167167), p. 21.
Records, Volume II, p. 14.
Rollo, (G.R. No. 166967), p. 63.
Rollo, (G.R. No. 167167), pp. 360-361.
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167

advances, regardless of previous unliquidated cash advances.
advances were not liquidated within the period prescribed by law, enabling
the use of subsequent cash advances to liquidate previous cash advances.

Meanwhile, the Ombudsman rendered a decision
in the
administrative aspect of the case, finding Jaca and Cesa guilty of simple
neglect of duty and imposed on them the penalty of suspension for six (6)
months. The case against petitioner Gaviola was dismissed for being moot
and academic. On Cesas appeal, the Court of Appeals and, eventually, this
Court sustained the Ombudsmans ruling.


On December 16, 2004, the Sandiganbayan promulgated its decision

finding the petitioners and Bacasmas guilty as charged. The Sandiganbayan
held the petitioners solidarily liable to the Cebu City government for the
amount of P18,527,137.19.

The Sandiganbayan ruled that all the elements under Section 3(e) of
R.A. No. 3019 were established by the prosecution: first, the petitioners are
all public officials; second, the public officials committed the prohibited acts
during the performance of their official duties; third, based on the audit
teams examinations, the undue injury suffered by the government amounted
to P18,527,137.19 the amount of Badanas accumulated shortage; fourth,
the petitioners gave unwarranted benefits to Badana, which resulted in undue
injury to the government, by illegally allowing her to obtain cash advances;
and fifth, the petitioners acted with gross inexcusable negligence in the
performance of their duties. The Sandiganbayan relied largely on the COA
Report to support a finding that the Cebu City government lost the amount
of P18,527,137.19 under the petitioners collective watch.

The Sandiganbayan explained that while the information charged and
recited all the modes of violating Section 3(e) of RA No. 3019, the
prosecution is only required to prove any of these modes to warrant
conviction. The Sandiganbayan held:

guilty beyond reasonable doubt of having violated Sec. 3(e) of RA 3019;
and each accused is sentenced to suffer the indeterminate penalty of twelve

Id. at 361.
On August 16, 2001; rollo (G.R. No. 166974), pp. 553-572.
Supra note 2.
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167

(12) years and one day as minimum and fifteen (15) years as maximum,
with the accessory penalty of perpetual disqualification from public office.
These Accused are directed to indemnify jointly and severally the City
Government of Cebu the amount of Eighteen Million Five Hundred
Twenty-Seven Thousand One Hundred Thirty-Seven and 19/100 Pesos

The petitioners separately moved for reconsideration,
but the
Sandiganbayan denied their motions on February 1, 2005.
Hence, these
present petitions.


Due to the (i) commonality of the factual circumstance that led to the
petitioners prosecution and conviction, as well as (ii) the different positions
occupied by each of the petitioners, various and varied arguments were
submitted. We narrate these arguments based on the positions of each of the

a. The hierarchical positions occupied

i. Cesa as City Treasurer

Cesa argues that he simply adhered to the procedure long observed
and prevailing at the time of (and even prior to) his assumption of office as
City Treasurer. In the processing of cash advance vouchers coming from the
Cash Division, the divisions chief Bacasmas first determines that the
voucher and its supporting documents are in order before Cesa affixes his
signature on Box A.

Under RA No. 7160, City Treasurers cease to be an approving
authority in the grant of cash advances. It is the City Accountant who can
approve or disapprove cash advances or disbursements. The City Treasurers
previous function of pre-audit and internal audit functions are now vested
with the City Accountant. He claims that he signed Box A as a requesting
party and not as approving authority.

ii. Jaca as City Accountant

Jaca argues that strict compliance with prior and complete liquidation
of Badanas previous cash advances is impractical and unrealistic.

Rollo, (G.R. No. 166967), p. 93.
Rollo (G.R. No. 167167), pp. 174-199.
Supra note 3.
Rollo (G.R. No. 166967), p. 137.
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167

half of the Cebu City governments employees are weekly-paid and the rest
are paid at the middle and at the end of the month (quincena basis) a
practice within the power of the Chief Executive, not the City Accountant, to
and which has long been observed before he became City
Accountant. This set up resulted in a situation where, before she can process
the liquidation and posting of a previous cash advance, another request for a
subsequent cash advance already comes in; the request has to be acted upon
if only to avoid delay in the payment of salaries.

While she certified that Badana had liquidated her previous cash
advances, she had previously informed Cesa and the City Auditor (at that
time) of the unliquidated cash advances.

iii. Gaviola as City Administrator

Gaviola argues that he affixed his signature on Box C of the vouchers
because the City Accountant had earlier certified that Badanas previous
cash advances were liquidated and accounted for. For him, the approval of
vouchers was a ministerial act done not only after the City Accountant had
pre-audited the vouchers (by affixing her signature in Box B), but after the
Internal Control Office
and a member of his staff, Virginia Pea, had
determined the regularity of the vouchers and their attachments.
avers that the prosecution failed to present evidence to show the absence of
supporting documents when he affixed his signature on the vouchers. He
adds that his duties do not impose upon him accountability for the funds
entrusted to Badana or the City Treasurer; neither is he tasked with pre-audit
activities nor with the record keeping of a paymasters accountabilities.

The following are the defenses common to the petitioners:

b. Good faith in affixing their signatures
to the disbursement vouchers

The petitioners invoked good faith in affixing their signatures to the
disbursement vouchers. They deny any knowledge of Badanas shortages
until after the surprise audit was conducted on March 5, 1998.

They argue that since the COA did not send them any notice of
disallowance of Badanas cash advances,
despite the COAs semestral cash

See Section 455 of RA No. 7160.
Rollo (G.R. No. 166967), p. 128.
Id. at 138.
TSN, Volume 16, p. 20.
Rollo (G.R. No. 166974), p. 110.
Under Section 348 of RA No. 7160.
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167

examination, they had the right to presume regularity in Badanas
performance of her job as paymaster.

c. Fatally defective information

The petitioners argue that the information is fatally defective for
violating their right to be informed of the nature and cause of accusation
against them. The prosecution could not have validly alleged that the
petitioners committed the offense with deliberate intent, with manifest
partiality, evident bad faith and with gross inexcusable negligence
these several modes of committing the crime are inconsistent with each
other; the violation is more so when one considers the prosecutions
allegation of conspiracy, which presupposes intent and the absence of
Because of this serious flaw in the information, the information
effectively charged no offense for which they can be convicted.

Cesa particularly assails the validity of the information because the
preliminary investigation which preceded its filing was allegedly fatally
defective. Cesa argued that the Ombudsman cannot motu proprio require
him to submit his counter-affidavit in the preliminary investigation without
any prior complaint against him.

d. Evidence

The petitioners argue that the prosecution witnesses were incompetent
to testify. On the one hand, Ariesga did not actually prepare the COA
Report, but merely received it from the persons who did the actual audit and
thereafter submitted it to the COA Regional Office. On the other hand, while
Chan is the head of the audit team, she did not actually conduct the cash
examination and audit of Badanas accountabilities. In view of the
incompetence of the prosecution witnesses, the Sandiganbayan should not
have admitted, much less relied on, the COA Report as its contents are all

e. Proof beyond reasonable doubt and
the elements of Section 3(e) of RA
No. 3019 were not established.

Since the petitioners received no prior notice of disallowance from the
auditors of the COA at the time material to the controversy, then the

Rollo, (G.R. No. 166967), p. 115.
Rollo, (G.R. No. 166974) pp. 107-108.
Citing Duterte v. Sandiganbayan, 352 Phil. 557 (1998).
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167

petitioners could not have been charged with knowledge of Badanas
previous unliquidated cash advances. This lack of knowledge negates the
element of giving unwarranted benefits or causing undue injury.

Particularly, Cesa argues that the existence of unliquidated cash
advances was not established because there has been no complete cash
examination, audit and post audit of Badanas accountability, citing
Madarang v. Sandiganbayan.
Neither was undue injury established
since, as previously argued, the COA Report is hearsay. Also, the fact that
no government employee complained of not being paid his
salary/receivables only shows that no party was ever unduly injured.


The Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) prays for the denial of the
petitions on the ground that the issues raised in the petitions are factual in
nature and, hence, not covered by Rule 45 of the Rules of Court. The OSP
defends the validity of the information, arguing that there is nothing
inconsistent in the allegations because gross inexcusable negligence also
connotes conscious indifference to duty, and not mere inadvertence. While
conspiracy necessitates intent, conspiracy does not negate gross inexcusable
negligence, as recognized in Sistoza v. Desierto.

On the merits, the OSP asserts that no amount of good faith can be
appreciated for adhering to a practice if this practice is illegal. As a certified
public accountant and a former state auditor himself, Cesas familiarity with
the pertinent laws and regulations should have cautioned him against making
a certification in Box A.

Delay in the payment of salaries cannot be used as an excuse to
violate the law and pertinent COA regulations. Jacas repeated certification
in Box B of the vouchers despite the lack of liquidation of prior cash
advances establishes her gross inexcusable negligence in the performance of
her duties.

Unlike in Sistoza, the vouchers Gaviola signed: (i) were on their face
palpably irregular for lack of entries required by law - i.e., the net amount of
payroll to be paid, the intended payees and the period covered by the
payroll; and, (ii) lacked supporting documents. Gaviola failed to substantiate
his claim that he signed the vouchers with supporting documents. None of

See Uriarte v. People, G.R. No. 169251, December 20, 2006, 511 SCRA 471, 486.
407 Phil. 846 (2001).
437 Phil. 117, 122, 132 (2002).
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167

the documents alleged to have supported the vouchers were presented. In
contrast, Chans finding and unbiased testimony (that the vouchers were
signed without supporting documents) enjoy the presumption of regularity.

The petitioners claim of good faith has no basis, considering that the
procedure they adopted in approving the disbursement vouchers was made
in violation of existing laws and COA circulars. Also, Ariesga and Chan are
competent to testify on the COA Report as they were part of, and directly
participated in, the audit process.


We deny the petitions.

At the outset, we emphasize that, as a rule, the Court does not review
factual questions under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court. In appeals from the
Sandiganbayan, only questions of law and not issues of fact may be raised.
Issues raised before the Court on whether the prosecutions evidence proved
the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt, whether the presumption
of innocence was properly accorded the accused, whether there was
sufficient evidence to support a charge of conspiracy, or whether the defense
of good faith was correctly appreciated are all, in varying degrees, questions
of fact. As a rule, the factual findings of the Sandiganbayan are conclusive
on this Court, subject to limited exceptions.
We find none of these
exceptions in the present case.

The information is valid

Pursuant to the constitutional right of the accused to be informed of
the nature and cause of the accusation against him,
the Revised Rules of

Among the exceptions are: (1) the conclusion is a finding grounded entirely on speculations,
surmise[s], and conjectures; (2) the inference made is manifestly mistaken; (3) there is grave abuse of
discretion; (4) the judgment is based on misapprehension of facts; and [(5)] the findings of fact of the
Sandiganbayan are premised on the absence of evidence and are contradicted by evidence on record.
(Pareo v. Sandiganbayan, 326 Phil. 255, 279 (1996).
Section 14, Article 3 of the 1987 Constitution reads:

Section 14. (1) No person shall be held to answer for a criminal offense without due
process of law.

(2) In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall be presumed innocent until the
contrary is proved, and shall enjoy the right to be heard by himself and counsel, to be
informed of the nature and cause of the accusation against him, to have a speedy,
impartial, and public trial, to meet the witnesses face to face, and to have compulsory
process to secure the attendance of witnesses and the production of evidence in his
behalf. However, after arraignment, trial may proceed notwithstanding the absence of the
accused: Provided, that he has been duly notified and his failure to appear is unjustifiable.
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167

require, inter alia, that the information state the designation of the
offense given by the statute and the acts or omissions imputed which
constitute the offense charged.
Additionally, it requires that these acts or
omissions and their attendant circumstances be stated in ordinary and
concise language and in such form as is sufficient to enable a person of
common understanding to know what offense is intended to be charged and
enable the court to pronounce proper judgment.
As long as the crime is
described in intelligible terms and with such particularity and reasonable
certainty that the accused is duly informed of the offense charged, then the
information is considered sufficient. In particular, whether an information
validly charges an offense depends on whether the material facts alleged in
the complaint or information shall establish the essential elements of the
offense charged as defined in the law. The raison detre of the requirement
in the Rules is to enable the accused to suitably prepare his defense.

Admittedly, the prosecution could have alleged in the information the
mode of committing a violation of Section 3(e) of RA No. 3019 with
technical precision by using the disjunctive term or instead of the
conjunctive term and. Nonetheless, in the early case of Gallego, et al. v.
the Court already clarified that the phrases manifest
partiality, evident bad faith and gross inexcusable negligence are
merely descriptive of the different modes by which the offense penalized in
Section 3(e) of RA No. 3019 may be committed, and that the use of all these
phrases in the same information does not mean that the indictment charges
three distinct offenses.

Notably, a violation of Section 3(e) of R.A. No. 3019 may be
committed either by dolo, as when the accused acted with evident bad faith
or manifest partiality, or by culpa as when the accused committed gross
inexcusable negligence.
Unlike in the commission of ordinary felonies
however, the law requires that the intent or negligence, which must attend
the commission of the prohibited acts under Section 3(e) of RA No. 3019,
should meet the gravity required by law. Thus, in construing these phrases,
the Court observed that bad faith or partiality, on the one hand, and
negligence, on the other hand, per se are not enough for one to be held
criminally liable under the law; that the bad faith or partiality is evident or
manifest, or, that the negligent act or omission is gross and inexcusable must
be shown.

The law in effect when the information was filed.
1985 Rules of Criminal Procedure, as amended, Rule 110, Section 6.
1985 Rules of Criminal Procedure, Rule 110, Section 9. See Fernando Q. Miguel v. The
Honorable Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 172035, July 4, 2012.
201 Phil. 379 (1982).
Supra note 46 at 487-488.
Umipig v. People, G.R. No. 171359, July 18, 2012.
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167

Gross inexcusable negligence is negligence characterized by the want
of even slight care; acting or omitting to act in a situation where there is a
duty to act, not inadvertently but willfully and intentionally, with a
conscious indifference to consequences in so far as other persons may be
affected. It is the omission of that care which even inattentive and
thoughtless men never fail to take on their own property;
in cases
involving public officials, it takes place only when breach of duty is flagrant
and devious.

Considering the countless scenarios that may fall under the provisions
of Section 3 of RA No. 3019, particularly paragraph e, and the avowed
purpose of the law to repress certain acts of public officers constituting graft
or corrupt practices or leading thereto,
the law considers the gravity of the
bad faith (or partiality) or negligent act or omission as a mode to commit the
violation of Section 3(e) of RA No. 3019. In requiring the negligence to be
both gross and inexcusable, the law demands the neglect or disregard of
duty to be willful and intentional in order for a violation to exist, although it
may fall short of the required degree of bad faith, which must be evident, or
of partiality, which must be manifest.

Contrary to the petitioners claims, gross inexcusable negligence, on
one hand, and evident bad faith or manifest partiality, on the other hand, are
not two highly opposite concepts that can result in a fatally defective
information should the terms be conjoined in the information. The fact that
the prosecution can properly allege these different modes alternatively in the
information only means that the conviction may lie based simply on the
evidence that is supportive of a particular mode.
Significantly, aside from
the petitioners polemics, they have not shown how their right to be
informed of the nature and cause of accusation against them has actually
been violated; in fact, they advanced no claim that the wordings in the
information prevented them from preparing their defense.

Sison v. People, G.R. Nos. 170339 and 170398-403, March 9, 2010, 614 SCRA 670, 680 citing
Fonacier v. Sandiganbayan, 238 SCRA 656, 687-688.
Siztoza v. Desierto, supra note 48, at 132. See also De la Victoria v. Mongaya, 404 Phil. 609, 619-
620 (2001).
Vacio v. People. G.R. Nos. 177105-06, August 4, 2010.
In fact, in Alvarez v. People (G.R. No. 192591, June 29, 2011, 653 SCRA 52, 59), the Court
sustained the Sandiganbayans ruling that the accused acted with manifest partiality and gross inexcusable
negligence in awarding the BOT contract to an unlicensed and financially unqualified private entity. In
Siztoza v. Desierto, supra note 48, at 131, the Supreme Court observed that:
And, while not alleged in the Information, it was evidently the intention of the
Ombudsman to take petitioner to task for gross inexcusable negligence in addition to the
two (2) other modalities mentioned therein. At any rate, it bears stressing that Sec. 3, par.
(e), RA 3019, is committed either by dolo or culpa and although the Information may
have alleged only one (1) of the modalities of committing the offense, the other mode is
deemed included in the accusation to allow proof thereof. [italics supplied]
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167

We likewise cannot support Cesas argument challenging the validity
of the information for being a product of an invalid preliminary
investigation. Suffice it to state that he had already advanced this argument
in opposing the prosecutions motion for the suspension of the petitioners
pendente lite. The Sandiganbayan granted the prosecutions motion and
ordered the preventive suspension of the petitioners who questioned the
Sandiganbayans action on certiorari.

In a February 28, 2001 Resolution, the Court dismissed the petition
for certiorari for the petitioners failure to establish grave abuse of
discretion on the part of the Sandiganbayan. Effectively, therefore, the Court
passed upon and upheld the validity of the proceedings that led to the filing
of the information below.
Under the doctrine of the law of the case, our
earlier ruling continues to be the rule governing the same proceeding where
the petitioners have been accused before and convicted by the

COA Report is not hearsay evidence

Basic under the rules of evidence is that a witness can only testify on
facts within his or her personal knowledge.
This personal knowledge is a
substantive prerequisite in accepting testimonial evidence establishing the
truth of a disputed fact.
Corollarily, a document offered as proof of its
contents has to be authenticated in the manner provided in the rules, that is,
by the person with personal knowledge of the facts stated in the document.

The petitioners dispute the competence of both Ariesga and Chan to
testify on the contents of the COA Report: allegedly, they are not the ones
who conducted the actual audit of Badanas accountabilities. While this
claim may be asserted against Ariesga,
the same conclusion does not hold
true with respect to Chan and her testimony. In fact, Chan (together with
Tantengco) was specifically assigned to audit the cash and accounts of
Badana. On cross-examination, Chan testified:

See Socrates v. Sandiganbayan, 324 Phil. 151, 177-181 (1996).
Law of the case has been defined as the opinion delivered on a former appeal. More specifically, it
means that whatever is once irrevocably established as the controlling legal rule or decision between the
same parties in the same case continues to be the law of the case, whether correct on general principles or
not, so long as the facts on which such decision was predicated continue to be the facts of the case before
the court. As a general rule, a decision on a prior appeal of the same case is held to be the law of the case
whether that question is right or wrong, the remedy of the party deeming himself aggrieved being to seek a
rehearing (Tolentino v. Loyola, G.R. No. 153809, July 27, 2011, 654 SCRA 420, at 430-431).
Rules of Court, Rule 130, Section 36.
Anna Lerima Patula v. People of the Philippines, G.R. No. 164457, April 11, 2012.
Oscar M. Herrera, Remedial Law, Volume VI, p. 261.
TSN, Volume 1, December 8, 1999, pp. 16-17.
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167

Q: Were you actually the one who conducted the cash

A: I assisted Mrs. Cecilia Tantengco in the cash counts and
in the gathering of the documents and also in the
preparation of the report.

Q: You assisted Mrs. Tantengco?

A: Yes sir.

Q: You did not assist any City Auditors office of Cebu City?

A: Being a team leader, I assisted members of the team.

x x x x

AJ Nario: What kind of assistance have you made?

A: During the cash examination I reviewed the working papers
of the team who conducted the periodic cash examination,
review, your Honor.

Q: What else?

A: I was shown some of the documents wherein I discovered
that the disbursement voucher do not indicate the
information that is required under the law, rules and
regulations in granting cash advances your Honor.

x x x x

Atty. Espina: So you did not actually conduct a cash examination but you
only review the alleged result of the cash examination
conducted by the members of the team?

A: AS I have said earlier, I performed the cash count. I
assisted Mrs. Tantingco in doing the cash count. We also
have like certification of this (sic) documents and
reconciliation in coming up with the result of shortage of
18 million.

x x x x

AJ Nario: How many members were there?

A: there are ten of us I am the team leader so with that
particular accountable officers Mrs. Badana there is only
one to audit the cash examination, Mrs. Cecilia Tantingco,
your Honor.

TSN, Volume 7, August 10, 2000, pp. 10-12.
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167

Given Chans participation in the preparation of the COA Report, the
non-presentation of the other members of the audit team does not diminish
the character of Chans personal knowledge of the contents of the COA
Report. If at all, the case for the prosecution may rise or fall based on the
credibility of her testimony in establishing the petitioners acts or omissions
amounting to a violation of RA No. 3019. The Sandiganbayan found her
testimony credible and we find no reason to disagree with its finding.

Most importantly, the COAs findings are accorded great weight and
respect, unless they are clearly shown to be tainted with grave abuse of
discretion; the COA is the agency specifically given the power, authority
and duty to examine, audit and settle all accounts pertaining to the revenue
and receipts of, and expenditures or uses of fund and property owned by or
pertaining to, the government. It has the exclusive authority to define the
scope of its audit and examination, and to establish the required techniques
and methods. An audit is conducted to determine whether the amounts
allotted for certain expenditures were spent wisely, in keeping with official
guidelines and regulations.
Under the Rules on Evidence and considering
the COAs expertise on the matter, the presumption is that official duty has
been regularly performed unless there is evidence to the contrary. The
petitioners failed in this regard.

Elements of RA No. 3019 and the
prosecutions evidence

Section 3(e) of R.A. No. 3019 has three elements: (1) the accused is
a public officer discharging administrative, judicial, or official functions; (2)
[he or she] must have acted with manifest partiality, evident bad faith, or
[gross and] inexcusable negligence; and (3) [his or her] action caused any
undue injury to any party, including the government, or [gave] any private
party unwarranted benefits, advantage, or preference in the discharge of his
or her functions.

The first element is not disputed. We shall first determine the
existence of the third element since the prosecutions theory depends on the
existence of a shortage upon audit of the Cebu City governments funds. We
see no point in discussing the second element if the third element does not

Estino v. People, G.R. Nos. 163957-58 and 164009-11, April 7, 2009, 584 SCRA 304, 316.
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167

Causing undue injury or giving
unwarranted benefit

Citing Madarang v. Sandiganbayan,
Cesa argues that the
prosecution has not established the fact of Badanas unliquidated cash
advances because Ariesga himself testified that the cash examination and
audit of Badanas accountability has not been completed even at the time of
the prosecution of the case in the Sandiganbayan. Similarly, Gaviola adds
that no government employee has in fact complained of not being paid his or
her salary. In effect, the petitioners argue that the third element of violation
of Section 3(e) of RA No. 3019 is wanting.

The petitioners cannot rely on Madarang, which merely cited the case
of Dumagat v. Sandiganbayan,
to escape liability. Dumagat is a case for
malversation of funds where the evidence of shortage, appropriation,
conversion or loss of public funds was necessary, among other elements, for
conviction. In acquitting the accused, the Court pointed out that the audit
examination left much to be desired in terms of thoroughness and
completeness as there were accounts which were not considered.
audit examination was done not in the official station of the accused. The
accuseds other vaults that were located in other places and the records,
receipts, and cash contained therein were not made part of the audit
Lastly, the prosecution itself admitted where the accused
deposited her collections from particular areas.

In Tinga v. People,
again a case involving malversation of public
funds, the Court ruled that the prosecution failed to establish beyond
reasonable doubt that there were actually missing funds chargeable to the
accused . The Sandiganbayan itself found the many errors committed by the
COA in its audit, by including sums which were supposed to be excluded.
The Court expressly observed the incomplete and haphazard manner by
which the audit was conducted.

Unlike Dumagat and Tinga, however, the various irregularities found
by the COA itself, and affirmed by the Sandiganbayan, were the very ones
which actually contributed to the audit teams difficulty in completing the
audit. Significantly, nowhere does it appear that the incompleteness of the
audit pertains to its scope or that the audit team conducted the audit in a
haphazard manner. The fact that the person (Badana), who could actually
shed light on the shortage the COA found, is nowhere to be found cannot be

Supra note 47, at 629-630.
G.R. No. 96915, July 3, 1992, 211 SCRA 171.
Id. at 174-175.
243 Phil. 626 (1988).
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167

taken against the prosecution. The undisputed accumulation of funds in
Badanas hands, considering the amount given; the fact that the
disbursement vouchers do not exactly represent the amount of payroll to be
paid; and the COAs findings that there was a shortage merely reflect the
consequences of the petitioners acts or omissions and facilitated the
commission of possible malversation by Badana. Thus, undue injury was
sufficiently established.

Gross inexcusable negligence and
the petitioners defense of good faith

a1. Cesas defense of good faith

Under Section 470 of RA No. 7160, the City Treasurer is tasked with,
inter alia, the following duties: (1) to take custody of and exercise proper
management of the funds of the local government unit concerned; and (2) to
take charge of the disbursement of all local government funds and such other
funds the custody of which may be entrusted to him by law or other
competent authority. It is from the viewpoint of Cesas duties as a City
Treasurer that Cesas good faith should be measured, not simply from the
fact that he acted because a subordinate from his office is the one asking for
a cash advance. By certifying that the cash advances were necessary and
lawful and incurred under his direct supervision,
Cesa cannot escape the
obligation to determine whether Badana complied with Section 89 of PD
No. 1445, although the same requirement would have to be ultimately
determined by the City Accountant.
Section 89 of PD No. 1445 reads:

Sec. 89. Limitations on cash advance. No cash advance shall be
given unless for a legally authorized specific purpose. A cash advance
shall be reported on and liquidated as soon as the purpose for which it was
given has been served. No additional cash advance shall be allowed to any
official or employee unless the previous cash advance given to him is
settled or a proper accounting thereof is made.

The same requirement is reiterated in RA No. 7160:

Section 339. Cash Advances. - No cash advance shall be granted to
any local official or employee, elective or appointive, unless made in

Box of Disbursement Voucher.
It may not be amiss to point out, too, that violation of Section 89 of PD No. 1445 is in itself an
offense punishable under Section 128 of the same law. The mere failure to timely liquidate the cash
advance is the gravamen of the offense (People v. Sandiganbayan [Third Division], G.R. No. 174504,
March 21, 2011, 645 SCRA 726, 734). The criminal liability that may be incurred by the accountable
officer under the law emphasizes the importance of complying with the limitation in granting cash
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167

accordance with the rules and regulations as the Commission on Audit
may prescribe. [italics supplied]

Cesas claim that he precisely required Bacasmas to affix her initials
first on Box A before he actually signed it cannot exonerate him because
Bacasmas herself admitted that the practice then was simply to approve
the written request of the paymaster without requiring the presentation of the
supporting documents from the requesting paymaster. Accused Bacasmas
herself testified:

Q: Madam Witness, after preparing all these cash advances, disbursement
voucher and forwarded to the Office of the City Accountant, what are
those attachments your office prepared prior to the receiving of these cash
vouchers to the accountant.

A: What do you mean?

Q: What are those supporting documents?

A: Of the disbursement vouchers?

Q: Yes.

A: It is the written request of the paymaster concerned, sir. We
practice that so long ago, sir. It is only the written request of the
paymaster, no other requirements was required by us.

Q: How about those payrolls, are these payrolls attached to that voucher?

x x x x

AJ Ferrer: The question is very simple, the voucher is prepared in your
office and then it is sent to the accountant. Now, the question is, when
you sent the vouchers to the accountant, is it accompanied by the
payrolls, yes or no?

Witness: No your Honor.

Atty. Abrenica: Only the vouchers were transmitted to the accountant for
approval, without any attachment?

A: That is prepared by the paymaster.

Q: What was the basis of transmitting request as attached by you in the

x x x x

Pros. Somido: There is no showing that she was the one who attached the
disbursement vouchers.
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167

AJ Ferrer: That is what she said that she attaches that to the disbursement
and sent to the accountant.

Q: What is the basis of your attaching the request to the voucher when you
sent it to the accountant?

A: The approved payrolls are there already in the paymaster, so, they
will sum up the payroll and then that is the amount they will cash

As the immediate superior of Badana and who affixes her initials
before accused Cesa signs Box A, Bacasmas testimony clearly establishes a
practice in the Office of the Cash Division of simply relying on the request
of the paymaster without actually requiring the submission of the necessary
documents in support of the request. Contrary to Cesas claims, he was not
trivially signing Box A of the disbursement voucher as a mere requesting
party; he has performed a vital role in its processing and the consequent
disbursement of public funds.
The instruction at the back of the voucher
itself states that:

1. x x x

6. Box A shall be signed by the responsible officer having direct
supervision and knowledge of the facts of the transaction.

In view of the clear duty of the City Treasurer to exercise proper
management of the funds of the local government, Cesas insistence that he
merely followed the established procedures and systems - which can only
refer to the practice observed in the Office of the Cash Division all the
more negated his defense of good faith. He cannot rely on good faith based
on the act of a subordinate where the documents that would support the
subordinates action (Bacasmas countersignature) were not even in his
(Cesas) possession for examination.

Similarly, even ordinary diligence in the performance of his duties as
City Treasurer should have prompted Cesa to determine if the cash advance
requested is necessary not only as to its purpose but also as to its amount
to ensure that local funds are properly spent up to the last centavo.

TSN Volume 12, February 27, 2002, pp. 38-41.
See Recamadas v. Sandiganbayan, 239 Phil. 355, (1987).
Supra note 75.
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167

a2. The decision in the
administrative case against Cesa is
not controlling in the criminal case

Cesa argues that since the Ombudsman found him administratively
liable for simple neglect of duty only, then the Sandiganbayan gravely erred
in convicting him under Section 3(e) of RA No. 3019 for gross inexcusable

We disagree with this argument.

That an administrative case is independent from the criminal action,
although both arose from the same act or omission, is elementary. Given the
differences in the quantum of evidence required, the procedure observed, the
sanctions imposed, as well as in the objective of the two proceedings, the
findings and conclusions in one should not necessarily be binding on the
other. Thus, as a rule, exoneration in the administrative case is not a bar to a
criminal prosecution for the same or similar acts which were the subject of
the administrative complaint or vice versa.

In the present case, we stress that the Ombudsman made an express
finding that Cesa failed to exercise the diligence of a good father of a family
in safeguarding the funds of the city government. Thus, Cesa (together with
Bacasmas and Jaca) was found administratively liable by the Ombudsman
for neglect of duty. If the exoneration from an administrative charge does
not in itself bar criminal prosecution, then with more reason should the
principle apply where the respondent was found to have committed an
administrative infraction.

The Court is not unaware of the rule that if there was a categorical
finding in the administrative case that expressly rules out one (or more) of
the essential elements of the crime for which the respondent is likewise
sought to be held liable, then his exoneration in the administrative case can
be pleaded for his acquittal in the criminal case.
This rule, however,
obviously finds no application in the present case. The CA and,
subsequently, this Court merely affirmed the administrative finding of the
Ombudsman that Cesa and his co-petitioners are guilty of neglect of duty.
Nowhere did the uniform rulings in the administrative case even hint that the

Ferrer, Jr. v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 161067, March 14, 2008, 548 SCRA 460, 466-467;
Paredes, Jr. v. Sandiganbayan, 322 Phil. 709, 730 (1996); and Tan v. Commission on Elections, G.R. No.
112093, October 4, 1994, 237 SCRA 353, 359.
Nicolas v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. Nos. 175930-31 and 176010-11, February 11, 2008, 544 SCRA
324, 346-347; See also Constantino v. Sandiganbayan (First Division), G.R. Nos. 140656 and 154482,
September 13, 2007, 533 SCRA 205, 229.
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167

administrative finding bars or forecloses a further determination of the
gravity of the petitioners negligence as was the prosecutions theory for
purposes of criminal prosecution.

b1. Jacas defense of good faith

According to Jaca, he affixed his signature on Box B of the
disbursement vouchers, as a ministerial duty, in order to avoid delay in the
payment of the Cebu City government employees salaries. Jaca practically
admitted having done so even if she knew that Badanas previous cash
advances had not yet been liquidated, and, that she did not bother to inform
the COA that the accounting tools (index card and subsidiary ledger) did not
accurately monitor cash advances.
The Sandiganbayan tried to elicit a
plausible form of the defense of good faith from Jaca but her answer could
not be more categorical.


No, no. The witness may answer. Its very clear. Let me rephrase
your question and correct the Court if it is stated in a wrong manner. The
question of the prosecutor is something like this. Whenever this (sic) is a
document presented to you which covers the salaries of other employees
despite the fact that you are aware that it also contains cash advances
being requested by Rosalina Badana, you have to sign it notwithstanding
the fact that you know, you are aware that the previous one were still
unliquidated? You have to sign it?


Yes, your honor.

Will you please tell us why you have to do that? Could you not
make any qualification? Can you not say that I am signing the box just for
the release of the salaries of the employees but with respect to Rosalina
Badana, you are objecting to the additional cash advances being
requested? Can you not say that?


Precisely, it is because, your Honor, our records which COA
insisted should be effective tool for monitoring. It is simply not effective,
the index cards and subsidiary ledgers.


Can you not execute additional documents to that effect saying that
I have to sign it because I have to do it. If not, it will affect the salaries of

TSN Volume 15, pp. 47-48, 54-55.
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167

other employees but, with respect to Rosalina Badana, we are entering our
objection. I cannot sign it because there were amounts which were given
and remain unliquidated. Can you not do that, just to save your neck?


There is a pro-forma voucher, your Honor, and we find it did not
occur to us at that time that we may we will add anything in that box.


So, in other words, you agree to the question of the prosecutor that
you have no choice even though you are aware that what you are doing is
wrong, you have to blindly sign the box provided for in that document?


Thats it, your Honor.

x x x x


Q: Now, you said earlier that the internal control of the [COA] x x x
You said that these were not actually effective, am I correct, maam? I am
referring to the index cards and other forms that are supposed to be used in
the control system of the audit. You said these are not effective?

x x x x

[A:] Yes, your Honor.


Why did you say that?

Because of the criteria of the [COA] for the tool to be effective, it
should be accurate and up-to-date. Our index cards and our subsidiary
ledgers do not qualify that, your Honor.


Are you not in a position to tell those audit people in the COA, that
what you are doing is not correct and not accurate? x x x


It was only at that time that these were brought out and the COA
mentioned that these devices are supposed to be our controls.

Dont you feel that the amount of P18M is already substantial
enough for you to blow the whistle?
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167


That P18M, sir, came out after the cash examination of Badana.
During those years, during the months preceding that, we did not know.
There was no way of knowing at our end how much has Badana

RA No. 7160 charges the city accountant with both the accounting
and internal audit services of the local government unit and, among others,
to (1) install and maintain an internal audit system in the local government
unit; (2) review supporting documents before the preparation of vouchers to
determine the completeness of the requirements; (3) prepare statements of
cash advances, liquidation, salaries, allowances, reimbursements and
remittances pertaining to the local government unit; (4) prepare statements
of journal vouchers and liquidation of the same and other adjustments
related thereto; (5) post individual disbursements to the subsidiary ledger
and index cards; and (6) maintain individual ledgers for officials and
employees of the local government unit pertaining to payrolls and
As the City Accountant, Jaca is presumed conversant with the
pertinent COA rules and regulations in granting cash advances, i.e., COA
Circular No. 90-331, COA Circular No. 92-382 and COA Circular No. 97-
002, but which were consistently not observed by the petitioners.

1. No additional cash advance shall be allowed to any official or
employee unless the previous cash advance given him is first settled or
a proper accounting thereof is made.

2. The cash advance shall be equal to the net amount of the payroll for a
pay period.

3. The cash advance shall be supported by the following documents:
- Payroll or list of payees with their net payments
4. The accountable officer shall liquidate his cash advance as follows:
salaries, wages, etc. within five days after each 15 day/end of the
month pay period.

The Court is not persuaded by Jacas argument that she was merely
avoiding any delay in the payment of salaries of local government
employees when she consequently failed to observe the COA rules on the
period of liquidation of cash advances. The Sandiganbayan correctly
observed that as the City Accountant, foremost of her duties is to ensure that
the local funds out of which the salaries of local government employees

TSN, Volume 15, August 7, 2003, pp. 53-57.
RA No. 7160, Section 474.
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167

would be paid are properly accounted for.
As Cesa implicitly argued, the
creation of the Office of the City Accountant
serves an important function
of pre-audit in the chain of processing cash advances of individual

A pre-audit is an examination of financial transactions before their
consumption or payment; a pre-audit seeks to determine, among others, that
the claim is duly supported by authentic underlying pieces of evidence.
the setup then prevailing in the Cebu City government directly conflicts with
the COA regulations, Jaca should have, at the very least, informed the City
Mayor of the risk in the process of disbursement of local funds or at least she
should have set up an internal audit system - as was her duty to check
against possible malversation of funds by the paymaster.

That no one claimed that his/her salaries has not been paid is beside
the point. In the present case, aside from Jacas admission that she
knowingly affixed her signature in Box B of the disbursement voucher
contrary to what it certifies, i.e., all previous cash advances had been
liquidated and accounted for, the amount requested was consistently way
above the total amount covered by the supporting payrolls, thereby allowing
Badana to have accumulated excess funds in her hands.

c1. Gaviolas defense of good faith

In his defense, Gaviola invokes our ruling in Arias v.
and argues that he signed Box C of the disbursement
vouchers (i) only after his co-accused had previously affixed their signatures
and (ii) only if they were complete with supporting documents.

Section 305 of RA No. 7160 reads:
Section 305. Fundamental Principles. - The financial affairs, transactions, and operations
of local government units shall be governed by the following fundamental principles:

x x x x

(l) Fiscal responsibility shall be shared by all those exercising authority over the
financial affairs, transactions, and operations of the local government units[.]

It was only on February 7, 1994 that the Cebu City government created the new Office of the City
Accountant pursuant to Section 474, paragraph (a) of RA No. 7160. It was created precisely to assist the
local chief executive in managing the resources to its optimum use through proper accounting
( last accessed November 19, 2012.
Director Villanueva v. Commission on Audit, 493 Phil. 887, 899-901 (2005).
259 Phil. 794 (1989).
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167

c1.1 The Arias ruling and subsequent cases

In the seminal case of Arias v. Sandiganbayan
involving the
prosecution and conviction of a public official for violation of RA No. 3019,
the Court ruled:

We would be setting a bad precedent if a head of office plagued by
all too common problems - dishonest or negligent subordinates, overwork,
multiple assignments or positions, or plain incompetence - is suddenly
swept into a conspiracy conviction simply because he did not personally
examine every single detail, painstakingly trace every step from inception,
and investigate the motives of every person involved in a transaction
before affixing his signature as the final approving authority.

x x x x

We can, in retrospect, argue that Arias should have probed records,
inspected documents, received procedures, and questioned persons. It is
doubtful if any auditor for a fairly sized office could personally do all
these things in all vouchers presented for his signature. The Court would
be asking for the impossible. All heads of offices have to rely to a
reasonable extent on their subordinates and on the good faith of those who
prepare bids, purchase supplies, or enter into negotiations. xxx There has
to be some added reason why he should examine each voucher in such
detail. Any executive head of even small government agencies or
commissions can attest to the volume of papers that must be signed. There
are hundreds of documents, letters, memoranda, vouchers, and supporting
papers that routinely pass through his hands. The number in bigger offices
or departments is even more appalling.

There should be other grounds than the mere signature or
approval appearing on a voucher to sustain a conspiracy charge and
(italics supplied; emphases ours)

The Court has since applied the Arias ruling to determine not only
and administrative
liability, but even the existence of
probable cause to file an information
in the context of an allegation of

In Siztoza v. Desierto, involving the Ombudsmans determination of
probable cause for violation of RA No. 3019, the Court expounded on the
reach of Arias, thus:

Id. at 801-802
Magsuci v. Sandiganbayan, a case involving estafa through falsification of public documents.
Leycano, Jr. v. Commission on Audit, 517 Phil. 428 (2006); Albert v. Chairman Gangan, 406 Phil.
235 (2001).
Alfonso v. Office of the President, G.R. No. 150091, April 2, 2007, 520 SCRA 64, 66.
Sistoza v. Desierto, supra note 48, a prosecution for Section 3(e) of RA No. 3019.
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167

The fact that [Sistoza] had knowledge of the status of [the
contractor] as being only the second lowest bidder does not ipso facto
characterize [his] act of reliance as recklessly imprudent xxx. Albeit
misplaced, reliance in good faith by a head of office on a subordinate upon
whom the primary responsibility rests negates an imputation of conspiracy
by gross inexcusable negligence to commit graft and corruption. As things
stand, [Sistoza] is presumed to have acted honestly and sincerely when he
depended upon responsible assurances that everything was aboveboard
since it is not always the case that second best bidders in terms of price are
automatically disqualified from the award considering that the PBAC
reserves the authority to select the best bid not only in terms of the price
offered but other factors as well. x x x

Verily, even if petitioner erred in his assessment of the extrinsic
and intrinsic validity of the documents presented to him for
endorsement, his act is all the same imbued with good faith because
the otherwise faulty reliance upon his subordinates, who were
primarily in charge of the task, falls within parameters of tolerable
judgment and permissible margins of error. Stated differently,
granting that there were flaws in the bidding procedures, x x x there was
no cause for [Sistoza] to x x x investigate further since neither the defects
in the process nor the unfairness or injustice in the actions of his
subalterns are definite, certain, patent and palpable from a perusal of
the supporting documents.
(emphases ours)

In Leycano, Jr. v. Commission on Audit,
the Court clarified that for
one to successfully invoke Arias, the public official must then be acting in
his capacity as head of office.
In Cruz v. Sandiganbayan,
where the Court
sustained the petitioners conviction for violation of Section 3(e) of RA No.
3019, it observed that the fact that the checks issued as payment for
construction materials purchased by the municipality were not made payable
to the supplier x x x but to petitioner himself even as the disbursement
vouchers attached thereto were in the name of [the supplier] constitute an
added reason for the petitioner to further examine the documents.

c2.2 The Arias ruling and the present case

The Arias ruling squarely applies where, in the performance of his
official duties, the head of an office is being held to answer for his act of
relying on the acts of his subordinate. In its Memorandum,
the prosecution
submitted that the petitioners were the heads of the three independent
offices at the time material to the controversy, i.e., the Office of the City
Treasurer, the Office of the City Accountant and the Office of the City

Id. at 134-135.
517 Phil. 426, 435 (2006).
See also Dugayon v. People, 479 Phil. 930, 941 (2004).
504 Phil. 321, 334-335 (2005).
See also Santillano v. People, G.R. Nos. 175045-46, March 3, 2010, 614 SCRA 164.
Rollo (G.R. No. 166974), p. 311.
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167

Administrator. On this point alone, Gaviolas reliance on Arias already
stands on shaky grounds.

However, the Court observes that the key functions of the City
Administrator do not relate either to the management of or accounting of
funds of the local government or to internal audit. His concern is the overall
administration and management of the affairs of the local government as a
whole. Given the prior certifications of the two other offices; the internal
check employed by Gaviola before affixing his signature; and the
intervening process before the voucher actually reaches the City
Administrator, the Court cannot consider the deficiency in the particulars of
payment alone to charge Gaviola with knowledge that something was
amiss and that his failure to do so would amount to gross and inexcusable
negligence. Unlike the signatures on the disbursement vouchers of the City
Treasurer and of the City Accountant, the City Administrator signs Box C
ultimately as an approving officer without any direct involvement in the
management and audit of local government funds before and after the
disbursement. It would seem, therefore, that Gaviolas own reliance on the
signatures of the heads of the two other offices is not entirely misplaced.

The signatures of the other petitioners, however, are only part of the
picture. Gaviolas reliance on these alone does not establish good faith if the
bare signatures on the voucher and the written request from the paymaster
are all that he has with him when he affixed his signature on Box C.

Amidst conflicting assertions, the Sandiganbayan gave credence to the
prosecutions evidence that the disbursement vouchers did not have the
required supporting documents when Gaviola affixed his signature. While
the vouchers themselves indicate that it had gone through the Internal
Control Office, allegedly for a determination of the completeness of the
supporting documents before Pea finally turned it over to Gaviola, the
Sandiganbayan gave emphasis on Gaviolas failure to present evidence that
he indeed requested the submission of the supposed attachments from the
COA and put a premium on Chans testimony.

We find no reason to reverse the Sandiganbayan. Additionally, we
observe that while payment of salaries of employees of the Cebu City
government is either on a quincena or weekly basis, still there are only two
payrolls prepared, corresponding to the first and second halves of the month.
The payroll for the first quincena is prepared on the first week of the month,
in time for the weekly-paid employees to receive their first week salary. For
purpose of payment for the next pay periods - the payment of the 2

This sets Gaviolas case apart from Dr. Alejandro v. People, 252 Phil. 412 (1989). In Alejandro,
the Court acquitted the petitioner-accused who merely relied on the certifications of his subordinates.
Whether the supporting documents are in order or complete is not a factual issue in Alejandro.
Decision G.R. Nos. 166967, 166974 & 167167

salary and the 1
quincena - the payroll (together with its supporting
documents) stays with the paymaster/disbursing officer.
This arrangement
only means that if Badana would make a cash advance for the 1
week or 3

week, the disbursement vouchers could not actually be supported by
complete documents since the same stay with the paymaster herself.

As described by the prosecution, the offices involved in the
processing of cash advances are technically independent of each other; one
office does not form part of, or is strictly under, another. Thus, each has
independent functions to perform to ensure that the funds of the local
government are disbursed properly and are well accounted for. While the
Court views Gaviolas failure to inquire further before affixing his signature
despite the absence of the particulars of payment in the disbursement
vouchers as negligence on his part,
to additionally affix his signature
despite the lack of supporting documents only shows a gross and
inexcusable disregard of the consequences of his act as approving authority.
If Gaviola bothered to glance at the supporting documents, he could have
signaled to his co-accused that their acts or omissions opened an opportunity
for Badana to commit malversation that would result in a loss to the local
governments coffers.

Conspiracy and conviction

In Sistoza, the Court already intimated on the possibility of
committing a violation of Section 3(e) of RA No. 3019 through gross and
inexcusable negligence, and of incurring collective criminal responsibility
through a conspiracy.

x x x As we have consistently held, evidence of guilt must be
premised upon a more knowing, personal and deliberate participation of
each individual who is charged with others as part of a conspiracy.

Furthermore, even if the conspiracy were one of silence and
inaction arising from gross inexcusable negligence, it is nonetheless
essential to prove that the breach of duty borders on malice and is
characterized by flagrant, palpable and willful indifference to
consequences insofar as other persons may be affected.

As earlier discussed, considering that the gravity of negligence
required by law for a violation of Section 3(e) of RA No. 3019 to exist falls
short of the degree of bad faith or partiality to violate the same provision, a
conspiracy of silence and inaction arising from gross inexcusable negligence

TSN, Volume 15, pp. 29-31; Volume 13, p. 13.
Magsuci v. Sandiganbayan, 310 Phil. 14, 20 (1995).
Supra note 48, at 316.
() R. Nos. 1()6967, 16()074 & 167167
would almost always be infetTed only from the surrounding circumstances
and the parties' acts or omissions that, taken together, inclic<Jte a common
and concurrence nf sentitnents rt'specting the commission of
the ofTi;:nsc.
:' The duties and responsibilities that the occupancy of a public
office carry and the degree of relationship of interdependence n f the
ditTerent olTices involved here Jete;n1ine tl1e existence of conspiracy where
gmss inexcusable negligence was the moclc of commission ofthe
For emphasis, the petitioners are all heads of their respective offices
that perform interdependent functions in the processing of cash advances.
The petitioners' attitude of buck-passing in the t8ce of the irregularities in
the voucher the absence of supporting documents), as established by
the prosecution, and their indifference to their individual and collective
duties to ensure that laws and are observed in the clisbu1 sement
uf the funds of the local governnwnt of Cebu C'<lll only lead to a linclt!H.!_ or
'---' ..
con::piracy of silence cllld inaction, contemplated 111 Sistozn. The
Snndig:1nbayan correctly observed
Finally, it bears stressing that the separate acts or omic-sions of all
the accused in the present ca"e contributed in the end result of defrauding
the gc,vernment. \Vithout anyone nf these acts or omissions, the end
would not have been achieved. Suffice it to say that since erteh of the
clccused c0ntributed to attain the end goal, it can be concluded that their
acts. taken collectively, s:-1tis!Rctorily prove the existence of conspiracy
among tllen1.
WHEREFORE, prernises considered, we hereby DENY the petitions
for lack of merit and thereby AI_7FI Rl\1 the decision cl<1ted December 16,
2004 ancl the resolution cbtecl February I, 2005 of tlte Sandiganbayan in
Crimin<ll Case No.

Associate Just;ce
I 05
Guy 1'. !'en,,fc, (I R. Nos. J(,6'l91-'i:, and 1670R8-90. Milrch 20.1009, SCI{/\ 107.
1 2'i.
Decision ofSandiganhayan. vullr I( . R. 16''167). p. 110.


-- q:_), /

r attest the conclusions in th: above Decision had been reached in
consultation belc1t-e the case w8s 8';sipncd to the \\Titer of the opinion of the
( 'lwi rpersnn
C F: R T I P I C A T l 0 N
Pt1rsu8nt to Section 13. Article V!JI of the Constitution, and the
Divis1nn Chairperson's 1\tlestation, it is hereby certified that the conch!sions
in ihe 8hove Decision had been n.'8ched in consult<'ltion bt:lore the case \\a:;
as:;igncd to the \'-'Titer of the ()pin inn of th? Court's Divbtn!l.
Chief .f ustice

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