Pathological Pattern of Atypical Meningioma-Diagnostic Criteria and Tumor Recurrence Predictors by Mohamed A.R Arbab
Pathological Pattern of Atypical Meningioma-Diagnostic Criteria and Tumor Recurrence Predictors by Mohamed A.R Arbab
Pathological Pattern of Atypical Meningioma-Diagnostic Criteria and Tumor Recurrence Predictors by Mohamed A.R Arbab
C in water
path for 30 minutes (Dako Denmark A/S,
productionsvej 42 DK-2600 Glostrup,
Denmark). Dako pen was used for drawing a
circle around the reaction area on the slides.
The slides were then placed in washing buffer
for 10 minutes, followed by hydrogen
peroxide for peroxidase blocking, and then
washed in washing buffer for 15 minutes. ,
The primary antibody was added to all
sections for 30 minutes, then washed in
buffer for 15 minutes, followed by link
solution (HRP) for 25 minutes, and washed in
buffer for 15 minutes, and then diluted DAB
solution was added for 10 minutes, and
washed twice in water and washing buffer
respectively. Mayers heamatoxyline was
used as a counter stain and the slides were
cover slipped using DPX mounting medium.
All sections were examined under the light
microscope. The MIB-1 LI is calculated as
the percentage of tumor cell nuclei that stain
positive out of the total number of tumor cell
nuclei counted, as ( >5%, <5% and ve ).
Data processing and statistical analysis
Data were analyzed using SPSS 13 software
with reference P.value of 0.05 was
considered statistically significant.
During the period from 2007 to 2012 a total
of 44 cases were operated upon for cranial
tumor and diagnosed as atypical meningioma
according to WHO 2007 criteria, accounting
to 12% of the total number of cranial
meningioma operated upon during the same
period. Males constituted 38.9% and females
61 %. Parietal and frontal falx locations were
the most common anatomical locations
constituting 30.6% and 25.0% respectively.
According to the WHO 2007 criteria, high
nucleus to cytoplasmic ratio and increase
mitotic figures were seen in 29 patients each
(65.9%), followed by necrosis in 54.5% of
the patients. Brain invasion was identified in
3 patients and bone invasion in 6 other
patients and in other two patients
inflammatory cells with lymphocytes
infiltrate were identified (Table 1).
In the recurrent group (12 cases) and the
random non-recurrent (16 cases) which was
International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-7, August 2014 ISSN 2348-6848
PREDICTORS Mohamed A.R Arbab , Sawsan A Aldeaf, Lamyaa A M El Hassan, Beshir M Beshir ,
Alsadeg F.B. Gassoum & Ahmed M El Hassan
P a g e | 846
processed for Ki 67 immunostaining, positive
immunostaining for Ki 67 antigen was
identified in 27 cases (96.4%), and only one
case was negative. The Li of Ki 67 antigen
was calculated as (>5% and <5%) of positive
cells nuclei out of the total number of tumor
cells. Seventeen of the cases showed Li Ki 67
of >5% constituting (62.9%). and 10 of the
cases were <5% (Table 2).
Positive immunostaining for Ki 67 was
identified in 14 cases (66.6%) with sections
showing high nuclear cytoplasmic ratio, 13
patients (61.9%) with increased mitotic
figure and in 11 patients (52.3%) with tumor
necrosis (Fig. 1).
Within the twelve patients (42.8%) with
tumor recurrence, the dominant WHO 2007
criteria, were high nuclear cytoplasmic ratio
(75%), increased mitotic figures (66.7%) and
hyper cellularity in (58.3%) (Table 2).
Meningioma has been recognized as a tumor
entity for nearly 200 years. It accounts for 24-
30% of intracranial tumors and they are
considered mostly as benign
. A significant
minority are atypical (WHO Grade II).
Whole older series put the proportion of
atypical meningioma at 5-7%; the actual
proportion using the current WHO
definitions is probably 15-20%.
Before the 2000 WHO classification
scheme, several subjective classification
systems existed. The (2000 WHO) grading
system reclassified meningioma, creating
standard diagnostic criteria, including WHO
Grade II (atypical) meningioma, that is
composed of ; 4 mitotic cells per 10 hpf
and/or 3 or more of the following: hyper
cellularity, small cells, necrosis, prominent
nucleoli, and sheeting.
Further revision of the WHO scheme in 2007
included brain invasion in an otherwise
Grade I tumor as an additional criterion for a
WHO Grade II lesion
. This recent WHO
2007 classification provides broad criteria for
differentiating benign and atypical
meningioma, with hyper cellularity and
increased mitotic index as possible predictors
for recurrence. Necrosis and focal necrosis
have also been regarded as indicators of
recurrence. Some studies has reported on the
histological features of meningioma and the
genetic predisposition to the disease
.Numbers of macrophages and T and
CD8 lymphocytes in meningioma have been
related to atypical histology
In the present study, we adopted the above
WHO 2007 grading criteria. The
histopathological criteria for the accurate
interpretation of atypical meningioma have
been well adopted as defined in this study.
This scoring system clearly distinguished
benign and atypical variants of meningioma.
It is being emphasized that neuro pathologists
should be familiar with these criteria and the
scoring system. In addition, an accurate
interpretation of the atypical meningioma is
essential since these tumors are likely to recur
much earlier than benign and may necessitate
adjuvant radiotherapy as treatment modality.
Results of this study have shown that the
atypical meningioma (WHO Grade II)
constituted 9.4% of all meningioma that were
seen during a five year period 2007-2012 at
the NCNS. They were diagnosed using the
WHO 2007 morphological criteria. In the
present series, small cell components with
International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-7, August 2014 ISSN 2348-6848
PREDICTORS Mohamed A.R Arbab , Sawsan A Aldeaf, Lamyaa A M El Hassan, Beshir M Beshir ,
Alsadeg F.B. Gassoum & Ahmed M El Hassan
P a g e | 847
high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio and
increased mitotic figures were the most
common features seen, followed by necrosis
and to less extent the other remaining criteria.
The histological criteria in the recurrent
specimens are observed in order of
frequency, high nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio
in 75%, increased mitotic figures in 66.7%
and hypercellurarity in 58%. The other
criteria are less frequent. Furthermore the
histological patterns of the recurrent tumors
and the Ki67 Li have distinct association.
While small cell components with high
nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio, increased
mitotic figures and tumor necrosis seem to be
strong histological indicators of atypical
meningioma, co-existence of Ki 67 Li and/or
small cell components with high nuclear
cytoplasmic ratio, increased mitosis and
hyper cellularity are strong predictors of
tumor recurrence. Accurate histopathological
diagnosis of atypical meningioma is essential
for predicting the recurrence and biological
behavior as well as for planning post-
operative treatment modalities. Large scale
series is needed to consolidate the results of
this study. The frontal and falx areas were the
most common sites affected followed by the
temporal area, CPA and sellar regions. The
anatomic location does not seem to influence
the biological behavior of the tumor.
In conclusion the present study suggests that
small cell components with high nuclear
cytoplasmic ratio, increased mitotic figure
and areas of necrosis are strong histological
criteria for diagnosis of atypical meningioma
while coexistence of Li Ki 67 is a predictor
for tumor recurrence.
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International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-7, August 2014 ISSN 2348-6848
PREDICTORS Mohamed A.R Arbab , Sawsan A Aldeaf, Lamyaa A M El Hassan, Beshir M Beshir ,
Alsadeg F.B. Gassoum & Ahmed M El Hassan
P a g e | 848
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International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-7, August 2014 ISSN 2348-6848
PREDICTORS Mohamed A.R Arbab , Sawsan A Aldeaf, Lamyaa A M El Hassan, Beshir M Beshir ,
Alsadeg F.B. Gassoum & Ahmed M El Hassan
P a g e | 849
$igures and Tables
Fig. 1 Positive immune staining for Ki 67 showing Li Ki67 >5% (A) and <5% (B).
Table 1 WHO 2007 histological criteria of 44 patients with atypical meningioma
Histologic criterion N!"er o# c$ses %
Incre$se' !itosis () *+,) celll$rit- /* 0*,1
M$cronclei (/ 12,2
Hig3 ncle$r to c-to.l$s!ic r$tio () *+,)
Necrosis (1 +1,+
H-.erc3ro!$si$ /0 (),+
Ncleoli 0 *,4
5r$in in6$sion 0 *,4
5one in6$sion * /0,*
In#l$!!$tor- cells ( 1,+
Tot$l 11 /77
International Journal of Research (IJR) Vol-1, Issue-7, August 2014 ISSN 2348-6848
PREDICTORS Mohamed A.R Arbab , Sawsan A Aldeaf, Lamyaa A M El Hassan, Beshir M Beshir ,
Alsadeg F.B. Gassoum & Ahmed M El Hassan
P a g e | 850
Table 2. WHO 2007 histologic criteria and Li Ki67 of 12 patients with recurrent atypical
Histologic criterion N!"er o# c$ses 8it3 .ositi6e Li 9i*2 Tot$l %
:+% ;+%
Incre$se' !itosis * ( 4 **,2 celll$rit- 1 0 2 +4,0
M$cronclei 1 / + 1/,2
Hig3 ncle$r c-to.l$s!ic r$tio 2 ( ) 2+,7
Necrosis 1 / + 1/,2
H-.erc3ro!$si$ / 7 / 4,0
Ncleoli / / ( /*,*
5r$in in6$sion 7 7 7 7
5one in6$sion 7 7 7 7
In#l$!!$tor- cells 7 7 7 )
Tot$l (2 /7