M.M.University, Mullana: B.Tech (Seventh Semester) Mechanical Engineering ME 401 Automobile Engineering
M.M.University, Mullana: B.Tech (Seventh Semester) Mechanical Engineering ME 401 Automobile Engineering
M.M.University, Mullana: B.Tech (Seventh Semester) Mechanical Engineering ME 401 Automobile Engineering
B.Tech (Seventh Semester) Mechanical Engineering
ME !" A#t$m$%ile Engineering
L T & The$r'( )!
! ! *$ntin#$#s Eval#ati$n( !
Time( +
,$#rs *re-it(
Unit."( Brie/ 0escri1ti$n $/ A#t$m$%ile Engines
Brief history of automobiles, Main components of an automobile, brief description of
each component, FWD, RWD & 4WD, Type of automobiles. Use of automobiles in
different sectors, e.. Transportations, industries, farmin sectors, etc.!nine types,
pistons and piston rins, "al"es and "al"e trains, coolin systems and their components,
antifree#e mi$tures. %ubrication purpose and "arious systems of lubrication, types
and desirable properties of lubricants, components li&e oil filters, oil pumps, and oil
pressure indicators, air supply system, air filters, difference bet'een turbo charer and
super charer.
Unit.2( &$3er Train
(lutch function and its principal, different types of clutch, tor)ue con"erters* manual and
automatic transmission+ transa$les* slidin constantly & synchromesh earbo$es,
!picyclic earbo$. Differential & its principal, ,ropeller shafts and uni"ersal -oint front
and rear a$les.
Unit.+( Bra4e S'stems, 5heel 6 T'res
Bra&in efficiency and stoppin distances. Types of bra&es, Drum and disc bra&es.
Detailed description of hydraulic and pneumatic bra&e. Mechanical, "acuum and
electrical methods of bra&e actuation, ser"o bra&es, .B/, type of 'heels, tyres, type of
tyres* cross ply, radial, tubeless etc. /pecification of tyres.
Unit.( S#s1ensi$n S'stem, Steering an- Recent Tren-s in A#t$m$%ile
/prins, shoc& absorbers, independent suspension, road sprins. Factors of steerin
eometry, details, correct steerin anle, .c&erman steerin mechanism. (ornerin
po'er, o"er steerin and under steerin. Worm 'heel and Rac& pinion types of steerin
ears. /afety steerin columns, po'er steerin, Multi fuel automobiles, .utomobiles
runnin on alternate sources of enery, !mission control throuh catalytic con"erter,
Double catalytic con"erter, .spects of pollution control in .utomobiles.
Rec$mmen-e- B$$4s(
0. .utomobile !nineerin by Dr. 1irpal /inh 23ol. 4 & 44 5
6. .utomobile !nineerin by 7.B./. 8aran.
9. .utomoti"e Technoloy by :.M. /ethi.
4. .utomobile !nineerin by Bana & /inh.
;. Motor 3ehicles<8e'ton & /teed
=. Motor Manuals 23ol 4 to 344 5 <..W. >ude.
?. .utomobile Mechanics< W.:. (rouse.
@. .utomoti"e Mechanics<>oseph :eithner.
N7TE( In the semester e8aminati$n, the e8aminer 3ill set 9 :#esti$ns in all, at
least t3$ :#esti$n /r$m each #nit, an- st#-ents 3ill %e re:#ire- t$ attem1t $nl' ;
:#esti$ns, at least $ne /r$m each #nit.
B.Tech. (Seventh Semester) Mechanical Engineering
ME !+ Meas#rements an- A#t$mati$n
L T & The$r'( )!
! ! *$ntin#$#s Eval#ati$n( !
+ ,$#rs *re-it(
Unit."( *$nce1t an- *lassi/icati$n $/ Meas#rement S'stem
Definition, application of measurement instrumentation, functional elementsA of a enerali#ed
measurin system, measurin standards, types of measurement, types of input to measurin
instruments and instrument system, classification of measurin instruments, merits and demerits
of mechanical measurin systems, comparison of mechanical measurin system 'ith electrical
measurin systems, calibration.
4ntroduction, types of error, types of uncertainties, propaation of uncertainties in compound
)uantity, /tatic performance parametersB accuracy, precision, resolution, static sensiti"ity,
linearity, hysteresis, dead band, bac&lash, and drift., sources of error, selection of a
measurin instruments, mechanical and electrical loadin,
Unit.2( 0'namic *haracteristics
Fundamentals of dynamic characteristics, enerali#ed mathematical model of measurin
systems, types of input, dynamic performance parametersB dynamic error, speed of
response etc, dynamic response of a first order mechanical systems 'ith different inputs
e.. step, ramp, sinusoidal and impulse input
4ntroduction, types of measurin data, statistical attributes, "arious method of presentation,
estimation of presentation and uncertainties, confidence le"el, precision and statistical
treatments of sinle and multi sample type e$perimental data, (hau"enetCs criteria of re-ectin
a dubious data, cur"e fittin, best linear calibration and its precision, sinificant fiures and
roundin off. D"erall uncertainty estimation of measurin systems, common sense approach,
and enineerin applications.
Unit.+( Trans-#cers an- L$a- *ells
4ntroduction, primary function, classification, electrostatic transducersB principle theory, types,
ad"antaes, and limitations, Fi$ed contact mechano<resisti"e transducersB classification, and
uses, Metallic resistance strain aueB types, construction theory of operation, .dhesi"eB
property, selection criteria, mountin of strain aues, Mathematical analysis of ballast and
D( Wheatstone bride circuits
(haracteristic and comparison of ballast and D( Wheatstone bride circuits, temperature
effects and their compensation
Measurement of load, force, and thrust usin resistant strain aues, !lastic load cells, pro"in
rins, fluid pressure measurement in pipe and containers, usin strain aues, measurin of
tor)ue in transmission shaft under a$ial and bendin loads in "aryin ambient conditions.
Unit.( *lassi/icati$n $/ *$ntr$l S'stems
4ntroduction, classification of control systems, control system terminoloy, ser"omechanism,
process control and reulators, Manual and automatic control systems, physical systems and
mathematical models, linear control systems, %aplace transform, transfer function, bloc&
diaram, sinal flo' raphs, system stability, Time and fre)uency domain.
4ntroduction, functional operation, desirable characteristics of hydraulic fluids, hydraulic control
systemsB hydraulic pump, hydraulic control "al"e, ,neumatic control systemsB pneumatic no##le,
relay, ad"antaes and limitation of such control systems.
Rec$mmen-e- B$$4s(
0. Mechanical measurements & control by D./. 1umar, Metropolitan boo&
6. 4nstrumentation and Mechanical measurements by ..1. Tayal, 7alotia ,ubl.
9. Measurements systems application and desin by !rnest Doebelin, Mc7ra'<:ill
N7TE( In the semester e8aminati$n, the e8aminer 3ill set 9 :#esti$ns in all, at
least t3$ :#esti$n /r$m each #nit, an- st#-ents 3ill %e re:#ire- t$ attem1t $nl' ;
:#esti$ns, at least $ne /r$m each #nit.
B.Tech. (Seventh Semester) Mechanical Engineering
ME !< Meas#rements an- A#t$mati$n La%
L T & &ractical( !
! ! 2 *$ntin#$#s Eval#ati$n( )!
List $/ E81eriments(
0. /tudy of strain aue based cantile"er beam and measurement of strain on the
6. /tudy of a %3DT and measurement of linear displacement
9. /tudy of an inducti"e pic& up and measurement of linear displacement
4. /tudy of a %DR and measurement of linear displacement
;. /tudy of capaciti"e pic& up and measurement of anular displacement
=. /tudy of temperature transducers and measurement of temperature of fluid
?. /tudy of a %3DT 2strain ae based5 and measurement of linear
@. /tudy of a tor)ue pic& up and measurement of tor)ue.
E. /tudy of a pressure pic& up and measurement of pressure of
0F. /tudy of load cell and measurement of load 'ith load cell
00. /tudy of non<contact type speed pic& up and measurement of
rotational speed.
06. (omparison of sensiti"ity of thermocouple, thermister and RTD
N$te( T$tal Ten e81eriments m#st %e 1er/$rme-. At least eight e81eriments sh$#l-
%e 1er/$rme- /r$m the a%$ve list. Remaining t3$ e81eriments ma' either %e
1er/$rme- /r$m the a%$ve list $r $#tsi-e the list.
B.Tech. (Seventh Semester) Mechanical Engineering
ME != &r$>ect.I
L T & &ractical( .
! ! < *$ntin#$#s Eval#ati$n( "!!
The students e$pected to ta&e up a pro-ect under the uidance of teacher from the
collee. The pro-ect must be based on mechanical enineerin problems, 'hich can be
e$tended upto the full academic session. The students may be as&ed to 'or&
indi"idually or in a roup not more than four students in a roup. 3i"a< "oce must be
based on the preliminary report submitted by students related to the pro-ect.
B.Tech. (Seventh Semester) Mechanical Engineering
ME."+ A#t$m$%ile Engineering La%
%ist of e$periments
205 To study the differential ear mechanism alon 'ith diaram and
265 To study the suspension system.
295 To study the lubrication system, its types and e$planation of different
types of coolin system.
245 To study the different types of bra&in system.
2;5 To study the transmission system and its principle of operation.
2=5 To study the difference bet'een turbo charer and super charer.
2?5 To study the "arious types of ear bo$ and its ad"antaes.
2@5 To study the different types of enines alon 'ith its diaram and
2E5 To study the "arious type of clutches.
20F5 To study the .c&erman steerin mechanism alon 'ith its diaram and
B.Tech. (Seventh Semester) Mechanical engineering
ME."" V$cati$nal In-#strial Training
Viva Mar4s( ;!
*re-its( 2.!
0#rati$n( =<Wee&s 4ndustrial Trainin
&#r1$se( To e$pose enineerin students to technoloy de"elopment at 'or& places
and appraise them reardin shop<floor problems. To pro"ide practical e$perience in
sol"in open ended problems in real 'or& settin so as to cause transfer of collee
based &no'lede and s&ills to sol"e practical problems and thereby de"elop confidence
in the students in the analysis, synthesis and e"aluation of practical problems leadin to
creati"e thin&in
&r$gramme( Durin this 'or& bench in"ol"ement, students 'ill be i"en one or t'o
practical problems. The problems assined should be of mutual interest to the students
and the industry. The problem may belon to one or t'o different functional areas. To
illustrate, follo'in are some of the suestionsB
0. Desin of a prototype
6. ,rorammin of (8( machines
9. (alibration and testin of instruments
4. ,roducti"ity 4mpro"ement /tudies
;. ,ollution control related problems
=. (apacity ,lannin and (apital Budetin
?. /afety Manaement
@. Dptimum utili#ation of resources
E. (onflict Manaement
0. The industrial orani#ations 'here students are to be sent for problem sol"in.
6. pro-ect<oriented 'or& bench in"ol"ement may be selected 'ell in ad"ance.
9. The faculty of the department is e$pected to "isit the selected industries and
identify suitable problems to be handled by students.
4. 4t 'ill be desirable that problems be matched 'ith the interests of students.
;. 4t is recommended that a roup of ;<= students be uided by one faculty member
durin this period.
The e"aluation of students is proposed to be done by internal faculty 'ith acti"e
4n"ol"ement of industrial personnel.
The e"aluation may be based on follo'in criteriaB
0. ,unctuality and .ttendance G 4nterpersonal relations
6. /ense of Responsibility
9. (larity of concepts, principles and procedures
4. /elf e$pression+communication s&ills
;. Report Writin /&ills
=. (reati"ity+concei"in ne' and unusual ideas
?. ,roblem<sol"in s&ills