1. The document provides work instructions for starting and running a boiler and turbine used in a waste heat recovery system. It details the steps for starting the boiler, increasing its pressure and temperature, draining sewage, and monitoring water levels.
2. The instructions for starting the turbine include preparing circulating water systems, lubrication systems, and ensuring other equipment is in working order. Key steps include inspecting components for leaks, starting pumps and fans, and setting oil and water levels.
3. Operators are to monitor parameters, patrol equipment regularly, drain sewage from the boiler as needed, and coordinate with other personnel to keep steam at the proper pressure and temperature for the turbine while meeting production line requirements.
1. The document provides work instructions for starting and running a boiler and turbine used in a waste heat recovery system. It details the steps for starting the boiler, increasing its pressure and temperature, draining sewage, and monitoring water levels.
2. The instructions for starting the turbine include preparing circulating water systems, lubrication systems, and ensuring other equipment is in working order. Key steps include inspecting components for leaks, starting pumps and fans, and setting oil and water levels.
3. Operators are to monitor parameters, patrol equipment regularly, drain sewage from the boiler as needed, and coordinate with other personnel to keep steam at the proper pressure and temperature for the turbine while meeting production line requirements.
1. The document provides work instructions for starting and running a boiler and turbine used in a waste heat recovery system. It details the steps for starting the boiler, increasing its pressure and temperature, draining sewage, and monitoring water levels.
2. The instructions for starting the turbine include preparing circulating water systems, lubrication systems, and ensuring other equipment is in working order. Key steps include inspecting components for leaks, starting pumps and fans, and setting oil and water levels.
3. Operators are to monitor parameters, patrol equipment regularly, drain sewage from the boiler as needed, and coordinate with other personnel to keep steam at the proper pressure and temperature for the turbine while meeting production line requirements.
1. The document provides work instructions for starting and running a boiler and turbine used in a waste heat recovery system. It details the steps for starting the boiler, increasing its pressure and temperature, draining sewage, and monitoring water levels.
2. The instructions for starting the turbine include preparing circulating water systems, lubrication systems, and ensuring other equipment is in working order. Key steps include inspecting components for leaks, starting pumps and fans, and setting oil and water levels.
3. Operators are to monitor parameters, patrol equipment regularly, drain sewage from the boiler as needed, and coordinate with other personnel to keep steam at the proper pressure and temperature for the turbine while meeting production line requirements.
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Department / Section: Waste Heat Recovery(WHR) LQP-WHR-01-WI-001 Scope: Boiler & Turbine Oeration! Issue " 01 #ate$0%-0&-&010 Responsibility: Boiler Oerator (BO)'Turbine Oerator (TO)' Pa(e " 01 ' 0% )ssistant *ana(er ()*)! WORK INSTRUCTION Resonsibility Start & Running Of Boiler 1. Before starting the boiler, please check the gas and steam-water system, their position should be at pre-start point. . !he water le"el of boiler drum should be at start and temperature-increasing position #-$%mm&. '. Start () chain con"eyor. *. +heck and start drainage "al"e from boiler to main steam header, worm the pipe line with the starting of boiler. $. ,eep in touch with personnel of production line ++R, fully open the damper at outlet of boiler, mean while, control the speed of temperature raising by ad-usting opening of inlet damper of boiler, keep the process stable and smooth. .. /onitor water le"el of boiler drum, normal running le"el of it shall be 0 '%mm, limited le"el of it shall be 0 1$mm, when the temperature of boiler drum is rising, drain out the sewage water appro2imately, if the water le"el is low, start the water feed pump to fed water, under the condition of keeping the normal water le"el, raise the temperature & pressure balanced, control the rising speed of temperature within o + 3min, according to pressure of drum. 1. (lush & rectify the water le"el meter after the pressure of drum has been raised to %./pa. BO Reviewed by Approved by Issued by YB LUCKY CEMENT LIMITED A YUNUS BROTHERS PROJECT Department / Section: Waste Heat Recovery(WHR) LQP-WHR-01-WI-001 Scope: Boiler & Turbine Oeration! Issue " 01 #ate$0%-0&-&010 Responsibility: Boiler Oerator (BO)'Turbine Oerator (TO)' Pa(e " 0& ' 0% )ssistant *ana(er ()*)! WORK INSTRUCTION Resonsibility 4. 5erform following procedures after the pressure of drum has been raised to %.'-%.*/pa. #a& One time drainage of sewage for drum, the drainage "al"e could not be opened too much, mean while pay attention to changes of water le"el. #b& (lush sampling tube and instrument tube, perform sampling and chemical test of boiler water. #c& +heck boiler body, hot e2pansion status of pipeline and if any distortion on e2pansion -oint. #d& 5erform tightening work under hot condition to manhole3 hand-holes and flanges, check under-pressure elements once. #e& 6rain water from connection bo2 inside steam drum in turn so as to make the e2pansion caused by heating e"enly, mean while, and notice the change of water, when the le"el is less then -1%%, complement water in time. 7. 8ncrease the pressure & temperature continuously till the pressure of steam drum up to 1.%-1.1/pa, and then following works should be performed. #a& ,eep the water le"el of steam drum at low le"el. #b& (lush water le"el of stem again. #c& 9d-ust gas damper and close by pass "al"e so as to increase the temperature and pressure of saturation steam. #d& 9d-ust e2haust to keep seep steam pressure. #e& 8nspect boiler system thoroughly, if any abnormal case arise, stop pressure increasing "al"e immediately, and do not continue the pressure increasing "al"e until get rid of malfunctioning. BO Reviewed by Approved by Issued by YB LUCKY CEMENT LIMITED A YUNUS BROTHERS PROJECT Department / Section: Waste Heat Recovery(WHR) LQP-WHR-01-WI-001 Scope: Boiler & Turbine Oeration! Issue " 01 #ate$0%-0&-&010 Responsibility: Boiler Oerator (BO)'Turbine Oerator (TO)' Pa(e " 0+ ' 0% )ssistant *ana(er ()*)! WORK INSTRUCTION Resonsibility 1%. !he temperature of main seam if more than 1$% o +, drainage "al"e opening degree could turn down and then inform turbine start or synchroni:ation of boiler stem. 11. 9d-ustments during boiler running ;<R boiler is one important factor during producing system, there are some mutual influence between it and cement production line, boiler shall be suitable for re=uirements of cement production line and pro"ide stem with suitable parameters to ensure generating normally, so operator of boiler should be familiar with boiler & au2iliary e=uipments and related operations profoundly, they shall fill the log sheets of running seriously, make e"ery report clearly, prepare regular tools and materials and analy:e performance inbo2 & status during running. #a& 9d-usting of water le"el during normal running, water le"el sold be kept 0'%mm, limit water le"el 01$mm with slightly fluctuating, water feeding need to be e"en, water feeding stops is forbidden, monitor if any change of pressure and temperature of feeding water, if e2ceed the regulated "al"e, inform turbine operator immediately, keep the two water le"el meters of stem drum under good condition. 8ts indication shall be clear, its illumination shall be enough, its alarm shall be sensiti"e, flush & clean water le"el periodically, and the indicating "alue should be same with actual "alue. BO Reviewed by Approved by Issued by YB LUCKY CEMENT LIMITED A YUNUS BROTHERS PROJECT Department / Section: Waste Heat Recovery(WHR) LQP-WHR-01-WI-001 Scope: Boiler & Turbine Oeration! Issue " 01 #ate$0%-0&-&010 Responsibility: Boiler Oerator (BO)'Turbine Oerator (TO)' Pa(e " 0, ' 0% )ssistant *ana(er ()*)! WORK INSTRUCTION Resonsibility #b& 9d-ustment of pressure & temperature for steam, under the precondition of normal running of cement production line according to re=uirement of turbine and boiler#s& load allocation, one shall ad-ust e"aporation "olume of boiler correspondingly. #,eep in touch with production line& keep steam pressure around rated 0%.$-%.1/pa. Steam temperature around rated 01% o +. intensify communication with operators of turbine and electrical. ,eep the load stable. 8f any abnormality analy:es parameters of instruments, take right measure. #c& 5atrol inspection> in order to keep safely running of boiler, at least * times patrol inspection are needed for e"ery shift teams, checking items include boiler body, au2iliary e=uipments, such as duct3boiler wall3 pipeline for steam and water3"al"es, make sure that there is no leakage, water le"el manometer3 safety "al"es3thermometers etc, make sure their normal, rapping system, dust discharging and con"eying de"ices are normal. #d& Sewage water drainage for boiler> in order to maintain the =uality of water and stem, sewage water drainage should be performed in time according to re=uirements from chemical treatment personnel. +ontact attendant of boiler running before drainage, keep the le"el of water a little high, use speciali:ed tools, and take safety protection measure. (irst open primary "al"e, the time for full open to full close should not be more than '%sec, it is not allowed tot open or more "al"es at the same time for drainage, after half an hour, inspect and make sure e"ery "al"e is closed tightly without leakage. 8f any accident happens during drainage, please stop drainage immediately #e2cluding the water is full, the steam and water together& BO Reviewed by Approved by Issued by YB LUCKY CEMENT LIMITED A YUNUS BROTHERS PROJECT Department / Section: Waste Heat Recovery(WHR) LQP-WHR-01-WI-001 Scope: Boiler & Turbine Oeration! Issue " 01 #ate$0%-0&-&010 Responsibility: Boiler Oerator (BO)'Turbine Oerator (TO)' Pa(e " 0- ' 0% )ssistant *ana(er ()*)! WORK INSTRUCTION Resonsibility Start Operation 6escription of !urbine 9. 5reparation before Start of !urbine. 1. !horoughly inspect all the e=uipments3pipelines3"al"es3site instruments and 6+S parameters on ?+6 monitor #there shall be no leakage in the system and lubrication oil shall be enough&. . Start circulating water system of condenser, open water @return A-Bal"e at two sides, start inlet "al"es at two sides, open water-return air e2haust "al"e at condenser side, open water-return manual "al"e at cooling water side, start circulating pump, after e2hausting all the air out, close the air e2haust "al"e. ,eep water pressure at condenser inlet as %.1C%.1$/pa. '. Open soft water complement gate of condenser to make up water le"el of hot water tank under condenser as '%%C*$%mm. open recycle water gate slightly, start one condensing pump, after running normally, check another pump if with =ualified standby condition. *. +heck and make sure the oil le"el tank is normal, start smoke e2haust fan, start high pressure pump, keep oil temperature at outlet of oil cooler as '$C*%D+. $. Switch the turning gear into position, start lubrication cock gate of turning gear and switch it into use. .. Open the "al"es at inlet and outlet of 6+ lubrication pump and put interlock in to use. 1. ,eep the water le"el of de aeration tank as 1$%%C14%%mm, make sure the good working status of water feeding pump and cooling system. TO Reviewed by Approved by Issued by YB LUCKY CEMENT LIMITED A YUNUS BROTHERS PROJECT Department / Section: Waste Heat Recovery(WHR) LQP-WHR-01-WI-001 Scope: Boiler & Turbine Oeration! Issue " 01 #ate$0%-0&-&010 Responsibility: Boiler Oerator (BO)'Turbine Oerator (TO)' Pa(e " 0. ' 0% )ssistant *ana(er ()*)! WORK INSTRUCTION Resonsibility 4. ;ater le"el of water -et is normal.
B. 5ipeline ;arming. 1. Open e2haust A-"al"e of header slightly, opens all the drainage "al"es ahead of and behind main steam A-"al"e. . Open the electrical "al"e of boiler to turbine cylinder slowly to warm the pipeline. '. Eotice during warming pipeline, check and make sure the position of =uick stop "al"e and steam "al"e for ad-usting speed as close status, the barring gear #turning gear& is continuously running. +. Bacuum /aking 1. Start one water -et pump and make sure it runs normally, after outlet pressure of pump being tube for rear steam sealing. . Open steam "al"e of main steam to steam sealing slowly, till there some steam out of signal tube for rear steam sealing. TO Reviewed by Approved by Issued by YB LUCKY CEMENT LIMITED A YUNUS BROTHERS PROJECT Department / Section: Waste Heat Recovery(WHR) LQP-WHR-01-WI-001 Scope: Boiler & Turbine Oeration! Issue " 01 #ate$0%-0&-&010 Responsibility: Boiler Oerator (BO)'Turbine Oerator (TO)' Pa(e " 0/ ' 0% )ssistant *ana(er ()*)! WORK INSTRUCTION Resonsibility 6. Start up 1. +onditions shall be as following, main steam pressure up to %.4C1.%/pa, temperature abo"e $%D+, "acuum pressure of condenser -%.%. C -%.%1 /pa, temperature of lube oil within '$C*%D+, the oil pressure of lube main pipe around %.$/pa. . +heck and make sure control de"ice of =uick "al"e works normally, open the =uick stop "al"e by using combined =uick stop de"ices. '. Switch on related protection. *. 9cti"ate start command through $%$ controller or 6+S. $. 9fter the turbine has been started, one shall check if the motor of barring gear is shut off, if not, switch of immediately. .. ;hen speed of rotor up to .%%rpm, keep it running for $minutes for machine warning. 1. 9fter $minutes warming, check the system completely and make sure e"ery thing is normal then input speed as 1%%%rpm manually and keep it for *%-.%minutes. TO Reviewed by Approved by Issued by YB LUCKY CEMENT LIMITED A YUNUS BROTHERS PROJECT Department / Section: Waste Heat Recovery(WHR) LQP-WHR-01-WI-001 Scope: Boiler & Turbine Oeration! Issue " 01 #ate$0%-0&-&010 Responsibility: Boiler Oerator (BO)'Turbine Oerator (TO)' Pa(e " 00 ' 0% )ssistant *ana(er ()*)! WORK INSTRUCTION Resonsibility 4. 9fter abo"e warming, check the system again, if normal, input speed as *%%rpm and keep it for %-'%minutes. 7. !hen, check the system thoroughly, if normal input speed as '%%%rpm and after speed is up to '%%%rpm, check if the main pump runs normally if no problem, shift the high pressure oil pump to main pump. 1%. 9fter speed is up to '%%%rpm check the system thoroughly and make sure e"ery e=uipment is running normally, then inform electrician to synchroni:e. 11. !he process of load rising should be slowly performed, closely pay attention to "ibration3 oil pressure- temperature of bearing3 e2pansion difference3 shaft displacement. Stop Operation 6escription of !urbine 1. +ommunicate related attendant after recei"ing command of stop, make good preparation works before stop. . !horoughly inspect the system before stop, make good record of e=uipments, defects in detail and precisely. '. !est the make sure the high pressure oil pump and dc oil pump is normal, as well as barring gear #turning gear&. TO Reviewed by Approved by Issued by YB LUCKY CEMENT LIMITED A YUNUS BROTHERS PROJECT Department / Section: Waste Heat Recovery(WHR) LQP-WHR-01-WI-001 Scope: Boiler & Turbine Oeration! Issue " 01 #ate$0%-0&-&010 Responsibility: Boiler Oerator (BO)'Turbine Oerator (TO)' Pa(e " 0% ' 0% )ssistant *ana(er ()*)! WORK INSTRUCTION Resonsibility *. 6ecrease the load to :ero gradually, inform electrician on duty to disconnect the generator, notice speed ad-usting system which should keep the rotation without load. $. Start high pressure oil pump and make sure its running is normal. .. Operate stop knob manually to stop =uick stop "al"e and speed ad-usting "al"e. 1. +lose the air "al"e and stop the water -et pump. 4. 9d-ust "acuum destroy "al"e make the rotation speed and "acuum turn to be :ero at the same time, switch on turning gear and stop steam sealing "al"e. +lose A-"al"e from boiler to header and main steam "al"e, start drainage "al"e of main steam pipeline and stop "al"e from condenser to de aeration tank. 7. Switch on low pressure oil pump, if temperature of oil and permitted, stop oil cools and air cooling. 1%. 8f temperature of e2haust steam F$%D+ stop circulating pump. 11. Stop condensing pump after half an hour. 1. Record necessary data and notice oil pump and turning gear, switch on interlocks of turning gear. 1'. !he hot water will could not be full. Running of turning gear should be continuously. TO Reviewed by Approved by Issued by