Assingment Essei Haze & Mind Map
Assingment Essei Haze & Mind Map
Assingment Essei Haze & Mind Map
Haze is traditionally an atmospheric phenomenon here dust! smo"e and
other dry particles o#scure the clarity of the s"y$ %he haze e see in our city s"yline
is caused #y tiny particulates suspended in the atmosphere$ At high concentrations!
these particulates scatter and a#sor# sunlight resulting in diminished horizontal
&isi#ility there#y gi&ing the atmosphere a characteristic opalescent appearance$
Haze is not confined to ur#an en&ironments' it may also #e o#ser&ed in rural areas$
%he particles that cause the haze phenomenon can originate from many
sources! some of hich are natural and some anthropogenic$ (atural sources
include the oceans! forests and ground surface$ Hoe&er the ma)ority of the
particulates are from human acti&ities hich include open #urning! land clearing!
&ehicular use and com#ustion of fossil fuels in industrial #oilers$ *ome other sources
for haze particles include farming +ploughing in dry eather,! traffic! industry! and
Haze originating from natural sources such as sea salt and soil dust is
generally harmless to humans$ *light! transient haze &isi#le in most tons and cities
has not #een pro&en to cause any serious long-term health effects on the population$
Hoe&er! during a se&ere haze episode! prolonged e.posure to high concentrations
of particulates can #e harmful to health$
/irstly! the rapid deterioration of air 0uality could hit asthma and heart disease
sufferers$ Asthma patients ould ha&e to stay at home hile heart disease patients
are orried that the haze might trigger a heart attac"$ *econdly! the smo"y haze
reduces &isi#ility and poor &isi#ility might pre&ent fishing #oats from putting out to
sea! stop lorries from freighting and cause disruption to flights$ %hirdly! other
countries ould issue tra&el arnings hile emergency ould #e declared in some
areas! causing a hea&y #lo to the economy$ %he tourism industry and related
#usiness ould #e se&erely affected$
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WAJ3012 English Language Proficiency
5uring a haze episode! the pu#lic are strongly urged to follo the ad&ice
issued #y the local health authorities$ /irstly! e should refrain from open #urning of
aste$ 4ost incidences of local haze can #e traced to this acti&ity$
4otor &ehicles! due to their increasing num#ers! are also ma)or sources of
haze particulates in ur#an areas$ %o reduce haze! &ehicles should #e ell
maintained$ <hoose fuels hich are the least polluting$
Large scale land clearing hich e.poses large tracts of #arren land! not only
results in soil erosion and degradation! #ut also pro&ides a source of particulates to
the atmosphere$ Promoting efforts such as rapid replanting and staggered land
clearing can reduce haze$ 1emem#er that e&ery indi&idual has a role to play to
preser&e the 0uality of our en&ironment as a legacy for our future generations$
%here are some ad&ices for the pu#lic during hazy day$ 5rin" plenty of ater$
1educe outdoor acti&ities$ *tay indoor as much as possi#le$ %hose suffering from
asthma! sinus! allergies and #reathing pro#lems are encouraged to ear face mas"s
hen or"ing outdoors$ Wash the face and #ody parts that are e.posed to haze$
And most of all! see" ad&ice and medical treatment from health centre if there is
prolonged health pro#lem$
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WAJ3012 English Language Proficiency
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Open burning
Land clearing
Ast"ma and
"eart disease
Hea! bl#$ f#r
t"e ec#n#m!
Adice t# t"e
%as" b#d!
parts e&p#sed
t# "a'e
%ear face mas(
)rin( plent!
#f $ater
*ee( adice
#r medical
Reduce "a'e
Refrain fr#m
#pen burning
Ve"icles $ell
+se least
p#lluted fuels
Tin! particulars
in t"e
)ust- sm#(e and
dr! particles
abscure t"e
clarit! #f t"e s(!
%"at is "a'e.